##VIDEO ID:IaDfyl4LUF4## 30 seconds Rel we live you got the agenda yeah one more minutes from last go ahead and call the goodu Eda meeting present is myself Joe Venda Jason tuman Patrice O'Reilly Todd kefir you're up I'm up okay right we're on the microphone still yeah okay all right okay um we didn't really have any minutes in the last meeting um it was a pretty quick one and there wasn't really much to report on but I will give you an informational ort update on the good who pickle ball courts the Nets were removed this week I believe it's either tomorrow or Friday they're coming and they are going to do the patchwork or they're going to come and they do a Power Clean hour first and then they patch it up and then they're talking about after Labor Day I think Thursday or Friday is when they want to come start doing the painting of the cour so by middle of middle of September I think you're going to have the courts ready to go okay so the Nets yep so that's a really good thing um guys are going to love it Community is going to love it um and then the other thing I have to report on is just we talked about establishing the new Eva board um for propos to you here and recently it's always been the city council and the city council is reaching out and saying you know what they would like to see for more transparency and to have actual people from the community people are passion about good you have a chance to be a part of that so um on September 11th the board working session that is something that is going to be discussed and then hopefully um on the 25th oh I should say hopefully that's that's not the right word on the 25th you can make a decision whether you approve or disapprove of of that um but uh currently I've been just kind of working on a form or little survey that goes out where people if they're interested in being a part of it they can go on complete it give us the information that we need and um and then we we go on from there um I'm not quite sure yet how to get get that out to everybody if it's I don't know is there like a utilities bill that's going out or something like that we might be able to use they usually have the gas bill that'll go out that um Kyle can usually put something in or they'll post uh I know kayin in the past has posted a QR code on like the good you Facebook page okay for people to you know yep try in that way okay perfect excellent um um my seated days for September are going to be Thursday September 5th and Wednesday September 25th I will not be here for the working session but Lisa and I have talked about it and she has a good understanding of everything and so um she'll have it on the agenda for that are there any questions okay not here then do we have to do a motion for an adjournment or can we yep motion to adjourn the Eda meeting second all in favor all right city of good you council meeting August 28th at 6m stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America the rep for it stands Nation godible liberty and justice for all I don't have any amendments anybody have anything to add to the agenda all right have a motion to approve tonight's agenda so move second all in favor iOS so the approval of the consent agenda from the work session on August 14th was to um Municipal impact for the website hosting the that's the website okay and you guys already started that right okay um get a motion to approve we still need the Motions for those all right um also the conditional use permit form use approve the good use School District emergency building use agreement approve the raising of the garbage rate and Sewer rate $3 for garbage $2 for sewer approve Wellhead protection First Amendment and approve the office rental fee for goodu County Sheriff's Office at $15 per square foot get a motion to approve the consent agenda for 814 work session second second all in favor can I ask a question is that the rental fee I'm out of order I'm sure over here is it the space in the garage it's all together okay and that's $15 per square foot okay so but it doesn't say that it says office rental it should it should include the office rental lease agreement includes the space use of this the garage that bathroom it's an all okay under office okay youbody opposed all right motion carried you would um look over the meeting minutes from August 14th I guess I had gone over him and thought they were second motion Jason seconded all in favor allos motion Carri old business the lot split purchase goodu County Habitat for Humanity you guys questions allsw so I guess when I was going over it it was so the trees on the property I mean obviously if they have to come down that'll be part of the demoing um the lot we already take care of the lot up there but if the homeowners later on decide that they want asphalt then we'll have to discuss that later but I think we already take care of the alleyway enough room up there for everybody to turn around um so the asphalt you mean for the yeah for like a road road instead of having an alley I think that'll have to be something that comes up later okay there's only one curb stop there right from City street to the property so we'd have to the city would have to put another line to a curb stop for the second one there would be yeah there would have to be another and then then you guys are be responsible for that Cur stop and and then what about the utilities for the second one is that I didn't see that gas Andric water sewer but you be coming off of Park Avenue for your sewer and water right the middle of the yeah ideally if you could keep them the same general area from the street and then we can Branch off to each house so at least if you have to maintain them some the best way to do it yeah the you know just so you understand we would want access from the Alle so we access the alley or the garage from the alley then the home would be attached and then there would be a porch on the front yeah we were just discussing who was responsible for the utilities for because the ones for the lot that are there are those utilities the water the sewer all that's okay there that's all fine it's all stuff in y good and if it's good I mean it's it's workable but then there's still going to have to be Water and Sewer put in the other lot you guys are responsible for that from the street well from the curb stop we usually the city perfect and then yeah there's enough room in the alley we looked at that there was a a utility pole we were discussing that was maybe kind of suspect up in there might be in the way yeah it's right on the edge of the alley we can dodge it driveways you know we'll see what it looks like I guess be an expensive deal have Excel come move it if the city isn't responsible for I don't know how he's responsible for that either cuz it looks like it's almost dead center for the parcel B right in the middle there yeah I was up there looked at it last night we'll lay so the tree aware the tree that's in the the massive the big one the big one yeah well no I mean the one that's on the left well look park west side right yeah west side yeah there there's a tree right there and it just looks like it's kind of in the not in the middle but it's it won't be in the way no well there's there's a small Evergreen that's just off if you cut the lot in half the small ever on the west slot by maybe 5T or so but then the in the corner of the West lot that I'm talking about would be the huge maple tree and that would be on our property if we bought it we'd have to care for that probably trim it up it didn't look Hollow to me but often times those Maples get Hollow and become danger you talk to all the neighbors or the Neighbors on the each side or yeah I some W home I did talk to Alexander on the west talked to him a little bit and when he bought his house he thought he had more footage over on a lot but it's only about two feet from the line as you can see here yeah but we talk a little bit and then the neighbors to the east the Jones family and they were very happy and pleased about having this happen in fact they know the home owner that we're talking about okay so so if you were build the first one where the school kids are going to build it would that be the one that the utilities that would be parcel be where the utilities already are well if the utilities are coming in the center as you said you can connect that for the first house and then we could determine you know how to run it to the next house and I I think what we would do is drawing at parcel B is probably the first house we build yeah that's the figure a time figure I did lay out I got a got a drawing a sketch of how the house might lay I guess I would like to see that if you if you have it um yeah just because don't critique my drawing hey that's perfect I like that three squares you don't have the power pole on this power on this here where is it right okay so if that power pole has to be moved that'll be at the owner's expense because they're selling a lot that'd be an XL question right what's that it's the power P has to be moved that be at the owner's expense I would assume so yes they sell them the do lots have you checked with Excel on that not yet yeah that might be that might be a good idea the power comes overhead and then it goes underground I I'm just not sure if they have any requirements as far as setbacks from Street or alleys or whatever I had talked to excel a long time very limited discussion but just I had no plans for the lot and just ask questions what options would be depend on what I would do whatever they kind of said whatever you laun is doable absolutely well long as it's good with them it's good with us yeah well that's good yeah I mean I I'd love to see this I'd love to see this you know project start especially for the uh the kids you know starting their construction classes and yeah kind of right now talk to my the school about the instructor and so forth have a tentative place to build a home and then we can move it that was plan but obviously it would be pretty expensive to move it six blocks so if we could build there it' be better students would still get the experience of taking it from the basement all the way up our volunteers would help them to try to get it as much done during the school year as we could yeah it's worked good in zro I've worked done half a dozen of them in zro will these have basements these will have basements we usually try to build them so that the main floor is can sustain the family as they get older everything on the main the laundry bathroom bedroom and so forth and then uh the basement would be for extra bedrooms and probably the utility yeah good sounds good and like I say we do have a family that wants to liveing good you and we're planning to put her in a home starting start building now and hopefully get her in the home this spring okay good that's great I guess the question I would have is what is the process this point can you can you approve the the splitting up the lot or is there any other steps we have to take well I mean yeah we can we can approve the splitting of a lot and then moving forward with that I mean is there is there anything else with that that we know just that part wasting okay questions all right does anybody else have any more questions I do not it was just you had questions about the cost PID for the utilities and the alley is there's enough room on the Alley evidently and and it goes far enough past the properties we're fine that way it might need a little more gravel yeah well it's going work yes the city's been plowing it up far as the neighbors y yeah we've been well the Public Works been pushing it West on the I think into that tree area there while all the way to the tree line currently yeah and there was a small pile of gravel at the tree line just whatever one of the neighbors up there had kind of Tak a smoke Gard tractor and Dr it back on only way this last year nice good well we can uh make a motion to uh or you guys want to make a motion to split the lots and I mean they've answered all the questions I'd make the motion that we approve this split of the Lots so we can get going with this and can Contin continue on forward so we we can get the Habit that for Humanity in there and school and everybody and get them all get them all going second second motion approved all in favor I oppos all right motion Carri all right well putl the Lots there no you're good thank you all right new business Mar if you would uh I'm sorry step up to the yeah just so people at home can hear you good evening my name is Summer uh I am here because um I am requesting the permission to have my conrete apron um replaced we had it poured a couple years back and um after the first winter uh it cracked and um the top like all popped off um which is unfortunate sstone then came out and stated that it was a bad load of concrete um sure and then uh they were going to replace it uh this spring or I guess just this past um July and uh we were informed that if the apron was taken up that we couldn't replace it because it was too close to the property line um and and when it was poured we were unaware that that was an issue um and so that being said um I am I guess requesting that I I don't want to make it any bigger I would just like to fix what is currently done um so that it doesn't detor any further did you guys have a building permit originally we did not have a building permit originally um at that time it was I guess under the understanding that it was a part of the driveway and it wasn't needed since it was a driveway portion and do you know how much over you are or how closer you are to the property line we are are approximately 12 in from the property line set well yeah the setback so anything has to be within 5T correct of the property line so are you saying that your concrete is within four feet or is it like how much over is it how much the setbacks are from the property line 5T to where the edge of your concrete can be how far so we have 12 in of grass from ourr yeah I mean I went up there 12 so if you go back to the setbacks what is that that's it won't work for you to go back to the setbacks because if if we allow you to put new in now ask your setbacks the neighbors it's all everybody's going to say well they did it we can do it you know it's going to cause a lot of trouble so if we were to take it out then wouldn't would be no point putting it in that's I'm yeah so and that's what I that's why I asked if you had a if you had a building PR permit before and they and it was approved then you know we could possibly do a very ins on that but being that there was never a building permit done then it's kind of hard to replace what's there so in other words if it's if it gets removed you can't replace it so the only way it would be able to stay now is if it stays the way it is if that makes sense um because like like Jason said if we you know within 12 inches of your property line we let you guys do it then you know Joe down the street well you gave it to them why can't you give it to us and that's that's one of the problems that we're facing is a lot of stuff wasn't done correctly and that's why we're trying to make sure that everything is followed if that makes sense there's not room for you to move it over the four feet that it's over I mean that's not possible or I mean there's is there room between your house and the four feet that you could move it over four feet or no the concrete yeah no so the concrete is what right up against your house so the concrete is is an inner um it's an interior lot and then it it's right up against the driveway so we have got a two-car garage and then was so that in the summertime we could park the boat next to the garage okay so the Aon is on the other side of your driveway correct so we could still use the garage and park the PO in the driveway so that's the apron is what's encroaching the so it's the property line Y yeah yeah and then in the winter our daughter could park in the driveway rather than in the streets we just went through all the ordinances and everything so can can you okay this G to sound dumb but um can you put it on the other side of the driveway or or what what kind of how big is your sidey yard there the side yard um it would be if we put it on the other side it's directly in front of the house so aesthetically it wouldn't look very okay okay I see okay so you got your house over there GES here the way she has it now I mean it looks it looks good it's just the only problem is it'sing up against the property line and that's the only problem is that within 5 feet of the property line the setbacks is where everything has to be clear you can't put anything in there and we just dealt with this up on what 11th Street where we had to go up and make him rip all his stuff out before he laid concrete down so I don't know never would have gotten put in the first time if there had been a building permit that concrete never would have been there the first time because somebody would up and told you where your setbacks are and they staked it out Jason would have done it or whoever at the time so I I just I don't know guess my question to you is what at that time was there a building permit needed for a driveway yeah you always have to have a building when you're doing concrete work whatever you're concrete sidewalks improv to the house Improvement to the exterior of the house that has to be like if you rip up your concrete uh sidewalk you gotta put in a new one to to do that now um you know you can you can apply for a building permit um and then you know request a variance in that and then you know come back that way but as of right now I just I don't think it's I don't think it's feasible quite yet well I don't think it will be because I don't think so either I mean it's so far not right yeah like I said it looks good but yeah it's just too close to the property sets put for a reason but yeah I mean you can leave it the way it is for now and leave it but if you remove it then you won't be able to add back to it okay so then I guess my a follow-up question that I would have for you folks would be um it's my understanding that you could have gravel um in that area correct like it could be gravel or grass like right up against the property line we can have grass I about the gravel yeah the gravel is gravel since it's movable or whatever um but in my Covenant it's Swanson Heights one it's not allowed gravel so would gravel be allowed we have to look at that we have to look at those covenants to see if that would be allowed um we have those okay we' have to look those up have to counil can you hear me great yeah so I think question was was it was the question to me I'm not sure if it was sh go ahead sure sure okay yeah yeah well so the covenants I mean there are a number of neighborhoods that have covenants recorded against them the city is just one of the parties that can enforce the covenants covenants are like contract and so anybody that lives in the neighborhood can actually enforce the covenants um whe whether it's the city or another home owner that says say you're not complying with the covenants all of those folks theoretically have the ability to say have to comply you know typically um in a situation like this where you've got some concrete L that may not comply City Cod on it doesn't um you know normally what one of the council members said I I agree with and that is that normally you would say let's fix the problem here let's apply for the building permit should have been applied for and then if a variance is required for for where it is let's try and get that I don't know that that's possible here I don't know what the justification would be right I mean for variance you have to have some justification for getting the variance I don't know what it would be in this situation but I mean that would be the remedy or else REM is quite candly to St obviously concrete cutting is a thing uh you'd have to remove some concrete um and that that may be the remedy as well I'm not sure what the home owner would want to do but you know um that the city is not at this point in position we've just adopted a new subdivision and Zoning code I don't think we're in a position to just ignore that I the plan the city's plan the council's plan as I understood it was we're going to set some rules now that are a little bit more followable we're going to expect people to follow them and so I think this is an example where you sort of have to you sort have to do that so that's my two cents so the way like you said the way the covenants work is your neighbors can come in and say this isn't allowed sure and then it wouldn't be allowed um so yeah I think at this time I mean you know we can't approve the replacement of the concrete um you know and according to the Covenant you can't have gravel right so if you put it there and somebody came in and said hey can't have that then you'd have to remove it um how wide is that concrete apron you know okay so if you cut it you'd only be left with like two is yeah yeah um yeah I mean the only thing I can think of is you know apply for building permit apply for variants you know see if we can't try to work together um NE neighbors would have to agree to it Y and the neighbors would have to have to agree on the the variance um and then we can go that route like a well your neighbor would have to you'd have to approach your neighbor and then they'd have to agree to let you do that there it would be their choice sure because they're your neighbor like an e yeah a little bit I think so yeah you're encroaching on the easement okay so okay all right so it's kind of where we're at okay would that be something like um written or what usually something written yeah um notorized you know something where it's legal that he's or she is authorizing to do and then like the like uh Bob said justification on why this needs to happen so all right any more questions no that's all I had all right all right thank next up Sue scandin hello everybody my name is SC I live on Avenue and um we need to have parking only on one side of the street because streets over there aren't very wide and if a fire truck needs get through there they're going to be doomed because um a lot of times you got cars on both sides of the streets and you can barely make it through so I was wondering if you would approve of putting up a sign that says parking only on one side of the street well I think we can send the city maintenance guys down there it makes sense to me if there's not room for a fire truck to get through yeah that's dangerous yes it is very dangerous absolutely so I think it's something we'll just address for the city maintenance man to go down and check it out maybe make some measurements make sure you know because if it's like you say you're parking on both sides and you can't get through there and then in the winter time we got people that are ice parking out there all the time so then snow PL can't get by you know clean out the road good and then that makes it sort of dangerous also so yeah so you have to decide which side would be better to park on put no Park this side of the street is this what was the address defitely have look you can't have that that's huh yeah we can definitely have Jason and and Todd go up there and take a look at that try to figure out what side of the street works best you'll know where I live when I tell you about my next complaint next to us Jun they we'll have them check in into that while they're down there too take some pictures and well the thing of it is they've got when we had that one storm a long time ago and the guy that used to live there passed away and then I don't know actually who's living in there now but one of the sheds caved in and they mattresses and crap playing all over and then they got this sort of like a hay wagon sitting there too right on the line you got mattresses and and stuff and that and then you got those nice little cats that are coming around you know and in breing so we got more more cats running well I think both of your complaints are legitimate we will have them go down there and take a look at both and if we have to we'll send them a letter to clean up the junk oh I don't think that'll happen it's been like that for well we got a little more teeth in the uh ordinance now if we'll take pictures and then we'll send them a letter and if they don't proceed with that then the sheriff will deliver them I know of know that whoever lives there was but I bet came by five 10 times well okay we're going to we'll take care of it there's in it yeah because you know the thing of it is too he doesn't moard right and then you got to look at that when you're etinger exactly disgusting well yes I want to personally thank you because we need more people from around town if they have a problem like that to step forward and let us know so we can enforce the ordinance so I brought it up one other time a meeting you well I not since I've been on but I don't think you were on either but uh like said we just re went over our whole ordinance and so we're hoping that we had people that looked it all over made changes and so we have a we passed a new ordinance and now the I think all the stuff was in the paper about if you know if you have a complaint give it to us we'll send them up there take a picture we'll give the letter to them from the city if they don't do something then we'll just turn it over to the sh so I think it'll go a little better now we got a little more teeth not very to look at actually I think the last time I was here I think I said to the mayor that well maybe you could put up a fence for us we'll have Jason and Todd take a look at it and document it and we'll go from there and then I have another thing to me we had had a we live in a mobile home a very nice mobile home um and we had the city put in the new water meter and the D thing leaked and it was a slow Le so then it leaked our living room and our kitchen is all in one you know so then when you come down to go to our bedroom at the end that's right where itak we have covered there so then I got and so J has been very very good treating me well and everything but um the thing of it is it's old and it's in darn good shape but it couldn't match it up to what we had and then of course the city Insurance G said I didn't like her at first she was not very nice that's the second point but um she kept telling me well you're never going to get full price out of it and that's all she give me was half price and then uh and then she said to me well why don't you turn it into your home insurance well it why should I have to turn it into my home insurance when it wasn't my fault you know and actually it was getting pretty bad because I had R City fling came out and replaced it now it's all in it looks very nice but thank God we kept our Lum on because we have the laminate over the Lum when put it in the first time for us and thank God or we would fell through that's how we it was getting the floor so I was wondering my insurance company did take over and help it was cost $6,600 some dollar for to get they couldn't match up to the what we had in there because it was older and um I was wondering if um you could talk to your insurance company I have to pay $1,500 out my own pocket for something wasn't my fault and that makes me sort of mad I don't who we contact for that but we'll have to give it make a note of it and look into it for sure yeah that works I've never had any success with insurance companies no but still it wasn't our fault you know and then you know and then well then the day she came she says oh she say you beautiful place back here which is just completely different from when I got on the FL and oh it's just so nice back here and your home is so nice well you know I shouldn't say this but I think out of all the all the mobile homes over there ours is the just come down huh yes yeah s sorry to step in um so I I had a difficult time hearing exactly what the insurance question is but course course the city is insured by the league of cities know yeah I know a lot about how they cover things can somebody repeat maybe somebody at the council Das repeat what the question was and I can maybe give some insight whether the league would entertain a claim about that so so she had um a water meter replaced and in doing so it was leaking and the it was a slow leak so it took a long time slow leak that ultimately ended up happening um city of good use Insurance paid half y of what it cost and she ended up having to replace all of her flooring which was $6,600 and she had to pay a $1,500 deductible on her insurance and she's looking to get something paid back from our insurance oh they did pay half they paid half they did pay half but I don't as though we have should have to pay the 1500 out of our own pocket when it wasn't our fault that happen so they paid 750 our insurance paid 750 no it was 6,000 they paid 3,000 okay 6600 so 6600 our insurance paid 3,300 she was left with a $1,500 deductible for something that she claims that we didn't that we did that makes sense and I I would say I mean I think it's fine the resident ask to do something I you got read reach out to the league I'm fairly confident the league will say that they've settled the claim right a portion of the cost yeah so to and so I'm fairly confident and I'm not being argumentative to the resent but I'm pretty sure that's it's not my call to make but I'm just letting you know in advance I think that's what he'll say oh I'm sure they will but I just thought I'd ask great yeah we can look and see if it was if it was settled if it was settled then yeah well I signed an agreement but okay what was I supposed to do I had floor yes have a good day thank you next Briana Ralph zenki looking to get a conditional use permit for waterproofing Foundation blocks po N concrete driveway partial with a concrete patio Jason CER Jason told me that the driveway cannot CH replace the driveway and it cannot be moved it's right along um l so she did a conditional use permit she filled that out hoping that that was going to because the driveway cannot be moved because it would come into her house you know go to the driveway yes yeah so um this is an example I think again of you know we we're we're improving processes for the city we're all serious about that I think that's great you know this is an example so a resident applies for a zoning related permit a cup in this case but it could be a variance or it could be a resoning or it could be whatever zoning related thing um the city has to process that the city is legally obligated to process that and if we don't it's deemed approved so that's the law in Minnesota I don't love that law but the law says if the city gets an application for a CP or another zoning related approval you have to process it and Grant it or deny it and you have a limited period of time to do that and if you don't it's deemed approved so this this is the kind of application city has to take seriously um even if we include we can't Grant it it's not possible to Grant it we still have to process it and part of the process part of the new zoning subdivision language we have is that every cup gets a public hearing publishing a notice of a public hearing costs money and so typically we charge an application fee to cover those costs and so I'm saying all these words just to let folks in the community know that if you apply for zoning related things that require a hearing there's going to be some cost typically associated with that we have publish Noti so but anyway this in this case there's a c that's been applied for if it's not withdrawn if the applicant doesn't realize that we can't approve it then we'll have to deny it I guess but we have to have a hearing first and then we have to deny in writing we have to give that writing Denial in writing to the applicant those are all state law mandates and if we don't do those things then again the application is being approved so so I'm just laying this out you know not particular to this application necessarily we got to take these applications seriously and ultimately we have to approve them or deny them in writing and give that writing to the thank you yes thanks you're have to excuse minute go the bathroom so what are they wanting to do replace their whole driveway with a new driveway that's my understanding and there's no can or can I don't quite understand this I I don't get it so it says adding 8 by 20 additional concrete so that must be the concrete patio but they're wanting to pour new partial concrete because um the one itot be moved they not no they don't want to move it they just want to replace what's there yeah they want but I thought I thought she had said too close to it's on Charlie Gorman's I went today if Jason's up there and he knows what's able to go or not have to go on partial concrete PA so can they not make the patio can they not extend you know make a big patio oration blocks pour new concrete drive maral with concrete patio but it says right here they're adding 8 by 20 additional cop yeah so that's where the concrete patio I think is back here yeah and then the driveway is this so pouring new concrete driveway partial new concrete driveway so is it going to be the front or the back and then the concrete patio she must be talking to Jason right now so we find out discussion here cup for the waterproofing Foundation Point new partial new concrete with a concrete patio they did the patio it's being replaced because it's all broken apart and it cannot be moved and when that street or when the um driveway was put in it's on old part to it's been there ever since and now it's all cracking and so they want to redo it and it's up against the property line but it cannot go anywhere else otherwise it'll line right up to their front door that's that's what's happening with this so it has to be resurfaced in the same place that it is but it's up against the property line jeez that's just the thing we the first lady that was in here from what I can understand she wanted to pour concrete Beyond the Edge of her garage right correct it comes out and this one here if if the building self is meeting the setbacks the concrete can't be from the edge of the driveway to the street where the driveway is now is at the edge of the property line here's the house garage the driveway goes up to it and there's the line so if they move the driveway to now do a setback it'll come up to their front because there's no there's nothing in between the property line house yeah so the house isn't even making the set that's why okay that's what I was confused on that was a long time ago oh my gosh something like that you almost have to allow them to pour their driveway so that it lines up at the garage door with the garage door right yeah it's just because the building itself isn't meeting the setbacks and it was from before I see I understand now wow well I I got to think that they should be able to do that but what Bob said because the other lady wanted to pour concrete Beyond her the the building itself over to the yard yeah the driveway comes up like this and it comes out like that right this to have a driveway that goes to the right so I guess is what I'm getting here is we have to do a public hearing on this yes because you can't tell somebody that they can't pour a driveway to the garage door the other the first uh lady she wanted to pour get hearing tell her that she'll to come you have to be able to drive that first one to your this was their driveway and they had a thing that come out like way out past standing now this one here is their the house itself has that Longo when when was the house put in there anybody ideas just said before he and I were born oh okay that's what he said just now okay um basically that's we can work with her to do a public hearing or whatever because I mean you have to be able Tove D to yourage to your door I could see if she wanted to go beyond the house like the first lady we had talked with Summer yeah so what did what did Bob say so then we just have to get set up a public hearing we got counil I mean I'm sitting here I've got my iPhone going to talk to you and I've got my computer going to pull up your new uh improved zoning and subdivision ordinance language I guess I I don't know enough from what I saw in the packet to know even what conditional use is being uh applied for so I I actually don't I don't understand what what I don't know the condition use permit would be before to be honest as I sit here now in the normal course the way this works is people come in they say I want to do something and staff says you can't do that unless you get a variance or a cup or whatever they apply for it and then you have a hearing where you ask all these questions I heard a bunch of good questions I mean I I don't have the answers to those questions but I heard a bunch of good questions and so you have a hearing and the applicant the homeowner comes and says this is what I want to do they describe you exactly what they want to do and you say well our code says this um then so you know so that's why you have the hearing you guys are proving Point why you have hearing you have a buch of questions I don't know answers the questions you just asked they're good on um so you have so yeah your code says you got to have a hearing to issue a c and at that hearing I assume we'll find out what this person wants to do exactly and why they need a cup to do it so beyond that I can't really said much I I I don't I candidly I I haven't been able to scroll through the enough to figure out what we're applying for a cup to do so um so anyway so that that's the point of our process is to have people apply for things and then figure out what they want and then decide if we can do it or not no and all of this took place in the time of it being approved when they wanted it done so it was kind of in that little period of not knowing right H yeah okay well we definitely got to work with we got so she needs kind of need a driveway that lines up with her broard you I would say just schedule the public hearing now we're and a half to can we do it for the it's it just kind of makes sense I mean it's basically was grandfather in years ago because they allowed them to do it I don't see how our ordinance now can say well you you know you got to come over in their front yard and come over like this to your garage no I mean pretty basically I think it's been that has been many years been grandfathered in bet there not adding an apron to the side of your existing she's not adding conrete beyond the structure of the home she's just she just replacing her replacing she would bring up well AC Mar I agree with that so again I I had a hard time I'm sorry had a hard time hearing the person at the at the Das but maybe there wasn't anybody explaining it at the Das but um yeah that's right I mean if if I'm not sure how this could require C if we're talking about a driveway to serve an existing garage that does strike me as either being permitted outright or something that's grandfathered so I guess I don't I need to know more I don't want to sound any less educated about this than I already have so I guess I know more about it understand what's going just from what was in the packet I don't think I know enough to weigh on you do get more information well yeah there was no drawing training so we could even see a picture so we could understand right right agre so I mean it's a possibility that it would I mean this wouldn't be necessary right the cup wouldn't be necessary they just resurfacing what's there let's make it easy if we can and I think that Jason his initial response to me was we need to change ordinance we can't do that every timebody comes with because this one here I can understand if she's just lining up her driveway with her garage and the other one wanted to pour concrete 8T past her garage whatever it was then I can understand different to allow her to pour a driveway to get to her garage yeah cuz I don't think this is I don't think we need this I think she just needs to do it's cost money a building permit just to replace what she already has yeah yeah does that sound I just confirm that's all correct I me to the extent somebody has something today that's been compant for X years a lot of years and they just want to replace your inct probably grandfa or probably you said which is that adding interus that isn't meant to be a driveway causes concerns right I mean causes there to be too much impervious and and we have to deal with storm sewer issues so your your instates are all correct that's what I'm thinking so I so I would just say have Jason have Jason reach out to her and tell her this is she doesn't need this and just do a building permit to replace what she already she already has that's good but does she have to get a building permit for the other stuff because she wanted to put on additional 8 by 20 additional concrete that sounds like it's was okay to send off to it was the driveway okay okay okay yeah sounds good wow crazy all right next honey per M St Luke's so what are we wanting to do yes we know we already talked about this back in April that it was potential we could go up to in the basement but at the plans when we submitted building perm in beginning of summer we put one but then when we started the remodeling process decided to go to two after recommendations from construction and all the trades and whatnot so we um sent in a second building permit like end of July mid July um but then the ordinance change we were kind of informed that we needed to do this to make sure we so there still is anything going on in the upper level that's what we were having trouble with because go bement coups a second another building new for the upstairs okay and that that will also be residential up there he going apartments up there as well or yeah that's where we were having trouble with that with the commercial in the in the residential next to two I remember that and it was cuz I remember when when we talked about it it was if it was free space with free will donations it was one thing but if we or not we if you charged for the space then that's where it got commercial right the residential is that correct Bob ask so she's wanting to do add an additional apartment in the basement and then come back later for another cup for the upstairs but as long as she doesn't or it's not a commercial space she would be fine with that is that correct that's you know having looked at this relation to a couple of different proposals from the landowner proposed land owner I'm not sure which um yes that's my recollection is that um the issue of the upstairs spaces was using one part for a potentially for a rentable or a commercial office space and the other part for a commercial indoor Recreation space those were the issues and so to the extent the plan is just to have a downstairs apartment space I don't think we believe that there was any separate sort of zoning approval required to that so if that's what you're asking then I agree with that yes okay as long as it meets all the fire codes to have two apartments down there and there's no issues with any of that there got I suppose the different egress windows for all that I mean I I don't have to see whether there be any problem with that put another apartment in you know I guess I yeah I thought this was Su for upstairs and that's what we were having trouble because it was meeting two residential and Commercial R2 and R whatever came as long as it meets the fire codes I'm good with it so then we we just approve something now or you have a building is this a building we can approve it has been so it I'm sorry no I it has been a building permit it's just that you had all the questions of the upstairs oh okay so it was not appr none of this was pertaining to the upstairs this is just to put a second apartment in down below I don't I don't see why that was be a problem at all yeah I think CC this is a I'm I'm sensitive to this question of sort of what should we approve here what are we being asked to do I think that's an important thing to think about anytime something comes forward so as the building permits my understanding of the system we've got set up is that the county handles that for us right we don't have a city employed building official that issues or doesn't issue building permits so to the extent of building permit is requested the city council does not approve those right and what I've said in the past and I'll say it again you know the building code is really really uh sophisticated you have to be a trained building official to know what the building code requires the city council doesn't weigh in on that the building official does and so to the extent the county is your building official they will grant or deny or whatever building uh uh permits um and do it based on building so I would I would not lay in on building code questions that's not your perview basically it's my understanding that because the first came with one y then the second with two and then the ordinance came into play Jason didn't want to just put it through because it was in the middle of the time that you guys were approving it and it had changed okay so what do they have to do now to correct this anything they got to go back to the county and get another separate I think Jason was just wanting to okay have it okay my understanding I'm not going to speak for him mying is that he wanted it to be okay because of the ordinance being approved the first and then changed right and thein all in the same La so then again we may not even need this right correct I think it was just to State and and to make your questions answered y at first FL that's where we had all the questions was upstairs that's where we were wondering what we were we looked at the board plans understand that at all but if the county issued the permit everything can go through with the county yeah we don't issue any permits did you guys send the the second or the yeah for the second place in the basement did the county approve it they said the city had not approved it yet that was when weed a c and we're supposed to come here okay kind ofe right and I think that was mainly for what was happening because I I know I think originally when we first met we were you guys were talking about possibly two two spaces in the basement so yeah yeah I don't think I don't think at this time I don't think we need the cup we just the pass absolutely as long as the county and the inspectors everything comes in if it's it all needs codes and everything should not be a problem be able to go ahead yeah yeah because we don't we don't enforce that so good to go yeah okay you guys are good working with government well we're in the middle of stuff I guess but yeah so you bet you bet that's that's good okay not necessary yeah I think this so I know I don't know if any of you guys watched the the meeting that I think didn't Lisa you said that to us with the the county yeah yeah so if you haven't watched that I I I recommend watching it um there's another meeting coming up next week um hopefully they'll go into more detail on that but we'll see see what happens um with the policing but okay but wasn't it mainly for two cities Pine Island and buam Mingo so do we hold our stuff until that's done or what they are going back to the board and see if anything can be change sure okay because I know there was a comment where um County taxes were going in and people were paying all their County taxes and then each uh municipality was paying a was it 15% admin fee I think and they yeah okay we'll see what happens there um but then you have some on the board that say well that's not enough it should be higher than 15 y so but you know I mean at the end of the day I mean we're still somebody's got a p yeah we're still getting some good surface I absolutely um yeah they had new Corporal positions created one was uh blue and wal rck so that was good so we don't need toal okay and I she okay I'm going to try to listen Yeahs yeah we were getting them for a while and then we didn't and then we did and yeah it's good see what happens in our community so but the way it sounded in that meeting was outside of that six hours they only respond to felony was that 911 911 yeah so yeah any Council comment concerns well I have a comment to make before we leave that I wanted to make on television uh in behalf of the mayor and the City of goodu if we get any more letters that are not addressed you know and have a return address and a name on them they will just be put in the shredder they will not be opened we're we're not people are not going to take that kind of abuse Terry's went through so much pain right and so if you don't put your name or a return address on there it'll just the letter comes to the city of good it's going in a shredder it's not even going to be open just so they know I agree anybody else got any concerns comments I no more do I motion to well you got the bills in your thing so if you guys would take a look at the bills I don't have any I don't have any bills either not bills but no B yeah here's one here I didn't iine up [Music] Ear does anybody have anything else oh no I do not have for want you can you can uh go ahead and go if you want thank you y thanks Bob thank you good to see you all you too hi this is stes Equipment and supply well that was from the the garage door did somebody run into it or what happened yeah the young okay yeah yeah that did we rent a propane tank from Ripley's oh we maybe did that for when they were put the streets okay sounded like that went pretty well yeah it it did looks a lot a l and here are all the election stuff y looks good to me so did she turn the check over to [Laughter] here4 you better my God a motion to pay the bills so move second I'll second motion approved motion to adjourn okay get this okay good all right thanks you cut your hair ask that what was that about I he yeah because I didn't hear anything about that he usually sends me messages yeah he sends me a lot of messages so you got one okay well I didn't get it about cat here of course but he he had been Electric in there twice this last week oh really oh yeah oh man he and he had he long hair too puppy like what the heck I thought we were