[Music] please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance flag the United States of America for it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice good evening this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the schedule of the meeting of the township Council established and adopted by the township Council which schedule designate the time date and place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act we're using electronic advice in order to obtain a clear and audible record and we request all those wishing to speak we recognize state your name address directly into the microphone the recording device will be slly utilized by a town clerk's office for the preparation of minutes and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam C the roll call please Mr Man here Mrs Al Troxel here Mrs Grace L here Mr Nash here Mrs Walters here Mrs wers Mr marado present Mr car here Mr ctis here Chief arkins here Mr Miguel here mam clerk Mrs winers uh notifi Mission not the attend we'll now have our first public portion this is for agenda items only uh anyone addressing Council may speak one time once all those wishing to address Council have had their terms they may address Council second time only if it adds to what was said earlier not repeating earlier statements each speaker is entitled to three minutes there's 15 minutes total for the first public portion uh those that are new to the meeting and those that have attended in the past I want to remind that There Are Rules of Order and conduct U so if you're not familiar with it there's a resolution on on the bulletin board there that talks about those rules and conduct of a council meeting anyone like to speak during the first public portion seeing none we'll close the first public portion ordinance first reading introduction ordinance 0-24 d18 ordinance amending chapter 81 of the code of the town of Gloucester entitled vehicles and traffic of the code of the township of bler there will be a hearing at the second reading this uh amends chapter 81 of the code of Township of glester that section 81- 26 has a no turn on red and is hereby amending to read as the follows uh intersection Jarvis road and cille road traveling southbound prohibited right turns on red at the southbound Jarvis Road at the intersection of CYO Road due to limited intersection site distance at this approach may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Troxel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mr marata yes our next ordinance I had asked for the solicitor for additional information uh on this this is regarding the uh Redevelopment plan for the villages loster Township uh and I would also like the rest of my colleagues on Council to receive additional information on that so I'm asking if someone can make a motion to table ordinance 04-19 I'll make that motion to table ordinance D4 thank you Mr is there a second thank you on the question roll call please Mr Man yes Mrs Al Trel yes to Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes the table Mr Walters yes Mr Mar yes the table thank you next is our consent agenda any council member like to have any item removed from the consent agenda please speak up hearing none I entertain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented make that motion there a second thank you on the question roll call please Mr Mion yes Mrs albre Troxel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mr Mar yes we have three GTE gov access emails the first is from Melinda Malia 233 Hicks down cerville New Jersey her question I would like to hook up to sewer which is all around my property I have a 75y old home that has Cesspool it has increased into every 31 to 41 days that I have to get a drink which is almost 6,000 yearly I'm looking for some help and direction on this matter I've asked the business administrator Mr Caris uh to forward this to the Ser utility supervisor for review and after that review is complete uh information will be forwarded to me and we will proceed according thank you Mr cars our next question is from Keith given Blackwood States question number one in regards to the sale of the sewer utility I would like to know if the township if the town solicitor believes the residents have any say in the wording of the referendum and or the interpretive statement for the ballot question the wording of the referendum ballot question is prescribed by Statute specifically njsa 40 62-5 provides that the question printed on the election ballot shall be in substantially the following form shall the be sold for the sum of x amount of dollars yes or no the statute further provides that if a majority of the legal voters voting at such election shall vote Yes the governing body May accept the bid of the highest responsible bidder and carry out such lease or sale as authorized by the election as a general manner the township does not seek resident input on the drafting of resolutions and ordinances pursuant to state law residents have the right to vote on whether or not the township should sell the Wastewater system next question if the public does have that right please provide details on how the public will be included in the writing of the interpretive statement as I stated earlier The Interpreter statement that will be included on the ballot has already been prepared by special counsel based on similar P transactions in the state and is included in the ordinance uh he all further ask please include details of exactly how where and when the input from the public will take place uh while the public does not have the opportunity to comment on drafting of the ordinance there will be a special meeting and public hearing on the ordinance August 8th which is a Thursday at 6:00 p.m. here in council chambers in the event that the ordinance is adopted at the second reading on August 8th there will be multiple public meetings scheduled prior to election day where public input regarding the sale will be addressed by both Council as well as the proposed purchaser New Jersey American Water Company Inc if the public does not have the right to have input on the interpretive statement wording please explain why do we why do we not and who exactly is stating that we do not again as a general manner the township does not SE resent input on the drafting of resolutions and our ordinances it's not appropriate or feasible to do this in this particular the wording of the ballot question is what is prescribed by the state statute next question can you please outline concisely as to what the timeline events and responsibilities from this point forward to getting the referendum on the November ballot I.E what are the next steps the upcoming deadlines that must be met Etc the next steps in procurement Pro process are as follows hold a public hearing on the ordinance and Council vote to adopt the ordinance on the second reading at a special meeting on August 8th if the ordinance is adopted we'll submit the ballot question to the can county clerk on August 9th that hold public meetings regarding the sale between August and October the referendum Road will take place on the November 5th 2024 ballot if the referendum passes the parties will execute agreement of sale if the referendum fails the sale will not occur unless Council decides to commence a new procurement process in the future if the agreement is executed pre-closing activities to take place this process usually takes about six months with a closing anticipated by the end of June of 2025 lastly from my understanding the clerk is supposed to submit the wording of the referendum and the interpretive statement can you confirm that the wording is not that of the clerk but wording that the council must approv before being submitted the wording of the referendum question is prescribed by State Statute as described above the wording of the statement has been prepared by legal council reviewed and approved by Township council members the mayor has no input with regards to any matters concerning the potential sale and that concludes Mr gi's Question our next one is from David leader 11:05 Huntington Avenue please schedule a town hall including Council mayor with the subject of reviewing the American Water bid for Gloucester Township Sewer Department ordinance 0-24 17 is scheduled for a special meeting on Thursday August 8th at 6 o'clock pm here in council chambers this ordinance will have a public hearing at that special meeting prior to being considered for adoption the township Council does not have any plans for a separate town hall meeting to discuss and review the American Water bid for the glou township sewer utility mam clerk there's a fourth one that um I'm going to read it anyway if not I'll pull it up I have it here uh this is from Albert Newton at 1341 Blackwood clemon Road this is the question for Council Members Marcato Minon Walters and Nash why did you collect 24,000 political campaign donations a year after your election we are familiar with your questionably corrupt p pattern of accepting a large volume of political campaign donations from firms then awarding those firms GT government contracts but these donations were received by your 2023 campaign fund a year later what is the purpose of these donated funds uh we've gone back and forth people say it's a political question or not a governmental question uh C political campaigns have efos uh the election fund of for instance they had Marcato medion uh Nash and Waters uh campaign contributions come in those c campaign contributions can continue after an election sometimes there are bills that need to be paid and those contributions come in regarding the questionably um contributions or how they youth Mr Newton that is your opinion and you're entitled to that uh with that we'll go to our second public portion uh this is for 30 minutes uh if you wish to speak on any item please raise your hand each speaker is entitled to five minutes and you may not speak more than twice does anyone like to speak during the second public portion yes sir Follow by Mr Burns and miss smithman Mr leader how are you good New Jersey um was driving from Washington Township s signs it said drive like your children live here I suggested that to the mayor and uh an officer of the police force contacted me and told me asked me questions about what my goals were and so forth and said they would want to monitor the speed on Station Avenue by the school and that they had a system to calculate speed but I'd like to suggest the council that those signs near every one of our school houses would be very valuable for drivers who driving above the speed limit and they see that there's a sign that says drive like your children live here and therefore they might think about that and slow down like Council would consider such signage especially when school com back up again so I I recall that you had sent that as a egov a few weeks ago uh those signs are provided correct me or wrong Chief they're private organizations that provide those signs that's my understanding stand from Washington Township um it's it's it's a productive program I it's but my my concerns always with signage and I'll even refer to Mr McGill signage is always an issue uh there there's such a traffic uh engineering and I am not a traffic engineer uh but uh the traffic experts often we get concerned about too much signage it it becomes uh signage pollution if you will in layman's terms too much signage creates confusion the driver there studies out there um and that's only my concern and I'm not saying that this couldn't be somehow we I could tell you that we are we have tried to look to see if there's a way of getting that but in in Washington townships program that was a private donated program of signage uh because it it has uh you know government officials names on it and whatnot um so it wouldn't it's not funded by the taxpayers to my knowledge that's what I've been told but it's not outside the realm I'm not saying what we were uh and I can get you Mr leader we uh I spoke with the traffic safety Bureau about the speeding issues Station Avenue is always a concern for us um we take regular speed measurements there we do a lot of enforcement however it being the the travel Street between Glendora and Deford it seems to be that is and it being a residential area um it is an area of concern it has gotten uh we have documented enforcement can we do better sure uh but it is I can assure you that we are we are well aware of it um I'm always trying to balancing our resources but that is one of the primary areas and I could say to council that uh we are one of the areas where we uh some of the capital purchases that we've had success with with these radar signs um we' did some last year but there's more forthcoming and there was we were in uh talking about having it on State Avenue to try and uh try and do some of that enforcement if you will or warning so um your uh your complaint is legitimate and uh but we and I can just tell you that it's a serious concern of mine and we are look going all options are on the table to try and assist with that it's not a complaint suggestion no I understand no and and my traffic officers did not take it that it was a legit and uh I made me look to make sure that we are doing everything and we do have data driven but I and I appreciate your suggestion I am well aware of their uh their their program and the some of the success that they may have happened similar signage uh in Magnolia from Clem Bridge Road they said that they had a rant for those speed limits and then it blinks and then it turns yeah that's what we're talk that's what I was just talking about I'm looking at that yeah it works and they're uh preliminarily um we've had uh I I we've had some good results from that but we're looking at that for station okay Council I have not been able to find uh working meetings for the resolutions that I could attend maybe I'm not looking in the right place but I'd like to attend working meetings when there's a resolution being worked something like the the uh sewer utility uh the working meeting to review what your uh lawyers gave for the resolution to go to the voting I think citizens should be able to participate and possibly word Smith with the people who create that Pro so we have Workshop meetings that take place uh the first excuse me the second Monday of the month at 6:30 uh but we did not have that as a subject matter at one of our Workshop meetings uh but we will be as when I was reading the eego of emails but we will be having meetings that take place leading up to that uh and there's a special hearing on August 8th thank you Mr [Music] Burns even Council good evening I can hear you okay Burns um I just want to get caught off on the very in haed properties and see where we are to closing for those properties so the hay property is moving a lot quicker than Mary Mary had some some issues that are still being evaluated uh both property owners have signed amendments to their agreement uh we hopefully we'll proceed uh in uh September on Hayes and October is what we're shooting for for maray provided the is get resolved I have some information share Council yes yeah I can pass it right so that um information is derived from the master plan reexamination I kind of I went through um from the one sheet you'll see uh I think it's the third paragraph about the Ry under Recreation and open space open space um so back in 1999 um Township had 763 Acres as open space is now 973 which is your simple math 210 new Acres over a period of 25 years and if we were to break that D we're only looking about 8 Acres a year and if we subtract from that 110 from the Ros bridge that marries in the hazes it's only 100 acres in 25 years which is about four acres per year um so obviously in the past not a whole lot of open space was being resered and I had to say Kudos because of my initiation you guys listening and understanding the importance of it we doubled the amount of open space which is which is really nice it's you know this maray hay or Raj is really probably the last truly wild area in GL to and I'm really happy that that it's moving forward and you know it's why I'm here of it owners aware of where it stands um but it's huge it is really significant I don't think anybody would be happy with an average of four acres a year now that's it's mon you can look at how much it's been developed and really a lot of those four acres if you're talking about Playgrounds and neighborhoods and things like that we're not talking about open space left in its natural condition so I mean this is information from reexamination Master plans the Township's information and I think when you see it in writing and pull it apart you realize how important this Mar and Hayes property is you know you can say it's well we improved 27% we increased open space but it reminds me when I was a teacher and I had young man Mr Burns I got on the track team it's fantastic you know I really wish you well and he comes in one day surprised I'm so pked up I got second place yesterday in the race second place that's amazing how many kids were in it it says two so it's the devil was in the details but I just want to acknowledge it how much this 110 acres is in comparison to what we Preserve in the past um I got few few minutes here left and the next page which was 59 and talking about Hicktown turning into a Redevelopment Zone and identifies the various blocks and lots there that could be considered as Redevelopment um this is and I bring that to your attention because a lot of those plots according to us Fish Wildlife service is a heritage site natural heritage site and I'm hoping that you know if this Redevelopment thing goes through that the necessary precautions will be taken to preserve the endangered species that are there now this is a copy of a letter that went to the mayor US fishing wild and if window open space perhaps you know look another use for that land pushing envelope here more of the space but just to say you are aware that it is the natural heritage site and you are endangered species on there lots and lots thank you for your attention I truly appreciate thank you ran I appreciate it Miss smithman so can you work on that thank you appreciate it when you push the button it go red and then it'll turn green [Music] thank you thank you hi good evening Council my name is sha C smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on milbrook Court department 341 while attending last loster Township council meeting was that on the 8th of July 2024 yeah yes uh I had made a comment on a fraud case that I asked the glester Township New Jersey Police Department to investigate um at the end of the meeting where I had no opportunity to make a comment back uh Chief Harkins is his first name David I think I heard that on the on the radio KYW radio DAV is it Chief David Harkins hello chief David Harkins my name is Shaun C smithman know and I've never spoke to you outside of these Council meetings about anything oh please tell me when have I spoken he made a comment that he had spoken to the Camden County New Jersey Prosecutor's Office about this fraud allegation that I tried to have investigated I want to remind the glester township Council that I had went and tried to seek assistance from the federal government for possible identity theft they told me I have to first prove that I'm a victim of identity theft before I can receive any type of assistance whatsoever this has been going on for more than 10 years from approximately the year 2015 my first attempt to the glosser Township New Jersey Police Department I was told upwards of four years ago that the glosser Township New Jersey Police Department does not victim search I have to give them reason to investigate first before they will even attempt to look into any allegation I'm making that I might be a possible victim of identity theft once again I cannot get assistance with identity theft from the federal government until I get a police officer to First prove that I'm a victim of identity theft on July 19th 2024 this is after chief Arin said he spoke with the Gloucester Township the Camden County New Jersey Prosecutor's Office who has never contacted me in any form nobody speaks on my behalf nobody has the power of attorney over remain my psychiatric Rehabilitation counsel from South Jersey Behavior Health Resources informed me that in account with more than $992,000 of federal funds in it was drained down to $4,000 that all the money had been transferred I said how is that possible without my participation in any form I signed no paper I spoke to no one at South Jersy Behavior Health Resources and when asking for a copy of my paperwork with the assistance of the Pence Hawk and New Jersey Police Department I was denied those papers they told me that it's not possible for me for them to give me any information on the treatment that they have provided for me from the year 2015 so my question is for chief David Harkins of the glester count New Jersey Police Department how's it possible that they could do that how's it possible that you looked into fraud with the Camden County prosecutor's office without my participation in any form nobody from the Camden County prosecutor's office spoke with me my name is sha smithman want me explain so you did speak with Detective Dennis Richards who was the investigating detective he's been at your house that is from theer Township New Jersey Police Department not C County not the not the C County Prosecutors off absolutely correct so they are and I never spoke to them in this Police Hold on not in this Police Department he came to my apartment with paperwork that had other people's C paperwork in it how unofficial do you want to be nothing was this is a fraud allegation involving close to $100,000 of federal funds including Social Security Administration and possibly human trafficking embezzlement do you want to hear me answer or you're going to talk over top Miss smithman in the past I've have asked you to have conversations with the chief of the police department outside of our Council meetings you refused to have those conversations you have come to our meetings SE may I finish on several occasions we can't help you here Council cannot help you this is a matter that you need to speak to the the authorities Police Department you refuse to have conversations with them for some reason so I can't address this I'll let you continue for the next 50 all I'm asking is for to be an official capacity Miss Smith I'm still excuse me a conversation outside of it Miss Smith continue you should take this up with the authorities we cannot help you here may ask what Authority are you referring to the police department but you refuse to have conversation I'm available after this meeting ma'am I'm available tomorrow if you want to make an appoint with me I am available I'll try to explain it to you as detective Richards explained it to you but I will do my best to try to explain to if you want me directly after this me I'll stay as long as I need to to to meet with you not at all this is an unofficial capacity something at a council meeting after official capacity after the conclusion of the meeting you'll have a meeting with the chief of police to explain your investigation to you or you can make an appointment tomorrow at some point I never signed anything into this investigation that was thank you Miss smithman for your time I appreciate it yes Miss Paris I didn't know you skap you scaped a lot for this meeting right I mean this is the public notice right now open open it's the second public portion it went really fast tonight I mean we start at 7:3 right but you didn't do anything for the agendas yes we did we went okay I was with my mother I'm sorry she's dying so I I got here late sorry to hear that um first of all I'm going to go back to the gems landfill and I've been working with eron with the read readed uh determination um company that works for the state in Trenton there's so many chemicals that are in that water from aqua water and I know that you think it's like a joke but to me people nowadays don't have the money or the funds like you people do because you you get a lot of money for being on counil and for your jobs and I I had a lot of money because I was a college professor and also I owned my own business and also uh did a lot of different things in my life but there's tons of people that live in apartments that get the aqua water which comes in through the gems landfill underneath the gems landfill now between the EPA and the D um there is so much arsenic um nickel copper all kinds of chemicals that are still coming through there at high percentages and the people in Milbridge get the aqua water the people in lacascata get the aqua water the homes don't they get American Water where the mayor Works where you're going to try to put the sewer system through I mean sorry the MUA people that you're taking off this the system now for some reason I pay for a sewer bill at Milbridge and I lived in statford all my life but I moved here and gave my son my house when I moved into Milbridge and I don't drink the water because I can afford to buy core water Smart Water the waters that have 9.5 pH in it but the people that are very poor the people that can't even afford their Apartments have to drink the sewer water that goes through there underneath the gems lill that have 20 million poison poisonous products or chemicals and byproducts that go through that sewer water through aqua water okay and I even contacted aqua water and I also contacted the EPA so today I had the D on the phone the EPA on the phone and also last week I had them on the phone and they sent me through my P PDF files all the chemicals okay I have a lady tonight Lisa f who has had dogs friends and also other animals that live in aiel and also in Township who have had vet reports that her animals and her friends animals and her are dying from the water from aqua water so I'll let her speak now and then I'd like to come up again for three minutes because I have two minutes no no I'm gonna have her speak no I have a question go ahead okay so the water system is divided Geographic Ally in our Township so when you make the comment that Apartments get aqua water and the homes get American water that is incorrect well tell me what houses get um tell me what houses get the um uh what do you call it the aqua water Geographic your old house where's your old house well my old house did to in aial if you live in the and I got a check let me finish I got a check okay from from the state when I lived there in 1980 $350 cuz I might get cancer someday and my kids would live there because of the water and the college where I worked for 50 years at camman County as a professor we weren't allowed to drink the water all the all the water fountains I'm sure you remember the water fountains were shut down weren't they really excuse me I've worked there since 1968 well I was there and in the gym all our water fountains were shut down we were not allowed to drink the water because of the water problem I worked in the educational building right well I was a health andise science professor and I worked for the police academy so we were not allowed to drink the water about 1980s well I was there I don't I don't understand how you don't remember that because that's a big big thing in my head and I'm 70 this year and I don't have any cancer thank God thank God neither do I thank God well I did I had ovarian cancer I drank the water at home I drank the water at the my whole life since I was 21 well you're lucky you're one of the lucky ones but there's a lot of people like so is my son so are all the people that neighbors that I had we were all fine well then you got lucky you're blessed from God like I am I always say thank you God I don't believe that it's it's because I used to get a don't you get a um a um I used to get a piece of paper that had the testing results nope used to get that every year never got it one time in my life might have private companies come because I was a little nervous myself and they came out and they tested it my water was well you had private companies come out I I had three babies and I was working two jobs to raise my children because my husband decided to get somebody else pregnant at the time all right thanks anyway i' like Miss Baris I will ask if anyone wants to raise their hand I run the meeting okay I'm asking for please take a seat would anyone else like to speak yes followed by Mr Brown sorry um yes following up I state your name and your address my name is lisao um I'm here to kind of back up a little bit more of what she said now she's me seen a lot more in the past of what she's bringing up here um now I have your address again oh I'm sorry uh at the moment it's 569 Milbridge Road okay um however I grew up on 30 Kendrick Avenue barel New Jersey 08081 way back by L Tilda um now I have most of my life we we told okay we're okay we have the well water you know it's okay like we got whatever message um and we would try to test their try to take care of the lake and it ourselves for a very long time um at some point we sold it to Green Acres first I believe and then the Boy Scouts and then the fishing and yeah anyhoo we've taken care of this plake for a million gazillion years now my girlfriend a female friend who I've notic since I was closer thing to a sister um is going through quite a lot I had quite a bit of pictures um I have documentation of some things now also there's quite a bit of animals she has a farm it's called the easy rescue um where a lot of animals are dying um she's had Dy my draw passway recently but also according to multiple V veterinarian around in this area there's light let me just pull it back up so I don't lepos fosis which now this new puppy here has the vaccine for which they also say can be passed on to humans okay it is possible especially if somebody is doing a rescue um especially and also because most of our stuff is by well water in aquifers and all these other things and we've done all this now everything got a little messed up when yeah we heree happen not I mean but we all knew that we all tried to rectify it's School we're all trying to meet halfway my father has passed but I do remember him going on these little things about that but our Our Lake l f have suffered a lot a lot and we try to do quite a bit on our own to try to rectify all these situations even the one time when the algae grew over so bad we end up by the carb to eat it um so now this point I have a a friend who I've known since I was 5 years old who all of her friends are talking about is losing her mind okay now I have pictures of certain different things because I own a cleaning or I'm trained in cleaning company and certified see for all these other things trying to make the world a better place and then my poor girlfriend everything's was going crazy when there are things that scientifically can be proven um see the lepos spirosis also different mold things the oopers all these different things if I have somebody come out take a look um we used to do little testing ourselves as far as testing strips I do remember myself whether the States been it to us or not we used to do it on cleanup day twice a year um so I can't have I mean Al was back you want to go tal bger sorry ALB was there back then um and we used to take care of this Lake for a long time and now I'm seeing and then here the izes who have been there forever now had our going through some similar medical issues um now worst thing we get to is if it spreads what people just start on great I don't know because there's also mold issues too and mold growth throughout so I mean I have pictures again from the Vets Leos pyrosis with the groundwater they can also be SP from the aquifers um I would love to at least have some testing done um my poor girlfriend her house is deteriorating and she doesn't know how to because also I don't know if you guys know well it affects neurological symptoms and stuff like that um and she's been going through it and I just really feel as so so just to recap this is for Lake Matilda this is not Jims landfill no so according to Danny it is still in the redone talking about Lake and that the oers have been and we were made somehow a wear at some point I generally wear again I'm only 37 so by I generally remember um something being brought up about around simmer Creek and some things some oers are busted or something like that no it's no big deal it's no big deal I could be vely wrong I mean but um also to there is the possibility of that too with the way that the the water flows I mean I did hear certain things as a child growing up but also we are in the Red Zone which is J's which is J's Landing right which is the land pill as well and then when they put up uh simber Creek is where things started going sideways there was some other buildings uh other developments that were buil around there before that that started to affect the nature around us and we started to realize it also I heard they're started trying to do something with the golf course too which would totally mess up the whole economic system all right Miss Lisa I'm going to refer this to our business administrator uh could you leave your contact information here come up here with the Clark abolutely leave your contact information and uh we try to follow up with you on that Mr Brown you add your hand up you'll be our last speaker of the evening David Brown five Road mber station whatever it is um we I know I brought up last time about we did get our playground in after for seven years we finally got it in uh very nice well done um we got a call about 4:30 one day that the mayor was there at 4:00 for his pictures with the grand opening of it but none of us were even told about it so I didn't understand why he didn't want the neighborhood there with him cutting the ribbon for the grand opening but that's just how it goes um my one question I talked to you a couple of months ago about American flag with US flag code the flag is below that flag there and it's below that flag there and that's against the US flag code I just as a vet I mean I know only 1% of the population in New Jersey served in the military but we do deserve something and there's a lot of people who died for that flag to have it go by the right flag code thank you Mr Brown what we'll do is um I don't know anything about Flags but we would he to that flag code we have just started I'm not sure if you get the mayor's newsletter a office of Veteran Affairs uh that is just opening up and we have two individuals that are veterans that are be operating that but I'll also Chief we have some people who are former military veterans that are in our department Commander is former military so and we'll make sure because sometimes they get moved around a little bit so um we me just tonight I noticed that flag back there and it was like okay that one's even worse than the other one brown I do recall when you stated that months ago I know myself and chief arkans over tried to raise it the stand that right yeah any probably need better yeah we need better stands and better exact we probably had them for long enough when n all right thank you very much Mr Brown I'd like to give this to you this is an invitation to the grand opening for the Veterans Affairs office in glou Township thank you D thank you Mrs all right Trel with that we'll close our second public portion polling of directors nothing to report nothing to report just want to invite the uh Council and the whole community it's already here already National Night Out Tuesday off August uh 6 um Corp mchu has information about it we'll be uh starting at 5:00 we be hitting uh again we always get asked where is it at we're actually in our neighborhoods we hit all the neighborhoods Town watch that's the original plan of town of National Night Out um I know that there'll be an event here at Veterans Park is one of the glenos uh groups uh but uh all the information will be on our website we be putting it out and uh it's a great we hope for good weather and have another great night visiting with the community of thank you Mr Miguel nothing thank you Mr a couple things so sitting here on my my computer and I'm looking at a news clipping about one of our own that's going to be uh honored and recognized with Catholic charity at City October 24th congratulations Michael can you speak up a little bit some folks can't hear you oh sorry sorry uh so uh Chief arkins is going to be recognized an article here uh the Catholic Charities going be recognized in Atlantic City uh on October the 24th a dinner for the 20th annual dinner will take place for um wonderful things you done need your readers there but congratulations and then one other thing I've mentioned the last couple meetings uh Little League started um in April well we have one of our own there are over 350 Little League teams in New Jersey and there's only four teams left to represent the state of New Jersey and one of them is Blackwood little it will open up on Wednesday the 24th against Lin which is uh section three they come out of Tom River uh Division if we should be successful in that state tournament then the next step is off in Bristol Connecticut where the state winners face each other the next step after that is William Williams cour so fingers crossed uh congratulations to Blackwood little leag job well done it's very hard to do that the last time we've had a state representative champ uh was in 2015 13 and 2011 so this this is the furthest since 2011 that the 12 year olds have gone at at this stage of the game so congratulations to the President John mention the whole black organization well done thank you Mrs drel yes I just like to read what the bishop Dennis J Sullivan praised our chief outstanding commitment of service and they called us actions and Leadership truly inspiring he dedicated his career to Ministry and to helping others and I think that's really important and it's a great you're great example in our community thank you and an offsho of that is I was reading an article today and it was about a person who one of our waitresses at the Lost iron is pregnant with her first child and the bill came to $7 and $8 and change and the police officer left her a $100 tip and and wrote a little note on the receipt that you'll always remember this this will the greatest gift you'll get something like that it was just so wonderful and what an inspiring person to to do that he saw that she had to work and she's pregnant and it's hard for her and he tried to help her little uh be a little bit softer for her and I just I just really admire excuse me I admire people to do things like that and that's all under the leadership of the of our chief who inspires those kinds of actions and people so when you think about the police they're also kind they're strong and they're Mighty but they're also kind thank you you're welcome thank you this isce love um I can't um say much more but to say Chief Parkins um nothing but the best the leadership here just flows down to all of our well um kind officers and thanks to you and um It's a Wonderful honor that you're receiving and congratulations to you again um everyone have a great night thank you for coming oh thanks for coming out and congratulations Chief very Mrs Walter um I want to thank everybody for coming out I want to thank everybody for um their comments concerns for the community thank you Chief Parkins for um setting um High example for everybody and being a leader um out there and I believe if I can remember it said that um you will remember you will never forget your first please off but everybody have a good night have a good week Mr Mar I want to thank everyone for coming out this evening uh two weeks ago we received notification from our State Assembly man Daniel Hutchinson who's our former colleague here uh Council that the township received $500,000 to go towards the blackbox theater in downtown Blackwood that was approved in the uh state budget uh and I want to thank assemblyman Hutchinson assemblyman Cody Miller and also state senator PA already and bringing uh that Grant uh to our Township uh this Saturday lamb Terrace has a Christmas in July program at their uh fire station on cille road um I believe from 10: to two anyone's interested in Santa's there so for any little ones I want to see Santa and you get to play around with some of the equipment there uh lamb terce uh prior to coming here I was watching the news and there is a high graduate named rayquan Noel uh who will be representing uh his country of Guana he moved here in his junior year and attended Holland High School and graduated he will be representing Yana in the swimming portion of the upcoming Olympics so a feature was done on him and you you look up his name it's it's everywhere um impressive young man uh and uh we had him at least for two years here in our High School uh at Highland and in Gloucester town so we wish him the best uh with that I entertain a motion to adjourn is there a second all those in favor have a great evening everyone