##VIDEO ID:CQYw7N4t7Ik## [Music] so Lynn is not going to be here Colleen said no right uh and some of this stuff that we really are gonna need Le to talk about but if if we look at the the systems that that we've were reviewing there three of them tonight one of them is is straightforward we'd actually already reviewed it that's the that's the man that was on Bachelor Street 173 Bachelor Street Allan Weiss designed it it's the one that that the the sanitarian did the title five without Lee and was the little lot and um the guy basically begged us to to keep the the point that he was using and we said that we'd allow him to use the the point but he was going to have to ultimately replace it and he was going to have to test the water periodically but we're what that one is is a it's a repair a complete system three-bedroom house this house bill if you're coming down North Street and hit Bachelor take a right on Bachelor and it's it's maybe the third house on the left and the the uh public well for that that neighborhood in the back it's kind of in back of this guy's house yeah it's it's all sand it's a big sand plane there yeah I know right so if the the review is is complete it's a cleared grassy it's only4 acre lot deep Sands no water table 120 plus inch at the water table issues very small lot it's the shallow well the community well is in the in the back the design is for a 1500 gallon two compartment tank with an outlet filter it actually got one and here's the thing that that I kind of negotiated with with Allen he's he's in trouble for width and distance he's in trouble all over the place and he he ended up with one and he was going to use a a 4 foot by 75 foot print with two feet of effective death as I talked out to through I said you know alen the code says threey is a Max and I said if you're he can't go he can't put more than one train he doesn't have space to go wider longer and I said you know if you're going to give up something with 10 feet of of at least the water table why don't you give more sidewall and get rid of bottom area and if you're going to need a variance from the two foot maximum side uh side wall or the three foot maximum width why don't you asked for a 2 and 1/2t sidewall and stay with a 3-foot trench and I said you the sidewall is a lot more effective over the long run for life so it's that's what he he's got proposed uh got a vent and 440 uh 444 gallons a day of provided versus 440 required there is no Reserve area a 5 foot water table separation Bast isn't required uh the existing tank is going to be pumped crushed and removed the V variance is requested for a 70 foot separation from the well to the SAS and the 30in versus the 24 inch uh sidew the SAS sidew the septic tank and the SAS separation to other wells in wetlands are more than 100 and uh and more than 200 to the community well however the SAS to this well is 70 feet the issues to discuss the Tren perit the well separation and our testing requirements uh septic tank and and filter maintenance whether we're going to require something in there and whether the what the we uh separate a replacement schedule is and and so that the first thing is what do we are we GNA give the the the two and a half foot variant that you know the two and a half 30 inch sidewall on the Tren are we gonna you know we're stuck we we we can't get more length we all we can do is let them Allen go to the four feet of the width or and say a two feet depth or go to three foot W with two and a half I'm here oh Leah Leah's here so this one this one to remind us is we said we were going to let the man that and his family keep the shallow well we were going to require that he he do testing and that he was going to we were going to put some drop dead date for putting in a new deep well that's 100 feet from the the SAS now what Allan and I talked about is now that we've got a a variant for the two variances one is the well separation variance and the other is the sidew variance whether we should in fact have some kind of a a maintenance schedule that that he's forced to report to us on the tank pumping and also the the effluent filter maintenance so those are the those are the things that that we need to talk about in this dick as far as the E and filter my my theory on those are you don't maintain them unless they're causing a problem because they provide plenty of additional filtration due to the gel layer on the filter itself so there's no reason to clean a effluent filter unless it's backing up and causing a problem that's my opinion huh now is Al using a two compartment tank here it is yeah I am here if you want me to answer hi Al how are you good it's a two compartment tank yeah again you're doing as well as you can you got two compartment tank leave leave the filter in place unless it starts causing a problem because again it will slow down the flow and you get additional filtration due to the I agree with you yeah I agree with yeah yeah again you know the misnomer is you like the you like the Biomat to build up even though it may impede flow but it does a hell of a good job filtering out viruses and that sort of thing yeah y so you're saying on this one bill that that we shouldn't put in a a pump I mean a a tank pumping and and filter maintenance requirement on well no I would I would do the I would do the tank pumping but I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't even Pine on the on the effluent filter yeah what I've experienced with my own effluent filter which I've now had for two three years is you're absolutely right that that slime's a good a good thing um and only clean it when needed and you know that's something that easily can be um you know Josh Fugler be involved here or whoever we just let them know on this permit just pump it every two to three years and clean filter as needed now um two other issues there one is the well that Dick's already mentioned um I know you already told the owner you're willing to wait on well replacement and that's what the owner told me as well and then the other issue with the stone depth dick I I did the math and frankly I'm not even sure that's a variant situation because there's 24 Ines complies with Title 5 rules for 330 flow and the extra six inches just gets me in the ballpark for your extra 110 gallons so I'm not sure that's that's a variance the variance is that that title five says that the maximum sidewall you can have is two feet on the Trent no no I think what it says is the maximum amount you can count is two feet I think you can have more Stone oh so I think we're compliant with Title Five okay so you can put it there but you can't but so in our case you end up that the the calculation AR the R calculation says that you you're allowed to do that but since Title Five says you can't do it but you don't need it either so exactly okay so all all that's left here I think if I hear you correctly is just uh deciding what well um interval what what water test interval you're looking for so how often actually there two things what is the water the testing interval and what is the the end date of using that well I'll let you guys decide and and you can put it as a contingency with the permit but that's not my call to make I guess I'll offer then we can talk from it I'll offer that we require them to test every year and that at the end of five years he has to replace the wealth now Phil and Lee what are you guys can do anything you want with that well my my feeling is if he's going to have a problem it's going to be it's going to be upfront because the Biomat has yet to be uh matured so I would I would say Let's test Let's test it six months then let's test at a year and then let's test every year thereafter but if he passes the six month dick with the Biomat not having matured he's going to be golden because it's just going to get better over time well then I'll I'll offer that maybe you don't have to put I as long as we don't let them do any work on repairing the weth if we're doing that kind of testing then you let the well die at its in when it dies yeah and it gets replaced and that doing the testing that you you suggested Bill does the protection and and let them keep it until it dies yeah again if he's GNA have a problem it's going to happen real quick over time are you there huh I'm just trying to see if Lee is there and talking I haven't heard from him no I just I I I'm running way late tonight but I I just rolled in okay yeah I propose build that that we do we do that we we give the variant for the 70 feet to allow them to keep going the with the shallow well and that we require a six Monon test and then a year test after that until the the well is replaced with the deep well that's fair Lee can you support that seems like a reasonable path to take ination I don't know whether it okay now I can here am I coming in in better now now you are yeah loud and clear now okay y all right yeah I think between the testing parameters set up and as but Bill pointed out if we clear the 69 month window it should be um in for the long run Colleen we're going to we're going to approve the the design as as Allan has proposed with the one 3ot stren 75 ft long 2.5 ft effective sidewall we're going to Grant the 70 foot well separation expence to to the SAS and we're going to require water testing from the well six months after the occupancy of the house and then every year after that until the the well is replaced with a a deep well okay that's what the board just said the next one that I have thank you okay Alan have a good night thanks oh by the way Colleen conservation approved Allen's Bachelor Street one the one on the corner of bachelor in North Street yeah that one's all good through conservation thank you Al yeah thank you you're welcome the next one is is Bob stean and this is the Adu at 125 Maximillion drive we got a bunch of things that we'll have to talk about at the end of this one it's this is a complete system for the one-bedroom Adu the the fee is paid and the review is complete this is a mainly cleared Gra 1.5 acre lot deep fan 117 in plus water table and there are wetlands here to the Northwest the issues are the wetlands the existing system plus the new and existing building they The Proposal that we have is for now now the existing system is a 1,500 gallon two compartment tank uh with no Outlet filter and I think there are three trenes but it's a Title Five system one of Alan kata's systems so but this new one is for a, 15500 gallon two compartment tank without an outlet filter and although actually I think Bob when I talked to Bob I think Bob ended up putting an out filter on it and he's got no I'm sorry dick I did not okay so then we'll get back we'll get back to this and he's putting in a single trench which is identical to the other trenches that are there is a 50-footer 3 feet wide with 1.5 ft effective sidewall step uh and it's added to the existing title 5 3bedroom SAS using the existing debu so he's keeping the same dbox and putting an extra pipe coming out of the dbox and a common entrance to the debox so he's got lateral the two the existing tank and the new tank come into a lateral connection and go into the Debo 222 gallons a day are provided versus 220 gallons are required so it's the house has is designed for three bedrooms plus one and this one is one bedroom plus one so they both comply with our regulation the there is a reserve area provided for this so there's a reserve for the existing system as well as this new one it's adjacent to it still is required 5 foot water table separation is maintained Bast is not required uh siltation barrier is utilized the septic tank and SAS separations of wells and wetlands is more than 100 ft the items to discuss here are are not all with this one but there for us because I couldn't review this proper the first is the a normal PR permit the second is the fill requirements the third is Bob added a tie Dimension from the the East End of the the Trent to the the street the the first one that we got to talk about is how we're going to deal with the deed restriction on the single ownership which we've already approved the wording of that at our last meeting the next is a question I have is I don't think we talked about the need to inspect the existing septic system that septic the existing septic tank and SAS on any of these systems we've said we'd make the modifications to allow the changes in the SAS I don't think we talked about whether anybody's G to even look to see if the existing system was working and I think that that my feeling when I would review this with anybody now would be before you design this system that someone's got to go in and look at pump the existing tank out and look at the dbox and see if the tank has got it's anything but pristine and the and the dbox is anything but pristine and has it ever been flooded is it is it working uh so that we didn't say and and as much as I wanted to tell Bob that I wanted the board to to help me with that the next question which Bob does have is are we requiring a reserve area for the original on all of these title five systems the original system had a reserve area do we require a reserve area for this one and do we allow them to move into the reserve areas with the the Adu my feeling would be that they they need to be done as a in fact I don't think we talked about this whether these should be done as a new system or repairs I my feeling is a a new system and it should fall under our new regulations new building regulations and they need a reserve there the next one is do we say that all the buildings have to meet gry's SS requirement so the the bedrooms plus 110 for each one of them individually I think they do but again we haven't talked about that the next is do we want to say that we want who compartment tanks for the the the minimum do we say we want two compartment tanks for the new one or do we in fact say if there's no two compartment tank for the old one we want that switched out this particular uh building in in both cases with the with the meeting the gry's SAS capacity requirements they do it both systems meet it and this one has two two compartment tanks um the next is I'd propose that that we shouldn't be be adding hopefully a new on title five systems there aren't any variances on on title five systems but they could be that we shouldn't be allowing variances if if the system if the lap wasn't good enough to to handle a a Title Five system as required we shouldn't be increasing its use that we shouldn't have variant the next is is the what is the it appeared to me with we talked about water testing but it and this one is is set there was a water test but but it seems to me before you start adding another dwelling unit somebody but ought to be testing the wells to see if the existing well is giving good water and we already said that we were going to require yearly water testing for all rental units so those are my lists of of things to be going over and and I can't without our coming to some agreement on it I can't do the reviews on I can't close on okay I can do them I can go back through on each one of them and say do we want to require it or do we not and luckily on on this design I think they they essentially already comply with all of my my question the first one is is do we want before we increase the you know put another an Adu onto onto us do we want to have the the exist systems inspected to make sure it's functioning well that makes sense that makes good sense dick that's I think so too I think before you start this thing that that you don't go and say if you have a system that's failing you don't go and put another one in yeah yeah okay so we'll do that so we're g to have to tell Bob that he's going to have to to look at at that one the the next one do we want do we want to require Outlet filters on each of these each of the tanks well what's what's the negatives I know what the positives are what's the negative argument may I speak yeah Bobby might have an argument why why he he he does not want to do it Bob why why should we not require that I I just see it as a burden to the property owner in that they have to clean the filter uh and we've seen in the past that plug filters will then back up into the house creating a much larger health hazard um bill in listening to what how you spoke earlier uh this system given its age uh already has a Biomat except for the new proposed trench of course uh I I person I just don't like filters you tell the septic tank pumper you've got a I've got a filter in my tank and you have to clean that they're not they're probably not going to do it in all honesty yeah another cover ju just for the record I've had one at my house for 20 years and I've never cleaned it it works fine so whatever the data on this that's published says that the filter does a lot for the life of the system and it turns out it's it's interesting that Bob is the one that that's that's the first that's talking to this but Bob ends up being I I think of the engineers we're dealing with Bob you're the only one that that's not using them now oh well so um my question is if and I understand the perspective of most people don't want to get their hands dirty um maintaining the filter so is the board allowed to mandate [Music] um maintenance of the system through pumping and therefore uh cleaning of the filter on a uh 36 month increment or sooner as the need arises well long as they talking that way Lee are we are we in a spot that we should be saying now that you're doing rental kind of units could we be mandating as part of this a three-year pumping cycle maybe you do that and then the filter gets it's cleaned at that at that point well that's what I was you know uh throwing out there for some consideration that way it uh helps the system I believe and it uh eliminates the homeowner from uh either not knowing what to do or ignoring it or being afraid of it or whatever and it would just uh help I think the longevity of the system in general was scheduled um professional maintenance on on these systems especially uh when you're add another blowing unit to it going to do that then then it's not just an Adu this is this is like the water testing we we should on these multiplexes that we have we should be requiring the same thing I guess that that people have to provide us with the threeyear pumping yeah I mean it's it's I I just threw it out there for a discussion Point um I'm sure there's reasons that we should or maybe there's reason we shouldn't do it I'm just thinking of uh you know Bob's Bob's point is valid that um a lot of people who have a filter in their possession uh either don't know it or don't want to acknowledge it until something goes wrong but as you point out Le if you if you then say at you've got a rental unit now you're going to be in the business you're going to have to maintain it you have to pump it and then the guy deals with the filter at the same time and it's all done so we we get our filter and we get the the maint maintenance and then Bob Bob's not worried about it for everybody's system it's just the rental unit well that's it the rental unit people are not going to be so careful with their waist stream obviously right and that's just protection for the Lee field if actually if it does plug that's a good thing because you you got to see why it plugged you see oh you're throwing lipstick cases or whatever down the the drain so it's a good protective measure okay so it sounds like what we're saying is we're going to require the filter and we're going to require they furnished us with three-year pumping record the the next one is on these systems are are we looking so I'll go two things with it do we need when someone says we're going to come in and put a an Adu are we going to look at this as a new system and that we say you you have to have a reserve area with it and you can't use up the reserve area of your other system with it what are we saying are we are we just saying this is a repair or is it new so this is an Adu on an existing property with an existing Lee field correct yeah yeah yeah well it's probably best if they allocate some area for a future repair down the road because if they don't and they start adding garages and gazebos and all kind of amenities to the property there's not going to be much property left to do do a repair if they really need it so allocating it via mandated Reserve area again it's a very conservative approach but it makes good sense but it is new it's not a repair I know I hear you so so that falls under our regulations yeah but that's going to be March and April and out of season per stuff M okay I we let's see are we going to require two compartment tanks now the first one are we going to require a two compartment tank on the new one my feeling is you would do that it's a better option is that option well well the nice thing about the two compartment deck is if you're if you're concerned about plugging the filter the second compartment generally has very few solids in it it actually protects the filter the the ones I've run to into over the years that when you have filter plugging problems is generally with a single compartment tank but so by putting in the second compartment you're providing a little protection to the filter right off the bat and almost everybody is putting in two compartment tanks yeah it turns out that other than for the single family or two family the state requires it anyways yeah now that my next question is do you on the the first system do you require the tank to be pulled if it's a single compartment if it a general feeling would be that that's a lot of grief to do that you just catch that when it needs to be repaired or if it's a if it's a system that that the tank isn't pristine you say Okay pull the tank and put the two compartment in and be done with it but what are you guys think if the T if the tank is has good integrity and it's operating properly there's no reason to decommission a new tank if it's operational is that what you think to Lee yeah uh yeah to force uh a new tank might be a bit much if again as Bill pointed out if if the Integrity is still there um however with a you know with a decent um uh Title Five if you will inspection on the current system it'll tell everybody uh what we're have to work with yeah but uh I think the points is valid there's no reason to yank the tank uh just yet if it passes all of the other requirements as far as functionality and integrity goes yeah I my feeling would be and and for you that sees it Le that when you get in and start saying well there's there's corrosion around the holes or we could attach it we could that you say no that we're not going to do that going a one compartment tank we this is we're going to just take it out we're not going to put try to fix up a tank that's not a a really great tank let's change it and get rid of it and it goes to two far yep yep so then the the in terms of variance we could get into a spot that let's say You' got a house that we've really bent and someone has said I really wanted to be within three feet of the water I wanted to be I didn't have enough room uh to the Wetland when I repaired my the system on my my 70y old house and 20 feet from the Wetland so the board granted a variance now they come back in and they say okay I wanna I want to do the same variants for this new system I guess it as soon as you say this is a this is a new construction I guess that problem all completely goes away because they've gotta they can't have the variances on the new construction you you you answered your own question dick yeah it took care of it okay then we're done we're done that with Bob the question is as I look at this the only thing that hasn't been done with Bob is that we would we have the The Fill permit requirement the I mean the fill requirement the trench permit that we and Bob said he already added the dimensions from the the streak to the the trench uh we have the deed restrictions uh my suggestion to move it forward is we approve the design but tell them that they're not going to be able to get a CO until the deed restriction is on file and shown to be filed and we have to decide are we going to approve his change what are our thoughts Bill and Le I I think he's okay he's done all the things that we said we're going to deal with and we also we're going to end up saying on I guess on on everybody we should probably know hope that there's going to be a yearly water testing requirement but that can be that doesn't have to be part of this that that's going to be part of our our rental unit requirements it's not separate to adus dicted Bob how is he dealing with the single well feeding both buildings how's he doing that Bob you just pight right yep and uh I talked to Alan ktz about that who's going to be building this project and he said he'll have his plumber take care of that be because in the past in listening to this stuff in the past I I know that typically it's you Bill that uh has some concerns about it so I have addressed it with uh with Allen yeah dick I'm guessing they'll put some sort of check valves in so one one system can't feed the other I'm guessing that's what the plumber will require you might want to talk to Maran about that is is that directed to me or to who no no to to to dick dick would should we talk to Fred Maran about this yeah but I would say that that's in a plumbing code on how he does it it's not a a Board of Health septic requirement but because I think the next the next one comes out you know what is the responsibility and and I guess we're going to have to talk to about it not necessarily about adus but on every on every rental unit if you've had a well do you have a requirement to provide water water for people to drink if all you've got to do is put a a generator to operate a well is that in fact should that be a requirement that for rental units oh good question yeah I don't see that as an Adu problem I see this as a rental problem so what are we going to do with this with this one we've got I've got keeth anxiously sitting here and uh and we're running very late we've got the appointments so are we gonna approve this design I'd say so I'd on the septic end yes we'll improve the septic system are you okay with that tooly absolutely okay I am too so that that's done what I I know you're in a rush one quick question you're requiring a filter in the Adu out and of the septic tank is that correct we're requiring a filter in the new septic tank and the old septic tank for both tanks okay right yeah yes okay got it thank you for your yeah good clarification Point Bob thank you okay thank you for your time all have a good evening okay thank you the next one we have is p who's back with us after a little while where he has not been with us and uh L Carver Street it's uh up well up on the Carver Street it's the old uh really old burck lot and then I think overly is is is or was the the owner this has been a lot that's been sitting for a long time on the right side uh up near uh Ming Ridge is near there on the opposite side it's on the the Sportsman's Club side on the southide oh yeah yeah yeah okay and as you go up the the road it's kind the first place that you come out of the tree and okay it's new construction three bedroom house complete system fees paid review is complete it's I call it mostly cleared it's it's Rusty it's been cleared it's been grown in but it's kind of cleared and grassy and Brushy a 0.92 acre lot and there's a kind of a center Mound with sloping downwards in all directions from that that mile gental slope it's a soft glacial till with 48 in water table uh there are wetlands in the woods to the the east and south uh the issues the water table the wetlands and we've got out of out of date perks the perks were done in 2010 and then 2018 with no Depot done after the 2018 per uh the design is a new 1500 gallon this is a single compartment tank without an outlet filter there are three 3 foot by 50t by 1 and2 foot defective sidewall trenches they're tarff they're non-vented 477 gallons a day are provided versus 440 required the reserve areas between and adjacent to the trenches fill is required 4 foot ground separ water separation is is provided Bast is not required for the septic tank the septic tank and the SAS separation to the Wells and wetlands are all more than 100 fet to discuss here and the there are things that that keep is modify putting on the the drawings that rather than re fill everything out and get them to this meeting uh that there's a trench permit requirement fill permit requirement we're going to end up because of the the 2018 per going to 20122 without the the deple being done to extend it for the eight years it puts us into out of season approval process uh going to add onto the drawing that that grany Board of Health needs to also look at the subgrade uh strip that also ke's going to add that that we require a Sprint permit uh going to put either ties to the system component or a note on the drawing saying that the locations can be scaled the drawings are really good and if if he chooses to do it with with scaling it looks like it would be absolutely acceptable uh there are a couple notes that the design is is fine but the notes weren't one of them is a septic tank to well separation note that says it's 50 feet versus gramy 100 feet even though the system is more than 100 ft and then there's a a septic system to Wetland separation note that called out at 50 versus gr's 100 the system in fact is well beyond the 100 it's just dick I have a question with respect to heading up Carver munsing ridges on the left talk into this property pardon talk me into this property I got Google Earth up I want to see where it is okay if you go beyond Ms and rig yeah to the to the east yeah some place maybe Keith can help but I think if you go not very far there's two open Lots there should be a there are a couple lots that that are actually built on in that area now and this one may be the first this would be to the west of the first house you come to in the clearing I think I can share my screen and show the location you may or may not be able to actually let me let me do this this will be easier this is my this is my Google Earth talk me in right there Keith if you would okay so mson Ridge is on the left yes and as you proceed along well you have a house clearing almost the opposite mson r r yes yes and then the tree line and then the next opening the opening is is our parcel oh okay it's the one with the hand so the and it says West 72 4572 well I can't see that on your screen but okay okay okay all right yeah that's the first rectangular clearing oh okay only thing on the wetlands end of it is Turkey Hill Brook I believe is perennial in that area so you need a 200 foot offset or you're going to have to do do some fancy filing so I I trust you're 200 feet off the Turkey Hill Brook we're well off that yes okay okay all right so then the next the last correction I have for that one is that there's a model elevation note on the drawing that says it's it looks like a typo to me it says it's 45950 and it's actually 5 59.50 I think it's just the drawing when you look at drawings and everything all the the 559 is what is shown so I I think it's just a typle yeah it's just a typo yeah so those are the those are the the correction and I explained to to Keith that we on our out of season uh perk Pro process is that we we would approve the design the design would be subject to doing the water table determination in this case it's going to have to be the the depol as well as the the water table determination during March and April but that we we would approve this and it would go to the point that they could get the building permit could do all the building the house uh it's just that they could not build the septic system until the the March or April work is is done and that the teeth and the owner would have to come before the board like we are right now and say okay we understand if the water table is higher than we we called the system will end up having to go up in the air and we can they can do that and the owner says I understand that if I go if I want to go further and actually start the building I do so on my own risk and understand it and that that would be that process but but we can approve this design subject to doing the water table during March and April and I've had confirmation from our the applicant Nico that uh he will um gladly take on that responsibility to adjust the system if the groundwater is determined to be higher you so how are how are we with this with this I was gonna ask Keith are you are you g to take any more trees down Keith are you going to keep the lot as is so the the clearing of the lot originally was basically the tree line Edge and I don't think that there's any need for doing any additional tree clearing okay okay that makes it that makes it cleaner on the Wetland end I'm I'm good with the with the concept dick on this see how are you with this uh just two quick questions uh Keith um the print notes that there's an existing well so I'm figuring the last owner or whoever put that well in there which is fine uh is there any data on the uh water quality of that well going forward not that I have known um we can ask uh Nico uh to provide that okay okay and my and my other and last question is uh um my understanding is that a two compartment tank is uh a much better investment for the homeowner and uh the life of the system going forward is there a reason that we're doing a single compartment tank on this or I don't I just don't get it I don't see many singles um a new construction going in so it's our it's our standard practice to show a fully compliant septic system design um yeah and we uh allow the the applicant or the client who's constructing the system to decide if he wants to invest in making improvements such as putting in a second you know a two chamber tank or a two chamber tank with filters we rather not um you know tie them to the topof thee line system even though is this a speck house no so this person will be living in the house Nico is living going to live in the house as far as I understand he's muted at the moment we could have how you doing sorry I'm here can you can you Keith tell your client that the Board of Health strongly recommends the two compartment tank and an outlet filter yeah Nico here he hears right here hi Nico how you doing sorry I have been and I've just been quiet on the sides no worries so Nico we're just talking that that we're the state the data that we have around that available to us says that a two compartment tank with an outlet filter is going to should really increase the life of your septic system and I in terms of a two compartment tank the state feels so strongly about it that other than for a single family house or a two family house you have to have a two compartment so that's how strongly they feel about its advantages and we do know that the the outlet filter which is I don't know bills what $100 or thereabouts that we're I just I just put in for my own house a replacement tank and my tank is a two compartment tank with an outlet filter bill has got would do it's got the outlet filter I'm not sure the two compartment tanks were available when you put yours in bu but no but for sure we would all be saying do two compartment tank and an outlet Builder but Keith is absolutely right it's something that the board doesn't have for a rule but and it is not a state rule so Keith is is 100% saying is he is looking at the initial cost of for his his uh client what we're asking is more expensive in terms of recommendation the Board of Health is saying we don't have a rule right now that can make you do this but this would be in our view the cheapest investment you can make that and someday you will come back or someone's gonna come back and say thank you very much for spending this couple hundred dollars now because when you do it over again it's gonna cost a lot of money so that's our our two sens and as you you may have heard or not if you were going to be putting in a a new dwelling unit that the state allows the second dwelling unit to go on to last now then the board is g to make you so so that's our two okay the the side and the yeah I think I'd like to stick with the single compartment the way it's drawn up now uh that way we can get the approval to move forward well it's going to move forward anyway yeah yeah so so as as we Keith is going to make the changes that that Keith and I talked about we just made it so that that he wouldn't have to go scrambling to to get new drawings with every everybody and and maybe not make the the meeting to to just look at it as as conditions of approval right now to make those those little changes they're not substantial changes they're just they're just we can do that right now so okay then then Lee are you on board too yep yep okay so you will Pine's got the paperwork the out of season first paperwork for you to to get Nico that that says if you move forward with the building inspector and start with this this building you take the responsibility that for whatever changes that are would occur if the water table's different okay perfect I can pick that up tomorrow with her yep that's fine sure perfect I'll be there okay so what's that with you guys sounds good thank you gentlemen thanks for coming in thank you very good thanks for your night good night before we forget are we going to approve the the minutes for the the last meeting I did make some changes that I sent out I think they're fine there okay Lee are you set I am Y and I am two colleagues so they're approved okay the next thing we have is Connor now what are we running words late Connor blurry a new installers license right here Conor uh we new applicants we we meet with and talk to and and ask some questions that what kind of equipment do you have I have a mini excavator a skid steer and then a 26,000 lb excavator okay how long have you been installing systems uh this is my seventh year so six full years almost eight at this point okay do do you have licenses in any other Town yes I have licenses pretty much in every town near me And I also have my my state of Connecticut license as well all when you do the installations are are you the basically the crew Thief are you the one that's responsible for the the installation yes sir y do you have people working for you uh I did but not right now probably next year okay how many systems would you say you've installed total God probably upwards of 30 probably 35 okay what do you use to shoot grades I use this to standard Transit okay uh a question that that we ask and and the next guy that's gonna that's I can see is listening to this is gonna already know the answer after you give it but when you look at a a grind yeah and you get on site and you start digging and you find out that what's in the ground isn't what's on the drawing what do you do notify the town and engineer that's the right answer that is the really the right answer and you stop you're the one with the license to put it in correct yeah and if it heads South it's you even though the engineer drew it and we approved it you're the one that's touching the ground right and do you have any particular job that you're work now you're looking for a license for this year for yes sir 2024 or 2025 um 24 and then I'll probably get my 25 before the 24 expires you have any particular job that you're going to be doing um I don't have anything open right now septic wise I close everything up for the year um the one in grany that I'm trying to get a proov for now is probably my next one hopefully Okay so make sure that that if you're in there you just need to know that that we you are going to need for any system in grany you'll need a trench permit to put it in you get the trench permit it's free and pine is the one that that issues it and U and if it requires fill which it probably will in Grandy then you will have to get the town to do a an inspection of the the strip as well as your engineer what was that the the what if you end up needing Phill and going to be a strip to strip the soils out yeah along with your engineer looking in that hole the town of gramby needs to look in that hole too before you start putting fill in yeah that's pretty standard everywhere bottom pit inspection yeah Lee and and Bill what are your thoughts yeah I'm good everything seems to be right what it should be okay Bill it's fine he fine okay you're all set thank you sir have a good night all right so um uh does the license get in the mail or how does that work I can mail it to you or I can uh send it uh via email so okay okay all right I I'll shoot you an email probably tomorrow morning then okay all right sounds good thank you guys thank you okay have a good night you too bye bye David thank you hi good even how are you good how are you good so you know what this drill is GNA be like yes I I spoke to you folks earlier on this season uh regarding the Title Five inspection okay oh yes you did if you remember that I do in fact your system just came up I I was wondering if that was the one that's the one interesting that's the one and uh so in this in this case we'll ask the same thing how how many systems have you installed oh between 500 and a thousand really yes and are you when you say you install them are you the guy that like the crew chief or the guy that's responsible for actually putting them in I am I'm third generation of this company so yes so do you have people working for you um presently I have a couple of people working for me yes okay okay and and you do the do you do the shooting of the grades and checking of the work that's been done yes I do okay what kind of equipment do you do you have uh at this point I have just about everything that's ever been made um you know for the for the job that I have coming up up on Southwest uh South Street 51 South Street I'm just anticipating using a a small excavator in a Bobcat okay Bill is that the the job that's right next to you yes yeah actually there's two reasons I'm going to recuse myself on this one is it's my neighbor but number two Dave I think I've designed several systems your dad put in in the Southwick area probably 20 25 years ago okay have worked with you guys before did you know my grandfather as well I I don't recall but I have worked with Barry construction before in the South rck agam area yes okay all right so obviously Dave if you put that many systems in you've got some licenses some El yes I do yeah where are the ones that you have active right now uh what do I have if the birkshire license that covers all the um those hilltowns up there Otis and but um Southwick agam Granville Westfield all the surrounding towns where we live what do you use to shoot Grace uh just a standard laser okay okay well that question you just heard me ask the question and we everybody that goes through here get asked the same question yeah so you know what the answer is already though when the drawing isn't what in the ground what do you do yes we make the appropriate calls to the health department and to the engineer that designed the system yeah and and the reason that we say to people if if something go turn South which it does sometimes hopefully we catch it so it doesn't you don't want us to be called for the person that that's suing you to be their witness you want us on your table to say we all worked together we all did this to to do it right we saw the problem we got the engineer involved we know what the code is the board of Health's involved we all work this through to make it work right according to what it takes to work right and to meet the code so that's is working as a team is the way we keep everybody out of trouble we keep we have the system designed right installed right and worked right and and it makes it so you don't have to go to court you don't have to replace things or do things over we just we do it right the first time and and work together to make sure that happen yes so Lee still so he he's not he's recusing himself so how are you thinking Lee no I think um a lot of background experience a lot of toys um could be a no-brainer here I think we're going to be having a good relationship going forward yeah I think so you'll be dealing primarily with with Lee and the bill ofy noise nosy because he he'll be nosy anyway he'll sck he'll be looking out his window whether he comes out okay very good Dave thank you thank you guys I appreciate it very much okay have a good night all right you too take care bye so if we if we go keep moving through the money money turnover we have got the $970 for this period of that is 9900 is the board of health permits $20 is Board of Health licenses $50 is for fees and that's it totaling the $970 are we okay with that y yes okay T and I am two so that's approve the next one we have is is Lind Bill and to be paid and and it ends up that that it's a combination of inspections that are are some are $70 which is what her her billing rate is according to what what Chris Martin had told us but on some of them like the cruising Cafe is $100 and those are the the $100 an hour for doing that plus the time for the preparation and the filling out of the the forms so that they'd come out $100 so she's Al together there are let's see I don't know that she did has mileage in let me no she doesn't usually put mileage in looks like not mileages no so they've got one two three five six seven 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 inspections and it's for the [Music] period the date is if she's got the dates they go from 710 through 119 so they're within the right period and for total is four $1,425 are we okay with that y yes I am too calling okay well that's approve the next [Music] one that I have it's actually the 17 inspections I didn't go far enough then next one is for puras request from Colleen there for uh printer Inc printer coner PR pack actually from they're all from quill $118.99 paper towels $26.99 $225 weekly planner $10.79 paper clip $13.59 and the Avery business card $25.99 totaling two $ 5835 are we okay with that calling on the business cards do we get are those our business cards yeah it's the stock that I just print I print them out oh I see so you print them out as needed then okay yes I have them on the counter yeah okay good very good so are we okay with that yeah yeah I am too is to so that's approved okay we've got the uh we've already done the the next one I've got the Connor flurry for a installers license and we just approved that I've had David Barry Lee and I also for install permit like we approved that the next one is John Da is jyd excavation it's a renewal he's from llo for an installer permit is telling that's also for this year not for next year huh uh yes I can check I think I can check with him on that but I believe so I think I try to ask them when it's that close to the end of the year um so I believe yeah so the other two were the end of the year also yeah yeah I think his was too are we okay with that this is a renewal yeah of course that's fine Lee are you set I am too so that's approv okay the next one is uh an application for a this is that 133 Al Street this is for a debox the tank and it's from alen White I think it's it's in sand it's a two compartment tank and a and a dbox that's the application right after it is it's already been put in are we okay with the application yeah yeah I saw that yes was the result of a Title Five and it's been replaced and I'm okay with it too Colleen and then the next one right is right after it it's the replacement of so are we set with that lee'll see yeah Josh Fugler took care of that immediately okay the next one is a certificate of compliance for the fac resident at 15 Deerbrook this is also an Allan Weiss he did submitted an ad built it looks like it is a septic tank and dbox as well I'm just trying to see it it looks a two compartment tank and an outlet filter is on it are we set with that Lee yes we are thank you Bill are you okay with that oh yeah yes I am too coling so that's approved okay next one is certificate of compliance for Lynn Mercier 398 Bachelor Street this one is Neil Jackson signed off on it inst Soler Jim Cole it's got a and as built with horizontal and vertical dimensions are looks like looks like a pump system fill and pump are we all set with that Lee yes absolutely Bill are you set with this yeah I'm fine I am too calling so that's approved okay the next one is this one is for Ashley Bowman those ltic on Bachelor Street and it's signed off by Ed Berry who sent a note saying he was going to give an asilt and there is no asil with it I don't see that we can approve it he sent oh yeah I think he sent a bunch of pictures didn't he but [Music] there were pictures but but he didn't send the asilt no you're he said he was going to do the asilt yeah no do you guys think we should approve this without the asil well how did did he put in writing that he's going to provide an ASU I thought it on on email I'd say yeah okay well let's wait for the as built to come through so we're not going to approve this Colin you can let know that it wasn't I don't think it affects anything I don't think they're ready to build the house anyway no this was this was the system that uh uh was put in uh due to the multiple extensions that they got and it be done by that Sunday or Monday that's what this was all about yeah but yeah it I mean right doesn't affect but your your point is is valid that the asult got to show up was it a good system please yeah he uh actually did a very good job okay oh that's Tom that's Tom HCK dick he's he's the he's the head of the Bureau of Public Works in lllo he he's done Waterworks projects his whole life okay so he knows what very he's extremely capable oh yeah okay yeah so then next thing that we have is 133 ald Street the title five is alen Weiss is pass it that's what we just we did with the it must have been either it was conditional or I guess it wasn't it passed because you got the system got the two components rep play yes so we're okay with that way oh yeah I'm okay with that bill are you yeah I'm good yes I got two things that well I three I guess two of them are the same but one of them is I haven't heard anything back from Dollar General from Tyler Avery who said that we were going to hear back with his proposal of of the modifications he wanted to do um tell my thought is maybe it's worth giving Tyler a call and say when are we going to be hearing from you okay because his plan was to get it done before it got cold to get that first part done okay and the next one is Ken Lane and I have two issues with it three actually three issues the first issue was was good news and bad news the good news was the town did in fact put the pipeline going from 12 10 Lane to the and actually fed it up to the house oh so that so that line that's on the grass is laying there but not being used and disconnected they and I'll get back to that the second is that I think it's 10 uh Ken Lane is also hooked up to the line going to the to the catch bases so that was that's the good news the not the good news is what was supposed to be who lines that were put in there who went in the quarter lines they were in there ended up only one going in so that's not so funny and they've got both homes going into the same line hopefully it works both of the pump systems have check valves uh hopefully it works but it's not the way it was supposed to be done and it happened Dave called me up D Rosa called me up and apologized he said he gave it to one one of his guys to do he was on another project and it was a pretty straightforward project with an outside guy doing the actual typing and because it was nice and easy and hurry up and get it done for not very much money it didn't have a set of effects it was word of mouth and what went in went in and it wasn't what was supposed to be in then and Dave and I talked about it we said you know if it has and Dave did the the apron Crossing on two driveways and that was all done and we said you know if it has to be dug up again it has to be dug up again if it if if we do it now it's not going to save anything compared to waiting and see if maybe it doesn't need to be done so the thought was just let it be and see if it works that the the other thing that is that's left and I thought maybe we should try to intervene if you look at number 10 the line going from number 10 is below the surface of the ground coming out of the house the line from Diane at number 12 verus out looks to me like it comes out above the foundation and drops down exposed to the outside it's exposed for about a foot before it goes into the ground and it seems like like we're asking or the owner is asking for trouble to have it like that that they should be finished the job UPR right the town did the connection but she ought to just have someone drill the hole in the foundation and put that pipe underground into that the pipe that's outside Bill and Lee what are your thought that to have Colleen get in touch with her and say please do that and it's gonna on a night like this if that pipe it won't happen tonight because we don't have any water in the ground but if you had a night like this that had a had water still in that pipe we're going to end up with a frozen pipe do you think we should ask Colleen to ask the owner to do that I think it's good practice Yeah that would make sense to avoid the problem because it it will happen it will it will and to go through all of this and have it failed because because of that yeah would they put in an inch and a half pipe or an inch and a quarter pipe I think it's only an inch and a quarter I thought it was going to be inch and a half I originally hoped it was going to be two inches but but I think what happened I think we got a the guy that did the job is a sprinkler a lawn sprinkler guy and I'm guessing he doesn't use that yeah it's probably a coil of pipe he had laying around he wanted to get rid of that's right and it wasn't very much money I I think I think or Dave told me it was like $800 for the whole that's what I talked to Dave as well that's what he told me so it's not very much money if we if we've solved that problem that is the town actually it's not even the town's money it was the the state money to do it the septic thing going so we've got two houses connected to it the next thing we've got a letter from from Mr gbury and it's interesting that he sent the letter because when I went down to see how they were doing which was I don't know a day and a half ago or so I drove down to the end of the street and it in fact looked to me like number 12 was opened up there were a couple of lawnchair kind of uh that kind of lawn chairs out in the front on a little backck and there was a car that didn't look like a construction car it looked like the door was open it looked to me like people were either living there or moving in and our agreement with the owner was that they weren't moving in without in our order was they're not supposed to be moving in without that system being tested that's correct as far as my recollection goes that's correct yeah and Valen is as long as you're making that call can you in fact if if the board agrees should we tell K have Colleen tell her look at you can't be moving into this until that testing is done and if you do the board's going to end up having to go and and start legal action to stop it and she told us she I think she told you Bill or oh no somebody the install the Allan Weiss I think was going to do the the inspection and he said it was canell or Bill weren't you the one that that was involved with that on people just say that was just going to be delayed that it wasn't cancelled that somebody was I think I did end up talking there was there was a delay there was last may they were supposed to do that inspection never happened right and then um it just kind of fell off the table she told me she was just kind of putting it off for now I'm pretty sure so but she said it was they were going to do it so so as long as you're calling her Pine just tell her look at if if if you're going to move in if people are going to start living there the board's going to be forced to to start legal action to stop that okay um and ask her also ask her what she's planning to do so we could at our next meeting we could talk about yeah all right all right so this pipe you're recommending that she puts that below the surface of the ground so it doesn't freeze right okay so straight into the pipe that the that the town connected to but she'll have to get somebody to do that okay di I just telling the the neighbor across the street that the guy is I forget what his name is but but he's I think I think his houses across the street between 10 and 12 across I don't think the house is perfectly lined up yeah but he told me that that he's got the the coring drill and everything to do it and he said you know I'd be willing to just drill if it if it was an easy job he said I'd be willing to dig that hole right there and drill the hole for all right dick I just ran a quick analysis on a 1 point2 5 in pipe again I ran it using the orifice equation so just essentially an open hole with 10 feet of driving head you can the orice will take 58 gallons per minute but you need you need 10 feet of driving head to do it yeah but you have to look it's not really that what you have to look at friction loss of oh I know but I'm just for a f a first Gander I'm I'm looking at it this way so that's that's the that's the uh that's the upper end of the flow rate 58 you're right but 300 feet of friction loss it's going to be less than that but you're going to you're going to require quite a bit of head if those two pumps are working together yeah but the likelihood that you know if they do run together then then it won't pump very fast well I didn't go through it but I'm guessing the pipe can now your garden H can do five gallons a minute right a you know 100 foot feet of pipe can do five gallon without a hard hard job right and uh and this one you know double that and yeah this one this one's 58 yeah so you probably you could probably do at least 10 gallons a minute oh oh at least yeah oh I'm sure I could run the Darcy y back but I'm not going to do it again I think I think it'll be fine it'll be all right yeah but you know you start looking at 10 gallons a minute is 600 gallons an hour you're you're starting to pump a fair amount of of water through there and it yeah and we'll see as we as the talk to the David said that if it's not enough they're gonna have to do it over again and put the second pipe in that that's exactly right um does did David diss How deep the pipe was shallow he said it's really shallow it's it's in the one foot depth range yeah it's subject to freezing but again if the if water's running continuously over the winter months it may not freeze yeah I agree yeah yeah so just hope that the pump does not shut off and then it's 10 below zero for a couple of nights you hope that's situation if it does then you're going to get stuck is as David said is you got you went with polyethylene pipe so it's not going to crack right you can they can deal with it and he says the worst we'll do is for some of the time we'll have some water on the surface but the rest of the time it's not and he said he said most of the time with a flooding wasn't during a time when it was frozen right it's better than it would will be or would be right it's an improvement yeah absolutely so that so that's where we are okay let's so our next meeting I think I put I just sent something out I I think it's uh 17th of December 17th I think it said yeah we'll have a good field trip yeah hopefully I stay away from any any hurricanes that are there's one down there right now but luckily at this time of the year it's funny is is you look at where they start when the at the beginning of the season they they start on the coast of Africa and at the end of the season they actually start and they gradually begin going further and further west so that at the end of the season it's right where this one starts right in the Yucatan and then it just shoots up through the through the the gulf it stays to the hopefully to the west of where I'm going far west yeah okay good night everybody okay okay all the best to everyone thank you okay night night y yeah e 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