##VIDEO ID:jsHfIYkcCBI## please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and please remain standing for the invocation by Deacon Ken carpell of St John's episcop Church United States of America stands Nation God good evening good evening tonight I want to be able to offer a couple prayers especially since we have the beginning of a new school year we've already had unfortunately tragedy in a school and on Wednesday we will be looking at the 23rd anniversary of 911 so I ask if we would let us pray Heavenly Father we come together tonight asking for your guidance your help your wisdom and strength pray Lord for this council meeting tonight give the council members wisdom and guidance as they deliberate on the items before them may every decision that they make be fair and righteous in your sight and for the benefit of the members of Gloucester Township I also want to pray pray Mighty God bless this beautiful world lead her leaders from falsehood into truth and Justice guard and defend all of your children rekindle in all the citizens of Your World The Fire of your love and Inspire us to love one anothers and to be peacemakers I pray all this in Christ name amen thank you Deon Carelli this regular meeting of the township council is being held in the court to the schedule the meetings of the township Council establish and adopted by the township Council which SCH designated the time and date in place of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the open public meetings that we're using electronic amplifying and recording device in order to obtain a clear audable record we request all those wishing to speak we recognize and state your name address directly to the microphone the according advice to be so utilized by a Township clerk's office with the preparation men and shall be the official record of the township Council meetings pH cler man the roll call please Mr here this is Albert drel this love here Mr Nash here Mrs Walters here Mrs wers here Mr M pres Mr here Mr ctis here Captain Coler presid Mr Mel here we now have our first public portion this is for agenda items only anyone addressing Council may speak one time once all those wishing to address Council have had their turns they may address Council second time only if that's what was said earlier not repeating earlier statement these speakers in t of three minutes there'll be 15 minutes for the first public portion anyone wish to speak please raise your hand yes good evening Dina Hendry Somerdale good evening um it was really nice to see the discussion of the bat and cages during the public um Workshop that was going on um I do agree with Council uh woman Winters that if team te are us utilizing these batting cages um then they should be fundraising for them it should not fall on the burden of the taxpayers especially if they're not open to the public for enjoyment as one like a pickle ball court or something like that um I am for Youth Sports don't get me wrong I have three children who play flag football you know if there was something that was needed extra uh of an enhancement I would have no problem problems um putting on a fundraiser or taking part of a fundraiser for these enhancements so I ask you know why is this the burden of the tax hirers not the teams this is a uh enhancement to our Recreation program uh all of our uh recreational excuse me our baseball organizations and softball organizations have asked for additional uh amenities over the years for their particular program this specifically gen uh C the Genesis of that was eal baseball wanted their own batting cage and then when the bits came back uh they were extremely high Mr CIS had had a conversation with them and indicated that this would be centrally located at Hicktown Park to allow the four prominent baseball organizations along with the softball organization to use that uh but this just adds I Bel to the recreational activities and uh what we have to offer here for our residents that's my own personal opinion but but I wouldn't be able to take my boys unless if they are a part of a baseball team correct uh that has not been esta we we were you heard our discuss yeah it was just a bid process but I mean that is the basis that it is for Youth Sports not for the general public to use and then also we have to think about the facility it's going to have a bathroom so it's going to need water and electricity and sewer and and a salary and possibly insurance so I mean I think we put the cart before the horse a little bit into getting bids we should have thought about this before and said okay what are these things that we need before we say okay let's put it out to bid that's just what I'm saying and then also you mentioned that there was a meeting last week when you guys talked about Recreation what was the premise of that meeting of what was needed uh Mr CIS had mentioned that there was a meeting uh where we met with organization recre organizations all thank you is there anyone else Miss Smith hi good evening Council my name is sh smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens Department complex on milbrook court Department 341 may I ask U what is the agenda item signed to that um the batting cages that were being discussed at the the workshop resolution 307 okay it wasn't announced and also the well the resolutions are not we don't have a number for them during the workshop they were put on the formal agenda well the speaking the first public speaking is for agenda item only and I was surprised to hear that something that was just discussed 20 minutes ago at at a workshop was already on the agenda but if we did not want to move forward with that could have been pulled oh thank you for informing me I did not realize that items that were discussed at a workshop prior to a count Gloucester Township council meeting were permitted to be discussed during the first public speaking section I thought that this portion was strictly for agenda items only things that are to be questioned put on or taken off I thought that anything that was discussed prior to this meeting at something such as a workshop would be discussed during the second public portion I I'll speak up more often if I'm ever in attendance again I tried to attend the workshops um somebody was very gracious and it made me aware that there are Workshops the SE second Monday of each month prior to the laer township Council meetings but we're not permitted to speak they're not recorded um they're not necessarily even advertised so much no that's incorrect you are permitted to speak during the workshop public is permitted to speak during the workshop yes you were here during the meeting we're permitted to we're permitted to attend but we're not permitted to there's a public portion during the workshop but we're not permitted to participate in the meeting itself the not agenda items on a workshop and thank you as a member of the public I appreciate being given an opportunity to speak before most meetings but we're not permitted to participate in those workshops there's there's no comment on anything that is discussed during those workshops there's no public comment that is incorrect there is public comment on the workshop Miss Smith I was just at I was just listed it's listed on the agenda there's a public comment is there anything else you want to add to that where's the agenda then for the for the cler township Workshop session that was just in attendance so we have that that's on the board and also on the front door it is not on the board is on the front door it's on the front door do that have to be posted in fut Miss cler uh Madam clerk can we have that on on the Bolton board the agenda on yes for the workshop yes yes thank you thank you Miss SM for your time oh today's date excuse me today's date it was not announced what the day was for this uh gler September 9th 2024 thank you very much is there anyone else would like to speak that's not spoken yet yes ma'am Dina Henry again Summerdale um the last question that I asked was what was the premise of the meeting in Wednesday the premise of the meeting I'm sure you're aware of it you aware of it I'm asking are about you know so there was a meeting H with sports organizations to talk about uh if the passing of the referendum for the sewer that there could be a possibility of having 10 to$ 15 million available for recreation uh and then we met with 10 organizations that are represented that evening and they discussed some of the needs and challenges that they have as an organization they talked about uh the enrollment that they have uh and things ways that the township can help them they also discuss the fundraising that they do individually for each organization as well so the meeting was the batting cages discussed before the meeting or during the meeting and that's why it's on the agenda no the main no the bad and cages were brought in as far of the discussion these B in Cas have been talked about for about a year and a half okay and so the meeting that took place was a recreational meeting we invited the recreation organizations to discuss what their needs are okay in regards to if the sewers gets sold that is correct was it open to the public the recreation organizations were invited okay was there minutes for that meeting no minutes no minutes who was in attendance of that meeting with the attendance Mr Caris myself and Mr Monon and then uh different organizations basically for their wish lists they provided some of the needs that they had for the organizations okay thank you thank you is there anyone else seeing n we'll close first public portion wave the reading accept the minutes of special session August 8th Workshop session August 12th and regular session August 12th and August 26th may have a motion please make that motion is there a second on the question roll call please yes this is all right Trel I abstain on August 8th special meeting I also abstain on August 12th the workshop and August 12th the meeting Mrs is Grace love on the August 8th meeting yes to August 12 Iain on AUST 26 and yes to a Mr n yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes uh excuse me I'm staining to Workshop session of August 12 2024 yes to the arest and I vote Yes for August 26 thank you vid report I have a motion please make that motion second on the question roll call please Mr yes this is all right roel yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes next is ordinance 0-24 D20 ordinance amending chapter 8132 a of the code of the Council of bloster entitled vehicles and traffic of the code of the township of bler this amends uh section 81- 32A designated as the do not block the Box hereby amended to include the following locations Blackwood clemon Road at the Blackwood fire department exit and Al minent Road at the Blenheim fire department exit we will now have a public hearing for this anyone wish to speak please raise your hand seeing none close the public hearing may have a motion please motion on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al yes Mr Nash yes Mrs wter yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes uh next is ordinance first reading and introduction there will be a hearing at the second reading in orance of the township of gler County of camman state of New Jersey adopting an amendment to The Villages of glester Township Redevelopment plan in accordance with njsa 482 A-1 at SEC local Redevelopment and Housing uh law this was a discussion took place at a Redevelopment meeting and this is uh adopting an amendment to The Villages of L Township Redevelopment plan may I have a motion please on the question roll call please yes Al Tron yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes next is our consent agenda any council member like to have any item removed please speak up hearing none I entertain a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented on the question roll call please Mr Man yes Mrs Al yes Mrs Grace love yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs W yes Mr Mar yes next is our GTE go access email we have one email from Valerie Jones at 640 Lower Landing Road Blackman New Jersey who is the sewer system being sold to the sewer system the uh winning bid was a New Jersey American water and no sale will go forward Miss Jones uh unless that is approved by the voters of loster Township on November 5th there will be a referendum on whether to sell the sewer assist or not with that uh we'll open up our second public portion this is for any item the public wishes to address each speaker's entitled to five minutes you may speak once once everyone has spoken you may speak a second time only if it adds to what was said earlier not repeating any earlier statement We Now open up the second public portion yes Miss Hendry Dina Hendry sdale uh regarding this meeting that took place on Wednesday was the referendum discussed briefly meaning like can you elaborate on that there were some questions from uh the sports organizations regarding that whether it what happens if it passes and what happens if it doesn't pass okay um do you think that you're going to have another meeting maybe with residents of this Township being that you had a meeting with sports leaders are you going to have a meeting with the residents to see if it passes what they would be interested in to do with the money so those individuals are residents of our Township as well uh there will be there may be some other meetings uh that may take place and I believe that there may be some Town Hall meetings that uh New Jersey American Water May facilitate and this meeting that took place on Wednesday how did it come about like was there an email a phone call Miss Andre I think you know the the just I mean I may know the question but I just want you on record to say how it came about exactly but you know the answer but I just I I want to clarify Mr Caris contacted uh the recreation organizations Mr Caris uh one of the respons responsibilities he oversees the recreation department too and he works closely with these recreational organizations he contacted those Recreation organizations and asked them if they would be interested in meeting and we had 10 organizations that are represented that that evening that came with thoughts and ideas about it in fact one individual had commented at the beginning of this because what he read online he said absolutely not but then when he got additional information he got the survey when he got the survey then he changed his mind sir I was outside that room I know exactly what was said so I was there so here's the other question I question I just wanted to have it out there on the record also is that part of the business administrator's responsibity to call people and say Hey listen I heard you have some needs come to this meeting yeah absolutely yes he oversees the recreation department as well okay don't you find this weird underhanded sneaky Sly slimy deceitful where were you standing at at that meeting it's a public building were you standing outside of the meeting invited to there was a sign I'm a part of recreation happy sneaky slimy absolutely underhanded yeah okay no I don't I don't think but here's the thing I have no problem saying what I do where you I had no problem saying what I do as well okay we had a meeting we discussed their needs so when there for an hour and 20 minutes so when is there going to be a meeting for the residents I don't know I don't I can't give you that but there will be but Sports takes precedence no there's a there's there will be a meeting with most likely with uh arts groups senior groups different Community groups absolutely but not the residents as a whole that takes they are residen as as a whole not as an interest group they are residents as well okay okay thank you yes Mr Brown David Brown follow me up Road sville good evening Mr Brown how you doing today F how are you all right glad to see the American flag is properly oh yeah we got new we got new stuff so thank you for bringing that in we do appreciate it glad to see that um I do have some questions about this program too but first off I remember when we were talked about the solar panels were going to save us $400,000 a year for Revenue taxes or whatever and then selling on Premium Outlets the land there and all that how much money Revenue wise are we making off of that every year off the outlet I don't have a figure for me I I will tell you at the time uh when that parcel land was sold it was farm land assessed and we were bringing less than $6,000 in taxes on a 60 acre plus plot of land right they had a five year they had a fiveyear tax payment and that is that Sunset over two years ago righton so but that's assess that but uh so that in 2015 they received that tax B and that Sunset so four years ago um so they are fully paying taxes to all the tax entities um I can't give you I don't it's over a million okay so but I can give you an exact them out okay and uh now we're now we're distribution marijuana Revenue sales for last year runs about how much I'm sorry didn't hear revenue from the from Cannabis I don't have those numbers okay so maybe 200,000 guess I'm not gonna guess okay Mr is that something you can provide Mr Brown yes all right well I'm just looking at so now we've saved $1.5 million every year where's that money going to for us to having to all of a sudden we're in soone De now we got to sell the union jobs off to bring money in our pockets we're gonna no that's incorrect you were on the last meeting no those jobs are staying here they are being folded into the township there was a sidebar agreement with the Teamsters Union all 23 IND idual that are part of the sewer unit will now remain with the township or they have the option to go to American water and you passed that resolution okay so they're going to be working for the Township in the water department or not in the water department at all I don't know uh were you here at the August 8th meeting we talked about cleanouts there are cleanouts that take place so you're responsible for your home from the curb uh curb to the house and what was happening is cleanouts were taking place that normally you would get a plumber you would get charged for that were taking place and there being uh Grace free to Residents so that is going to continue uh so there are people that are will be doing that job there may be other responsibilities that they'll have in the public works there may be a separate division created within that particular department but those individuals uh a sidebar agreement was signed off with their leadership the teamsters and they had the option those union jobs as you said to stay with the township or go to New Jersey Mar water okay so they have the option either stay with the township or go correct all right well that's a good thing absolutely as I know in 93 we sign NAFTA into place and I know we had two Democrat congressmen from New Jersey who signed on to it and we lost 920,000 union jobs because of that I was one of them I lost my job it went to one part of it went to China the other part went to Mexico I was in the United Steel Workers I went from making $27 an hour to 1350 and I just want to make sure that these Union guys didn't get treated like we did but uh but I still have a question we saved $1.5 million a year in tax money and we spent it all we I know we cut back to four day work weeks to save money how much money did that actually save the township by doing that those four day work weeks go back to the late 70s yeah for the township here yes I thought y'all always work Fridays when I moved here so what they did is uh there was a four- day work week but was Monday through Friday the building was open uh at the time and then during the uh recession uh mayor R Hatton at the time had shrunk it down to four days Monday through Thursday and Friday the building was closed but there used to be a skeleton crew here on a Friday oh okay because I know I when I moved here I was still able to come up here on Fridays but now it's no longer Friday's Clos no it's closed okay but is that saving us any money Mr ctis I'm your time is up and Mr cars will can you answer that no I don't have any compation usually sa electricity yeah I don't have figures and I might because I know I've come up here on Friday to the police department and this is still lit up and everything I was just wonder all right thank you Miss Smith hi good evening Council my my name is shaa smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on milbrook Court Apartment 341 hello good evening Council um evening summer is now over I hope everyone had a a nice summer vacation summer weather I have been spending my time as a civilian citizen here in glester Township New Jersey considered clementin New Jersey trying to um undo a typee of possible fraud and identity that occurring to myself I don't know how many people um heard me try to get some type of answer from the local police department while at the meeting um it did not seem out of line the ler Township New Jersey Police Department chief of police David Harkin felt he could bring it upon himself to bring my personal information to several of the council meetings while I have never reviewed any of it with him at any council meeting or at the municipality or at the police station I have never discussed or been asked any questions by the chief of ler Township Police Department um on Saturday a letter arrived could have arrived on Friday or Saturday of this month of September from the Social Security Administration one the department treasury uh it appears to be a check but it has the company that I was trying to have them investigate of the possible fraud and identity complication or theft it the check is written to them but it goes to my apartment unit of one of the two ways to write the address to my apartment unit I I don't know what to do with this piece of paper I was told that the case was open and shut there was no fraud found and while being a patient of South Jersey Behavioral Health Resources uh they told me several months ago that I'm not active I'm not even one of their patients anymore yet a therapist still arrives to my apartment um most recently very suspicious behavior um that was this month of September 2024 I was told that the funds from the Social Security Administration for Social Security disability insurance were being deposited electronically on my behalf this is a paper check I'm asking Council what do I do what does a citizen do because now no funds are going to my apartment unit I was told I was not I was not able to request funds to pay my own rent close to $2,000 a month gets deposited on my behalf that I don't get to see touch or explain anything including a deposit of close to not more than $100,000 of federal funds that is not small change $5 used to be a federal offense if you stole something from the federal government they can put you in prison for that this is close to $100,000 I had been asking this Council now what am I supposed to do who do I go to when I am being blocked by this local police department having them asking them to investigate possible identity death and fraud involving South Jersey Behavioral resources not because I think that they're the criminal they need their help if that company tried to make a report and the police went along with whoever was actually doing the theft that company who is trying to help thousands of people with mental and behavioral health issues to remain independent to remain part of the community is not receiving assistance either Miss smithman and you said you've asked councel for direction on this and we have tried to provide direction to you to work with the police dep department and you refused to work with the police that is not true I made that is not whoa whoa I have made I have filed several voluntary statements and opened a fraud case I have brought every piece of information that that the Township police would need I brought my lease for my apartment unit from when it started I brought all the Social Security Administration for the Social Security disability insurance all the deposits all the pay pay everything that was needed information for my local union miss smithman this is not in the perview of the township this is something that you would have to discuss again with the police department and we've instructed to do that this is we can't help you as a council here we've told you to have a conversation with the police department you've refused to have conversations with the chief that is not true I refuse to have a conversation at at 10 o'clock at night after a council meeting no okay that was the only time I was ever afforded thank you Miss smth for your time I appreciate it excuse me I have lived in this Township Mr paloro since 2015 Miss smithman please take a seat I was brought to this Township in 1977 Miss Smith I'm going to ask you one more time please take a seat good evening Council Ray poor from the historic village of Ariel good evening so uh this past week um we all received a uh nice call for what look like political flyer in the mail and um some of the conversation that we've had on the sale of the sewer and uh the different sides of which you guys unanimously decided that this was worth well what I'm a little curious about is at the bottom of this it says paid for my New Jersey American War it also indicates that um they're saying that you're going to pay off all the debt and lower property taxes for the next five years um the fact that this is paid for by New Jersey American Water the investor who's looking to put all that money into your hands is speaking governmentally on what they believe you'll do they also believe that you'll secure 10 to 15 million of support for recreational enhancement which I guess which was that meeting that you guys had ton of sports groups that there's a windfall of money for them as well is this something that you guys the legislative branch and endorse are you okay with New Jersey American Water telling us in the mail how you're supposed to that you're this is what you're going to do Mr Paul Doro that's a conversation that we had with New Jersey American water when they asked us what would you do after you paid the debt we put a plan together there's many times you stood at that microphone and asked us what is your plan going forward with any type of things have you budgeted what are you going to do remember when the cameras went away say what are you g to do to replace that money so this is what we're doing we're planning if this moves forward these are some of the plans that we have in place Mr Paul okay so what you say you're going to do in the way of thatb first off um going back to uh Miss Hendrick's comment about this meeting and Clos meeting and what have you um you're telling the sports groups as you've gathered them and um I know that you guys have people in place that run these and you have a great line of communication over with them you always did uh sometimes better than others um but when you're telling them that there's a windfall of money that's going to go their way um when you are not even uh having a schedule out of how you're going to pay the debt off and also which would bring me to this question the township that we know how much at that is at this point but how much debt will you be able to pay each year there should be a limited amount that you can pay on debt is that correct in a short answer please Mr course the question really doesn't make any sense to me right so you can't pay the debt all state law by state law we are first required to pay all the debt of the sewer utility and all the debt of the township but you can't pay that all off at once correct and what you point out that you're saying New Jersey American Water came up with is what the township came up with before New Jersey American Water put anything on paper and S anything out this was on our website and this is our document okay in the short answer how me how much will you pay off in debt per year because you're not going to pay the whole thing off at once all at once all all and the bond holders are are going to this all be paid off at one time if there are Bond holders the money is held in escro until such time as the the uh investment matures or if there's a call option then it gets paid off okay so as I'm looking at all of this and the money that's going to come your way and the fact that you still have not proven me wrong which direction the bills are going and let's say that you took a sid step on me and said well no that's the math does work out but it's going to be divided amongst all the other people within the New Jersey American Water program well this has only just begun where they're procuring sewers in different townships it's only just begun where they're going to procure more and as they begin to procure more sewers uh from different towns they're going to tell those people the same thing oh you're not going to get it's not going to come down on you that's where we come in now we're our rates will raise to help them buy more and more sewer system as this begins as this gets bigger there's no way that we're not going to be paying 80 990 $100 a month for the silver and at some point if you're in aqua territory who's to know that they're not going to play Let's Make a Deal let's let's take care of the water coming in the water going out Camden County uh so that's going to be the same thing this is going to cost people a lot of money and and what some people would say a stor 15 10 to 15 million in front of a crowd of sports people and you guys know I coach Sports and been involved in sports in this town a long time and I'm all for it always have been but some folks might think that that conversation is a bribe thank you thank you anyone else would like to speak Miss coin Denise Queen she's Landing um could you please explain to the residents um Mr ctis said that New Jersey American Water said how are you going to spend this money and you guys came up with this plan who exactly came up with the plan of how you're going to spend the money Mr cars had a conversation with me and and other members of council and talked about some of the things that uh we could utilize this money for so prop property tax relief reduce uh taxes freeze them provide money for uh arts and culture and recreation provide money for our First Responders uh guaranteed employment for employees those bullet points that is the conversation that the business administrator because he can't have that conversation with the mayor and no conversation took place with the mayor regarding this he's the business administrator he was representing the administration that conversation took place and who represented the public the Town Council the people who are elected by the public and when was that council meeting held to have that discussion no the town folks here we we have discussions that take place they are planning purposes isn't that supposed to be a public meeting no when our Representatives meet to discuss our welfare and our best interests that shouldn't be a public discussion we had conversation since March here in public talking about uh this referendum we have and we've asked multiple times how that money will be spent and the 10 to 15 million on Sports was never mentioned the only thing that was ever mentioned as a matter of fact was paying down the debt and possibly the taxes but nothing else was mentioned no it was not correct because August 8th is was the second reading of the ordinance so my we were not going to put the cart before the horse my question is when was the public represented in these discussions on how these decisions and commitments were made we represent the public okay there was never a public meeting on that and there was never a council Workshop so if there was a council meeting it should have been a public meeting should it have not when you're discussing public business involving public money that shouldn't be a public meeting the administrate came to myself and they had conversation with other members of council about these bullet points that's how we moved forward with it okay should that have not been a public meeting to discuss spending public money we represent the residents of Gloucester town we were elected to represent it we put this forward the residents will ultimately decide on November 5th you didn't answer my question I did you didn't when you're discussing public spending public funds public money and you're saying our Representatives talked about it shouldn't that have been a public meeting for public input so every dollar you want us to have a public meeting there there are many it 10 to 15 million absolutely that takes place we have several resolutions ordinance that take place we canot have a public meeting for each specific resolution 10 to 15 million few you're stepping over me but I'll let you please 10 to 15 million you don't think that deserves public input and that's just a piece of the money that's left over no it's a plan and that plan is going to go before the public at the election but you've already made a commitment it is a plan you made a commitment no it is a plan it says commitment on the t's website besides they do not agree with the plan then they vote no it doesn't say plan it says commitment it is a plan it says commitment it is a plan it says commitment you can't change it to plan now it says commitment that's what it says a commitment is a promise you've promised to spend 10 to 15 million you had a meeting with the sports organizations and said we have this money for you there was no public input on that decision none so I'm asking how that can happen how can our Representatives decide to spend 10 to 15 million plus of public money our money with no public input how does that happen vote on you work for us it's our money you can't decide to make a commitment with absolutely zero input we have no representation this is a plan that I put together administratively and I I didn't elect you I passed it to Orlando to review and he's one representative out of many how does he have the final set with no public input thank you Miss Corin for your time who else would like to speak [Music] sir and you sir be a final speaker a 30 minute time will expire after your time tyin glenos the last council meeting I asked the question uh I had made the statement from the uh paperwork I got from the township at the pedestrian bridge at the pickleball courts was $332,000 and you told me that I was wrong but you couldn't tell me what the number was but you said I'll get you that information I'll get you that information Mr cars do you have that information I have that information are you lying again okay since Mr xine is done uh yes ma'am Carol Colo Timber I don't come to many meetings and this is why it looks like it's the residence against Council and I really have a problem with that everybody up here seems Disturbed you're a little Archy with people I understand if they're asking the same questions but these are just concerned residents and they're just not concerned for themselves they're concerned for all of us so I have a hard time when people ask the cost of something and you just say you don't know that's the end of it that's it you don't know do you write something down do you get the figures for the next meeting like what's going on here yes I'm not going to spout off the figures if I don't know what that okay so so are you going to get the figure for them yes how are did you write something down so that you know what you're getting have information in front of me yes okay so the next meeting that we come to everything that everybody talked about tonight you're going to have a figure for that yeah there was question about cannabis revenues there was also a question about the amount of taxes generated through the outlets is there something I asked yeah there was some more wasn't there the bridge the bridge I asked the bridge two weeks ago solar panels wanted to know about the money and all these different things and you didn't have figures for so I'm going to come back to the next meeting and I'm hoping that you're going to have the figures for all the questions that people ask will you be here I don't know I don't know if I'll have numbers for you sol I don't know well whatever question was asked okay an estimate whatever question was asked tonight are you going to try to get something quite easy to get the numbers for the candidat it's quite easy to get the number for because that's the thing for me it's very disappointing to come here and it just seems like there's no use to come because it's everything's already been decided we can't do anything the only thing that we could do is elect different people so I'm sorry you feel the way you do but you mentioned something when you first came up about everyone up here looks Disturbed can you elaborate on that for me yeah I watched the facial the facial Express expressions and there's some more than others but it's it's it's like it's fight it's like when when husband and wife are talking I'm like the husband doesn't want to hear it again it it's just it's it's not a good feeling in here it's really not and like I said you don't want to come back you know I'm trying to get my neighbors together and come and see what's going on but they don't want to come they come once and they're like forget it it's a lost cause we don't have any say and it's really deserving to live here in the soundship and feel that way and I don't want to feel like that I mean I don't know what the solution is is but this is like a hitting a brick wall so that's just my opinion thank you we have Meed our 30 minute time limit that's the end of the second public portion polling of directors Mr car I have nothing to report Mr ctis nothing to report this Captain Mr Miguel thank you Mr thank you for coming have a great night great week than you for Mrs Grace love thank you for coming have a great night Mr Nash have a great night W thank you for coming have a greatek Mrs Winners marado thank you for coming out this evening at our next meeting we're celebrating Hispanic herriage it's Mom Pier recognizing individuals that made contributions to our community that starts at 7:30 I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting with that I a motion to adjourn there a second all those in favor all right thank you have a great evening sir