##VIDEO ID:-ynusYuGflg## [Applause] how I'm feeling today right that's [Music] know I'm so but we are glad are 18 years old you're there agree I agree JY nice to meet you I had him here he is he's very nice one of my [Music] [Music] flag United States standal meeting of council being H inance SCH meetings Township Council established and adopted by the township Council schedule designated the time date place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided for to the provisions of the open public meetings act we are using an electronic amplifying and recording device and in order to obtain an audible your record we request that all those speaking be recognized and state your name and address directly into the microphone the recording device is to be solely utilized by the T cl's office with the preparation of the minut and shall be the official record of the toship council meeting we will now swear in gler Township council member Helen Albright Troxel [Music] first all Helen thank you very much for asking me to do this this is a tremendous honor you I I practiced all day uh but I'm not going to risk it so please raise your right hand and with your left touch the bible repeat after I state your name I Johnson do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of New Jersey and the Constitution and the laws of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do further Solly swear and I do further Solly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly performed and just like perform all the duties of a council member all the duties of council m in the township of bler in the township of bler according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability God so help me [Applause] congratulations I just want to say a few words because I see a mic and I can't help myself but it is a joy to be on Council in glester Township again this is a wonderful town we have done so much under our mayor David mayor and new and creative ideas are happening all the time in this town as we grow our ideas are growing also and I'm very proud to be part of it and thank you all for coming God bless each and every one of [Applause] you roll call Mrs Al Dell yes M pres Mr Mado pres Mr here Mr Nash here Mrs Walters here M wers we now open nominations for president of council I'm CL I to nominate councilman Orlando marado for president of council is there a first second Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes so nominations are closed I make a motion to close nominations Mrs Al Joel yes M Grace L yes Mr MC yes Mr Min yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes is there a motion for nomination for vice president Mrs Al roxel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr marato yes Mr M yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters Mrs W [Music] council president Mar will now be sworn in by Congressman Donald [Music] hross You' done [Music] this I Stay Ireland marado to Solly swear to Solly swear I'll support the Constitution I'll support the Constitution of the United States the United States and the constitution of state of New Jersey constitution of state of New Jersey be true Faith be true fath and allegiance to the same aliance to the same and the governments established government establish in the United States the United States and in this state this state under the authority of the people the authority of people and that will Faithfully faithfully and partially partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties council president council president in the township of laer Township of laer according to the best of your abilities best my so help you go [Applause] congratul and may will be saring in Vice President Michael [Music] so Michael uh just like Dan I spent all day studying as well I'm like him I actually memorized it so please raise your right hand repeat after I say your name swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I support the Constitution of the United States the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I further solemly swear I further Solly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all of my responsibilities all my responsibilities as Council vice president as Council vice president in the township of B to the best of my ability the best of my ability so help me God congratulations we are joined today by uh Congressman Mor Ross the son Hinson and also mayor mayor uh mayor mayor there a few words you like to say or nor cross before we take a five minute the State Assembly chur right abely first of all happy New Year congratulations um forgive my voice uh it's tough to do your job when you have no voice and I'm trying to get it over it as we know as we come off the holiday season and certainly the New Year gives us a chance to reflect on who we are as a nation and certainly where we are when it comes to family I just want to thank all those who are serving as public servants because quite often these are missed days at home with your family with your loved ones and it truly is something that is what did John McCain used to say something greater than yourself and that is to serve the public yes they might be up there but they represent each and every one of you uh I literally am going to leave here in about three minutes and jump on a train because I get sworn in tomorrow into one of 435 which is the greatest honor of my life and then we'll all come together on the 20th where we will have a peaceful exchange of power where one president literally the most powerful person in the world steps down and the next president begins whether you voted for him or not whether you voted for the people up here or not we now put politics aside and come together as one nation and only through doing that will we continue to be that greatest nation in the world so to the May on all the those even in the assembly as we used to say uh I just want to share one more thing now you might have remember that Rob worked or they work for Rob Andrews and if you work for Rob Andrews you would say the Pledge exactly how he did what 25 years ago when you were doing it it's great to see that continuation of Public Service everybody have a wonderful and enjoyable year and stay healthy thank you [Applause] we'll take a five minute recess thank you sir Happy New Year hello hello Happy New Year [Music] came here for help [Music] I [Applause] [Music] thank you is you're right with I was just curious you know good but I've when [Music] [Applause] it's [Music] it's hard to learn so to it's [Music] [Music] there know your it's like you're working you repor no no [Music] Mr Nash wers Mrs W [Music] Memo from mayor David mayor municipal judge Ryan and tros Municipal engineer and berck Municipal Court prosecutor and municipal prosecutor Wade long wood long LLC Municipal labor Council Archer law Municipal Bond Council Parker McKay special counsel special litigation Archer law mustus Nelson Law dtus Fitzpatrick Cole and Giblin LLP financial advisor aesia Financial Group engineer of sidewalks land Dimensions engineer of streets Remington and berck engineer of recreation ped Associates LLC engineer of storm drainage Consulting engineer Services consults energy consultant BL Sky Power Redevelopment planner architect tnm Associates media consultant bluewire media Economic Development consultant Triad Associates Redevelopment engineer petted Associates LLC land use attorney Archer law Municipal architect JF mccaran Jr grants cdbg consultant Triad Associates Municipal auditor Bowman and Company municipal prosecutor Defender Glen ly substance abuse Advocate Genesis special projects engineer sickles and Associates tax assessment tax appeal consultant Professional Property Appraisers Incorporated environmental engineer CME Associates landscape architect CME Associates special tax appeal consultant The Francesco baitman kman Davis Lair and flam PC and Damon Tiner LLC special Council confence attorney Hawkins Delafield and wood LLC reverse tax appeal Council blown BL Municipal planner Remington aerick special Council for redevelopment areas speo Harrison and Nelson LLC conflict engineer Consulting engineer Services sewer Consulting engineer penon sewer conflict engineer Bach Associates PC sewer solicitor Wade Longwood and long LLC sewer special technical engineer consultant brick engineering LLC historic architect Westfield Architects and preservation Consultants those were all Professional Services who will serve a one-year term from Chief Harkins class one special officers David Hony Dave Maloney Karen Lewis Brian Han Tyler cem Michael Gilbert Tyler shider MD Ahmed zanat no William fron Derek Hagen Stephanie Calderon William Perna Michael De Camila Ryan dublan Michael Crowley rer farmer Stephen bonafonte Nicholas Sali Owen Davenport Brandon qu Wyatt kirs Christian Warren and Sebastian Zapata Joe andreola James dockerty Chris Jones Charles dockerty Jose Melendez Mike Elroy Jason gens and Ed Edward Walter Additionally the following individuals will be sworn sworn in as crossing guards James Fino Christ ball Rodriguez Susan van Ronan rega and Robin Spina the below list of police Chaplin and volunteers will be reappointed for their positions for 2025 chaplains Michael Manion Renee Canales Richard Reed Michael Williams Kenneth carpanelli Pete Shoemaker Jeremy Robinson William hample volunteers Frederick Frank Susan massera Dennis F Michelle Beck Kevin Davis Robin Spa Karen Mara Joan Joanna s senson Rosetta Linton Joshua laferty deloria Walker Salvatore Al Alamar Ian Beck Linda fenard Gabby trip triplo leis Leone Debbie bios Angela over [Music] Holzer resolution 251 001 resolution establishing order of business for the township of gler may have a motion I'll make that motion the question roll call please Mrs Al Trel yes M Grace yes Mr marato yes Mr M yes Mr Nash yes but I take exceptional number five of uh anyone addressing Council may speak one time Mrs Walters yes Mrs Winters yes resolution 2501 002 resolution of the Township council at the township of boster Camden County New Jersey establishing Rules of Order and conduct for all Township Council regular work sessions special meetings of the township Council I have a motion please I'll make that motion second it on the question roll call please Mrs Aly Troxel yes M Grace love yes Mr marado yes Mr M yes Mr Nash yes and I'm sorry yes and same exception as Mrs Walters yes Mrs W resolution number three resolution designating the date time and place of Council meetings for the year 2025 and authorizing and fixing charges on notice of meetings as required by the open public meetings act may have a motion I'll make a motion second on the question roll call please Mr Man yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs winners yes Mr marato yes resolution 25004 resolution authorizing the designation of newspapers to receive all notice of meetings as required under the open public meetings act may have a motion please make that motion I I'll second thank you on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes resolution five resolution establishing legal depositories for the tangal cler have a motion please motion second on the question V call please Mr mon yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters Mrs wers yes Mr yes resolution number six resolution designating signatories to General accounts for the Tang of fler may have a motion that motion second on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al roel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wyers yes Mr Mado yes resolution number seven resolution of the Count Council the count Foster adopting a cash management plan land I have a motion please on question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers Mr Mar yes resolution eight resolution for policies and procedures of the office of the tax collector for the year 2025 have a motion second all question call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes resolution number nine resolution of consent I I have a motion on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes M Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Walter yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes resolution number 10 resolution appointing the gler T of public defender I have a motion the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Albert roel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs reeners yes Mr Mar yes resolution 11 resolution of the township Council the township gler County of C authorizing the appointment of the municipal court judge may I have a motion please motion first second on the question call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wyers yes Mr marado yes resolution number 12 resolution appointing the B Township public agency compliance officer I have a motion excuse me I have a motion that motion on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Aly Trel Mrs Grace love Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes resolution 13 resolution appointing the toship auditor may I have a motion please I will make that motion question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Aubrey charel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes resolution 14 resolution appointing leaon to the Blackwood Lake advisory committee councilwoman winter have a motion please on question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Aly Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs reeners yes Mr Mar yes resolution 16 resolution appointing lean to the Township Housing Authority resolution appointing Council liaison to the gler township historic and Scenic preservation committee that's councilman Nash have a motion I'll make that motion question call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wiers Mr marado yes resolution 16 resolution appoint to the Township Housing Authority Council Grace have a motion please I'll make that motion second question call please Mr Man yes Mrs alel yes M yes Mr Nash yes M Walters yes Mrs wyers Mr Mar yes resolution 17 resolution appointing leaon to the cler township advisory committee for Recreation and Parks this vice president have a motion question call please Mr yes Mrs Al yes M Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr marato yes resolution 18 resolution appointing Council to theer Township veterans organization Council Waters motion please question roll call please Mr yes m yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes resolution 19 resolution appointing members to the cler toship dwelling commission motion please that motion question call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs yes Mr marado we have an addendum resolution accting members law chall board a motion please I make that motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Dr yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mr Walters yes Mrs wers Mr Marc yes thank you very before we resolutions have documentation we approved resolution [Music] I do car you were second yes everybody good all right now we go to our public comment anyone wish to speak please raise your hand Mr leader and uh my first time coming this to this um kickoff event and I thought the public would actually had a chance to say something about the uh documentation that was accompanying but I guess not so we are meeting at 7:00 thank you start at 7:30 7 o' yes and uh and workshops are at 6 o' see that and did you consider my request to extending the public portions time limit uh that was something uh that we had discussed throughout the year my colleagues and I but the time will remain the same 15 minutes for the first public abortion 30 minutes for the second public portion there's still e access emails that can be sent counil you I'm not sending any em go in because you take my time away when I do um and now there's a limit that only one person can speak at each public times no that's incorrect with a limit of one Speaking opportunity you you said one person ah I see so one person can uh come back if there's no others they can speak in the first public portion one time and the second public portion one time so you have limited the The public's ability to speak to council no incorrect it gives people opportunity to speak there's other individuals that are just speak their time period have you ever tried to accomplish anything in three minutes or five minutes it's complex when you're verbally trying to talk to someone it's impossible I've been trying to do that for a year coming here well way have you brought that up Sir so during this public portion as we go through the New Year those first three minutes you'll speak and Council will respond at the end of the meeting the end of the meeting yes so it's not actually a two-way dialogue it's one way no it's allowing you for your entire 3 minutes or entire oh I see absolutely so at the end of the person's comments you'll respond or at the end of the meeting that could be at the end of the comments or at the end of the meeting I see some clarification if someone has pass a clar clarifying point they can ask that that's a good thing thank you so you can't accomplish anything in three minutes okay is there anyone else Mr paoro followed by Mr swe good evening Council Ray pador from the historic village of Ariel I wish you all a very happy new year happy New Year is there anything um in the public portion where we get to speak that prohibits us from using video or audio uh presentation in what we are presenting to council uh if we have something on our phone um that we could bring it is no different than uh bringing evidence to something a point we're trying to prove or something that we're not particularly against anybody but news article whatever the case may be uh I didn't see anything in uh in open public meetings act that prohibits that is Gloster Township of more stringing than uh than the open public meetings act regarding that so I have to tell you it's a unique question my years I've not seen it come up at this form of government or any other Municipal meetings that I've attended uh I would tend to think that what would control the use of an exhibit is how disruptive it is to the meeting uh if you're holding up a cell phone or if you need a board set up or something uh you're still limited to your time that the structure is set forth I don't can't recall anything but I'll review it further I've never seen it was this supposed to be five minutes for a public portion did you limit this to three minutes had three minutes okay all right so um I remember where there was a time when council did not have a great dialogue we appreciated the dialogue it got heated it got adventurous and for the most part for the public it went well I had no doubt that you were going to cut all that out and be the anti-trans council president that you're capable of being uh one person being able to speak one time within a three minute time period as the clock is running and I appreciate Mr cler's response um there was a time at the end of the night where you guys would absorb everything that was said and then you get shoveled out and you take your Digs at the public when everything was done if you didn't like was said the reason I'm asking about the video and audio that if you take the opportunity to take Digs at the public we should be able to take the recordings that are public uh that are open to the public and bring that back to this meeting so that we can bring the words that you brought to us back to you so that if you take Digs at us like you did in the past that we would be able to present the audio of what you had presented to us no dialogue is not a good thing it's anti-transpirant when you see how much this won't work out or we are going to need things on our behalf at the end of the night you do answer uh not having dialogue is poor judgment I got to imagine that and again addressing council president and maybe the rest of you may not get the opportunity to ever have dialogue with us again um it maybe in the future you figure out that this doesn't work as well as you'd like and the dialogue was a good thing uh again Happy New Year to everybody please stay healthy and safe sweet happy New Year everyone um Sam sweet from uh Elizabeth over in Ariel don't show up for a couple meetings and we're changing this the structure why are we limiting to one one person one Speaking one time so it giv an opportunity for more residents to speak um this is something that I approached my colleagues on Council I took a look at surrounding municipalities and how they constructed their meetings you miss more than a few meetings say and you have other obligations uh the last few meetings the way they have Grant and have the interaction uh with residents and counsel I believe it gives an opportunity that if you wanted to have three minutes you have three minutes of whatever you want to present public comment to any concerns you may have so whether it's three minutes or five minutes unobstructed no cross dialogue and we have an opportunity to respond at the end so when I took a look at these municipalities Washington Township B Township looked up north Monclair Bridgewater brick Tom River I looked at municipalities that were Democratic control and Republican control I took a look at their their meetings and how they ran I watched their meetings and what I realized uh there were only one public portion in in the eight of the 10 municipalities I looked at and the public portion was held at the end of the meeting not an opportunity for people to speak about the agenda the agenda was passed and then they went into other information and then there was a public portion at the end and everything was done said and done so here is still an opportunity for people to comment on the public agenda portion uh and then comment at the end any concerns they may have uh and they're just limited to one time coming up they can still max out at eight minutes and and if there's a ordinance a second reading as you well know that time is unlimited understood however there are and we still have OV okay but you're limiting us to our oves because if I write an OV question you're going to take that public portion away my public portion if I have to write an ego question on whatever because I'm not sure if I'm going to make the meeting and if I make the meeting then you're going to take my public portion away you you made that rule earlier in the summer correct no uh that was done at the beginning of the year when we had reorganization okay so if you s an egub and you're in the audience I give you the opportunity to read your EEG or have me read it but it will count toward your portion okay but eego is for individuals that do not have an opportunity to come to the council meeting because they can't make the meeting okay just because other Council meetings are run that way doesn't mean that we should change the way we've been running it um other Council meetings the mayor stays on board and can be asked questions as well but our May our mayor doesn't show up for our Council unless there's a you guys are being sworn in or there's a photo opportunity he's not here right now we have a different form of a municipality uh there are Mayors okay in Washington Township okay they're former government the mayor is part of that meeting seate Township the mayor is part of that meeting the mayor is not part of our meetings here the way our rule of municipalities okay but you're you're pointing out that other townships you're point out that other townships are um you know doing these things these ways and how we're going to do them now pointing them out but their meetings are run separately differently as well so why AR we making the mayor part of our meeting now and so forth and I understand that I know but just limiting a person to one time and changing it just because you guys don't like what we have to say no it's not of that you just you said that if you go rewind the tape you said the last couple meetings back and forth all right and the only time that we've been allowed to speak twice is when everyone else has spoken if there's been we have 15 minutes five three minutes is five people can speak if there's a meeting where there's only two people that speak and then I have questions on something that Mr ctis you know said to another person and I need clarification I've already spoken I should be allowed to come back up if four if five other people want to speak then that's fine I'll get clarification elsewhere but should be able to allowed to be SP spoken to or allowed to speak more than once if time a lots and if there's not enough people to speak and to change it I think is a violation of our constitutional rights and you just stood up here and said you will it is a violation of our constitutional rights and you stood up here and swore in the Bible and said I will uphold the Constitution and neither of you are all of council is not right now by by limiting our ability to speak to you you're limiting it your time is up than you're violating the Constitution I possibly think why you're your name I'm sorry Danny Paris and I live in um clemon New Jersey I possibly believe you're doing this because you don't know how to answer anybody properly and nobody gets an answer from anybody up here so you're eliminating so that people that ask one question and want another question answered you're not giving them the opportunity but that's not my question for now my question is um what was the uh resolution establishing order of business for the town gler did you answer that you just voted it in what was that about that was1 has the order of our business of Township oh okay and O2 establishing rules and Order of conduct what's seconding me you didn't answer what they are you just read it off and everybody voted for it except for Mr Nash who decided to stay with it and and say no to him okay so what was it they are posted on the agenda there it's our rules of order for our meeting and also rules of conduct so you don't you don't have time to discuss it with the the residents who pay a large amount of money for this Township especially for the American water that you wanted to push in here that's totally poisoned water did you have read the did you have read the news about American water and aqual water they're both poison water so people please residents countship clerks and Township Council make sure you're drinking bottled water and not just any bottled water Essentials core or Smart Water because everything else is from sewer to steam okay and that's from my education of my bachelor's and master's degree CU that's got 9.5 purified water American water and aqua water is totally poison water so make sure that the mayor knows that also that he's working for a company that's giving out poison water number three um if a newspaper can be have our news in it why can't like cler Township P have it ahead of time it's just the newspaper yes and it can't be the patch or could it be on TV has to be a circulation okay and my third question is um I asked uh Michelle lyers you always have a priest and you always have a pastor why can't you get a rabbi in here for people that are Jewish so we have a mysterium that's part of our religious leaders in town right but there's a lot of Jewish people in this town and anyone can be part of that right and they come from the ministerium the ministerium selects who is going to give the invocation right but ministerium are ministers and pastors no there's no rabbis in a minister part the ministerial rabbis pure rabbis are not in Minister people of Faith okay okay so there is a group of people of Faith the head of congregations and where is this place they meet where is it and they meet here in the township I believe every other month the mayor in the mayor's office so I'm going to when can I go to to talk to them I'm going to complete my and then you're done your time okay okay I will ask them if they could possibly reach out to a rabbi or if you have someone to suggest we'll be more than happy to have a rabbi give the invitation well I'd like to find out you can find out for me thank you I will miss good evening good evening Denise Co choose Landing happy happy um I want to speak about the changes to these meetings that limit opportunities for back and forth conversation between the residents and the people elected to serve them these changes feel like a step farther away from transparency and accountability it's a new year and people learned a lot of of important lessons last year we learned that things are not always as they seem and that finding the truth is crucial the focus should be on building trust between the people and the representatives we elect to answer us and to do what is best for us in the interest of our community limiting transparency only benefits those who do not like the questions being asked and don't want the public to know the truth providing answers to the public should not be a difficult task if what is being done is just the thousands of views a recent video received are proof that people are paying attention to what happens in this room the defeat of the sewer referendum is proof that the people will show up to the polls and protect what belongs to them and that a few quote classless little friends as we've been called can educate the masses and earn the respect of the people the more you try to limit transparency the louder our voices will become our right to question our government is worth protecting we as taxpayers and voters have a right to question and expect answers shutting down dialogue won't stop us from speaking out we will continue to demand transparency and accountability and we will keep Ed educating the community about the issues that matter whether it's here online or elsewhere I urge you to think carefully about what kind of leadership you want to show know that we did not give you permission to rule us you cannot silence us and know that the people will hold you accountable the only way we can at the polls on election day and I also want to make a comment that you have uh revised Rules of Order and rules of conduct but there's no rules of conduct councel why is that rules of conduct for Council can explain yeah um like we're not allowed to be loud or boisterous or use file foul language or disrupt the meeting but you guys could scream at us you can make you know little comments like classless little friends and things like that but we can't do that to you so there should be rules of conduct for Council also where you're not allowed to disrespect us you're not allowed to scream at us you're not allowed to disrespect us and you're not allowed to disrupt the meeting isn't that fair take that under consideration thank you anyone else that has not spoken we'll close the public portion iing I just to I've never heard anybody here hold on please no yelling from the audience that was just my point thank you very much I've never yelled directors Please Mr uh Happy New Year everybody have a great night and great me just want to thank everybody for coming out and you I apprciate it if you did I hope to gain your trust and your confidence and uh and transparency is something that the law requires us to do so I believe that we are following the laws if I didn't think we were I would not have voted for any of it so I I think understand more deeply about what transparency is and how it's accomplished thank you all for com Mrs G just excuse me congratulate those who have Council men and women who have been sworn in today um have Happy New Year to everyone I hope everyone have a great year um um keep prayer up for those in New Orleans um and I just just want again to focus on peace and focus on prosperity and focus on getting the work done in La Township this is a great um Council I have had an opportunity to work with and I appreciate them it's a hard job and so sometimes it's disheartening um when you know you are a public servant and you want to do your best but it's always a negative environment where we need to work together more we really need to come together and get the work done for boster Township and again everyone have a great uh New Year Mr Nash I just want to say thanks for coming out I do want to give a special happy birthday to my buddy Brian this the 16th birthday [Music] today to spend with us at Council so thanks happy birthday Mrs Walters congratulations to tonight and happy New Year and winners congratulate wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year happy birthday and Mr Mar uh want to thank everyone for coming out this evening congratulations Helen uh 20 years ago uh in the summer of 2005 Helen and her husband held a an event for me running for election by myself to fill unexpired term and I remember the kindness and warmth that she showed to me and has shown over the last 20 years congratulations well deserved and congratulations Michael nice presid again you're great wingman and the work that you do here is very appreci that I rain a motion to adjourn second I all those in favor supped to [Music] not