so so this is part of the budget process [Music] say ready excuse me good evening everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please remain standing for the invocation by Deacon Ken carpanelli FL United States of America stands Nation God indivisible with liy and let us pray almighty God we thank you for this hour of this day a time in which we can come together a time in which we the people people have a voice we pray though for the leaders who are here give them the wisdom the strength and the courage to do the things that are going to be right for those who are under their lead help them to know how to care for each other for you are a good shepherd thank you Lord for the fact that you will lead us and guide us to where we need to be strengthen Us in what we do help those who help others keep those safe and may we also take care of each other along the road of life we have I pray this in Jesus name [Music] amen good evening this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the schedule of the meetings of the Township Council estatus and adopted by the township Council which schedule designated time date and place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to provisions of the open public meetings act we are using electronic amplifying recording device to obtain a clear and audible record request all those wishing to speak be recognized and state your name and address directly to the microphone the Accord advice will be Sly utilized by the township clerk's office and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam clerk man the roll call please Mr here [Music] alins here Mr Miguel here we now have our first public portion this is for agenda items only each speaker is entitled to three minutes there's 15 minutes during the first public portion anyone like to speak during the first public portion this is for agenda items only Mr pador evening Council R paor from the historic village of Ariel good evening uh on the agenda tonight is 24-10 Bond yes okay um every once in a while you guys give me a reason to come up here and praise something you've done I've always praised you for continuing to have invitation it's always good to start a meeting with that and a lot have faded and let that go you guys have stood stood tall with that you give me a second reason to do so many times we come up here and ask uh why you had uh why the administration forwarded and you guys have uh unanimously voted on bonds and then went applied for a grant afterwards and if if I'm not mistaken what I'm seeing here is you actually did apply for and got a grant received the funds and now are uh only floating to the bond for getting the bond for the offset amount is that correct Caris can you respond to that What's Happening Here is that the auditor had reviewed what the CFO has done with the grant money for both malberry station and St jokes playround and in this particular instance she enacted a chapter 159 and that is to bring in that money as if it was all Reven since there was a match and that match would come out of cap the auditor made the recommendation that this be corrected and that the that the 159 be negated and in place there Bond so it is not nothing it's cleaning up an accounting uh issue so is this a new Grant or are you telling me this is a sideway Grant older Grant most for the most part both projects are complete except for the addition of some fitness equipment which must be added to it under the agreement we have between us ourselves and state okay so in essence you did take a grant unused Grant brought it in as a chapter 159 that is different than doing the bond okay the auditor again corrected it and said do not do the 159 on this I want you to do a bond to correct and that's what we're doing introducing that so you're negating the praise I was about to give you it still is a wonderful idea I was getting ready to uh tell you were welcome for such a great idea as we have mentioned it many times um it still is a good idea and on projects such as this it really would be phenomenal to see the horce before the cart and not borrowing money after it un necessarily when you could get the grant achieve the grant or you'd be denied the grant then know how much you need because one of the problems that we have is a borrowing problem we have a spending problem but we always did with borrowing problem um as you move forward you said uh if you guys get rid of the MUA and you sell it and you're going to take that money and pay off your debt um in essence with this in mind um wouldn't any new bonds that you're looking to uh to hit on uh be at a higher rate than we've seen it quite sometime you're asking me the rates if we were to borrow money if you were to borrow money right now the rates are about as high as we've seen them in quite some time I would say that's probably a safe thing to say I think there's somewhere longterm debt 12 years probably looking at somewhere are you talking about this ordinance in general or just the the future right now say somewhere between 4% toward okay well I'll take a rain check I hope you uh when you're ready to borrow more money and we know you will that you'll throw that horse before the part and then I can let you know give some praise thank you thank you is there anyone else seeing number first public portion ordinance first reading introduction there will be hearing at the second reading Bond ordinance authorizing the complete of various Park improvements in the township of bler County of Canon New Jersey appropriating a sum of $586,500 making certain determination and Covenant and authorizing certain related actions and connections with the foro I entertain a motion that motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al yes Mr yes yes next is our consent agenda any council member like to have any of those items removed from the consent agenda please speak up when we go to V okay I'm sorry got you off yes you have to abstain from any particular things you can do that uh is there a motion I'll make that is there a second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al yes Mr yes Mrs Walters I Iain resolution bills on9 [Music] and yes to the rest yes Mr Mar yes resolution 146 resolution approving open space tax levy for 2024 is there a motion motion on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs Renard yes Mr Mar yes resolution 147 resolution extending a temporary budget for the Tang cler temporary budget appropriation for 2024 may I have a motion that motion on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Trel yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters Mrs W Mr M yes resolution 148 resolution of the township Council of the township bler County of cden s New Jersey governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal opportunity commission enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records and employment decisions under title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 may have a motion make motion second Miss wers thank you on the question roll call please Mr Man yes Mrs yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters Mrs wers Mr Min yes resolution 149 resolution approving introduction and providing notice for the public hearing and public inspection of the 2024 Municipal budget Mr Carter you want to add anything to that uh this year's budget has total appropriations of 79 m519 14735 that would be an increase from the prior year of 2,700 2 4,784 22 the increase to the local purpose tax levy uh is 2,594 18776 and that results in an increase in tax rate of 4.53 4.53 cents okay so this is being introduced it's just an introduction of the budget uh there will be a hearing on that budget on the May 29th meeting that's pushed to a Wednesday due to the Memorial Day holiday so I'll have motion please make that motion is there a second again this is the introduction of the budget about the approval on the question roll call please Mr yes Mr yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walkers yes Mrs wers yes Mr yes next is our GTE go access emails man to keep me straight if I I miss okay so we had a uh e Mr Ricardo Jenkins that came in after the deadline two weeks ago um from 69 Fox middle Drive I would like to express my concern related to running the yellow light can taxpayer PID red light cameras be voted on this was a fiveyear pilot program that Sunset Chief give me 201 14 December 16th 2014 okay December 14 and um I don't foresee that coming back Chief do you have I have no I don't believe there's any interest in it at the state legislator would have to be passed at the state level okay thank you our next egov is from David leader at 11:05 Huntington Avenue I would like to know what each of the services currently provided by the MUA are included with the sale of the MUA to a private company also will the township having a supervisory function of the services provided by the new mua company Mr Carter you want to respond to that um as far as Services I mean obviously they maintain the uh system which consists of 51 pump stations all the pipes convey it's a conveyance system they convey the sewage to the uh to to the County uh transfer station which I believe right on the black Pike which then goes up to Camp um so you know if a private company were to take over they would be responsible for uh service of all the pump stations and obviously the infrastructure would include all that piping generators and so forth and so on um there is a service that the uh the uh sewer utility the word because it is not an authority that the sewer utility continues to provide um and that is to do cleanouts on private land uh with the uh permission of the homeowner so the homeowner is required to sign off on a hold harmless agreement um I provided you a copy of that Mr M uh so that is something that would not be the responsibility of the private company um it is definitely something that we can and should talk about um if if it starts heading in the direction of a private takeover whether or not we want to continue to do that and if we do we want to do that through Public Works I believe it's it's quite doable we need talk so there's a possibility and we have the labor force that could Pro possibly provide this service to our residents I would tell you yes thank you Mr cars our next egov is from jeno Donal 10:30 new Brooklyn Road erel New Jersey by submitting my email and phone number I do not give permission for them to be used for any type of notifications I have sampled many projects indicated on the capital budgets over several years between the money borrowed and money spent there has been a 33% difference with that in mind we have borrowed 33% more than we needed for any given project Gloucester Township notoriously gets grants for some of these projects and the grant money has never been used to pay down the debt according to Mr Caris it's because we don't have to we also don't use the excess money we borrow to pay down the debt again Mr Carter says we don't have to if the sale of the MUA goes through Council will state that the proceeds can only be used to pay down the debt are there any loopholes are there any loopholes to that regulation is there a reason Mr cars can say we don't have to not to my knowledge that it is from information I've read and uh the legal councel uh for the township that proceeds from the sale have to pay off the debt of the township Mr cars you want to add anything to that no you're correct um your first uh amounts of money received uh proceeds would be used to pay off the Silver utility debt which is um what was previously called NJIT a low money it's now I bank money uh so that would need to be paid off first uh then you would also then have to pay off any notes that the dist has uh any I bank loans because we do also have I bank loans that were previously NJIT for grage projects that we completed uh and then you would also need to pay down the bonds if possible I say it possible because uh you would have to in all probability wait till there's a call option on the bonds or if the Bonds mature so you would set aside money and asra to make those and then if there was any money after which I believe it would go my understanding would goes to Surplus and it's unrestricted in Surplus thanks Mr well we had three correct there okay that concludes our egov uh Miss Paris before I go to public portion you add a list of questions that will will address during the public portion okay is that fine I just want to get out of here so I can celebrate the P okay we discussed early miss miss miss Paris we discussed early I know okay I have a question no question you asked you asked before the meeting but you just changed the Memorial Day to another day why couldn't you do this for Passover tonight well we can take we can take that under consideration next year Miss Paris I miss Paris we had a conversation earlier today that you were not going to shout out I'm not shouting I'm just asking a question but I'm asking yes but you asked that before the meeting as well right but I just want thank you okay that concludes our OS we'll Now open up the second public portion this is for any item that the public like to speak of each person's entitled to five minutes is 30 minutes during the second public portion you may speak up to two times uh but only a second time once everyone has spoken uh Miss Paris we're going to address I see three hands Mr paor followed by Mr swe followed by Miss Miss smithman so miss uh Miss Paris I'm going to read these questions and you can respond to it and I have okay all right how many medical dispensaries are in the township there are three that are open okay how many licenses switched over to recreational dispensaries we don't have that information as far as how many have switched over to Recreational dispensaries three how did the gym open when the owner was in prison for over 30 years and is the owner of Honey group all licenses are approved by the Cannabis facilities for cannabis facilities are investigated and granted by a New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission municipalities do not have licensing oversight of cannabis facilities inquiries can be directed to the New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission uh that information we can provide you there's a phone number 609 376 7373 four why won't the township and chief of police charge Black Diamond Lounge for sharing hookah Bowls the police department the township do not enforce consumer health and Environ enironmental regulations the Canam County house the Canam County Health Department is the agency responsible for enforcing health code violations as a result of Miss paris's complaint at the April 8 council meeting a referral of her complaint was made to the Canon County Health Department there's a case number 2024 d17 461 that's a Gloucester Township Police Department case number did you repeat after 2024 2024 D 17461 okay for further information other health code complaints Miss Paris should be referred to the Canon County health department environmental and consumer health Bureau at 856 374 6,000 five protection for the schools why no metal detectors questions about the installation operation of metal detectors at schools should be directed to the two School Districts The Black Horse Pike Regional School District which is Triton Timber Creek and Highland uh and then the K the r School District Bost Township Board of Education for our elementary and middle schools how much money are we getting from the dispensaries it's that was answer I had it hold on I printed up bear with me for one second printed all these things okay I had okay here we go fathy I'm sorry Tom was it 32,000 let me receives a 2% tax on Canabis Revenue the tax is due on the revenue generated by February 1 of the following year C received $ 38966 20 24 2023 can okay and U thank you Tom and the last part uh gem solar panels are illegal who's in charge of it so they are not illegal um there is a timeline that was provided for the solar panels I have that as well you have that for M okay there is a timeline where there was a Land Development permit that was approved on October of 27 2020 there was a njde sore remediation action permit that was approved on September 2020 there is a landfill disruption permit that was provided by New Jersey D that was issued on January 14 2021 and extended to July 14 2022 a flood Hazard uh applicability determination by the D was of March 21st a freshwater wetlands letter interpretation by the DP was issued on May 11 2021 a Soil Conservation District plan approval by the Kim Kai Soil Conservation District on March 26 2021 and a storm waterer Construction general permit issued by the DP on November 8th 20121 okay you finished that is that is the end of my question you finished up five minutes so I get five minutes now no it doesn't work that way wait for somebody else okay there's three people at you Mr paoro good evening again Council Ray poor from Ariel good even couple quick questions uh the temporary budget has been introduced uh with a 4.53 cent increase um that is not temporary the introduced um the you still have $1.5 million uh that you grab from the MUA did not use last year does that include this into the general budget there was a an anticipated amount uh from the surplus of the sewer utility again you refer to it as an authority it's not an authority any longer that has since been disbanded uh sah do you have the uh amount that you put in there 25,000 $2 million was anti of of the MU of the former mua funds the former mua and that is still leaving uh 3 million that the um uh what's that board that approved you to I can't think of their name at the moment talking about the the local Finance board local Finance board told you you can use half of the six is that you still have preserved that 3 million that's what we were told in 2023 was not applicable to any future years but it was applicable to was 2023 I don't know what the remaining balance is so you've dug into more than three million at this point I would say we're we're Beyond three million probably by about 800,000 all so you've got that extra money again this year and you still couldn't find a way to balance the budget bring a responsible budget without a tax increase I believe this is you keep bringing more and more Revenue in uh which never mind leads to my next question so open space Levy um the more I see open space money being spent the less I see it being spent on preserving open space it seems that you use a majority of it correct me if I'm wrong on pre-existing projects um when do when do you or what percentage would you say you're using open space money that we're taxed for to actually preserve more open space as we're seeing more and more developments in the township what is on green land uh it looks like our open space is diminishing not increasing but yet the open space Levy funds that you have I don't see them being spent on preserving new open space can you give me a percentage of what that money is being spent on if it's not new open space how about if I do this how about if I email you tomorrow the referendum that was overwhelmingly passed by the voters of Township Believe by 80% and you read what those monies can be used for and then rethink your your your statement in terms of what you're telling me it's not to acquire open space strictly it is for various things dealing with Recreation as far as it can even be cutting grass it can be anything to do with open space and relative to that and you should read the definition I think if you it could be utilized to preserve and maintain uh open space I think if that went on a referendum today I don't know that it would be as successful Jo send it to you oh yeah I would would like to see that thank you um and again this is not carved in stone this is only introduced so um you never know when you can find uh more money that there won't be an increase I still have that brand new magic wand in a bag for you when you need that but thank you have a great night everybody thank you thank you Mr sweet good evening Council Sam sweet from Ariel good evening um question with sale the MUA if it hasn't you guys haven't approved it yet correct there hasn't even gone out to bid okay so it hasn't gone out right now where it's at is with the uh State com controller it's back and forth with questions um but it's with a state com controller so let let's assume just make an assumption it goes out to bid everything comes back and it goes on the um the election in November if it's voted down can it be reintroduced uced next year is it something we're going to have to vote on every year or is it one and done I don't know I can't answer that but I can get an answer for you would you know know the answer all right if you could um that'd be great um with the paying down of the debt of the MUA if it is sold um you said something about paying down the bonds but if the bonds are permanently financed you've repeatedly stated that you we can't pay down permanently Finance bonds so would would it be the bond anticipatory notes if there's money left over you missed part of what I said what I said is you would pay the notes down and then you would escrow money for the bonds and those payments would be made based on call options and the maturity of the bonds so you would be required to set set aside money for monies that is permanently financed and bond if there's money left over yes all right because you're going to pay the NJIT and all the other ones and it's a priority your money it has to go to debt but but a certain order of debt until you satisfy that debt requirement and then it Cas of bonds you would have you would have to have set aside an escrow enough money to cover all those bonds when all that is done and everything's covered debt wise if there's money left over it then can go to and I'm assuming that's a New Jersey statute yes and it could be found online I could probably get it for you if you could that'd be great um in the past with the introduction of the budget I've gotten I've asked for the revenue budget you know preparation worksheet um I'm being told that I have to now oper it and wait the required seven days but I believe Oprah says that if it's available I'm allowed to get it and I've gotten it in the past usually the day after the budget is introduced so why have I gotten in the past and this year now I have to wait seven business days um Mr corus is that available for theor I can not tell you that didn't vote that's the message I got back from um the clerk who got it from Christy ER my understanding is Christy did not say you need it'll be available tomorrow what time can you come and you guys you can coordinate well can can you email to me like as you've done in the past I don't know how much is there I think that you get a considerable bit of information I think it's the entire pack Council so I'm G no not all right so between 9 and 9:30 tomorrow uh you you want to email to it's just yeah it's I can email to I don't have the revenue portion filled out correct filled out yet so if you want that it won't be available by night I have the expenditure side fill it out but not the revenue check if the revenue portion isn't filled out then how are we introducing a budget tonight because I don't use that software to prepare the revenue side I don't use that particular software to do the revenues for my budget okay so then what do you C has the revenue for the budg so can I get what council got for the revenue side as well you should budg document it's just a state budget document but it's usually a breakdown of each individual item so fill it out for you but it won't be available but if you want the revenues they will not be available by I can't guarantee it's going to be available by nine o'clock I can give you the expenditures and I can have that to you by nine o'clock but if you want the revenues it will be later on in the day I can rerun the report when I get to it and I can I have things going on here tomorrow that I have to do so I can get it for you but it the revenues won't be available to you tomorrow all right well I'll still I I can come back on Wednesday Wednesday enough time or can you email me the revenues yes okay and then can I get fible what's that thank you for being oh you're welcome can I get the packet that Council got as well a copy of that what are we provided Mr Sweden best to she's given is that correct I don't recall I know we've done the budget prep worksheet in the past is there a reason I can't get the pack that the council gets is that a govern document Mr car May Mr car what have we provided you in the past I'm asking you what were you you provided me the revenue uh budget Revenue budget prep worksheet with all the numbers filled in and then those numbers tie out to the budget that you guys get now I've never gotten a packet because that packet is sufficed with the revenue prep worksheet and budget documentation it's about 100 I want to say 150 Pages or so the document that I give to council doesn't have the revenue part in it when I run it you've asked for it so I filled it out for you get I believe what he gets is the state budget document and the detail that you have in your pack my question is he getting something that uh joq public any other person doesn't get it is he getting here's my question is he getting something that is not normally available to a residence in in the sense that he gets the detail of the expenditures yes the general public does not get there a working Pap what the general public gets is is the state budget document so we'll provide you what we provide to you in the past okay I'll get what I've got in the past what youve receed what you get last year let's provide what we G last year you just said get the state budget document and the detail okay yes the detail what about when Council receives we're going to give you what you gave you what we gave you in the past okay so can I ask for more because I'd like to see there will be there will be isn't there a budget that is online that will posted online and he you'll be able to access that I understand that but is that what council gets why can't I have the same decision making process the council we're gonna provide you with the information you received in the P Mr Carl and then your time is up Mr swe I think that's the purpose of what you want of this back and forth then you say you can get what you said at the council meeting that's why the record act requires you to fill out of form this is what I want okay thank thank what I ask for tomorrow we we went we went over that sir okay thank you uh Miss Smith hi Council my name is Shaun C smithman I live in the SDK Bridge Gardens partment complex Jersy on the lower side it's springtime to I guess begin something new when I was 20 years old I had visited the naui is an island in Hawaii and I was told by the local residents that um the whales travel from Alaska uh pregnant to Maui to give birth every year so every year at about this time all the whales on the west coast are giving birth on specifically to in Maui and then after they spend uh I think this is when they leave it's about this time it's around the spring break time and that's when they take the judge train back with the newborns to Hawaii and that's where they that's where they come from they were extinct start the council session off with a springtime and a springtime type attitude I wanted to thank Council and the the clerk and I don't know what your position is I know has to do with papor though and local police uh being a resident since the year 2015 in what is considered walster Township no knowing that I have been raised on the fabric of society fully aware of that that it was not anything that I could quite uh counsel I couldn't be on Council I couldn't be in charge of anything because I I was fully aware that I I I stressed the fabric to to the point divorc parents and such teenage mom place we drop out those things but I do try to contribute as well as if this is being at all reported it should be known for the record that with the complaints that I have had before um as far as the the things I'm was trying to work out with possible identity theft fud lawsuits things human trafficking it would be considered U I have not made any complaint with the local bler Township Police Department in any way although it seems as though it somebody might be doing that um without it being me I I've seen things like this before uh people will in a sense um take lawsuits against their own company because it's the insurance that covers it I've heard that since I was a teenager when people start to grow and mature as we're growing the people they start to sue each other claim that it's it's just the insurance I hope that nothing like that is occurring here within Gloucester Township it's it's like a disease within any type of collection of Minds trying to have a good purpose my father got arrested Soul um never sued anyone that I was aware of he had a small disability honorable discharge from the Navy and he he's he died alone there was nobody there and it's been conveyed to me in more ways than one that should I continue to try to pursue who would take over somebody's entire existence as far as their social security number the things that they places they worked um and held fraudulent claims against them even if it's just to attack them emotionally uh since there was a great gain in that um MoneyWise and he's of life I'm probably going to go by the way of my dad because I I'm sorry I I don't know if it's stubborn stupid or I don't even know the word hence High School Dropout I just I don't agree so um thank you Council for the assistance that you tried to provide um I was told I have to take the matter to a different township as far as my complaints although I still reside here so I'm still coming to these Council meetings as long as I can we get up that readily for my personality thank you thank you is there anyone else would like to speak that's not spoken yet miss Danny followed by Mr sweet just want to ask a couple questions fore to return to me um BL Bo Mercury Company that's putting the solar panel on top of a mountain which is not allowed since of 1985 and you can look that back up and can I get the copies of those uh reports from the D um through Oprah or something all those things that you named out about the gems landfill yes because they went only 60 feet down they didn't go into the ground to clear out the uh debris and all the chemicals and all the pfaas that are in the ground so um blue Mercury's giving you $10,000 a month to put the solar panels up there the second company's giving you 10 or $20,000 the township a month so by 10 years you're going to make a million dollars off of build Mercury and the other company I don't know how much you're making off of that too so where's all that money going that you say you're broke that we broke no you're broke this Township is in debt you're making a ton of money off the landfill off the solar panels that are not supposed to be there because the landfill itself I lived in aiel and I got a $300 check when I was teaching college at camman County College because my kids and I could have had cancer okay from that whole Area Homes were thrown apart the ones in front of that gems landfill in 1993 to 2000 2010 2015 because of that gems landfill and you go up there and put a heated solar panels on top of a toxic landfill it's the fifth largest landfill in this country it's the fifth largest how the heck do you put that up there when the water for the aqua water that goes underneath the ground comes to these apartment buildings and some of these houses in this area underneath that from aerial aqua water this Paris can you answer that the EP signed off on it well can I get those papers yes oh sorry I just hit myself great yes you can make that request to the clerk's office thank you I will make that request also I want to see where they went down below 60 ft to clean out all the rubbage and the PFA chemicals that are going through the waters to all the homes that have aqua water and all the apartments here that have aqua water because they nobody's notified them about the pfaas in their water so people are dying of cancer without having filters on their water if they can't afford it thank you oh one okay and to Chief arkets I waited um six months for that that report and I still don't have have it and you have like maybe 10 more days but I got a bill today from Twin oats which is a mental Center and I don't go to TN Els but the day that your two detectives and five police officers came out when I called in after two years of a man shooting a gun at 661 and was told never to call again but the whole neighborhood still calls because they shot it off again the other day I didn't call because I was threatened if I called I'd be put in jail by one of your Detectives not GNA name anybody but I got a bill today from that place I didn't call that place your your detectives called that place I have three witnesses that saw me outside asked me why I was being discussed about my Hippa law outside so what what's going to go on now because I hired an attorney I would just have your attorney I'm going to but I don't you told me that there was nothing on the cam quarters well there was six seven police officers out there and they each had a cam I told you that that's what you said there meeting there was nothing I never said that okay well I wanted to know where the report is it's been almost seven months now that's all put that on record for a reason thank you Mr sweet I came to my pod Mr SW will be our last speaker thank you very much for letting me talk tonight I got to go and have pass over with my enjoy thank you maybe it'll change it next time Mr s um so it's my understanding if I want to see the packet that Council got I have to open it is that correct Mr well for clarification that's why I made that statement because you going back and forth between council president business administrator CFOs what you wanted and there lot of difference of interpretation that's the purpose of the records act you put in writing what you want you get what put in writing this back and forth causes you to complain well I didn't get what I wanted and government to say well you you gave you everything you put on the record you're saying that's not true that's why it has to be a right now the council is trying to accommodate you and business administrators accomodate You by saying what do you want and we'll give it to you so back and forth back and forth I heard three or four different interpretations of what we want that's why I made that St okay does council have a packet a budg of pack packet today I have a budget packet yeah okay what are the names of the reports that you got so I can make sure to open them some of those are not not the ad I understand exactly what this Eric is talking about Mr Mr swed is getting a revenue a realized revenue report that is coming from the edmin system and that is a standard report correct this is area that is produced on that system on that accounting system you also got last year you received the state budget document and you also received our detail which has every single account that is in the state budget document broken down by supplies professionals um you know the gasoline all that stuff it's all broken out and that's what that's what you receive yes that's still and thank you for all of that that still doesn't answer my question on the documents that President Mar has in front of him I'm just going to say when you do your Oprah request put you want the packet that was provided to council we keep going back and forth with this just say you you'll do it okay and put in the Oprah and then we'll give it to you okay okay we just keep going back and forth let's just we'll just give it to you put on Oprah request okay I want the packet that was given to council members all right and you'll get the packet provided to you okay okay anything else no that was it thank you thank you close the public portion polling of directors Mr car you had something to say I jump the line on him Mr car May in response to miss to miss coin Mr car has some information questions and the question specifically is the creation of the phase two trust agreement that was created by federal Court's case was called the consent decree was a federal court document where all the parties to the action were involved and they consented to create a phase one trust that ran from 1979 to 1999 they created then a phase two trust at rant 1999 to 2019 so in 2019 the trust that was referenced at last meeting the council that terminated in 20 19 the New Jersey be along with the EPA took over control and management of the gy site uh and they had that control that control spir in 25 so anything that happens on the J land including the solar panels requires New Jersey be approval not toship approval so once that application for solar panes for clarification that applicant had to go to Jersey d uh to go through whatever requirements and inspections they wanted before solar panels were permitted on top of the land uh ccmua seized any uh treatment uh uh discharge from the landfill in 2019 that was one of the questions uh I have also received today an industrial discharge monitoring system that says as of uh March uh 3rd 2024 there was no violations and no discharge from that question anything uranium related nothing uranium related and I also spoke to the former uh solicitor of the MUA um and nothing in the last 20 years Ur uranium related in regards to Jen's landfill any discharge um for that site next nothing Chiefs nothing to report Mr Miguel Mr everyone have a great night a great week thank you this Al Trel yes I went to the Field of Dreams last weekend and I want to tell you it was really a wonderful event to see these young people playing and the helping them and it was a joy to be there and I would encourage everyone to come after their games they make you appreciate life more and appreciate the love that these children I to thank you all for coming out Mr thanks for coming out good night Mrs wter I want to thank everybody for coming fill the dreams um it's exciting to see the kids faces and see the parents watch their KS play I appreciate everybody coming out tonight and have a good m sers i to wanted to say I was at the Field of Dreams it is a you just leave there feeling so good about yourself and about the township and mean seeing those children out there just you know it really gets to you they just appreciate it so much um you know and it is nice to see the smiles uh Michael thank you for taking that on you know I know it's a big undertaking but you do a great job with it lot of help thank you um GL Town chy Association starts their tournament which is the um biggest Tournament of the year for them and that starts April 29th that run through the whole week so if anybody wants to go watch some hockey games I'm not sure how many teams are in it CU they're having a little bit of a turmoil within within the whole organization not GTH but the whole uh hockey um also want to thank public works for the great work they did on the bike path um Tom gets my my messages and emails when I take walks on the bike path with different things that I see um you know clean up a lot of trash in there because I believe in the cers but um they fix the split rail fences along right off of clemon Avenue which is down like a rine going into the water and stuff they look great there's one little spot that just needs to be finished I think they adjusted them probably short but it does look great and then I'm going the other way they rebl top the big section of the bike pass so it looks great because they were doing some kind of the world company did some kind of work there but they finally finished all raing it wait for that to settle but it looks great um I was walk today have a great night have a I want to thank everyone for coming out this evening uh thank you Mr Man for the work you do on Gloucester Township Field of Dreams um and you've headed up that Organization for the last seven years I do appreciate your contributions that you made for a residents that participate in and all the coaches that are involved with that so thank you very much uh this Sunday in downtown Blackwood is the uh Art District uh Festival craft Festival that's taking place this Sunday also uh here in the front uh the gler township ministerium is having a National Day of Prayer which will be in the glester Township senior center on Thursday May 2nd from 7830 a.m. is a breakfast that's sponsored by the ministerium it's National Day of Prayer and on May 9th is the Gloucester Township business breakfast at Valley Brook uh that's May 9th if you're interested in attending you can RSVP you go an RSVP for that event that is a free event uh with that entertain a motion to adjourn any second the question all in favor one you how are you