##VIDEO ID:kbqZMK7Ib8Y## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we like we are okay it is December 17th 2024 5:30 pm we'll call the regular meeting to order stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible lice for all okay I get a motion to approve or amend the agenda so I a second second all those in favor I opposed motion carried okay request to could you sign in please where right there there thank you request to approve um the minutes from the December 11th 2024 city council work session meeting motion to approve December 11 session second all those in favor I opposed motion carried thank you um request to approve the consent agenda on the consent agenda this evening is to approve the snowplow bid selection approve the 2025 fee schedule approve the 2025 Cola increase approve City administrator status change and approve the updated Personnel policy make a motion to approve the consent agenda I get a second all those in favor opposed motion Carri to approve the consent agenda any old business no okay new business see Mr lurin right there sir go to the podium yeah what's wrong with just sitting right here I can hear you no you if you're going to speak you need to go to the podium I'm sorry Craig don't have to be sorry what's up you guys wanted to see me so you requested to come before the city council yeah after I got some crazy letter into me well this is your time to speak you have five minutes to speak on that if you so choose yeah I don't understand what uh prompted you to uh tell me I don't know you don't like stuff in my yard or something you know I don't think it's a matter of um we we adopted new um codes for this year those were in the making for the last year and so with those come changes and with also with those there are things that are not grandfathered in so therefore um hence that is why I believe that the letter was sent correct the same way as all the rest of the complaints that have come in well I again I thought this got resolved two years ago when I got a citation overturned in County court with uh uh a meeting before we I went just in in front of the judge with your somebody from uh your legal department and I was told I wasn't going to have any more trouble with city of goody well back in trouble again I don't know you know I'm working on my house when I can do it I have been for 34 years and I'm not going to stop and you know give me a variance or something I mean I'm not moving anything I don't have any place to put it I'm not putting it out a lot somewhere so people can uh vandalize my stuff or whatever I need it I have plans for it a lot of money sitting there it's the only place I got to put it and I don't have you know I can't be running around when I want to build something or something you know it's my side yard been doing the same thing for 34 years you know I don't think anybody's worked on their house more than I have and uh I was the first one into this neighborhood to start fixing it up as a matter of fact and uh so I take exception and I I guess next thing is you know we go to council so that's that's all I know Lisa do you have anything else you want to but I'm not I'm not going to stand for the cops uh coming to my door like they did before beating on my door and I don't even you know what did I do wrong and somebody's beating on my the cops at my door with uh bulletproof vests on and stuff you know uh I'm not taking that anymore I've been working on that uh particular corner for 34 years I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing and it it doesn't work out being agreeable with the city council I'll have to find councel and then I probably will only go through Council for any upcoming things that I need a permit for and that's where I'm going to do so thank you very much if that's it I got other stuff to do okay thank you thank you very much Craig for coming in we appreciate it okay Mr R here okay resolution 2424 approving appointment to the Joint Powers executive board for the north zumro sanitary sewer district that would um Lisa will be representing the city as the new city administrator to the north somro sanit ter Sewer District and Jason will remain the same as the um Public Works director he also has the ability to vote on any issues that come up at the board if Lisa is unable to be there so they would be regularly attending those meetings and whatever else is needed so we just need an approval on the resolution oh so I need to do a roll call vote so does anybody have any questions first so you were on this first correct and what happened well it it really is a city administrator's job to do that and fulfill I know that but you were second yes you were listed second other yes but Jason needs to be on as the public so there was discussion about it at first and we talked about it at the board meeting and it was really up to the Council on how you know they wanted to do that and I just think it's it's in the best interest of the City that Lisa be there learn about the north zro Sanitary District Jason can help her because all the other City administrators you know I went because we didn't have a city administrator and so it just is uh that's the normal flow of things okay I'll certainly be available for Lisa if she has any questions about the nor Umbro I'm sure I'll be visiting with the um our legislators and Senators but I'll be doing that as a citizen and writing letters on behalf of the city of good you any other questions okay Joe yay or nay yay yay Patrice yay tress Jason yay yay and I also vote yay therefore be passed and adopted the 17th day of December 2024 okay all right next on the agenda resolution 2425 to approve the pheasants forever um lg220 raffle permit and I'm assuming that must be in February that's usually when they have the pheasants forever March March oh March 1st they moved it a little bit H okay so I'll make a motion to approve the presence forever permit marchs 202 second okay so Lor will you please note on the um who made the Motions the first and second all those in favor I opposed motion carried thank you um approve to repeal and replace ordinance 157 with ordinance 2011 the parking this is what we we discussed that was that little piece that was missing okay and so Lisa has been the city administrator has been in contact with you not have a current one yesterday's delivery oh so um Lisa correct me if I'm wrong but she had um conversations with Bob he's already looked it over um everything that has been put into place okay but and he indicated that we doing this we new number that's adop this move teres made the motion did I get a second all those in favor I oppos motion car thank you very much Council comments mayor comments I have nothing at this time are there any other so motion to pay the bills um is that on the same date as did they yeah sometimes they fix that street down there for us Frozen the ground was frozen and so they need an extra to get giss that I'm not aware of probably came to us and geted I'm sure they bill because I thought I saw that on the gas commiss do you have check have the inv there to say what it is you can always make the motion to pay the bills with the exception until there's verification on what that's for it can she'll find it 10 seconds yeah perfect any motion to pay bills all those oh second all those in favor carried okay so unfortunately we're at the end of our meeting to adjourn so um we not here when we got yeah I thought I was 5:30 not 4:30 it's 5 530 second one's on so anything else also no can I get a motion to adjourn make a motion to adj I get a second second all those in favor I osed motion carried thank you history yeah I know they're getting shorter just what I e e e for