##VIDEO ID:5eFKGKyW48k## Clark here John present Jason here Alicia here Donna I'm here thank you John um can I have a motion to approve tonight's agenda so move I have a motion by John do I have a second I'll second and I have a second by clerk to approve the agenda all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed same sign the agenda is approved announcements the next School Board meeting uh the regular the next regular school board meeting will be on Tuesday November 12th at 6: PM in the GSL um High School community room 443 444 uh acknowledgements do we have any acknowledgements at this time I do have a couple I would first like to acknowledge uh our high school English teacher Pat hiltner Pat hilner was recently recognized by mde for helping out with the MCA and assessments uh and working with that uh committee so congratul ations and thank you uh Pat for your work on that and then I'd like to recognize all of our fire departments within our school district uh and then a AAL thank you to the Glenco fire department with their work with fire prevention week last week um they even had a delivery service of pizza with unhinged pizza so want to to say thank you to all of them for their service and their work um obviously early in the year we did utilize their services um and all worked out but uh had a good week last week with fire prevention week okay thank you Chris any additional acknowledgements okay I'll move on to public input relating to the agenda first call for public input and second call for public input relating to it the agenda and the third and final call for public input okay hearing none we'll move on to reports and presentations and tonight we have the audit report by Mary REI with Clifton lur um and Alan okay thank you for having me tonight um I am here doing the audit so Michelle survived another year of the audit um always thank her for her team they put us at the top of the list they seem to want us get us in and out um guess I can't blame her but you have on your um table you should have a big large bound document that's going to be your audit report um in there the biggest section there is to review would be your mdna um Michelle does take quite a bit of time um to write that up just kind of a narrative of what happened over the year um starts with some government wide and then it actually gets into the fund level as well otherwise we put this PowerPoint together um everything from the PowerPoint does tie back to that audit um so feel free you know as we go through this if you have questions feel free to stop me um Michelle or I can definitely answer any questions as they come and you do have a copy of the this presentation that Mary's got but it also follows the smaller book too so whichever one you want to follow along with perfect so we'll go on to page two um just kind of gives you your changes in fund balances for the general fund there um so we start with revenues and other financing sources up top and then we put them in the categories where they go um and where they hit the fund balance categories there um so revenues coming in at about 22.2 there and then expenditures is coming in at about 21.5 um and as you move across you can see a sign fund balance was spent down a little bit ending at about 400,000 non- Capital related um again spent down some of that restricted fund balance as well about 30,000 there and then you're operating in ltfm monies you went ahead and spent down this year too um so then that remaining change went into your nonspendable and unassigned fund balance so about an 800 63,000 increase there so overall when you look at that year budget um your fund balance policy is to be about 20% of your expenditures right now when you include fund one and 10 which we do um on the audit report you're at about 27 and a half% if you were to take out fund 10 you're about 26 and a half um so right about where you want to be about that 20 um a little bit more than that 20% of that um and I believe if you would have you know um came in a little bit under on revenues like you were expecting uh for Budget you would have been probably right on okay so next page page three just like to do a quick budget to actual comparison here um so revenues general fund at the top is your budget bottom is your actual so revenues came in over budget by about 600,000 when you look at that a piece of that is going to be your investment income um so as we go through the year and at the end of the year we actually have to recognize market value change so it's not cash in the door but it's the change in your Investments um that will be recognized when you cash those in later um really hard to budget for that uh State comes in over budget about 138,000 and then Federal actually came in over budget as about 85,000 as well expenditures came in at about 21.5 actual about 21.5 so really just minimal $46,000 difference there um so increase uh Capital was about 200,000 over budget there special education was about 143,000 over and then your admin cost actually went down by about $19,000 there food service when you look at revenues and expenditures really close budget to actual you budgeted for an increase of 745 and you actually came in at about 74,000 um positive There community service when you look at this um revenues came in over budget by about 115,000 150,000 when you look at that it's state and tuition and fees um that really came in over budget there and then expenditures over by about 39,000 so he actually budgeted for an in increase of um about 1,600 you came in at a positive 112,000 um so really we're able to run those programs and um get students in page four so then general fund unassigned balance you can see um increased um your biggest biggest um increase there in 2024 when you go back from 2020 um so you went down down a little bit in 23 and then built it back up in 24 page five your assigned fund balance um so any of those anything that project- wise that comes up would come out of there it's about 400,000 so you spent just a little bit of that last year um with the projects that went through there page six when you look at your state mandated reserves um so again we talked about you know spending some of that down um so you're about 132,000 there which is kind of what you want to do you want to spend down those restricted monies first when you have the expenses for those leaving the rest into assign and unassign balances there page seven long-term facilities I believe you had some projects that you were able to use um this money for so you spent down that down to about 174,000 in the current year page eight your operating Capital fund balance um pretty steady there at about $849,000 and that'll be used for any um other maintenance or Capital items that come up um throughout the years okay page nine Food Service fund balance um increased about three or increased up to 369,000 um here pretty steady when you look over the couple of years 24 again was a hard year to plan for um they changed the funding source of course there last year was paid and then this year they switched it again to fully free so federal and state helped fund that I'm really hard to plan to know where that was going to come in at um and he actually came in positive in that balance as well we also had a big increase in commodity yes um commodity um values increased by 30,000 in in fun to really hard to plan for that too so page 10 community service balance here you can see increased um just increase in those revenues that um came in and then were're able to hold down cost in that in those programs as well page 11 thatb service fund balance again required to Levy 105% um obviously collecting enough to make your principal and interest payments year over year here with just a slight increase from prior year page 12 so overall general fund revenues when you look um State sources it's going to be your largest piece here at 77% if you were to look at this pie chart last year state would have been reduced and federal would have been um a little bit bigger but you're starting to spend down that extra Federal money um and some of that additional funding is coming through the state sources as well page 13 so where do those revenues get spent here um you want to see your biggest piece be that regular instruction putting the money back into the classrooms um special education is going to be another big piece there at 20% um when you add up Administration and District support you're at about 7% I would say pretty common to be right in the 7 to 10% range there um with other schools page 14 so you're Mary I have a question for you over here right here where are you oh got it so when we look at the general fund revenues you know Federal sources so out of our out of our revenues that only is 3% you know where does that compare with other districts and let's say five years ago and 10 years ago is that is that revenue from the federal government shrinking or or is that uh typical well so to me that seems pretty low 3% out of all our budget comes from the federal government so then I just say what is our role of the Federal Government in Minnesota education well I'd say right now um that's even probably a little high because our eser dollars are now all done last year we only received a little under 200,000 in any of the eser bucket money that's all that we have left so really in the general fund our only um federal dollars that are coming through is a small portion of special ed and our title programs so it's been higher in the past because we're not getting those the last couple years it was higher because of Esser prior to that it wasn't as High um but not as higher than it is now because of title funding drop okay and I would say you're pretty simil IL to other schools as well um and that's why when we do the audit you know in the last couple of years we've always said you know your federal is going to run out you've got the extra money coming in um so just be careful on what you're spending it on right because eventually that money runs out it's gone right no um so now you have to if you continue with the programs or with the positions then you have to fund fund it in some other means okay thank you so wa weighted average daily memberships here you can see um have decreased in um comparison 2023 to 2024 um so this drives a lot of the state aid however there was quite a bit of funding change this year with an increase in state um and actually when you compare to last year you're up 2 million um from last year's State dat page 15 so then we'd like to do the comparisons again um dark blue is going to be um the school district light blue will be similar size district and then the yellow will be State just a year behind um State takes a little bit to to collect those um information so just a year behind there so when you look at district and School administration you're about the same as prior year for expenses but as you decrease in students right you increase in that um bar chart so it goes up because you're dividing that out by student count so you can see you're well below um districts of similar size as well and the one new program that got added into this category was our achievement and integration program so that added a little bit of expense to this category as well even though it was Revenue neutral you know we got the revenue in and spent the same amount going out it still shows up in this chart as an expense page 16 overall regular instruction increase from last year when you look at the numbers you're up about 120 um th000 um in the category of regular instruction so definitely putting it back in the classroom as you're above um similar districts and even the state average there page 17 vocational um instruction here up about 20,000 from prior year and then still still below um similar size in the state there just depends on what what programs the district has to offer in those categories so page 18 special education up about 230,000 from prior year for cost here so you're about State average the last couple of years page 19 instructional support up about 200,000 here I believe there were some new technology purchases and such right Michelle this year that would have gone into this category um which would be the increase from prior year and and some curriculum purchases page 20 overall pupil Support Services here um cost pretty similar to the prior year again the bar chart will go up just with a decrease in students here page 2 one sites buildings and Equipment um again pretty similar to Prior years pretty consistent year-over-year um on your maintenance and such and just depending on the age of the buildings in comparison to other schools your size um is depends on how much you have to put back into your buildings page 22 then your Capital expenditures here up about 200,000 from prior year just definitely purchasing more of those Capital related items in the current year than you have in the past few years page 23 overall Transportation there's a slight decrease here again is just going to be the cost I believe you had a contract um new this year as well page 24 Food Service when you look overall um food service costs remain fairly similar um with other school districts we've actually seen that increase pretty significantly from prior year um just with the cost of food uh so to be able to maintain that is pretty good community service here again expenditures increased quite a bit but overall when you look at the revenue it was able to support those increase in expenditures one of the big things here would be the um the new daycare program that was added last year and that wasn't for a full year but it started last September so that was a big driving cost there along with some equipment and then 26 overall Debt Service um and when you look at this well below districts of similar size um what this could mean is that you're you're putting dollars in the sites buildings and Equipment right to maintain and do yours whereas everybody else is paying for the bonds on those um projects that are going on so that was a brief overview not sure if there are any followup questions anyone have additional questions for Mary thank you Mary for your time yes thank you for having me okay we'll move on to administ aters um and committee reports thanks Mary Michelle when you're ready would you like to start us AIT all right thank you so what I'm going to do is um just follow up a little bit with Mary's presentation I shared some information last week we had a finance committee so they've kind of heard some of this already but um as you know I kind of take the audit data and um break it down a little bit into our spreadsheets that we're used to looking at so I left you a handout that's got the a packet of spreadsheets and then the summary the Financial Focus what we'll get into a little bit so the uh the top page of your packet just includes our 2324 budget you can see what the original budget was that was approved at the beginning of that fiscal year the revised budget and then the final budgets in purple there so I'm not going to read these numbers for you you can certainly read them for your you know by yourself but just to give you a snapshot of what what happened with those numbers from where we started and where we ended um as Mary mentioned the adms did drop um about when we did the revised budget back in June um we had 1,416 and we ended at 1, 424 adms so right there that's a difference of eight um a little over eight that when you do the formula allowance for that it's about $90,000 so that's part of that Revenue change that we talked about on the general fund being over budget by $600,000 so I just wanted to touch on a couple other areas to um to address that 600,000 that we were over budget which to me is always a good thing on the revenue side to be a little higher on the revenues and be under on the expenditures so special ed Revenue was an increase of about 58,000 um the interest earnings as Mary mentioned was 150,000 um third party billing 23,000 non-public Transportation was about 34,000 um some miscellaneous Revenue that came in was 90,000 that was some money from lctn and wellness incentives uh the TR adjustment was 52,000 and then Federal flow through was 100,000 so that's just kind of a you know a little bit here a little bit there it adds up to that 600,000 on the expenditure side we we're actually under budget when Mary gives you the numbers she talked about the Student Activities they include that fund 10 and in the reserved categories they include the student fund 21 I pull those out because even though they're under board control you have control of those accounts we're not going to use those accounts for operating expenses we're not going to take that money and pay the band teacher salary we're not going to pay the science teacher salary so we leave those alone those are for raised by the students for the students for those specific reasons so I pull those out because to me that's not well let's count on 200,000 from Student Activities to help fund our our regular general fund expenses so when I pull those expenses out of on the expenditure side we're under budget by for a little under for 15,000 14,680 so very close on the expenditure side I anticipated that would go over a little bit more because of a couple facility projects that we anticipated being done in June that didn't get done in June one was the greenhouse the other was the seal coating those were kind of the big ones that were supposed to be done but they got shifted back so you end up shifting those type of things around so when she talked about the fund balance um and where we're at compared to policy um and I'll get to that I guess when I get to the fund balance sheet but when I pull those out um on the unassigned fund balances it leaves us about a 92 day 92 day operating Capital with our fund balance we always have said let's kind of shoot for that 20% or that three-month window so we're kind of right in there at that 92 days now that amount changes every year based on your students go down but your operating costs still go up so you know you got that fluctuation in there um so that's kind of a summary on the um the first page of what I gave you the second page two-sided this is where I break down the difference between the reserved accounts and the unreserved and I shared with this uh with the finance committee the other night in your big packet just make a note um for yourself on page 50 of that big packet there's a little bit more detail on what all falls into the restricted fund balance so it just kind of helps you you know we're used to it here in the district but you guys this isn't your everyday language so you kind of like forget what goes into those different restricted categories so that's kind of a nice summary for you to refer to if you have questions on what goes into restricted accounts so this kind of breaks that out section A or row a there you can see what's in the revenues and expenditures that ended up at that 25% fund balance and then all your restricted accounts or your reserved accounts a lot of those we try to spend all that money that we get in whether it's um Learning and Development um basic skills we don't want to carry those fund balances over so we we use those Monies to identify the needs that we have the other couple changes in our revenues this year uh which we you know we accounted for but we didn't know how they were going to um end up is in uh a fund balance is the new money that came in was the student Personnel Aid was $440,000 we were not able to use that and still back at the end of May um the information that we had was that money was going to have to go back to the state legislation changed things right at the last minute and they allowed school districts to carry over that money for one year the portion that was coming to the school districts to be use for the co-ops could not be carried over so that 40,000 goes back to the state but we got to keep our 40,000 which allowed us to be able to fund our seal coordinator for the this year so we had last year's 40,000 and the new 40,000 this year so it's um was very very specific and how that money could use be used and that's why we weren't able to um spend that money um because it could only be used for certain staff the other new category that came in was $40,000 in library Aid and we did spend some of that to get some things for our media centers at all three of our sites um then the achievement and integration money that I mentioned um that's kind of in andout money with the programs that we're running for that so you can kind of go through and look at those numbers and then you'll see the um balances for the fund 10 and the fund 21 uh the assigned was that 400,000 that we've had set aside for quite a few years we had moved some money in there and that's where we had put our 27,000 that we got from the Steven Seminary for the sale of the bus garage and we use that this year to apply towards the the greenhouse so it leaves that balance back at 400,000 on the back side then it goes through funds to for Debt Service and the scholarship account so I just wanted to mention in fund four um with our basic skills money we got you know a substantial increase in that category again and you are allowed to use that for some of your earlyer early Learners in our early childhood programs so we did use some um let's see I've got about 73,000 is what we used in fund four and we did that to help out the negative balance that we've been running in School Readiness for quite a few years so we're like let's do something to get that program back up out of the red and get them at a positive fund balance so that was a way to use uh basic skills to help our younger Learners as well um then she mentioned The Debt Service is up a little bit but then we'll see another Levy adjustment when we get to truth and taxation of how much the levy is reduced when we um overseed what that fund balance can be the other changes in um fund four I mentioned a little bit was the daycare program that got added um that program is up and running good um Commodities and fund two affected that as well as the increase in from the universal mual program that also increased um the re Vues and fund to so then the third page is just looking at the 2425 I've started working on budget revisions for the 2425 when we get into November now I'll really focus on we should have Staffing pretty much all set so I can start looking at um what we had budgeted and where everything is falling into place for that I've kind of looked at all the other categories so again you could see your numbers that were approved back in June and the column or the sections in red that of um the reev the revised budgets and I haven't done anything in any funds except uh fund one so far the one thing that comes into place for all districts in the state is declining Revenue declining enrollment Revenue so when a district has declining enrollment they have a calculation it's 28% of the funding formula allowance times whatever number of pupils that you're down from the previous year so it does pull in for us almost $100,000 so when we say you know enrollments down so J Ed is down even though the formula allowance went up so you gain a little bit there um but your pupils are down we came back a little bit more because of declining um enrollment Revenue so it's a little bit of help 28% it's kind of it was put in place number of years ago um because all of a sudden districts were losing money and you had no T no time all of a sudden fall hit you're down students you can't reduce staff at that point so it was a way to help districts kind of for that year helped some planning so it gave you a little bit of cushion to get you through um and then the last page just kind of shows the fund balance back in June I was projecting we'd be at about a 24% we ended at that 26% so a little bit higher um and that came in because of those extra revenues usually about every $100,000 um is about a 1% change for so you can see why that jumped a little bit now looking already at this year's um at this point we're already at a 20 uh 22% fund balance as I'm looking at things right now so it already drops without even doing much budget revision so um still above our policy yet until we start working on all those salary revisions that will have to take place um we'll see how close we were to budget but so then the last sheet I just wanted to cover um so I take all that data for you I take the audit and I put it together at a two-page document so if you look at the Financial Focus I don't know if you've used this or if you find it helpful as a board um it's a like I said a snapshot of all this data so if you're talking to people in the community and you you know you you can certainly share this it is posted on the website as of today but it just kind of summarizes the fiscal year uh 2024 so it gives you your pupil the total budget total number of Staff it breaks down those general fund expenditures by category between salaries and then benefits purchase Services supplies equipment and dues and membership so you can see where all the money is going um if you take your salaries and benefits it comes to about 68.5% of the total budgets in general fund everybody always said you know you spend about 70% of your money some districts are a little higher depending on their Staffing in salaries for us it's just under um 70% and then on the right hand side you can see what Mary talked about there where the the revenues are coming from between the state sources Federal local property taxes Investments and other categories and those numbers do not include the fund 10 or 21 on the bottom is just the fund balances for all the other funds and on the back side I just like to highlight um okay what are things that are on our radar right now regarding FY 25 and Beyond um couple things that I want to mention that I added we just got our final or our bill for um third quarter for unemployment um this is a huge topic as you know it's the summer term unemployment it's called so our bill that we've paid now for June July and August unemployment is 127,000 just got an email late today I have to do the survey now for uh mde so they can report to the legislators they've already told us don't expect any funding in FY 26 um we don't know yet how much of this is going to be covered for FY 24 um they thought they you know when they put this in place there would be enough funding for two years but uh we're going to have to watch that closely because if there is no additional funding for that that's going to be coming out of your general fund now it's possible that legislators are going to look at it and all of a sudden say okay we'll give you Levy Authority which wouldn't be good for us because that means a property tax increase but they've been KNN to do that before um so that's a it's a big item to keep our eyes on is that piece um the compensatory funding is another area that they don't know what they're going to do yet with funding and how that's going to look in funding after uh this year so that's another huge area that we need to keep an eye on uh if you look on the towards the bottom there where I've got the the box for compensatory funding you can see where we were back from fy20 and then how it went down in fy22 when they changed how they did things and now the last two years when the legislators and the Department of Education recognized what was happening and they bumped that bum bumped that up again um this compensatory number that I have here is a combination of basic skills and the English English Learners revenue and the English Learners um sub um cross subsidy which is just a couple thousand doll for us but they did increase that formula allowance for the English Learners the last couple years in the legislative sessions so that went up a little bit but it's combined Al together to be basic skills Revenue so um just a snapshot for you of the original FY 25 budget some things to watch and to Monitor and then just the information I always keep on there about the operating referendum because pretty soon it'll get to the point we'll say okay when does that expire when does that expire so it expires in 20 um n we passed it in 2019 and just a note you know when we passed it in 2019 we were at $460 a pupil unit is what we asked our voters for and now um for this year it's at $554 and 17 cents and that's because of that inflationary language so it does help um as we keep going so it it does add up a little bit so that's just the operating referendum information that was a lot really fast um so I'll let you dig digest that if you have questions give me a call send me an email um unless you have something right now that pops into mind that you want to ask go ahead Michelle just one quick clarification with our fund balance policy being at 20% is that 20% with or without the fund 10 and 21 that for the fund balance policy it is without without thank you if you read the policy it does not address fund 10 and 21 now you could certainly change that I don't I don't see any reason why you would want to include that again those funds are under board control they get included in the reports that go to the state and in the government-wide statements with part of the audit but like I said we're not going to look to use those funds to to cover our operational cost thanks for that clarification yep and the only other things I had um just some ltfm projects that were working on uh the greenhous is about wrapped up they were running the internet to that today um the sign should be here any day and we're working on a bunch of new projects new bids we're collecting so I'll be meeting with the facilities committee real soon on that to hopefully by January to get everything lined up for next summer on that so um it's nice to have those those dollars to keep maintaining our buildings and keep them looking as good as we can so additional questions for Michelle okay we'll move on to principal's reports bill can you get us started yeah Excuse me yes I will thank you Alicia thank thank you Michelle and good evening everyone I'll um highlight some of the items on our on our written report um you know I'll start at the top with with the science of reading um you can look at um prek we are starting to do the work um individual work behind the scenes and you can see our first live session is um scheduled for December um teachers in K through 12 will have a live session on on Wednesday morning and we were really fortunate last week the elementary team had a strategy session with one of the letters facilitators named Tammy and um that comes along with the purchase that was made so we'll have a couple more of those before the year is out um just really giving us some good guidance on on you know tweaking our benchmark assessments what what screeners we need to be using by grade level and so our next task with that team will be putting together um by grade level K through six what screeners to give um at what time of the year and more importantly how to use them so we we spent a lot of that half hour with Tammy on a on a spelling screener for the early grades so we appreciate it having that opportunity um the other uh new team we we formed over the summer the tier one team we took a close look at um Behavior data um looking at some Trends last week um which which is always interesting um you know looking at at the number of referrals we're having where they're occurring what grade level and then looking down you know for intervention purposes what what students might need some extra support um seal coordinator came up in the uh in the um budget um budget discussion we are um we're benefiting in so many ways from that position I want to point out one of the ways so we are we've been able to have a kindergarten specific counselor out of that position so when we have that position at Lincoln Elementary it's a kindergarten specific counselor and um you know we don't know yet because it's early but when we look at Behavior referrals at kindergarten at least comparing September and very early October to last year they're they're down so we'll we'll look at those Trends but we are so grateful to have um that position it complements what our you know our other counselor position is split halftime counselor halftime school psychologist so it really complements that well um I'll go down to the bottom um federal dollars came up so you can look at at the the title budget you know the one I pay most attention to is Title One Direct intervention services to kids looks like you know if if my math is correct we were it was down about 8% um from from the previous year you know and when people ask and and Michelle if I make a mistake you're correct me when people ask you know our free and reduced we're certainly not going down why are the dollars going down so my explanation is that that our share of of the Minnesota pot is going down because other districts are increasing at a faster rate than we are in terms of their allocation so I don't know if that's a very that's okay to use that so anyway that's why while we're not decreasing in free and reduced the um the budget is going down so we we won't know what to expect you know will it be another 4% reduction we'll we'll see um I will go to the back and um let's just look under School Community Partnership uh Mr Sanju mentioned Fire Prevention Week you know the the highlight of that is kindergarten students riding back from the fire hall on a fire Tru um we've got parent teacher conferences going on right now the book fair uh Veterans Day coming up and looking you know to to do some hiring for long-term sub positions and um I want to acknowledge Linda mosek um for the book fair when I left to come down here it was super crowded and she was managing that with h with a lot of professionalism and a smile on her face so we appreciate Linda so uh what what questions do you have Bill the screeners that you're mentioning that you were're talking with uh Tammy one of the consultants and stuff with letters yeah um those screeners U that you're looking at by grade level how will that impact the check-in days at the beginning of next school year and or the future yeah that that is a great question and that came up at the end of our session so Jamie right now I don't know and we will that's one of our tasks in that science of reading team and with our facilitator to answer that you know um because uh you know when when will we collect the best data when is it most useful so we will we will um answer that and I'll I'll report back probably you know mid mid spring I'm thinking so how will that impact the discussion with regard to calendar having those checkin days already on the calendar and and I'll kind of make a little bit of an assumption that I've heard very many good um comments about being able to collect the data and having those days as check-in days um at the elementary and I think that there's a big benefit to that and to your point as those discussions continue I think that that is is great discussions to continue to have because I don't know that they would necessarily go away as much as like you were mentioning the data that's collected may be different data that's being collected but to your point the timing of the data collecting is something that you guys will have to have a discussion about and see but how does that impact the calendar for let's say next year because of course that would be the most right s the the soonest of impacts and then down the road I'm assuming and you're saying that we would still need them correct what that is I think what they have to make a decision and decide I'm I'm under the assumption that I I am hearing that there's definitely a value to it and a need and I think it does benefit our district having those and the data collecting the data that's going to be collected I think will be discussed but right and and and honestly you know we'll be able to kind of go through and Bill and get those datas if you want to shift gear into into check-in days from Logistics it's really nice having one day day of 7 through 12 and having kids come in from K through 6 getting a review of things understanding things um and then the next day is when they all come in so there is a benefit to what we are doing um from just the smoothness of everything and having people know where they're going and that kind of stuff and so um I'm supportive of them because of that reason but obviously the data is also very important that was the reason why we went to it certainly want to have as much time in front of teachers as we possibly can but um it it is something that when that first day of school comes around um it's worked the last couple of years so yeah and just one more thing Jamie you know one example from this year we did make a significant change in what we used for the check-in days we got rid of the ftis in penel because it didn't align with the science of reading and then replace that with with more of the fast battery so um we will we're we're learning a lot and it's um it's um much appreciated yeah to have that opportunity yeah good and thank you for those the update that you not only gave today but also the the work that's being continues to be done by the staff and by Administration with regard to the letters training the um the live sessions and the continual learning by staff I think it's really good PE professional development thank you thanks thank you Bill Matt you're welcome good evening so mine's going to be pretty brief um but I did want to start by saying I don't think I got a chance to say this in September um this has probably been one of the best starts of a school year that I've had since I've been in this position and this is the sth year and I think it's important for you guys as a board to hear that um I don't know what I attribute that to but this first two months of school have been fantastic so um I wanted you guys to know that the students have been good the parent Sports been great um in the in the report that I'm going to give here right now we do have parent teacher conferences tonight um so before I came in I did get to meet with with several parents that were in the halls and here on on positive notes not just hey I have an issue and I need to talk about it it's school's been going well and I want to talk to my parents or talk to my parents while my parents were Educators but they're not here tonight talk to my my children's staff members about um how the Year's been going so it's been off to a great great start um at the beginning of October we started with our Panther Power Hour and and what I need or wind time at the high school and junior high levels um slight adjustment that took place about probably halfway through last year Power Hour used to be a Tuesday through Friday thing and that was something that I inherited when I came here Co kind of interrupted the the process of what that looked like in the middle of my time here and then last year we really started looking at you know the effectiveness of having power hour every day day versus having a study hall every day as well and it just wasn't the two were kind of contradicting each other so about halfway through last year we changed our power hour schedule to be just Tuesday Friday and if you'll notice our win or what I need at the junior high which is essentially the same thing but for our Junior High kids um that is run every day Tuesday through Friday and I've had a couple questions about that in the past as to why do you allow your seventh and eighth graders four days a week and your Senior High kids two days a week that seems kind of counterintuitive and the reason for that is Panther Power Hour is 1 hour in length it's basically from 11:35 to 12:35 what I need at the junior high level is about 24 minutes long so it's less than half the time um it's a lot more structured and it's half the kids so that's the explanation as to we're trying to manage about 230 kids at the junior high level whereas at Panther Power Hour we're looking at about 4 60 something like that so it's just it's worked very well I think the kids appreciate the two days a week the opposite of that they're in wrap so advisory on Mondays uh Wednesdays and Thursdays um this year has started great um we've typically had a honeymoon period where Power Hour starts and then the next week we have some some issues with it with kids not necessarily abiding by what they're supposed to be doing um the biggest part of that is kids do get scheduled through their Infinite Campus where they're supposed to be so for instance um I schedule detention if a kid needs to serve detention I schedule in their Infinite Campus it shows up on their schedule they check their schedules or they're supposed to be checking it first second or third hour it will show up there kids know that if they don't show up to where they're assigned then Power Hour will go back to advisory each day so that they're they're following those those expectations um and this is the best attended year that I've had with it and I mean this in a positive way but it's probably not going to sound very positive the very first uh detention that I assigned I assigned 34 kids of detention for various reasons mostly tardies due to the first start of school um and I make sure that that I approach it directly right away when Power Hour starts of the 31 kids assigned to detention 30 showed up and the one that didn't was sick so that's what I mean by kids utilizing it the way that it's meant to be utilized I did meet with them uh the day before it started so that would have been you know the Monday before we did Power Hour and wi I met with every grade level individually and talked about the importance of you know being where you're supposed to be doing at uh following through on on your expectations of getting your work done um because there is a purpose to this time it's not just hey you have this 30 minutes or this hour to yourself it's if you have a missing assessment you need to take that if you have a missing assignment you need help on it you get assigned somewhere so it's it's been a really great start to the year with power hour and win um which is in addition to what I talked about at the start of the school year being very well but um I think our kids are just ready to be back and ready to understand what those expectations are and also know that it can be taken away if it's not used so it's been a positive there with school in Community Partnerships like I talked about we have our conferences tonight uh all staff are in their individual classrooms I know that that's changed a couple times over the or once since I've been here we used to be in the media center for the last several years actually since Co staff have just been in their individual classrooms I think that helps both a parent and a staff member um kind of get to know each other of okay this is where my kid comes to class every single day this is where they learn this is what the environment is so that's something um that has worked very well since that chain has has taken place a couple years ago we did have our blood drive on October 4th um and I always talk about this we have two blood drives a year because I think it's important for the board to know and the public this is something that we've held very tightly that we keep with just our students or staff that donate and I know the the American Red Cross has has wanted to open this up to a public donation site and I understand the the request for that because there is a blood shortage and and we hear about this quite frequently the reason in my view through hosting blood drives at the High high school and and I could have an argument either way with this but it's to try and get individuals that become donors for life so we have a lot of first-time donors of the 49 presenting donors that we had I think 25 of them were first-time blood donors and trying to create this environment where they're amongst their peers they're amongst their friends and they're comfortable to donate so when they graduate after they're 18 and they do see a public donation site they're more apt to go hey I'm going to go donate now and I I I think think it's important that I have that conversation as well because I think our 49 presenting donors could be 79 presenting donors if we opened it to the public but I think it just becomes more of a public donation site then as opposed to our students and I don't know if that's really um emphasizing lifelong donations after it so that's my thought process that's something that may change in future years but that's something we've held to throughout the the time that I've been here um and then lastly under acknowledgements I just wanted to talk our homecoming Court uh we did have homecoming uh I think corination was on September 20th which was right after our last board meeting uh we did do coronation in front of the the entire School our kindergarten through 12th graders were were in attendance in the black gym and I was very nervous because it was a change um and anytime you change anything there seems to be some feedback both good and bad and it's one of the very few things that I've done in the seven years with where all of the feedback I personally heard from staff and parents was positive and I thought the the negative feedback would come from the parents of the students who were in Coronation because they would have to take off of work to be there um that's who I received most of the positive feedback for was they loved the the amount of students that were there that got to experience that with those kids as opposed to coronation at night where we had maybe 50 or 60 kids or people that showed up we had we had 00 people in the black gym that watched this and it was a pretty it was a pretty electric environment I know our our seniors enjoyed it you know my wife's an elementary teacher she talked about how excited her kindergarteners came back and how much fun it was and I think they had a better understanding of what homecoming is at the high school level so that's something that I would like to continue next year if the board supports and and the kids continue to support as well so that's my probably long- winded short uh board report any questions I can answer for you no questions but I just want to make a comment about the um blood drive uh my youngest son uh was or always donated blood to every time we had blood drive and he agrees or he agrees with you that it is nice to have it just the kids instead of having the public um he still continues to donate blood every time he sees one and he's a teacher now and he's in his third year and he's at second year at the same school and now he's trying to start one at the school he is at so good job that's awesome kind of funny story and it'll take just a short amount of time I always look at the data of how many presenting donors do you have how many deferrals do you have for whatever reason that is how many units are collected well I had a new one this year under it it said walkouts and we had one walkout and I thought what happened like somebody came in and like they were watching and they must have got nervous and like I wonder who that was and then I reflected a little bit longer it was me um I was there waiting to donate and I had an issue happen at the end of the day so I had to step out and I never made it back so that was kind of an epiphany I had when I was looking at the email I got from them man a quick question that I have um you did a great job articulating the panther Power Hour and the what I need and mentioning the panther power hour is one hour for the senior high and 24 minutes for the junior high the wonderment that I just kind of have is with the uh Panther Power Hour on Tuesdays and Fridays I'm just kind of wondering and it's kind of a calendar thing again just kind of wondering how many Fridays were missed on a calendar because of let's say Mia let's say Thanksgiving and for the senior high they would still have of course that one hour on Tuesdays but I'm just wondering kind of as a wonderment how many one hours of the Fridays might they be missing the junior high of course having that Tuesday to Friday and granted it is only 24 minutes have a little bit more wiggle room of if they do lose a Thursday and Friday because of Thanksgiving or something there's still some wiggle room there but just a wonderment that I have and it's a calendar type of question that's a good question um and what we do and I can give you two examples of it actually so when we had our blood drive um on the 4th that was a Friday well the blood drive takes place in the purple gym and that's one of the locations that kids can be during Power Hour so that particular week Power Hour was tu and Thursday so we adjust it so that they could still have that time this week because we're on a shorten schedule we have power hour today and tomorrow so those are things that we look at too um you know I always say that rap is is a Monday truth be told rap is the first day of the week so there's there's like Mondays that we won't have school WP then becomes Tuesday and then Power Hour becomes Wednesday so officially it's Tuesday Friday but we modify it quite frequently to make sure that they're still getting both those days throughout a week perfect thank you that's great any other questions for Matt okay we'll move on to superintendent report thank you and good evening everyone um my uh uh take for the blood drive is is that it's important to make sure that the needle goes into your vein in order to to do that um that did not happen to me so my experience was they they're they probably got you know 49.2 five liters of blood uh officially but um didn't work out that much for me but but I tried um couple other things for from my report um number one we held our first Community Schools meeting uh last Thursday we also have another one coming up in November and then um our career conversations Community Schools meeting will be happening in uh December so looking forward to that uh lctn update there's really nothing to uh update on that except for the fact that our data operations with the internet with Southwest West Central you know running everything um is going just just fine so um but but uh nothing really new to report on on any of the other stuff um interesting program that Southwest West Central has that I thought it would be really good for the board to know they have a program that they work through the special educ or through uh the state of Minnesota through a special education teacher pipeline Grant where they're trying to Pro promote uh PA professionals support staff members to head and get their license in special education right now GSL has seven different pair professionals that are in that program uh which is really really um awesome to see and it is one of the highest groups around the area and so um that program is working through Southwest West Central they're going through that and and ultimately it's designed for those uh support staff members to go get their license in special education and as we know special education along with some of other uh areas of of of teaching there is a high need of that so uh congratulations to those seven uh staff members that are doing that so really cool um as you know tonight we have our our next forum for the roof project um we had one last week in Plato so thanks to the board for coming out for that and the Community member that showed up uh tomorrow I'll be talking with um some some of the residents at Orchard Estates and then next week going to Grand Meadows uh I also went to a senior classroom room uh this last week and and talked a little bit about the election talked a little bit about the bond talked a little bit about uh the finances and those types of things um so that that was happening um and then uh finally I just want to say special congratulations to Anna sver uh she disqualified for the state tennis tournament uh today so congratulations to her and best of luck uh also want to say congratulations and best of luck to our FFA team they are heading to the Nationals we have three different teams competing uh in Indianapolis and they are the egg issues teams the egg sales and the Spanish Creed speaking so um uh best of luck to them as they head off to Nationals and then um I know that we've done this before but we'll do it again um thanks to Michelle and thanks to the rest of the staff for all their work with the audit uh they did a great job and uh once again I know that when I talk to the Mary and I talk to the uh the other um Auditors that are in our office working they always tell me how good of a staff that we have working so thank you once again for all your work with that thank you you guys make it look so easy any uh questions for Chris okay um any committee reports tonight we had a finance committee it was pretty much covered with the audit uh discussion and once again I Echo what Chris said thanks to the district office staff and Michelle um also in Chris's report when he was mentioning FFA maybe I should have mentioned under acknowledgements but the FFA did do a presentation to the city of gleno and that was a really nice presentation that they gave to the city of gleno and you may notice on the outskirts of town on the gleno signs with the population that there are blue signs designating our Community as an FFA community and those were given by the FFA as a presentation at the city of gleno at the city council meeting on Monday which like I said they're already the city's already put them up and I noticed on 212 coming in to gleno from the East that there's an FFA sign up there right on the Glenco um population sign so we are an FFA community and it's not only great to celebrate agriculture in our community but our programming that we have here at GSL supporting that so um I just thought of that as Chris gave his report so thank you thank you for that Jamie anything else okay we'll move on to approve tonight's consent agenda it was enclosure number one do I have a motion so move that Jamie okay I have a motion by Jamie do I have a second I'll second and a second by Jason to okay to approve tonight's um consent agenda all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed same sign action um carries consented agenda is approved uh five by five and one obained so old business none at this time and new business donations received information only um we have a list of many donations from organizations within our community to many different um um Sports and other um Elementary uh organizations at our within our district so thank you to those um generous donations we'll move on to action item B um bonding refinancing and aers is here tonight um this is just information only and then there is an enclosure um to follow along with as well yeah because that's the only way the streaming will show up thanks whatever do you want me to run it or you can run it to see it works yep there you go it works y there you go is this on y it was don't press it again press it again there it goes all right thank you for having me it's a pleasure to be here with you my name is Jeff cely I'm with ERS and we have worked with the district for many many years on uh financial matters so you have a potential refunding opportunity and we're going to talk a little bit about that um the what the potential savings might be what the current market indicates and what the timing of it might be so um to get into this so you have you have two Bond issues one one of them is a tax abatement Bond it's smaller it is not callable so that's not part of this conversation although in one of the slides I listed so you understand you have a second bond issue out there but the first bond issue it's your general obligation school buildings bonds it's uh series 2015a which basically means it was issued in 2015 the power amount was about $23.7 million and it was the result of the successful election in May of 2015 and you can see what that Bond financed at that time um relocation of grades K12 to existing 712 campus uh improve safety repurpose program space for the Lincoln Junior High School and the high school and to complete window upgrades at the lakeside element School in Silver Lake so that's what it financed at the time so it was set up for a uh 30 roughly a 29 actually 29e Bond um and the annual principal payments also called maturities were scheduled for February 1 of 2017 all the way through 2045 um when those Bonds were sold uh call date was established and a call date is basically when you can refinance or refund those words are somewhat interchangeable uh refinance the bond for savings okay it's not like a it's not like a home mortgage where you can just go and do it anytime you want right um You can you can refund a bond early before that call date but you have to pay taxable rates on the new Bond so basically you're issuing new bonds taking those Bond proceeds paying off the old bonds and if you do it early and you have taxable rates as opposed to tax exempt rates your savings are going to be diminished or totally wiped out and we monitor this we run an an uh uh an analysis uh several times a year to measure what an advanced refunding might do before the call date and as we approach the call date we start looking at what we call a current refunding so you have about $19 million worth of callable principles so it's it's a fair amount that you can refinance uh when you look at refinancing or refunding a bond um the the potential basically comes in two two forms or three forms what the current interest interest rates are compared to what they were when you issued the bonds of course the lower interest rates now the more savings you might have the larger the bond so it makes sense if if you're refunding you know $2 million you have less potential to save money than if you're refunding $19 million and then how far that Bond goes out in this case you will have 20 more years of principal payments which is a long time because most bonds are originally issued for 20 years and you have like a 9-year call poliy you have you know uh uh 11 years left to refinance in your case you have longer so there's more opportunity to save money the longer it goes out that said it becomes much more valal to changes in interest rates too we're going to talk a little bit about that but uh you would refund your 2026 maturity so the call date is February 1 of 25 and you refund all maturities after that so your 26 through 2045 principal payments or maturities would be refunded the existing rates on those 26 through 2045 are 3 and A4 to 4% okay um so the district and then I mentioned the the tax payment bonds which are not part of this equation just so you understand there's a second bond out there so this are current refinancing so um what that means is the the law law allows you to refund these bonds as early as 90 days prior to the call date which is February 1 of 25 or anytime thereafter so once you hit that 90 days prior it's considered a current current meaning I can issue tax ex exempt bonds and get those tax exempt rates to heighten or increase my savings um versus taxable rates uh so obviously viously the the new bonds the refunding bonds would uh refund you know the 26 through 245 maturities of that 2015 Bond and the the maturities or principal payments would mirror what the old bonds are so they would still end on February 1 of 2045 unless you decided to do some restructuring at the time generally speaking we we see very few schools do a restructuring at the time most time it's just to grab the savings for the taxpayers um and it's a direct savings to the taxpayers in other words if you save money it's not like you can go ahead and use that money in your operations it's a direct savings to taxpayers so uh you have a potential opportunity to reduce your future Bond payments with this uh I mentioned some of those Concepts there so last Monday a week ago today we had some Bond sales the best way to uh judge the market is to take in bond sales that are very similar to what this Bond structure might look like and take those results and go ahead and and apply your situation to them so we are showing about $280,000 worth of savings now you can see there's 20 years there so it's only about $15,000 a year but it adds up over to 20 years to about 280,000 now I mentioned the greater opportunity to save the more volatile it is so for every 10 basis points so on10th of a percent it will adjust that number by about $175,000 so that savings if if if rates go up 15 base points or 20 basis points somewhere between 15 and 20 so 2/10 of a percent it would wipe out that entire savings so this is extremely volatile it's extremely sensitive to any change in rates you know sometimes if you have a different amount different uh length of maturity it will be a little less sensitive in this case because um you have so many years out there it is very sensitive to changes in rates so um this here is a one-year trend of the municipal Bond index so this is a 20-year Bond and you can see over one year that we're no just shy you know a little bit shy where the high high point was over the last year we're far from the low point you know this would have been great if this low Point instead of uh last year um almost a year ago was now because it would have really increase your savings because you know if you if you uh to go to that 280 million right 280 million 280,000 savings to a million dollar in savings you only needed you know a half a percent change or lowering of the interest rates right and right now we were estimating about 3.8% as of last Monday um and this is a 10e so basically you can see we're pretty much at the higher point over a 10e now historically rates are low if I keep rolling this back for prior years they're going to just keep going up but rates have kind of uh over the last 10 years have been fairly low um and it's just shy of the high point now I just want to go back to the saving sheet because we had two Bond sales last Thursday and both of them came in with different numbers than what we saw on Monday's Bond set and not in a good way so something happened in the market and uh we spent several hours this morning analyzing this to see if this was a blip in the market or a trend a trend is not good because if it continues trending in a negative way it wipes out your savings if it's a blip in the market well then it might go back to what we're saying seeing and you might save your 280 or 300,000 or whatever the case may be so it's it's a little too early to tell but we had two Bond sales in and they they mirrored each other and then we looked at with some other Bond sales uh in the midwest occurred and and the same anomaly if you want to call it that showed up in those and what it was was when you got to your 20 35 maturities and after we saw a big jump in the rates all the early rates were right on target as far as what we saw on Monday's salale but the longterm rates jumped and they jumped significantly half a per you know so um as you can see you have all the way to 2045 so you're refunding because it's long is going to get hit really hard by rates out in the future going up okay most times you know if we're doing if we started with a 20-year Bond and we're doing uh 10 more years on it you might have one or two years affected by that you guys have a bunch of them as of if I apply what happened Thursday to this you don't have savings but is that a trend or is it a blip in the market now it isn't that big of a deal at this very moment because we were not selling these immediately these uh we looked at them and we talked about whether we wanted to this was going to be a normal we had to wait till November one to sell anyway so it's not like we could have sold these earlier right because by law it be urrent it would be within 90 days um originally we talked about whether this would be a standalone refunding and we would move ahead on this time frame that we're starting or discussing uh or whether we should wait to see what happens with your bond election no November and there was uh some economies of scale by waiting so in other words uh you could possibly combine these uh with a successful uh or bonds from a successful election and you pay upfront costs for one Bond instead of two bonds also the the market wasn't it wasn't like it was a spectacular market and you're getting these great savings immediately so there didn't appear to be any hurry to move this along um and you can refund these anytime in the future once you H November 1st you can use a t you can do the tax exempt rates to refund this so maybe this thing will show it's got a lot of years it's going to be refunded at some point you know uh whether rates come back down and we do it you know in line with your new bonds assuming your your election passes that might be a January February time frame or whether it's a year out two years out or three years out you've got 20 years for this thing to to show savings so there is no hurry on it um the what we saw on Thursday the change in Market could be could be a trend my concern is it it's going to be a trend because um we had we had rates drop fairly recently from the federal level now that doesn't have a direct impact on us but investors look at things so as rates drop at you know the feds drop the rates municipal bonds you usually see an equivalent rate drop um there was a lot of debate on whether that should have been a quarter percent drop or a half percent and and the investing Market was comfortable at a quarter per. because inflation is still not at the 2% Target right so there's a lot of speculation that they won't go above quarter perc because they're still trying to drive the inflation down so uh they they did all the rate hikes to drive the inflation down they got comfortable because inflation did come down but didn't H Target so they expect it to drop when they did 50 basis points the investors weren't necessarily sold that that was that they should have went 50 instead of 25 so what they did we saw the 25 reflected in here they on the long term they said we aren't confident that in inflation is going to come down in the long term so we are not dropping our long-term rates on our bids and that's what happened that's what we believe happened again it just happened last week so so I'm kind of speculating on why we're seeing that um but there's there's obviously whenever you see rates like this it all has to do with investor confident on what they might be seeing and if they're putting in higher long-term rates that means that uh um they believe rates on other Investments are going to be higher in the long term and they'd rather put their money there which means inflation won't come down as much as what some people were speculating so that's Pro that could be a likely scenario again we have to wait and monitor it for a while now the good news is this this will line up with with the sale the the new bonds so we have some time to monitor it so that is where we are um this morning I was looking at it thinking oh what am I going to tell we we just did this in 4 days later it's obsolete you know but is what it is and 4 days from now it might look great again who knows uh so we'll keep monitoring it and if it makes sense to do it we will do it with the new bonds if it doesn't there will be another opportunity in the future to grab some of those savings so so for the last I don't know how many years right we get the emails uh from Jeff and you know most every time it's nothing no and so we don't necessarily bring this to you guys you know for these opportunities because there's really nothing to do but this is why we have Ellers that that allows them to do what they're doing and and that's why we hire them to do that while what was it a couple of months ago or a month ago we got hey we finally got an email that says we might potentially do something which then means that's bring this in front of the board so that you can have an understanding of ultimately what potentially could happen and as Jeff said it's not necessarily a savings for the school district in terms of what we can hey now we can use this money and do this but I think it's good for us to do so that it shows that our taxpayers that we are looking at um you know being able to refinance this and to save it on their end and while the 16 17 18,000 or whatever number it would be each year you as an individual taxpayer may not see much but it adds up and then if it adds up to a you know like we we see here with that number um that's where we use our experts to say yes this is this is an opportunity to move forward with this or let's hold it and we kind of got excited for a little bit because we finally thought that we were going to be able to do something for our taxpayers and now H maybe we'll have to keep watching it yeah good summary on it summarize it a little bit does it does now if if it if that was a blip and rates go back here's the timeline we won't go through it but basically you would be closing on these Bonds in February maybe it gets back to March this a tentative schedule line up with your new bonds um if not um we'll be looking at your new bonds alone and this at some point in the future so question on you saw last week with the sales of bonds if that becomes a trend how does that impact our potential new bond election passes it's going to impact uh the acred interest on those longer term maturities so um we were looking at a a 20-year Bond so probably year 11 and Beyond we'll have a little higher interest rates uh right now about 20 basis points uh on those so it's going to be a little higher so we'll we'll play with the re the structuring to bring it in at um what the tax estimates were so we might have to do a little restructuring on it to make sure we don't have an issue with the tax you see the tax impact to the taxpayers changing or how much will be available so the the amount available for the project won't really change no that won't change um so let me just uh pull up the structure here it's a good question that's why I brought my computer in case something like this comes up uh get shut down hang on okay here it is all right so um what we have we have 20 years and it's going to be uh your total combined payments are going to be about 2.34 million and that goes it's consistent all the way through 20 years so what I was looking for is whether or not we had built any type of drop down in the future that could fill it so what's going to happen is when we sell the bonds and we get this uh we will put it in to match the structure that was pre-election and if it comes in at or below the target rate then that's it I mean it's done it's fine we'll go with that structure if it comes in higher then a little bit higher then uh we could uh change the structure a little bit maybe you add one year to it uh you know just bring it out one more year uh maybe the tax impact is so minimal that you just keep it that way and and it adds a few dollars to you know a home so those are decisions that we can make at the time um although I can tell you I do have a cushion built in than [Laughter] that so chances are it won't be an issue unless the trend magnifies you know at what we saw it's not going to be an issue because I have at least a half percent built into this questions for Jeff and Jeff is sticking around he will be here for presentation at 8:00 tonight so he'll be Able's more about the tax impact on the bond later on questions will will be okay thank you okay we'll move on to action item C Education Minnesota GSL sority list this was enclosure number three encloses the proposed sority list for certified staff superintendent Sanju recommends the proposed list be posted for 20 days to provide employees with an opportunity to identify potential inaccuracies in the list do I have a motion so move I have a motion by was that Clark and do I have a second I'll second I have a second by Donna to post the Education Minnesota GSL sority list for um 20 days and do want any questions comments before I move to a vote we do this every year okay so all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item D the SEIU Local um 284 senority list action um enclosure number four encl closes the proposed sority list for employees of the SEIU Local Number 284 um superintendent Sanju recommends the proposed list be posted for 20 days to provide employees with an opportunity to identify potential inaccuracies in the list do I have a motion I so move oops I'll second a motion by Donna do I and I have a second by Jason to post the local 2D for sority list for 20 days all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item e authorization to continue limited um k through eight student transportation during the winter months the GSL School District furnished a limited expansion of the student transportation for K through six students living greater than 1 half mile from Lincoln um last year and for students in grades seventh and eth living greater than one one mile from school it is proposed to implement the expanded transportation services again during the 2024 2025 school year beginning on November 25th 2024 and ending on March 28th 2025 under the conditions specified for this year only at no additional cost to the school district as long as the room is available um do I have a motion I have a motion by John do I have a second second and I have a second by clarkk um any questions comments just so you know uh Trisha and I looked into this because it was one of those things that you kind of looked at and said why not try to do this at the beginning of the school year just let's let's see what this would do and when you started crunching the numbers the system that we have in place is still the best to do um you know we're certainly trying to to transport as many students as we possibly can and at the same time um be able to uh run our buses as efficiently as possible um and then at the same time you know is it reasonable to pick up a kid that live you know pays transport everybody but if a a student lives two blocks away it doesn't seem reasonable to be picking them up and so you're trying to find this balance amongst everything and um reality is is is that the system that we have in place I think is the most efficient and the best way to do it um we do count on some students you know using this fall time to you know to find their rides and that kind of stuff and then when we actually do this Transportation many of them just keep that because if they all would come on board to take advantage of this service um we would have some some issues with with uh capacity in some of our buses we do have a few buses that are full they are certainly full but they are not over capacity um and so um we recommend that we do this just like we have been in the past okay I have a motion by John and a second by Clark to adopt The Limited expansion of the school district's transportation services during the 2024 2025 school year under the conditions specified all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item F pair of professional hours principles Butler and freight request approving the f following changes of hours for pair of Professionals in their buildings for the 2024 2025 school year um Nina osland from 6.5 daily to 7.25 and Paige treeny from 7 to 7.25 um and Jenna jum from 7 point a decrease of from 7.25 to 6.5 and these were all effective as of or to be effective as of 94220 for any oh there isn't a motion line on this this one okay so do I have a motion so Mo I have a motion by Jason a second do I have a second to Second by Donna to approve the changes for the prayer of professionals as listed above um all those any questions or comments and Bill this is for the rest of the year at this point okay so all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item G um Crown College PSO um contract superintendent Sanju recommends approval of the postsecondary enrollment options PSO contract with crown college for the 2024 2025 Academic Year do I have a motion so I have a motion by John do I have a second Clerk or oh sorry clerk um do I have a second second and second by John to approve the postsecondary enrollment PSO contract with crown college for the 2024 2025 Academic Year all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed same sign action item carries action item H first reading of policies it's the recommendation of the policy committee to bring back the following policies for adoption at the next school board meeting um uh policy 515 protection of privacy of pupil records 516 student medication 521 student disability non-discrimination um 522 Title Nine sex non-discrimination policy grievance procedure and process 524 internet acceptance use and safety policy 532 use of peace officers and crisis teams to remove students 535 service animals in school 601 School District curriculum and instruction goals 604 instructional curriculum and 66.5 Library materials do I have a motion I'll make that motion do I have a second second and I have a second by Jason so I have a motion by myself and a second by Jason to bring back the policies listed above for adoption at the next school board meeting all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item I second reading of the policies the following policies received their first reading um at the September 9th school board meeting it is the recommendation of the policy committee directors lumpy and luckart and the superintendent of schools to adopt the policies as listed below do I have a motion okay which one Clark sorry I can't tell the difference between you two today and do I have a second a second and a second by Donna so I have a motion by Clark and a second by Donna to adopt the policies listed above all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item J miscellaneous just a question are we going to be canvasing ballots the after after the 5th it'll be November 12th you'll be okay till then okay yeah so with Veterans Day on the 11th we were not able to have a meeting which was kind of coincides with moud pony usually does theirs on the Tuesday um that afternoon then we'll have everything for the board meeting okay thanks okay anything else okay do I have a motion to adjourn I have a motion by John do I have a second I'll second and I have a second by Jason to adjin tonight's meeting at 7:40