[Music] heart test going but it we can start off with a just two two system and both of them by Allen Weiss one of them's pretty straightforward I don't know how we want to handle it it's the repair it's seven Lake you drive it's a tank replacement only and the that it's a result of a a failure in the title 5 inspection and including the undersized tank and the deterior tank U issues a very small lot deep installation and core sand so it's a kind a to install the design is to remove the existing septic tank and what this is this is a mess David I just want you to know I'm gonna I'm gonna mute you again because the the sound coming from you with clanging stuff and it it's a I guess s he's doing dishes I went through the kitchen yeah well then I'll leave you if if you can be quiet then so you don't disrupt us then then then I won't have you muted but so I'm not even on my laptop because the zoom froze up so well it it doesn't really matter but the issue is we've got to be able to do our meeting yeah I know and the so that the remove the existing septic tank replaced with a 1500g single compartment tank with an outlet bassle but no Outlet filter um Colleen says that what we don't have assigned application we don't have a a fee paid either is that still correct yes I haven't seen anybody on that so Lee do we do we approve the application and then have Colleen just not give it out until until she gets the the money and approve the design and not the application until he gets it how or do we just you know for someone who was so anxious that he wanted us to you know hurry up and get everything done that that you know he's sitting on it for a couple weeks but how do you want to handle it I I I I I would uh I would request that uh the board uh issue permit and colen will just hang on to it um until the fees PID we've done this I think in the past it usually works out pretty well I think so too so I'm I can support that colen so okay so we both agreed so we approved it but you just won't do anything with it until you get the fee in the application yes okay sounds good okay all right all right thank you next one is the Will Roberts fourplex at at 8 West Street it's a repair of it's four two-bedroom apartments compl system the $800 fee is paid review is complete uh generally it's a cleared L towards West Street and wooded in the back it's 1 through Acres so it's a small lot there is some fill on it uh level along the street slop down to the east to west at the rear U Sands and Stones vary the lead no groundwater no Wetland uh very high nitrogen loading on this one issues with limited areas that falls into the the nitrogen regulation requirement which we talked about uh and I had down rapidly varying depth the ledge slopes and trees and we did go in and and dig another hole to make sure there was soil design is for two septic tanks and series a 2,000g tank first and then a 1500 gallon tank second with an outlet filter on the second tank they ter there terce Bo trenches that are 3 feet by 64 feet with two feet of prot depth with vents fill as required 1326 gallons a day capacity is provided and 1320 was required there is no Reserve area that trenches are are closed for six ft inste of a four feet water table separation ballast wasn't required for the septic tank the SAS septic tank separation to Wetlands and Wells more than 100 seet but I have for discussions that actually the first four of the items uh are are issues that Allen's got to change the grun on on the Note section that he's got a that one is we do require a trench permit and Allen has written down that is that the trench permit as required by local boards might be needed I don't know I don't know if he say might be but it needs to be saying it's required the second is that right there is no note that there's a gas baffle required at the exit of the first setic that has to be included the the next it has to be designed in effect as a two compartment pank the next one is that he's specifically said that the Board of Health that he's the one that does the the strip inspection and the Board of Health only looks at it at the end of the installation so that note has to be changed that that we require a subgrade strip inspection uh he's got a know that he I think he was working on fixing the the existing septic tank and and that because it now says it says with missing the head of the arrow and the tank has been removed that it says the existing septic tank has been removed from the drawing the instructions appear to have been included that it was going to be removed and replaced with the big one but he with a new one but he he erased the old tank and he doesn't say that it's the old tank that that was removed and replaced so so that's got to be be added or corrected and then so you got the prent permit is required the and then a fill requirement that we have and then the those four notes need to be fixed so what is your thought Lee and remember on one we decided that that uh they they did the water the water test and found out that nitrogen was not an issue at all it's a deep well and and we said we're we're not going to deal with with nitrogen reduction on this system right I remember that discussion so yeah as long as those other um notes are attended to which are probably I'm guessing uh over recite on Allen's part it's probably just over overly busy then there's no reason I can't think to go forward with this not to go forward with there there no reason not to go forward so you're saying yes you'll prove this correct correct kie and I do to subject to those so those two are are done are done okay oh the minutes don't forget to approve them okay let's do the minutes right now I've got the recording going I didn't forget to do that but but yeah so are you okay with the minutes I didn't have any changes yeah I didn't find any errors or omissions okay I've got uh let's see we're we're 708 and we've got Bobby seeing is is coming up actually we can actually talk okay we can talk about that Lee Allan Kata followed me up and he says gee I have a chance to get this well un locked one which is a is a Big Lot on on Carver Street he says chickabee Street maybe it is chck Street the front where I today it is chabe it is okay so this was chab street it's out it's a state lot uh the the design for the the septic system isn't done it's it's all standed we went out we actually went out there today but what Allan asked is there's looks like the weld driller was ready to come in and and do the job and and I suggested that that the Board of Health Health has to be protected uh it turns out that since there is no septic system on the the property that that by rights it's not illegal to to put a well in with a permit but but I said from the the standpoint of the Board of Health we would need something that that I thought I said I can just tell you what I think and I if if we had an idea of where the the well is is going to be with Dimensions so you can you can absolutely locate it that we're not out in the middle of no place and the well absolutely the thing that that prevents you from putting a well in is if you're F closer than 100 feet to a septic system so you'd have to have that on there and you really ought to know where the the setic system really is going to go even though it's not designed and and I said you need something that would be signed by by the engineer saying this is where it should go and a statement saying that this that Allen recognizes if it gets messed up because of where they chose to put it then it's his responsibility not not the Board of Health and actually that's what Bobby came up with a the design he submitted it it's it's the closest septic system to the well is 144 ft and the the septic system that for the property is is going to be looks like a a coule hundred feet from the from the well or 175 ft to the to the septic tank and I told my thought that that the board would consider that that's sufficient information to approve for well but that that's just my opinion so here we are what are your thoughts please um yeah I I'm reading the layout uh that Colleen gave to me in the packet and it looks as though we have a generous amount of room on this estate lot um and Allan did show me a brief pre sentence paragraph that he signed and dated saying that in the event that something goes wrong with the well um he's taking the responsibility um not passing it on to the board or the home order or anybody else it's on his dime uh financially so I can't I I get the fact that we're going a little bit of of sequence but I believe given the adjacent properties from the soil perspective um water table Etc um I think we're okay on this okay than you to colen so we'll we'll approve this one approve okay thank thank you gentlemen and Colleen appreciate it have a good evening you too bye bye all right Bob Take Care thank you yep the next one that that I have uh I don't Allan's not here yet so Allan usually jumps in when he when he's here and we can see him but yeah and Neil isn't we can actually talk about Neil for a second if sure this one is on on 15 brisal Circle leet and the at the last meeting a couple meetings ago we said that that shallow well had to be replaced then we had a bunch of we discussion it's a little lot and it it is in violation of the the at least for new housing the 440 gall per per acre rules however our discussion at the last meeting said that rather than just say you have to replace the wells why don't you get the water test and Neil supported doing that and we got a water test it turns out that the I don't know if you looked at at Le but so they have Quin does the biolog iCal and then they have Phoenix to the the chemical and it turns out that nitrogen it ends up that that well fill with specifically looking at nitrate as nitrogen I think but it's also ammonia as nitrate but it doesn't matter the the numbers were really low with the on the nitrogen part that the limit is 10 and this one is 06 so it's 1% of what the nitrogen would so it's it's not at all nitrogen affected however if you look it flunked the colar Fest so it's a it's got a bacterial failure and uh I think we're dealing I don't know what your feeling is Le my mine right now is that is that the shallow well we don't like any ways we wanted it to be replaced and whether looks like from a chemical standpoint not needed but you know right next door they just had their point fail that's the one that we did the emergency installation of the deep well this one do do you really do we really want to start going into a a scowell and figuring out what's contaminating it and and finding out is it the fluid that's contaminating it is it something else that's that's you know inside it just or do we just say come on this is a bad well let's we know it shouldn't be there let's put a deep well what what is your thinking Le well my my thinking is is along that same train of thought um that we did the water test um trying to avoid replacement of the shallow well which is not I believe in the homeowner's best interest to keep fighting the bacteria um and this is the right time since the septic system is being dealt with to protect themselves with a proper well yeah I and I don't know if Neil is uh thinking or requesting that um they try some treatment um option on this thing I don't know if that's even on the books uh but I think this is the right time to uh protect themselves uh children grandchildren visitors whatever um and put in a proper well yeah yeah whether you go with yeah they may be able to treat it and kill the stuff now and then what do you do come back and make sure that it it doesn't come back do you do it on a a monthly basis it seems as you say it's on a thing all the time yeah and okay so I agree with that when Neil gets here I guess that's what we're going to we're going to tell so yeah with that let's let's uh move into our our normal approvals we got the time seat from for Colleen is a a normal 70h hour for the two weeks are we okay with that Lee yes thank you I am too Colleen so that's approve okay the next one next one is is uh payments to the measurer from the Board of Health it's total $2,210 from that we've got $1,070 from board of health permits $140 for Board of Health licenses ,000 for Board of Health fees and that's it that totals the $2,210 are you you okay with that Lee yes yes thank you Al and I am too so that's a that's approved okay the next one that we've got in a and we like to discuss that but this one is heart catering concessions at 115 North Street Ramy the permit to operate a mobile food server for events at wine housee and and uh the wi house inventer at Jameson Farm U my question on it when you look at the the base of operations there's a a note from this the owner of heart and Jim try saying while they're there the temporary base the only thing is the temporary base of operation that wine house and The Wine House and vard so that's only while they're there and it's only temporary the my concern is that that what happens to all the food when they're not there and I'm not sure that at this point that tellen you can maybe tell us is is a wine House of certified kitchen at at this point I'm not sure they have a license for food print do they well they have their food establishment but that was basically because they were serving wine and I actually did ask Lynn about that because I knew that this um har from this catering company wanted to use them for her base of operations and she said I don't Lynn said I don't know I'll I'll have to look when I'm there and I didn't hear back from her on whether she thought that was suitable or not so I don't know if they're set up for that now I know her her uh that statement says she's going to and she told me she'd be preparing it in the food trailer of hers but so I but yeah I don't I don't know if his clearly says that it's only the base of operation when they're there when they're there temporary so this says who knows that she's does she put her food on the back porch at her house when the when they're not there or this I I don't see that as being a base of operation but yes it should be someplace she can use when she goes to other places to do her events and right food has to be stored and if there's any preparation or Lee what is your think I had actually I have three items there the second one is that she says she is having to get water from the wine house and I don't know I can't remember having anybody go and look at the source of of water for Wine House The Wine House and how it's how it's given to these what kind of hoses what kind of connections are there vacuum breakers or who knows I I don't see that that we've ever set anything up to supply water from the L housee the question I have if you take water and connect it to a to a vehicle and it's going to a sink or something where is the water in this the bco does it just go out on the floor or on the ground I mean it's a so that the typical thing I would expect from these other vendors is they have their own self-contained water supply tank and a a waste tank right so does this person have licenses in other towns or is this the first thing we're we're looking at uh well I know they did not get a license through uh for belter town at the belter Town Fair because she did not have a base of operations uh she has done work at Charter days but she's never supplied us with a base of operations so I don't know about other towns so um well all right there's too many um there's too many um to much baggage here for me of the unknown um storage um of food proper temps uh experience in just doing this on a commercial scale understanding is is anyone in this operation uh safe C certified she has her certificates yes for Serve Safe and the um allergen awareness the owner of this her name is har yeah okay I I don't have a comfort level at all having the base of operations at another business uh since that other business is also a startup um and again properly pointed out right temporary and that's that's when they're there um and the water supply and water testing and the uh are they food grade hoses is it you know something from the hose reel in the garage I'm not a big fan of going forward with this uh concept right now I agree colen so we're gonna reject this one okay Alan I see you there we'll break in and uh let you let you leave us quickly hi hello Alan greetings what we what we did alen on seven Lake View for the the new tank we approved that but pen is going to hold hold it pending the receipt of the signed application and the fee so your part of the design is done but the this installation cannot proceed yeah I think uh he told me that he might be at of town for a day or two for some work thing that that's fine so so but we did leave it so it's not hung up for two more weeks it's a as long as you know it the timing is completely up to him okay so the next one is 8 West uh West three we did we approved that subject to the fren French permit and the fill requirements but the note that I I had is you still left the trench permit on your drawing saying uh trench permit you know if it's required by the board it is required so it says needs to say prce permit required I'm looking at the plan uh the plan that I think should be the one that you saw and I I believe I took out the term as required I simply put at maybe I looked at the wrong one okay the next note that I have is that I look at a a few different times trying to find whether you've said that there's a gas bassle required at the exit of the 2,000 gallon tank I couldn't find that that in the version I I you should have received again it's in the crosssection and it's also in the detail of the tank okay good the next one is that the board does require uh as well as you going to the sub grade strip inspection the board requires yeah and that that in your I forget which note it is says that you were you do that but the board just Sayes the final inspection so that needs to get thck yeah and the drawing that I have on the septic the existing septic tank it looks like on my drawing you started to work on it and that's the one where I said GE it doesn't really say what's supposed to happen with the existing septic tank and it looks like it looks like what you ended up putting in was the existing tank is going to be REM removed and or pumped and replaced but then the the picture of the tank has been erased I I did not insert on the D on the plan so for I'm looking at a plan that says revised March 19th and that is and I can get another copy of course to by all means but it does State clearly that the bo first baffle and the first tank baffle has to be there and the second tank has to have a filter and it says it in two places okay that's fine yeah and then it says pump crush and fill existing septic tank now I did not show an outline of the existing tank simply because it's in the same location as the first tank but I did not know its orientation because I never did a Title 5 there yeah so it's just one of your drawings I think correctly said if it's it turns out if it has to be pulled out instead of filled you know crushed and and filled if you're going to use the same hole then it it comes out but so if you've done that all you've got to do is make sure whatever you're drawing is it just has the you know hit these plots that we we had but we approve the design and it's all set call can sign it and just whatever if if you've corrected all those things fine if you haven't done done all of them just just make the changes and send colen a revised copy but if your if your latest copy is as I said somehow or other I I lost your I think I lost your latest copy that's fine so the if Colleen wants the date to reference is March 19th and I just added the term remove to where I talk about the pump crush and Phill existing septic tank so um I can redate it or we can just keep it March 19th I don't care all right I'll just send that's fine we're set you're all set Alan done thank you good night okay good night all right Alan thank you good night Neil I saw you there I'm here we very interesting we and I had a little discussion let's see what what your thoughts are okay you had our water the water test done on that well yeah and I and I looked at it and said wow I said this thing is from the nitrate standpoint it's no problem it's it's all set but it failed the bacterial test which which wasn't what we were looking for but um so I did I did a little research and and found out that it's a point well which it you can't chlorinate a point well so uh they contacted quab and well to put in a ultraviolet system to remove the bacteria I think that we would like on a point well we don't want the point well there and uh we would like to have that well replaced and and going after you know going after a a point well and saying okay it's bad and it's we're going to try to treat it and then what's the the operating and maintenance then know check on it what are the who's doing the test to make sure that the thing in fact is running right and it's a we're throwing as we know the guy the well right next to it went bad and the the well driller said you know what you get 20 years or so out of these points and you got to replace them anyways so we're Lee and I are saying let's fix this thing and and replace it not not at the Band-Aid well I mean if you're putting in an ultrair system you you are removing the bacteria I mean that whole that whole area is is mostly Point Wells from what some from what I found out yeah it as they get as something happens to the well they get replaced with with a a Bedrock well right so now we've got a spot that this one's gone bad and instead of saying let's fix the problem by doing a root cross fix we're putting on a a Band-Aid and and unless you know if they have if they're willing to do tests that get submitted to the Board of Health and and you submit the operating and maintenance schedule for this thing and they sign off and they contract with someone to do this then uh I guess Lee and I can talk about that but that Lee and I definitely are saying that this is a Band-Aid and it's not a root cause fixed and it's not it's not a strategic move it's a tactical move to try to pass this on I don't know whether they're selling that the house or whatever but they're no no they're not selling the house I mean I mean I I understand your concern but I mean gramby has quite a few shallow Wells and point Wells and and and I don't think it's it I don't think it's reasonable or fair that if somebody has a failed septic to make them replace their well and we agreed with that so we said let's T the well and then you got a failed well we didn't get a failed well we had bacteria but I bet you know I mean if fail me it's failed it needs to be treated it's not failed it needs to be treated I mean I would be to bet if you tested all the Wells on that street maybe 50% would would have bacteria and that's exactly why we're trying to get rid of all the the shallow Wells we had trouble with in the winter time with that at least quaven told us that that the the rainwater cause these especially shallow Wells to end up stealing with contamination so without a doubt what you're pushing for is something that that is not in the right direction of of doing the right fit Le jump in on whether you know if you come up so um if go ahead what length of time are we talking about Neil if we do consider um the treatment option here on this point yeah um we looking at a two-year run or I think that would be fair to I I I guess my issue is you know yeah unless you're gonna say every single point well in the town of gramby has to be replaced you shouldn't single out one owner just because their septic system failed because that bacteria we did well you are home owner from themselves we said Neil we you talked about it last week the last meeting and we said the fair way to look at this is to test the water so you test well they tested the water nitrates was included and we found out the water's not good but yes in terms of the Board of Health we don't allow new points to go in and we blame and we're trying to do everything we can to get them replaced now now this guy is not when his when he finds out the G the point is Rusted and that that he's not getting any water out it he's going to end up putting a deep well in anyway like this right and so if if you're looking to prepare for us something that says I am recommending that this is what goes in here's the piece of equipment that goes in here's the person that's going to do it here's the warranty that goes with it here's the maintenance schedule that goes goes with it here's the contract to to to do the maintenance and here's the testing and we're going to do the testing at whatever the interval comes out and let's say we say okay we're going to make sure that this goes for at least five years that because this isn't that it goes away it's your saying this is the the Band-Aid that stays and stays and stays and stays and keeps replacing it each time the the bulb goes bad you have to go and put a new bulb in then you so someone you're putting in a a maintenance required system and just fixing at once isn't the answer because you have to put a permanent fix in so I guess it you know Le I don't know what your thoughts are but if you're if you're putting something in you can't this way you can't walk away because you put something in that needs to keep working to be safe right well mean mean not to be the Devil's Advocate but if I have if I have a drilled well and I had bacteria um and I chlorinate it and you say okay now you're fine well I don't know where the where where the eoli came from I don't know where the bacteria came from and I surely can't say I won't get it back in a month but the guys that do the work Neil you're the one that starts off saying well we can't chlorinate one of those Wells you get it's it's a uniquely NY nasty well but it's Chlor but chlorination is a Band-Aid also if you don't know where it's coming from and they usually go and try to find what it is or in our case if it keeps coming back they have to put a new deep one if if they're willing to do a maintenance plan plan are you agreeable to that well we haven't seen what the maintenance what the maintenance program is you're not but you've you've got to put something in place that says essentially whatever you do you're has to keep working and you have to have a program that stays in place okay it's a lousy way to fix this well I agree I think I I I'm not arguing that the best solution is to drill a well but I mean you're asking people to somebody to spend $15,000 when they already have to spend 25,000 to F fix their septic and they're not selling their house so it mean they're they have to figure out a way to pay for all this so you can Leah my feeling would would we no go ahead please no I I was just saying my my feeling would be that you you come up with a plan that says here's what we're going to put in place and yeah if you go out five years or 10 years from now your plan it's still working and you've put something in place to make sure that happens and and maybe it's maybe it's something that requires that reports get sent to the the Board of Health but it it is something that that the we don't know that these people are going to sell this and you know a year from now or two years from now and pass it on to the next person but you're putting in you're putting something that says to be safe this system has to work so someone's got to be measuring it okay maintaining it measuring it and come up with that come up with that plan right okay oh I guess I'm I guess Neil what I'm what I'm thinking of top of my head um is that the uh the duration of the mon monitoring is key as well as the estimated um lifespan of the equipment they're introducing right you know okay and yeah I mean I'll talk whether or not and if they're and it's not of our business if they're thinking about selling in in two years um anyway then this might be the right time it's not my money uh but certainly we're trying to protect themselves from themselves oh and and and I I 100% agree with with your philosophy I I'm not an advocate of Point Wells I've never been an advocate of shallow Wells but you know there's a lot of them out there and and and unfortunately there's nobody tests them I mean this person said we've never tested it in 50 years we've never tested it well that's not a good policy and you know there's children there so do I agree with what you're saying absolutely but again you're asking a young couple to come up with an extra $15,000 I mean if they can put a Band-Aid on it as as dick said and and keep the water clean and again I I think the I mean obviously that's very important to keep the water palatable and clean and you know maybe down the road they will you know invest in a well and and if they do try to sell it you have another shot at them because they have to do a Title Five bet it's still with that I'll give you another option Neil that may be fit for everybody that maybe you you put something in place that said you know what what we'd really like to do is get five years before we or three years whatever it is before we replace this wealth at some point they're they have to be aware they're going to have to replace the well because the point just won't keep working right oh I agree so maybe what you do with them is to say you know guys this system probably will work for three years or five years but we're going to get you a a threeyear whatever the the time period is that says at the end of this thing we're going to replace that well with a with a deep well and so instead of saying this thing has to run forever and you test forever maybe you say this thing has to go for three years and at the end of three years you're going to have to replace the well or or five years that whatever it it works out that that lets them stretch out when they have to put the money into the well and get the the Band-Aid to say okay we could live with a Band-Aid for three years or five years and then at at the end when everything is saying well you know this equipment instead of going on for testing and doing things for 20 years say this is crazy let's fix it it but at least we've we've spent ,000 right now and defer 15,000 for until the well goes bad or five years or something right and I think that's fair and I you know obviously they want clean water I mean I don't think that's that I mean nobody wants to have bad water at their house obviously so I mean I think they have to get past then the downside of course Neil is that in three to five years um we don't know the number but all bet it's going to be another 20% maybe more it could be not spending their money for them right right but you know as well as I do where this whole thing's heading yeah expensive now it's going to be nuts it's going to be nuts in six months or two years but at least at Le at least it gives them time to to pay for their septic which youe especially with children you know that's the key thing here is that that's the primary to me the primary focus of the board is to some older people can somehow manage through it uh children not so much that's unfortunately been proven a million times right yeah so as you do it Neil maybe you also write into this that that also you know they go out to the whatever this this distance is that you choose or you put in also if the house sells that the well get place at the sale of the house also yeah that's fair so so some out come up with something that that says okay we're gonna we'll put a limit on this we'll put a maintenance system and testing thing in place and get it out for some some time and we just say at the end of that we're going to replace the well with a RTI okay okay everybody everybody has has working room right okay all right Neil thank you okay thank you have a great night okay good night all right bye so we so that's Neil we've got I suggest that we again to further regulation without bill here we definitely I don't think we should be discussing our regulations Lee what do you what do you think no I agree that's something for the uh for the all the board members to be present so colen will move that now we'll go back onto our list yeah the ne the next one on our list was the installers perit renewal for DW equipment rental and that's a that's a renew are you okay with that Lee I am thank you yes I am too calling okay trying to get to my my pilot when I jump around like this I get yeah I don't like to take confused but uh the next one I have is a well permit application for 43 West State streets from Connecticut Valley artisian well now this one this one is that at the what was it Al alport is that what the name of that it was all I think it's the building that was all power or yeah all power yeah and it looks like it's the as you look at the the from the street it looks like it's the right hand building that when I look at this thing it appears that they're getting into a position to split the property up but I don't know that but it looks like they're putting a the drawing that they have would indicate to me that there's a well for the building on the left right now and this one is one for the building on the right Lee do you know anything about this um this is this is news to me which is okay um but that being said uh are there any engineering um proposals for uh whatever they are planning on doing with the waste from that building I don't know if all the buildings are connected to the community system or not yeah when I looked at the drawing I tried to blow it up but it didn't it wouldn't it looked like it was a scan drawing and then they gave a little their own blowup that you could you could read better and but what I can't tell very well well is on the left building it said existing SAS and so I'm I'm guessing this was before before the the sewer line went in or part of the shore line and because they they have was some no saying existing sanitary sewer manhole but the but I can't read very well is if if you look at the the right side of this this drawing again when I try to blow it up but it just gets flurer for me the it looks like like there is a drain but it it could be a it could be a parking lot drain except that it seemed funny that if you were going to drain into a brook you wouldn't move out to the street you you'd move out to that that Brook that's in the back of is this drain that you're referring to dick in the front of what was the old motorcycle show room no that's a different one that's the the one I'm looking at shows and again they the the little blowup that they have is only a little corner of their big drawing and their big drawing is is as I said it looks like it was scaned instead of being a a PDF of the original drawing so when you blow it up it just ends up that everything is is just illegible so I okay I can only well I hate to be assuming things but I can it appeared that the old showroom which was you know if I call the one on the left the showroom and the one on the right was the I don't know the warehouse but it it looks like the one on the left had a septic in the front and they ran that one out to the store but the one on the right is got what I just can't read it but it looks like to the left of the building right up touching the building it looks like there are lines that were coming out and it says soft cut something Compact and pav area with asol and it it would look like they were making a Trent and going from halfway down the left side of that warehouse straight out to the street like there was another but I can't tell okay and this is on the um that building on the right I think that was the old um uh power boat uh showroom if I'm thinking correctly which doesn't really matter but anyway um so so Colleen could you get a hold of I don't know the selectman or somebody to see what if any buildings are in fact connected to the community system because I don't know that Dan Darcy ever ever uh well was there sewer went for this thing it says exist 6 in or six foot or six sewer stub is that what that says in the front near the road like does it says existing six t tour sub with an elevation but it but you don't know you don't know that once they say it's a sub it it looks like it was there ready to receive the pipe but it doesn't tell you anything about the pipe whether that anybody ever connected it okay so I got to find yeah so I I can find out if they're connected if those buildings are connected to the Sewer there yes please if you could do that and then the other question I have which may be premature is that I thought the property in the back was just sold so is that road between those two buildings going to be a um axis road I don't know that we even know that yet and it may be of no value to even ask the question but if it's an access road um and it's going to change what's potentially if it's not hooked up to the town then will definitely change what potentially is in the ground right now I don't think I don't think we can with property that's set up with access to a stor Le I don't think we can let them put a a septic system in there I think they have to connect to theore scores available that's that's exactly that's exactly uh the direction I'm going in here correct yeah I think that I think state code I'd have to look at but I'm almost sure that it it says that there's a difference we had some leeway to not have them on the people that had a system already that we could have force them to hook up to the Sewer or let them wait until the system went bad and then make them hook up but I think on new building that we can't even allow them to put a a septic system but this wly if you look at it is if that even if that becom the the driveway yeah although again if you if you look at at this layout and I can't read it very well but it looks like the space if you're looking at this property Le it looks like to the right of that building right within 10 feet of this proposed well is what would actually be the access Ro okay do you have the drawing Le I don't okay it's not if you if you don't have it in my packet okay yeah so if you look at the property just I can't I can't tell what the it's so small but but if you just look at the picture it looks like you've got a rectangle that's in the the front of the the property with it looks like 200 ft of Frontage but I I can't tell for sure but it looks like there's so there's like an acre a square acre that's right there on the road and then a kind of like a triangle that sits on top of that square acre and the triangle the tip of the triangle that it looks like the triangle got about the about the same size but its base is like 400t at the base and it's a right triangle above it it looks like so if you could pick up a right triangle tuck on top of of this of the square Le with the right side of the the triangle touching the edge of the right side of the square and the tip of the triangle being over the left side of the the the square so the triangle is offset so the base of the triangle is about 400 feet so twice as wide as this and it goes sticks up about its peak is about 200 feet so there's a triangle sitting on top of the square and over to the right the the properties the two properties occupy from left to right occupy about three4 of the width and it's got this thing that looks like about 50 feet wide that goes up the right side into the triangle and this well okay is touching that road which is maybe exactly the spot where you don't want that well well yeah that that would be problematic as far as maintenance snow removal Paving whatever you name it it's going to be in the way yeah and who knows whether the St line coming out of that triangle is going to be going right next to this well yeah we unfortunately are in the dark on this whole thing no idea what's going on there yeah your suggestion of finding out what's connected to where but then also so what's happening to the back so we can make sense of of where you put that wealth yeah I mean on this one for sure I would like to uh um defer any activity until we are uh enlightened by the propulsed usage as well as uh what may or may not be in the ground connection or not connection to the community system and whether or not that access road is going to be part of a uh future access road to the other side of Pleasant Street that somebody ought to be talking about is what the future use of both of these buildings are because yep we ought to this whole thing ought to look at at the public water supplies which ones are going to be Public Water Supplies what size is that the protection Circle that this is not a this is not a just throw it in and let it rip someone's got to be saying let's engineered this according to code well for sure and and and and that's that's actually a really good point in the event that um somebody's going to open another daycare maybe another uh some type of a restaurant whatever um the water issue can be huge given the limited space available yeah so now it's a time to clear the uh clear the uh area up and get some good information there could be if these become public water supplies there could be distance requirements from the the sewer lines and so this really does have to be engineered it's not just something that should come in from from Joe Dil and say Hey I want to dig a well no and yeah this one here needs to be uh on the back burner until everyone is Crystal Clear uh so there's no misunderstanding of Permitting process uh in the future owner in fact if you look at the owner there's kind of a a sleeper in the name that ought to be making us what exactly is happening because the name of the owner is Alpine heat pump and kinetic so okay I don't what sound sounds like a nice business of Alpine heat pumps and whatever but once you put kinetic estate es a s yes that that certainly says there's something maybe in the works here that already in the work yeah yeah so Ken We're Not Gonna another approve this another couple of weeks is not gonna tell them mean anything that we want to understand where the well we can't read the anyway but yeah but where the sewer connections are what's connected what's not what's the future plan for development yeah of this property or once we say kinetic is State we don't know that these people are only working on this property they may they may have big things happening down there so we should try to understand what's going on that at least they know about or think about and the potential use especially what are the around there what are the other Public Water Supplies what are the protection circles around it and yeah okay I'll fax this over to you tomorrow Lee so you can so you can have it it just came in that's why it wasn't in your packet so that's okay no worries no worries that'll that'll be F you can see what we're yeah what talking about I got I mean I got a visual of it but um again without knowing what's really in the ground or what is proposed to be in the ground in the future uh rushing into this thing is is going to be it's going to haunt this yeah for sure so we're going to we're going to wait this thing out [Music] MH okay thank you I have another one that's a coc for 142 Carver Street a re a repair uh do you know what that one I thought I had a a seat and I don't see it I might have stapled it one the other do you know what that one is at 142 Harvard Leo um I'm going to grab let me grab a street list this one's not um not registering right now give me a second here please yeah this would for all we know this could be way up on on the hill on Turkey Hill right that's what I'm wondering okay so 142 Carver let's see I have this I do have it is actually I couldn't tell from the from what this was but it's Paul bolo and full Springs Allan White he Bradway oh wait a minute it looks to me like it's a component replacement it it's hard for me to see what it is but it looks like it could have been a tank oh this might be this might be uh this might be four or five months old I was on Carver Street probably in December or November and it's one of those you know you go up and then you take a left and in the back where all those houses are yeah back in there and that I was with uh Neil Jackson's helper Bob and this was a uh component replacement what do you think it was a yes although this tomor why signed off on it mhm no there's no one that I'm looking at Alan actually did sign sign off uh it looks like his date that he signed it was 48 so he just signed this thing okay and the um installer signed it on 326 but you don't know anything about that you just know that that's when they signed this paperwork 142 oh this says has been done in accordance with Title Five in Disposal system construction permit and it is the permit number was our wow2 2022 and it was the date the permit date was in July of 22 but it doesn't tell you when when the system was installed they took their time putting this one in huh yeah they must have really needed it badly yeah to me like what we should be doing is Lee you need to learn more about and deal this two weeks from now yeah I agree I'll I'll reach out to Allan but in the meantime I think we should uh let this thing rest yeah it's too old and it's it's does it doesn't make any sense at all okay then let's see if we can go through the the rest of these yeah one is the beler toown bullet incident I did rather than wait for this we've seen a couple different a couple letters Lee I don't know if you've noticed them but apparently there's been another bullet incident in belg up in on Ledgewood I don't know if it s a real name for it but but uh this this one was on the let's say let's say it was s weeks ago and apparently there were a bunch of people there at a sniper training program it looked like a a one-week sniper training and near the tail end of that training session a bullet hit a house again and they we got a couple different letters and and one of them I said GE this woman was reaching out and asking for help and I said you know what I'll just call and and I did tell her I said this isn't an official board help call I said I what I'm going to do is I'll tell you what I told uh the Williams I think is his name I said you're the counterpart of chrismar that I reached out to him and said we know one thing we think on we think about another thing that we think a bullet could be coming from a rifle range in gry we think that it could be I said what we know is that the bullet hit properties in Bel because we know the people in Bel beler town are at risk from bullet hitting them I said we don't know that they came in gramby we surmised that they could be and I told that this is what I told the woman I said the Board of Health said that they would be will Grandy Board of Health would be willing to be part of something that reaches out to the state from Two Towns but the Board of Health and grany was absolutely the Board of Health and talked to the Chris Martin and the the Chris Martin told me that the the attorney our attorney said the same thing this is a battle that's going to be an expensive battle that we don't know that grany area in gry is the source of the bullet but it could be a a second amendment rights issue and National rightful Association involvement and it's going to be a big battle and grandby would be willing the Granby Board of Health would be willing to be involved but the problem that we know is a problem problem with people being put at risk in doer town and your a manager or whatever his title is told me he was going to he was going to be working with talking to the gry board of Selectmen and he would get back to me but he told me told zck Bombadier speaking for the gry Board of Health at the request the that he thought the problem was grany and grany had to handle it and beler toown wasn't going to get involved and I said unless and I told that you know Steve Williams that unless the government in in beler toown stepped up to the plate and said our people are at risk here and we need need something done because it's our citizens that are in trouble and may be involved an operation in Granby maybe that the grany Board of Health would be willing to be involved with a joint effort to go to the state to get help but I said if if you as a town of Bel toown don't think it's important enough to get involved and Lead here about with your people being at risk the gramy Board of Health is not going to do it and that and I said just I did say if I were you I would make an appointment to deal with your board of selectman and your board of health and go before and tell them what the story is and tell them what you feel about it and so I I said it's not anything that this isn't a statement from the grany Board of Health I'm just repeating what the grany Board of Health decided some year ago when this right first happened and I that's where it is it's still the best of my knowledge that the board of help has not changed its mind but she said well I call I there's a bunch of us dealing with the state and I said by my EXP experience is that if you're trying to get something done with the state you need your town government to be reaching out not six people and and I said that in my view that the the state is probably supportive of protecting people but having two towns work together to reach out is probably a lot more effective than just having ramby do it I mean belg town do it alone but uh I said given that you need to if we're going to go forward it say the letters to the town Board of Health and gramby aren't going to be the one that are able to do this you need to have your town officials stand behind your citizens so he said he would deal with that so that was that's just my report it's not a you know it was just repeating what the board authorized me to to say the last time yeah I get it I get it I mean as as you as I'm sure you recall uh some years ago when we were meeting um in the town library we had a collection of citizens from belg toown even then years ago voicing concern um which has now come to be a reality um and I think the same a similar situation happened that the Bel town uh whether it was the select me or the Board of Health or both uh didn't back it that was my recollection but it's probably part of our not that it matters it's probably part of our our minutes it would just have to be um if necessary archive it and go backwards probably no point in doing that because it's not going to come to anything uh but this has been as you know going on for years and years and years and years and now it's at the point where um before somebody has an untimely accident somebody needs to understand the the seriousness of this and and do something about it y but again I I did explain to her that that when when I talked on the last time not only did I talk to Chris Martin but I talked to the the chief lrady and he was saying we're waiting for the state to come up with the I don't know if you recall it they they were waiting for the stat to say this where the bullet came from and and they they he said I don't think they're because of the condition of the bullet how it hit they maybe can't figure out the path of it but now you apparently you have another one but this was another one at that that time that H one hit a door and one went through a glass window and this one is another one that hit a house so so uh maybe there is a letter that we got the Colleen pass on that that did come from Steve Williams saying gee I didn't know anything about this or this a new new things to me or or or maybe it's the new one is a new thing to him and he say oh we definitely gonna look into it so maybe maybe belat toown is gonna look up look out for the citizens this time they did have they had something on the news did you see it no I didn't so they said that the beler Town police were looking for help um to see where maybe these bullets came from and they talked about what happened and um in belter town they didn't mention any about you know where they thought it came from or anything but they were just looking to looking for help to see if anybody knew anything about it they oughtta I guess as we surmise we don't know for sure but when you have oh big big guns firing at the direction of those houses and we know where the big guns are fired from and when the you probably for me I be le saying I got this bullet in my hand wonder what kind of guns shoot those kind of bullets and if you say gee there's at least one place that those guns those kind of guns but I don't know what the bullets look like I've just I've seen pictures but it would I'll bet it wouldn't take a lot of Investigation to find out that the the guns that shoot those kind of bullets are routinely shot in one area and at least the picture that I yes saw that that my guess is if uh hen's nephew shot at at a house 100 feet in the woods from behind their land the bullet would have gone right through the house so it probably was a little bit further away than there really isn't your nephew coming no just happens said I know you did live in that general area I did I did so so anyway that's what I just left it with her and I said it it's public record that the Board of Health took that stand and so if you went to a meeting and said that's what the gramby Board of Health I said that would be true because it's what we said so so that's what that was our budget okay well I did talk to Chris Martin who and another reason I forget what it was but I was talking to him but he said GE I want just want you to know that I increased your budget and he says uh it looks to me that you move the the the salary around that that that you Dro your inspections move your inspection money up into the salary range area and he I yeah I said what we did is we set it up that that in effect we that Lynn I forget the number but let's say we had figured Lynn was going to get an 100 inspections at $35 which would be 3500 and that we thought she was going to have 100 inspections at $100 now so 10,000 so we took money and moved it we increased the the total money and we buy the whatever $7,000 and or 6500 and and moved out the 3500 into the salary along with the extra 6,500 and he says I feel uncomfortable about taking the 3500 out of your your your inspections because you don't know what's going to happen so he says I'm putting the 3500 B into your inspection so I'm adding another 3500 besides the 6500 that you added so the so we put that in your inspection in case you have to hire someone else to do something and I'm also getting putting the 10,000 into the the salary budget so so I just wanted to let us know that he he increased our budget from what we asked for and very good uh so the rest of this thing we do on mail complaints emails we did we got a bunch of complaints from David deathberry on on 12 Ken L uh he's not on he's on 14 but about 12 k l what what I found and I think I sent a note out to colen is that I wasn't super happy with the at least on the surface of of what was was done but apparently a a drain company came in and from what I could gather and I don't know sure but what I can gather is that they put a broke up the seller floor part of the cellar floor in 12 L and put look like drainage pipes around whether they put a a trench I don't know I didn't talk to any but the net result was it looks like they got rid of the five stump pumps that were supposedly there that went out the back and those and everything are gone that are going out the back and they put one discharge line that went out above the sill on the front in the front right corner of the house and they had it looked like about an inch and a half line and they put a pretty rigid connection to a glued 4 in line that goes out onto the onto the the grass I would guess it's 20 feet long 30 feet long it goes within about five feet of the road and pretty rigid connection and look like glued pipe looks like it's not going to go away I had stopped down when they first started to work and said hey guys I don't know what you're doing but you have to know that the owner is under an order to have this water go to the front of the property not to the back of the property so if you're doing that please be aware that that we're GNA end up taking the the owner to court by violating our order but now that you know that we probably are going to take you to court too because you're doing something that you know the board El said you can't do so the next day the pipe came out the front and and we ended up with water going down the street and and then we've got the the the complaint from from uh The Neighbors about the flooding in the streets and then one day I was going by checking I wanted to really see how the pumping system was working and the in the pump Cycles it looks like there's probably only one pump and it really has a big flow once it's once it goes it it Cycles on and off and uh it it's hard to tell what causes what but the pond that's over on the gasberry property I really haven't seen I haven't seen flooded the way it was um rain is obviously different than it was and the ground is different I don't think that we we've dealt with any Frost but uh but I haven't seen that P come back and the when I walked I did walk around the houses to verify that the pipes that were going out the back are gone and when I did that the there wasn't water on the top of the ground anymore in the back either so so uh it does look like the system is certainly puming water out onto the street and going down to the catch Basin and I did talk to the neighbors across the street one of the neighbors think nine 10 Lane and he expressed his concerned that that we're just going to have a flooded Street forever and ever and have an ice problem and I told him that that I had talk to to Dave D roer Chris Martin and our plan was probably to end up with some kind of a if this work with a drainage pipe that goes next to the road that maybe everybody can hook up to and and we're gonna if we verified that I'll give it a a month or so to make sure that this water system really works then let's talk about what it takes to get it below the ground and out of the streets and and maybe then you know David D roer can work on even fixing the the street up but at least get the water out of it and and the the neighbors seem satisfied I did explain that that the it it probably now that that we've seen the we can say we've seen that it worked that it but it caused a mess in the street that the solution now is how do you get rid of the mess in the street that it would be really in my mind unlikely that we'd ever say okay let's let's stop the mess in the street by making 12 10 Lane fill up with water again that that's probably not the approach anybody's going to want to take that that everybody's going to say well now that we know it's going to work let's get this water a place to go that's below the surface and I did explain to him that when Dave D roer said the water table is so high that he he can't put a new tatch Basin in and he can't put a a pipe in there easily so so it's probably going to end up being some kind of a force kind of system to to pump into it and have it go out but but that's what I I saw uh I did go down today I wanted to see what what happened we did we did get a note from from uh Mr gbury again saying that the owner had been in there the back of their house with flashlights and moving hoses and and uh I'm I'm Le I don't know well you can't you're at the spot that I can just I'm just telling you you can't because you're in Conflict on I'm just having this yeah on record on record but but I'm at the spot that that I'm not gonna be subjecting the Board of Health to to harassment complaints but that a neighbor has a right to be on their property they have a right to have a flashlight in their backyard and 8:00 at night or 9:00 at night or whenever it is and uh if every time they do something the Board of Health is there we're we're going to end up at court and so but I did go down today and just drove because I I wanted with the rain that we just had I wanted to see if the if the system was still discharging water into the front and it looks like it was working still working or been changed and and indeed the road still has water on it you can see water flowing down I watch the the discharge come on and go off so the pump is still going in there and I did just to to say well as long as I'm here I did look the the pond over on Dave G's land looks like it you know I can't I didn't get out of my car I didn't go on anybody's problem but it looked like the pond was was not there even with the rain and when I look into the backyard um of 12 chin Lane it looked like the pipes had in fact been been pulled even further away from the house I could seen some pipes way in the back but there definitely no pipes connected to the the house and uh so she's done she's done what we asked her to do is to get that that water to the front of the house and and she definitely whatever those workers did I don't know but they've done something that's permanent and not easy if anybody wanted to put it in the back of the house it's not easy to get it back there it's not something that that someone's going to say let's sneak it back there it's it's going to be some work to do it so so so uh like my guess is that the owner of 121 Lanes after seeing that the water's not in her Cellar and pumping out the front of the house is not going to be anxious to put the water in the backyard again and have her sell start slipp so so uh exactly if we could go another couple weeks and this rain looks like it keeps going we're going to go April Showers Spring May Flowers so we get April coming through here and if this if that system really does work for another couple weeks and and looks like it's not causing the you know backup in the backyards of the side yard of of 12 and 14 I think we're really fact that even before that I could probably give Dave D roer another call and say you know this thing looks like it's really it really is doing something and we certainly have water on the on the street and moving down the street so let's talk about what we want to do permanently and and get the water out of the street now but so that's my that's my report uh with still not here it means we we can't no know with just mether we can't make any any decisions uh other than I can just not a decision being made but but since we I started with Dave D roer and talked about possible solutions now that we see the stuff looks like it it probably is going to work with certainly whether it worked or not we certainly know there water now in the street that needs to get to the drain and to look at at how we could do it when I talked to the resident across the street I said you know maybe what we do here is get everybody on that side of the street the east side of the street maybe get them all with the ability to put a Thum pump charge into the pipe the pressure pipe and shoot it out I so we may gain stuff for especially as as we look at the I don't know if if anybody's seen it but but in fact malen sent something out I think or or maybe Northampton s something out that UMass has just started a program to find out about the rising groundwater as a result of the the rain changing and so we're GNA have water levels that are going up and uh so maybe with with these people that we know have have a water table problem is get in front of this and get them someplace for this water to go when it if the water table doesn't back them up it's going to mean that these guys all start to run into into trouble where the water starts to come up and they're all going to need some relief it just happens that that 12 is in the probably the worst worst spot so she's getting it the first and the hardest so so I will give David a call and say okay we've you know we've we've pulled the trigger we got some stuff happening we're getting results we've made a mess in the street which we know what there'd be a mess in the street we knew that would happen now how do we fix the mess in the street we fixed one problem and cost another so so that that's my my report on on Ben Lane uh as it turns out that there's an aside uh when I I did stop and talk to the two of the guys that were on the company in that I don't know one was the boss of the job at least and one was the worker and uh I did look in the house the door front door was open and it looked L like there's a a long way to go before that house was habitable you we still all plywood on the floors and and the but the walls had had the some kind of wallboard like one foot wide wall board with that looked like they were going to be plastered over but but they hadn't been done and that kind of work though in a week you can get a lot done there but it looked just generally it looked like there's a long way to go before anybody's gonna try to live that out so that's where we are there and Pen did you find anything out with ncy Jinx in the flu clinics at the school or were you able to do anything with that uh yes um I think that um what they said is the flu um vaccine was um both the regular and the high dose okay and they also have covid vaccine um if they wanted to do that that was Northampton Nancy said she would do a flu Clinic if you wanted her to at the school for Ev for anyone in the community so yes that's how and I said well I'll get back to you the board uh wants you to her to do that so she would work with Northampton tell them um what she would like you know for uh the amounts of of vaccine and and that sort of thing she would coordinate that and work with them okay Lee what are your thoughts do you think we're is it is it worthwhile I think it sounds like a u a good idea and if nothing else test the waters see how it turns out at the end of the day getting you know the important slice of that thing of course is the uh the senior high dose right I think is the primary target of this whole thing yeah but the concept sounds uh promising for sure oh Ty even though Bill's not here I think Bill would be going along with this too so it looks like a a decision that Lee and I can feel comfortable with if you ask ask Nancy to to try to get the thing moving let her it may be that it's mostly School the school teachers when I was involved with Co was going the it was school teachers that were really looking for for ways to but but certainly if you can open it up to the community you could we could deal with councel on aging and get buses to run up up and down and okay sure yep I'll ask her yeah or else y you could do that okay yep and what did you learn about the shared services so um I did talk to um Lauren and she I don't do I have my notes here oh yeah so and I talked to two people um Ben is the health director at Hadley and Jerry is the health director in Southampton I talked to them so um Lauren yeah she she kind of went through and she said you know this template was made up for um like all of the towns but it it kind of is more some of it was more geared toward the towns that are more in the eastern part so this is why they've been going over with it and kind of changing some things and taking some things out they don't apply some of the things don't apply to the little towns here um so in that template you know where they've cross things out that's why they've kind of gone through to see but um they you know they're not looking for the boards to give up local control at all um they're there to supplement um with the services add to what the towns are already have um you can back out of the this agreement at any time the towns are not expected to um continue on if there's no grant money the thing kind of falls apart I mean I guess maybe they could if towns wanted to but Lauren said no it's designed kind of that there wouldn't be this going on if they had no grant money um so it was really just to um make things easier for uh the like the boards themselves they want to get away from the board members having to do inspections because the state is going to be requiring you know certain certifications and everything so they're trying to just help the towns thinking that in 10 years time because this grant money is a 10year thing um so at the end of this they're hoping something else will be in place for the towns um to be moving forward so this is kind of just to help the towns along it's interesting what you just said about 10 years so this is not a one or two year Grant this is this is something that that's going to last for a while it's 10 years and they into the I don't know if they're into this has been going on for well just uh yeah it is a 10 year I know that it was like a year and then three and in sets of three years so um I don't know if she said they're into the third year but yeah anyway it's a 10year thing and um you know they're just trying to help the boards uh not have to do the board members not have to do it because they know the state is coming down on all the towns um to have certifications and all to do these inspections so kind of they're trying to help standardize you know so everybody's doing these inspections the same way so um Jerry from Southampton she's at a lot of the meetings and she is generally has a lot input so I said well I'll try to talk to her but yeah she said that um well her feeling was it was going to take a while to really get all the uh inspectors for them to help um and that wouldn't be right away but they are doing food inspections I know that um for sure well they did one for us but yeah um Ben from um Hadley of course they have a lot of restaurants up there and he's the only one doing I guess the food inspection so he says he uses them quite often and or he has used them quite a bit and um that yeah he he said they he thinks they've been doing a doing a good job with the uh food inspections um his feeling was yeah the towns really can't lose lose because if they don't like it they can just back out so that was his feeling he was he was on board with it good interesting but it' be nice to to maybe you could ask see we are we're at quarter of nine when you started the talk so if still could could look at this tape by tomorrow morning I'll get a a note saying this is available and I send it to to our TV guys so that they have it so maybe bill can listen to what you just said or else maybe you can you you didn't talk for very long so maybe it's rather than make so listen to this whole tap this part of it maybe you can call Bill and tell him what you said so that next week we can I guess the the thing would be do the board our board should discuss this and decide whether we're going to sign on I think that's yeah I know they want all the town I believe the well tomorrow they're having a meeting and they want to um just decide on their final draft you know the wording on all this so that's tomorrow but um they want the town's signatures I Believe by the end of June so it's you don't have to decide by tomorrow it was just more or less this template that they sent out I think they're just seeing who agrees you know that the wording is okay on on this template but for the towns to sign on and they'd have we'd have to have like uh I think the Town Administrator has to sign and and whatnot but I think they're trying yeah by the end of June so that tells me that we we still you know that that it's uh 10 weeks away but since we meet only only you know twice a month so we have to make up our mind whether we want it what we probably should do would be for us to make our decisions and then tell the selectman that that we're this is what we're we're thinking because the way the one of the drafts said that it takes both the Board of Health and the board of selectman to sign on and then it takes both to get out exactly which maybe is it's a good way to do it because it makes it so that if you get one group that gets a little crazy one way or the other that it takes the other group has to be on board to get a change to [Music] occur so then it looks like the next step is for you to find out what the the draft this next draft is it'd be nice if we could if it comes out we could at least have the next meeting talk a couple minutes about it now we're getting a lot of stuff to talk about we've got the a regulation and this but we should with this one we probably should at least take some time to talk about yeah does that make sense please yeah absolutely absolutely so as long as we now have a a time frame and it's actually like I'm glad that the other towns are feeling we're feeling the same thing saying what are we jumped in what are we jumping into yeah they definitely right um from the other meetings I went to I mean people definitely you know had questions and and they did change things in this you can tell by where they they took things out and and as Ben also said that um he was glad they had changed the wording so the towns are not liable like if the Inspectors make a mistake and then somebody comes back at them that be um you know Northampton that that would be they would be liable not not the towns themselves if the inspectors yeah you know like say for instance made a mistake or whatever but yeah that's what he was saying so um you know I don't know if you want me to go to the meeting tomorrow I mean like I said they're taking a vote on I think the current version here that you've got um I mean my feeling is you should go if you you are being a a point person right now that if we want to get some information just like you gave us we need to be participating what do you think we yeah I mean it's time to get the groundwork laid out and make sure that we're heading in the right direction and you want so you're okay with this version you want me to say yes for grany as far as this this version well we haven't seen it that's the problem no this is the one we've been looking at this this last one from February 14th that's what they're talking about this current um that that's the most current I believe I mean I don't want to go in that uh in and not know you know is it going to take a vote um on the current version which is this one that you've had um so that's the one they're saying I should imagine that if there are some towns that don't necessarily vote to go into it and I really don't know that they wouldn't have a second opportunity perhaps in 3 to six months after some modifications have been uh introduced yeah I I would think that but where I also if if you kind of hang back a little bit B and if if you see something that that if I were doing it by hanging back I would be looking and and say let's not let this be just a straight majority vote if you've got one town that says oh you could have someone that says I just don't see it the right way you say you really are in left field that you don't you would say that but that first you can say they just don't understand but if let's say that that I don't know how many towns are there 10 pounds or I I think at least I think there's more than 10 I think it's like 14 pounds okay so let's say we had 14 pounds if you sit back and you watch this and you say now out of those 14 people there are four that saying this doesn't this just isn't right then then on this thing having a vote of 10 the four would be not a very good thing it would be something that that again if I were if if I were there doing that and saying you know that's a big enough desending group that we ought to be saying let's stop let's stop our vote right now I know I recommend that we look at those those what these four people are saying and find a way to get through what they have for problems and get them straightened out because if going into this if you have that many dissenting people what's what will happen is they'll just say fine and then we're just not going to go along with it but more than likely if there's four people that are four towns that are saying this just doesn't work right for us either they don't understand it or they in fact do understand it and it's the other people that are are saying we we missed what they're saying and the right thing to do to stop to call a timeout and say let's get this dissenting group on board let's talk about what they're talking what they're feeling and what they're not feeling good about and find a way to go get through it it it's a big group to be working on trying to work with consensus it's a really big group but if you if you look at at our board for instance the that we wouldn't take those are the same kind of percentages that if one out of three of us versus i' say four out 14 it said GE we don't go along then our board would be saying we're not going to do it we're gonna wait we're goingon to work this thing through and that the other thing yeah I don't even know if they'll have a full I mean I'm looking at who was at that February 14th one now I know I I was away so I wasn't there but there's only six different towns on there beside uh uh Northampton so you know and they do say attendance is required you know because they do want everybody to you know have some kind of representation but if if a lot of the towns don't show up then I don't know I mean I don't know how they're they're going to vote either and I are they taking just the PE you know the vote from the people that are there and then what do they I don't I don't know how they're doing that but um so I don't know how many people they'll get but and I don't know yeah that's why I don't I'm hesitant I don't want to put a vote in when I'm not the board if you don't you know if you're not sure whatever so well certainly if only 50% of the uh towns that have been contacted attend these meetings then you know going back to what dick said it could be that towns um either don't understand and are nervous about going into it or do understand and are uh not going into it for the sake of uh needing [Music] change you another another way that you could go along and keep the thing moving and not be you know the stick in the mud you certainly could say I you know I could support this our board could support this but we want to find out what the people that aren't here are saying about or we throw our full support so you could you could say that we what do you think about that approach please no that's that's a good that's a good uh way to look at it and I can't imagine that a vote taken would be necessarily binding uh going forward without having the opportunity uh for some uh potential discussion and and uh input of change because this thing is still still in its infancy got a long way to go so if they if they twist your arm colen and they say that you know we really need to vote and you know you can do whatever you want but I guess if it was me I would say I'll vote uh if you really want me to but you need to know that my vote is nonbinding so it's the board discusses this over the next six8 10 12 weeks and we decide you know what this really was something um different than what we thought we were getting into were were're either throw our head into it full force or we're going to walk on it and there's nothing to um we're not forced into anything no I mean it still is a uh a sign off by you guys and and board of Selectmen or um the Town Administrator or whatever anyway so it's it's not there's a lot of moving Parts here there's yeah it's that this is just one part of it say you know looking at this and saying okay this looks this looks good or whatever but yeah so that's why I think from a a point of of being less wormy for you to to say yeah I we we can support this but we want so I'm saying that our town is behind this but we want to hear what the other the non-attendees are saying about this that lets you instead of saying this is nonbinding what you've really told them is it's nonbinding by not saying that's non-binding it it lets you off the hook of of saying you know I'm not I'm not voting you say yeah we can support this but we want to know what the the non-attendees are saying about this also and that that gives you your thought to come back and say now that I'm hearing this the rest of you know the story yeah yeah well that's a good that's a good way to to do it yeah I can sure and say and it does exactly what it does exactly what Le is saying y it sure but it it does it in a way that that you're saying it with Vigor with enthusiasm well and you know going going forward with this whole concept with the technology that we're that we're all enjoying this evening that could be depending on you know what you guys think going forward that could be an interesting concept for potential meeting and having 68 11 pounds um get on but to a zoom meeting and talk about the realities of what this thing is all about and what they really feel is the pro and the con and you know depending and maybe everyone can take something home of value or caution or support depending on on what everyone else who doesn't show up is thinking about one of one of the things that you could in terms of what Lee is saying right now is for you to say on on big changes like this it's reasonable to think that once we get into this we're going to find the the bad spots we're going to find some good things and we're going to find some bad things and once you get moving we should be in a spot that should be the mechanism to change what's not working right because everybody's going to be the same way just what Leah is saying you you go in you say oh my God this isn't working for us at all and and be saying this there should be a mechanism because if you don't if you don't have a a way to to fix it yeah and and and every everything I do one of the things that I that I worked on and all sorts of different projects that where you're doing a a thing like this it's not something that you're you know designing the bridge and making sure the parts don't break when the cars go over it this isn't it this is a softer thing this is a relationship kind of of of program and and once you do it you typically would say if if you were bringing any a new product on board you do beta testing so you'd go out to a group of people and you'd try the new product and you so you'd be saying I know that when we do this we're going to make mistakes I just know that and not to be afraid it because you don't get if you if you wait until you have the perfect thing you're never going to get it and if you lock into something and say I can't change it you're locked in with something that you don't like and and so people should should and for you to talk about it and say we should be aware that this isn't going to work right so that when everybody signs up they say we're signing up for something that they're things that we don't know how this is going to work we think it it's going to work well but we know that there going to be problems accept that we're going to have problems don't be afraid to start it as long as there's a way to identify the problems as they occur and to fix the the program to do that and then people should talk about it say is there a way to do that and that's going to make it like like Lee talk about instead of jumping in and saying whoa what have we just done because if you don't do it that you can tweak it then when you run into something that's not good your only out right now is to get out of it and so that's not what we'd like to do yeah what you'd like to do is say okay I'm getting in I'm not afraid to start down this road because I know when I start it's going to be okay okay to change it we're going to turn at times so when you go down that road your program should be set up to say we're set up to change it we're not locked into this that's what Le said six months from now but that's what you you should have in fact this program when you look at what we're signing up for to say this needs to be dynamic and flexible because it absolutely I I don't have the slightest doubt that we're going to run into trouble I don't I just know it I don't know what they are but I know when this big stuff like this happens it happens troubl happen so so if you go in and say and you say okay we're signing up but this is what the caveat is that we need to have this way because there is a way in there we're not going down a road that there's no way out we can get off the road we but that's that's a failure when you when you say okay I quit I leave and you don't want to do that you want to have the and for them to know that and I think that makes it if if people all understand that then you're not afraid to jump onto the bandwagon because you give it a shot then you know like kind of like we gave it a little shot with the with the restaurant inspection go yeah yeah exactly yeah analogy yeah I don't know Colleen I don't know if that helps you that that yeah yeah that does yeah and it I mean Lauren she Lauren was great um you know she said and she even said you know there's a couple of lawyers that put this thing together and they can you know the board certainly could talk to them if they needed to and and whatnot but she just uh yeah she I mean it does sound like it's it it be good they're trying to help the towns um but like you said you just I'm sure there's going to be stumbling blocks along the way when just the fact that when we yeah when we read it we said Gee we can read it this way or that way and then you're going to get someone else that says well this is how we interpret this and some and it's whoa that's not the way I read it and and so but as long as there's the as I said there is a relief valve the relief valve relief valve is you walk away but but that's not what on this kind of program that's not what you want you want to say no let's let's fix it it's ours and to to think about it that way that it is ours it's a group of people that are saying we'd like this to work and if it doesn't work let's fix it or if it doesn't work right exactly yes yeah yeah yeah responsibility is to to the town the other thing that that from a a standpoint just being pragmatic or realistic is there's a lot lot of work to get done there's just the inspection part that I'm not talking about the organizational work to get the program in place but the people to do the work there's more work that needs to be done by qualified people then there are even close to the qualified people so you're moving into something that says you cannot at least for the short term or even medium term there aren't enough resources to get done what you think you're getting you're going to be able to get done so every everybody's looking and saying well we all have the same needs we all have the same restaurants to go to or we've got the and they're all they're different needs but the same kinds of things without the right people and when they say oh we're trying to help to get qualified people that so the inspections are all done the same well it's a huge shortfall the same reason that Chris Martin can't get a building inspector the same reason that you know we're struggling with Lynn well what's GNA happen really quick is there going to be some our ly is going to get of the 351 Boards of Health let's say there are now going to be 30 of these big kind of districts and they're all tremendously short of people well what's going to happen is Lynn is going to fill one of those Poots and her pay is going to go from $80,000 up to $150,000 and Lynn isn't going to be doing this work for us yeah and but the V is just one it's that if you look at if you look at Neil Jackson telling me he's got so much business because there's no one doing per there you know you look at lri mcul left you get you look at you know all of the the people that were doing this work are all old they're like us and so they're going away at the at the time that we're we're asking for more is exactly the same time that people are going away so you've got the people retiring at the time that so you're not just saying let's host along with what we want you want more and you know you're going down so so that's a crisis coming it's it's coming you cannot avoid it so a program that we're jumping into right now that says oh don't worry northampton's going to handle all this it's not going to handle it aren enough people and as much as they say oh we'll get them we'll get them they're not they don't exist so so so recognizing that that and you can you can talk to people there and say the same thing you could say this is what our board talks about that this is that we've got more work coming with fewer people instead of more people so this isn't from a Manpower standpoint it doesn't work it doesn't add up and so we're starting into that as we hurry up and do this we're starting into a program that is going to have a Manpower shortage and as you said as you said not only are the thick bombadiers and the the leelan going away but you got a plan that says even if they weren't going away we're not going to let them work we're going to say you guys don't have the credentials to do those works that work right so so you're thinking the both the program thinking that both so when you for you to to talk to them and say okay we need to have this ability to change we done we're we're going to have and they can say anything they want they can say oh I've got the list of people well they they don't have the list of people they don't they're looking at the same people every every town is looking at the same at the same people yeah to give to give then we'll quit it's late but the to give you a little problem that as I was I forget where I was going but in terms of plumber they said that Nationwide we are short right now like 800,000 plumbers oh and there's no plan there's no plan in place as much as they're trying to get people there's a shortfall it's the same exact thing all the plumbers are old and they're leaving and they said in five years they're going to be three million short there's 800,000 short now there's gonna be three million short in five years wow and it's the same it's exactly the same thing it's it it's exactly the same thing so so when you meet do this meeting to say this is this is all good but if you just look at the the Manpower plan what you know what is the the you're looking at an organizational plan right now but there's a resourcing plan that that's a huge problem with this organizational plan so so you're free to be saying you know my board killed me last so what else do we have uh yeah I think that's it because the other things are yeah composting and what aren't you sorry that you're involved with this now as you get smarter you find out how much more that you're in trouble with oh gosh that Co comes back so gee dick don't say that yeah or or any other pandemic please no so no on once is enough yes so okay then Colleen Did Colleen Did anyone mention to you that the new uh office hour start at 7 am. no I haven't heard it yet they go they go from seven to seven from the seven to seven I think I'm getting close to retirement so always everybody else it feels that way that's right exactly exctly what you're just talking about right exactly no I know this it's it's true it's true and even if you even if you decide you're going to keep working finally you're clock runs out and you die you can't pass death yeah the the the moral of the story is not to work too long that's right yeah I'm still learning that one yeah Lee yeah okay good good night all right good night all right folks all right good night take care thank you bye bye e