##VIDEO ID:aYFAMjNC-eA## please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance i al flag United States [Music] [Music] good evening this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the schedule of the meetings of the township Council established and adopted by the township Council which schedule designa the time and day and place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided for to the provision of the open public meetings act we're using electronic and providing and recording advice in order to obtain a clear and audible record and request that all those wishing speak be recognized and state your name and address directly to the microphone the recording device will be Solly utilized by the township clerk's office for the preparation of the minutes and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam clerk may have the roll call please Mr Manan here Trel here Mrs Grace love here Mr Nash here Mrs W here Mrs wyers here Mr marado present Mr car Mr ctis here deputy chief Mani here M Corbin uh Mr car will be joining us shortly he's rning a little late we'll now have our first public portion this is for agenda items only uh anyone addressing Council may speak one time once all those wishing to address Council have had their turns they may address Council a second time uh each speaker is entitled to three minutes and there's 15 minutes total for the first of the portion would anyone like to speak on any agenda items only Mr Burns good evening Council rnie Burns five saw with Drive in aiel I I I spoke on this topic before and it's up before you guys again tonight with regard to rezoning uh block 14807 Lots one and two from environmental residential to Highway commercial Mr burn I don't want to interrupt you there is a public hearing on that if you want to save your comments for that okay but I do have three minutes correct yeah okay when will they um we have a reading there's a hearing and you can speak on that will that be tonight yes okay I'll wait T all right thank is there anyone else Miss smithman [Music] hi good evening Council my name is Sean smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on milbrook Court Apartment 341 this is for the November 13 2024 yes November 13th my 24th uh see the on the last page the bottom of the first page uh the resolution it's refers to something of a re reallocation says it's a doom but that's realauction.com that's for online tax sale that the municipality participates in right u i g to ask once again does that take away from having to notify people through the United States Postal Service I I think I brought this up before when you switch things over to technology and um doing things such as tax sales or anything that has to do with the municipality if you transfer to online does it still include going through the original channels such as the United States Postal Service Mr cars those individuals that show up on a tax sale that are delinquent in their sewer or their taxes are notified before this real yes what what does it have is it real auction so they're notified through both through this new um company and through the United States Postal Service no real auction.com is the site that hosts the the bids that take place for those tax mean sales they're not notifying those individuals the township notifies those individuals correct Mr C and previously how were they done if somebody wanted to make a bid on a tax sale there used to be an inperson uh tax lean sale here in council chambers and we moved away from that five seven years ago I don't know the procedure for how they would sign up with the auction company but they can do that but did you make all the residents aware I mean unfortunately it's a a good portion of these tax sales might be coming from senior citizens um that have either passed or moved out of their home um if they are going to financial troubles to our has to go through a tax sale they are most likely not um fully aware of all the changes that have been made on how the process um how the procedures are performed it has not Chang it's been the same for several years now wa for seven years but people s years I didn't say seven several years well people have owned their home everyone is notified in accordance with State Statute because we have to comply with state statute on my on a tax sale everyone is properly notified and the procedures Miss smithan I'm sorry your time's up thank you coun is there anyone else would like to speak Miss smithan would you like to continue no one else has raised their hand you like to continue you have another three [Music] minutes I thought I wasn't allowed to bring up the same topic more than are you adding to what you previously said well could you possibly try to give a little bit more details to how you feel that several years of a change for something as significant as people that have been homeown like I don't own a home I never had because there's a lot to it and something like this Miss people so if I'm sorry to so if if people have or delinquent their taxes or in their sewer utility bill they're notified by the township they have an opportunity to rectify that by a certain time period if they do not Rectify by that certain date then their property or their that that LE that tax and someone could purchase it so you do you don't have people that are coming here and say hey I got to pay this off that day you have people are looking to buy tax Ling certificates and this is an online auction people can uh register for it and they can purchase those taxing certificates but the homeowners if somebody already owned their home the chances are unlikely that the next of Ken may not be aware of these technological changes either the the the people that utilize technology to make purchases and and talk with and communicate with things such as the municipality may not be aware of this either so you're also denying them from repurchasing the home to keep it within their own family no that is incorrect they are notified by the township they are notified that there is they have to uh try to resolve this matter by a certain date we will go to a tax sale and the procedure it is sent to the home it is sent to that home the way that you're actually performing the tax sale now is through technology um at the very least is it taught in school I mean when I was in school they they did touch on checking accounts um and different things by the time I was in high school there was a a few mentions of interest rates and mortgages and such but it wasn't really taught um I don't remember them ever teaching anything about these things which I think is very important things such as how to pay your tax taxes at the local municipality but we were just children I I wouldn't think to ask now that I'm an adult and I never own a home uh I never made any large purchases because I know that there's a lot to it that I wasn't taught and now the things that I didn't know have now changed so dramatically that you you have to own a computer um the library in Williamstown New Jersey in Mar Township isn't there anymore there's another building there they they moved the entire Library itself so even and I was unaware of that I had lived in Williamstown since 1979 and I've always lived in the state of New Jersey only one Township over I just moved one County over and I still am unaware so the very least do you teach this we notify the individuals about the taxal thank you m with that we'll close second public portion excuse me first public portion uh bid report online tax sale host Services may I have a motion please make that motion second on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Al Troxel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers Mr M yes next is the ordinance the second reading there'll be a public hearing ordinance 0-24 one9 ORD of the township of Gloucester County of C state of New Jersey adopting an amendment to The Villages of GL Township Redevelopment plan in accordance with njsa 412 A-1 Etc local Redevelopment and Housing law uh this amended plan uh went to the planning board the planning board provideed the recommendations uh council is moving forward to accept the recommendations of the planning board and adopt the amended Redevelopment plan uh name the amended Villages of Glon Town Redevelopment plan uh this rise an opportunity to extend opportunities Southward along the Black Horse Pike with a new mix use development Zone and a makerhood overlay District we do have a representative of TNN that did the plan if we have any questions we can defer to you if we have any questions as well we now open up the public hearing to the public anyone wish to speak on this matter seeing n I'm close the public hearing I have a motion have motion is there a second second motion on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs auy Trel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash uh no on 24-22 yes on the remainder there's only one sir 19 oh 19 yes I'm sorry Mrs Walters yes Mrs winers yes Mr M yes next is ordinance 0-24 D21 ordinance of the Township Gloucester County of canvas St Jersey amending the fee schedule of chapter 500 Land Development ordinance this uh amend the application esro fees of the Land Development ordinance of the township of cler We Now open up this will be subject to a public hearing We Now open up the public hearing anyone wish to speak please raise your hand seeing none we'll close public hearing andain a motion to accept the ordinance second on the question roll call please Mr yes this Albert charel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wners yes Mr marado yes next is ordinance -24 d22 uh there will be a second reading and this is second reading and a public hearing an orance of the township of glester County of Cam state New Jersey adopting Amendment to the glester township zoning M uh what this does it removes the environmental residential Zone designation for Block 14807 lot one and lot three and to delineate the new zoning District designation of blot 14807 lot one and lot three to Highway commercial Zone We Now open up hearing Mr bur you like to speak there is no time limit on this good evening Council um as you folks are aware I'm an advocate of preserving open space um you if you were to look at the township zoning map there are essentially two areas that are Zone environmental residential one is the Murray Hayes the Little Mill track and the other one is this particular property here which is a riparian buffer if you're not familiar with riparian buffers refers to the forest that grow in the in the lowlands along flood Plaines um this particular property is along big Lebanon run which strains most of the aerial section of the township I'm a little confused as to why uh the master plan says to change the zoning at the same time the master plan has the following line this is from the master plan reexamination report on page eight it states preserve environmentally sensive land and Scenic Landscapes especially along stream corridors that's exactly what this is It's mature hardwood forest there are trees there over 100 years old it's a combination of tulip Beach Hickory Oak Maple um let me ask you know has any council member actually seen the site and been on the yes not not the but I know the site there right so if you haven't been there do you really think it's wise to just verbalize the word yes and and destroy this incredibly environmentally sensitive area I mean why do you think it's already zon environmental residential it was decided years ago that this is worth preserving and without visiting the site I anticipate everyone's just going to say yes and just it's going to be destroyed it just doesn't make sense especially when the Township's own master plan reexamination specifically says preserve environmentally sensitive land especially especially a long stream cars and that is exactly what this is page8 also says restrict development on environmentally sensitive land to recreational conservation purposes on page 11 it says maintain the Integrity of stream Chann for their biological functions as well as drainage page 12 preserve environment senses land from development or other potentially damaging influences so this is from the examination plan you haven't seen the S and yet you you plan the vote on it tonight it doesn't make sense and you can only point to two places on the zoning map that had environmentally sensitive land recreational or I'm sorry residential environmental one is the Little Mill track which I commend you for you know preserving or in the process preserving this is the other one now you can't get back more land you can't rebuild climax fors that exist there if you haven't seen it I don't how any rational person can just verbalize the word yes and and do away with it it doesn't make sense so thank you for your time you're listening thank you there anyone else like to speak on Miss coin Denise coin choose Landing um I agree with Brian we have a master plan for a reason and this property is zoned that specific way for a reason and um can somebody tell me how many acres this property is I don't have that on top of my head M Corbin you have so one is approximately three acres and lot three is approximately one acre so four acres um because the other thing I wanted to bring up was in the past recent past I recall Council rezoning a piece of Highway commercial property to residential and one of the reasons that was given the last time this was brought up at a council meeting was that you guys wanted to rezone it for economic reasons for the township because it would be Highway commercial and it would be RADS but yet you reone Highway commercial property for residential so it really doesn't make any sense to rezone 14 acres of Highway commercial make it residential and then rezone four acres that's not Highway commercial to make it Highway commercial I mean that doesn't it's not even logical so I just wanted to make that point Thank you thank you is there anyone else seeing none we close the public hearing I entertain a motion I'll make that motion is there a second do I have a second second on the question roll call please Mr M yes Mrs Albert Troxel no Grace love yes Mr Nash no Mrs Walters no Mrs wers no Mr Mar [Music] [Applause] yes next is our consent agenda resol uh any council member like to have any item removed from this consent agenda please speak up hearing none orain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented I'll make that motion um question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Albert yes Mrs yes Mr Nash yes MERS yes m w yes Mr yes resolution 362 resolution to make budget transfers between Appropriations in the calendar year 2024 general fund budget I have a motion that motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs albre try yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs wers Yes W Mr M yes now to our eovs we have about seven of them this evening and I have uh two from individuals that are in the audience Miss Hendry and Mr leader would you like to read your ovs or you or they'll be read during the second public portion Mr leader okay I read the second public portion I'll count towards your time Miss Hendry okay but I'll also count towards your time towards the second public portion uh first is from Jimmy Jones of 100 Lincoln Drive Police Department expenses should be accounted for within the annual operating budget not through long-term borrowing if police related costs are contributing heavily to our debt does this indicate a failure in budget management what specific reasons can the council provide for not addressing these expenses within the yearly budget despite prior resident warnings our Police Department expenses are accounted for within the annual budget as well as long-term borrowing uh each year we have capital projects that entails purchasing vehicles and equipment for Police Department uh police equipment uh has a documented useful life of exceeding five years and we're able to uh do long-term borrowing for those purchases all items that are purchased by the township go through a bond ordinance they're thoroughly reviewed by our bond Council and they meet the requirements of the state local Bond Law our next uh question egov is from Stacy smigo from 1680 Old blackor Pike I submit before and the police did respond however today my house was hit by a truck an accident occurred three vehicles involved and the one vehicle hit the front of my house I'm so thankful no one was seriously hurt but I'm asking again for the speed limit to be reduced on Old Black Horse Pike at the very least there is no need for the speed limit to be 40 when it's all residential homes please reduce the speed with the hopes to keeping more people safe uh the chief present he's not here today deputy chief manaz is here but the chief provided me a response uh to that uh OV and we'll also forward that to miss smigo that the roadway is in compliance with the New Jersey Manual of uniform traffic control devices it's determined that the speed limit set forth was reasonable this was corroborated using traffic speed volume counts that the GL Police Department conducted on multiple occasions through 2019 and 2024 a crash data from 2010 to 20 24 showed 68 crashes occurred on old blackor bike approximately five per year with only three of those crashes attribute to unsafe speed or 4% of the crashes a further review of the intersection with tailor have shows 12 crashes at that same time with only one being attributed to unsaved speed uh the crash in in referred to in the question was attributed to improper turning failure to yield not speeding a traffic area was completed and the approximate number of warning and regulatory signs are installed along the length of the roadway and over the last year they have conducted robust enforcement operations along the roadway to include bus stop and speed enforcement operations uh there have been over 100 entries into the records management system related to the enforcement activity over the year uh the traffic safety unit will continue to uh um explore or or observe that particular roadway but I'll make sure M Maro gets her responsible the chief the next is from Joe Joe Allen of Boke Court given that tax increases have been implemented regularly why were the residents not informed earlier about the substantial and growing debt burden this has been something Pete Hein ball Sam S and many others have been bringing up to your attention for years now what steps will Council take to improve transparency ensure that residents are fully aware of the Township's financial situation in the future our Audits and our budgets are put on the Township's website for everyone to view uh the debt has declined in the percentage in the past 10 years for the township per the statue of the state of New Jersey the Township's allowed to go up to three and a half% of threee average of the net valuation taxable the township is well below that percentage as of 1221 1231 last year the township percentage of debt was at 1.19% and that has been declining is that correct Mr cartis you are correct our next question is from Rich coin of 1060 choose laming Road what steps are being considered to hold the mayor business administrator and other officials accountable for the decisions that have put us in this unsustainable debt also how does the council plan to respond to the fact that Resident concerns about excessive spending and borrowing were previously ignored two what specific Financial policies of safeguards will be put in place to prevent more debt ensure responsible spending and rebuild public trust without having to resort to selling public assets like the sewer system G uh in regards to debt I'm just echoing what my response to Mr Allen was that our debt has declined in the past 10 years uh the township Council Administration will continue to budget responsibly will now go into as we head towards the new year the budget process there is a process that takes place with the administration meets with department heads uh and they provide their information of their their needs uh to the the administration and we go through a budget process in the spring time uh earlier today at a workshop you know we rejected bids for a project that we are very interested in doing having bad and cages for our Recreation uh organizations and that's not something that we can move forward with uh so it's examining everything that's coming across our desk and and being more prudent uh there are many needs that the township has but there's also wants as well and but so it's uh finding a balancing act between those two things our next question is from Albert Newton of 1341 Blackwood clemon road if Council recalls last year when the Gloucester Township Administration believed that the sewer system will be sold off Council voted to approved to sweep away the GT mua 6 million renewal and replenishment fund now that Gloucester Township Sewer Department continue to be run by gloss of Public Works is the GT Administration considering returning those funds to help ensure that our sewer system continues to run smoothly the $6 million renewal and replacement fund was dissolved when it went from an authority to a utility that renewal replacement fund is now Surplus these funds have been used for a sewer system or to off Set uh any increases in our Municipal budget and has been returned to our residents Albert Newton once again from 1341 Blackwood clemon wrote under the assumption that gler Township would receive a cash windfall from the sewer sale the Gloucester Township Administration made a list of large spending commitments now that the sewer sale is voted down and this cash would not be forthcoming what will become of these spending commitments I ask that the council please walk through the list add ing each item individually for council's convenience I have attached the list below eliminate all Township debt estimated at $64 million reducing approximately $8 million annually in the budget that's currently used for Debt Service our debt remains at that roundabout figure uh and our debt service will most likely be in that $8 million annually uh two use $35 million to decrease and freeze local property taxes over the next years uh there's not $35 million to decrease that or freeze property taxes but we'll try to stabilize as we do every year our taxes three guarantee continued employment for all sewer employees with the township and Public Works those individuals remain within the sewer utility and they're still working uh with the township free Sewer Lateral cleanups for all glosser Township residents 247 365 days a year Mr cars that continues is that correct we have not discussed that's not okay so that's something that we can address with Administration Recreation enhancement program setting aside 10 to 15 million to fund recreational projects for all age groups through an application process there will not be an application process each year we do a capital Improvement project and we will identify certain projects that we could earmark uh for any type of activities whether recreational uh expanding senior citizens or Arts and Cultural activities uh in addition to that police and fire responders funding to be made available for support apparatus and other assistance in regards to our police uh there's a capital budget that we do each year if there are needs that we have to address we will address that in our capital budget that concludes our ovs and now go to our second public portion but I'm going to start off with the two eovs that I received um one from Mr leader and one from miss [Music] hry our first is from Mr leader who's in attendance this evening thanks for the help two points it was documented that Mr Marcado stated at the beginning of the meeting that the meeting was of a limited time for public comment I believe he's referring to the August 8th meeting my demand to my demand my I demand to be heard statements said twice was not recorded the reason I said I demand to be heard is because the meeting was closed prematurely I had my arm raised every time the call for speakers was announced Mr Marcado Abridged my constitutional right to address my government check out the first amendment of our constitution I request that either an addendum be issued or the minutes be Rewritten to be more truthful accurate and complete Mr leader the are not a word for word account at that meeting I had indicated we went up and down both sides and I went the last speaker he was from wo and his name was Mr Shu I said you would be the last speaker and he was the last speaker and we ended the public portion so that is that is the account Mr leader um and the minutes will not be amended next is Miss Henry from 89 L post lan uh the question is the council president previously claimed that the debt is due to investments in roads parks and police if this is the case can you present the financial planning and bond in issuance details for these projects including anticipated repayment schedules and identified Revenue sources the bond issue details and anticipated repayment schedules they are identifying our annual debt uh statement and our annual audit report these reports are available to anyone on the Township's website anyone would like to speak in the second public por please raise your hand each speaker is entitled to five minutes Mr leer you went first to already because I read yours Miss coin followed by Mr poor and he's co choose Landing um as far as the were cleanouts that the MUA used to do that now you're not certain you're going to continue to do um I believe I read when you dissolved the MUA that you had to provide the same services that were being provided prior to the dissolution is that not true so those Services Miss coin uh this body was unaware and also the administration was unaware that they were being performed on a routine basis people were scheduling these things it wasn't an emergency at 3 in the morning there are people that were scheduling these things and that would unbeknown to the administration and Council here so so Mr Caris who oversees the Public Public Works that's the conversation he'll have with the administration regarding going forward with that so so just a comment on that the there'll be a discussion about it there is a difference between what was being provided and what was proposed to be provided if the C referendum had passed and so there is consideration of not doing it at all doing it as it was before the referendum was posted and doing what was posted on the website that would take place if the referendum appear so there's really three scenarios that need to be discussed and they have not been discussed yet okay but my question was when the sewer the MUA was dissolved I believe I read that it wasn't an option you had to provide the same services that were being provided prior to the MUA being dissolved is that not true I know that we did can I speak yes I know that we continued to provide those services so there was not an interruption in those Services I know that we can we continued those Services up to a point in time during the day it was not 247 it was not 365 days as was proposed in the bullets that were listed on the township website for the serson what I'm saying is what the MUA was doing prior to being dissolved as far as what I understand has to be continued so if the MUA was doing free SE sewer cleanouts prior to the dissolution according to what I recall reading you would have to continue to do that as an agreement to being able to dissolve the MUA and make it a sewer utility I don't recall that at all I read it it said that you had to you had to offer the same services that were being provided prior to the dissolution you had to agree to that in order to dissolve the MU you're saying that the division of local government services when they when they agreed to the DCA agreed to the disillusion that they stipulated in the resolution for the disillusion that that that we had to do the cleanout is that what you're saying you had to provide the same services that were being PRI provided prior to the disolution I I will go through that resolution I will get you a copy of it too if you don't already have it because it has to be spelled out in the resolution that was approved by the local Finance board okay I'll find you where I read it because I do remember reading it be more than happy to take a look at it okay thank you thank you Mr paloro good evening Council Ray palor from the stor Village of Ariel good evening before my time starts uh will you grant those people who sent the egov questions in that you read during the second public portion will you allow them the balance of their time to respond if we have time available we have 30 minutes during our time period okay all right so just a recap on the discussion we've had for some time um that uh you guys had dissolved a perfectly working and perfectly effective mua won't even talk about the money you've already spoken of that uh at a time when you were dissolving mua you were asked time time again if there was any thought of selling I think uh C's word for that be were disingenuous with that and then you had come up to say that it was going to be could I forbid to see what it was worth and apparently two different private companies thought it was worth different 151 million 143 million um that being the case uh later you put it out for bid and um then you decided to go with the story that you were going to put this out to the people Gloucester Township and you going to put it on the referendum and you would live by what the people of Gloucester Township decided Well Gloucester Township people have decided by a vote of around 21,000 about 4,000 they spoke loud and they've spoke resoundingly with that if you honor your word and we heard it time and time again that you will abide by the wishes of the people and they have spoken will you now state that the scale of our sewer is now set it's not going to happen any answer or other than yes including silence I'll accept as a no will you say that this is put to bed that you will not be selling sewage system of Gloucester Township for any time in the foreseeable future Mr paor so the voters rejected the referendum we accept the results of the election last Tuesday today we know that there is a value to our sewer system and there is always an opportunity to revisit that that's my response to you okay so theoretically we still have it we still have a sewer utility that we're running and we'll continue to run that okay but my question is now that we have spoken and all the people have spoken for this foreseeable future will you take that off the docket there'll be no sale of our sear system will you honor the wishes of the people of claer town for the record will you say yes we're pulling the opportuni all our sewer system I responded to you sir no I said anything other than yes is a no what you told me was you have a working sewer system and you may revisit it yeah we may revisit that I that's me personally okay there are other people here so our town the people of our Township are going to go to battle again with you you guys despite the fact that you're our Representatives we don't know that well you basically said and anything other than yes is a no and you said that you'll go at it again so 21,000 people's voices have been heard and you're going to ignore that that's what I hear that's what they've heard also I believe Mr ctis has quoted as saying um this thing fails not here at Council but out and about uh that we be sorry taxes are going to rise does how does council what does council think of something like that that the people that voted this down will be sorry because our taxes are going up is there anyone on Council wishes to speak on that there is a possibility so we have a Ser utility that there may be have Capital Improvements that have to be taken okay so here's my here's what I see in the future and very where where would that money come come from now luckily you have a magician in your grasp okay Mr Caris happens to be a magician because an odd number of years when there's election and the mayor and Council are up next year he performs a zero holds the line unfortunately on even numbered years he's not so good at his job we get an average of a 10% uh tax increase Mr cartis I have offered you uh if you ever need an extra magic wand I have have it in my back pocket it's still in its wrapper it's brand new and unused so next year the mayor and Council are up and I don't think that you'll be able to raise taxes you never have you never will it's an election year but I really wish for love of God that you would honor the people's wishes and take it off the table they told you what they wanted now be our representative and do what we've asked thank you have a great night is there anyone else like to speak Mr Burns Miss smithman you're after Mr burs good evening Council again Brian Burns five slow drive and Ariel um I want to thank those Council people who voted no this evening that was huge and if I can hear the trees clapping thank you it really was it was a smart decision and we're saving an ecologically fragile part of the township there's not many of those left and the last time like we spoke we chatted against the muray and Haze properties uh Mr Mard said maybe we can set some mile Milestones or mile points so we can move forward has anything changed with regard to where we are with those closings yeah so so first let me say there there's always compliments that go out to New Jersey state Green Acres Program for what they provide to not only this town but other towns for uh open space and also now they don't only provide dollars they do a diligent research and uh to make sure that ground that you're you're paying for or allowing to be held meets their standards uh the thing that's holding up both Hayes and Murray we were ready to close on Hay they did a second and final inspection and they put a hold on the closing because they found some other issues and they're all being I guess inspected through engineering at this point very property has had a lot of problems there's a lot of contaminants a lot of barrels and Berry tanks and things they and we're still spending a lot of dollars doing inspections and clearing up of that uh so that's what's holding up both properties um ay should go quickly because it's not that extensive but they won't release it as maybe two weeks ago my mem is correct on their last walkth through they put a hold on it again because we were ready to close uh but Mary there's still a lot of things that have to be done on Mary's maret I appreciate the efforts and it's you know Green Acres is very stringent I'm quite aware the first time I saw the reports page after page things that had to be verified you know approved and um is the township going to pursue the additional 25% through the office of natural resource restoration so that the land cost will be 100% covered as they did with the rosin Bridge I believe that's the intention through Triad yeah I mean both both properties qualify for there's additional fundings well I just received U it was a Dropbox file of photos there were so many photos from them walking the grounds and and recording it through GPS where there were tires where there were barrels where there were tree stands from De on that had to be removed there's just it seems every time we turn a corner with Green Acres they find more stuff on the property they won't clear it until this property's cleared if the township is open to some volunteers I can get some people together rather than using Township Manpower some of it can't be done by public work has to be done by Specialists like I said it's just basically picking things up and putting them someplace else whether it's a Township dumpster or something we're working on all that now okay I am available thank you folks thank you Mr Burns Miss smithman hi good evening Council my name is Shaun Z smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on milro court um the address is Milbridge Road or sometimes 1341 Blackwood clemon Road Apartment 341 yet it's located on mbook Court um I wanted to thank the council for the uh maintenance on the crosswalks between um Kelly driver Road identified as Kelly Driver Lane on the New Jersey Transit bus schedule and Milbridge Road the with the building of the new waa on is it on the court of broad acres is that is that considered broad Acres there um I was I had concerns because the the crosswalks it didn't function properly and it it's it's a place where a lot of people would that typically don't walk would begin to walk um so thank you for the maintenance on that um there is a closing though that's coming up one of the major buildings in that area is about to close from what I understand the local Z shop right is about to close it's located on Cedar Lane is that correct between they'll eventually move over to the old Kmart but it would be an empty lot temporarily it would be there's a bus stop there the 459 bus route is there um there are two spots heading towards the LOL highspeed line there's one located there and one located in front of the now Wawa between that and the old um it was a Pizza Hut I think that's what it used to be I don't think it was the Nifty nifty50 was closed down altogether um there's not a lot of space and I did notice that the maintenance on the bench provided heading towards the Avendale parking ride in front of the Commerce one Plaza is in need of repair I believe it was donated by the lion club made the donation for that bench on that corner of Kelly jar Road in Blackwood clemon Road County Route 534 um is that something that I can bring up a cancel that it's that the paint is gone the the wood is splitting and the concrete looks like it has a it's damaged yeah that location Mr Carters we can take a look at that all right uh with the closing of the store um I don't know if it's property of the people that own that building but while it's in between before it changes hands would it be possible there's only uh it's on an incline heading into County Route 534 and it's covered in mulch that's that's the stop sign you have to walk through several large rocks which believe it or not is more difficult for some people to maneuver if you don't have on stury boots and your feet your ankles are not as strong it's a tripping Hazard and the only way to fall is into the thr Road a six Lane highway or a six Lane Road County Road um maybe at the very least flatten it make it level and possibly put a bench because it does get a lot of wind from the traffic going by and the people waiting for the bus with inclimate weather even when it's good weather there's a lot of wind um I don't know what I look like right now but just that's is just for me walking here when I return to my apartment after coming to these meetings sometimes you know I think I should have spoken with some people that attended because maybe they would have said your hair's kind of messed up um like I said is there anything that can be done to that and also heading towards the Avendale parking ride there's only one stop for that 459 bus um I know that the friendlies is has been taken over and it's a new business but if there's any way to make a separate stop to Z like would that be part of the to make like an indent because you can't really stop the bus there excuse me but if they like made an indent so the bus could pull in because the people that live in the Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on the upper side I live on the lower side so it's very convenient for me but there's no easy way to get to that stop and the only other stop heading towards the cyler parking ride which is gives you access to both Philadelphia and Atlantic City which is where people would be working that would be a place where people would be getting good employment um the old they would have to cross over County Route 534 and then turn left onroad acres and then it's further down across from it's near the rec center laer County Rec Center and that's after walking through the apartment complex like said it doesn't concern me I live on the Lower Side the back of my apartment faces Kelly driver Road identified as Celly Driver Lane on the New Jersey Transit bus schedule okay we'll take this information down thank you m m and the repair on the bench yes the repair on the bench will be noted yes has been noted oh thank you does anyone else like to speak that has not spoken yet Mr leader Dave leader Huntington Avenue glenor um Mr Mardo yes do you know where the elron went no I don't know where Mr CIS do you know where the electron went I believe it's stored away was that done on your direction did I did I did you direct that the Elum be stored away yes I did you realize it's a people's Lecter and I'm one of the people and I've requested to use it multiple times and it actually seems like the fact that I brought it up and it's been sitting there for years that it was kind of vindictive that now the Lecter had to be in storage so Dave don't ask for lean anymore because it's not here very convenient appreciate that congratulations to Helen Albright Troxel on a reelection thank you you're welcome question about Reserve funds uh when I was running Finance uh for different parts of my businesses uh when something like a roof needed to be repaired we saved a little bit every year so we forecasted the the the lifetime of that roof forecasted what it might cost at the time of its replacement and every year put some money in a reserve fund to take care of that is that a practice that Council has were the Chief Financial Officer that would be the practice of the administration but if that was but Mr cars no we do not Reserve money right thank you I think it's something you might want to think about for example um the sewer CCM the gler township mua apparently had a whole bunch of money and it was in reserved I assume for catastrophe so a main went out if I understand correctly after the CC the bler township mua was dissolved and that monies were needed and it came out of the Township's budget where was another loan I don't know what I find Reserve accounts to be very prudent it's a good way to forecast where your expenses are going to be each year you have much less spikes when you forecast monies for the reserve unit on a monthly or annually basis it's a much more stable way to do like this building needs a roof I don't know when that's scheduled but the shingles keep flying away I doubt that I'm the only one who knows that right you know that Mr cartis I'm aware yeah so if we had a reserve fund for the roof we had forecast at its life put some money away every month or every year to replace it when its life reached its end we wouldn't have to go out for loans we wouldn't be surprised and we wouldn't have to mess with taxes in other than in a timely annual way um I I I really wish you folks would consider that when a speed limit is set for a road who and how is that speed limit asked to be adjusted understanding the police do the monitoring and look at the traffic and accidents and stuff like that but if someone one of you folks or the assistant uh Chief wanted to change the speed limit how is that done that Chief anazi is that something you can that would be engineering study we need to be done on the roadway okay does that include uh other resources like County or state I cannot speak to that okay probably if it's not a state or County Road dep Road whether it's County or state localad depending on the road jurisdiction that's what I was thinking as well thank you regarding the uh premature closure of the August 8th meeting Mr mcod you would never even if you looked at the videotape you would never ever agree that you closed the meeting prematurely is that true Mr leader I had asked if anyone wanted to speak and no Mr leader after I bang the Gabel you you raised your hand and you started yelling I've asked you to look at that videotape once in the past Mr leader there was a room full of people you were the only one shouting at the end that you wanted to speak Mr Shu from Wy was the last speaker it was said to everybody we were here for three hours sir and then you spoke several times that day and then you still got up and started shouting sir we went up and down but we're going to agree to disagree sir yes I've taken a look at the video I know what I said that evening thank you very you did say it was unlimited time at the beginning of the meeting and we and I said would anyone else like to speak and there was only one individual that was left Mr leader and I confirm I agree with President marado as well that those are the how the events unfold every time he called for speaker even if he was calling for someone who hadn't spoken before I made an effort to raise my hand and we had when he was looking at those two gentlemen in the back whose hands were raised he had to look right past me because my hand was raised if you don't believe me study the videotape the meeting was closed prematurely thank you thank you anyone else like to be has not spoken yet miss Henry you're our last speaker Miss Andre good evening Dina Hendry Summerdale um with the egov that I sent um can I have that sent to me so I don't have to go searching around the website because it's pretty hard to navigate yeah we can send it too when will I get that sent tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow morning can you confirm can I confirm my email address we have your email address okay thank just for and do you have multiple email addresses because sometimes you don't receive emails you say so yeah I if if um that's what I said Okay so if that's what I said if you tell me when you're going to send it then I can 0503 gmail.com yeah I got all right thank you no answer to her question no no the um the reports the annual Deb service and the annual order report they're they're on the website I understand but the website's really hard to navigate and I'm asking a question and I shouldn't have to go on a w gues to find it annual Debt Service you're saying it's hard to find the annual debt statement and the audit on the website what I'm saying is your website is hard to navigate and I shouldn't have to go on a while goose chase to find it it should be sent to me I'm asking I am asking if you can kindly send it to well I'll have that sense I appreciate you all right thank you very much with that we'll close the second public portion premature it hasn't been a half hour I had my timer going you would past your time Mr leader he L some more time SC your uh e and then added some time you came up there to speak no good deed goes unpunished I appreciate that please do not shout from the audience uh polling of directors Please Mr car nothing to report mrtis I want to congratulate TR Tuesday deputy chief Mani nothing thank you m Corbin Mr M thank you all have a great night and a great week this is TR I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me and if you didn't I intend to change your mind next time and thank you all for coming it's nice to see more people than we usually have and thank you this Grace love congratulations really really happy to work with you and everyone have a great uh first of all thanks for coming out uh second of all as the liaison for the gler township historic and Scenic preservation committee say that three times fast uh I would like to invite all the residents of glosser Township to the Gabriel Davies I was correct it's not Davis it's Davies Tavern for the holiday open house on Sunday December 1st from 1 pm to 4m you want to get into the holiday spirit they're going to have a Santa Claus they're gonna have a choir uh some refreshments for everybody the the the tavern is decorated for the holidays so it's a nice event EV and we'd like you to come out Mrs wers um I want to congratulate Helen um on her win I want to thank everybody for coming out I also want to thank the veterans this past Veterans Day um for all the veterans that they have done um and that are still doing for the community and the country thank you this wers congratulate and Echo what um W said about the veterans I thank them for their service and everything they and a great night Mr Mar I want to thank everyone for coming out this evening congratulations Helen on your reelection and also congratulations to miss Hendry on her election to the glal Township Board of Education um so I want to thank everyone for their comments tonight with that I obain a motion to adjourn a second all in favor have a great evening everyone that's what it was they had they give him a free lunch this child no this kid kid money they always give a lunchy lunch but they give them a lunch every day they just