##VIDEO ID:JBeCGody0S8## e e e e e e everybody miss calz here miss Cara Mr Cory Mr Hayward miss garelli here Stevenson here Rendell here Robinson have a iedge alance to the flag of the United States of America to the stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all lrock School District founded on principles of education in partnership with the supportive Community provides an exceptional education to all students respons I would like to say um thank you all for appreciated and showing just some dedication to um the community so thank you um the way that uh tonight is going to go um since we you know on how many candidates we had and things like that we were trying to figure out a good way to just get a sense of um who you are as a person some of the things that you find important what's your understanding of the board is and like just general um information like that so um each of us will direct a question to you and we won't make the same person answer the question like be the first person or the last person every time it will rotate just you know for Equity to to make sure that everyone you know has the equal ability to um you know prepare their responses um and we'll go through it that way all right are there any questions or about anything before we begin yes yes um so the the red it'll be R um when it's off and then when it's your turn which you may forget um and we'll remind you um just press the button to activate the mic and um and then feel free to speak all right all right um any board members have any questions we begin um I think the only thing and maybe you mentioned it to them prior was there is no time limit it's not like you have seconds but you don't be aware that there's eight eight questions and five people right thank you for mentioning that Miss carella we we didn't want you to feel like um you know super pressured uh to answer within a certain amount of seconds and things like that I would ask that we be brief um you know and your responses to to get to the meat of what you're saying but at the same time if you feel like you need a couple seconds to like gather yourself and and put together your thoughts um before you um start speaking that's perfectly you know understandable all right so just to say and looking at this sheet it looks like everything's in the order of left to right so whoever we start with it'll be the next person to the right next so you can sort of mentally prepare yourself for when you're coming up so makes it a little easier yes and then as each trustee um says the question if you can you know just in case like you can also prompt the next person like it would be yeah who should answer next just um so that um that maybe becomes more apparent over time all right are we ready to begin all right Miss C okay first question what motivated you to seek the open position on the Glenrock Board of Education uh thank you for thank you for the invite and thank you for the question uh what motivated me to I served board ofair for 12 years uh I think I know all the process procedures took all the training I had no intention to run for the board ofair this opportunity came and I think well you know maybe with my experience I can be an asset uh to help for a for a year and move forward uh that's about it um I you know I love this town I've been living here for 20 22 plus years and I I like the school district what you guys have done what we have done and I want to make sure it moves forward if there is a gap in between uh we lose board member for different reason I think somebody should uh step in and thank you for all these uh members just stepping in um I have I just have the experience being serving on the board and these guys have courage to stand up and come here so um that that's all nothing nothing special Casper what motivated you to seek the open position on the Glenrock Board of Education great thanks for the question um yes for those of you who don't know me I'm Jennifer Casper I am a 20-y year resident of Glenrock I've had four children go through the schools two are currently seniors um uh senior twins I had one child graduated in 2021 and one in 22 so I've been involved in the school district for a long time I had a child that started in the three program in um special services and the rest started in kindergarten so I've been a member of the district for a long time in addition I have six nieces and nephews so I've a vested interest uh with one who's graduated in 2023 so I have a vested interest obviously in the district it's provided a ton of opportunities to my children to our family and I've been involved in a lot of different roles sort of in the background more obviously as a cheerleader for my children and their education and I feel as though it's time for me to get back I feel as though it's time for me to use the experiences I've had as a family and my children have had to to bring those to the table to you know bring the district to the next level and um you know in addition as I've side tracked raising four kids um I've run a couple businesses and I'm running a swim school business right now that is you know very similar as I look at it because it's always focused on the end product if you will which is the child the swimmer or the student and everything starts from the bottom in my opinion so you know I've really been working a career around children in a different sort of capacity um so I feel like that experience I bring that to the table and uh like to give back hello thank you for having us here today and for this interview process um I am excited to be here and to interview for this position I was motivated to do so just the same reason as expressed was to give back to the community I really love Glenrock very much I have four children and all of them have been through the school system three of them are currently in the school system two are in high school one's in Middle School in sixth grade um three of them went through Hamilton one through Coleman I had a unique um difference that I actually moved out of Glenrock for 5 years for my husband's job we moved to South Jersey I if anyone who knows me they knew that I left Glenrock Kicking and Screaming I did not want to go I was very upset when my house sold um we went down to South Jersey and I took the first opportunity thanks to co actually and working virtually um to come back to Glenrock I really wanted to move back here it was very important to me to raise my kids here it was very important to me to be a part of this community um so I moved back and I have just been more involved and paying attention and seeing what's going on and I really wanted to get more involved on this level I feel like I have a lot to bring to the board um I have a marketing background I have a economics degree from Colombia and an MBA from Michigan and I feel like I can help with the budget side I could help with communication side um I just am very enthusiastic and I want to bring um a lot to the table here um and overall it's just you know I think this is a very uh this is a job that's you you have to love it and it's a lot of work um but it's a it's for the love of the kids in the community thank you Mr tank okay uh for start a introduction my name is probably hard to pronounce my friend so Joe couple friends here so go for me call me Joe it's close to Joe close enough uh I moved here since 2010 so it's been a while my son Leo is born here friends with a lot of kids here uh he's in eighth grade now playing on a middle school soccer team everything's great uh my daughter is high school now so um yeah I just Sim to others I really want to have opportunity to contribute back to the community um my I think my my experience brings I feel why I'm uh probably a little different working experience than most people I work in tech industry I work at Big tech companies or Amazon Facebook wers company so I I feel like it's important for um know for an education system at this day and AG you should have a very strong perspective from technology like the AI of the world uh I I I learn from my kids there's very strict rules on how to use AI in school I have kind of have my my own opinion as well um so I just want to be able to bring my perspective um plus I love to contribute to to education my parents were teachers uh I'm not but I'm a part-time teaching at brogress so I'm still a parttime teacher so I would love to bring my experience to help uh whatever we thank you Miss Brown hi my name is Lindsay Brown I um have lived in Glenrock since 2007 and like all the others on this panel I um would like the opportunity to serve the community and um and you know in addition to doing that I think it's a great opportunity to become a more informed member of the community and to be able to participate in decisions that will help improve the schools move them forward I have two kids in the school district now and I think that it's a great place to learn and I just want to keep progress moving forward thank you hi everyone uh just to reiterate thank you so much for your interest in uh joining us so my question is how have your personal and professional experiences prepared you to serve on the board of education and we'll start with Mrs Gasper uh yes thank you for the question I you know I think I touched on that a little bit in the opening statement but um my personal experiences have been excellent you know we've had an excellent uh educational experience with all four of my children here um so we've had a lot of different uh type of Learners or I've had a lot of different type of Learners so I've had a you know a child in special services with an IAP I've had um children excelling at different activities different you know subjects if you will so I've tused on the whole gamut personally with with four different kids coming through the schools um I've also seen you know a lot of different principles a lot of different policies just a lot of change and I think my family's always adapted to it well so I think I've learned from that experience and my kids have adapted to them well you know we obviously had four teenagers during covid so there was a lot of personal experiences that we leaned on the school for and the school helped us with during those times the you know professional as I said I've had a 30-year career at this point from the fashion industry to the real estate world to the Swim School business and I've now as my own business owner um we own three Swim Schools we employ 150 people throughout two states you know I understand the Dynamics of running an efficient business and in my opinion schools it's a it's a business in a lot of ways it's an educational business so there's budgets involved there's you know uh staffing issues there's student issues there's a lot of different pieces to come together and in that regard I think I've learned to be a great negotiator um a good listener a common sense decision maker and those are just skills I've learned along the way in my different aspects and again as I just reiterate it's always going back to the customer to our children to our you know our students and that's where I feel as though if your focus is there then all the stakeholders can work together in their best interest thank you thank you do you want me to repeat the question I I got yeah okay why not how have your personal and professional experiences prepared you to serve on the board of education thank you um I'll start with the professional side I think no matter what job you have in life whether you're a clerk at Target or whether you're a CEO of a company you learn the same things when you start working for anyone which is you have to work hard you work to get the job done and you have to work well with others um I have always been a very data driven person I usually spend too much time diving deep but I I like to research what I'm speaking about and um throughout my job currently I've I've in the past done marketing um since I graduated and uh different companies and now I have my own business for the past 17 years I've run an e-commerce business and I'm dealing with different vendors I'm dealing there's just many different facets that you pull in um and I think all those lead to the same result which is your you know results oriented and that's how it is on the board as well on a personal side I will say what's motivated me and what um brings me to one of to did you say your assets was it did the what prepares me um I'm I'm going to say my family and it's not my children that I have but it's more my my mother was a teacher my mother was also on the board I felt like she was on the board my entire childhood she was always gone um and uh she was very dedicated to the cause and I I saw that as a role model model and I would say my grandfather was a very big influence in my life he was an immigrant from Greece he never had the opportunity to have have any schooling Beyond fourth grade it was his biggest dismay in life um he had had political situation in Greece he had all his his money taken away from him and he always said to us I mean almost every single time I saw him was you know the world can take away your wealth it can never take away your education and education is your armor and his biggest dream in life was the American dream for him was not coming here and making money it was putting his son and his grandchildren through college that was his biggest dream he was crying at all his CH his grandchildren's graduations um and he instilled in me a love for education I I when I went through college I realized how privileged I was and I saw how much education can do for children whether you end up in college or anywhere you go education gives you open the doors so on a personal level that's that's how I my perspective is from a personal level thank you I'll go next push the button all right I remember the question so I'll first go about professional experience how does it help I think I kind of brought up a little bit about what I do my professional experience I think um what's relevant is I think I've been working in a large company collab um collaboration with many people for for a long time and I've been in the leadership position uh I lead about 50 people uh organization so I've I've um spent a lot of time thinking about how to grow people's career including interns college graduate I spent a lot of time coaching them um I think that that that's uh that's relative uh relevant experience um I touched upon I I spend time um teaching at ruggers so every Monday night I drive an hour because two classes per week but because I have long drive so I made like three hours Monday night so the kids has stay in the classroom for three hours from 5:40 to 8:40 I give a break in between but um then 8:40 class finish at drive home I don't for Mond night um because I really enjoy be able to work with with col care to see how they grow to to be able to teach um yeah that's my professional experience I say uh personally um I've been in gr for 14 years right my my B my children grow up here I've been I'm not particularly good at any sport but pity my kids has enjoyed playing lots of sports I've being like kind of part-time Dy coach a lot of them reason and my coach and my daughter's uh wreck soccer team until they don't have a team anymore but High School the end at mdle school I coached my sons little soccer team a little bit uh baseball he played couple years wck basketball one year wck Unfortunately they both stuck with hockey and have I can't skate so I never coach hockey uh so so yeah I that's my person I also want to also say I think I'm a little bit different here Al because I'm a first generation immigrant I moved to this country when I was 22 22 so at this point I spent a little bit more time in the states than China so great um so yeah I feel like I also feel I bring a little bit diversity to a a a group who's making the community I think it's important right I do see there are not a lot but some like Asian Community First gener by generation immigrants and most of us are usually not very active on this kind of positions make myself included I've never tried before but I feel I feel I feel it's it's healthy uh for me to bring my personal experience into the board like this right add diversity and selfishly kind of also as a example for my kids to to see know you can be more active in in the community as well so that's that's me thank you hi I'm good so um I my the professional experience I bring to the table is um I've been a lawyer for 20 years um my firm we serve private clients it's a sophisticated demanding clientele um my job as their counselor is to really listen to ask questions to figure out what their goals are to help them resolve some conflicts sometimes that's inra family sometimes it's conflicts with you know other business owners or things like that um so really the skills that I could bring to the table is understanding how to listen how to ask the right questions how to help figure out what a solution is a solution that's not necessarily my solution or your solution solution but the right solution um and and so really problem solving is the name of my game every single day um in addition to that if I've been a partner for the past four years in that role I have to help manage the firm that's a lot of Staffing decisions a lot of HR policymaking um and so you know that's in a nutshell what my day-to-day is um in addition to that uh for the past year I've served on the board of the C Sea Turtle Conservancy it's a a nonprofit 65 years old um based in Gainesville Florida it's based it's its mission is to deal with research education advocacy relating to sea turtles we have research facilities in Costa Rica Panama Florida um and in water in the Caribbean as well so it's it's been a great experience learning the ropes serving that board you know having the oversight role um it's a well-run board so I haven't had to deal with too much conflict but I'm on the endowment committee and we're really trying to figure out Capital campaigning and things like that and um it's been a really great growth from a personal perspective in the district um I served as a class parent for almost I think every year my kids were in elementary school maybe except um kindergarten for my older one um I volunteered here and there where I had time and the ability to do so um and so uh you know I I think I coached some Rec Soccer here or there but dealing with the kids love working with kids um and I like you know figuring out what's great for the kids and what will help enrich their experience well uh start with the professional experience um uh I've been in it for over 27 plus years I have managed a large scale project that spend from 20 to $35 million uh I'm a program manager I work uh I make sure the large scale teams focus on delivering the deliverable that people are expecting uh I also served on the Glenrock board as I said for last uh for 12 years uh and I only had I had few goals in mind and I think the district still Focus or should focus on the on the same goals to keep the district moving one is keep you know always put Student First think um you know think about the whole child approach when it comes to education whether you are a regular child Advance advancing or special education or something we need to address every single student that we have that means we need to work on the curriculum the teachers the the the help they might need in the classroom um I also believe that the school district we should also provide good tools and training to the teachers so they can effectively uh follow the policies regulation passed by the school board to make sure we are moving ahead in our rating in the math scor and English scor uh language um I worked with four superintendents and two interim superintendant I have been involved in uh hiring educational people for example the high school principal reconfiguration of the schools so there's a lot of experience I gained uh being on the on the board it was difficult lot of time that you have to spend to learn the process procedure to make sure we as a board uh make policies only not get involved in you know you know firing of the teachers or this thing is not working our job is to make the policies and that's the thing I learned after spending serving 12 years uh this District uh I think another of the Highlight that I have is like uh we when we joined the board uh there were only two languages we used to offer uh French and uh uh Spanish I was instrumental introducing Menin to school district uh it took couple of years but we got there because I think you have to believe that you need to provide opportunities to every single student and that's the goal and that's what I bring to the table professionally and with my experience how to keep this school district moving in the right direction thank you everyone all right thank you so we're moving on to our third question uh M Paramus starting with you what are your thoughts on the current state of educ in our district thank you for the question um the district right now is in a little bit of flux I think that there's um there's a lot of great things happening um it's very exciting time there's there's so many different uh elements that have been happening and different I actually just watched the board retreat and I thought it was there was so many ideas happening of um such as being the board wants to be board certified and best policies one of the things though that I think that I've saw that was concerning um there's a little bit of a lack of faith that has been happening between the citizens and the public and the board um I would hope to restore some of that Goodwill that's the community facing um Goodwill and it's not from lack of anything that's happening it's more from a lot happens at the board and in the background that the public doesn't see there's so much work that's done behind the scenes scenes and um you know I I think a lot of it is if if maybe communication wise out to the public for what's going on um with all the great progress that's been made if you look at the meeting minutes just from September of when before school started there's so there is so much happening that has put into place to set for a good school year um um there was there's happens to be um there's a lot of different clubs that were created um one of my concerns was with middle school and if they have a great um robust education there like in terms of their identity and I saw there's a lot of different clubs that were approved which I loved um I thought that you know there there's just the school the curriculum has been reviewed and it was it was a great curriculum that you know people don't realize the breadth and the depth that goes into planning it um and I have the utmost respect for the board when I saw how much planning goes into it um and so I think overall there's a climate survey that was recently done to take intake for the teachers I know there's been a lot of discussion around and concern over teacher retention um and it's valid you know it's a valid concern that needs to be addressed by the public and I'm Sorry by the board um and I think the board is actually you know doing so but the you know it it when you take a climate survey you can get a B good angle when you talk to the teachers you can get a good perspective of what's Happening um and they you know it's when you ask people how they are and what they're doing you find out so asking the students hearing more from the public and how you know the public what they want to hear the parents um what they want to hear so it's a lot of communication pulling together and I think that's the one link and um that needs to have a little bit more emphasis on um but overall there's the number of things in this town there is a reason that this town is has a tradition in excellence is so well respected um is the the strength of the community I mean there's I don't I went to a back to school night uh last year and the teacher was so she was remarking about how wonderful she was a new teacher and she was remarking how wonderful it was to see the whole classroom filled with parents and it struck me that not every school district has parents that show up in full for these schools for their parents and uh you know I have never not gone to a back to school night because it just wasn't in my repertoire to do that of course I'd want to see who my parents who my uh kids teachers are um but not every district is like that uh this is a town that is full of engaged parents and you know it's it kind of can make the the some challenges but it's great opportunities this is a community that's very engaged parents are very Savvy they know you know they know um they know every you can see everything and it's it's wonderful it's an asset to have in our community to have such engaged parents so thank you thank you I'm me to repeat the question remember the question uh yeah my in my opinion I think the school is fantastic as I said I grew up in China I put to school there is I can't I couldn't even dream what are my kids school for like the things we have here I just I feel very happy for them like like we have like the the four forign languages we have amazing like they they when the kids already be ahead they have Pro we have program for them when kids behind we have program for them we have like the Middle School soccer team practice every every day after school my daughter used to be on Middle School volleyball team they practice every day after school just everything just taken care of by the school district that or School the teachers I think it's amazing I don't personally I don't have many complain just want to try to help help as much as I can um if I um yeah if I if I if I could add add value to way to change things is I as I talked about earlier I do think you know the at this time with Community Technology with AI Technologies evolving so fast I think it's necessary for the leaders to think about what we do as school district to evolve the education of our children children to make sure they can right be competitive when they grow up uh I think we should my opinion I think more about that for example um right I looked at my my kids they the Comm Community classes are taking Middle School in my opinion like other classes they take like history what not like human tering classes they take was really pretty close to the adult version but just little easier but those computer class I feel it's like a like a Lego Kitty version not at Middle School level in my opinion should be uh not complain but this is something I would like to love to be able to contribute to um yeah then not not many you can keep the high school Hoy nice that's that's all for me thank you thank you um Miss Brown yeah um so I think I said earlier like um generally I think first and foremost I'm thrilled to send my kids to school here every day and have been since they were in kindergarten um and I think um that's at the core and I would say most parents uh would probably feel that way I know there are always local parents who come out and say negative things and um I do think the board does such hard work every every day the staff does such hard work every day and I think that goes probably underappreciated under and recognized so thank you all um but I think you know the teachers my kids have had range you know generally from good to Great are there outliers for sure and um to what Christine said I would say absolutely like how do we bolster teacher retention and keep those teachers who are on that good to Great Spectrum especially those on the great Spectrum so there's always room for improvement right but it's a great School District it's a great place for the kids to learn to become great citizens um and and I think there's a lot of opportunities here for kids to learn about Community learn you know on top of the academics there's a lot of opportunities to travel to do activities um in the elementary schools to do dance programs and things like that and I think that's just a great thing about our district and I would imagine not every District in public school systems is like that um but yeah room there's room for improvement where are those things teacher retention communication some transparency where there can be obviously um there has to be discretion on the board but where can their discretion meet transparency and and um and preserve privacy and everything that's necessary um but generally it's great thank you T would you repeat the question a little louder please be happy to yeah what are your thoughts on the current state of education in our district Echo it okay uh look uh uh both my kids went through Glenrock public school system and received solid education uh math science Sports uh my son was a golf uh co- Captain here so I I think the school uh the curriculum is fine I think we have a good uh teachers here uh working hard making sure kids get all the information as per the curriculum defined by the board and and the New Jersey Board of school uh and the evidence for that is recently the Hamilton School uh got the blue ribbon school so we're definitely doing something right right in 2018 you know this is what I was uh I carry this patch with me 2018 the Glen roock High School got blue so I think the fundamentals are strong uh there's no need to iic hey your district is going south or something like that I think where we we need to look at maybe the tools that teachers are looking for uh some training that they might require because the every year New Jersey Department of Education they change enhance they add subtract some of the uh curriculum and for that our teachers to be effective I think we need to invest in in in their training and retraining and some educational activities I don't think there uh the challenges why that there that nothing that we cannot overcome uh communication yes I'm hearing from uh from from the from the town a lot of parents that communication is a issue uh but that can be that that that can be resolved that that can be overcome you know we as a board we work together we make sure we we have a trust among uh the board members we can come and ask uh policies we can have discussion with the with the superintendent uh the board secretary how to improve that um this I I I think this a very the school district is great uh teachers we we have great teachers curriculum is strong students are very passionate to take more AP courses I think um the rating has uh go gone down in the recent uh you know uh years but that is much more uh administrative kind of a issue then hey your curriculum is not good hey your teachers are not good uh so I think those can be overcome we just need to work Board needs to work together work with the administrator work with the superintendent what needs to done communicate to the public there's the problem here are the challenges these are the steps we are taking um that's about it you know um I I tell that my team all the time you know no matter how good the team is if you're not solving the right right problem then we are setting up ourselves for failure maybe we need to address the right challenges the problem the issues this district is facing and then take the corrective actions thank you very much M Casper um yes so you know it's it's a tough question to be honest because I think everybody would answer that question quite differently where they are in their educ ational experience with their own children at the moment or if they're out of the finished with the district sort of what they're hearing or I think you know personally I you know I with the school district has done great things by my family so our kids have thrived in the district with the resources they've been given um that's not to say that there hasn't been a lot of change as of late um you know curriculum's changing uh supervisors are changing teachers are changing CO's changing you know things are moving moving moving and some children thrive in that environment some administrators thrive in that environment and some don't so I think that has you know it's resonated with some people that possibly their child is getting lost in some of these changes possibly their math scores are not keeping up they're not getting in the AP class this you know this teacher is not working with you know to their abilities the special education needs are higher than they were you know when my kids started the school district so the reality is it's always evolving and and that's the challenge I would imagine as a board member is that first of all you're not going to be able to fix every single child's needs although you can try um but that's it's it's a tough task and also you know things are changing quickly you talk about technology you talk about um you know bringing new languages there's always a new new thing so at some point I guess you have to sort of sit back and see what's working and what's not working I know there's a lot of there's a review going on right now the kusac or something I was listening to it the other night review of the schools there's other ratings so there's checks and balances which is good and um I think the board just has to be engaged to listen you know to listen to the concerns to listen to the reviews to listen to the ideas you know I go back to the teachers being at the Forefront they are really the eyes and years of the school and you know compensation's one thing but I truly believe in you know culture and working environment goes hand inand I think you need the whole package for the teachers to be satisfied and to really keep everybody engaged because you know they're they're the ultimate people that are with our children so you know so am I positive about the school district of course that would I would not be here if I was not positive about it and am I excited about it for the future yes but I think there's obviously still work work to be done um internally and with the community thank you thank you that's my questions award okay I think I'm up um okay my question is pretty straightforward um for all of you how do you measure the success of a school district and Joe we'll start with you thank you um how do you measure success of school how do you measure the success of a school of this this school all right good question I on my my work we measure success of everything right like there's nothing we do we don't do in first thing we do is instrument measurement otherwise you can never know if a feature a experiment works or not uh to Major success of uh District I would say I I try try I'd like to be as quantitatively um measurable as possible uh I would say the I can think of is obviously graduation rate right and um the the rate of High School uh student that uh admitted to college um maybe even high school student when eventually graduated from college I think that's probably also a factor from the high school education like how how high school has prepared them for the college education um I think we should also measure um like the the the the other curriculum other than academic like we can measure uh the uh the clubs we offer we can measure on the varsity sports teams that we we offer obviously not measuring wins and losses that's not something that's really important to for the for sport thing to win but like just the number of students who's participating in sports right and number of students who's participating in in clubs and maybe number of student who's participating in multiple activities I think those are important measurements for the students uh the grow and student health um and then I think we can I'm not expert but there should be some kind of a measurement of the mental state of the students like on on the happiness of the students and who and the pressure level the mental pressure level of the the casid we have uh I'm not expert I think those are measure usually by survey um so not as scientific measurement but I think broadly we have hundreds of kids we can measure have consistent way to measure it year by year I think that would be a good indicator at least if can can measure if we're improving or or we're not able to improve so those are I said a lot of things so those lot things I can thank you appreciate it Lindsay yes can you just repeat the question sure um how do you measure the success of a school district of a school district okay so I think um some of the things Joe said uh I would say too is they're easily trackable you can measure success by graduation rate you can measure success by by how many kids attend college I think a lot of parents in this District would probably measure the success by how many kids in our district get accepted at top 20 top 50 schools academically um I would say to counter that how are we providing opportunities for our kids who don't want to go on to higher education are we setting them up for a career in some sort of you know um fotte kind of school and I know Glenrock has opportunities for kids to do that during the day and leave the school and go to hokus school for different kind of skills set so I would you know in a less datadriven way I would say what are the opportunities for our kids that the school district gives and and the numbers and and um richness of those opportunities is another way to measure success I think like the international travel that a lot of our kids get to go on in a high school I think the sports programs the robotic the ability to really delve deep into becoming a kid who is exploring um different ways of I there's this analogy that was used with a college counselor that a lot of my clients use but like colleges and I think this is an analy for the world look for pointy kids kids who have a lot of deep interest in things and you know which is so hard because when a kid is 12 and 13 they should be exploring and figuring out these things things and so a school district that provides them the opportunities to do robotics to try Sports to try drama to try you know all of these things the ability to give our kids those experiences is to me one of the biggest measurements of success and I don't know other than numbers of those things that you have or the enrollment of the kids in it how do you measure it it's maybe that's a soft measurement maybe there's a hard way to measure it but it's really those opportunities that we give our kids to really figure out what like who they are um is to me the biggest driver of a successful school and a successful school district and that can start from kindergarten all the way through senior year um and I think another measurement of success obviously what's driving part of that is the people who come and do those things with the kids right so the teachers the quality of the teachers um the satisfaction of the teachers so that we can retain those teachers all of those things lead to um a successful School District great thank you very much sanjie would you like me to repeat the question no uh I'm good um I I think this is a very open-ended question and each person has their own way of selecting you know hey the sports the football or hockey ice hockey or you know how many AP courses we offer and so on but I think I I I go back to the basics and that's what I that's what I believe in and again what I said you know I I rate the district based on the put the student first that's the key you can have AP courses you can do all other things but if you don't put Student First you're not moving in the right direction and the second bullet point that I said that you know it's School District that takes uh you know basically a whole child approach to the education there are different popul student population in this in the school district you have to address everybody's need somebody wants to be a you know take three AP courses two AP courses someone they don't want to take AP courses you know that doesn't mean that you know that we a school district is not doing well and also see that you know the board used to have or I think you still have the the qualitative and quantitative uh you know uh as a board member we Define those goals and that's how you measure if the board is moving in the right direction that means the school is moving in the right direction if the board is not moving in the right direction school will never move in the right direction and that is the critical thing as a school board policym body that you need to make those policym uh policies perfectly when you are evaluating the curriculum you're reviewing the curriculum you take the textbook home read through it look at what what is in the curriculum connect with the uh with your superintendent assistant superintendent curriculum director ask questions I think that's how you rate the school district um I also say the retention of the Educators I think that is key but you know look anyone who gets few thousand more in different District they are going to leave I left jobs I move job one job to another job I don't think leaving some teachers will move because they're looking for a you know whether uh they want to go from middle school to the high school or high school they want to the principal or you know for different reason and I also think the school district you you should rate you know that we Safety and Security of the kids regardless of your race religion Creed and whatever you are the school district responsibility is to provide a safe place if you are giving AP courses and you cannot provide safety to your student population you are failing so you get the many criterias that you have to look at a holistically a bigger picture put it put those things together as a board goals you make sure that you're addressing those things and it's a very open-ended question and you know everybody has different thing but you know I think safety security um addressing bullying you know those are uh key key key you know key points you don't want your son and daughter or kids to come home being depressed you know Co has changed you mentioned like Co has changed a lot of things you know I I I I feel that sometime my kids feel that you know so we need need to take a different approach and make sure the school listing is approaching uh you know taking much more holistic approach to every student needs perfect thank you Jen yes uh I think it you know it goes back to a lot of what everyone here has said and focusing on the whole child the whole student if you will and how do you measure take that and measure his school district success you know just taking some notes and really really building on what everybody said but you know the the the whole student is an academic focused socially focused um he mental health focused activity focused so there's a there's like a piece a lot of pieces of the pie here and some of it can be data driven to measure the success obviously there's State Testing there's um you know something I'm more familiar with these days is the New Jersey graduation I think I wrote it down Proficiency in assessment because I have high school kids and you know looking where we sack rank against like districts you know where are we against like districts sizewise Community wise opportunity Wise from a data standpoint so that's really one element and that you know is something that's measurable and I think pretty valid the other piece is a little bit more hypothetical in terms of surveys um surveys in terms of this climate Sur surveys for the students and and for the the parents and where are they measuring the school district's success from a student standpoint from a parent St point and and then again ultimately measuring the success as we've talked about with the teachers and the administrators and where do they feel the success is and how is that measured is that measured based on um retention exit interviews um curriculum there's a lot of different pieces to this so I think it all plays into the big picture but I think it ultimately comes down to fulfilling the needs of that whole student great thank you Christine thank you so yes yes yes all these metrics are very important everything everyone said I Echo it all um retention everything the the scores those are all the numerics that are are in play and we can measure it and see the data um yes very important there's also the emotional and social component to it um the you know socially do the kids feel that this is they were they were happy to be at the school do they feel that they were well served um are they do they want to come back I mean you can even look at reunions do kids come back to their reunions that's tells you how they feel about their school I will say an an emotional level when you're you know ultimately we're serving the student and it always struck me when I went to college that there was very long ago there was this one requirement we had graduation and we had to swim two laps the reason that that happened because somebody went through college four years of studying and then the next day after graduation they drowned um and the school said you know we didn't do this kid Justice we did not serve this child well we we educated the child but we didn't give the child the tools to operate in the world and that is something that you know we and Glenrock should do for the student if we have a student who is ready is suicidal and and but we save that kid and we had the emotional and mental Services there for the child and the kid stabilized that is a success story that is a success story if we have a child who is a gifted and talented child but we never put that child in any classes that challenged that child that is not a success story so each it's such a there's such a breath in this question here um you can't pinhole it on a metric it's really really for each child and how we serve the child and um you know so the metrics how how we how do we do as a district you can ask each student it's hard to do but how does the student feel about their education is ultimately what it comes down to thank you very much Sharon so it's my I'll be starting with you Miss Brown um how do you believe the Board of Education can best support students teachers and staff how can the board of ed best support students teachers and staff yes well I think that comes down to the board of ed um listening you know figuring out what are the things those stakeholders need um asking questions um to kind of further understand what those needs are and then setting goals to kind of figure out how to solve these needs solve these issues um I don't know to be honest what that looks like from a day-to-day for all of you but I think that's where it has to start um is just offer support in listening questioning and figuring out how the resources of the school can best support whatever those needs are um if it's students who you know don't don't have classes that they want to take how do we get the teachers in the school who might already have the expertise teaching those classes how do we find teachers how do we find room in the budget to provide for another course um if that's what students are looking for and that's what students wants um same with teachers if teachers need more resources how do we find it in the budget what are other resource where where else can we get the money from in the community who can we ask what are those kind of things that we can do um I think it really comes down to listening questioning and thinking through what the right problem solves are and um if people are being listened to and and and you know being heard and there's a give and take there I think that's all the support you know the basic support you can give somebody um Mr ory so what you repeat the question again of course how do you believe the Board of Education can best support students teachers and staff so uh again um to say it again you know uh the board of education is a is a policymaking uh entity here so whatever policies that you make will have impact negative or positive to to the whole District that includes student uh staff and administration right uh each student you know it's a different population um student populations you need to offer diverse uh curriculum courses to so each student has the opportunity to take whether you know whether they want more AP courses or they just want more uh you know not calculus but algebra or there some students are more into uh Sports and things like that so all opportunities should be given to the student population uh teachers I think they are the backbone of this school district um and I think as a border of fed um I will what I will do is like you'll make sure they had the right tools they have the right uh training to help that uh student population um you know she mentioned very good point after Co you know I've seen the lot of kids my friends kids they they are going through some they are going through some issues and we need to address that and sometime it just maybe you know spending extra hour with the students after the class and see where they're struggling and the teachers can help uh Administration wise I I would say to that's a board of fed we need to make sure that we provide the right feedback to the administration whether it's coming from the community or we having a community Forum where we make sure the you know public uh the Glenrock residents they have the opportunity to raise their concerns um and give that feedback an honest feedback to the to the administration and to the board of faed hey this is working this is not working we need to take corrective action and that comes back to the Board of Education hey you know you're right uh we take your point we'll take a corrective action that corrective action may take month 2 months 6 months depending upon what what the situation is but I think this is where the Board of Education each board uh member is critical that they raise their voice what they hear from the public bring it to bring it back to the uh to the board and see you know hey this is what I'm hearing we need to take some uh action corrective action communication there's there's no way out you need to make sure you we listening to our parents their teachers and uh and and the student what they want I think kind of picking backing off of what you said but I think uh the board of EDS supports the students the teachers the staff by being good listeners and I think that's ultimately what's most important here is to to listen and to make informed decisions to do you know your homework uh to do the research to ask the tough questions I think personal experience can play into it a little bit uh we've all had had attachments to the schools or the community for different reasons but I think ultimately as a board member you have to step back and really look at the district as a whole and all the different needs so I think it's really about asking the right questions and you know looking to make Common Sense decisions that are in the best interest of all which is obviously never going to be easy and it's never going to be fully possible but I think if you strive for that and you have the best of intentions then then you're showing your support through your actions thank you I'm going to Echo the same answer it's listening um I've said this before it's if you ask people how they are doing how they feel they will tell you if you ask the staff what they need they will tell you if you ask students what they need they will tell you if you ask teachers what they need they will tell you I've spoken to a number of teachers um and ask them how are things going and the it's never one-word answers it's full answers that um you know and you'll hear how things are going and Beyond listening it's letting them know you listened and letting them know that you can ackn you know you take action and and you are trying to do what you can to help them so the board the board is you know sets the policies and they're also there as a conduit for all three it's it's like an equilibrium um and it's it's listening and working as hard as you can to implement their ideas the feedback and um what you can do in the policies within the policies thank you right um yeah because I have a lot of time to think so and also because I kind of calm down from the the the initial like nervousness of this format so so I think I think kind of similar to everybody said but I think um I say three points I have three points one is to um get know the details I think from my personal experience to able to do a job of supporting the team I got to know the details I gotta really understand the problems not just just like on the on the surface listening to what they have then then make quick decisions you got to really dive into it spend the time understand the details second point I think is um is I think that the my opinion the advantage of the board is because we kind of have like quite a few members from all corners of the Town everybody bring their perspective from everybody has family have different needs some by some some some family we may really care about sports some family may really care about uh robotics whatnot so I think that I think that's a strength of really uh act as as Community member and bring the feedback from all corners of the community make sure we make is comprehensive and represent the need of every corner of the town and the third Point third point is um to do a good job of supporting we talked about earlier of of how uh to measure measure the success right so for me the first step is set a great measurement but once we set measurement periodically we have to checking as to how the execut accountable and and be honest to ourselves did we achieve the goal we set if we didn't achieve the goal we toply think about what did read wrong how can we improve and make sure we set the next goal maybe the goal is wrong right so so make sure we should set the proper goal and have a plan to achieve it so to hold people accountable either the school or ourselves accountable I think that's very important too okay I'm G to start with Mr ory board decisions require collaboration how do you work with others who may have different viewpoints or priorities well uh that's always a challenge you nine people different uh different viewpoint but that doesn't mean that you cannot have a you know uh Frank honest trust based conversation among uh among each other uh having a diverse opinion is not a bad thing uh you listen you may agree you may not agree but again the bottom line is you have to uh follow the board's ethic uh which I have the sheet with me you know there's nothing out of it you know that that that is your guiding principle you can't go out of these principles you have to listen you don't have to be disrespectful um among ourselves I've been there are 12 12 years uh people had very strong opinion but again as we said like it's all based on the data what data do you have if you're telling me I need to do this this and this provide me some data right I'll I'll go with that I will review it I will I'll will support you but having diverse opinion is not an issue it's just respect is a big uh you should always respect your board members it's a thankless job okay you are here because you believe in the community you believe that you can make a change as a as a board as a whole and you should respect the diverse opinion there's no need to uh get into name calling and you know things like that I have seen that when I was on the board and I didn't like it I was shocked uh I was shocked uh when that happened to me and and after that I I stress that look it's good to have a diverse opinion but you need to make sure you're respectful you want me to go this way you need to share some data with me I will analyze it I will see if I can vote Yes or No with that but trust respect among the nine board member is a critical thing question one more time please sure thank you board decisions require collaboration how do you work with others who may have a different who may have a different Viewpoint or priorities so I think it's important to find sort of common ground and you know it goes back to having the discussions hearing all the different opinions um and sort of finding the common ground in all of that because I think ultimately we're anyone that's volunteering and giving their time and and on a board of education is we I you know I know the goals and the missions and the focus statements and it's all written I think it's you know for the most part the the plan is aligned everyone's on the same path so I think it's really collaborating with the different opinions being a good listener as I talked about earlier you negotiation the given the kit takes you know there has to be some checks and balances with that but I think again if it's built on trust and respect and if you're all focused on moving the school district in the right direction for the students ultimately you should come to consensus or you know some sort of consensus that can be agreed upon thanks for the question I had to laugh at this question because my first instinct was oh my gosh this happens all the time in my household there's like a million opinions and everyone is not on the same page um so I I guess you know you can everyone all we all have kids and know that scene um I also left because I have a Greek business and if you ever dealt with Greek they they could be hotheaded and there a lot of differences of opinions um and uh I have a lot of Greek vendors I have vendors in Greece and um it's they're very interesting calls and emails um but I've actually had this experience with a board uh I worked for 12 years or I volunteered for 12 years with an orphanage in Guatemala and dealt with the board there um and there was a lot of hot-headed personalities on the board I wasn't on the board I would work with them extensiv ly um but I you know it was interesting to see the best way to handle it is to try to diffuse it you just stick to your goals that you're doing you um you work through it you present rationally and reasonably and and usually the people that are the hot-headed ones you know they they settle down and you just work through it um as Jen said you're working for a common goal you're trying to you you bring your data you bring your information and and you just keep your your your the light at the end of the tunnel in Focus thank you my house my wife always right so we don't do that but the bo things very different right um I as I talked earlier I think it's a strength of the board to have different perspective to from have different priorities so personally I think having uh different opinions is valuable uh I think feedback is gift um if everybody agrees all the time probably we don't even even need a board why why do we why are we here so I think it's good and obviously uh needs to be respect each other right I think it's important to always assume good intention no matter how heav you debate each other we understand the intention is all for the common good right as long as that true I I think people should Express their opinion and hold strong opinion and debate each other try to find consensus obviously but make sure everybody understand where we're coming from debate each other I think my is fine at the end of the day we have if I'm not mistaken we have OD number of members so this right so a at the end of the day I think it's a time box at the end of the day I believe a Deion we made which also important is once DEC is made if you are not not on the side that's you are not on the side that was winning decision you just you got to discreet and commit right as a collective decision of the board even though I debated it I would commit to execution of the decision if there's a next opportunity to present my per again I'll do that again I Fe toate again but um once decision made is a collective decision so in my opinion different opinions good we should debate different opinion but then once thec made everybody U just focus on the um I think excuse me um it's important to remember it's a small sandbox we're in a small town um and you got to play well together so even if you have different perspectives on how to get to the same goal I think it's important to remember that we have the same goal it's providing a really great schools for our kids and um and so I think if you can you know keep that in mind when there's different perspectives in the room and take your ego out of it um you can you know try and figure out how to build consensus and align yourselves in a way that um kind of gets over that hurdle of those different perspectives um hopefully cooler heads prevail and it's not an emotional thing and that's why it's good to take your ego out of it you can't control how other people are going to react but I know I can do that and I can control myself it's what we teach our kids um and so I think you know that's what you have to do you've got to listen to the others you've got to know your your end goal is likely aligned but how you get there might be different so how do you how do you figure out how to soften those edges by listening by asking the questions by working together to achieve the goal thank you all right I'm going start um so the question is how do you envision the relationship between the Board of Education the superintendent and the school administration how would you like it toar of how would your yeah what is your vision of how the Board of Education the superintendent and the school administration work together it's ideal could you please turn on your mic yes of course um you know we are here to really work on the policies at the recommendation of the superintendent dependent as I understand it you know I've done my little bit of research in terms of board 101 and sort of how we are designed to serve um what our role is and what our role isn't so I I know ultimately that you know as I read on that 101 sheet you know our only hire would be a superintendent that's where we only have a decision making for example so that is ultimately who we are supporting in that that's ultimately who's bringing us the policies who's working with the the school administrators to bring to the table to us so in that regard um you know I guess for lack of better words the superintendent's the middleman the middleman middle woman and and we are the board of the arms supporting um at that interest so that being said I guess you know we are the group that is designed to to listen to the recommendations to to challenge the recommendations to um do our own research to ask the right questions so that's where we support the process and uh that's sort of how I Envision it obviously I haven't served on the board of education but the the research I've done and the information I know is that's how I see it fit thank you thanks for the question um so there's definitely the role of the super and the superintendent and we have there's definitely overlap that happens and yes there there's there's two separate entities but they would overlap in many situations I mean if you take like any new facility that's being brought or any it built or uh any Renovations that are happening you would go in them together if you're applying for Grants if you're applying for bonds those would be done together um legally you know on the legal end the Board of Ed is representing the community for any legal policies um you know there's definitely a separation there but you know I I think ultimately you're you're working together in so many different areas to move forward the board's trying to move forward in different areas um you look at the preschool we working together with the superintendent hand inand on this um you did speak at the last meeting about the trust that you have to have in the superintendent to implement make the right decisions and in the staff and you know you the board has to have you have to have faith in each other to make that happen um so it's you know it's an equilibrium between the two and um but there's so many different things that are covered and voted upon that there's a there's a lot of overlap together so it's uh you have to be in you know the team together um I think the relationship is the superintendent and the school estimation their job is execution they are the experts they know how to teach they know how to do the things theyve doing for many many years maybe some of the board members are but probably majority are not real education sorry at least I am not um but the board go right the the role is to to set the vision and and and make the right hiring decision for I assume right and that high level but then I would Envision the interaction would be once made made the right High decision and set Clear Vision and goal measurable goal for administration and hold them accountable but don't try to get involved into the actual execution because that's I don't think that's the role of the board and I don't think that's expertise of the board as well um so that's how I look at is to set Vision goals and measure them hold them accountable thank you L yeah I mean all that is correct the the super I think of it as a corporation right like the superintendent the CEO the Board of Trustees board of directors um the superintendent runs the day-to-day hires his officers hires his staff runs the day-to-day of the school we're there to sit in the oversight seat um make sure to hold those parties accountable where the checks and balances um when you're on a board um you we have to do our due diligence ask the right questions you know confirm that resources are being allocated properly nothing's being mismanaged um but I think in in an ideal world that relationship is one of collaboration um with accountability but that it's a team moving toward the same goal um and again the board's role in that is protecting the stakeholders and the stakeholders and the situations the students the community at large um we're protecting their interests and holding the CEO accountable holding that superintendent accountable for the decisions they make on a day-to-day and reviewing them and asking the questions to make sure the processes are being implemented the way the board and the and the community would want them to be thank you San excellent question question uh most people uh come to the board of fed with the the thinking that you know I'm going to come to the board of fed I'm going to make this change this change you know you know sorry uh you have to there are there are boundaries that you have to work with uh board hires that critical responsibility is to hire the the right person uh as a superintendent uh I went through four of these and including the the current one and people who are there uh they know uh I asked very difficult questions uh I was told by the board member hey you know just calm down but you know but but that is my job to ask difficult tough questions so we hire the right superintendent um we and as per the books you know superintendent reports to the Board of Education we do his evaluation and everything but at the same time you will also have to make sure you don't throw your superintendent Under The Bu you have to provide tools open communication and that comes from you know we are the representative we are working in uh with our neighbors and football or soccer whatever we hear we need to tell the superintendent look this is what we are hearing you know look at it um don't go out as a board member and promise yeah you're right you know I'm going to work with that yeah that educator needs to go you can't do that so sometime you need to protect your superintendent I give you a very good uh case when we were going for full day kindergarten uh we went through a lot of trouble but it was the right decision by the board to protect the superintendent because it was the right decision looking forward where we want to take the district it may not because the public may not have all the information they may be thinking you know what what are you doing your tax dollars who's with the budget and everything but again it comes back to you are on the board of education for one and only one reason making sure you get the best education uh you protecting every child every day this is nothing personal here so you need to work with the superintendent your Administration to make sure there's no OS between us there's no miscommunication among the board uh Board of Education and you make sure that you set the um you you work on the district goal with your superintendent so you can quantify and qualify at the end of the year how your superintendent did you are also responsible for evaluating your superintendent Don't Be Afraid Don't Be Afraid write down what you what you think he or she is not doing or what needs to do we as a taxpayer you know it's our responsibility to to make sure the district is moving in the right direction but you have to make sure that you work with your superintendent and uh don't look for an opportunity to throw your superintendent under the bus at every moment that you get all right thank you and finally what do you consider the most important qualities for a successful board member and what would would you consider to be a successful tenure if you are selected for the board to start with Miss parl I would I I kind of waiver between two answers empathy would be one of them and um and being thorough and and intelligent in your decisions as the other um I I think to be a successful board member would take commitment um I know you asked for one but many flood to my head commitment this is a job I I see how hard the board of ENT members work I see how much time goes into it it's not a it's not a light task um and it's a commitment and so I feel that a successful Board of Ed member would be someone who's extremely committed uh has the capacity to really go through a lot of information and and take it in and um make smart decisions and do it with empathy because there's a lot of there we're talking about people at the end of the day this is all about students teachers staff everybody's you know a human being here we have our parents there's a lot of emotions that are involved too so those that would be the quality I think that would make for a successful Board of end members stepping into this role um for a long term it it's someone who has a vested interest interest in this community um and somebody who wants to invest the time to learn the this is all a new role you know you there's a there's a ramp up period to learn all the ins and outs um just researching and stud and and you know preparing myself for this interview I've learned so much Leaps and Bounds um I actually had a lot of fun listening to your board retreat I just I it was the amount of of ideas that are you know planned for now for the future are incredible so it the long-term success of someone um who would be in this role for going forward will be someone who's committed to those planning through these ideas and executing on them thank you and I just wanted to make sure um for the benefit of the group what would you consider uh a successful tenure for yourself that you would get the board um position like meaning like just personalize it oh personal yeah with the next year like within the next year what would it look like for you to consider that wow I you know 2026 is here I completed it I made a difference what what does that look like for you I'm sorry if I misunderstood the question um similar I I would want to get very well versed in all the different you know that's everything that is on the plate today and that's going forward um best practice Lear I would for me knowing best practices to being a board member um I would hope to be ultra familiarized with the budget from top to bottom in detail um it's I would find it successful to be at participation in all of the meetings um and to raise my voice as needed even as a new member I would not hesitate to ra raise my voice I don't think I'm a very shy person as my friends would probably tell you um but you know do so in a researched way where I speak when I when I have no um you know when I've listened and and digested the information I would find it successful if I could contribute in a positive way to this board um and I don't know exactly how that means because I don't can't predict what decisions are coming down the pike or what happens in closed session you know I don't know but if I can contribute in a way that benefits this community benefits our schools um and helps the community at lunch and the kids and the different all the different elements that are there's like a million balls that you that the board is juggling all at once and if I could contribute positively I consider that a successful 2026 Board of that world thank you thank you uh thank you very much um I think the most important quality butum you describe is dedication needs to be everybody a lot of us have a full-time job right need to really passionate about the mission and dedicate uh not only time but but but but but the right the thinking about what we can do from to make the school district better thinking about what we can do to make the students education better like that's should be in your head all the time that's the dedication I'm looking for um second question about my personal what would successful um I think I talked about earlier right I have little bit on my personal goal what I'm going to do I think if my consider successful if we are able to make a move to a direction prepare our stud students more ready for the future that's ahead of them right just just uh you use one example not sure if everybody WR about the recent uh this came out the Nobel chemistry Prize winner is a 30 years old computer scientist so he has used AI basically solved all the chemist problems so the chemist scientists are out of job now so if a kids who loves chemistry in high school they need to rethink the body they they w't have they would don't have a job anymore and this is going to happen to other domain other area as well so just I think about how can we prepare our students to the Future like that right and it's going to be happen fast before we can think about it thank you um well first I'll just say thank you um for having us here tonight and um you know this is just another example of all the hours you guys put into helping run our school district um qualities I would think that make a good board of ed member would be um a team player somebody who instinct is to put we over me and ours over mine um somebody who's slow to burn um because I know it can be hot out there and um just somebody who's a good listener thoughtful ready to problem solve um I think the tougher question there is what would a meaning what would a you know successful tenure look like in my perspective feel like those goal posts might change if you're sitting in your seat um so very generically you know like they were saying it's just some way to feel like I walked away contributing meaningful things to the conversations and decisions that happen in that year um that will help our students and prepare them for the future future thank you um tough question again like you know you you measure yourself and people measure you differently uh but I was thinking I think uh couple of things comes to my mind number one is you know as a tener I want to make sure that I attend all the board of head meetings I make sure I read all the agenda before coming to the meeting if I don't understand anything I send email to the board president or the superintendent hey I need more uh clarification so when I come to the public meeting I know why I'm voting for each resolution that I need to vote for and the other one the critical one is listening I'll make sure that I listen to the parents administrators the teachers and staff what their concerns are and how can I help them as a board um that's one and do not compromise on Safety and Security of the of the students your staff and your teachers we're living in a very you know uh different environment we need to make sure that we are paying attention to that uh other one is you know don't feel uh under pressure when it comes to the vote if you not clear about something ask the right question get the clarification or just say you know I don't get it uh I don't feel comfortable whate no you don't need to come feel pressure that everybody's voting yes and that's why I need to vote Yes I think I see that I learned that lesson on my 12 years on the board be the outlier and vote no if you don't get it and the last one I want to say is you know stay Co that nine people different thought process diversity in personalities stay cool no need to have uh you know lose your cool for something we are all residents here when I leave after a year I want to make sure I I made more friends on the board rather than you know hey you know he said that she said that that's a key thing after year I want to make sure the schools are running well Safety and Security is a big concern to me I always been I want to make sure nothing happen happens while I'm on the board thank you yes I think the one of the key characteristics of a good War Mander as you know everyone's mentioned is someone that's committed to the process committed to the community to the students to the entire operation of it um I think if you have that commitment and it comes from a intentional good place it brings along the characteristics that should come with it you know such as the Integrity for the decisions the communication and so forth I think if your commitment is in the right place the rest will will follow um you know I guess personally for me stepping up to finally get in involved in sort of a more um sort of out in the open position you know as having a seat at the table is something that I would be proud of after taking so much from the community and from the school and sort of giving back I think it's a great example to my own four kids that you know things Don't Come Easy you got to put yourself out there in uncomfortable situations so um you know that's something that I would be committed to do if chosen to be on this board is to kind of put myself out there get involved in the decisions to continue to move District forward for the next Generations thank you that was intense yeah that was a bit intense right you know I mean I I I know that it's difficult to um be up there and you know we all we all we although we have to do it a couple times a month and um some of you may not be familiar with this kind of um situation but um we really appreciate um you putting yourself out there today to do this in front of your community and as well as like get the community to also know you a little bit better as well because we are all still members we're still going to bump into to each other in the grocery store regardless of the outcome for today so first and foremost thank you and I I personally can say that I think that any one of you would be able to um fill this role and be a successful board member and um and so thank you for that today um I would like to open up um uh public comments at 8:37 this is a public meeting and at every public meeting there's an ability for public comments the comments are not there to to ask you random questions this is the comments for the public are to make statements um and I know that normally you you are all on this side of it so this is an example of that no part yeah so um at 8:37 um I would like to open up um public comments for any Community member that has something to say about agenda items only right all right at 8:38 we are closing public comments all right see now you know now you know um at this time I need uh to someone to make a motion to recess to close session um all right Miss carpell seconded by Mr Corey sorry St um and at this time we're going to just um have a closed session and uh deliberate and after we deliberate then we'll be able to return back into public session and deliver you know the the the news um go from there all right all right all those all those in favor all right all right all those opposed e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right we're all good all right um can I have a motion to go back into public session miss garell seconded by Mr Corey all right um before we uh go through the process of the nomination um is there anyone you wanted to say something uh that was really hard so thank you all for um putting your names in for this opportunity we had no idea if we would get any applications and get five strong candidates was um great but also very hard we were in that room for quite some time and you're all great and um I hope anyone um who does not maybe get this tonight considers running um next year because I think You' all be an asset to um the team so thank you I just want to Echo what Stephania said you you're all excellent excellent and candidates and I really do hope that you consider running for the Board of Education next year um and this is what makes our town great and our country great the Democracy so thank you for for participating in this and put and putting yourselves out there all right all right thank you all right can I have the nomination for our R new board member um Miss Stevenson and um it's a motion to nominate Christine par parlamis for the board member all right and do we have a second M Carelli all right Mr canis Miss calves yes Miss carasa yes Mr Cory yes Mr Hayward yes Miss garelli yes Miss Stevenson yes Miss Randell yes Dr Robinson yes motion passes all [Applause] right for govern you [Applause] yeah yeah just her Sharon her name tag is it's right in front of you you don't need anything all right uh be it resolved that the board board approves the appointment of Miss palaris to fill the unexpired term of Elizabeth Carr effective October 17th 2024 through the reorganization meeting tentatively scheduled for January 5th 2026 all right um motion um I need a motion that uh to adjourn the meeting all right Miss caracella seconded by Miss Stevenson all right all those in favor all those opposed no exensions all right thank you meeting is the turns