##VIDEO ID:iIVYtWZW1VU## I don't think I put for a resolution in a long time so just remember we have some ordinances yeah I'll you have your I haven't done a resolution in Forever that's just a resolution just say we're going to conduct our just waiting for us to go live I got this if you join me in the Pledge of Allegiance flagis oh check your name tag okay in accordance with the chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glenn Ridge paper Glenn Ridge voice Monclair times and the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www Glenridge nj.org a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to three minutes per person um Mike is standing in uh for our clerk so Mike could you please do a roll call councilors leovit here Hughes here Moody here law here Meer here Maro here mayor present here mayor you have a quum thank you so much um I think we have to table the minutes correct correct okay table those uh Mike are there any written Communications not this time mayor this time thank you uh no um comments uh tonight for myself and uh we'll open it up for the first uh comment period for the public please uh come up to the mic state your name and address for the record hello hello my name is Danelle a resident of Bloomfield but I'm here tonight as the chairperson for the mayor's Gala big event yes so as the chairperson we have an exciting and a purposeful event with the Women's Club of glid the mayor's Galla celebrating the Centennial of our historic clubhous we on Saturday January 25th 2025 the number 12525 can'tget that right for 100 years this building has been a Cornerstone of the community and a hub for so many memorable events to honor this Milestone we're hosting a Gatsby style event with a celebration of this 1920s theme years of course big band DJ dancing and a stunning vintage car PHS of course we are also encouraging attendees to dress the part if they would like and the food the music the entertainment will all be topnotch for this big event along with an exciting auction all aimed at raising vital funds to preserve our beloved Clubhouse I'm here tonight to spread the word that all are welcome to join for this fantastic celebration of 100 years 100 years in the Glen Bridge Community most importantly this EV will resp to keep our Irreplaceable Building open for generations to come we invite you all to join thank you you um and I'll just thank you and offer remarks that the the the Capital Improvements this is a historic building as everyone knows it's iconic building in in the community and hosts a lot of community events um but it needs a little TLC and it's not always sexy to be paying for a new boiler right or things like that but you know you need to do it in your own house and um and that's what we we need to do here and uh we were very excited we had a big film shoot there over the weekend and so we think there's probably more even more stuff going to be happening at the Women's Club and so we need to get it where it needs to be so I know it's a busy time of season we you know and I know you guys are doing a push and it's hard to break through all that um but we'll do you know we we'll do what we can to help so thank you for that thank you so much yeah I bought my tickets thank you um any other comments from the public great hi there my name is Randy and I live at 93 an Avenue in Glen Ridge been living there since 1997 I'm here today to speak about the GL Ridge Country Club's proposal plans for expansion uh I'm aware that this matter will be addressed by the board of adjustment however I believe it's important that the mayor and the council be informed and involved in the decision making process the Planning and Development Committee Public Safety Committee Public Works and Community Affairs committee Public Relations Committee as well as the burrow administrator all need to be involved as you know the municipal setback ordinances are intended to for home security privacy a uniform appearance and Environmental Protection the Glen Ridge Country Club plans which are now on the burough website are asking for three variances to these setback ordinances the most egregious of which is rear and side yard setback to the pool patio which is required to be 100 ft existing right now is 75.9 ft and proposed is 15 you may ask and I asked this myself how did they already exceed this requirement and I have to say I'm wondering about that myself because I'm living here for a long time and do not recall certainly here in 20156 and do not recall receiving any notices of a public meeting so I really want to say to the council that I don't think anyone on this Council or any country club member would want a proposed structure structures 15 ft from the window living room kitchen or their kids rooms so on the burough of Glenridge building zone map of 2016 the country club is identified as a planned residential development it is not zoned as a private business or entity it is zoned as a planned residential development the setback for residential buildings is often very different for commercial industrial or institutional structures there already are concerns in the neighborhood where I live for garbage disposal placement of dumpsters rats and noise from the country club if resoning was required it would lead to a public process and the club would have to address such concerns as environmental impact noise and increased traffic in the area to club and its manager has said they will only do what they are required to do and have said in and I have said in several emails that laws dictate a minimal bar of behavior a minimum bar of behavior that Society or a town will tolerate not what is best for the town or its citizens having said that I believe the Country Club is in the historic district correct me if I'm wrong Council people and the historic preservation Commission considers among other things the height scale and proportion of buildings materials patterns that are consistent from structure to structure and placement of structures in relationship to each other if that is the case I ask us not to be funny or humorous but is a tiki bar a historical building because we're talking about building a tiki bar amongst other things so we've also been told that the Glam Country Club granted a permit to remove approximately 50 trees many of which are mature some over 150 years old and healthy this tree removal is in direct conflict with Governor Phil Murphy's executive order number 89 that was signed in 2019 Murphy's executive off order says whereas the severity of future impacts of climate change on our state will directly depend on the willingness and ability of communities businesses Industries and government entities to integrate climate change considerations into planning and decision making I know 50 mature trees may not seem like a much to to some of us however they are essential for health Wellness drainage and removal of carbon dioxide far be it from me to give anyone here an earth science Randy I'm going to give you like 30 more seconds okay for anyone for me to give you an earth science lecture but suffice to see that trees pull carbon dioxide from the air through photosynthesis a process that also emits oxygen one mature tree can absorb up to half a metric ton of carbon dioxide in a year in closing I ask mayor mans and the council to serve as advocates where the citizens of Glenridge will be permanently impacted by this expansion thank you so much for your comments apprciate any other public comments acoss the street I will also be at the meeting on Thursday buture all council members are aware of they as top and consult with the community neither hased in fact just a week ago when we with the country club to meet they refused to meet us without having their lawyer in the new proposal as you see they are still asking for the same variances and the show minimal change as it currently stands even with the bu 100 such as DJ parties microphone swim meets and outdoor occasions will only increase with this new development and has been a constant concern for me and my family we moved here in 2021 and in 2022 the summer of 2022 outdoor events were held due to indoor construction um that took place of the Dan Club because of the level of including myself were were forced to call local about disruptive noise despite the fact that the levels werin acceptable limits the noise was intolerable we could hear it not only in our yard but also inside of our homes and at that time I had my daughter who was about five months time it was a Conant Inus into our da lives and we had no choice to end it because the country had already these events advance an exemption to standard rules for noise ordinances now imagine that 90% closer to your home and having your precious summer weekends next to basically an amusement park now to clarify our as neighbors and my not asking to changes to any ex lawt procedures we are simply asking maintain the laws as they are now to protect your constituent the country club has more than enough space to build away from our homes and not towards them and especially as a mother soon to be with two young children instead of focusing on the special last few months with just my daughter and I oranges on trees and construction finging about the depreciation of my largest financial asset being my home and learning that it cost upwards of 0,000 to be represented by an attorney in this matter I'm asking you yourself our shoes peaceful living environment is FAL to family keeping Ouran threat of con of construction at an of even more has been one of the more anxiety provoking times of my life in conclusion I'm here to ask if you will advocate for us you have the potential to ensure that the needs of the community are prioritized that the country club already enjoys many Privileges and there's no justification to further encroach on our home and our peace thank you thank you for your comments any other members of the public hi my name is Caroline Arnold um my parents lived here in Glenridge for over 65 years I'm a Glenridge High School 82 grad my kids are grads 21 and 22 my husband served in the Glen Police Department for over 21 years retiring as a detective in 2009 my family and I have lived at 85 Ana since 2004 and I myself have been a Clen resident for over 44 years I've seen a lot in that time I've seen plans Flo that amended um and then later amended to close Forest Avenue School Lon Avenue School I've seen plans to illuminate Carell field I've seen plans to ban books to the library things that landed our town on the front page of the New York Post but during these times I always felt proud of our town and that we'd always dug deep as a community and did the right thing I'm here tonight to talk about the Glenridge Country Club expansion plan for their Aquatic Center um this plan will increase light noise and traffic in our area over the years just through a Qui thought when walking around the area and looking on the the club itself has touted its expansion a 2500 square foot fitness center which they touted as being three times the prior size and which by the way is open day and night year round with fluorescent lighting with like Building Material Windows facing so whether that was thought of with the historic preservation committee I don't know but it looks beautiful from Ridgewood but not from where we sit unfortunately um 2017 they added a patio and Miranda which they touted as Bo boasting um increasing 120 persons that could sit outside of the club without increasing its footprint they created a twostory uh 45 square foot building that used to be their Old Pro Shop and I believe it includes a pub type setting and brand up more outside seating for socializing they expanded their tennis court area to include pickall courts um in the letter that the Glen Country Club sent to its members it touted that it is the largest open space in Glenridge I just have to wonder why that lands them from our property line um I just would like to know if the community is going to pull together again and do the right thing thank you thank you for your comments yeah of course yeah hi my name isy yeah live at uh I Echo everything my neighbors have said I'm probably out of all us the closest to the directly acoss you know the club's great in our community I'm happy to go to my son's lacrosse B football B the prom it is it's it's a great community center right essentially but the problem I have is just not being neighborly when it starts cringing on my life well you moved here you know what you moveed next to no no no I moved here in 2008 it was a sleepy little Club there was not these big expansions there was not when the expansion did happen that encroached on my life because the club told the employees to park all over ticon Forest Avenue for eight 10 hours at a time smoking bombs outside of their car while my children are playing in my yard because there's all these outside and the police were called over and over again and finally I petition to have a 2our parking permit put in the dead end now the dead end is a place where in one of the plans they now want to have the entrance to the pool the dead end as we call it in our neighborhood has been a place our children have been running in learning how to ride a Bic that we are in the dead end all day long as a place of play in our neighbor and it is an important part and an asset to where we live this essentially will be gone because this is going to be the new parking lot and the new entrance to the pool essentially as the plans are stated and and the plans seem to come and go you know as they continue revising them but they have not been able to speak with us which has been a problem and we're just very concerned now particularly in the summer the noise levels are out of control imagine me from you right here this is probably 15 imagine I have this microphone an amplification and I'm yelling at you to you know look at suie doing the funky chicken dance because that's what we listen to I know you're sign because it's exhausting to hear this it is in my living room it's in my bedroom it's when it's every part of my house I got central air it's still in my house I couldn't nap I can't sleep my windows are closed the amp amplication from the DJ and from the is out of control I can't even imagine if it comes closer to me and the club says well this is just on a few holidays Memorial Day Labor Day which is not true but those are my holidays I could never in a million years host a party in my home in the backyard absolutely not you couldn't even hear the person speaking to you 10et away because it's that loud and I record it every year I'm not going to show it but I I do record it because it's so unreal and and I call and sometimes turn they think it's funny so I'm just I'm asking you please to consider supporting us the community this is our livelihood these are our homes that we P everything into we are not the big houses on AV we are mostly people that came in at the $300,000 range the starter homes I'm here you know 20 years is still my starter home it's okay you understand this is it feels like a real and they don't really care about USA's neighbors and that's a problem and I would think the rest of the Town should also feel like it's a problem because what happens to us it Canen to the next one the one it doesn't end here okay thank you thank you for your comments thank you any other comments from the public we can still hear you hi my name is s uh I live Ona Avenue I do not have prepared remarks I'm not going to reiterate what everybody else has already said however the only point I'd like to make is that um building 15 ft from our property lines May indicate to some people that they have a large yard between their home and their property line we're on Ana Avenue have palatial Estates we have lovely homes but the houses are right against the property line and that's an important point you may be thinking wherever your yards are that you know the property line is way over there it's not the property line is pretty much under the windows on those that are directly adjacent to the country club I'm across the street and you know my front yard is this big and again lovely but you know you have to be aware of what that sound and light and lack of privacy for those who are directly next to the country club what that will mean it's really it's an unacceptable proposition and I agree it's part of the community I no problem with the country club when they you know with it being there I want to support them I want them to thrive but this is not acceptable thank you thank you for your comments any other members of the public all right we're going to move through uh the regular order of business um for the council hearing there is a second public comment period at the end but it will not offend me if you want to leave and get home to your families um so don't worry about that all right we're going to open it up uh for the cdbg hearing um uh Mike do I have to do a motion to suspend the regular order of business that's okay it's on the agenda all right thank you so mayor this is the second hearing of the Community Development block grant uh Grant application process Community Development block grant funds are federal funds that are used for improvements Capital Improvements and low moderate income areas based on census tracks Glen Ridge does not have a census track that qualifies second the funds can be used to help the seniors and this uh to remove barriers um to to Aid with those with um that are disabled we have to present out loud in a public form our our proposals and uh this year or let let me just start over we have we typically receive about $440,000 a year in funding in the past we've used those funds for the Ada ramps at the corners uh we pave a street whenever we touch a street and we pave it we're required to upgrade those ramps to the most current standard there is so you may um have some comments about us when we go to a street and we rip out the existing ramps and replace them that's because they do not meet today's code the codes have been evolving over the last 15 years every few years they refresh what the that those require so if you see us ripping out a ramp that's already there and putting a new one in we're not being wasteful we're very tight with our road money but that's uh we have to bring those ramps up to code so in the past we've typically used that to um supplement our road construction funds uh we'll be asking for those funds again this year but in addition we'll be seeking funding for the to upgrade and install a eight a barrier-free bathroom at Freeman Gardens Freeman Gardens has a um a potting sh in in town it has Plumbing already in place um what we're looking to do that is a public facility is to make that facility uh more accessible and we have some estimates in there we can probably around $40,000 bring it in as a uh through this grant to make that a ad a barrier free bathroom at the um Freeman Gardens uh facility there so we're going to be actually requesting two items first is the bathrooms that's we're going to rank we're I'm proposing or asking the council to rank that in first position and then in number two we're going to ask for additional funding for the aid the um barrier-free ramps for our road jobs the reason I'd like to throw both in there is sometimes there's money that is recaptured projects in other communities coming under budget and the the county finds themselves with extra funds and having a project in the hopper puts us in a good position when we get the call to say we have a project ready to go we've been successful in capturing repurposed funds last year and it served us well so we're looking to uh have two grants in the first and second place position so if additional funds do pop up they know between our um our staff in town we can turn these projects out pretty quickly and cdbg they need to get their money out of the bank quickly they have they cannot have more than one and a half years's funding in the bank and when they exceed that threshold they need that money out quick so they know they can count on us to spend their money in an efficient way and and get it done so again uh mayor are we're requesting mayor council we're requesting to the ranking of two applications of first and second the bathroom Improvement project that Freeman Gardens and number two the road project great I know that concludes with uh our our presentation our presentation the grant um any comments from the council just say I think that this builds really nicely on the improvements that done uh largely with volunteer resources and labor to make the gardens more Ada accessible with the new walkway this the new slate walkway this summer and I think they leverage resources really creatively and it is a community treasure that should be more accessible to all yeah great and I think it's the type of project for which funding is most appropriate and really is suited to what the funds are supposed to be used for which is to improve the social and physical plant of underserved communities which would include um disabled so I think it's I think it's a perfect fit for our town and I think Mike and Eric and members from GRE and Gardens put this all together in a short period of time thank you all right uh we'll come back to that later in the meeting Council lefts I'll turn it over to you um thank you mam mayor so I've got a few resolutions and a couple of ordinances uh tonight beginning with resolution number 14624 be it resolved that the following claims be approved and warrants be drawn for the same and uh the resolution you can see the details of the amounts through the current fund the other funds that are listed there um all in the ordinary course of paying the bills so Madam mayor I move the resolution you've heard um the motion by council leitz do I have a second I'll second May heard the motion by Council lewitz seconded by Council Hughes any discussion seeing none Mike please call the rooll councilors leovit hi Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meyer hi Mara I six eyes no n the motion carries next item there I have resolution number 14724 um this is to authorize budget transfers between uh various appropriation accounts pursuant to uh New Jersey state law particular um moving funds from crossing guards to uh to police to uh represent uh days when essentially police have stood in for the crossing guards uh in sheering the children to school so um I move resolution 14724 you've heard the motion by councelor leitz do I have a second a second you heard the motion by Council seconded by Council law any discussion on this resolution seeing uh Mike seeing none Mike please call the RO councilors lefkovitz i Hughes I Moody I law I Meyer hi Mara I six eyes no n the motion carries thank you uh and next I have resolution 14824 um this is to award a contract for uh mandated residential revaluation Services uh upcoming uh appraisal so we're awarding Professional Property Appraisers a contract in the amount of $241,500 so I the resolution you've heard the motion by councelor leitz do I have a second I'll second you've heard the motion by Council Leo seconded by Council Meyer any discussion on this resolution seeing none Mike please call the all councilors leitz i Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Myer I Maro I six eyes no n the motion carries thank you and next Madame mayor I have resolution 149-24 uh this is a resolution uh authorizing the um excuse me authorizing of a note up to $2.2 million uh to fund the construction of water infrastructure in the south end of town um we have previously dealt with this through an ordinance that was approved in the last meeting but the resolution was also required so I know resolution 149-24 for the motion by council leit do I have a second second there heard the motion by Council leco seconded by councelor Hughes any discussion on this resolution seeing none Mike please call the roll councilor leitz i Hughes I Moody I law I Meyer I marrow I six eyes no a the motion carries thank you okay um I should just add I believe up to1 million of this cancel our next Madam mayor I have ordinance number 18 17 uh for final reading this is an ordinance to establish a new chapter in the code of the burrow of Glen Ridge chapter 9.9 entitled restricted areas in buildings where Municipal operations are conducted limited to authorize employees only to protect and Safeguard public record containing personally identifiable information so mayor this is to State for the record this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute thank you I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time in place for the public hearing so if there are public comments or Council comments on this ordinance uh you're welcome to come up about filming and uh public spaces in town attempting to set a line between uh privacy rights and First Amendment rights exactly right thank you no further comments forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed um Madame mayor I move that ordinance 1817 be finally adopted may I have a second on that I'll second for the motion by Council leitz uh seconded by councelor Moody Mike please call the rooll councelor lewitz i Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meyer hi Maro hi six eyes no Nays this ordinance is adop is adopted perfect and finally Madame mayor I have ordinance 1818 and establishing titles for nonunion and other employees of the burrow and fixing the 2025 maximum annual salaries and other compensation for those titles I'm getting there mayor this is to State for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in ACC posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time in place for the public hearing no further comments forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed Madame mayor I uh move that ordinance 1818 be adopted and I have a second on that I'll second F the motion by councelor Leo seconded by councelor law Mr cler please call the rooll councelors leich hi Hughes hi Moody hi hi law I Meyer hi Maro I this ordinance is adopted thank you anything else councilor lewood that's all for me okay that's done quite enough um councelor Hughes Public Safety Committee thank you mayor uh the Public Safety Committee had its uh monthly meeting tonight uh we were happy to welcome uh Montclair Fire Department chief Duncan to come and meet the members of the Public Safety Committee um Chief Duncan is uh been acting Chief mik correct me if I get this wrong or Sean but he's been acting chief for about six or seven months he will be officially sworn into his new role on the 12th uh as fire chief in Monclair he is a I believe 40y year veteran 30 30y year veteran of the department uh he gave a nice presentation uh about Monclair fire and to Glen Ridge which we're very happy to hear it's an extremely professional Department uh he described certain uh what did he call it low low low urren high value low currency high value uh train they have so for example uh construction uh in in the ground where trench collapse trench trench uh uh high angle rescues in of the cliffs or trees saw them several years ago conducting training in Mountain Hospital if there was something stuck in an elevator we're very lucky I think to have Monclair providing our fire service and they have been doing it now for I think third of years and in fact Chief dun said that when he was hired on to the department he was handed a map of Monclair and a map of Glen Ridge and told learn them both so I was very happy to hear that it was a very nice presentation we're lucky to have Chief Duncan uh in that um the the committee U heard a report of the stop sign at Bay and Sherman which is currently just a standard stop sign we have seen uh a number of automobile crashes at that intersection many of which are attributed to cars going down Sherman and either failing to stop properly or not seeing the stop sign so we have approved and the town has on order an upgrade so that it will be a flashing stop sign at that location uh and finally um there's been a lot of reports in the news about drone sightings uh in our in our area there was one I think on the fifth that came uh from the east across our town and then up uh my son-in-law took pictures of it where he lives in Cedar Grove um the FBI is involved the C involved the States involved uh it I wish I could tell you what it is we don't know um we really have no uh idea of what's going on anything we would know would be speculative uh we are in receipt of a communication from Sheriff the sheriff's department down in Newark but um I we just got it so I just glance through it I didn't find anything new no just had a report and if you do see one that that's down or anything just call it in don't like try to but it's been reported in the New York Times it's been it's been why they reported in in in the print news and online so anyway we discussed that really nothing not much to add so may I think that's it for the that I get the Highlights great okay uh and now mayor I have uh I have a resolution and an ordinance resolution 15-24 be resolved D that in accordance with the statute the mayor and Council approv the division of alcohol and Beverage Control applications submitted by the Kanis club for a social Affairs permit for a fundraiser on February 20th at the Women's Club and be it resolved that the council approves the application submitted by the Women's Club for a social Affair permit for the fundraiser to be held January 25th uh at the Women's Club uh I move the resol um you've heard the motion by councelor H do I have a second I'll second well since it's the Women's Club we're gonna go with the the women I hope we vote in favor of this what do you think I don't know want a discuss we'll give it to am yeah we'll give it to am it's am's last official like full meeting so we'll do that I think I'll all right where were we uh you've heard the motion by councilor Hughes seconded by councelor marrow any discussion on this resolution any further discussion see none uh Mike please call the rooll councilor lefkovitz i Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meyer hi Maro I six eyes no n the motion carries thank you and mayor next I have ordinance number 1819 an ordinance entitled establishing policies for outside employment of the Bureau of Glen Ridge Police while off duty uh for final reading mayor this is to State for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time in place for the public hearing mayor I would only add that this uh just establishes pay rates for our police officers uh that are in line with the rates being char by communities in our area no further comments forthcoming I declare this public hearing closed and mayor I move that this ordinance be adopted May second I'll second for the motion by councelor Hughes seconded by councelor Marrow um Mike please call the rooll councilor's leitz i Hughes yes I Moody I law I Meyer hi marrow I this ordinance is adopted thank you that's it mayor thank you councelor moody um Community Affairs and public relations uh thank you madam mayor my committee had a meeting on Friday to discuss uh film fund applications uh every year this is speaking of the shoot that just happened this last week at the Women's Club a portion of the revenues are to benefit organizations in town in producing uh usually programming uh that benefits the town we received a number of applications we have uh based on the balance in the fund and applications we received we seek to award three of them uh so a total of $6,000 2,000 a piece that will go to the Glen Ridge Community concerts for their 2425 season uh the Glen Ridge Public Library for their 25 uh speaker series and the Glen Ridge Historical Society for a his oral history project so Madame mayor this is resolution number 51-24 uh entitled film fund award I'd like to make Madame mayor i' would like to make a motion to approve this resolution perfect you've heard the motion by councelor Moody do I have a second I'll second think I heard am councelor Moody seconded by councelor Marrow any discussion on the resolution um I would say we we had a we had a number of applications and we did consider them quite carefully in terms of um the focus which is you know either either arts or production giving back to the community as a um the Historical Society I thought has a great oral history uh project that they seek to U put forward they've started and our grant will I think allow them to complete the project this year so great projects yes um seeing no further discussion Mike please call the r councilors lefkovitz hi Hughes hi Moody hi law Meer I marrow I six eyes no n the motion carries thank you anything further Council M no more from the thank you Council Law Public Works utilities committee uh no resolutions or ordinances tonight but um I I did want to thank our public works department our Police Department Mike selli and the bur Administration for the work related to the Ashen Ashen felter 8K race on Thanksgiving we realize it's sacrifice for you as well as your families and certainly appreciate everybody's efforts at another successful event yeah that was great despite the weather they were still close to 2,000 Runners cold so people and yeah it was not great but yeah people really want to work off the turkey and and by the way I'd just like to add to that thanks to the Monclair fire department Who come out every year and help us at the water station far sta School um councelor Meyer uh parks and recck Community um just a real quick report uh we myself and the director of parks and rec had a really productive meeting with the gr board so we want to thank them for their continued partnership I feel like we're building a very strong relationship uh with them and we look forward to continuing that partnership in 2025 and just a reminder for those who are interested in winter sports there's something for everybody out there winter sports registration is uh open and available in the community for people of all kids of all ages so keep your eye out for those as well so this is my public service announcement um some really great uh really great interesting stuff to keep your kids active in the cter months and with that I have resolution 15224 this resolution authorizes a contract to purchase and deliver new pool furniture and according to the statute with we participated in a fair and competitive process to solicit proposals and the lowest responsible bid was submitted for the amount of $ 107,2 1624 Madame mayor would like to make a motion to approve this resolution you've heard the motion by councelor Meyer do I have a second I'll second um you've heard the motion by councelor Meyer seconded by councelor leitz any discussion on this resolution May only that the the payment for the furniture will be borne by the pool utility yep and it won't hit our bu that's a great Point any other discussion Mike please call the ro councilors leitz hi Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meer I Maro I six eyes no n excuse me the motion carries anything further councel May no nothing further to even councel Morrow planning and Redevelopment or development committee thanks mayor uh I have only uh resolution 153-20 uh this is in following with Mike's presentation of CB the CB cdbg uh Grant monies uh this resolution will authorize the submission of the um applications uh as as Mike mentioned the fing the funding is federal funding uh but is is is administered through the Essex County division of Housing and Community Development um grants are provided to local governments to help improve physical and social conditions in the community um as Mike mentioned we typically get around 40 but sometimes there is extra money available so we will be submitting two applications this year uh and I think the Freeman Gardens is as I mentioned before a perfect fit for uh the types of projects that uh the monies are to be used for uh so I offer resolution number 153-20 whereas the burrow of Glen Ridge is a participating municipality in the Essex County Community Development block grant cdbg program and whereas the Bureau of Glen Ridge desires to request funding under the cdbg program year 2025 now therefore be it result that the mayor and the council do hereby authorize the director of Planning and Development to submit an application for funding under the Essex County Community Development block program for the following projects By Priority number uh priority project number one is our Freeman Gardens barrier free ADA Compliant uh bathroom we'll be requesting 35,000 uh Ada ramps uh funds requested uh 40,000 uh mayor I move the resolution thank you you've heard the motion by councelor Marrow do I have a second I'll second there heard the motion by councelor Marrow seconded by councelor Hughes any further discussion on the resolution seeing none Mike please call the rooll councilor Lovitz i Hughes I Moody I law I Meyer I Maro I six eyes no n the motion carries thank you anything further Council no thanks that's it um I'll turn it over to comments of the administrator and department heads Mike uh a few comments mayor I'd just like to thank everybody for the 8K I do not know what is wrong with the 2,000 people that showed up absolutely miserable and riging um but the show went on uh a testament to what a great event uh that's put forward by the organizers just a um I was just flirida how many people were there it was a gross cold day and there were still several thousand people there and it went off and having everybody out there and support uh the the the staff is just just great and I think um a special recognition this is the last year Dan Murphy will be organizing the race he's he's handing over the Reigns to a um a company to to run it and so we'll be working through that transition and and we really appreciate all the time he's put on that right and again I just want to read this is a demand day for every Public Works employee and every Police Department employee so no matter who you are what your rank is you're here that day they all there and just 530 in the morning yeah it's great um so so uh you I just want to thank them all again it's it's you know um great event and uh happy to see that additionally last night the uh tree lighting uh occurred we had a very solid crowd there about 100 or so people showed up to that event um and additionally we had a um a film shoot Friday night all the way night all the way through into Saturday morning and I just want to again thank our our police and everybody our Public Works everybody that worked on minimizing the impact on the surrounding uh area this was a major Motion Picture shoot involved uh big actors tons of extras and tons of equipment and uh I think it it went off with the minimal impact uh that it could and I just want to again thank everybody for um help helping make that a day as smooth as possible and last mayor we have a a meeting on the books um for December 23rd at 9:30 via teleconference or video call just uh keep your eye on that we we may not even need that meeting that's usually a last bookkeeping meeting uh so just for a public purposes you know we'll we'll let you know but I just want to announce that at this time thank you thank thank you mayor um legal John Mayor I have no report uh Chief mayor say before it happens the Santa parade is uh Friday December 20th um we're moving out around 5:00 pm so we'll have our our app tracking location we the link um once it's active on the Facebook page Facebook and Instagram okay um thanks uh Mike we have no new or unfinished business correct that's correct mayor all right this is the second uh opportunity for comments from the public uh please come forward if you have any additional comments thanks councilor Meer I'd like to make a motion to adour all those in favor I I hi meeting adour