##VIDEO ID:sRQ1N3zKtrQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e this is stuff I don't think we need it what I don't want to read it from Rees all this yeah that's just the that's just all the pieces and parts you got go through that one one that's all up here anyway you p is Page huh P just a quick reminder counil that that request to approve the consent agenda there'll just be one motion so look them all over because when we get to that we'll say can I get approval to motion to approve the consent agenda cuz those are all the things that we discussed at the work meeting work meeting okay so they're all in the packet is the whistle blown here you go ask and you tell we go [Music] do you want me to wait to start I can see us you can see us okay it is September 25th 2024 6:00 we will call the Eda meeting to order Mr keeper micone okay so good news pickle ball courts are completed and um one of the things I wanted to I was with Jason today we went out and we made sure the the Nets are at the proper height today so that's done um one of the things he shared with me what some people had had shared with him and some of them had said we wish you would have put more courts well so just so that you're informed in case someone asks you um that both people who came for the bid said that the pitch in the middle was too much and that's why we didn't put a third set of Courts on there and um the other thing was to put more courts on would have cost between 15 and $220,000 more and it just wasn't in the budget so I just wanted to make sure that you were informed about that in case somebody brings it up to you okay and then um but we did talk about how in that Center area it's a nice spot where you can putot benches and I don't know if this um you know in the other Parks you have a number of people who have donated benches in memory of people or whatever so that's certainly a possibility otherwise you know we can work with Jason or work with the school district or however you want to move forward with that but it would be nice to put a couple of benches on each side for people that are waiting um and then what was the other thing oh the other thing too is one of the things to work on for next year is to start working on the wind screen that would go up but at the the same time use as an opportunity for people for advertisement and the reason I like that idea is simply because that money could then go into a pot and that could be used for maintenance or other things so that we don't have to come back to the city council for things down the road unless they're really major so that could be a great opportunity for people to advertise and that money would be stay right there in those courts and help maintain them so I think that could be a great opportunity for companies and businesses and good who um and then the other thing I just wanted to bring up with we're going to do um an October Eda work session um this will be really beneficial as we start to look forward at um put together resolution and bylaws and those things as we move for forward with a little different makeup for the Eda and U and we'll do that at the work session in October um and then in October my community days will be the same as they normally are the two Wednesdays that we have work session and we have the council meeting so with that that's what I have right now I can share with you that we had um I shared I'm trying I'm trying to think of who it was through I can't remember the group but I shared it with the lady that I met with is it fton fron anyway yeah her and her husband are going into daycare and so there was um I had resources for for existing daycares and also for startup day cares that they might be able to apply for Grants so I shared that with her and I said if you can share this with other people who are in existing daycare in goodu right now please share it with them so up to them might be some resources there financially to help them um so they got that and then I also shared with the school district that there is a it's the rural Child Care initiative planning opportunity it's not necessarily about grants but what it is about it's about like school districts or communities coming together with people to discuss what are the needs and good you and looking down the road going okay how can we meet the demands that are going to be there in the future once people understand what the demands are then at that point we might be able to look to see how can grants for revolving door fund are Lo funds or any other type of resources are available can be applied to help out in good use situations because it's there isn't a community right now anywhere that isn't struggling with daycare it's the number one number one concern in every community and what I like about this one is it's a rural so it's focusing on smaller towns um but it is like it's like a 18 to 24 month commitment it's really really about bringing people in and putting together a process with with resources to support the people out the community and it's really about daycare people it's about school district people it's about business people within the community it's the whole goal is just to create this huge Think Tank to help come up with the best possible solution moving forward because if I remember right I think goodu has a couple of day that are looking at retiring we got one coming in but it's still going to be still going to be a huge huge need for the future so any questions or anything else and whenever I get stuff that comes across my table I'm I'm sending it out to the to people you know um um I'm sorry I'm forgetting the name but the gal who is expanding her prince Jo Joan there we go Joan and so I I sent her resources from good Hue County and whenever something comes up like that I just keep giving them information and and then hopefully there's something there that can help support them so we are trying to guide her in a direction where she might possibly get some help yeah it's the County right now the only help I could find for her was through the county could you County and so I gave her the resources that were there then it's really about her searching to see you know which ones are going to fit her needs best okaying to the building is the owner of the building this information so part of it is you're right yeah so part of it is if you don't own the building then you have to have the approval of the person who good anything else for talk I hope hope the pickle ball courts get used I've seen several people on them throughout a variety of times during the day okay so they're getting used okay thank you for all right can I get a motion to close the Eda meeting so move all those in favor I I opposed motion carried we'll call the regular counc meeting to order stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay motion to approve the minutes from the September 11th city council work session reading I get a second second all those in favor I I opposed motion carry thank you um did I get a motion to approve the consented agenda so move second all those in favor I oppos motion carried there's no old business new business need to approve the resolution the final change order and pay application for the Fourth Street and Broad Broadway Street project it was from Mr um Fitzgerald It's the final one final final projects complete the next step is giving assessment R hear which I'll be working with and it was a reduction in cost I don't have that in my packet which one I'm going to just look with you okay that's a lot of money yes so what page is that at what does it look like the fin on this oh on the on the front Okay okay there you go sorry at Le all the numbers are you you visited about that he gave you all the numbers pretty much just submitted this is the final done motion the only no resolution do those funds then come out of our general fund they do because we were paid for them up front it's just taken two years from since the last payment to get to this yeah and then the assessments will be done and then when that money comes in from the assessment it'll be put into this one um that's uh specifically for the street and then future Bond payments will come out that so that final payment is the 94 13804 yes I'll make a motion to pay the final 94,3 and4 bill payment I get a second I'll second all those in favor I opposed motion carried thank you um Council comments anything Council came in yesterday that was a consent agenda aing came in a gaming um I'm sorry I didn't have that on my agenda did we get a different agenda yeah right here there yeah I don't have it online anything changes well I did pick up everything but it wasn't there okay here December 14th that's the annual one isn't it they have it every year yes so could I get a motion to approve the resolution for an off-site gambling permit for Alliance for December 14 move second all those in favor I oppos motion carried is that the last thing on that agenda yep okay any Council concerns I don't um I think the only not really concerns more of a comment um the some of the kids from the good new school may be attending some Council meetings and work meetings for their government class so just so we're aware anything else do we have any update on on the uh stuff from the police department he came back last week to look at it again and he's going to submit pay proposal he has not yet he to come back and look at it again because he was looking at some of the things that were uh one-offs batteries chargers he's trying to find people who might be interested in and uh he was getting more people cont cu the police chief has been calling every day so yeah came back again last went through it all again anything else I have uh nothing ready yep I don't have anything you want under other um the only thing that I have is um the sale of the blade that they found at the wastewater treatment PL The Grapes it's sold for 3550 and which is much higher than what we all kind of thought um so that um what I asked is what can we use that for um and they indicated a bucket for the loader that they just got would be helpful for snow plowing and we reduce their time out snow plowing for the purchase of a bucket I think we opted out on the bucket when we first went with it we went with the pet Forks y right so that is a what I would recomend what's the bucket cost it is $2300 along with now that we're done with the pick I gathered all the receipts that we need to finally pay or use of the C money so with everything that's been spent and everything that we received that we have a $ 4,456 remaining balance so I asked Jason is there a another attachment for this loader that we can use because that was approved to be used for Co money that would um lessen the time staff time to to uh pay them to do something and he said he suggested a grapple which is the to be able to pick up if we have all of this the tree damage and the clean up that happened with the storms you be able and it would go on the same bucket that was with and so that between um um the bucket the grapple the hitch all of that stuff will take up these two remaining balances to be able to get prepared cut down staff time and use money that we otherwise we wouldn't be um taking out of the general so I recommended um that we use those money that we have remaining to equip them with what they need in order to be more efficient will he be going to load my ears to get those he has a quote for for all the stuff that um he sent to me today because this literally just happened um obviously the sale of the blade happened on Sunday so we've been talking about days wow yeah good wow well I think in the essence of time because you never know when Winter's going to come and then our next meeting we could go ahead and approve that make a motion to approve the purchase so if they have to order it well they had um the bucket RoR and the it they said it could be here in a week um ordering it to be able to get that and and again these are these are funds that are not cutting into anything else I mean if you wanted to do it now you could knowing that it's co money that we need to get it in we need to submit and we need to get it so return it I me so you could do motion today you felt comfortable so I would make a motion to um use the $3,550 from the sale of the blade and the remaining Co dollars to purchase the grapple and the bucket and the hitch and the hitch I'll second that all those in favor I I opposed motion carried thank so on the back here it says in light of the sale of the blade 3550 replacement piece of equipment I approving for purchase would cut down on staff time we received quote 2,300 this and $1,000 for necessary upgraded power tools that was from last month um Power Tool because um we were going to use that money from the sale of the blade we are hoping to get 500 in order to be able to pay for some pantels they have I I bought a pickleball sign and arrived today and I said hey Jason put the pick sign I don't have a drill that works because that's one of the things that in this purchase because he doesn't have anything right now that works so we're trying to get them to where they have equipment so they don't have to keep coming back here while they're out to get things fixed okay and um what other thing um the water issue at the school ree drafted up a recommendation he just sent it to me today about 3 o' I'd like Jason to look at it first before he sends it off to the school he came up with quite a few things that they could try to alleviate the water issue at the school um and I also spoke to uh engineer that I work with in belchester asking if he would be available to give a third party um instead of their engineer against our engineer be a neutral third party look at it to give his recommendations and he said that he'd be able to do that if needed so after the school gets these water um recommendations none of it was underground none of it was it was all things that were drainage um the the slope of the sidewalk the drain you know they have the Landscaping in the Rock um it was all recommendations that he had based on watching the video that the superintendent provided of the water coming up from that Fourth of July rain so before he forwarded it to the superintendent I wanted Jason to read it because he through this offsite a lot to make chance to read it first before we send it over to the school it had several recommendations now their engineer may have a different idea but that's what so so the school engineer hasn't or has weighed in on their side probably he has a certain statement I asked if there was a statement that he has made you know to the council whatever they call it school board he said he has he's just verbally maybe said this is what he thinks may be okay okay well I think they should be able to figure it out well they amongst the two but I don't think there's been anything official this is just my understanding for the future before it reins again right because they're put the new floor in So yeah they better have things under control I don't think they can stand another 100,000 no that's crazy should you have anything else Lisa no okay on motion to pay the [Applause] bills do we have any more life certifications need to be paid out they're kind of expensive they are we didn't know they were coming in so we don't know how many more are coming in no choice that last one the meter leak that was our por that we needed to toties oh that was came in and in their house yeah that was the deductible it came in April but for some reason and that was paid out of that f it says it is because we don't have a police fund anymore do we no we don't absor that into the the Empire that was the that was for the cameras anding quite a bit of issues I need put in my packet that she is just the payroll register that I just had Lor putting into pack it was something that came from the payroll this week you'll be getting it from here on I think it's just useful information for you it's just F action on it right I'll make a motion to pay the bills get a second second all those in favor oppos motion Carri thank you did I get a motion to adjourn all in favor I oppos motion carried thank you do we need a sign I've got a she got it okay whatever year and a make sure make sure are we pleas are we live [Music] we're still live people I don't know push it button all right have a good night e e