##VIDEO ID:bzc7GovBEUo## where I bought it like well we might have to charge okay if I take it to the the main dealership they're going to charge me a few yeah you know I had had a I wanted I got a Budd call the glasswell Zoning Board of adjustments regular business meeting to order September 19th 202 for T can you please read the opening statement openting I all right salute the flag everybody rise I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice can we have the roll call please Mr here Mr Alice here M CA here Mr Harvey Mr sour Mr Smith Mr mman Mr here let the reflect that Mr Lopez M and okay Mr Alice can you swear in our One Professional please sure Mr just raise your right hand you from any testimony might tonight I do thank you okay we're going to skip over the minutes they're not prepared so we'll go over them at the next meeting all right everybody's taking a look at the bills do I have a motion to pay the bills all in favor opposed so be it we have any coming or outgoing correspondence Great Is there anybody from the public that would like to speak on non agenda items all right seeing nobody's here we don't have any schedule applications any nothing on the workshop committee oh good can oh Mr Al could you give us your report please um thank you Mr chair memb everybody we have a single item for consideration that's resolution 24-12 that was the use VAR Rel site approval ARG glass developers LLC 1100 do we have a motion to approve to roll call vote Please mman Mr Mr Smith All right we don't have any old business uh new business Mr Clark your would like to address thank you Mr chairman so I wanted to take this opportunity to come and and talk to the zoning board tonight the governing body here in glass Paro has addressed a couple issues in regards to our zoning code that I wanted to make you aware of in case you see applications coming in the future the the first thing I want to talk about we adopted in July ordinance 24 -20 of the ordinance of the borrow of glass bar and this ordinance changed two chapters it changed our rental housing ordinance as well as our land use regulations the rental housing end of it was merely definitions to allow for a new definition that's being created in the land use section really didn't change any of the rules in regards to renting of properties the major changes came within our land use regulations and they they did a couple things first of all they defined a single family dwelling as a dwelling with no more than five bedrooms they also created the definition of a student housing rental house and the definition of a student housing rental housee is a rental property that has over five bedrooms when they made that definition we had to create an area where that particular definition would apply so they the governing body with the help of Remington and Vernick and our Engineers we created an overlay district for student housing rental housing within the zoning code there are only certain areas where this particular section of the code can be applied and I think your secretary distributed a map of the overlay Zone it's basically Carpenter street across the street from Rowan University and a section of North Main Street from I'm going to say Main Street to up by the sooko station those areas primarily were chosen Carpenter because of its proximity to Rowan University and Main Street because that's where a lot of our larger student housing rental houses are so we figured it wouldn't be too much of a a change for the neighborhood when we created this Zone overlay we created special standards for it that that discuss how large the house can be how much parking is required and what those percentages of lot coverage can be to make sure that not only could they they could build a house that was large 12 20 I've seen 20 bedroom homes go off the classb but when they did that they had to take into consideration parking they had to meet the requirement for parking to make sure there was enough parking on the property the way the standards set up you have to balance those percentages So based on the size of your property to provide enough parking it may reduce how large your house can be so our engineer after we came up with these standards actually put together samples taking properties within the zone to prove to not only the committee but anybody who might challenge the ordinance that it's possible to implement these zoning standards on a property in the zone and create a large student housing rental house and if anybody's wondering why we named that the tax assessor's office taxes properties rental properties with more than five bedrooms as student housing so we use the same term as the tax assessor so that there's some consistency there so that ordinance went into effect and we spent a lot of time on it we we wanted to make sure that we we did the work and the governing body understood why we were doing it obviously it went in front of the planning board at the planning board Remington and Vernick prepared a justification report for the code AS required by law and I'm just I'm going to steal some of Doug's Thunder here and I'm going to go over a couple things in his justification report just so you know that we checked right certain things he has to look for first of all is it consistent with the New Jersey municipal land use law and it is and he came up with probably eight or 10 portions of the municipal land use law where it's consistent is it consistent with our master plan the Baro glass Bar's master plan and he looked at to he Lo looked at the 2004 master plan he found it to be consistent and I'm going to quote one section that he has in here and it's in his paragraph it says conflicts have occurred due to a variety of conditions such as four or more young adults living together creating a higher portion of cars per home extended hours of activities due to studying weekend parties and a higher frequency of nuisance due to stereos cars voices and other activities to the extent zoning regulations can be adopted to avoid overuse of existing homes this plan recommends these regulations be adopted so we did that in a way he also looked at our natural resources conservation plan it complies lies I'm not going to get into those reasons uh our 2020 re exam report of the master plan a quote ran University's rapid expansion in recent years has made these impacts more acute again talking about the the rental properties in the neighborhoods the one that I find hits home the most for us in in 20121 the buau adopted a growth management plan pen prais from University of Pennsylvania put this plan together after two years of research talking to the community talking to the university talking to the burrow within that plan they talk about the university and its growth and it set certain goals and goal 1.3 was to create residential districts that support student living and concentrate off-campus student RS so we're dead on with that and strategy 1.3.3 to create student districts with appropriate zoning it says to rewrite zoning requirements including setbacks parking minimums height and lot coverage Etc in student districts to promote density and student oriented development so we kind of hit home with that so clearly you know the governing body and the committee that worked on this feel that we have a very strong ordinance the reception you know as soon as this hit the books and got advertised obviously people reach out they want to know what it is especially some of our uh property owners that rent and my feed the feedback that I've gotten and I've had conversations with many of them some some are okay we we can you know we'll work with it others have been very receptive to they understand why we're doing it they think it makes sense so I think we're going to be okay with that the other thing because we took this as a two-prong approach when we trying to figure out how to to deal with these properties and we deal with a lot of issues with these larger properties from the parties they have the mess they create but I think everybody here recognizes one of the biggest ones is parking you know our current zoning code only allows for certain size driveways it's not going to provide enough parking the residential site Improvement standards only required so much parking so in addition to this ordinance last year and we filed in last December but we talked about it last fall uh Remington and Vernick on behalf of the burrow put together an application to The Advisory board for residential site Improvement standards and we wanted to create a special area of consideration for glass Avalon kind of did the same thing back in 2014 for some of their rental homes and what this standard does our request was for every bedroom you have over five you have to provide an additional parking spot period that's what we want happy to report as of last Thursday's meeting and it okay took a year for them to meet they kept canceling their meeting uh after last Thursday they adopted our special area and it they sent me the resolution of adoption today so officially n glar has its own standard for residences whether it be a single family dwelling duple town home if that dwelling has over five bedrooms they have to provide additional parking and it's one addition so the standard is three for a five-bedroom house right and yes so now if you have a six-bedroom house it'll be four you have a seven bedroom house you got to provide five it's not perfect but it's a heck of a lot better than what we have and hopefully it will curb or will help with when these buildings are built we also have uh properties now that are pre-existing non-conforming right we have a lot of houses now that have six bedrooms looks like a ordinary Rancher you would think it was three bedrooms but they put three bedrooms in the basement stucked one in an attic maybe so we have a lot of pre-existing non-conforming so what this will allow us to do between the two of them is we can look at those properties with the property owner if they want about how they can provide additional Park get that off the street we have to work on our ordinances now because of the rsis change in the southern New ordinance to allow other properties to increase driveway size that's our next project we'll be sitting down and talking about that on how we want that done because I'm sure none of you want to see 40 foot wide driveways in front yards neither do I so we'll be addressing how this can be done but I just want to let you know I wanted to make you aware of this this ordinance that we pass do not affect any application that you may have already pending for such a house because that application was in prior to the adoption so you know I know that particular person is aware of this ordinance and I've had conversation with with him but it will not affect that application that you have P right and if anybody wants a copy of the ordinance to see it or has any other questions feel free to let me know yes it be it's and Terry and I talked about all right thank you Mr P thank you since I don't see anybody from the public here our next schedule meeting is October 17th I just everybody right do I have a motion to adjourn thank you doc first second