##VIDEO ID:L6YLCQmoE5w## all right we're going to start with the Pledge of Allegiance so please join pledge United States of America the stands naice in accordance with chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glen Ridge paper Glenn Ridge voice Monclair times in the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www.glenn nj.org a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name the record and note that comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person Madam clerk could we have a roll call please yes Madam mayor councelor leit here Hughes here Moody here law here Meer here marrow here mayor man is pres Madam mayor you have a thank you so much um we have a a number of approval for prior meeting minutes August 19th September 9th September 2 3r October 15th and October 18th we will be um doing a resolution as a block on these minutes may have a resolution to approve the minutes of the last several meetings mayor I I move that we approve the minutes from these five meetings thanks I said resolution a motion I apologize um you've heard the motion by uh councilor lewitz I have a second I'll second um you've heard the motion by councelor lefit seconded by councelor Moody any discussion seeing no discussion Madam clerk please call the rooll yes Madam mayor counselor's Le ofit i Hughes I am extending on September 23rd Goa Moody hi law hi Meer hi with an exension on August 19th Mara I and I also will abstain from the August 19th six eyes mostly six is mostly and two exensions uh the motion carries more than four so much Madam clerk do we have any presentation of written Communications no there's none this evening this evening I have no comments um from the mayor uh we will open it up now for the first public comic session I'll just um remark that um there are a couple ordinances on the agenda um they will be introduced this evening a public hearing that's specific for ordinances um let's say the leap blower ordinance will be at the next meeting that's called the second reading of the ordinance where there'll be opened up for um comment on that ordinance so if you do want to comment on a specific ordinance in general please come through for this public comment period to to do that and there's also one at the end um with that in mind uh I'll leave it up so please come to the uh for public comment just state your name and address for the for the record this before hi good evening mayor and good evening council members my name is CLA Mooney and I at 39 Edgewood Road I live on a border Street my porch and front yard are in Glen Ridge but my house is in Bluefield Edgewood Road is in Glen Ridge my neighbor's houses across the street are in Glen Ridge and we are all experiencing flooding on both sides of the street um I'd like to submit a map guess to the record if you guys take that kind of thing yeah course yeah sure um since Ida have spent about $60,000 reping windows and preventing flooding when I hit in 2021 I ended up with 4T of water in my basement all my mechanical and appliances were destroyed my car was also total I cannot afford to continuously flood my home is my retirement plan Neighbors on both sides of Edgewood especially at the lowest point of the street have been repeatedly flooded many of us now have PTSD whenever it rains it is imperative that our catch basins are kept free of leaves and debris and the mains checked and flushed out regularly heav like twice this past August is clear that the pressure in the antique and inadequately sized combined sewer sewer csos push the Sewer back into our basements and flood the streets neighbors are regularly out knee deep in that sewer water clearing out the debris from our precious catch basins sea neighbors Knee Deep uh this presents EX health hazards which also merits alarm this August a trail of gravel from a recently installed driveway up Beville Avenue made it all the way around and down to our dip in the middle of Edgewood giving visible proof there are not adequate drains uphill from us either I'm not sure what side of the street is responsible for Paving but the parking is enforced by Glen Ridge and the street sweeping is provided by by Bloomfield I am requesting remedies to confusing parking regulations to more logical to more coordinate the two I understand there is no overnight parking anywhere in Glen Ridge although it is not posted on Edwood Road Green signs are posted to our parking on both sides of the entire length of Edgewood and there is also a red sign there is also a red sign of the Southwest end of Edgewood say no parking Tuesdays from 12 to 3 Bloomfield provides a street sweeper to the entire Street which did a great job coming on that schedule to sweep on Tuesdays between 12: and 3 here's where things get crazy officer Matt who I called here at Glen Ridge informed me that the no parking Tuesdays 12 to3 sign only applies to the last couple houses near Park Avenue a tiny sliver of bloomfi however I personally witnessed twice in the past month Peak Leaf season the sweeper could not access the curbs and catch bases because Park cars were parked on both sides of the street overnight and for more than two hours basically wasted resources going down between Park cars only to blowing fairy dust because signs are non-existent or not enforced I called and spoke to officer Matt and I'm grateful for a swift action to ticket cars after each time I called but both times were after the sweeper had come and he did not seem to be aware of flooding issues we've had and the importance of clearing the catch Basin so I'm here to formally enter this into the record and hope that all departments will be made aware and work together we are formally asking Glen Ridge to IAL parking signs and enforcement mechanisms in place on the entire length of Edgewood Road to allow for Bloomfield to provide us with street sweeping with extra attention to catch basins and Main cleanouts I'm here tonight to ask Glen Ridge for the following specific actions please post and enforce the no overnight signs on Edgewood and please deny special permission request to park at catch Bas overnight please enforce the two-hour parking especially on Monday nights and Tuesdays please extend the post and post no parking Tuesdays 12 to3 signs all the way to Belleville avenue please designate the two facing curbs of the catch basins permanently no parking or loading only with appropriate signage please add a separate storm water line to our street or enlarge the existing one current csos clearly cannot handle the current volume most importantly please take measures to contain of and dispose of water uphill before it reaches us and also last please incentivize public properties to replace all the impervious asphalt on the massive public parking lots and sidewalks uphill from us we understand climate change and flooding all over Essex cter County will require County State and likely Federal level intervention and funding I encourage Glenn Ridge to collaborate with the newly formed flood mitigation board along with surrounding towns to find more lasting solutions for now I am asking for relatively easy Edgewood Road flood actions to be implemented as as soon as possible thank you for your consideration of all us Neighbors on Edgewood Road Miss yeah may we have a copy of that is your email on that could you put that on there so I think we were made aware of this issue and in the short term I think we do understand what you're saying on the parking I don't know the chief's been made aware of it um it will require some coordination with Bloomfield because it is confusing we the west side of the road uh the east side of the road we have I believe seven houses and it expands from Seven houses south of Bap so we have the other side not Park I'm not sure which other side but I've at 39 and everybody at the couch B so you you had mentioned Park we're on the other side B La of Edgewood but we can so I guess the the point is is like we we do want to clarify like the issue on the on the the street and we can do that in with Bloomfield Police and and see about the signage it's confusing in the short term and and see if there might be some options there to clarify that the longer term is I do want to confirm that our buau administrator and we have already started working with Bloomfield Representatives on long-term flooding issues um and we're trying to get M Clair on board as well as we had an Outreach from the chair of the flood task advisory committee from Bloomfield so we'll be setting up a a meeting to go over that as well for more of the longterm stuff but we appreciate you we know it's a huge issue and we appreciate you bringing us to it just to catch B for now that's all ask there's no parking oneing the S sweeping the streets yeah we can't stand in this water every time it rains sewer water thank you okay thank thank you anyone else for public comment my name is joh 75 Sun Avenue I've lived at addess for 35 years I have about 45 minutes not thank you speak from your heart joh start yeah start from bottom line is um we saw the study from the township regarding of speed control on suns um bottom line and to let everybody speak their own instead of me speaking for them um just to give you a little background right I can appreciate your position I spent 30 years in law enforcement on federal state and local level also I was a city a city administrator right and I got to see the problems that you have right trying to make decisions but one thing I did learn was opinions and public concerns is very important to any study I haven't had an opportunity I tried to see um your surveys studies and whatever we can get those for you of course that's one the reasons why I'm here tonight but anyway I did my own research right um let me get back to it after finishing Town Administrator retired and I'm a faculty member of college teaching public safety issues and Stu like this but getting back to this right I did my own study right and other people have assisted me I'll let them speak for themselves and everything else like this I can't see a need based on my experiences based on my research right and based on my education and working in this area that's such theice need right I came up with I contacted New Jersy dep Transportation rules and manuals Federal one as well and I saw several Alternatives before we elevate a level of a stop sign I feel a stop sign I know my clock is ticking here but I um I saw that this would only create a greater Hazard condition in terms of right is there speeding on suns the answer is yes I've noticed it myself right um but you can pinpoint the times certain times in the day this occurs it's a cut right um besides that right um if you put this in I think in that intersection it's a T intersection it's not a hazardous intersection and based on my concern my research there was only one accident there and that was two cars racing at 4:00 at midnight okay and they CR and here I guess the bottom line is I 10 seconds gu my b line is I really don't see a need for it based on my own research experiences and positions no we appreciate that um the chief had indicated that you guys had reached out to the police department and we do want to say the Public Safety Committee still under review and we really appreciate the the neighborhood feedback it's really really helpful and it'll be definitely consider experience I always blomfield excuse mebd is way different from other cities and stuff like that I appreciate you because you address issues it's pretty high bar but thanks um addition yes perfect I'm John's wife okay oh I see you're getting a TW fur here okays two major concerns we live at the end of Forest Avenue on the north side of the street if the stop sign is placed between our home and 75 Sunset and 79 Sunset it will constantly flash on and up into our living room family room and master bed put yourself in our place the stop sign would be 33t from our windows insane to live with my other concern is when we back our car out of our driveway going towards Monclair we would potentially hit the stop sign because it would be too close to our driver would be inch away from our thank you very much appreciate that good evening mayor and Council uh my name's George long I'm at 79 Sunset which is right at the the top of the T of the intersection my main concern is if there are stops lines will they be flashing I also heard uh people mentioning speed bumps which also could be you know an issue since our bedroom is right off the street so these are just concerns of mine I do thank you for addressing the speed issue um when I first moved here 20 years ago there was a guy coming at the same time in the morning he did it three days in a row racing down the block I called Glenridge finest they set a guy out on Stonehouse the next morning I was out there watering the grass watched them go by pulled them over gave him a ticket from then then on he would only do 25 miles an hour going to work so there's something to be said about you know doing doing that or taking that Avenue instead of investing a lot of money so that's what I'm going to say thank okay we appreciate that thanks 71 Sunset um I understand a concern that my neighbors have about blinking stop sign and I don't think that'll the speeding problem that we have on Sunset now I'm not a public safety office or anything like that but I think what I what I would do recommendation I would make is it possible to make Sunset a one way uh it's a cross therough fair from Bloomfield to monair monair back some sometime even the camp buses come up and down Sunset Avenue um I I don't know maybe there's there's a problem is construction or something but between putting a blink stop which would be you know an obstruction to the people that live there it's not going to do anything for the speeding issue and the speeding issue is a problem now once in a while the Bloomfield Police will park on Essex yeah and in Patrol I've seen I've seen Bloomfield polic pulling people either for being on phones or for speeding I know yeah the concern with the blinking lights I mean this is nothing's in stone correct this is still oh yeah everything's under review 100% yeah yeah yeah but you know I I don't know who make that decision but I think making it a one way you know going up because obviously people going downhill are going to pick up speed at a normal 25 miles an hour I mean You' really have to make a concerted effort to be going up midd so okay yeah it's so again it's it's under review by the Public Safety Committee which is myself Council law and Council Mora yes the chief um and Mike Kelly our administrator so that's appreciate your consideration thank you I'm Catherine finger I live at 69 Sun Aven my husband and I have lived there for 25 years we raised our children there and interestingly enough when we moved here probably within a week of moving in my husband was pulled over in Bloomfield got a ticket my daugh was pulled over inair got a ticket it created a feeling within our family and to everyone that we knew you know I'm going to drive fast for Victoria it was I'm definitely to put my seat belt on when I drive in the car you learn from tickets it is the greatest deterr that there is in my opinion um my husband and I today drove around certain areas of my goodness where they had speed bumps hums for every speed hump there are two signs preceding the speed hump there's a sign that says you're approaching the speed hump and then there's another sign that says you're at a speed so that I think would be really awful on the Block I mean for people who live there um you know you have people accelerating as they're getting to it slowing down going over that pump and then you know accelerating so I think it's it's really a big problem again think the that would be if we had periodic traps set up on ston housee where a police officer could be sitting and start ticketing and ticketing everyone even people who live in GL Ridge our town is notorious for not necessarily ticketing and I'm not looking for a ticket believe me but he notorious for not ticketing the residents of Glen Ridge the truth is maybe if we did we wouldn't have speeding so much all over the place so I'm really concerned about that um and the blinking signs I think is really really spooky another thing I just want to mention is about five years ago there was some kind of a traffic study done because the the mechanism was put at the base of theway and so that I think it was there for almost two weeks I never saw the results of that in five years period of time I haven't seen an increased presence of police I've never seen an accident onset I was only in my driveway never saw an accid on Sunset I have not seen people pulled over getting tickets on Sunset you know I think that we're really approaching this as a drastic measure as opposed to just let's get some boots on the ground set up a trap ticket people and I think people pay attention to it yeah I that's I really appreciate that I just do want to address we do have a dedicated traffic officer now officer fro and um now we did before it's been about a year okay and I can assure you that he has set up speed traps um on Sunset yes regular has he chicken it anyone yes yes yes yes let's build up yes um yes and we have we have that data and we're and a chief we're more than happy to share that because we have included some of that enforcement data in our recent traffic report that's on our website I would encourage folks to to look at that um there's an inp report as to what was done five years ago with that study I'd have to go back and look I mean we have more recent data so that's the survey and the traffic engineer report that we said we share as well so somehow maybe we get someone's email who can help with the distribution that would be helpful um but yeah so I I can yes maybe we're so stealth but yes there are and and we do think it's around 30 to 40% of Glenn Ridge residents who do get pulled over oh in general with our traffic enforcement and they get tickets oh yeah or they get warnings it's up to the officer's discretion I can't say Glen rid resents are not IM they are not immune but we'll take your recommendation and or advisement to give more tickets to Glenn Ridge resid another for one Michel 69 Sunset again I just reiterate pretty much what everyone else has said up until now and my concern really is I don't want to see Glen Ridge turning into the next Cony Island I mean we've got FL the pop the flashing lights are popping up everywhere I mean come on okay law enforcement I don't see it I haven't seen it in 25 years I mean we saw five years ago you know I spoke to the officer that was installing that uh device or whatever at the base of my driveway I spoke to him for about 45 minutes while I was putting it in and one of the things I said why don't AR you sh tickets and he said the burrow would never allocate the funds to do that I can't speak for what happened five years ago I can only tell you within the last year we have dedicated traffic enforcement and things have changed but all I want to say is you know that that testing or that uh survey was done five years ago and the speeding has been going on for 25 years okay I understand that yeah I have not seen any kind of Poli okay well we'll get you the data we have that that's fine I ordered I did an open request this afternoon I'm interested to see what's going on I don't see everything but I see a lot you know okay um you know so that's basically it uh the flashing light flashing stop sign if it's installed where it should be where it's being proposed that's right in front of my bedroom so I'm going to have a red flashing bom a [Music] problem just again like everyone else is saying enforce the law I mean I learned the lesson myself you know I don't speed on Broad Street because I know I'm when I'm in an Uber going to New York airport I tell the Uber driver you better slow down and otherwise you're going to get you know stopped okay and there's a there's a problem townwide Bridgewood Avenue I have to you know there's a crosswalk there signs were put up there's a crosswalk there for I can stop with the sign there on Sunset I see kids I see a mother with a stroller trying to cross the street I get so agravated I'll pull on brid Avenue stop my car get out and wave them across the street that's the kind of people we're dealing with they need to you know it needs to be taken care of TI answer as far as I okay I appreciate that feed apprciate thank you just one more thing I thought this to council Us's attention last year the street lamps the street lights they need to be looked at again they did get a lot [Music] better just to just to that point over the weekend we are uh I informed Public Works to do a count and give a report to yes and that went out today's Monday yeah today so we did a inventory over the last couple days yeah we have to stay on top of that with P so thank you hello my name is Richard zagel and I can promise I'm the last person to discuss the uh stop signs but I'm close it again and um I live on Sunset Avenue Liv there 45 years and right7 and I'm not we're not sure what the um 20 flashing lights are going to do it's a very vague proposal we don't know if they plane stop signs flashing stop signs with a real intense LED Avenue which no one in the area likes to have to tell you maybe necessary they are necessary it has really reduced traffic accidents so yeah I appreciate that yeah and uh there was a traffic survey done in the past but no one's seen it so it's difficult to comment on it uh we do know that several trees look like you're going to have to be taken down for Sight lines for the stop signs and uh I mentioned the LED sign which was very strong and very annoying uh I'm not sure what the stop sign of T are supposed to do exactly maybe investigate the one on Avenue and Douglas that was put in to see if it accomplished what it's supposed to do or it's just for show and U the speed bumps are mentioned but again there's no plans available downstairs or anything that we've seen we don't know if there can be hes we don't know if there as calls we don't know if there can be B stops or any signs or anything like that uh and very difficult to make a comment on it see some plans and I'm requesting that you shouldn't go forward until there are some plans that we can actually see comment on very last thing unusual another neighbor been around years could attend tonight she discussed all of this with us and shec talking okay I appreciate that thank you also you do not want a flashing red I got that I definitely heard that yeah you want tickets tickets any other um actually I just had one thing well let's do I I want to make sure it's not that important but I was just concerned about the traffic when the school's letting out if there's three separate stop signs or during rush hour in the morning with the school going opening up the traffic could BL back up to the uh to both roads at the end of sunset okay no I was going to say you're welcome to come back up I want to make sure if anyone else who hasn't had a chance to speak will allow them to come up before before a second round um do we have some additional anyone else a public comment know hi amand by Bing Street um just wanted to acknowledge the introduction of the gas leaf blower ordinance this evening um I appreciate um that we've I think we found a a Middle Road uh way to limit without eliminating the blowers um to help to improve noise and air quality conditions in town um it also I'm hoping might um continue our conversation about sustainability sustainable Landscaping the idea of the benefits of leaf litter and why we um why it exists and what uh its role in nature with um creating an organic mulch a natural fertilizer um and helping to protect our beneficial insects which we know are um declining rapidly at an alarming rate um so there are lots of benefits to not uh using the gas around so thank you for your multi-year effort work on this um and I hope we um will proceed this evening thank you thank you thank you mayor members of the council John V attorney for GL Ridge Country Club actually didn't know that this was on tonight and um I'm comparing to the earlier one I think it's uh it's meaning a a happy medium I know these are difficult decisions and I've dealt with this in other towns just one consideration so the the club does irration of the grass and that happens after December 15th just a consider the time frames are fine just a consideration to allow that maybe for some type of an entity that has um over maybe 25 acres 30 ACR someone that falls into that category like GRCC thank you I'm sorry mayor if I could ask so what is it that you're asking for so they they do they they arate and it leaves the little soil pellets and they're very heavy they they blow them in the winter time for cleaning up leave no yeah first I've heard of that yeah it's the first and I know we've had a number of conversations with the Country Club they haven't and they haven't asked us for that as far as I know but you are you can you just tell me your affiliation with the club attorney for the club you're an attorney for the club yes yeah at the public hearing um on this and we talked about that I don't think this gab was here um who was grounds keeper and uh grounds building grounds manager who was uh leading the club his successor was not able to be here tonight so they called me they mentioned this as an issue with your not regarding the timing but regarding the time frame because sometimes that occurs after December 15 and I can you know get more detail you know from them with respect so do they use that turbo blower to blow them I they use a backpack gas blower for because you know the electric ones don't work all right yeah U maybe through the chair of the planning committee which is councelor Moro sure uh you can give us that information because it's it's it's kind of new information to earlier I had participated in the first round of this but uh that was the comment that came out here and also just to thank you for you know working with everyone and you know this this is a we're not in against this but it has to work for every yeah I'm glad you saw how we addressed the dates from the Virgin 40 minutes I had I knew I was coming here and I see you guys yeah because we really were trying to take a note of what the club what we thought the club needed absolutely thanks so yeah I don't know how well I think I have I have your information yeah I corresponded with Eric on this okay if you have it if you've given it to Eric that's fine I think we just need to know really specifically because I would hate to have another comeback at this and you're like actually that's not what we do we do this right it's it's it's a moving Target that's hard for us to manage um ordinance perspective so we just really need to know some certainty around with the club we'll get you more details okay okay thank you very much thank you for time hello everyone dear members of the Town Council you need your name and where you live I Pita gka resident of 375 Forest Avenue I'm here in my personal Capac as a glenbridge resident taxpayer and an active participant in glenbridge town activities and Community we have lived here for over eight years and my older daughter graduated from the high school here and my younger daughter is currently in the middle school I want to bring to the attention of all members of the Town Council that there is a hearing of the adjustment board on the 14th this Thursday at 7:30 p.m related to variances that the GRCC is requesting in connection with expansion plans it should be noted that the variances are quite significant in their ask requesting permission to move the setback from a required 100 feet based on the Clause D of Glen Ridge code section 17.20 010 bringing it down from 100 to a merly 13 feet in addition the proposed Club expansion plans posted on the town website Envision a large kids pool and over 18,000 ft of paved seating area in the variant Zone they are adjacent to an open air tiki bar food serve areas and other upgrades that will be associated with active and noisy social activities disrupting the peace and privacy of a quiet green corner where I and several of my neighbors reside there is a large scale tree removal envisioned with more than 60 large mature shade trees being marked down for removal in this variance Zone should this be approved code section 17.2 Z10 has been the town law for over 60 years written in 1963 and amended in 1977 it was specifically written with the GRCC activities in mind in order to protect the peace and privacy of residents if the adjustment board grants such a large variance it will totally violate both the letter and spirit of this ordinance we respectfully urge the Town Council to recognize the nature and graveness of this variant's request several of my neighbors and I will be at the hearing on Thursday to make our concerns known and we urge the Town Council to attend this hearing at as well in order to hear our concerns firsthand I request the council to kindly enter my message in the council proceeding records thank you for your time and consideration thank you thank you cler has the correspondence thank you yeah hello my name is Eric mof I live you can hear you yes yeah I got I can work on my abs too yeah you don't need to so my name please don't actually yes thank you my name is er fof I live at 386 Forest Avenue um this isn't my first time speaking to you all on this topic the topic of gas carard leaf blowers but it is my first time talking to you about the uh proposed ordinance from that'll be presented today which um I think uh as Amanda mentioned earlier is a really nice kind of fair way that owners leave the Le folks landscapers meticulous lawn people and everyone in between can be happy with my um one piece of feedback to actually the the one piece of feedback from our public hearing a month and a half ago I loved the delay from 8: a.m. to 8:30 to allow children um to get to school with a little less noise and a little less debris in the air which is great so Kudos so I wanted to commend you all uh this multi-year effort which is awesome um and also make the recommendation that we do put a a stake in the ground for a day where uh gas power Loop blowers are banned year round um whether it's five years out six years out eight years out 10 years out I think the the putting that Stak in the ground will help alleviate another multi-year conversation and we'll also ensure that um we're living in a happier place um I think that the other the other really nice thing about that is it enables the landscapers who uh Express their concerns about about a full year ban is that it gives them time to plan for it if today they were to add $5 per person for a fall cleanup then eventually they're going to have enough money to upgrade all of their equipment and you know what's nice about small business owners is they never decrease prices so they'll instead just make more money uh once they start using that equipment so that's my only feedback to suggest otherwise awesome thank you for the hard work and uh keep it up thank you very much for your feedback hello my name is Mark murphy2 don't know if anyone is a veteran chief our veterans thank you for your service and sacrifice today's Veterans Day appreciate it also wanted to thank the council for the hard work on the Le ordinance we support your work in that process and he thank any other comments in the public um I have to say this is the most B public comment we've had in a while and it makes us feel loved and um seen so we appreciate that um we are going to move forward with the rest of our meeting um which includes a number of resolutions and ordinances you are all welcome to leave um we will be I'm not it's okay it's okay I know you have some drag racing to do so we are live streamed on Facebook if you want to pick us back up in the comfort of your own home that's fine we won't be able to U monitor your comments on Facebook though just be careful driving to work tomorrow on Sunset yeah yeah Chief Quinn has already sent the word out to they may be there already thank you for your time it's great to see people here great thank you very much I will I will thank you thanks Geor I did a fighting swans all right so we'll we'll make sure to get those reports out um David are you ready appreciate thankk thanks very much thank you thank you yes Madam mayor um and I I would like to Echo the comment you made um it's often lonely work here council chambers so it is very nice to see an engage public on on several issues um that said I have resolution 13924 uh be it resolved that the following claims be approved and warrants be drawn for the same uh and the amounts to be paid from the various uh funds are listed in the ordinance so Madam mayor I I move the resolution you've heard the motion by council lewitz do I have a second I'll second there heard the motion by counc left who seconded by councel refuse any discussion on this resolution seeing none Madam clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor councel Le I Hugh I Moody I law I Meer hi Mar I six eyes no names the motion carries thank you um next Madame mayor I have ordinance 1815 this is an ordinance uh providing for water M replacement around Carteret Street between Ridgewood Avenue and Midland Avenue uh in the bur of Glen Ridge appropriating $2.2 million for that that 22 yeah that's correct 2.2 million for that purpose and authorizing uh issuance of $2.2 million of bonds or notes to finance the cost um so I I move ordinance 15 I have a second for the introduction I'll second seconded by Council Morrow any discussion amongst the members of the council well just for the benefit of anybody uh watching at home um we should say that this uh project is financed through the New Jersey infrastructure bank is subject to million forgiveness by the thank you seeing other comments Madam clerk please call the rooll yes Madam mayor councelor leitz i Hughes I Moody I law I Meer hi marrow I six eyes no ordinance is passed on first reading I refer ordinance 1815 to the municipal clerk for the purpose of statutory publication and posting anything further Council uh nothing further for me Madam mayor thank you councelor Hughes uh mayor I have no report from Public Safety tonight although we you know we're listening very closely to the public comment tonight and we will be certainly taking uh all those into consideration as we take another look again at and we will share the uh the report then we'll get the name we'll s that out yes I think our recording secretary has gathered all the emails honestly getting this kind of public feedback is essential for us and help us make better decisions um so tonight I have resolution 140 we are in receipt of $1,431 74 um from the ess6 county M Municipal Alliance committee for the year 2024 2025 and we want to incorporate that same 8,431 uh into our budget as a special item um and that's what this resolution uh does and I move the resolution you approve the motion by councelor Hughes do I have a second I second approve the motion by Council Hughes seconded by Council of law any discussion on this resolution I'll just say for the public that these are good dollars that go to education programs on avoiding drinking and driving substance abuse These funds in particular particular will enable the municipal Alliance committee to do the pre hand uh kind of awareness elevation for kids to celebrate resp very thank you Madame clerk please call the rooll yes Madam mayor councelor left go hi Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meer hi Maro hi six eyes no the motion carries thank you mayor next I have resolution 14124 this is a u resolution to purchase new uh radios for our Police Department uh the radios that we have currently are at the end of their service life whereas the Department of Public Safety has determined there is a need to purchase new radio and communication equipment the Glenridge police department and whereas the purchase of goods and services by local Contracting units is authorized by the local public contracts law and whereas PMC Associates 8 Crown Plaza has New Jersey has a Cooperative purchasing agreement with the state of New Jersey and whereas our CFO has certified the availability of funds for this contract therefore now be it resolved that the mayor and councel of the Bureau of Glen Ridge hereby approve the purchase of new radio and Communications equipment in the amount of 74962 from TMC Associates I move the resolution youve heard the motion by Council Hughes do I have a second I'll second heard the motion by councelor Hughes seconded by councelor lewitz any discussion on the resolution seeing no discussion Madam clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor councilor's left it I Hughes I Moody I law I Mayer I marrow I six eyes no a motion carried thank you and finally mayor resolution 14224 be resolved that in accordance with the statute the mayor and Council approve the raffle license for an on premise merchandise raffle submitted by the Glen Ridge High School home and School Association to be held on December 8th 2024 at 555 Bridgewood Avenue mayor I move the resolution approve the motion by councelor Hughes do I have a second I'll second appr the motion by councel Hughes seconded by councelor lewitz any discussion on this resolution seeing no discussion Madam clerk please call the RO yes Madam mayor Le hi Hughes hi Moody hi La hi Meer hi Mar I six eyes the motion Carri thank you VI anything else counc Moody uh thanks Madame mayor I do not have a committee report tonight but as has been referenced by the public uh we do have an ordinance I have an ordinance uh number 186 team that I would like to introduce entitled leaf blower ordinance this ordinance establishes seasonal and time of day restrictions of gas powered leaf blowers and time of day restrictions for electric leaf blowers additionally turbo blowers are limited based on season and time of day the ordinance establishes the responsibilities of all parties governing their usage and establishes penalties for any violation of the orance thank you may I have a second for the introduction of this ordinance yes I i' happy to Second this thank you coun any discussion amongst members of the council I I would love to thank the members of the EAC who've been working on this for years they've uh had public information sessions uh I want to thank all the residents that have come out over the years and all of those it came to the hearing that we had in October um so it uh I really appreciate everyone's input and and I agree that I think we came up with something you know not everybody is always happy you know some say we could have gone further some might have been happy with the status quo but clear clearly we felt the need to respond to our environmental advisory committee's recommendations as well as the concerns of residents so yeah I want to second that and say that I have really appreciated the guidance of the advisory committee and their Gathering of so much research and data but I want to give a special thanks to the bureau staff uh especially you know John and Eric John Melisa and Eric deline I feel as if uh really worked hard to hear the public but also make it practical um for the town for something that enforceable unpractical um so and sometimes the language just takes time sometimes the language we know that it's been a long to making the saage just taken a long time but we appreciate everybody thank you seeing no further comments forthcoming Madam clerk please call the rooll yes Madam mayor councilor Le hi Hughes hi Moody I la I Meer I Mar I six eyes ordinance is passed on first reading I refer ordinance 1816 to the municipal clerk for the purpose of statutory publication and posting thank you anything else councilor Moody no that is all for me tonight Madam mayor thank you very much thank you Council of Law Public Works utility committee yes I have uh resolution number 143-147 uh during the course of the project it was determined that it was desired to provide Milligan Paving services on ARG Street uh American ashalt and trucking of nework New Jersey submitted a lowest responsible base bid uh there was a change order for previous change order for $52,400 bringing a total uh project size to $561,000 uh this change order relates is the amount of $1,565 now therefore be it resolved that the change order number two in the amount of $18539 is here by approved bringing a total project uh size to $579,000 uh Madame mayor I seek to move this resolution approve the motion by Council of law do I have a second I'll second approve the motion by Council of law seconded by councelor leit um I just want to note that this happening because we have reprogrammed and available F funds from from the state um so we appreciate the flexibility of our committee and our staff on making sure we we make the most of those tolls any um further discussion on this resolution seeing none Madam Clark please call the RO yes Madam mayor councelor left it hi Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meer hi Mar hi six thank you so much anything further Council of all no Madam mayor that's it um councelor no report this even thank you councelor marrow uh none for me I you've been you've been busy Planning and Development has busy um we'll move through comments of the administration uh all right thank you mayor uh today being Veterans Day just like to recog Iz members of our our uh crew that are veterans that have served in our Armed Forces our CSO chedy uh served in the Marines our one and only Deputy Administrator Eric deline uh served in the National Guard and was active duty in Iraq I'd just like to note Eric when he first started here we put him on the water replate water service replacement project throughout town and he came well equipped to handle a hair SC situation with his service abroad uh officer Lucas served in our uh Marine Corps officer Maus served in the Marine Corps as well and um everybody knows and loves him Larry ratley our Jitney driver was actually in the 1001st airborn in the Army for six years so uh just to like to thank them all and recognize their service not only to our country Glenridge as well and they're all wonderful people to work with thank you mayor thank you Mike that's that's really nice um John Mayor I have no comment okay Madam clerk congratulations on another successful election thank you thank you um do you have any comments for this evening um just that the elections ran very smoothly we had an excellent turnout over 2200 voters which is very exceptional for um for our town um and everything ran very smoothly so it's very appreciative yes our residents Cooper a residence as they always do um we'd like to congratulate councelor elect Steve zimit who's in the corner of the room and of course we'll be doing a formal send off for counselor marrow which is very painful for us and um and everything during this swearing in in this coming year um how many early I don't I try get from the yeah that'd be great yeah that was driving by the early voting say l of people um Chief anything um I just want to Second Mike's comments and actually all the comments thanking our veterans for their service um and then also reminding everyone because it is that season at the ash felter AK is coming up on Thanksgiving our next meeting is I think three days before so just a reminder get all your shopping done before Thanksgiving if you can because all the streets will be closed that's all last minute cranberry sauce for you no not if you need to go down Ridgewood head down to uh walk to Food Town yes walk to Food Town um I have we have no new or unfinished business um this is another opportunity for members of the public to comment we could have gotten past theth pretty rough still um first I want to tell you uh that living in this wonderful Community for 46 years is just a blessing it is wonderful to come to I don't come to lot of meetings but you handle everything so professionally you to be congratulated and thank you yes thank you um I have a question about tree dead tree responsibility um I get along with my neighbors I want to keep it that way at the back of their property I saw um Bill b the other week he was out there measuring who's who property is this tree this dead tree on okay Bill and it's on my neighbor's tree it's not mine except that if it came down it could become part of my property and I don't want to lose my garage Etc so I wondered what is the responsibility here as to how that tree will be taken down and how I'm not going to deal with my neighbor on I wanted to know what the reality is of handling a fairly large tree that's at the back of our property on Hillside as it slopes down towards yeah this is I mean private property is you know something um we don't as a burrow get engaged on obviously we maintain all our she trees um I don't know mik you want to comment yeah so typically what what we recommend you do is um send your a letter to your neighbor certified mail you do it not us I'm spoking with Bill he said that the town would be sending a notice not for no no so um so you would send them a letter putting them on notice that they have a hazardous tree and it should be addressed so that way you have a record that they were put on notice so if something does happen correct then your insurance their insurance would cover it is that really correct yeah I mean I don't want the whole you know to be responsible for a bet Tree in town but I thought that notice would come from what we only do that when there's a tree that may fall into the public right away like we had one on Cambridge Road um years ago that's that's uh primarily it yeah that should make friends um well I I think Jo I can be wrong but I think that the the if the neighbor's tree falls in your property does damage on your property his life his insurance company's going to have to pay for no you have to notify them yeah um can I use Bill Bart's name no don't take Billy Bartlet down he's the best and DPW is they help USIS always helps us with on a nice positive note if you know my wife eag in the library we set up on Saturday that in the display case are 16 of her and I think he would greatly enjoy going and take I think are they digitally prepared does she have pictures of them pictures of the painting paintings yeah did she photograph them we have photographs if you could send them to me I'm desperate for somebody to put on channel 36 besides Council meetings and other people's paintings that have been there for seven years so uh we have a gallery of some paintings on the TV station that circulate I'd love some new content so if she could if she's willing to share them with us we'd be happy to post them sh I'm speaking for her yeah yeah it was the library and Tin Mar yeah she's wonderful fabulous thank you very much for sharing that with us appr thanks Gordon any other public comment councilor Moody uh Madam mayor I'd like to make a motion to adjourn in favor