##VIDEO ID:s1QEUsxrmoc## you ready [Music] okay [Music] andice in accord to chapter 231 open public meetings act adequate and proper notice of this meeting has been given to the public by publishing a notice in the Glen paper Glen voice monair ches and the star lger and posting said notice on the bulletin board in the mpal building the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at wwwg Glen nj.org a public comment per will be held as listed on the agenda please state your name for the record and note that comment will be limited to three minutes per person um Mr cler I'll call the roll counselor leovic here Hugh here Moody here law here Meyer here Maro here mayor M here uh councelor Melissa or councelor Council M uh clerk is abent Chief there you have a you have no minutes there um okay thank um I just have a few uh brief remarks first um Mike I did not print out okay if um I I have to go grab something on my phone I it on I have it okay thank you um it's not the [Music] [Music] form p super thank you everyone [Music] for right sorry for the delay on that um we are going to have a u moment of science silence um remember uh September 11th um and before we do that we will be ring the name of our resid whose wi were L on September 11th as well as let you know that all the residents are invited to join us um on September 11th at 8 a.m. with the county Rememberance Cemetery at the county Rememberance cemeter ceremony at Eagle Rock reservation in West Orange at the 9/11 Memorial that is ground the morning September 11th at 8:00 a.m. so we'll stand um while [Music] we on this anniversary of September 11th we remember the following colleagues and friends that we lost Brian Craig Bennett Thomas H Bowen Jr John a Candela Robert J Paul J Michael Patrick lefor Craig D Montano and me e Oliver please join me in a moment of [Music] [Applause] [Music] silence only other uh remarks I have relates to a number of emails gotten in through the buau um from some residents we've had two very intense storms that dumped a lot of water in our community um over the last couple of weeks and um we do want to uh recognize that we understand this is a problem in town and um that the th water storm water structure and including the um it was designed and installed in the 20th century as the are area developed and that um many of these storm water systems in areas that are getting flooding in town rain is Tony's Brook Tony Brook also asked as a storm water conage for um Mock and Bloomfield so it's not just a storm water uh puming off of our roadways and properties it's it's cumulative from the surrounding communities and because of climate change we're getting more frequent severe weather um including more intense storms this is not a phenomenon just in in BL marriages throughout the the state um So currently we're possible the bur is trying to integrate upgrad storm system infrastructure in neighborhoods concurrent with those repaving work for example we installed new storm grains and curbing on Sherman Avenue and a new storm grain Outlet near f Street this works not as timely as we would like and we rely on state funding for the work but we will continue to pursue these opportunities as more money comes in from us to go we're also working to better understand the full impact of such storms on our local system and what we'd like to do is communicate this um and use it for advy efforts with the county the state and our federal representatives to pursue funding opport opportunities to make the necessary studies and improvements that we need and finally we've already begun at a burough level both at the council and the staff level which has been really great um discussions with Bloomfield and Mar Clair to um have a coordinated response and a coordinated study and feel positive about those Communications we'll probably be conducting Outreach to fall to um just gather further on the ground data about what is happening in the um burrow about where people are having flooding and to hear more um personal stories about that so that can more accurately pursue our studies and our funding so I just want to reflect that is because we have gotten um some Communications in on that and with that um I will ask are there any written Communications mayor we just have one communication this is from the count uh not the township it's a 200 Court notice from an attorney representing CBD blomfield developer urban renewal this is regarding the Redevelopment site uh this is a uh St St C across from Bloomfield from Bottle King a Sacred Heart Sacred Heart sorry Sacred Heart that that site is uh will be designated the BL in the midst of designating that a development site so uh I just want to let the public know you know if that's right next door to us you'll visibly see it BL Field's going through the Redevelopment process we'll be kept in the loop as to what steps they're taking but this is the first step um for the designation process and um more to follow okay thank you for that um a not a copy that would be available in the barrel Hall if anyone wants to see that oh s i out of order a little bit any uh comments from the public see none alter coun thank you Madame mayor um first I have resolution 123-142 [Music] 3,250 uh for a um water meter uh replacement project this previous approv uh and the other amounts you can read that in resolution so Madam may I you've heard um the motion for counc left second second heard the motion by Council lewood seconded by Council Meyer um [Music] vot councelor leovic I Hugh I Moody I la I Meer I Maro I six eyes no name for motion carriage and next Madam mayor I have resolution 24-24 to authorize the sale of surplus property uh that is no longer needed for public use for for use by the the Bureau of Glen R um that we will auction it off on an online site gals.com uh and various items including two vehicles old wheels and tires various other things are resolution so um I I'm move resolution 12424 youve heard the motion by Council Le may I have a second you've heard the motion by Council Le second by councelor Moody councelor leovic i Hughes I Moody I law I Meer hi marrow I six eyes the motion Carriage yes Madam mayor I have resolution 125-450 R Club I see resolution you heard um the motion by left voice a second second a motion by Council seconded by Council Hugh any discussion worthy [Music] program seeing n um councilors leovic I fuse I Moody law hi Meyer hi Mara I Su no needes the motion carries and finally Madam mayor I've got resolution 12624 whereas it is in the best interest of the buau of Glen Ridge to create the position of perdm community service officers now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and the council that the position of perdm Community Service Officer be established in the Glen police department at the pay rate of $22 per hour uh to the resolution with the motion by Council M do I have a second second mayor the motion by Council left second if by Council Hughes any discussion see none please call the councilor rovic i Hughes I Moody hi law I Meer I Mara hi six SI eyes no the motion carries anything C that's all all right Council here mayor I have a a public safety uh report tonight um the chief has turned in uh their monthly um report and in it are some interesting I think specifics that I I'd like to share um so using uh 2022 as a base year um total crime in our community uh are down um 11% in 2022 now 2023 was a we had a spike in uh in total crimes that were committed I think that you know in reading a lot of communities have seen uh an increase in crime and then a decrease in crime ours is notable um 2022 it increased 16% um but then it came down 22% we 3 in 2024 so we saw a pretty significant decrease overall numbers of CR for this year [Music] um you know we don't have that much crime in town frankly and so you know a change of one or two is somewhat notable right burglaries for example in 20122 there were nine in 23 11 reported and in 24 10 um motor vehicle sets are up you know that there's a uh we think a an organized effort with regards to stealing cars we've been dealing with that we we are not alone the County's working on the St working on it as well but in 2022 there were 11 motor vehicle tests um in 23 it dropped four and now we're back up to 11 so far and this is for a period of January through August yeah um that's just in general uh jumped in 2023 from 51 to 89% has fallen back down of 50 to 53 uh criminal mistress is way down motor vehicle crashes are down uh and not surprisingly with the addition of our traffic control officer motor vehicle stops have gone from 1850 in 2022 to 2016 23 and this year 2500 so there really has been a significant uh amount of attention being paid to motor vehicle test um in general terms the crime rate in Glen is very very low and John I think you shared a uh notice that was in a national publication was it the Wall Street the top 16 ster cities I think yeah it was uh it was really quite a unique statistic uh we Glen R finds itself in very very um good standing with regard to crime in the community and it's a test I think to to our Police Department so Chief thank you very much and please pass one the um I think the approval and the grad of the council there yeah and the only thing I would add that it's it's like hand in glove though with the Community Pie of it so there's such a huge presence now um in that informal relationship building with the community which is also really helpful it's not just that enforcement piece it's the yeah the working with the community which I really appreciate it's you know it's a lot to do both so we appreciate that the other thing I wanted to report out on was the the chief did meet with the new superintendent of schools and um the vice principal at high school and uh there's a very good working relationship development between them and our Police Department which I think is um is important uh we we've had we've enjoyed that over the years and we want want to see that continue but I think with this new group we have the early feedback we're getting is that it's it's quite good quite a good work relationship so U that's I'm happy to report and that's it that's all I have tonight mayor um and you don't have anything else right I don't I have nothing to do okay thank you for that report calth M community cars and public uh I don't really have a report tonight I just also wanted Express thanks to the Chief and Mike uh she Communications on the back to school roll out and the fact that again was really hand in glove with uh the new superintendent and the schools and really reinforcing uh safety um so this a lot of notable attention to that so thank you I think I'd like to add since the mayor and Council Moody we've also developed a relationship with the the Board of Education meeting with them quite frequently so born of those discussions was a request to put out a joint communication between the council and the Boe and the public safety department um so I'm very excited for this new new opportunity to collaborate across all of our community organizations with the police force and the Boe and the council really kind of work in here highlight that um that that meeting that we h [Music] coule okay Council Law Public Work yes uh resolution number uh 12724 the Federal Highway Administration authorized funding of about $95,000 for a safe roof to school project for pedestrian cross proven on V briwood Avenue the authorization was based upon the scope of work and budget agreed upon by BL Ridge and the New Jersey do the scope of work in the authorization includes preliminary engineering activities as well as final design activities uh it is necessary for the better F enter into a design contract between Glen Ridge and nv5 for the preliminary engineering activities uh work cannot begin until this funding agreement is is executed by the New Jersey do now therefore be it resolved by the baral council that the mayor CL are authorized to execute the federal aid agreement um Madame mayor I se to move this resolution you heard the motion by Council law I second second heard the motion by Council law seconded by Council marrow any discussion on this resolution see moving along s years uh in from Inception to this point hopefully and the good news is we haven't Del here the gold what's this gold um it's gold level gold level yeah gold level for sa school by by go and there's a lunch where they will not have a check for us but um I guess this is the sort of pedestrian bump house that'll be by the high school by the um by by The Church Congregational Church High School and the training station will be bump out they'll be green uh so it'll be a shorter distance um for crossing and it's a good thing traffic traffic the the [Music] py but it's a working all right see for discussion U please call the B so have a motion by law second by Marl councelor leich i Hughes hi Moody hi law hi Meyer hi Mara hi six eyes no n the motion carries thank you that's thank you um I just want to say good luck to all these athletes kicking off with B 2024 uh Sports season in earnest behind all the good athletes and all the people that participate is a really a team of people that have kind of thought us ready in the burrow um partnership with the G to dill and his team with the DPW and J and his team at parch and W and Rich and Tyler all the kind of the grass and the seeding work through we get our fields in playing conditions carry all the permits and kind of really pulling together um it's no small feat with the amount of participants you have in town in these uh youth stores so thanks again to everyone and Chief and his team for their support as well um I also attended a couple of walk parties this weekend and saw a lot of sequen uh officers there as well so I thought that was really great they were just kind of walking around between in England so that Community engagement is really really noticeable and really um fantastic so good want to that's it for my report this evening thanks how marrow planing and development thanks uh may I just have two ordinances tonight uh the two presented tonight the second reading and public hearing uh stem from Recently enacted requirements under the New Jersey G storm water regulations um we as a municipality are required to adopt these ordinances the state has provided model language for um municipalities in the state to adopt to ensure compliance with the state regulations uh the first of these presented tonight is ordinance 1811 uh governing tree removal and replacement um as many of you know we have a very active stfy Commission in town and their jurisdiction has been and continues to be stre trees um and they have worked very hard and consistently to uh earn Statewide recognition for their everage science tells us that trees are essential to managing the water cycle mitigating storm water runoff issues including soil erosion pollution reduction and water quality management um but as part of the new NJB regulations sprage is required to adopt CommunityWide ordinance governing the removal and replacement of trees on private property so in line with the new state RS the proposed ordinance introduces a permitting process for removal and replacement of trees on private property uh there is an application fee that um in the ordinance uh and additionally for each and that application fee is uh $100 additionally for each replacement tree required uh $100 will be held in estro for 2 years to ensure that the tree is um healthy and uh s sustained a permit is not required for trees identified as invasive or hazardous uh or if a tree should fall in your yard because of the storm um you need not file the application have it removed because Nature has done that for you but you do need to uh file documentation just to indicate the cause of the uh reason that it's no longer there I I think I think that's about okay uh so that is what I have there I move coordinance number 1811 uh for final reading and that is in ordinance raling and replacing chapter 1228 shade trees and establishing chapter 1229 requiring permits for the removal of trees on private Pro property essentially there's been a melding of our state ordinance with this new requirement uh that the state has imposed on all municipalities in the state for private for removal of trees and private off mayor this is the state for the record that this ordinance has published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only V the time in place in a public Spirit you [Music] want 74 Midland Avenue how does one TR uh there will be an application uh that will be developed and we're hoping to do it through the uh um so you're going to go and audit each property no there like this is the Statewide regulation so any licensed tree expert that operates in New Jersey is a license so they're aware of this this well Statewide so if you say hi I want this tree out of my yard and call a tree person uh that will trigger the requirements okay I mean yeah I mean it is something that I think we'll be seeing more of as we've already seen been articles of um I mean honestly it comes mostly up in connection with developers developing property but um it will kick in for all private properties um in municipalities in the state you ask all the questions we ask of the state and this yeah I mean this is that this is currently in effect the other thing that I'm a little confused at is um do you have to then plant another tree yes in replacement of that yes how how does that help the storm drain when that tree like sit what the tree was well it it's yeah I mean it doesn't the regulations don't tell you where to plant the tree but they do rep require you to plant the tree and and oh so you can even go and say I planted the tree and go par no no property you're able to plant the tree on your property there's going to be a program by which tree could planted on per property right correct yeah so it's a tree falls in front of that power line and that's why itself and you don't want to plant another tree in front of that power line um you can and you plant it somewhere else and it is much smaller because we to rep place a a a tree of a very large diameter the regulations do require depending upon the diameter of that tree you may be required to plant more than one tree of a smaller size the best time pled right was 20 years ago but that's tomorrow today or tomorrow so I mean get you know there Antion right so there's three instances where you don't get per right so the tree death yeah if the tree is an invasive species yeah and the third one if it's so it has to come down because of natural CA age you can have it taken down the tree value if there a tree value has to follow paperwork but you're not going to have to get airit right and maybe it's it's a work yeah so we're going to take some time to roll this out um make sure everyone's educated and it it makes sense and so this isn't going to happen tomorrow we're going to we're going to roll it out um in a kind a reasonable way when we um they came in and put down everything there were Tre there shugs it's all St um and that seems to be a common practice [Music] of that yeah but you're right it's all dependent on enforcement and so only as good as and then there fines associated with doing it without right so that then those fines really start to add up to a to a contractor that was a lot of trees that significant money yeah [Music] [Music] oh wow oh all right um no further comments forthcoming I declare uh this public hearing closed uh Mr Mayor I move that ordinance 1811 be adopted may have a second I'll second you've heard the motion by counc second by counc Le um please call the B councilor leich I Hugh hi Moody hi La hi Meer hi Maro hi six eyes no knees this ordinance is adopted thank you at F meeting today so we apologize uh the second ordinance Al required under the new uh ngjg R is ordinance number12 uh and this is regarding storage of salt and deicing materials uh NJB has mandated and again provided model language to ensure compliance regarding the storage of the icing materials on private property uh to prevent runoff and exposure to F water uh the ordinance sets forth requirements for the proper storage of salt and other salad icing materials on private properties with exemptions for for one and two family uh residences um Madam mayor I have ordinance number 1812 um title title mayor this is the state for the record mayor this is the state for the record that this ordinance has been published and posted in accordance with the statute I declare this meeting open for discussion of this ordinance and this ordinance only this being the time and place for the public hear council did you get to read the title I'm going to read it as soon as I get to and ordinance establishing chapter 15.30 privately owned Sal story coordinates number 1892 and for the sake of the public I will say this is really not an issue in Glen rich and say is uh that are fin to build small and SE mountain of salt that they have from the corners because they have acres and acres and Acres of block this is meant to ensure that things like that are properly bu and can't run off into the water suppli but we don't really have any properties in Townes s but if anybody think about now all right with no further comments forth coming I declare this public hearing closed um Madame mayor I move that this ordinance be adopted you've heard the u m second OHF you heard the motion by Council marrow seconded by Council Meer please call the roll councilor sovic hi Hughes hi Moody hi La I Meer I Maro I six eyes no n this ordinance is adopted thank you m any no no thank [Music] you sure um Mr you have any comments uh ju just uh in regard to the purchase of water meters we saw that tonight that project will be rolling out in the next couple of weeks we'll be going to each home and replacing the water meter inside the uh house this will uh replace the heads and this will also give us an inventory of um any homes on the private side that may have right between the sidewalk and the curb the burrow and the p went through the town and replaced all the lead between the street and the curb and which left is from the curb to the house and by swapping out these meters we also uh be able to see what what that material is between the sidewalk and the curve so that project is is forthcoming and to I'm just I'm very excited about the shap boots to school now what two years among mon friend uh moving this project forward and uh we're looking looking forward to that thank you mayor thank you just big progress for the town D I have report enough today um the only I have is to program thee uh we already have five winners prizes um can't that impressive work I guess but we still have seven more prizes so not over if you're listening at home the chief is here and he has his cards ready you don't have them come on down the Pokemon get them all you got to get them all all right great um no you were unfinished this correct M and we open it back up for comments from the public yeah perfect that's you thank you also for being his very lonely I have to be right in there your name my name is Paul I live I've been here for 30 years and I wanted to bring to your attention um what I what I see as inadequacy of storm in our area he have two EV in or one on the 18 and then one Sunday a week later on Monday we at very heavy R uh a number of us neighbors were out there trying to clear out very large pool of water that built up at the bottom of M stre um and uh so we were out there in up in the past um over the last 30 years every once in a while we have this was not that frequent but occasionally it happen and I take my metal R and I go over to Adam and I create the two St ad and when I when I do that the water you know I call lake lake water settle down and it kind of be taken care uh so this the Sunday the 18th I walked over to Adams and the water was coming have the WID of that and was several in and so I think there's there's a pretty serious shy issue this uh because a number of us are out there struggling with Waters coming very rapidly um and as I go up Adams in my you correct if I'm wrong not skill in this but I see only one storm in the hill and I think I don't you refer C St or um it's it's basically fills up and once it fills up that's it water runs over water is running apparently from foror to Adam there's no storm drain to foror at the top of Adam there are no storm grains effectively on atams until that for so I'm hopeful that you can take a look at this I know the town looked at this and Mr KY and I had several discussions and it was it was a uh there wasn't plan to solve a related but I say different problem which is a lot of store in backy yeah this is not that this is different Bo coming down out down out you know it's uh it's uh you know it got a lot work over the years it reminds me when when I was a Kersey Shore and we pil spal R we go down and there were two [Music] lanes and it became three L because of volume and then a lot of L but what happened the know State increase because of the volume of Trav they increased land I think that it be good for us to think of the volume of water is coming now in the same way and I know was Str and I take last she described the exact same things as Town workers so and well town so uh I don't know if this be bubble up or you cre yeah no of course and I I had a few remarks at the beginning of the session but I'll just briefly um mention them again because it's it it me her mother neighborhood as well from those last she storm so Thomas and some shared streets with balloon Fields similar um and so um we are aware climate change is obviously causing more intense storms and and the amount of rain that that they're that they're draining um we have uh what so we'll get money into New Jersey do to resurface streets and what our staff's been so great doing is where there's an opportunity to upgrade the storm drain system and spend more that vop money rather than Paving the street upgrading the storm drain they've done that so on Sherman king and a storm drain was added and then also on Benson now that is very strategic but it's also going to take a long time because we get just tunto of money in and we maybe have two or three streets and then another ton of money we've heard how long they St to schol to so so that's one way we're doing it but we have already initiated conversations with Montclair and mfield we do believe it's a regional issue we're um you know everything's kind of flowing downhill and it originates somewhere Tony's Brook which may or may not be where you ultimately discharge you but that is really gets flooded all the storm waterers going to that we have a lot of discharges in toony BR as well as mon here in BL FIU so um so you're right we want to leverage that those are really Coalition you know with the county with the state and with the federal delegation and we've already started those conversations now it's not going to solve it overnight but but you do you do want to um you know we we know what need to be addressed so we also are thinking about how we gather more data on the ground from our residents so we'll probably doing something this fall asking for a little more information are you getting flooded where are you getting flooded can you tell us a little bit more so that we have like a whole story that we can to bring to people so your information is is is going into that um and I don't know if you can map it out or something like that so so that's that's where we are um and um you know the storm infrastructure stor infrastructure was just built so long ago right and you know specification map that just really charts have really changed so that's that's kind of where we are and it's all over the state unfortunately but yeah I it's so yeah I don't know if anyone wants to add anything because we've all gotten a few emails from residents and um it's extremely scary and frustrating and it costs money and um it's and I know our D yeah well our DTW does go out and and scrap the storm before this before every storm and then when we're called in but usually it's that waiting period to try to get the cruise in he's out last s years you've been out yeah so that's so we want try to figure it all out and really C I don't know if it's helpful to [Music] you I know the first thing back email over put all together we have vide now and have photos and all sorts of stuff and now we can say like our resid yeah yeah it's all it's I think we all want to go in the same direction and so we need to go this is where our consen is and I think and then once we develop kind of this where the issues are because we have issues are a and Richwood and Cambridge and Richwood like you drive by there yeah right [Music] right corner there they were say it's just been spot you would never think about so that that kind of once we get this kind of framed out um we're going to be meeting with bfield and Glen R orfield and mon just kind of mapping things out and then getting input so that we can then present a package to grou and look at something comprehensively all way down thank you thank you yeah very capital is every according to the law and how things are on the books is every town responsible for his own storm so we have a storm water permit and that's part of what state that's the tree and salt sh are part of that permit that allows us to spill water into Tony's Brook yeah but there's no real requirement that you keep your stowing water on your own property right for new devel [Music] as a I have for the last 22 years I've had an attorney who is an environmental lawyer in New Jersey as a student and I mentioned this issue with him and he said that there is a statute in New Jersey law that says if RW for one property is going on to another property and that R where is creating problem for the other uh home and uh that has to be you know has be they might have a private cause of action yes yeah yeah yeah but right new new new development which is required so it's a big it's a huge huge problem we're all like we're paid right and rain has know where to go so um yeah we have to figure that out any other comment okay uh yes the mayor make a motion to all favor thank you very [Music] much hi