##VIDEO ID:8h8NYFJ4TJg## [Music] that's from Saturday that we didn't put on the thing we didn't for some reason thank you [Music] here we go please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I Alle to the flag of the United States of America repu for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all good evening this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the scheduled meetings of the township Council establish and adopted by the township Council which scheduled doesn't need the time and date and place this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuing to the provisions of the open public meetings Act we're using electronic amplifying recording advice in order to obtain a clear and audible record and request all those that wishing to speak be recognized and state your name and address directly into the microphone the recording voice to be toly utilized by the township clerk's office for the preparation of the minutes and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam clerk M the roll call please Mr here this alel Mrs Grace love here Mr here Mrs wers here Mrs W Mr pres mrtis here keins here Mr Mel here Mr car is ill this evening we'll now go to our first public portion this is for agenda items only anyone addressing Council may speak one time once all those wishing to address Council have had their turns they may speak a second time only it ask what was said earlier each speaker is entitled to 3 minutes there'll be 15 minutes total for the first public anyone like to speak on Mr Burns keep the clock on your phone then good evening Mr burs Mel can you try that microphone over there Turn on there's a delay about 3 seconds come in here we go thank you okay um I I had a question regarding uh the rezoning of block uh 14807 Lots one and three um from environmental residential to Highway commercial I did indeed look up through the the Township's reexamination plan that it is recommended to change that however the township um reexamination report also conflicts that in multiple locations um on page eight for example says preserve envir envir environmentally sensitive land Scenic Landscapes especially along the stream corridors so that whole track of land there is a viari and buffer most of it is in a flood plane from Big Lebanon run big Lebanon run is a major stream draining everything from Cobblestone along sville Road um and it is indeed an environmentally sens the are so the the reexamination report says one thing and yet con conflicts its own recommendations in another part um I looked up the property it's owned by Mr valari I don't know what his plans are um but if you're familiar with that area I'm very familiar with it because I've hyped it I've done macro invertebrate studies in the Stream the stream is is a highly pristine stream believe it or not it came back is um non-impaired through macro invertebrate studies and I have concerns about the development along that stream Corridor so I respectfully request that you reconsider approving this recommendation and I thank you for your time okay thank you there will be a second there there'll be a second reading and we'll have a public hearing for that but also we'll look at the information that you provided sir thank you anyone else like to speak Miss smithman hello good evening Council my name is johness smithman I live in the SDK mbridge Gardens apartment complex on mil Brook Court uh the agenda agenda item 42410 d333 yes what is the service provided as far as deer carcus removal and what is the area that that encompasses as far as what is considered gler Township it is throughout the entire Township of gler Township and when a deer is hit have that deer removed is there a special number to call Public Works uh is Police Department okay the police department well I've done that before I actually brought in a photograph of a deer carcus carcass on CH Landing Road uh just westbound of the choose Landing Laurel Road intersection there was a deer carcass in the road it was uh it was about to snow also um I brought the I took a photograph I had a camera I brought it to the gluster Township New Jersey Police Department to show them so they could remove the carcass so it by I may not stop and think it was a human remains it had been quite decomposed by the time I had happened upon it and it did look Almost Human with the rib cage and such um I had to walk that same route again a couple days later it was still there a week later it was still there so what is the service that we're paying for that the gler township is paying for dear carcass removal so is there a special phone number or something to call for that service once again you would contact the police department and if I did that and they did not remove the carus call them again yes there's a certain period of time for them to move that deer it's not immediate and I believe I it was more than a week and it was already down to Bones I mean bones in the week okay and this this was last winter that's correct last winter okay I didn't realize that it was a service that the township actually paid for I thought that they were doing a type of courtesy by listening to my concerned Mr cars we put a white flag out by the chief that that that signifies that that has been called in and deer carcass removal is out of Cream Ridge New Jersey they have 48 hours under the contract to respond that is a contract that is throughout the county as shared service all municipalities well the wise specified from glester town New Jersey is a service that we're paying for specifically you're going to pay out of a shared service you're going to pay for your cost it doesn't say anything about a shared service it's also in combination with let's see a Cooperative pricing system yes it's a shared service with other municipalities it is for Gloucester Township it's a shared service we pull it's a shared service if it's shared or not my concern was that there was a de carcass that was not read yes well thank you to bring that to our attention next time please contact the police I'm not bringing it to your attention because there's a deer car soing your attention because it's an agenda item that you're asking for money for thank you very much for your time well I mean what is the response the response is this is the service that's providing deer carcass removal if you need to contact someone you would contact the police department what phone number is that the general number for the police department please announce it for the general public 86 2284 is is there extension to miss miss can you please take a seat your time is up thank you very much anyone else would like to speak we CL Mr [Music] leader I was looking at uh Dave leader glendor I was looking at o 4024 D21 um is this merely updated fees to an existing document that is correct Mr leader when one looks at this document that was published one does not know which ones were changed it's been my experience in business that documents such as this go through a phase review where they're either colored or bolded or italicized the changes and only the changes and the rest of the document is done in the text it's finalized is that a practice that seems common that could be observed here or is it already absorbed and this is a end state that I get to see this is not a normal practice to provide that uh can that be provided to you yes we could probably provide that to you sir well it's more important for y all because you're voting for it not me and you need to know exactly what's changed in order to say yay or nay I mean I'd like to look at it so I can double check but it's for your benefit that that those changes be noted thank you with the uh discussion that we just had on the uh the re uh resoning of the plots uh I looked into it I looked at the plots I looked at computer I try to find readings on it online I don't know what's trying to be accomplished here what's the goal of resoning these two plots it's never stated it's to make them uh to support economic growth that's what's uh put in our resolution I see um the notice uh r24 call 10- 322 uh this isn't an amendment this is just showing us that you plan to have a uh special meeting is that correct yes thank you uh no a closed session so was supposed to take place prior to it uh but that closed session is going to take place at after the end of the second public hearing public portion excuse me uh last time I looked at the uh paying paying the bills U I didn't get a chance to ask the question is current account like our overall balance of all accounts is that what that means Mr cars it is in the CFO here so PR later that's our main account or all your taxes and your Municipal budget right good that's what I thought it was indicated and so these sub accounts aren't sub accounts of the main account they're separate accounts gotcha okay thank you Mr leader your time is up oh there anyone else would like to speak going to first public portion anyone else would like to speak [Music] again we'll close for portion ordinance first reading and introduction 0-24 D21 ordinance of the township of Gloucester County of canas State New Jersey amending the fee schedule uh the chapter 500 Land Development ordinance uh this uh changes the uh fees uh guarantees exp inspections and off trck improvements uh under the Land Development ordinance uh it also indicates application escro fees for the Land Development ordinance and there will be a hearing at the second reading ENT a motion is there a second on the question roll call please yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Walter W Mr Mar yes next is ordinance 0-24 d22 inor to the township of Gloucester County of cin New Jersey adopting an amendment to the Gloucester Township zoning map uh this has the townships master plan 2024 reexamination report recommended the resoning of block 14807 lot one and lot three from the environmental residential Zone to the highway commercial Zone uh to support economic growth and increase community services and amenities for its residents so this will remove the Zone designation for the block 1487 lot one and three and delineate the new zoning District designation of block 14807 lot one and lot three to Highway commercial Zone there will be a hearing at the second reading of this ordance I have a motion please is there a second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs AL C yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs wter yes Mrs W Mr yes next is our consent agenda any council member like to have any item removed from the consent agenda please speak up hearing none entertain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al yes Mrs yes Mr yes Walters yes yes we did not receive any e access emails uh for this meeting we now go to our second public portion uh this for any item that the public chooses to address each speaker's entitled to five minutes there's 30 minutes total for the second public portion and the speaker can speak twice yes in the back I'm sorry to point can I have your name and address please can you hear me yes Iris Knight with hello 321 hidden Drive um my question is and basically just trying to figure out the um several of my neighbors we've been of course getting the information about this the sewer thing we really unfortunately probably missed whatever meetings happened how can we find out more information about it what is what's really going on we got some information from the people I guess who are who's buying it whatever they're doing but we only got all the great wonderful things but we don't unfortunately know how this came about so I'm just really looking for some information so you're going to receive information there's people who support it and there's people who do not support this uh on the Township's website there's a list of bullet points that talk about if the sale goes through how it benefits would benefit the residents of the township the information that you receive from the water company that supports it they have a site that you can receive information there's folks that are do not support this they have a site too that you can grab their information um but the information that's provided on the townships website talks about um that you see the the bid that was submitted by American water and also Aqua uh you see the ordinance that were passed you see a sample bill I believe that's listed on the on the website and you also see bullet points of if this is successfully voted upon a referendum that moves forward what that money will be used for in order to uh if there's any if this is approved that money has to be dedicated to paying off the Township's debt and then it has some bullet points about what it could be used for so that information is on the Township's website okay so find it on the township website and you said Aqua also no no New Jersey American what the the ones that you're receiving the mailers from there's information there and there's some people here in audience that could probably share you the flip side of that that may not agree with that last question so there's the pros and the cons but is there just something that is ABCD bullet points this is what it is so so there's it's not proar con just what what is happening and I might not really understand it though this is the first time I ever came on so that's what I'm kind of I I can give you a Reader's Digest version the township uh back in 2023 dissolved the MU the Municipal Utilities Authority and folded into the township as a utility all those individuals kept their jobs and they continue as a department within the township uh providing the same service quarterly bilding that takes place this past year uh the business administrator came uh to me and asked about possibly seeing what the value of the sewer system would be so we put it out to bid we moved forward we retained the legal council put information together provided that to the state of New Jersey that said we can move forward to putting it out to bid we received two bids one from Aqua New Jersey and one from New Jersey American Water aqua's bid was $52 million American Water was $143 Million so then from that time period when those bids were opened in July uh there was a ordinance that's law that we have here that says we have two readings and there was a public portion that took place on August 8th a special meeting and after after the meeting took place Council voted to place it on the ballot that provides the res of the township to vote on this as a referendum on November 5th so pending that outcome of of that vote determines what we do with the utility if uh it it moves forward if there's a yes vote American Water by the time they close on it probably be sometime in mid 2025 uh they have proposed in their bid that there would not be an increase for the first two years uh and then the next three years the maximum is 9% % over the base so it was $15 ends up being 16 and change on a monthly basis after that they're subject to approval from the Board of Public Utilities which is a state entity which determines rate increases for all utilities in state of New Jersey if it does not excuse me Mr cars if it does not if there's a no vote it remains as a utility with the township yes the 167 it's for the entire 5e period yes 16 okay okay I'm Sor that's a lot of information to digest but it is but it's helpful at least I can kind of maybe know where to look and you have another be coming up thank you okay miss Andrew [Music] good evening Dina Hendry sommerdale um this brings up a really great um question that we have asked from the beginning that if the township could have a pros and cons and a list of what the benefits are to sell it and what happens if it doesn't get sold or what are the cons if it does get sold there's many residents who don't know what's going on and at first sight when you hear that we're going to pay off debt sounds like a really great idea but we as residents don't fully know what it is entailing and to your point from last meeting where you said that this has turned political the residents who have been informing and have been out there talking about this we've never made it political unfortunately when our elected officials endorse it that's what makes it political so I can tell you that those who are behind this saving the sewer has never made it political this is not a political thing this is a Township concern that affects everybody renters homeowners businesses our schools those who vote blue those who vote red those who never vote so this is a Township concern and right here when we have this resident that's saying I don't know what's going on that is a true concern so how can we make sure that we're transparent of what is this vote come election day well I we put this on the Township's website uh the individuals here on Council I speak for myself uh endorse moving forward with it and what it can do for our Township and if people want to seek other information they can seek other information regarding that but why should they have to go on a wild goose chase to find the information it should be if it is voted yes the information's on the Township's website yeah but nothing says what happens after five years nothing says that if it is voted yes what happens it does indicate it that subject it just tells you all the great fun things that you're going to get 10 to 15 million you continue I guess you don't want to response from me but please continue because you're not answering the flipping question I'm answering your question you just don't like my answer no you're you're skating around it there's I'm not skating around it I'm I'm just stating the facts it is on the district it's on the Township's website the information is there the RFQ all that information is listed there uh when Miss night was up here I said there's other information she can find I'm sure you will fill her in on that information but that's the thing she shouldn't have to go on a wild guies to find the information they should have everything like I think it's a good thing for a Township and that's the take that I have but if she wants to seek other information and people want to seek other information they can seek that information but you represent all the people yes I do represent just not you I represent everyone in the township I never said that no I just don't represent the people that are thank you very much Mr leader uh I'd really like to have a lecor in here you can take more comfortable Mr Le you can take a seat there if you like I offered that to you at the workshop thank you Mr leer you can take a seat there well the lect conveniently disappeared now okay there's a microphone okay appreciate you it's easy when you're sitting up on a de looking down at the people Mr Le I'm not looking down at you I offered you a seat get I could get even lower by sitting at the table I'll sit down there with you if you like um tell me is a sidebar different than a special session a sidebar it came up at one of your meetings we're going to have a sidebar on that no we don't talk about a sidebar we have a closed session no you word use the word sidebar no a sidebar would be a sidebar agreement with a contract there was no sidebar you use the word it's video tape no Mr leader sometimes you brought us some information Mr leader sometimes you've made some statements here that are not totally accurate right there's no sidebar I stand here to be corrected it's far we can have different opinions we have closed sessions that take place there we have a resolution and we go there we tell you the time period and we tell you when we come back the outcome if there's an outcome to it okay so there's no sidebars yeah I never heard the word sidebar in this room sure wasn't side a sidebar agreement with the Union um so my notes Here say it's okay for people to have different opinions on subjects as complex as the sewer instruction infrastructure however I don't agree with that the allegation that there's not enough transparency CIS said I mean I've heard from the moment that the concept of this was spoken about there were multitude of individuals that came out against it dot dot dot I don't know how receptive anybody would have been discussing anything the people that I talk to let's call them the no people and you're the yes people I have no idea what their political fings are all I know is they think the best thing for the Township in the long run is to not sell the utility so I'm not going to be here I'm going to be dead by the time time the rates go up but you have been presented on August 8th all the details that this group of the people citizens went to gather and not one of you took a note do you remember that day not one of you said oh that's a good point oh Mr leader that's incorrect okay not you make these statements and that they're factual and they're not I sit here and watch you think I'm blind and deaf too so no one took any notes Mr leader no one I'm not writing notes let's take a poll if you want to spend your time sure so the thing with Mr ctis is that this group is not political however Township by allowing their image and statements and the glester township logo be used by a public entity makes it political it is now political not because of these people not for the vote no people not because of me I'm very open I want to hear both sides the township had of opportunity to present pros and cons of their research on August 8th only presented was how you're going to use the money you're going to use the money for a ball field in addition to the taxes stop putting up ball fields in Parks until you guys learn how to balance the budget then you can start spending money according to the budgets that created with your CFO here spend within the budget no more loans no more ball Fields no more Rec Recreations no more pickup ball until you learn how to manage to your budget if you are a business your stock would be down in the toilet because you can't sell negative results so Mr cartis as far as I know you are wrong the people here and elsewhere who are trying to inform voters of what a no vote would bring them I have no idea what their political leanings are we all love the township we all want the township to be successful so I apologize for disagreeing with you but you just dead wrong that's my time thank you thank you Mr leader Miss smithman hi good evening Council my name is Shy smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on milbrook court even though the address is written as Milbridge Road sometimes 1341 Blackwood Clemington Road followed by the apartment number 341 sorry for the confusion on these several different ways to write the address and how to identify where my address is within this Township called Gloucester City of Clement to New Jersey uh while walking here uh several weeks ago I believe the intersection was Kelly driver Road identified as Kelly Driver Lane on the New Jersey Transit bus schedule and conoga Road or Street I don't Koga Koga uh on the corner there there was a power pole that had been damaged it has since been repaired or it appears to have been tended to repaired thank you um if you head southbound from that same intersection the very next power pole has a light L lamp on it uh it's blinking uh it goes it turns off and on uh solar switch lighting when it's a powered by light sometimes they can be deceived um when the light goes on the switch thinks that the sun is out but the sun Shin is out and it turns the light off and then it's dark it says oh it turns it back on and it just keeps doing that back and forth all night that's why they they blink but the Cycles take about five or 10 minutes in between so it's this slow blink like every 5 10 minutes the light will turn on and then off it can be repaired uh simply by just sending a maintenance crew out moving the the lens for it if that's at all possible was that reported I'm reporting it now you got the report we'll take care of thank you okay thank you okay also I heard something called a special meeting that was held on couple months ago I ask where are those special meetings advertised that for the members of the general public on the Township's website and where else and The Courier Post and where can somebody in the general public purchase a car your Post newspaper uh at the Wawa store shop right is there an official location of where to purchase the newspaper where you are officially printing a special meeting because there is a newsletter box here on the township property that has not been utilized since I've noticed at least since the year 2020 a newsletter box it's an old newspaper box newspaper box okay no no uh you can purchase The Courier Post where uh convenience stores located on the shop right but you will find that information on the tent's website I see you have a smartphone now I don't know how to use this thing properly you should see some of the things that come up on this website on I try to navigate through it things that make absolutely no sense uh okay I I gravitate more towards paper forgive me the uh may ask why we don't have an official career Post newspaper stand a box a machine you know somebody members of the public can come to the township and purchase the newspaper itself Mr Carter I I don't have an answer for why we want my experience is that it's up for the newspaper to put it that's their box can you request one not to my knowledge I don't believe and I don't think that's something that we request to have newspapers well you see I purchased newspapers it was around Christmas time back in the year 2014 uh no 2013 uh from a local bedo type of situation and I there was donations in and I made several donations and I went I can to buy a Sunday paper the next week and I said where's the newspapers and they said they don't sell newspapers there it's a private company they can pretty much fake it if they want now you're handling official government business through a newspaper all I'm asking as a member of the general public is that you provide a place to purchase the newspaper on the premises where you're located you can easily go to the Dollar General most likely there's a newspaper they sell there as well and the sonoko down the street I'm tring exp which is much shorter a distance for you to travel walking down Kelly driver to go to sooko to go to 7-Eleven to go to the Dollar General but here would be protected by the township n we have other things to protect than the newspaper box I'm sorry I'm telling you a private vendor selling that newspaper can sell you whatever they like they choose espe when it comes to something of importance like a special meeting but then you could also verify the accuracy of what is that private vendor selling you that Courier Post by going to the Township's website is there anything else you want to add to that once again I'm explaining to you that it is not reliable thank you SM Mr Burns followed by the the lady behind sorry to call you lady good evening Council again Brian Burns Burns U just following up on the haze Mary property um I had a long conversation this week with Mike Zino who I believe is the head person driving the bus so to speak from Triad um Mike said and acknowledge it's been a very slow process I actually I would like to give you letters the original letters to Miss Hayes if you don't mind yes just just as a refresher as Where We Are so I I do acknowledge that the Green Acres process is a very long tedious process I mean you're going through tunnels you're going over walls and knocking down barriers there's site inspections there's a list of probably 75 to 100 things that have to be checked off um and Mike says that the Hayes property may be in process of closing or should close within 30 days is not a promise the marry property had some debris that had to be cleaned up it's my understanding the township is doing that presently is anyone confirm that that is true it is true okay yeah there's some tires and some other debris that the Green Acres want it cleaned up so that you know I thank you for your due diligence and doing that and I'm just I just gave you this letter this is the original letter from Miss Hayes to Ken lechner when Ken was here as as the planner and if you look at the date March 17 2021 so it's now three and a half years so it's you know if people in Council can keep this in mind and and refresh this and you know if there anything you can do to move this along to closing would certainly be appreciated and you know I'm pretty much retired if there's anything I can do as an individual I'd be more than happy I have energy I can be out there to help clean up cruise anything that I can do on my on my end I would certainly in mind that was also part of the p time perod right Staffing at State AC yeah so I'm happy that the you know the property owners are being patient um it is an incredibly environmentally sensitive site um it's going to double the amount of open space that has been reserved in the last 25 years that's quite a statistic and um you know between uh the golf course the HOA the WHL Mill and these properties we're talking about 600 acres of open space which is very Remar for camon county is remarkable so I'm just continuing to the pound the drum as Ken used to say and I appreciate your diligence and hopefully soon May before Christmas we can say belongs the Green Acres as part of open space to the property or is the township and it's you know maybe the next thing will be environmental study center which for hiking trails but let's get it Reserve first and and thank you once again Brian I'm going to follow Mr car and also with Mr Zampino at Triad to get a timeline on this because it's been some time we we we need to move forward with this and find out and put some actual milestones in place because yes yes there was a pandemic but it's been three years plus and yeah we need to move forward with this so thank you thank you for keeping bring this up to the top of the agenda I apprciate it's it's important thank you thank you yes [Music] maam hi meany Kelly from Hilltop section of Blackwood hi Miss I'm sure we did our due diligence I have confidence in council did their due diligence when it came to selling the sewer not everything can be a Bed of Roses what did we find there has to be one one what dside did we find when we all did our due diligence there has to be something a downside there has to be like when I go buy a car I might love the car but there's one thing oh you know the the rear view mirror might be too small bought a Nissan you know what I don't like the passenger seat doesn't it's not electrical I bought a Ford love the car I don't have heated seats so I'm sure doing our due diligence with possibly selling the sewer what did we come up that was the downside I see the fabulous lovely things that are great for the township I'm sure there's something that you you guys did your due diligence and found a downside we did do our due diligence absolutely M and we what excuse Mr leer can you please not shout out this is her time this is her time Mr leader Mr leader it is her time please continue what do you have to show us the downside what documentation do you have what did you come up with what was the research that you did on your own from other towns what questions did you ask we didn't I'm sure we didn't go into this blindly we heard the presentation everyone listened to it and then you ask questions what questions do we ask where's that documentation from Council from anyone where's the the due diligence that we count on Council doing there's no documentation to provide the public there are members of this body that have taken upon themselves to speak to other leaders uh in other towns where this has taken place and what were those questions and answers that is that individual would like to speak on it did anyone speak TOs and questions with someone atfield and you know their thoughts through the process was it a resident or someone no um I can't remember I think she was a council member former commissioner former commissioner um and basically told me how their process went um you know different things that she had encountered did we ask haddenfield what surprises came up what were the negative surprises came up what were make maybe hey you know oh let's let's reconsider that told me it was a very positive experience for them um even from the residen in conversations afterwards the residents were happy for their increase they hadn't had an increase at that now they do this spoke with her I'll say like maybe six weeks ago or so I guess and at that point she did not tell me there were any she told me that it's I think if I remember correctly U they can always PR for in I believe every four years and it has to be approved by is it the Board of Public Utilities BP so unless I ask that tonight how come we didn't know any of that six weeks ago I'm sure we did our due diligence we have to do our due I can't on Council to get me the pros and cons what cons did we come up with I just want to mention that I just to the constitu that they came here they argued certain things were going to happen like employees were going to lose their jobs that's not happening taxes were going to go up that's not happening so everything that was argued here um from some of the constituents in the community it's not happening so that's part of why I've endorsed it I did do some of my homework as well but what negatives did you find doing your I listen to the public like I listen I've gotten phone calls I hear what's going on in GL c talk from the community members and I just support what I'm hearing of the benefits for the township so I'm sitting here and I listen and I don't hear any more of those types of complaints or oh these you know all the union members came thank you I only have 20 left now now that's fine thank you but I do want to ask everyone's asking what's the reduction percent in taxes but I keep I'm not hearing that anymore I'm only hearing a freeze well my tax is going to freeze the ridiculous anyway so what are we getting far as a reduction you're going to give me 20% you a reduction in your Municipal Taxes right you're going to give me 20% I mean you want to get throw a number I'm not throwing a number out there we just going to say freeze there'll be a reduction in your taxes and then it will be a freeze over that time period that fiveyear time period so it could be 0.02% reduction you can't tell me it's 20% ruction say 02 reduction I'm saying there'll be a reduction followed by a freeze during that time period but you can't tell me a percent definitely no I cannot provide you percent definitely you can't run the numbers and give us give us a percent originally you said five cents but but it is and then a freeze after that but I I can't give you I don't have a budget to produce to you and provide you that but there will be a reduction thank you thank you with that we'll close our second public portion polling of directors I'm I'm sorry we have to go in and close session I have a resolution resolution 2410 322 resolution to exclude the public from discussion of Exempted subject matter at a regular or special section of Township Council Township of bler pursuant to njsa 104 at SEC of the open public meetings act we have a workers Comm situation that we need to address it'll probably take about 15 minutes and then we'll be back can I have a motion that motion second roll call please Mr yes yes we'll back that is correct to say good night just at the agenda excuse me what are you shouting at Missi that is the attorney for the workers comp [Music] turny you do I know [Music] hey how are you I'm Mike epano from Triad ass Mike how are you doing good to see you how you doing I'm doing very well good how's one of things authorization for thepp noral highly compe sorry I just explaining Council It's Not Unusual yeah it's not unusual we had to move forward if we needed that we've already reached out to Department of Justice to get interview what we can do to possibly streng great great great good I appreciate it thanks for the work that's that's what happens though we'll keep going yeah nice to meet you good to meet youate yeah yeah we got yeah but my question it was a joint offer it was a it was something had it was a Department of Justice Grant so not a Department of Education so we do Department of Justice so I found the grant is it g to be kept at the schools it could be kept at the schools yeah was first the resource officer offices that yeah we're not getting we didn't get the money yeah they said they're going to Res yeah we always are going to Res try and get equipment for free just because I was thinking if the SR were using it I thought it should be School Board because so it's got to be done in conjunction we were they were supporting it but we weren't there yet where they so I had verbal from all the districts was going to be blackor pight I think right now not out of this gr been but next year when they reissue the grant that's what we got Tri that's try again yeah we're trying grants are hard to come you know have to loc them and them through and yeah so so yeah it could be that uh schol we're actually going do an exit interview with Department of Justice we can do it do [Music] what know [Music] [Music] like [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah for [Music] here [Music] [Music] that what I want to say [Music] [Music] [Music] very nice Rec [Music] Happ to [Music] I for [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] I know that have a good night good [Music] stre [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you heard [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] actually better St [Music] [Music] I all too late I already see [Music] have [Music] hold [Music] [Music] you yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Chief you second [Music] that this yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] check for [Music] [Music] [Music] having [Music] yes ch that h [Music] can [Music] [Music] but else mad cler Moll call again please Mr here Mrs Aubrey TR Mrs gra Mr Nash here Mrs Walters here Mrs W Mr Mar presor Mr here Chief Mr Miguel thank you we reviewed six workers comp uh claims and we're still involved in litigation with our workers comp legal councel uh polling of the rec Mr CS nothing Chief Harkins nothing to report Mr Miguel nothing thank you [Music] Mr Mr Mrs Aubrey Trel Mrs Grace everyone have a great night Mr Nash have a great night thanks for coming out Mrs Walters everyone have a good night Mrs wers thank you Mr marata have a great evening everyone motion to adjourn there second all those in favor have a great evening [Music] everyone at this she's from six to