##VIDEO ID:mtiybpZgvcU## know we can always if he comes in can this is what Michelle what you just you give into great Communications and agomy she has J good evening we'll call tonight's or uh meeting to order if you join me in saying the pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all John if you insist with taking roll call please please signify here or not please and I got to get to the right page I got the wrong one here we goes Jamie present Clark not here myself John here Jason here Alicia here Donna yes sir thank you thank you John okay I will request a motion to approve tonight's agenda and just a note too we have an agendum um for the agenda so I do I have a motion some move I'll how about I'll do a motion by Jamie and John would you like to do the second excellent okay I have a motion by Jamie and a second by John to approve tonight's agenda with the addendum um all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign uh tonight's uh agenda with the addendum is approved uh announcements the next regular school board meeting will be on Monday December 9th 2024 at 5 pm 5:00 P PM yes at 500 P PM in the GSL community room 443 444 with a recess at 600 PM for the truth and Taxation hearing and then we'll reconvene when that meeting is reconvene the meeting after the hearing is done um any announcements I have a couple of acknowledgements or ackn sorry acknowledgements right yeah uh first of all I'd like to say thank you to all of the people that put together our Veterans Day programs uh we had Veterans Day programs in our elementary schools and then at our High School uh very well attended and very well done so thank you to everyone that did that uh I also want to say thank you and congratulations to the cast and crew of foot loose if you had an opportunity to see our our School Musical it was phenomenal once again uh a great job for everybody uh and then I would like to acknowledge and congratulate Jamie on his victory for school board along with congratulating Randy gors and Kayla Keenan uh for their um uh votes that they got to award themselves uh school board members so congratulations to them uh and then finally I would like to say thank you to our taxpayers our taxpayers and our stakeholders for supporting our bond um having that support is was just wonderful news uh Michelle and I had a late night on on Tuesday getting uh the results and having kind of a roller coaster ride seing some things come in and uh but when the dust settled and it was all said and done um our taxpayers did support our our $10.9 million Bond and I just want to say thank you and and very very grateful thank you Chris any additional acknowledgements yeah I'd like to acknowledge the passing of Carolyn hegna um she was a longtime teacher here at gleno and uh speech teacher mostly I think um out of the Helen Baker building and so our thoughts and prayers are with um her husband Wayne and the family so thank you thank you Jamie any additional acknowledgements okay hearing none I'll move on to public input relating to the agenda first call for public input and second call for public input relating to the agenda and third call for public input relating to agenda the agenda okay hearing none we will actually move on to administrator reports and committee reports so we'll start with business manager's report Michelle all right thanks Alicia just to follow up on Chris's um about the election I think I 1:00 in the morning I said I got to get some sleep so I had text Chris and then about4 to 3 3:00 then he's texting me so it was back and forth so then it was 6:30 when we connected again so it was not a lot of sleep but uh waiting for all those precincts to report so following up on that um Chris and I have our first uh roof planning meeting tomorrow morning um with the guys from tremco it's just a um a zoom meeting but kind of trying to get a timeline in place and start a talking about the uh the bid documents that will go out for that so we'll provide you with a followup on that as we see how that goes Ellers is working on all their documents and we'll get back to us soon on where those things are at I think as far as We Know plan will still be to sell bonds at the January board meeting so we'll keep you posted on how all those things go uh the Silver Lake Street project the um city of Silver Lake had a meeting a couple weeks ago I wasn't able to go and it was just kind of an open house to come and see to get a preliminary look at what your assessment would be and then I connected with them and the assessment as it stands right now for the school will be $70,100 but that will not be finalized till 2026 so we're looking at um it'll affect the 26 27 school year so they'll hold a final Hearing in the fall of 26 to issue what those final assessments are so right now lower than what they had first expected our our bill to be about 86,000 so we're coming in under that but couple years to wait and see how all their prices come in so that's where we're at on the Silver Lake um Michelle is that that due in one year or is that do option of you can pay it and then you pay the interest on that or you can pay it all UPF front in the past when we've had assessments like this we just pay it upfront rather than take any interest penalties on it so um you know if the assessments are due starting with taxes in May of 27 you know I would say you would work it in then to the 26 27 school year budget okay and PID at once does that come out of the general fund then or does that come out of which bucket does it come out of come out of the general fund thank you y Michelle one more clarification what streets around Lakeside everyone every yeah the whole the whole Community yep yeah welcome to constru school is affected by Lake Avenue on the front Okay and then Merill and then what's one the one right on the north side of the school the one that goes from the school to the football field they're ripping up that one and they will be putting in a sidewalk which is a good thing for us for kids walking from the school to the football field yeah front of the school all the way around by the lake and then the one right north of the school so every street will hit the school's tax assessment okay and we have been communicating with them about the roof potential as well so there's going to be lots of coordination that so and it's possible that their street project might be done before we do the third year on the roofs up there so we'll have to see but they've been really good um SE about talking to us um trying to coordinate we've talked about um utilities that can't be shut in water off during the school year so the majority of that work will have to happen um right away in the summer and they do have to provide water to the school whether that's tanks or you know however they can do that for cleaning for custodial um so they've been real good about working with us yeah thank you but Tammy you guys are pretty good at that at this point in time when the water comes off water electricity it's all good right so yeah we'll keep you informed as that keeps going along um Chris and I had a meeting this afternoon to start talking and negotiating the grounds contract if you remember we have a grounds contract with 4.0 and that was a three-year contract and so that expires now Friday the 15th of this year so we'll start working on the next contract we'll see how that looks very good meeting we met with Bob Becker and Mike Jensen who's kind of taking charge now of the um the grounds management a little bit more so we'll start working out what that contract would would look like so no really any language um changes in the in the basic contract itself it'll come down to um what that dollar amount looks like for those three years so we'll work on that and let you know how that looks um I gave you a copy of the budget book so you've got that for you for you to review it's also posted on the website as of today just a couple of things that I I'm not able to finish yet um on page 52 I've got a page in there built in for the new Bond schedule I in always include the bond schedules for you for reference so I've left a blank page that I can add the new Bond schedule as soon as we get that for the roof so that'll become part of the budget book as well also on page 43 where I have all the levy data I'll be finalizing the Levy after the December board meeting and then this time I did include an updated glossery in the back of the um document I haven't done that for a couple years but there's been some changes that I thought especially helpful for a couple new board members coming on that they would have that glossery so copy for you to review let me know if you have any questions and um like I said it is posted on the website also so that's strictly for you to review and the last thing we're still working on lining up projects uh facil projects using our ltfm budget for next year the one thing that we did get locked in is the resurfacing of the tennis courts finally found um a company that will do that and um we're excited to get that done so that contract has signed and we'll be on the docket to have that done in May so we'll finalize all the the details and lines and all that stuff next spring so we're kind of on the their schedule for May could be earlier depending on our winter weather it could be a little later depending on how spring work so then as soon as we get our few more quotes and bids in then I'll be having a facilities meeting to finalize what our other projects look like so that's what I have for tonight any questions that you have for me thank you okay principal's reports Bill thank you Alicia and um good evening I'll highlight a few of the items on the Elementary report um you you can see near the top teachers will have um unit 3 session one of of letters on November 27th and both of our science of reading teams at at elementary sites have completed the literacy framework which was provided to us by Lexia letters um and that's going to help us identify strengths and areas for improvement as we develop a plan to support teachers through this process once um once the training is completed go down to the mdle under our solution Focus teams um you know we're we're looking at how we can um do a little more with our crisis teams um and mainly you know we've done a nice job when students are in crisis but um oftentimes we forget to come together as a team after that you know and um reflect build that build that Rapport um sustain relationships um with each other students um and classroom teachers as we we go through those some stressful moments I'm going to skip to the back um you'll see a couple of pictures first one is um our PTO family FunFest and then the second one is from Veterans Day so I'll talk a little bit about that um you can see um we had the PTO Fall Festival on October 25th and then Veterans Day of course yesterday um Sean gild did an amazing job with our kids um he's got a really nice touch with younger kids making making that Veterans Day message of of um pride and perseverance and patriotism really relevant um for young kit so we really appreciate him and then of course our PTO um for the Fall Festival um when you walk into that event and just see the size of that thinking wow they they really do a great job and and pull this off so thank you to them that's um those are the highlights but what questions do you have Bill I just want to Echo what you said about the acknowledgements of the PTO and the fall festival party I mean that took place in the Commons area and the gym I mean it was such a fun family um event that took place and it was really just fun to see all six communities of GSL really come together with with family friends kids all over the place um I'd like to acknowledge the hard work that went into it and and the work that the PTO and staff members as well that that they participated in supporting the PTO and the Fall Festival it was outstanding and um it's amazing just to see the growth that PTO has made um oh my gosh probably since you know back in like I mean I had some time to reflect on it and probably back in like 09 when we were trying to pass coming out of statory operating and trying to pass an operating referendum and you know just thinking about how to get the word to the community and stuff and one of the one of the comments that I made when I was involved with that to Administration was you know who are the PTO leaders because we need to really get the word out how important it is to pass an operating referendum to continue to get out of the statutory operating debt that long ago and the comment of well we kind of don't have a structured PTO we have leaders but we don't really have the organizational part and the partnership between the parents and the teachers when it comes to a PTO organization and so to think about that and kind of the challenge made to Administration so kudos to you and and the rest of administration as well in the formation of a PTO and and seeking out who those leaders were getting them organized or helping them to get organized in the connections with the teachers and now here we are in 2024 going into 2025 and to be able to put on an event like this no way in God's green Earth could that happen without the Partnerships that have been created so like I said kudos to Administration PTO and the staff just outstanding thank you any additional questions or comments for Bill okay thank you we'll move on to superintendent report thank you uh just a couple other things besides the acknowledgements that I had our next Community Schools meeting will be on the 14th here on Thursday and not only will we be having our community schools meeting with our community school members but there's going to be several other guests that will be with us because we're going to do a ribbon cutting ceremony for the greenhouse so it should be a very good event on that day we'll we'll probably have close to 50 60 people in here for for that event so um looking forward to that day um nothing new with lctn uh still moving forward with everything the day-to-day operations are are going well with that and then finally we're getting into the the world of school closings and just kind of publicly stating that you know if there's ever an event where we change our our school calendar and we have to do a two-hour late or a cancellation we will be sending out you know the email and we will be sending out the the messages but I always want to make it very clear to people that um checking the website many times we have you know we also put it on Channel 4 channel 5 you know WCCO uh k 11 you know all those other media spots right sometimes parents say well I saw it on Channel 11 but I didn't get a phone call for whatever reason and so then they think that it's still please know that if it's on those media Outlets it's fact it's probably happening um and so you they can trust those things and then and we always get it on the website too so families can go ahead and and just check the website if they never got a phone call but um chances are they will get a phone call uh they will get an email from us and um but if for whatever reason um there are other media Outlets that happen with that and hopefully it'll be like next last year we hope so right right right so you guys ready for the early morning calls guys yeah so thank you any committee reports or actually any questions or comments for Chris before we move the committee reports okay any committee reports Community Education advisory had um a committee meeting and the general Community Education winter activities have started uh spring registrations will open in December and January um Panther Adventure Club the enrollment is around 30 to 40 students um sometimes even more so that's looking really good Panther cubhouse enrollment is full there is a wait list that is open um there's discussion about you know once again opening another room if space allows um the team is kind of feeling that they're ready for some additional students if space is available like I said um for youth recreation fall activities are done and the winter activities have begun um we'll be hosting two youth basketball tournaments those are scheduled for November 16th and January 4th um General enrichment and trips we continue to have relationships with the Jolly Ramblers for different trips that Community aded sponsors and they continue to be just a really really good partnership and a huge success for Community Ed um adult basic education uh classes are continuing to run on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and there's been a lot of attraction to this program in the month of September so that's kind of just a synopsis of the agenda that took place on November 6th for a Community Education advisory meeting thank you thank you Jamie any additional committee reports okay hearing none we'll go back up to um reports and presentations and then we have um 4.0 with us tonight yep is there a microphone there all right perfect if you can just yep turn on the from the bottom or no yeah on the side that there we go excuse me uh thanks for having us here tonight um I'm Bill drummer uh general manager with 4.0 School Services uh we also provide ground service for you guys as well um want to introduce Dan wanis here uh he is our gen excuse me I'm the general manager you're the manager sorry for sneaking in after the Bell Dan wanis has been with us for the last five and a half years uh in a driver capacity and the last 6 months here as our manager so Dan's a guy from the area he's got students in your District uh rooted in the community and very responsive has a great relationship with our drivers and just does a fantastic job so thanks for being here with me tonight Dan being on time so um great to see you all again this year um just do a little update here uh we've been running 14 big bus routes in the district this year three mini bus routes for special Transportation uh that's a little reduction from last year we did modify one to a van um we also did what we could I think we're reduced a little bit in the preschool area as well total vehicles on the road every day so just trying to consolidate and be efficient um running six sped Vans each day to various programs in District and not a district for you and overall things are going really well I think we've had a great uh start up to the school year um great leadership there in our office and in our shop with our mechanic and stuff and so um it's been a good school startup um one thing you guys might notice or hear on the radio each day um in talking with the Minnesota State Patrol excuse me uh they kind of informed us that accidents across the state have risen in all areas and accidents involving student transportation has has risen a little bit too so we've implemented in our 27 districts that we work in uh managers doing shoutouts little messages to our drivers each day just to remind them of safety and being aware and awareness behind the wheel and stuff like that and it's just our effort to drive down some of those potential accidents uh anywhere we can so um I appreciate your partnership with us for the last many many years and thank you guys all for uh your support of us through various incidents that that we that we manage each day um great Community to work in wonderful kids and parents so um and thank you guys on the board for having us here tonight um does anybody have any questions concerns for Russ Bill I just had one question there's been a unfortunately on on the news a few things with some of the buses none of them have been your buses but uh drivers that have been impaired do you guys do any random testing for drivers is part of your policy and I'm just asking if it is or It Isn't So no great question uh yes absolutely so we follow all the FMCSA rules with uh random testing all of our drivers um in Vans and in CDL capacity and the buses are are subject to those random tests um we do exceed the standard with our type 3 drivers we we move that uh standard of testing up to match the CDL testing as well and so uh we also have people that are trained as uh Reasonable Suspicion uh reasonably suspicion trained and they can identify some of those uh maybe potential um actions before before they get in the equipment um I think Dan Dan does a great job he's there every day I think he meets the the drivers well maybe not all maybe one of them gets there before you but uh he does put himself in front of everybody every day and and uh is very social in that aspect and I think that is I think that's a big part in our company is staying connected with the people you know putting yourself in front of them every day and uh being able to notice something if somebody's off and not necessarily impaired but everybody goes through stuff in life so thank you thank you just one follow up on that um Jason you may not know maybe you do know so the school owns a hunk of Vans and then um 4.0 drivers drive them but we also have school staff that drive those vans it might be a a golf coach for example in the spring so anybody that drives a school van with students has to take a type three driver's test and they do that and turn it into our office but our drivers do not have to be drug tested unless they would be driving a route on a regular basis so if we would have a teacher that for say that was driving a special ed student every day then they would have to follow the same drug testing requirements as a regular um 4.0 driver would have to but that's how it kind of works with the school vans on that piece good thanks how is the new building working out uh working well we've we've done some upgrades uh We've added some lights and stuff um but overall um a majority of our equipment can park inside each night um that's a convenience to the drivers keeping them clean in the winter time and uh looking nice for daily routes and stuff like that and events um it's been a it's been a good addition we've got a little extra space in the in the driver area the office area for training and so uh you guys have a training coming up here soon tomorrow so we'll have a driver training in that facility tomorrow it's been it's been a good space it's been a good move for us good one of the upgrades that I've heard at the probably the top of the list is you paved the parking lot we did we added some black top there that has been a nice a lot of good comments about that goe good goe and I'll just Echo working with Dan has been great communication has been wonderful um I spent a lot of time on buses I spend a lot of time in the mornings talking to kids talking to drivers doing those types of things um and you know we always tell the kids they need to bat a thousand they need to make sure that they're driving every single day um they can't have that and so having our behaviors on the bus and having those expectations and doesn't mean that we aren't dealing with some challenges once in a while but we work through them and um you know our kids are are arriving every single day and it's just amazing when you look at how many things are out there that each day um you know make sure you knock on wood but each day our our kids arrive safely for school and and uh so thank you to them for doing that it's a tough job job I've had a few text messages and phone calls from parents about I guess just bus activity so to speak and hasn't i' I told the parents they advocate for themselves give Dan a call give Dan a call um then you know start with that and uh I don't know if you got any calls I've given your number out a couple of times so but I but uh get good calls and bad calls we just take them as and and also a thank you to um several of our support staff members because several of them ride the transfer bus as another set of eyes which I think is a really good that Chris is talking about that transfer is one of our toughest routs that our drivers have it's just our buses are as full as they typically are during the day um it's an age group it's it's third to sixth graders and they're excited after school yeah they they're ready to go home and um so so that can be that can be one of our trickiest ones but we seem to navigate it pretty well you're talking about the Silver Lake de Brownton transfer yeah my kids wrote that that's that was always exciting the Silver Lake de BR one has some some nuances to it as well yes you you can learn a lot or not on a school bus someday so oh boy I have to Echo the same thing what Jason just said I had you know so a phone calls from parents or but I just tell them to do this I do the same exact same thing I just refer them back and um follow the chain of command Or List you know start start with and I've never had anybody return a phone call on that so thank you Bill and Dan yeah thank you guys very much have a great night okay we will move on to approve tonight's um Cent agenda that was enclosure number one do I have a motion so moved I have a motion by Jason do I have a second second and a second by John to approve the Cent agenda all those in favor are we going to have any discussion on this well there's one area there's one area one area that we all want kind of discuss a little bit but I was going to after the vote say a couple of things but uh no no we're fine you just had a you can go ahead shisha okay um we have a motion by Jason and a second by John to approve the consent agenda all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign so as you guys are aware on the last part of that con agenda we have a retirement of uh Miss sander and um it has now been officially approved um we we will certainly uh recognize say no I mean we could have but we will certainly recognize um and and and thank and and do that properly here at a at a later date but uh on official notice just want to say congratulations to her and her success all that type of stuff now that it is quote un quote official and I've done a lot of work over the years and so I like to think that I've really extended it for for quite some time but I I think I'm I've played every card and retirement is coming well I mean we approved it someone is coming that is true congratulations thank you for being thank such an awesome person to when it comes to explaining difficult issues for us that are not in the school you know deal with the school finances as much as you do you always make it so much easier to understand you one more chance at truth and Taxation that's right I know we have until we have until January January yes wants to take that overall and we all know you got to do it one final time I just want to Echo the same sence everything thank you so much for everything um when I first came on the board I was a deer in a headlight and I was information overload um there's probably a lot of dumb questions and especially with acronyms trying to figure those all out but um I appreciate all the patience that you have shown me and um all the knowledge that you have instilled to me so it was very you did a very good job teaching me thank you you know it all I have your C phone number we know where you live we have your number okay um we'll move on Old business there is none so um new business action item a um donations received this is for information only um we have accepted the following donations as listed below again as um usual an amazing list of very generous donations from um numerous organizations within the community so thank you to those organizations that continue to support um our um activities um Sports and um clubs wrot GSL uh action item B approval of Education Minnesota GSL sority list this is enclosure number two enclosed is the Education Minnesota GSL sority list following the required posting for 20 days receipt and verification of challenges if any and subsequent changes in the sority list if any the administration recommends adoption of the enclosed Education Minnesota GSL sority list for the 20124 2025 school year do I have a motion I have a motion by John do I have a second second and a second by Donna um any questions comments before we move for a vote standard mhm okay uh motion by John second by Donna to adopt the education of Minnesota GSL sunor list for the 2024 2025 school year all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item C approval of the SEIU Local 284 sority list this was inclosure number three enclosed is the sority list for the employees of the local 284 following the required posting for the 20 days receipt and verification of challenges if any and subst subsequent changes in the sority list if any the administration recommends the adoption of the local 284 sority list for the 2024 2025 school year do I have a motion I so move a motion by Donna do I have a second a second and a second by Jason again this is um standard any questions comments before we move for a vote okay uh motion by Donna second by Jason to adopt the SEIU Local 284 sority list for 2024 2025 school year all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item D approve the audit uh Mary REI our auditor for Clifton Larson Allen LLP provid Ed an overview of the audit summary and financial statements for the school district for 2023 2024 school year at the October 14th um board meeting the superintendent of schools recommends the board accept the audit summary and financial statements for the 2023 2024 school year as prepared by Clifton Larson Allen LLP do I have a motion I'll make that motion do I have a second and a second by Jas or Jamie any questions or comments I didn't have any followup in or questions from anybody so um no changes that came about from Clifton Larson Allen or anything that I noticed um and just a reminder both the summary and the full audit are posted on the website if you have anybody that asks how they can access it so that's out there so um I would recommend approving it unless you had something else okay a motion by myself a second by Jamie to accept the audit summary and financial statements for the 2023 2024 school year as prepared by Clifton Larson Allen LLP um all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed same sign action item carries action item D Director of Finance job description this was enclosure number four um superintendent Sanju recommends approving the Director of Finance job description uh do I have a motion so moov I have a motion by J Jason do I have a second second and a second by John any questions comments so just basically with the retirement of Michelle um we felt it was kind of a good opportunity to you know kind of change that title not that Michelle isn't the Director of Finance but officially to be able to post that might be able to attract um people and those types of things and uh it is a director role and and I think it it serves uh the purpose to have that name so that's what we're recommending job description is basically the same same yeah okay a motion by Jason and a second by John to approve the Director of Finance job description all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries action item F annual resolution for Combined polling places due to the change of the Minnesota statute 205a .11 subdivision 2 effective July 1 2017 this resolution must be completed by December 31st of each year This was um this is enclosure number five so it's resolution establishing polling place or places for multiple precincts and designating hours during which of polling places will remain open for voting for school district elections not held on the day of a Statewide election the combined polling place would take place at the glanco city center from the hours of 10:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. do I have a motion so I have a motion by John and a second by Jason yep to designate the city glanco city center as the combined polling place and setting the voting hours between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8 p.m. um John can you assist with taking a roll call vote please absolutely please um signify for or against Alicia four John four Donna four Jamie four clerk is not here Jason for Okay resolution passes and that's just a reminder that if we were having another election this is allow the steps that you have to do and we aren't planning on having another election here this year no thankfully once again thank you okay um action item G PA professional hours uh principal fre requests approving the following change of hours for par par par professional listed below for the 2024 2025 um school year uh Christa Boris from 6.5 daily to 6.75 so an increase in of25 effective as of um 1031 and for Carolyn house lot in from 7.0 daily to 7.25 daily so an increase of 2.5 effective of 114 do I have a motion increase of 0.25 or sorry you said 2.5 oh sorry yes 025 thank you for correcting me Donna yep do I have a motion I still move I have a motion by Donna do I have a second I'll make that second a motion by Donna and a second by myself to approve the following um change of hours for the pair of professionals as requested any questions or comments once again this is for student needs kind of adjusting schedules of when students arrive and leave and then trying to make sure that the PA's hours match that so uh it's a basically a tweak in in making it sure that it and then that their hours are ultimately reflecting what the uh approved amount is for that person so all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed same sign action item carries action item H first reading of policies it is the recommendation of the policy committee to bring back the following policies for adoption at the next school board meeting 608 instructional Services special education 613 graduation requirements 615 testing accommodations modifications and exemptions for IEPs Section 504 plans and LEP students 616 School District system accountability 619 staff development for standards 620 credit for learning uh 624 online instruction 707 transportation of public school students 708 transportation of non-public um school students 709 student Transportation safety and 806 crisis management do I have a motion I have a motion by Jamie do I have a second second and a second by Jason two bring back the policies listed above for adoption at the next school board meeting all those in favor please signify by saying I I I opposed same sign action item carries action item I second reading of the policies the following policies re received the first uh reading at the October 14th school board meeting it is the recommendation of the policy committee directors lumy and leart and the superintendent of schools to adopt the policies as listed below do I have a motion I so move I have a motion by Donna do I have a second I'll make that second to adopt the policies listed above all those in favor please signify by saying I I opposed same sign action item carries and then we'll move on to the addendum action item J uh resolution canvasing returns of votes of the school district general election uh this one will be enclosure number one to the addendum the abstract and return of votes cast has been received from the county the three candidates who received the highest number of votes are jamy oen Randy Gores and Kayla Keenan elected to fouryear terms beginning the first Monday of January 2025 do I have a motion second I have a motion by Donna and a second by Jason to adopt the resolution of canvasing returns of votes of school district general election John can you assist by taking a roll call vote absolutely um please signify for or against when your name is called John four Jason four Donna four Alicia four Jamie and Clark is absent absent okay the resolution passes uh resolution or action item K resolution authorizing issuance of certificates of election and directing school district clerk to perform other election related duties this was enclosure number two to the addendum the resolution authorizing the board Treasurer and board clerk to execute certificates of election on behalf of the board to the newly elected School Board members do I have a motion so move I have a motion by John do I have a second I'll make that second to approve the resolution authorizing issuance of certificates of election and directing school district clerk to perform other election related duties please signify four against when your name is called Clark is absent Donna four Jason four John four Alicia four Jamie thank you resolution passes action item L resolution canvasing returns of votes of school district special election this was inclosure number three to the addendum be it resolved by the school board of Independent School District number 2859 um it is hereby found and determined and declared that the School the special election of Voters of the school district held on November 5th 2024 was in all respects duly and legally called and held as specified in the attached abstract and returns of votes cast at said election a total of 6,988 Voters of the school district voted on the question of authorizing the issuance of a school building bond for a school acquisition and betterment program program school um District question number one of which 3,570 voted in favor and 3,418 voted against the same said proposition having received the approval of at least a majority of such um votes is hereby declared to have carried the clerk is hereby directed to certify the results of the election to the County Auditors of each County in which the school district is located in whole or in part and to the commissioner of education do I have a vote or a motion I have a motion by Jamie do I have a second I'll second and a second by Donna to adopt the resolution of canvasing returns of votes of the school district special election John please signify for or against when your name is called Alicia for Donna for Jamie for Clark is not here John for Jason four and the resolution passes okay action item M uh Miss elenius real quick just want to say thank you to Trisha for all of this election stuff she did a ton of that um getting all that organized all that detail taken care of one of the reasons why we are doing that tonight was because of getting the information here at about what 3:00 or so and getting all that stuff and she was very prepared and and having it all set so shout out to Trisha and her work so thank you I just want to say another thank you to our voters um just uh in trusting in our board and our Administration to uh get this project done it's something that we have to do and I'm really glad thanks to Michelle and the administration for going out and doing the meetings and getting the word out there and uh again our voter is for entrusting our board and doing the what we need to get done for the buildings seems like I'm always reiterating every tonight but um I agree 100% with Jason um I want to thank the voters for their trust and um in us that we are leading the direction in a good and positive way and um I look forward to see what all transpires yes okay um adornment do I have a motion to adjor I have a motion by Jamie do I have a second I'll second and a second by D to adjourn at 650 all those in favor please signify by saying I all