[Music] 547 business minute if I may um so I gave the board um a couple of things there um one of them is a summary sheet of all the minutes that you are du um including four sets of minutes that have been completed that we just never took action the board never took action on so the suggestion is to review those and will have um some additional minutes for your following meeting but this is in totality all of the sets of minutes that need to be approved um and that is presented in the packet to you so the ones from March are we going to be I mean these are administrative approval so the board I mean what what I would suggest is um yeah you can try to match depending on the board members that were present at those meetings however there are administrative approvals from this point and um just in majority of the memb these to on both yeah Jason back it yeah I'll that I think that might oh this is another okay okay what do we want to do you want to you want to prove at the next meeting and people have a chance to review them or yeah I would say that I mean you probably have seen this but way long ago and I think for whatever reason just never approved them um because those were those in records of um you for us everybody electronically I will forward them in addition to the other sets of minutes the other sets of minutes think at our next at our next meeting yep um spond that's there's nothing in here at this point have the get no there's no other correspondence here invoices of any none so next thing on the agenda is the anr for FL okay do we noted is everybody familiar with the the plans yep meets all the requirements for a building lot even though we're not approving the for building what it's so I'll entertain a motion we make a motion to the for the plan as presented have a second second any further discussion all those in favor I motion carries all in favor so I'll start yeah thanks SC sh there speak s I it's May Dakota will you represent do you know if there was a okay excellent thanks yes done with this one just hey you too thanks so the next on our agenda gry preservation Society our schedu 15 see had a schedule is there anybody else youre yeah more good set there anything else you want to discuss so um also on the agenda was a discussion of the mix uh gramby zoning bylaw or conditions or criteria for development um I did receive a question that was sent to me um with regards to the mix zoning violon and I did prepare a handout for the board to get those four questions work um it was part of all the minuts um you see do you have work that's so there were more questions that were asked in this email I was able to help them with one which is the first one that the town does have a map um and it's on the website it's just hidden or not in enough place that you would typically find it um the second one States the zoning B indicates that the dimensional requirements of the underlying districts so that underlying District mean the zoning districts that are underneath your mixed use overly um would not apply to a mixed use project project utilizing the Granby mix use overlay District Provisions in section 4.4 there is not there's no density limit for multif family residential mentioned in section 4.4 it mentioned the potential 25% bonus over the above over and above the allowable density but not what the allowable density is for multif family residential thus could you advise as to the allowable density for multi family residential in the mix use overlay districts so that was a second bu third uh I want to confirm that the density is calculated using the entire site with no deductions for wetland steep slopes and a developer of a mixed use development will be able to use the entire site in calculating density including the portion used for Nal purposes um sometimes towns have a policy with regards to how they calculate um the developability of of their sites particularly if there's lots of wetlands or you know other environmental um type resource areas in on that site um which could really affect the density of the site depending on how they would want to develop and then the fourth item has the town of grany ever granted such an increased in density this would effectively d double the number of units per acre does this also apply to the mixed use overlay District um so getting some guidance I think Jim is probably the only one that has served on the board since the mixed use overlay that's mix's overlay district has been developed and to my knowledge based on um having worked with the board over the past four or five years um that there has been no development with in that overlay District using those criteria does that do that correct or does that seem corre correct um so with that said you know I think this is um an opportunity for the for the board to examine um so I I I prepared some notes with regards to um each of these questions time is your 615 6 615 um so for number two section 4.4 does provide dimensional requirements for mixed e within the overlay District so there are as is typical with your uh dimensional requirements for each underlying Zone um a minimum lot area of 45,000 Square ft 200 ft Frontage 10 ft 20 ft 20 ft for front side and rear yard setbacks the maximum height of 35 ft and a lock coverage of 60% that's a that's for the Mixed use overlay um and with Town Water and Sewer so if uh the property were to be served by Town Water and Sewer those are the minimums um well there are no specific per unit square footage requirements listed in the bylaw that has been found these dimensional standards should roughly dictate density requirements within the district perhaps it would be useful to provide more spec specificity within the bylaw however standard multif family regulations in 3.2 table 2 so in your zoning bylaw 3.2 table two have a maximum of six units per structure but it appears to be true that multif family and the mixed use overlay would not need to abide by this regulation um so there there's some you know some identified some standards Within These this particular overlay um that will create some density um depending if this developer you know were to move forward um so the third question was I want to confirm the density is calculated using the entire supp deductions for wetland steep slopes Etc based on the review of the bylaw um it does appear to be the case um the conditions uh the applicant is referring to to explicitly pertain to open space communi developments that do not appear to cover mixed use developments um knowing that this is hasn't been used in the past by the board as far as these particular standards um you know that's another acknowledgement that in your open space communities section of the bylaw which is really typical of like cluster housing and open space residential where you're going to be creating a density by um preserving open space within that particular parcel uh this it does not cover mid development so it's silent on that um based on the way uh the questioner asked the question and then the uh other item is um there is another component with regards to additional utility requirements the following provision the required minimum lot size per dwelling unit specified in section 3.2 uh may be reduced by a maximum of 50% provided that the African can demonstrate to the planning board satisfaction that the site and soil conditions will permit such increased density of on-site Waste disposure Systems without violation of the drinking water standards described in section 5.02 well um so there are some additional considerations particular to um that's within the three 3.2 which is your um cluster housing or open space residential developments and um so that's just you know upcoming for the board and then the last question is I don't think the board has ever issued an increased in density because there has been more development in the district um so I guess you know it might be worthwhile to um I don't know how the board would like to move forward these were questions that came from you know a developer or the the developer team and um you know I haven't yet shared my findings based on my review of the buy law uh but I don't know if the board has any thoughts regarding to the fact that there is no density bonus necessarily listed um it's it's kind of s based on based on our INF we have water there's no sou fres what Vice ver so that so that that's basically govern based on conservation B health seic syst I think we have to take take a closer look at that if in fact we have both both in any of these the old we only have S long so seting bys dictate Yeahs the other we have is water can repeat that so that has water or that has sewer has water water right that's two districts I don't know thank I don't know if there's anything that really need okay so basically be confirming his observations um yeah so that was just coming for I mean I think it was it's a it's a good exercise for the board especially if someone is interested in developing multif family under the multif family or Not Sorry multif family multi mixed use um overlay if someone is looking to develop you know commercial/residential within the the um the criteria of the overly so um but as the board the chair did state because of the utilities where you know it it's it's reflected that if there is a requirement and there's no utilities like sewer or water in these certain areas will Mi uses available it is the um septic rules and regulations would dictate the type of devolopment that can occur okay question than um no the other item I think it's just a comment um I don't know if the the board we've talked about this in the past as far as future types of activities that the board can um maybe look into um we recently two years ago the board applied for district local technical assistance to look at the gry zoning bylaw um we are in Grant season so there is an opportunity for a grant um through the executive office of housing Lial communities where um other towns are utilizing the Planning and Zoning Grant to look at their violence um so so it's Depend and you know there are three communities that I'm currently working with to apply for Grants to see um to di do a diagnostic of their current zoning bylaw offer amendments if those are you know something that comes up during the process so I'm just stating that there's uh you know if there's any sort of planning um additional planning that may you know happen with the town the town is currently going through an open space and recreational Plan update the board will have to approve that at some point um my colleague at pvpc is working on that with um the committee but um you know this isone won s right it's it's it the the the work is until this um but it's just you know stating that there's the grant for these things well the grant that you talked about before was the granted we you our BS right right so I'm don't know I mean we can't like it it's a pretty I won't say that it's an easy Grant application but there is a grant due the first week of June I don't know if that requires a larger confer like if the board is interested in that if the chair is interested in that I think it was with a previous board because I remember Lil was on the committee um Bob was on the board so this is this is a some up in the board well there's there's ones available yep I agree use our our bu those so if I may then there is as part of this process there's what they call the expression of Interest it is due tomorrow um but if I um it is something that I can submit on behalf of the Town um of the board and then we can navigate the um actual Grant application in the couple in a couple of weeks with this time frame um between now and the due date of June um it will require an a um a signature from the Town Administrator or the select board so but if the if the board wants to do that then you know I can go ahead and apply idea I think so you want to V on sure that would be great I'll defend your motion I'll make the motion to approve weing into the ground moving forward a second second further discussion all in favor great yes hey welcome so questions on yeah um so you know we've been before the board the GPS uh by we I'm alet uh I'm the board of director I'm the board of directors for Branding preservation Society I'm here with cly Joy Jun and Joel Walker who are also board um and we're what we're trying to do is uh rest right the long uh process at instituted in 2020 uh to obtain site plan approval for the town hall the Old Town Hall W States through and uh so this is sort of a get together hopefully with the planning board to find out where we stand in the process and how do we move forward in order to get our certificate locy I I know we've done find B of filings with the prior board and I know we got close I think the last time uh in of course it was Gary Phelps our former president uh who unfortunately passed away last fall uh he was sort of spearheading the whole thing uh and the the last time was that there were two items that I think were of particular interest to the planning board and the first one was the windows on the second floor um up on the stage that needed to have some safety plexiglass placed which we've done and the second one was an issue with the parking and the issue was um was there an agreement between pres society and the dasis to share the the driveway and the parking between the church and and GPS people Town Hall the way it worked for for years was uh the town and and Di sharing and they had different schedules on for different events so it all work D up um and I think it was I think it was B she there raised the issue and the role play you know prior board saying well you really have an agreement with the dasis and we have a a letter of support but not agreement since that time we've drafted a an agreement with di so we actually formalize agreement between them to sort of keep doing what we're doing which is share the the the both driveways uh to communicate with each other and utilize it together so if they have larger event they notify us then BL LIC and so um I think the original um the original site review I think the play Bo has said well looking at just GPS's property we probably had 63 parking space so really and that that that would satisfy for the most part the the office things that we are trying to I think we probably need afford is the the the CL storage which is Bild which are currently occupied um for the office space on bu house right so we had to C based on square and I think and of course the auditorium was was an issue because I think we we were looking we could the capacity was about 90 K4 um and I think we we probably squeezed it into I we had enough for uh an event okay but if we were doing all everything all at once maybe not so to get the agreement with the dasis gave us an extra 40 spaces I'll remind you all with copy of that gave us an addition with 40 spaces so instead of having 63 we're looking at it closer to 100 if we to have an event um and so we we sort of I think we sort of resolved the the parking I guess what call a dilemma or or it was really wasn't there wasn't Clarity there but now I think we have them so we're hoping to check all the boxes that we need to to move forward because we're getting to the point now where we we'd like to start um you know renting out some office space and starting to to get you know and need all certificate of occy to do so so this is sort of that let's let's Circle back let's find out what you would need from us at this point how do we Resurrect The the process we you know from our perspective we bought the or we the time from made the property to Less in 2014 and it's now 2024 so it's been the the slow walk to getting our certificate see to say the least but we're at that point not worried we we really would like to get that and hopefully we can streamline that and and find where we stand and what's next well first of all that building never look so there done a beautiful job than making another here Cent did a great job of as far as everything that you mentioned on um it's not that Cate we're we're strict with site plan and you can't I thought in the previous Bo made it clear that you can't improve the site plan until you have an occupancy um until you know the occy so typically what happens they tell you what you can can't do and then and then they'll tell you what rocket to as do that we we did that well I I don't think this I don't I the application I don't the application I don't think there's ever a formal application before us I I think I think what trip out was there was U we follow in July of 2020 and then in August you said the letter and said hey we need more information so I think what probably bu start no no it was you it was yeah I'll show you the but it was it was just I think it's kind of just what you said right now which is we need more information and so in in May of 2021 we did hire um Gary and the prior Lord hired um an engineer and I'm fairly sure and and here's the problem was my Gary's the files are a little incomplete so I I I was hoping that I could look at your file to see what what we have at this point and if you have nothing then okay just put some instructions here what we can the bylaws pretty you're looking to do office space that fits as far as I know that fits right into we we res the town area back in 2016 17 for that for that purpose things could be and um it has it's not full on office space professional space know that would be that would be great you know and we would hope to use the auditorium as well which would be you we we say there's a non-conforming use there obviously but that's something we again I've been building background that's not that's not what our charg here to plan little interested so if they tell you you can Boot something in there that you're allowed to do in the district building Poe complies you comply the building Poe I'm not so so if if it's so we we would we would claim a non performing new obviously with the auditorium right probably nothing I I check the B but there may not be anything metal in the in The Zing I said speak to that so we we would probably have to claim we would be claiming a fire not for use was prob or something yeah we see to have for that now so it's the process then for me to deal with with be the building inspector then we miss at this point now what we you specifically from from him the occupancy loan okay and I think we have I think we've done all that uh we we actually had an AR did kind ofage so he used to do his own and he rented his on so he came in and did a plan of the first floor and potential for the second floor he said we didn't want this ex said so okay so I think I know the process is your guys were saying hey we can't do anything because we need more information so we're going to give you that information uh I know um our Engineers his name is Buck Spar we're going to circle back to him I I know he got drawings and anything he needs we're going to provide them to the building disector and is is is there a new one or we still just just started last can I get is is it information online or should be okay okay so I think so our next step is reach out to him provide him with all the drawings and then he's going toit a determination what maybe typically what we're doing today just just my opinion not the for anybody else typically what they ask have AR stamp see okay and I think we've done that so we we'll get that to him and then would you need all that information as well like a second poy of that as well or you just need his opinion so he probably go up the engineer that s s you will provide us with a site some with the architect or the engineer is telling me what is what your what your site that means access to the build all that that's proba it's pre-existing yeah so I don't think we're going to be interested in storm water it's all existen but those are Ty things we looked at okay okay yeah it's the the shocking thing to is that we I think we've done that yeah so I think it's this will probably just elaps and missing the process in some way may for propos so okay so I think we have our ch do you still have all the chine came in surveying and did all the parking lot and he submitted them to your board he an application yeah I don't know if it was with an application I was was an application submitted last July of 2023 okay and then there was a letter from from you I think were the chair at the time and you basically said we need more information and then there was a followup letter with lucky spark to the planning board sounds familiar yeah yeah I think he was submitting drawings at that time so I have a feeling you know this has been going a long time so I have a feeling that maybe that file has been you know put side yeah so so there many have been a site plan set to us but the site plan doesn't pay what the occupancy is the occupancy they they y use so and your of the new building insector is going to be able to follow the process and so I think our next step is to reach out to him and then which you it sounds to me like even though we might have already submitted an application back in 2020 we're going to probably do that this one yes it's dark this yeah I think they I don't think anything formal is presenta okay okay that's [Music] that's a drawing without a from engineer he don't know I think that's what it came down to I don't know so so other you said you may have up to 100 which is fine you may may not need 100 parking places this depend on um it's being used as an assembly was the 99 people in the auditorium and they also said if you had Furniture in there course it would reduce the number of people that you do have B on the weight LEL but your 62 or 63 spaces in the parking lot considering two people perer Rec cover so we were we were actually hoping tonight that you would have said to us oh yeah we got your your stuff right here and this is the last two items you needed but sounds to me like it's a different something that different so with a lot of questions here um there's a few other people Sparky and then I think well the two things they said that needed to Def finish for the windows and the well window in the parking agreement said they was saying that the plan was Joe and came back this so okay I think they just need a new application too I may think that's just the application the information that we are Prov to I think we we need we now know what we need to do so we'll get crapping on that look CLE back no I think we're going to start there too well because especially since we have a new a new build commissioner inspector um we'll have to bring up to speed as well so again Beau yeah we we just need to to use it that's all to see yeah yeah great did I just us for names I know Jason Smigel Nathan okay yeah and Melissa sine okay good thank you can yeah sure thank you thanks for thank for meeting us love to see going good come on oh yeah sure I was trying to find the minutes this is did this happen around August it may have I think the pmic also took so [Music] there I'm seeing a discussion K from August 24 2020 um States Jim tropy does not feel comfortable moving forward on this under the board unless the board receives an architectural stamp drawn for the building occupancy and approved use the architect would provide what the building use is and then recommended the then recommended the approv hand capap accessibility Etc I think um then Jim chy noted to his knowledge the building was built and used for municipal use it had temporary certificates issued to it for various function leaves Rob Robert Sheen Jr added we also don't have any storm water management detail what we basically have is the site PL parking spaces where some trees are located the footprint of the building and property lines um and then Jim explained we have an application we have is but it's incomplete in his opinion because there isn't any upto-date information it's just basically stating existing conditions we don't know what to apply it to Jim said he would ask after making new statements to draft the letter to state that it was incomplete um that we would require additional information for for from a professional architect stating what the building can legally be used for as is or with improvements yeah yeah I can I can give you the um the date is the August 24th 2020 meeting and the minutes are posted through the ight and it's yes that that set of minutes okay have a good night guys a motion to a j what was what was the memo Town CL campaign disclosure of we last old business yes okay okay okay we have a motion to adjourn we have a second second seconds discussion no I favor J