h [Music] there we go please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and please remain standing for the invocation by Pastor Gil MC Al to flag United States of America stands one nation God indivisible and justice for [Music] all can everybody hear me let us bless this meeting tonight father God creator of the universe and everything that that you have done we ask that you would bless this meeting today between the council and the and and the members of our community father we ask that you would bless also our responders our responders whether they are in airand or SE in the community I would pray right now that when they see the red and blue lights go off the people will slow down and move over I ask Lord that you be able to keep this meeting in attentive to the community and also to the council father we want to pray for our mayor mayor bless him and bless his home bless everyone of the council and their families and the first respon ERS and the community I ask that no hurt harm or danger will Beall thee in any way and father I just ask you graciously in the name of Jesus in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit amen thank you this regular meeting of the township council is being in accordance with the schedule of the meetings of the township Council established and adopted by the township Council which schedules as name the time and date and place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act we're using electronic amplifying and recording device in order to obtain a clear and audible record and request all those wishing to speak be recognized and state your name address directly to the microphone the Accord advice be slly utilized by the township clerk's office for the preparation of minutes and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam clerk the roll call please Mr Man here Mrs alright Trel here Mrs Grace love here Mr Nash here Mrs Walters here Mrs wers here Mr Marcado presid Mr car here Mr ctis here Chief Harkins Mr Miguel here Mrs ER here before we go to the public portion the business administrator provided us a proposal for Consulting Engineers Services um of the sanitary sewer system valuation normally this is done through our workshops where there's a strw pole because rington bck is the engineer on record Mr cars you'd like to speak on that uh yeah so uh we had this proposal uh back in late April and we were notified by the uh State com Controllers Office uh to uh basically hold up until we receive their permission to move forward uh we have since [Music] [Music] good evening Dina Hendry Summerdale uh quick question with what with what Mr Curtis ctis said um with getting bids or things like that why would we start the process if the public hasn't said to do the process of selling this is an evaluation of the system that's what it is that's the proposal for provide a value on the particular systemise praise so why are we asking for the value of the system I could respond like first off your question regarding why are we moving forward we're moving forward because the ordinance was approved previously to move forward which had a public hearing on it and we're permitted to move forward there's nothing that is stopping us from moving forward the State com troller office has already in writing given us permission to proceed and we are doing that now we had a pre-bid meeting the other day there are three interested parties Aqua uh New Jersey America water and and so we're moving forward because we are Ena to move forward oh okay because I thought oh sorry I thought when the the voting was was to you know entertain bids right so that's what you're doing now you're for that desire to sell the MUA now when you said the voting what do you mean by the voting that that the council voted for the desire to sell the MUA explore the possibility and then move forward that process and if we move forward and get bids then to put it on the ball in November oh okay because I just would have thought that you had the desire and then that the people would vote to continue with that desire not to get bids first this is an appraisal what you're asking is appraisal on the system this is out for request for bids okay there are three utility companies that have are doing their due diligence they have a deadline to submit it I think it's July first week in July okay so at that time we'll have more information to provide regarding the proc okay thank you is there anyone else this cor Denise coin choose Landing um ordinance 0244 the bond ordinance for $300,000 for emergency sewer cares did we spend all of the money that was in the Surplus fund when mua was dissolved no we no we have not spent all that money last year we used uh 1.8 million and this year 2.1 correct me wrong Miss Eric or Mr cartis is in this year's budget but no there has not been spent then why are we bonding instead of using Mr cartis so we still have uh for to the resolution that was approved by the local Finance board 300 sorry $3 million of capital Surplus set aside regardless of whether we borrow new money or reuse that money you still need a bond ordinance to proceed to pay the 300,000 that occur because of an emergency situation where the system failed near uh the or uh Road uh uh transfer station so if you have a bond ordinance it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to bond money no it does not just means you're going to spend the money necessary either way whether we Bond money or whether we utilize the money that is still in that $3 million fund so which are we doing we're not sure at this point why doesn't matter because we still have to do the bonding so we've already we've already paid for the improvements because it was declared an emergency zulie the emergency contractor was called out to do the work and they were paid already okay but it does matter because if we bonded we have to pay interest on that Bond cor that's the decision that the the Govern any body will make okay but it does matter correct it does not matter in terms of this Bond ordinance because whether or not you go out and borrow additional money you still need this Bond orance I understand but it does matter based on which option you choose as to how it affects the residents one we pay interest and one we don't correct that would be up to council's decision okay um the second question I have is resolutions 183 through 186 uh first of all all four of the resolutions state that they would they were going to take effect immediately on the 13th day of May 2024 which I believe is in the past those were all updated ER so you want me to explain yeah the the resolutions were um were supposed to be on the 13th agenda um they weren't in the building in time so they didn't get make the agenda so we had to put them on so when Bond Council prepared them they were supposed to be on the meeting for the 13th uh I let Nancy know to I let the clerk know today that there there was a typo and she corrected all the resolutions so they should say that 29 it was just a typo so it's been corrected okay thank you m coin anyone else like to speak miss [Music] smithman good evening Council good even my name is sh C smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on milbrook court it's well 1341 Blackwood clementin Road Apartment 341 clementin New Jersey 08021 hyphen 5673 sometimes written hyphen 08021 hyphen 5536 and then I strangely get letters um from the Atlantic City electric company with 08021 hyen 5669 which I don't understand um since I live in the city of Clementon and that is I think a Laural spring zip code strangely the Gloucester Township New Jersey Police Department writes the city of La Springs New Jersey on reports that I fill out trying to get assistance um for things but this is about the agenda that's correct uh it's this or two [Music] 45177 177 uh that's correct 177 okay yes who are the members that are being appointed to this Emergency Management committee uh John swack excuse I'm sorry 177 John swag Brian bonowitz Ed Bryant and jonath Jonathan Smith is this a new committee or is this a like a new no there is a there is an emergency management committee we have an oem coordinator that oversees that oh so they're just like reappointing new members uh reappointing and appointing new members is that correct they're all appointments okay it's a three-year term Mr President thank you thank you councel is there anyone else anyone else like to speak that has not spoken yet this coin coin she's Landing um back to resolutions 183 through 186 um it appears that you're requesting to get loans for 5,850 for storm drainage products that were previously bonded in 2017 2018 2019 and 20122 I believe were the same amount of money so could somebody explain to me why we're now getting construction loans for the same projects When Miss coin when you look that up were the same streets uh listed in those day in those years thorny Lane Malibu Drive lean drive it said in the Cherrywood section blue J drive it said in the resolutions that they were previously bonded in those years is Eric so these are previous ordinances that have been approved by Council um the ibank is I have exactly from Council what it is um the ibank is requesting the township to close on the shortterm no for each of the four outstanding ibank project so this is something that the ibank is requiring us to do so we're currently constructing those projects now and they want everything closed out by their fiscal year so we have to do the short-term Mo and that's what that's what they're approving us that's what that's what this resolutions are when we got the bonds how long were the bonds for we never borrowed the money for them that just gave us the authorization to go out to bid oh so the money was never borrowed that is correct so the projects haven't been completed they're all're they're currently being completed now so even the one from 2017 was not started that's correct so they're all being done simultaneously now all four of them yes okay thank you there anyone else yes Miss hry Dina Hendry again Summerdale um quick question with regards to the bid process do the team members of the GT mua know that there's a possibility that it could go private or are they involved in the process do they know about the process no they're not involved in the process okay do they know that there's a possibility that it's going to go private has anybody had a meeting with them I've have not had a formal meeting with them now that they are aware um how are they aware because I know they've been talking about it and there's been a lot of advertisement on social media and there are signs around the town as you're aware of and but nobody from we're not sitting down with them to have a a conversation about it and we have not done that no would you have one being that you're having bids and that it's going to go for for the election no because this is exploratory we do not know that this is going to referendum at this point we do not even have values established to the RB we don't we don't know we're this is a process were in Midstream of the process okay thank you thank you with that we'll close our first public Comm Proclamation supporting the clicket or ticket mobilization May 20th through June 2nd 2024 whereas there were 585 motor vehicle fatalities in New Jersey in 2023 and whereas many motor vehicle occupants killed in traffic crashes were not there in the seat belt and whereas the use of a seat belt Remains the most effective way to avoid death or Serious injury in a motor vehicle crash and whereas the national highway traffic safety administration estimates that 135,000 lives were saved by safety belt usage nationally between 1975 and 2000 and whereas the state of New Jersey will participate in the Nationwide clicket or ticket seat belt mobilization from May 20th through June 2nd 2024 in an effort to raise awareness and increase seat belt usage through a combination of high visibility enforcement and public education and whereas the division of highway traffic safety has set a goal of further increasing the seat Bel usage rate in the state from the current level of 93% and whereas a further increase in seat Bel usage in New Jersey will save lives on our roadways therefore be it resolved that David R May mayor of the township of glester and Orlando Marcato council president do hereby proclaim the township of glester support for the clicket or ticket seat Bel mobilization both locally and nationally from May 20th to June 2nd 2024 and pledge to increase awareness of the mobilization and the benefits of sefelt usage thank you vid report may I have a motion please I'll make that motion I'll second it on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Albright Troxel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wyers yes Mr Mar yes next is the ordinance uh second reading there will be a public hearing ordinance 0-24 d11 ordinance amending chapter 75 of the code of the township of ler entitled swimming pools of the code look of the township of bler County of Candon and the state of New Jersey J this uh on chapter 75 entitled swimming pools is amended where all private pools must be treated uh their water supply for treatment and drainage systems safety precautions and there are violation and penalties that were incurred if those things do not take place so we'll open up the first public excuse me the hearing on this ordinance anyone wish to speak on it seeing N I have a motion please make that motion second on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Troxel Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes next is ordinance 0-24 D1 two there will be a public hearing on this ordinance ordinance amending chapter 72 of the code of the township of bler entitled streets and sidewalks this amends the ordinance chapter 72 that permits are needed there's obstruction or encroachment of streets we'll Now open up the public hearing anyone wish to speak seeing none have a motion please move second on the question roll call please Mr Man yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr marado yes next is ordinance first reading introduction there will be a hearing at the second reading ordance 0-24 D13 ordinance of the township of bler can have CED in the state of New Jersey adopting prohibited uses to the Land Development ordinance this amand amends the Land Development ORD to prohibit short-term rentals in all residential districts short-term residential rentals are residential units that are offered for rent or vacation for a period of less than 30 days through a private transaction with or without an online service man the motion please so move on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wyers yes Mr Mar yes next is ordinance 0-24 D14 this is a first reading and introduction there will be a hearing at the second reading this is a bond ordinance authorizing the completion of emergency repairs for the sewer utility system in and for the township of glester County of cden New Jersey appropriating a sum of $300,000 therefore authorizing isance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes of the township of Gloucester County of C New Jersey in the aggregate principal amount of up to $300,000 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing this is for various emergency improvements and repairs to the or Road pump and station and C improvements repairs at Glen o may I have a motion please on the question roll call please Mr Min yes Mrs Al Troxel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr n yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wyers yes Mr M yes next is our consent agenda any council member like to have any item removed for the consent agenda please speak up hearing none I entertain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented so move second on the question roll call please Mr minu yes Mrs Al Chon yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs W yes Mr marado yes uh regular agenda resolution r245 d187 resolution of the township Council of the township of bler authorizing the Township Clerk to read the 2024 Township budget by title only and after that we'll have a public hearing on that May a motion I'll make that motion there second on the question roll call please Mr Man yes Mrs Albert Troxel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr marata yes resolution 188 resolution to amend the 20124 budget of the township of bler County of cden state of New Jersey whereas the local Municipal budget for the year 2024 was approved on the 22nd day of April 2024 and whereas the public hearing on said budget has been held as advertised and whereas it is desired to amend said approved budget which does not require advertisement now therefore be it resolved by the township Council the township of boster County of campden that the following amendments to the approved budget of 2024 be made General revenues number three miscellaneous Revenue section F special items of General Revenue anticipated with prior written consent of the director of local government services public and private revenues offset with Appropriations Municipal alliance against drug and alcohol abuse sheet n from $22,995 to $10,000 total section F special items of General Revenue anticipated with prior written consent of the director C of local government services public and private revenues offset with Appropriations sheet 9i from $1 57,135 to $144,200 38 three miscellaneous Revenue section F special items of General Revenue anticipated with prior written consent of the director of local government services public and private revenues all offset with appropriation sheet 11 from $1 157,158 to $144,200 38 number seven total General revenues sheet 11 from 79 m547 21135 to 79,513 23635 C General Appropriations number eight a operations excluded from caps public and private offset by revenues Municipal alliance against drug and alcohol abuse sheet 24 from 22975 to $10,000 total public and private offset by Revenue sheet 25 from $ 23,9 7938 to $214 38 total operations excluded from cap sheet 25 from 1,440 [Music] 72638 to 1,427 75138 detail other expenses from 1,454 6238 to 1,392 48738 h-2 total General Appropriations for municipal purposes excluded on sheet 28 from 11,396 [Music] 3138 to 11,383 32638 O total General Appropriations excluded from cap c29 from 11,396 301 38 to [Music] 11,383 [Music] 32638 L subtotal General Appropriations items h-1 n o sheet 29 from 78 m6838 38 to 78 m595 5738 nine General total General appropriation sheet 9 from 79,513 21135 to 79,513 6.35 summary of appropriation sheet 30 a public and private offset by revenues $23,995 [Music] 38 to $2,438 Total operations excluded from caps from 1,447 12638 to 1, 14277 5138 total General Appropriations from 79,513 5 to$ 7953 4,236 35 dedicated by sewer utility budget number 10 dedicated revenues from sewer utilities operating Surplus anticipated Chet 31 from $1 million to $1,760 sewer utility Capital plus sheet 31 from 1,43 6,000 to $645,000 Total sewer utility revenue she sheet 31 from 8,151 th000 to 8,66 th000 11 Appropriations for sewer utility Surplus General budget sheet 33 from 2,100,000 to 215,000 Total sewer utility approv Appropriations sheet 33 from 8,1 151,000 to 8,660 they have further resolved the certified copy of the resolution will be filed forth with in the office of the director of local government services for certification of the local Municipal budget so amended it is hereby certified that this is true resolution amending the budget adopted by the township Council on the 29th of May 202 may I have a motion on this amending of the 2024 budget I'll make that motion there second on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr MC yes now we'll have the public hearing on the budget any individual like to speak on the budget please raise your hand there is no time limit on this hearing you speaker will start with five minutes and then we'll go to the next speaker and they can return back hia Hendry suale quick question did the budget go up or down and if so by how much there was a lot of numbers we went from here to hear so so the budget is introduced uh the amount to be raised by taxation is a 0.045 uh increase so if you look at a percentage is 3.57 over last year percentage wise and we amended to to go up even further or no no there was amending of things that are being moved around in the budget so it so the money is the same it just got played around with that's correct okay that's it thanks thank this coin Denise coin choose Landing so the amended budget the money didn't change is that the reason why it doesn't have to be public notice 28 days prior to today as far M the uh the amendment to the budget was based on the review by the division of local government services they assigned a a budget examiner to our budget who goes through and looks over the budget and there was a change that was recommended by the state and because of that change we had to amend the budget and it did not require the advertisement all the other things that would be associated with a different kind of amendment an amendment that might change the amount to be raised or change the to so if the dollar amount changes then it has to be noticed correct if it changes by a certain percentage I forget there's three different criteria I don't know if M Mrs Eric recalls what they are I think it's if an appropriation uh a state appropriation changes by more than 5% do you recall what the conditions were in any case we did not fall within that okay so another question I have is the sewer you said the Appropriations were 8 something million correct the sewer portion of it you said the Appropriations were eight from 8.1 8 6 8 66,000 I don't have so is that the budget amount 8 million something yes okay so prior to you dissolving the MUA the budget was 5 million now it's eight can you explain the difference M do you have the because the prior number here is showing 8 million flat I don't have the two I don't have the prior budget are you talking about the prior budget when they were in mua before they were a utility or yes in 2022 we were told that they had a $6 million surplus on a $5 million budget I can't answer and now it's 8 million so it's a $3 million difference so I'm wondering why nobody on this board had any control over the MUA budget so I don't have access I didn't prepare that budget and I don't have any information on how they ran things or their prior budget well somebody did because they knew the budget was $5 million that's what we were told and the Surplus was six and we were told how outrageous that was because the budget was only $5 million and Mr ricot you were on that board right no Lea on I'm not involved in the budget process but you were aware of the budget correct aware of the budget okay so in that range that $5 million range yes do you can you explain why now it's eight when it used to be five no I cannot explain why why it's eight I'm deferring to our business administrator and CFO and the five I believe was the 22 budget not not the 23 budget it ended in the end of February of 23 but it was the 22 budget because when we did disillusion that was back in the beginning of 23 you also have to remember there also is $2 million in the uh sewer budget that is being transferred over to the current budget that was included in the $5 million back then that's included in the 8 million yeah but it was six million back then so no I'm saying that's a budgeted appropriation in the in this year's budget so there's a $2 million budget appropriation moving the money from the sewer into the current fund that's realized as a revenue in the the general budget okay be the Surplus correct yeah so if you want to be in reality if you take the 2 million off you would be six million that that's the difference that you're talking about is the fact that we use 2.1 million of the Surplus balance that has to be appropriated under the utility so back in 2022 when it was a $5 million budget and a $6 million surplus would you take the $6 million surplus off of the $5 million and say it was a minus1 $1 million budget that's not what I'm that's not what I'm saying what I'm literally saying is there's a budget appropriation in the actual budget called sewer going to the Jour fund for $2 million it's actually a line item in the budget so it's not their Surplus it's the amount of surplus that is going to the general fund so it's literally a line item in our budget okay so it's kind of like an expense in the budget it's listed right so they're moving in from One Fund into the other fund okay that's how it has to be shown okay so now that you've worked out all the budget numbers for the sewer were you able to determine how much money you saved by dissolving the MUA I'm sorry you asking there was how much money did the township Say by dissolve in the MUA I'm saying now that you've completed all the budget numbers I I've said it and I maintained exactly what I said there is no computation of any savings there's nothing presented to the state local Finance board that decision is done the resolution was pass by the local Finance board approving the disillusion no there's no further anoun but I'm talking about accountability towards the residents because you said you were going to save the residents money by dissolving the MUA so I'm asking for transparency and for you to tell us how much money we save by doing that and again we continue to to strive to save money by economies of scale and eliminating certain positions including the board itself um okay but you've done that and it's been a year so I'm asking now on several occasions for an analysis not only you but others who have stood here before you and particularly Mr palor came up here and asked where's the analysis for the savings there is no analysis okay but my question was now that you've worked through the budget for a new fiscal Year's budget now that the MUA has become a sewer utility and you've gone through all the numbers my question was do you now have a better understanding of how much money was possibly saved by dissolving the MUA if the question was asked previously we weren't at this point so I'm asking again because the budget has been created letter please finish I don't no I don't have a dollar that's the same thing I've said so no there's no analysis year is there anything else M SC is there any estimates no no so you have no clue it's not that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is there is no analysis that's what you asked me and there is no analysis okay thank you thank you is there anyone else seeing none we'll oppose the public hearing may I have a motion please I'll make that motion second on the question this is the resolution adopting the 2024 calendar year budget yes Mrs alel yes I I have to say a few things um I I appreciate the fact that the we some changes by the state I think that was important to do and I was glad that they did that being a senior citizen on on a fixed income I I have a problem and the taxes go up uh I realized this has not a lot of fat in this budget I didn't I went through it and I've been doing budgets for a long time and I didn't find much pth but I I understand that prices go up on everything when I think of the senior citizens in this town which I am one of them I [Music] have Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers Mr marado yes next is our GTE go access emails our first is from Albert Newton at 1341 Blackwood clemon Road clemon New Jersey during the April 22nd 24 council meeting the council president mentioned that there were back and forth questions between loster Township officials and the New Jersey cont controller's office regarding the GT sewer utility please disclose the details of the questions and the responses all Communications between the township and the off Office of the State Controller are considered Communications that are advisory consult consultative or deliberative or exempt for disclosure under the open public records act uh so this is from again all communication the township and the Office of the State Controller are exempt from open public records act so I cannot provide that information to uh the gentleman Mr our next email is from David leer of 1105 Huntington Avenue glendor New Jersey I'm requesting be with me for a second okay after I read the report from the gtn I felt that it was a robust and well-managed service organization loster Township and the taxpayers have made significant investments in infrastructure equipment Personnel over the years and it should be proud of a well-managed and run organization I believe the report was when you were proposing the gtmua be folded into the overall Gloucester Township management I'm requesting that a Gloucester Township town meeting be held well before the November vote is incumbent of is incumbent of our elected officials that the citizens and those ler Township understand the rationale of the township proposing the GT be privatized what benefit benefits will the taxpayer achieve through the sale of the GT every way to a private company what services will improve as a result of the sale what will the corly billing be after the sale any other rationale that was considered before the council voted to put the sale on the of the gtmua on the November ballot thanks in advance for helping you thanks for in advance for helping to inform your citizens of lost the township on there questions I'm requesting that a gloss Township meeting be held well before the November vote it's incumbent Upon Our elected officials that the citizens and voters understand the rationale of the township proposing that the GT Nua is prioritized in the event that there is a fairw bid received by the Township in response to the request for bids and the township Council determines to move forward with the sale and the referendum process a ordinance to authorize the execution of a sale agreement if the referendum passes will be introduced in July and it'll be an opportunity for the public to comment on the ordinance at that point if the ordinance is ultimately adopted in the month of August and the question then the questions placed on the ballot for November there will be several public meetings held between August and November to give residents the opportunity to ask questions to the township as well as the potential purchaser and comment on the potential sale what benefits will the taxpayers achieve through the sale of the GTM to a private company if a sale occurs as I stated before all proceeds must be used to pay off any Ser utility debt as well as the general Township debt as a result the township will be able to free up funds in the current budget three what services will improve as a result of the sale we anticipate that there will be a continuation of the same services that are previously provided by the sewer utility in addition private utilities have more access to Capital um it is likely that improvements and repairs are necessary will be implemented quickly and more efficiently than otherwise would be implemented uh under public ownership in addition the purchaser most likely invest a significant amount of money into the system shortly after uh closing to improve the system and update its components four what will be the quy billing after the sale at this time we don't know what the corly billing will be after sale because bids have not been received yet the purchaser of the syst system has to comply with the rate stabilization plan that's included in the draft agreement of sale rates cannot may not be increased for at least two years from the closing date if this moves forward and Township residents approve the sale of the utility the earliest closing date will be in June and July of 2025 therefore rates uh cannot increase until June or J June or July of 2027 at the earliest in addition for the three years following ing that that rates cannot increase by more than 9% in the aggregate uh once the system is acquired by a private company all future rate increases must go before the Board of Public Utilities and Office of the rate Council lastly any other rationale that'll be considered before the council voted to put the sale of the gtmua on the November ballot after analyzing the operations and finances of the waste water system and anticipated future needs of the system T Township Council concluded uh that we should issue a request for bids to determine if a larger private sector Enterprise will be better suited to address the long-term needs of our Township customers again uh this will be put towards a public referendum on the November 2024 ballot our last uh can I just point out one thing on the very first question that you responded uh the third line down where it says agreement if the re if the referendum passes I believe cross that out should not be part of that response okay that's fine because the referendum wouldn't pass hasn't passed yet uh next is Connie Curtis from 509 Lower Landing Road uh how much debt does the township o as of December 31st 24 the total debt for the township including the sewer utility is 63 m913 7882 uh this amount is the is after the payment of approximately 7.8 million in debt service budgeted in the 2024 budget your agenda document r2403 d113 says the council desires to sell the sewer utility why do you want to sell it uh the Township's exploring the value of the system for a possible sale to a prior utility company this is exploratory process it does not guarantee that the referendum question will be included on the November 24th general election ballot what happens if we vote no to selling it if the referendum does not get approved in November 24th the sale cannot go through unless the township decides at some point in the future to commence another procurement process and hold another referendum the earliest that this could happen would be the November 2025 November election and that concludes our OS and I open up our second public portion this is for any item each speaker is in to to five minutes there is 30 minutes total in the second public portion uh you can speak up to two times yes sir Miss Smith and you'll be second good evening irin plen Oaks the last council meeting I asked a question why we wanted to buy a $329,000 front end loader Mr Carter said he would get back to me with an answer okay Mr Caris does have an answer for you you can provideed that all coun Mr cars you want to go ahead I did I've spoken with uh the supervisor of vehicles and spoken with the other supervisors and Public Works uh they give me a list of some things that they use this on uh so the loader heavy equipment replacing current compost site 1996 loader Beyond repair average lifespan of loaders are 10 years some of the things that they're going to do c clearing cleaning land land of debris uh two used to load and unload compost sfter to obtain clean top so soil filled dirt three loading dump trucks with compost for deliveries four moving Fallen trees in the event of storm five loading trucks with salt for snowstorm six maintain compost site property seven transporting piles of leaves on site eight moving carrying other various heavy equipment on site nine clearing snow from roadway and intersections during the snow that's some of Mr cars you said the one we have currently is from 1996 that is correct that's what I have here just doesn't make sense send spend $300,000 on something when you're when you're saying that you're trying to have a good budget and you said that there's no fat in the budget $300,000 piece of equipment doesn't make sense to me when I looked at the the age of that vehicle and how beat up it was I felt that it was warranted to replace it of [Music] course Miss smithman evening Council my name is sha C smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on milbrook Court Apartment 341 it's written 1341 Blackwood clemon Road Apartment 341 clementin New Jersey 08021 ien 5673 it's also written with zip code 08021 5536 I'm told by the United States Postal Service SDK milber gord's apartment complex in South Jersey Behavior Health Resources to assist in getting that apartment that both addresses are to the same United States Postal Service assigned mail slot and it's also I receive letters from Atlanta City Electric at times that identifies it as 0821 H 5669 and I don't know why that is H Council uh first may I ask uh how are these meetings viewed on the worldwide web we have a link on the Township's website uh there are people to access it via YouTube as well what is the internet assigned address uh well if you go to glow.com the link would be there you don't know what it is I don't know because if it we'll have other things after that so I would say go to glow.com and you would you could find recordings of the meetings okay and how far back did they go should be met public record they should I couldn't tell you how far back as long as we've had that I would say well we've live stream when the May came on in 2010 Tom and I believe you can just put Bluster toship into YouTube YouTube as well but we probably go back to 2010 what is the official website address to just simply go on to YouTube somebody else golow.com no I'm not going to do it I'm asking for the general public I I general public go to glow.com that's www.wp.com please and how far back did they go I would say imagine you go back to 2010 so you can view all these meetings as far back using that web address uh possibly and if they cannot who do they call how do they contact they contact the clerk's office okay what's the phone number cler can you please provide the phone number please 856 374 3534 thank you I noticed uh at the beginning of the budet there was a it was called a a bid report for a 2004 we're loading recycling truck yes um it how many of those does the township own Tom I'm going to say three to four yeah I don't recycling trucks number but I know this particular vehicle was I just yes the number I just please don't cut him off he's trying to resp I have five minutes I was asking a simple question of how many Miss smth I'm just gonna let you talk for five minutes not gonna answer any questions please well there's a farmers market I saw scheduled you're just gonna speak for five minutes No One's Gonna interrupt you please proceed I noticed that there's a farmers market scheduled for Thursdays between 4 pm and 7 pm I was wondering if the glester township Council had considered instead of purchasing a recycling truck which is where most fruits and vegetables come from from the local grocery stores preserves which makes the need for several recycling trucks if the council would consider purchasing a trolley of some type you could get some of the local student drivers attending the local uh that the high schools they attend those um coed Co-op classes and if not there are local colleges where they teach CDL you can combin it with having a trolley available since the Veterans Park is not available to public transportation in any way people with vehicles have access to the local produce markets and Farms it's the it's the people that don't drive that have the most need for these these farmers markets yet there's no way for them to access it to get here and to carry any fruits and vegetables back especially in the summertime is yeah it's not reasonable as an expect as an expectation it turns into a negative calorie type of feeding process because they burn more calories picking up the fruits and vegetables bringing it back to the residents if you had a local try maybe within a three hour three mile as the crew flies um you could not only familiarize young students with driving um to you could have a person driving them and somebody training at the same time and you could pick up the local residents on a circulatory type system and bring them to the Farms Mark and bring it back like the Jitney type system that they have in Atlantic City good thank you Miss smithman there any else would like to speak seeing none close second public portion poing directors Mr car nothing to report Mr ctis nothing at this time Chief Harkins nothing to report Mr Mel nothing to add Mrs report Mr M you have a great night and a great week Mrs Al TR yes I've attended several of the day services this past weekend and they were very moving the last one was right here at our vetan par and it was a very large crowd and everybody um seemed very very patriotic and a blessing to the Feld that that heart warming emotions that all the people had towards the event and towards our town so if you ever get a chance to go please go it will renew your faith in mankind and it will help you to appreciate the value that you never forget what Memorial Day is all thank you for coming Mrs Grace love everyone have a great night and a great week Mr Nash thanks for coming out have a good night Mrs Walters um I just want to thank everybody for coming out I appreciate um those who did come out on Memorial Day I want to thank Public Works the police department all the vets and everybody who made those um those occasions to happen at those sites and everybody have a good night and a good week this to see and the amount of res to come which is a nice thing and I wish everyone enjoy the next Mr MC I want to thank everyone for coming out this evening uh thank the veterans committee for putting together the Memorial Day services on uh past Monday also want to thank uh Helen for attending our lead ceremonies uh lead is the former dare program that our Police Department runs in our school district and Helen attended most of all of them the lead ceremonies uh on behalf of council so I do appreciate you doing that is my pleasure that's another I yes absolutely graduations of the different schools and it's through the police department they do a wonderful job teaching the young people about drugs and they they they educate them in what the drugs are and how that they should not use them and they reinforce that so much and the young people what I noticed after the gradu ation have such a deep respect for police which is what we need in this country have respect of the police again so it did my heart to another time so I guess my heart feels really good being on Council going to these wonderful events that our Township holds I'd like to say happy birthday to Mr Mar thank you I think he's 31 again thank you uh this Saturday is glester Township day this is the largest fundraiser for the Bost Township scholarship committee this year they provided $50,000 of scholarships uh so if you're able to attend uh on Saturday it's gonna be a beautiful day it goes from 11 o'clock to nine 10 o'clock there's a drone show as opposed to a firework show so we'll see how that works out that drone show um and then on June 15 is the Township's first Jun celebration from 2: to 5:00 pm in the afternoon on Saturday June 15 I look forward to seeing all of you there with that I'll ask for a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion there second all those in favor have a great evening everyone what did you do your she just wanted to know want to know