##VIDEO ID:rAT34-sOFDM## [Music] okay so now that we're we're started uh the first so Lynn isn't here and uh I asked Colleen to take uh Mike Pet's system off I've got a off the agenda for tonight I've got to go over some more stuff with them but but it's certainly it's not ready the review is not even close to but done yeah yeah I witnessed that uh deep hole with him a month ago dick on try Street and it's interesting when you when you look at where a system is is proposed to be it's not near one of the holes and the the hole that yeah when they dug those holes actually he dug two holes one of them one of them was offset to the north of the existing leach field the other was just into the edge of the existing leach field yeah then that means his drawing doesn't have him shown in the right place he must have him shown where Ernie Mol did the did the hold but but uh anyways that's what I have to talk to him about but anyway so the the first item is is the the minutes the November 14th minutes I didn't have any changes to those minutes no that's fine D okay Colleen we both are okay with that okay the next the next is is Colleen's time sheet for the 28 of December is a normal 70h hour time sheet are we okay with that yes yes I am to Colleen so that's okay okay money money turnover total [Music] $2,595 for this this period of that $1,020 is the board of health permits ,500 for for of Health licenses $50 for for heal Fe and then $25 from from the select board for common vict life that totals the $2,595 are are you okay with that bill yeah I'm good I am toing so that's that's approve yeah next one uh I bet I've got something that that if we're not careful with on this one I think we end up violating our our rules but what this is is the bill payable and Colleen's got $800 posted and of that is $60 for the mass health Officers Association membership and Bill that's the one we voted to have you be the one that took the membership that put your name on the membership yeah that's fine I Fred Maran plumbing inspections of 560 uh I have a question we I'll come back to that Fred Marian plumbing inspection mileage for $15.60 Le laand inspection mileage uh $164.4 the two issues that I have is on this and it looks like it happened before is Lee also kind of buried someplace but not under our approval is Le inspection and Le inspections total $2,765 and if we don't colen if we don't have that any place then it doesn't go on record saying that the board approved that oh I have his you mean on the agenda yeah I don't see it any place that I have Lee I have Leon in inspections and I I put payroll because his inspections go through payroll and and mileage so there's the two things the inspections and the mileage yeah M on my list it just says leelon inspection mileage on on the bills on the bills payable sheet right yeah on the bills payable yeah it doesn't go on bills payable yeah soop go payroll that's why on the agenda it says payroll because it goes it doesn't go over to town hall on the bills payable it it goes in with like the payroll like my payroll and his his will go in the payroll uh envelope how does it somehow how does it trigger that in our meeting in our note in our recording somebody said Lee put in a bill for $2,765 do we approve it so I do have I have inspections and then I have it that part goes in payroll so I do have it as two things his inspections that goes to payroll and mileage I have that on the agenda so we I can put it in the minutes that yeah let's put it in a minute let's let's are you okay Bill with with pay Le that 2,765 yeah yeah yeah that's fine I yeah I got a couple myself that I'll be sending in next time there's no there's no issue at the end of the year right it's a fiscal year issue it's not it's it's not okay all right what we've done is we've approved it so it go in the minutes okay and and when it if it comes in at somehow if we can if we can highlight that so that if anybody ever come back and say gee did the board actually do that did we say that and now it's on our record right now it's recorded yeah so we're okay okay the next thing on this one is on Fred Maran if you look at one of his inspections the one that that he went down to to uh Town Hall the town Hall to do that that sewage smell and then wrote the report yeah is is he charged at $140 so four inspections equivalent inspections I have no problem with that but we should be since our payment is by the inspection that's our fee with him then we should we should be saying bill that that that we agree with them that that is for for $35 inspection so is $140 is an appropriate charge we just have to say that I'm okay with it they did a lot of work there well well that see that's the pro that's the problem with having peac meal inspection fees because again some of them you're there for 10 minutes some of them there you're for an hour and a half right but you're arguing that it's going to average out in the long run so whatever whatever you think's Fair that's fine well all we have to do you and I bill have to say we agree that that's that's equivalent to four inspections what he did so 140 is correct all okay so both bill and I agreed Colleen so it goes in the minutes that that so bill now we go back to this are we approving this uh bills payable I am yeah yes that's fine colen so that's that's approved okay next one let's let's see I think Lee's here now Lee is here now yep I'm here hi hello there happy New Year oh thank you Happy New Year I'll try to to group these I've got uh Pizza Palace the new Pizza Palace as imore uh Inc doing business in Pizza Palace that is a food establishment at Pioneer Valley chapter8 food establishment but these are all for this year uh then we've got first charterian church uh food license next is there are there are two groups of two here this is Chartwells food service at ramby junr senior high school for food establish and and then milk and cream then the next one is is Chartwells food service for East metal it's a food establishment and food and cream uh next one is gramby Pharmacy doing businesses Center for you know what I'm gonna pull that one out Lee so you can vote up you're probably going to abstain from that one that's correct the next one will be CVS Pharmacy for retail food and milk and cream the next one is Dollar General is retail food and milk and cream the next one is well dick I thought we're going to consider holding that one up because of the lack of progress on their drainage problem uh this one okay I'm gonna pull that one aside so that is not yeah yeah I would recommend not giving them a full year we'll give them a part of a year that one is not part of this group we're goingon to approve okay the next one is three har ramby are doing business as Union mark this is retail food and milk and cream the next one is red fire Farm retail food and milk and cream and that's it for that group do we do we a approve this whole group again that taken out of that group was Dollar General and uh grany Pharmacy is not part of that group yeah I second that I second that LE are you okay with this okay I am two those are yeah those are all approved okay the next one will be just for Lee I mean for U Bill and me this is going to be Grandy farmer phy doing businesses Center Pharmacy licensed to tell sell retail foods are you okay with that bill yeah that's good I am Lee uh did you abstain from that Lee yes I did thank you okay so Lee did not discuss her vote on that one Colleen okay uh now going back to Dollar General and that's retail food and and milk and cream I agree bill that that they're you know they were all full of them and vigor and coming back and they were going to get something done before the first of the year and we can't even get them to talk to us again I I recommend we give them three months give them three months Lee what is your thinking yeah I would I would support that light the fire would two why don't we so that means we approve them so January February March so we approve them till the 31st of March now the thing is then they're not going to corporate office will not even know that we did this so Colleen should send a memo to the corporate office say by the way you did not get your normal one-year approval you got a conditional 90-day approval because of the outstanding issues of pending the drainage right dick yes and let in fact colen I'm going to tomorrow let's see if I can find the the I can give you the email address of the attorney and we should send it also to Tyler Avery right oh I think I have that yep on file some I forget what the attorney's name is but yeah if you have both both of those let's make sure they know yeah yeah I'll send it to to all of them yeah so okay so we all we voted that it would be to the 31st of March yeah the next one that we have is going to be I don't know if I can I can probably group these as well these are going to be for disposal works and dollar permits for this this whole year they're renewals uh first is Maran Excavating the next is Tamo construction next is ke Bradway I that one is kwb construction the next is Tom H pet water Contracting the next is IMT landscaping and construction next is Everson construction Greg Everson think there's one more I think the last one is Don Cole and Sun Excavating that's the last of those renewals for doar permits are we okay with all of those yes yes and I am too calling so those are all approved okay the next I think we have two applications for septage haulers one is Fletcher SE and drain withan Marinello and the other it is Greg Gregory Everson that's just the two of those are we okay with both of those Ren yes yeah I'm good I am to fing so that's approved okay next we have two um hair salon licenses first is Olivia's hair studio and the second is five cornner C are we okay with those two yes yes okay I am two col so those are approved okay next one uh is a permit to operate a mobile food server and it's the m had e John classic of Carver Street when I read this I see no base of operation on this food food truck do we know anything about this yeah let me look what's the name of it mad eats he's just starting up yeah let me look at it I don't know if he does have a base of operations to be honest with you 107r PL yeah okay yeah I know that fellow he had a conservation uh issue a couple years ago I know that fella okay so again he he must have his equipment in his backyard dick yeah but we are we don't allow anybody without a a base of operation that's an approved food right service right so we're gonna have to bring him in and interview him yeah and ask him tellen will have and before he comes in he's got to have the he's got to have the the base of operation coming in and talk to us and say no I don't have one is are GNA help oh I see it says person responsible for daily operations Stephanie Caputo yeah somewhere in Agawam yeah I'm wondering if it's her but I don't know I'll have to so he'll yeah I'll have to uh check with him and see if got someone yeah I don't know if it's her or not I don't know if that's a restaurant or what that is but so that one we have not we did not approve that yeah right so the next the next that we have is we and it looks like a several of these have the have gone about giving us as built uh I don't I think one of these may be Bobby Stan yep maybe the first one I've got uh yes the the first one and they've done the same I think they've done the same thing they're saying instead of giving you a whole new set of drawing I think the three of we'll see the three of them are saying the same thing is that that they've given pi to to components however they're saying look at the system went in exactly to the drawing so the the ad built is the the drawing the the construction drawing and I and I think that's let's look at the the first one I won't group these uh we've got uh 591 ammer road that was for a complete system that's one that boban had submitted and we said Gee that it it doesn't give you know an elevation certification and Bob is saying yes it was put in absolutely exactly to the drawing he says here's your here are your ties for the horizontal and the vertical is the drawing and gu from my standpoint the that's what it is that's what it is well that's that's what it imp that's the way I'm reading it dick it's funny though it says measurements and they got accuracy on the measurements down to the inch which is fine and then at the bottom it says no scale and it says all measurements are approximate so the question is approximate must mean a one inch resolution that's pretty good yeah it's it's not one and an eigh of an inch or it's not one and 38 it's one inch okay that's right whatever so are we okay with that one yeah that's fine Lee are you okay with it I am too that's okay the next one is uh lot four East Street sori residence say Allan wife and it looks like his Allan done the same thing is he says it is what what I told them to do they did exactly here's my drawing and here's how it was and here are the ties I I guess if it was good for the last one it must be good for this one too I guess so it looks like we're not enforcing the vertical the vertical uh but whatever it is what it is Le are you you looked at this are you okay with it yeah everything you know um physically was or appeared to be in place but Bill going back to your comment about the vertical um if a if a 12 years from now a brand new titley person shows up in town and starts looking at some of these houses that probably will be changing hands how um much more work will it be or not be to uh Chase these components down without all these measurements well they have the the the measurements are here oh yeah the horizontals are good the horizontals are good again they might be in the water table but that's the way it is that's okay the the other thing that that happen that we're not catching is that you end up with with the finished grades even though these these Engineers are saying oh they're to the finished grades my guess is they don't go back out and look at the finished grades and you find out that these things are either don't have any cover on them or they're 10 feet under the ground and we don't find out or they're blocking a a sale and we're causing a flood someplace but well and and excuse me and and going on that same topic um they could easily do just that and ignore um the code when it comes to risers right I so I don't know I don't know how you do the the best I guess the best we can do is is at least in our saying an engineer with a stamp or a sanitarian with a stamp somebody that's got a stamp and a license are is saying this is what it is and if it's not that way then at least they're on the hook they they're saying hey I looked at it and I certify that's what it is I've got a license to do it and and if it's not and something goes wrong then they're the ones that end up in court with over it well but otherwise L otherwise what are you going to do you're goingon to go out with with a scope and we're gon to shoot them ourselves actually it's funny there there's a town up in Franklin County where they actually require the engineer sanitarian to go out with the Board of Health with the transit and the Board of Health Witnesses the fell shooting the graes of the asbill wow it's a community up in Franklin County it's only one or two communities it's not all that that's a that's a bit extraordinary but that's what they've decided needs to happen up there so so that was approved that then our final one is is uh 362 East East State Street that is the union mark it looks like and it's the same it's the same thing we've got the ties and we've got Allan saying it went in just the way it said course that one probably did go in that way because it's it's so flat you can see what it is are we okay with this one bill I'm I'm on a meeting right now yeah I'm all right with it are you okay with it too yeah it's good dick I am too Colleen okay next one is a a Title 5 inspection report it's from uh it's at 195 Bachelor Street Greg ederson did it and it failed do we accept that yes lead it it looked to me like it it had a a metal Leach pit that and the whole everything was flooded a bad tank that was rotted away and small and it no it was no good it looks like the whole system really wasn't any good that's what I observed at the time yes that's correct so are we okay with that bill yeah I'm looking at it right now let me just take a quick peek here Bo there there so many pages is on these inspection forms now I know it's crazy okay right so they did they did a water test oh wow it Le that tank how many feet below grade was that tank the metal tank well the tank that there's a photograph at the back of the report and it shows tank all in it probably I'm guessing five six feet yeah it looks like it's way way down there wow yeah so it's in the water besides that probably yeah they called the water table at 82 in ons were no good and it's too close to the water so it says it's a it says it says it's a Concrete tank oh that's that's the septic tank but the Le tank is not the leech tank is met oh oh there's a leech pit okay and it's rotted away [Music] are we accepting that that it failed I'm just looking at this it says SAS Leach pit was partially collapsed structurally unsound and then you know they didn't even oh I see it says one leech pit number unknown oh okay he says that it's possibly the system was put in and possibly in 59 I go you metal overflow leech pit it could have been a it could have been an old oil tank or something okay that's that's fine no worries you leave you're okay with this fail to yes for sure it's no good at this point in time okay colen so we accept that one of that failed okay on discussing item we've got do an E maybe an easy one colen went after ruos on their water problem and brusso liquor and he found out that that their well problem was was very just a short little problem and they've got water without any problem now and short in fact shortly after their failure they were back in water and they've been fine are we are we okay with that and just issue their their the two licenses that we held up for for food and for milk and for the year did they do a water a quality test after they got their water system back online what know that maybe that might be prudent at this point and the other question um hopefully it's an easy answer did they pull a permit to um work on it they didn't they didn't replace a well they just I think they had something fixed with their well they had a a well guy come in and fix something Lee I don't know whether it's true or not but the well guy that worked on my well said that he doesn't need a permit the state doesn't require permit if he's if he's working on a well that's there and he doesn't put a new well in and he just replaces a pump or in my case dig it deeper and put a new pump in he said that that all fits into stuff that he can do without a permit that it's it's it's not a new well and it's in the world of where he can work it's not plumbing and that his license covers that work okay I I was who did yours dick um oh I'm gonna have to look that up because I know Hena I think oh Hena okay yeah because I know Dennis KY of course has been out of the business for quite some time now he's dead oh he died yeah he's dead and then Hena was so good to work with that that uh I certainly would you know if it came time if someone asked me who you should work with boy that that uh very very professional not necessarily the newest equipment but boy people that really know what they're doing and a lot of family members doing it are they from New Hampshire no they're from Chesterfield I think okay okay good to know but but boy they were really great to work with good so you want brusos to um provide the board with a water test yeah okay do you agree with that Lee I I support Bill stand on that oh absolutely absolutely because we had a failed well sure in fact we don't know that you know what would from my stand Point Bill and Lee as long as you're saying just the water test wouldn't it be reasonable to ask him because he didn't have any water to for him to give us a report from the guy who fixed it to say here's the reason I here's what I found yeah that's a good idea initially it sounded like a gigantic deal now it's been fixed fairly simplistic simplistically by the sounds of things yeah oh yeah they should be able to provide that so that's what we'll do the next the next thing I have is 121 Lane where my proposal normally in a case like this I I would call up colen we also have one that's not here I think it it's M's gibs and we ought to at least talk on it talk about it but but 12 kin Lane it appears from what I'm reading that the owner is saying Huff I'm not going to do anything I'm moving in even though you guys have said don't move in without a water test not a water test a septic system evaluation the title five and it looks like she's just saying too bad I'm gonna do it I think the complaint was an unjustified complaint and I'm going to do what I want and uh my my feeling would be that the board ought to say you know we already ordered that it was because there the data says that that your system was was very likely underwater and we know what all the systems around there are all too close to the water table and don't function properly so and we could see the flooded backyard and he's saying too bad I'm gonna do what I want dick I think we're gonna get we're gonna get to meet the new town manager over this one because how much money does the town want to spend an attorney's fees on this one that's the question well I my feeling would if you allow this thing to go and just say okay people Board of Health is going to tell you to do something then you don't want to do it then just don't do it in the board of he say find that you you uh but but dick Barton Street's doing the same thing to us we need to do something about Barton Street so we have two of these we have to address we actually have a third we have the one that's up there's there's two on on Barton Street you've got the the one at at the corner of Barton Street and East on Pleasant Street we've got that one we've got the the one that's that's back over towards FY Hill and then you've got the guy that that's out at the end of South Street but if we my feeling is if you're if we're just going to say B we don't even care about title is otou still working for us or are we working with the other the new firm as far as far as I know still working for us okay I was under the impression that he was out as as Town attorney but okay I didn't know that well I heard rumors to that effect apparently they're not true then if if he know that yeah I should I tried to call Chris Martin and I haven't been successful about M grit my my feeling on this one is we ought to if you want I can talk to the to the owner and say the board has done you know on the last 50 years we haven't been to court we've been we really haven't been to court very much because we could talk people through and say you know explain it and say you're gonna the town's gonna have to spend money but you're gonna have to spend money on a lawyer you're not g to fix the system and when it's all done the town's going to win and you're gonna have paid the lawyer the town will pay the lawyer too but you will you'll personally do it and you're going to have to fix the system so why don't you work with us and and avoid all of this stuff and the but but I didn't call I didn't make that call well I thought I thought I thought Ken Lane was looking for for a grant money to fix their system they not to fix the system what they were doing is they were they got money Chris authorized money to get that pipe oh okay right see I thought the money was I thought the money was for a grant to fix the leech field okay not the leech field all right but in this particular case you know we could offer her and say you know if if you fit the financial needs you could end up with a you know a really zero cost or not zero but really low price loan and if you need it but the first thing you do is you need to do the test and to to try to appeal to the woman to say let's not bring you to court let's we don't want to go to court and don't force us to go to court but the but it takes it and I don't care if it's me that does it Lee if you want to do it bill you can do it and see if you can you know talk to her and and say we don't want to go to court but you'll lose if we do so what do we want to do as a board wasn't there an indication last summer um from that property owner um on this topic that was an agreement probably just verbal if it was at all to go forward during the end of the construction which I think is what we're at right now about and is in fact not in the water table it was he agreed she agreed and then she I think she even hired I think she hired Alan white bill it was either you or or Lee that talked to Allan I think somebody talked to Alan yeah my recollection is Allan was ready to do it and then a cancellation occurred at the last moment moment and that was the endend of it right that's what I recollect I could be wrong but that's what I recollect want me to make the phone call and see if I can talk to her and and report back to you guys yes please please do dick okay I will do that I'll do that the next one is uh Mildred Gibbs and do you want do you guys want me to talk to to Chris Martin from what I'm gathering from you Colleen from your notes that I think I think the owner is a widow who's I think Colleen said it's 94 years old I've I've talked to when I went to the Lee did the perk test the design came got done and then when I saw the design I said you know I think this things are rock I don't think that where Neil was putting the system was the hole was indicative of where the the system was going it was in the system but I said this spot is not indicative of what's under the whole leaks field and I went back in with Neil and sure enough The Rock was 18 in and uh so Neil moved the system he redesigned it and uh but I talked to the woman the owner went inside and talked to her and she had she had a couple there with her that were assisting her but the I believe I know the couple and that the the man that was there was older than me he was a few years older than me in school so her helper was a pretty old person and I think Colleen said that this woman is 94 so and but I have no idea whether she has funds or not but do you do you want me to apparently she called Chris Martin and Chris Martin said he has to hear from the Board of Health that see if the Board of Health is willing to entertain using those funds to to get her the the low interest loans do you do you want me to talk to Chris and see if we can move this ahead yeah I'd recommend it what are you thinking okay then I'll do I'll do that one also all right thank you when I just looked when I looked at the the situation on the surface it looked to me like it looked to me like there wasn't a lot of money involved that's but that that can be very deceiving okay so I will do that uh our next item is that Colleen put on for us is regulations and what happens to us every time is we we are all just like tonight although tonight's early uh we're we get to the point that said you know what this doesn't seem like a fun thing to do at this time of the night let's do it another time and and when Colleen and I talked about it we said you know if we're really going to do this maybe we should either you know set some time at a meeting to do this or just [Music] who's let's say we we together the three of us they were're the only agenda item is going to be these regulations we we'll have a special meeting for one hour to go through the regulations and it's still just pointed out before you came in see is the to take these regulations and read them out loud and and make the look at the ones that are no good and throw them out and change the words that that they make sense or they if our our whatever our ideas changed or or or they just aren't written properly but it seems to me that that a special session when we're not tired is a better way to do it but I know what what do you guys think I yeah I would agree that we need to take maybe uh you know a strict half hour 7 to 7:30 right off the bat and at least for probably at least two meetings [Music] to focus only on that and then jump into the regular work you'd rather do it that way and then push our meeting later or would you rather just say let's not do it that way let's let's take a an off week and or another yeah let's say an in between week and schedule on hour that we could be that's a good yeah that's a good idea too either way you guys want to go I'm I'm I'm on board with it what are you thinking what's the two options again dick the two well the actually three options one is you start working on it tonight but but the but the three General options would be continue to do like we're doing and say we'll put it at the last thing we're going to discuss and then try not to all get tired and sto the next option is think we're going to do it and over a couple a couple meetings and do it from like 7 to 7:30 and then go into our regular meeting and then the third option is just choose another meeting day either and we can do it anytime we want but to say we're not gonna have anything on the agenda other than this we'll meet for one hour and go through every one of things and we'll do nothing other than that and then be done with it what why don't we do the 7 to 7:30 that way we won't get burnt out and we can do it a half hour at a time that would be fine even if it takes three or four meetings to get it completed that's fine I think you rather it that way yeah because otherwise if we just do a marathon session that's going to be it's going to be very arduous yep and that's what you would justed toly so so I can I can support that so you you want to do it telling at the next meeting then we'll just do the the next two meetings from 7 to 7:30 we won't have we won't do anything other than this we'll start but it means Lee you have to be here at seven yep okay then that's what we'll do okay I mean we could start at quarter up something you want to start at quarter of and do it from quarter of until quarter after yeah I mean if there's a monster agenda coming up for whatever reason with a lot of um systems or problems or something you want in a bit early um I'll just stay at work and just go right from there at the back desk at work and do it that way and save me the travel time and I'll be right on with it whatever you guys want to do I'm I'm I'm fine with it can you start at quarter 7 yeah let's make sure that the next meeting is is what Mee what day colen we gotta make sure that so you'll be here still yeah I'll be here then I'll I'll start that meeting at quarter quarter 7 I'll post that one okay okay what other I've got mik Peter is is there uh what else Mike we we took you off the agenda for tonight the because we're the design review isn't completed okay um is there anything that I could help with the design review because I'd be happy to meet with any of you just to you know go through any changes so we can expedite this for Mr Jal or try to typically you and I can do it uh we we do it off of this meeting and usually if the just the two of us go through it we talk to each other we usually get bang them right through sure yeah I I'd be open to any of that and I apologize for my cold if if you guys can't hear me correctly but uh just let me know when and where and I'll I'll make sure we can do it so I assume that we're moved to the 28th meeting yeah and and uh what'll happen do I have I have your number what I can do Mike is I can text you or I'll I'll email at you I have your email address I don't think I have your phone number I can give you myself or my business L whichever you prefer why don't you give me your cell number and then we'll get we'll get together okay it's uh 413 yeah 364 7433 413 364 7433 yes okay let's we'll get I'll I'll get to you and we'll we'll go right through the whole thing okay perfect I I appreciate that okay have a good night hope you feel better good the good thing about this format is you didn't give us the cold tonight yeah for sure definitely and when we talk if you guys need help with u an order for you know your complaints that you're having of people not acting I have a couple I mean many draft orders that I did for llo that I can share with you guys that set up finding mechanisms and all sorts without the attorneys so fine okay thank you yeah you're welcome thank you very much have a good night have a good night guys thank you so what do we have Colleen what do you have left for us uh I think that was it okay as I told just in terms of my what's happening to me with my knee I'm guessing we're going to get I'll get a surprise and find out when I get the is actually get it done here we've gone through this whole rigoll to put this the meetings all screwed up the way we have them now and then I don't have my my surgery so at least at at this point if the worst comes to wor it's the it's the six so I think I won't we won't be in trouble that puts us right in the middle of the next the next cycle so I should be okay for that next meeting and and who knows when they if they get me early and I get a an unscheduled spot to do it we'll just do it when we do it so other than that U I did go I don't know Bill or Lee have you gone down to Kin Lane I we haven't had much C so I don't know if anything froze but the last time it went down there was after a whole bunch of the rain and there was no water on the road yeah yep I'm going to go down there tomorrow morning and just just take a look while I'm while I'm traveling about should be interesting to see what's going on down there it will be because you you'll be in a spot where I think the water table if I can if I can judge it by driving down new lllo road and looking at the entrance to the the old landfill and you look at the where the kids play hockey on that little spot that spot was really really dry and it's now up to where I what appears to be its normal wintertime level so I'm guessing you're going to see some some water and uh that guy's with us he must you must have fixed them up H well well well he got his e tube out yesterday or over at toughs so now I got to re acclimate Muffy to eating uh regular food oh the problem is it was easy to give her medications through the esophagus tube but now it's going to be a little more challenging but she's doing pretty well I can't complain well that's good thank you that's good yeah just as a as a point of reference I'm I just read that it looks like they're they're recommending that old people get covid vaccinated again get a booster in the in the spring in the early spring depending on when you got if you got your last one but I got we got ours in mid mid uh mid October and so they're saying it's got I think it's got to be Beyond three months but they're they're saying that we we'll see some stuff happening I'm sure that that I'm I'm hearing stuff that that Kennedy may try to stop you from anybody from buying vaccinations really you know the other thing dick isn't there a Novo or Roto virus out there there is that that's supposedly really contagious stomach yeah my daughter had it it was really it was pretty nasty she's over it now but it was pretty severe yeah she picked it up in the hospital working yeah it's the one that goes It goes through the the cruise ship like crazy oh yes yes very very contagious and I guess I guess it's 12 hours to four days or something y yeah really really sick y so so anyway we'll Public Health world may get to be a a pretty a pretty nasty place in the next four years well I don't know if you read The Gazette this morning but uh uh TR Trump might be going after Healey on this uh immigration situation I saw that on the on the front page of the paper pretty nasty it was n it was a nasty article yeah so we're gonna we're going to see what what we're up against but but it is one of the things that that's interesting is are you there are two things that are are really interesting from a public health standpoint one is is alcohol and I don't know if if you guys have been have been paying attention to it but it looks like they're even the Ser Surgeon General wants to put warnings on alcohol oh I saw that and yeah that's that's vvec the the Surgeon General I was pretty surprised but but I read the article and well it essentially said mixed drinks are the worst sugary mixed drinks are the worst it said light beers are probably okay it it was kind of a wishy-washy article it wasn't a verboon prohibition but but again it did not it did not say there were any beneficial health effects which is contrary to popular belief I know in fact the the thing that I read tonight whe again whether it's true or not but they they said that alcohol is the third the third highest cause of cancer I think I I didn't see I I started reading I miss it but cigarettes I think was number one and I don't know what number two was but number three was alcohol so so so I guess the Cannabis business is going to flourish yeah yeah so so you've got that and then the the uh the other one that that I think that's shaky data but it's I don't know that Lee was was in involved with it bill you and I were but I can't remember who the third was on fluide oh it was it was um it was JM me you JM and and Lee and that was back in the late 90s oh yeah Lee was on board then oh yeah yep yeah and it what's interesting about it is that they have you have to read it with some knowledge about what they're talking about but the very thing that that we talked about is that in in communities that are educated communities you end up with the kids getting too much fluoridation that if you do fluoride in the water and they've got kids that are going to the they pediatricians that are getting fluoride pills and then you've got because there's so many other communities that have fluoridated water that it's not just the water that the kids drink in their home that there the soda is made with fluoride that it's so they're getting like and what our conclusion was is that the the difference between the the ideal quantity of fluoride and the the over medicated is is too small and that if you're in a community that's already an enlightened Community you're going to end up with those kids not getting the benefit of the floration and so versus the the inner city who the kids don't necessarily get good medical treatment don't end up getting too much so in our case what if you recall we we went through and and the in fact bill you were the you were not you were not all the way on board I was I was the I was what they call the dissenting vote dick was I was the dissenting vote because I was I was uh I remember Frank nean Frank neand he's probably been dead for 30 years I'm guessing that long but he's he's certainly dead but he was a big proponent of florid and South Hadley for years absolutely and my mother growing up in the midwest her community water system was flid floridated and and she she probably had a total of about three cavities her entire life yeah wow it turns out that that was one of the few times that in our board that we really couldn't come to a consensus we worked and worked and we remember we had JM going down to to Boston that's right I remember that yep JM sell took a trip to Harvard Harvard Library I remember yeah and looked through all the do documentation and but it but unfortunately it when you look at the the data they're throwing around right now the the their flaw studies remember all we all the stuff that that we were dealing with the the people so many people saying oh this is this story this and and trying to get really hard hard data was really really difficult now here's another problem Zuckerberg yielded to Trump today they're getting rid of fact checker on Facebook oh I know it so I know so there's going to be all kind of stuff out there now yeah and Zuckerberg says let the community do their own vetting of the truth I said well that's going to be great yeah that's right you can see people are lining up oh yes well they know what side of the bread their bread is buttered on that's for sure yeah and to to be trying to start dealing with facts and and it's it's going to be tough and it's G to be unfortunately I think that with Kennedy if if he ends up in there that you know that public health is going to be in terrible terrible crisis he may not get approved dick yeah he may not get when when you start when you start seeing I don't know how fast it's going to come but when you start seeing measles epidemics and and polio coming back and you know people from this country not being welcome into other countries because they're bringing diseases that having dead kids around isn't I think they're going to be a lot of parents that say you know maybe this isn't such a good idea to to listen to a quack and our kids being D DED so anyway I think you're going to see a lot more home schooling going forward yeah that's what I think is going to happen yeah so anyway with that I guess we can we can maybe not go to bed yet but at least we can say good night to each other huh okay hey happy New Year all and we'll see you in a couple of weeks okay okay bye bye bye