##VIDEO ID:zDl0HF0RQK0## [Music] okay so now we're we're recording and it looks like Lee may be here yes I am okay we're just we're just waiting for for uh Bill to come back he had a a phone call Lee how are you good how's every tonight good goodly and I'm doing I'm doing okay little sore a little a little sore Tylenol seems to to work pretty well and if I can Chris is getting keeps getting mad at me because I keep reaching and lifting and if I'm not good I'm gonna I'm gonna start bleeding that it won't heal well yeah I yeah I I get it yeah so that that that spot has got a lot of twisting and pulling when you move around yeah and I don't know I think that I think the incision is is vertical so okay so anyway without without Bill we can't is Lynn coming tonight I haven't heard from her I sent her the link but she did not say she would or wouldn't be here so okay uh I hate to I hate to go go through stuff without without Bill well I mean well what we can do we can do some easy stuff uh we can start off with with colen's time sheets she's got two of them I've got one that's for September 7th in September 7th for 70 hours are are you okay with with that one lee oh yes yeah that's I am too so that's that's approved now I've got one for September 21st also 70 hours are you okay with that Lee yes yep and I am I am too Colleen so that's approved y the next one that we have is for the payments to the treasurer for this oh it looks like it's two periods darene is that correct so the two weekly session so this the date is September 25th and it's $3,470 that comes from $2,090 for board of health permits $930 for Board of Health licenses $450 for Board of Health fees and that's that is the three three categories that total up to the $3,470 are you okay with that LE yes yes thank you I I am also so that's approved okay uh the next one I have was for David Lavoy and Son but colen he's not coming tonight uh well no this is actually another fellow that is getting a renewal okay that's not on it's not on my list or this is David Lavoy he's getting a renewal okay just just a renewal yes this is a different fellow yeah and so he's doing business and Lee are you okay with David Lavoy son um I can't make um can't remember uh any work they're from llo and I believe they had um they had a couple licenses with grany but it was a while ago so okay remember okay yeah I mean that's that's that's more than fine um with me if we've gone through the review and given it to him and this is a remove I'm okay with this are you okay with this too which project Nick this is this is David La boy renewal her septic is solar yeah I I don't know him I can aine I I know nothing of him I I know I know Jerry Lavoy are you Jerry son no I don't Jerry's he's here but I yeah I don't know who this person is from low um I don't know he's had installers here before okay but if he's been through our review and got permit but I'm okay with this yeah yeah there's a guy Lavoy doing a job on East Street I see a sign on East Street might be the same project yes that's what they're doing on East Street okay all right that's the house that we approved a year or two ago okay I remember that okay so we're approving that let's let's go I'm gonna move back onto our our septic we've got we've got a bunch of septic things first one is on my list is is the one for it's either seven or nine North Street i' I've got one thing says seven one says nine I think it's nine North Street but it's it's U the brainer property that I'm I am in conflict with that my my sister-in-law the executive of the estate so I I can't I listed what the design is and um I had Ken reach out and say to let people know that I can't I can't comment on it at all so it's up to bill you and and Lee go ahead Neil why don't you why don't you brief us on the design Neil okay it's a uh a raise system it's a Elgen Elgen uh Innovative system gravity flow um the the whole site is ledge we we dug through the whole backyard I think the old septic system is pretty much sitting on ledge um Plumbing's all going to be raised really that's the only the only um the only place on the site that we could actually get material and uh actually we get enough material so so it's there's not a lot of options on this one and you got four feet of Separation on this one I do yeah yeah with the with the ledge that's a concern with the ledge if there wasn't ledge it wouldn't be so right no there's definitely ledge so yeah if there's rock on there and they got a well okay yeah go ahead Lee no no I'm just um I'm just looking at the calculations and it it from obviously from what I'm reading um we have met the uh design criteria with the uh the additional 110 designed for 440 so that's all fine uh plenty of room on wealth separation from the house and the uh neighbor's property uh it's indicated uh that there's 160 ft um in northly direction to the other neighbors well um I can't see it mentions the ballast the buyy calculations are all here um Plumbing is going to be raised and relocated um yeah I I can't see any reason not to go forward uh as presented Neil effluent filter on this one yeah yeah okay yeah I I spec those on every system okay yeah again it reduces the bod and some of the Organics getting into the into the yeah it's it's pretty inexpensive uh Insurance that's for sure that's right yeah I I guess Lee you okay with this one absolutely yes thank you okay so so I move on that one it's not for me to discuss but that would be the FR permit fing The Fill requirement there's a plumbing permit requirement and I did say that there's a PE stamp requirement but that's that's on there now so well that's right there's a retaining retaining wall on this one Neil right yeah no and I and I emailed I think you actually received that also buil a stamp from it oh yeah you got stared stamping here's the question that wall is like really close to the property line you better have a land survey or someone that knows what they're doing so this thing doesn't end up on the neighbor's property yep that's what I would recommend okay yeah that's that makes sense okay the next one is also Neil Jackson it's 31 cold Hill Drive that is a it's three bedroom that's the Marty Merrill's old house that's the three bedroom house the complete system the is paid on that the uh it's Bas a cleared tiny lot it's 1600 square feet it's very shallow it's a wide shallow lot slightly slope down towards the rear a medium pill 64 and 6 since the water table there shallow the LEDs with wetlands in the rear uh the issues of the lot size the neighboring well location uh high water tables dense soil very very limited area for the SAS the wetlands are back there there's no room for trenches and there also the well separation even with a new well does it meet our 100 foot separation the design is for a 1500g two compartment tank with an outlet filter it's an 18 by 29 foot bed with four lines each with seven uh Elian b43 modules with the c33 sand uh raised Plumbing replacing the the building St fillet required there a concrete wall but that that also has a stamp now with a 40 mil high density polyethylene barrier on the West Side there's 470 gallon uh provide per day provided versus 440 required uh the reserve area is not provided it's got four water table separation ballast is required for the septic tank going to pump crush and F the two existing septic tanks uh have been stallen new well and abandon the old well the new well is closer than 100 fet to the SAS a siltation sense is employed well separation variant uh is being requested uh for the the septic tank the septic tank and SAS and other Wells are more than 100 fet the SAS oh and I'm sorry that that there's a a separation a well to SAS separation this new well is going to be drilled 85 feet from the SAS and Neil can't move further with the SAS to the from this well because he's going to encroach on the major well so he kept he's protected everybody else except this one is at at 85 ft the approximately 75 76 ft from the well to the new septic tank and the SAS is approximately 70 feet from the wetlands so this is a this is a a really difficult difficult property uh discuss perill requirement plumbing permit required P stamp required for the wall which Neil is done and the well separation and construction so this this is a lot of stuff so Bill and Lee what are your thoughts so did I pardon go ahead Lee I'm sorry um is there any benefit from squeezing the well in more in more of a northeast corner of the property because I have uh there's a a a septic system right across the street so I'm right at a 100 um oh from yeah this will this will giv us 100 to the neighbor yeah yeah so I got you okay okay okay okay uh yep I get it that's all there is to it then um so we would have to give the wells variance in fact as we go around there we've got the septic variance to the well and then the well whichever one comes comes first we either if if the well goes in first then he doesn't need a a variance if the septic system goes in first I guess our policy is that the well goes in first before we Grant this permit okay now on the print Neil um on the on the southern corner of the property there's a note of the neighbors's wall 100 ft from Le field that's for the lead field that is proposed to install here yeah so we can't we can't cheat this lead field in a more southerly Direction on this piece of property then correct no no we're just at 100 it squeeze the ne as well on this site as well yeah so this is as good as it's going to get that's a tough site for sure okay um there's no issue with the return to grade on the uh on the west uh side of this property since it's not theirs we have a we have a wall proposed right on the lot line thank you okay so yeah I mean I'm just looking around here and I guess uh we have to be happy with what we have since everything is shoehorned in it's definitely better than it was oh for sure better than it is for sure better than it is it it it protects the neighbors so it's yeah it's snug yeah um okay so we can anticipate a a proposed well driller coming on site first and then get that in and um run with the uh the uh SAS installation later in life or surely thereafter y yeah it's Colleen is part of this approval that the the the well has to be installed before and the old one abandoned before we Grant this this permit okay okay and that would be require bet night um is is it is the existing wellan deal no it's a shell the existing is a shallow well all right so that's just going to be pulled out and left yeah yeah okay all right so no bite necessary on this okay no are you okay with this yeah I'm good again that's that's that's that's one of the smaller Lots in town Neil just run it by conservation I'm sure it's not going to be a problem but due to the proximity just run it by kcom if you would please okay you want an RDA or just a uh attend the meeting just attend the meeting I think okay okay when's the next meeting Bill do you know off hand it's a second Tuesday of October whenever that is in fact we've got to talk about that one Colleen we should be talking about yeah meetings in fact why don't we back off of these things for right now and do the me the the meetings the next meeting bill is is going to put you in a conflict again I think it's scheduled for what the 8th of October prob yes which is going to put you well that's right yeah the yeah the 1 of October is a Tuesday you're right so that's going to be problematic for me so we're kind of in Phase if you will it takes a few months to get out of phase that's the problem can we on this one Lee and Bill do you want to do this for the the 9th instead of the eth or whatever the the Wednesday is instead of the Tuesday this meeting is being recorded I'd be available yeah I'm on I'm on board with that absolutely okay cing so that's what we'll do for that one okay Wednesday October 9th okay yeah oh so that one is on the the Wednesday the next the next I've got some issues that I'm going to be gone from the tellen what did I tell you that I'm gonna find it in my book uh well I know the meetings that you'll miss yeah so I'm I'm leaving on Sunday the 17th of November and I don't come back until Wednesday night the 4th of December and that that and we've got scheduled a meeting on Tuesday so so I'll be gone the the Monday the 18th we've got scheduled the meeting on Mon Tuesday the 19 and then the next meeting we've got scheduled is the 3 of December and I don't get home here until the nighttime of the 4th of December so how what do we want to do and I'm going to be in St Martin and we I can't do the meetings from there yep I got you so we're we could and the Thanksgiving is the the 28 so so we could we could I guess if if we wanted to our options are to skip them but that's that's a long time to be skipping meetings that we could we could do a meeting if if we wanted the fif Friday the 15th or the the 14th of November the Thursday uh whatever give some suggestions what what we should do well so if we grab that Thursday that's the latest uh into the month prior to your departure right yeah yeah yeah okay I mean my scheduled is um not too exciting so I can be available at that time I'm not sure if Bill is available or not Bill the the 14th of November is the Thursday is are you available yeah oh yes okay so let's do that that the 14th then we we we could there's not much happening typically around Thanksgiving we could we could skip the the December 3rd meeting if we if we wanted and and if it looked like there was a a front for some reason we could have pine schedule it for the like the following Monday or Tuesday if there was a a crunch but typically we don't have anything to do around Thanksgiving historically that's correct well would you want to do that you want to just skip the the meeting of December thir that would be fine dick again long as we don't have a long as we don't have too many people waiting for permits and if we do then we'll just have Colleen end up you know I will be back on on Thursday we can talk on Thursday and she can schedule meeting for early the next week okay sure so we'll we'll skip that one and then the and the the 14 the one that's on the 19th moves to the 14th okay so those are done okay now we go back into our other items ju just a quick commentary dick Muffy Bradford here and she's sporting an Ebe she just got out of tough she was at tus for four days she's had a really rough week to this cat and this is the first time she's actually shown interest in participating in anything since she got out of the hospital so what did they what did they do to her oh she's got she's got kidney problems she had a blood transfusion they put in the esophagal tube and she's on a bunch of meds but she's doing okay but they did they did Magic at tus University dick wow wow W they did they did Magic over there hopefully they're doing that I just want you to see see the big muff oh um dick you know the other thing um and Bill and Lee is that we have a meeting scheduled for November 5th and that's the election oh yeah Kathy rean says we cannot meet we cannot have meetings on Election Day she does like that no it supposed to make decisions and stuff whatever so we have to move move that one too yeah okay so let's where are we going to put that you want want to do it on the you want to do a Wednesday dick that would be fine with me yeah the six okay let me so we move when you gonna be out of town when you going south I am not leaving until the like the 17th so we're meeting on the 14th anyway so you're saying move it to the to the sixth so it's either the fourth or the six Monday the 4th or Wednesday the 6th okay which would you prefer I don't care I don't care either yeah no difference oh colen what's good for you none of the above either yeah either one is fine either one is fine let's do it on Wednesday either way a a day forward a day backwards no no outcome change you know since we're moving it earlier on the following one why don't we move it we'll move this one earlier too let's do it the Board of Health meeting on the Monday then on Monday okay the fourth okay okay yeah good um I think I think Lynn might be here too and we're probably pass her time yeah I think that's Lynn's number yep yeah yeah you always recognize my number you always recognize my number it's the bosson number right yeah it's got the 617 I oh it s out a little bit yeah we're all too much it's okay I I don't have too much to report I just wanted to touch base and tell you that I'm you know I got a handful of the churches that I need to do still and then I do need to do reinspection but other than that everything's going okay okay good that's F yeah there's nothing really going on yeah um the South Street um the um the housing inspection I did um I the tenant said they weren't done but Colleen had the same day sent me an email saying um that the landlord said that everything was done so they're figuring that piece out and when they figure it out um I'm going to go and do the second the reinspection on that on that apartment so but other than that other than that everything's okay yeah okay anything for me back we're so swamped we skipped the week and we're we're messed up so it's okay okay you know what I'm I'm gonna suggest since Neil's got a lot of stuff here and Allan should be Allan is here and Allen's appointment is is ah no he's got lots he's got other things to do that's G to be that going to go on Allan is actually first uh Allan has got let's get on to Allen and see if we can kind of get him out of here so Allan has got one that's a lot to uh it's one of those clams on East Street one of those slams lot new construction three-bedroom house Fe is paid review is complete mostly cleared one acre lot moderately slope down towards the rear the South and to the right to the West they're fine Sands and bony waters are 20 in there's a drainage whail right at the back of the lot the issues are the the high water table and a slope the design is for, 1500 gallon two compartment tank without a filter he's got three three foot by 53 foot by one foot effective dep frenches with vents they're terorist fillet required he's got 445 gallons a day provided 440 required Reserve areas between and adjacent to the trenches a 5 foot water table separation Bast where even though the water table's High the tank is so so much out of the ground it's not required uh he does have a 40 mil polyethylene liner around the the West edge of the SAS he's using siltation fencing and what Allan did do is he just different than your drawing he's raised the tank so that that the when the reserve goes in the the first reserve line will be to actually to the east not to the west of the system um the SAS and septic tank separations the wetlands are wellth more than 100 fet discussion of the just the French permit and the Phil requirements what are your thoughts Bill and and Lee on this one um Al this one is to the west of Morgan Street uh that is Morgan Street Morgan Street East it's the east of Morgan Street and it's to the south of East Street so okay okay all right it is one of it's probably one of the last llam Lots then the only thing is there is some sort of stream there so you might want to run this by conservation Al it's all already in the works okay thank you yeah I'm good on the septic end dick it's fine Steve Steve Ribery already flagged it I just continued his Flags right onto my plan okay okay Lee are you okay with this one yes I am thank you okay Allan also that that comes up someplace that out on on the dairy mark there's a there's a request to to do a repair and that they the basic Alan Bak approach was going to be just replace components and and clean out uh this one if if we recall we had a pump that wasn't working was system flooded and then the Le field that has roots in it and the investigation was done on the on the leech field and where we are at this instance is that we at our last meeting said the store could open if the the existing septic tank were turned into a temporary tight tank with alarm and it could be used that way until the latest December 1st and and we said we would approve the the licenses for the store if the tight tank conversion were done in the meantime in order to keep the the House part of this the dwelling running uh the proposal from J bugler was until the tight tank change has been made that he would just continue pumping the the septic tank out to allow the the the resident to have a flushing FL so we've got in that part of it Lee went out the inspect it and found that he thought the electrical was substandard or questionable and it turns out that the electrical inspector there was no permit taken out and the electrical inspector hadn't looked at it so that that we couldn't approve the tight test so we that's moving in some Direction but then Allan talked to me and he said GE if I were just doing this and hired by someone I would just be saying let's just replace the components that are bad and be on with it clean clean the The Roots out of the the trench the pipes and the trench and he said that that two of the three trenches were clear and he he felt confident that that just cleaning the roots out of the areas that he could see them would have been all set and I told Allan I think what the board is going to do is before we go along with that the Board needs to discuss the fact that code says for this application there should be two pumps and the backup power supply so that's where we are right now we owe Allen a an answer as to whether we're going to let just the existing stuff just be repaired or whether we're going to make it meet coat Lee and Bill go ahead well so the the electrical inspector is weighing in because permits weren't done um have to be pulled obviously to bring this thing up to code as far as I can tell um that was not done um so that my concern is for the safety of the tenants living above the store um and for the future functionality of the SAS because that's going to be a pump so I guess my concern initially is to get the electrician electrical inspector out there first um and then from there go forward because as I understand it the tank conversion I I saw it it's done uh Josh did a good job on that um but I don't think that we have a clear sense of the functionality of the sis because of all the pine trees so we bet the first the first issue or we'll call it the the second issue because the first one is you keep pumping it so the the resident can live there but the the part we agreed to at the last meeting was that the the existing tank would be converted to a the existing septic tank would be converted into a tight tank with alarm and that one and if that happens the operator of the or the owner of the store could get in business that we'd approve those those licenses So that obviously has to be done tost because we definitely said the alarms had to work so that's an issue that that says it has to be legally done electrically and and but the the second part is for the long term what are we gonna what are we going to require so that that do we say just clean out that's what you just talking about Lee that's this is the thing that said after December 1st it's got be the permanent system has to be in place so so first do we just let a pump and one pump and controls be put into the existing well if we have to replace the the pump chamber I don't know that I don't know that but whatever it is a single pump and just a replacement and do we just clean out the Lee field so those verses bring the pump the two pumps with the backup power supply is one issue and the second is the Lee field does it need to be just cleaned or does it need to be replaced well here's a question dick did somebody do a TV Camera down the uh leeching pipes hey speak yeah yes Al okay um the answer is yes um I was there with Lee few weeks ago and we did and we found the root intrusion was only one of the pipes maybe I'm going to say seven or eight feet down seemed like by when we do the debox replacement which was original proposed that that could be rectified so as far as that goes yes the leach area look hold on hold on L so how you going to extract The Roots out of the pipe can you pull them out are they thin enough where you can actually pull them out physically what we could pull out from the box itself we we we already tried but by opening by replacing the box and taking the first line you know loosening the first pipe up we'll be able to get I think we'll be able to get the rest okay so you're G to partially dismantle part of the Lee field then so you got to do that very very carefully of course yeah okay there's that and then the other issue was upon pumping we found that the pump chamber simply electrical work and a new pump put in to be uh business originally designed in 2000 um or so uh designed it so so the story there is basically whether we need to I think what dick was driving at whether you you want to look for two pumps which is what would be what a commercial operation might have today with would be required to have today if if put in new with a generator or whether the original is what we're targeting here make work and I think that's kind of where the discussion Li moment okay let let me let me interject on the power supply is is the uh facility fed with an electrically powered pump as in a well yes of course well pump course right so they're not on public water I know the answer I'm just asking the question so my thought is if it's a if it's a electrically powered well pump my opinion is all you need is the one day of Reserve because there's no way you're going to overflow the system if you can't get the water out of the ground yeah I agree okay anyway that's my comments dick I can accept that too and that's that's been the same that we we've said in other cases also built okay so Lee what is your thought on the on the the power no I mean that that uh that concept makes perfect sense uh that you can't per one without the other one uh coming into the building and it won't come in with no power um when I was with goshh Fugler in the back of the store um he tried to trip the alarm on the existing fuse panel and it would not function um and that's what prompted me to U make a phone call to Colleen and you know fast forward here we are it appears and I'm this isn't my my calling in life but it appears that somebody with a license needs to assess uh and if necessary repair um the power supply to the uh to the SAS that one that's the immediate one that says they haven't they haven't complied with our requirement to turn the the existing septic tank into a functioning you know holding tank with alarm so that part because then once we go to the new system then it gets pulled out of there again it's it's no longer a tight tank it's a septic right so that that part is preventing us from granting the license for the owner to operate the store which was what we said we were giving this interim AC it so that owner could get operating so the owner of the store not the owner of the facility so that has to be done that LE that to comply with with our agreement someone that the owner of the store I would guess would have to talk to the owner of the the facility and get that done so the owner of the store can get operating but now move back who let's look at that it sounds like the Lea field the SAS may be something I think Bill seem comfortable that that with the fact that two of the lines looked like they were in great shape and one could be fixed it sounds like Bill would be leaning toward clean up the replace the debox and clean out the roots and and the SAS is is good to go I could support that who Le what are your um well um Allan can help me weigh in on this on the um on the far end of the SAS where the candy canes are there are there's a decent volume of uh pine trees some you know some of the bases are around 9 in across um and I don't know what um functionality there is I don't know the root volume of the that end of the SAS what we were dealing with just off the distribution box yeah so there's there's definitely room to trees over the leechfield area there's Small Pine growth there um no question better maintenance of Education over the over all the components of the septic okay go ahead please no no uh do I we tried to take the handy cane apart and we didn't get it done um so are we gonna or did I miss did you send the camera down the candy cane at the far end of the system towards the distribution box so we sent the camera there's three lines as I recall four lines we sent the camera down um two or three of the lines and there was no real root intrusion from the debox end at all um we we went down and stopped pulled it back went down stop pull it back and then there was one line that had root intrusion clearly and that's the one I just right at at the dbox yeah but what I'm referring to Al is the is the far end of the SAS um where the handy canes um are in I think I called um saying to you and to Josh that look when we get this T boox out we'll have all the lines in a place where we can look at them all the way down to the candy cane and and we'll we'll do that further investigation then but right now it looked like there was just that intrusion on the one the debox end for seven or so feet so the answer to Bill's question Lee is where you're going to bill we don't have any idea what those lines look like no we well we know that one of them seven feet away it's it's plugged but the the ones the other ones you didn't slide them all the way down and say they're clean all the way to the end it's it's it's the other way around the first two or three lines we saw no root intrusion at all so we stopped there the last line had some root intrusion it was not pluged it was intrusion and that we we need into the first length to get get the root out because it wouldn't so okay now I now I understand so so you did the job on the two out of the three that you could go to that but you couldn't get it past the roots to do the other and that you get in there you'll finish well we got it roots on that third one that wasn't great but we we we did Rec that the the roots that were there for feet be removed when the debox was done yeah and then it looked there further down okay so we we still have to shoot another whatever 30 or 40 I'd feet down to know for sure that um what we have is um somewhat functional yeah and of course the other the other concern I think we discussed and correct me if I'm overstating my my memory is that um it was hard to determine um how much flow that system had gotten since the uh tanks had evidence of being overflowing um and not getting past the distribution box for a long period of time yeah there was no there was no no evidence at all ofation from the dist at the distribution box there no high staining nothing like that you are correct it looked like the pump failure had been going on for a long time and and never even got that far for probably a while right so so it's gonna I mean obviously we're looking for roots in in in BR um vegetative uh obstruction uh but that being said it's hard to determine how good it's going to work or not work um given the information that's presented to itself right now the intrusion in my opinion was less the root intrusion was less than I had expected it's the best answer I can give you at this point in time but there's more camera work that will verify that okay if we get to the pump I I've got at this point I feel reasonably strongly that we should have the two pumps I think the fact that that this system didn't work for probably maybe a long time because the pump didn't work and the alarms didn't work and what I've been told is that the owner of the facility wasn't very anxious to deal with the root cause of this I don't mean the root that you guys have been talking about but but the the cause of this issue and the very thing that we've experienced with a separate owner of the facility from the owner of the of the business and then a a tenant besides a a dwelling unit that those issues are the very reason that you're supposed to have two two pump we've seen the failure of the identical failure but we've seen that the system failure the the the human failure of the the owner and a remote owner and you know like whether he accepts the responsibility or not the bottom line is that that the system didn't work because because the pump failed and it just kept going and running on the ground versus having the two pumps doing with the duplicate controls all the things to stop what we saw happen happen and if the two pumps were there it's not very likely that we would be experiencing what we're experiencing now so my my feeling is we should bring it to can I answer that my my feeling it's not easy to tell whether What fail was the electrical issues or the pump to cause the shutdown of the pump obviously if you have one pump or 10 pumps if electrical fails it you're not going to get anything to run we don't know that answer the reality is it occurred so maybe better way to resolve this might be like a condo for example where they're schedule for a one two or threee that way you see it all working and you know that might be a better con than just putting in a more just just throwing it out there so Al you're saying a a periodic inspection of the system professional yeah that why it would only flow on the surface for a year or two years or three years after it failed it's not 10 yeah I'm just throwing it out there dick yeah so I'm just saying that the the reason that the code says to do it this way is to give the reliability the extra reliability and we've seen from a a physical standpoint something broke from a management standpoint the person that in fact we knew the things failed somebody knew it failed and we chose not somebody chose not to to work on it and my feeling is bring it to code code says this is what you need to get the added reliability and we ought to do that in this case I think the the track record says that this is a place that needs that extra reliability that's my feeling that the I can understand um uh that perspective because obviously this has been you know um a problematic site and we're trying to not let it repeat and there is a little and you know it may or may not be indicative but there is a little bump on the road right now with um electrical permits that were or were not issued or pulled or anything else and it appears that they're someone's someone's cutting Corners right from the GetGo I think if we look back I recognize it's not the owner but who knows who does what here but we certainly if you look at businesses in this town and protecting the youth in this town and saying we really care about what goes on in this town this facility has got a record of of not protecting our kids and not acting in a way that it's been a a responsible corporate citizen even though we've got a new owner the last two owners weren't good corporate citizens and I and I I just don't understand we've got this part of it is a carryover from the the last way we're operating and I think we ought to fix it I can support that look the the the code the code requires two pumps in a commercial establishment currently I'm sure someday you'll be able to put a skater system in and tie the skater system into an automated acquisition system to let you know every time the pump runs but we're not at that in the year 2024 maybe the year 2030 will be there but the current code says put in the double pumps this is a commercial facility I recommend we do the double pumps and Lee said the same thing and I said so that's what we've decided Alan so what we've got out of this this discussion is we're not going to require the the backup generator we're we're not going to require that the SAS be replaced but you are going to finish the investigation to determine if in fact the re root removal of the on line is going to get it up to the snuff and we are going to require the the two pumps and it looks like it looks like we're still at the at the point that we agreed the last time that says once the the conversion is gone to to to get that septic tank working as a tight tank with the controls that are legal that we're approving we had approved those those uh permits the three permits involved that Colleen can sign those off once once Lee is is signed off on the on that conversion until December 1st I had a conversation with Colleen a few days ago about the electrician getting in touch with her by Colleen can you answer that did you hear from anyone uh the electrical inspector uh I talked to him and he had no permit so he did actually get a hold of the electrician and he is waiting he said the electrician was not ready for him to come and inspect okay so that's where that is yes so it looks like that's where we are so I think Alan I think those were yours Alan is that right right yes that's what I had for you tonight that's correct okay all right good um okay thank you okay let's get let's get back hello thank you thank you hello everyone he Neil hi can you hear me this is pan I I'm actually the tenant of that new property from 362 East State Street grandby so I'm the new tenant and if if somebody can just let me know like whom should I reach out to like should I reach out to Colleen should I reach out to Alan and get a list of things that needed to be done because that that store like we just waiting from like past one month I understand like the city needs all these compliances to be done but somewhere I don't have any idea whom should I reach out to and like how can I fix this because I have people they're sitting home without jobs and there are lot of many you know issues now coming up so if you if you all can guide me whom should I go tomorrow and get the list and who is electrician like if you all can guide me and help me in this [Music] please the electrician the electrician were I Alan maybe you can help I don't know I don't I I believe Josh may be on the call as well Josh handled the electrician completely Josh are you [Music] there I I don't know it's all handled by Josh Fugler yeah so I Josh to make sure that that permit is proper for the alarm for the uh aspect of getting that tank to work correctly so you can open up and then be beyond that there'll be a second ENT that requires proper electrical work to be done for the that they're talking about and all that is actually being managed by Josh Fugler he's doing the work with the electrician I I know but I don't know like you know I I I haven't met Josh the the person who's going to work at the property and he he might not understand everything prop is there by any chance I can stop by tomorrow I can I can understand from you what is needed to be done and I can go and explain Josh that please do this so that we can start going and then we can open the SP so if it's possible I can call you tomorrow I can come down personally and see you and I can get you know what is required to be done um why don't we communicate tomorrow on that I um able to do something mid or late afternoon but I'm busy right through tomorrow um Josh would be yourct and I can okay I'm gonna I'm gonna ask that this this is a a professional two professionals working together the owner and the engineer that shouldn't be this business shouldn't occur during Board of Health time so so I'd like you guys to take this offline Alan and and I agree that that that someone that's being employed by the owner whatever owner the owner of the business the owner of the facility that someone that who's getting paid to do that should be doing it it's not the Board of Health responsibility to do that sounds good okay thank you now going back to to Neil the next one on Neil's agenda is uh flip over my my paper it is I think it's 99 North Street let flip that over 99 North Street now this is revised uh Neil and I went out there uh my concern when I saw the design was that the the Topo didn't look like it picked up an important low spot and that we might have on top of that we might have rocks uh to the south of the of where the holes the the depot were dug and where the system was going to be installed and Neil and I did go out there and and indeed we looked and said Gee we've got we've got some problems with Rock and and that dip so Neil redesigned part of the system it's a three-bedroom house the complete system the fees paid the reviews compl Fleet uh it's a mainly wooded lot in the back the they cleared near the street it's a 5 and a half a four and a half acre lot slop down towards the front it was it's good stand soil that is there one minute and ined soil uh didn't observe any water table uh new Depot did show ledge to the south end of the propos at the South End of the propos S uh the issues are the ledge and the portion the lot in the back limited a very limited area for the SAS uh the also the existing well is located near the SAS area so the design is now for a most of it's the same the designed for 15002 G compartment tank with an outlet filter it's a 20 by 20 bed they can't that trenches in there consisting of four rows of five Elgen b43 units and the C32 s 33 sand removing the existing septic tank reusing the existing plumbing and building store build required 441 gallons of provided versus 440 needed Reserve area is not provided Neil's got a 5 foot water table separation Bast is not required there is a new a new we uh I don't have written down that that the old well has to be abandoned but that is the case uh the SAS and septic tank separations to the new and other Wells is more than 100 fet so it really is just a change of Neo switching to the the Elgen systems and moving them further to the to I'll call it the North if you look at the lot further to the right and the yeah and switching actually I think we moved from Paris trenches to the the Elgen bed but but we are going to be going to fit in there and the have the five foot separation so it's just a change the the original design Lee and Bill I'm good with that dick I looked at it I'm fine Lee are you okay we may have lost Lee here we are so um so are we going to get the well um on this one in first or does it well we have to right yeah yeah the well needs to be in first again on this one coling before okay and is this a is this a point as well for the existing well Neil do you remember it's a shallow well okay all right so they'll abandon that put the new well in and then uh yeah the next next morning or whatever they can start putting in uh the new system okay y absolutely thank you thank you the next one we're okay with with that one colen but the well has to be in before we Grant the permit okay the the next one is 326 Bachelor street now we've we're looking at this one this is an addition of an Adu and it's a complete kind of a complete system for the Adu but a reuse of the septic tank for the original dwelling unit the review isn't complete on this one uh Neil was uh the lot lines weren't on this drawing and and uh at this point least the draw that what I had was was not the the requirement of having the the uh deed so that the the two Welling units can't be separated as long as there's a a common well Andor septic system so that wasn't done yet uh the size of the the size of the Adu wasn't listed on the drawing as being under under the 900 square feet and where the bedrooms were located on this system wasn't on the joint whether they were in the the original dwelling unit or the Adu so I don't know Neil is that stuff all been corrected I I haven't seen a drawing yeah it's all been corrected and I actually emailed it before the meeting uh but yes it's it's it's all been addressed the lot line 675 square foot dwelling with one the the Adu has uh one bedroom one kitchen the existing house has three bedrooms one kitchen artisian well I think you wanted that um called out I did put a note deed notice required for two buildings not to be subdivided without a new SAS and well installed so I okay so with those everything okay so those are quick let's go over the then the the uh the this is mainly a cleared grassy 1 acre lot the Adu garage the the question we we should have is that the new the just so when we get down to it we're assuming that that this whole Adu question sits in our zoning but the the state is given till I think the 1 of February to get this straightened out so so we're we're in front with this approval of whether the building inspector is going to allow this to occur But but so it's an Adu and the garage are previously constructed so they are there they're not completed the the the dwelling unit my understanding is not completed in internally uh it's a level with a gentle slope down to the street and the West this one minute an in soil the water table was observed the issue is this is a freestanding Adu on a 1 acre lot the design the design is for an additional 1500g two compartment tank with an outlet filter for the Adu the current 1500g septic tank is retained for the existing house there is a common as consisting of four non-vented 3 foot by 45t trenches with 12T effective sidewall the reserve area is between and adjacent to the trenches there's 666 gallon per day provided versus 660 required uh the reserve area H that's a mistake the reserve area is is there that that's that's a paste where I said it's not provided 5 foot water table separation is provided ballast is not required uh the existing common deep well is being shared the SAS and aseptic tank separation to the new and other Wells is more than 100 feet uh and also to I don't have it said to any wetlands so discussing the French French permit the deed restriction and the building permit required quick quick question dick Neil how far is the Adu from the parent building uh roughly roughly probably 100 feet okay how far is theu from the well oh from the well yeah little over 100 feet okay are you going to design the split the splitting assembly because you're having one well feed two units you got to do little bit of Plumbing there yeah oh yeah yeah so who who designs that you or the plumber uh probably the well Guy The Well guy will design that okay yeah yeah that is interesting bill yeah someone's got a someone does have to design that because you're oh yeah up having to have only one well tank well that's right otherwise these things you know the controls are are going to be funny so that's right and you might need check valves and stuff you don't want it back feeding into the other house there funny you know people people don't think too much about this but there's a little bit to it yeah so the plumbing part would have to be now do we are we going to get ourselves into a bind do we do we make this one subject to getting the building permit for the construction of the the Adu ver we're gonna we're gonna get tangled up if if if the building inspector requires us to to Grant the the statement uh sign off on the SAS and the water supply for him to Grant the building permit do we do we make this subject to having the building permit the building inspector send us a letter saying that he's going to Grant the building permit if we sign off on this I don't want to get into the spot that that we sign off on something that's not legal yeah far as I know Governor Healey when she signed that by rights Proclamation a while back effective I don't know what the effective date was but I think it was immediate that people by right have the right to do an Adu on their parcel now as far as I think the first of February is is it February 2025 yeah okay well again I would recommend that we approve our stuff subject to acquisition of a formal building permit so it's kind of a chicken or the egg situation but I think we got to go first because Damian's not going to approve it unless they have a working leech field and a working portable water supply so we got to go first my suggestion is that that that we approve it subject to to Damian telling us that he will approve the building permit if we if yeah that he is going to approve the building permit yeah theoretically they could they could put in the leech field put in the plumbing for the well and then not get a building permit and have all this other ancillary stuff in the ground with nobody to use it could I guess you're right it's possible but it's not it's not illegal to put in a septic tank and it's not illegal to put in Elite field right you're yeah and you're not approving an Adu you're just making it um legal as far as the water and the the sewage is concerned that's right that's that's right that if there's if no one can live in the building it doesn't matter that there's a sewage pip connected to it exactly I'm okay with that Lee what is your thought no I I it's new territory for everybody um but going backwards a little bit to Bill's comment on the uh backflow preventers um should that be end in here or is that something the plumbing inspector is going to be on board with and just know it you know what I mean uh I think I think it's it's pling inspector's job all right so just let it roll the way what what we have on is from what Neil put on paper is all we need to worry about deal did you move the connection from the the yes we ought to talk about that bill and Lee what I asked Neil to do Neil was running the the effluence of the Adu tank to the inlet of the old septic T yeah I see existing and I and I said no let's not do that let's let's get instead of taking that extra volume and throwing it into the first tank you know you've had some decent filtration we've got a two compartment tank the new one let's let the the liquid join the the effluent of the other the first tank so keep don't mix good water into the into the first tank is and you know put the effluence together and away it goes yeah that's it has okay yeah so are we okay with this we're going to let this one go yeah yes I recommend it okay please y me too coling so that's that's approv okay the next one is one that that uh deserves deserves a little talk Neil so this is on 16 E Street this a wine house and Neil has informed me that that Jim trumpy said he wants a whole system designed currently Neil has proposed a 2,000 gallon tight tank and what that got gets in trouble with is that for new installation we can't approve it and tight tanks can't be that size it's too small for a tight tank anyway but but so that Neil has said okay uh Jim has said let's design a full system but for us to be talking Board of Health to be talking this was supposed to be in front of us on the 1 of June it is now and all several months later and we're find finally getting NE to say the owner said now it's time to work on and do we just you know we've got a a permanent pattern without a that's operating without a a septic system working on some do we we don't have a schedule for this is what it we don't even know that it's going to be approved it isn't designed we don't have a schedule for when it's going to go in do we do we just continue and let it go or do we try to get this corrected the correction process the correction process um is obviously well overdue we've been bringing this up now and then now now and again uh and yeah I'm I'm all on I'm all on board um in embracing their their desire to do this thing up correctly uh but I'm a little frustrated by the time frame get from June 1st to now and find out that we're doing something different at this point in time with winter approaching which doesn't mean that I don't want it done yeah practically speaking this this won't be in the ground till next summer and and and and that's and that's exactly where I'm going with this thing Bill you're you're absolutely correct have to be that way if you look at last year last year we didn't even have any Frost in the ground right I mean they can put them in year round so they get done because from the the good standpoint is that that I I'm gonna guess this business is gonna start to slow down anyway that one of the things that Jim has got is it's a beautiful place to be sitting outside and and enjoying the country and the your bottle of wine and whatever it's it's a beautiful place and but once it's snowing and it's cold I don't think there's going to be so many people there this I drove by this weekend and the field was filled with power so it was a it was a great weekend for that and that's that's can I can I make a suggestion um I I realize a tight tank is not a legal solution um I was led to believe that was going to be okay but my suggestion would be to put in that 2,00 gallon tight tank but it's it it will obviously could be converted to a septic tank and until the whole systems in just pump that as needed and that way you're not using a Sandy can and everything's going into a an approved um septic tank and he I mean 2,000g capacity he could just keep it pumped and then you know we have the septic system to it so in the meantime he has something better than a sany can if I went if you went in that direction Neil would you be able to quickly do the calculations to say that 2,000 gallons is the right size septic tank for this for your design you've got the what needed right now yeah to go through and say yeah the system is going to be right they want to add the house to it too so I have to make I I believe it's a three-bedroom house but I want to do a room count too because obviously that comes into play if there's 10 rooms or I don't know how many rooms are in there so I want to make sure it's designed properly for the house so that as you start going through that he's gonna have to after to well if it comes to that the decision's going to come out do we lock those two facilities together with a deed restriction which I'm not sure he wants to do but uh well you would have to have a deed restriction that it can't be subdivided without putting in a new sepic system certainly I mean that's certainly um I don't think he'd have a problem with that I can't speak for him but and you certainly don't want a shared system if it can be avoided yeah yeah so we're we we're at this SP right now that we haven't seen your design we've got to talk about why would we Bill Lee why would we put in a shared system right here clearly they're really really different this is not like the two the dwelling and the Adu that are essentially the same the same usage you've now got a commercial operation with a a dwelling unit Why would you put those together right now yeah it's time for your p let's move back to what Neil let's move back to what Neil just proposed before that yeah and that would be that the you put in the the septic tank immediately get the right septic tank size and you put it in immediately and then give a give a time frame to get the the rest of it completed so it's not it's not us authorizing a tight tank that's the wrong size right what Neil has pointed out is exactly right though the sewage is not it gets out of the sany cans the whole pumping issue that we had for complaints from the neighbor goes away a lot of there's a lot of good thing and it gets done immediately right exactly it can be addressed immediately and we've you already have a plan with the elevations for the tank we've already done deole so we know we're above the water table we have the 12 in separation so that I mean and we're pumping it so the elevation of the septic system really is relevant because we're pumping anyway what Lee and Bill are are you willing to to entertain that that approach it certainly says that there's no sewage going in the ground and there's no sand can and we're not waiting until the summertime next year to get it done right so um tight tank for the moment um do we so no Crystal Ball but the house or the structure that's there and the the facilities for the for the winery are going to be as one I would say we deal with this if we make it consistent with the Adu concept yeah we get we'll we'll disengage Neil from this problem is that you would say the tank that the house is going to require its own septic tank and the and the uh the tavern has its own septic tank so now the decision of numbers of pump size of the pump numbers of SAS all can be pushed off a little bit and we get Neil and to his recommendation that that particular if it's the right size he's going to check it to make sure it's the right siiz tank but if that's the right size tank for the tavern he can deal with the house separately because we're already saying it's going to have to have its own septic tank and then how we deal with the influence of the two tanks we can talk about later but we get get rid of the the Santa can and the sewage is no longer on top of the the ground I could I could support that approach yeah I mean yes it's it's a good um I think it's a very good interim plan which can be implemented relatively soon relatively just I mean I do have the calculations for the tavern with 48 seats it's 960 gallons per day so the 2,000 gallon tank would be would be uh 200% so that the 2,000 Gall tank would be perfect so not my it's not my battle but this thing's going to be theoretically being pumped twice a week yeah depending on how many how many events they have yeah okay um so yeah I mean obviously um we're you know we're we're all getting something that we want here um right and um an estimation of um when a potential ttic sign will be um gracing our calendar in the future uh well I talked to to Dick earlier today so we just have to schedule the perk test so whenever he can do that uh do the perk test out of we'll do an out of season and then I can get on the design quickly okay I mean absolutely I am I'm I'm 100% on board with this concept would even to save the time since again we're three months plus Beyond where we promised we'd be uh y I would like to to have Neil go to the owner and say this is what our plan is and let's get the tank right let's let's get the tank split off get the approval for that done and get it going rather than have Neil go through the design process just this part saying we've got the right size tank but get an installed now right and I'm gonna see I'm gonna see Jim tomorrow so I can tell okay let's get it done so by thanks by Halloween uh this phase should be in the rearview mirror I would say definitely okay okay thank you thank you so it looks like we're set so we got further Neil than I thought that we'd do good that's good y absolutely and your intervention help your creativity be creative that's everybody so we got happy yeah not we not everybody got everybody body didn't get what they wanted right now but everybody they got something everybody got something if our government if our government could start to work again like that we'd be in pretty good shape well don't hold your breath so see how that moment is already see how that that good feeling just went away so fast I know right yeah that didn't take long no not at all okay so so we'll go now let's get back into what we're supposed to be dealing with which I'll see if I can with all of this stuff I probably lost my pile of Stu uh we have to do the meeting minutes too dick oh okay Lee how are we with the meeting minutes of August 27th 2024 are we okay with those yes I am too Colleen so okay and bills we should note that that bill is I don't know whether we call him absent for now or I guess he didn't obain we'll just say he's abent for right at this point okay dick I'm giving you cat meds I'll be done in about 10 minutes okay we're not doing anything controversial Bill the the next one that I have is a temporary food license for GR beef preservation society and it is for a one- day temporary food permit the event date is September 28th for the craft fair are you okay with that Lee yes thank you I am too Colleen so that's approved with Bill abson okay the next one is Immaculate Heart of Mary also for a license for a one- day temporary food permit for a craft feere uh the event date is November 2nd 2024 are you okay with that one Lee yes yeah I am too fing with billon okay next one is also for Immaculate Heart of Mary a one- day temporary food permit the event date is November 9th for a veteran cork growth dinner are you okay with that LE yes I am to fing that's appr proov is still absent okay the next one is a tobacco permit for Cumberland Farm at 74 West State Street for uh it expires it starts October 1st 2024 and expires September 30th at 2025 are you okay with that one Lee um one quick question for Colleen I think I know the answer uh but Colleen as we go forward through these tobacco licenses for these various businesses um I'm guessing that there are no outstanding um invoices to the town for uh any Tobacco Control issues with these guys uh no no not that I'm aware of nope nope okay all right thank you no they've been good yeah these these guys have been all good y okay thank you are you you okay with us when we oh yeah yeah yes yes I am to calling with ph abent okay the next one is also a tobacco permit for uh 367 East stra State Inc doing businesses bruil liquor and it also expires uh September 30th 2025 the backo permit are you okay with that one Lee yes thank you I am fing with Phil at okay the next one is uh for who SI Inc doing business is grany liquor store a tobacco permit also expires September 30th 2025 are you okay with that one Lee y I am toing with Bill Atman okay the next one and I my list said there are more than one fmit for this is for Union Mark the one that I have is a food establishment application but I do not have let see where this is I'm supposed to have tobacco retail food and milk licens yeah I probably didn't those because I knew they weren't being approved at this point with their hold up are they are they in place is the are the three applications in you have them I have yes I have these but the tobacco one will expire September 30th so I don't have the new application because you know I wasn't sure who you know whether they were going to uh but I do have to get them to maybe fill out the new one it was just a matter of whether they were going to use the one from uh before September 30th or use the other one but yes I've got all those and I probably had sent them like for the last meeting or whatever but I don't think I sent them this one because I didn't think they were going to be approved with their hold up with the electrician and stuff I got you on this one Lee do we approve all three of these licenses subject to your signing off on the holding tank and they if we do this though yeah what we said is these licenses only go to the 1st of December that's what we said yep all right so these would be the three of them would be approved subject to Lee signing off on the temporary conversion of the septic tank to the holding tank and they're valid only to December 1st 2024 okay okay and and should we uh throw in the caveat that the electrical inspector needs to uh bring us into the loop stating go ahead you know the stating the permits have been pulled and the work has been done according to the uh State codes my suggestion would be that you don't sign off until it's up to Coast so they he's got that way it doesn't go to doesn't have to go to Colleen Colleen can tell you that the electrical permit has been that the electrical inspector has said that he signed off on it but you don't sign off until it's the Cod gotcha okay I understand yep so so that way it makes it so so he can go in business when that's done instead of waiting for another now this would also mean colen that just in the notes that the fees when we when the septic system is brought up to date then there wouldn't be any additional fees for this these would be extended to the the the normal termination time yes yeah so now bill is back Bill we we've done a bunch of permits but this one is Union Mark and what we've said is that the the permit for cigarettes for food and dairy and milk all three permits would be approved up to December 1st 2025 subject to Lee approving the Contemporary conversion of the existing septic tank to a to a tight tank and he and that would be extended to the normal end date without additional feed once the septic system is is completed but our agreement was that December 1st was yeah but you said 2025 dick oh I'm sorry 2024 okay okay very good so are you okay with that that what this does is allows them if he can get the get the electrical work done and Le signs off on that then our board is all said he can get opening so we don't have to wait for additional meetings it gets this resolved so we're all in agreement to that coling okay all right the next one that we have is oh I'm in Conflict this is just the certificate of compliance for the septic tank and and debox at 48 FY Hill Road and that it's for mind I'm in I'm in conflict with that so it's I can't discuss it or vote on it dick the job the job is gone done yes that a sign off from John Fugler and and yeah J Fugler installed um I did an onsite uh everything was put in um correctly so it's all good okay I I I move we approve it okay yep I agree well colen Lee and and still without I with me being in Conflict okay the next the next one is a CO for Lynn Mercier at 398 Bachelor Street and this is for a than I think uh it's a whole system oh this one's the whole system yeah yeah yeah and this one doesn't have an an ad filt attached to it they their their U the elevations and so forth or no I I'll I'll get that to you yeah I don't think I got one okay yeah so this one can't be this can't be approved without a a horizontal and vertical asil so we can't do that okay you'll have it this week okay the next one is a application for Disposal system this is for 3628 oh this is the that's this is what we discussed with with Allan so that one's not going to be done next one is 300 ammer Street and it is an application for construction permit for see what this is this is for a septic tank this a septic tank yes at 300 ammer stre are we okay with that Lee um I'm trying to think where the heck I am now yeah that's uh just to remind you Lee we went out there and we dug a depole uh right next to the leech pit we shot the the water table the depot the bottom of the pit and we had the four the four well we had over three feet I know that of Separation oh yeah okay okay okay okay y I just got lost with all the yeah no I know I know yeah the next the next one is a uh construction permit for 33 green meal Lane and this is for a a septic tank a distribution box and this is also by Neil Jackson yeah yeah are we okay with that and that's that house way down on the left at the end yeah okay so I am too fing so that's the next one is a well permit application and this is from quab and well and pump it is for 163 burnout road that one is so the lot it's like the third lot in from West Street on the east side that's uh Dakota and the code of Richards and it's being installed they actually have the the system design that we approved with the the uh approved well location are you okay with with that Lee and and Bill I haven't seen that one dick I can't really opine on it okay we we did approve the the system design with the well located on it with Dimension so it looks like it should be okay okay yeah I was he's G he's gonna have to run it by conservation well this is only for the well I well if he could should get the whole thing done because it's yeah they were supposed to put in boundary markers for the Wetland and offsets and all that so just remind uh Dakota to run things by kcom now we're getting we're getting late here so let's yeah we've got Title Five inspection report it looks like we've got s 76 East Street by Allan Weiss is a pass that one was a good TCH a good water table we've got 111 new Leo Road by already with the same thing we got I'm hoping when I my think happy I didn't lose any but 62 try Street which is was a flooded system that failed By Ernie mol and then 86 West Street by Greg Everson it was also a good one for size and and separation that P are we good with all four of those yes the only minor point on 62 try Street was Lori MC what Lor okay now Ernie is their h I think yeah related somehow no it's it's her husband yeah Ernie's wife is Lor's sister so the sister-in-law brother-in-law that's where it is okay okay knew there was something there okay okay Ernie's wife is L's sister I believe so no Ernie McCool is Lor's husband then there's Ernie Matthews who's married to Lorie's sister they both both their husbands are named Ernie so it's a little confusing so they are related then okay they're related yes perfect so we're all we set with with those four okay all set okay now the next ones we've got we dealt with our our meeting date we do we have a question about acupressure Spa at 61 Pleasant Street that's old Henry Robert's house I think right next to the Duncan Donuts behind Duncan yeah yeah it it doesn't from what colen has told us it doesn't look like they puncture anybody it doesn't look like they they do anything to do they I don't know what we need for for uh for this do they do they have to tell us whether they're touching people with towels and are they cleaning stuff up is there dick they got to be licensed by the Commonwealth don't they well I don't know what they need here colie and you got an assignment yeah I mean I think uh if it's ACU puncture they need to be licensed it's AC pressure it's ACU pressure so I didn't find anything on the State website for that um looks like it might be a certificate or something but um they have done it in other places so um you can call DP or or maybe you can call our shared services friends in Northampton and ask what we have to be careful for here yeah okay do we need uh any intervention or um comment from building inspector as far as um size of room egress things of that nature yeah how many people there we don't know anything yeah have have them make a presentation to the board as to what they do and how they're going to maintain the facility that's all but also that I think starting off with Northampton and seea the amith may have a really good handle about what's going on on here that you know if they're using hot stones or something do they have to be sanitized do the who knows where they're placing hot Stones before they put it on the next person it seems like a crow between acupuncture and chiro chiropractor that's what it sounds like to me that that building's on the community septic system correct oh that's Castle Linus's house right I don't know which now is owned by Howen it was it was in my day it was Henry Roberts right and they got the metal building out back and they got the solar panels on the and on theal building yeah okay yeah that's a good size parcel actually okay now we've got we actually have three systems that I know of that are in in place this is 49 Barton Street there's an order for a septic system designed but we also have along with that on Pleasant Street we've got were uh aier was was Don pette house the white brick or the yellow brick house with the the car barn next to it or truck barn and it was uh Linda aer's cousin that that lived there I can't remember his first name Roco I think was and but we or ordered that system to be replaced and then there's another one that was was it Steve Z's house out on South Street that near Le plan that's another one that we said need to the system needed to be replaced and at least two of the three the one on Barton Street and the one on South Street they they've just paints there's new occupants in them and and what do we do with do you know if if there are more than three that we' said need to be replaced and they haven't been replaced I can't remember but I know of those [Music] three and the one on Barton Street I drive by you know quite often and there are several cars it looks like that it's occupied for sure and the one that that on South Street near theam farm that definitely went from being an unoccupied place that was overgrown but been looks like it's occupied now what do we do with with these places one in Barton Street we've got a neighbor that's saying hey guys you got got a system that's probably we know is no good and polluting what are we what are we doing with that um I was on site on uh Barton Street and um they were supposed to be caring up a uh plan to start a design which didn't go anywhere which is probably no surprise uh but it's still wrong um I don't know maybe recontacting the owner and to see what their uh intentions are if any do we want to have telline try to do it on all three of them I would definitely support that for sure yeah so at least we'll get it started again Colleen and ask them what what their schedule is to to to get the design completed and the system installed let's just ask and then we'll see what we have to do and maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised and will get an answer yep okay all right I'll try to get in contact with with these I'll look up these other two I don't know how how long ago were those ordered like a while ago I would guess uh less than six months for for all three of them well not Bart Street not Barton Street but the other two I think were the the one on on Pleasant Street is still for sale okay and the one that was that was a groundwater call it was never done right and I think it was the same problem on on South Street and it's I'm guessing it's six months kind of time oh okay these were recent ones all of that yeah okay we've got planning board Department review for a special permit at 47 Hammer Street that's a that's a big barn and garage is it it's proba are we too late for that I think it's gone by okay the deadline yeah I guess that answers that question the next one Colleen got here is that the temporary event application for special permit colen gave us a form to review and it does it ask things like toilets and trash and it doesn't what we haven't done is we haven't set any standards U has anybody even had an event Colleen uh nobody has I have not heard from anyone after I sent the letters um they have not made any you know they haven't said anything to the Board of Health have said things I think to other departments about their displeasure but I haven't heard from anyone no one has sent in anything and I don't know yeah so if someone fills out just Lee and and Bill if someone fills out one of these forms what are we gonna since we don't have any standards so we' be trying to set some standards that that if Colleen said where are you getting your water supply and they tell us they're getting the water supply from the swamp in the back we don't we don't have anything that says that's not a good thing well yeah I mean um yes um where am I going here are we or are we should we discuss or consider that the post um have on record a uh a minimum water quality test formed yearly my suggestion is that we not try to do it at a meeting where it's after nine o'clock already and that we asked paen to set 15 minutes early in in a meeting maybe maybe it's the next meeting that we that to resend this out and let's the three of us go through it item by item and with colen's list and say is it a good list and is there something we want to do to to fix it up some more what do you think of that sure that makes sense do we know any no I agree that's a good idea what was that LE good thing we could give out Colleen that assignment Le is to have colen go talking to Northampton why don't we ask Northampton if they've got any kind of rules on these temporary events I'll bet they with all the towns now that they're dealing with I'll bet they've got loads well may not maybe loads but I'll bet they've got venues that are doing this kind of thing you would think so we could find find out okay and maybe the Shar Services people maybe less you know one phone call calling and it could knock the thing out yeah mm we' still got the Board of Health regulations we need to do that and I haven't heard anything back I think I copied you in on on Dollar General on their forve that they uh I expect to be hearing something something fast from Avery Tyler Avery uh I passed on Lee and and Bill what what their proposal was and it looked to me that two things that were that were obvious to me is that the Overflow from the subsurface chambers that he was installing that the Overflow was on the top of the chamber which means the T Chambers were going to be filled with water all the time so they're not going to do any absorbing and the other is that on the second on the The leeching Basin they left the the same depth that they have now with the same overflow to the the street tour which means it's going to stay filled the way it is now unless they do something but but I haven't heard back and when I when I the last convers I and I think I passed it on to the to the three of you from from Tyler and he's saying once I got back from vacation he was gonna get back to me and so dick are they are they open to a material change of the facility I I think limited I think they're open to a chain in the in the drainage area I know when I talked to to uh Tyler he said he they were not open to redoing ripping up the parking lot and redoing the the drainage piping so it sounded like they were willing to do things that are you know outward from the paving okay so they're they're going to re they're going to regrade the paving to direct runoff in other directions potentially well didn't it sound like he wanted to do that it sounded like he wanted to keep the existing catch Basin and existing piping which he told me is low enough that the piping is always filled with water right now it's below the water table dick I'll just reiterate what I was thinking probably a year ago an AirStone with a little air pump would do wonders for that uppermost Basin yeah and it's a cheap cheap solution yeah get a lot of bang for your buck doing it that way so we ought to get something Co us so we can talk about what would [Music] that that that' get rid of the mosquitoes it would essentially oxygenate the water keep the odors down get rid of some of the malities in the water um it essentially would oxygenate the water like like a fish tank it would operate like a like an aquarium tank and i' I've done that in other projects and it does a great job helping out the the uh the environment it really does you get a lot of bang out of your dollar oh yeah for for five grand they can put in a Cadillac system there be beautiful so it's time for him to to be talking to us then then what I ought to what I ought to do is is set him up if if we have to or not have to let's let's if we have to meet separately is get them set up on a zoom meeting and let him talk to the three of us and and see if we can talk this thing through and so why don't why don't I do that please please do dick please do I'm starting to be HED my stitched up back is is telling me it's time to be well we we still have another review deck uh we we didn't address 51 C yet you're right I don't know why I missed that let me let me find my I think Dave's Dave's falling asleep let me find it I must have it here you know what it's in a it's been a fold in my steat meal you should have said something earlier so let's this is 51 South Street yeah and it's a five bedroom house uh at the time I did this I said it wasn't complete but Neil got back it's it's a cleared grassy Neil didn't tell me what how big the lot was so I'm guessing we know what it is 5.4 Acres okay so now we know it's 5.4 Acres it's relatively narrow uh behind the house is deeply sloped down towards the rear towards the east glue pill with a 34 and 38 inch water table wetlands are towards the rear of the lot the issues are the steep slope the high water table the septic tank location does not meet the current rambi well separation uh requirement the design is for 1600 gallon two compartment tank with an outlet filter that three Terrace 41t trenches consisting of 10 El b43 modules each with c33 fan not vented retaining the existing plumbing and building sewer still is required 675 gallons a day is provided versus 660 required Reserve area isn't provided at a 4ot water table separation the I said that the ballot calculations were not provided here Neil explained to me that that the tank is in an elevated area and still that that b is not required it's not in the in the Tilt going to pump crush and remove the existing tank and replace the put a new tank in the same spot uh there's a cleanout provided halfway between the tank and the de box the siltation fence is specified the septic tank and the SAS and other Wells are all more than 100 feet but the SAS is 175 from this well but the existing well is only 70 feet from the new septic tank and that which is adjacent to the current location the the tank is downg gradient from the Well from the the well and moving that tank down the slope to get the 100 feet is it definitely creates a a a problem actually it then gets into flotation and also maintenance for pumping down a steep flow uh this we should discuss the trench permit requirement and a fill requirement U what are your thoughts uh AR te well Neil yes yep okay all right thank you so the well is obviously more than the 50 feet that the state requires y yeah yeah and yeah I mean the back slope obviously given these numbers is um it's an aggressive pitch yeah it is Phil is this too close to your house that you're in Conflict I'll disclo I'll disclose for the record that I'm Dave's neighbor but I'm not going to recuse myself I'll vote on this I have no problem with that okay disclose that I'm a neighbor coling just for the record okay the only thing that bill that that this one and I and I'll I'll give you some thoughts is the to maybe keep us all out of a little bind depending on on what we do with this septic system uh could affect the theoretically the value of your house it also could affect what we end up if we set a precedent here what we do to the potential repair of your septic system so it it does in my view it's got the potential of affecting you financially if if it were me right now I would I would just say I don't want to talk about this one but it's up to you but it I I see nothing in it you know if I look at what you gain by being involved with this versus what you lose by not I I think there's the the safe if it were me I would be saying I'm not going to talk with this about this one but that's up to you were you able to hear what I said or did I go out no no no that's good no I appreciate I appreciate your logic dick I'll talk about it I may abstain on the vote but i' like I'd still talk about it okay okay so then let's talk I think this is okay go ahead Neil how is uh this is not you know this is not your battle but how the heck are they going to get the equipment down that hill and then back up that hill uh there there's there's a um there's kind of a road on the a clearing actually um on the south side of the lot that I think they get they they I don't they can't get a 10-wheeler they're going to have to shuttle probably with a skid steer shuttle the FI down I'm assuming I don't think they'll put a road in but I don't know it looks you're it looks like you're at 30 30 foot plus drop um right it's not quite as steep on the south part of the line and uh Dave um oh Dave is the abutter so if they went over the line a little bit I don't think that'd be an issue but I'm not sure how Greg's gonna do that honestly yeah the problem with that property Lee is if you get onto that Hill that soil is really really nasty that that drumin is really really fense and if if you don't get off of that that Hill if you look at on FY properly you know we have to get down off the off the hill into kind of into this this poo line to be able to get it the perk if you if you go across the street from Silsby on that hill in fact if you go across the street and then down towards still on the other side of the the hill that it anything on the Drumlin just doesn't take water so I think that Neil isck getting off that Hill if if you look at George galo's Lots if you look at the the two lots the the houses that are down in the hill that are to the north of this property the bill to the north of Bill that yeah it's same thing they had to get off of this hill to to pick up that soil that's where it starts to get softer down at the bottom so I don't think Neil's got any choice but to to be working in this spot right right you have to grab the soil at the the base of the slope to to find something to work in think the only thing you could do and what I'm thinking of doing someday is putting in one of those drip right systems in the in the top soil yeah and that's kind of an unusual system but it's perfectly set up for this situation yeah the only thing this is this is straightforward I don't think Neil has done anything that that's against the cach that if he says he'd like to put this design in I think the designed work it's it's appropriate it's not something that you say boy Neil you're crazy why you why are you doing this it looks like you know in this case if you said g you could move the tank further down the hill to get the 100 feet I think it's it's it's really a nasty thing it it cost it's going to cost a lot more money to put the tank in and it's going to be a a maintenance nightmare to do it and besides it's it's down gradient so I don't think you're gaining a blessed thing just just yeah yeah for the sake of comping you're not going to win on this one so but yeah I mean as far as what I'm seeing here as far as uh the numbers all work um like you said we got 20 ft more on the well separation than the state requires um I don't have any uh any reason at all to there's I can't see anything to argue here okay what do you think are you gonna decide to vote on this or or not oh no I I know which way the the pendulum swinging there's no reason for me to vote so I'll abstain fine that's perfect okay yeah all all good yeah okay Colleen so we're gonna we're gonna prove that subject to the French and the the Phil re requirement okay sorry Neil you know I didn't write this down for you when I cut you off and then I cut it off again I know I know I thought you had for this one it's long as long as we have to stay up this late you might as well stay up too there you go well you're the one that made most of the designs tonight so youve caused most of this you might as well suffer through it that's right so we wanna we want to call this the quit for tonight yes sir yes thank you very much okay have a good evening everyone you bye bye thank bye bye