##VIDEO ID:Dd0mqVwQ8Ss## [Music] maybe we can uh I was going to try to get Allan out of here very quickly uh maybe we do a little tiny bit while waiting for for Bill and then get Allen out of out of here with a quick question uh if we if we look at our minutes how are we with minutes for for the 25th of September please yeah I am I'm fine uh with what I read okay Colleen I am to so that's a that's approved okay the next one is is H colan's time feat which is 70 hours for the the last two weeks Lee are are you okay with that yes thank you I am to coling so that's approved okay the next the next one is is the money turn over to the treasurer from from the Board of Health it's the reason I'm looking at it it's a funny kind of number it's $892 24 for this this twoe period and that's 440 from Bo of health permits 310 from Bo of Health licenses uh $142 24 for B fees uh that's a funny number colen do you know how that happen yes I can explain that if you look um through the checks you'll see there's a bunch of checks with my name on it from the jury duty oh okay and so that is why it ended up the odd number because it was you know an odd number so and Chris told me to put it in that account so okay Lee are you okay with that the total is $ 89224 yes yep I am too fing for that approve okay the next one is bills payable we've got the plumbing inspections and plumbing mileage $422 for Fred Maran for pling inspection and $20.40 for mileage for friended and it looks like and he's he's itemized his items is from you know what Colleen what he's got a problem with one of these oh he's got his first his first inspection is June 26 oh 2024 yeah that's we can't yeah that that's in last fiscal year we can't do that no and we didn't we didn't encumber or anything so we can't pay that okay is yeah um he just let's see yeah I've got it here somewhere all right I didn't pick up on that uh when I was do yeah the date okay just the first one okay so you have to let him know this so you'll have to make an adjustment and deduct out the the mileage plus the two inspection yeah um so it it ends up you know what why don't you talk to leave my thought is what we don't do we don't act on this one rather than change his bill around and have Colleen talk to the Fred and get it straightened out and rebuild this yeah okay that's fair yeah yeah no I agree try to be fair so we won't we won't do that and then because you could end up with some kind of thing that that he comes back and says you know that actually was the wrong date I copied it wrong and and now we end up approving the wrong thing so why don't we so so we agree calling that's what okay y okay uh we're now moving into our other items so I don't we're gonna go back and and deal with Alan Allan has got a question Le you're probably the right guy at least part of it uh it be better if if Bill was here but this is on the union mark building and the question comes up as at the result of your inspection today Le Allan tells me that that he's recommending that the SAS needs to be redone and rather than try to fix it we said you we were going to look and see if there was roots in there and Allen just told me he said you know I I just can't see a way to fix this without wrecking the SAS it needs to be done so so that part Allan was fine with his question came out on and on this one they we've got a tank a septic tank that's been converted temporarily for as a tight tank plus the pump chamber that's going to end up having two pumps in it instead of one but Allen was going to they continue to use the pump chamber and the quest question that Allan had for me or I had for him today was that the code actually says that other than a single family or a two family house that you end up having to have a two chamber uh SE T and the the issue that that Allan had and asked me he said here here you've got two two tanks that are from you guys in in in good condition we've got a and they're next to each other and they're powder weighted they've got ballast on them so it's a it's a really reasonably big a big deal to take them out and replace them and that this one is a 15 00 gallon tank without septic tank with an outlet filter but it's a single chamber tank and what Allan has asked of is are we going to just say see the time to have caught this at at least this one would have been maybe back when Bob Sheen put the repair in but on top of that that we can look and say the reason we went with the the two pumps is because we've got history saying that the owner didn't maintain that right and that it was reasonably straightforward to put the second pump in and the second control but Allan's looking and say you know this is now a really low flow system it's got that one dwelling unit with I think maybe it's one bedroom but it's a a limited occupancy dwelling in it and a store that's going to have a minimal amount of usage and and Alan saying that the gain of switching that to a two compartment tank since this one's already got a filter on top of it on it it is minimal and it's a really big deal to change it we're probably going to by the time you pull the tank out and the ballast out you're probably going to wreck the the the pump chamber as well and Allan's recommendation with me is it doesn't make sense in this case to rip that tank out and what is your thought Le the tank that I've talking about is the septic tank yeah um well yeah I mean the tank Integrity is surprisingly good um I suppose um in part to the fact that it's in um Sandy area even though there's a high water table probably probably flooded Le so there was no air water interface a good point yeah it so it was stabilized in that in that environment um but yeah the destroying that and taking it out um I don't see the gain here uh everything else is is been or is in the process of being brought up I think we would be uh in no harm no F leaving things as is I with that colen so that's what we're doing we're going to allow Allan to reuse the existing 1500 gallon tank okay can I speak at this point sure okay so you will be seeing from me a plan for a new SAS there based on the data we collected today using the components that you just mentioned okay understand thank you thank you all right Alan good night good night Al thanks okay then as long as Phil isn't here Le let's go and get the other two out of the way as well sure one is Neil Jackson this is lot o Philip Circle lead that if that's the the new house that's going to be a it's actually going to be a a two dwelling house is at the very end of Philip Circle and it's I think it's one of George galoa Lots way in the back it's a it's a big a big lot it's a what is it a six and a half acre lot and it's a big house that's going in there and in fact we we ruled that that when the ZB a was asking should this be allowed and we just said the septic system needs to be sized for and what it is is a there are a two kitchens and four total bedrooms and what Neil is asking is that we move it from a straight French design to an Elgen d43 module design so this this is not a request for a a complete new system P it's just Neil saying I'd like to keep the existing it's got two septic syst two septic tank 15 down tank a pump chamber and that now he's he's putting in uh level trenches there are four uh yeah level trenches will line each there are four I'm just saying it doesn't say this right here I didn't write it down but there are four trenches and there are 16 units each uh it's got the c33 stand under it invented they're still required it's still 675 gallons uh provided versus 660 required the reserve area is also in between these Elgen trenches and adjacent to the last one he's kept the it's it's a till with a 24inch water table he's kept the 4 foot water table separation the ballast was required for the tanks and the pump chamber so everything else is the same he's more than 100 feet other Wells and wetlands so what Neil is just asking is to allow the the SAS design change to the Elder and U and the thing is the that the the only issue that I had and I think Neil sent me the wrong second drawing because the SF is located so it only pisses one it's like two feet or three feet onto one of the the depot so it has to be moved further to the I think it's the southeast so it would that would be a a requirement to to make that change and I think Neil actually made the change it sent me a note saying he made the change and then he gave palen the same drawing that he gave her the last time okay because what I'm looking at it's the the uh the southwest corner of the system is over uh per call number two per call one is is is in the reserve area yeah but maybe maybe you have let me let me look and see maybe you have the right drawing with uh let me open this I didn't give Lee the new one he just no he just he had the original one yeah and what I have le is is one of the hes and I can't read which one it is but one of the holes is in like the second trench just kissing the second trench and the other hole is off to the side he on the slope okay so your your yours copy already has it moved and mine is is no it doesn't mine isn't it's not moved it's he needs oh it's not moved no my my suggestion is that we we approve the chain but that he's got to submit a new drawing and we don't we actually don't approve the the application until he moves that so it it covers those two H makes sense that's my suggestion that we approve the design and just make them submit the the modification it's just the the soil is all the same we just have to move it okay so um I don't know if it matters or not but just a just an observation um on a system like this where there's going to be um two tanks two kitchens Etc does the and I don't think we can answer the question maybe Neil K maybe doesn't matter uh does the manufacturer recommend when uh we're doubling up like this there be some type of a um Greese trap or something installed somewhere along the line or does it really not matter it doesn't does it looks like when I read the manufacturers literature they just look at it and look at the volume and this is in this particular case it says for since we're making it be designed for six equivalent bedrooms their chart says here's five bedroom you've use this many if it's in the trench formation if you and if you put another bedroom it's an extra 13 I think it's 13 modules that's all they say that you have to do okay I mean I mean obviously it's not a commercial um installation so they just run volume only and and call it good yeah and he's got in this case he's got uh in both of the the tanks there are two chamber tanks the double chamber tanks with a a filter on both of them so we've got them pretty protected that the system's pretty protective y I got you I got you okay so Neil we're just telling you on their system that you look like you're getting ready for a Halloween something you're all black around you and you look out Shadow that's because I just went to a a conservation meeting in uh mson and you know I've seen something I've never seen they refus the whole project because we're too close to some trees that are 90 feet 90 years old no no no no no they were they they estimated that they were they started growing in 1890 so they want everything move closer to the wetlands so we don't disturb those trees can you believe that it's like I'm in shock I'm in shock we're 25 feet away from those trees but we're under we're within the canopy apparently so wow what we just said we were we were approving your change on o except you've got to move the SAS so it goes on the in our depes so that was yeah that was changed and resubmitted that's what I told Lee I said pen gave me a new drawing I said I said Neil said that he changed this but the drawing that you gave khen didn't have the change I think you gave Colleen a copy of the old drawing so i' got oh let me see um let's see so it's not let me me one minute all you have to do is do it we're making it oh yeah no it's definitely one under the trench and one in the reserve on the new plan I gave her the wrong plan I I got theong I've got two of the same plans oh no I think yeah because I I think I gave you the right one I know I did because I I I submitted four plans so I only have two you had four and I put yeah oh you know what might be happen I don't know I'll have I have to look at the the other plans I have in the office because I the only one I gave one to was dick so I don't think I gave him back plan but we'll keep going Neil as long as it's moved that's what our requirements work that it's moved yeah it's definitely moved because I just looked at it so yeah you definitely look like right there like you're getting ready to put your headset up and go out on the beach and take some CS I think I just left an alternate universe so I'm not maybe maybe I should have went that path okay all right so we're all set okay thank you very much and everybody have a great evening Take Care thank all right thank than you all right bye next one I keep track of the time we're 107 22 colen you're okay we're still on we're still okay next one see is another chain this one is from Bob stean and it's on lot 5 feet chicky Street we've this is an approved system also and we months ago the owner asked us on this one because he was having trouble with with building the materials and funding and we extended this the the permit the application of permit until I remember that February 2nd 2025 and we said we're not this is already this is the extension so it's it so in the meantime Bob Shan gave me a call and said GE the owner wants the house is moved is it's changed and the elevations have changed the septic system that the tank is changed the piping is changed and once he comes in from the direction that that he wants to come in right now the SAS doesn't change except that mirror images that flip around so elevations and everything say the same so this is a a change of the layout and this is not a request for a new permit that still keeps the this the uh February 2nd completion dat and that this is a change of layout of the house the septic tank of pping and a mirror Imaging of the SAS and it's this wooded it's a big it's more than 11 acres uh there's a slope going from the front to the back and up in the back where the SAS is going is level um deep stands we didn't find any any water table we got down deeper than 10 feet on all the holes uh the issues that we're dealing with is the house relocation and also that we've got that the closing date of the permit this this is we're now five months away are there abouts from the end of the permit s um the design is the same as it was it's it's got a 1500g two compartment tank got three 45 foot trenes with 24 in effective depth with this reserved between the trenches and adjacent uh no fills required nothing fancy uh greater than 5 foot water table separation everything's more than 100 feet from Wells or Wetlands uh the Trent permit is required this one Bob's got to put a couple other dimensions on there he's got only two ties to the the SAS so you can rotate it and it could end up in the wrong place so he needs a a third TI to that so it can't move and then he doesn't have any ties to the septic tank so that he needs to make those addition but other than that I didn't see any problems Le with it okay okay I got you so just take what we have location minor modifications uh but nothing to change or be concerned about or anything else prior to pH of constru and this is good through you said February yeah February 2nd so it's the the good thing is when I talk to Bob about this in the event that that there's a problem and he doesn't get it in uh we are in in a spot that all we we'd have to do is get in there and redo the perks in March and April and then he could end up with another three-year permit right okay hello hello gentle hi hello gentlemen uh just for a uh a note that uh I have uh put the additional Ties on the plan and uh they will be at the uh Board of Health Dropbox tomorrow tomorrow afternoon fine that's fine so we approved the subject to that Bob so you're all said anyway sounds great thank you very much for your time folks okay good night have a good evening good night thank you I'm I'm guessing Lee that we're not gonna have Bill tonight it doesn't sound like at this point in time so that we're getting to the uh well we can skip the installers permits right now um well we could go one of them we've got Don H at du all constructions is a renewal are uh now that colen this is this these all three of these are for 2024 not 2025 though h uh I believe so um I think they're working on or want to work on systems well I I don't know we'll have to ask this Robert a dare if that's for next year or this year but the other two I thought all three of yours are dated October 9th 2024 so yeah yeah that that's what I was under the impression that they they wanted them so they could do jobs this year okay so um I um just a quick comment um and maybe we'll find out maybe we won't um I had a message from a neighbor on Forge Pond um Road regarding that property on that island um I think it's 51 anyway okay uh there's a there's a there's a foundation in the ground and there is a new uh septic tank installed um going to some type of a miniature pump chamber and there is a I don't know maybe a 20 by 50 foot um dig out or I think it's supposed to be a bioc clear system uh so I don't know who's doing the work and I don't know if one of these three people um are jumping the gun here it's it doesn't make I think uh excuse me Lee I think the fellow Lorenzo yeah I believe he was the one that mentioned Forge Pond to me that he would yeah I believe he's the one doing that but he should be he should be on um at 7:45 so so at least this is not the the he removal renewal so are we okay with the H renewal oh yeah yeah okay colen I'm okay with that too okay the next one is the the co for that's the dairy mark for the tight temporary tight tank are we all set for that one Lee yes well I know that Josh cougler uh did the uh Plumbing on that and i' I'm guessing um that there has been some type of Electrical uh permit and work done to ensure that the alarm is functioning yeah the the electrical inspector said he was there and it was all set okay all right so we're okay with that one then so that's only going to be a really short time anyway because G work right right the next one that we have is the temporary food license for church chist chicken pie dinner 1019 that's interesting that that they're usually really good at giving us the one month notice yeah think she yeah she she wrote a note on the end of it I think she you know slipped up and didn't realize she didn't get it in in time my suggestion is Le that we give them we Grant the permit but t let them know get in touch with them saying hey don't do this again but you're supposed to give us the Y and give this the is this one of the ones that Len has to inspect or she doesn't inspect these uh yeah I usually do give them to her do you want her to inspect them well if that's what we usually do like I think we do Lee is that correct I think that's the norm yes yeah okay so Lee you're okay with this one oh yeah okay the next one is here's the tobacco permit for Dollar General for that's an interesting one that's the one we now this says it's going to expire at the end of the year but this is the one Le that we said maybe W weren't going to give this if they don't they don't work on that that flood system that's correct we do we want to on this one only give it to to let's see nine the April 1 um yeah it wouldn't have gone that long but I can I can I can live with that okay telling that's what I'm doing to so we wouldn't when it comes time to extend this as long as we're moving forward we wouldn't make them pay Le if you thought that the permit is good for a year yeah normally so we take the $300 and we issue this for for six months and we and then if we extend it we don't ask them for another [Music] $300 okay is that the way you look at it yes however um unless it's already going to be done and I just missed it are we going to not we but Colleen going to uh CE see a note or a piece of letterhead stating that [Music] um the extension of the license in April depends upon the um progress commun Rectify progress yeah the drainage system right because as you know when you mentioned holding back the permit it got their attention right and and we haven't got a lot of progress and we're trying to be good guys guys in um extending in in supporting their um level of income but they need to extend the out Branch to us as well so that's what we're going to do Colleen so so uh so we do it to April 1 okay and I'll let them know I'll let them know that okay but as Lee says that they'll know that that we're on their mind or they're on our mind hopefully we're on each other's mind okay there you go yeah okay I think Robert Adair is here okay then we can do Mr Adair yes yes sir how are you good how about you good we always have someone who's asking for a new installer's permit on the first time to come in and SM to yeah and uh one of the questions are do you do this for a living inst called septic system yeah I do you do yeah how many do you typically put in in a year uh on average uh I'm a oneman show so on average I probably do four or five you know some years more some years less okay how long have you been doing it no I not quite 25 years probably so a few a few years yeah okay what towns do you typically work in I mostly work in Hadley Sunderland emmer sometimes yeah okay I've worked all over I've worked up in Conway I've done Deerfield Hatfield okay okay what kind of equipment do you have oh I got caterpillar we got couple cat excavators a dozer track skid steer loader okay so what do you use to shoot gray I got a I got a topcon I think it's an RL h5c or something rotary laser okay and so and as you said you're a oneman show So you you're on the the site when you're when you're actually doing the installation I do it all you do okay okay what else do you do besides putting these these systems right because I'm guessing you you can't make unless you're a Frugal person you're probably not making a full living on four of these a year I I do you know anything to do with Earth work and and heavy equipment I don't like to get into doing a lot of public utility work like water and sewer too much because it's hard to do when you're by yourself but uh foundations drainage grading you know I work for I got I don't know I have a a good handful I would say maybe at least a half a dozen probably more General Contractors that I do various projects with all the time okay so moving dirt around is something that you're familiar with yes sir I we do ask a question if you're if you're a well one of the things that that that in this case you're at the end of a a season so our guess is you probably have a system that you're thinking of putting in well I was I gave a price on one over on West Street uh for a horse farm like cassanelli maybe yeah know what it is it's a it's way out in the back yeah so the story with that goes that a friend of mine was trying to negotiate to buy the farm and she was going to try to buy it without them putting the septic system in and then have me put it in hoping to save some money but to be honest the whole deal fell through um but I figured since I was already scheduled to do a meeting and stuff that I might as well talk to you folks and see if I can uh you know get on your good good graces sure question for you is that let's say you get on the the site and you you're looking at the drawing you stick the shutle in the ground and say oh my Lord what's in the ground here is what the drawing says what do you do when that happens uh I usually call the engineer okay I've had it happen before I did a system two or three years ago in Hadley and where they did the Deep holes in the perk the sand was only down about three three or four feet as I recall and I started in the total opposite corner of the field and the clay there was Clay on top of the sand and the clay went down 8 feet so I got down about 4 feet and called the engineer and said so I'm down four feet I don't know what you're looking for and he said well keep going and uh it just happened that that's the way the land fell off so they perked it in in this case that that half of the answer is right the other half is that you've got a license from the Board of Health to do this it's not just the engineer that you have to call you have to get the Board of Health involved that that we approve a design and if that that what's in the ground isn't the same then we have to be involved okay and just a way to to think about it if this heads South and you end up in court over a system that's not working right you really really want the Board of Health to be a witness for your lawyer not having the people that are suing you having their lawyer having the Board of Health coming in to say we're the witness to the people that that are suing you and the way you deal with that is to make sure that everybody's on board everything's above ground and uh and by having us involved we make sure we're really really serious about having septic systems and wells work in a way that they're supposed to that they don't they don't hurt people's drinking water they don't hurt the environment we really really want them to work right and so getting us involved at the beginning makes sure that everybody does it the right way and that keeps everybody out of court I can guar you that's the way that's the real way you keep out of cour is by making sure it's right and that we all work together yeah so Lee what is your thought no I agree everything you know board a lot of communication um even if to tell a bad joke you know we have to talk the whole thing through and um we're here to work with you not to delay you and we want you to be successful have a good system have a happy customer get referrals all on the same page next one you do have to be really careful on this is a high water table area really high water table area and there's a lot of leads out there and one of the things that we absolutely have to make sure is that the the Inlet of the the septic tank and the inlet of the pump chamber are above the water table and I think in in Neil Jackson's design and when we approve it approve it it says that that that tank and the pump chamber cannot go in without first having everybody there to see where the water table is when they put it in because the the code says that you have to be a foot above the water table with the inlets of those two vessels yeah so when you get there just this is not a straightforward system you really really have to be paying attention so so make sure that we're involved and the the you know the Board of Health has a requirement has a you have to get a Trent permit from us and you have to the strip has to be witnessed by the board as well as the engineer yeah so but for sure placing that septic tank is critical so when you when you get involved there the board has to be involved with that placement so you guys want to come out and see the tank hole before we set the tank this one on this one for sure or if Neil wants to do it and just look at without going all the way down to the bottom of it he wants to just look and see where he's following water that's fine but Le's got to be there okay yeah but at the very least I would KN on site for this one I don't even think I'm going to wind up doing the job but like I said since I already had the meeting and I submitted application I wanted to go through with it so that I could uh start the formulate a relationship you know what I'm saying well but is this permit only good till the end of the year it is okay I mean it's up to you but I don't know it's you know you're going to spend some D and maybe um eight weeks later have nothing back on it well I would I would if if you want to do it I'm not opposed to to not uh not working on this permit not approving it until uh until you want to do it if you say see I would rather not do it this year if I don't get the job I'm just not gonna ask for this permit no I'm happy to get the permit uh and you know just okay this is when I found out I had to go you know I had to have a meeting with the the board and stuff I figured I might as well just do it so that we all know each other and I know what you are looking for and that way we're all uh hopefully in the future we can move forward with uh more fluidity I'm okay with that so you're okay Lee oh yeah absolutely we're all set okay okay then have a good night all right you too thank you okay thank you very much I see Lorenzo is is here yes sir um I do with actually just before you got on there was a question that Lee brought up and he said GE I just had to go out on a on a job and I saw there's a somebody working on a system out on Forge Pond and then colen said GE I wouldn't be surprised that that's Lorenzo's doing it and so so it's it's I don't know that you that you have in fact started but uh certainly it's it's a tricky place to be working and putting a septic system in when you don't have a permit isn't a isn't a great way to start if that's what's happening no I set my license and my insurance to the homeowner I'm supposed to be doing this as a as a favor because I live in Pittsfield Mass and I do work for his company here in town and he was supposed to get all the permits and when I called the engineer to schedule the site visit and then the next call was to Colleen he said you have a gry permit or gramby uh installers L they said no nobody said I needed that and so that's why I'm here tonight we had stopped work and got put on this to uh ask for forgiveness and get a permit and then schedule a site visit okay I was I honestly he said he had the permit permit were hanging in the garage and I was under the assumption that he had everything all set um but it wasn't and I'm not up there so I didn't want to go through the permit process because I know what that's like here when I'm not right there okay so you actually you actually started off thinking you're okay yes sir and once you said I'm not okay you yes which is I don't know how you feel Le that's guess that's all I could hope for that that someone doesn't just keep going and and say well I'll say I'm sorry and catch up later that's not what happened no not at all we're halfway so now we'll ask the the the our standard questions I don't know if you just heard what we just asked for the last guy the that the what do you how what do you do this for a living yes I do H site site work um in the South County in Berkshire County and I do sewer and water um throughout Pittsfield and Dalton um we do we do probably five or six septic fields a year most of it and up in the hills how long have you doing this at least 25 years okay so you're not new to this game no sir so what kind of equipment do you have like the last guy got all CAT equipment okay well and when you're on when you're doing a job how involved are you in the actual installation 100% it's me and uh one helper oh so okay so you're definitely a Hands-On guy yes sir yeah what what do you use to shoot gr um I have a I have a topcon and I have a I have two lasers because for some reason the battery's always dead you know the PE s still work without a battery right y yeah so anyway good I don't know if you heard me did you hear me ask the the last guy that when you and it's a question we always always ask always is when you're looking at that drawing and and this one could be one that you're working on when you find out what's in the ground isn't what's on the drawing what do you do well the first thing I did was call the engineer because it's his engineer and I didn't do the perk test so I did that and he said to notify you guys so I did and that's where we're at okay he was giving the right thing he's probably heard the story before that but in your case you shouldn't wait for the engineer to say that to call the Board of Health because the the when you look at look at the way this thing goes is the Board of Health you have the license to put this in the Board of Health is given the permit that you end up with so the contract really you the the contract with the state and the regulation actually comes through the Board of Health and you even though the engineer has the design you're the guy that says I can read those designs and I can put this in the way that design is there when when the design is is not right compared to the property the Board of Health is is not looking at the engineer first they're looking at you and so you definitely want the Board of Health to be on your side saying yeah there's a problem here we're the ones that you know we're looking out to make sure that the environment is protected and your and your ultimate client is protected but we're actually protecting you and and the only way that can work is for you to let us be helping you so so as it you know that the thing that I just pull the guy before you is is really true that if things don't go right and that and the way it doesn't go right is for us not to be all working together to make sure that it's going right is that if it ends up in court you def defitely don't want the Board of Health to be saying GE we all told Lorenzo if things don't go the way that says on the drawing he better have us involved and he didn't do it and now homeowner your lawyer is going to be saying Board of Health did you tell this guy to do that and when we say no he did this knowing it was wrong it doesn't it never ever goes well after that point okay so you you don't want that to happen you want to say that didn't happen we were all together to make it right so so anyway Lee what do you have for questions uh just one quick one um is this a bioc clear system that's being installed up there it's the uh nitrogen injected bio yes I don't have the paper in front of me I'm sorry no no it's okay it's okay but it's a nitrogen system I don't think it was a bio it was a nitrogen um some tank from Mass cinogen something um so the plans are in my truck I apologize no no it's okay it's okay I just have you done a couple of these before or does the company have to show up and and walk it through it how do we know or how do you know that I've never done this system and the only thing that I have to do other than dig a hole for the tank is set the field The Field's easy it's pitch Stone and uh pipe the tank is all getting done by Mees I believe it was Cogen oh I get to check um so the company the company that uh whatever represents the system itself will show up and do the work yes he came out when the tank showed up um because that's we dug the tank and then went to call the engineer we went to dig the field because there was a problem and he said to get a hold of you guys so um okay the tank isn't finished just the tank is in it still needs electric and pump and the house isn't anywhere's near framing but all the components are there all the the tank after the tank and the the spin and and all that I didn't know much about that except for what he was teaching me in the field okay so dick uh maybe unrelated question does this other company need to get an installers permit wherever these guys are yeah they're installing systems he's just doing the components in the tank though is that that's not really the system is it yeah but we're we're we're in the we're already in a spot that that that you've already said Lorenzo oh I've only doing this part the guts of this thing are the are the tank and it's the nitrogen process it's it's instead of a septic tank so it's it's a magic right and I think Le is right you got a a magic box that we have no idea whether the person that's that's insalling it knows anything about it we don't know anything I guess he's one of the only ones in the state let me grab his name real quick and it's right here and I'll let you know and you probably know if he's got it well here's the thing if if if his part of the installation goes south and he doesn't have the permit but you do you're going to be on the hook I got you it's sigment Environmental are they on your roster no they're not okay no no so maybe we need to maybe you can give uh Allan wife a call and the and ask Allan to call the the owner because Allan's the one that specified this thing yeah and Allan Allan's drawing doesn't say that there's a third party involved since all this setup that's what because otherwise Lee wouldn't had this question gotcha you know the tank uh comes from him and he just shows up in the field to um to add his components to it yeah were you the one that set the tank nope the The Underground Supply set the tank yeah so we don't know that we leave you don't even know that set on on the CR Stone there should be a foot of compacted Stone under that tank I don't I got yes zero obviously zero idea because it's buried with sand all the way up so you don't know anything about this thing no so Colleen if you can do that so I'm in terms of Lorenzo I'm okay with you Lorenzo but and but I can see right now that you should be at this point you should be concerned saying put it his Pion I've putting the septic system then you're the at least from our standpoint you're the one that's got the the license to install this this septic system and and so you should be careful and we're going to help here's the case where we're going to help you not be H holding a bag that that we're going to make sure that this is right and so so uh it's a perfect example of how we can work together to make sure nobody gets in trouble all right so Colleen can you see if you can open that door with Allan and and see yeah if we can because because Allen's the the one that was dealing with the owner he when the owner was involved and it's Allen's design right and you know we went through a lot on this one about what was happening so absolutely so the other company here that's doing work out there needs an installers yeah and Allan probably has the understand what's going on with his system that he specified okay yeah I'll call him yeah because otherwise if if like I said earlier if something goes south here and every just going to get all excited and nervous and call their lawyers uh you're the guy with the installers permit and you will have nothing to do with the part that broke yeah and it's in it's in aot got contract right on the the thing it says he's under contract with him on that tank they're responsible for the tank yeah they're responsible for all its components for whatever I don't remember what it said on the on the uh drawings but there's stuff on there and a and a um some sort of a contract where he has to come out and fix it and clean it every year a maintenance agreement yeah there was a maintenance agreement with this tank yeah but the problem we've got right now is that he doesn't have a license to put it in you have the license to put it in so weit again let's let's deal with it right now we're right near the water it's a it's a tickless situation that that let's just make sure this is a perfect time to make sure everything is nice and tied up and it's going to work nicely and we keep everybody out of trouble by making sure we have a really good system okay so so let's let so Lee are you okay with granting this license but we're gonna but again Lorenzo don't don't go away saying oh don't worry the Board of Health took care of this you you need to know this is all straightened out because it it's going to come back to be not nice if we don't straighten it out so let's let's make sure we do this right okay can we go back on site and start um getting ready for an inspection what is inspect how can how can you do an inspection when we don't have a guy that we don't know anything yet the field though can we start on the field um thing then I was there Saturday afternoon I saw what I saw which is why I'm talking about it with you now which is okay um so if that's what I'm guessing so subgrade is that what's the next thing is it Title Five sand that goes in there or supposed to be Title Five sand there and scarify it and there isn't and that's what I was trying to address with Weiss and he said to contact you guys okay all right so we gotta get alen everybody has to start talking with each with each other because we got there's four players here um who are you know you know me which doesn't um amount to much alen's the engineer you're the installer from the other end of the state I get it um and then we have this other company which doesn't have a permit to do any work in town but they've already been in town doing work um I have no idea what is underneath any of the components up there I don't know what the dep to RAC is if there is Rock I you know I'm completely in the dark here because I was brought in I wasn't brought in at all I went there because the name Len what yeah what is it just while we're all here what is it when you dug that hole that you found that surprised you it's beautiful gravel 4 in minus gravel what I would call gravel 4 in minus Stone and sand but there's no infiltrators and there's no sand there um and it it said it had to have a minimum of a foot of sand so obviously we got to bring a foot of sand in but that's what it says right in the plans but there the old field isn't there there's there's a there was a tank there but there's no field and there was a pipe coming out of the tank well they weren't going to reuse the field anyway no so so it has to be it has to be stripped there's elevations I know there's elevations that are on that drawing yep so so it looks like you end up needing to do the strip and then figure out what it takes to get the elevations right but at least you haven't gone down and said Gee there's supposed to be sanding gravel or in its place right no it's beautiful gravel it's well I like I said I call it gra it's 4 inch minus gravel there so as sound Lee is it at this point it seems to me that the proper thing is to have a job meeting with the engineer the two installers ulie and say hey guys let's stop let's look at what we're doing and what has to be done who's responsible for what what permits are needed yet every with everybody standing there instead of having four people from different parts of the you know two people from around here two people far away one person needing the license that doesn't another person with a license saying GE within the ground isn't what I'm supposed to be getting this this is maack of boy troubles coming is that what you're thinking will have everybody stand there at the same time and talk to each other yeah at this point we got to become uh at least talking friends because otherwise the left hand can't possibly know what the right hand is because there's four players here um and uh it's it's a brand new system for me for sure uh I think it's a brand new system for you as the installer alen I got no idea company man I'm sure has got a handle on it but you know when there's when there's a new system new technology and possibly unless Allan's done one uh three out of the four players don't know what the heck is going on then obviously there's some room for some uh some error could occur pretty easily here in a spot besides that Lee that does I tiny little spot that this can go in in an extremely environmentally sensitive area so it's it's like you've got a a huge chance for error in a spot that can't tolerate any error well correct you're on that island surrounded by you know water on probably 80% um around except for the road in yeah there's there is some room for problems there yeah and on top of that the well had problem right right from the getg go so so anyway it sounds like that's what needs to be got who is the one that's taking the lead here it it it sounds to me like it this isn't a Board of Health Take the Lead spot this is an in installation problem and and uh at this point believe that the my feeling would be Allan has the design that he submitted to us and he says he's going he's got to be the guy that does the first sign off so I think that if Allan has to be the one that Colleen calls up and says hey Alan this thing isn't going in the way it needs to be going in you're the engineer you're the guy you're it's you're design and we're gonna stop it from going in until this is straightened out everybody stops until this gets straightened out and Allen is the the spearhead to get it going again that's that's what I would look at Le okay yeah we gotta start Board of Health isn't the project manager here no no it's the guy with the design you've got an installer that's saying one installer saying well this isn't mine and that's mine and the the ground isn't what it's supposed to be it's exact and Allan saying call the board of help well it's Allan that needs to say okay you step up to the plate Allen and what's supposed to happen at this point but the way you you stop it from happening going even further south is to say there's no there's not going to be an inspection of the bottom no no I'm sorry excuse me he said I had a call to get the installers permit through gry you had to have a special that's what he he wanted me to get you got that I do now you've got that okay but you can't go any further because you have to have a bottom inspection and that hasn't been done and it's not going to get done until until we get Allen involved to get this straightened out so that's how we put the breaks on can I contact Allen and set up a meeting anybody absolutely okay absolutely in fact you can call them and say you know the Board of Health act like idiots they just stop us that's okay that's okay and once she gets on board then we can get a green light again once he gets on board and you guys are happy everything's good we can get another or do we have to wait till next month's meeting oh no we don't have to you got you've got your license and and the what about Lee gets on board we're off that okay if the other people need their need installers license they have to talk to you yep you're right so we're two weeks out unless unless they install it they can install it on Lorenzo's license yeah with me supervising yeah where you say okay this is just this part of it is just putting a tank in the ground I'm capable of putting a tank in the ground and making sure that the the the crush stone is underneath it maybe Allen signs off on that if it's there maybe it's not there it's there I have pictures of it there's yeah there's definitely Stone there 100% it's already the tank already in the ground and back fied so it it is as long as you've got the license florenzo and that that they're putting it in under as you're the guy then we can do it if if you're not the guy that's installing the system then whoever needs to install it's got to come and talk to us the same way that we're talking okay I will get a hold of Allen and be back in contact with Colleen or Allen will Lee is that the way you see it yeah we can't um this point if I didn't get phone call um we would have just granted the permit not knowing that um this whole thing is somewhat of a u right I the inspection sorry that's why when I talked to alen that's how I found out yeah well and you know and what what we're working very we're trying to work very hard to uh keep the job going and keep you out of trouble and make sure the homeowner gets what they think they're getting and working on that site on that pond is is a potential mess and we're already starting out uh upside down and backwards here is not good okay I mean I'm not criticizing you for for for for working and and and doing what you thought was right I get it um but it seems like you have a lot of exposure professionally um when other companies are are supposed to be doing things that none of us has ever worked with before and they have no permits um and I'm sure they're professional they know what they're doing they've done a million of these things and they all work but every once in a while it doesn't work and on an island on water with the D being what it is and environmental concerns and fines and fees and crap nobody needs it Le quite frankly you don't where you say you're sure I'm not sure you may find out that this company says we're a manufacturer's rep and this is the first one we ever did oh good point good point know yeah I mean we no one knows anything about this which is why it's so problematic yeah this may not be uh this may not be done by Halloween so anyway that's where we're that's where we're going and uh so it sounds like Lorenzo is GNA call Allan say you know yeah it just hit the fan tonight that's for sure I have a question for you guys then real quick um if you still have time y the field the field isn't in question with an installer and a permit can we do from debox out and then just wait that way I can get the ground cleared up and grass going and not and not have any impact to that water obviously we have to have a site visit from Allen but can we get then can we do the field what I think we're we're doing again we said Allan needs to be there we have to know who's doing what who's responsible it needs to have that okay that and if Allan from my standpoint if Allen is standing there and say the ground is exactly what it's supposed to be here's what we have to do to make it so it fits my design this is what happens then and it can be done without affecting the whole rest of the the the system then and Lee it's up to you my feeling would be F the engineer says that's what you do and we're all set that part can go and you're going to handle the rest of it in a certain way going an issue with it but right now we've got nobody in charge again and that's what we have to establish first and nothing gets pardon me my other concern is one of lack of knowledge if Allen has never done one of these systems he can't possibly know and maybe it's a straight Le maybe it's a straight field you know what I mean I don't know if there's a special uh special fill they need a special fabric a special a pressure dose I have no clue what it's not even a manifold it's just uh Stone and pipe perforated SD uh two rows of perforated SDR six feet apart and stone and pipe on one foot of sand with six inches it's a typical uh Stone well it's not a trench but it's a typical Sandstone uh perforated pipe field it's only two rows we not doing this is the wrong thing to be doing right now go no no he was just asking the Wasing it apart and we're instead of saying we've got a system problem here we've got a control problem of who's in charge we've got pieces and the thing we can't do is allow this to go in piece by piece if we do you can bet your life we're going to be in trouble so what we're saying is the first even though it's inconvenient for you Lorenzo it won't be inconvenient if it's your license and this thing doesn't work it's going to be really inconvenient but in this case leave the board is saying we're not going to look in that hole you can't do anything in the hole until the engineer gets involved that's fine I'll give give alen a call tomorrow morning and I'll contact Colleen if that's okay after I talk to alen and see and see what we can set up yeah yeah and then Allan of course needs to reach out to as you know reach out to who this this firm and um we need to clarify what they do uh if they physically add something or do some work or do something um if they're just there as a consultant um I don't know if that means they need a they need an installers permit but if they touch the ground at all which it sounds like they have uh if they set the tank with Underground Supply then that's in my way of thinking that means they need an installers permit they are physically doing work on that system mechanical or whatever you want to call call it work on that system and they have no license to do anything in this town so there's a lot of we have a decent amount of ground we have to cover in the future it's not impossible but it's got to get done okay okay we've spent a long time on this one sorry yep and okay at least we've cleared the year we all know what's going on which right now is is is going to be nothing um and then we got to put the fix to it okay I will be in contact with maybe maybe in the future you'll be the bio guy of of of you know the Northwest part of the state and you'll be millionaire and you won't have to worry about it you guys are an hour and 40 minutes away I was only doing a favor really this is not this is not this was just help that's I know and that's the sometimes it's a problem when we've got people doing favors and and not well anyways we've got we're now a half an hour behind schedule okay and thank you sir thank you thank you well when we look at it though I don't go with just innocent innocent because we just granted a permit for someone that apparently didn't know that you needed a license and soltic system in and people dealing with idle five know that so how can how can somebody in this business not know they need to get a permit where they work that's what my concern is that that tells you that maybe the person isn't as experien as we think so yeah or you know could be that they always work as a subcontractor and doesn't but that's fact to not having the experiences that we think yeah good point good comment so but it also says keep your eyes wide open because that person doesn't really know how it works doesn't sound like we have Mr Derby who's patiently sitting there waiting for his 755 appointment hello everybody thank you for coming in thank you for having me Lee this is a actually I asked colen to have Mr Derby come in because I suggested to Colleen Colleen found out that Northampton doesn't have any regulations for this kind of operation and what I ask colen is to to have Mr Derby come in and have him help us protect him and so he you are going to in your business you're going to be touching people's bodies yes with with different materials maybe I think it could be hands it could be towels it could be Stones it would I know nothing really about your business but I'm I'm assuming that even though it sounds kind of like acupuncture you're not going to be sticking things into people no no no sticking people with anything right so so when I talked to Colleen I said let's let's assume that that is the case that because if if you were I'm guessing people would have all sorts of regulations about what you could do to them so right so give given that I said you know what let's just start off being stupid and saying we think this business is to put hot stones on people's backs and I said if that's the case what kind of thing would you be concerned with and I said would be concerned if the place was dirty I'd be concerned if my Stones were so hot they were going to burn me I'd be so concerned if they were so heavy they were going to crush me I would be and I said those are just if they were Stone and I'd be concerned about how did it heat them up how who did they lay on before they laid on me uh what do you do to clean the stones up and and again I don't even know if you're using Stone but I said for sure Mr Derby knows what he's doing and for sure Mr Derby knows what he has to do to not hurt people and not get people sick and if we had Mr Derby come in he could be saying you know what these are the things you should tell me I should be careful for that you should be whatever if you're using owls that you're putting on people that they're going to be fresh towels and clean or whatever is you know what you need to do to do it right and you also know what you could do to do it wrong or people that were in competition with you to save money what they could do to make people sick to make people get ringworm from the last person that used the dirty towel and I just use that for for an example but uh so so that's why asked you to come in and it had nothing to do with Bill or Lee and I'm sure that Lee runs a pharmacy owns a pharmacy and runs it I'm sure that if I said hey Lee you came in and someone was doing something can you do anything to hurt people Lee has the potential to kill people but so there's things that that the government make sure that that he's not killing people but so what can you tell us about what you need to do and what we need to be telling you you need to be doing sure well all all of the things you brought up were you know great examples and I don't know what you do remember I don't know what you do right well I mean in my email I think you may have gotten my email I hope you did it basically gave a brief description of the business and and sort of a you know a description of what ACU pressure actually is um and so but yeah exactly what you said is cleanliness is is the the number one key thing in this type of business because yes we are touching people's bodies um and we and acupressure is basically uh applying pressure to pressure points on people's bodies um and yes we do indeed use hot stones and they are actual Stones um but they're not big or heavy Stones um the stones themselves are about 4 in by 4 in or four four inches long by maybe 2 Ines wide um and we heat them in special uh essentially microwaves they're heating they're heating microwaves uh specifically designed to heat up stones and also towels um but so if let's say you come into the business um to get an Acu pressure appointment um you would come in you would have a sheet over your body uh and all of the sheets we use we use fresh sheets for every single customer every towel we use is fresh towels for every single customer at the end of the day all of the sheets and towels are washed um and um yeah I mean the CL less is the key important thing in in this business um you when you go I'm gonna go I'm GNA interrupt you because I'm Pro I'm a process guy yeah yeah and and so when I look at at and I drive people crazy because I don't let people get away with saying I watched it because watching doesn't tell me what did you wash it with what was the temperature you washed it with what was the test to make sure it was clean how did you what were you whether you're using soap whether you using disinfectant was the the soap on antiallergenic soap uh did the stones touch anything how did you clean the stone how do you hold the stone how did you wash your hands do you and what did you wash your hands with so when you start looking and say gee this guy's crazy he's telling me all this stuff and I said well well I'm not because it doesn't say you know how did you dry it how did you sore it how did who touched it did you lay it on the floor it's saying there it's when you talk about cleanliness it it's kind of is the same way that you look at almost like a restaurant and say yeah we can have a clean restaurant but but how do you how do you store where do you store do you store next to an open window do you store laying on the floor do you store so all of these all do do you bleach it what are there are there colors how do you tell when your your towel and sheet is worn out what is your spec on the original on the the original seat uh what is the material of the sheet it's like this thing is millions of little things that you say oh my God this is crazy crazy stuff right but it's not crazy crazy stuff it's it's the thing that that that stops you from finding out that that uh you know and how do you tell when someone's you know reacting negatively to what you're doing or that you know that's some of your that's your training part but in terms how do you tell who's working there how what kind of training is there if something's happening do you have a a protocol to to all sorts of things that that what happens if your light go out while people are in there what what happen who when your microwave who checks who checks your microwave for whether it's working right how do you know what the temperature of the stone is how do you know what the temperature of the the towel is and so when you look at all of those things to say I should I need to know that and have it written down so that the next whoever's working for you and then when you when you have people working for you who who can work for you that is certified or not certified or are you supervising or not are you directly supervising uh it's a it's just as as I'm looking at it is just to say that that he I'm gonna have some discipline to how I run my business do you touch people with bare hands do you wash your hands after you touch people do you wash people before you hitch them do you and know and what do you use to wash your hands and are your hands dry and what do you do with what you use to wash your hands and wipe your hands and and look and say this is this crazy thing this is this is more than I ever believed but when you walk through it and say what is it that I'm doing and having the discipline to say there's a process to this thing there a way to do it right and there's a way to do it wrong sure sure yeah well that's that's a lot that's definitely a lot but that's good that's good you know I mean that's all those questions are good and um certainly for us we we try to do everything right um and in terms of like washing hands of course we wash our hands before touching anybody and after touching anybody um we all of the products cleaning products we use are hypoallergenic nothing with chemicals harsh chemicals organic whenever we can uh to answer your question for heating up the stones that specific o like little microwave oven luckily it's easy for us it has a button that's specifically for heating the stones up and for cleaning the stones we boil them in water with a very light detergent um and anything after we clean our hands we don't use we don't wipe them with regular towels we use paper towels and then throw them in in the garbage so we're not you getting germs on towels and reusing those um but yeah again any sheets or towels they're they're always fresh for every new customer and when we wash them at the end of the day again we use non hypoallergenic you know very light chemical detergents um when we use them in the washing machine and dryer um and we in terms of storing the stones they're sto they're stored in um the plastic boxes um um in cabinets my case I you don't have to explain all the things to me sure sure but I'm I'm asking and I don't know unfortunately Bill isn't here tonight and uh lee is here maybe Lee you think I'm way off paace but I'm I guess what I'm I'm I would be looking for is a something for you to describe what you're doing describe the process that you're doing so we we could measure if we sent in our our health inspector and said okay she went in and said okay I'm going to look and see if these guys are actually following what what they said and and uh again when I look at say oh yeah we boiled these stones and in and soap or whatever it is you boil sure and say well how did we rinse it off and what did we rinse it off and and how after I boiled them and they went but let's say you really I literally boiled them so they went up to since the some soap in there it's going to boil at higher than 212 degrees so let's say it boils at 225 degrees because you've got some stuff in there and so then you use some hongs or whatever and yes and uh and say and and somebody says oh yeah but I only boil Stone oh 10 stones before I throw the water away because the ston got oil all over them and there's oil all over the top of the water and I don't want when I lift the stone out I don't want the oil going all over the stone and then that the stone is 225 degrees I can't possibly hold it what am I holding this Stone and where do I put it and and uh how hot is it you know that to reuse it so so I would be looking to say have the discipline to say this is the thing we're going to do here are the things we're doing in here and and if some were to come in and say hey are you following the procedures you said you were following and they look and and said they're doing exactly what they say and we're say that's fine that's that's exactly what everybody says supposed to happen here sure and and uh and once again we're not telling you how to do your business what we're doing is having you tell us how you use your business right and and then we can say are you really doing what you said you were going to do does that seem reasonable to ask you to do that Mak supect to see if you're doing what you said you were going to do sure and you can say that that yeah I'm I do have a nice little 12-year-old daughter that comes in here on Saturdays to help me and she's she does this for me too and they say oh no we can't do that she wasn't trained it's only trained people my little 12y old daughter doesn't fit with it yeah but but would be telling us that it's only licensed people that touch people or whatever whatever it whatever it is it seems like like you ought to be able to say this is my little business model and this is how I'm going to run it and it may not be very complicated it might be very complicated I don't know you you're the one that says you know that actually not every idiot can do that you really have to understand what you're doing sure and there's this part that says I need to be certified by this organization and and uh because because we don't know the certification either it could be that that that uh when you choose it if if it were me I would be saying you know I'm really good at this and I want to get certified by a very high standard I don't want to end up being in the same league as a person that spends four hours on the internet and gets a and does a a test at the end of the four hours and use my own printer to get a certification and a a way I go and and say ge now I'm in competition with a whole bunch of people that that don't have any kind of physiolog physiology training that that uh because it might be very important that you shouldn't be putting nice hot stones on people's foreheads I don't know that yeah they're not they're not put on people's foreheads no no but but but I don't know that and maybe the guy that does it for takes the four hour course doesn't know that either uhhuh uhuh so that's why that that that's uh that's what I would be looking for I'm but for what's worth I'm trying to keep you out of the sound not I'm not happy to Happ you in the do I'm that part it's fine I just as a board of health member I really I don't want you to hurt people yep and and uh and I want you to be successful but believe it or not I want you to be successful and so that that just as we you heard us talk about the the septic tag guys it's the same thing that the way the the way we all keep out of trouble is by letting each other help each other m sure say yeah we could this is where we could really get in trouble so uh you know Lee what are what are your thoughts I'm doing a lot of talking here not not necessarily no I mean speak from the that the uh the State Department of Public Health uh has a uh I don't know a educational requirement or a uh a permit uh that you have to new every year or two with continued education or I don't I don't understand you know how you enter the field and who if anyone do you have to um uh theoretically answered to yeah so I if uh also in my email I sent uh the certification um which was uh acquired in July of this year you have to be a practitioner for two years before you can get this certification um okay and the certification expires in 2029 so it's it's renewed every five years okay okay and this is something from the state yes okay and that being said does then the state require or does the State uh invoke a random um inspection process or something of that nature to make everybody tow the Mark at all times they're they're supposed to be yes um the person I spoke with on the phone said that they do occasionally do random check-ins um but I have other friends that have similar businesses and have been running for let's say maybe three years now and have never had a check in at least not yet um so get so whe you how often they're supposed to do them and how often they actually do them I'm not quite sure I think maybe uh bigger businesses are probably uh checked in on a big you know more regular basis uh a smaller business with only one or two practitioners working maybe aren't checked in on as regularly um but certainly they they they want you to fill out paperwork and show that you have that you are certified okay but in theory uh the idea I'm guessing or from what I'm hearing is that among other things um you or someone in your position would have to strive on a regular basis to uh keep the standards up um in going at all times in the event that somebody does knock on your door at Tuesday morning at quarter 11 and a full system do a full system inspection uh which may or may not result in a termination or suspension yes yes that's correct yes okay thank you expect that there's some things that that we would require for a safety stand or some trackability that says you need to say who was in there we we don't have to know I don't think who they are but if some happened and there was a disease spread because of something that was happening inside your your operation we would really need you to be saying yeah this person was here on this date and okay for this time that we've got some trackability that that we know who is who is in here and we can tras it down that there something like in our waiting room do we have anything in there to stop disease from covid from being spread there that it would be that kind of thing that say we're going to think about our business and how we're going to run it how we're going to be you know how different are we than a from a doctor's office or or whatever you're doing some other kind of similar operation and say yeah this how we're going to do this and this is this is where we're going to store this kinds of Power this is the kind where we're going to store this how many we're going to have this is U I have no idea whether you want people to have clean bodies before you work on them or or you know do or don't or clean clothes or dirty clothes or lots of clothes or no clothes or don't know but you do yeah you you do and and then they say is there a is there a changing room is there a there some thing that that and then then there's that sub part that says we don't want to have and I'm not saying you're gonna have it at all I don't even think May that but we certainly don't want to say you know this's a kind of a massage thing that's moved over into sex operation okay and to say how do you how do you ensure that that's that's not what's what's going to happen that this this is not a massage parlor that per se and I have no doubt that that's not what I have to say in the right way I have no doubt that you are in fact not trying to do that I right I absolutely feel 100% comfortable that you're not here because that's what you're trying to do I'm I'm absolutely comfortable with that however that we would say that the that part of this whole thing is to say you know we're going to run it in a way that doesn't make that like conducive or for the the public to say that's what we really think is happening in that right sure sure that this is is definitely a legitimate business and and I truly believe you wouldn't be here if that's not what you're trying to be doing yes yes so but any that's what that's what I would expect that that that you're you're basically gonna say this is our this is our way we're gonna operate yeah and you probably would say this is how our build our building's going to be laid out like a restaurant does it and say this is we're going to have changing rooms or we're gonna have showers or no showers or I'm not telling you what to do but you know how you know I have no doubt that you know exactly how you want this thing to look and run and and that's how you're gonna g to handle it so Lee do you think that that's reasonable to ask for for that yes so and we would be asking a restaurant the same kind of thing okay so what you want from me essentially is to maybe like write something up um with just a little bit more detail about the layout of the space exactly kind of a step by step process of what we're doing where we're storing things what kind of uh you know uh washing materials we use kind of essentially stuff like that yeah and you would have it you would have a layout that says this is the the how this place is going to be set up this is where we're storing stuff here's with our washing machine or the type of washing machine or whatever you're G on a dryer whatever you're going to do to say this is how we're gonna operate this place and we're gonna make it that that whatever the soap isn't stored next to the the stones or as as you said you're going to you're keeping things separate that the towels aren't laying on the floor and that when you when you you know dunk with the towels this is how how you're going You're GNA put them in this you know container and so it's not GNA be a big pile and and basically to say this is our place we're getting ready now this is this is our physical environment here's how we're going to run it and and so here's the physical space Here's the way we're going to operate and and so if you walked the good way to think about it is to say if I walked out of that room I wasn't the one that's there I would know that the whoever is left in there to be running my business be doing this yeah I'd be able to do it because I because I'm I'm gonna have to train someone to do it so if I'm gonna have to train someone to do it I should be able to write down what I'm going to train him on so you would be able to look and say yep that you're doing exactly what I want done so it it really is the discipline of saying I've got a I've got a service business right here here's the service that I'm providing here's so you describe the service and then you say well here's the backup for this to make sure that that I do the same thing every day that everybody whoever comes in here gets exactly the same service with exactly the same you know material Cals that that are the towels or whatever and and uh and whether you say people aren't going to be walking into my my nice room where where people are going to lay on my T whatever the table is and say they're going to be laying on this table and there's going to be this covering on this table and uh they're not going to walk in here in the winter time with with rubber boots that are all mud and they're going to be right next to the table so that that that you'll see they're going to prepare for this thing they're actually going to put on in this little changing room they're going to put on these booties that that they wear into my nice clean you know procedure kind of room but sure but that you just go through and say okay I know exactly what I'm gonna be doing and and my people my technicians are going to be using rubber gloves and they're not going to be latex rubber gloves unless I ask my patients if they're allergic to latex and and just those all those things that say okay I've got my nice little package and we don't find out uh oh I've got 52 people that were here last week that all got a rack because of that GLS okay yeah we wouldn't want that no and so that's what I'm I'm interested in is just make sure to say this is a serious business and we're gonna we're gonna deal with it okay okay so yeah I'm I'm happy to do that I mean how would you like me to proceed would you do you want me to try to write something up I would like to yeah I would like to see that and say yeah we've got a thing we're gonna well I think you before we do this because that's some that's some work to do I think Le unfortunately Bill isn't here are are we going to to allow this in our town this is not a nice thing to do to to have somebody go through all of this and then when it's all done say you know after all we don't we don't like that stuff in in this town and so it doesn't matter we're gonna no matter how high you jump you're never goingon to get high enough right I mean the fact that it's it's a uh a State Certified program the state uh um monitors and inspects um and that we're going to get a uh a thumbnail sketch of the operation in some detail um and maybe Lynn will occasionally set up a time to take a look around based upon um possibly there's something in master a law about um the minimum stand standards no I'm I'm fairly confident that um going forward will not be a bad thing for anybody you know patient Andor um business owner I look at it we don't we don't need a uh we we we don't need a a um something the size of War and Peace in in literature to to know what's going on but you know um we're not trying to get the details and and set up a couple shops to compete with there we just want to know that um if somebody make pend down the road voices a complaint about blah blah blah and we have a reference to what that complaint is we can talk in some intelligence about what did or didn't happen which would be for me my perspective a layer of protection again for you and for your client sure from my standpoint we I I view it as probably more sensitive than only marginally and maybe not totally than a than a nail operation but certainly less potential for problem than a tattooing operation and and within the nail operation you certainly have the problem with the a potential of nicking nails and having blood transfer and infections and this one not so much that you're not having anything with the potential nicking the body so so if I just look at sensitivity it looks like this this is not something we should be afraid of that and that we should stop from happening so so it sounds like in terms of of the question is are we going to make you go through this and then tell you too bad you can't do it no that's not going to happen you're get an idea of what you're doing making it so we can say yeah we know enough about it that we can go in infect and say yep you're doing what you said you were going to do you're using the same materials you said you're going to use and and you're not doing things that are going to hurt people and uh I know someplace through there even though your microwave says I press the button it comes out the way I want someplace you're going to have to say you know what I've got a little thermometer that that a couple times a day or once a day or whatever I shoot that I've got a little infrared thermometer that says you know that thing was supposed to be 175 degrees and it actually did come every time I check it it's between 170 and 180 it's what it's it does that that that I I checked that okay so that that's what that's what I would guess that that if that's your main process element that you'll be saying yeah that that's what I I want to do and uh and and if you're afraid enough of it maybe you say every time I do this I'm really afraid that I'm either gonna give people stones that are too hot or too cold and just part of every one of my process elements this little handheld non- contact gun or whatever it is that you go Boop every time I take these stones out I'm just going to look and say y they're the right temperature Stones sure that that may be such a simple thing and say that's that Paramount to running my business Black Stone having the right temperature stone is absolutely key to running my business and I'm gonna make sure I have the right temperature zone so so anyway so it sounds like that's what it is to come up with saying I'm going to lay the place out I'm going to put put down with the the the materials I'm going to have in there and the the important thing is what are you using for your your little microwave what's your table like what what are you covering your table what are you doing you know the Big Basics things you don't you don't need a book that that's bigger than the one that Pasco runs their operation by sure okay I think that's all very doable okay okay great thank you thank you and good luck and thank you for coming in and spending some time and sorry you had to wait but I'll bet you didn't think you were gonna spend a half hour talking about what your business was gonna do either I didn't but hey it's good I'm I'm happy to happy to do it and nice meeting you all and uh I'll I'll try and write something up for you okay okay have a nice night okay thank you take care bye bye thank you by we're not done yet almost though huh we've got only one Title Five Le it would looks like it it's 20 new La Road then mul did it and it pass looks like it was a a reasonably new system with 5 ft separation 1500 gallon tank is it is that okay to accept please yeah it was a a pump system but yes yeah yeah yeah uh We've two things that are boy I've got bunch of things actually um one of them is our temporary event application tyen sent out something she sent first our sheat that she made up and then she sent Northampton s they're using so Lee did you have a chance to look at Northampton I haven't I've been so I've been so behind my uh socalled life I haven't been checking my email lately it it's definitely worthwh colen when you looked at Northampton that is pretty significant I guess huh is that the way I mean yes they use uh a mobile food and a temporary permit basically but they have a lot of information on those applications yeah yeah and they're they're looking at things well we when you get a chance if you can look at it maybe sing maybe we can stretch it as it's getting colder maybe they're not not going to have them so far we haven't had any events but so Le and and Bill maybe Callen we at the next meeting we could we could block some time to look at it yeah absolutely yeah I'll go back into my mail and I probably had a couple thousands I got a dump but I can send it again so it'll be more recent for you all right all right thank you two other things that that with with Chris leaving soon Chris Martin do you want me Cen sent out of things for Ken Lane in the water my I did go down now it's got to be more than a month ago to to Ken Lane and I I did go there I know I think I told you Le at hold the board that that Dave de roer I da d r roer come over and the water they had paved the street and there was still a puddle that was actually went from the site whatever was 12in Lane is that the one that that we're talking about I think yeah and it went from that side went to the other side it had a big puddle along the road that wasn't wasn't raining and that's the time Dave D roer said you know I'll look and see if I can talk to the the people that that but he knows somebody that puts an irrigation system to launch but it was very obvious that the water coming out of 10 of 12 K was the one was the place that was causing the flooding and the flooding is is primarily because the street has got this little bump in it and it it it can't drain the water out and what I was thinking of doing and I talked to Dave about it but everybody seemed non-committal I think if you look at at the service that 1210 line is providing to the neighbor is that house happens to be on a PL a path that that water wants to drain from the I'll say the east side to the west side of the the road the brook is the receiving body there are actually two receiving bodies one is a swamp and a sale that's on the east side that goes to what that's that is that Preston Street that goes up there I think so yes so at the corner of Preston Street and Ken Lane there is a a thing a drain that that Mike Zin put in and then you've got the catch Basin on Ken Lane that receiv receives some of the water but the water that's going basically from east to west goes under the ground through a bunch of those lots and ultimately heads to the brook and which is on the west side of can Lan so runs north south but on the on the South Hadley side so that house at 1210 Lane is actually draining the in the system around that house is dropping the water table that protect gasberry house it protects the house let's say I'm guessing it's 10 can Lane it protects the two houses that are between Ken Lane and the BR so that that house is lowering the water table in an area that protects the last of that community and my feeling is that that we ought to go to to Chris Martin and say you know for the sake of a a 3in polyethylene pipe that's buried 18 in in the ground that goes from 1210 Lane to the cat Bas and the twoth thirds of the way back to West stre but I don't ought to do that because it's protecting the road it's protecting half a dozen houses and it's not a very it doesn't have to go very deep in the ground if you put that person DMP their water into it do do you think it's worthwhile for me to try to make that happen Le certainly um in lie of uh what it will save um in the neighborhood and the minimal cost involved it's to me it's definitely worth a conversation especially um while that office is still occupied by uh by Chris Martin I will I will do that either tomorrow yeah maybe I can get do it tomorrow okay and but I'll get that done all right thank you the next one that I don't know that we're gonna do anything about is 126 South Street that that near near the laflam farm and it's a it's a property that that has it's an old property and uh I think believe that is maybe next door to the Steve Zen property fact it may even be the Steve Zen property and and it's got a a water table that was really high and it's one that that pass the title five but we said that it was a it was did not protect the environment because I think it's also got a small old subject T and it's it's basically in the water or just above the water and colen got a response back that that the person that bought it isn't planning on fixing it for a year the septic system and doesn't want to have a mounted system and and uh I'm thinking maybe we have to wait and talk about it when when Bill is here also because I my feeling is we've told them that the system has to be replaced and and and that's just not an acceptable answer to say gee I bought the house and I'm not going to replace it for a year and I don't like great systems is this was this a uh an auction property or something of that nature I don't know col do you know I a foreclosure I'm just wondering how they would have purchased a house um if it had a failed Title Five um if there's any Bank involved I would have thought maybe was a c deal we yeah that's it I mean that's the only way I could think it would go without the bank fund it um demanding some uh repairs being made to protect the banks investment yeah they've it maybe the maybe the best thing is to have the owner talk to us at the next meeting try see if we can we can talk it through and come to an agreement for at how we're going to solve the problem well yeah I mean if they're talking about that they don't want a raay system give in the water table um that in that area there doesn't seem to be um that that will ever get resolved no no so they need to you know delaying the repairs for a year is one thing but um they may want to delay the repairs in perpetuity um right and which is not acceptable of course right you know he he talked about I think the note that colen sent said that the guy was saying can we check the water table again and and absolutely what we should be telling them is yes is absolutely you have to T the water table again because that's what you need to do to design the new system but but maybe it's worthwhile to to rather than send letters that are threatening letters maybe we can talk the things through and and have the owner understand where where the issue Isen you could go ahead Lee uh I'm sorry is there um um what's it called not grant money but is there is there funds currently available Colleen do you have any idea or um um low interest loan uh you know for second I think there is yes but I don't know what the if you have to qualify to get those or Neil Jackson told me there's also grant money that's automatically available through the state okay it's the financial thing there may be some uh we may be able to open up a couple doors for this individual um I know there's a but certainly the other the other issue of course is that uh if the septic is breaching the surface then we need to be cognizant that uh the neighbors um are not negatively impacted by this property yeah I've got a feeling that it's not to the surface right now but but it may be that the the old system wasn't used you know may very limited use and and it's it's been very very drying but if it's one person living there they make it away with it for a while right so maybe a stock would be a good way to start y yep okay I'll ask him to come to the next meeting all right going on these other things that that we've got Dollar General still hasn't got back I think they will they will get get back I'm sure they said they would get back and I'm guessing that the cigarette license is going to get their attention again I would think I did get a a note from an engineer that that wants to work on or started to work on the the two four flexes that our new llo road just east of Morgan Street and Lee you must have G there yeah you must have gone there it's a a big load a big sewage load and a spot that's right in Tuck next to the the brook the Stony Brook so I'm yes I'm starting to work with them but it's a it's not an easy solution no it's a very high water table and with the number of uh the amount of caved surface and vehicles to support that much housing uh it's going to it's extremely limited uh surface area for a uh for an adequate SAS be designed and built there yeah for sure I'm guessing they're going to be looking at some type of alternative technology to fit it in well they're the one that he's got proposed is is a raised system with block around it in back of the system the house the unit to the left and even that one is only 35t away from the Wetland and so what I'm trying to do is is avoid he's in that close whether he needs a a nitrogen system or but but I'm it looks to me that that we may be able to pull it further towards the back of the unit and maybe they may up having to park some cars and maybe the parking lot has to be along with the sides of the building maybe they have to put you know a couple little parking spaces in the front of the building to fre up it's not one of those parking areas back and and that space I think has to be used the other thing that that causes all source of problems is that the code actually says that that anything other than a a singular two family house has to be a a two compartment tank and then the the design for the two compartment tank has to have that the first compartment is a minimum of two times the daily flow and so once you end up with with one unit with with h eight bedrooms that's 880 gallons so two times the daily flow of that is you know is almost 1,800 gallons which obviously doesn't fit in a a two compartment tank doesn't sit so they they may end up needing s maybe they're they'll end up needing four, 1500 gallon for each one and then they they end up needing two pumps and a spare water supply I a spare Supply because they've got City water so if they lose power they really do need you know that's not like the rest of these things that have wells that if you lose power you don't have water these guys have water yeah they're going to need a uh they're going to need a power supply yeah yeah yeah that's what it sounds like yeah I think I think on I think on eight West Street they didn't fact install two 1500 gallon tanks they did Colleen looked it up what happened is the we did the the uh the septic Elite field based on the the uh 220 gallons for the two bedrooms plus the 110 gallons for the the septic for the kitchen so we did the 330 for each of the two bedroom units for the SAS but the septic system we said no we'll do that on the the E bedroom which made it that the reason that the two compartment the two tanks where that was a 2,000 gallon they actually did their two Chambers in series so that the first tank which was 2,000 gallon gives the food days capacity for the first chamber and then the second tank is the th G or, 1500 whatever it was that gives it the the second chamber Criterion so that's how they did it so they got by with with one tank system as compared with going with two single 1500s which I think would also work okay so so these tanks were in series then right and West Street yeah okay yeah so so there's some work but over there on on new love the world is going to be quite a different story it is it's hard to to do it so I'm I'm guessing what they the solution is going to end up with a, 1500 gallon tank for each side of each unit so you have four 1500 that go into a single po pump chamber with backup power and then go to the Lea field but the Lea field pulls way in to clear the 50 ft so it and he's he's looking at he wanted to do 4 100 foot line and I'm I think I'm GNA tell don't do that that's crazy those just so long that instead go into the middle of the system and put your debox so that you actually have 50 foot lines going on out of each side yeah left and right yep yeah so so there's some that that's coming uh and I haven't heard anything I haven't heard anything at all from from our our friends at at The Wine House yeah I mean it's confusing um because we were hoping you know Neil was goingon to design you know this you you were at the meeting yeahum and I was because we promised June it's four months later and we have nothing even on the horizon yeah that's right um and and at some point in time I think we have to well we don't have to do anything but maybe we have to uh consider a uh some type of limitation on activity uh or something to stimulate yeah to follow the mark yeah because now the the Tail's wagging the dog so yeah it it's it's probably time just the the same way that that well when Jim came in to us if you recall in I think it was May and he said why are you calling me in because I was given till June 1st to have this thing all straighten out as I said here's October 1 and it's not straightened out yeah and I I and I'm not you know throwing stones but we were also reminded that um uh he was committed to doing the right thing yeah I yeah it it looks to me like a good business for the town it's a good thing and it but it's it's not a good business to to not you know if if the as the business has grown it's it really I guess from my standpoint the mistake was to say G you're opening a brick and mortar business you need a brick and mortar septic system and and running that kind of business out of a sanican is not the way to do it a lot different than having a tent in the field and so now the business is grown and grown and now we're chasing our tail so so well um if push com to sh WIS the perm uh expire January 1 yeah it's something it's something like that and maybe we have to do the same thing that we're doing with with Dollar General and they were yeah well unfortunately it appears that um us cooperating is not uh helping them do the right thing so if we have to um force their hand then they're they're creating the problem that we have to respond to I know it's not like we've we're causing the problem it's that we're trying to make them act responsibly and and it would be nice to do it that that instead of bringing someone to court and having attorneys make money on what doesn't get done it would be nice to get the problem fixed and and just get it done and have people act right yeah us getting scolded in May [Music] um one would have thought that after we got scolded because it wasn't June 1st that they would have taken opportunity to um focus on on the promise and we're entering you know four months plus of zero it may in fact be May in fact be that that J has worked very hard to try to get Neil to get the the system designed maybe I don't know that at all but the the bottom line from our standpoint is the system isn't functioning it's not installed in functioning and and the person that that owns it is the person that we go after and and that's the bottom so let's see if we get that option yeah let's I I'm sure I'll be talking to Neil for something and next few days and I'll I'll tell them I'll ask them you know what when we can expect to to get that from him yeah because in seven weeks we're going to click through uh uh uh January 1 and uh we're no closer than we were yeah and then someone as far as we know yeah be dead I hope I am okay I'm gonna shut us off and go to bed okay okay good night all right good night good night folks good night thank you everybody