[Music] 531 first sorder business minutes if any or else think we're caught up with those on no I have like set up so they're not in there yeah did you print them I did not print them so let's let's T that for now yes correspond attendings or anything in there I see no invoices proven sign site you're going to send that to me correct we're just buzzing through this next on the agenda is uh it's under new business but it's basically a continuation of a heing Jason okay July 8th 2024 5:15 p.m. at One Library Lane old Carnegie Library top Flor Brandy Mass the nature of the hearing is to consider the petition of Heather Reynolds lante owner applicant seeking a special permit under Section 6.2 of the grand B building bylaws and applicable of section three use regulations 3.2.10 in section five special use regulations performance standards 5.14 special event venue at 145 Harris Street and known as assessor map 12- A-1 in the town of gry mous so the hearing's been opened we do not have a quum for I'm going to give it some time see if another member shows up we're supposed to be should be four of us here tonight so we're going to sit TI wait for fourth member in the meantime if there's anybody that wants to speak tonight if they would please sign in at our sheets here at the [Music] table what red [Music] and our fourth member is here great just just can they hear okay chair if I may sure so um for the purposes of the special permit um four affirmative votes there need to be there need to be four yes votes for for an approval of of the special permit um you do have four present members so all four would have to vote Yes and that's what order in order to proove that's correct [Music] okay so this hearing is going to work as so this this hearing is going to work as the applicant's going to present present then we'll open it up to public and then some and the St from the other department and then we'll go from there the will decide from them so the have please your application where I up it's a beautiful from and notar that's team thank you set up thank you so we ready to open this up to public so I ask the public I was going to say I think typically um you have the staff comment from before that yeah I'm trying to get through that right now this is the first I've SE than the meantime let the public speak I ask that you address the board not the the app is there anybody that has anything that they wish to May address did you write it down on the yes I did okay say in favor so but I do have a few comments that like all first of all if and when this I ask [Music] look over it and I to prot one I did have chance go to theall the board wrot a one sentence like just repeat thank regarding specially special Vue at 14 haris of at their meeting 6424 stated that they do not believe that the sanitary so hand was descri enough detail to this permanent so i' like to make sure you will address Road dist should be permanent going back to uh 514 514 to it says for V would serve by onsite Wes AC systemed by the and approv by the Board of Health and with the special application one other thing I have that nowhere in the application it it so I think to that isue very important that Reg don't get rested by L mus so nowhere with address at all I don't think the BR more more with before thank you very much okay does anybody else have any comments my first of all I wanted to thank everybody but I'm sure con more B um I just wanted to say you this one it can be really tricky to find solutions that people way do way that we all choose to live to enjoy all treasure when my L husband John 3 years living s myus CH thinking about special events and elsewhere toide Reon solution which all our rights and do not prevent us living Our Lives as we wish to it's important that is to allow these special um the UPS person wow so peaceful there yeah that's why I live here thank you anybody else SC so I there's nobody in this room that's closer to that myself and my wife I think everything thank you the street um I neighbor understand that I think well all he and Dave but in the neighborhood years um they had great gors consider it understand change I okay thank you anybody else 60 Street I have concern about this I walk that street every day anywhere two to five Street 34 years Rich children and um the last time ailing study was done back in 20067 polished through the Planning Commission in West Springfield the cars have increased considerably on that they flly they drive very fast we have bicyclists we have dogs running to do I the city and I to see people walking keep on Park first go sler M pass it's not told and the I'm concerned about the traffic and people leaving and coming at all times of day because they go from 11 to 11 and I think the traffic study really needs to be completed because this is almost 10 years old we have to know how many cars are Camas how many accidents you had I know we had one and that was the four boy who left my house hit the tree on hair Street not speed so we have animals running we have bears in the afternoon I was Ro home day a charge one charge at 2:30 in the afternoon by the r CR Trail so this is my concern my second thing i' love to say briefly is it's a residential neighborhood and now getting this up to anybody to do what kind of business they they want and once you you you grant that it's going to be hard to say no say stand down the street who wants to do all the mechanics or Sally wants to have it in or I want to have a be or I want to have an 18 track it's going to be hard to say no and lawyers get involved it'll be real big fights um you know for people well you did it for them I want something I want to open up a business where there'll be a lot of tra people and so my concern is that the alc theol andol on the street I know we can't be Big Daddy but it is a build street it's very early and the only time she was when people took their time down that hill was when the sneak Trooper lived on B Street and that 3:00 would sit at that turn around to op the you know waiting to punch out to go to this small B and you could see the cars Jam ons because they thought he was very good and I don't even walk at night about anywhere from 3 to 5 the traffic is ramped up Saturdays there's a lot of tread out there and um I that's my concern that um you know we really need to do a traffing study to be looked at the tra going into and going to thank you is there anybody else that has anything we want 160 a street work for Mass wildlife one of the big concerns I have is the basically the extra the excess of food waste and everything else as we all know Street black bears raccoons and posum skunks you know as well as tons of crows everything else like that as well as and also as well some of our Pap M and one of the big concerns I have is a lot of the animals on Earth street have been habituated to things like human trash and things like that especially the Bears because I don't want me to say I'm probably the only one but we definitely have had crors get to Arch who you know putting the barrel down by the Cur you know so one of my big concerns is like I said with these habituated animals and excess food weights from events and things like that that might host a couple hundred people you know is how is that going to be necessarily dealt with because like I said it's one of those things that you're going to have a lot of other issues and the more habituated these aners become the less say because you know everybody else becomes who lives on the street you know a lot of us have dogs and Cs and some of us have poultry and things like that you know that you know and if you got more habituated animals they're going to get older and things like that and come after people's pets come after people's you know livestock and things like that and it's you know a genuine concern you know because there Val point you know and I don't know if that's necessarily been looked at doesn't sound like it D but you know it is something that I would like to see considered okay thank you Miss so just to um to speak to some of what I heard as far as go ients to read that letter um will hand I looking to have trailers brought in that have running so that should not be an issue um those trailers will taken out after events so there will be a waste there or a stra of my rooms that whatever in will come out um we're not willing to change any like I'm not looking to have Peg parties I'm not looking for more than 100 having up to 150 people what every must I've worked to get this biolog over the last few years and this is taking me a very long time to get where I'm standing right now the reason I was read do so that I can keep the property that I grew on and I want to share property this so that's IR rationale and I'm not looking to I'm not looking to um destroy anyone by a destruction um I Street I know that there L there this is not going to be something we wedding and come and then leave at the end with EV so that's not something that I I to any concern with even though police were comfortable with the area I also hision with 10 10 to 11 and in number screen on my application I do have mention briefly and that the um also not anyone have a business what I proposed when I have B adjusted or change added was for it P10 L ACR so that's how this started and I have 52 Acres um there we're also a r Department community so do sugar there so we um are classified as a farm we also I don't whatsoever anything that comes in will here and any of trash will be removed um and we're looking to have dump in a discreet location um so I just wanted to clarify those things okay thank you question all that don't to be ruled once a week pressing the board sorry event be addressed and any D that so I going to ask you that you address the board not each other process so what I've into as level um so ipate I done more often that I and thank you um I had a couple um things to say letter from M hired the response response and they have so right people could respond ask for something um and they be writing and please date it some that came back from fire chief board police fired building conservation at least one of them so it wasn't clear so just um so does this special defense you perit is this like a once a year we so once the per once and if the permit is issued it's issued with conditions and then and then the conditions aren't being met then it then it goes to our code enforcement officer and they they think steps to regulate it let let me remind everybody here this is this is not the board's decision this was a townwide vote it was it was brought to our attention we were asked to review it we reviewed it there's multiple towns in the Commonwealth that allow these types of venues so we felt we felt that we needed to bring it to the town as an article the select board approved it it went to the town as an article and the the entire well the town voted to approve the this this B so we're here to to regulate it to to go through the process listen to everybody's concerns and the board will vote whether to approve it or or not and if it's approved it will be approved with certain conditions we don't take this lightly so all this information we're getting tonight um I can't speak for the board right now I don't know if we're going to make a decision tonight or we going to we're going to um wait for additional information to come in before before a decision is made and all the valid valid concerns and questions that everybody has here tonight we will we will certainly um take it under consideration and we'll go from there um a couple of things like I had a question as JY did about the trash problem because I have SCS in my ass all the time two away my actually um and I am concerned about a once a week dumpster that just attracting who knows all I've got it noted here that's that's something we we'll have conversation to confirm that when when there's going to be each event um the applicant will have to submit application to so they know what they're get into talk to she this morning and he said yeah we'll we'll take a look and we'll see how many people be tending based on peace numbers will decide whether we not whether we be there traic Le so that was that was um I noticed that insurance it's dat in 2021 which means that that their said this right sheet there's this is also a question that really has to question that people I think the if the application little bit because there's nothing on it that refers to the service of food or and we all know that shers licenses be a license Le that two because they obviously this board doesn't isue those what so this board is responsible for site plan approvement um I I have say um I you about my peace and I'm not looking forward to having one music I mean we all talk thought your dog was big he sounds like he's tiny you know so we can hear each other up there and amplifi music that that does become an issue and I enjoy working 42 years I like to enjy my we and um in peaceful quiet place listen to TJ or the inevitable wedding guest Who start S or so I am concerned about the noise I don't know off other the police chief told today said deel leader is basically two years of whatever off listen they don't actually list we but I know R I just hope that's all so we can all properties and this just of people all over town I mean this will come again I expect the right of people to R their farms and so I just ask all thank you is there is there anybody else rich rich this gentleman hasn't spoken yet so 16 Street I are you really Chang to zing on that rich question get writing confirming that they accept what she said what who what who said what the said about having important problem was because if you look in the new R was again for he doesn't mention mention so she get something in writing from the of because sh has something in writing saying that theard is not accept what she came she's saying now they I just want a confirmation that the bo Health SE should up as the response there complain anybody else have um regarding special event at the meeting 64 board say that they do not believe the sewage in to issue and they so so that's a different permit permission here this no this is this is their comments to the planning board exactly so if we approve if this board approves the venue then their the Board of Health has a different obligation for them to meet not the planning board we reach out to listen to their concerns and if there's something outside of the regular then we'll we'll put it into the conditions but as far as them having a a a particular set of Sanitation whether it's please correct me if if anybody has anything else to say on it whether they have a trailer that's self-contained or they have Porta podes or they put in up their phone system it's between them and and the the Board of Health right most certainly can most certainly can the the planning board reaches out to the to the to the other departments to get your feedback we're not governed by any of the other departments we listen to them we if they have a strong argument we can make it a condition that the fact of the matter is we if if the town or if the planning board issues the permit they still have to comply with what the Board of Health has to say or or um conservation said separate issues than yourself you one again corre say the tent is not 100t then the Conservation Commission would say don't your um the thing not use Fire Hits absolutely cor ABS exactly which is outside our is that that's what I was talking about application itself thank you know um why State s certified letters to the conservation dep to I'm not aware of that yeah they're on you mean the public the public notice oh the public notice requirements those there are specific entities that are supposed to receive any notice of a special permit hearing or public hearing that includes the um the abing towns as well as the that's just the formality it's just the formality of why they send it to those particular places well I called it and they didn't know what I was talking about because they been on class for over years said really should be going to the West Mich not to Bost so then I spoke to somebody with Ming to person has hamers hamers chicklo and I no it was to South and vure town and they said the state requires that alls as a centy to all rning uh towns and they did it only went two so back [Music] will respond I just wanted to say the reason is is because I and I'm not going to get um business insurance that just seems like logical business only in town who has requested to property and um property it's been Happ without issue um not a long time but I'm guessing SP here uh so this isn't the new well I did was instrumental by I'm not the first one umk you special have been well one other and then this is our second correct anyone else with any comment any concern does the board have any questions people close I entertain a so I'll entertain a motion to close the public input so I'll make a motion to close the public side of discussion second any further discussion all those in favor I okay so we we've got a lot of things here to discuss um we've got some things some research we need to do and some questions for the AF um I'm not quite sure how everybody wants to go about it but um I kind of I wrote you have some not too I wrote so some conditions so restro runs all to Beed after the event to events music to obey the town noise orance lece detail when needed dumpsters to be emptied after every event um Caterers to have insurance caterers um to start the alcohol yeah that that that's all govern right so uh venue to hold proper Insurance um times from 11:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. and the Contemporary shs to be so as far as the entertainment we should pick by laws of that the noise ordinance noise orance the deci and all that right um those are all things you get some feedback on so what I so I think what would be helpful for the board is the set of conditions that the board issued for the ammer street special events we want to be we want to be consistent but at the same time there's conditions that may be true appropriate at different locations and others um but it's likely that some of the language particularly related to the comments from the fire department and the police department um um match those um with regard and the building department right um but I think well as you mentioned there are some items that are very specific to this particular application that you know can be considered um what else and and the select board also provide comments but regarding the other types of permits that are required um those entertainment licenses you were speaking to um that the applian would need to you know go for the select board for that as so um you know at that however the board wants to move forward try to assemble those particular pieces for the board would you remind just for kiding last two sentences I um I mentioned to the board that um that I would uh circulate the decision that was issued from the ammer streets special events permit um because it's likely that a lot of the comments that the police department and the fire department shared there are going to be similar to this particular permit in addition to um accepting that the the board has identified some other additional conditions that would likely be included with those set of conditions if the board to approve the permit um but it really is going to be circulating that information prior to the issue ising a decision okay so I'm I'm going to recommend if for motion that we continue this hearing so we get some more information yes so the board you can receive just for clarification of the purposes of the public hearing um you can receive comment from the town departments and from the applicant from the um so the actual action is you're not necessarily continuing the hearing you are just stating that you will take you know you'll use the next meeting as a time to discuss the so that being said the Apple can um there's some questions we have from how many how many events in a year there's some things that we haven't had a chance to look at from from some of the other department heads that we want to be able to review and digest and anything else that comes up from from doing that so I would recommend that we continue so then you should resend the Clos in with a public hearing because you're if you're continuing the public hearing no we not contining the public portion we're continuing the you're continuing discussion yeah we've already so I will make a motion to continue um discussion to the next planning board which is what dat that would be the so it would be the fourth Monday which yeah Sunday July um if the board so does choose um that is your typically scheduled one routin schedu one the second and 4th that's July 22nd so yeah you you need four votes so right um but it'll also give the other the other member a chance to be present if they review the information provided toight I will be here the 20 should want to Second oh 2 second not be here I will not be here okay well it doesn't have to be on a regular meeting date when yeah when is everybody available I prefer to do this with the next week okay it should give us sufficient amount of time to get any of the other information we need from the other department heads or from the applicant how about next Monday night 15 no we closed we closed 15 15 I can beeg on the big team so the motion is to reconvene Rec on uh July 15 the applicant be available prefer so would' be a hardship if we move it to the following week this is a tough time usually the planning shuts down this time of the year 29 available I'm just not available I'm I'm available Friday the 26th or the 296 you available I'm not once we going twice I'm not available on the Friday evening okay so 299 available on 20 okay 29 20 are you available on the 29 mate n Nate yes okay all right okay so date start in July 29 uh five yeah 530 530 5:30 regular time okay okay so continued um our the public meeting is closed this will be a meeting to discuss the we have second I'll second all in favor IE Mo she carries thank you all right next on the agenda thank you everybody thank you they don't them Okay you Okay so this this uh this next hearing is you're calling it a joint public hearing I don't think kind of in a little pickle here the minutes call for gramby zoning board of appeals and gramby planning board will hold a public here and somehow or other the Ramy zoning board of appeals didn't feel they needed to be here that's not the way this was posted so we do our portion at least so we can open up our portion of the hearing and we can discuss whether or not we feel as be zoning board of appeals inp so what what was what was zoning this I don't know do you know what the reason what you need Zoning for there is a correspondence from the building department um the zoning enforcement officer um regarding whether his Bel or believe that if only need the special permit inight plan approved by the plan right initi which is different from the advertisement which is different so I so I take exception to that right and the Zone the zoning officer in the building Spector does not dictate zoning or the planning board on help we typically run our our meetings but nonetheless we can open up ours and and that's what we would typically do if if they were here we would open up our meeting they would open up theirs right so with that being said pleas so the gry planning board will hold hold a public hearing on July 8th 2024 at 5:45 p.m. at 1 Library Lane old Carie Library top floor gry Mass the nature of the hearing is to consider the petition of May and Michelle wtz owner applicant seeking a special permit and site plan approval for a single family use to include a mother-in-law Suite to be occupied by senior immediate family member under sections 6.2 and 6.3 special permits and site plan approval of the gry zoning bylaws and applicable of section three use regulations three 3.2 multif family dwelling in section 5.0 multifam dwellings at zero Philip Circle and known as assessor map 4-b d211 in the town of gry mass okay so I'm going to ask the applicants here to to present hello my name is sh last October about were at that time conditions and it's consistent with what it produc 80 one service One Foundation few se pains one soil Direction system we hadol everything house built we have rwall right now and bylaws when The Bu Grand B one and two dwellings I should fall under Department language so here we are to give you guys a little ref I AMS we want to live here the rest of our lives so we'll see I weilding Department about fre screaming that is naturally occurring um people likey should satisf to the location of Transformer that so sad so so so code enforcement off officer said that you weren't in compliance with zoning but yet Bing's not here so that he was issued a per approve permit we being Z Lang um we don't really fall into per sing panel when I was asked area and I was told that there it wasn't letter determination building of determination for land so technically it really is speak ter it's really a single with an accessory it's not I mean I was speaking from am I right that that's correct and um the town does not have a BW with regards to right so that's why they're calling it multi and to make to make a notice open sub these are some of the things that discussed right just lense anyway thank thank you so so drawings that you submitted for a building permit were approved and you built exactly what was on your your drawing yes uh well and we already had Foundation section thank you okay so now I'm gonna I prefer open it up to the public we make any y so now I'm GNA open up to the public anybody has any comments any Butters you know have you signed in sorry please just for reference for minutes yes so our only concern would be down the road in the future when it would be a part of down the road one anym so that' be our only concern have more cars that we're seeing now other than that we're fly what doing I don't know it's going to be invol fure where are you located so you they're behind the you're behind the BS so that St concerning the future you never know just out down that's that anybody else have anything any comments thank you Mark J 17 Filip Circle again I don't have any objection with with the verment and such but uh I'm just curious so your permit was originally approved in October last year not our permit the building Department issuing a building permit typically a building permit is to how long a year couple years they I think it's two yeah it's two we and and it can be extended for circumstances like a developer comes in with a subdivision the economy drives what they do so they can be extended and a subdivision as well as a a sing permit for I've heard zero f of circle will that be the street no that property no no again we don't we don't issue that as oh yeah great there's deliveries being made pardon me there's deliveries being made right now it should go to zero pH Circle so I I can't I can't I can't uh speak to that the building inspector issues the the number the address we don't we don't do that again we're site plan from yeah we don't we don't get into all that that number but it's a good question what's your concern on that white zero well it's just I said I'm the closest property the house of on oh so you're on the same street yeah I'm right next okay okay and it's just as far as you know I don't know what the future plans are deliveries and things like that you know obviously they shouldn't be coming to me they shouldn't be going to the you know building primary so that's something we can mention for the building the other thing is so as far as like single family multif family as far as you know gas lines and electric and all that stuff is there changes to to that because I mean is there gas lines on that street well if you looked at my my house today in dep B we've got you know just the other day I forget think gas lines red red flags are coming up and there was people out there last new fall as far as what they did um and then I was told that there's going to be second gas lines going in now because the fact that it's it's considered multif family I mean this stuff isn't really at the top of my head I guess the point is you know when is this thing all kind of said and done gas L electric lines but I we can I can't speak to that either we're not involved in town utilities we're having a hard enough time managing some of our old bylaws that don't don't today standards and we over the years have been correcting moving moving let me let me clarify that we don't work them we see issues with them we bring them to the town town vot on other they want to see the B but it's a it's a living document and it needs to be updated we've talked about this on several meetings a lot of issues outside of what we're talking about tonight so I was hoping that you would have more hand on the next thing out of my mouth is going to be snow where that house is situated driveway it's been far ever since I've been there and where my property is that's one thing well so so what do you mean by a farce well as far as the town ppw and and what they plow and what they don't plow and when they come and when they don't come but that's again outside of you I gotta go see this department then I gotta go see this department this department but but if it's a concern where you they were dumping snow on on his his Frontage and now they can't do it then that's that's a concern that we could we can mention to the the something one of those lines but as far as the timing and the the the we can't that you can always call National thread and Source they them regarding like the gas line and the electric line will they be happy to answer any of those questions I'm sure I don't when it comes to that we're no different than any other community yeah we don't we have no control over the utilities if it's public utilities if you're not happy with Services you're getting then I would suggest I'm on the record with the U talk to select board but the utilities utilities you have utility but but you're talking about snow removal or that's no I'm just saying the way it's laid out now okay it's like there's a half Pac in my house beond beyond the half p and then the new property that's being built their driveways here my house is here it's like it's going to be very interesting to see what the master plan is to get snow of and in the last winter one time it was plowed on the top side of of by property and there's been kind of an indenting as far as the slope of of that property and then also putting in these second gas lines you know they threw in seed back fall last fall which grew in now they're going to you know supposedly dig that up again and you know I mean I get it I can I can tell you that the the director of vpw is very sensitive to issues and he's quick to address them have you talked to him I I re I I really recommend if maybe you should go if we want to talk no I'm serious serious I've gone down the road with him before so you have talked to him huh you have talked F yeah well just out hasn't gone too great saying sorry sorry I mean again I don't have any problem with it it's just the peripheral stuff where I've located how long is this going to go on for you know and you got to understand you know in this neighborhood 30 years nothing like that you know obviously it's their dream home I don't have a problem with that but from A to B you know it's a long time okay understood is there anybody else so uh cont same L over there so know doing a great job so yeah thank you is there anything any other comments that directly to this issue May yes you may name and name and address and if you haven't signed in please just so we can keep back here yeah no it's fine so I'm on 15 Philip Circle I have and I've been there 30 years and I have exactly the same type of house that he's building and I was the first when we bought the house was the only house in grandv that was a single family with an in-laws and and that's what they call it and they can't rent it because there's not two there's not an entrance and an exit just giving you a little bit of information that's my da right there she been living with me turned 91 yesterday and uh so they're just they're building the same kind of house that I have it has this you know one meter this one meter that whatever and um it's they no one has ever bothered us no one's ever tried to change anything it is not a two family it's not a multi- dwelling it's a single family home with Law's addiction that's it that's how it is with my town with the town that's whether it it's my house insurance company that's exactly what it is and it been there for my 30 years that I've lived there thank you very much so I'm going to speak from for myself not for the board this is not the first um in-law apartment that's got there's there seems to be some disconnects between the Grammy department heads on what's allowed what isn't allowed and it's one of the things we need to change my personal opinion is we should be allowing this to happen with some with some control we should be taking care of our pants it's it's it's it's a it's Changing Times [Music] um but again this is some it's it's on our list to be working on some of the bylaws that we need to present to the town and let the town vote on whether or not they're going to allow them disallow them or put certain conditions on at this point I I think the town's out a liability they issue these people permit yeah and and it's been allow elsewhere in town and there's been no opposition from the ABS who who have showed tonight other some other concerns that they're they have that pretty much aren't related to to this and I'm sympathetic to those concerns and these folks have a house that's half built and it's and it it was I don't know I don't I don't know what took place I wasn't part of that that piece until a couple weeks ago I went out there to see when things like this I my eyes on it a little bit to see what's going on and I think they're building a a home that is going to be complimentary to the neighborhood it's not it's not a sha it's not going to drive values down so I'm opening it up to rest of board any comments any well yes I guess my comment is you know should be approved as a single with an accessory not a mold that's my Go I mean there's other houses on the street I mean my house is personally uh single with an accessory like all right so let me formalize this a little is there any more com from the public so let's I'll entertain a motion close the public input I'll make a motion to Calla the public input I have a second yep second any further discussion all those in favor I I is there any further discussion that you you want to have on this I'll entertain a motion to either approve or dis approve I'll make a motion to approve as a um single family accessory use then we'll second that motion any further discussion all those in favor I um for the purposes of this is for the special permit is this for the site plan review it's just rendered as the looking at the zoning bylaw yeah the conversation based on the building inspectors or the zoning Enforcement Officers um um what do I want to see here his uh determination um was that it should have been filed as a multi family I know that you didn't feel comfortable with that but with regards to if if we're trying to just like bury the hatchet and make sure that this gets permitted um under multif family dwelling um it's a special permit and sine approvable so if the board also wants to issue the special permit we can ensure that um you know that the decision rendered is specific to that so but I do have concern like I do have concerns of calling it sure because it's really of all code enforcement doesn't dictate to us how we that's true that that is true that they're responsible for enforcing what we approve right they lend so I'm going to ask for another motion to to be inclusive of site plan and special special that what you're looking for that's corre so I'll make a motion to approve single family with accessory special permit and have a second I'll second further discussion all those in favor okay the applicant can IMM if we're doing this flight for the IRC and and State Building Code there are um there are which post back builds and already Fred and so is a little bit difficult to do if you want to stly as smoke so the motion the motion was to a single family with an accessory so that would exempt you from what you're telling us everybody from what you're telling us I building we're not experts on the building you're telling us that that would exempt you firewor I asking you're asking us building and say this is what would we consider that we can exempt not to that's between you again don't have any Juris the question primarily is we're using accessory as a terminology that the IR condition okay so you made the motion second you second it there was no further discussion so all in favor I motion car it's about a tough mate thank you anything else here we hey do if you want to talk to the board about Grant oh we gotta make to close yeah Ken wants to talk to us about hey hey folks folks folks folks you still got business to conduct so don't mind thank you you want a motion close I yeah just briefly so um I want to I don't know if the board so the board has typically contracted with PP for a a cost of 500 per year um I am putting together rent application for planning assistance plan with the understanding that that folks folks we're still trying to conduct thank thank yeah thank you good luck um so the planning assistance grant requires a 25% match of talent fund um for that so my thought was to utilize the typical Arrangement that I've had with the Tom Grandy or pbpc has had for the Tom Grandy to beat that manage with that said um I am suggesting that this is going to be more than 30 a $30,000 grant to get through the entirety of the zoning bylaw um what has been what we've been doing with other communities are applying for Grants upwards of 50 and I think having to be at 50 which is the maximum that the state will allow for this particular grant program requires that a $12,500 um you know match so um my thought was to approach the Town Administrator with regards to I don't know what has been approved at town meeting uh obviously I I the discussion about the contract has always kind of been like oh good contract we find it right well and we're in a new fiscal year so I'm currently you know attending this based on the fact that presumably we'll have contract week um with that said I don't know if the board has a thought with regards to asking the town administ there there is some like there's going to be some signatures that I'll mean mostly from the Town Administrator and others to get the application in and the application is due July 22nd but you'll take care of the application you just need signature I well I need that but I would like the support and maybe discussion and maybe it's through the chair um to ask for that particular match um that would be my contract with the contract that I have with the planning board that would be inclusive of the 125 or this 125 would be separate from your the 125 would be my contract and that contract would be the match for the $50,000 um from the state so there would be an additional 50,000 I obviously wouldn't be using the 12,500 for any of that zoning bylaw work the presumably the grant would cover all of that work can can we put that in an email sure copy us all send it to Chris sure well that was it so July 22 okay I mean we've been discussing we've been discussing it for a while and I want to than yeah need need some need some help the gentleman that was talking about 5.14 that was specific to open open space communities that wasn't even in the special event um venue section of the bylaw so there is some a lot of confusion with the numbering great and mean on obious that that house should never be constituted as a multi because then they could rent it out they could rent it other than multigenerational Liv yeah and it's not quite clear the bylaw doesn't it really doesn't meet the intemp of multing that no it doesn't no so I think as the board and having talk to the chair um it is Define what an accessory dwelling unit is getting that half right or getting some language in there but with that said um if you're following the state news with regarding the housing Von Bill I know there is a deao approval of all accessory to is under 900 right so it wouldn't need to go to any board they would just be you're going to see more of that coming down from the state start dictating to in regards to housing well a lot of towns were were not allowing cities in towns who not allowing accessory units however I mean there's a reason there's a reason for that there's a housing issue and the states dictate some they that the towns have to set up right and they should be taxed appropriately well it's based on their value there's no additional tax if you're a business or thank you do anything else well so I'm not ding it I asked everybody else so we need to [Music] reorganize Treasurer chair Vice chair that's it's secar so the C SL is over the previous chair Jason is a vice chair I believe n you had were the treasurer and um you were the secretary and Neo was the E piece of inform that was what's the there a gentleman that was kind of sitting in also as an alternate did he sit in one day no okay so we need to get this over elections or you're July I'm going to entertain comments and motions to app Point starting with secretary who who's second Nom to nominate second that motion any comment all in favor next treasur Treasurer yes you accept the nomination I accept the nomination we have a we have a motion I'll make a motion for Nate to stay at I'll second that comment favor do you want to stay on as president not president here president [Laughter] 202 what do you think Jason I think it's a great [Laughter] idea okay I'll to a motion I'll make a motion for Jim to stay on his chair we second that motion to Jim as chair thank you further comments discussion all those in favor hi hi Vice chair y do you want to St on as Vice chair sure okay I'll make a motion to approve Jason as Vice chair second will SEC the Marshall is Jason Vice J further discussion all those in favor I all right motion carries so and we had done one more bbpc commissioner well guess who's not here to motion Pro you see no you see sure okay Jason I'll second okay further discussion all those in favor now I like the p a motion to second the motion to adjourn further discussion no all those in favor I I thank you