##VIDEO ID:odeTz0qgRf4## [Music] okay we're good thank you okay we for the pl United States of America [Music] in accordance with chapter 231 of the public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this evening has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the join R paper voice Mo lindes and the Star Ledger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in municipal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www gunr day.org a public comment period will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person um Mike thank you for filling in this evening could you please a r call Council leovic here Hugh is absent Moody here La here Meer here Maro here may man here Mary have a COR thank you so much um any Rec Communications mayor I don't have anything at this time okay I have no uh comments from the mayor so we will open up for the first public comment session anyone wishing a comment please come up to the m [Music] hello good evening I'm ber Clark Bonet I'm the presman of the library for the truste um and I just wanted to come to this meeting um one first all just to thank the town for being so supportive of the Glen Public Library um and second to just announce to the town um and most of you I'm sure have already received the um emails both from the town from the school from the library on marketing I can tell um about the library's um survey that has opened last Thursday as of this morning we already had about 340 responses awesome um and we just want to keep that going we want to hear from as many people in the town as possible um as we know from the last survey and strategic plan that was done we really learned a lot from the community we were able to put a lot of new um things into the community to improve accessability sustainability and the functionality of the library and we want to keep that going so just really here to ask for your support um please tell your neighbors um we're looking forward to this being in the minutes of this meeting um to encourage everyone to take the survey um because we really will learn um important things from the town and from the community and then we'll be able to figure out what we do with this I do want to announce that we are doing this part of it the quantitative part of the survey and that our plan is actually to come back in the beginning of the year and follow it up with some qual so either listening session focus groups we've asked there's a question in there that asked about different groups within our community um because we really do want to hear from the many people in these muss so again thank you all everyone in here has been so supportive of the library I one question is there survey per household or multiple people in the household Sur person over the age of 14 14 14 old be a little sad but okay think then and when the window close for the when when are set so the survey openend up on September 19th and it will go through October 30th 30th so we're we're doing six weeks um and we think that will give people a good amount of time we will come back a number of times during this 5 and a half more week period um there more emails um there is a town mailing that is going out um so that it goes into people's households um and sign it [Music] um for really good time to get to as many people as possible but thank you for working witha to do uh email pushes and social media pushes we just kind of parallel what you can we keep thank you we really appreciate it no it's great and um I forget and I notic there some questions that might some you know answers might be also informative to us as mayor council so to the extent that you would share any results that you can he could also um learn from so I think that's that's a great Point um one of the things that we were thinking about is Within These listening sections as much as we'll use um the listening SE to here we may also want to do a report out or a discussion other in the town other leaders within the town who're thinking about that as a Town Council I know the Women's Club has expressed interest too um to almost use the results that we see in gr B brain ideas on how partner or do different things together I know you know someone on the board of education as well I I think we've done a mayor's kind of created this ni Forum that we have and we need with the board of education on a regular basis so where we can do sort of joint initiatives with are Bo would definitely be interested in us yeah and and participating in the conversation T Mar and I had a chance to already me the new superintend and looking forward to going to the meet and GRE tomorrow but he's very interested also in partn with the library we've already participated in all four five five of the F SCH night so perfect all right well we look for to um helping coordinate with you and then you know seeing the results so it's great thank you to the board anyone else for public [Music] comments thank you my name's Andrew I I'm really here to get some guidance on um the question regarding road condition may I could just all somebody after meeting I don't know can can you be more speci about those conditions so specifically um I live on the quarter of sside and Washington which Washington was repaved um a couple years ago and when they did that they did not repave the feedb which essentially at this point Have Become negated um and it's really not reducing speed so I don't know if there's a formal process just to review the condition to you have for analysis okay Mike do you have a can I can take a look at that for sure as we plan for um it won't happen this winter you the plant FL pretty soon but in the spring we can definitely take a run at uh you know there's the there's heat cables see people have a crazy criteria and we'll go out and see see if they've worn their coures worn out sometime and if we can uh beat them up under the guidelin have there but absolutely I I know what you're saying and uh the two of them there's two things may have worn and then people are familiar with them and they know uh they actually slow down right right no but I think so then we actually take a look at that way okay and that that was great deserve a public forum to be able to observe the proc or at least just know what once it's completed this well just you back we'll go out there if um so ER or myself just should just um yeah on my V or anything on I'm sorry um maybe there's an online form uh that we have on our website um that you could if you want to just follow up formally and submit it um and then that way we could track it and then we get all your info just em info at and then we'll we'll respond thatly thank you to Rel it and just excuse my thinking out loud but that corner Hillside in Washington could be a candidate for a bump out because that's also where Crossing car is unfortunately that's where we have the Cobblestone gutters right there and we need that flow to go across the street yeah yeah thank you okay all you guys don't have to say with the meeting it's pretty exciting we're really exciting it's definitely not as exciting as your library meeting uh I can tell you're at okay come through left well yes thank you Madame mayor I have uh three resolutions this evening the first of them resolution number 12824 uh wherein we uh pay our bills including um a large amount that uh will convey to uh the to the schools and um the full list of amounts is um contained in the resolution so I'm Mo resolution number 12824 heard the motion um Sorry by Council Le do I have a second I'll second the motion by Council seconded by Council Meer any discussion on this resolution n Mike please call the all councilor leovic I Moody hi La I Meer I Mara I five eyes no n the motion carries thank you um and next Madam mayor I have resolution number [Music] 129-d to uh go ahead with Bloomfield uh in a shared services agreement um to um should I say that oh yes to provide l inection services so I I move resolution 12924 you appr the motion by Council Le do I have a second second the motion by Council Le seconded by Council Morrow any discussion on this resolution I'll just note this is to be in compliance with the reasion state law that requires um L 18 inspection servic for rental unit no other discussion um Mike please call the RO councilor leovic I Moody I la hi Meyer hi Mara hi five eyes no NES the motion carries uh and finally excuse me finally Madam mayor I have resolution number 130-24 uh wherein we would move up the um revaluation uh date from uh October 1st 2027 uh which we've been directed to view by the uh County Board of Taxation uh we' moved that up to October 1st 2025 um in view of the very wide buul that's opened up between actual values and and the latest assess values um so in order to bring that back into um uh bring those two things back together uh we feel the need to move up the revaluation date to to next year so I I move resolution 130-24 pleas with the motion by Council Le do I have a second I'll second put a motion by Council Le seconded by Council law um the discussion on this this um again we were ordered um along with a few other municipalities and County to complete a a Ral in town and again the purpose of the reevaluation is not to make the piie bigger of how many how much taxes you collect is to um reallocate that pie um and so the ACC rate could actually go down uh depending on the reevaluation so um that is that is what's happening here any other discussion on this is is first step and there'll be a lot more communication um to see no councilor leic I Hugh oh sorry AB Moody hi law I Meyer hi Mara I five eyes no n the motion carries thank you so much anything else um nothing else although I I could introduce the uh the raffle resolution let Council mov do that oh well me everybody want I know know C act so councelor Public Safety or no you don't have you have one resolution and the public safety and then you community yes I have one resolution U mad mayor is actually resolution number 13124 in chance uh rather simple it's the resolution authorizes an on premise merchandise raffle and 5050 for the Glen brid High School home School Association that will be at an event that they are holding on October 5th uh M like to make a motion to approve this resolution perfect heard the motion by councilor Moody do I have a second I'll second first the motion by councelor Moody seconded by councelor Le any um discussion on this resolution see n please call the rooll councilor leovic hi Moody hi law hi Meyer hi Maro hi five eyes no days the motion carries thank you any other um report to the committee the Community Affairs and Public Relations Committee yes moving to my own committee I just want to remind folks that we are having a public hearing In This Very Room on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. on the proposed uh Le lower ordinance and something that is been a lot of kind of public education and Communications that have come before the council over the last uh few years and we look forward to presenting to the community the draft ordinance and it's an opportunity for def that so and that is all I have to thanks for all your work on that and the environment C wall public work uh M mayor just wanted to briefly mention we received some uh constructive feedback from um the parents and those involved with the uh our our soccer themes both the high school as well as the uh the youth soccer about the height of our grass at part of red field and I think the issue is is that the high school team usually plays at watch spr but they've been playing some games at curettes so uh they were complaining about the height of the grass beer and the complaints included by nephew who's on that the high school soccer team and that would be like home field advantage you know what I mean like he was pretty blunt with me last night so it looks like we made an adjustment there change old field C are hopefully it it was it was too high yeah but it it was good feedback we made the adjustments we'll monitor it and uh hopefully things will improve there soate you being on on service for that yeah that one part W no report this evening I don't there okay calaro Planning and Development uh nothing this evening okay um Mike any comments information so upcoming project water meter replacement project uh we the pieces are coming in into place we will be replacing every residential water meter within the burrow we'll be coming to your home you'll be receiving notices to schedule that swap out we'll make an appointment the third party contractor with appropriate ID will be then coming into the house and changing at that meter additionally they will be um inventorying the water line that comes from the curb to the house they'll be inspecting that waterline and cataloging what type of material it is copper lead galvanized and and now there's some PBC Plastic Products out there poly products that um are permitted so we'll be inventorying that as well to give us a handle on what lead is left in our water system system even though from the road to the house is private property we still need to have that inventory on hand so we'll be moving forward with that and just a reminder if you do sell your house one of the approvals is that you cannot transfer that property with a lead or galvanized metal water line that's been in in in effect for the last year but I just want to throw that out that to folks that may be considering um selling your house that's one of the items that needs to be checked before you can transfer the property so more to come but uh we're getting closer and closer we have the meters in hand the contracts been awarded we're just trying to put the pieces of the public together to start start that job thank you mayor thanks great um Public Health Initiative as well anything nothing public uh the only thing I have is uh our forms for reaccreditation through New State Association um we have a audit and public uh calling session period on Monday September 30th between the hours of 10: a.m. and 11:00 a.m. so they like to call and for concerns or compliments or anything You' like to tell our accessors um all of the information regarding the audit is on our Facebook page our web page and we publicized it in local newspapers and Ledger um and then we go to our hearing on October 10th and that's all there a lot of work um but it's the second time around May easier hopefully not that [Music] much um all right we have no new or unfinished is this okay any additional comments from the public now would be the time okay thank you um C law Madam mayor I make a motion to a Jour State all in favor I [Music]