##VIDEO ID:1eIOGRpsVE4## [Music] United States of America stand indiv [Music] in accordance with chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glen rge paper Glen voice mon time our leder and posting side notice on the Bison board in municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www.nj.org a public commentary will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person Madam cour please call the [Applause] r mayor here here here W [Music] here Mayers here Mar here mad may you have a forum thank you so much Madam clerk any written communication I do not have anying thank you I have no comments oh I will say you had a very nice Dali uh event yesterday um and I really appreciate all the residents that worked to put that together thank you um any comments from the public seeing none we will move along Council electorate finance and administration thank you madam mayor I have a few items this evening beginning with resolution 137 -24 uh be call that the following claims be approved and Wass be drawn to the same uh and there are a number of itemized items under the current fund and the other funds is the resolution so out there I I move to resolution you've heard the motion by Council W do I have a second second the approv the motion by Council Le seconded by councilor fugh any discussion on this resolution seeing n Madam per please call the RO yes hi here [Music] hi hi B hi May hi tomorrow [Music] hi thank [Music] you next mam mayor I have ordinance 1813 authorized I in a special emergency appropriation in the amount of $400,000 for the preparation and execution of a complete program of revaluation of property in and by the bur of Glen Ridge in the county of V New Jersey uh this ordinance is for second meeting or for final meeting I should say Madam cook you here okay yes I will get i'll you to thanks I'll help you with that I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place for the public [Music] hearing with no further comments forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed um M um we just got a I'll second wait okay um David disin be finally adop and I will second you heard the motion by counc leco seconded by Council Morrow Madam clerk please call the r yes mad mayor I hi hi well hi hi Mar [Music] [Applause] hi final reading thank you um next Madam mayor I have ordinance 1814 an ordinance to appropriate Capital Improvement funds for various Capital Improvements and Equipment um this ordinance also is for final for the record and this ordinance and has been and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only to seeing the time and place for public [Music] hearing seeing no comments forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed Madam mayor I move to may I have a second I'll second thank you you heard the motion by counc Le second by Council Meer will The Madam clerk please call the all yes hi hi hi hello hi hi hi Mar [Music] hi this is thank you and next Madam mayor I have ordinance 1815 this is a bond ordinance providing for water main replacement around Carterette Street and Forest Avenue in and by the burrow of flend in the county of es New Jersey appropriating 2 $2 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $2.2 million of bonds or notes of the buau to finance part of the costs thereof this is for first reading I have a [Music] second I'll second that was comfor yes any discussion amongst the members of council uh could just add that um this has been in the work for a couple of years um and is in cooperation with the uh New Jersey infrastructure effect um and happily is also subject to $1 million of principal loan forgiveness by the fal Bank Great any other discussion [Music] comments no forther comments um Madam cirk please call the RO yes I hi 30 [Music] hi hi May hi hi [Applause] thank you one more uh and finally Madam mayor I have resolution 18824 uh this is a resolution authorizing uh an electronic tax sale where new law authorizes municipalities to conduct electronic tax sales pursuance to the rules and regulations obligated by the director of the division of local government services and whereas um that entity has approved New Jersey tax investers real.com to conduct electronic tax sales and whereas this electronic tax sales and Innovative it is innovative that provides a greater full of potential buir Crea the environment for more complete tax process and whereas we the B of fund R wish to participate in this elction tax sale so we resolve that the tax collector is authorized to participate in the electronic tax sale to the director of local government services if necessary so M mayor IEM resolution 1324 you the motion my Council left have a second the motion my Council left seconded by councilor Moody any discussion on this resolution see discussion Madam CL please call the wall yes Madam mayor I hi hi B hi Myer [Music] hi hi [Applause] thank you anything further counc pleas nothing further Council hear Public Safety mayor I I uh have a quick report uh the Public Safety Committee met tonight and I'm happy to report that um on October 10th after a hearing before the newers states Association of chiefs of police our glender department was byous uh vote uh we accredited as a as a recognized Department by the state Chief of Police Association congratulations Chief May that's all I have C movies C Affairs and public relations um I don't have an official uh report but I just want to alert people that the second townwide newsletter is underway and we'll be hitting residents boxes very shortly I want to give a big shout out to Jim pal in particular for all the work he puts into trying to her Pats and get everybody to put submissions and to make that submission into something holistic um I also want to wish everybody a safe Halloween I know that uh our Poli department is doing everything they can to ensure that and when all the fun is done I want to urge every one to actually compost their pumpkin on Saturday and get out whatever stress they may be feeling these days by Smashing it at the second anual Pumpkin Smash cool that that that will be at the Benson street it's at the Benson Street uh it's in the parking lot it's where the uh Java has their uh drop off in but they will come come foll and all from been a very well third year we're doing it and need provide the goggles the malice and you get to come and throw 9 to 119 get in get out that's aome awesome uh Council Law Public Works utility uh no official business but um to reiterate Peter's comments the Public Works likes to congratulate uh the public safety the police department on the accreditation there so job well done thank you councelor Meer Parks W no councelor marrow Planning and Development I have no report um from planning and development but I will add as I mentioned to um um Council all earlier and want to commend uh our Parkson W for the fabulous job on our felds particularly Carterette I I remarked that it's looking like the roolling hills of of Ireland it's very it's uh I think it's really uh in fine shape and appreciate all the efforts that have gone into that uh and also I just want to to acknowledge the work of the groups that organized uh the devali event yesterday and to the police department and to Mike and to anyone else who kind of coordinated uh in a short time FR to get that together it was really a very nice event fun well intended festive uh and celebrates uh light over Darkness uh celebrates knowledge over ignorance things that we all can applaud and uphold and look forward to yeah thank you M um start um have M Halloween on Thursday so there going be a lot of kids running around so everyone can drive carefully not walk in the streets um that makes it happy stay home yeah yeah thank you all M two than mayor I just like to extend our condolences to the family of alado R worked in the municipal building in various roles for 23 years she's also a longtime Clen president uh years ago Senor family had a dely down the street so it's real real part of the fabric and you know just everything we love go rich and just our condolences to their family and their friends second um household hazardous waste day you know it you love it everybody Waites for this um household hazardous was Day by Essex County will be Saturday November 9th between 8:30 and 4: this is at the Essex County public workyard on Bradford app uh they take all the things you cannot typically dispos of and your standard garbage so they take things like oilbased paints pesticides herbicides uh Automotive fluid uh cleaning fluid car batteries flu light bulbs which is a big one that's very hard to get rid of florescent light bulbs those random bags of driveway stealer um just pretty much anything you just have to present your ID to show that you're a n County resident you literally pull up they say pop your trunk they take it out and then you move on um but this is people shredding day and this day are the two most common inquiry when those are and so those are coming up we'll do a push on that yeah thank you mayor may I have no okay no um new oron exision correct and um comments of the public none um I'll entertain a motion to return oh my gosh yes I I think you want to talk about the election I would talk about the elections coming up November 5th um early voting is um underway now in ACH of neighboring communities um which is also available to our rec you can vote at any um early voting calling station and um your V by NA ball ballot can still be placed in the ballot boxes in front of theal building right up until call on elction day um that's when that box gets um BR down and um I also wanted to to family of R volado thanks for recognizing that from B and um we'll [Music] definitely yeah thank you Sarah apologies for uh not recognizing you earlier yeah um okay Council la like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting all in favor [Music]