##VIDEO ID:ICQv89S-syI## e e e 101 Mr canel if you can call roll please miss calz here miss carasa here miss Carr here Mr Corey here Mr Hayward here miss garelli here miss Stevenson here miss randelle here Dr Robinson here we continue to have a quorum thank you uh oh Mr Hayward are you able to lead us in the flag salute my pleasure thank you I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indiv liberty and justice for all adquate notice of meeting in accordance with PL 1975 chapter 231 notice of tonight's meeting was mailed to to the record and the Ridgewood news on January 9th 2024 notice of this meeting was also mailed to the borrow Clerk and was posted on the bulletin board of the Board of Education Office in the administration building on the same date um Mr rondall are you able to read our mission statement please sure the glenro school district founded on principles of education in partnership with a supportive Community provides an exceptional education to all students to cultivate resilient responsible and engag Global Citizens thank you Dr charson good evening everyone uh we have a presentation tonight um by Mella Fortuna who's our anti-bullying coordinator it's part of our biannual mandated uh self assessment higrade so you've all seen this many times before uh we're following the same format so Mr Fortuna U if you would not mind coming up and giving us our your brief presentation thank you as Dr charl instead we present twice a year um so the presentation today will be um for reporting period two just to start off with what's for the upcoming school year these are anti-bullying Specialists we have no new Specialists this year everybody is returning from the previous year so as far as requirements for our anti-bullying specialist they meet um with myself the coordinator at a minimum of twice a year to provide them with with any updates regarding laws and trainings any new specialist must require 6 hours of training so for this year all of them have had their their six hours of training prior to this school year as far as um kicking off trainings for staff um for all new staff they're required to go through an Hib policy um and procedures so that was provided by myself at new staff orientation um and then additionally we have a reminder refresher training for all staff um on the August 28th date um additionally I'm available an anti- bulying specials are available throughout the year to provide any question staff or students may have the anti-bullying Specialists also serve on the school climate and Safety Committee um this is required of every school to have each school will have a climate and safety team that consists of the principal or are at the middle school high school the assistant principal a teacher the anti-bullying specialist is the chair of that committee and then a parent is typically serving on that committee now the parents will serve on the committee but then they must be excused to any to address any um Hib for confidentiality reasons um but the school climate and safety team will meet twice a year they their goal is to develop Foster and maintain a positive School climate they're looking at ongoing insistant static practices in the elementary um we have a variety of of programs that happen throughout the district so at the conclusion of each school year we have to do a self assessment to evaluate our school climate and safety team to evaluate our procedures um so this is our self assessment grades this is also on the board of ed agenda um we're exceeding state standards and in almost every category just a note about program ings and um the Hib trainings and programming that you'll see here this again is for reporting period from January to June um so in some of the schools and in particular the district our trainings are front loaded to the beginning half of the school year so and it depends on each building and to clarify trainings trainings are for staff they're designated to train staff to implement a specific program um programs are a series of events or um scheduled to organize activities for students um the events in the programs are usually related to well-being and social emotional learning so um at the high school challenge success K to8 ruler um so the the numbers are only for the second half of the year so that's why you seem some variety in the numbers from the building from building to building um again this is our data from reporting Period 2 from January to June um the I'm going to look at some graphs to just show you some overall Trends from the past 2 years um but this is our data the incident total um that number counts for um specific types of incidences which is on the bottom of that presentation so for our incident total if we're comparing just reporting Period 2 from 2223 to 2324 we've seen a decline the blue bar is from 23 24 or sorry 2223 and the red bar is 2324 again this is comparing reporting period two year-over-year and then this is incident total for full year so I think it's also important to note the the DraStic decrease in our incidents from year over year um we also track the incidents leading to removal again this is reporting period one so the blue bar or sorry reporting period two the blue bar is 2223 the red bar is 23 24 so although you do see an increase in the middle school for reporting period two um the overall incidents leading to removal are down um so we want to look at the end of the year um to look for overall overall trend um HIV confirmed for reporting Period 2 again the blue bar is 2223 Red Bar is 23 24 there is no red bar at the high school because there is zero and then again this is for the full year Trends from the last two school years so moving forward now that I'm in this role we'll keep continuing to look at the trends and this is something that the school and safety team will also look at for their individual buildings thank you very much thank you [Applause] does anyone have any comments or questions from M Fortuna all right thank you M for appreciate it thank you thank you I think I'm I'm one second Stephanie thank you thank you thank you have a good night thanks we're good we're good okay all right it is 7:09 p.m. and I would like to I'd like to open up public comments at 7:09 p.m. um this is for agenda items only it is our first set of um public comments um please state your name and your address and you'll have three minutes all right seeing no uh public comments uh will close at 7:09 all right and that brings us to our Personnel items um I would like to move to discuss make a um motion or get someone to make a motion to discuss items P1 through p23 Mr award seconded by Miss Cal so for p21 those are the winter coaches we're going to be removing two names the assistant winter track coach and the head winter track coach um will be removed from that resolution no other changes thank you any questions or comments okay we can call rooll Miss calves yes Miss carasa yes Miss Carr obain Mr Corey yes yes Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli uh yes but I'm going to abstain on p21 p21 thank you Miss Stevenson yes I abstain on p21 M randelle yes Dr Robinson yes motion passes thank you there's no other items on P just want to make sure one moment um for new business under the peas so we have a request for six uh new middle and high school clubs which should be volunteer only these are in backup um um Mr gando had met with students and the volunteer advisers uh there were several more clubs that were requested this is the um the six that she felt would be the healthiest and the ones that she could support going forward so we have a Middle School uh girls who code we have um a high school Medical Science competition club uh we have an art for all which is for high school we have a counterfactual history club which is for high school and we have a Dungeons and Dragons club which is also for high school and then the final final one is an Eastern European cultural club which is high school as well uh the board approves then we would put those on the next agenda for um board approval thank you any questions all right that brings us to um our next section which is General uh we can begin with our policies and our first read on the policies on the agenda all right so the board has had these for for a little while um there are several that have options uh some are uh simple so for policy 0141 there are options are how many board members and for the term so that would obviously be nine and three we would insert that um for policy 2200 that's the curriculum content there are three choices the obvious one for us that's applicable is the choice and among schools of this District since we are not a Regional High School or send receive uh District um um for policies 3160 and 4160 those are the physical examinations um there are three options for the board uh one is a fit for Duty examination the other and then to choose which um you would uh candidates you would apply that to there's also a psychological assessment and or a drug test those are options for the board to consider we do require a medical uh evaluation um which is just a standard uh um like a health history questionnaire and whether or not that they can the doctor feels they can physically perform the job related functions um it also asks for proof of a Man 2 uh test so the board should discuss those three options and let us know which ones they would or would not like to include in the policy okay all right does anyone have any questions for Dr Charleston on what was just presented can we um well I guess with that knowledge then are we able to come back and and and discuss it as well at another meeting and then or do you want to have an interaction right now I I'd like Direction if we can this first reading sure all right yes Miss Carr um just where did these optional come from I mean obviously stra sesme at the guidance of the state like stra sesme does does speak to the state in terms of where they got the guidance for this I'm not aware of the board is within their purview to select all these options if they want um but those are not uh necessarily mandated so that's why they give you some flexibility um I have worked in districts where drug tests were mandatory I've worked in ones that aren't so it's totally up to the board as to what you want to do again you have the three choices psychological fit for Duty and drug test all those would be paid for at the expense of the board I guess so I mean I'm not um the only one that I would be not is in fit for Duty I think psychological exams sometimes if they're not warranted might throw off a candidate I've seen it so that would be my least preferential I'm okay with more so and you know fit for duty if it depends on your position but I can go either way with CDs okay but I'm not in favor of the psychological okay are there any other um comments thoughts so that we can yeah decide so this is on policy uh 3160 it's an appendex B um yeah there's another one so since we're talking about since we brought a 3160 we might as well knock this one out um physical examination and so then we have you know just the three options but um just it's there's one for teaching staff I remember correctly there was one for support staff as as well so those policies language is exactly the same right so there's right so I'm clear the physical examination we don't require we just require a self-filled out health history we do already right that change so number one easy right we want that we're doing that we're going to continue to do that yes well that's not if you go above that above option it does say what we do there um the board will develop requirements for the physical examination so we do have that the the option is a fit for Duty we don't do that the option is psychological examination we don't do that and then the drug test so this isn't all all employees isn't well you also have options as you look as you see there there's three choices so you could say would be required for all assistant superintendents right or you could say for all maintenance workers so if someone's like returned to duty because they were out you do all that stuff anyway right they have to be fit for duty if someone's out uh on an extended leave for a physical ailment or something so we have I don't necessarily want to go down go go I don't want to go too deep into that but I'll say that we have required returning staff to do a psychological evaluation and a fit for Duty um but that's obviously well after they were hired and other circumstances that that it's applicable to but specifically this those two policies that we're deciding on are for new employees only not specific return after a period right right so to me actually now it sounds like it could get expensive they want us to pay for all this for every employee that comes to the district so maybe this is a bad idea I'm not against the idea of it but the cost of it could be prohibitive over time yes M Mand um so I think Dr charlon just said maintenance they're not necessarily um under us so I think that could be be appropriate and fit for Duty I don't think that we need anything else but that's I don't think we need the whole staff that would be my two all right so right now so we're oh yeah so I was going to say so is it I mean we haven't heard from everyone yet yeah no we haven't so so just to say it out loud then it sounds to me like if we require this fit for Duty which is above and beyond the physical that we require someone to get to be employed here we're creating an extra layer of paperwork tracking uh potentially we have to pay for these things cyes are very expensive for students I know I work in schools um so it would be just as expensive so I'm saying none of the options yeah I'm in agreement would you find um any of these unless speically beneficial no it's uh it's how how far the board wants to go into with um with with new hires again I've worked I mean with in districts that everyone who got hired had a drug test M um certainly under the under your you can make p the policy and we would we would enforce that um no personally um I'll say I'm I'm not necessarily in favor here of of adding any additional layers uh to to our current process which has been successful um we have other venues for uh getting these kinds of examinations for employees if they're needed um but no that's that's me so anybody else feel differently or do you feel do you want to discuss part of it or adding certain components if not then I'll I'll do a straw PO on this one policy and then we can provide that feedback to Administration so if we're not in favor of changing our current policy and adding on these options can we raise our hand and then we'll to be technical I'm not in favor of adding the options but there are lots of typo Corrections so well so I'm speaking just um specifically about adding options can we sounds good all right well I but specifically because I when I say keeping the policy the way it is there are a couple like parts that are marked out that's why that's why I didn't there are little language changes in the main policy itself which you should do yeah so barring that I mean anybody um who is in favor of keeping um or not not accepting any of these additional options to the policy option no options no no option were no options additional for 3160 okay so we'll keep it as with the suggested recommendations of struss smme and no options okay okay the other choice for the board is a suggested policy it's 9181 this is your uh volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity advisers and assist assistance at the bottom of that policy the board will see that there are options um choose one or more of the following uh so we currently do require a substitute teacher uh cert uh we do uh obtain a criminal history background check we do ask for documentation of a man to test um the sign a waiver for workers compensation should have a line through it we do not do that and do not recommend that um our insurance carrier said no to that so it would just be the first second and fourth option again with a line through sign a waiver for workers compensation if required by the school district's insurance company that would not be applicable the board also has other options there you can see other if you wanted to require anything else of our volunteer coaches and co-curricular advisors okay all right that seems pretty just so hear clearly you just said your you're doing all three of those already MH so if we approve all three of those then we're just continuing what we're doing MH and we cannot waiver yeah every every everybody who's by a board has to background even if they volunte all right do you have a question you have a question or do you want no okay no it's okay I just want to make sure that I I heard you um fully um so does that sound pretty um understandable for everyone we're already doing um we're already getting uh teachers that have the substitute teacher credential we're already obtaining criminal history um checks we're already getting documentation of their man test and so this is just essentially memorializing that into the policy um we will not uh opt to wave the workers compensation because that's not in alignment with our current insurance and that's it all right all in favor okay the last policy was one that we wrote um it's our branding um policy so terara uh worked on that um over the summer that went along with the branding um style guide that I shared with the board um and backup at the in the last meeting so it's in that folder um so it talks about we had to create a new number so we just put it under media relations which is 9400 so we created 94001 um and it just really identifies as you read it uh Tara had a committee of of people that came up with um this this specific school colors right and the mascots and logos and things like that um so she just wanted to uh put that in policy so everybody can refer back to that um so we have a uniformed red and a uniform right and so on um I'd like to just also say thank you to um Administration thank you to Tara um for kind of like unifying that that piece and and and getting everything on the same um page the colors The Branding just the formats even down to our email so I I thought that's wonderful so does anyone have anything that they want to mention about the media relations policy is there anything additional that you need from us with regards to that one these will be on the next meeting for second reading and adoption thank you all right no old business for governance if we could discuss uh the qac monitoring so every three years school districts are required to go through uh qac monitoring which is essentially um the accreditation process for for public schools um was it quality Singularity accountability for Continuum I don't know what it stands for something like that um anyway there are five areas uh that we have to go through um uh I'm I'm I'm overseeing uh personnel and governance Greg will be overseeing the curriculum uh piece and James's team will oversee finance and operations right now each of our teams are working on it and Gathering evidence um each one of those uh has anywhere from I don't know maybe 25 plus um indicators that you have to hit so what we're going to do similar to what you saw tonight with the Hib self assessment is that we will assess our ourselves and give ourselves grades and that's uh we do that via Committee of which uh Miss carisella is on as as a board representative we have gr graa membership we have a couple other teachers um so we'll be working on that a couple of meetings uh in September and October uh kind of uh finalizing that making sure we have evidence for everything so we can score ourselves and then that will be presented to the board um at the November Cal it is due to be submitted by November 15th to the state that's part of the requirements if you're going through monitoring and then the state will come out and visit us let's just say February at some point that'll be an all day Affair um where the county the executive County Office leadership comes out and goes through uh uh our our evidence some of it is done remotely some of it has to be on the website uh there are things that we do um throughout the year each month that we send in um uh whether it's reporting requirements or documentation or statements of assurances all of those things are all part of the qac process and so we've already been submitting things to States they call that a remote desk audit those we don't need evidence for because it's already has it they already have it um we'll either get points for it or not uh the stuff that we have to get evidence for is when they really come out and they go through everything they'll do a facilities tour James will take them on they'll look at our buildings and make sure that everything is as it should be uh Greg they'll spend all day with him going through the curriculum and making sure that our standards are current and align to the current New Jersey student learning standards uh for me in particular and Personnel to go through our position control roster and make sure that everybody who's here is should be here and is getting a check there's no fake employees there's everybody's where they're supposed to be encoded correctly so all things along those lines um not necessarily a very fun activity but one that does eat up a lot of time uh and um we'll start we've already like I said we already started that process but the committee will get into it September 23rd I think Miss Carol is when we meeting or something like that during the day um and we'll keep the board updated maybe at the October cow but again a nice fun exciting qack presentation at the November Cal where the board will vote uh and then we'll certify that resolution and that will again get admitted into New Jersey home room all right thank you uh moving on to instruction and program um Elementary World Language so for elementary World Language I Greg and I are going to sort of tag team on on this one so we had a resignation at the end of July in elementary Spanish uh the teacher um had to leave took a job I believe was closer to home and her last day is coming up in the next couple weeks so right way we advertise for an elementary uh Spanish uh teacher tenure track and we got zero applicants so after about uh 10 days uh we met as a team and we decided to Pivot and let's just advertise for other world languages and see what we get so we advertise for French for Mandarin American Sign Language we even got a German applicant so we got a lot of different ones and we were able to find a uh an elementary uh Mandarin uh teacher who had Elementary experience and so um she was uh excited excited to come up here so um a meeting with the elementary principles they were very much in favor of this and our plan is to uh have her start October 1st go for about a week working on curriculum uh get her get her settled and then we would work on a plan where half the district would have Spanish and then the other half would have mandarin then we would flip them halfway through and um right now they get language one day a week so that was a good way to expose students to another um language uh again our plan was to keep Spanish but with no applicants we felt it was best to to Pivot and come up with a certified teacher um in a language that's offered at the middle school and and uh high school so that's Elementary World Language Greg you only to add that we'll we'll build in time to work with her so she can work with the other Elementary World Language teacher to to develop a program that's similar in nature as far as uh pacing and kind of what they're working on um a lot of Elementary World languages cultural kinds of things and understanding other communities and and that kind of stuff so we'll make sure that it's kind of a parallel process we'll make sure she gets the resources she needs here um and then we'll probably build some time next summer to really um continue to work on that and make sure that we have a really robust curriculum for that so so we'll build in some time right now to get her up and running and get going and then we'll we'll Circle back in the in the summer to really kind of layer on this um at the last meeting you approved um some texts and online access for a Spanish program we'll be looking at that to see what they offer for Mandarin we'll be looking for other materials for her what what she needs so uh we'll move quickly on this and then we'll move deeply all right are there questions no go I just have a question so how is this going to impact the middle school at all didn't we are we changing the Middle School foreign languages so we changed the middle school because it was it was also a staffing issue right right and so we didn't have enough numbers so perhaps introducing Mandarin in the elementary schools as those kids come up the numbers might get bigger where we could use another full-time teacher so okay we're not in any way saying that we wouldn't bring back um M it's just became a numbers issue thanks I still believe strongly that the district does not have enough students to be a robust four language District you just don't so um you know but perhaps introducing them to another one like I said in elementary you might get some healthier uh numbers in middle school and high school okay thank you bar no other questions on the elementary World Language you can go to curriculum updates sure so I included in backup a document for you about um what was the curriculum work that we did over the summer updating and all that so I'm not going to go all through all of it but just kind of give you some highlights um basically because we have a administrative team that can work simultaneously and lots of things we can do lots of little updates every year and so this year was a year of of mostly little updates we had some new standards that came out that um we needed to be compliant with which is in math and language arts although in the last few months they just told us that math can wait another year we went ahead and and updated to line to the new math standards now anyway so that we're ahead of the game for for next year um there were some new standards or alignments that we needed to do to fit with the college board with some of their AP classes with recers for some of our dual enrollment classes um in science so so we made sure we made those we had some new courses that we added this year including AP pre-calculus the high school engineering courses the daily announcements course that we're doing in first thing in the morning and also the sixth grade seminar so we brought people in to write the curriculum for all of those we also had some new textbooks that you have approved recently including Algebra 2 and geometry at the high school and then the Middle School open s ed for our science classes so we had curriculum work to to incorporate those and make sure that that we're aligned with that and then we also as you know realigned some of the the work at the elementary schools including the music teachers the media center gifting the talented and the rich M so we brought them in over the summer also to to make sure that those things are updated uh we'll continue to work on it um as Dr Charleston was saying a big part of the qac process is looking at the curriculum making sure all of the standards are represented all of the all of the other things are there so so we continue to pour over that and make sure that we're we're good and aligned um the other thing I wanted to just give you an update on was the the phonics program as you remember we went with snde and we began the school year with a a full day train on Sunday for all of our K to3 teachers there's a little bit of apprehension about starting with a full day of PD the very first day back but the um the presenter gave them an evaluation form and um I I looked through them all and without exception 100% of them would recommend this training to others um it was very well received um some of the the things that they wrote in the comments that it provided an in-depth understanding of the science of reading that it was functional efficient easy to follow that they really like the brain and learning connections program really seems great so um there was a lot of really positive feedback from the teachers about this um they scored her very high on any kind of like scaling including to what extent did this training meet your expectations 4. s out of five so like it was really really well received so um happy that that the program that was chosen seems to be the right fit for our our staff they seem to be pretty um pretty enthusiastic about it so uh so I want to just report that back to you um new business uh there are a couple things that are going to be on the agenda for you to approve next time uh one is um some math professional development so last year you approved it I think it was three days working with the High School Math teachers with the nolles teacher initiative and she wants to continue the second year of this if you remember she did two years of uh an outside Agy working with our Middle School Math teachers and so this is kind of the continuation of that two years at at the high school they're going to be focusing on using effective group work to maximize learning for all students so again kind of coming back to this this notion I keep talking about less of the whole class and more of the breaking people into smaller groups and meeting the meeting the folks on the edges not just in the middle so it's it's a good initiative that that we want to continue to support and then the next one that I want to talk about that you'll be approving we're actually using title two funds for this so title two is government money for professional development and this is conmigo so Con Academy you may be familiar with it is a bunch of online videos from uh what's his first name KH is his last name Sal I think it is yeah anyway um people have been using it for a very long time some of our teachers use it here students use it here they've developed a a an addition to that called conmigo which is um I'm going to use their language specifically conmigo is an AI powered teaching assistant from trusted education nonprofit KH Academy it is designed by teachers to make your role less about busy work what normally takes hours can be done quickly with kigo differentiation lesson plans quiz questions student groupings hooks exit tickets rubrics and more your prep time will be faster and better kigo gets you over writer block delivering quick first drafts or multilingual family emails and class news other so it's AI with education um with KH Academy and so they have both a teacher version of it which is free for teachers and they also have a student version of it which a district would have to pay for so we're going to Pilot it we're going to Pilot it at the middle school and I think maybe a couple teachers in fifth grade is what we're aiming for to see because on the on the student side it's AI per powered personal tutoring from KH Academy so we're we're exploring with this AI is a a sticky issue in education right now and we can't just put our heads in the sand and pretend it's not there so we're looking at how do we use it responsibly how do we teach our teachers and our students how to use it responsibly how do we move forward with this so Mr qac is is leading this um we're going to do a pilot see how it goes see if this is a valuable tool for educators if it's a valuable tool for students and we'll see where it ends up thank you that's very interesting with the conmigo and the tutoring what I guess what is what based on you know like I know it's small you're about to do the pilot so you don't have a lot of information yet but what kind of what is it subject matter based or let me read again from their their blur um for Learners and families kigo offers engaging and on-topic tutoring is ethically designed with safety and learning as a top priority it's the only AI tool that is incorporated into Khan Academy's world-class Content Library which covers math Humanities coding social studies and more you can get personalized tutoring on every exercise video and article on Con Academy unlike other AI tools such as chat GPT conmigo doesn't just give answers instead with Limitless patience it guides Learners to find the answers themselves so it sounds pretty cool but we need to see how it actually works and the only way to do that is to get going with it sounds very cool thank you all right moving on we don't have any items for special services and management Community I'm discussing a demographic report so in back up you have a proposal from Dr grip um for a demographic study your demographic study uh basically um ends this year uh you're supposed to have a current demographic uh study it's one of the things that we have to submit at our midyear budget review um they're always asking uh for it at the state and county level um so you do have some options uh first of all we budgeted 18,000 so we have $188,000 in the budget if you look at option one you have three for the cost of service presentation remote presentation or inperson um I think Dr grip if you remember right before Co hit came and presented um he's pretty Dynamic I think he's he's he's probably one of the best ones out there at least in our area he does does live in Vermont now um so that's an option for the board if you go through the other options I won't go through them uh but I don't think very any of them are really applicable to you um we don't have neighborhood schools um we don't really need a detailed option for housing analysis because you're not having a large number of units being uh um built we don't need Student geocoding um I thought the one that might be applicable that the board had done last time was the housing turnover analysis it's that option seven um that's uh something that seems to be H that's what happens in Glenrock people move in tear down build a new house so that could be something that the board feels that they want to do that gets you within your budget um even if you went for asking Dr grip to be here in person um but those uh the demographic report is uh responsibility another responsibility by determination made by the board so give us Direction in terms of what options you want you don't like this vendor you want another vendor let us know we can go out and seek some other ones uh it does take him about four to five months to complete the study it would behoove us to have it completed before the budget is set so we have an idea oh Shar does anyone know how many apartments are going up by CVS so that would be something we probably would then want in included right because we yeah so are with that option for is it going to be would they be able to project it even based on the proposed units that are are are so last year if you watched the the the video he did mention at that time Department's coming and so he did kind of project that into his thing into his um uh uh report would we have to elect this option in order to include that information I don't think so no that was we didn't last time and it came up um but I don't believe that that singular apartment unit is going to do anything significant worth a $5,500 investment um so I I wouldn't okay even if you had three kids per apartment it's normal yeah it'll still be counted just won be a focus of that yeah I mean it's not going to play that much into it because there's Studio one and two bedrooms so not really going to fit I mean you can but will you be fit fitting more than two children so I mean I don't know if it's going to play into into that as much as it would be playing into a house that has four bedrooms okay all right let me give you my two cents sure um I'm good with option seven and I'm good with them coming just so that we can uh just make sure we really understand it so that is my in person in person in with options absolute okay and is there any desire to seek another vendor I mean I don't think that there's been anything wrong with this one in the past no all right any other question so we'll put this on James this has to be uh resolution we could just go forward with it right okay so we'll put it either either beond the 23r or we'll just move forward with cut AO sign the contract um with uh option one him coming here and option seven the housing turnover analysis and that keeps you under budget thank you uh the calendar revision no I don't want to talk about the calendar okay sorry this is our favorite Topic in Glenrock the calendar oh gosh so as the board's aware um actually uh the G is also aware it was negotiated into the contract um the second half day at the end of the year and the day off the day after graduation was moved to a PD day earlier in the year so um everybody's aware of of what the changes were uh so in this um calendar that you see revised um it was too late to obviously implement it for this year so we agreed to not implement it until next year so you have um I'm going to work backwards so June 24th is no longer the last day for staff it is June 23rd and also on June 22nd which was normally a full day is a half day for students only so June 22nd and 23rd a half day for students full day for staff staff now will report for 3 Days of PD uh prior to students arriving which would be August 26th 27th and 28th and no change to the students first day what we'd like to do is have this uh approved the revised draft approved um on September 23rd so we can get it out for people who are making plans either at the end of the year or vacation plans for next summer um and again this aligns to the contract yes so I mean I think this is this is great so does anyone have any questions about it or thank you very much our 2425 District goals sure it so no it's fine so the the admin team met um for our our two-day administrative Retreat um as we always do and we work on things that we want to try to accomplish this year um so we came up with draft District goals we continued um with always an assessment of of student learning uh we got away more from the climate and culture and just wanted to focus not that we don't right but we wanted to focus on students in particular with ruler and Challenge and then again there's always a finance goal as well so I'll let Greg jump into one and two and then James and number sure so you've heard me talk about this a lot with multi-tiered system of supports um and that's the the next logical progression we've been talking about using assessment to drive instruction so now we're we're moving that towards using assessment to make sure that we're differenti differentiating and supporting students on on the on the edges there so um you've heard from me many times that I I don't believe in like just about faces lots of different goals going different directions we're build in on what we've been doing the last few years uh second goal uh we've been we've had at a culture and climate goal for the last few years and really in the schools that's been the focus has been in the elementary and middle school this ruler program out of Yale that we've been doing and last year we started this program uh in the high school called challenge success and so we're continuing this focus of social emotional learning for students across grade levels um you know implementation of these programs best to support students mental emotional social well-being so we're looking at as as we've talked about many times both sides of the student life right the academic life of a student and then the the social emotional part of their their experience here and I'll let James talk about the uh Financial goal so as everybody knows as everybody knows we introduced our new uh Financial uh package schoolfi this year and so our goal is really focused on continuing to develop and expand the functionality of the new program into into the budgeting area staff control area payroll processes and and and a and a really uh interesting byproduct of the of the integration and transition has has been the exposure of our team to best practices in other districts on how they handle different situations so we thought it would be a great goal to kind of take this system and and be able to launch additional enhancements that are already built in that maybe we didn't La launch first time around as well as looking inward to the processes and underlying workflows behind the processes so that uh we could uh optimize the usage of the system as well as improve our reporting thank you very much um I look forward to all of those things including um especially the mtss process and the differentiation and meeting students where they are in the classrooms as much as possible so um I'm I'm excited about that um are there any questions specifically about the district goals for the for our board goals we just met and we just had our um board retreat um the exact wording of our board goals will be coming to follow and and we can discuss that um and presented at our next meeting as well as uh they will be posted online um but the gist of it is that we really want to focus on professional development this year on um becoming a better more cohesive board um and figuring out how we can provide opportunities for Education that we can also share and spread with our community um combining ways to uh have additional Outreach um with the community maybe they understand a bit more of what we do um and and find out what we need to be doing to understand a bit more of their perspective um additionally we would like to review policies that are going to be in support of our mtss goal and figure out um what we can do as a board to support our Administration and our teachers and our students um in achieving this District goal and finally um we will be looking at um just creating a a an effective um or more effective um uh CSA valve process and just looking at our current process and evaluating it and um and seeing what opportunities we have there for better understanding and then that is it from us on to fiscal management um gy stairs rebidding thank you uh so uh under old business we have uh uh two of our projects that we had introduced uh last spring that the board uh approved uh Capital transfer uh transfers for to fund uh one was the exterior stairs here at the high school gymnasium which one we bid it they came in incredibly over the budget we had set so we um in consultation with our architect have decided that uh apparently October is a better time to go out uh for bids for summer work so these would be work done in the summer of 25 but bid in the October November uh time frame so we're going to go out and see what those numbers look like um and then plan from there uh the colan Rod grant that we had had received if you remember we did the roof uh just above us via Rod Grant this past summer we did not move forward with the keman roof because upon uh additional uh uh investigation the roof required a a a a more significant repair in fact it wasn't it's not going to be a repair and resurface it's going to be a full tear off so we are going to bid that as opposed to using the co-ops uh particularly because of the engineering involved on a tear off uh at this point we think that we're going to be within the budget that was submitted at with the rod grants but we won't know until uh we bid it so um I believe Friday uh the advertisements are going to go out for both of the bids um and we'll see where we land under new business for our next meeting um as uh our prek uh expansion uh here at the high school continues um we're starting to plan the last and final phase which would be the playground uh for our our little students um initially we had talked about uh a number that was I think in the $150,000 range um that plan had a number of uh deficiencies in it um it was it was done under the assumption that we wouldn't have a a fixed playground apparatus uh the size was smaller um um and so and then the cost of construction as we've seen in a lot of our projects has also increased so what we had the um architect go back to uh the drawing board and come up with a plan for that uh playground so what we're envisioning is a uh 30X 52 uh foot uh playground that will sit sort of kind of in that I I call it the Hamilton triangle but I don't know what you guys uh sort of kind of uh call it uh it'll the positioning whether it's parallel or on an angle is going to we we we we'll get there as we do some of our land surveying um it'll have uh five columns uh that will attach uh some sort of an ornamental um broad iron like fence to surround it it will have a rubberized safety surface for the children um it will have a uh a fixed playground apparatus uh that will meet many of the needs of the students uh that we have it's uh Ada accessible um and also uh addresses a lot of the motor uh uh development that maybe some of the uh students will require um so that cost uh we believe is going to be in the neighborhood of $43,000 um and we hope on the next agenda to have a a a resolution that will have uh a transfer from our capital reserve uh to fund that playground the other two items uh that are somewhat related that'll be on our next agenda uh are are related to our custodial Ser our outsourc cust custodial services so we had a a a a deal that was uh renewable up to 5 years with our mark this is the final year of that contract so we will be going out for a competitive contract RFP in the fall uh to find uh you know to get a new deal for our custodial services so there's two two different motions that that need to be uh uh considered by the board the first is naming um Advocate as our uh representative in the creation of the RFP Advocate has been uh here at the district and supporting our outsourc custodial needs I believe from it Inception um they provide all of the uh framework for the RFP for the evaluation of the RFP um the building of the actual uh uh uh uh uh specs of the RFP and and really uh provide a a a a turnkey uh process for us in in getting this RFP uh out and and see what type of um response we get and the second as we have done with the financial package uh we have to have a board resolution that allows us to use a competitive Contracting as the method of procurement for these Services uh so again you're not approving anyone but you're just approving the competitive Contracting RFP process for uh the acquisition of custodial services in that same vein you will also have another uh approval of a competitive Contracting uh procurement method for uh Educational Staffing in particular for substitutes and par par professionals um so with with this uh RFP will do it will address the need for Paras and subs in the current school year when ESS cannot provide those uh those Professionals for us we have the option of going out and doing it on ourselves given the cost of of of of of a par we'd quickly get to a a a a a threshold of Mount so we just thought we would just go out for the competitive Contracting right from the start and this way we're not limited in what we can and cannot do with this new vendor um it's also anticipated that we would then put out a competitive Contracting RFP uh for these same services for the following school year but as and open it up to all so have ESS and anyone else um offer their uh uh proposals for that and that covers everything it does does anyone have any questions for Mr Canalis all right thank you very much Mr Canalis under operations um if there the project update and the field godess you okay thank you Dr Dali so let's go through their project up update it's been uh quite busy here over the last couple of months so uh as I mentioned the high school uh cafeteria roof just above us uh was uh resurfaced and rebuilt in the far end uh for about a third of the roof this past summer we are currently in the final punch list stage so we hope to wrap it up and file for our Rod Grant uh reimbursement uh imminently um our culinary room is uh hopefully nearing completion it is not complete as of today but we hope to receive that room on Wednesday evening um and can begin the uh setup of that classroom on Thursday and Friday and have students in the classroom on Monday uh so uh we are uh cautiously optimistic that we can hit that and uh the room looks fantastic uh it really has exceeded my expectations uh so we just can't wait for students to get in there and see what their uh response to it is going to be as well as our our wonderful teacher um our Elementary uh School SS encounter project is complete um I think uh they have been well received uh and uh really have been quite a nice addition to some of our elementary rooms uh there are a couple of rooms that actually got uh a new floor new cabinets and more painted so they those teachers kind of came into a a a whole new experience and we'll continue uh that project for the next uh two to three years as the board uh uh provides funding opportunity for us our lower turf field um was opened on uh last week um and we had final uh restorative uh uh uh items uh completed on Friday which is mostly the seating of the area that was used as the entryway for some of the larger Machinery um and it's been uh quite nice to see kids playing out there uh and so we're really happy um uh special kudos to uh to Tara and the wonderful Glenrock design that that that came out with the shield that sits in the middle of the field if you haven't seen it it's pretty spectacular um our EIP proess uh projects continue um we are dead smack in the middle of our LED upgrades so this building I believe is somewhere between 60 to 65% complete one of the elementary schools is complete and another Elementary is in process and one hasn't been touched yet so um everywhere you look uh behind doors you will probably find new light bulbs um as we are changing all of them throughout the entire District uh and that's been moving quite nice um part of the uh project included uh the replacement of I believe it was four rtus and a couple of split units the estimated uh time on that is going to be that November break this way the kids won't be around we can uh get the rtus up onto the roofs safely and so there's the program there the building envelope uh initiatives weather stripping things of that nature has all been completed as well as uh our piping insulation is in process so the the hope is that our EIP friends are out of the building uh sometime between December and March uh which would then have us at the optimal Energy savings starting at that point so we're we're pretty excited there uh the one uh EIP project that has has not been awarded as of yet by the board is for the steam traps and we're hoping to get those estimates soon uh over the summer phase one of the prek expansion was complet completed that was the Demolition and abatement uh we it went pretty well um SE I want to say seamless it wasn't quite seamless but it did go well uh the the the space is now ready for the contractor that you awarded at at your last meeting cord to come now and start to build the classrooms um and work us towards uh having uh students in seats um we also uh if you remember last year we had some issues with our stage and and the rigging um and we put some some dead hung uh Rafters up uh but to in order to enhance that experience uh a couple of of of of Administrators and teachers looked into a projection system for future plays um we purchased the screen and the projector for that uh the screen is up the projector hasn't been installed but is in because we're waiting for a piece but uh we are certain that we will be able to project sceneries and what have you moving forward for our production so that has been uh pretty exciting uh in addition the uh backstage curtain so everything that's not the I think they're green velvety ones will be changed up by the week of September 14th um our painting project in which we brought in a contractor to paint 31 classrooms throughout our elementary schools uh really went off without a hitch uh the painter was uh extremely thorough and neat um and we were very happy with the product of it so we hope uh next year as we continue that two to threee initiative of getting every elementary school classroom painted uh that we can uh hopefully get a response from them as we we really did uh like the job that they did they also did the uh special services Suite uh so it it was really uh quite a quite a nice job by them and I do believe that that covers everything that we have been doing over the summer um be very happy to get all of the contractors out of the building as quickly as possible I know I know now we need to give you a bottle of water um that was a that was a great update hopefully the the board is happy at getting kind of an understanding of where we are um Mrs garelli yeah uh just a couple questions so probably somewhere in the future we'll have um an analysis of how the each project that while everything's fine I can tell you that all of the projects are certainly on budget um and my the last little item I did have for you there is a small uh field Turf change order of $2,000 out of the allowance of 75,000 that's built in so we are well within our budget on all of our projects that's great and then are the portable lights back down the field no no are they coming back so they're not going to use them okay so we didn't need to use them this winter this fall can I get an update for the um Recon visory board committee next week on that I was asked a question I didn't know the answer to so if there's anything that I need to know can I just give you a call or shoot you an email or you can shoot me an email an email and what's what's the question um the lights the lights there will be no temporary lights on the field yeah I didn't know that yeah um when we originally uh discussed a project we had said that there would be no temporary lights on the field going for record I'm completely in agreement with I just no so so then I guess if the question I'll never mind I'll ask aside I'll email you yeah James can you share the the field Turf um the cool fill what happened with that oh sure yeah uh so um as part of the uh renovation the board was gracious enough to agree to put cool fill um as our fill uh rubber fill um in a uh uh we W up getting it for free because of of a billing snafu on their part uh but just anecdotally so I was walking along the field with our uh new manager of uh custodial services and it was a pretty hot day and it had been a couple of days hot and he was like wow he goes I don't feel the turf through the soles of my shoes like I typically do I said you know what neither do I um and and so we we do believe that it it certainly will bring down temperatures um and and you know so we're pretty excited about uh the product and we have uh I think we have 20,000 pounds of it sitting somewhere uh just in case we need to refill so uh we're we're in good shape so that was um uh savings to the board of about $40,000 $40,000 yeah cool was I have um just back of the envelope numbers for for the for the board um I don't have all the specifics but board might remember back during the budget process we had about $6.97 million in in capital reserve through all the projects um things that came in under budget Etc um our Capital deposit in June and we're still finalizing the um the audit but we we anticipate right now um having $5.4 million in in capital reserve that does include the $373,000 uh line item in the budget for that so we moved that over so about 5.4 million in capital reserve as of today that does not um include any of the Surplus or contingencies that are still outstanding um it could be a maximum coming back to the board of 7 123,000 to a minimum of 216,000 so if you want to meet in the middle and say about a half a million that could take your 5.4 and get you close to Six $6 million in in capital reserve it does include money that's already been withdrawn for the Coleman roof which is 212,000 and for the concrete stairs which was 131,000 so once we get the new bids the withdrawal for capital reserve would be the difference between those and we still hope that the Coleman roof comes in at budget so um in terms of our capital reserve with all the projects that we've done we've gone down about $1.5 million so we did pretty good any questions all right I have one more comment yes that's right so Mr Canalis was was here all of of Labor Day weekend um working feverishly to get the the the schools open in particular here at the high school I do want to thank him for that um he was here almost 14 16 hour days but we learned something over that over that weekend um that uh unauthorized people like to use our Fields um and in particular even when there are signs up that say field closed with caution tape I think you put 15 signs up 15 signs and so and and and we caught kids or James did kids riding their bikes across it whatever um it's it is for our our kids one thing that was a little bit perhaps concerning is that you had um an out of town men's soccer team show up at 700 a.m. on Saturday Field's closed signs are up caution tape is up running a full a full uh practice so James asked them asked them to leave um and then through some more investigations they there are people I'm sure you guys you know this are driving around and just looking for Open Fields to use make sense so I wonder if it behooves the board because you just spent $1.1 million on the lower field field if it behoves the board to consider almost like a an an attendant someone on the weekends to watch the fields and make sure that people that are on them should be on them if you want to go down that road we know when things are left unattended bad things may happen um and so uh I don't know I just thought I'd throw it out there uh and get an idea of I mean this is not the ten escorts but uh I think the turf fields are desirable for people uh to use um I don't know the answer to that but something I think to maybe consider okay yes that's like the best thing I've heard all night uh I am wholeheartedly in favor of a Sharon's laughing because it's been the thorn in my side one of that like for years you know we have do not walk the dogs on the property sign and and yet we have a gaggle of dogs um on Sunday mornings behind the fields that our children play on um you know we have people from out of town who use our track to make money off of their businesses and they don't rent our Fields so I am putting it right out there that I would support whatever you guys recommend to protect our Fields thank you okay yes seriously what um what would an attendant look like in terms of you know is it somebody that sits there for XYZ hours would it be somebody that like yeah like that just comes like somebody that goes through periodically so I've been in places that I've had attendance what they do is they'll monitor on our school dude when um our school facilities are being used by our kids and then when the fields are supposed to be empty is when they would do Drive buys and and and monitor um I don't think you need it during the week uh in the summertime maybe but not not now not during the school year but you certainly need it on Saturdays and Sundays there's undoubtedly there people on there um I'm sure they're on there this this weekend we're not trying to not let people use it just the people should be authorized to use it covers the board there's Insurance all those things even if they're from out of town and at least they should rent it like other people right so I mean we're not I don't want to go there I just think that it should be monitored uh because it's a big investment and and for argument sake if we did a proper job of monitoring it you might get another year or two out of the turf right and that that saves taxpayer taxpayer dollars so I don't know what it would look like I don't know if it's a uh you know someone on the weekends that we hire just to to drive around here and there um you could do it a spot check here and there I don't think it should fall on like well it's not but like poor James was running out to the field all the time because the field wasn't cleared God forbid someone got hurt so that was while he's here trying to get the school ready he's also running outside you know and asking people not to to to please pay heed to the caution tape yes and the signs that say field closed um so then where would we take that now in terms of like what the next step would be um just more more information like finding out what options that we have um yeah if you want to hire an attendant you're probably looking at 20 $25 an hour over the weekends I would think I mean what would you do to pay like to get you someone you knew an adult has to be an adult to do it we would get them out on the weekend to drive around someone local let say 20 or $25 an hour a couple hours a weekend maybe you have two or three attendance and they rotate it and then I don't think that they should be the confrontational if someone's on there it shouldn't be on there call the police they're trespassing that's it right um but I also don't want us to not be welcoming on the field so there's a balance there so I think this is something truly that's a board decision I do we have programs that rely on the on their reservation time and I think we're talking about or un unscheduled organized groups not families playing catcher learning how to write aik and all that stuff so this is to to make that accessible for all that yeah so I think the example we're using is that there was a men's team on the field having an organized event that I think either you should pay for it but you shouldn't be on it that that's what I would say um just like if uh like two baseball teams showed up on a Sunday to play a baseball game on a field that we don't know anything about they they shouldn't be there doing that they should should rent rent it they should have a permit for it and so on so I I I um I'm also not looking to uh stir up a hornets nest if it's going to be trouble in the in the town and the community I just think it you want you want to protect your Investments you wouldn't let people just come into the gym on a Sunday and just play should be no different than the million dollar field you have out out back you're about to have two next year right brand new yeah so I guess let's just start with a straw poll of like are we interested in I me I already know the answer but are we interested in um pursuing um an attendant of some sort for our Fields um whether it's on the weekend or through the summer all right unanimous then um The Next Step would be I guess looking at either creating job description also you know procedure operating procedure and then like you know so we'll work on a job description we'll work on a budget for it um and we'll also investigate uh our policy and regulations and see if we can put some more teeth into it in particular for people who are trespassing which I think is really what what what is happening there um and uh we're going to get we've already agreed to more signage that says you know field permit only right and so on even though James's 15 signs did did know did not do well should have been at least 20 I have 30 more still sitting on my desk so and then we're looking at um weekends and summer I think weekends and summer and holidays uh you know are uh are are what we should should do we're not really talking the the tennis courts um I think you're just talking your fields and in particular Hamilton the board spent a lot of money in Hamilton and that's not turf that's going to get beat up if people continue to use it um it doesn't get any time to heal and recover so I would think that those the two here and and Hamilton with the baseball and softball field would be the ones that you would monitor the most and just keep an eye on them um we want all of our we want people to use them but just go through the proper process to use them right that's all that's are there yes I believe in our town has somebody I think that works for the police chief and he drives around in a electric car checks traffic and does things like that you've never seen that car it has work for the police I think well he works for the town but it's underneath underneath the police yeah so so it's possible that maybe we can partnership with the town and get this accomplished because then it might be more enticing to have that person do more work so work with that and and Liz um our Le is on oh well yeah yes yes but I meant I meant um I'm sorry Li since she AR Le is on to um the Town Council but yes you already are involved as our re Le is on person okay so I think you have uh unanimous support there thank you and thank you for proactively bringing that to our attention um any liaison information I know now yep all right I don't have liaison information because I have a meeting the next but um I I don't know but I want to mention I want to thank the Boosters club for the repaving um if you haven't seen it it is amazing it makes the field that area cleaned up nice I want to um specifically thank gy Contracting for donating his hours um and the uh the football players and the parents who donated their time I'm excited for phase two which means that they're just going to go out for more um bricks I believe but I I cannot thank them enough I know I stopped by it was like one of the 90° days and um so it looks fabulous for clarity it's over by the food stand by the football field if anyone wants to go look I'm sorry whatever did I football field oh yeah there was a lot of uh Sweat Equity put into that by parents in this community and um in particular I think the FL aventos really um were the drivers of that so thank you to them with the boosters yeah it was the booster team yeah it was everybody and just to see the young guys the the the seniors there was like a whole bunch of them and you know it was nice all right thank basb basb on Old business so baseball talking about [Applause] f um so it was brought to my attention that the baseball field needs some care and love is that what you me to bring yeah okay no names no names no okay so I don't know if we can discuss that um when we're looking at some of the projects that we're working on specifically the infield um a lot of weeding that causes stripping and then a very hard surface in the baselines that can cause injuries so just something to kind of put on the radar please it's on the radar and I think if you look out there there is some of that work has already been uh in process um and so uh we are uh in in the process with our new director of buildings and ground establishing roles and responsib possibilities for our grounds folks and attention to that that field as well as the softball field at com um are certainly uh areas of priority for them they were out there all all day today doing the Outfield so and they'll make their way into the infield awesome great news thanks thank you all right so that brings us to our second um set of public comments for agenda items only if you could please um state your name and your address you 3 minutes um we can open at 8:25 all right seeing no um public commenters we can close at 8:25 and that ends our meeting um so if somebody can please oh miss calz are you okay are you making a motion to end our meeting and it's seconded by Mr Hayward all all those in favor I'm sorry hi I got it I got got to look I need to scan