##VIDEO ID:zAl0xiCJa6U## [Music] I'm going to call the meeting to order at 603 and because Mr H's here it won't make you wait any longer than you have to and uh we'll go to you first all right for us um I'm just recuperating from a heart attack hear that no I opened my tax bill um and I was floored um my wife did some figures and my taxes went up 35% and so I came in and this young lady here went through some things with me got me print outs on cards and stuff and I'm I'm just wondering I built the house in 80 it's a two-story house always been a two-story house and all of a sudden going to tax me on the second floor that wasn't tax before which it should have been taxed before because it's always been my bedrooms you know um and I look at the sheet and there's been several reinspection um and nothing's ever been picked up until now and it hurts the taxes went up $2,300 so is the new the I think the simplest thing that you can do as you want Dennis I think the simp things to do with file for an abatement oh oh because this is the month you can do that okay I have not seen these two cards you know I'm seeing them for the first time yeah yeah and and I appreciate that um I'm just curious and I mean been in house 44 years and we're just getting taxed on something that was built 44 years ago I can't answer that question I mean it I if that's a reality then it's a reality but I don't even know that that's true but you live this so you may know well I've got a copy of the old well I got two they get I got two here yeah but I've never seen these before okay except for the time that I I was at your house okay um I mean that's her shattering I have no problem paying taxes but when all of a sudden you get a $2,300 increase it's it's it's Earth shattering you know oh I understand um and doing an abatement I don't see how that would correct anything because legitimately I need to pay for livable space correct so wasn't caught my opinion is if it wasn't caught prior to this was cut when you were out was it changed see it doesn't even say you did the cical this year no I think Greg did if I go by the the picture is very different well and see that's the other thing is okay it was caught that you know the second floor but second floor has been there I did take a permit I had a gambriel okay I had constant roof problems I had roofers in they couldn't solve the roof I said fine we're taking it off and as you see according to the picture it's just conventional 612 pitch roof but the card still says gamb r that that's reason enough to file an abatement just to change that I mean we can change it too but you can file an abatement in in in anybody can follow the b in January you know for and and we'll come out and look at it we'll make sure everything is correct well the only reason why I would do an abatement is if it affects monetary value by that I mean you guys got enough paperwork I know what paperwork is all about if you can make that simple everything else is correct on new evaluation that I'm aware of so you've looked at it pretty thoroughly I don't understand a lot of codes but I do you know I've done the math as far as square footage and all that okay okay so all of that is correct okay um it's just like I said you know in previous um it said part of the house or the full roofers the whole roof the whole it was a gamarel barn style well you know what they are you should know what they are but um yeah so we took that off and I put uh Trust on ition place at 612 and when did you do that oh God I'm just comparing the two photos like seven or eight it could have been eight because I was out to your house in 2008 my my initials are down here at the bottom alteration of you got a lot of information on here that I okay yeah right here see I was out there that's when I saw you with your all right it's hard to believe but it was that long ago um but anyways I I guess so we can either make the change or if you didn't a baitman we can go through the whole property card youd submit it with everything all the qualifications that we need with the baitman we would then sit down as a board go through it do a site visit and then make the changes that are necessary or if if you're happy with the change we can we can change I would say I everything else is current uh with this inspection okay other than gambell um like I said you guys got enough paperwork you got enough to do but we want to give you individual attention and I appreciate that but I would be satisfied if you you know go ahead and change the card and okay you know because square footage of the house didn't change other than you know taxable Space versus okay tax I mean I didn't know card have changed at all you know mhm I mean I don't we don't I don't look at every card obviously yeah right I vaguely remember Greg saying something I thought it was you to be honest but it says Greg obviously I think he had chick shoot this year I remember a discussion I just don't remember what it was about the property uh when he was out there it may have been the roof actually now that I think about it um maybe just didn't get change for some reason but we'll pull that up and we'll make that change okay and then Michelle can either excuse me print another card for you or email it to you whatever SE here whatever so you can see the change and yeah I trust you guys you know I so um obviously the shock is yeah well and and for the record it's there are these areas that are overlooked at times yeah I mean it's not just us it's town wide we see it on other departments they see it us it's yeah we're moving hopefully in the right direction to kind of get on top of that yeah um but unfortunately there are scenarios that are like this that talk about sticker shock um yeah she wasn't happy she opened it up and like oh my gosh and I said okay let me let me go in and put this Dennis just looking at this there's more than that that has changed on this yes okay and an extra what's the square footage of 24 by 24 540 or something yeah all right so if you look in the pictures sorry do anything want okay so this is my my garage up above is um finished no it's not finished it's I have a little carpentry shop up there and that's I remember this discussion did you meet Greg out there this year did you to him no no no wife maybe I would venture gu no because she works I remember there was something I remember him saying there was a carpentry shop up there it's coming back to meow I did come in here remember I questioned what what it would cost to build a shed and we went through the whole thing and I said well you I just got a little shop upstairs it's unfinished it's heated but it's it's unfinished so the whole second floor of the garage yes which is 24 by 24 basically yeah that's 576 okay and that's the added increase in addition to the second story of the living space and so describe it to me one more time what's upstairs it's a little carpentry shop I've got my table saw is it he yes it is it finished no is there she she Rock on the walls installation on the walls and it's it but then then the card is wrong we had a discussion about that it may have been when you came in I think the the thing we couldn't confirm is how completed the room was because none of us have been in it right and then I think Greg was because he took I remember I remember the picture changed we had a conversation at some point at one of our meetings yeah I just can't put my finger on why it came up but I did remember the conversation about a we just didn't know how complete that room was remember I I um mentioned to you about my shop above my garage yes and that's where we had the question with Greg right and Greg said it was a finished room okay well I didn't hear that part but what I got back from I believe you you said no um they said they didn't need to come out to reinspect it and I said okay and that was it and that was I don't know September I think we should I it's worth doing I think we should file an abatement and we'll come out we'll verify it's not finished and this will change okay well that's a problem that's not the Shocker you know the the big part but that's okay something's better than nothing my opinion at least and of course you know if you weren't home we would I remember having the discussion vaguely about a workshop we just didn't know how you know what the condition of the room was and how far along it was yeah she rock on one wall because that's fire well to the to the main house to the main house the rest of it's unfinished well I have I have some cabinets I built for storage and stuff like that you said it's insulated but there's no shrock there no shrock I got plywood to hold my my cabinets up and you know unfinished floor because I spray you know so I don't know the definition of Finish versus unfinish in in you know assessors this it could be finished semi-finished or unfinished it's certainly not finished okay all right well you tell me what I need to do if you feel the best route is an abatement all right um can you print him an a can you give him an bement form is it basic I'm not into technicalities anymore what happens you you fill it out you bring it back to Michelle time date and stand you got to bring it back this month yeah and then we'll come out in the next couple months okay days to we'll make the changes on here and it'll go down you need to pay taxes oh yeah I okay and then you'll get yeah and then everything goes through the system yeah you know when I first built the house back in 80 I want to say somewhere around 83 or 84 I happen to come in for whatever reason and they showed that I had an enclosed porch and like two or three chimneys and at that time I showed them I said look at I had a front set of stairs yes it was overhang but it was the set of stairs was just to go out the front door and they said well that's really not an enclosed porch per se but I said well I definitely don't have three chimneys I I can't hide chimney you know right um so they did give me an abatement which was um Min minuscule I understand yeah but did you still have a pool we still have a pool oh I don't know if we had it back then I think we no no I'm talking about current now yes we do have a pool the reason I asked the question because it says the pool was built in 92 now maybe you've replaced it some no it's just unusual pools to be that old well we've changed liners but metal yeah the metal is you know it hasn't changed Dimension wise or anything okay and it shows that because it's it's fairly depreciated because it was it was puted in 92 yeah the time frame yeah I mean that's what we have on the card right right and teddy bear would have taken per for that no I really encourage you to fill out an bment okay and this will change okay I can't tell you how much off the top my head I'm not worried it'll change she makes the adjust she'll see okay so there was a statement on um Facebook I hate to say it but Mark um Bale stated he he was just fine you know the um square footage versus you know what we pay per square foot and he said you take the square footage times 1530 some OD whatever it is and he said that'll be your tax bill that's not correct is it because there's different it's it's 1537 per thousand value has not the square footage is not in that equation okay so if I take th000 divided by my square footage times the no square footage don't don't okay evaluation I'm sorry I'm saying the wrong take that number right there yeah take that multiply it times 15.37 yeah that should be what your tax bill was okay all right I haven't done gone that far okay but but the tax bill is the value and that's your value 1537 which is which is the tax per thousand and I meant to say that has nothing to do with square I mean this is based on square footage but square footage is not in that equation that we talk about right because my evaluation went up about $100,000 off the top of my head something like that let me look here it's about I'm going to say 75 right here it went from here to here and that's where it was oh okay all right yeah so okay um if you feel the best way is an abatement I really do I think so because there is stuff overlooked we can still review it at that time and change it if we need I just want there right I that's okay you know it's frustrating it's like and you know how taxes are so it doesn't help the situation when it's wrong and it's drastically wrong how do you okay is that ready for him oh PES it's not I got away from paperwork if you have any difficulty filling that out yeah call me at home I'm dead serious okay I'll either come to your house and help you I'll invite you to my home okay I'm sure all right I thank you very much have a good night thanks good to see you I think that's your yes it is are you on email um yes can you write your email down my writing's bad okay you won't understand it it's my last name Denis n i1 comcast.net okay okay and there is a three there okay okay yep thank you thank you now try to get out without tripping have a good night you too I go to the other meeting okay uh meeting minutes of December 2nd 2024 there so this packet there's three here do you want to shoot GRE a message to see if he's attempting to come in tonight um I will make a motion to accept the minutes of Monday December 2nd 2024 as written all in favor I will make a motion to I won't make a motion you want me to make motion I wasn't here so this needs to be T oh okay me December 16th we can't do it you're not because you weren't here we can yeah I'm tabling it the meeting minutes for December 16th 2024 regular session and executive session we're going to table okay unless bill I mean unless Greg shows up tonight okay sounds good okay time sheet put it we're going to move on to bills payable we have CIA excuse me CIA Technologies a bill in the amount of $875 for mapping did you ever get a um response from TJ on the status of um Okay add that add bills payable that's in addition to schols payable oh oh I see what you say G internet services contract for the town of grany um 2025 that's the contract to put Us online with C with the gis so with this being said um do they have a timeline they have um so they're waiting for the PDFs and then from there will be put in their schedule but I don't know how many people when he gets that contract he'll be able to put us in the schedule and give me a better idea isn't that the same is no this is the contract okay thank you thank really do that's just the G agreement real estate exemption warrant commitment 11 in the amount of $492 and0 are we signing every one of these um I'm sorry what is it oh no you don't need to sign those I stamp those those are certificates I just put them together so they would get lost you could have you don't need to this is small we we're going to jump around a little bit here this is the c report from Kelly Kell can we all send sign the same one Michelle yes okay City exemp exemptions more in commitment in the amount of $15,500 this goes with this so we get 31 of these total up just divide 5 this is um the new program this is printing from Vadar oh yes statement of work Vision PCR to PDF yeah so we're waiting for TJ to get back to me on um where they're at because we had to have a couple Corrections done okay so we're going to table that getting back to you so I haven't had a chance in the last two days to call them and I want to do the final Vision static database and forward all the new addresses because I want to check to make sure the address on the cards is being updated correctly but I I will also follow up with TJ but it's their busiest busiest time because everybody doing static database at the end of the year okay motor vehicle excise exemptions uh hero applications I'm going to table that as well because Greg's not here um I would want the full board and attendance to make a decision or is that information you're giving us the motor vehicle yeah it's just information do you have it for us so the question is I don't if you want to wait for him but the exemptions for the veterans do you want to send an application what we the same way we did last year for 2024 do you want to do the send the application again because they're still eligible for the what's the law required it doesn't require us sending it no um it's it's we would do that with it's kindness out of our heart of our department to send that right if we did it are you saying that people that haven't taken advantage of it so every year they're going to get it so going forward do you want me to send the application every year because we don't even have the bills yet so what usually happens with exemptions is we keep the letter we put it on the list and then I take those bills out or how many roughly do you think we had a brief conversation about this I think a couple meetings ago right and we sent the application out and we made them responsible to send the application back so when I get the bills I can put the application in the bill yeah as well I don't see harm in that that's fine send it seply okay no send it together okay cut down and cast and they still get it okay okay so we're going to that then we're going to include it in the we're going to include the application in their bills okay um okay um consultants cominging in on the 8th yes okay do you have a list of what they're going to do evening I assume yeah after 4:30 okay and this would be for is this going to be for two hours we don't know um it could be two hours but it wouldn't be more than two hours okay is it going to be after the office is normally open 4:30 it's going to be at 4:30 okay okay um budget does the consultant know this list ahead of time yes okay well in the big picture we're in pretty good shap halfway through the year and we spend just a little bit less than 50% of the budget it doesn't deal with line item issues it's it's penuts in the big picture we hav we haven't spent any money on Mile but I'm accumulating some I'm going out looking at just keeping track of fig EAS way to do it we have done nothing for postage so far no postage would be envelopes and I don't bought some at the end of the year right okay you good with this good it's all we need anything else for us it's all we need to say Michelle nope okay I'm going to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 to go into executive session only to come out uh to join the meeting