[Music] colen and I approve them to all all three of us have approve okay I got the time sheet for Colleen and that's a ending May 4th 2024 and it's the normal 70h hour uh hours for the two weeks are we okay with that I'm good with that Lee yep all set thank you I am to fing so that's approved okay the next one we have is money turnover to the treasurer and it for us this period is $995 that comes from $75 from Board of current health permit $170 from Board of Health licenses uh and that that there the and $750 from Board of Health fees that totals the $995 are we set with that yes that's good I am to coling for that's approve okay the next one I'm gonna I'm going to skip over the the the next one which is Parts catering concessions and come back to it at the end the next one is for two licenses for Tammy and Stephen Sosi salowski Farm um one is a license to sell retail food the other is a license to sell milk and stream for this year they're both renewal how are we with o yep so how about you those are fine there I am too coling so they're both approved okay the next one is this is I got a little I've got a I'm going to skip the well we can't well do the well permit applications back for 43 West State Street uh Connecticut Valley AR Tean well U we asked to have information on this the actual engineering information on this one an engineering proposal for the well for the well and what we got was just the well driller coming back and saying I want to put the well there do we consider that they they met what we required to put in this well what I read was that um they confirmed Subway was on the the city system um my concern was the other two buildings at the old Suzuki office and boat uh building which is now under a new owner and I didn't see that that question was addressed I didn't see that they that anybody with a an engineering license has made a statement that there are no septic systems there's you know nothing that toward the contamin ation for this well with within the the 150 ft that actually that title 5 C you're supposed to be doing for at least for septic systems but Bill what are you thinking this is Michael Pet's project I don't know who it is we haven't got that we don't have a letter I think the seal on the drawing was Mike petus from lll but the drawing that I get can't with the scale is so far out of whack for me that and it looks like it's a scan it's not been through as a Colleen when did you when did you send that sketch I kind of I looked at it a couple of weeks ago when did you send it again please uh must have been right after the last meeting because um I told them what you were looking for and then they um sent yeah I I thought they had a statement too I don't know if I have it this is this is 43 West State Street correct yeah okay let me look at it again I got on the computer hold on I'm going to zoom in here with a magnifier standby yeah this is land engineering and land Solutions this is Michael Pet's business and I would recommend give him a call invite him to our next meeting to explain yeah MP designed by MP That's Mike petus that's his business okay he he should know better he's on the he's the agent for the health department in lllo we had again my concern is you're not we're not dealing with an engineer on this well application and pretty complicated area with with not with engineering drawings you can't tell what's new what's existing what proposals are and you had a well guy that's saying hey let me put the well in so I well who's who's the well who's who's the well driller that's involved Joseph Dil Jr I believe so F all right well tell Joe Dil to attend the meeting or have his representative which was probably going to be petus to attend the meeting but like you say I agree with you guys insufficient information right now yeah Chris Abbott is handling it from um Connecticut Valley yeah but you want you want someone that's licensed to talk to you don't want a you don't want a third party guy well we're gonna but they should know we're gonna be coming back saying we want the engineering information associated with this not a well Guy saying hey I looked at these drawings and I'm GNA put it there so it goes back to to guess I guess the the protocol is Bill is is what you're saying is that it's the well guy that we're gonna say look at you're not supplying the right information we need the engineering information but to save everybody a couple weeks that we could be telling the well guy we need your engineer involved that's what we're going to be telling you and that saves everybody a couple weeks well that's right that's going to save at least one one other meeting so I'm just trying to expedite this for these people right okay so for the next meeting you want the engineer that did this drawing well that's what we're gonna be telling we're no no no but you got you got to ask the applicant to have because the engineer is gonna want to get paid so he's gonna have to work for um Connecticut Valley so ask Connecticut Valley to have his engineer to attend our meeting because they're going to have to contract for the engineer to get paid for his time sure right yeah we're not at this point we're only dealing with the applicant right that's right thing right that's right okay so that's what we're doing with that the next one is Lee can probably answer this is lot one Morgan Street the certificate of compliance new construction it's a it's a bob St design it looks like Lee that it's you've inspected it and it's okay oh yeah that was the second new house uh on Morgan off of the try parcel but it's all fine are you okay with that bill yeah if you guys inspected it that's fine no worries I am too coling so that's that's approved you can sign that one okay for us uh the next I guess we can we can go back see what time it is it's it's 12 after 7 I I don't see Lynn here so let us assume we'll keep going I'm here I'm here you are that's L that's ly okay then it's your time how are you doing I'm doing okay I I've went on a trip I just got back I'm trying to catch up on things and um you know plugging away at it okay any any surprises for us or that do you have any that you need from I don't at this moment I'm just um I've had a lot of it's interesting because when the letters went out about labeling and all that I've had a lot of phone calls um so I've been trying to um deal with that well I've been reaching out to them and they're reaching out to me to get more clarification which is a good thing um um Breezy acres for one thing um she really wants to know what is to be done so I'm going to meet with her um and go over it because she's a little confused and so I'm going to um you know clarify what any questions she has or whatever and see where we're at and um just you know doing my thing nothing nothing really much to report but I just wanted to say I'm back I hope you I hope you had a good trip I did I went to Portugal it was a great trip oh wow excellent excellent yeah yeah it was it was fun two weeks I never taken I've never taken a two we vacation so it was good is that your first time in Portugal no I'm actually from Portugal so I grew up going to Portugal but it's been 2020 yeah it's been 24 years since I I've been there so it was it was great to go back and take my sons with me theyve never been very NE very neat very neat yeah vation is really something wheny that that when I first did it I didn't do it till late in my career and it it was unbelievable the difference that I would drive my wife crazy on a one week vacation it take two days to unwind and then you bet two days before you say oh coming back so exactly yeah I know yeah it's it's so true that's how I felt yeah yeah but going it for that two weeks makes it so that the the first two days almost don't happen because you just just say oh I got this big time and then you kind of lose track of time yeah yeah you really do right that's right you get settled in of course then you don't want to go home at the end I know if it wasn't for my dog I would I would have stayed okay all right so I just want to touch base so yeah everything's all everything's going well so I'll I'll probably have more for you in the next time cuz I'm going to start hitting it this weekend again and doing um the the rest of inspections that I need to do okay thank you okay okay have a good good night than thank you bye I've got Hearts catering concessions yep that's me I just joined okay and what what we have we do have the application we've got a an actually have an agreement with with Jim cromy saying he's the home base while they're there while Hart's there uh and as we've said that that doesn't really tell us anything then we've got what we had at the last meeting was a statement or a contract cover sheeet with the but base agreement operation and that one was with a serve food kitchen and now this time we've got oh it's I think it's about 10 pages maybe more than yeah I accidentally only sent the page that I signed rather than the entire agreement um so I sent the entire agreement right and that's from serve food kitchen facility membership agreement and it as I read it what it says is that once again while you're in the kitchen they're they're supplying an inspected kitchen and you basically rent the kitchen for the time you need it and other people rent the kitchen and they're saying if you don't keep the kitchen up you get fined by them yep and they're going to try to keep the kitchen up the snuff but that but again it's really not a base of operation if you were to look at the food that you use this agreement would indicate you carry your food in and you carry your food out so basically it is a it is a kitchen a rental kitchen yeah yeah so they they have um a full-blown Kitchen in h yoke that um they rent out to people like me who have food trucks so we can use the facility to do any prep needed um you know dishes and just have a base of operation for us to go out and um operate on the road and everything like that as well so um like the agreement says he charges by the hour so I have the agreement written there and um I also in progress uh how he operates there is he has every person um do their own inspection for their own business there so um my inspection is due with the town uh with the that town um in two days they're going to come and look at the kitchen and just uh give me an inspection report uh for my business um in that kitchen um to because he doesn't uh really like the way he operates is he just basically says like it's your business you operate out of this kitchen you have to get your own permits and do your own thing with it you're just paying to use it on his end so I'm ad do in two days to get an inspection report um from that town start of the kitchen but um I rent the space and that's where I'm going to be doing all my um prep work yeah the my issue and I and Le and Bill it's this is just what I read was concerned with is that this isn't like a certified Kitchen in your house that that includes storage that the especially storage so if for instance if you took your hot dogs that you're going to use or I just use hot dogs because they're not even thing you use well let's they your hot dogs and you stored them in your back of your garage at home or kept them in the back of your trunk this this you know rental kitchen doesn't cover that at all and that's you store your food there well they do have storage there they have refrigeration and they have a dry pantry and stuff like that you get your own lock uh for your own space you've got refrigeration and that's locked in a freezer and in a refrigerator that you as of right now I don't because I haven't been operating but um my plan was to yes rent a refrigeration there and um for what I'm doing uh for like usually I just do fairs like I was at the charter day Fair the last two years um but like things I was planning on doing for this year was just like really small like uh things at Wineries and like breweries and stuff like that um so my plan was to just only get the food I needed for that day anyways um and prep it and then go and sell it for the day um but they do have storage at that kitchen that I'm able to rent and use for when I need it and does that get inspected as well yeah the whole kit is going to get infected did you read this Sur food agreement carefully I did so so M Miss Moser um this is Bill Shaheen nice to meet you um nice to meet you so so you're you're carrying a million dollars liability insurance I am okay have you produced that certificate to the Board of Health um I'm not sure if I have but I've done it in past I think for tday but I can easily produce it I just sent it to the Ser food as well they asked for one as well okay if you yeah I think that'd be good dick did you see the the 17b liability Clause yeah um oh sorry so Sur food is clearly out of if anything bad happens Sur food is not liable for anything essentially that's what it say so that's why Miss moer has the million dooll G policy that's a good thing and and again I'm just I'm just taking a quick peek at this like you say dick the concern I'd have is one user to the next if one user has raw chicken on the on the deck there and they don't sanitize it or bleach it after they're done and the next person goes in there and doesn't realize there's raw chicken on the counter that could pose a bit of a I'm just wondering how that gets worked out fine sorry there's an online system where we um rent the where we like schedule our time there it's open 24 hours a day the kitchen okay and so we can um block out our time on this online Forum that he sends us so I can see when other people are in the kitchen and um so if the kitchen's like full I can go in I can go in at the middle of the night if I want to it's open 247 um I just put it in the calendar that I'm going to be in there for that time and you know what once I'm in there for myself obviously I'm gonna sanitize and clean everything just before I even start just to make sure everything's good to go um but that's how we that's how we um keep it separate between uh people who rent the kitchen okay that's that's good to hear I'm glad so you sanitize it before you go in and then when you leave you sanitize it again yeah just make sure everything's clean and everything's good to go for the next person okay all right that's good thank you um as as part of your business are you Ser safe certified personally I am I have the manager Serv SP yeah we have that yeah the two documents were our provider we have to either say no this doesn't work or yes it does work we have we owe a decision on this my my concern was the storage and if that's covered and and as Bill brought up that that the sanitation that you can certainly walk into a a kitchen that looks clean that has stainless counters that are really contaminated badly but if the if the way that you're going to run your kitchen is that you're going to clean it before you use it then it it deals with with that my proposal is that we let this when we Grant this this license and let let Lynn do her normal inspection but Lynn won't be doing the base of operation inspection ly although she may as as the hoil work primarily I can give you guys the inspection report um uh it's in two days once I get it um from H yoke if you'd like I would I you know my yeah and then I can let you know when my when my first event is with my trailer in Grand B so you can come out and inspect the trailer um what are we gonna do Lee and and when you have these uh events at different wineries do you hire workout or is it are you always on site I'm sorry can you repeat that when when there's an event are you [Music] uh start to finish personally running the show or do you hire out help no it's me running it all right good to know I'm I'm always the one I'm always there good I'm good dick so I think we should let this go and and uh see how it works it sounds like we've we've done our due diligence to say we think it it it's going to be run safely and then it's a different it's a different model business model but that doesn't mean it can't work so I'm I'm on board I think we should get Grant this this permit Lee what is your thought oh I I would agree yeah and again just make it subject to the uh issuance or the a copy of the million dooll general liability policy to Coline okay yeah I can definitely do do you want the copy of the one that I sent with the Serv saves listed as a uh certificate holder or do you just want like a general one no no with the sht holder that would be better yet that would be good thank you yeah no problem so we've got we've got that uh the next at 7:25 I don't see Jim promy here and he was due at 7:25 I've been here oh you are I don't see a picture of you but uh I'm on the phone okay Jim I I think the reason we asked is that you you and I out on at the business talked about it some but it was definitely as a result of of a complaint but we also said you had promised us that you were going to get back to us with with some kind of plan about with a Milestones or something that says this is how we're GNA get to the point that we've got working toilet and we said Z this would be a good time for you to talk to us well I you you gave me until June 1st but as you know we did a perk test the engineer is working on the design and by June 1st I hope to have the whole package in front of you and a with a schedule the design to for you to uh know how it's going to how it's going to be implemented what the board doesn't know Jim because of the open meeting lws and it doesn't allow us to talk any of us to talk with each other outside the meeting because as soon as we unlik your board that's got lots of members with ours with three members as soon as two of us talk it's a quum and it ends up being an open meeting law violation so in this in this case what bill and Lee don't know is that the issue with the lighting and the which was the real reason we were having you come in was the complaint is as Jim explained to me it's a one time the lights didn't work and that those that it is lit yeah that can happen any type any type of restroom A light goes out especially with these these these crazy ones they're making you put in that are motion detectors but uh yeah the light was out she came in the individual came in and complained we took care of it and evidently they felt the need to report I don't wor I I'm not sure how a light outage becomes a board of health issue but nonetheless and we're working on permanent I promise I would yeah the other thing just in passing when when I was out there and Jim said something that wasn't exactly his intent I think is correct but in reality when he said we did a per test we didn't um what happens is is Jim explained to me that his plan right now is to to and Neil Jackson said their plan is to put a 2,000-gallon pipe tank in and so what they're really doing was trying to see water table and to to make sure connections are right and ballot is correct so they so it wasn't actually a perk T it was water table determination okay and di di dick I got a I got a disclosure to make friend a friend of mine took me out for a glass of wine last Friday she didn't tell me she didn't tell me where we were going we ended up at The Wine House Jim I was impressed with the facility I really was well thank I was very impressed with the the layout is nice again a clean layout real nice ni nice setup nice setup and when you get the toilet situation I know it's going to be even better so congratulations yeah for what what I was GNA continue saying though is that I looked at at the Porta poies that Jim has and getting to them uh it's basically in the in the front of the building the front inside it's not like people have to walk around out in the back through the grass and the you know a posture to get to these toilets they're they're very accessible right and that's int I I was envisioning a a dark grassy muddy path with no lights out into the you know into the posture that's around there and it's anything but that it's it's a certainly it it's something that that I would hope that Jim's patrons can deal with until he gets this this thing done and and yes Jim we did give you to June 1 and if it weren't for this complaint that uh you wouldn't be here I I I get it so these these are my contracted uh par Parkers they come in every every week or as called as needed and pump them okay but more importantly we clean them daily okay my staff clean yeah out of the three one of them have a sink or or all three of them have a SN no they have I I have a portable sink but they have the San the solution oh I see okay okay okay I got you you got the sanitizer and the other two units okay yeah all right very good again I was impressed with a as a point of reference when you're standing in the site unlike unlike when you're being a patron bu when you're there as as a boort health guy talking to the owner and talking to him about his desired clientele and his business philosophy is very very obvious that Jim is is making a huge attempt to have people feel just the way you said you felt and as it turns out that that Jim told me that a majority of his clients are are women often times groups of women that are you know groups of women not mixed groups and so he's very very aware that that the image that he rejects for cleanliness and safety is is very very important to developing that client's health and when you're there you know at off times not when you were there right right and again behind the metal it's very very obvious that's the way this place is being run yeah behind the metal building Jim that patio work is terrific it's a beautiful patio setup out back well thank you yep yeah very very nice very impressed we've been getting a lot of comp compliments and I've been to several wineries they all start off with the porta potties until they see how things are going and and it's it's a farm it's you know y I don't want the port bodies there but we're we're working our way towards improving the place that yeah every step away okay Jim thank you for coming to see us tonight thanks James so we're going to your back from you in a few weeks yeah as soon as as soon as Neil's done with that we'll we'll present or he'll present okay good night Jim all right take take thank you bye bye thank the next person that we have uh on the agenda is Nick wman um hi hi there I'm I'm calling from out of country I want to First make sure that you're able to hear me because my connection does seem to be pretty spotty yep loud and clear in Massachusetts excellent well um please let me know if I am breaking up but I'll keep my fingers crossed that the connection holds okay now Nick be before you start colen was good enough to send us each a copy of the title 5 inspection report for that property and and I reviewed it it's certainly it's it's a system that I think it's 2000 was installed it was designed by by uh John kinsky who's a who is a a civil engineer PE uh the system I think was installed in 2008 yes it is definitely a modern pump system and the the title five report that I'm reading is actually what what maybe yeah 2008 and uh when I look at this report this looked like a very good Title Five report yes um so I I'm not sure what information you would um like me to provide to you but um if I could make it very brief um basically we we purchased this property at 44 Morgan Street in December of last year 20123 um we established occupancy in mid January and in mid April we started um observing a failure of some sort with the septic system and reached out to Greg with Granby septic and he came out and assessed and basically um advised us that we were having overflow at the location of the distribution box um Greg actually was very interested in this because he had also this property in the spring of 2019 um when the previous owner was experiencing the same issues um this was something that was just a a courtesy visit um Greg Greg advised me that basically he doesn't have a record of it but he remembered the visit very specifically and it was something that kind of made him scratch his head and was in the back of his mind um so after that he hadn't heard anything but had actually received a call in the spring of 2023 from the previous owner requesting information for a septic engineer so uh that that kind of leads me to believe that the system had an underlying issue and that issue was ongoing and leading up to um listing the property the previous owner you know maybe wanted to get that dealt with to the best of my knowledge to the best of Greg's knowledge nothing nothing was done about it um the home was listed for sale in the fall of last year um we we went under contract in October the title 5 was conducted in uh November by clean septics and uh observed by Lee and um yeah what what you said is is absolutely true that the the report indicates kind of no issues um but uh and this is something that I'm I'm hoping Lee can clarify because um per Greg he he met with him at a recent inspection in Grand B and sort of just talked over the issue and uh per Greg to Lee's recollection he wasn't aware at the time of inspe ction that it was a a pump transfer system and that the operation of the pump and the pump alarm was not tested as part of the title five at least uh you know what he was observing so um Lee Lee if you wouldn't mind could could you clarify that if if if indeed you did observe the pump operating during the title 5 inspection before we go any further than this you need to we need to understand that title 5 is a not a very strong inspection system state of Massachusetts the Board of Health does not even have to be there the Our Town requires it but the Board of Health doesn't have to even be at this inspection and the actual inspection criteria is essentially saying the system hasn't been flooded the the inspector supposed to make sure it hasn't been flooded that it's not below the water table that the the individual pieces the tank and the distri nutrient boxes aren't rotted away and it's not below the water table and it's not too close to your well those are really now in our town we we've got some other a couple other criteria that they we going to make the system be replaced or parts of it be replaced if the tank isn't a 1500 gallon tank and if the bottom of the leash field is not at least three feet above the water tape and those are the two Criterion we do have another one on shallow Wells uh with with uh high low that that uh we make water be tested and system be checked to make sure there's not a nitrogen contamination nitrate contamination problem but as you get into this the Board of Health according to Title Five doesn't pass judgment on the system the Board of Health merely receives a copy of the report Within 30 days of the time of the test so so as you go in Le this is not a board of health issue this ends up being very much a civil issue that if you've got somebody that's known an owner or a real estate or both agent that knows that they've got a problem with the septic system you I think you'll find that the court say just having a passing a Title Five when you know your system's in trouble and not disclosing it becomes a a civil uh violation that has as cost Associated cost of repair and penalties Associated but this is not it's not going to end up being a aard of health issues so so you have limited time that you can talk but but questioning Lee and saying Lee how come you didn't do this or why didn't you do that or did you that's an issue if you want Lee to end up going and to court you can have have them as a witness but this test was paid for and conducted by the owner sure so and and I I certainly don't don't want to come across as being accusatory I'm I'm mostly trying to collect information here because it it does seem like um you know this if if indeed we do need to replace the drain field it will not be an inconsequential amount of money so I'm I'm I'm hoping just to kind of get clarity if if grany Board of Health does observe the entirety of the title 5 inspection that's conducted by contractors or if it's a partial observation um if indeed we have to get to litigation which I I have no interest in but it may come to that I'm I'm just curious what portion of the actual physical inspection was observed by grandby Board of Health do you do you just you know and three sentences or LLY do you recall what what you observed well yes we we uncovered the the distribution box was uncovered prior to my arrival and the covers were off the septic tank the liquid levels were good in those two components um those were the only two components that were exposed and observed at that time the realtor was there along with uh some representatives from uh a septic company in blood doing the title five and we spent a little bit of time figuring out uh to make sure that we had a three-foot groundwater separation between the bottom of the system and the groundwater which we determined from the notes from the installation and some measurements uh that we were well well above that three foot criteria because the town recently chared that title five had in fact um mandated a 36 inch separation so that part was good okay very good I I appreciate all the information you're able to provide and and frankly I appreciate that grany Board of Health kind of goes above and beyond a standard Title Five and does you know witness the inspection so um I I suppose in the long run I'll I'll probably um reach out you know regardless of how we proceed if I do need any further intervention from grandby Board of Health can I can I ask you U Mr wman um in the spring you were living there full-time as well and this this this this issue didn't occur until you were there for four or five months is that accurate three months correct three months and then it it slowed down or stopped working or something basically at that point we we began to have consistent Flooding at the location of the distribution box when the pump actuates if I were for what it's worth and my experience is unless someone really has wiped out the Le field because they've put bad stuff into it pump systems modern pump systems because they don't they they put a lot of water in and then it dries out lasts a really really long time pum may not but if I were to if I were to guess especially when you say gee this comes out at the distribution Bond the place that it should come out if you've got a a leash field that doesn't work should be if there are vents at the end of the lines which they're supposed to be if you you've got a pump and you've got a closed distribution box and open vents that's where they should be blowing out I would be looking and say is this a a Le field that doesn't have vents at the end and what's actually happening is your water is pressurizing the air that's in your in your leash field if it's got a pretty tight soil cover on it and in fact is the liquid unable to get out into your leash field because somebody took the vents out and you're Airbound and then what happens is since the liquid can't go any place place then it blows the cover off of your distribution box but that's my two s were sure and I I did consult with Greg from grandby septic and he advised that I I have someone come run a scope through the uh through the distribution box and then to the uh it's an infiltrator style system so I I had that completed and the uh gentleman who scoped it I I forget his name it was I think John with um something septic service or Sewer Service he he said there was standing water in each of the Bays of the infiltrator tanks so it it may be that there's an issue with venting but we certainly have an issue with um um you know draining into the subsoil as well D just a comment I'm looking at the plan set and on the design sketch there's a little detail that says proposed vent so this system is supposed to have a vent yeah would that would that be the sort of candy cane uh PBC event in the front yard typically yes yes and we do have that present I I have not had that inspected certainly the the answer if it were us if you came to us and said what should I be doing now it would be to get someone in here and an engineer and say let's dig some holes and see if in fact this system is is plugged up by the bottom infiltrators can be lousy systems that at times I've seen them plug up on their edges and the little little black lines that that if you look at them they look like little Quant huts and they've got little tiny little spits and they're not required to have sewn around them and that I've seen them that you get these little areas little lines that are about 4 Ines long and a half inch wide outside of each one of those slits that plug up and it's possible that that that that's what you're you're looking and the other thing to no is those that system I believe is a bed configuration dick and it is not intended for traffic you cannot drive vehicles over that system you'll flatten them right out and hopefully anyways it would be the the best thing is is before you do actually if you end up doing litigation and and uh finding out what's wrong is is the first is the first part but again if you if you have you know information that said someone knew the system was bad and they just tried to sneak it by a a Title 5 inspection they still if they don't disclose that I think you'll find that the courts and especially especially if the real estate agent had any any inkling that that was going on that that the system is not merciful on on real estate agents that don't disclose okay um and I have no experience with septic system so I I truly appreciate you guys kind of uh talking me through how the system operates and and what my recourse may be it is it is certainly appreciated on my end okay so I hope we help you and uh have a good night thank you very much take care okay okay bye bye bye thank you thank you so are next let's move through the next one is inspection report Title 5 inspection reports we had 114 maxmillion Drive Greg Everson passes that's a Le that looks essentially that's a modern system designed to five foot separation so that I it doesn't surprise me that that passes it was it okay yeah it was kind of deep but but working you know no component issues all all good so Bill are you okay just accepting that one of course yeah of course the next one is 25 cold Hill Drive that one's a fail when you read it it's a it might be a 60-year-old system with clay pipes it's underwater the tank is rotted away the bbx has rotted away it's a it's a out out stale in every part of it are we okay accepting that as a failure yes yes okay so Colleen we did that okay the next one 2011 ammer Street Allan Weiss was a pass that's a a new system that is a titley system that I didn't look at at the age but I don't think it's five years old and it passed I don't believe it is so y are you is that okay Lee yes thank you and Bill are you okay with that one yeah I'm good dick yep I'll be back in a couple minutes just keep going um okay we've got a had another a couple things that you sent out colen I didn't write sound that aren't on the [Music] lists I guess I guess you just sent it out and it's not on the list so it won't it won't make it tonight but uh you've got there's a letter to the proposed letter to griswell Circle residence.com sent out to us are we okay with that yes I think that's fine yep I am calling Bill did you have a chance to review it oh Bill wrote the letter wrot the letter okay yeah he wrote the letter so he reviewed it um yeah do you guys um how do you want me to sign it for the board or sign it bill or what sign for the bo board okay I'll put everybody's name on it okay yeah yeah um next one is the email residents That Mountain View Drive belter town I I'm GNA wait hopefully bill just walked away to go to the bathroom or something I I see his empty chair I'm hoping he didn't slide under his desk and he said he'd be right back so we w't we'll come back to that one okay um um what about the the complaint because this woman um called a couple of times about a mattress that's been laying on a front lawn uh on School Street for I guess quite a long time I don't know if anybody had gone out there or you know b or Lee have you gone out to see this one I haven't I got a call at work um a week ago telling me it was going to be taken care of um I don't even know who was on the phone to tell you the truth but there's only you know this is the only one I'm aware of so I'm not sure what how recent the call was but I guess someone should take a ride by wol Street and see what's going on with this thing it's been going on for quite a spell long time yeah you on by any chance on 23 School Street to see the mattress on the on the lawn I'm not sure Bill hears this no no go ahead dick excuse me what did you say I said have you by any chance gone onto 23 School Street to see the mattress on the lawn no I was at 23 school I don't know a month ago they had a problem with with a beaver dam and a culvert but I did not see any other issues on that property but Lee you you saiding right yeah somebody called the store I don't know who it was and said I'm calling in reference to the mattress um I'm going to take care of it a mattress on a lawn yeah did Dave D roer take care of it I don't know how that thing works so yeah the olden days the highway department would just take care of that when we had the landfill but we have no landfill now that's the problem and it won't take care probably that's the whole issue they don't take care of it if you put it there yourself though if it's your mattress that you throw on your grass the highway department no no but I but but I mean is someone asserting that a passer buyer threw the mattress onto their property I believe this is a neighbor who is uh has to look at it or drive by on a daily basis um something of that nature trade think to what's going on there then someone so we don't have to go too to week can someone go take a look at it and I'll dri you you know the Curious thing is if you want to dispose of a mattress via a mattress store on a new purchase I think the recycle C I think they're charging close to $100 to take those things away now it's not cheap and there aren't any good places to get rid of it that's right you have to go made it so that they can't go in landfills that's right one of these things that the state says oh you you can't do that that's but there's no other way to do it so it it ends up being in the woods someplace right so you have to either go to Pier ways or bedding barn or whomever sells mattresses buy a new mattress and they'll take the old mattress for $100 that's the way that works but you're right they make it extremely difficult to get rid of that's exactly right but I'll check it out well if if that's the case if you're going to take can we then let you Lee can we let bill just get in touch with Colleen if he sees it and write a letter saying you you just can't you you can't dispose of waste like that on your property and that you're required especially if the person said they're going to get rid of it just just give them a time frame give them till the 1 of June or what ever and whatever you think is appropriate Bill and and let Bill and colen deal with it are you okay with that Lee absolutely otherwise we end up sitting on this for two more weeks oh I know there's a couple of practical ways to get rid of this legally one is if they have grand B trash pickup on whatever day they have and it fits if they have a piece of mattress that fits in the 40 G Barrel believe it or not they can cut up the mattress into small pieces and put it into the barrel piece meal believe it or not a lot of work though to cut cut up a mattress yeah if it's if it's a foam mattress trying to cut it with a chainsaw is going to be a pain in the neck yeah yeah yeah but that that's the that's the solution in my way of thinking you know no expense solution and in a couple of weeks it's completely taken care of yeah no one has no one spends a dime and everybody's happy that's right that's right one of the things one of the things we could do is is talk to the Selectmen and see if they can modify their contract to say twice a year they're gonna that that's part of the fee that the town pays that it's like instead of hazardous way this both both RS and say two times a year you put them in this spot and we'll get rid of them people would be very grateful for that dick that would be a great service believe me they have a bulky waste day right but it's you have to bring the stuff and I don't not sure exactly what they take over to the highway department they do have a bulky waste day and you'll find out what that is selling so we can we can see if if uh yeah because it would be even more wonderful if they had a spot at the highway department that allowed you to put the stuff there so that at the once a year they just get picked up they put a big bin or something that this stuff goes into yeah they do a day yeah but if we think about it they tell us that we should replace matches every 10 years so every one of us is going to deal with every 10 years this problem that's right yeah yeah yep I'm overo for this whole thing okay if you can do that I know one of the things that happened out unfor P road we Ken sent out a a note from Alexander or I forget what the name is yeah homea I don't think what we got for information is what we required at all and all we did is that was a well that was a contaminated well and they were supposed to get a well guy to do it find out what was the cause get the thing straightened out we didn't know if there's a casing in there we didn't know anything about that lot and all that's happened is the owner is sent in a water sample and say okay I fixed it there's no more bacteria what that's what I was supposed to do right and I don't think that's right at all right if there's no sending out we don't know what they did to fix it we don't know who fixed it we don't know anything well certainly if it was a repair they have to be they have to have a license to do such and I think if I read it correctly it was just e uh EOL and C form test results right but our re so you have no idea what what went on Le no oh not a word other than what I just read on the email uh at the end of my day today yeah I'm reading her right now collected by Adam matthewson now is that the owner I don't know don't have any nobody knows anything no yeah yeah that's a different location Colleen that we should get back and it does not comply we don't know what was the result of the repair of the well what would what was it found how was it who knows there's there's no house there that as far as I know so I don't even know how this sample was taken right so do you want a statement from their well the well guy that did it and everything they what did they do what was it the work that they did what did they find what was the source of the condem a there's a whole bunch of stuff that say you have a bad well there and just Furnishing one test doesn't comply with what we want because we talked about maybe that well needed to be replaced at one time that's correct that was the conversation yeah okay I'll find out another thing that that happens before we get to the Mountain View is the I did on on Ken Lane I've I've a couple different times I've gone down there it looks there's still water in the street water running the the 4in pipe that comes out of the cellar is I've seen flowing it it must be a good siiz pump um also the so-called pond that's on Mr gas Berry's land I have not seen water in it I didn't get out of the car so I don't know what the water situation is in the back of of 1210 Lane but it didn't from what I could see it didn't look like there was water back there but I did talk to Chris Martin and Chris was going to talk to Dave D roer about the possibility of a a pressured syst Sy collection system for that end of the street and to he didn't get back to me but he said he was he was going to you know look at at some kind of a a solution but I I did offer the that bill that you've got that I've got some expertise that we certainly should be able to design simple little Pip with some you know St that let you know four houses or something get into a pressure dosing system but I don't I don't have any idea what the head is that we're working with that that you know the I'm guessing that the level of the brook is three feet lower than the Lev road so we've got we've got some head that's available to us but but I don't have a definitive answer I I did and this Le into leads into the the uh Mountain View Drive situation that Chris did send actually sent something out I think I don't know if everybody got it but he said that that the plan is that that the the select boards are working together the the of the Two Towns the town the attorneys are working together you've got the now the district attorney involved and the that ultimately bris thought the the two boards of Health might be asked to to be involved but at this time not they weren't ready for that but they are actively moving forward with this with the solution to that but there's also a thing that that is around that I I don't know did was it a a General Distribution from Chris Bill and Lee did you get any note on the status of the of the range there's apparently there apparently there's a new president of that club but also that they've they've done the club has done some kind of investigation that concluded that they weren't responsible for the bullet that was that was in The Gazette last Friday okay that's correct however they're not on the letter that I saw they said that there is no rifles discharging on that range right now until this moves forward so it it seems to have been again normally I can hear activity at my house very very faintly during the day I've heard nothing from that range in the past week so that's consistent with that observation dick yeah well so apparently they're holding holding Pat until they come up with something really definitive so from my my standpoint I I guess I'm I'm feeling that what we said at the last meeting still holds if if uh colen's got an answer to to someone as a courtesy to to say that just we said that the that's our understanding that the boards of the Selectmen and the the the uh their legal teams the Two Towns legal teams are working together and that the that they felt that our advice from our to manager that was not yet appropriate to to get the boards of Health involved is that the way Lee and Bill that you you feel that's what we said two weeks ago that's what we said two weeks ago yes yeah I mean I I at at this point I don't know that we can bring anything of any value uh either to the Selectmen of either town the district attorney you know this type of um data is not in any of our background so I don't know what we can how we can help my feeling is with the proper Council and you'd need the the council because it it can end up in huge litigation is is the Board of Health could could possibly you know go after the safety part of that but it should be all part of a master plan that shouldn't be a tactic that that our board just take and said okay we're gonna blow this whole thing wide open without being part of a plan that that says this is how these pieces fit together and and we're not in that Loop right right now and especially if you looked and and said what what is the goal you know if you had shooting going and saying boy people are going to have a chance of getting killed but if if the shooting has stopped then the then it seems appropriate to let the legal courses run the way they they need to run I don't do do you know whether or not the the homeowners have retained councel I don't know that I don't know that know it was through you know loose and unsubstantiated conversations which are terrible to you know hear State kind of things that that I heard is that two things that Boards of Health has haven't been successful in the state in fighting it from the the Board of Health standpoint but that that homeowners in one or two towns had been successful from a civil standpoint of hiring lawyers and and saying that you know a couple different gun ranges because of the because of the design made it so the houses weren't safe to live in and so they they went after it from a civil standpoint and said look this isn't a fair thing that we shouldn't be subject to that and we don't even have to prove the fact that the thing has happened uh makes it so we don't have to prove those bullets came but the fact that they can makes it so that reasonable people would be afraid to be living in that situation and what I heard again loosely is that the judge ended up putting a temporary injunction saying that they couldn't fight they couldn't shoot and then came back and said no there is no there is no safe solution and you can't you can't do it you can't shoot dick was that in in Massachusetts in Mass okay because I've heard I've heard similar in other states in the country where large Awards have been awarded to uh to plaintiffs on this but not in Massachusetts I can't remember what the the town reading or North Reading but or it's towns that one or two towns in the Northeast section of the state that again it's here say kind of stuff and I I can't even remember the person that that told me so but I the person that as as I recalled when I heard it it was something that I said you know this doesn't sound like fake information this sounds like it's you know this is not disinformation this sounds like it's it's real but I haven't I haven't looked into it and uh I certainly my guess would be that the that the lawyers and and the select boards could be looking at that but there those are definitely not board health issues those are those are civil issues right right again my my source is a very reliable source in the state of Michigan and uh and I'll just leave it at that for now but again it was a civil issue not a health department issue that's the bottom line okay okay so we're still from colen that our standpoint is that that the board is saying it's not time for us to be involved with the the effort that we know is going on between Town managers the town Boards of selections Le Town legal councils all working together with with local and State Police and districts attorney that that that it's not appropriate for the board to be taking a lead on this right now okay especially with the the gun club agreeing not to be discharged ing firearms on that on that range so the ones we've avoided right now are the regulation discussion and also Dollar General forb Dollar General is going to be coming that's we're going to end up with it's interesting that when you when I've driven by not although I haven't driven by in I would buy it I went buy it today dick it was still leaking water was still coming out of the pipe it was yes the last time I looked at it the water was coming out you know I I'd have to go and actually look at cross-sectional areas the last time I did it I actually tried to guess at how many feet a second it was moving and trying to look at the size of the pipe in the cross-sectional area and uh you know just to wing it well get better than winging it but did just just show up with a five gallon paale and see how long it takes to load the pail off Well you certainly could do that if you can climb you to get inside the fence to do it know that's a a very practical way to to do it so but uh we're gonna find out that a local contractor was working in some type of a um electrical box or something underground and the water was flowing through conduit containing the wires into this pit U and the pump had failed because it was it couldn't keep up with the amount of water coming in I don't know the source I mean groundw of course but I don't know how it would get into an electrial conduit and flood the uh Service uh there must be something underground there or underneath the floor which was flooding mean in this building in that building yeah yeah at Dollar General I don't know if you inspector was made aware of it or has done an inspection of such like you say a lot of water coming off that Hill oh yeah the pump Le that would be that I know of that is underground there is only the septic system okay the rest of that place is is flowing by gravity okay I'm not sure and there there's a double pump there with controls okay um so going forward um we have no um communication with the engineering team whatsoever from this Corporation I believe on this it's been over almost two years it's been going on nearly two years last communication I had with them I think was a year and a half ago yeah that they were going to give you a a Gant chart or a milestone chart yeah we put we put we put a Gant chart together we sent it to them everyone said fine and nothing ever happened right well from from what I've been reading in different towns and different states they this Corporation is apparently more than happy to take a town uh to court to force uh a location to be approved and open and at that point whatever happens is you know profitable for the store in the town is a you know second nature I don't know that we're going to uh get these guys to do anything do we now go to to Brian and say we need your help we this is beyond the point of having Engineers work with each other to get this done this is the the guy from from my view it sounds like your who Lee and maybe your bill is that we've gone beyond the win-win with these people that that they don't even try to keep us happy they just don't they won't even talk do we just go to Brian and say okay tell us what we do to with the goal of of I guess talk to him about whether we can shut them down well that's it you you don't like to do linkage but you might have to do linkage if it's appropriate and deny them their permit next time around till they fix this is this something possibly DP Springfield would uh support our efforts oh I I think D Springfield wants to stay out of all local matters that's their new policy okay they don't yeah they don't have the horsepower to get involved unless it's a real real critical situation you know if there's a hazardous waste spill yes but something like this they they wouldn't get involved they don't want they don't want it okay yeah all right but thanks for inquiring yeah I know I know what you can what you can do and make it so that everybody starts to to get get the D involved is connecting those that pipe let's face it the bottoms are all blinded over anyway things aren't leeching for beans anyway so what we've got is water coming in not going through the the bottom and going out that overflow so if that's the case run that main drain directly over to the overflow fill everything up with impervious material up to make a channel going through there and put a little stream that goes right to that overflow and gets off the property it goes into the into the swamp across the street and down the brook and we get rid of the the the two big ponds and and then the and then the state can get them elves in in all the trouble they want because part of this problem is when they put the road bed across there they got rid of the natural path for the water to come off that hill and get to the swamp anyways they put a dam across there without any drainage to to let it go through if if that happens dick then it becomes a conservation issue and then the new owners of the chatau Harmony and up getting in hot water well it's not it just goes beyond the S it's on the other side I think as it goes into it it actually drains bill into the road catch base yeah oh it hits the catch Bas on the north side of the street the it's on the the street is I think there is going basically East West so so it's on the it's on the south side it's on the south side of the street okay well we'll have we got to look at we got to take a look at that a little more detailed you want me to do you want me to call Brian up and ask him yeah yes say this is this has gone crazy it's on our agenda every week every two weeks I mean I'm guessing Brian's GNA say Chris doesn't want to spend the money on legal fees but ask him anyway yeah if you go long enough the silt is going to go into those two catch basins it's going to do what I said it wants to do anyway just G to fill up fill up with silt and then run across and go out that pipe call Brian see what he has to say so so um here's my question when they reapply for um I'm in Victor's license or retail food permit or whatever they reapply for um is there any such stipulation that um it can be denied based upon the fact that uh their original permitting process was never uh completed due to this issue it was that's the problem the planning board signed off on this one yeah okay okay so we're we're done okay I think we I think Brian can at least tell us what we can we can do it it I would certainly be leaning towards the direction if we put them if we had I'm under orders to do something and they didn't comply then you could say look at you're under orders to fix a problem and we're not gonna let you sell stuff because you won't fix your problem well that's where I was heading that's correct right but I think we have to to look at Brian I'm I'm guessing that Brian's gonna say whoa how do you link those two together yeah he he's going to be very hesitant to link them but you can ask them anyway yeah but he has to have some well he doesn't have to have something he could tell me too bad stop worrying about it take it off your agenda and and let the mosquitoes breath but possible he could in fact say why are you guys complaining about these two basins that are 50 feet in diameter when you cross the street and you have a swamp that's 400 acres big that the mosquitoes are going to be inconsequential as long as because nobody lives in in the vicinity of the 400 acre swamp but you've got patrons in the parking lot of Dollar General every day hundreds of that is true that if you look at the freshwater mosquito the freshwater mosquito only flies it's a little number it's like a 100 feet right they don't go far the saltwater mosquito flies like two miles but okay but let me let me I'll make myself a note and I will contact okay very good all right glad we're following up okay okay anything else well yeah there is and I tonight I once again I'm tired but we've still got our issue that's been hanging on that's our regulations our own regulations that colen have you sent me the the updated version of all the proposed language on the regulations I've sent you the regulations that yeah we have at least two times at least two times and it's at least two months ago okay I'm sorry I haven't had time to review them try to do that before the next I'm not ready to review him tonight I'm I was hoping you guys would be saying I we've redone that we already know what we want and I was gonna say good I'll go along with that how about can I get a copy of those so that in two weeks from now we can all just hit this thing and and bury it yeah I'm trying to find it in my emails as we speak here I'm having trouble finding them I'm telling you you better look at at month that have a one or two like January or February and then you'll find another one has a month that's got like a nine or a 10 col Colleen what did you title what did you title the PDF transmission uh probably Board of Health regulations maybe I don't know since we're all being lazy colen why don't we give you a an assignment again I'll send them again thank you would okay I apologize thank you it's okay that's all right I I'll send them again um what uh let's see I got an email from a fellow who wants to extend his permit it was his septic permit was expired in February though no Jason Jason smle over on yes yes so I told him he was past the expired you know permit date which is what the regulations say but what do you guys say I would off wells in yeah I would offer Lee if you're talking go ahead you give your opinion no no that's just my observation I know that David the plant was framing with him um they got caught in the middle of the lumber price spike he had a baby Etc um ran out a time and the expenses went way past their estimation so he's halfway there but he's in just stuck right now with no money um and a house halfway done and the uh SAS was not installed yet I'd offer that this is so close to the two that we did act on that were so similar on uh South Street by Bill and also on Bachelor street where the same situation about missing the the three years that do in it Beyond and what we said is those really were extenuating circumstances that is definitely not the same as the one on Bernett Road where they just didn't do any work they just put fill on the property and it wasn't even Title 5 fill it was just filling it and wanted an extension this is in these cases not the same but that they're doing the the construction and they got delayed and we said it didn't matter that they didn't apply in town in time the issue is the three years the three years and then adding the one year to the three years and in both of those cases we said yep we're going to Grant the extension but you have to have the system completed by the four years from the time the the system was approved period there is no extension after that that's we said in those two cases uh Bill and Lee what do you think I think that's more than reasonable Bill you're looking very P there oh no he's still looking for Colleen's regulation email yeah no actually I I found them just just to jump around I found something dated February 18th 1998 is that the only page you sent out of proposed regulations there were uh let's see it's it's February 18th 1998 Board of Health septic inspection policy changes was the there was a bunch of different one there were different ones were 1998 yeah there were there were several different so there more than there were more than this single page there okay oh yeah yeah it was y y it was in a yeah there was more than that there was like okay five of them maybe or all right and that came through as a word file I was looking for a PDF came through as a word file okay yeah I sent them all word I think but this one yeah I don't okay no worries I'll find them okay thank you dick if you'd be so kind I'm getting tired too could you reiterate what you were asking us to consider what I was suggesting is that in this case we've made a we had a precedent within the last year and two other situations that were well I think they're close enough to make a precedent for this one that because of and we said because of the unique financial and building environment that the previous two people had had actually started in some way moving forward with the constru construction of the house with a construction of the the property of the system but had made substantial movement toward completing the building process and they he got into a spot that before they realized that there was a threeyear clock their clock ran out which put them in a technical violation of not asking for the extension before the clock ran out and what we said is that that was a technicality the the intent of the law was that you were allowed if the if there were extenuating circumstances you were allowed up to but not Beyond four years not three years and the Board of Health could say we are in fact going to Grant you the extension to four years from the time of the approval of the the permit but according to the regulations and the board is going to follow it that is it that there it has to be completed with a a sign off by the board by the four years and if it's not then the permit is vo and that's what we said on those other two okay and the other two one was the the new 69 South Street which is up the street from me that house and the second was Ashley Bowman's house which was Tom H's daughter on on the lake on aldr Lake yeah it was like lot six of okay I I I can I'm good with that dick that's fine Lee how is what is your thought no I I would agree that's I think that's more than fair for all parties concerned okay Colleen that so that's what we're doing okay they have to understand this is this is this now is going to move into the doesn't have the ability to go beyond the four years yeah so it if it has to be completed by the four years or their permit is is void okay okay are you guys ready to go back go someplace else besides this yeah yeah Colleen are you gonna let us go to bed I I I second that I second that motion we're all tired yes okay Lee are you ready to give it up for tonight yep absolutely okay I'm gonna shut you all off have a good night good night you too take it easy everyone thank you all the best okay bye