##VIDEO ID:8TI-pHi89aI## [Music] good evening late good evening how you doing there so before we get going I there are three systems that but two of them I need need you guys involvement I couldn't do the the first one is for Dairy Mart that's 362 I think East State and that's Allen's uh system and it's a repair for the retail store and the two-bedroom apartment it's got two pumps plus a new SAS the C is paid the reviews complete and other than those threee it's mainly it's a paved and cleared and grassy and building with buildings and deep sand 66 inch water table the issues that we have with the limited area for the SAS and the the high water table the designed is to reuse the existing and both the the 1500 gallon single compartment tank and the th000 gallon pump chamber both have ballast he's going to be installing the two new pumps and controls uh in between the actually using the reserve area and next to the s in between the lines in the existing SAS 33 foot by 50 foot by 12 in effective dep frenches the vents has installed in the reserve area between the trench existing trenches you got 5505 gallons a day provided versus 550 required we don't we've used up the reserve area so one has not provided 5 foot water table separation C uh the ballast was retained from the existing tank and pump chamber the septic tank and SAS separation the wells and wet L is more than 100 fet and what I had down is the is that from the trench permit is required and the it is a it's a fill requirement system but we're not going to be adding any fill at this point do we have we've we've discussed this a couple different times are we okay with this that's the existing system behind daart it is okay and how many pumps just one pump dick no two pumps well we're making them go with a double pump okay yeah and that when they went through and tried to muck out the the saay there was one line that there was in question when they got in they said this is just filled with with roots and they let's abandon the existing trenches and put new ones in oh they did okay okay all right okay well I'm fine with that then Lee are you all set with that I am yes yeah thank you next one I'm going to ask for you guys involvement fact the next two this is Allen again 154 Bachelor Street this is if you're coming down North Street and to the to the we'll say the Northeast and as you hit Bachelor Street you take a hard left across the Little Brook right after the Brook on the left to repair a complete system of three-bedroom house the fee is paid the review isn't completed on this it's mainly cleared grassy two and a half acre lot deep Sands 78 inch water table uh there are wetlands to the East and the South the issues the wetlands and the water table uh at this point when I talk to Allan and that's what I've got from discussion for us is a wetland proxim proximity Is prompted Allen to use a a bed instead of trenches uh the design for this one is a a a new 1500 gallon two compartment tank um no Outlet filter of 14t by4 43t bed 445 gallons a day provided versus 440 needed Reserve area is not provided since it's a repair there is still required 5 foot water table separation ballast isn't required uh the existing septic tank and leaching tank will be pumped crushed and filled you reach my septic tank and SAS separation the wells and wetlands more than 100 feet the the issues i' I've got is a trench permit and the fill requirement but what I wanted to Bill and Lee get get your thoughts Allen used the the Trent at the beds instead of trenches because he didn't want to encroach on the 100 feet to the the Wetland and he probably he's stuck on the on the West Side he's only 11 feet from the the lot line so he can't move that way and he he'd have to move but he can't move to the South because he starts to make it longer and he starts to run into the into the wetlands and he didn't want to move the obvious thing was to move it had maybe another 12 feet and put the trenches in which would move it to the to the east so that the question I guess it's for sure Lee and and Bill my my feeling is that that the trenches life of the trenches is going to be so much longer than the bed that i' I'd give in and give him the 12 feet to the towards the wetlands but but I I felt that that's our decision not my decision what is what is your thinking let me let me find the plan first Colin did you send this plan out uh well the plan is in the I sent them put them in your packets but but do you have it electronically that you we don't have this one elect I don't know if we have I don't think so no only one I have for that site is I have a Title Five inspection report that was sent out on the 18th of uh October yeah that was the failure yeah I can't unless I see it dick I can't really opine on it unless Lee wants to act unilaterally that' be fine well you can you can give the your thought still if if you could picture this thing it's kind of a flat area that that runs into the Wetland the whole area is kind of a it's a meadow with a 5 foot water table and what he's got about 105 feet to the to the edge of the Wetland yeah the point is the point is has anyone vetted the Wetland delineation no one's probably even vetted the Wetland delineation so we're talking fine-tune numbers and we really don't even know if those numbers are even in the ballpark that's why I have a concern with that yeah and mine mine absolutely doesn't have the wetlands deiminated so yeah so you want to on this one the sewage isn't on the surface do you want to just again i' have I think conservation meets meets next week have Allan come to conservation next week to start okay well Allan will be in so let's yeah yeah okay that's 154 Bachelor okay so we'll tell we'll tell Allan that in fact Allan can give a shot at at the delineating the equipment the next one that I that I have is Mike petus it's 62 Ruby Street I don't think you've got an electronic copy of that one either this one this one if you're if you're coming down Taylor Street bill yeah and you hit the the stot sign where it where it goes to the left where where the horse farm is you take a right and this is going to be the first house that's on the left so it's the first one that's headed out into that that wet field that goes all the way out to east3 and oh yeah that yeah I know I know that property then and it's filled up in the front yeah and that and that uh the repair is a complete system three-bedroom house SE is paid the review is not complete on this one also uh it's mainly a cleared grassy uh one of the things that Mike hasn't said is how big the lot is so that's not included uh I've got a mistake saying it says deep Sands but the mistake on on my part that just actually Pill and Pill in there uh 78 inch water table they're you know I just where it said Wetlands to the east and south it's not correct but the issues are a slow perk there and one of the dick dick is this is this on top of the hill on trby no it's not if you if if you look for um Gay's house when you come down there yeah Gay's house with the big with the big this is you take a right yeah and as soon as you take the right it's on the left I'm looking at I'm looking at an aerial photo of it right now so what you've got is the front of this house is got fill in it one of the holes show he calling out a lomy standand with a 30inch perk and I'm just saying that's one of the things I have again again I have to apologize if um I'm going to have to get a copy of that plan set to review I can't I can't review things without looking at the paperwork but you had them Bill don't you do you pick up the your packet I I didn't because I had called Colleen this afternoon I didn't even know we had the meeting tonight until after lunch dick okay well the the question that we're gonna that Eman ask and we won't we can go through this at least to talk about it yeah what Mike is proposed is a, 1500 gallon tank but he's got a now this soil in the front is is pill that although he doesn't he probably out 30 minutes per inch but but lomy sand and I can't believe it that's not Lo me stand at 30 minutes a this but but uh anyways that one of the holes he's got just down that material the other hole down six five feet something the a horizon is still there they're filled so it it wasn't stripped and his plan is to put a 20 by 42 foot Presby bed in there going to have three feet of cover he's asking for two feet of Separation with a water table and he's crawling out in this dark soil they're crawling out a water table down at at the 78 in and with and this thing's going to have 3 ft of cover and and where I'm talking about is that he hasn't delineated in fact if you look at the issues that I've got on it that the uh it's a it's got a garbage disposal so that there's plumbing permit needed for garbage disposal there's no Locust on this no ties to the septic tank no ties to the SAS no note that the Board of Health does this or the strip there was the since Lee isn't a soil evaluator that doesn't allow us to give the two foot water table variant trench permit requirement no the pH extent even though we show uh an a horizon underneath there that he hasn't defined what he's taking out for material uh no let's see the I guess those are those are my questions that but the real issue of this thing I think that's in that dark soil dick do they do they want to keep the garbage disposal or they no he's gonna make them take the garbage okay okay but my feel is that that well we can't give the because Lee's not a soil evaluator we can't give the two- foot separation reduction and and we haven't we don't do it we never do it and hey dick I could go out there and witness it I'm a soil evaluator you could do that absolutely you you could do that so mik if Mike wants to do it you can call me up and I'll witness it that's fine we could do that so the other is maybe that that's what we do and say we can't go ahead unless well we can't do it because we didn't comply with the requirements that are the state have so so Mike can do that but my general feeling is we shouldn't be giving this there should be a pump system and if you're going to put a system in over an improperly stripped area that one of the first thing you have to do is strip out that stuff that should have been stripped in the first place fact the code doesn't let you do it if you code requires that you do that so so anyway then if that's what Lee is are you okay with that to say if Mike wants to be talking about that and then oh yeah were you there was was there a good strong oxide or does this thing just it wasn't the best but was obvious um it does the current system does come out deep out of the house foundation which doesn't mean it has to stay at that depth of course you could always I'm guessing it's I haven't been in the house I don't know if the basement is finished or if it wouldn't be a big deal to raise the plumbing possibly um but you know if if Bill does in fact go there as the evaluator then uh they could uh touch on those points at that point in time yeah so maybe that's the way we handle it we just say that that that's because the code doesn't allow us without this the soil second soil evaluator doesn't allow us to give the variance even if we wanted to right right so so Bill could do it I'm not a big I'm not a big proponent of be a a system 3 feet deep in till anyways but but uh that's my experience if you look at the other houses over there you'll see they're all way built up because this absolutely that's not where the water table was on those other houses so this one's on the crest parallel with uh trouy it's at basically the same height and then as you head in a uh southerly direction towards the uh that swamp behind Russell Gay's house uh there's quite a distance but then the the backyard drops somewhat um not terribly aggressively but it's it's a nor SP probably 68 foot drop down and the plateus again runs out into the swamp yeah and that and that thought the the water table typically follows the Contour so so it drops but if bill is going to go out then and do it then that's we just say that that's what has to be done before we can discuss this but we have not we have not granted a two- foot separation we just haven't done that on right on two different occasions we granted three you know a a three-foot separation not two foot so but but that's okay then that's a good that's the reason we brought it up at at this meeting so the next one next thing that we've got we're at 717 I think Lynn is here Lynn here how are you Lynn I'm okay how are you good good yeah good hey how are you are you doing good I'm all right I'm hanging in there so so what can you be helping us with or us help you with tonight okay so I have two things on my agenda here and that's it um so the first thing is brusso when I did their their inspection they they have I guess the well was dry um they have no water so they were using bottled water to flush the toilet and of and wash their hands I don't I mean they're not serving food but at the same time you know it's still retail and I I'm not sure and there's he called somebody over there I can't remember which company and they said that the the well was just dry um and that he was seeing that a lot in gramby and there was nothing to do and he said the I can't remember um his name but he the owner there or the worker there he said he was going to try to get so he can get a a sewer line from the gramy but I don't believe that's possible because otherwise he wouldn't be on a well so I don't really know what the solution is there like I'm not sure how to proceed with this one but he has no water my my opinion and I'll just throw it out for us to talk my opinion is we've got a salow well and we know sty Wells are not good things and one one of the things that happens with shallow Wells is when the water table goes way down you don't end up with any water right so Bill and Lee my opinion would be is just like the neighbors that we've had and but maybe not his neighbor but other neighbor that when they're well failed you have a well driller come in and put a deep well in and get them some well water Le pH your oh I mean I I I agree um Lynn is the is the Cod um I'm guessing it's very definitive um in other words if you have no water um are you allowed to stay open and that's where it gets tricky if it was like if it was a restaurant I I would have to close them down you know what I mean like if with serving food the the fact that it's retail and he's just serving liquor he can get away with it sort of but I mean it's the problem with what I was concerned about is that like he kept telling me there was no solution and I was like well you have to come up with a solution because otherwise like you can't you can't keep doing it you know what I mean like there's a little bit of leeway because it's ril yeah we can't be open ended with this right exactly and I didn't know what you know what you wanted me to reiterate back to him so I mean I can swing by tomorrow and and tell them tell them him what dick said so but it's like again I just want to get your your say on this well and and yeah I mean I think from my perspective a new well is is is an absolute necessity okay um the other Spectre in the background is the limitation on that particular lot with the neighbors there's not a whole lot of room up there on that piece of property uh to get in a new well and keep away from and I don't know where the neighbors's SAS is located but for sure uh there's some homework that has to be done here yeah yeah I think I think Lee I can't remember for sure but I think they put in a tight tank because they there's no room there but I'm not positive but I think so okay is this building is this between Deerbrook and Green Meadow Lane yeah yeah okay I'm looking at I'm looking at the building right now not much room there I'll tell you and there's a house right behind it yep there's a house to the left of it there's a house to the right I'm just concerned how can they put a well in and maintain a 100 foot offset from Leach Fields well there someone's gonna have to look at it right yeah I'm I'm again I'm just looking at it right now on Google Earth high resolution and it's uh man it's tight sneakers there when I talked to the the well guys about this the they told me that on a system that they get into like this they do different kinds of seals and they they drive the casing further into the ground oh I know I know what they but the issue here with all of your what you're talking about bills imagine putting a scowell in their beside back they're drinking the stuff that got AA field that's close to you you know the funny thing they're going to end up putting this well in the in the driveway near the highway near Route 202 that's where this thing's going to end up going yeah because I'm just drawing a I'm drawing a 100 foot arc on the computer right now and boy oh boy there's no what a horrible situation but the question is are we going to have Lynn tell them that they need to get an engineer and a well driller or a well driller first at least have them get a yeah get an engineer get a professional to start to figure out where they can put a well it's not going to happen you know we can't shut them down because this isn't going to happen for probably some time but at least we got to start the process because there's no other choice yeah the well drillers are usually pretty responsive if you don't have any water yeah so now here's the next thing is there H is there a dwelling associated with this business not anymore no was they split it off oh so when it was split off were they deriving the water from the house from the house well originally that's a good question yeah I can't answer that so maybe that's what happened maybe they sold off the house and then they needed water for the business and they punched in a shallow well and here we go the same it sounds like it's the same answer they need to get the well guy and the engineer oh yeah Lynn's got to tell them that they can't say the most those there is they have to put a new well in and they've got to get the engineer and and the well driller or get the well driller to get the engineer but they need to get this done yeah okay so that's your answer ly perfect I can do that okay my second thing go ahead go ahead I was gonna ask what's your second thing yeah my second thing is um without going into too much detail um there's a concern among the churches and congregation people um that words out that food particularly like cookies like baked goods are being actually made from their home instead of using the kitchens that are certified in the churches and selling that product um and so you know I've been hearing complaints about and you know it's hard I don't know if that's true or not but it sounds like it there's pretty good evidence that that's what's going on and you know some Churches and congregations are doing it the right way by going through us and some are just not and so I don't know if we want to like send out a letter to every single church and congregation saying hey you know you can't you can't prepare or bake anything from your home and bring it to a church um event and sell it you have to use the kitchens that are Serve Safe I I don't know how you want to handle that so so here's my question um maybe for youin but maybe also for Colleen um I'm guessing we for sure have two churches that are they safe certified and they don't know if there's more than that in this town there are other churches um well from what I understand that it was the question was asked and people and whoever was saying oh no I you know I made it from home and I'm bringing it here to the church to to sell it right so when cookies I think we talked about this about 30 years ago I remember this discussion coming up as long as as long as bn's talking about that then then it's probably the schools are also if you're going to send this thing out it's probably the places that that we routinely give permits for for event correct correct so basically they're using they're going to these events but instead of like using the kitchen to you know like let's just say bake cookies right um in the in their own kitchen they're doing it from home and bringing it to these events and and I have absolutely no way of knowing that you know what I mean I'm just assuming it's made from the kitchen right that's right yeah it's hard to and I guess everyone you know some of the churches in congreg other ones that are doing it the right way are getting a little frustrated is from what I'm gathering we we've we've deal we've crossed this bridge before what what if we just sent out to do we send it to to all the churches and the schools and yeah and say just say that that any products that are are sold on their premises at any events need to be any food products need to be prepared in the certified kitens do we just send just the say we want to remind you that this is the requirement and that's what I said to them I said maybe the board you know that was my suggestion I'm like maybe they'll that's the only way you can do it because I have no way of knowing you know what I mean how would you know that but all you can do is really send a letter and you know just remind everybody that that's not okay like but that's we send send a letter out and then from that point forward it's on the uh honor System or how are we gonna you know how's everything gonna know probably gonna find out someone else is gonna complain and say hey we got this letter and we know these people aren't doing it it's it turns out what we only have a few different groups that get right they're only like four different groups that or more than that if you put the schools the the GAA and stuff but so we could look at wherever we give permits out there may be places that are selling without even permits but but at least if you send to the people that we know about and then if they don't do it as Lynn is pointing out it it turns out that someone's GNA complain and say these guys still aren't doing it and then we'll have something to base it on but at least we start off by saying hey guys this is these are the rules that you're supposed to be following and then they hopefully say whoa we didn't know that all right so um so that anytime Colleen receives any application from whom ever um a letter or copy of their letter should be included in the application uh so they're aware of it because we've got these various groups in town as we all know that are planning on renting out their properties or their barns or their whatever for different events uh possibly our next guest at The Wine House uh may be part of that in you know accidentally as well preservation Society I mean there's there's potentially a lot of groups in town um that fall into this you're you're feeling le as you catch it that every time there's an application that you we send it out and there the applications are supposed to be a month before the event that's correct right so you give a month the right sure pH could you accept that well this is a complicated situation because like Lynn says it's hard to it's hard to control where products are being baked Y and some people might say listen if you don't let me bake the the cookies or the banana bread in my house guess what I'm not going to bake anything so good luck so it's isn't that isn't that better than someone getting sick because we didn't try to do it right well well you're assuming someone's going to get sick dick you're assuming and I think people have been doing this for years you know if you want if we want to be super conservative of course we'll say it has to be prepared in a in a sanctioned kitchen but why don't we since that's the right thing to do why don't we try to do it and see if people come back and say well we can't do this and maybe what happens is if there's one yeah yeah see see if there's a lot of push back if there's a lot of push back we we can adjust but let's try let's try let's try enforcing the kitchen prep approach and uh and see how it goes but again I'm expecting we'll probably see some push back but that's fine then we can deal we can deal with it then yeah that's fine so T if you can do that draw something up that we'll hand out with people saying all that all the food that that's sold has to be made in in licensed kitens okay so we all agreed to that okay so that's that so you we're done with you Len yes you are thank you thank you you don't have okay I'm good for that thank you thanks ly thank you yeah bye waiting bye we ended up with your two systems Allan that the the dairy mark is a is approved uh as you've presented it the one on 154 Bachelor Street bill would like to to understand where the Wetland really is yeah trying to have it delineated that bill in fact ask that that uh we have a meeting next week Al if you want to stop it be great so Bill as I um Lee and I talked about at the site and as I told dick we're beyond the 100 foot for sure there's there's kind of no reason for an RDA here the um the only reason I got into a little discussion with dick about it earlier was if we made it any wider or longer by using trenches we would have started to kick towards the boundaries of the 100 foot now that was the only reason it came up but right now as design buffer is this bordering Bachelor Brook is that Bachelor Brook um a little it's a little tributary of yeah it's a tributary I agree yeah okay again I have to see I'm sorry but I I don't have access to the plan set right now yeah I I submitted also to Dick a locust map there's no question there's a brook there and there's no question bgw there but as designed it's over 100 feet from boat okay well again let's take a look at the plan set at the appropriate time well I thought that was tonight that's all because they're in a hurry the problem is Alan I I threw before the board I said you know what I'd like to do if we've got a steal 12 feet in that easterly direction towards the brook I'd rather do that to get the benefit of the The Trenches but that's where Bill is saying well I don't even know Al can you send me the plan right now um sure the the um I'm not sure send it to me send it to me directly do that right now hold on yeah send it to me directly I'll spend a few minutes looking at it why not well if that's the case then we we're that's not a fair thing we're running late yeah we're gonna this is gonna hold the meeting up listen Al come to the conservation meeting next Tuesday if you would please but can you discuss it if it's not on your agenda your Conservation Commission you can do it right we we can we can do it during 7 to 7:15 which is an Open Access building permits we can discuss that and what is your date and time it's seven 7 o'clock a week from tomorrow get Allen out of where he poau right now what we ought to do bill is my feeling is that the trenches are so much better I would rather give Allen the 12 feet or so that he needs to get the trenches in but basically the result of this is it will be postponed into the winter season I'm really this is there's not it's not in the buffer zone I've explained that already it's very frustrating I understand you want all want a piece of reviewing it but it is very frustrating Now That We're Not only going to have to do a wetland discussion but now we're likely also going to have to do a redesign aspect I'm just frustrated well Alan I'm a little bit frustrated also because you didn't put the right dimensions and the the the things I need to do to review the system on the drawing it doesn't show where the wetlands are and this and they're important here and that's where we're hung up and we're hung up by what you didn't provide and now we're trying to work that through sock I did provide a statement it was over 100 feet away I beg to differ over 100 that could could be 101 ft it can be 148 ft and it's you're supposed to show it and you didn't show it so so we're trying to discuss it we're trying to get through it and actually try to get this done but but part of the review process is to avoid this and we couldn't do it because it wasn't on the drawings okay let me ask you one more question okay if I go to conservation and then then agree oh well yes there is a stream Wetland there which we know there already is then they're going to ask for a delineation which that process takes up several weeks or month a month again and then we're going to talk about changing the system design what I'm saying is is all of a sudden we're going to push this into weeks and months out trying to talk that through right now Al it's it's possible that conservation might look at the data next Tuesday and say you're okay without a permit that's possible too but again I have no information to go off of here you're asking me to make a decision without seeing the data that's that's yeah and I'm not sure you're going to be able to make a decision without going to the site but well again at least I'll have your plan set and I'll have some high resolution photographs to at least get started on it prior to the meeting the other thing though what I was trying to what I was trying to get us into a spot is to make it so Allan did it ends up in the problem that he's worried about and that to to get us so that the three of us can say either the bed is okay the we we require trenches where they can be put in if you on the conservation hat says you know what this is not encroaching let's put the trenches in move it to 12 feet we could Le and I and you could say let's leave this up to you Bill as a result of next week's conservation meeting if you say you know what I'd rather the Environmental Protection that Allen's got drawn let's go with Allan sign as Allan says at that point you'll have seen it b d d what why do why doesn't this forward why doesn't this board approve it contingent upon approval by conservation well that's what my concern is that we've got the bed I don't the code says to use trenches unless you can't use itless you can't use it so in this case certainly the code allows those trenches to be within 50 ft of that Wetland aboard of help has 100 feet so I'm trying that's why I brought it back to the board to say hey board let's let's assume the worst case let's assume what's the address is it 62 try no I just sent you I just you just sent it to me let me take a look at it this going to take another 10 minutes that's don't people waiting what why don't you why don't you move the board move the meeting on to another topic and I'll sit aside and look at this for a few minutes okay well what don't we do Mike is Mike is here and Mike we discuss how are you Mike good how are you guys good we discussed your your system on on 62 KY and we we've got we've we haven't approved a two foot water table separation uh where the concern that we had uh is the where the the water table really is uh we can't we can't approve the two foot separation if we wanted to because Lee is not a soil evaluator so but Bill is and so what my thought is that that in that in that whole area if you notice the systems are all up in kind up in the air the other one beyond that uh my guess is the water table's actually higher than that but Bill's going to look not not happy that there's one of those holes has got some some a horizon stuff buried down there and you're no says that it it's a strip underneath the septic system if if you see the stuff but the stuff is down at 62 inches so you may never see it so so if there's stuff found there it would have to be stripped out even if they don't see it so that's not defined that there were issues of of H ties to the tank ties to the SAS uh we've got a a strip inspection by the board that's required we got Trent permit that's required by the board that's that's not in there but the the real issue is is that my feeling is the system should be up higher not you know bearing at three feet and the I know you've got called out not to go over three feet but it it it keep in that till that that I certainly would feel better with a with a pump in there Lee wasn't sure about whether the plumbing should could be just brought up uh on on at least two occasions no two occasions we've approved a three-foot water separation not not two foot but but what Bill said is that he was available to to go out and while you guys were on site he's the second soil evaluator so while you sit there and say you know let's talk through what's the right system for that for this site and just do it right then and get get the whole thing approved and then they'll have the the person there that can approve the even if we want a three-foot separation that that you still need the second evaluator sure yeah I sent the response to all the questions maybe you guys didn't get them I know um I think I yeah I sent it at 3:30 but yeah I didn't see it for sure yeah no problem and as the other thing is you're drawing on your drawing mic just for a point of reference I tried to send stuff that out Cen sent it to you you got the wrong email address on your drawing oh no it my the email address on my drawing to you uh was let me see the drawing but it's like a yeah it should be Mike Els now.com yeah that's not what it says on my drawing on my drawing and so maybe you want to correct your drawing uh my drawing says Els els.com on your on your heading not the bottom left of the yeah no I'm reading out mine I don't understand how it printed like that maybe it was just a an old layer I think the E the E on this thing dick I think it's supposed to be uh like on the left where the P is for phone I think the E is supposed to be email but it's it says I know that and if you look that's where it says e then there's a space and it says El LS at lsn.com right mine says e. Mikel snow.com yes wow that's a weird thing yeah I don't understand how yeah but oh you know what let me see if all of my drawings say the same thing I'm looking at my drawings say oh who am I drawing say elf no at one of my drawings does Mike as it turns out that uh I just told the wrong drawing so I dra see one of two you're right yeah I see so the only drawing that is the right one is one of three and I didn't use one of three no I apologize I do see it now as well that's just an old title block oh oddly nothing I was only looking at the first page yeah and that's the only page I did look at see yeah two and three definitely have that de old address on yeah yeah I see it too like it if you get in touch with Phil why don't you guys go out there look at the thing get it done and figure out what makes sense on the site and and do it yep definitely it work for you guys okay a build do you have any preference in time frames or yeah yeah just give me a call at the office we'll set something up whenever you want we'll go out there but give me a call okay I will that's good thank you okay thanks Mike thank you guys have a great night you're welcome thank you okay so we should go through our what we've got left that bill when you're ready to how are you going to deal with Allan well I'm look I'm looking Al I got a feeling we got a little issue here this might actually be Riverfront area you hear me Al I can yeah I'm looking well again see that's another problem dick with my eyes I got to get another pair of glasses but I think we're that little waterway that goes through that property might be River but all is not all is not lost because with an existing property in Riverfront area you're you're only obliged to put the system as far as practicable from the uh Riverfront area or if it if you're in the riverfront area you got to put it as far as possible from the river itself okay that's that's what's done if that's the case then you have to let Allen do what he's proposed because yeah I I would recommend you put the bed in yeah Allan that that settles that that from what bill just said I I agree that this is a case where where giving way to push it further towards it is in conflict with what bill just said so the way that it should go yeah where your leech field is Al is pretty darn close to that stream I know it's probably like well it's not far from the stream let's put it that way the bottom line is I would recommend dick that we approve the bed as L submitted Lee are you okay with this yeah I mean I was on site and it sure without measuring it sure did look like I don't know 100 plus all day long but problem yeah if he's dealing with 200 ft that's yeah that's right see that's the problem it's the resource area you got to remember River front is not a buffer it's the actual resource area it's like working in a wetland so correct Al's as far away as you can practically get from it because you're encroaching on the well radius and that's just the way it is okay so that on that one okay on that one so we still are that we've got still uh and the trench permit those are the two requirements on that one yeah and so we are allowing the the bed to go in here colen okay thank you good night okay I glad we could help now as as Allan it just that so we all know we just approved this without telling Allan he's got to go to the Conservation Commission is that what we just did Bill yeah but he's going to still come to conservation because there's there's an exemption that he can lean on to a vote void doing fancy permitting with us okay so this one is a approv subject to getting approval of Conservation Commission is that correct yes yes okay so which exemption are you referring to did you hear Alan I can't hear you go ahead again I said and what exemption are you referring to it's in 310 cmr1 there's an exemp there's a Riverfront exemption for um for septic systems for repairs Al I I don't I don't have the citation in front of me though yeah no I know about that I just didn't uh realize that required a meeting I I think it's good practice to come to the meeting next Tuesday to run this bias okay got it please please do please do thank you thanks youve got our approval Alan thank you okay let's go through our other business we've got the Colleen time Street for November 2nd NE is here pardon oh oh Neil oh that's right Neil you're I'm here for the wine house we we asked Neil and and Jim to come I think huh yeah I don't know if Jim's here but I don't I don't know I don't I don't see them on the on the on the par yeah participants but well we actually were trying to get Jim as the main person with you hearing it but uh it get we we just talk to you because we can't talk to anybody else huh yeah that works Neil was was out he did a perk test um there at the time Jim indicated that he was anxious to to get the systems resolved for both the house and the business and he was willing to lock the ownership of the two systems together or the two the house and the the business together he understood that that he would need a a septic system for the a septic tank for the house a septic tank for the the business what we talked about is whether Neil does that or not is to put in a common uh pump chamber yeah and and and a Lee field was with still a a plan that Neil was talking about the last time he was before us and it sounded like Jim was willing to to do that is to get the the system designed and approved and they would ask us to be able to put the the tank in the first tank of the looks like we'll need probably two tanks probably a a 2000 and I think a second a thousand probably for the two tanks in series for the the business that plan was that they would put the 2,000 gallon and immed immediately uh after we approved the design of the system the both overall system and then I explained that I thought the board would give some deadline to finish the system the whole system up is that what the board is thinking I'm not those aren't my those aren't things that I'm just making up these are I think what the board approved the last time Neil was talking to us is that so the first 2,000 gallon tank will be installed as a tight tank is that what I'm hearing yeah well dick I I was I I gave it some thought and I think it would make more sense to put in two 1500 gallon tanks you're getting basically the same the same amount it's it still adds up to 3,000 you're getting 72 hours of detention time versus 48 that they require and you're getting the basically you're getting like a two compartment cuz you have two single chamber 1500 gallon tanks so goes into one catches the solids and liquid goes into the second one so you get the the same effect as a as a a two chamber tank but I think 25s might make more sense plus if you put those both in right away you have 3,000 gallons um on the site versus 2,000 just it just seems make more sense one thing one little DET one detail is when you tie the two tanks together typically you put backto back te's between the two tanks but that's a tricky little detail that you guys got to work out yep doesn't code doesn't code say that the first chamber has to be two times the capacity the daily capacity on a on a two chamber tank on a on a commercial on a Comm commercial site the the first chamber has to be two days detention right right so what's your what's your daily flow NE Neil uh well on the high side we had uh 960 so maybe we should go back to the 2,000 and 1,000 yeah I don't think the 1500 carries that okay all right we'll do the 2,000 and the one okay now you can if you want to do it you can although the the one is a pain in that to just go after to try to pump I don't do you know where you you said if you were putting in two 1500s in theories for 3,000 you can still put the 2,000 and the 1,000 and still get 3,000 right yeah no that's yeah that makes sense we'll do that so in summary what we're gonna do is Neil is I new Neil is our plan right now that that we're agreeing is you're designing the these two tanks you're talking about our plan is to get those in we would allow you to put that in a temporary basis you are designing a two- pump chamber with the and the lead field that the two pump chamber and the lead field are designed for the business business and the house yep we have not we haven't required at this point I don't think there are any orders that say the house has to be done right now but you said you were going to design the SAS and the pumping to handle the house well it doesn't make sense not to do it and you know and chances are with the water table we found so far that that system for the house is in the water table yeah so we might as well make it so we take care we take care of both both um structures at the same time why don't from my standpoint to avoid a conflict it would be nice if you talked to Jim and you told the gave the board what you are suggesting for our schedule okay this is what we do and this is what we're going to finish what Bill what are you thinking Lee rather than us say oh we're demanding this or that why we're going to be dealing the sewage will be out of the porta potties it's going to be below the ground uh it becomes an expense for Jim to manage but that to pump it but that's his his choice and uh is it your thought that we ask them for a installation schedule and if we agree that that's there we say that that's fine we just hold you to your own schedule is that what your thoughts are that makes sense how about Lee and Bill what are you thinking what dates are we talking about we're talking in circles here s of we don't have any well you have to we can't we can't put the uh system in anyway till after March because we have to do a inseason perk test so we have to verif water table so we can't really do the system until March I mean we could certainly get the tanks in well before that so so this is it is going to be a pump system then correct oh okay all right so the elevation of the tanks aren't critical then okay no we're keeping them out of the water table yeah yeah all right are you thinking Neil that the house wouldn't be the house tank wouldn't beook hooked up until the pump and the Lee field are hooked up you don't want to end up pumping tight tank on the the house no no no that'll be connected after so the 2,000 gallon tank um do you so you're going to do a a drawing for the 2,000 and the 1,000 series and present that to the board as far as the whole whole thing and then you'll just give them give them permission to put in the two tanks okay the drawings will be seeing I don't know how busy you are two weeks four weeks um when's your well probably two meetings when's your next meeting so probably two two meetings away okay so after we give you the permission then installation within what period of time well I'll have to talk to Jim but I would say within a month yeah it looks to me since you know that part is going to be approved why in good faith it seems to me like you ought to be able to schedule the 2000 and the and a thousand gallons you're kind of free to schedule that but let's look at when we're going to approve it I'm just trying to see it looks to me like the the next Board of Health meeting is the 17th of if we're missing the the 14th the next one is the 17th of December December 17th yeah so instead of in keeping with what Lee is talking about since we've already we know where the 2,000 and th000 are going uh we know we're going to approve and let you do that why don't we not start that process for the installation assuming you get the approval for that on the 17th uh why don't you work at getting that installation set up now so you can get that done right away after instead of waiting to the 17th and say oh gee it's not going to be until February and the ground's going to be frozen is that what you're thinking Lee well yeah just to keep everybody in the same Spirit uh since we obviously have a um small history of delays which life happens uh but yeah I would think the week of the 15th meetings Tuesday so you know the 20th the 18th whatever it can be go go go and get this thing in the ground ordered up early delivered and you know make it happen yeah get your your installer all set up and okay yeah the electrician get the alarms put in and uh I mean obviously I'm not telling you what you already don't already know how to coordinate the whole thing but right you know I'm just hoping that by the first week of January this thing's in the ground and going okay yeah that's fair yeah okay thank you okay okay thank you okay have a good night thanks Neil than have a great night appreciate it take care Neil Take Care by what will um as far as the wine houses food permits they were uh extended from June 1st to September first now it's way beyond that so what what do you want does the board want to do with that those for for The Wine House my feeling would be here I'll just let we kick it around mine would be to to send it out to the 31st of December I agree no what are you thinking yeah I can I can support that for sure when's the current permit valid until well it it went from June 1st to September 1st and oh oh so it fell so right right now there's no permit technically right okay yeah end of the year is fine okay okay so that's what we're doing yep okay okay okay next one is colen salary dated November 2nd and it's a standard 70 hour for the two weeks are we all set with that yes yes all set good good I have two calling so that's approved okay and the meeting minutes too don't forget oh okay let's go back how are we with the meeting minutes good on my side that's the meeting minutes that just wa that is for the uh so we have it the record that's the for October 22nd y Bill how are you with it well I didn't go through them with a fine tooth comb dick but if if you're good with them that's fine okay then I'm okay with it too colen okay so we didn't do Colleen salary yet oh yes we did yeah yes we did the next one is the uh money turnover receipts to the treasurer total $1,175 out of that is $1,065 for board of health permits uh $50 for Board of Health fees $60 for gas permits and that's it totaling $1,175 are we okay with that yes yes and I am to co so that's approved okay the next one is we've got the one of them for a temporary food license for the Church of Christ for the jingle bell Bazaar on December 7th are we okay with that one yes I'm good I am tooing so that's approved okay the next one is a application for well construction it's East Street Lot 2 and that one is one of the thefam lots and the the location of the well is taken right off the septic system design that we approved that shows the we and it's it's got the all the required clearances are we okay with that yes which lot is that dig lot three lefl no it's lot two lot two yeah because we just did a conservation site visit at lot two and uh it's the one next to the estate lot correct it looks it looks like it because it looks like there's a narrow yeah there's a narrow entrance to it left that's that's a very that's that's a relatively flat lot no no heavy vegetation at all it's an easy lot there that's fine okay and I am okay with that too Colleen so that's okay the next one is we have H I think we've got two of them temporary food licenses for grany preservation Society their jeans tea and the trees or it looks like the both tea and the trees and November 22nd and November 26th for the gr B preservation Society are we okay with that with those yes that's good okay I am I have a question on those um okay they are having tea and sugar cook the cookies are coming from a residential kitchen um see there we go in L they're made in a residential kitchen she has a a permit um so do you want uh Lynn to go out to this we don't we we don't inspect other Town permits no I mean to this these events this event so this a residential Kitchen in the town of grandby no no just getting some cookies from some sugar cookies from this residential kitchen out of lllo so they're just having tea and cookies so I'm just wondering do you want Lynn to inspect my theory is we don't need to but the there's not really any there's no food being cooked or prepared that's what I was wondering what do you what do you think Bill and Lee see see those residential kitchens those are tough those are tough cookies no pun intended no this is a licensed residential cooking kitchen yeah she's she's licensed oh it is this this woman who's making the cookies is liced oh oh oh the town of Leo licenses the residential kitchens well we do two if it's a licensed residential kitchen yeah she has one and Lynn goes in as speel not on not on another P the other P yeah right right right okay yeah I would agree uh that I in my way of thinking Lynn doesn't necessarily have to view this operation okay go to the big wine buy some sugar cookies at the big wine call it a day I know much easier what is the worst thing that she'd be looking for here how they store their cream right their moch and cream proba that would be the I think it's a it's a waste of everybody's effort to do that so tyen we all three of us said no okay the next one is a certificate of compliance it is uh just a direct replacement tank replacement uh Robert Adair is the installer it is at I think it it said s Lake View are we set with that Lee was that all done um this is my first um notification oh no you signed it I did oh you did you did sign it how old is how old is this thing this is two months old a month and a half no no it's not you signed it on 10:20 or 10:26 I can't tell yeah it was done a while ago though Lee I think it was just he was just looking for the paperwork but um yeah I haven't been over in that part of town for uh for a little while I think it must have been done in August it looks to me Lee that it could have been August 6 ah okay that makes sense one that was at the End of the Street on the right and we couldn't get there was a an issue with How deep the water table was there and but the tank was a thousand gallon tank that had to be replace yeah that's the house the firemen uh frommer it's there yep yep yep yep yep I just are you okay so long ago I just couldn't remember it was a long time ago for me yeah so Bill are you okay with this what's the proposal again oh it's just it was a tank that was installed in August all it was was a as a result of a Title Five it had an an old thousand gallon tank and and it was a a water table issue that that the guy didn't document properly it went on and on and but it was really the the issue was it was a small old tank that that needed to be replaced in sand and they just did it with a 1500 that's fine it was done in August is the tank level is it is it operating is it full of water I would guess it's filled a lot with water now yeah long as it's long as it's level and operating properly that's fine okay I'm okay too with telling we approve that okay so we have got uh uh Title Five Greg Everson uh failed at 73 ammer Street it was a a flooded system apparently are we set to accept that one yes that's fine that's fine I am too okay we have a a item for discussion U we've got 125 Max a million Drive uh hernie gave me a call Bobby stean gave me a call attorney gave me a call asking for what we were looking for for one of the Adu uh requirements of not separating the properties and what to put on a deed restriction and and he wrote one up that that he asked me what I thought after he asked me what I thought we were looking for and it looked to me like it was okay I told him to make sure he sent it to colen to be sent out to everybody to look at I also told told him not to indicate that I had looked at it and thought thought it was okay so so we wouldn't violate open meeting laws so and Bill and and Lee do it look okay to you guys because it's probably the model for what we're going to have to use for all the adus yeah yeah the the F the first condition are that as long as it's in common ownership the septic system in well or common everything's common but if they want to split it up then the each separate property needs its own well and own septic system that's that's reason and that's what it says that's what it says that's what it says it's well written and I was careful I told him that he should make sure that he writes it in a way that you don't say that the property couldn't be split up because I said it could be that this is an an acre property and somebody wants to split up five acres of it off that the dwelling units aren't on at all I said so you you have to write it in a way that the property we're talking about is the one that has the dwelling units on right and he he did it that way he didn't say that the property couldn't be divided he said that the the dwelling units couldn't be so we're okay with that it say property property must be subdivided such that the single family dwelling and the Adu are no longer situated on the same lot and no longer share a common well or a common septic system right so we saying that the the way it could be divided would only be if they no longer share either one of them right it it doesn't really say that one of the one of the new subdivided Parcels must put its own well and Lee field in it doesn't say that but I guess that's inferred by it say that they can't they can't do it as long as they share either one yeah it's worded kind of funny it is in fact if you go through it it's not the first item looks like it says you could actually change ownership but it's not until the last item that it says oh but if you change ownership this thing has to occur because the first item I said je it just say that the current owners won't do it that doesn't mean that the next owners can't do it but then way down below it says oh no this thing keeps going with the property right right right that's that's I think it's good enough Lee are you okay with it oh yes yes thank you the Board of Health regulations we said we weren't going to do anything with until after the New Year the Dollar General for Bay I have not heard anything back from uh under other business colen has a a thing that we talked about the Beaver Dam on Forge Pond oh yeah I sent out I sent out a C's guide to addressing Beaver conflicts did everyone get that I did not get it Colleen would you be kind enough to send it to everybody uh I will tomorrow yep I will I didn't see it before I left I didn't see it before I oh no no dick let me just send it I can send it to you right now if you want okay but the but the owners of the property that that's adjacent to this that the people that that have been worried about this continue to to to call Colleen right and Colleen po that it it does not look like it's it's a board of health issue it's not a it's not a health problem yeah but the point is Dick if you read this there's an appeal if the Board of Health denies it not being a health related emergency there's actually an appeal process you can go to Mass wildlife directly so we could let the people know that yeah so Colleen take this document I forwarded to you and send it to the folks that are interested in the that Beaver D why don't you tell them we're hello yes hi hi Tony hi how are you we're right here good to see you yes we saw you at conservation last month good to see you again how's everything good very good very good so my my main concern is uh uh every every day I go over there and there's another set of Twigs up and uh do you remember the property you looked at it comes to a point uh in front of the the old shack that's there kind of comes to a point yeah well that's gone up about uh the uh from our measurements the the dam is 3 and 1/2 ft to 4 feet up and it keeps getting higher and higher and it's flooding our property it's only about 6 in from coming over the top there uh so I called uh Wildlife uh they told me that uh conservation or uh that the building department can make an emergency uh um you know to fix to fix the situation uh because what's happening now is that Winter's coming and uh last month a canoer got hurt there and with the winter coming and the skating and the snowmobiling and the ATVs it's a huge Hazard you know and especially if it's a white out or if it's covered in snow nobody's going to be able to see that and it could be a real problem let your property is on hang on for a second when I went out there it it looked to well when I went out there the water level was about the same on both sides of the dam but let's say it's not and your property is I go in from 202 is your property the one with all the cars on it yes yeah but it's not that property oh it's it's the property it's the property next door 55 55 so you're beyond the if you're on that road you go beyond the dam to your property dick dick the other problem is where this dam is located I I don't know who owns that land but I don't think it's owned by a homeowner it might be Town owned land you're talking about 55 no I'm talking the beaver dam is physically yeah it comes from across the pond all the way to our property and as as of today I measured I measured today the beaver Dam's uh uh 3 feet uh TW um 8 in above the water a difference and every every night there's new Twigs there obviously the Beavers keep stacking on stacking on stacking on all right listen let me let me paraphrase this it's citizens guide to addressing beer Beaver conflict step one initiating the process Board of Health has the authority to um demand this to be removed however you have to go for a uh 10day emergency permit okay Board of Health has to deem it a threat to Public Health Andor safety as defined in uh chapter 131 section 8A all right that's number one step two if your application for a 10-day permit is granted you have to do the following you have to trap it with a body gripper a conab bear box or cage type trap or you can get a it's best to get a m Massachusetts trapping license or a license Trapper to actually do the work or an animal control agent all right season impression though that for pond is owned by grany though yeah well again then there's a trapping season they have a trapping season that's designated I believe November 1st the point is the board if the Board of Health does not approve this tonight you have a a uh you have another way to do it it says if the Board of Health denies your permit because they have determine that the problem does not cons constitute a threat to human health and safety appeal the decision by contacting dph Department of Public Health at the 617 number within 10 days of the booh denial okay well since since the property was in viewed I I believe uh for my understanding he came to 47 not 55 that's what that's the problem that when I looked at it I went to the in fact where the the new septic system is on that little point I can see looking to the east I drove beyond that yeah and I could see the water was up coming towards the road but there was a house down at the end that was like a dead end and I didn't go all the way to that house flooding I don't even know further back down uh but the fir uh after that property he has flooding uh uh I believe Greg has flooding and then it it be it it widens out there so what happens is that the dam hasn't been running for a couple of weeks I don't know if you guys have noticed that the big damn there's no water that's the problem yeah colen if you would take this docent I sent out today and just send it to Beverly and and Tony please as well as the rest of the board yeah it's got an item by item way to to handle this the first thing is Dick the Board of Health has to decide whether or not it's a threat to public health and safety that's what I'm saying what we should we should be doing is looking and see if that flooding since I went to the wrong place that going up in the woods be Beyond where I was I didn't see anything other than a house in the back there yeah yeah I didn't see any anything in fact when I drove past the that little opening into the trees into the woods I couldn't even see anything to the left it's just woods and there was flooding down on my to the left of the road you could see the the water coming up into that that low area you could see that but it didn't look like it was damaging anybody oh you got to D it down and look at it yeah the I'll tell you what Beaver Dam is very impressive it's like I said we we measured it today and it was uh three 3 feet 8 in difference of water but again if it's if it's not flooding anybody and it's well flooding my propoint having a snowmobile hit it that if there's a tree that went across the thing and a snowmobile hit it I was just concerned about that cuz I know I know people go skating on it and uh snowmobiling and ATV on it so and I I I'm if if it gets white out or if it gets a lot of snow they're not going to see that it might be a big problem so that's why I was bringing to the attention you know yeah hypothetical flooding is there is there flooding when you say that there is a threat to Public Health how do they uh what are the parameters of of that every single day twice a year how does that work well does it flood septic systems does it flood or the well head the well head or the Le yeah I don't the other neighbors but I know my property's getting flooded or I would guess a basement if a basement gets flooded as a result of this that's another public uh health issue I would argue it's just flooding that's that's not if it's flooding property that's and that's not the same thing as a public health Hazard okay so Tony so if the Board of Health denies this it says if your appeal is denied you may then apply to Mass wildlife for a non-emergency permit and the Conservation Commission for a notice of intent these permits allow for removal of beaver or muskrat breaching of dams and installation of flow regulation devices like Beaver deceivers okay yeah now the other thing you guys want to come down wait a we're g to be in trouble you're going to be in trouble Tony I know you are because we're going to get into the spot that it's not on Tony's land that well here's let me read this it says please my land that's right please note permits issued by Bo conservation Mass wildlife do not allow permites or their authorized agent to trespass on private property if beavers are not located on your land you must obtain the property owners permission to access their land we are the Property Owners yeah but we are the Property Owners you're property owners of the Beaver Dam no well the beaver D no no the Beaver Dam comes from one side of the pond and see that's the problem dick this Beaver Dam is not on their property that's the problem I know what you could do if that's the way you're going to deal with this thing is that you could you could go where it hits their property they certainly could go in the water and break the dam or put the deceiver they could do what they want in there that's right that's right but but in terms of of crapping the Beavers what are we could we could give an emergency permit to this thing but we have to say what is the reason what is the actual Health reason that we're doing this what is the what's what's being threaten my my concern was like I said if if when when the pond freezes over and people go skating and snow mobing and uh no we can't use that we cannot use that and that that was my concern about it so I I was I'm not I I'm not familiar with the laws or anything like that but I know that people mobile and quad there all the time when when it freezes and they won't be able to see that if it's there's snow on it it's a difference of almost four feet and every like I said every week it just keeps getting up up up and up you know what I mean yeah no now Tony you're on 47 and 55 Forge Pond correct yes sir well you remember the the the trees that the Beavers were knocking down well I'm looking at I'm looking at Mass mappa right now and I'm looking at the property lines which typically aren't terribly ACC accurate yeah yeah you own essentially to the edge of Forge Pond you do not own Forge Pond correct yes I'm at to the edge and the Beaver Dam comes from the other side of the pond and attaches to my side of the pond so it attaches to the to the little Peninsula it's a little TI correct okay I'm looking at there right now and I'm measuring it as we speak here and it is approximately we can do it ourselves it's about 75 feet yeah that about right it's impressive it's impressive I mean if you guys want to come down anytime you know take a look at it but it's very and it like I said every night they're that's why they call them busy beavers there's another you know uh 10 15 Twigs put on top of what's what's there already so my concern is just you know uh people on it and and flooding you know yeah flooding I'm having once the water starts flowing again it's gonna it's going to build up behind it that's what the Beavers want it to do and right right that's what's happening yeah again again the long-term solution is to put in a beaver deceiver and that'll be the end of it because if you breach it they're just going to rebuild it right exactly yes yes that's what I would recommend yeah well well that's what do we what are we trying to do here are we get rid of the Beaver Dam I know that I'm saying from no no I I think you're not you don't want to get rid of the Beaver Dam you want the water level to be the same on both sides of the lake yes that's what you're trying to do yeah because it's flooding my land and my neighbor's land also so that's where the beaver deceiver is a better solution yeah the problem that we have right now unless you say it's flooding it's flooding a septic system it's flooding a well it's flooding a cellar if it's doing stuff like like that then the Board of Health can do that and then then since the town owns it then you could go to the town and say hey this is a health thing we can't do this because we don't own it we need to get a a beer deceiver put in here so the so the first thing is to find out what it is that that's causing that the health problem here what is it is there is there anybody's well being threatened or well I don't know about my neighbors but if it if it goes another month or two it's going to be coming onto my land and there is a an old shack there and it'll be going into the it'll be going into the seller eventually and I don't know about my neighbors they're a little lower than I am cuz that uh bill would know that land was up a little bit higher than the other lands around it so I don't know if they're having problems with uh it going into their uh their well or going into their uh you why don't you talk to them since they're the ones that are living there they're the ones that are going to be in in expain to me yeah yeah threatened by this thing so if you get them to be saying yeah where this thing is is going to ruin our well it's going to get it's got the water table high enough so now our septic system is is yeah below the it's above the water is above our septic system so even though it's not on the surface the septic system isn't working anymore because we know because the water tables up within a foot of the surface then we can get something that we say okay now that's a health issue let's go to the Selectmen and say hey these people have a health issue in here we've gotta because one one way or the other since the town owns that we've got to get the town involved you can't do it the town has to so the first thing is to to generate the data that says this is the specific health issue that that it is and the best way to do it is find someone that's living near it and say hey this water level is now within two feet of the surface we know your septic system's underwater it's not working anymore because we know the water table's up and and now we can say now it's affected something then it becomes a health issue so defitely tying excuse me dick does the State Supply this uh deceiver uh Hardware or how does that work we we we actually put one on Pleasant Street two years ago um two uh probably 200 feet south of wall boy old house there's a deceiver that went in there's a company in East Hampton called beaver Solutions and for for the fee of around $2 or $3,000 they will install a beaver deceiver and they will actually maintain it for you as well so this isn't something that the state uh or this is whether it's the homeowner that well well like dick says if this is Town owned property we'll have Dave der roer take care of this that's a project for Dave to do it right what what happens is we've got it we get onlyy you guys find do the homework to say this is the thing that's that it's causing and they say and it's getting bigger so we say the problem now it's getting bigger then we can go to the select board and say we're calling this a health hazard we need the town help to do it because nobody can can do this legally unless the owners do it and then so that it sounds like what you're saying bill is probably the right thing is that trying to kill the Beavers is is not since it's a town L try to get everybody to say it's okay to kill the Beavers that wasn't even our thought no we weren't thinking that at all no but but the way we do this on conservation is you file for an emergency conservation permit which will grant you immediately you actually do the work and you actually fill out the paperwork after the job's done you have 30 days to do it has to be done within a 30-day window the one that the Board of Health does Phil is it's it's an out of season Beaver track uh trapping permit but that's not what we're looking for right now that's right we're looking for a different a different thing that's right different solution yeah it says employing any non-lethal management or water control device in accordance with Conservation Commission specification an authorization that's what you want right so we want to make this thing work properly is you guys do the work to say here's what we think is a health hazard the Board of Health then can say yes this is a health hazard and we the owner is the town we go to the the town and say this is what the hazard is we're trying how do we go about getting it fixed with the with the issue being a water control but it's doesn't deal with the fact that the dam is there in the snow field is going to hit it that's not it's not going to deal with that what it'll do is it'll protect your property from the water not the the dam that that's there and and that's a different issue we also you know but the important thing is the the rising of the water okay well so we'll get we'll do our homework and send something in and we'll go from there but if you guys like to see it it's amazing amazing and no water through it no water another problem that once the water starts to flow once we get water in the ground again I think you're going to see that it becomes a a different problem I think the water level will come up once it comes up then the amount of water behind it has the potential for causing flooding once it right Downstream that because there so much that's close to the absolutely water so that that's a different problem than you're seeing right now because there's no water right now yep absolutely yes you know if you want to see the difference of of what you're dealing with if you go on New lllo Road next to the old dump and look at the The Little Pond that people use to skate in in the winter time that all it is there's a little puddle in it it's all dri out there's there's no water yeah and so so that's what what we're doing here so you you do that part of your homework get back to us and then we'll so we're not after the board of health uh permission to do out of season trapping that's not what we're doing we're going the route that we determine that it's a public health hazard we then end up going asking the conservation to approve the the the fix but the town has to do it so so that and so the board can can assist with that with saying to get it done because of the health ass so that's the way very good yeah okay thank you okay thank you thank you folks good to see take care appreciate it bye bye take care thank you thanks good D that's perfect because that's a perfect example where conservation and Board of Health work hand inand to solve a problem that's good yeah and then we get the and get the selectman because it's going to be some money to to be spent and right right but you have to do it in a way that for sure if you have the the town killing beavers that's that's not going to go over you want to do that you don't want to do that okay what else what else do we have um think that's it if that's the case then everybody can go home very good okay folks and we can all hope for the best with what's going on tomorrow yes yeah let me I'll give you the reaction on that let's hope let's hope that this is the scenario tomorrow you know what what did interesting as I said to my wife if if you look at at what's happened youve got the the men of this country went to World War to save this country and we'll see if the women in fact got around to saving it on this time yep I hear you let's hope so so our next meeting is next uh next Thursday is that what do I what did I send out it's the the 14th is that right yeah it's oh it is okay yeah I'm just reminding everybody next Thursday because it's kind of off our schedule but yeah um SS in one period but send me a t send me a telephone reminder Colleen if you would thank you you want me to call what did you say give you a Remer call me on the telephone or remind me okay I will I get so blissed with stuff okay thank you so much so that's yeah next next Thursday yeah that's what I sent out okay good night everybody it easy thanks okay bye bye by bye e e for