##VIDEO ID:Wzzt0yV7nZY## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay it is 6 o'clock on November 26 2024 we will call the regular council meeting to order we'll start with an open public hearing on the final assessment for the city of goodu and the 2022 4th Street and Broadway Street improvements are there any public comments as far as I was just kind of curious how they came up with a dollar amount per hous on the assessments on that it's based on the the value of the house and how much of theare footage sare footage in the front because they know like Bruce Meers house is worth twice as much as mine and his bill is like $900 and mine is like $900 000 so I'm just kind of curious on how just because they have more Frontage you know his house is 5 years old and mine's 125 years old so just kind of curious on how that works out I wasn't I was present when they did it that was the numbers that the engineer gave us about how they're calculated I just know that it's how much you have on the street and um um that's the extent what I know that was what was agreed to um the values were done at the last you know this is two years oh right right right right so nothing changed it did go down but nothing changed with the way that they calculated okay and then they widened it on this end where my lots are so my Lots got narrowed MH and that wasn't part of the the deal and they went down like 18 in so now I got a burm on my yard in my driveway so it's just kind of a mess I just kind of curious on that why because when they do a when they do a road out in the country you know when they take Farmers land they get reimbursed for the amount of Acres they lose that they so and I was I'm not making a stinker I'm just kind of just want how that worked because it just seemed like a ungodly amount yeah you know for that I'm wondering Lisa if maybe you could put a question in to the city engineer on those questions um the other thing with that um with Bruce Meyer property his house doesn't sit on a whole front it's his driveway I'm wondering what is the um the side on each side of his driveway how how wide that was on the Bruce Meer driveway because it sits tucked back so that's a little bit kind of a yeah he has 22 feet yeah is that what is 22 feet and what yours I have no idea what my total front is three lots or two two two lots okay so it's got to be 300 feet probably yeah the engineer had another oh okay no I'm surprised nobody else was here I there was a lot of talk with that street there was a lot of people it's been a battle with that whole street for a long time and I thought that most of that had gone away after they redid the street I thought everybody was satisfied that's the first well I'm not really complaining I'm just kind of wondering how came up with that dollar amount right well this is the final assessment it takes that long for that to come through this is the final final Final yeah so if we're looking at $100 a month for the next seven years that sounds pretty good for $99,000 try you can try so Lisa do you have any questions for Mr ramble no I have it you're questioning how it is calculated drop down now you have a burn and then you um questioning the the W How It Came Upon that so those are what I'm ask because it widened on this side right it widened on the west side yeah yeah then on the end where it was mostly widen like 13 feet they never widened it one bit Yeah I wonder if that had anything to do with like the RightWay easement the city home I don't know and the fire Hy is down there and a lot of water shut offs too really messed up okay I'm in the book I actually got a idea sure be sure to sign in do you have any other questions for us no okay did I get a motion to close the public hearing I make a motion to close the public hearing second second all those in favor I opposed motion carried we'll call the Eda meeting to to order Mr kefir so what we're working on right now is to put together the new configuration for the goodu Eda and and I have down the forms and I was going to give those to you tonight but that's going to be saved for the December 11th working session so basically anybody who's interested is going to be able to go online and they will be able to fill it out as to why they'd like to be a part of the Eda and then um U so what we're going to do is December already has something going up in the utility bill so we going to save this for January so then what we'll do is we'll open it up for people to to fill it out in January and then at the end of January what we'll do is we'll be able to make a decision um because once we have the people who are interested it then becomes the mayor and the city council to appoint and approve uh the members for the Eda and just to let you know too this we need two members from the city council so if that's going to be the mayor and one city council member or it's two City Council Members so just to kind of let you know that but so I'm really thinking by probably by February we'll be going to be able to have our first meeting where we have three people from the community at large that'll be a part of the Eda so the other thing I wanted to talk to you about is I have left two messages well I sent an email to C C courts regarding the pickle ball court condition and he did reach out back to me an email and he said you know there's not much to do right now but we'll have to take a look at him the spring so I called up and left him a message and said I don't want to wait until the spring um the condition is now and I want us to to make some decisions uh I have not heard back from him yet but I did leave him two voicemails so I'm to find out soon um but bottom line is he understands that we're we're not pleased with the condition of it well that was a lot of money for a short period of time absolutely there's actually more there's actually more breaks in it than there were when it was tennis courts well and if and if he waits until Springtime to look at it it's going to be much more damaged so what I did is I took pictures and I took videos of it and then I put them into a Google Drive and sent them to him so he's got them I included you too on that yeah so we've and I've got Jason included on it as well um so now there's he he's seeing it and I like those those cracks weren't there when it was a tennis court so you know and I just told him I said all I can tell you is you said you're going to take care of you were going to prep the court I don't know what that really meant but I don't it was prepped right no no so no so we're going to stay on top of this um because we did send the second the final payment as well yeah yeah so that this is something that's going to stay in the works here and I just want him I want them to make a commitment before we get into the winter so that they understand what it looks like well if they wait till the spring then they're going to have to replace probably a lot more yeah and they won't they won't be able and right now they wouldn't come out and replace it I just want to make sure that we get some type of a decision right from them before and not just to say well this is what the winter does you know I played that many pickleball courts that the winter didn't do this to it have you um cced the City attorney on this I have not no I I included the but I did right now it's a good really good point but um it was Lisa and Jason I had on gave you access to the to where the files are that's a good point I think you should let him know in case that this goes further than that um Winter's a long time in Minnesota people tend to forget so keep him a breast so he knows what's going on place we will do that yeah otherwise I'm looking forward to all having people starting to build the form and uh you give that to them it's just that since they haven't had it before they can simply look at it and be more prepared for it okay sure it's just it's not up for it's just it's a short one but what's nice about it is they fill it out online all the replies come right back to me and then we I can put it together from a from a spreadsheet and then that's what I want to share with you that would be probably uh well probably be at the beginning of February is the work because at that point we can then take a look at people and and then start you can start to have your discussions at that time I was impressed I really like the QR code I mean this is the wave of the future it is we we need to get on top of QR codes because we're going to be left behind if we don't use that technology I amazed at how many people even people who are 40 and 50 years old it's all on their phone and that's how they communicate oh everything so we kind of got it set up perfect either way okay that's good thank you it's short to sweet but that's and we just want people to take a you know put a little thought into it as to why would they be interested so excellent okay we'll call the regular meeting to order stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay approve we need to approve or amend the agenda changes I'll make a motion to approve the agenda did I get a second I'll second all those in favor I opposed motion carried thank you um request to approve the minutes from November 13 2024 city council work session meeting went second all those in favor I opposed motion carried thank you thank you a request to approve the consent agenda the healthc care renewal for 2025 2025 CA contract renewal facade Improvement grant program agreement for State Building Code administrator with goodu County city of goody you prosecution Services renewal for 2025 resolution 2422 certifying special assessments to the county for pass due utilities 2025 final Levy in budget amending and restating and enabling resolution 2421 establishing The goodu Economic Development Authority resolution 2418 city of goodu resolution adopting assessment for 2022 Fourth Street and Broadway Street Improvement project I'll make a motion to approve the consent second all those in favor I I opposed motion carried thank you any old business move on to new business approve the resolution 2420 lion request for offsite gambling permit for December 7th that is for their Christmas that's okay so we did get back in contact with him and figured out exactly he redid that I went through that I read that I I'll I'll can I get a second second all those in favor all right motion car oh opposed motion carried thank you um request from the good U JC's to approve a temporary off-site liquor license for December 7th 2024 um Mr rwer is here today um there was a little bit of a confusion on sub mitting the application um they are aware that um if the council goes ahead and approves this there's no guarantees that it's going to get back in time but we're going to we're hoping that it will so that's why that's on so he submitted that as well he has also laid out um what they would be serving as far as um again a reminder for the Christmas um festivities in town on December 7th so they'll have German beer they'll have wine um they have different loggers and then they also have um he just listed a bunch of different ones and they anticipate selling approximately 60 to 70 drinks they serve about 50 people this the same we went through this last year and you guys changed it and we then it was all fine right because at first you were going to do like a hard liquor and we couldn't do it that was a couple years years I thought we straighten all this out so no it is all straightened out it's just that it didn't get here this license didn't no it didn't come to us it was just an oversight on the JC's part and so um you know it's certainly up to the council the council can approve this so we can move it on send it up to the state and we're just hoping that it's going to get back in time they do understand that there's a risk to that but so if it doesn't come back in time we would just not have do something alol well I'll move that we get it sent for you guys because we straightened that out a couple years ago I didn't think it a yearly thing I have come back every year but I just thought because a couple years ago they were going to do hard liquor or something then we wouldn't allow it and then switched format yeah went fine yeah okay I'll and it's all beers okay so could I get a second I'll second all those in favor I I opposed motion carried thank you we will keep working on that so that's all we need from you Mitch Mitch you want to give that to Lisa so she has a copy as well yep thank you okay I did make perect thank you all right next on the agenda is um to approve the driveway permit form okay so I got to go in to revise it great is that all in compliance with the the current and the new ordinance what it is is because there is no um there is no ordinance saying that you have to have a driveway permit so therefore we can't charge one the thing that we're doing is we're doing the form to say that we have documentation that somebody is doing it and if they don't contact us because it's in the zoning ordinance three different ways that you must contact the city then there is a non um uh filing with the city fee but that's only if they do it without contacting us okay so otherwise we have to have a whole new ordinance but it's listed three separate places in the zon ordinance that you have to contact the city so this is only if they put one in with without contac us then we can initiate a fine for not doing so but otherwise the form is just the form so somebody drives up to Jason when he's out on the street and say somebody's doing that he can say yes we know that we so that's purely what it is y so again it's about the processes and making sure that um we've got good documentation with it too as well so could I get a motion to approve the driveway permit form I so move all those in favor I opposed motion Carri thank you next on the agenda approve the amendment to ordinance 136 establishing a Gas Utilities Commission okay and that was just it to open it up to be had to be out people customers customers customers okay not just residents so any Gas customer and changing the end time from the middle of the year to December 31st right those are the only two changes I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 136 establishing Gas Utilities Commission our second all those in favor I opposed motion carried next on the agenda is to approve the resolution 2423 adopting the 2024 goodu County Hazard mitigation plan in order to be included in the plan you have to accept this resolution go they did all of the work uh we submitted our parts good you to be covered in the future for any possible issues we have to pass this resolution to be covered I move that we pass this resolution 2423 I get a second second second all those in favor I I opposed motion carried any Council comments IES no well yeah they did that get a hold of that the person that was on first and third and they said they made him aware of his tree so that that was my comment last time we were Jason and I literally driving around something else and he said he's home and he's he I was going to go knock on his door one time because that that Branch it's not if it's gonna fall it's when it's GNA fall consider I that land on somebody's cars yeah so do you think do you think he'll do it I would guess otherwise the city will do it somebody laugh I mean it's it's not even leaning like that it's h it's straight yeah in the whole center of the tree is gone it's Ro completely gone yeah so it's it's danger danger any other counil comments hey mayor comments I have nothing at this point I know you find that shocking people yeah the first time okay there are no other so we need a motion to pay the bills I'll make a motion to bills did you have a question no I got through them the other night I I didn't see anything that okay okay so Chris made U Mr Schmid made a motion to pay the bills I get a second all those in favor I opposed motion carried did I get a motion to adour the meeting so all those in favor I I opposed motion carried thank you Ming journ at 62 our our last meeting was e