[Music] we can start uh the only thing that I had for anything for for septic is uh I did inspect 14 um 14 Cedar and I did the final on that one and I saw pedar laara sent in the request for cooc and it it was installed he when he sent the ad bills he he had forgotten to put the the ties to the the tank and the pump chamber but he submitted a new one with those so it was installed as as designed and it's pump and everything worked so I'm fine with it do we want to sign off on the C sure y I'm recused on this and of course dig yeah thank thank you okay Colleen Lee and I did so you can sign off on that one okay great next one I have is the the meeting minute for I'm gonna struggle a little bit because normally when Bill and and Lee normally when I go into the meetings I have everything copied so I can see but I don't have any means to copy anything so so when I make mistakes on on what my H scratching look like if you correct me i' appreciate it uh meeting minutes for the 28th of of May and the 6th of of June are we okay Bill you weren't at that one the the 28th of May was at Dollar General let's do them separately Lee are are you okay with those minutes yes I am thank you and I am too and Bill are you going to just not vote on that since you weren't here oh yeah that's fine because I I went an hour after you guys were there I was there myself so I did my own observation so that's fine no worries no worries colen so that was approved with ph abstaining okay how about for the fourth of June I was okay with that Lee and and Bill yeah that's fine that's fine dick good okay Colleen we all approved that okay next thing I next thing I have is Colleen's time sheet and that's for the normal 70 hours are we okay with that yep yes yeah that's fine okay money turnover is a total of $1,230 260 of it was our permit 700 60 is for licenses 100 for fees and 110 for gas permit soing the 12:30 are we okay with that yes that's good that's good I am too Colleen so that's approved by all three of us and bills payable it's the it's the invoice from from quill for the the requisitions that that we approved prior to $ 48.93 for the office supply are we okay for that bill to be paid yes that's fine I am too Colleen so that's approved okay next one go ahead were you saying something kie no I just said okay okay the next one is the 2024 McDuffy recreational summer day camp license uh there was a problem with it is that the inadvertently through the through the uh change and and building inspectors mies up these occupancy permits for last year hadn't been issued but it's all straightened out it was issued so this is a straightforward uh application for this year's summer camp are we set that I am I think we're fine y so I'm also recused on this one as well dick thank you okay then Lee and I both approved it Colleen and and Bill abstained okay next one is the 20204 uh mobile food permit for the high place at wine housee uh they they obviously have their own uh six base of operation are we all set with that one yeah my only comment on that uh facility is that we would do a design June one and unless I'm in the dark that has yet to appear as long as we're colen as long as we we're just touching on that bill and Lee what do you think we you think we should get Colleen to get in touch with with Jim trumpy and ask him that for his proposal uh that was the last com I had heard from that operation that June one it would be here it was his timetable I think it's reasonable to ask that bill I'm not hearing anything from you no from our last meeting dick I thought trumpy was supposed to come to this meeting tonight well we came to the the last or one of the maybe the one before this but he said Gee I was because I wasn't expecting to be present you're right to to the I think this meeting but sounds like one way or the other we ought to be talking to Mr try and say where is your proposal right right and by the way did did Lynn did Lynn um make herself available to inspect that last minute request a couple of weeks ago at The Wine House oh she did okay as far as I know because I sent it to her yep she said okay and yes yes good good I'm I'm glad again did us a big favor by accommodating her again I don't I think it's bad protocol for us to push her on these last minute things it's not not nice to do my my general feeling is that bills right on that that having these people get to to us and and expect us to do what really is is impossible because especially in this case but the guy didn't even buy father after you requested it and reached out toen when you shouldn't have done that that he still didn't do it and then then de demanded that that Lynn respond yeah they came into the office that next morning and and uh they said well you know we're busy this and that and I said but I had everything but the check you just needed to you could have mailed it you had all kinds of you know you could have sent it in the mail so but yeah okay but he he brought the check that morning right yes yes okay good yeah um check with Jim on the restroom proposal yeah for that okay so but otherwise this mobile food permit for the Tha place is we didn't vote on that are we I'm okay with this that's fine Lee yes yeah good thank you all right next is a one day temporary food license for the friends of grany veterans is at the Immaculate Heart of Mary for a spaghetti supper on 629 are we okay with that I am yes yeah dick I got to recuse again because that's a client of mine which one the TR or the or the church the church okay then I also approve colen okay the next one is the uh for the new owners of bruceco liquor is there there's three of them for the 2024 actually chain of ownership so that there new permits uh first one is retail food second one is selling milk and cream and the third is tobacco so they're the same permit that Cru go had are we okay with that yes I'm just curious dick tongue and cheek the the new owner is not the old owner of Union Mart is it it's not no no okay good good no good good hey saw that to and I said oh boy I wonder if they just m across the street I know this fellow I think russos has four stores and this fellow bought them all and he seems to really know what he was he's doing good good the impression I got anyway so Bill you didn't vote on that one I voted that that's okay and how about you Bill yeah that's fine bruo was fine okay okay next ones are title fives and and I had some issues with some of them the first one is 51 kendle street that was the one with Greg Everson uh continuing to to say that this was a a past when it hasn't been occupied for some two years and not saying needs further investigation after it's been occupied uh I don't know what we do do we just not accept this well is there a pending property transfer on this I don't know I believe that's why we're doing this I don't have the data to back that statement up but okay 99% sure the reason for the title five was to market the property the answer to this is to in this case send the letter to the owner and the real estate agent saying we've got a pass Title Five however the board requires at a reinspection of the SAS uh 6 what is it 60 3 to six months yeah I think it's three yeah 3 to six months out after occupancy after occupancy so we could send that out and send it to Greg as well you think that's a good way to handle it yeah Lee absolutely okay coling that's what we'll do okay the next one is 11 one one 11 mon thing really do I have the right number did I copy it down colen yes 11 month that one was Dave Kibby and it was a pass it looks like it was a 1500 gallon tank and 4 foot separation are we okay with that one yeah he's fine on that one he just pumped it out all the components were good yeah Lee is 111 on the left or on the right driving down munsing Ridge left hand side oh it is on the it's on the low side okay yeah yeah the next one is uh I'm actually gonna gonna skip 53 quarter and okay let's talk about we'll talk about 53 Porter which was done by ketti and also 34 South Street both done by Paretti already uh clean septic in the 53 quarter he as I read it instead of saying this is a a filled system and tell us how far the bottom of the SAS is above the water table all he's put down is this is a 22inch water table and 34 South Street is exactly the same thing only he says it's a 32 in water t and in both of those cases I believe their filled system and they're both beyond our threefoot that we're going to be in a position that we have to send out a letter to the homeowner saying they have to change the SAS what do we do with these things Colleen got in touch with with the clean septic and she told them if they don't send something in saying please disregard we're going to be forced to do this but well how how many inches separation I know 53 Porter pretty well they've had some Wetland issues their neighbors had some Wetland issues real high water table as evidenced by that number how how from the bottom of the leech to the water table how many inches do we have he doesn't tell us as you stand on the on the the front yard looking it towards the back yeah there's a probably a four four five odd foot drop and at the base of the drop in the backyard there's a swimming pool in ground okay that's the house that had the brand new pool put in by Juliano pool two years ago okay I know that I know that property yes and the wetlands are right behind the house probably 50 feet behind the house is Wetlands probably 100 feet from the edge of the septic system oh yeah the septic system's in the front of the house I believe that's correct on both on both of those homes yes yes so do we just accept a 23 a 22 inch water table and a 32 inch and just say we don't care or does this the same thing that TTI did on L on Lake field he doesn't tell you the separation and then you we end up we end up giving these people a lot of trouble and caus them a lot of worry and it's because tet's not doing his job well did they dig a deep hole during the during the title five no no they just when I was there they were judging the depth to the backyard in ground pool and maybe that in ground pool is in water too but that being said you're probably at least four OD deep above the slope to the rear of the property well I'm thinking those homes aren't that old those homes were built dick around 2,000 no it so if we do the work the problem is is the Board of Health now do the Title Five inspection no no tell tell tetti to look at the I'm sure he got the debt off the plan set tell him to look at his plan set do the calculations and tell me how many inches from the bottom of the leech to the water table and I'm expecting it to be four feet yeah maybe more our isue I think what should happen is that we do what bill is saying saying we want to know what the difference what the distance is from the bottom of the SAS to the water table but that we send we send the homeowner as well as a Ted e letter saying we think this title five does not describe the distance between the bottom of the SAS and the water tables correctly and we're not accepting it at at this point otherwise we're according to these the rules Lee and Bill we're doing yeah we're doing the engineering for these guys let them do their own engineering so let's yeah you think we ought to the homeowner ought to know that he doesn't have in the real estate agent ought to know that this is an improper title five so that they can't use it with the bank and I just hate to be telling the homeowner something that we don't that we're doing because tet's not filling out forms right and claing the homeowner a whole bunch of things Colleen did they attach the septic design to the title five report I sent whatever they sent yeah no just whatever well yeah well Nick's got to get that report and he's got to go through the numbers and subtract a couple of numbers and and hopefully he'll come up with a 48 in plus and then everything will be good but like you say we're we're playing the guessing game now so I think we should send the note and we shouldn't accept this because if we accept it then we're gonna have to send the letter to the homeowner saying they have to replace this and that's a terrible thing to do when we think yeah that's that that'll be awful for them from what I I'm hearing a septic prices have really gone through the roof again is that right yeah so the next one is 35 so calling we didn't accept 53 quter or 34 C okay so send the homeowner and clean septics and the real estate we didn't accept the title five as being and because it's incomplete for water table separation okay the next one is 35 kendle that one is a 4 foot Separation on a 1500 gallon tank it looked like that was okay Lee are we okay with that one yes yep the final one is seven Lin drive and that was a conventional pass says that a new septic tank and a new dbox it's interesting when you read that one uh with a it's got a conditional path looks like I didn't see anything that says the the SAS is okay but they said that the water the water in the septic tank was 30 Ines deep you know below the the outlet so who knows what the S is however uh I did note that instead of the the guy that inspected it is looks like Robert Norman I think he work he works for Neil Jackson apparently that's correct well it's very interesting instead of him being an inspector saying the tanks no good and the the debox is no good he says that Lee made him say it was no good saw I saw they quoted you twice there Le you ought to be getting royalties on this instead of just angry phone calls from the homeowner now dick the Lee field is a it's a leech pit right a deep leech leeching pit no it's a bed it's a bed with five lines it's like it's a small B it's like 25 by 25 oh with five lines I mean obviously when they took the covers off of the uh tank even though the house was active in use it was way down maybe down to the seam I don't know what type of tank it was but it was leaking badly so there's just no way to go forward with this thing to my knowledge no one has pulled any permits or done any work on that piece of property since that evening uh visual inspection I have no idea what they're doing with that it says it's a conditional pass with the requirement of the replacement of the the debox in the tank so I guess that's what's probably correct is that is that truly well yeah but the depending how far you want to look at the other side of the uh Center Line um I don't know how to determine when the last time that bed received any flow you know what I mean that thing was it was way down for anyone's guess at how long it's been leaking that badly it may be okay yeah this how old how old is this Robert Norman is he a younger fellow or an older fellow I'd say he's oh if I had to guess 50ish yeah so he's he's so he's an employee of Neil Jackson's company that's correct and does he have a SI license I would not think so so but I do not know I think think the last time I talked to him he said that he told me that he had a license to do title five so he's got an SI license then okay that's what he told me that doesn't mean he has one well you can look that up easy enough I've seen his name on the list you have okay okay I have yeah okay but that did bring Le you do bring up an an issue if we say that the SAS has to be inspected in a house that hasn't been used for nine months I me for 90 days why shouldn't we be saying this one's got to be inspected once the the system is being used proper well it it raises the question for sure it was it was a substantial drop in water how do you know when do you is there anyone living in the house or has there anyone been living in the house over the last week or two continually oh so the house has been occupied just there's no water that ever made it was there any water in the distribution box please um you shouldn't tell that because it was in such a state of disrepair it wouldn't hold water so you're right dick the septic tank is acting like a leech pit yeah it's like a fist pool yeah yeah yeah I mean so how can you possibly say go ahead Le so so we we got to invoke the six the three to six month Criterion so after they replace the debox on the septic tank then we got to monitor the leech pit or the the bed for the next three to six months yeah I think so same thing with the new owner property transfer correctly that's correct yes okay yeah that's that's a smart thing to do so Colleen we should we should send the inspector the real estate agent and the owner saying that that we did accept the conditional pass however the besides replacing the tank and the distribution box the SAS must be inspected three to six months after occupancy and the replacement of the two panks okay okay next one uh um I'll do it out of order I had a call from the dog officer that Kim what what did you Goldsmith is that gold Goldsmith yeah Bernier Goldsmith and she is the dog officer right now and she had a dog bite that she and a dog that's bit let's say it's a half a dozen times fit people not a good dogs and she wanted the thing quarantined and she had trouble she talked to Tom couple times and not able to get the quarantine done and her her suggestion and she's come to the board at least come to me a couple times in fact she was interested in becoming the animal uh inspector but but K FBOP said he wanted to keep it and and what Tim has said is because he's the dog officer he's tangled up with this dog bite and and other dog bites and not getting this to to be handled right with Tom now Tom lives a fair dist away uh what K suggested is that she would be happy to be appointed as as the assistant animal inspector and just deal with dogs and dog bites in town and quarantines and and as it turns out there's no salary involved here all it is is based on the $35 inspection you know whether Tom does it or c does it it's the same price so from our part it doesn't mean anything but but it looks like this is a problem that that needs to be dealt with either through Tom or by doing this with him what what are Bill and Lee what are you think thinking about what's your thought um well Devil's Advocate time if the animal is qu is it in their kennel and if so is there a nightly fee for that and if so it's a conflict of interest but I don't know how this quarantine thing works with this scenario but it would seem to me that we could deal with the conflict separately doesn't have to be in Kim's place we can do just like Bill does that when something engineering involves gry he can't do it and in this case if it involves the a quarantine that that we have to deal with the conct sure it doesn't mean by appointing or that it's conflict it just means that we have to if we do it say you just can't be doing this in a way that you're saying hey I'm making 25 bucks a night by doing this that's exactly my point I just want her and everyone else to um not have a um uh potential uh home owner dog owner whatever you want to call them um come screaming in the future that we're setting her up in some type of business which we're not right so if if she's quarantining and she sends them up to fairy hill par or whatever down to the Animal Hospital on 202 whatever perfectly fine unless she does it for free in her own place this dog that this this dog that did the biting dick do we know the owner I don't but she but Tim told me that when she talked to to Tom Tom says oh yeah that's the dog that didit this I had trouble I just couldn't get a hold of the owner so the last time it sounds like it wasn't quarantined either so we don't know whether the dog had its shots or not that's the bottom line I don't you the owner should be able to provide that data I would hope yeah I think I think the dog does but there's I think there's a situation that is not necessarily the dog's fault of where he's living and things go on and then the dog is trying to be maybe protective and stuff so finally I think that the owner said okay the dog has bit enough people we we don't want the dog please take the dog so this is a kind of a different situation than I think what normally happens um so yes this dog I think has been removed but not all dogs are always removed moved I don't think from their homes but um so so the dog they took the dog to dayon or equivalent well I'm I'm not sure where the dog is Kim I think Kim took the dog but and it may be at the dog uh pound or the dog kennel in town I I'm not sure but I'm just saying I know there's a history with this dog um what breed is it what is it a Shepherd or bulog it's a mixed Bulldog oh okay the issue here is this is not the first time that the dog issues come up and it it a kind of gets tangled up because Kim got one job that involves dogs and Tom's position crosses over and I certainly could support letting Kim be the assistant animal inspector [Music] uh not to be dealing with with the the farm animal inspection yeah I could I could follow that that thought so Kim would only be dealing with dog bites and dog bites only then yeah okay and I I'm I'm guessing Tom would prefer not to do that anyway that too it's a pain in the neck and yeah so I we can do we'll do that calling would okay so would Kim be entitled to put in an invoice for yes she'd be able to do the same $35 in inspection or visit okay the same as Tom would do okay so it doesn't increase our our cost at all and the and the the inspection would would be to deal with animals other than Barn inspections is that what we're saying so and I think the barn inspections are something that Tom enjoys and does well and he can group them together and and do with them on a on a trip that it's it's not a pain in the neck for him y That's great okay so the three of are saying that F okay the next the next item is 49 Barton Street that's a a complaint on a septic system failure uh so we've got a a Title Five that said it's no good now we've got a complaint that the system is actually failed the title five said the system was in Failure anyways what do do we do with this order that the system be replaced is this the house that was transferred with cash did not go through any Bank funding correct correct so there was no tital five done at the time of transfer I think Dave Kibby has been there previously if I'm not and he did it and you weren't there ly but he said oh I don't care because the system fails so badly anyways that it doesn't matter that that the Board of Health wasn't there right right I thought we reached out to this party at least on one occasion previously to rectify this scenario but nothing came back yeah you sent a letter for him to do the title five so he did that but that's it and then the neighbor the neighbor issued a follow-up letter calling about three weeks ago yes yeah yeah yeah and I saw I saw her in South Hadley a couple weeks ago and we chatted briefly so uh uh I think following up with this this this home is probably the thing to do well I there there's there's at least two locations in town active right now that fall into this same category um one Barton one Ken Lane uh both are um at this point not necessarily refusing but not rushing to fix it either rightly Pin Lane do doesn't have anybody living there and the system's not being used uh I got a call from Alan Weiss uh I think it was this week he scheduled some work to be done and was told that um they had a change of heart and we're not going to proceed oh well they were not they're not going to proceed with the deole that's correct according to it's not going to happen oh so I'm just bringing that up because it sounds similar to the Barton Street similar data set similar mindset okay my the my feeling is that they probably both deserve a letter but different letter I my proposal would be that the Barton Street that we tell them we've got records of a failed septic system a failed Title 5 inspection of the septic system with failed components and a complaint from a failed do I'm just that help me does the neighbor say that se is at the surface no what is the neighbor contending that neighbor contends that the property was transferred without a Title Five okay so we know that's the uh now if it's not a if it's not to the surface a failed Title Five inspection is what six months that you they have to be dick well the other problem dick is is this an interf family transfer no it wasn't so it's it doesn't matter we we now know that it failed we've got an inspection that says it's failed but nothing matters other than that so so they did in fact have the inspection they could argue that they didn't want to have the inspection but they did and we've got a report that says the system's don't good and I think I think Title Five says once you have the report of a failed septic system you've got six months to fix it that's right so how long colen is it is it possible for you to find out when Dave kidy did that inspection so that we can do you not yeah uh I better check I have it I want to say last fall so we could easily be beyond the sixth month yeah but before we order it we should know that well I know it it was at least last fall if not further so but I'll check the title five tomorrow we could do is send the letter say that on on this date a Title Five inspection was done on your property and the title five indicates that the system has failed and as long as as you look and it's over six months okay and say that that the state sanitary Cod requires that a failed system be replaced within 6 months of the title 5 inspection of the failed Title 5 inspection and then said by this order we are giving you 30 days whatever that 30 days is from your letter to submit a design for the replacement of a system that has been prepared by a registered sanitarian engineer is that the letter we want to send Bill and Lee yes so I think that's fine okay the other letter I would suggest is on 121 Lane and I would write a letter to the a fact that there such and such on whatever day it is the board ordered that you not reoccupy your dwelling at 1210 Lane until after a Title 5 inspection has been completed member of the board recently a member of of the board was told by the sanitarian who was hired to perform that test that it was no longer your intent to complete the test Title Five inspection by this letter the board is reminding you that you may not occupy this dwelling that no one may occupy this dwelling until after that septic system evaluation has occurred is that what do you think of that letter Bill and Lee Colleen I got a question when did Al Weiss call you to uh call off the depot old test he called Bill he called lee lee oh he did when did he call you Lee I think it was Monday or Tuesday um he wanted me to go with him and because of the relationship I had with both parties on that street I'm still in conflict of interest so he was going to reach out out to I think Charlie kenii to accompany him as his witness um but as he proceeded to become prepared and I would like if colen can confirm this with Al Weiss since it was a very quick casual conversation that my dad is correct but I know from Allen's conversation was not going to proceed I just don't know the exact date so if Colleen if you wouldn't mind confirming when that was that would make the letter accurate so so spoke to you yeah when he when he spoke to you about that yes please the date yes Lee did Allan tell you why the change in heart uh no just um he just said that there was a change of mind um it may have been Financial I don't know that being said if it was in fact Financial yeah um there may be I don't know if there's any any grant money or low interest 0% interest floating around right now or not um design or anything Le all this was was the B old ho yeah well and and they got cold feet and backed out you you know it's not my money but how much does it cost to dig a hole and observe a hole can have the whole thing total I mean the back Co probably less than $400 yeah engineering and a witness I don't know so me make PR 10 you're into the whole thing for less than a thousand yeah I I don't know what's going on I thought make her do it Le we can't make her do stations we were heading towards this um to bring closure to this entire thing along with the work that the highway department has done on the street and the drainage and dick you put a lot of time in down there and at last minute it's gone away I don't know if house repairs exceeded their B the budget I don't know no idea now the neighbor at the end of the street is under the assumption that this deole is going to take place that's that's very possible if if she doesn't live there if you're not using the system because you're not living there you aren't breaking any Loop rules that's right that's right correct so the question is once someone moves into the house and starts using the toilet without having done this work then we're going to start sending letters out we should send it out a reminder so that when we go if we have to go to court to say look at this person knew it and they did it anyway yeah yeah so I agree let's send out the letter well we think cred it and that that he was told by her engineer that it was cancelled and she's not going to do it so so it's no longer it's not like you know the neighbor saying gee I heard this this is not this is first person stuff not third person right but again if we can just get a quick confirmation from uh from engineer about the conversation and the date range yeah I'd get it can you get can you get this in writing from Al wisley or at least or at least have Colleen talk to Allan and say Allan is what Lee understand and will look really stupid if Allan says oh no no no no the problem was that that uh it didn't work with with Charlie schedule and the owner schedule and we're just going to move it a month then we'll look stupid right colen can just can just verify it then Colleen can put it in the record yes okay let's do that that's you want to do it before you send the letter yeah don't send the letter until you know that the facts and it are true yeah yep yeah yeah worst comes the wor I could go out there and witness it if you get no real Jam yeah it came it was a last minute weekend thing and um I didn't think about much going into it but then I woke up at one night saying I can't do K Lane because of the two parties involved right and I reminded Allan Man fact I texted him Sunday morning at 7 o'clock in the morning to discuss this and that's when he was going to get a hold of um Charley kcki or somebody else who act as the witness and then a little while later it was a it was a cancellation but yeah di pointed valid if Colleen can check with alen then we'll all be on the same page okay the next thing we have have is the in the pH intermunicipal agreement for the shared services with Northampton and the other that is got to be signed by June 30th it requires the signature of I think it's the chairman of the board of health and the and the uh select boards are we so what looks like I went through it again tonight it looks like there's no money involved we can back out when when we want and that the thing goes away either in 25 years or when the fund the grant disappears and uh my feeling is it's probably time for us to sign it but if we if we vote for that then colen would have to get touch with with Chris Martin and see if we can get that done so the first thing is are we gonna do Le and Bill I don't think we can avoid it well it yeah it it sounds like we cannot avoid it but it also sounds like we have the uh right of refusal going forward if and on top of that from what I can see is our write to ask for them to to do the service that we want we can or we cannot use them we don't have to use them for all the services we don't have to we we can use them for all we can do kind of what we want fine that was my so is that a yes do you want me to are you want me to for you oh you haven't done okay it's a yes for me okay it's a yes for what about Bill Bill and Lee what are you thinking are you still with us bill yeah I am right here D yeah like you say can you can opt out of it at any time so that's fine yeah I I think we have a we have a safety net on this thing yeah that's fine okay Colleen so we'll do it so you guys authorizing me to sign this yes okay yes please colen so you'll have to uh if you get in touch with Chris Martin and I'll try to get in touch with him too but we'll start with you see if he just says okay I'll sign it then okay and are you uh do you want me are you going to sign it you want me to sign sign I'll come in and sign it you'll come in and sign it okay and then I'll talk to uh Chris oh yeah Chris I think he is going on vacation so yeah I have to talk to him about um signing that okay okay no we do that the next one is we've got actually I got a call from Alan kowt on 125 maxilon drive for a garage and he wanted to know what we are going to require of the garage at for septic system now the garage and I talk to when I talk to Allan I said Allan that used to be a house with a garage under it and he because oh no it's just it's chain S it's just the garage well he sent this drawing and the garage is I think 28 by 56 so it's a a big dwelling when you look at or a big building when you look at it it door looks like a house with a two-car garage built into it when you look at the floor plan it's got a 2bay garage nice bathroom for the shower in it in a vanity who Allan says oh it's just to wash their hands and go to the bathroom and it's also got a big a long room that goes across the whole building and then a a room that that occupies the other half of the whip where the toilet is so when I said that and I asked colen I said you know we ought to look there there's no Foundation it's just it's FL with Fross wall but I asked Colleen if she could get the plumbing drawings and the electrical drawings and try to find out if what they're doing is putting all the plumbing in to put the the kitchen in and and I said to Colleen I said and Allan I said you know if it looks like a duck and Walks Like A Duck and quacks like a duck you can call it anything else it's probably a duck and so this is the this is the House at the End of the Street on the left before the called us act correct right right yeah yeah they went in that that's a that's an Adu that's an Adu project okay that's that's the whole thing that the governor is pushing for is two two dwelling units per property and again the the zoning and planning people are going to be dealing with that over the next year that's kind of what's going on the question is what Allan was looking for and we don't have anything from them other than they're looking for a a statement from US saying what are we going to need for a setic and maybe maybe we just say we're not going to do it this week it didn't come in on time to get on our agenda and we don't have the the electrical and the plumbing drawing to determine if they're in the future going to turn it into a house maybe that's the way we handle what are your thoughts Lee and Bill how many square feet is this unit dick Al together it it it comes under they redesigned it so it's less than the 1500s that was going to trigger something else but it it's uh it's a nominal 1,00 or 1300 1400 something like that 28 by 28 by 56 so it's probably just under the 1500 okay does it look like it might have two bedrooms yes it does okay so clearly it's going to have to have its own leech field unless unless they do what they did at the end of Philips circle with Miles the PA his house he's got the he's got the mother's apartment in that house I think you I think the board allowed him to tie put in a separate septic tank and feed into a common leech field could be a thing if if they did it but but once he does this he's definitely gonna go over the the nitrogen loading yeah on this property yeah that's what's that a one acre lot with five or six bedroom yeah maybe have Allan come in and talk to us we'll have to chat with him about this we'll figure it out when he talked to me said all I'm just the Builder I don't know what they're going to do if they're going to feat later on but my feeling is if you if it's a slab and there's no plumbing underneath the slab if there's plumbing underneath the slab then you really know they're they're as soon as you filled it they're going to be cheating on it but there's full drwings here so we haven't been asked for anything maybe we just get the drawings and see what we're looking at Lee what do you think well yeah I mean if we get uh wrongs I know Al's the Builder um so this doesn't really matter whether it's considered a commercial Endeavor or not in a residential street um but that's again they're going to tell us so and Allen can and you know you can go a lot of directions here Allen is the Builder if he does something and the owner uh does something different in three or six months and has nothing to do with it I guess if we control the size and have a discussion about the potential number of bedrooms on there that piece of property in that Lee field and again as you guys point out the nitrogen loading all that stuff's got to come into play DI how far physically is the second the accessory dwelling from the main dwelling how many feet separation I would be guessing so I would my guess is it's 5075 ft okay but it might be smaller because the frontage is probably not more than 200 yeah see that's a difference with Miles because his house the accessory dwelling is actually attached to the main dwelling it's one building designed for it they re they redid the right and he's got a lot of Vons right that's right and and again there's there's a couple of subtleties in the way the building codes written to actually make that LE less obtrusive than than having two distinct dwelling units on the same parcel which we have here but but the way the the way things are shaking out in Boston in the next few years you're going to see a lot of second buildings going up on building Lots around the state with the housing crisis so this will not be the only time we deal with this would we end up again let's find out Colleen what the electrical and the and the plumbing looks like and I think Bill short of that the easy way is to say those are two bedrooms that are being added to that property and your system has to be designed to handle two bedrooms and you need a separate separate tank and we'll and if we have to deal with the nitrogen we deal with the nitrogen and we'll deal with the leech field the way it is and if it's if it is a if it's not a separate dwelling unit then we probably don't have to worry about Deon because it's not a dwelling yeah now he's got to be careful with his well now the other thing is for we will the existing well serve both dwelling units well it's not a second right now he's not calling it a second dwelling unit but it's going to have water supply in it it is but it's not a dwelling unit because it doesn't have a kitten but the but the point is if they put in a second Lee field got to be real careful with the or with the geometry on that lot it's a it's a 1acre lot you got two Lee Fields in a well watch out yeah I think I think there the approach still is the same thing that we did up at the at the the church on Taylor Street that one had two septic tanks and one big leak field okay that they were deed together so would be the logical yeah I'm guessing the new leech field on this lot's going to be very close to the other leech field there'll be probably 10 feet apart or something oh so we we don't have anything hard in in before us but if Alan's asking for something we're gonna need the board is talking right now is we're definitely going to need something much different than a pipe running from his his toilet to the existing septic tank sounds like we said that is that correct Bill and Lee yes well again I haven't seen the let's let's look at the plumbing diagram let's look at the plumbing drawings and then we'll make that assessment yeah I don't want to say anything until we see the plumbing drawings yeah that's fair yeah but if Alan's just thinking the board is not talking right now of just saying hey just put a pipe into the the bottom of that toilet and run it over to the existing septic septic tank and you're all set we're not saying that at all not at this time but let the plings that's right right okay so that's done had a couple other things I'm running where I'm sitting I use the outlet for the lamp in this room for my computer and I'm running the Sun is going down on me and it's getting dark in here I can't I can't read my notes but I've got two things that we we need to be dealing with one is the Board of Health regulations and the other is Dollar General forys and and my concern is I'm going to run out of light before we do this stuff I recommend we defer this to next time okay yeah let's defer it and and put those two things uh maybe up the list of to do yeah let's yeah we'll deal with them early next time okay exactly exactly y okay then let us do that okay good night everybody okay dick thank you Le col good to see everyone okay yep you too