##VIDEO ID:mGrwB0rQqYM## [Music] are we all ready does everyone need a minute are we good no let's dive in right okay we're all set good evening everyone today is Tuesday August 13th and the time is 6:31 p.m. and I'd like to call this meeting to order first on our agenda is our consent agenda and it's minutes from June 4th 2024 um any questions or comments on the minutes hearing none I'll take the motion I'll make a motion to approve the minutes June 4th may24 second excellent all those in favor hi hi okay next is warrant we have 75 76 78 79 81 82 83 2 4 5 7 and 10 and those are going around for signatures any questions or comments on the uh warrants hearing none I'll take the motion I'll make the motion to approve warrants 75 76 78 79 81 82 83 24 five 7 and 10 can I have a second second all those in favor next is um a vote for disposal of obsolete materials um someone going there do you want to talk about the obsolete material oh sure but we have a a number do want come up please next is there um a folder for today's y it should [Music] Beary I only see July 16th today is uh August 13th if you type the title 2024 sl202 school committee meetings oh so it's not in the uh no I think they're all separated out okay I'd like to get that back in our primary folders everybody have a chance to sign yes okay great thanks for the that sorry about that oh that's okay right good evening everyone so the uh books and um that we have um to you to request a disposal of there's a a number of our previous math curriculum books that are quite old and uh we went with a new series this year and a new program illustrative math so we're looking to get rid of the old textbooks and also over there by the library door uh we have a number of leveled readers and um big books that were from two other different series that we had for Math and Ela that we don't use anymore and they've been sitting there for a year and no one wants them I've asked staff multiple times so we'd like to find them a better home or dispose of them so a lot of the books were brought over from West Street School so they're dated and they look kind of dated any questions for Lisa on those hearing then I'll take the mo motion I'll make the motion to accept the disposal of obsolete materials as presented I have a second second all those in favor next is visitor's comment any citizen wishing to speak before the committee must sign in with the administrative assistant prior to the opening of the regular session of the school committee The Visitor will identify themselves by name and address and shall speak for no longer than 3 minutes for anyone unable to sign in ahead of time we ask that you clearly state your name and address so that this information can be included in the record of the meeting any visitor seeing none moving next up is new business uh policy acab title n okay we had been uh mandated um some of the new regulations came out regarding Title 9 and they give effective on August 1st so there is a memo in your folder from our attorney uh stating um the scope of uh what kind of discrimination falls under Title Nine um another change to the definition what it's no longer called sexual uh harassment is called sexual um sex-based harassment um how actually knowledge of sexual harassment is determined and how to train employees um as well as modifications to the grievance procedure and as a result of that our attorney uh drafted along with um some of the um legislation drafted a new sex based harassment discrimination policy which would replace our old policy of ACA um I did not put in for a vote because um I did not know if you wanted to vote on it or to a first read however that being said this policy really needs to go in our handbook for the new school year so um that's kind of how I left it for you I didn't know if you had a chance to take a look at it but basically we had a training earlier this she um month and our attorneys went through it with us and talked specifically about um you know what the new policy entails and it will be taught to the it will be taught it will be um conveyed to the staff and the students um in our handbooks and at our compliance training so is this a policy that we had already um looked at and updated once once but doesn't it's not reflective of these right and I think what the last time we did it we did you know first read second read but the what moved forward was the actual policy as presented okay because I think George and I had conversation about it we weren't going to change anything right relating to like regulations around own areas so um do you all want to look at it or since it's coming from Kimberly just go ahead with that and put it on have this be first read and include it for next policy 1 that's I looked at it I've been actually looking at it um but I looked at it before the meeting okay um I don't have any questions about it my concern is that if it's not potentially approved and then it's in the handbook and we're potentially making changes after potentially approving the handbook it's just going to make it really messy okay and that's what we're advised by the attorney she said probably vote on it first or um do it as a draft form but um that what her recommendation is to to move forward with it so why don't we take a minute and just everyone look through quickly the handbook changes as well for that um and then we can just we don't have it on for a vote except for the handbook so we're essentially our hands are tied we can't actually vote on that policy because it's not listed on there just the hand books are so I'm not sure yeah I wasn't sure either how to approach that if you had to if you could to make a mo motion to vote I wasn't sure how that how that worked usually we have to have it on the agenda we could make a motion to amend our agenda to include the vote so that it can be part of the handbooks discussion do we all think that that's the appropriate way of making a motion to update our agenda to in the vote sure can I have a motion I'll make a motion to update the agenda so we can have a discussion on this particular topic and vote and vote can I have a second second any further comments hearing none all those in favor I I okay let's resume our discussion then take a minute let's just look through this make sure everyone is um comfortable with this as we're going to be voting on it again this is from our attorney and um and again these regulations just came out August 1 so there was there's just not a lot of time for school districts to have the um to get this in the hand as a result of the timing of the of the legislation the so I would just like to one on page two about halfway down above the length of gramy public schools it says inquiries about Title 9 may be referred to and it says in uh brackets ABC schools so we should have that updated to gramby Public Schools you hear s did two page two of the um drafted Title 9 handbook language 24 2024 2025 okay it's not that it's this it's like a two just a two-page document oh I see what say okay yep I got it it's just a two-page document it's it's in my it's in my folders yeah actually just above that the Title Nine coordinator for the bracket school yeah so just those just update those sure and then thanks for catching that George I missed that one miss CL those going right now so on page two oh yeah title line coordinator for this for Grammy Public Schools and where's the other one oh and there's a typo in her email it's garby instead of Granby see that one as well you fixing it Todd can go yeah sure I see your name there and then there's one further down I see that one yep I don't know there you are got it okay so for acab for Title 9 it will look like this for the handbook but is this the actual policy well that's the handbook the policy is advisory that's just the policy down here EAB it's a big policy oh there it is I'm sorry we have to fix that one anyway here embarrassing to say that I do most of this on the f um okay so first we can have um a motion to approve acab Tagle n I'll make the motion to approve policy acab Title 9 I have a second a second all those in favor okay okay and then do I would like to um so the drafted Title Nine language for the handbook is not um a separate vote it will just be inclusive for when we're reviewing the handbooks those are the once you just made the adjustments on right I'll great all right um so moving on to the handbooks first is East metal schools is handbooks handbooks can you just yes please and you all have a copy of the document of the changes okay so there there aren't um significant changes uh we did uh we of course change the terms for uh when terms close and when they when grades close they open when report cards are um aligning them the best we could with parent teacher conferences and and other meetings uh we have a new PB Matrix which is just updating what expectations are in the different settings in the school and uh we also added a bullying allegation form link uh last year we put a live form on the with District website so that if people want to file a bullying complaint that they could access it there so it'll be in the handbook and be live and so people are reading it online they can click on that and go right to the form uh one of the challenges we were having this year was around hats and what we took out is that they were permitted to wear hats in the hallways in cafeteria um and it would be at the discretion of the classroom teacher well we experienc a lot of challenges because we have uh three grade levels where there's teens of teachers and some teachers would allow it and then some teachers wouldn't and so then the one student might go to one class and then go to the next class be told to take off the hat and then so it it really became challenging so the teachers felt very strongly that hats should not be worn except outside and uh I I think that it would create a lot less stress problems here and not in the cafeteria no um so I have a couple questions um I'm seeing for term three up at the top says grades close May 30th and then progress reports and report cards are issued on the last day of school shouldn't it only be report cards no progress reports too because students on IEPs get the progress reports when the uh whenever a report cards go home and and also preschool would get progress reports okay not not report cards so I'm thinking of like High School progress reports and that's right okay excellent and then um just going through um the Title Nine language needs to be updated to reflect what we just modified with the school correct build in yes we also took a out of a a uh some language in there about a bullying hotline which we don't think exists anymore in the district It's a combination of a handbook from multiple schools and we really tried to clean it up this year and based on the feedback that that I was given last September or or August rather we did make some changes to try to organize it a little bit better and uh including adding in live links for teachers emails that was some of the Feb that I received this year for parents that you didn't really know their teachers emails and sometimes teachers provide it but it gets lost over the course of the year so there's one resource they will be able to access all of them there so there is no that whole section is being taken out yes and the only other piece is the updated language on the what you just discussed yes and that just needs to be updated to changes um any questions or comments for the East Middle School handbook I have a couple um with the removal of the phone line which I get might not exist anyway I did look at the form and when you click the form it's a Google form so it populates with your email okay and this would be kind of I guess for both schools if you're if part of the policy is you're allowed to report anonymously what are we going to do about that part oh that's a good point let me we'll have to make some adjusts circumvent a form where you can not attach your email I'm not sure yeah but maybe David could answer that I thought you should be able to have a drop down to say with your email or Anonymous the um says not sh didn't you asked um that was one of the reasons why we had the telephone hotline so that someone could call and leave a message and would not have to identify themselves so do you have any knowledge of whether that hotline is the hotline is functional it is um almost never used but it is functional and I think it it forwards the um the the initial um Communications forwarded to the director of pupil services so even though the bullying hotline is a 467 7520 and all of our other numbers have been exchanged to different um not all the a little bit of disadvantage I don't have my phone notes with me at this moment but I can definitely uh get that information for you and um but the line there there still is an active line I guess it's a good thing it's not I mean it's not being used hopefully because there's no it's not needed um but it it does um it does exist I just want to point on the the Google form it does say not shared for the email so it does have it on there when you're logging into fil up the form but just below that it does say not shared it was on my screen it says not the email is not shared yeah so your email and Google account are not part of your response okay you know I'll test it out and see what happens yeah and I'm fine with adding some l to the handbook that they can call the East metal school and just leave a message anonymously and I think that would be sufficient okay I will follow on okay thank you sure thank you the other question I had and this has been like a sticking point for me is the dress code one I know we've had like previous discussions in previous years about it and I saw the change and I get the change with the wearing hats um my one thought is that in approving handbooks and procedures it would just be nice to make sure that it could be kind of substantiated or supported and so I kind of went down the rabbit hole a little bit of going through our policy and Mass's policy and then the Mass General law MH and the mass General law around schools with dress codes is um only you know making recommendations if it violates health safety or cleanliness and so you know I do believe places have gotten away from the discussion around hats that doesn't mean that I don't want to support teachers that doesn't mean that I don't you know think any is respectful or disrespectful I just am concerned that as we get narrower with the language we potenti open ourselves up for questions mhm we have had around this table with those of us that have been here for a while we've gone around and around about um dress codes on numerous um numerous occasions so it's not it's not a new a new question and I just think of instances too where you might have you know students with migraines or students with other conditions where they you know have medical or other related issues where they're wearing hats um again don't want to make any problems for teachers and that would be harder to police and navigate I'm just worried on the our side of things with a proving language what is the justification for not wearing hats well it has been problematic this year because some teachers will let them wear it and they're on the same team and they'll go to the next classroom and right away they have to take it off and then they can go to the next classroom and put it back on so it it just but it is Teachers discretion you say that so I mean if there's teachers that it's not within their discretion they want them to remove the Hat then there I mean it really shouldn't be yeah we we can it as is I I think there's also a piece of it too that you know we have a a a veteran a large veteran staff I mean I don't mean veterans like they served in the military but they've been around for a while and there's a strong feeling like you know not wearing a hat inside a building is a sign of respect and so like there's like values that factor into it which I know not everyone shares and so it's a it's a sticky walk I understand yeah and so that was the piece too because I was like well if it's at teacher discretion then what is kind of the teacher staff memb rationale for saying yes they can or no they can't at like with any other piece of clothing too like unless and that's where my mind went too and I'm like oh we said cafeteria but in my mind wearing them in the cafeteria is probably a problem because if you have one or two monitors and you have all kids with hats on and Foods on or whatever then at that point how do you see them eat you know be safe and like do so I'm like right well we can leave it as is um at the discretion of the teacher I I'm not willing to go to the far ends of the Earth to try to um resolve this um I I because I live in South Hadley I like I was very aware of a Supreme Court case that came through the town because of a T-shirt and that became kind of legendary in the area and I certainly don't want to bring any of that kind of angst upon gry public school so if it if you feel it should just be left alone I'll just let the teachers use it as their discretion let's see well I still think I mean if there's something that's unored or disrespectful written on the hat then that's still within the discretion of the teacher to ask them to remove it right sure and there is language around that to anything that's offensive right like the the offensive thing we've got yeah I'm remembering that right right because we were really hung up on the distracting versus disruptive right and what would what constituted offensive for right okay but you know if it's particular language or something attacking or I think I think that that I don't know it is a Sticky Wicket I understand but I'm glad Jill was the one that brought it up because I was gonna say something I was waiting for it um so I so do we want to what do what do we saying leave it as is for now further discussion as far as that goes what is what are the thoughts I'd almost prefer to leave it alone if it's been something that you know has been accepted in the past and just maybe start there my assumption is as time goes on they'll just there may be changing in language but it does it kind of es and flows with what's actually happening around us we also don't want to be more um put ourselves at odds with um Mash Genera or masc or anything like that because that I think can also bring in upon the town if someone was willing to pursue it that way where we're sort of out of step with those i provider is not the right word but sort of that guidance yeah regulation thank you that's the word um okay so any further discussion about the handbooks so for the vote we just would include the our um final decision about the hats so I'll need a motion making a motion to accept the EM handbook changes with the exception of the dress code taken out alteration can I have a second I'll second all those in favor I I thanks Lisa let us know if there's uating circumstances we're allow to push back we can revisit I will too okay thank you next is the high school and we have the assistant principal here Scott anybody no Scott FR here no hi everybody hi nice to meet you been here six weeks been a little longer than that but I think officially six weeks so this is his first um big assignment so he's been as well me high school book with you I can go through some of the changes uh the major ones um so we have some housekeeping things in terms of a class change for personal finance um some technology things uh some updates to dual enrollment policy as well uh one of the other major ones kind of piggybacking off of the East Meadow so the dress code um students are allowed to wear hats and head coverings in the high school I actually really like this wording I think that this um if the numbers align this might be what we need for the East Meadow one everybody so I think that this wording might be appropriate I'll share it with you B this this is a nice um addition to the Dress Cod okay I'll I'll send it to you uh in addition so students that are 18 uh can sign out uh they're legally an adult so they have the ability to do so so that's just been added to the handbook uh one of the changes um students must be on time and present in school present in school on the day uh of an athletic event in order to practice in or play in that event as well as other um activities Mia and non Mia uh so prom things like that students need to be here until at least 11: um some updates were made for summer reading honors AP courses um we also added some language for field trips uh and expectations and guidelines and eligibility for students being eligible to attend field trips um and also some updates for the junior high promotion retention uh as well as an attendance obviously in accordance with special ed and things like that keeping that in mind uh we also added some language for artificial int intelligence so the rise of AI in the classroom uh we felt it was important to add that as it becomes more and more problematic for teachers uh and then finally the last part obviously in regards to the conversation with Title 9 um what I will add is that um let me find just like three hours ago we got some suggestions from the attorney that were made in the document so I don't think it was updated on there but we just got it um and I think we're those are accepted and those have been put in there and there's just a couple of ones that we had mentioned to were the title line coordinator for the Grammy Public Schools just those little ones we we've already updated it in Mary Jan's so we'll just make sure that those carry over here so the um the tardy Improvement plan that's in Red so does that mean it's being removed yes okay I just wanted to make sure yep um question about the um timing for athletes yes on time and present so is the 75% rule that's um for MIAA for that student athletes section above it is is that where that comes in because otherwise it they conflict I think um so the policy that we're going to be that we're proposing is that we want students there for the entire time I believe but again Administration reserves the right to review I'm just thinking you know you try to make schedule appointments outside of school hours but it's not always possible I'm speaking right now as a mom of an athlete and sometimes Dental appointments or getting a physical so they can continue to play doesn't always work yeah so I think in those instances so students just wouldn't need to produce a doctor's note and then that would excuse them okay because then then the next one required percentage of time by MIAA which is the governing body for student athletes is 75% of the day so I just wanted to I I don't see how MIAA has a a a thing for prom Cilan dances but not for athletes playing in the games yeah am I reading it wrong when I'm reading it that last line however the Mia does not have an official attendance tardy policy each participating member School sets its own and so was our original 1 75% and then we're just well I'm just wondering why the the MIAA is what we're using for attendance to attend to a prom if we're saying MIAA which governs the athletes we're saying they need to be there to me that seems at odds the Mia I think the 75% was to be consistent for for all extracurricular activ right but now we're the 75% for athletics I if I'm reading that right you're removing the 75% for non- athletics yes so they're to 50% for the nonathletic things not for athletics I'm I'm sorry I first day back from vacation my brain is like mashed potatoes so I apologize let me try again I I'm the only one that has a problem so I I'm I I'll stop any other questions um for the high school yes um the only one I have that's around field trips um now I have to find it well I guess there's two questions the first one might be easier the language around AI is that intended to be a potential policy or is that just procedural I would tend to lean towards procedural for that um mainly because we're just trying to set some expectations for students in the classroom I don't know that we have any policy yet right no I'm I've attended a a couple of workshops just which is in my report that uh the Massachusetts doesn't have any regulations on that yet so they're in the process and the hope is to have something in place by October so these are guidelines at least something we have in place um I do think it's uh as we move on to the rest of the year and moving forward is definitely going to have to be honed and and really um and part that I am I did uh like I said join the task force so we'll be having meetings throughout the year and hopefully we'll have something in Place uh I think they said 22 States currently have have ai um policies for for Schools Massachusetts is not there yet but we hope to have something in place soon so I think this is just a way for us to let the students know that we're aware that you know AI is out there and we're going to really um you know take look at it and I guess that you know one of the issues is is you know what what does play look like and I think that becomes the biggest issue with AI at this at this point you know what at what point does become plagiarism or or a tool exactly this is where we are does this read like a policy though I wasn't leaning one way or the other I just it was something that just kind of popped into my head and I know it's so new and I'm sure you're dealing with it already or people had been already so it makes sense I think to have it in there I was just more questioning where we might end up on it there are there is a couple of uh superintendents have had submit some things that they're putting in their in their handbooks right now but just as a guide just to to address it so this is just something we're definitely going to be encountering in the next couple of years if you know sooner than later I I don't necessarily think this is an actual policy I think right now this is uh procedures we're looking at I'm not sure we didn't we didn't quote as a policy so just as language whatever that means and so we're removing the tardy Improvement plan because um So based off of my um knowledge of how it kind of unfolded over the previous year is that um we feel like efforts could be placed uh for tardy Improvement in a different fashion just not in official capacity like it's stated here awesome any other questions for the high school my one other question was the field trip Peak I'm sorry Jill no sorry fine don't worry it wasn't it wasn't letting letting it go um I know we spent sometime with OA our policy around field trips giving the superintendent the responsibility for any information um about procedures and protocols for all field trips my one kind of question and concern is with the proposed change in language are we setting ourselves up at all for any problems with um students being able to attend meaning passing Six out of seven classes attendance discipline um and then still having Administration reserving the right to retain a student from a field trip I just know it gets really sticky when students are not attending field trips and they're technically present school I get why um but I just I don't know where that is um yeah I I wasn't here when they created that and I think um um Ally would have a better understanding of that what does the policy specifically state that we don't have that those students can be exempt from because of those yeah the policy left it open okay to the superintendent to oversee those pieces um and I guess my just one concern is that if these are all of the situations where a student could be denied access to a field trip is it on me or does it open us up to somebody kind of fighting that or saying like you can't because of some other reason I don't know what it is but I'm just I know it can be really hard to not have a student attend buildr and is so we had the field trips and then we had out of state field trips so is this this is inclusive of both I believe so yes okay but then out of state ones sometimes are not really school I think we learned their all um okay so do we want to revisit student uh the field trip piece or are we good with um the way it is and we can make updates as needed thoughts questions comments I I can work with Al and see if we can you know hone that up a little bit to see you know does ultimately fall if it falls ultimately on on me as a superintendent you know these are discussions I have to have with with the students and and the families and I would imagine you're just not excluding students from ski without discussions yeah hope yeah I think that's a good I think the point you bring up is really good um I think we were thinking of it in terms of like a positive reinforcement for students to want to do well so that they get to go on these things but I think the other part of it too is something we should keep in mind too so we can definitely think about that I just think of situations where you know students might need more support but they don't have it yet but they're failing classes and then I I don't know if there's a way to say included but not limited to or something like that just so you have a little bit more y um which may include but yeah I think I think that's probably a better way to to to yeah so do we want to bring this back next time or are we good with that um included uh may [Music] include you just want to add that piece to the field chip that may include and then we can just put that on the floor are we comfort with that okay any other questions all right hearing none I will take the motion I'll make the motion to approve the grany Junior Senior High School handbook um as amended can I have a second second all those in favor all right employee thank you nice to meet you also the only change to the employee handbook is the um the new policy that's it and I did change it already in there those that said schools that is the only change to the employee handbook and it it just says replaced policy number acab so it's replaced that's a new number okay can I have the motion I'll make the motion to approve the 2425 employee ook second second all second all those in favor okay continuing business school choice um the enrollment daspoort has not been updated uh since June because the numbers are still uh fluid right now we've accepted some students um but we haven't received some um information back from some of them so we'll have a better handle on it on the first week of September to share with you um but um it's been staying steady so far um you know we have a few um enrollments at the elementary school and I know there's at least two that I can think of at the high school at this point um but um Stacy did update it um but she said I'd like to wait till September 1st till we have a firm number okay any questions on that all right next is the super attendance report well I've got a lot because of the last meeting I didn't attend I just wanted to let out there's the meeting that um was posted for um July 16th um was not posted properly so um we did not have it I wanted to put that on record just so that we have this um so summer school is now completed U Mr Taylor did a fabulous job keeping the program rooming there was 25 summer school enrichment students um and 32 esy students um at the high school students are offered credit recovery and all of the students repeat um completed their respective programs um working with gramby Police Department Officer um Gilly did a dare basketball camp with 60 students he did a great job and that was um in the end of July so he did a great job with that there were 60 participants they had a little um ceremony at the end a little game so it it was a great uh a great job I'd like to thank Chief ogrady and and um David I don't know where David cwick went but um Chief ogrady um and the police department donated about uh 12 telephones to the district we had some phones that were not working properly and um because the police department updated their phone system we able to give us 12 phones and I have brand new in my office and works great so I want to uh give a nice uh thank you to chief o GR in the police department for that um we had a summer Retreat for our with our um admin team on Wednesday Wednesday July 31st and Thursday August 1st and our Focus continues to work uh we continue to focus on the Strategic plan um as it relates to teaching and learning um our Focus will be high quality instruction and supporting teachers and using data that they have to effectively Target instruction I'm having high developing expectations for all and uh and a and a growth mindset um we established a shared understanding what instructional strategies that allow for rigorous engaging and Powerful learning experiences and setting appropriate grade level or content area learning targets that consistently monitor progress and that's what we'll be talking to the teachers about um when they return um next week you know what does that look like in the classroom how we what are our expectations for them and really take a look at what what our instructional materials are to support that and we're on a good tra trajectory because we do have that new math curriculum the in illustrative math which is really uh one of the high quality instructed materials teachers did meet today on on that and had some PD on that as well so we also talked about uh safe and learning uh safe and supportive schools I worked with officer Gilly and the Children's Advocacy Center um they're going to be providing workshops to us and our staff Care Professionals and teachers um to support social emotional learning they um have a great U menu of options that we've going to incorporate into our program U for professional development for all of our staff members we're particularly going to focus on ensuring that some of our par Educators get some support this year in those in those needs so um we continuous second steps at East Meadow and we are now moving that second steps program into the high school which is a social emotional curriculum so we we looked at that as well um we're excited to announce that we received the 21st after school Grant in the amount of $210,000 to support our after school programs um that is a program that we worked with the collaborative collaborative for CES for Educational Services um it will provide before school chair at 7:15 to 8:15 and then after school care from 2:45 to 5:30 every day and we're looking at um Lisa and I and um as well as Sue crao talked about uh creating a task or or little committee to see what kind of programs we're going to put in place to to get that rolling so that that's first thing on our agenda beginning next week um so our Focus really on that Grant is on math so we're going to be um working with the new IM math curriculum as well as some of the Cs engage Grant so that really will help us this grant will allow us to give PD um to staff professional development homework support for students enrichment activities and um you know whatever else we deem is necessary to support them it also provides transportation we can also use a grant for transporting students before and after school so that's a a big chunk of uh the gram will be helpful for us for that um so okay Transportation has um transportation planning for the school year is now complete we finalize the bus routes and the um assignments so right now um the transportation issue Transportation will be on our website we have sent out postcards to families actually I don't think they're quite sent out yet uh Caitlyn still has a few on her desk postcards going out to family that State uh where your bus is um what time will be picked up what your bus number is so little postcards are going out it is also um in the principal's new newsletters and it's going out in Blackboard connect on Friday so right now we're in pretty good shape with in last year I know it was uh a little bit Pro problematic but I think we have it under control this year early uh Staffing update we have new teachers orientation will be next Tuesday and Wednesday from 8: to 2:30 and if you click on there's a copy of the agenda in there for you to take a look at we're close to being fully staffed we're looking to hire a special educator at East Meadow School and a second shift custodian at the Junior Senior High we're also reviewing some student schedules and educational needs to ensure that our pair educator needs are being met we still maybe short two pair professionals we do have some um interviews scheduled but we're still in the middle of looking at um students need to see if those positions are actually necessary um we do have two pair of professionals that we also filled at at the high school I did give you a list of the folks that are hired um good news is we able to hire a nurse which was really exciting so we're able to get a nurse at the elementary school this year that was something we were a little worried about but we did find a great candidate she's great and um and these are uh our positions do You' like me to read them all off do you did you post that in our folder for August 13th this I may not have I will send I I will make sure it's in there yeah I think it's sent here is a August 13th agenda no it's her her report oh maybe I didn't put it in there I'll check I'll I'll double check I'll put it in for sure I thought I you were talk you don't have to it just you were talking like we could see the dates and I'm sorry I was just wondering I probably didn't I will I will drop it in there for you okay great and I I didn't put it in here but I did attend a AI task which which reminded me I did attend an AI um task force last week I uh joined that as uh in our capacity for Grand B public schools and um we are working to create a policy for the state so I'm on that task force and they'll be having a series of meetings 8 to 10 meetings um to mid- October until we can make recommendations so i' I've joined that task force as well so that's where we stand for now but um good to go any questions from Mary all right Todd you're up I will put that so A couple of things we've mixed news with uh some of our federal grants particularly Title One and idea are coming in a little less than what we anticipated um but our Chapter 70 uh came in higher because the state approved 104 per pupil over the governor's original proposal of $30 per pupil um so we're still a net positive um offsetting those Grant reductions um not great news on the kitchen front uh we went out to public bid no biders for either the subcontractor bids in the electrical work uh we even did a second sub bid to try to Garner some interest uh none came we went to the general bid and there were no bids I emailed the Attorney General's office to see do we what options we have so nothing's been done nothing's been done we can't move until there's a bidder or I get additional guidance from the Attorney General's office so I emailed them two weeks ago and I still haven't heard back yet I'm confused because I thought we had it's because of the sub bidder for the electrical so our bid original that we have is for the AR architect and design service now we need a general contractor to bid on the project and there's no general contractor that's bid so we're never gonna get this kit because I won't say never I'll say never because at this point I mean good Lord obviously isn't the timeline that we wanted um we can't control when people will bid on projects but we will find a pathway forward uh to get this project done so whether that means the AG gives us guidance that we can there's another Avenue or we go back out to bid and maybe construction is happening during the school year I just I I mean we had a a very finite amount of dollars and the longer we wait the more expensive stuff's getting right and so I don't still with with the information that we put to bid we're still well within our budget we we have a cushion within I'm not frustrated with you I'm frustrated with the process because we were hoping to have this wrapped up for this school year and here it is August and we don't even have a general contractor so that to me is highly insulting and very upsetting that we can't move forward the engineer uh and the architect are as surprised by this as possible as we are there's um when I was looking for some guidance for them for next steps um they looked on the central register which is one of the two places that we post and there were 14 Design Services out to bid and over 50 gc's out to bid gc's aren't there aren't enough gc's for the jobs that are available we are in the same boat as everybody else it is not a Grand View problem it is an industry issue that there's just too many projects not enough companies not enough workers man oh man you got any good news in there uh we got more in Chapter 70 than we origin anticipated and then the other good news that I would say is um even though we have been short staffed with our maintenance and custodial team they've done a great job in preparing our buildings um the elementary school is just about ready to go final touch-ups uh high school has a couple of uh rooms and hallways to finish up but they're they got us ready to go they did a great job uh short staff short window and they they didn't and got have done congratulations to them done great job you really have can I ask one kind of clarifying question so I know the Chapter 70 thing is good what were the pieces that came in or what can you go over again what came in shorter than anticipated um idea was about 22,000 less than our projection uh title one was about 7,000 less than objection so those were the two bigger ones and what makes those numbers different it's a state formula um part of it's going to be enrollment okay so and which enrollment numbers do they use are those the would be October ones I don't know if they're October ones or April they do two yeah two reportings yeah okay um we've had General Contractors into to work on that building before right the last one was probably the roof project yeah um wouldn't be in violation of any laws to reach out to have an inquiry as to why they didn't want to bid on this it's not prompting anyone to to bid but it would be a good source of why maybe in addition to the shortage of general contractors they didn't bid on that particular project and maybe the next time it's posted it could be amended or just that phone conversation could spur somebody to look the next time it's posted MH uh you know if you have 50 60 different options sometimes maybe it just gets lost in all the possible selections but if they see hey you know such and such called me a month ago and now it's posted maybe I'll throw in for it uh maybe a high context relationship might be the solution to getting around that just a thought yeah okay yeah so is that going to impact anything with us for for food for lunges the I've already met with Ken from Chartwells um we still we have the operation in place to um provide as much service to our student at high school as possible yeah uh I know he's like everybody disappointed because they could probably they would be able to do more but um I think they provide a good variety for the students given the limitations that they have it's still free lunch right y the state is still funded St uh their primary meal is free and second lunch or additions allart options at a cost but their primary meil is still P but see perfect and participate Canen coming to one of our September meetings give up kind of a what recap of last school year and some thanks to anticipate for next week I think September 17th um anything about the Chargers what are they working they've been working okay and they're charging appropriate like charge we don't have an account set up with them to receive payment as a point of purchase but people can use them and they're charging oh I know that at least one station is available okay great anything left over from the lightning strike is going to hit just everything yeah no I got to get them all out taking some not I don't know what any of this stuff is no is not any outstanding work related that's great so that feels good yeah see you had some good news in there I thought I had a lot of good you should have buried the kitchen thing because that sort of took away from any good news that you had that's why I tried to end with good news maintenance team and custodial crew did a fantastic job yes they did congratulations and kudos to them but I'm still pissed off about the kitchen any other questions or comments for Taj all right Joe so the cloud dve we met on in June the end of June um just making sure which means I did not review anything um and essentially it was just looking at the the proposed budget for 2025 and that was approved and in the executive director's report focused on the graduations that were happening within their programming all right um anything else that we need to discuss anything that we want to make sure is on the agenda for next time we should really have subcommittee meetings for next time which I think is let me see what the date is I don't remember 27th oh good second day of school y um could have been the day before school huh I said it could have been the before um all right so um should we have do we want to have subcommittees that meeting or do we want to push it off until the the following the following week so we have backtack meetings this um 27th and the 3 thoughts anybody oh when is your convocation um the 20 God uh 22 is is uh Thursday and 23 so 224 if you're interested in coming well eight the when were you open I've been coming o' 8 o' and that's on the 23rd 20 that's a Thursday oh 22nd okay that's just that's is that's the convocation day okay so not just new teachers no new teachers are the or do you want to come on the new teacher day no no no no okay just want to make sure 22 all right 8:22 a.m okay great um sorry squirrel all right having the same thing so on next meeting do we want to have subcomittees or do we want to wait and do it the following um following meeting were they usually the second of the month typically uh typically but we're so out of cycle with them so I don't we can wait and do it the um later meeting in September so we can because usually the one right after school starts is busy there's just a lot of stuff to go on getting everything going and then the third we have the backtack meeting so I think we can wait I don't think we have anything pressing do we have anything pressing as far as budget and stuff goes for this so we can wait until the 17th okay um I did reach out to Kathy Kelly Regan about our membership and so she said um if there is a vacancy then the school committee will come up with recommendations and along with the select board will appoint for the remainder of that year until the next election so for example if a position like we were talking about Stephanie's Position will be an unexpired one-year term on the 2025 ballot and then George is up and he would be a regular three-year term on the ballot for the next one but we will have um in the not so distant future two open positions so we still have Stephanie parents position that is open and we will have another one um at some point yeah I'm trying yeah I know and I'm I'm not I just so we need to get the word out um try to get people interested so if principes could include that in their letters um if you have social media at all if you want to have anybody out we need to try to find some people to do that so that we can get people yes we're looking for to Jill will be probably at some point the sooner we can find some she has a new position so that was sort of the bargain I'm I'm trying to hang in as long but I mean there's already conflicts do you know what I mean like there was a school community meeting tonight I you know there's just there's lots of things that we think are going to be competing so we're trying to um okay we'll get some words out we we'll do our best to so if anybody has anybody um they can send them my way send them to Mary Jane just we need to get some um some people uh excited to join us exactly um if there's anything else that you can think of for the agenda you can send it to uh Mary Jane and she'll uh publish it before the next one um if there's nothing else we'll move on to our next spot all right we'll vote to enter into executive session under Massachusetts General Law chapter 30A section 21 part A3 to discuss strategy with regard to collective bargaining as doing so in an open session may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the committee the committee will not return to open session Jenny can you do a roll call vote do you know how no J we'll start at the we're going to do a roll call vote uh Jen hi um Mike Mike hi sorry I was having a over there George hi Jill hi all right thanks everybody have a good night