[Music] want to for [Music] [Music] here good evening please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance flag of the United States of America and to the stands indivisible andice [Music] good evening this regular meeting of the township council is being held in accordance with the schedule the meetings of the township Council established and adopted by the township Council which schedule designate time and date of this meeting adequate public notice of this meeting has been provided pursu to provisions of the open public meeting act we are using a electronic amplifying and recording device in order to obtain a clear and audible record and we request all those wishing to speak be recognized and state your name and address directly to the microphone the recording advice be Sly utilized by the township clerk's office for the preparation a minute shall be the official record of the township Council meetings Madam CL roll call please Mr here Mrs Grace W here here here Mr here before we go to the public portion there is a walk-on resolution is listed on the bulton board there resolution 242-73 it's the resolution of the township Council the township of bler K County New Jersey in support of State legislation concerning modular or manufactur homes uh this is being introduced by uh assemblyman Hutchinson uh in the legislature it's a bill concerning rental increases for residential tenants uh and safeguarding residents from excessive rental increases uh in regards to manufactur home uh in our community and the surrounding communities We Now open up the public portion this is for any item excuse me for agenda items only each speaker is entitled to three minutes there's 15 minutes allocated for the first public portion Miss Hendry followed by Mr paoro [Music] good evening again Dina Hendry sommerdale um I like rental um that's right up my alley is there currently right now a cap on increases uh we had a um a rent stabilization that took place uh back in January of 2011 the township passed that uh regarding rental increases um but there is Mr they as we've gone there is we had rent stabilization so what is the cap I'm trying to finish my thoughts here okay so we had rent stabilization I can give you I had Fairways there was ones that were no longer grandfathered they were market rate right there was litigation going back many years between complex and some of the litigation established a vacancy control basically what it says that ten moves out and landord recs the unit unit can be set at still requires the complexes four more units to require rent Roll by their annual rent R rols which is administered through [Music] housing increase base increas is a four four and a half% for apartments and that's it the 10 pH the utilities land and as far as the S area manur so if I'm understanding correctly if the resident pays their own utilities water sewage tra crash um right now they can't have more than a 4% increase they ask for more than 4% increase there a requirement that they show their expenses in need they always do it's almost automatically only thing they have to do is criteria notifying the tenant providing the uh lease notice and there's no objection by the tenants that they Sur notices to then it's not they still have to go through process that's what because right now there are communities that are at a 10% increase for their renewal um so I didn't know how many manufactured homes does gler Township have that this would affect Shannon how many manufactured homes I'm not sure how many and there's only one like one community of that type that's correct and only a two to 3% increase well shann just rent the ground maintenance all% half and that also includes their utilities that they they would have to pay well they're paying utilities 2% owner area is paying utilities and is this hry I'm sorry your time's up there have some more time we'll call you back up Mr paloro good evening Council Ray palador from the historic village of Ariel can you guys hear me uh on ordinance uh 243 I just want some uh have some questions for clarification on that when you use the terminology of draining or draining improvements that is to be understood as fresh water and not to be crossed over with silage correct uh all the other things I saw on that the the capital is upgrades of various parks and and recks and my question is uh do are any of them specific you have any in mind that are specific I'm not sure which section upgrades of are parks and Rex improvements and upgrades to various parts Recreation facili not limited to G Community Park Brook Sports Complex Township Recreation Center to I'm sorry raise reading from the actual ordinance not the capital cons various items okay so there's a list of those items for example I Mr has request that all right so if if we're doing some cap on that as we've talked about in the past um what of these are eligible for Grants because it looks like you're we're going back to putting a cart before the horse again where we're going to borrow money go in debt get grant money back for throw it into the general fund and not uh try to procure Grant first where we're applicable when we can I thought that you were on a pattern of wanting to apply for those grants if that failed then borrow the money rather by one at front if I may I think I think you're referring to playground structures and rubber surfacing we do not have those in here what we're doing is using the money that we had the old budget and the plan is to uh do a playground structure at Catalina Hills and I believe there's another one generally I'm sorry tayor get grants for those as well I got about 20 seconds left uh streets uh streets and Road improvements uh do you have those in mind that uh you have listed yes on that project I usually never come here to ask anything personal for myself but 11 years ago when Lenny M the Public Works director I got my street on the list it was an eight-year list and that was 11 years last year they repaved uh you have three different blocks to Highland Avenue the top end the middle end and the bottom they did the middle but they didn't do either ends uh you can clearly see with the p Patrol that was out you can you can take the as and Tamp it down but if everything you're tamping it down to is crumbling it is one inch thick sitting on Sugar Sand and that whole Road was supposed to be repaid uh I know that they get in there and and wrap that out in the middle they never come back to finish any of that and being put on that list I thought for sure they they would have completed the street because that was the street that was on the whole street was on there it's only three blocks long and it just looked like it was done half f and it it just it's terrible because every time it rains the Sugar Sand is coming up from the street and I almost got beat from property in front lake front and back with all the sand coming up if you wouldn't mind checking into that high Avenue number 19 they did a nice job in the midle we actually have it you actually have just designed it's not for actual construction that would be I appreciate that all right thank you is there anyone else Miss smithman [Music] I don't believe that is hello even Council my name is sh SMI I live in the SDK M Department complex Miss Smith we're asking if you could speak up good evening Council my name is sh smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex of mil Brook Court consider bler Township even though the United States Postal Service claims that it is clemon New Jersey I'm told on to utilize the bler township municipality for R 24271 is does the initials the muua is that standly Municipal Utility Authority still yes is that BR correctly didn't you abolish the did you dissolv I think it was the word that you used you dissolved the municipal Utility Authority yes but audit has to be provided for any public entity we have an audit annual audit that's performed school districts have audits that performed so the MUA had to have an audit that is performed uh we had to review that audit and then the last year that yes what is it now referred to as excuse me what is it now referred to as it's no longer Authority oh it's a sewer department utility be the MU no utility now so it would be it's GL TP utility is that you just used the first initial of uh the department or program you refer to it as the MUA it's stands for the municipal Utility Authority which no longer exists it's now as you claim dissolved yes in the future will the water provider of lost Township how will it be referred to in the future will it be referred to as the G2 tmu well it's sewer we just call glou Township municipal utility but when I'm reading it you GTM that's is that what it's going to be to it's it's a municipal utility it's a it's a department okay is there anyone else Mr swe good evening Council Sam sweet from Ariel good evening um am I speaking loud enough all right I had requested that sheet the breakdown Mr carus uh do you have it for after the meeting uh you can I can give it to you tomorrow okay so stop by first thing in the morning uh yeah I would say uh 10:30 okay no time 900 a. okay thank you um with regards to resolution uh 242-6707 um agreement between the township of gler and marxman Landscaping um Orlando would you be a from those folks I'm asking because your other position as HR Director of gloss Township Schools and Marksman Landscaping the owner Anthony marks is the president of the board of education is there a conflict of interest in that I don't believe it is but I ask the solicitor if don't see that do does the and I don't know the answer to this does the Board of Education in charge of your in charge of hiring you I'm employed with the GL Town Board of Education okay so but do they employ like do you interview with them for a job or who like because if you're interviewing with them for a job and the president is engaging with the township and you're the township president I would think that that would be a conflict of interests just on face value I've been an employee of the district since January 16th of 2013 I proceeded the current president that's there uh I don't believe that's a conflict Mr car he's our solist if he believes it's a conflict then I'll follow his advice I don't see where this ISC I don't see it as conflict individual any on that but I don't see that okay all right thank you that's all I have thank you is there anyone else oh no excuse me that's the end of our public portion report cutting of retention B landscap pram 2024 a motion question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Al yes M Grace yes Mr n yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes next is ordinance uh reading there will be a public hearing ordinance 0-23 D12 ordinance of the township of gler County of Canon state of New Jersey adopting amendments to the Blackwood West Redevelopment plan as adopted under ordinance number 0-21 D12 in accordance with njsa 4812 A-1 Etc local Redevelopment and Housing law what this does is it permits this amendment to permit adult dat Care Facility uh in Block 10604 lot one and a multif family dwelling in the mix use makerhood Redevelopment zone of the Blackwood West rede Redevelopment area and mix use building mix use in the West Church Redevelopment zild of the Blackwood West Redevelopment area so we have an adult daycare facility and then a mixed use building uh located on off Church Street anything to add to that Mr car we now open up the public here anyone wish to speak please raise your hand seeing none we'll close the public hearing entertain a motion that motion is there a second thank you on the question roll call please yes yes M yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters Mrs W yes Mr Mar yes next is ordinance 0-24 d02 ordinance amending the glester township Land Development ordinance 0-21 d09 The Villages of bler Township Redevelopment Plan and the New Vision Redevelopment area plan uh what this does is that the township desires to amend Part B of section three local taxation to provide for corly reporting of marijuana sales uh this corly reporting will be made by the chief financial officers or controllers or accountant for those establishments and they will file there with the CFO at the township of bler on a corly report of gross revenues uh and those reports shall be due During certain parts of the Year entertain a motion is there a second on the question roll call please yes yes Mrs Grace Mr Nash yes Mrs Walter Mrs wers yes Mr M yes next is ordinance d24 d03 it's a bond ordinance authorizing the completion of various Capital Improvements and the acquisition of various pieces of Capital Equipment in and for the township of glester County of Canon New Jersey appropriating the sum of 9,137 419 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes of the township of bler County of CA New Jersey in the aggregate principal amount of up to 8,723 3 making certain determination and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing uh those projects include sidewalks and curve projects Street improvements to various streets um that were identified up to 23 of them recreational improvements uh equipment for Public Works equipment for the police department we had a workshop earlier uh at 6:30 to 7:30 where we went in depth with the capital project there will be a hearing uh at the second reading of this ordinance I entertain a motion is there a second thank you on the question roll call please yes Mrs yes M Grace yes Mr yes yes next is our items of consent agenda any council member would like to have any item removed please speak up hearing none a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented on the question roll call please Mr yes Mr alel yes M Grace yes Mr Nash yes Mrs wter yes resolution CER County New Jersey authorizing the public sale at auction vac parel of land known and designated as 351 Landing Ro black New Jersey 0812 241 njsa 4 1231 I entertain a motion on the question M call please Mr yes Mrs Al Trel yes Miss Grace yes Mr yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes resolution of council gler certifying that each member of the governing body has received the glester township mua's a component unit of the township roster annual audit and personally reviewed the annual audit and have specifically reviewed the sections of the annual audit report entitled General comments and recommendations in accordance with njsa 485 a-7 just add that there were no findings on that audit for the Nua it went from the time period of March of 22 until uh June 30th of 2023 I entertain a motion on the question roll call please Mr yes Grace ners yes Mr M yes resolution 72 resolution to make budget transfers between reserves in the calendar year 2023 may I have a motion motion there a second second on the question roll call please Mr yes Mrs Albert Joel yes M Grace yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters Mrs W yes Mr M yes and resolution 242-73 resolution the township Council the township of bler Canon County New Jersey in support of State legislation concerning modular or manufactureres I have a motion second on the question roll call please Mr Min yes Mrs Al Jo yes M grece yes Mr Nash yes Mrs Walters yes Mrs wers yes Mr Mar yes we did not receive any GTE go access emails We Now open up the second public portion uh this is open up to any item each uh member of the Public's entitled to five minutes they may speak up to two times once everyone has spoken there's 30 minutes for this public portion Mr Paul [Music] Doro good evening again Ray paor from Ariel good evening uh couple quick questions um we've asked this question previously Pete onal asked this question numerous times um the to date uh since you have resolved the MUA with your purpose of doing so to save money um do you have any realiz savings at this time the question's been asked enough times that we would think you might have that information at at the public meeting at least now but it's been asked as many times but uh what real savings have you figured so far we have to date that uh justifies just price the aution to which you intended Mr car is that something that you can answer uh there are no calculations of the date that would determine any savings obviously discussed before the fact that the former mua Authority had 6 I believe 6.4 6.5 million surplus $5.1 million budget we have eliminated the various committee people that were receiving payments there has been elimination of replication of some of the professional may stop you please you're going over the same things that you always have you keep calling Surplus they had it Define you seem to think that there's this calculation that's required well here's my here's my philosopy hold on I'll step over each other I'm saying can he finish or do you do you want him do you want him to respond to you or do you just want to speak for five minutes no I I I like so if you're gonna ask the question let him respond to it please but I'm hearing the same thing that I did my question is you keep saying you don't have a calculated number uh when you put this idea together um if you didn't have any calculations um or or did any type of figuring on that uh cost benefit analysis what made you think that this was a good idea other than taking their money were you on the call the uh local Finance board okay well the local Finance board is a very well qualified board that has professionals representing them and we have professionals representing us so the case was presented to the local Finance Bo it was a unanimous vote to dissolve it and not only was it a unanimous vote to dissolve it they also agreed that we we were able to take uh up to $3 million of surplus that particular year so so we're down the same road with nothing new and I think that there's a requirement for a report and there's not if you felt it was a good idea it was going to save money and you still don't know you save money it just seems like it was a cash grab it's what it seems like um my next I guess this is a comment uh Mr Ricardo you've had discussion on the E GTE go and the um how it's used used properly and not abused uh consider this if you will um in the public portion here you get 15 minutes in the first agenda you don't read any questions that are sent in before the first portion so everything goes to the second so with a 15 minute limit to the first public portion and 30 minute uh if there is a number of people more than usual three or four or five um it is a crapshoot whether you get called on or you may not get your question so it does justify even if you're at the meeting that you intend to get that question in it also allows for once you've read the question and you've had the time to research and you give the best answer possible and I agree that GT GTE go questions come in you're you have a more satisfactory answer and and well thought out answer it allows for us in the public to do a follow-up based on your response and it keeps a good dialogue just just consider it if you will um the other thing that I I was curious about and um council president you can answer this best uh on resolution 24263 uh was voted in a consent agenda uh my my question just was not accusatory but um I guess inquisitive if Miss Walters feels that she should have abstained from that particular one in consent agenda this council president have an opinion on that oh the relationship that is her made the name I don't know if the relationship that family will the that is that something that can be defined and is it possible if she does need to obain that she would want to do that and I I would ask her to ask the solicitor if there's a conflict or if she believes there's a conflict that is her made name so that would be a family member I'm not sure is that something that you can address on I I can't address her is that I'm asking would you address that c that's why I'm asking so uh solicitor can we go back with with that can we have for the do you want to change and and and nothing personal about that just to to keep everything in line thank you again have a great night everyone thank you is there anyone else followed by Mr s Council my name is joh SM I live in the FK M's Gardens Department conflex so no rep I noticed that there there was a name placed for the invocation for today of Monday February 12 2024 for this loster Township council meeting yes I didn't hear an in invocation uh that individual is not pres okay who was it supposed to be it says uh uh I believe it's Johan Arnold Reverend arold it says Pastor on here we okay those those are interchangeable Reverend pastor we had a pastor okay but I thought that when they were associated with Gloucester Township that they were supposed to be referred to as chaplain is there a chaplain committee I believe sometimes people just need a prayer and that the chaplain would show up that they're on call 247 is that correct I'm not sure if they're on call for 247 that's only for the police department those are that's a program that the police department has not Township Council nor the township Administration thank you g so they're not the title is not a chaplain for bler Township invocation they could be referred to as clergy a chaplain uh priest a reverend a pastor we're going to use the title Miss smithman you're stepping over me I'm going to respond to you I don't know where you're going with this but I'm going to please let me finish this had Pastor so I guess he wanted to be referred as Pastor some people want to referred to as Reverend is there anything else you want to add to that just that it's very inconsistent with what is placed on who's going to be speaking for an invocation and who actually does speak and it's really not over clarified on what church they represent in goer T that would be very helpful okay anything else uh well I wanted to give a second warning since Council meetings are every two weeks well twice per month uh that February of 2024 is a leap year people didn't know that a leap year is a month with when February has 29 days instead of 28 it's every four years I flaver brought up last meeting it can be remembered as presidential election or summer olympics but since it's every four years the only way to really follow it if you ever had to try to look forward look back in times to figure out which ones Rel Le years if you're not political and you don't watch the Olympics um you have to count the year 2000 and the year the Year 2020 and year 2024 is a leap year so then you just have to figure out which one they are then project them forward or backwards it's not as easy as you think if not you'll be like a whole four or five years off your attention so the year 2024 is Le here and I'm still going to go with the past couple years of I think it's really important uh as a 46 I'll be 47 years old this year living in glester Township I I really haven't made much Headway with communication I I I spilled out as much as I could into the community I I'm not really understanding anything more and um while I do have a a a neuronic and dim type of uh education base as far as what I could absorb as a child it it wasn't all my doing really it's environmental mostly um physical things things added not so much prosthetic but little lead poisoning here or there didn't uh assist other than to keep the partic zipe it really would have connected more people to to the township to the police department to the local fire department if you place the address to the local police and the local fire on the street post it's what everybody has access to it is one of the only main things in a residential area we had I had a septic tank a well at a lake um we had everything was was plugged in we had a fireboard or my street was not paved we had a street sign it is one connection that I could tell you everybody will have access to if you start applying it now to where we address identify with a picture for the police for people that cannot read wheelchair height will accommodate children and people with disabilities you put it in raised or recessed writing um not only will it keep up with the quality of what is producing the street side they won't be able to um manufacture a less quality type of material because you'll be able to feel it you could put a postcard I'm sorry to interrupt you but your time is up we have more time you can come back up no I said I Tred as as I see you Mr sweet good evening Council Sam sweet from Ariel again um how much of last year's Capital project budget is being rolled forward on this uh the amount that we're going to borrow do we know that not sure how many unused capital budget on the new capital projects budget in the past sometimes you take some of the funds that were not used and roll them forward as you say cancel debt we're not I'm not getting into that yet how much of that is happening this time I don't any is there's nothing permanently financed from last year so we all on the notes so all the projects that were on the capital budget last year have been um done or not I can't tell you I would assume that there are projects that not do not have Anis so are we canceling any of those projects and then taking those funds and rolling them forward to to offset this year you would not cancel would cancel permanent deance Capital doesn't know that the you cancel it means you're not going to permanently borrow so so ju just so we're clear and my numbers might be off but you borrowed 8 million 8.1 Million last year for all these projects let's say a million of those project million dollars of those projects were not worked on and you decide hey we're not going to do this project because it doesn't warrant you decide not to cancel that project but You' already borrowed for that money can you roll that money into this year and instead of borrowing 9.1 we're only going to borrow 8 million because you borrowed the 1.1 from last year and you're canceling your project does that ever happen not to mind knowledge we're talking about notes I I I did point out before that the playgrounds that we're looking at including which is Taylor Avenue and the hills we did not include that in this particular list because we had money from last year because we were able to secure grants now Taylor renue were going to file an application and we're in process of doing that with green anch on that so I don't know whether that'll get approved or not okay all right thank you um also Orlando you've said St several times in the last last coming weeks that the uh 80% of the budget is already accounted for due to the fact of contracts or uh Union basically Union contracts um with that being said Do we have any idea with 6 80% of it's already accounted for um what we're looking at as a potential uh increase I don't believe at this time as far as Miss ER not at this time okay even with 80% of the budget already accounted for yeah I'm the Auditors are coming tomorrow we're waiting on a final Surplus number F balance number before we okay so we don't have a final Surplus number yet I have a preliminary number but the Auditors are coming tomorrow to finalize everything to review everything do you have that what that preliminary number is I would not reason being is the AFS statement is complete we're not going to releasee that that is a statutory document that has to be completed under the state of New Jersey local government and that is not going to be released until it's complet well I understand that I'm not going to hold you to that number I'm just asking there we're not releasing because that number is not a number that's based on factual calculations and completed so can we get the difference between the preliminary number and the actual number I'm not giving anything out no I'm not asking to give that out the time once we have the actual number is done that's but once we get the actual number can we ask what the preliminary number was and what the changes were I would tell you no because I don't know whether the preliminary number is accurate whether there are errors whether it's based on estimates that don't become factual no but isn't that all public record like if they're making changes to the prary number isn't that uh public record when an audience complet then the audit's complete when an AFS statement's complete the statement's complete when the budget's complete the budget's complete you're asking for something that has not been completed yet and I'm saying to you now you can't have I'm also asking for the work papers that go back to what the numbers are calculated for she is still working on the AFS St okay that's the answer all right thank you thank you Miss hry good evening Dena Hendry Summerdale quick question and I probably you probably had told me this before and I may have asked or I may have not but what is the exact role of Mr Coler May he's the township solicitor which his Duties are what when he's here uh for Council meetings uh interpret the law questions what did you say could you speak into the microphone I can't hear you responsib okay um so basically you would help navigate the council and and advise that if they should probably vote a certain way yes or no if the questions presented to actual information and I can discuss but if it's not then you just let it roll well how would I know that two issues that that came upic one how would I know that I don't understand what follow so so a resident had asked about a relation of the councilwoman right and that is her man a name would you was you're saying that you didn't know that was her made a name no not you didn't know you don't ask like hey does anybody have any conflicts of interest anything like that all right thanks thank you anyone else Miss smithman followed by Mr [Music] sweet hi good evening councils my name is sh C smithman I live in the SDK Milbridge Gardens apartment complex on mil Court I I I didn't add the addition of Braille previously to my request to have bler Township place a a label of sorts an impression onto all the street signs in the town if it's a sign in gler Township that identifies a street to place on it the local police and the local fire department that serve that spot planet Earth a picture for people that cannot read wheelchair height razor recess writing so that you can make an impression with the sketch and also Grail okay for people that um are blind thank you and on October 26 2023 I made an open I made a second open public Rec requests the first request I had made was on October 17th 2023 I was told I did not ask properly in my written request for all information pertaining to myself sh smithman uh so I was told I had to make a second request I used a personal check for both of the open public act requests open public records act requests the second one I was overcharged they said that they thought that they were two-sided and I was charged twice as much as I was supposed to be charged there was a resolution to make a refund to me uh I I I did not check the letter from the United States Postal Service every day but on the 5th of December 2023 I did check and there was a a parcel a letter from gler Township with the incorrect address it had my name but it it was not it was not written properly and if it's check it should have at the very least the address of what I with the check to cler Township one or how um properly recorded for my address in the SD K mbridge Gardens Department complex it was an official letter from bler Township I returned it to Sender I plac it back into the outgoing mail I not put a note um postmaster please Return to sender and where it was found it was found in by United States Postal Services signed mail slot on mil Brook report c39 that's for my department 341 I asked if I was going to be issued if something else was going to be resent if the issue was going to be corrected I was told that it was that it would also indicate the receipt number from the Gloucester Township purchase of the well payment for the open public records act request of uh 238 2384 238 384 I haven't received it this is from October and from December of the Year 2023 we're now in February okay so the you did receive the initial envelope that you returned back to us even though you did receive it but it had the wrong address so you ask reissue that may I finish so I'm asking clerk here was that reissued um I actually have that checked in my office and I felt that since we sent it to you you in fact received it you wrote on it returns to sender and once we received it back at the next council meeting you said that it was the wrong address yet you received it so I can't see spending taxpayer money to send it back to you so I have it in my office waiting for you like I told you when you're here you can pick it up at any time so it is there for you I have a request to have a set certified mail and I'll pay for it well you can pick it up I guess and certify mail it to yourself from our mailbox no you're going to send it to my apartment to the United States Postal Service assigned mail slot it's say I paid with a personal check I was overcharged if that is if you were to mail the refund to the person then please do it properly you you spelled my name incorrectly on the receipt when I made the payment to pay for the open public records act the overpayment is it at all possible that you please just reissue this check and send it back to the United States Cal service how did that check at if it was the wrong address I have absolutely no idea I'm still having several complications with the SDK milge Gardens Department complex way to properly write the address they told me that that building was abandoned when my general practitioner was trying to send me test results for physical Healthcare that building is not abandoned they said that I was writing the address incorrectly and now you have made up a an entirely new way okay to write the address to that apartment complex I'm only requesting that since it has been corrected please resend it Miss SMI we're going to audit our request and I'll cover the cost of that okay I will cover the cost I have it certified myself personally thank you I'll take care of that Mr s are you still on De you had your hand up yeah somebody else wants to speak now you're our last speaker [Music] the um Sam sweet from Ariel um I understand that uh at the workshop meeting there was some discussion about the indoor facility yes are the workshop meetings taped like these are no um were the Min are there minut about that Workshop meeting or can I ask what since I missed it what happened we have there are there are minutes for the workshop oh live oh they're recorded here they're not they're not live stream on audio but they're not live stre can I get that audio do I have to send an Oprah or email or how do I get that AIO a reminder just so I make sure I send it right away okay have the the desk there's no need to go briefly with the discussion about um having a central located batting cage and myself I I brought this up I looked at Jim I looked at Michael we're all involved in three different baseball organizations at one point in time as you well know it's being in the leadership for your leag sharing a facility like that what type of issues will will we enounter my suggestion is that Tom and Pro direct Department have a conversation with all of these B baseball organizations and also including softball as well because I'm sure people they would like to get into batting cage so we talked about the possible location of it uh the use of it uh the cost of it uh and then having a conversation with the different athletic organizations regarding the use of that facility um what were the locations discussed uh possibly go to Township commity dep ont yes okay um thank you getting back to um and I don't mean to bring it up well actually I do um the conflict of interest here I I don't understand why there Orlando you're employed by the Board of Education okay I understand you you've been employed by the board of education for quite some time and predicated by the president but the president runs a um a business in town so if you for whatever reason piss him off from somehow don't he can actually bring up I guess a case against you to have you fired as president of the board it would go to the board it would go to the superintendent but he could do that so I don't understand how that is an in an undo he has an undue influence on you and that's not a conflict of interest and I'd like if Mr car could explain that because that's he has influence over you but I would GA I think that all Board of educ a members would follow a rule of Ethics I speak and if I if I can just respond to that just a rule of ethics and I think that they're able to separate their personal and professional opinions so if I'm doing a quality job uh you know and I have certain protections as well you know as Board of Education members they're supposed to support their employees uh I respond to the superintendent each year I'm not a tendered employee in my position so each year the superintendent of schools recommends me for reappointment and the board of education then votes on that but but there are protections that are in place but if if let's say a board member went rogue okay and had some personal issues with me then that's that's some ethical concerns on that board of education members part well if we want to go down the ethical Road of the Board of Education that people that are running they take an oath that um you know they're not supported by any political party and we know we can have a discussion probably for another on both sides Mr sweet on both sides I'm not going to just agree with that that's why I'm not running for Schoolboard ever all right but I'm just saying that there's there's Ties on that so if you're talking ethical decisions Mr Marx could could I'm saying could bring charges or recommend to the superintendent that he does not want to hire you because you devoted know on this plan or whatever and I think of Education member can't make that recommendation to but as president he can no he cannot that's not how it works in the school district but they employ you so he could politic behind your back and then so I don't understand how that's many have done before but I don't understand how that's not a conflict of interest so in the remaining time if Mr Carl could say how he has undue influence that is a undue influence is a conflict of interest I appreciate you looking after me Mr so could Mr car answer the question or [Music] ofeducation process that Township goes through as far as receiving requests different proposals Bo not one individual thank you Mr and thank you Mr thank you have a good evening that concludes our public portion uh polling of directors Mr I would just have Mr Chiefs nothing to report Mr Miguel Mr thank you for Comon everyone be careful have a great week be safe tomorrow this is [Music] and have a wonderful night and enjo tomorrow Kansas City Chiefs Miss Grace thank you for coming out stay safe it's getting a little cold tonight and stay safe tomorrow the weather happy black mon to everyone continue learn have a great night Mr Nash have a great night Nash come back Mrs Walters Mrs wers I just want to remind everyone that it is February so it is heart month this month as you can note many U members up here are wearing red in support of heart month and a couple facts from the American Heart Association just to bring it to the Forefront of people's minds hopefully I'm sorry to take a couple minutes but uh cardiovascular disease kills more women than all cancers combined yet only 44% of women recognize cardiovascular disease as a health it is the number one killer of Ms and accounts for onethird of maternal deaths that's a scary thing uh most cardiac and stroke events can be prevented through education and lifestyle changes women are less likely to receive bystander CPR because of The Rescuers fear of accusations of inappropriate touching or injuring the victim and only one in five American women believe that heart disease is their greatest Health thre so please take care of your loved ones recommend people to get follow up and see Cardiology preventative or if they have anything pay attention to their lives thank you have a good night thank Mr okay I want to thank everyone for coming out this evening uh thank for our colleagues that you know we did three meetings this evening thank you very much uh we are celebrating black history month on February 26 2024 we have 10 outstanding recipients that will be honored that evening I encourage all of you to attend from the start of the meeting uh to celebrate these individuals that contribute to our community with that n the motion to adjourn there second all those in favor have great one a