would you all rise and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands na indivisible andice for all the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied with respect to this meeting of the mayor and Council of the Bureau of Glen Ridge specifically the time date and location were included in the meeting notice posted in the municipal building and sent to the official newspapers of the township the Glenridge paper Glen Ridge voice the mon times and the Star Ledger Additionally the agenda for this meeting has been posted on the official Glen Ridge buau website we site the agenda and public handouts for the meeting can be viewed online at www.glenn nj.org a public comment period will be held in the order is listed on the meeting agenda and instruction on how to comment will be provided at the appropriate time please call R yes Mr Mayor councelor man here Hughes herez here law here Meer here Maro here mayor Patrick is present Mr Mar H aarum thank you are there any written Communications no Mr Mayor okay at this time I have a few comments I'll make and then we'll move on as I depart from the council this evening I would like to take a moment to express my deepest appreciation for having been given the honor and privilege of serving the residence of Glen Ridge for the past 16 years both as a member of the buau council and Library board what I will always remember and treasure about this experience will be the numerous opportun that I had to serve with some of the most committed focused thoughtful and outstanding people who staff our Council all facets of our Bureau Administration and the Myriad of volunteer organizations that are so vital to the growth and development of our diverse Community clearly these individuals make Glen Rich the truly outstanding and desirable community that it is today in conclusion I wish you all a very happy and healthy 2024 um at this time uh we will take comments from the public if anybody wishes to be heard seeing no one we will move on um Council leit uh yes Mr Mayor I have no report this evening however I do have resolution um 17823 um and that is um to to uh commend the volunteerism of uh three uh people Christopher valaran um has served in the public interest as a member of the Glen Ridge Board of Health for these past 13 years Rick Mason served as a member of the planning board for the past eight years and Bill Seaman has served in the public interest as a member of the Glen Ridge board of adjustment for these past uh 14 years so therefore be it resolved that the mayor and the council sincerely appreciate the worthwhile contributions that have been made toward the welfare and development of this fine Community I move this resolution you've heard of the resolution may hear a second I'll second thank you Amar any uh discussion seeing none will role yes Mr Mayor councilor mans i Hughes I Le I la I Meer I Maro I noes the motion carries thank you Council RS yeah Mr Mayor I have resolutions number1 to 183 -23 whereas volunteering is the most powerful way to impact and connect with your community Glenn Rich could not Thrive without the time energy and resources our resident volunteers contribute to our Bureau and we recognize the impact they have on the community and whereas the mayor and the B Council of the Bure of gunridge desired to convey an expression of its Commendation and grateful acknowledgement for the valued services rendered by Arthur Dawson in the public interest as a member of the Glen Ridge planning board having served six years Harry rush in the public interest is a member of the Glen Ridge Library Board of Trustees having served 10 years and Carol harpster in the public interest as a member of the Glen Ridge Library Board of Trustees having served 20 years [Applause] now therefore be it resolved the mayor and the buau council toly appreciate the worthwhile contributions that have been made towards the welfare and development of this F Community mayor I move to approve the resolutions thank you uh you heard the resolution he a second please I'll second thank you and any discussion seeing none please call roll yes Mr Mayor councelor man I Hugh hi leit I law I Meer hi Maro hi six eyes no the motion carries thank you that's all I have Council Mor thank you mayor um I have resolutions 18423 through 18623 uh also titled appreciation of service whereas volunteering is the most powerful way to impact and connect with your community and Glen Ridge could not Thrive without the time energy and resources our resident volunteers contribute to our buau and we recognize the impact they have on the community and whereas the mayor in the burough Council of the burough of Glenn Ridge desired to convey in expression of its Commendation and grateful acknowledgement for the valued services rendered by Richard Waters in the public interest is a member of the Glen Ridge TV committee for over 20 years I'm not sure that he's here today uh may can all look that way and we'll say thank you thank you uh Megan blank in the public interest is a member of the environmental advisory committee having served three years is Megan here okay carolly B uh in the public interest is a is a member uh in the public interest is a member of the environmental advisory committee having served four years is Carol Carol at any rate and I specifically would like to acknowledge the environmental advisory committee they do such a great job in our town from the ecoair to the pollinator Gardens to the advocacy on behalf of environmental issues that our community and that is an enormous uh amount of time and and energy and and so I like to thank them now there be it resolved the mayor and the burough Council sincerely appreciate the worthwhile contributions that have been made towards the welfare and development of this fine Community mayor I move to approve the resolutions you have heard the resolution may he a second please I'll second thank you David any discussion seeing none willart please call yes Mr Mayor councilor's mans I Hugh leitz I law I Meer I Maro I six eyes KN the motion carries thank you councelor man all right Mr Mayor you're up I have resolution number 18723 whereas Stuart katrick was born to Joseph and Phoebe Patrick in New York City and was raised in Garden City in West New York he graduated from St Mark's School in Massachusetts in 1957 and went on to earn his ba from prinston University in 1961 and an NBA from Northwestern University and whereas since relocating to glennridge in 2000 Stuart Patrick has been a longstanding advocate for all things glennridge including overseeing the renovation of his historic home and quietly supporting many Charities within the buau and whereas Stuart's Civic work began very soon after his moov to Glenridge for many years he served as part of the Civic conference committee until he was elected to the Glenridge Council in 2008 Stewart served on the Glenridge Library board from 2009 through 2015 Stuart was elected to a second term to the Glen Ridge Council in 2012 serving as both the finance chair and police commissioner during his tenure on Council and whereas Stuart katrick was elected mayor in going on to serve two fouryear terms and whereas mayor Patrick has affected change throughout the buau and so many positive ways honorably representing the buau at the county and state levels and providing leadership for the community including throughout the pandemic and whereas his dedication to public service has been a shining example of community service to the Glenridge residents and now therefore be it resolved in honor of Mayor Patrick's years of dedicate dedication to the burough of Glen Ridge we call upon our residents to join in and honor him for his contributions as a member of our community dedicated volunteer former council member and his 8year tenure as the mayor of Glen Ridge mayor I think um a few of us also have some personal remarks so we're just going to make you sit through this a little bit longer so I'll I will I'll start but I really want to thank you uh for serving our committee and I really think it's important to know all of us work in a volunteer capacity so it's it's truly amazing um the the time that you have put in and it's remarkable for what um your leadership was not and it was not about himself and it was not about self-promotion but with the goal to serve our community for the betterment of Glen Ridge and its residents so thank you for your leadership and guidance during my 10e on Council and I have your cell phone number so you're not off the hook thank you thank you Stuart congratulations on a job very very well done you have many reasons to be proud of your time as Council and as mayor being mayor is you know isn't easy the buck truly does stop on your desk and all the problems are yours whether you want them or not um you answered the call for leadership and guidance uh during some frankly impossible times uh and made mer many important decisions for our community uh how many PBA and CWA contracts did you help negotiate and get in place how many fire contracts did you help execute ourselves and our neighbors in monair uh during your first term as mayor U you saw an opportunity with low bond interest rates and you put forth a bond issue uh and you made significant improvements to this building uh the police station our library you purchased new equipment uh for the public works and for our police department and along the way you refinanced all our pool debt um seems like things were looking pretty good for you at the end of your first term uh and you probably should have quit then that's an understatement because things got a whole lot tougher uh March of 2020 uh things were rolling along m all retired Mike selli came on board he brought Eric the line with him and that was a really nice smooth transition and then later in that month the total curve ball in in the name of Co hit us and everything changed there was no Playbook there was no training on how to deal with covid all of a sudden we we had to shut down but yet governments can't shut down they have to continue to deliver services and uh when you're the leader you have to tell your people how they can deliver those services and remain safe um we didn't know how Co was what it was we didn't know how it was transmitted we didn't know how really to deal with it along the way we lost one of our very dear police officers early on in Co and we remembered Charles Roberts and may or I remember how tough it was for you a gut punch it was for all of us and yet we got through it we learned how to change we do business um we learned how to have meetings via zoom and we learned how to communicate better electronically it was a defining moment for our our our nation our community and for you and you stood tall and you answered the call and you did a very very good job um after 2020 and 2021 we then had two big construction projects in town we had the Claris project which started out as a difficult project for us uh it was uh one that we did not initially welcome U it was sort of wasted Upon Us by developer turns out turned out to be a great project I think it was well-managed we ended up with a a very nice looking building and we we now have an alternate housing option for both our residents who were looking maybe to make a change or for other people coming in Sim the um the medical office building at Monclair um that was a turned out to be a very nice project for us and added nicely to our tax revenue um the town line between Montclair between Montclair and Glenridge runs right through the center of that piece of property and yet we managed somehow to uh find a way to get the building entirely in Glenridge and we were able to keep the parking in and we were able to get the riv nice work on that after after that steuart our water infrastructure constantly being improved you continued all the good work that's been done with the shade tree commission our roads are in better shape our sewers continue to work our gas uh lines work and our library is is operating beautifully I think you have much to be proud of I would finish bying speeches that you wrote at our Memorial Day service were all well they're just like you were I mean they they they were well researched they were prepared they were beautifully written they were heartfelt and they were they were just right so I thank you for your service I really think you did a wonderful job thank you you great um I just have some brief steuart as mayor Patrick completes his assignment it's a longstanding social requirement that we speak from our hearts as steuart departs to start on his early retirement mayor Patrick has shown the ability in this Hall to preside with agility not known for glad handing but this not withstanding he's uph our Civic civilities we can say without excess or levity that mayor Patrick is first in longevity and the key to long years it oddly appears is to govern each meeting with brevity since his record has many a win to it his parting need have no chrin to it so let's cast our gaze to the sunsetting haze as mayor Patrick can now ride off into [Music] it nicely done David I know it's like I don't know how any of us can follow thank you I was going to go next but I'm not sure but u i I just wanted to Echo to comment ments of others um I I I did want to specifically acknowledge the mayor's efforts you know throughout co uh I joined the council in January 2020 and within a couple of months the world fell apart and um you know I just admired uh Stuart Patrick's leadership throughout that process I I know we embarked on a plan to follow the guidelines follow the state guidelines and then shortly thereafter we realized there was either no guidelines or there was conflicting guidelines and uh I I always felt the mayor had the best interest of the community at heart and we were working with very limited information through a very difficult time and uh you should be commended for your leadership during that period and you should also be proud that you left the buau in in a better in better position following Co then before Co so thank you thank you m um I'll keep it uh short and sweet as well I remember interviewing you during my CCC process and signing uh at the notary at at Bank of America and you're like hey I have a spot on the planning board do you want it I was like okay um and so I I want to thank you I would say for your belief in me as new I'm I think I'm the newest council member here two years of service and thank you for your leadership and for for another few minutes for another few minutes I hold that title for a few more minutes but your leadership your guidance your patience um and kind of helping me navigate through this process I I I appreciate your your faith in me and and the rest of us and it's been a pleasure to work with you over these last two years and enjoy your retirement all right Stuart uh I also would like to take this opportunity to thank you uh for your service to our residents your eight years as mayor your years on the council it is a major commitment of time of mental energy um you can't just you know decide Co hits I'm not going to deal with this I'm just GNA stay home and lock the door um and I just gratefully acknowledge your service for for all those years um and to follow up on just a few of Peter's uh comments I wanted to just H highlight a few during my first months of the council and as a member of the planning board we were faced with a lawsuit over the development of the Baldwin Street site now known as the Claris um an acknowledgement and many thanks to John Melissa our BAU attorney to Michael rall our former administrator and to you Mikey for uh guiding us through that rather contentious period um but I would say it was ultimately your Vision Stuart and you're making the right policy decisions to move forward with the development and the construction of the Claris to provide the affordable housing units that came with the development you successfully negotiated that stream of income to the burrow which which we acknowledged you made the decision during that period to also hold several Town Hall meetings to explain to the residents what was going on what was going on with the lawsuit what were the stakes involved D and um how to really proceed with that and I just you know want to let you know I just truly respect your process throughout that decision um and how you communicated and and held your sense of conviction for us to to do the right thing and then again similarly during covid which I think after this holiday period we can all acknowledge remains with us still um you demonstrated a sense of conviction again to do our best to protect our residents to to educate us uh participate in the resources that the county made available to us and again I would say Joe D also was truly an an advocate for all of us during that period but again you recognized as as Peter acknowledged the need to keep government open yet balancing the needs of our public facing employees most notably our members of the police department our Public Works uh employes our uh Recreation uh departments we we had a we had a duty to figure out how to keep that all open yet uh keep everybody safe and I can recall participating in those weekly Mayors uh calls they were facilitated by the county and though our town is the smallest of those many towns participating I was very proud that you were there representing us together with with Mike Z and we we had a voice on these calls thanks to you and we asked the tough questions and we shared our experiences and we um offered advice as to what we thought was was working for us as well and finally I want to acknowledge your role in making public our bureau's written and published statement that we are and I quote an inclusive community that welcomes diversity and believes in the safety equality and and aspirations for all who live or work in or visit our buau we don't have a professional Communications team here in the burough we draft we review internally we discuss generally what we want to say and and how to say it and I recall steuart that you were instrumental in making sure that this statement on behalf of the bureau was drafted was published and proudly referenced time and time again and it was and it is important to you to indicate to all how we operate we are open-minded we are welcoming and we want everybody to know that so I will finish with a quote from that statement because I I do believe it represents all of us in what we do here we Rec recognizing honoring and supporting a diverse and inclusive community where people are free to be true to themselves is a Cornerstone of the burough and I am proud of our commitment to these principles thank you Stuart for publishing and standing behind that message and for your service to all of us thank you I really appreciate those very nice comments All right you got one more mayor sorry always jump in the gun so um first of all to the public this is trem I cannot remember the last time this room has looked like this in years and thank you for coming and thank you for being part of the process and being part of the community um I'd like to thank you mayor for uh pointing me four years ago I think uh it has been truly the wildest four years of my life professionally and personally um what has happened and your uh faith and myself and the staff is is beyond appreciated and I I cannot thank you enough uh your statement in the beginning of this meeting truly summarizes your legacy short and sweet to the point let's get the work done behind the scenes and it uh no way reflects the amount of time and effort and energy you put in um in everything that you do uh your professionalism at our meetings and your compassion sets the tone not only for the mayor and Council but as well as our staff here in the building and it sets the level of expectation for all of us and I'm truly going to miss our uh sitd Downs together where we uh just sit in my office and uh spend probably more time talking about your just absolutely incredible personal Pursuits and Endeavors that you're involved in and uh it's it's it's just truly amazing to me so thank you for your leadership thank you for your commitment to the burrow and thank you for your faith in all of us here today thank you Mar all right I'll be brief Mr [Laughter] May so it's been an honor and privilege working for you um Although our time working together was relatively relatively brief two and a half years um it's been nothing but uh easy in relative terms working with you your leadership has been amazing um I was appointed by you our department became accredited during your tenure um we become a progressive and more professional agency as a result of your leadership and I just can't thank you enough for everything you did for our department and I wish you luck in the future thank one [Applause] more well I can't be the only one who doesn't say anything uh Mr Mayor I'd like to congratulate you um on on all the accomplishments that you've done through years and um thank you for your service it's been a pleasure um working underneath you I also moved through the ranks under your tenure from the building department to the deputy clerk to the municipal clerk and I'd like to thank you for all those opportunities um all the classes um that I went to and um the success that it's brought me and my family and I just wish wish you all the best thank you very much all right so we have a small token for you maybe we get some photosession and then maybe all of us mayor don't I'll be colorful pyramid where we there's the biggest camera in the back [Laughter] cheese now oh yes we have to vote on the resolution yeah we do need to vote all right I'll second okay any discussion anybody any comment let's take it from the yes Mr Mayor councelor man I Hughes I leit I hi Meer hi Maro I six eyes no names the motion carries thank you um Just one thought that I had in that everything that was mentioned here tonight was not a Onan deal this would took a lot of attention a lot of detail a lot of work by all the members of the council the administration and we're fortunate on top of that to have many other there got to be at least aund other volunteers in diverse organizations throughout the town and without their constant help we wouldn't be where we are today so well it sounds good that but it's not a one man show here it's a very very communal group and one that really works out all of the details and problems before jumping so thanks again um if there's no further business to come before this Council I will entertain a motion to adour the meeting c da Mr Mayor I move that this meeting be adjourned c da I declare this meeting adjourned and announce that the burough Council will reconvene immediately following the swearing in ceremony so just for the the public what happens next we're going to take this was the closing of the 2023 mayor and Council we're going to take a brief moment regroup and then uh swear in our new 2024 elected official so we'll just be back in just a few moments um I saw it the other day good evening everybody we could just we are going to begin with swearing in ceremony for 2024 um mayor elect Deborah mans if you would please present yourself and your family for the purpose of subscribing to the oath of office theath that's right de mans was elected into office as a council member in 2018 and has served as the chair of the Community Affairs and Public Relations Committee Public Works committee and the finance and administration Committee in November of 2023 councelor mans was elected to serve as the mayor of Glenridge for the years 2024 through 2027 mayor elect mans has been an ad volunteer in the community the past 20 years serving on the environmental advisory committee home and school associations and with the CCC office mayor you would raise your right hand and place your left hand on the Bible repat after me I deand I deand ATT test that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America a test that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I attest that I will perform I attest that I will perform the duties and responsibilities the duties and responsibilities a incumbent upon a mayor incumbent upon a mayor according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability congratulations tokens to give you I would like to present you with the first mayor of Glen Rich official pin wow totally worth it and also on behalf of our County Clerk for sturen um this plaque certifies your electoral win in the November general election oh thank you so much ter you you're welcome good luck [Applause] okay I would like to call councelor and her family lovely it's my father's Bible and the constition given to me by my colle room was a journal stward coun wased general election in November of 2023 councelor Moody has been an active volunteer within the bur serving on the environmental advisory committee home school associations Friends of the library and the CCC I would like to welcome councelor elect Moody um to the council and ask you to repeat the oath of office after me if you could raise your right hand I Lori Jean Moody I Lori Jean Moody do solemnly swear doly that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I solemly swear as soln I will perform the duties and responsibilities I will perform the duties and the responsibilities incumbent upon a council member my council member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations official counselor pin and also on beh of the county cler Chris durin a certification of the general election with [Applause] your last but not least coun elect dve Le family if you would present yourself to perform the O office councelor elect David Le has served as a member of the council since 2011 and has shared both the Community Affairs and Public Relations Committee and the Public Works committee this will Mark Council fifth term serving the residence of fen rdge he is also an active member and treasur of the library Board of Trustees and has served on the Community Fund committee you could raise your right hand and repeat after me I David leitz I David leitz do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America and I will support the Constitution of the United States of America and the constitution of state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I solemnly swear I solemnly swear I will perform the duties and responsibilities I will perform the duties and responsibili incumbent upon a council member incumbent upon a council member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations edition of our counselor and also of the your at elction you're [Applause] welc um I know we have someone here from um Congress women chery's office if you would like to come on up and present thank you so much for being here you on behalf of congresswoman Cheryl New Jersey 11 I'd like to present the following congrat letters to council um members that are newly elected and we'll start with mayor Moody [Applause] well I should have paid more attention to um mayor Patrick I'll call the meeting to order in accordance with chapter 231 of the open public meeting act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glen Ridge paper the Glen Ridge voice monair times and the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www Glen nj.org a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to four minutes per person Tera I have a roll call please yes M mayor councelor leit here Hughes here Moody here law here Meer here Maro here Madame mayor is present Madame mayor you have a forum thank you so much Tera councelor Hughes uh mayor I'd like to nominate councelor Morrow to serve as the council president of the Bureau for the year [Applause] 2024 thank you for stepping up to serve in a voluntary capacity Council for my pleasure thank you madam I promise never to be absent that's what you told me so all right we have a proclamation we should vote on that we need we need about okay um you do a roll call Tera I'll second I will call the coun i Hughes I Moody I law I Meer I marrow I Madam mayor would you like to vote yes please M mayor I seven eyes no the motion carries all right thank you okay um now we have a proclamation um for Carol harpster you're not yes well did a lot where is Carol harpster born Carol Susan pescator was raised in West calwell New Jersey by her parents Frank and Carolyn pescator and whereas Carol earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Lafayette College a master's degree in micobiology from Ruckers University and an MBA from Columbia University and whereas Carol and her husband Joseph William harpster moved to Glen Ridge in 1987 and raised their two children Allison and Ryan on Oxford Street and whereas Carol and whereas inspired by her father Frank Pescador Avid volunteerism it didn't take long for Carol to find her Place serving the community Carol is an active member of the Glen rdge Congregational Church having taught prek to three Bible study for 35 years serving on the church Council and as president of the pilgrim school board Carol also served on the Glenridge board of education for eight years including a term as president and closely supervised the construction and completion of the new wing of the Glen Ridge High School and whereas Carol was appointed to the Glen Ridge Library Board of Trustees in 20 4 and has dedicated countless hours to faithfully and Faithfully serve the community for 20 years during her tenure Carol has overseen two significant renovations to the library and has served as president of the board and whereas in addition to her volunteer work Carol can be found spending time with her family in including her two grandchildren Timothy and Douglas cooking rooting on the New Jersey Devils of the New York Jets and golfing with her friends at the Glen Ridge Country Club whereas Carol harpster has dedicated countless hours of service to the buau supporting the library and enriching the community ensuring that the library is providing ever evolving and engaging user experience to all who walk through the library doors and Beyond and now there be therefore be it resolved that I mayor Deborah mans on behalf of the entire Glenridge Council burough Administration Library board and the community as a whole recognize the invaluable resources Carol has contributed to the community and we wish her well in her future [Applause] endeavors the last time I was up here was for a rather large liy meeting the one before the really big one but um 20 years it's been two three directors two interim directors countless board members uh and a very dedicated Library staff and I think steuart said it right it's really a team it's not about steuart it's not about me it's about being surrounded by hardworking paid professionals and wonderful wonderful volunteers and all through that I think the library board has certainly been blessed by the support of the mayor and the council or I should say many mayors and many councils um whether it's the HVAC breaking down or the chiller covid Zoom meetings uh or more recently you know book band and challenges we've always felt as a library board that the council and the town has had our back and that has really meant a lot so I just want to say thank you to everybody for the support and uh good luck to Jeffrey and Bernice and all the other Library board members um to the year to come thank you yes madame mayor I have resolution 1-24 uh be it resolved that the bylaws of the burough Council for the year 2024 as amended and supplemented are hereby adopted as the bylaws of the B Council for this year for the resolution do I have a second I'll second thank you councilor Moody and congratulations on your first second may have a roll call Tera yes Madam mayor councilor leit i Hughes I Moody I law I Meer hi Mara six eyes carries thank you um I hereby appoint the following to the 2024 standing committees of the burough Council the first named on each committee Shall Serve as the committee's chairperson finance and administration leitz Hughes Meyer Public Safety Hughes Morrow law Community Affairs and public relations Moody Le goitz and Morrow Public Works law leitz Parks and Recreation Meyer law and Moody and planning and development Morrow Hughes and M Moody sah do I need a resolution for that no okay thank you with the advice and consent of the burough Council I appoint John N Melisa Esquire of minor Landis to the position of Municipal attorney for the term of one year Council law yes mayor of resolution number uh 2-24 be it resolved that the mayor's appointment of John Melisa and the firm mayor and land this to serve as the barels municipal attorney the year 2024 2024 and be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed uh Madame mayor I Mo seek to vote the resolution thank you you've heard the resolution do I have a second I will greatfully second that resolution we can't ask for a better B attorney thank you roll call coun Le i Hughes I Moody I la I Meer I Maro I six eyes no names the motion carries thank you with the advice and consent of the bureau Council I appoint the following to serve as officers and employees of the buau of Glenridge and members of the various boards commissions and committees there's attached list I won't read through it but I do encourage everyone to take look um this is what makes Glenn Ridge Run of these people and we'll talk about them later but our amazing directors in the in the back of the room as well so I thank them for that and we're always have vacancies so if you are interested in serving on Boards of committees please let Mike Z know or Eric um wave and uh we'll we'll get you sorted out uh councelor Morrow do I have a resolution to the Committees listed be it resolved that the mayor's appointments of members for thetion board committees commissions and for representatives to serve on the joint meetings for the terms in making set appointments being the same hereby are approved and confirmed um Madam mayor I move the resolution thank you you've heard the resolution do we have a second I'll second thanks councelor law may have a roll call yes Madam mayor councilor's leit i Hughes I Moody I la I Meer hi I six the motion carries thank you councelor mayor Madame mayor I have resolution 4-24 uh beat resolved at the regular meetings of the mayor and the B Council of the burough of Blen Ridge during the year 2024 shall be held in the council chambers Municipal Building at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time on the following dates at which official action may be taken so I won't read through uh won't read those as well and be it further resolved that there shall be a workshop session at 6:30 pm in the mayor's office pre preceding every regularly scheduled meeting of the mayor and burough Council be it further resolved that there shall be a meeting of the Public Safety Committee at 5:30 p.m. proceeding the first regularly scheduled meeting of the mayor and Council each each month take notice that due to the public oh do we are we reading the yeah just in case just in case take notice that due to the Public Health crisis covid-19 regular meetings of the mayor and burough Council shall be held via conference call when necessary in order to protect the Health and Welfare of our residents volunteers and employees the call-in number is 351 888 6756 um Madam mayor I'd like to move the resolution thank you you've heard the resolution a second I'll second thank you councelor Le may have a roll call yes Madam mayor councilor Le i Hughes I Moody I law I Meer hi Mara I six eyes no names the motion carries thank you Council leward yes madame mayor I have resolution 5-24 uh establishing dates for the official holidays for the officers and employees of the burrow of Glenridge for 2024 and um we've already gone past the first one but uh we can catch up with all the others I with the resolution thank you may I have a second I'll second thanks mayor roll yes mad mayor councilor Le hi hi Moody hi I Meer I Maro I six eyes no names the motion carries thank you councelor Hughes uh mayor it's my I I would offer resolution 6-24 this is a temporary appropriation for operating purposes whereas the statute provides that where any contracts commitments or payments are to be made prior to the adoption of the 2024 budget temporary Appropriations be made for the purpose and amount required in the manner and time therein provided and whereas the date of this resolution is within the first 30 days of January 2024 and whereas there is a need for Capital Improvement and equipment amounting to $200,000 and it is appropriated to the capital Improvement and Equipment account now therefore be resolved by the mayor and councel of the bureau that the above temporary appropriation are approved you've heard the motion by councelor H Hughes do I have a second I'll second heard um thank you seconded by council leftwood is there any discussion on this resolution typical year end moving of money around in the budget it's already been kind of year mark we just need to get it in the right spot okay thank you see no other discussion will the clerk please call the role yes Madam mayor councilor leitz hi Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meer hi marrow I six eyes no the motion carries thanks Council Mar again thank you I have resolution 7-24 uh this is the appropriation to our petty cash fund uh be it resolved the following claims be approved and warrants drawn for saying petty cash $600 Police Department petty cash $600 be it resolved the Chief Financial Officer treasurer of the buau is hereby authorized to issue the petty cash mayor I move the resolution thank you you've heard the motion by Council marrow do I have a second second second my second second You' heard the motion by Council Mara seconded by councel Moody any discussion on this resolution seeing no discussion will the clerk please call the role yes Madam mayor councel Le i Hughes I Moody I law I Meer I Mara I six eyes no names motion carries thank you I just have some um brief remarks and again is to thank mayor Patrick who's sitting in the audience in Incognito uh but and congratulations to Lori Jean and David on on your swearing in and I'm looking forward to to serving with you both and thank you again to all the folks volunteering uh for our buau boards and committees it's often sad that one of Glen strengths is the willingness of our amazing residents to give their time to our municipality uh thank you to everyone who keeps us safe the Glen Ridge Police Department the M player fire department our crossing guards and our volunteer ambulance Squad and they serve our surrounding communities and um I just want to take a brief moment to please convey our deepest um condolences to officer Brogan on the loss to his family um and uh tell him that thinking and briefly looking ahead to 2024 here are a few of our priorities we're increasing Communications with residents including a new electronic newsletter uh that um I know did I get a couple ooze on that yes yeah that's highlighted here Jim and an updated burrow website so I've said it Mike so we have to do it um again increasing our offerings for our senior citizen residents and thanks to our new seniors program coordinator I know is near and dear to councelor Moody's heart continue our focus on pedestrian and bikeless safety through our safe routes to school Grant leadership within our Police Department with their new traffic officer program investments in traffic improvements continued coordination with the county on our County Roads and completion of a complete bicycle and pedestrian safety implementation plan we're going to work with our our friends at the board of education on the intersection of the community in our schools including security and Athletics needs and we're supporting our Public Library during their Renovations and strategic and capital planning we're going to work with our Public Works director and staff to increase our recycling rates through increased education of awareness and enforcement and we're looking forward to the work that has to be under taken to reac to for the reaccreditation of our Police Department through the New Jersey state associations of chiefs of police and we thank the chief for his leadership on that so thank you for electing uh me just briefly I'm really humbled and excited to serve something thank you um this is an opportunity to hear from the public if there's any remarks um uh now's your chance keep in mind we're going to Fitzgerald's after this so I just wanted to take a few minutes when I initially I he was but we have an inside joke but I have to say that stood really stepped up to the place and when I confronted him on something that he made as a f that's a continuing joke for us he really apologized about it rather graciously that and um he really has been a men as my father father andart I really thank you because not only a really good leader despite of course always been leadership World getting the criticism for things and not realizing good that was done but I'm happy to say that despite our initial meeting I and I also would like to take this opportunity for was a friend of mine to go back St together from prek and she has done a remarkable job at the and those of you are in her footsteps I hope you continue to remember her leadership and continue work that she's done so thank you thank [Applause] you all right terrific mayor I'm going to jump in oh can't you can't silence me I miss yeah so congratulations thank you and um I would uh just like to say uh or just point out to you you have a staff here that's been built out between Tara as our clerk Jim C as our director of recreation Chief Quinn Bill Bartlett our Public Works supervisor Eric deline our Deputy Administrator our CFO Matt larcy and Tina over in the Library there's over a hundred years of experience there you're half of that yeah that feels that way and uh you have I just think you have a great team behind you and uh and ready to go and uh furthermore just furthering your message about the volunteers that the the pages of volunteers and the hours of people not only the staff but the volunteers that put in the hours here it's just it's mindboggling and um you know we're we're ready and uh good luck I won't need it with with you guys so I appreciate that um so if there's no further business uh or remarks to come before this Council I will entertain a motion to adjourn this meeting Madam mayor I move that this meeting be adjourned I declare this meeting to be hereby adjourned