##VIDEO ID:lE-GcXpo1w8## i al to flag of the United States of America indivisible jusice for all in accordance with chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glen Ridge paper Glenn richo Monclair times and the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the municipal buildings the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www Glenridge nj.org a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and that will be limited to three minutes per person all right we have a virtual clerk which is very exciting um Madam clerk are you able to do the roll call yes Madam mayor counselors left of it here Hughes here Moody here La here Meer here marrow here Madam mayor is present mad mayor have thank you so much Madam clerk do we have any um written Communications for presentation I do not have any this evening thank you so much is that just feedback you think from I'm not sure just move it a little away from there let's see what happens I have no comments um so let's open it up to comments of the public if they're saying tonight please come up yeah great awesome yeah come on up to the mic so we can um make sure to hear it on the record my name is Margaret B I live at seven Adams Place and it is recently come to uh light that uh our is flooding more than normal due to the high amount of Lan um a neighbor around the corner on Midland Avenue informed us that there is there are no drainage uh holes or whatever Gres on um Hawthorne which then the water comes down Hawthorne and down at's place and we need to make sure that there is proper drainage so that since the future looks Dreadful in terms of water we need to make sure that that was taken care of okay thank you um yeah the flooding the two uh storms recently just dropped an an ordinate amount of rain in a short period of time um which really did overwhelm the systems but we recognize that flooding is an issue in town we're doing some work regionally um with Bloomfield in Monclair to because there's water that's coming from outside of Glen Ridge as well so we need to look at that and we have been um when we are doing road paving projects incorporating um some storm water additions some storm water infrastructure upgrades now that just happened on Sherman which doesn't help you guys but I don't know Mike um if you want to add anything I mean we're aware this is a problem and it's not going to go away right it's the challenge with Glen Ridge is almost all of our water most of it is surface drainage with our Cobblestone gutters so we have our collection underground collection system is very limited in where it is and over on Hawthorne and even down curette there's nothing to tie into so this is like a it's it's it's not a a short term oh we can just run in there and do something it's to build out the overall capacity in that area and we're just looking at what what is available to us to tie into and what are the capacities of those systems already you know for example at the bottom of Midland Avenue the drains that are there go to to Bloomfield to second river second river floods it can't take the water and then the water just creeps up Lindon up Lindon Avenue and it comes right back to Midland Avenue so in extreme rains we kind of move the water but it all ends up in the same spot anyway so what what we seen very very heavy rains is Lyon Avenue floods all the way up from Bloomfield and then infiltrates our sewer and then back and back charges the houses in that area as well so this isn't a quick just throw some more catch Basin around its finding capacity and one of the things we're working on with the adjoining towns with Monclair and Bloomfield is how do we reduce and decelerate the water entering second river so it has more capacity to um to take on these heavier and heavier rains I know that's not helpful in the short term but that you know it's we really just have to look long range at how we can do this right so we're looking at both the planning aspect and and and the design and and how we fund that but then also any capital and how we fund that we've already started those conversations as well so it's not going to be solved overnight but um we are we are working on that so I appreciate you bringing that up yeah any other public comments my name is Dan Parsons I live at One Madison Street and to go up your point to was actually to fall up on the same issue because we're I'm right at the bottom of Madison the corner of Midland and we had a lot of uh especially during the big rains we get a lot of water cooling up right in front of the house we get through it I think it's exactly what your point is if the system gets overwhelmed so you ever give update on that but also addition to that is on on M Street we have constant water flowing down right in front of my house it's about five houses and it pulls up in front of my house and it's happening for the last four years probably since before I lived there and I reached out to Eric deline and he got back to me saying that they're going out to quote for installation of new STM storm water system on Madison Street so just looking for an update on that so that work wouldn't be done until we are on Madison what we've done this this problem's been around for decades on on Madison uh the backyards of those properties are lower than the street so uh folks backyards get flooded and their basements take on water uh what we offered a many years ago probably 10 years ago was your property the property next to two up on Madison we would put in the infrastructure in the backyards to capture that water so it wouldn't have to be ejected into the road and then TI to the catch Basin on Midland none of the neighbors agreed to that solution um and that was a far cheaper solution than digging up the road and hoping for the if you can get your I'll have Eric shoot you over the data the the the drawings and the letters that went out um we met with the neighbors proposed this idea said we'll actually take we did in ourselves and said we'll take it on we just need e m agreements and then the pro we're not going to maintain it because we can't manage what happens in backyards and U nobody agreed okay and uh so I can share that with you sure yeah but Eric is the right person he's like the director of planning um and development so it's not a huge team but like he's he's the right person um to be working with on that and maybe you just want to like tell him you get there your property there's a catch Basin on on Midland and there's a actually there's a connection in the back of it that somebody probably thought of this 50 years ago and just never was able to put it together and then we when we did the engineering we found that and said boy this is pretty straightforward and um just the the residents at the time weren't interested and then we said we're not going to own this infrastructure it's in a backyard and we can't control somebody throws a pile leaves on top of the catch something of that nature um they didn't agree to it at that time but we can certainly share that with you is the theory with that is to just reduce the water table in general so what it would be would it was a like an 24in pipe um in a sock with sand around it and then uh grass on top and a few catch basins as well to physically capture the water but the idea is that water that's in your backyard all the time that's wet would enter that pipe rather than go towards your house and then that be taken away into the Bing on on Midland D thank you the more you know the more just joking sorry for boring I'm so glad you asked about swim water no we think about it a lot so thank you um and we appreciate you guys coming out um you are more than welcome to leave if you would like we are going to run through the rest of our meeting I know you guys have have left your families at home um so we appreciate that thank you so much thank you coming out yeah um okay I will turn it over to councelor leitz thank you Madame mayor um and I apologize if I'm indistinct I'm nursing a cold and trying not toh pass it on we appreciate that so uh first I have resolution number 132-2 uh this is to pay our bills uh so the following claims would be approved and warrants be drawn to the same uh and in the resolution we can see the breakdown among the current fund and the other funds so Madame mayor I I move resolution 13224 you've heard the motion by councelor lewitz do I have a second I'll second you've heard the motion by councelor leitz seconded by councelor Meyer any discussion on this resolution seeing no discuss discussion Madam clerk please call A rooll I Hugh i m i i i Mar I the motion carries thank you um and next Madame mayor I've got resolution 133-20 um this is a resolution to uh dedicate some uh Federal funding that we're receiving to its place in the budget so that we can buy um automated uh license plate readers so this is going to automate and speed up the identification of uh of vehicles at uh certain uh key intersections and hopefully make the traffic enforcement process more efficient um and this the the the amount in question is $557 53 so I move resolution um also u a shout out of appreciation to um our representative uh Cheryl for facilitating this uh so Madame mayor I move resolution 13324 you heard the motion by councelor lewitz do I have a second second heard the motion by Council leco seconded by councelor Moody any discussion on this resolution seeing no discussion Madam clerk please call the rooll yes mad mayor I hi hi La hi I thank you um next Madam mayor I have ordinance number uh 1812 this is an ordinance authorizing a special emergency appropriation of $400,000 for the preparation and execution of a complete program of of property in and by the burrow of Glen Ridge in Essex County New Jersey may I have a second I'll second any discussion um amongst the members of Council on this introduction just in summary we can say that um it's been about seven years since our last revaluation and um the values are completely uh elevated from from the levels in that uh assessment so it's time to chew it up with a fresh assessment that back uh in some relationship to the current market thank you see no further comments forthcoming Madam clerk please call the rooll coun I Hugh I I hi hi I car I refer ordinance number 1812 to new municipal clerk for the purpose of statutory publication and posting Madam clerk just oh clerk just a heads up the second was councelor Hughes if you weren't able to decipher who that was it h perfect thank you perfect thank you and finally Madame mayor I have ordinance uh 1813 for first reading this is an ordinance to appropriate Capital Improvement funds for various Capital Improvements and equipment may I have a second on this introduction of ordinance number 1813 I'll second that's councelor Meyer any discussion amongst the members of the council seeing no further comments forthcoming Madam clerk please call the RO yes mad mayor coun Hi H hi hi hi I I I refer ordinance 1813 to the municipal clerk for the purpose of statutory publication and posting thank you anything else councelor left with and Madame mayor that's all for me all right thank you councelor Hughes mayor I have uh one resolution tonight it's resolution 13424 be it resolved that the mayor and Council approve the alcohol and Beverage Control applications submitted by the kuas club for a social Affairs permit for October 21 uh 2024 at the Women's Club mayor I move the resolution approve the motion by councelor Hughes do I have a second I'll second approve the motion by councelor Hughes seconded by councelor lewitz any discussion on this resolution seeing no discussion Madam Clark please call the RO yes Madam mayor counc hi Hughes hi Moody hi La hi hi I name car thank you anything else councelor H oh that's it there okay councelor Moody uh I have no formal report tonight Madam mayor but I will say that in addition to this lovely October Feast on the 21st that councelor Hughes mentioned I want to alert especially in light of the conversation we just had about flooding the cleanup of Tony's Brook this coming Saturday uh is handled by clean water action but it clean ocean AC clean ocean action sorry yes thank you my friends thank you mayor on behalf of my friends uh but it is an opportunity for us to make sure our waterways and uh Tony's Brook are clear which has a impact on the entire town great uh I'll also highlight that the uh home and School Association is having their kitchen tour a tast of blend Bridge the following day so clean things up and then eat up it's a fun weekend you have earned all those cies by calling trash that is all for me okay perfect counselor law yes uh I have resolution number uh 135-24 uh it relates to the paving of various streets uh specifically sh Avenue and uh Laurel Place DLS Contracting of Fairfield New Jersey submitted the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $263,900 for a base bid as well as alternative bid number two uh now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council recommends the New Jersey do that the contract be awarded to DLS Contracting in the amount I just discussed so um Madam mayor seek to move the resolution thank you you've heard the motion by counselor law do I have a second I'll second you've heard the motion by Council of law seconded by councelor lewitz any discussion on this resolution she's lost okay I I can keep it going okay just double check Tara are you there okay that's okay um seeing no discussion um Mike can you uh please call the RO okay this is uh this is resolution 135-24 okay we had a motion by uh law and then seconded by David David left that's okay we will councelor leit I Hughes I Moody I law I Meyer I Maro I six eyes no n the motion carries thank you for stepping in then I have uh resolution number uh 13624 this relates to the removal of 42 Barrel trees as well as uh the related stump grinding services uh do jets Tree Experts of Woodland Park submitted lowest responsible bid in the amount of 4 $4,525 now therefore be a resolved by the mayor and councel that du Jets Tree Experts be awarded the 2024 tree removal and stum grinding contract I seek the move the resolution thank you you've heard the motion by Council of law do I have a second second by the motion by councelor law seconded by councelor Hughes any discussion on this resolution seeing none Mike please call the councilors leovit hi Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Maro hi Maya I jumped sorry yeah I'm just I'm keeping you on your toes I'm ready for the challenge it's been that kind of night um and car six eyes no n the motion carries perfect thanks any other um updates councelor La no councelor Meer no updates tonight from okay uh councelor Meyer Planning and Development Committee oh gosh I'm looking at you [Laughter] Rebecca I'm making up for miking C nothing toight okay um Lieutenant I have no comment there are you sure sure okay Mike uh in regard to the tree removal contract that's been awarded tonight the uh now that it's awarded we'll reach out to the contractor get a date start date and then a letter will go out to the res affected residents to give them a heads up that the work will be progressing it's going to be a total of 42 trees so once we officially give to Jet tree the uh notice of award we we'll get get word out yeah and the the good news is you know where the sh tree commissions don't an amazing job cycling in new trees so over the course of the Year we're planting a 100 trees 100 Street trees um that are more conducive actually to this changing climate so and we have 52 on the deck and ordered for fall planting yes okay thanks it's hard to see a tree go but when they're unsafe we need to take precedence on that um John any um I have noort mayor okay uh we have no new or unfinished business so I'll open it back up for comments of the public seeing none I will close that and turn it over to councilor La Madame mayor I'd like to make a motion