##VIDEO ID:gpmkfXXYfYw## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e one went back Sunday the other one's not going back oh you said he has a really long break yeah just finished his so at least you get a slow dimin instead of everybody leaving it once again yes yes so I have help walking it e e e okay I need to find one piece of paper here it is good evening I'd like to call the meeting to order please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance thank you iedge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all may I have a moment of silence please this is a regular meeting of the Glenridge Board of Education adequate notice of this meeting location and time has been provided in that this board notified The Star Ledger and the Glen Ridge paper on November 20th 2024 said notice was published in the Star Ledger and the Glen Ridge paper on November 27th 2024 the date time and location of this meeting were also emailed to all recipients of the annual schedule of the board's meetings the results of the annual School Board election are as follows board members total votes for three three-year terms Anthony Bonnet 2,648 Christen O'Neal 2,870 Ray D Lorenzi 2,498 elected are Anthony Bonnet Kristen O'Neal and Ray D lenzi at this time at this time I would like to swear in the elected board members Mr Bonnet if you would please come out to the front un am qu St stes notal o la off I will now call the role Miss Akin wand here Mr Bonnet here Mr Denard M Mr dorenzo here miss gotle here miss Graham here miss O'Neal here Dr yars Ramos Miss Ginsburg here we have a quorum now we will move to nominations for president may I have a nomination for board president I'd like to nominate Betsy Ginsburg thank you may I have a second Joselyn are there any other nominations seeing none may have a show of hands for Miss Betsy Ginsburg as board president all in favor please raise your hand it's unanimous unanimous none opposed congratulations Miss Ginsburg the meeting is yours thank you thank you all it is always such an honor okay now I will entertain nominations for the office of first vice president may I have nominations uh yes dual I'd like to nominate Jocelyn may I have a second second that was a quick second okay uh any other nominations for the office of first vice president okay may I have a show of hands all in favor of that nomination okay congratulations Jocelyn okay now I will entertain nominations for the office of second vice president may I have nominations I'd like to nominate Anthony okay uh may I have a second second bet bet oh I'm sorry you have to sing out I'll second okay seconded by Duval um are there any other nominations for vice president I'd like to nominate Kristen O'Neal okay may I have a second second from Heather all right um we will have a vote um may I have a show of we'll do this in the order may I have a show of hands for Anthony um tresia and Anthony thank you and Ray may I have a show of hands I'm sorry and so that's so Teresa Anthony Ray and dval corre okay may I have a show of hands um for Kristen Heather Darius anyone else so uh Kristen so this is a tie and since it is a tie generally the president has to be the tiebreaker I think both of you are qualified to be vice president I would suggest that that's I'm sorry let Kristen do it what I'm sorry let Kristen do it let Kristen be second Vice let you're you're willing to foro the honor of being second vice president in favor of of um ruling over all as chair of personnel if that is the case may I have a show of hands for Kristen is a revote so we have toe Anthony withdrew Anthony withdrew yeah so since in the in the so since Anthony has withdrawn may I have a show of ANS for Kristen thank you and thank you Anthony for being gracious thank you to both of you okay um we are reorganized um so it is time now for the um well written Communications we didn't have any written Communications since our last meeting on December 10th um president's report Happy New Year to everybody um and congratulations to Ry our newest member congratulations to Kristen and Anthony our reelected members congratulations to Joselyn and Kristen our first uh first and second vice presidents and to all of us um since the board is reborn every January we've now officially been reborn and we will realign our committees and Liaisons uh it's not too late if anyone still has a problem with their assignment let me know but otherwise uh it is as you saw it when I sent it out to all of you uh with the addition of um Joslin has volunteered to take David Campbell's place on the uh music parents as leaz on to music parents and Kristen she will back you up as delegate to the alternate delegate to the delegate assembly so that means we have a full roster um there are two important dates coming up the governor's annual state of the state speech which will be held at 3 pm on Tuesday January 14th he outlines his big plans for the state um usually lots of um not too many specifics but he sort of sets the tone uh and then on February 25th is the governor's budget speech where he gets into specifics about um priorities Financial priorities for the state for FY 26 um as you all know 48 Hours within 48 Hours of that speech we receive our state aid numbers which are crucial to our budget so um challenges finances obviously they're going to be much on our minds this year the governor has already gone in the business of managing expectations about um revenues that the state has taken in um he's uh Frozen hiring for the time being in in state departments so um that's a note of caution with regard to the budget um our budget process as all of you know has already started um we'll be working as soon as the finance committee can get together um we will be working with Barbara on preliminary budget information and then all of us will work together until the spring to create a solid sustainable budget that aligns with our district goals and values and I know that from discussions with Kyle we'll be discussing more about goals and values in our mini retreat next week which you should all remember is the 14th Tuesday the 14th uh next week at s or is it do we start at 6 Kyle do you remember six six okay 6 to8 all right um so and we've all heard a great deal of rhetoric surrounding what may or may not happen to education and education funding at the federal level when the new Administration takes office beginning on January 21st all we can really do is wait and watch and use all the resources that we have among ourselves and in the community um intelligence motivation and the supportive Community to meet whatever challenges confront us so um that's where we are let's get started all right um it is time now for the superintendent's report I just want to extend my congratulations to Mr de lenzi uh Mr Bonnet Mrs O'Neal I look forward to a productive year ahead and a fuller superintendence report at our January 28th meeting that concludes Mary oh my I think that that has just taken the record for the shortest superintendent report in history of the board of okay um you have uh it's time now for public comments on agenda items only if you have a comment um please come up to the Lector and identify yourself um and any organization that you might represent um you have two minutes for your public comments any public comment okay if you think of something we have another public comment period at the end of the meeting um you have in your uh packet minutes from our Board of Education meeting on December 10th exec session and regular session does anyone have anything to add or change in those minutes okay um if that's the case Barbara would you call the U call the rooll um I'm sorry Anthony would you move the minutes I move uh M1 okay may have a second second second from Joselyn all right uh Barbara would you call the rooll Miss Akim wandi I Mr Bonnet I Mr Denard yes Mr D lenzi Miss scle yes Miss Graham yes Miss O'Neal yes Dr Yos Ramos hi Miss Ginsburg I motion carries okay uh we have a administrative um items I would draw your attention to A1 official newspapers um because of a law recently signed we are still allowed to do our um make the Star Ledger our designated newspaper even though as of February it will be going to an online edition only uh so with that uh and also um filling in the names under A2 njsba delegate and Alternate as I mentioned Kristen volunteered to be the njs a delegate and Joselyn volunteered to be the njsba alternate so thank you to both of you and now Joselyn would you move the administrative items sure I move items A1 through A7 okay may I have a second second second from Anthony all right um any discussion of any of those items okay that being the case Barbara would you call the role M Zin wand I Mr Bonnet I Mr Denard Mr D Lorenzi hi Miss gotle yes Miss Graham yes Miss O'Neal yes Dr yaros Ramos hi Miss Ginsburg yes motion carries all right uh Personnel we have several Personnel items uh Anthony is the new chair of personnel would you move the Personnel it items yes I'll move P1 through P5 okay may I have a second second second from Jocelyn um we cannot discuss Personnel items in public session so therefore I would ask that Barbara call the role Miss zakimi I Mr Bonnet I Mr Denard yes Mr deeny hi Miss gotle yes Miss Graham yes Miss O'Neal yes Dr yaros Ramos hi Miss Ginsburg hi motion carries it certainly does uh all right curriculum how there would you they can still hear us you don't have to keep moving it back and forth sure go ahead please I just that I know a question arose about the date of one of these trips this afternoon um I wasn't able to verify that so I can make any course Corrections um at the next meeting okay all right um great Heather moved it okay may I have a second second second from Tisha any discussion on curriculum items okay uh Barbara would you call the role Miss zakimi hi Mr Bonnet hi Mr donad yes Mr D Lorenzi hi Miss gotle yes Miss Graham yes Miss O'Neal yes Dr yarus Ramos hi Miss Ginsburg I motion carries all right business Heather as new chair of of Finance would you move business items sure it's the American Association of school administrators of which I presume like is a member yeah okay may I have a second I'll second second from Duval a question too I'm sorry I have a question too on the oh sure go ahead please thank you for um B8 and B9 door access system and PA system upgrades is that for all buildings or a specific building uh the door access system is for all buildings except for central school because Central School got a different system when we built the school and the software was becoming obsolete so we had to upgrade and the PA system uh was the high school got it thank you okay any other questions or comments on the business items okay Barbara would you call the role Miss zakim wandi I Mr Bonnet hi Mr Denard yes Mr D lenzi hi Miss gotle yes Miss Graham yes Miss O'Neal yes Dr yarus R hi Miss Ginsburg hi motion carries all right now time for the second public comment period for comments or questions on agenda items or other items related to the running of the schools any questions or comments no okay uh that being the case I may I have a motion to adjourn motion I'm sorry oh to Executive are we going oh I don't have anything for exe no we don't have to we're not we're having a committee meeting so we don't have to Res okay may I have a motion to adjourn motion move by Anthony may I have a second I'll second who got there first I'll give it to dval okay thank you for coming and for those of us not on the nego for those of you not on the negotiations committee you can