[Music] discussion all those in favor all okay do I have a motion for meeting minutes for March 20the second second discussion favor for motion for the APR I'll for the second second further discussion in favor any further discussion all in favor next time Aga okay this the board asked us we had any concerns with a a liquor license corresponds to 181 West State Street beer and wine license not a li license a beer and wine license that's something special and that's that's out of our so May um the only thing that I'm seeing based on the legal notice is that um I was uh I did receive the original site plan approval from the from the planning board um that has different numbers than what is on this leg notice so they are now adding you know some additional seats outside in addition to um additional seats inside the cafe so you know my recommendation would that would there be at least a site plan prob an amendment to the original because there new seing um that they're listing on this even though it is for a um that's a I would treat that as a totally different so we're asking if we have any concerns with lier license okay so then should the should the case be if if the select Court says what does the planning Court say then should the response be that the planning board recommends to Second plan Amendment or what what are you what are you looking at there so um I the legal notice um and then there was and I can I can actually connect to the T so there was for this address 181 West stage Street which um is the actress of this particular um permit the original site plan review back in 2005 issued and approval with conditions based on this conversion of the existing Farmhouse into for a for bedroom dwelling and provide limited food catering onsite premises events receiving for 15 to 20 guests and preparation of food catering on uh events so it is based on looking at the original approval from the planning board in 2005 and knowing that they have since amended you know even though they are taking that particular permit to the select for the liquid license they they included some additional seating on their public notes so it's still a parking space presumably for the 15 to joining guest um so the only concern I would have is parking based on what typically happens when you add new seats or additional seating is that there may be more people coming to the business um they list um the amount of parking spes to so the vote was 41 to approve the cite plan pling I believe here there's some um that was back in 2005 and was the business original um so I Reed this on Caff and that was how the public notice was provided the the occupancy number is 35 to 40 seeing capacity scroll over so this is the this is the only thing on that sheet yeah this this was presumably for the um legalizes and what was presented to the SL for that and then there's also so where did that occupancy number come from which one that one right there that's on the new application right that is on the application to the select for the so they can't determine what their occupancy is an architect us do that yeah and I mean I understand the difference between the I think that the planning board should assess and go through a process where it reviews the S plan and address that I don't know what the um select Bo conversation was yesterday regarding this particular address and issu of the U lior license but this is was presented presumably in the town's application for license and then there's also so there's obviously drawn attention to the interior and then here this is on the Pao play I guess imag the P area which again it's okay to have an oper seaing area but I think completely understand the scope just approv the bo this is for so when other boards are acting on other permits that they have the jurisdiction over other there's other opportunities for other Town board that comment um and the way that the public hearing notice was presented for the select board to act on the lior license for 181 West State Street was to have a lior license but because in that public notice it included an increased amount of seats that are different from the original approval of that do fin go made in 2005 so it's just drawing attention to that um and knowing that typically if there is an increased amount of seeds there would be some sort of amendment to an approval because you would want to have the conversation with the the owner ORS own who's operating that business to see if they had any um particular you know uh opportuni foration because there's going to be an additional parking me based on the so let's just send the letter stating that um the occupancy is different than the original per I'm sure I'm sure the fire F that they don't the I'm in okay that's I only parking so if they kept their original same seating plan parking has the original approval the be yeah um that would so when in 2005 with the 15 to 20 guests on premises if they kept that presumably it was just asking for the Lial license there would be nothing for the plan to act on or recommend but because we know based on what they provided to the select board they're now asking for increased amount of seeds just on the patio on Theo and so it' also be good to know because initially when the planning board issued its approval in 2005 it was also and are they still planning to do the is there still dwellings like are there you know still apartments that are being used for that purpose I think probably be help to understand if they were removing that then presumably theart could be but if there's still a residential use and adding all of these additional seats to the restaurant then I they need to address so um chair I can um draft a letter that basically is stating that the oy is different than the original permit that was issued in 2005 please for second jurisdiction yeah yeah I mean I think at the end of the day even though that the if the liquid license was issued they probably would still have some issues dealing with maybe any if they're making any improvements in the interor the building department the the original had an architect signature yeah based on what they want now this application is you there's been some changes over there they have ADD okay next on the agenda actually we'll come back to okay let let's jump into any so it was the the um if the board remembers when you had the joint meeting with it was the S plan of appr for the um Large Garage there were no additional conditions it was just a quick approval and what I can do um chair is just send you you sign so I'll just do that apologize okay I want to jump to 545 hi 142 car street um the reason I asked tonight is I've been doing some SLE thing regarding all the development that's going on in Corner down car street car street chick Street um and while I was doing that and spent some time in set was office and I noticed the lots that were created last year out jail and proper parent lot they're all shown as 40,000 s ft requirement within the water supply protection dist Tri is a 60,000 ft block so as it stands right now show you the map there are nine Lots there and one of them needs the minimum Pap that's the one there's a house going up on down it's a nice house with people 5.5 Acres these are all 9184 Acres which is a t over 40,000 ft and it's supposed to be 60,000 ft this is this is the wi supp District which runs um upill almost to bag Hill Road so I kind of superimpose that and bring it to your because there are ell signs on those watch right now but n of so so I'm to correct the problem we don't whether the lots are well I will say I I talked to the Board of Health the Town Administrator they should be 60,000 ft they they agree all the building inspector agreed with me as well he's new when they come to us for an anr doesn't necessarily mean it's they can they can B up their property any way they choose you understand that without that so but it's shown on an official time document which is they are doesn't mean it's a buildable lot they that be Wetlands we we have no determination on whether or not it's buildable they can come to us and ask to slice up any way they choose we're obligated to approve it that's it's approval not require subis so so in factly what you're saying is is true I believe it is we take it to the Board of Health take it to the building inspector and they we should have a building inspector told me that he couldn't issue permits for these small so these lots of all have to I just want to make sure that all the applicable Bo Town aw it could be grandfather in also can't be unless cared out prior to the pass of pass away this8 smokees and the reason it's the town set Land Street down future the other thing I noticed is that starting to develop his piece down here by the by the pond um and the piece is already developed at the corner car those Lots at that point shown 1. ACR the M 6,120 ft so with a limited assuming that he'll keep new he's putting put color as well those are all yeah yeah yeah looks like he got four fronts and I think he put call back I think we have 00 L maximum there's a second of those this discussion so sounds like you're agreement with fact what you're saying is true it's the 6,000 I no I um thank you congratulations okay next time agenda so I packets got an exra there um so in the packet um what I'm looking for is the um approval for a special permit to do events on my property um um in your packet you have the special um permit request for the uh SBA um uh permit there is also all the requirements under the new bylaw for the special permit and all of the questions therein uh I also have in here a sketch um of where not sketch with pictures of this is approximately where the tents would be um and I would be certain to have those 100 ft many water I know that would be a requirement I don't know if you want to take a few minutes just to through I also have the list is also included in this packet and um here's the D so the property itself does have a separate um entrance so it is it's a separate firewor that we maintain um that would be our main entrance we do have a location for additional parking should need it I don't think we're going to need it but we have other areas that we could uh Park Vehicles we're not looking for anything more than 150 people at any time and that would be the max we're not looking to do every event of 150 people so we're just looking to do it seasonally and um with t everything that comes in goes back out that includ facilities cering um and yeah I'm back I finally I own the property now so were you run it no IW up there I bought my yeah so Heather I think the only thing that we need to do is officially schedule a public hearing Rees a special permit um and what happens and what transpires before that is this will this application packet will be shared with other top departments we the planning board has issued a special events permit V special events venue permit in the past um and there was considerable back and forth um especially with the fire department and the police chief so you know I think the expectation is that there will probably be conversations that happen um that you know when we get this when we get get this to them they may have further questions they may have some requests um previously after the planning board did approve that special events venue there were also some conditions attached to the approval so I think you know just understanding that this needs to go through a public hearing process and explaining to you that it's likely that there will be some um feedback that you'll get from Mostly the fire department and the Poli so next steps I just wait to hear back from when that public he is yeah and if you just I think there's a fe attack um yeah you didn't pay that to Cath yet but I I can give that to you tonight if you I don't there was no where they told me what the fee was it was $50 plus um postage is what I understood but I don't know if you have a fee as well I I already P the's list so that's done and the other money that they the ma okay so should I go to C Leonard for that component okay yeah once you do that I'll work with Cathy to get public he okay else I think there's going there's going to have to be some sort of fee um presumably it would be the fee whatever I don't know what the applicant there is a special permit fee but I'm not top of my head you may have an idea the applicant that did the um that the other special events then yeah I don't have a permanent structure either so um it there will be not much to look at unless there's actually that happening sure itself it looked like it was based on structures but I I could be wrong well so um they'll ask about your tent if it has sides um it has sides it get if it has three sides it needs an exit sign Heather what I can also do is I can share with you the approval that was given to the other special permit great um that way if there are considerations that you want to make prior to having the public hearing you can do so and um if there are any changes that you would make to this prior to the public hearing make sure that it gets to the planning board but yeah I mean it could be helpful to see what the fire department and the police department's considerations were for that one is that possible for you to email that information okay I will see um Kathy has it but I don't get okay very good great thank you a still there which is still the fire I've been maintaining it for the last 15 years because there's no budg to to maintain it and I prer have fire to see theck so we recently graved that too so it's it's more than possible when when do you plan on having EV you don't have anything scheduled as of yet because I was making sure that all this was want to see as far as I like I said I don't even have a I haven't even started the website yet because I don't want to do anything until I know that I'm a book so so typically the planning board meets the second and the fourth Monday of the month okay so it's likely that the early we can get once we you know get the um uh the fees to uh to Kathy um just get all that with is the 24th of jun for possible special uh public area for that we do have to post we would have to post um that meeting for the two weeks before that on Monday the 10th and on Monday the 17 she'll have that check we want five copies of this to go to Cathy so she can Circ so it was five copies it was required and there are five copies here um I don't know so she needs to app okay uh who does the sun go to that was also re we'll hang this helpful I might okay very good all right thank you than our I was I was at the meeting last night and I put in a concern with um Mrs Leonard and she said that you were going to have something today about the uh Golf Center there was something supposed to be on the docket today about the golf Golf Center on uh on the street so I was here the last time we had the uh the Golf Center discussion with with Isaac and his lawyer and all that I I live at 174 my State Street right next to it um and you know there's he's not closing at 8:00 you know he's there banging around with lights on blaring lights until 10:00 um I don't know who to go to that's why I always figured I'd come and just ask you guys who you know who I would go to for that so as I said earlier we we're not we're not code enforcement so that would be code enforcement officer okay he would have to go and look at the the conditions that were placed on the on the business okay and see if they're in violation he have toess all right and the code officer is who it's the building inspector building inspector okay yeah she gave me that information too um she also told me that you are here so I just figured yeah cuz you know where you put in the rules of this this and this that's not happening that's up for okay all right so I could just contact him and then he'll perfect that's all I needed thank you so much for your time okay we have in front of us from behind your services okay everybody's looked at it motion we have an invoice for services of the pioneer Planning Commission to the town of Grandy for a total of 2,400 $829 back $ worth so just just meeting time minutes meeting time minutes um agendas special you have a second further discussion all in favor get paid um then just a a memo here at toer campaign disclosure report dud January 24 I have no clue what that is so I can I can work with Kathy it might be something related to your election I don't know I don't necessarily have that oh yeah AER maybe it's like who who's up for re-election no it's regarding I don't know it sounds like campaign Finance so it's like whatever your maybe I don't know so words I have to fill up the paper presumably yeah I'll guess it's patient um if before the board adjourns um at the board at the the last board meeting I did state that uh on behalf of the planning board I was going to submit um a gr application for the community on stop I was wondering Jen if you receive anything I did put your email address and if you can share with me what that response was understand then I will follow um yeah I put your on to I mean if you could take a look if you don't if you don't have it then I will specifically it would be the executive office of housing loal communities so we should say mass.gov is the response who you then Ken regarding what um the email that sent out earlier so what do we do we have only a little bit of time to respond to that I looked in the registry and I could not find anything that was attached I accuse myself that subject okay um and I don't think any any one of us is on the board during that period of time were you 19 1988 I mean I don't know I've never seeing the records of the planning board presumably if there is a place where records of subdivisions exist yeah um it may there might be a file there um you did exactly what I would have done if it wased um we may need to figure out how to ACC that I've never seen I mean I think the only other Next Step would to be call to actually call the Reg Deeds to see if they have some you know just to make sure maybe if we can't find any information on it they should they should because it is a subdivision plan and I don't know if covenants are typically um you know filed that that or if that just belongs to the town but there should be a plan for that sub and an approval document from the planning for to approve that Onision um but with regards to the Covenant that is very specific to approval and it may be in some background material with from 1988 so we have a town we have a town attorney yeah I mean I think this is this is just a matter of asking Kathy Kathy where copies let me add it probably downstairs is that where the langage records are I have no idea I just keep a lot of stuff down there this used to be the library you know that right yes so I think what I'll respond to that email that you sent Y and if I come by see if she can put place where I have to wear a mask I'm sure I yeah I'll follow up with the c because I know it's 10 days approaching that day yeah and more than likely if that's the case figure out likely just going into the file for that cion do we talk about those outdoor [Music] facilities I think that we just kind of no there was no resolution they can't do so I received the letter i email from d c the building inspector for he's trying to play catch up or a lot of things that were left behind uh first one 34 West State Street po National Credit Union the sign is up they appli on 1123 eliminated foot trigger plan and that never came the storage facility came before the planning board second one was was 104 State Street Valley 8 replacement sign as well that one came that one came but never formally it was a conversation right that was supposed to be one that the police chief and fire chief thought they could use it for information yeah but there was some yeah considerations but that was number for and then State Street local storage group replacement did go to have a cop oh okay I'll 138 we did approve that one I do that oh I don't know if that was a formal application or they just came in and the planning board um it was determined that it was just a replacement in kind so typically we wouldn't have submitted that so we can share with them the Gras of the minutes until 138 station I think it was the same size and they were eliminating it the same exact way weren't backlighting it they were UPL it so okay have anything else I'll motion to to at 6:17 p.m. second all in [Music] favor for