[Music] live We Ready good evening please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America to the republ for it stands Nation Under godible and justice for all this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the schedule of the meetings of the township Council established and adopted by the township Council which schedule designated the time date and place of this meeting adequate public notice so this meeting has been provided pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act we are using electronic amplifying and recording device in order to attain a clear and audable record and request all those wish to speak be recognized and state your name address directly into the microphone the recording advice be still utilized by the town clerk's office for the preparation the minutes it shall be official record of the township Council meetings Madam clerk man the roll call please Mr here m al here M Grace here Mr Nash here Mrs Walter here Mrs wers here Mr pres here here Chief here Mr Miguel here and now I have our first public portion this is for agenda items only uh anyone wishing to address Council you have three minutes there's 15 minutes total for the public portion this is for agenda items only there is a second public portion where anyone can speak about any topic matter in that second public portion seeing none oppose the first public portion bid report Public Works facility boiler project a motion I make that motion there second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Char yes M Grace yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes we the reading accepted minutes of the workshop December 11 2023 the regular meeting 20 December 11th 2023 and the December 27th 2023 meeting I entertain a motion that motion on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs alel yes M Grace yes M gash uh I abstained from December 11th and December 27 Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes all now we have our ordinance of second reading this is ordinance 0-24 d01 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits to establish the C Bank this will allow the township to increase the calendar year 2024 budget 3 and a half% over last year's Appropriations Mr cars there anything else you want to add I the primary uh achievement of doing this is it allows you to bank we now open up the public hearing on this ordinance anyone wish to speak on this ordinance seeing none we'll close public hearing I a motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al yes Miss Grace yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr yes next are items on the consent agenda any council member like to have any of the items removed please speak up hearing n Iain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented there a second thank you on the question roll call please Mr yes yes M Grace yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs yes Mr Mar yes next we have our public portion I'm sorry e public we have few EO questions oh before you speak I have to read some you can take a seat there there's another thing that we have to do okay all right first from Ira Xin at one Cedar Drive one Cedar Creek Drive law Springs New Jersey on the B uh budget Revenue preparation worksheet for the 2023 budget there is a revenue account listed as interest on investments in the amount of 161,000 $ 61418 for year 2022 in the 2019 the amount was $243,900 investment revenue account is based on variable interest rates throughout the year there's variable amounts throughout the year there's no way to determine a specific amount invested all the township accounts are held in interest bearing checking accounts our next question is from Maurice Chandler at 1485 kirley Road cville New Jersey hello I'm contacting you in regards to helping us here on kirley road uh house is 1485 1489 and 1493 can we please get a snowplow when the township plow kiry Road somehow we get forgotten about thank you very much so the this is a subdivision uh that all the land for these properties 1485 1489 and 1493 is to be handled by the home owners uh there was a encroachment easement a share a driver encroachment easement and they are responsible for that uh I guess private Little Road or Lane that they're located on that's basically how that development was approved and the moralizing resolution makes reference to that as being a private easement access for the home thank you our next is from Peter heimall at Morning Star Court cville New Jersey please will explain the process for GT to reverse tax appeals please fully explain the work that consultant blow and blow does to execute GTS RSE tax appeals how were the apartment complex properties chosen for reverse tax appeal were the ler Outlet property Parcels considered and analyzed for reverse tax appeal uh the tax assistant Mr Grand was unable to contact the representatives from BL Blau to discuss responses to these questions uh response will be provided to Mr Hall next regularly scheduled council meeting and our last uh eov is from Jazelle Brown uh this is I had asked the clerk for an address there was no address uh one thing I did noce that the email addresses are different uh so um we'll take this EO I'll read it as is Council the changes you made regarding our ability to ask questions and voice our concerns without the tedious incon venience of Prior notification was all inspiring who needs transparency and advanced notice anyway your spontaneous decision making at the workshop meeting was nothing short of visionary the fact that the topic wasn't on the agenda and the people had no chance for input proves how dedicated you all are your ingenious idea of deducting time from the five minutes allotted to people during the public portion of the meeting for addressing their email concern concerns deserves a standing ovation truly who wouldn't want to limit the time people have to express their concerns and engag with the local government I want to express my gratitude for the meticulous attention to detail removing our ability to have any input into discussion your foresight in limiting the community's involvement in decisions that directly impact them is truly commendable your intentions are very clear to those who watch from home thank you Mr marato for always looking out for us you Le leaderships and inspiration to all of us I feel secure knowing you always put your feelings aside and do what is right loster Township citizen that side uh anyone who could read that or hear that this is dripping with sarcasm uh but I want to address something again talk about those OV um emails that come in so I asked the clerk's office to prepare for me back in December the number of egos that were received by the township up until December 11th 2023 we received 61 egov emails uh from 29 different people and of those 61 ego emails there was four individuals that had 48% of the emails that were submitted to uh for ego so that's roughly TW um almost half okay of the 61s that were sent in 61 Egos and they deriv from four individuals um those individuals uh with the exception of one because I know I don't think he longer resides in the township attend our meetings on a weekly basis um there's an opportunity to ask those questions while we're here and uh I think it'll better be a better use of our time and if we're not able to answer those questions at the time that they're here we can answer those questions at a subsequent meeting uh but those questions the intent of the egub was to provide access to people who could not make the meeting for instance tonight on a cold winners night they can't make the meeting if they're watching us they don't want to come out and drive they can send an email by 12 o'clock and we'll respond to that if they are here then we'll use that time we ask give them the option to read their egov and they're here we'll read it for them or they can read it themselves but that will count towards the public portion for the 30 minute uh second public portion so I want to thank uh this Jazelle Brown uh for their comments or her comments or his comments I'm not sure so now we'll open up the second public portion this is for any item the public wishes to speak each speaker is entitled to five minutes there's 30 minutes for the public portion ma' can have your name and your address please hello it's been a long time I'm Bonita Morrison I'm from nakas Scot homeowners association I'm not here for answers I'm here to give you information and something to think about okay okay we spent an incredible incredible amount of money the past two years on our community I don't know if anybody here is aware of what's happening over there we have a fullon basically a Resurgence of community we're rebuilding our entire Community I'm very proud of what was done we've spent in excess a million dollars in the past 18 months Paving our courts and we're already on schedule with American ASA to spend another 300,000 for the remaining three okay we spent Untold funds on cameras you know this that we spent $70,000 last summer upgrading our playground why am I here because via Cascada looks like Duty okay V casca is the main road that goes through the comp Lex it hasn't been paid since the place was built when I go back and I look at the what the township spends on communities they spend that5 10 million a year whatever I see Cherrywood I see this development I see that development I see this for lacascata we get nothing all we're asking for is our road pave so that the rest of the beautiful Paving that we spent all our money on looks just as good when you drive through there the potholes the uneven Paving it just it you can't even see the money we spent because all you're seeing is boom boom boom with your flat tire so I'm here for a proposal if you don't want to PVE the a Cascada give it back we'll PVE it like I don't know the process to get a Township Road privatized but I'm sure that with all the work we've done it wouldn't be another it would be just another step for us to take to get the road and pave it so that's my that's my story that's where we're at I I could stand here all night long and brag about what we've done to our community I could brag about things that you know you can see my shirt citizens Police Academy okay lot of us are in the class this year we're doing everything we can to turn this place from the crap hole it was into the beautiful community that is the that it has the potential to be I just I'm here to ask for one simple Street or PVE it looks gorgeous that on Kelly driver it looks gorgeous out on black with cl in road then you come in and you're like what anyway I don't want to bore you as all you got my message thank you very much before you leave guys well I just want to comment uh yes sir we were all there dur nationalite out yes we saw the vast improvements that you made so thank fored hard and your friend has there has comeing you to the meeting so all of you guys for all the work that you've done there that road I don't know off the top of my head and if that road is a road that's dedicated to the township or is it the hoa's road no it's the Township's Road okay and you're you're sure about that yes standing here no no no no because I you know I I live in a development where my call AAC is not dedicated to the township no and they made that very clear when they were plowing this weekend well our parking lots are ours that's why we plow our parking lots we plow we paid the million okay the main road because there is well you'll hear about this in a couple of months we're we're having trouble with our Lake okay we're on a new Lake Project that's going to probably cost us another million but in while doing research for the lake to upgrade Our Lake and bring it back to life it was made very clear to us that the main road belongs to the township okay I'm not positive let's double check I do recall we had C collaps that was part of that word I believe so I don't think at the time was our responsibility we did in and make the repairs that were necessary otherwise it would have lost enre okay so that's my recollection we need Mr Migel is that something Mr Migel can look you have a map on you mat just hav have a mat I would love it I mean was all responsibility we're up for it like Miss can you come up here and give us your number I'm good how are you the CLK will take good how are you I do believe everything you're saying keep that they want if it's messy they'll come in and do things that you don't want you know try to make it better for the yeah years for free for free and and the amount of work we got done and our next project is um the children bringing bringing CH you know it starts it starts in child AB abely absolutely you have a lot of children thank you very much m is there anyone else like to speak Mr sweet followed by Miss Smith good evening Council Sam swe from Ariel um Orlando a couple meetings back you said you would forward uh the architect plans for the indoor facility for Arial to Mr Neo yes we don't have them what do you mean we don't have them cars when that request say he said we don't have that that's for Ariel's uh B cage what happened was we went out for bid we had it designed for at the time for that bid a low bid came in at 305,000 that point we stopped there was some communication with members of the leag about replacing the anel system in the building which we are proceeding with now which I believe is at a cost approximately 2,000 I believe that right now we're looking at it in terms of relocating a an indoor facility a larger indoor facility that all the will be able to that's not to say we're not going to help out with what they have out there right now but those plans are a public PL they were advertised I understand but we don't have a copy of those public plans because apparent I get you C all right if you could yeah absolutely we talking about the plan that you decided to go out the bid or the plan that we went out for bid I don't have a plan yet for what we're talking about no I understand that the plan that went for bid was you want the plan to went out for bid yes those plans if you could okay I'll shot you an email Mr cartis you all right um I didn't I missed didn't get here in time for the first public portion with the boiler system that's $65,000 um back in 21 we borrowed 300,000 for a boiler for public works so does that mean we're going to borrow another 305 to to make up for this I guess the shortage or is it 605 that the company's are bidding on correct yeah my understanding is that we have funds to do the project I didn't bring a an analysis of that this made all so we don't know if that the bid report we're not reing what well it was a bid yes but we borrowed 30 300,000 back in 21 for the public works boiler I believe you're all right that didn't we haven't used that those funds but we have never borrowed again for the three for the other 305 so does that mean that 305 is going to come up on this capital projects 305 may be in this Capital project I don't know Sam without looking at it I can't tell okay all right um and then couple couple things uh Mr Mado with the respect to the egov questions yeah um I know I've sent in a couple egov questions you you weren't you weren't top four okay well I know it for you but you weren't I know I've sent some in and I've shown up because sometimes I'm not sure if I can make a meeting or not so that's fine but um I know that I've expressed some concern of with the eov questions if I'm sending an ego question like if I couldn't make this meeting and I wanted to send an ego question regarding the boiler then that would have been read after you guys already voted on the boiler boiler I think correct it is on there forward so Christie certify the availability of funds we did not do the 24 cap so we must have money available prior year to F that thank you I'll have to let me find out exactly where that's coming from so you you ego up go ahead keep going well I've expressed concern with if there's an egub question regarding something that's on the agenda it's it's basically read after the agenda and you would told me that you would look into looking at the EEG questions as long as you got them in enough time and maybe move a portion of them up if they were were on the agenda I don't recall that I said maybe I would take a look into it I looked at how egov is being utilized to be frank with you because I I think that it's being abused um you know not you but you know there are some folks I believe are abusing what it was um but no that's something I can consider that if something it's related to something on the agenda possibly pull that out and inquire time period all right and can I come back up again if there's sure yeah all right thank you I'll come back up I have another question Smith hi good evening Council hello my name is Shaun C smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on milbrook court recently there was a it wasn't necessarily a blizzard but there was snow recently and I did notice that while walking on K driver road that the fire hydrants located on that road did not have an indicator with paint as to where to clear the snow or debris typically um within the SDK MERS Gardens apartment complex there are there's um painting on the ground that will indicate where the local fire department would prefer the snow to be removed it's larger than you would think I can only imagine because of the way that the hose works from their truck we had a bucket truck our truck had water in it and my local borrow growing up we didn't have fire hydrants we just had a big truck full of water they would show up but with these fire hydrants they do request that the snow is removed but they're not paints it as to indicate where it's very helpful for someone who is um going just going to remove the snow to to see how much space they want cleared is it possible to get that painted around the local fire hydrants I I want to ask uh the chief and also Mr cor way Mr cor is also a solicitor for some of our fire districts and chief is this something that the fire district within that area does I know where I live they're mapped out big old yellow big old Arrow um let's think about our neighborhood here do you guys do you see you have Firs anywhere you live so I can explain so going years back I was a firefighter choose Landing fire company and it was a Boy Scout project that was done uh prior to the technology that they have these days and the mapping and whatnot and if it if I if it's what I'm talking about was like a big circle they would paint in the street uh which would Mark and that was not intended for any snow removal or anything that was to give a visual cue in the street for the firefighter easily more easily fire find the fire hydrants um they typically during a snowstorm like this the fire department checks the snow the the fire hydrants um this level of snow they're not really concerned they can get the hose over top and connect so I I I don't think it's even anything that they require or need to do anymore uh they know where they are uh they know where the fire hydrants are there's no really uh there's no regulation that says it has to be done um but the the fire departments have the maap the mapping programs even so they know exactly where to find a high they need to I think the Chiefs was right on point I don't hear that conversation recently coming up between the prior district meetings they used to have the conversations in the past when they did have Voice guests to go out you're using my time we're gonna have a conversation I I have two other topics I would like to bring well we're trying to address your question but the question it was a voice Scout um please all right please continue the year 2024 is a leap year am I correct yes all right I wanted to make announcements ahead of time for people that are unaware the leap years are every four years from what I understand they occur during presidential elections and uh I think Summer Olympics are was the year of the leap year as a helpful reminder when February has 29 days within the month also um as an inti jum environment I I was informed that the outdoor lighting lights that are Center switched um their light activated when the Sun goes down the lights go on uh if that switch is not properly placed within the the fixture the light will actually turn itself off if it's supposed to turn on when the Sun goes down when the light itself turns on it appears the sun came back out and then the light just blinks at like 10 minute intervals all evening I noticed that there are several of the light outra lighting fixtures on Kelly driver road that were suffering from possibly that this issue but previously trying to call in different things as an area indicator the telephone or the power poles are highly um unreliable as to what their location is Sever of them have two different labels on them and there's really no way to indicate which they're now called power poles so which one that I would be referring to to try to call it in to the township to make them aware of the issue how does this gler Township want these power poles to be identified so when I see this problem I can call it in there are numbers on the polls no there are I just Des described to you that there are several labels on the polls there is an older one there is ones that are they appear to be aged and they are in 10 and then there are newer ones that are placed on the same pole calling in for a electrical issues calling the actual Atlantic City Electric or Ps they were unable to properly identify which polles I was speaking on so which ones do gler CH of utilize one day this could be important it could be something more than just a simple light switch that needs to be tweaked I've often used the older one that's on the pole so what I've called it in then uh there's a 5K race that runs there and I use the poll and I see that the marking on that poll every year when I I put 5K race signs there because that's a two mile Mar marker right behind the shop right so I would use that one uh if we have more time we'll bring you back up is there anyone else would like to speak has not spoken yet Mr sweet oh no Miss Dan first now he has already spoken that's okay dig them again I'm not ready yet I have to warm up because I ran all the way to an M school okay for for a meeting and then you have this meeting this week instead of having it next week every the second and fourth week of the month I don't understand that okay good evening Council Sam sweet from uh Ariel again um according to the sunshine laws that we're allowed to speak on anything that we deem important to us I don't know the exact wording But Sunshine law says that uh you can't limit our you the time time you can limit based on getting everything done but you can't limit what we actually speak about and the reason I'm bringing this up is you're not limiting what I'm speaking about but in the past some people had some issues with um I guess school board and being attacked by members on Council and that was being shot shot down because it said it was a political political Forum well according to the sunshine laws you can't limit what we speak as long as it's a concern to a to a resident well I guess say when you were out from May until you came back about a month or two um hey you want to talk about anything you can talk about anything and you know they brought some folks over here and they want to talk about it but um you know the people on this Das too they can talk about things as well they're entitled to free speech as well what was I think was a and I want to say gentleman's or gentlewoman's agreement was that politics was not discussed here in council chambers I'm not say worthy of Congress but do you see political ads or people coming up talking about political things on the Congress or senate floor you don't you don't see that in New Jersey legislature you don't and that's what we've always had here if it was something political if you want to come in here and complain about something that was put out on you or I want to sit here and complain about all the things are put out on me no that's not the business of government we're here to run the government that's a political thing you want to have a conversation on the parking lot we can do that but if those people want to spend their time talking about something that was sent out about them okay sure and we just said fine go ahead knock yourselves out so they want to talk about it they can so that was that was discussed when you were out I'm I'm surprised you didn't know that um well you know there were some things that were a little more important okay in the summer you know yeah you know I agree Sometimes some things are a little more important than uh that and I might have missed a couple meetings here or there because you know I was on a baseball field yeah absolutely uh but yes someone comes up here and they want to talk about it that's fine now is there going to be a back and forth that's going to be up to members here um there doesn't have to be a response that that person wants to talk for five minutes about something else put out on them that's fine all right I just wanted I just think that that's how they want to use their time let let them use their time was reading the sunshine laws and yes was uh I know that was an issue a year ago so and just wanted to make sure that they could talk about whatever they wanted to talk about without being censored that's it okay thank you thank you is there anyone else yes Miss Dan have happy New Year not been happy all back okay first thing I have to say since I haven't been here um my mother's very ill so I apologize not for coming here sorry to hear that oh she's not she's not thank you um my first question is when that new uh medical marijuana Place went and you had to have a license and my right the lawyers are here okay now they turn it into a recreational and has to have a license so did it get a license I'm not sure which one you're talking about just the one right up on the friendly did you get it licensed that's the one black yeah it got license for recreational too yes oh did it when did it get a license I don't know when State approves that we don't no it has to be uh Township approved too as long as it meets the zoning requirements and that apparently did no no no it was just put up about three weeks ago or four weeks ago or maybe a month ago maybe long I haven't remembered because I've been busy with my mother but a big sign came up and you really couldn't read the words but it said recreational and then they put a big sign up recreational because I guess it wasn't doing too much a business my understanding is that opened as a recreational facility no it open up as a medical marijuana that that's not to my knowledge that's to my knowledge that's I agree with you medical because I've been following it since the first day it opened I drive into that development every day so it opened up his medical marijuana and the guy who owns it is the guy who owns the gy and he was actually in federal prison for 30 years so you should look at the person who owns it for something I'm not so we don't we don't handle that that's handled by the state commission right but see what they did was use a minority woman to have to run but see they should look into the person that really owns it anyway to make a long story short number two um my question is um on the hookah lounges which I just talked to at the an Molen school to the superintendent and to the Board of Health um you have hookah lounges which you have three or four pipes in into a hookah bowl and I'm going to be getting on to the Board of Health about closing them down because you have Airborne TV you have all kinds of respiratory viruses that are um bacterial and also viral and we shouldn't be having that in this town right now so um that's another thing that you should be looking into how do they have licenses to be able to smoke pot or whatever else in the Hooka lounges and pass germs through smoking out of one bowl with pipes um because that's a Board of Health uh situation so we're going to be working on that now in this Township to get them out of here um third of all um I'm trying to get something with the mayor and the chief if I ever get something right with something else done that has been going on for three months now um and I called uh Sergeant doy today I haven't gotten response but it's been three months now yep that's correct correct and I would like to get a response because if not on the next meeting I will open up that I did almost 20 years work for the prosecutor's office for free I did nine years for glosser Township for free and then I get humiliated by a sergeant on your on your department okay so I'm like getting very dis disgusted right now for what I did for everybody and I'm not asking to be made proud of I'm humbling myself for what I did and most people know me as a professor at college and everything else so I'm kind of upset about the situation okay you sure so as been explained to you many times by deputy chief maazi detective Sergeant doerty your complaint I will not comment it's an internal affairs complaint that the complaint that you made to us what you're speaking of tonight yes but I made a complaint about a gun shoot somebody shooting a gun okay I am and that was investigated okay and a fake report came out ma'am you just made remarks about my sergeant that complaint was ma'am do you want me to speak or do you want to speak I trained you too no you did not I did not you went to the the Police Academy when I was there ma'am I didn't go to C County Police Academy I went to Gloucester County Police Academy okay the so the complaint you made about an a sergeant was taken serious it's been investigated by the internal affairs unit our Professional Standards unit because of the allegations that were made and I won't comment they are ref referred to the special prosecutions unit of the Camden County prosecutor's office that investigation has not been returned for an administrative investigation as per the Attorney General directives and our directives of internal affairs so therefore the case is not been resolved after three months ma'am I can't control the C County prosecutor office feel free to call the first assistant the special prosecutions unit for up because what's upsetting me is after everything I done and everything I said they he had a camera and a voice box on his his uniform ma' I'm not going to comment on it I'm not going to take any information your complaint is being investigated and stany your time is up thanks I can come up again if you have time right we have one minute left does anyone else want to speak you have one minute left what meeting's done early today yeah can I have one other question real quick because I got is there anyone else we have one minute left you got one minute in our public portion since you got rid of the um ggbs CU I heard that was no we didn't get rid of Os Oh I thought you did get rid of the egos well tonight you said you weren't going to read any of them no I read them all oh I didn't I got I was here late because I went to an M because they said there was a a school board meeting yes but when I got there it was over so I drove flu here but um why can't we since since everything's so short I've never been to a Township meeting like I lived in straford I lived in had Township why is everything so short what isn't there a grandfather law since you you you've canceled out different grandfather law about the township about moving the marijuana places in here why can't you increase the times from 15 minutes to 30 minutes the first half and maybe since we get out of here so so quick I mean there's never a time where we just have enough time that people start coming when it gets nicer weather that you can increase the times for people to talk how many years have you had the 15 and the 30 minutes um I think the 30 minute portion has been increased over the years and in fact today we had an ordinance which allows for a public hearing and someone wanted to speak on it and no one spoke on it and that's un limited time so the public had today four shots of speaking whether through a egov through a public hearing through the first public portion and the second public portion so this is and if you've been in many towns you said been in many towns where you live and some of the places you identified they have one public portion no straford had a lot because I went every straford meeting I saw the bookstore system out there for almost 10 years at the school board meeting you went to one public portion no I I'm not talking about the school board I'm talking about the the council meeting so we've set our rules of order for the year it's 15 minutes first public portion 30 minutes second public portion there are ego question questions that we can take from the public and if there's a public here ordinance that is unlimited time I want to thank you for your time thank you very much start coming so I'll know that concludes our public portion B directors Mr car nothing to report Mr Caris I just want to thank public works for dealing with that uh snowstorm that a very difficult storm uh considering the temperatures and the ice situation that they dealt with um and compliment also depart Mr Harkins I will concur with uh Mr ctis was it difficult I know what Public Works did these guys and girls were out there and they did a fantastic job minimize the uh complaints and crash so again team effort myself mayor and Public Works supervisors uh you know was a great team effort I was glad to be part of it far uh just want to add uh two things so just a brief Council we had a pretty horrific crash evolving a 17-year-old who a resident of our town on Hicktown Road uh on Thursday about 6:30 in the morning uh the young woman attends C County Technical School um she is in she's a conscious and alert the fact that she survived is uh pretty miraculous in my opinion so I would ask everybody I spoke with the uh young lady's mother today um she is she had another surgery today she's had surgeries almost every day um she's got a lot of healing to do thankful that she doesn't remember the incident it's probably a good thing so she's got a long road ahead and I you know spoke uh that the township was really rallying in any support that we need um so just I would ask just keep her in your thoughts and prayers she has a long road and um the mother's doing a great job trying to get her through this situation so um that I will say we started our citizens Police Academy um we had a great turnout a good start of it and I will I will just say this uh to the they let the ladies are in the back Loa Scott I will concur in my 28 years of uh being a police officer here and foot patrol and being in loas scata um that Comm turnaround as many of our other communities britley Woods turnaround um has been phenomenal and so I support them and I thank them because uh it is a community effort there and as you I was right there with you at National Night Out uh brings it made us all very happy to see that happening in our town so just incur the an appreciation that the men and women of the police department you are our partners and we appreciate all that you're doing out there you're doing a great job please keep it up thank you Mr Mel Mr just want to say great job Public Works in the police department and then also I'm sure touch on this but we started off Monday with King Day Day Service uh which is absolutely fantastic to see all the residents students come out and day of on work as opposed of being off work who knows maybe we could find a project that can help out Scotta going forward next year but I think it's a wonderful opportunity for the community get together great day speak about so great job great this Al participated in was my second year doing it and I totally felt the whole day it was very inspirational especially when I saw each one of those young people get up and receive award and was presenting said that young I never realized that being so young do so much put me to shame at my age I have to tell you I was just so proud each and every one of deser all those words that they reive it was nice to see the chief there with all the police officers and it was a wonderful Miss Grace yes so I also participated Martin with the King day and I'm actually as an africanamerican woman I'm very proud that was in the beginning it was just a day off so to see it now as a day of service is honoring Dr Mar Luther King in such a wonderful way and it seems to be Nationwide that we all get out and we do something good I did have an opportunity to work with Pastor Mike um at Sher worship he is phenomenal person he is doing magnificent things for the community I'm hoping that laa Scott is partner with him because he has given me a call and ask me about communities that could benefit from the services that he provides so hopefully connected with him I want to thank you for your hard work in your community because it's women like you and men like you that make a difference in the community that change you got to be in the trenches sometimes to make that difference so please please please I always say this don't give up keep working because Township will continue to partner with you work with you the police department the recreation department Council all of us are here to support you and everything that you're doing in L Scotta thank you Chief Parkins and also I received phone calls from uh members of the community regarding snow removal um and you know wondering when the truck was going to come around and I knew that particular neighbor I know them very well they had left early before the snow we got there but I want to say this that the supervisor of Public Works went out followed up with my one my call that I made to him I said hey did you hit this this uh Community because they are saying that they their snow wasn't removed 15 minutes later he sent me pictures snow was gone the community person was like thank you so much Council your awesome um that shows that our community works for you know our tax dollars are making the difference and that public works and everyone is doing what they need to do to make sure our roads are clear so they did a wonderful job I got out pretty early after the snow and it was clear so I think everyone in public works for the well job that they do so well um everyone have a good night it was cold cold cold it seems to have warmed up today um so enjoy the weeke thank you Mr Nash just want to say thanks for coming out tonight and have a good night M Walters um thank you Mr for setting up ML K day this was my second year as well um in charge of a project and there was a project for all ages so next year if you know anybody have kids adults um please have them join us um there's something for everyone to do um thank you Public Works in please for clearing our streets as well um hope every has to M sers uh just want to thank Public Works and depart for everything that you guys do it's always nice and we can enjoy living in this town kind of services that we have I was not able to attend M as I'm usually not because everybody takes off that day we did go to the choose Landing installation the officers on Saturday evening which was a very nice event um it's always nice to support our fire departments um stay safe and enjo your Mr Mar I want to thank all the residents for coming out this evening and uh thank public works for their work uh with our snow this past week uh and then just thank everyone that attended uh Mar B service we had just some numbers here 564 people attended 1,298 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were made uh delivered to Cathedral Kitchen in Cen along with 800 bags of cookies that were baked and bag with messages of Hope over 100 cards were made for our military personnel we sent to them overseas uh 100 blessing bags filled with items uh for cemo patients and then over 450 shoes were donated for souls for Souls uh but it was warm you weren't outside okay so but those are uh some the numbers that we have the shirts that we receive from Global Citizens is nonprofit and overseas MLK day throughout the no valley region uh we provide these numbers to order to receive those shirts so there 500 churs that were donated to of course those sh gone um so I want to thank everyone for coming out my colleagues on Council for supporting it uh next month the second the second meeting in February February 26 we're celebrating Black History Month here uh the there will be nominations that na wer Town page if you would like to nominate somebody who makes a difference uh in our community they'll be recognized at the February 26 meeting the second meeting in February I a motion to adour Second all those in favor have a great evening everyone canot force them to