##VIDEO ID:NM9WV3ZUhDg## [Music] so I just I just put that on so we're recording okay I I just hate if you know at s and Lee's not here we should probably we should probably move along then we'll start with the the uh minutes from the 14th of November are you okay with those though oh oh yeah I'm fine with that dick tyie and I am too so okay put this note and say Lee's not here until he gets here yep I read That's the the next thing I've got is Colleen's time sheet pH I've got the see they're all all three of them are 70 hours I at the November 30th then the next one is uh oh the first one is November 16th then November 30th and then December 14th and they're all 70 hours are you all set with those bill yeah I am good with that dick okay next one is the count to the money to the the treasurer are receivables total $ 5,315 of that we've got board of health permits $1,515 Board of Health licenses 3,650 Board of Health fees the last one of 150 and that's what totals the 5,315 are you good with that bill yeah good I am okay as well we've got the next one is the schedule of Department bills payable and that is the 2000 I mean 1,220 and7 cents and of that we've got uh the medical waste pickup is 96173 and the other item on it was to quill and that's 256 $ 5835 that totals of $1,227 and of the the thing for quill and stuff that we've already approved it's uh there all the things that we've done in the past approved are you okay with that bill or do you want me to read each of the line items and yeah all set you're okay with it yeah all good dck okay I am too fing so that's a okay uh here uh please still isn't here so let's let's go through H what we've got I'm going to group The hollers permits that if we'll do this by exception if if you don't agree with them Bill let me know I'm g go Joshua ster right that's right that's a way to do these are all renewals so we've got both a huler and an installer the Tom wck at River Drive is a taller and installer I got Carl site work and and Headley is also hauler and a staller ready at clean septic is a holler and installer uh next one is Wind River is just a holler the next one is he's a he's a holler only holler only let me make sure that's correct is that right yes that's right okay next one is Parker's Portables and that one also is a caller only Michael Linton is also at Linton septic that's also h only and that's it are are we going to approve all of those bill or do you have any exceptions yeah no no I recommend the four mentioned uh items I recommend we approve all of them so I move we approve all of them I do two coling so those are approved okay the next one I'm going to talk about actually we can we can the first one is the one I've got an issue with Phil and want to know what we want to do about it this is uh this is Bru bruo liquor and that's just got oh oh yeah they need new well or something don't they dick what no this is milk and cream and a retail food do we want to put a limit on the date for that that remember he's got no water I know I know that so so what happened did they ever put in the new well no you know that they were supposed to come back to us and they didn't come back to us maybe maybe on this one we only give them three months and let them come back with a plan so for handwashing for the employees what are they doing they're just using bottles water for everything as as far as Lynn said no you know that they're not serving coffee yeah but someone could try to get a a drink that that it's a business they need to have water well they're not making ice cubes there are they I don't know what they're what they're doing but they're but you know a business is supposed to have water right well let's give them three months dick I could support that Colleen why don't we tell them we're only going to give them three months okay and tell them that's the reason and they need to get back to it yeah with their plan for water right y the next one I'm gonna do the same thing on this this next grouping because they're all renewals is grany grain is retail food mil and mil uh milk and ice cream uh next one is wine house um that one is food establishment and Retail [Music] food do you want me to pull that one out Phill and discuss that separately McDuffy no wi oh oh oh yeah let's well well yeah I guess let's do that yeah because we got to deal with the sep okay let's let's pull that one out okay so that one I'm telling that's not part of this one next one is McDuffy that's Sage Dining Services to operate Food Service establishment and milk and cream them the next one is uh A8 a88 Dunkin Donuts and that is a food establishment milk and cream next one is frozen dessert and licensed to sell retail food the next one is Martius Pizza doing businesses Pizza Palace that's a food establishment next one is Town of grany Council on Aging food EST establishment next one is ma Pizzeria perm operate a food establishment next one is Subway uh operate a food establishment next one Cumberland Farm is is I think it's got four so a food establishment licensed to sell retail food license to sell milk and cream license uh for the manufactur of frozen dessert and ice cream mix next one is mael heart of maryman and Women's Club next one is Church of Christ of food and food license the immaculate hard Mir was also food license the something special Cafe has got two of them there's a food establishment in uh operating a food establish catering so one was over 25 ft the catering next one Cindy drivein is got food establishments and the manufacturing of frozen desserts and ice cream mix next one is uh who PIR Inc doing business as gry liquor store this is licensed to sell retail food next one is two of them for the flans Garden Center doing businesses Dickenson Farm one is for both are for retail Foods one is 134 South Street the other is 309 eastate Street and that's it for the the food grouping are we okay with that so with all of them yeah yeah yeah I move I move all the establishments uh announced by dick be approved I I move that and with the Proviso that I'm recused on the IM Immaculate hard or Mary project what's gonna happen is yeah no le here Lee here Le here Le are you okay with all of those Lee oh yes yes thank you okay so coling those are all done what we don't have what we didn't do is The Wine House for the operative food establishment and the sell retail foods do we and the question is do we do something there put a limit on that until the septic system gets in so what are you thinking was was there a question on that pending something from the selectman's office or am I mistaken that's that's true at least if you read in the if if you believe what it says in the paper it may in fact not be legal to be doing doing it so do we do we if that's the case do we just get's opinion until it's resolved maybe Mr Trum is not going to be anxious to work on a septic system either that that's exactly right yeah again I I think the legal people have to decide the the zoning status of that particular particular site again it's not our purview but like you say dick even if we approve his septic system tonight he's probably not going to be anxious in pursuing this until he knows clearly whether or not he's a go moving forward certainly wouldn't be that's that's right I agree so I don't think there's a big rush well Neil's here he can answer the question well well the question is from I don't I don't wantan to I don't want to get Jim into a problem that the Board of Health doesn't give him a license and and while this is being resolved so I'm I'm of the the feeling is that you just don't put it so close that that he's going to be in trouble that you just give it to him for six months that's that gives enough time hopefully for the thing to get straightened out and the the septic system to get straightened out and and instead of having us giving them a Year's license with no septic system and and no determination by the select board I'm good with six months dick Lee what is your thought no I think that's that's a reasonable approach until the dust settles so we all agree Colleen so that one will be for for six months for six months okay yeah and so that's that one Neil is is here Neil's got a I can if I can find my agenda Neil I think you're on for 7:15 he got for a 16 East Street yeah for that location yeah so on that one I I had like it ended up the I had 12 questions on that one one of which is the I guess the significant one is is if it's a public water supply right and it's and it's got a big Zone restriction I'm guessing it doesn't with that small an operation but you need to have that on the drawing I I forgot all about that that it's a public water supp I have to have 200 foot offset which I I have 198 so I I I just have to slide it 2 feet but again I I I wasn't thinking public water supply as far as existing neighbors uh septics so I'll have to locate those and make sure I have the 200 feet there also yeah and on the things that I wrote down one is that I noted that when we were out there digging who knows where the water table is where the the tank is going for the house that could be underwater for all we know some we got to poke a hole there to make sure we don't have a a tank that's that's in illegally right I'm pretty sure my uh my Inlet and Outlet were above we're only like six inch below existing gray because it drops off there but I'll I'll I'll I'll make sure for sure I'll give you yeah we could poke a hole the next time we're there the uh yeah the what were the other things that I had in there I did I don't think it affects us but I did talk to the the building inspector about the toilet and the building inspector thought it was going to end up in a plumbing inspector that but he felt that having in a Tavern having the toilets in another building probably wasn't going to fly so but from our standpoint other than the fact that the drawing for your pipe ends up being the wrong drawing so but but again I I think Jim is not going to be anxious to do anything until it gets straightened out yeah he has an issue with the select board yes he does okay that it's that the the building per the build bu inspector and said that it's a it's a nonconforming it doesn't conform the zoning requirements and bu and Jim's issue for again from what I read I don't that's the only thing I know is that Jim and say look at this is a farm this isn't a Tavern and and who knows who knows where where it ends up that's not the board of health issue but yeah that's for the lawyers to that's right what are the do you remember what oh before this is done because of a common water system and a a common sewage system we've got to get the thing tied up legally Neal uh yeah and the loading CCS were just a uh it's it stated 45 Ste but there's really 48 so my my load correct I just it was a typo for the amount of yeah it looked to me like the totals were right it was just when I started going through I say they don't they don't match up no we put 45 he had 45 seats and there's 48 so if you put 48 there all the math is good yeah but you had but you had 960 gallons a day so you had the right right yeah time 48 time 20 is 960 so that was that's right he just put 45 for the seats yeah but the only one I would ask for uh a local an Lua is the backup power because he's not going to have backup power and um with with no power he has no water so I think it's a mute point having backup power for the for the pumps and the septic system if you have and Bill what I what I did is I said that the that the C says that you need two pumps and a backup power when I talk to Neil about about it I said Gee if if in fact Jim ends up saying you know I'm going to put backup power in the in the tavern just so he has power in his in his business then then in fact he needs the the power if he's got water and power going into that then he does need the need it to be connected to this pump these pumps yeah and he said he wasn't going to have backup power yeah so what you know in general Bill and Lee we've we've consistently said in the town that if it's fed by a well and there's no backup power other than other than housings that we said you know you need to if you're going to have housing you need to have some water and force the people to do that in a case like this it's completely discretionary they leave it was the same I think the same thinking that that uh we had at dressel saying that that people can walk away they don't have to live there so if they choose not to have backup power then they mean that unless they have a you know a 5,000 gallon water tank to to supply water they're not going to have water what are our thoughts are we going to make him have the the backup power what did we do at the union Mart dick refresh my memory Union Mart does not have backup power but it does have two pumps and and Union Mart is on a a well or public water that's well up there right well it's also a well that's a well yeah well again if we're going to be consistent with Union Mart this Jim's got to put in dual pumps I guess he would need the D the Dual pump yeah but not the backup power right right okay so we do that Neil what is there was I'm just trying to see if I can there was some ties um the water table and the house septic tank when you look at the tank you have to really look at each tank and look which ones have filters which ones don't have filters what right you have one tank that you said is existing that's not existing and you have to go through yeah and so the the existing tank you didn't do any of the buoyancy the one that you called existing doesn't have the buoyancy calculation on it right yeah I'll add those and you have no problem just just specking the heavy tanks right cuz uh Underground Supply makes ballasted tanks now so um they meet all the criteria for the buoyancy calculation so I can I can just spec those oh they do I didn't know that that's interesting is on their website Neil yeah that's a lot nicer and they even make a 2,000 ballasted tank so oh wow yeah do they have do they do they have a current website yep yep Underground Supply and then then they have all the specs they have all the listed the yeah absolutely okay you have to do is you have to do the calculation Neil that's it that how you get the weight is up to you right right no and I and I'll I'll give the specs for those heavy tanks so we don't have to pour concrete it's a nice it's nicer job for sure yeah and you don't have to worry about having the openings to get in pump it that it's right no definitely is a lot cleaner okay so we'll do you'll do that so so so all the other comments that so what I was hoping is that we could tonight say oh yeah we' this this is a proov far enough that you can put in the 2,000-gallon tank but but I don't see I don't see how we can do that we don't have the tank isn't the 2,000 gallon tank isn't even effect yet and and I I just well it was spec was spec on the original plan and and and the my partner who drew it because the originally the plan was to put that tank in and then design the septic system and connect the house and everything so he assume that that tank was in so it was a communication issue so yeah but I don't think that was the heavy tank right no but you know right exactly but if he went with a heavy tank that would meet the meet the the spe what do we do we want to do we want to let them if they want put in the the tank I my my concern is we could get we haven't got a drawing that's all the way approved now we've got Bill and I'm anxious to get tank in there to tell you the truth well I agree I think you should put the 2,000-gallon tank in you know we had a little cold snap last week and if we get cold weather for three or four weeks we're going to have trouble doing anything out there right so I would recommend let's get that tank in as soon as we can the 2000 anyway yeah and we'll tank and I'll send you the specs on that okay so at least he can run it as a holding tank for the foreseeable future right yeah right yeah and he'd has to know that we're going to come and my guess is that they're not GNA shut him down but again there's a guy he's a businessman saying does he wanna do this or not do this I'd like to get him get him into a position that if the selectman says it's okay for him to be there then we've got the we as a board need to say that we've approved Neil's design we're dealing with details of the design right now that that tank doesn't violate anything that needs a separation of it's not shared with the the town it's not there I mean with the with the house so the tank doesn't violate anything and now here's one problem Neil is this tank going to be located such that if they make them put bathrooms in the metal building it it'll be easy to Plum into the tank yes yeah yeah actually is that's on the drawing so if he adds those bath bathrooms right off the back of the barn I have let's say let's say the building inspector and the plumbing inspector says that they have to go in the in the T that's right that's what I'm thinking does this tank so so whatever you put in ought to be suitable to be able to get sewage from The Tavern that's right so your elevations and your location are going to have to facilitate transport of uh liquid from any any location on that site so be very careful when you site that thing de you don't want to because you're not going to be able to oh we won't F youve got to do something because the there's sinks and stuff in that Tavern that have to go into this anyway right right yeah there's are yeah yeah absolutely I mean add bathrooms in there he's going to have to either add on that's a good question dick what do they have for sinks in the behind the in the bartenders area they have a triple sink there I don't know I've never been in there but but before he said we just gave him a or giving him a food service thing so somebody's got to be washing something you know he told us that he was throwing the water out the dishwasher out on the grape but you can't you can't be doing that well that's the question is he using glass glass glass wear or they using throwaway cups for wine I don't but but Neil what bill is saying is correct wherever that tank goes we ought to make sure it can take water that comes out of out of sinks that are in in that Tavern well yeah it it I have the invert below the concrete floor so yeah yeah so it'll it'll definitely it it's definitely designed to pick up the sinks now toilets a whole different issue also yeah yeah make make sure your inlet side of your septic tank is in the right orientation otherwise you're going to end up with a bunch of sweeps with a bunch of cleanouts it's going to be a mess so be very careful how you do that right no it comes straight out of the building where where he wants to where he wants to put the sewer out so so again I don't know how he would put bathrooms in there in that building dick I think you're right I I would bet the building inspectors going to require those bathrooms to be in that building proper that's my guess think to but when I talked to the building inspector he thought that it actually was going to come under the plumbing inspector Cod but he said he with the building inspector was pretty sure that it was going to end up saying if you got a Tavern you're not going to be taking people and sending them out in the winter time across a dirt or muddy Pathway to find Clues yeah that's that's I don't think that's gonna happen yeah that's inappropriate and it's dangerous that's right that's right so so anyway that's what Neil you have to think about okay yeah so okay at the at the end of the day if we do have to put bathrooms in that building some type of a increase in kitchen or Food Service of some type and the amount of seats that are currently there is a 2,000g tank going to be adequate for retention even if there is a loss of power there's still enough pressure for Water by gravity to be um away so I guess by calculation design is a 2,000g tank going to be enough if you know if the bathrooms go in if the kitchen gets expanded if it's F I don't want I don't want yeah he has it based on 48 seats which he as far as I know he has no intention of increasing that so I mean the the right the design is on seats okay but Lee the issue the 2000 we've got there's actually two questions one is the 2,000 when it's working as a holding tank and if he's going to put it in as a holding tank Neil then you'd have to put the controls for the holding tank in there but even though they're temporary but the in the real world when it's all done it's going to be the 2,000 gallon up te chamber that's the one that's our limit because this 2,000 gallon and and a th gallon setic tank are going to be full they're going to run the way they're supposed to run it's going to be the the you know safety capacity in the pump chain right well that's set up to be able to take a a fair amount you know you're gonna have whatever you have a thousand gallons of Reserve in there Neil yeah yeah so I think the big question is how how the bathrooms get addressed right your system your this one's going to be the same design oh yeah yeah the bathrooms don't affect U the the sizing dick if he puts the 2,000 in are we going to require him to put the alarm in at the same time oh that's what yeah he would if he put the a 2,000 in I in fact I don't know if I on the alarms I hope I didn't slip and miss it but the the uh if you just as we did out at at Union Mark when they use it the tank as a holding tank you have to put the holding tank alarm system in that tank now that but I think on my list of of things of requirements the alarm on this system need to be both in the in the house and in the in the tavern because this system can be running with either one of those not in operation well that's yeah once but when it's being used as a holding tank the alarm would only have to be in the tavern because the house isn't connected to that holding tank that's right so it' be a temporary the alarm would be temporary until they put the whole system in right that's right that's right yeah again if you didn't do the alarm a disaster would be waiting to happen the thing would bubble out of the ground The Neighbors in the neighborhood would get an odor it'd be a real disaster believe me NE should have an alarm in the meantime for sure yeah yeah you know the code says you're supposed to set it at 60% but you can probably bump that up a touch and not have a problem right yeah two thirds probably I'm just saying I'm just saying that yeah not going to be a permanent because if you're looking at the thing it's the wrong size for a holding tank for a tight tank right so it's it really is just an entering yeah so okay then we're I don't remember Neil did I say that there had to be two sets of alarms or did I skip it no you put it in there once the whole system then you wanted alarm in the house and the and the tavern okay y yeah yeah it's in there dual sets of alarms y okay then we're we're set okay so we have to address the bathroom so that's what I'll I'll reach out to jym and see what the plan is and we're going to allow you to put in the heavy tank you're going to find the right place to put the 2,000 in yeah and we're gonna allow you to put put that in yep okay perfect okay have a good night have a good Christmas very good n thank you merry Christmas everybody Merry Christmas guys y thanks and Philip Philip circle is is gonna be all set tonight because miles was asking me I think he reached out to Bill yes he did yes he did he did he did but I don't Lee did you inspect that system Phil yeah three weeks ago at least I was there I was there like three and a half weeks ago yeah long time ago the installer Neil have I didn't see a sign off from you oh yeah no you you guys have it good three weeks ago did you did did you go with the alternate and put in an Elgen in drain in that oh yeah it's an Elgen yeah okay okay yeah yeah and there was a who's the installer was it not a town guy wasn't it no it was Theo Theo brother oh Mike Theo oh yeah Mike Theo Mike and Steve did that okay okay they did a good job oh yeah yeah so are we gonna approve that one yeah I'm good with that Lee did the inspection Lee you're good with the inspection we should be fine on that yes yes yeah we were just waiting for I think you're just waiting for the installer to sign it and they fin he finally went in and signed it I think today actually yeah it did come in and it's got all the elevations on it on the as built yeah so and it's got the the the ties so okay so we're set with that one Colleen okay okay okay then we're set now let's finish up our list okay have a you too Neil thank you thank you Neil bye bye bye bye thanks the next one is 239 is a disposal work construction permit and the cooc for 539 ammer road that one is just for a a septic tank replacement I looks like it's all I saw the pictures of it and everything Le are we all set that's my old house yeah Joshua puger um set a new tank and uh alen Weiss was on site did all the elevations and shot the Gres and everything was fine okay Bill are you well set with that yeah yes I'm good yeah what house is it what's 539 if you're if you're coming from G mag package store so on that big long straight spr headed towards the notch headed towards ammer you the first streets you get to Woodside Terrace then there's ly drive and then just beyond that is Jacqueline Circle yeah this this house is right about halfway between ly drive and jacn circle in fact we did a a repair of a system on a newer house build that would had a really steep Bank going down in the back oh okay I know where it is it's it's across the street from uh uh Bristol's place oh that's up further it's it's across the street from that new little development that go oh oh oh oh this little culdesac that went in yeah the skin park or whatever they call it SK way okay right across the street from that okay so it's it's on the sandbank next to quinnville Pond okay I got you right right it's got it also drops Back In fact when you look at it the the Steep part of that that bank system actually comes up almost that ammer road there right next to the garage there's only there's probably five feet that you can walk by from the edge of the garage until the bank drops off I got you very good thanks but in the back it's flat and it's probably 50 feet of sand and gravel oh yes yeah you don't have to worry about the water table there no you don't you don't and the and the bank is actually shallow enough that it's stable as I know I lived there for I don't know 10 years that house so so that one's done the next one we have is 591 now that one I had trouble with Lee maybe you can help we it's Bob it says it says it's a repair and when I look it it looks like in fact when I look at the the actual as built the as built is got Ties on it but it doesn't have any elevations but it could be that the whole thing is flat but it appears to me Lee that it it this one would have been across the street some place from what was that was that the Evergreens or but it's now a church I think on the south oh it used to be yeah yeah it used to be the 116 lounge or whatever yes yes and I can't remember what the name of it was before that but but so this is the new house this is the new house new construction set way back oh so this one where Bob got it saying that it's a re it's a repair it's not a repair this is a new one um I mean yeah the only house I did um in that neighborhood was new construction and I was out there probably sometime no Jeepers probably sometime in August long time ago just trying to look at this it is across from across from the church used to be the time R and there's a driveway between some houses that go it goes back I don't know four yeah that's when I looked on the map when I looked on the Google Map that's where it says it is Le it's out it's out in the the which would be the South Well the West End of what used to be a sand pit in there correct and it's kind of back in there's another house that I don't know whether they've ever built it that was Nas's land that's on the other side of those trolley tracks that go through there but this one I think is on the north side of the trolley truck so this is this is okay and it is it's absolutely flat in there for but but in reality we don't this this as built you know where we've said that the ad buil is supposed to have the elevation this does not have it are you guys there still here oh yeah so should we um we have Bob um I'm guessing he must have shot him when he did this final yeah they level and he put the it seems like it would be reasonable if he took his original design and said yeah it went in exactly the way this design called then he then he doesn't have to do anything other than to say I checked it that's what it is but up until now but we've made everybody else do a you know a three-dimensional ad built not just two dimensional oh yeah absolutely yep bill I don't hear anything from you no I'm good with you dick if I were if I were complaining I would speak up otherwise I'm good silence is a good thing okay so Colleen we're gonna tell Bob that we we need a the elevations as part of this asil okay so we won't approve that one all right you all right you won't improve that till you get the elevations okay yeah yep the next one we have we've got the four title five uh they all when I looked when I looked at them they all had the 1500 gallon tank they all had separation that we require and that they're all passage 90 emmer Street by tetti passes 65 West Street Dave Kibby passes 539 Hammer Road Allan Weiss doesn't that's funny that it passes that one we said oh it passes now because the must have been conditional must have been conditional dick they put the tank in yeah now it now it passes we can come back to that one for a second the souland drive that was a reinspection that passes on 539 going back to ammer wrote that one if you look at what Allan Weiss did Allan Weiss said when he was there that the old SE the old uh yeah death pool that have been converted to a a septic tank was dry and the the dryw is dry now we've put in a new septic tank why is it that we're not calling back saying since we have no idea whether the dryw had failed we never saw any water or anything in it do we why on that one do we need not need a reinspection after six months that's 3 to six months after reoccupancy um well for sure perent question um when I got there there was a woman in the house and I assumed possibly incorrectly that she was the um resident I do not know okay um we can check with Allan um although I think he's on his way to exas but he's still hooked up electronically so it won't matter but if we make it consistent we had if you look at the one that that in fact if you look at sevland drive that for the reinspection that was exactly the case that there was no liquid that was going out to the Lea field so we said you have to come back and and reinspect and then we had one that was on where was it it's by by dolbec it's on that street Green Meadow Lane that was one exactly like that the that the tank was below the the invert and we said we can't tell anything about that Lea field you have to do a reinspection three to six months so I to me this seems like exactly the same thing yeah I mean absolutely um valid point well you're quiet again I think Bill's really quiet this time good night for that so yeah I guess the thing to do would be to reach out to Allan he can confirm um whether or not um I mean truth be told when I went back for the final the house was dark there was nobody apparently living there the day I was there course you know the sun's out um woman's hanging around old elderly woman that that it matters and I just thought she may have been the person residing there yeah prior to the sale and then Moving on but again I do not know know that for sure colen why don't we get get in touch with Allan and ask him that know why he's thinking he doesn't have to go back and reinspect the Tre and give us a conditional task with a three to six month reinspect the the leak okay okay yeah well the other three we we accept them just this one we don't is that rightly guess it's just you and me so I we'll say yes if you say yes I think yes it is yeah okay and I'm okay with that two colen okay unfortunately here's an issue that oh oh we do have a complaint about orders I says it stins and the counts on Aging colen do you know if that was ever resolved well I guess this does happened over there from what I was speaking to Natalie who's the um director there and she said this this does happen it's something gases from the sewer and I guess this one Daye was particularly bad so people were calling complaining well only one person called us but I think maybe others were complaining to her because she said there were people complaining um and yes they do go in and try to um mitigate the you know the odor by putting stuff down the sink or putting water down or or something um so this does happen um but the woman that called you know wanted me to make sure I you know talk to the board about it so um there's only a few things that that can cause it it's if it's St gas kind of thing it's more than like my guess is the seals in the one of the toilets are probably no good dick does Fred Fred Maran still work for us yeah we ought to ask Fred and Fred go down there yeah Colleen why don't you ask Fred he's the plumber and he probably will go and and say yeah I'll go down I'll look and see what it is okay all right I will do that this is more um more internal than external is that right yeah it's inside yeah okay I guess it happens occasionally but that particular day was really bad so and besides that they're even on St so it's not the yeah it's definitely yeah dick is that yeah is that building gravity fed or do they have a pump there I think it's gravity I think it's gravity fed but more than likely it's a steel on a on a toilet that's no good or else it's you know Fred can look and see that but if if the traps are working yeah there's sometimes there's weird stuff that happens that if they if they're not vented properly you can blow the water out of the out of the Trap that's right yeah if you lose the Trap if you because the trap's only three Ines deep yeah if it's windy you can lose the Trap if it's windy that's exactly right I've seen that happen yeah so maybe Fred can just look at it maybe that's in fact what it is that that the the vent stack is in a spot that it gets hammered by the wind and it blows the empties the traps right out so but for sure tellen if you could ask Brad okay um next thing that we've got uh the Massachusetts what the Health Association and what is the each board member what are we doing right now usually usually I I get the membership for uh you dick you I know you've gotten it in the past but I was wondering if Lee and or Bill wants the membership also because I know uh they offer discounts on some of those trainings and stuff and I know bill was GNA be taking one or did take one I'm not sure um so there're $60 why don't we give why don't we give Bill the membership this year that'd be yeah that's why I was wondering who wanted it or who didn't wanted Lee what do you think and Bill what do you think Bill you did say that you wanted to and and you're the guy with the in the profession bill that seems like you'd be the one that would benefit the most that that would be fine dick if you guys don't mind that would be fine thank you no I on okay okay Colleen so that's what we'll do okay the next the next one actually we have two things let's go the next meeting I'm going I'm getting my second knee replaced on the 10th of January now our next our next meeting well we've got if we look at the meetings that are coming up we've got our next meeting is scheduled for New Year's Ed then the next one after that is I think Hing the 14th yes of January and then the 28th of January I I don't know if so I'm getting done on a on a Friday I I just don't know if I'm going to end up being too sleepy to be doing this on the following Tuesday what one of the option and I I don't think I don't feel like being here on on New Year's Eve so my suggestion is that we do we actually go two three week break so we we skipped the the New Year's Eve one and do one on the 7th instead of the 14th of January and then go three more weeks and do get back onto the the schedule for the 28th of January so we would need makes the most sense so we would meet on the 7th so we' skip the 31st and skip the 14th and meet on the 7th Bill what do you think of that I think that's a good option dick sounds good to me so that's what we'll do I'll I'll schedule that okay so the next what do you have Colleen you've got new and repair SE system two compartment tanks oh yeah Lee um asked me to put that on there to talk about the two compartment tanks certainly if you think about it the state lead is said that everything other than I I believe other than single and two family houses has to be a two compartment thing so they're there saying the two compartment tank is a better deal when I talk to installers the installers say then the Pumpers say the 2,000 gallon tank really really helps the system dick I've been taking a couple of short courses and the general consensus is the longer the detention time in your primary settling tank the better off your you're going to be period so again if you can put in a bigger tank the better and again a two compartment tank is the best of both worlds okay you want to clarify that water as well as you can before you discharge it to your leach field obviously yeah and definitely instead of getting all mixed up yeah in one tank you you do no and actually if you think about it even with a 1500 gallon tank say say a household uses say they're pretty stingy on water and they use 100 gallons a day they got two weeks of detention in that tank dick twoo week and again with the with the way the the two compartments are divvied up they got two-thirds of it in the front chamber one/ third in the second chamber so that means you got a th000 in the front chamber so you still got 10 days of detention so boy yeah you really get a chance to clean that water up oh yes you do and again if you're using a two compartment tank I wouldn't have a qualm using a filter I've had experience in the past you got to be careful if you got a smaller tank and you've got a tight effluent filter and you have a nasty waste stream that then you're prone to clogging the filter from time to time but if you have a two compartment tank and a well-designed effluent filter I would say you'd never ever have to clean that filter period yeah so if you look at it you've got a two compartment tank you've got a gas baffle between the two sections and then you had a filter you're probably really really helping people for not very much difference in initial cost right you're really probably add a lot of to that that leash field right right and again I think I think that consensus is the two compartment tanks as standard practice is fairly new I get a feeling some of these modern leech Fields may end up lasting 50 years without any problem yeah very possible so Lee is it your thought that we ought to be doing two two compartment it sounds like you said two compartment Bill said two compartment plus ail I certainly could could say that's it we're going to require that for everything well what prompted my comment was the last system we approved uh up on the top of Carver Street where they spec out a single compartment 1500 which is their right to do but I felt it was doing a disservice to the on I agree with well yeah and what what happened there's the thing where where Keith Keith Perry just said hey that's the rules and we're we're there to save our our client money and I agree with you Lee that it said that that I don't think that I I think he's doing that approach is doing the the client a disservice that that yeah you saved some initial cost but you're in the long run you aren't you're costing them money so we can take care of that correct well and and that was my thought so that as we go forward if if everyone's on the same page that we would take the option out of the designer's hand um on this particular topic just make it it's going to be in this town yeah yeah in January when we do our local regulations that will have to be incorporated in the new language that's all yeah but for right now let's just let's just say that's going to be our our policy and then we'll we'll just make sure that's one of the things we put in okay all right thank you thank you so should I the engineers yeah colen you could let all of the designers that work in here say from that the board is requiring a two compartment tank with filter for all repairs and new designs okay you know on the filter end everybody thinks the filter is a filter there's actually a bunch of different designs and if the designer is cautious and um thoughtful he or she will look at the particular project and use the appropriate filter there's a bunch of filters out there dick a lot of them have different size slots yeah yeah that's what you were saying that there's one the standard one has a 16th of an inch slot which which is f fter that's right right there's another one with 132 of an inch which is pretty good now they have another one with with a 64th of an inch but that one has to have a special alarm because that one is clearly prone to clogging I I wouldn't recommend that but boy does a good job of filtering solids yeah but again if you if you've got a two compartment tank at least you have a a chance of that that working without too much maintenance yeah but that is a very very fine slot 64th of an inch yeah that is really really fine yeah that you'd have to have to make that last for very long you'd have to have an awful lot of surface area yeah because what happens is the 64th gets built up with a microbial jelly and the jelly makes the eff of withd even much less than a 64th right you could probably you know be running down to five or 10 thousands of an in that's exactly right that's exactly right yeah okay very good okay so we did that if that's the case then let's oh there is a question that I have and that's on 121 Lane colen we're I've heard a couple different things I don't know if it all of it came through you or not but I heard one thing saying that that the woman that lives there is going to or owns it is going to move in regardless and just come or no at us and then I heard another one saying oh there oh the neighbor saying oh she's not really moving in she just put some furniture there to make it look like someone is there what are we as a board going to to do on on this just let the things go until we end up in in the middle of it with the state again Lee and Bill I don't hear anything yeah well my impression is that um two of the neighbors were under um under belief that um the house would not be reoccupied prior to at least a Title Five and then whatever happened after that would happen after that right um so I I believe that's the ideology of the current discussion I I'd go back at our minutes from last summer or the summer before re digest those minutes and see what the last commentary to Mrs Percy was yeah if it was I what Lee said is correct is that we said that you couldn't move in until the the the title five or the whatever we we could call it the title five until the the title five was done and then we couldn't say we couldn't say since we don't know what the result of the test is we as a board said we can't give orders something we don't know anything about right all we can do is say the test has to be done right right that's what I recall and that was what it was it took it took a a few different iterations to come to the conclusion that we couldn't say that we knew it was going to fail now was that was that this past summer or was it last summer was it a year and a half ago or six months ago I don't remember it was the year and a half ago I think okay okay wow we were we were six months ago we were still dealing with the pumping and what was doing with the water in the street and trying to to deal with the the uh fact the the neighbors were saying please don't have the streets flooded all through the the spring and summer so we went through the summer and the fall so yeah it was a year a half ago okay tell maybe is it is it possible fing for you to to tell the the the owner that that's what the board is saying and that to have her talk to us at the at the next meeting I can ask her um yeah and of course prior to that I would I would request um or if there's a way we could access those older minutes so that we have a heads up as oh yeah yeah listen if this thing goes go south those minutes are going to be critical so we better understand those minutes to the T yeah yeah so if you could dig exactly exactly M yeah yeah yeah so we all get a copy of it so we we know yeah okay yeah I'll ask her about coming to the next meeting send you that the board would really like to work with her to solve the the problem yeah but that the board isn't going to let her just disregard what the board's orders are so okay to work together to solve the problem yeah yeah okay maybe maybe it's it's worthwhile to to reminder that the board is wor worked really hard to get that water problem from the back of her lot solved and not have it in the street and the that the board has been really active at getting that neighborhood problem that was caused by her some pump in the high water table Sol or controlled not Sol controlled yeah okay and by the way that that I did drive down there the after not this last rain the rain before that and it looks like she did not in fact put the the from what I can see the discharge of her pump below the ground it looks like she's packed the pipe with I don't know leaves or sticks or something to try to insulate it where it comes out of it above the ground oh boy well we'll see how it performs well we will see we will see dick on another note I sent out that engineering data on uh virus atten uation did you get that and take a look at that I did see that and I think there's a on mistake in one of the lines where they talked about very flow a very low flow rate and it and it gave a number of leeching rates of uh a 64 of a gallon yeah yeah well I did the conversions the some of the units are permeability some are in loading flux and I kind of I I had to I had to do the conversion for you it's actually demonstrated in the cut sheets that I xeroxed yeah but the the bottom line is the bottom line is one of them is 5 cm per day that that that is essentially 1.25 gallons per day per square foot so that exceeds the maximum loading rate allowed in the Commonwealth okay yeah it was a it was a high rate where they said it was a low rate well well well no no no the other one was 50 cm a day the bottom line is you had seven log attenuation and viruses in only in only 60 cmers of soil which isn't much and that's without a Biomat the bottom line is you don't need much soil to get tremendous attenuation of viruses that's what I'm getting at it didn't look like that to me it looked to me like unless you really slowed it down it was because they gave numbers of of traveling 600 feet no no no no I I'll have to I'll have to explain it to you later at some point well I I'll talk to you about that we can discuss that okay yeah probably allow me time to do it oh yeah we can't it's hard to do on a zoom on a zoom situation yeah but anyway the bottom line is i' I've seen that document for years years and years and years and um it's pretty compelling that you don't need a heck of a lot of fine grain soil to attenuate viruses on the other hand nitrates aren't going to be attenuated anyway nitrates don't get attenuated even if the soil column is 10 feet thick yeah it didn't look like the other thing is their model was a funny model Bill their model showed the the Trent is running full full of water oh that's just that's rain La that's the way he drew that that that was from his book back in the 1980s yeah that that was just illustrative that that is not to be construed as the actual situation that's just a that's just a generic crosssection yeah well I'll look at it again look at it again look at it carefully okay okay and all right did uh you see the email about Pizza Palace yes that that Harry's well looks like George owns it not Harry anymore huh I think so um well he has his name on the on the permit but um or the application but so he applied he he renewed his license which you guys approved tonight but that's not transferable to a new owner correct no no okay so the a fellow came in today and said he was buying the place and I said well you'll have to apply for your food license and he he just wanted to know if there was like anything else that he needed to do and I said well the health inspector would be in once you apply and she would be looking around and I think because they were the last I knew they they did need something I thought um I don't know if they had replaced that sink or whatever ever that Lynn was talking to them about different things so um and she did reply back to the email and said uh you know she'd go in there and point out exactly what they need to be up to code but um as far as anything else what just what Lynn would find basically yeah I think what the board is consistently done is that you if you go from an old facil old owner to new owner it's time that you say the new operation has to be up the code you can't say oh we got all those bad things that we were working on to try to fix and work with you and then say oh yeah you can carry those on and have your own little bad things that go with it oh oh oh so they thought that some of the defects were grandfathered to the new owner yeah that's not the way it works I guess oh so that's a passing of a business that's been there a long time yeah yeah did he did they have a slop syn for the mops they didn't have a mop syn in there did they they were yeah right exactly so I don't that's what I remember about that place that's what I remember so I did tell them I know there were things that had to be uh you know changed and um I thought there was a sink that needed to be put in or whatever and he said okay okay you know and I said well the health inspector would would tell you you know what you needed yeah so okay yeah that's that's what I was looking for but so other than that then everybody have a good Christmas mer Christmas to everybody thank you all Christmas thank you have a nice Christmas and a good New Year we'll see you we will see you next year on The Seven okay thank you okay bye now y bye Right Care