##VIDEO ID:1jSTANgG8WI## all d [Music] [Music] br [Music] [Music] I watch good evening please rise for the pledge of allegion IED to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for [Music] all good evening this regular meeting of the township Council being held in accordance with the scheduled meetings of the township Council establish and adopted by the township Council which schedule does need the time and date and place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursu to the provisions of the open public meetings act we are using electronic amplifying recording advice in order to retain a clear and all record and request all those that wishing to speak be recognized and state your name and address directly to the microphone the recording advice will be solely utilized by the township clerk's office for the preparation Ms and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam clerk can we have a roll call please Mr Man here Mrs Aly Troxel here Mrs Grace love she is out this evening Mr Nash here Mrs Walters here Mrs wers Mrs wyers is out this evening as well Mr M present Mr car here Mr ctis here Chief arkins here Mr Miguel here we'll now have our first public portion this is for agenda items only each speaker is entitled to three minutes there's 15 minutes total for the first public portion once all those wishing to address Council had their turns they may address Council second time only if it ask was said earlier not repeating earlier statements Miss coin Denise Co she's Landing good evening good evening the open public meetings act requires public bodies to provide 48 hours notice of agenda items including s sufficient detail to to allow for Meaningful public participation the supporting documentation for Resolutions r-4 col 12- 420 and 421 was not posted till late this afternoon this meeting the last meeting of the year was scheduled 11 months ago it should not have been a surprise to anyone listing these resolutions under the regular agenda rather than the consent agenda signals that they require discussion and debate however ever without the full details being made available the public is effectively prevented from asking questions making comments or meaningfully participating this repeated failure to proper notice Limits The public's ability to engage with critical issues further compounding this issue the 1993 General Bond resolution of the MUA which resolution 2412 421 seeks to amend is not publicly available the Township's website does not allow residents to view this fundament fund foundational document without access to it how can the public evaluate or comment on the proposed amendment I respectfully request that Council explain what extraordinary circumstances happened preventing the bond Council and the CFO for preparing the necessary numbers and time to meet the requirement of the open public meetings act and I request that resolution 421 be tabled to allow for po proper public notice is there anything else you want to add no okay thank you for your time can you tell us why you made a statement were you asking me a question I asked I respectfully request that the council explain what extraordinary circumstances happened preventing the bond Council and the CFO from preparing the necessary numbers and time to meet the requirement of the opening public meetings act so they were listed by title only and listed on the agenda that they would be available on Monday um Madam Clerk and Mr C would you like to comment on that start with Madam clerk they were received today at um 350 and 4 o'clock and as soon as I received them I numbered them reformatted them and put them on the website so did you put them on by title only in the agenda they weren't available until today the CFO let me know she would have the transfer resolution available today and bond Council would have their resolution today and I spoke with Jeff wsky around um 3:00 today and he said he would have it shortly after and he sent it 358 so the form of the resolution content was not posted on the board correct just title correct it was just by title and he supplied us with that resolution and can business administrator respond to is there an urgency for the uh these resolutions yes uh for both the uh for the transfer resolution the CFL was working on the transfers all the way through today uh trying to meet the payroll because we're on a short week we're off obviously tomorrow and Wednesday uh payroll is on Thursday so that document uh is a what I call a living document it moves all the way up until the point when she closes everything out so that was one of them the other one was waiting for the bond counsel who was working with the ibank uh to perfect the resolution and that resolution frees up money that should have been freed up a long time ago when the uh Authority was uh dissolved and it became a utility and what they're doing is they're tying that money up that ibank is and they should not be tying that money up and it has taken some time to get that clarified between the township Bond Council and the ibank and I would say both of them are crucial number one your state you're statutorily required to pass that resolution to uh to to do your transfer so that you do not finish with overe expenditures of any appropriation which would lead to a deferred charge in next year's budget and an overe expenditure of the Appropriations and the ibank money would uh tie that money up that is right now uh free from that Surplus balance that should be should be free to clear when is the next anticipated meeting governing not until January 13 and that would be problematic so what what would be the uh what would be the deficiency and as far as your office is concerned because the TA statute does provide for urgent situations first off you would be in violation of State Statute at year end you would have overe expenditures of Appropriations you would have deferred charges to Future taxation which would be emergency Appropriations in next year's budget they would be audit comments they could affect us negatively with regard to any type of bond rating uh the other is that the ibank situation and that resolution uh could affect the ability to appropriate any surplus for next year's budget and it could affect the tax levy in next year's budget so the uh statute is not presented incorrectly but it's also does provide for urgent situations that that are out of the Township's control or business administrator's control in order to meet the agenda requirement so there are circumstances when the municipal government has to act under certain urgent situations and your explanation which has been placed on record I would say meets those circumstances because of your end of year uh so I would think it's appropriate to move forward with it but so long as those statements remain part of the record thank you Mr call thank you Mr car thank you Miss cour is there anyone else would like to speak Mr paloro good evening Council Ray pador from the histor vilage of Ariel good evening uh a sense of urgency and a sense of preparedness is two different things uh you guys has had uh disolved the MUA quite some time ago we've asked about the Surplus there was plenty of time to preper this uh the uh Christmas surprise is not the time to make it urgent uh we've asked about that uh the Surplus we've asked about the the money and the funding uh of that six million Mr cartis had constantly referred to that as Surplus when we called it renewal and replacement he corrected us now all of a sudden when it's proper we're going to call it renewal and replacement um we're going back to 1993 to undo what the Municipal Utilities of already did and I've constantly reminded you what a well oiled machine they ran for $46 a quarter they never raised our bills they borred they paid it back they still never raised our rates and they managed to $6 million renewal and replacement fund that Mr cartis couldn't wait to get his hands on and he did now all of a sudden we're going to go back to 1993 now you got to offend it when I said that Mr cartis had a bunch of cash hanging out pants well it seems he went up into the attic and found a pair of 1993 cargo pants tons of pockets and now there's a lot of cash leaking out of them and it looks like once again a money grab because we the township cannot budget the way that the MUA did I asked you last week could you put the MUA back it's not like the genie got out of the bottle you wrecked it but you can still fix it because the referendum and the people of loster Township spoke 21 1,000 people in this town told you what they thought and this looks like a move of spite we'll fix them somebody's quoted as saying this don't pay us I'm going to raise taxes all along it looks like you have been disingenuous about the whole thing I Mr carmir with all due respect you can say that he can justify a rush or emergency have plenty of time to prepare for this merch we've been asking these questions since they dissolved the way we've been asking what money it's saved no answers so in essence what you're telling us and you have done numerous times you did not save us money you could not save us money you could not do the job the way that the MUA did and then all along when 21,000 people this Township told you no $143 million for our sewer system knowing our bills are gonna I don't agree with you and I'm not a lawyer I certainly don't play one on TV but the sense of urgency is only tonight they had plenty of time to prepare for this we didn't have any time to prepare for this we had no time we couldn't read it over I think the open public meetings act supersedes Mr cis's claim for urgency and while my time is up I would like to wish everybody Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah and a healthy and happy New Year than Mr is there anyone else that would like to speak yes Nancy Kelly black New Jersey good evening hi um there's an Engineers report uh on the bills uh ped Engineers for tail playground how is that bill being paid grant money General so there is a there's grant money we had there's an ordinance on where there's a second reading today where we were required to do a bond ordinance for but that is through grants all directly for the entire project the entire project yes okay thank you okay is there any else like to speak Miss Smith you'll be our last speaker hi good evening Council my name is johy smithman I live in the SDK mbridge garden department complex on mil Brook Court Apartment 341 the back of the apartment faces Kelly driver Road although is not within the apartment complex for ouri I wanted to ask a question about on the agenda R2 412- 394 yes what's your question my question is is how are what is considered a small balance or a small credit to to which the township is permitting these balances to be um cancelled anything that is $10 or less so it's a dollar amount not a percentage of the debt owed excuse me so it's a dollar amount not a percentage of the debt it's a dollar amount $10 or less okay is that standard excuse me is that standard Mr CR is that something that's standard right I asked because does the township also cancel debt in the same amount if someone owed the township the same amount of debt if it would be considered a small balance could you give me example what type of debt are you discussing if someone owed taxes in the same amount would that also be canel do you have the same well this is for $10 or less IT addresses taxes in the title oh it does apply to both as taxes yes property taxes all right thank you and may I ask for the agenda item R2 412- [Music] 398 what would be considered an outstanding Check Yes your question on it uh how is it determined what will um be cancelled these are outstanding checks that have been outstanding for over a year so they're listed there in the amount and so irregardless of what the amount is if it has not been um properly deposited or cashed you're saying that it would be canceled yeah outstanding checks that are standing for a year yes some of these have been reissued by another check and that's why they're being canceled some of the bigger ones but the utilities have already been reissued so we were just canceling those checks and the check number I guess the check number the others we have sent letters out I have a sample letter that uh that goes out to any of these other ones that are being cancelled when they're ask when they're reissued is it announced on the agenda is it it given an agenda I was trying to answer is it republished publicly if it's re if the check is reissued it would be on the bill list it would be part of the resolution yes if it's reissued it goes before the governing body no monies in this Township can be expended without approval of the government [Music] thank you very much Mr that we close up for public portion bid [Music] report 220 2024 glester Township bicycle path health and fitness Trail Oak Avenue Ean Road dvrpc fiscal year 2018 CMAC funded 2024 Rehabilitation of Timber Cove Park recreation courts and 2025 temporary labor for the sewer utility department M have a motion please make that motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs alel yes Mr n yes M wter yes Mr Mar yes next is wave the reading accept the minutes of Workshop November 13 2024 and the regular reading November 13 2024 and November 25th 2024 may have a motion please on the question roll call please Mr yes Al I am staying on the workshop [Music] Mr Nash yes Mrs Walter Mr M yes the next old business resolution 246-247 may have a motion please make a motion there second a second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mr Nash yes Mr Walters yes Mr M yes next is ordinances second reading there will be a public hearing bear with me for one second resolution 0-24 d23 ordinance amending chapter 81- 32A of the code of the township of bler entitled vehicles and traffic of the code of the township of bler this uh location is located Blenheim Neal Road at the entrance of Blackwood Elementary School and at the exit of black Elementary School where they do not Bo do not block the Box location uh will be placed there we now open up the public hearing anyone like to speak on this matter seeing none we go to public hearing have a motion please that motion is there a second second on the question roll call please Mr yes M yes Mr Nash yes Mrs wter yes Mr M yes next is Bond excuse me ordinance -24 d24 Bond ordinance authorizing the completion of various improvements and Acquisitions uh of equipment for the sewer utility system for the township of laer County of cany New Jersey appropriating the sum of $585,000 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes of the township of bler County of CID New Jersey and the aggregate principal amount of up to $585,000 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connections with forego this uh allows for the acquisition installation of standby generators at the Brookwood and Highland Park pump stations uh the rehabilitation improvements to the Sewer utility system at the new Brooklyn eal Road sewer extension upgrades to the sewer pump stations at Fay Avenue Pump Station and a regenerative blower for C Ro Pump Station and the acquisition of various equipment for sewer utility system pumps for Peters walk Bay Avenue bound tree pump station the channel monster Pierce battery pump station We Now open up to the public anyone wish to speak on this matter Mr pador good evening again Ray palador from Ariel good evening um now that you're going to be proposing um to grab the rest of the money from the MUA which I believe is and correct me if I'm wrong around $2.8 million would it not be wise to uh take a pause and if you're going to snag their money and put it into the general fund that would then become available to take care of $585,000 rather than putting more money uh onto the debt of the township it's kind of a wash I mean if you're going to have that kind of money $2.8 million hanging around in cash why not use the cash instead of borrowing uh another almost $600,000 if you if you do this right and you do move forward which I'm thinking you're going to table the other because of the uh improper notification uh you could almost do these hand in hand maybe it be a good idea to table one or the other to be able to use the available cash which the MUA set aside for this exact reason and maybe stop uh running and swiping the credit cards and pay with cash you'll have it and if you're making that move to free that cash up why uh why incur more debt for us especially when the rates are are getting high I'd like a response from that please um Mr cartis do you want to address that I don't agree with you and I don't agree with the money there for pay to pay debt and for capital projects I think that they accumulated Surplus balance Way Beyond what they should have I think that went into the consideration of the local Finance board and dissolving the the authority and creating the utility and I don't think I think it should be returned to the taxpayers well we would like it returned in paying a bill rather than running our credit card and the fact that you disagree please do not step over each other okay so can I ask a question does anybody knew who the administrator was the bookkeeper for the MUA the bookkeeper uh who's the one that the the c financial this Bowman okay Bowman the township Bowman was the auditor and Bowman did the budget okay could the township maybe check with them because they ran such a good budget they ran such a good Surplus that we uh the township said you were going to save us money never did answer that you still can't answer that now you've proven that you really really are lousy at that so why not check with somebody who knows how to run a budget who who managed the Surplus kept our bills the same rather than taking the advice of uh an accountant or an administrator who has basically fallen short and raises our taxes every other year and disagrees because that's a money grab everything you're doing is the definition of a money grab now you got now you're GNA contemplate bringing cash in bringing cash in you're still going to swipe the card you have the it's available and it instead of another $600,000 use the cash that was meant to do these improvements stop putting our Township in debt you're going to have to perform another miracle next year it's an election year you're I know you're not going to raise taxes because we got to reelect people but the debt keeps on adding up and the rates are not great right now so take a look at what you got this this ordinance combined with what you want to do in grabbing the rest of the mua's money that you can free up for yourself and maybe pay a bill with it because that just keeps on climbing and at some point Point you're going to force the middle class out of this Township you already have but I mean the rest of us you know when people retire they're never going to be able to stay in Gloucester Township you just won't you pay your mortgage off and you're still going to be paying $1,000 $1,300 a month to live in your house did you paid for it it's got to stop use the cash thank you for your time thank you very much is there anyone else Miss coin Denise coin choose Landon um Can someone explain to me if you can do this ordinance tonight and approve it which is a bond or ordinance authorizing you to borrow money for sewer repairs why do you need to do resolution 2412 21 that is to release the uh money that the ibank has held up there's roughly $2 million that they've held up that we do not have access to so that's to release that money okay but wasn't that money set aside by the local Finance board for the purpose of paying that Bond that's nothing to do it has to do with the fact that the ibank should have released that money when the author already was dissolved and it became a utility they did not do that we've communication with the ibank for a long long time now and this is the culmination of all those discussions and then final finally recognizing that the uh because it took a while for the Social Security Administration to recognize that the authority no longer exists and so that held up some of it but most recently is when the I Bank began to take some action and again this is the result of this resolution 421 but didn't the local Finance board put aside that $28 million that said that you could take the remaining of the $6 million but that $2.8 million had to stay they did in that particular year I don't consider that to be okay but they did do that correct that year okay so I guess by question that still hasn't been answered is how if you can do this Bond ordinance now and approve it you could do another one could you not I'm sure we'll be doing more bond for okay and you could do another one and another one correct there's nothing to prevent you from bonding to do repairs to the SE correct well I mean Ray spoke very highly of the people that were there when it was an the far just now they have a list of $119 million of projects I guess we'll be looking at pretty soon right that was scheduled to be done over you know please let him finish please miss coin please let him finish so there will be yes it will definitely be more more Bond ordinances and more borrowing uh due to improvements in the C okay so those that $1 19 million is scheduled was scheduled to be done over many years it wasn't going to be done all at once correct no the listed that was their annual that was their annual budget for Capital each year I sat in on their their budgets every year for the global and for the S did you yes I did that's interesting all right um from what I understand though this uh resolution 2412 421 essentially uh is stating that the renewal and replacement fund is going to go away you're going to take that money and and instead of raising money to pay for the renewal and replacement of the sewer through billing the $46 a quarter you're gonna raise taxes to pay for am I understanding that correctly yes you that yes so you're going to raise taxes instead of doing it through the billing like the MUA did they build and they took a percentage of that money and they put it in a renewal and replacement fund to do repairs so you're going to take that $2.8 million you're going to spend it and then you're going to increase the taxes of the residents to do the same thing that the MUA was going to do through billing the customers for $46 a quarter and you're also still going to bill the residents $46 a quarter correct in my opinion that money should have been returned to the taxpayers a long time ago after the authority was dissolved okay forgive me I didn't ask your opinion I asked you're also going to build $46 a quarter correct you didn't answer whether you're going to still Bill the taxpayers $46 a quarter why would we not build so I'm understanding it correctly you're still going to build $46 a quarter and that was sufficient for the MUA to have the renewal and replacement fund run the MUA and take care of our sewer and you're going to Bill $46 a quarter and also raise our taxes to do what the UA did so what happens to the excess money when you're billing $46 a quarter that the MUA was taking and putting into a renewal and replacement fund this I'm going to see if anyone else would like to speak because your five minutes are up is there anyone else would like to speak on this matter you can continue which question where does that additional money go now what additional money the money that was going into the renewal and replacement fund from the $46 a quarter I know if there's any extra money available until the audit is completed I can't tell you whether there's addition well you said you were going to save us money and the MUA was able to take a portion of that money and put it in renewal and replacement fund and you said you were going to save us money so you should be able to put even more money into what would have been the renewal and replacement fund that now is no longer going to exist so where's that money going to go you can call the one replacement but I called C well they called it renewal and replacement fund your own resolution the bond yeah but I disagree Sur well the bond Council who we pay called it renewal and replacement I mean when you have a $51 million budget and you're sitting on over $6 million of Sur I would call that a problem well that's your opinion but what you don't answer regarding your opinion is how long it took them to accumulate that's million did it accumulate since 1963 or did it accumulate overnight if it accumulate overnight I would tend to agree with you you know why it accumulated from I would say probably accumulated over a period of time not overnight sounds like a guess so unless you know how could you evaluate if it was a problem or not because I knew what it was when I saw when I saw6 million this Township had a budget last year I think was about $75 million if we were sitting on $80 million or $85 million a surplus youd call a problem Tre with well again you don't know how long it took to accumulate that $6 million so unless you know that you can't really evaluate if it's problematic or not I think it egregious it was ridiculous that they would accumulate that kind of Sur and I think the local Finance board knows that okay but it wasn't a surplus part of it $2.8 million according to your own Bond Council was a renewal and replacement fund which was set aside to fix things without having to borrow money which causes more taxes for the residents because the bond people get paid a commission do they not yes so that's an expense that you save if you have money set aside where you don't need to borrow you also have to pay interest rates which you don't have to pay if you have money set aside that you don't have to borrow correct and Deb is problematic in itself is it not why did the local Finance board allow us to take that surus and use it you're asking me questions instead of answering mine sitting on that you were sitting on that that call I was not you keep insisting I went I attended that local Finance board I did not I did not attend that meeting I thought you weren't I wasen I apologize yes you are mistaken you are very mistaken people that in that audience that we what difference would it make if I was what difference does that make I'm sure it was communic if anybody should know I think it should be you not the residents I do and I'm treating The Sur okay but every question we've asked you about this we don't get an answer on just like how long did it take to accumulate the Surplus you don't know why would I why why would I even care because the MUA was in existence since 1963 if they accumulated what $10,000 a year be rewarded for that are they the bank of gon Township no I think it was intelligent to have a renewal on replacement fund because you don't have to pay commissions you don't have to pay interest and you have the money set aside to fix emergencies now we don't not only do we not have the money set aside to fix emergencies we don't even have a plan to maintain our sewer to prevent the emergencies that you want to borrow for can issue that no I'm talking about a plan to maintain our sewer to prevent emergencies we don't have one that doesn't seem very smart either when you say we don't have a plan to to address emergencies what what are you talking no we don't have a plan to maintain or sewer to prevent emergencies but you just told me it was operating perfect no I said the MUA ran a fine operation the MUA had a plan to maintain our sewer Mr car what changed what changed what do you mean what changed what Chang between the authority being there and utility being there what change between the authority being there um they had a plan to maintain our sewer you do not they had a surplus you want to take the Surplus anyone else Miss coin is anyone El anyone else would like to speak on this matter that has not spoken yet M cor you can continue you have a copy of this plan they have excuse me do you have a copy of this plan that they had you're talking about which plan the plan that the authority had which plan I don't know you just to maintain the sewer to maintain the sewer they have a plan you told me they were planning on spending $19 million didn't you say that plan and I asked you December 9th do you have a plan yes then rington and Vernick the only engineer that you paid you paid when we dissolved the MUA said that there was urgent things that needed to be done do you have a plan to do that I asked your response was no you do not so and then you told The Inquirer that you're going to be reactive instead of proactive that doesn't seem very smart either Mr Carr is it possible that we can grab um the projects that were address when they wanted to go out for $19 million I'd be happy to do that yeah why don't we find that and we see the things that they were identified in the past uh M coin they had bonded things through the MUA they've had a schedule and they've paid it uh one of the things that when when it was dissolved we took a look at their connection fees which were woefully low um correct Mr Carter our connection fees yes they raised I think $600 our connection so we raised that this past year to address that um do you have any other questions further questions no thank you thank you is there anyone else like to speak on this matter seeing none we'll close the public hearing may I have a motion is there a second on the question roll call please Mr Mrs Al yes Mr Nash yes wter yes Mr Mar yes next is ordinance uh 0-24 d25 Bond orance authorizing the completion of various Park improvements in the township of Gloucester County of Cana New Jersey appropriating the sum of $948,000 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes of the township of glester County of Candon New Jersey in the aggregate principal amount of up to $948,000 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions and connections with the for going this is for the completion of Taylor Avenue Park project uh Taylor Avenue playground we had received a grant for the full amount and we were obligated to pass a bond ordinance but we are not going out to bond for that anything else you want to add to that Mr cartis no it just happened to be that that fell in an area that typically it would be a 75% Grant and a 25% loow loan this particular area Falls in an area that qualifies for 100% Grant thank you we now open up the public hearing on this matter anyone wish to speak on this seeing none close up that was a terrible gabble we'll close the public hearing on this order can I have a motion please I make that motion is there a second second on the question roll call please Mr Man yes M Mrs Aly Troxel yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mr MC yes next is ordinance 0-24 d26 this is introduction a first reading there will be a hearing at the second reading this is ordinance amending chapter 81 of the code of the township of laer entitled vehicles and traffic that designate a portion of little Gloucester Road County Road 759 is a mid block crosswalk uh the name this is Little glou Road County Road 759 and the location will be from the center line of Quail Ridge Road heading Northerly 392 ft along the Eastern curb line may I have a motion please a motion is there second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mr Nash yes Mr wter yes Mr Mar yes next is our consent agenda any council member like to have any item removed from the consent agenda please speak up hearing none I entertain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented on the question roll call please Mr Man yes Mrs chel yes Mr n yes Mrs Walters yes Mr marado yes resolution 420 resolution to make budget transfers between Appropriations in the calendar year 2024 general fund budget may I have a motion please there a second on the question roll call please mru yes Mrs alel I'd like to compliment us on the amount minimal amount [Music] Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mr marado yes resolution 421 supplemental Bond resolution of the tant of Gloucester New Jersey further amending and supplementing the general Bond resolution of the Gloucester tant Municipal Utilities Authority as predecessor and interest to the township of boster adopted March 24th 1993 may I have a motion please is there a second on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters Mr Mar yes next is our egov access email we have about six of them bear with me our first is from Mr given Mr gibons you're in the audience today would you like me to read it or would you like to have this uh would you like to read it or will you like it read would you like me to read it or you like to read it I'll read it I'll be read during the second public portion and count towards the public portion time uh U of Miss Dena Hendry 89 L poost happy holidays Council as I am currently having a howling good time a Great Wolf Lodge I'm in not make it to celebrate Festivus aing of grievances oras Others May call it the council meeting however I do have a few questions regarding the dissolution of the Glouster Township Municipal Utilities Authority and the promised savings for taxpayers can you confirm how long Orlando Marcado served at the GT mua liaison and if he ran for re-election promoting taxpayer savings tired to the desolution I have been the liaison since I've been council president so that's from 2016 up until the desolution in 2023 uh when I ran uh I often said that I do not like to engage in politics here I will answer the question though uh when I ran for reelection we talked about my mailer along with Miss Walters uh Mr Nash Mr Man talked about shared services those uh those shared services would include working with the county on shared services loster Township Board of Education the blackor pike Regional School District Pine Hill district Cherry Hill when we go out for trash those are the type of things that were discussed the dissolution of the MUA was not a part of any mailers of M at the time campaign mailers Ted savings for taxpayers were those based on actual confirmed data or were they merely projections did he receive an amount of the savings and what was that amount I don't know what type of campaign mailers I would assume that she is referring to uh the Water company that was putting this out uh the dissolution of the gtmua was based on saving money by limiting payments to the gtmua board economies a scale by reducing number of professionals and returning to the rate payers and taxpayers the Surplus exceeding $6 million the sewer budget was 5.1 million at the time of the dissolution and the Surplus balance exceeded that $6 million in regards to did he receive an amount of the savings what was that amount I don't know who who he is when she's referring to this three what were the annual expenses of the GT Nua for 2019 2020 2021 2022 and 2023 also understanding that 2024 is not yet done excuse me what is the year to to date expenses in 2024 pay and operating cost to be including in these calculations Miss Henry you can obtain the audit reports for those years 2019 23 and examine the expenditures for salaries and operating expenses four what is the actual measurable saving the taxpayers since since the desolution of the gtmua uh in speaking to Mr CIS there was never a requirement by the local Finance board to provide any type of analysis of savings and it's to my understanding that there is no intent to complete any type of analysis our next is from Miss Sakia Johnson and five Glen Bernie Court cille who do I speak to about the school district isn't following my son's IEP or 50504 recommendations by your PR pediatrician for specialist the Township's clerk uh responded to this on December 16th and referred this individual to both school districts and she can contact the appropriate board the next ego is from Miss Carol Lopez uh my son now owns the house I lived in for 40 years my dog lives there parttime he was given a new about getting a dog license my husband still lives their part-time also is there way I can get a license online and have it mailed to my new address in the Poconos I can be reached at and her phone number is provided thank you the clerk's office responded on December 23rd uh and they informed her uh they provided a dog license application informed her about we accept cash or check and they can attach a copy of the dog's rap certificate next is from Albert Newton a 1341 Blackwood clementin Road it has been entered into the public record in the 202 three application to the New Jersey local Finance board and stated on the public record at several glosser Township Council meetings that the main impetus for dissolving the gtmua in 2023 was the Gloucester Township administration's promise to reduce Sue operating cost and save taxpayer dollars over the months GT business administrator Tom cars has been asked many times about these savings and Mr ctis has never been able to cerly identify any significant savings from the dissolution and he is finally refused to articulate to the public any plan to achieve savings the rationale and now obvious explanation for this lack of transparency by Mr cars is that he never actually had any intention to do anything and Achieve savings his assumption all along was that the GLA Township sewer will be sold off to Mayor mayor's employer New Jersey American water and that actual Savings Plan would never have to be executed so now the sewer sale has been resly defeated by the residents at The Ballot Box and now falls on the shoulders of the GT Council to compel the Gloucester Township Administration to affect the promised tax dollar savings and to demand that the status of these efforts be tracked and periodically reported to the public Mr marado when will GLA Township Council commit to representing the GLA Township res residents and hold the administration accountable to achieve these savings mayor and Council are always committed to representing our GL Township residents uh saving taxpayer money while providing services that promote the health safety and Welfare of our citizens Norman real from 1501 little Gloucester Road Blackwood Mr Marcato said the business administrator serves at the pleasure of the mayy because he is appointed doesn't the council have to approve the business administrator's appointment yes by consent Council uh of council to the mayor's appointment if the B if the business administrator answers to the mayor doesn't he also have to answer to council because they voted to approve him Council gives consent to the mayor's appointment of the business administrator the business administrator is directed to attend Council meetings by the mayor if the business administrator is accountable to both the mayor and the council shouldn't he be respectful to the public who pay him absolutely any individual that's on on the DI here should provide a respect to our residents uh there are times that comments are made uh that are not the most nice of comments and sometimes there many people that respond to it I have responded to comments that have been made to me in the past but we should always be respectful to anyone that's at the microphone on both sides of the Das uh Mr ma said he wants to reorganize the council meeting like other boards in town that do not allow questions and answers uh aren't the zoning board and planning board members appointed the zoning and planning board members are appointed doesn't that differ from the council which is made up of represent pres is elected by the people yes council is elected are you saying that you don't think that the council should have to answer uh to the people who elected you uh we welcome comments and questions from the public what has uh disrupted our means is the past is a back and forth between individuals uh on the DI and also at the microphone folks on both sides and I'm looking to address that and Council will address that as we go into the new year that ends our ovs and now open up our second public portion I'm going to start off with Mr gibons uh egov Keith Gibbons from loster Township happy holidays I'm trying to understand the decision the business administrator made about removing the lecturn from the council chambers from my understanding through record requests that Lector has been in the building since the building was constructed why was it removed if it was put away for some reason can we be told the reason can it be brought out uh for the public to use if not why not uh we're going to try to locate that lecturn and we'll have that lecturn returned back to council chambers I also had several retired Township employees tell me they had a contractual payment twice a year related to Medicare that they are owed the most recent payments that they were expecting had not been paid out is my understanding that they're being told by the told that the township hopes to pay this out soon why were they not paid what is the total payment that was scheduled to be paid contractually but has not been paid as of 12724 was it everyone or just some people this is very concerning can you please address this reason why they're not being paid uh this is a Personnel matter it's a contractual thing between our retirees uh they were contacted directly by human resources about the timeliness of that payment uh payments are made uh each uh it's made to those individuals on a yearly basis they get reimbursed for the medic B Part B contributions so uh that they were informed those retirees of when they can expect that payment there is nothing contractually that says a specific date that they have to be paid but that was on the bill list and approved today by this Council um so that's what I can provide that again that's a Personnel matter and that issue was addressed by human resources with uh retirees and pension anyone else would like to speak on uh public portion uh each speaker's entitled to five minutes there's a total of 30 minutes during this public portion missman Council my name is Shy smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex in apartment 341 the back of my apartment B is Kelly driver Road although that is not in the apartment complex where I reside it's considered clementin New Jersey yet I'm told I am to utilize the glester Township New Jersey services for municipality police and fire um Merry Christmas Merry Christmas um I noticed uh on the last this last council meeting before holiday that there was no invocation there was no Pastor priest or chaplain to speak typically there's a prayer before your meetings may ask why there was not one uh the there is a w Township ministerium that's comprised of our uh religious leaders throughout the township they designate when those individuals are going to come uh we haven't had one in the last few meetings uh and in fact our Township Clerk reaches out to the ministerium and the individual that oversee who's the leader of the ministerium uh regarding that uh sometimes not able to attend but they try their best to attend I can assure you we'll have someone here at reorganization on January 2 I recall not the previous meeting but the meeting before that there was a prayer before the meeting okay once again my name is Shaun C Smith and no one speaks on my behalf or has any type of authority over me as Council may be aware of that um I have in the since February 2015 Liv Liv in the same apartment that I reside in today and have not filed not a single complaint against the local police fire department or Council or Gloucester Township New Jersey are you aware of that no I'm not aware of that okay well there has been none there is not been a single complaint ever filed by myself my name is Shauna C smithman when um changes are made or announcements are made to changes in the agenda or schedule meetings since there is prayer at the Gloucester Township New Jersey Council meetings um on there has been several ceremonies celebrating different cultures and Creeds and religions of people from different backgrounds races ages even genders women's awareness and such does the council respect the Blue Law are you what blue law is President Marcato the Blue Law well I know the Blue Law grown up as a kid where blue law on Sundays retail stores were closed correct is that what you're referring to correct and some stores um as it was explained to me would remain open but they would separate their items you couldn't buy purchase you could purchase medicine or you could purchase milk but you you could not purchase different items you could not purchase P paper products you and I are showing our age by knowing that right well well I myself have been known to purchase a Sunday paper um I can never quite make it to the Wednesday paper um I am aware that the council since you are so vast and what you respect in other people's cultures um do you announce changes or announcements to do you allow those changes to be announced in the Sunday papers I believe that the one that you respect is the for your post changes to meeting dates or agenda correct you're going to make an announcement of an unplanned agenda meeting or change to anything that has to do with the municipality may ask why you don't respect the Blue Law and you allow an announcement to be made 24 hours or 48 Hours whatever the projected um amount of warning time required to give the public warning why you would allow it to be put in a Sunday paper we're required to post that we're having public meetings I don't know how the Blue Law would affect that and I to be quite honest I don't know if the blue laws even affect anymore Mr Carl Mar you still have an obligation to post notices within those hour periods so that's why that's correct but you take up public time for meetings to respect everybody's really beliefs and backgrounds in their culture yet you ignore people that abide by the Blue Law if you allow a meeting to be announced in the Sunday paper you have prayer in your meetings may ask why you left them out left to out the people that abide by blue law this is the first anyone has ever asked us about blue law and advertising in the paper normally uh Madam clerk what is that when do we get when is that posted in the paper the meeting schedule yes is posted the day after we um Do Re the next meeting yeah the next meeting okay I'm sorry your time is up anyone else would like to speak Miss quinnn Denise coin choose Landing um I'd just like uh to specifically request clarification as to why this ordinance had to be pushed through tonight because the dissolution happened in May of 2023 and the budget isn't approved until May of next year so what specifically is makes it necessary for this to be approved at this meeting ordinance or resolution resolution resolution 421 yes Mr CIS addressed that when you yes he he listed a whole Litany of things but I wanted to know in relation to the dissolution happening over well over a year ago and the budget not being passed until May What specifically makes it necessary to vote on this tonight is that something you can answer the close of our fiscal year which is 12 midnight December 31st but what has to be pass happen prior to I'm sorry having it happened prior to the close of the fiscal year but what specifically are you preventing from happening by doing that it's freeing the money up that it should have been freed up before and now it's finally being freed up by the local the uh I bank was holding the money the money was in TD Bank TD Bank not release the money because they needed approval from the ibank but why does it have to be done by the can you let him finish please don't over ibank finally just recently gave the approval to release the money yeah I understood that but why does it have to be done by the end of the year why does this have to be approved so that it can be entertained for Revenue anticipation in the upcoming budget for the 2025 budget so are you saying if you don't pass this resolution tonight you wouldn't be able to spend that $2.8 million in the budget next year that would be my understanding yes even though the budget's not passed until May that would be my understanding yes okay thank you there anyone else would like to speak there's not spoken that close second portion polling of directors Mr car nothing to except wishing everyone in the public as far as members of council Mr ctis wish everybody a happy holiday Chief Harkins we are still taking applications for anybody wants to take our citizens Police Academy we highly recommend uh begins January 16th runs every Thursday night for several weeks right here the senior center so just want to put that invitation out to the public we still have open slot so that I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah and a happy New Year thank you Chief Mr Miguel happy holidays you Mr also Merry Christmas Happy Holidays happy New Year Mrs albre Trel I'd like to thank the land fire company for coming by my house this evening as I was running out to come to the meeting because I I hate to miss Santa and he comes by every year and I haven't missed them ever so I got to Santa I'm cing out I stopped and said Merry Christmas to Santa so that was for me believe it or not and I just wish everyone a happy holiday and I hope you all find happiness and contentment over this special season and I hope that the spirit of Christmas whatever you think that is touches you in a positive way thank you for Mr Nash happy holidays and see you next year Mrs Walters um I want to thank everybody for coming out before I do wish everybody a happy holidays I want to give recognition and honor to somebody who's been on counselor for the past 20 years um last week and he's given his time um to the Comm Comm um Orlando he's been on Council for the last 20 years so I just want to give him credit for that um and honor him U for all that he does for us for the community for the citizens um not only supports and guides us but also supports and guides um our youngsters that are out there as well so I just want to thank him and everybody have a nice holiday um even those who are struggling during the holiday please reach out to your family and friends um but I wish everybody safe and happy holiday Mr M thank you Tara um that was a cold December 20th 20 years ago there was like no one here um thank you very much I want to wish every uh thank you for everyone for coming out this evening I want to thank the uh mayor's office uh and the township employees that help Public Works the police department that help worked on the Christmas Village and the tree lighting that took place it's a wonderful event that we have in our community uh so thank you coming in looking at the tree the the tree looks very nice also also want to thank our our Police Department for their shop with the cop for uh for those gifts for kids uh for the holiday so thank you very much in continuing that project um and also the mayor's office for these uh toys that individuals come and select those toys um on uh January 20th is MLK Day of Service for those individuals that are interested in volunteering uh the projects have been listed on our Township's website uh that's a wonderful event that runs from nine o'clock to 12 o'clock on January 20 20th of MLK day so if you have some time uh take a look at the projects that are listed there and if you can come out and volunteer we appreciate it I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas Happy Holidays happy K Quanza and happy Hanukkah and with that ient a motion to adjourn is there a motion a second all those all those in favor have a great evening everyone as