##VIDEO ID:xsQLzSyntl4## I'd like to call this meeting back to order may I have a roll call please here this gch here this Johnson here this Donna here M dintino here Mr Marks here we'll move on to approval minutes may I have a motion at second for executive session August 19th 2024 and special session June 26 20 24 so moved second any questions roll call please Mr GI yes Mrs gch yes Mrs Johnson yes Mr odono uh yes on June 26th I am abstaining on August 19th noted Mr stino yes just the marks yes may I have a motion second for regular board August 19th 2024 so moved second any questions roll call please Mr given yes Mrs gilch yes Mr Johnson yes Mr oon abstain Mr dentino yes Mr Marks yes we'll move on to 4.3 public comments of agendum items action only I see n we move on to reporter solicitor Mr long thank you Mr Marks I don't have anything at this time thank you reporter superintendent Mr build good evening Mr Marks ladies and gentlemen of the board ladies and gentlemen of the public welcome to Central Administration um I'd like to ask the board of education for a consent resolution on items 6.2a through 66 are I would like to um state that uh 6.6 P if I could just um uh Mr mccoi as as amended there was uh some old language uh in there that was not accurate and I um 6.6 p as amended I did U there was something in in the book that talked about a termination that did not happen it was old it was removed today so I'd like 6.6 P amended as amended please that's done that's it may have a motion second please so moved second any questions roll call please Mr gimons yes Mrs gch yes this is Johnson I'm going to abstain on ID numbers 2080 1 968 5572 148 6208 and 4556 six and 2037 under 6.6 P yes on the balance noted Mr Don so um no on 6.3b uh policy 0168 and bear with me I have a lot of extensions so for 6 6G I am abstaining on uh ID number 2963 3746 0593 on 6.6 p as in PA I am abstaining on 3705 2963 2273 3746 0593 3396 5996 59 yes for the balance BR that pass you later I I sent you an email uh M dintino yes Mr Mark yes move on to 7.0 Bo of business administrator Mr M yeah asking for uh consent agenda on items uh 7.0 through 7.7a um yeah 7.0 through 7.7a second any questions I do um on check number 134 395 that's for asphalt paving um I'm certainly not an expert but it seems that it was shotty work yeah it's actually it wasn't asphalt paving it was a it was a micro resurfacing so it really wasn't pavement that was put down it's a type of work that provides a 10-year warranty so instead of paying $320,000 to just have a sprayed we elected to have the one inch uh micros surfacing done uh for $460,000 and it gives you a 10year warranty I understand it doesn't look right because it's not Paving and the contractor said The more you use it the more it'll blend together so that's what we're hoping for but yes I understand what you're saying about it okay okay what does a 10-year warranty cover cracking again vegetation come through the parking lot covers all that before they they did the actual micro resurfacing they came and they they cut out the cracking and they repaved it and then he put this top over top of it they did it at Mullen they did it at Lauren Fleming uh and then he came back like three weeks later and then he put the the micros service over top of it thank you any other questions um I do on 014 CH I'm sorry check number is 01452 4 um I did have a conversation with Mr Merkley about this um I am just requesting that letters be sent home um to parents regarding money is being transferred and so I'm requesting letters get sent home to parents so parents know how much money is being transferred and so they can just keep an eye on it can I provide some explanation on that I don't I don't know how much you I can say because it has to do with students so that's why I'm being very vague and careful you want to talk yeah okay so do your thing usually at the end of the year we would transfer the money for the students back to their parents just cafeteria these are only students that go to high school so if if you look back at the agenda in back in like July we canceled a lot of checks most of them were all that so instead of doing that what we did is we reached out to high school we sent all the the eighth graders that graduated we sent them to cam County votech we sent them to blackor spike we said verify these kids they verified the kids a lot of them got crossed off must have went maybe to um uh maybe Catholic schools or something like that so then we sent a lumpsum payment to both camon County bch and black R Pike to be credited on the child's account so when they got there they already had money on their account and if they had a sibling we just transferred it down into our own school to their siblings account so it this was the first year we did that and it happened kind of late so I think that's why we're she brought that up to me have we had any complaints a thousand people almost any complaints we had one complaint yeah one yeah thousand one okay I'm I'm just requesting that parents be aware of how much money is being transferred on behalf of their kids so you said letters though well well if you'd like to call every one of them that's up to no I think there's there's things I think there's things that go out at the end of the year for kids that are transferring to high school it just says if you transfer to um to one of the public schools your cafeteria money would be sent along with them so yeah so you're not giving them an amount that's being transferred no we're going to do that before they actually graduate you know what I mean like in May when it's when you're going to like a high school we're going to say as part of you going to a public high school we're going to transfer your amount of money to that high school so the the money that was just transferred are the parents aware how much money yes some can figure out together to get it to the parents how much of their dollar s to Regional but they can sign onto the system and see how much money they have or indicate that okay if they don't know how much they had in middle school they can now log on to the high school and see how much is there but they didn't log on at the very end of the year can we just let parents know you could also do do a robo call tell people to check their account there may be credit a lot of people start but if the kids already graduated they're they don't have an account anymore it's at the high school yeah I'm just talking for this year you and work on that absolutely Mr Marks thank you any other questions I had a question on um I had a couple here so the Alan electric have we noticed an increase in cost like everybody is talking about at home yeah yeah okay um another question was um how many lockers were painted for 8 $500 and what was the reason all those lockers were um and Mullen um boys and girls locker rooms that's what they were how many lockers is that roughly maybe 1,600 okay U and then for uh there was a fire inspection that cost $20,000 I thought we just did an inspection and paid them you're talk talking about the annual certification of every school yeah they have to come around every school before we open and they go through and they go through and they test every single fire uh sensor so it's it's a lot of time they do it every year I thought that I just asked this question a month ago and we had another like how how much are inspections roughly for yeah but this this was the annual inspection to open school so they go to every school and test every single sensor um they only do it once a year okay that was all I had thank you any other questions roll call please Mr gibons I'm going to be a no on check 134 493 and check 134 635 uh yes to the balance Mr gch yes Mr Johnson I'm going to abstain on 13 4503 and yes on the balance Mr s uh I am abstaining on 7.3 134 655 and then yes on the balance justtina yes there's the marks yes 8.0 old business Mr buildo I don't know if it's old business but I do see one of our administrators in the back Dr Denise debasco and Denise it's a little bit of a transition but I did want to in front of everyone thank you for all of your years of experience here as the mass supervisor in Glo Township he doing so well for our students and their families and we kind of have a little transition going but I did want to see you in the back and recognize you thank you Dr deasel new business yes well um as we compliment Dr debasco I see in the back of the room hovering next to Mr tro um our newest mathematics supervisor Mr Zack wakeley Zach please stand and be recognized welcome to GL welcome that's all Mr thank you we'll move on to public comments please keep in mind you have three minutes per comment uh H please come up the microphone please thank you good evening DEA Hendry Summerdale um I should have asked this during the first public portion but I wanted to make sure that I found it um knowing that Mr long is is the school district's um attorney Parker McKay do we have another attorney is that correct and so there's a lot of legal services for that is the district being sued well that's one two three four five six times so there are active litigations yes Mrs that's a lot of money so far where so far for this month that we're approving $177,000 worth of Legal Services um wait wait no it's her time you have a board member so is it like for emails being sent out or is it like work being done it can be any legal services under Parker McKay's contract so they do the special services for example I don't do our speciales like special ed cases I do not do that at this District okay corre so that's when yeah or or negotiations with certain staff members so staff and special education when it's when it's Union negotiations yes okay all right thank you thank you any other comments hi my name is Cali Porter I'm Gregory's mom nice to see you again Dan Long nice to see you nice saw at Highland with Dr RI it's nice to see you here I'm back because I met with Mr Bido regarding my son's placement and he never followed up with me he told me that he couldn't tell Dr Martin what to do and my family against our better judgment sent our son to your school's your CST director's placement of the uh least restrictive environment my son has been melting down in your lauring Fleming school every morning I have been late to work by four and 5 hours for a week straight I don't know how many of you can do that every morning but I'm on the verge of taking FMLA because my son is in such distress we are now a performed care family I never even knew what that was do you know what that means you probably don't because you might not have special education kids but I can tell you I'm his mom and I'm not going away I'm not afraid of your Parker and McKay attorney I'm not afraid of advocating for what's right I'm always going to be Gregory's biggest Advocate my husband and I had to retain a special education attorney yesterday to get my son a proper placement because Mr villo failed us he never followed up I can't tell you how disgusted I am Mr buo I'm not here to attack you I'm here to be a mom I know you brought Violet Martin here I read everything and I'm just going to leave it there but when you agreed to meet with me you never even followed up like you promised you went on vacation and left me hanging filing for emergent relief hoping my son wasn't placed in that large gened setting with pull out support that never happened on the first day of School an IEP violation it doesn't matter if it's a half day you sold me a program that said he was going to be pulled out and he wasn't my son later got strep throat and was missing the next week because he was highly contagious right I went to the doctor three times that week documented it documented it sent it to your school let me tell you while your school CST Mrs fice on the phone today when my son was melting down in the foyer again day six told me that if Gregory had more uh regular attendance then he wouldn't have these issues my son has attendance he's just in your Chill Bill at lauring Fleming because he's over stimulated by the classroom and Dr Martin's placement I don't know how many parents sit here and sit idle to it I'm not going away I'm going to the Department of Education and the education commissioner every time respectfully because my son is not thriving in that environment he's done no work I told you this was going to happen because it happened in first grade when I had a file for emergency relief with Blackwood Elementary and they moved him to MD program at shoes so we're going to keep him there so today in his meltdown I'm sorry I'm beyond upset like this is my child and he can't tell you because he's communication impaired and on the Spectrum but I can today when we arrived at Lauren Fleming Mr Bido I would not leave my son because perform care told me that they would like to send an ABA oh do you want me to sit down and get back up what we do is we see if anybody else wants to speak and then back to you I'll get up as many times as I need to problem anybody any others please step up I'll be right back no problem hello everyone um this is my very first meeting so nice to meet you I been um my name is panoa I'm a resident of Ariel and can you spell your last name please OC C OA and um I have two children who have IEPs who have attended I moving into town um in 2021 so I'm posting a question do we have now in the district at CPAC an active CAG I'm here because I've heard um concerns I'm hearing concerns from parents I think I saw you somewhere so I'm here in support of that and asking for this um as a parent that although I have some grievances sometimes with the with with the district I also have had so many successes for my kids so I'm here to ask if we have a CPAC and propose that we if we don't have one and I'm willing to step up and help with that and be an active parent as posting a solution to our systemic issues that are happening um I don't know if many parents know but a CPAC is a special education parent advisory group um it is a state mandated Group which is parent Le parent driven in conjunction with um collaboration from the district so this is not about fighting with the district but actually looking for systemic change um so we don't have these issues and we can we can look for results in a bigger way so like for the many years to come we don't have to um have those things and we can do it um it's hard to collaborate but um I'm pretty sure we can do it I'm pretty sure that we can bring um results I've led a CPAC in the past I have worked um in creating those type of groups so I'm hoping to join um whatever parent has a child with a disability and we can make this happen so I'm posting a solution to a problem that I saw um and I'm I'm pretty sure we're going to be successful so I'm hoping that um we have a great collaboration and that we get our children the necessary um supports that they need in a collaborative way and create change not only for whatever um individual situation but from now on that our kids kids can Thrive and I'm positive that cler um Township will be successful in in those Endeavors so I'm hoping to that you guys um you know make it happen because I know this is mandated I know it's hard to sustain I know it's hard to create um but this this is something that must happen and it is law so um it is time um to bring that law forth I thank you for your comment that's something we'll look into thank you you yeah so second can I get back we let everybody get the first shot and then we come right back I will let you know right away Mrs Porter any others please step up okay thank you just let us know your name Amy orti I live in clementin New Jersey um I'm try and hit I thought I had five minutes not three we we'll let you come back okay uh in June 2021 I moved back to this area I was here well over 20 years ago graduated from Washington toship I moved up from Central Florida I have a set of twins that are have diagnosed autism and a Weare chromosomal deletion I have not had to fight this hard in Florida for things for my twins um Kelly Porter reached out to me so I'm more than happy to step up and support the needs of our kids um similar so from coming from Township I'm familiar with a little bit of the system of the education people say education in New Jersey is supposed to be top-notch maybe for no typical kids I left them much to be desired uh Mr B uh and how many elementary teachers do you have in the district roughly thousands 300 Elementary School teachers okay of those teachers how many are special ed roughly from 300 hundred roughly okay um of all those teachers that are in special ed I'm sure they're all familiar with the curriculum that's taught in all the elementary schools keep those questions in mind because I'll Circle back to that um so um I got to Skip Along because I only have a little bit of time um when I first moved here to Florida from Florida on the IEP my students my my kids received um approval for esy from Florida when we moved here in June of that year I was told there's no room so already there was a IEP violation for esy my kids were denied esy then they went to bankbridge where they spent an entire year getting physically assaulted at least 12 times each I have twins physically assaulted they specifically needed to get on one on two for my kids because they were in the same room basically as a bodyguard to protect them against other students that were beating them up I was told that a BCBS was there would be hired was never done even by the end of the year Behavior Tech wasn't even in there um I was told the next school year that this student was not going to be there going I have to come back up he was within the first two weeks he literally flipped a desk and it hit my son in the in the chest I contacted their casew worker who had zero knowledge of anything was going on and it was her impression and my impression that the school was supposed to notify her of anything was to happen um I asked my kids to be transferred it took almost a half a year so I lost the summer ofy I lost this year of learning and now another half a year they fell behind and I'm going to have have to come up Mrs uh I'm sorry Dr Martin's kind of familiar with this and I have a a point I promise um it they got transferred to Union Valley it took them a whole other half a year to realize I'm in a safe learning environment and I'll come back to that because I'm at 4 seconds but H Mr H is there any other comments good evening Schoolboard members Ray pador from Ariel um I first heard of uh Mrs Porter's uh situation and some other people tried explaining it's been quite a while since I've been to a Schoolboard meeting I was inundated with uh all types of letters three three letters g d f i HP all these things that I didn't quite understand can the school board explain to me or can the superintendent explain to me in the simplest form exactly what it is that is being requested that seems to be so unbelievably difficult because the last time I was at a school board meeting I remember this board focusing on one child the next child the next child one individual at a time to to make the body of our our our uh students and I'm having a hard time understanding why this is so difficult could you first explain to me what it is um that seems to be so simple that can't be done and why it's not being done sure Mr pder these are all individual student matters I can tell you broad Strokes every school district Nationwide is required to rrive what's called fape a free appropriate public education to all of its students with disabilities it is something we take very seriously I understand there's disagreements and I appreciate that and I respect that um but we can't talk about individual cases regardless of if their parents are here or anything like that but the overall North Star here Mr Padero is that the districts have to provide fith and parents will disagree and it happens in virtually every district with how services are being provided and there's a mechanism for the parents to address that so that's the broad Strokes as much as I can tell so I guess what I'm trying to understand is that um if I'm not mistaken and I've been to school board meetings in the past just not uh anytime recent I I remember this board turning the the planet upside down to achieve the goals and satisfy the parents for the well-being of the child and I'm not quite sure that's not being done one student doesn't have to have a name needs something accomplished can you tell me besides disagreement I I just don't understand a parent having a request for their child I I don't understand why there's a disagreement I don't understand why it's just not getting done please help me understand it's something like I said it happens everywhere all the time Mr poer that doesn't make it doesn't but that I'm not saying it does but I'm saying that there are always disagreements between parents and schools to a degree that is up for PE other people to determine what I can tell you is there's a mechanism to go through it there are litigations that get filed there's a mediation process through the Department of Education I cannot and will not get into specifics and if not the answer you like there's not I can do about that to sa looks like I'm gonna have to start coming again thank you that's fine thank you Mr thank you Mr long any other comments good evening um my name is Britney panel I am a parent in GLA Township I am also a special educations teacher in Camden New Jersey with a master's degree special education and to come here tonight and to hear that children have IEPs that are not being fulfilled and to say fate is the reason we can't discuss it I understand what you're saying but an IEP is also a legal document 100% and it has to be followed 100% And if you cannot follow that that communication has to happen with a parent upfront it cannot be a situation where a parent is not being followed up on when it comes to their IEP which is a legal finding document it's a disservice to the child and it is a disservice to the community unfortunately well for me my child does not have an IEP in glossa Township District but as a special education teacher I am going to advocate for any child that has any special needs and and to hear that PE parents are asking is there a program a group for them there's no CPAC there's no answer being provided to them for their support when issues like this arise that's disheartening as a taxpayer in this community it's really sad and we as a community should be coming together we should be working with our parents that have in IEPs to try and do the best for their child because at the end of the day they're a product of this community and they're going to grow up to be leaders in this community as well and that's the purpose so if we're dropping the ball on their IEP then we're dropping the ball on them in general and I don't think that that's fair that's my thing thank you thank you any other comments do we get back up now we're just gonna see if any any other you're good Mrs Porter how many three more minutes do I get I got a lot of minute 15 total so I'm at three thank you we're starting yeah so Mr f i um my son has been spending his days in Chill Bill at lauring Fleming I'm sure Dr Martin can tell us what that is it's a room next to the nurse's office where kids decompressed my son has not learned anything in there I haven't challenged that with the State Department of Education yet I just hired my lawyer a few days ago but I'm just saying this to say that I'm not going to allow my son to sit in chillville Mr long without education and your CST department when I came in this morning late with my son begging him to get out of the car as he cried in his handicap parking spot because he has that with his disability although your bus picks him up down the street Mr Bido I don't know how you sleep at night but I'm gonna leave that to you I'm just gonna say as a mom I can't sleep at night because this is my child and you didn't do what you promised me you didn't follow up and you didn't make sure my son was okay now I'm going to get back to my son CU I won't get over it this morning when I arrived at laoren Fleming School all week last week I was messaging when my son returned from strep throat I was messaging the school would you please have somebody assist me in the foyer because I had I didn't I didn't know how to I didn't know if he' get out the car he was hysterical my son was hysterical he didn't know the math he didn't know the lesson he didn't know the social stuff studies he never learned any of this and this jenet setting Dr Martin picked for him without our consent she placed them in there we never knew until we got the letter the week before school that's against the law too but my son is now crying in your foyer again this morning we go into the office I asked to speak to your uh Dr Rose who's absolutely amazing honestly I think he could train your staff including Dr Martin and um Mr uh M Mayfield how do you say it morfield morfeld Mr morfeld your VP if you don't know who that is there um he came to help me with my son with your guidance counselor and my son spent another five hours between chillville and I stayed all that time with him we called CST and their office because I insisted that somebody at CST know what was going on with my son in these meltdowns in the morning right because I'm getting emails from the teachers asking if Gregory's coming to school this week my son's in chillville he's in school but there's no work getting done and he's just having emotional distress and breakdowns there the reason why I had to call performed care per his neurologist they now want to come into your school with an ABA to observe but Dr Martin didn't get back to Mr Dr Rose today when I requested that I would like to know when that's going to take place since this is happening to my son is there any urgency in that or are we going to put that off like we did everything else if the school is pretending that I'm the problem and it's not the placement which we all know it is because it happened in first grade at Blackwood you want me to sit down and get back up I got what Mr three minutes yeah please please please intentional to be three and five all right so the transfer to Union Valley I don't understand why it took a whole half a year further traumatizing my kids getting physically assaulted when it couldn't happen like within a week after I requested Ria casos was a great um case worker for us but then when we got to Union Valley we got a case worker that wasn't so good at the end of the year every let me try back from bankbridge on every year I have requested retention we all know Co did a number on our kids especially the special needs kids we we moved to we were denied esy the first summer my kids lost an entire year Bank Bridge of Education because they're getting beat up and assaulted and living in a hostile learning environment I requested retention then was denied I was quoted the law that they could be in school till they're 21 years old why would I wait 10 14 years for something that they're having a problem with right now puzzles me why would I wait for something that they're having an issue with now keep that in your head then the board or whoever made the decision to take the entire program from Union Valley and move it to a whole new school further upsetting the special needs kids you're messing with the most vulnerable population of the students these are kids that thrive on routine and schedules and familiar No Parental input No Parental questionnaires were sent out literally the teachers didn't even know that the entire program was being moved to a whole new school there was student in my kids class that had not eloped in three years within the first week of moving to the new school she eloped why because you messed up their system without consulting anybody not even their needs not even parental in input that's just disgusting you know that so much for supporting us um and then again last year I request at retention was denied it took me having to spend money on a lawyer that I do not have I do not work because like I said I have two kids that are special needs I had to hire the lawyer it's pretty much been resolved but it took that money that I don't have for the district to wake up and say yes these kids you know I was told that you guys look at everybody individually but you were shoving them in with the mass crowd you know we moved from Florida Big Move we were denied esy a year and a half of school gone gone no learning at all and then they turned around and said well look at what they did at at Lily they go to Lily now and I'm like yeah do you know why they were in a stable learning environment it took me having to hire lawyer for the eyes to open and ears to listen for my kids to finally get that retention and then Dr Martin you specifically told me that you would help me across board please okay well I was well go no M stay up there take another three minutes I was specifically told by Dr Martin that she herself would handle getting tutors for my kids I asked you the question how many special education teachers you have in this District she literally reached out to two two two teachers in order to tutor my kids that I've been asking for three years one reached out back to me it took her two weeks to respond to my email responding to her by that time es esy had a week left and then she turned around and tells me well if the school district calls upon me for tutoring I got to drop your kids how is that stable how is that helping my kids it's in the IEP for them to get tutoring still waiting I went to my lawyer and she said she emailed your lawyer and this that and the other thing and now I just have to wait I've been waiting I have the emails I have copies of everything so Mr Bido she's your employee where's my tutors for my kids that I've been asking for three years and that my lawyer requested that's what my kids need help in it took me three years in a lawyer to get them retained and now I've been requesting tutors for them to catch up if my kids didn't were not able I wouldn't be fighting this hard but I know that they're capable they just need a chance to catch up they've been through a lot they've been through enough a lot of these kids have a lot of these parents have basic things we should not have to fight this hard our kids deserve every possible chance they're the mo they're the weak they're the most vulnerable student population you're only as strong as your weakest link well let's build them up let's help them be as strong as our neuro neuro typical kids I mean you have kids that are on the Spectrum going to Harvard MIT getting doctor's degree do you want these kids in the future to come back and say I got my education at gluster township they helped me succeed you know why because they have parents behind them that fight we're going to fight we're gonna fight I moved here three years ago I did not know this was such a big of a problem I'm going to fight thank you ma'am Miss Porter time's yours hi again Mr Bido I just wanted to make you aware that today when I was at lauring Fleming with my son's drop off that was ran hours into his education Mr long I asked Mr Dr Rose to call your CST Department because I wanted them to be aware because we have a review on Wednesday I have a funeral Wednesday I don't know how that's going to go I may need to postpone CS the review for the IEP 30day so I can just say we called and Mrs f Fess is that how you say it Jennifer fice foress is do you know her name for CST you may not but I I can look it up in my email and give it to you before I leave um she was on speaker with me and Dr Rose and told us that we do our review on Wednesday and they had no intention of changing Gregory's placement although he was having these meltdowns all week and insisted that he should have better attendance Mr buo my son is present he's in chillville with doing no work how is he thriving there you guys are causing him irreparable harm he now sees a psychologist because of this situation Dr Martin has placed my son in willingly I'm tired of emailing you I'm tired of CC seeing excuse me cing you and be be seeing you I'm angry for my son and this is not okay I'm not I don't fear Dr Martin trying to bully me through Parker and McKay and Susan Hodges they're they're a firm partner and who's paying for that our tax dollars because Dam long's a lot cheaper I'm sure does everybody know like I'm I'm just Anin it has to be a public record how much money is being wasted there because you won't put him in an appropriate placement because Dr Martin cried is hurt she's not his neurologist she's your school doctor and not a medical doctor at that my son's neurologist wanted him in an lld per his IEP my husband and have an excuse me my husband and I have an e and I'm willing to go to trial for my son and then appeal it if I don't win and I will appeal anything for him any day of the week because he was non-verbal till he was almost three when she placed him in first grade at Blackwood and gen Ed and the same thing happened he got an MD from emergency relief in a resolution this is disgusting these parents are all here for help and you don't seem to care how much money are we going to waste in Parker and McKay going forward just make a resolution with your parents do what's best for the kid because sitting in chillville for five or six days is not it and Dr RH is amazing I told you he could teach uh Violet Martin a lot he's amazing he listens to your parents he cares about the kid my son now has performed care because he's melting down so bad that our pediatrician at Cooper would like him to have performed care so that we can prove What's Happening Here I want to know when your school's going to let the ABA come in to observe my son since Dr Martin's office did not give Dr Rosen excuse me answer answer today you're the superintendent Mr B I'll be back good no good anybody else can I good sure all right after next three minutes okay you want to go Dana okay good so while I'm in your your luring Fleming school this morning missing work good thing I have a job right missing work for like the fifth or sixth day and uh Dr Rose and Mr morfield call CST on speaker because I insisted on it your CST worker Jennifer fiz my son's case manager told me Mrs Porter we don't plan on doing anything for Gregory imagine Mr long if you had like a special needs kid and they didn't do anything for her either just in general right like could you imagine Mr Marks so I said she said well we can consider we want the least restrictive environment for lld setting that I said he's lld he always had a special education teacher under Devin Schaefer at straford their CST director was amazing by the way Dr Mark maybe they take classes I don't know maybe she missed some I'm not really sure but I'm Kelly don't need to take the Potch just make your point I'm sorry just make your point you don't need to take po just no my problem is this this is my child and nobody is is doing anything about it nobody not the superintendent not the bo I do you need to go to the State Board next because my son is crying in chillville with your VP your principal and your uh Mrs Ash your counselor your school C I know there's multiple there so excuse me but I'm sitting there with him because I don't want to leave I'm not leaving my son in distress in your school over work he doesn't know because you placed him somewhere you didn't listen to the parent in or your CST director did because we didn't have any part in it when we called Mrs F she said the only thing they could do was give Gregory a one to one Aid and Aller that on Wednesday why would you give my son a one toone aid but not lld or MD how is that the least restrictive environment to have a ono1 aid for a child who never had one does that make sense to you this is going to waste a whole lot of money of your your money in Parker and McKay I'm just saying let's make an agreement and fix it for my son let's just do what's best for the kid here for once you're supposed to evaluate him soon let's do with best for Gregory because all I want for him is to be in a small class setting that he doesn't have to stay in chillville all day with no work this is a complete violation of his IEP damn long he hasn't had speech yet we're going into our third week of school Mr B that's a break in Services he had a break in Services when you took him into chillville and didn't give him any work because he didn't understand it he had a break in Services when you guys refused to help me to accommodate when I asked for math that he could understand and that keep giving him the other math and Dr Rose is asking the teacher to comply and it's not happening my son is in tears every morning in your parking lot not to go in the school and while you might not care I'm not going away and we can make this last for years in court with Parker and McKay and my attorney because I'm not I promise you we can make this with Beth for Gregory or we can make it something else and I don't want to waste any of your dollars I want what is going to make my son Thrive and this is not it I'm done yes Dana yeah well we can let her finish her H be other last last comment please time's yours uh Dena Henry suell so I haven't been to the past two meetings because I had Co and then I went to Disney World um which was a fun time if I recall um last year one of the board's goals was more parent involvement and more transparency um while I was melting in Disney World um it was sadden to see that the board did not meet those goals and I just want to know why and how we can get from achieving those goals even though they may not be this year's goals right and if it is true that we're supposed to have a parent group that has parents with children with special needs then why haven't we had it you know is that something that does exist that is a secret club that I can't be a part of is it not a secret club now so why isn't that something that's been told I mean here's the thing unfortunately this district is notorious for miscommunication delay of communication not communicating effectively and we would email and we don't get responses back or when I came in June and I talked about Hunter mathing like a champ but can't really read I it was me who had to call in July to Miss Martin to say hey um word on the street says that what I said was incorrect can you help me out here you know it shouldn't have to take this long we shouldn't have to as many parents say advocate so strongly that we think that we're The Crazy Ones you know that we're doing something wrong but we're not we're just advocating for our children and it should just be with great communication and you guys are the professionals you know and you guys are the adults and when somebody emails you you email back within 48 hours and not have to chase and we all know that I've had a Chase many times for many many different people and it shouldn't have to be that way you know so I'm just asking you why don't we have this cool club and why don't the parents know about it I think that's something we'll look into again yeah but why should we have to look into it there should be like yes there is this Association and yes you know it's on the website and speaking of your website you should have had somebody look at it because it is not well um it is very confusing and very hard to navigate as somebody who designs websites no bueno um but where is this Association or or parent group that we don't know what that it's a part of I mean my kid has been H been a special education student since he's in first grade and this is the first that I've been hearing that there is some sort of parent group for kids with special needs that's sad thank you all right at this time we're going to move on to board member comments oh yes I'm sorry are we out of our time M FR you're gonna be our last one as we are over 30 minutes I basically just I'm not this small I basically just have a a comment um I'm a grandparent that has two grandchildren that have gone through our school district um in the last 12 years that I've been coming here and they both have IEPs or both had IEPs um when they came here at the age of three um L um Our Lady of Lords and other outside sources said that this was the best district for special needs children I found that to be true um my children went through the whole process and um if they needed something communication was quick in return um changes were made parents and children met with their counselor or their child study team person I don't know what the technical name for her was um and things got done and I'm wondering because these last few years I've been hearing so many complaints from Special Needs parents what changed here what happened why are why are we no longer the best district for special ed children and what happened to our you know um what I would call high ranking in that field and maybe that's what you should look at what what changed and what caused that problem because the things that I know about it for the most part yes there were little things like you mentioned and you you work them out but it doesn't seem like they're getting worked out anymore so maybe you could look at that that's my that's my take on this thank you Mr thank you we're move on to board member comments we have none I would like to thank everybody taking the time to come out tonight tonight may I have a motion to adjourn we're already closed right we're already closed but we don't we're closed board member we're on board member comments the public comments is closed we're over our 30 minutes thank you I like thank everybody for coming have a motion a second to adjourn please second all in favor I I thank you everybody good night