##VIDEO ID:0ke4CZ2b0fs## [Music] the gry black board um meeting to order if you can join me in the Pledge of Allegiance the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible Li Justice for thank you all right so we have no appointments today but we do have citizen participation so Mr Randall if you would like to come up before you have a tee start off thank you hello thank you very much George Randle 52 Taylor I'm here tonight on behalf for the Grammy firefighters Association as you know we've been working uh on a 9911 memorial for some time we're having a dedication on September 7th uh which is a Saturday and I've got an idea I'm hand deliver an invitation to each of you oh thank you thank you and if you can make it fine we'd love to have you thank you if you'd like to say anything uh uh there's a you can reply my email just let me let me know uh and if you just want to come and be a part we'd love to have you thank you that'll conclude me thank you very much thank you thank you George thank you all right next is Town Administrator what do you got for us today Chris uh I have one due TR rental uh it's for September 17th 2024 arriving 3:00 p.m. departing 8:00 p.m. uh liquor authorized none maximum number of people 50 plus it is an end of summer picnic area requested is the parking lot area an open field the wooded areas on either side of the open field and the Pavilion that's all I have very nice all right we will next go to new business um accept departmental reports everyone get a chance to read them good yes tot entertain the motion I'd like to make a motion to accept the departmental reports I'll second the motion right any further discussion no discussion I did um in the police uh report um chief o Grady was able to secure us two really large grants which I thought was excellent news the 911 training Grant and the um 911 support and incentive Grant I thought that was EX excellent news um Chris does he use those for the road details so that is for the call system is that correct I think he told us last year for the 911 it's the call system that they have there right and training for it he's using part of the money for uh to help purchase the radios for his new uh p25 system okay and also it is used for training uh to maintain the training for dispat patchers and police officers who fill in for dispatchers and then usually there's a second Grant which he can buy equipment with and he usually goes out and buys some piece of equipment on an annual basis very nice it was nice to see you got some R yes um I did actually just thinking about excuse me thinking back um the building inspector did not he had a bunch of inspect inspections but this didn't add anything in detail on it to see what they were think they kind of asked for was that for I think he wrote just up up at the top which ones got um building permits right yeah so he said nine building permits and then inspection so we want a more detailed list of what inspections took place is that what we asked for last time that's what we did right but so we asked for a number of permits right issued and then it just says inspections that took place yeah okay I mean type of inspection can for him it's just going to say well the first rough draft second and right that's basic going to be right this his inspection there certain they in that the phases of of the building of the house okay on the permits you may want to know what type I solar panel you know addition wood stove addition that nature that's things that okay so not so much the inspections but more of the permits yeah just so we have an idea of what's actually going on at those addresses okay Chris will you be able to reach out to um Dy and Cody about that TR much relation to I talk to couple thank you all right anything else all in favor I all right next is to approve and sign maintenance warrants like to make a motion for payroll account summary in the town of Grandy warrant number 008 dated 7:30 2024 with a total of 4 23,38 59 I'll second the motion any further discussion I will abstain from the select board and teacher salaries for this forant right all in favor I I my myself and day will vote as a necessity for the select board salaries next warant is town of Grandy authorization for payment on warrant number 009 dated 82 2024 for a total in a dispersement of 195,00 $456 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I switch than you all right next is minutes in our bunch of minutes so even if you weren't here Dave you can make the motion you just won't do the final I think chis Phil stain from it yep Council on Aging I make a motion to accept the Council on Aging no these are going to be select board minutes sorry select minutes from February 6 2023 reading well call I'll second motion I any further discussion all in favor I I and you will abstain yes so you don't even have to sign it and make another motion to accept select board meeting minutes from March 6 2023 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I and abstain abstain make another motion to accept ramby select board minutes from meeting on September 5th 2023 and a second motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I and I will abstain thank you next motion will also be for Grammy select board meeting minutes from March 4 2024 now second motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I thank you make another motion for gramby select board meeting minutes from April 1st 2024 to accept I'll second motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I thank you next motion will be for the Bry select board again for meeting minutes on April 22nd 2024 a second motion any further discussion all in favor I I I obain thank you I will make another motion for the gramy select board meeting minutes dated five six and it's 23 yeah okay sorry for 56 of 2023 I'll second move any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I obain you I make a motion to accept the meeting minutes for the gry select board meeting dated 5 [Music] 2124 I'll second motions any further discussion no discussion all in favor I no oppos no no one abstaining was yep mil and I will make one last motion to accept the grany select board meeting minutes from 63 2024 have second the motion any further discussion all in favor I thank you I'm sorry my it flopped thank you all right next on the agenda is the one-day liquor license for 193 ammer Street make a motion to accept a one- day special alcohol permit on the date of event is 824 24 responsible manager is David capriotti organization name is the Beer Guy LLC addressed at 21 of Mount View Street in South Hadley uh description of the event is a music and food event and it will be taking place at Deer Creek Farm on 193 ammer Street in Grandy M alcohol being purchased from Quality Beverage 880 Bernett Road in chicke and Commercial D of Westfield Mass I'm not sure what that is quantity of alcohol being purchased three cases of Bud Light six cases of truly three cases of red wine three cases of white wine and stock start time is 400 p.m. and end time is 10 p.m. I have a second oh second motion Madam chair Madam chair yeah there's a concern with that application he identifies a liquor store that's on the authorized list to purchase but then he's also saying he's providing the beverages from stock and we don't know where that star was purchased so would it be in violation of what is required by the WCC in order to issue every one day account was going to say we going to open up for discussion because there's other concerning things that were also presented in the packet as well um so did everyone get a chance to review all the information for it it did so the special permit was issued for private events only and in that packet this is not a private event this is a public event opened up a seasoned desist was given by The Building Commissioner for this public event that is happening on August 24th so not only is alcohol not being purchased from the correct vendor for his stock which we don't know but our Building Commissioner is following our bylaw and the special permit that is attached there it says for private events not public and this is a public event so those were my major concerns about this moving forward yeah Special Events weddings family parties farmer Mark with stle events with its operation between 9 and9 um I did see that I read that um I guess my question would be what makes it a public event there's selling tickets is that what makes it a public event yeah CU they're selling tickets so they you lose $55 a ticket to I did I did read that to attend so it's not like it's a family event it's not it's or it's not like it's a a private organization and selling tickets to their employees or they have to buy for their family members to attend along with the employees this is just out there on the open market okay understand it okay so when I look at it in my opinion that makes it a public event it's open to the general public you come you give me your money and that's it right yeah right agree s could falling thew say Kathy you have a question well I just wanted to say also if we look at the interent license it's only for a DJ or special and not like that so based on what they applied for for the entertainment license they're the ones who stated karaoke and DJ they didn't ask for live bands so it's not on their license and they didn't ask for public events they asked for private events so given that alone I would not approve this one day liquor license myself that's where I'm going with them I would well they don't meet they they actually can't have the the function I think the functioning as outside the scope what they they permanent is issued for and regardless of the the alcohol permit of the legal license my assing is the individual is already licensed it's not like um someone having a party there themselves and having liquor they're not buying the liquor and serving it it's our I'm assuming it's a by the name it's a company that already has a Laker license so he can I'm thinking he he's already approved to purchase alcohol from certain vendors but he is not does not have a catering license which would allow him to go to various towns to be able to sell his product so he would have get a permit in every situation caters right I understand that but I'm talking about purchasing the alcohol or where he says he has it from stock where he's a license he already has a a liquor license state liquor license so he must be purchasing it through the correct so we don't we don't know that well based on that we we don't know but people can list whatever they want go purchase stuff we don't we're not we use the ask for receipts I'm just saying you we usually ask for receipts and we go and make sure that the company that is listed is on that state authorized list when was the last time that was done what was that when we we receive receipts every occasion so s now we refuse um and he also he has a transportation right uh to transport transport who doesn't have they also sent them to the ACCC and he said we could choose whoever you want but again they had to make sure that they were Bing it from the with u they out of this stuff and they tell the gentleman that he needed to um the receipts [Music] and so what do you mean by Transportation pathy so he can carry the alcohol he has the right to have alcohol and transported okay that's his license is full were there any concerns from the police chief not that I know like I said still because they're actually outside the scope with the burn as for right so given that I do need a mo to reject it correct Chris well there's a motion to approve there was a motion to approve in a second and then it was open for discussion what you're going to do you're going to ask for eyes and then nay okay okay and then extensions so whoever is for granting it will vote under the eyes y whoever is against it will vote under the Nay and that will be the record of the vote okay right do you guys want any further discussion Mo's good right so all in favor all opposed I I any extensions thank you okay there we go thank you yep all right next is to sign uh the approved Package Store transfer at 367 East Street doing business say brusso liquor Mar there two one day Li license one for the and one for 93 93 okay thank you we'll go back to that one y we will go back to that one I missed the two thank you kassy I make a motion for a one day special alcohol permit for for 9113 2024 the responsible manager being Naomi Sonic organization name deer Creed Farm address 193 ammer Street Randy for a wedding special event with the hours of 3: to 900 p.m. taking place at 13 ammer Street Ramy Mass with a0 participants alcohol beverages are being purchased from Outlook Farm alcohol being purchased is three kegs of beer time start time is 300 p.m. end time is 900 p.m. and the chief has right the same thing where they um during having under tent drink another designated area um and uh has a standard name like on there and I and also that we down what purchasing that'll be in the Bold on the permit licenses for servy wine and Malt Beverages only right here the only alcohol allowed on the premises will be Mal applicant must provide a million doll insurance policy acceptable to the town all beer must be consumed in the main tent area of the event no serving people under 21 years of age no serving to intoxicated persons no serving alcohol before 300 p.m. and after 900 p.m. on September 13 2024 three cegs of beer only will be purchased from Outlook farm for the event do I have a second I'll second the motion it's a private event so theie and the chief didn't have any concerns besides just underneath the tent outl Farm is are approve vendor yes all right any further discussion all in favor I I would the board like us to get a copy of the approved vendor list so you can have the opportunity to review a c yeah great just so know is it right off the abcc website where okay sometimes I can't write my last name like to squiggle all right so next is the approved Package Store transfer at 367 East Street doing business at brusso flicker Mark okay license for alcoholic beverages the licensing board of the town of gramy Massachusetts hereby grants a retail package goods store Li to expose keep for sale and to sell all kinds of alcoholic beverages not to be drunk on the premises 2 367 East State Street doing business as brusso liquor heart license number 907 97- pk- 0458 at 367 East State Street gramy Mass 01033 James gibons is the manager the premises is a one-story building containing 3,110 Square ft two rooms located at 367 West State Street gramy Mass 01033 one entrance front door and two exits for back doors the license is granted and accepted upon the express condition that the license C shall in all respects conform to all provisions of the Liquor Control Act chapter 138 of the general laws as amended and any rules or regulations made thereunder by the licensing authorities this license expires December 31st 2024 unless earlier suspended cancelled or revoked in testimony whereof the unders sign have here unto affixed their official signatures this 12th day of August 2024 the hours during which alcohol beverage may be sold are from 8:00 a.m. to 11: p.m. Monday through Saturday Sunday hours will be 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on a Sunday that immediately precedes a legal holiday will be 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. do I have a second a second the motion any further discussion discussion all in favor I I we oppos than it's Greatful all right next on the agenda is to approve and sign the warrant for the 2024 State primary make a motion to accept please primary paperwork for voting in September on the thir day 2024 um do I need to read through every piece of this Chris or can I just give the detail no you got to read every just asking I figured I did Commonwealth Massachusetts William Francis galin SEC Secretary of the Commonwealth town of gramby warrant for 2024 State primary to the constables of town of GR and County of Hampshire greetings in the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in primaries to vote at the gramy Junior Senior High School at 385 East State Street in said toown for precincts 1 2 and 2A precent numbers 1 two and 2A 385 East State Street will be the polling location on Tuesday the third day of September 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for the following purposes to cast their votes in state primaries for candidates of political parties for the following officer offices senator in Congress for this Commonwealth representative in Congress for district first District excuse me counselor 8th District Senator and general court pandon Hampshire and Worcester districts representative and general court third Hampshire District precinct 1 and 2A representative in general court second Hampshire District Precinct two Clerk of Courts Hampshire County red Register of Deeds Hampshire District register of probate Hampshire County here of fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the town clerk at the time and place of said voting giving given under our hands this 12th day of August 2024 okay we have a second a second the motion any further discussion all in favor for all right next is to approve and or adopt the volunteer release form have to read this for me no standard form I make a motion to accept the volunteer release form for possible volunteers for found of Bry okay do you have a second I'll second the motion any further discussion any discussion um Chris I was wondering should we have a description of the volunteer work that they're going to be doing on here so they are signing off that they're doing it and for what organization or if they're doing it for their self but say they're doing the baseball diamonds or anything like that should we have a description on there or no because because when they come in and want to volunteer the board has to approve the services okay so at that point in time you can ask what services they are proposing to do okay and then would we just have the description written on the back for our information afterwards or it be part of your minutes okay you know that type of thing so okay that's all I was wondering if um that or a location but like you said if they're coming in here we're going to get that information anyways but it I think it would be important to have it on the back of here in case there's a problem or an issue later we can just pull the file it's up to the board yeah what do you guys think something in the back says location description yeah just a location and description I think would be good on the back of this for our records if it's a group of people it probably be would be one person representing I would think but they all would have to sign at some point so this is going to be required by everybody anybody any right so do you have a whole group of people come in to represent and one person represent represents and then they all come and sign the form afterwards yeah by the individual individual forms y because they're individually volunteering their time right that okay all right so we'll just do a description of whatever their whatever their volunteer work is on the back and the location where they want to do it m okay all right all in favor I I do you want us to sign that Chris or it's just going to be part of our minutes just be part of the minut all right next is to adopt or approve uh the senior veteran workup pram I make a motion gramby senior workof program for property tax workof abatement program 2024 guidelines do I have to accept are we accepting well you're making a motion making a motion to accept I'll second the motion any further discussion yeah we did um we did go through it a couple times I think there was that um I had a question Chris and I didn't know if this was standard across other towns but it says the third paragraph individuals serving on any Town board committee or commission who are or were compensated and individuals who are full or part-time employees of the Town who work more than 520 hours per year during the fiscal year for which the tax credit is sought shall be ineligible to participate in the program even if their money is below the what we're listing here we're just saying that what am I going to say if you're not giving preference to employees that's what they're trying to do is try try to avoid a a perception that if you work for the town you're going to get preference over people who don't work for the tent okay that Clause is used by about half the communities that have this program okay so some feel it's important some feel it's not important personally I think it's important just to show that here you go for people who don't work for the town here's an opportunity to be able to parate in this program I just wonder do we have people who do work for the town who've given their time and their service who are under this poverty or under not poverty but yeah poverty income level they would automatically be in aloid because they worked for the town for the town yes yeah I don't know if that's necessarily fair either I hear I definitely hear what you're saying we don't want them to think that they're going to get pre preferential treatment but I feel like they've given to the town and if they're under that poverty level they should be they should be able to have the access like everyone else I don't know that's I agree with you Krystal I don't know I don't know how we would word that though just take that Clause up but they call left parag yep and there's a limit limited amount of abatement that is offered anyways from what I remember reading is that correct well per person but it was only so many 10 people well the board the the issue is is the board will determine how much you want to put aside for this program on an annual basis I put 15,000 because that was about the figure that you guys were talking at one point you want to make it 30 make it 30 but you have to understand that it has to be raised on the tax recap so if you're raising more money for this program then may affect being able to fund other projects that's all I'm saying okay okay and then for this fiscal year you put 15 away you were saying or allotted for 15 well the issue is this we haven't adopted chapter 59 section 5K or 5n and that has to be done at a town meeting okay so this program cannot be put into place until town meeting actually accepts those Mass general laws and both of yes so that's 5K you said 5K is for seniors 5n is for veterans okay so then is it premature for us to vote on this or at least have it in place you can set the guidelines okay you can decide what you're going to do but every year you're probably going to go back in and you have to update this with guidelines because you're going to have a for 2025 2026 so on and so forth things may change okay the income limits may change if you're basing upon 400% of the current poverty guidelines okay you so every year this can't be a document you just put off to the side every year it has to be addressed and it should be addressed by that committee that I recommended for administration but they should be going through this and making sure that it's up to date I mean we can technically put this off until it's past that town meeting town meeting says no Then or they do law and doesn't matter so we probably better off just waiting till the town say yes we're okay with that and then we can move forward with it we have everything there already I just put together the guidelines as I was requested to do to uh have please and that may come up at Tom want somebody ask about what are the guidelines we would have guidelines of these are the recommended guidelines that we have at this point in time or you can print them off as a handout at town meeting when you're addressing the acceptance of those statutes on the um application Chris can we put have you previously participated in the Grammy volunteer service program because we just said have you participated but this we're doing that for subsequent years right so if they got it one year it doesn't mean they're automatically going to get it the next year in case there's a lottery so maybe just to have you previously participated that way I mean we're going to have the list of 10 people that did it anyways [Music] is that how the board wants it to read think yeah agree with that yeah as you say we're going to see a list anyway but it would be a little easier people do that not re year after you mean they're not going to get it get it year after year after year okay because they do have to apply for it every year we're going to set up a time frame when the applications have to be End by um but I would recommend that there's somewhere in there that U that someone shouldn't get it U two years in a row if other people have put for age age should go is that something that needs to be in the guidelines Chris or is that something that the committee can discuss it does talk about if there's more than 10 people that it would be a lottery if you if you look in their Administration towards the end yep first priority for participation in the program will be given to seniors veterans that have not participated in the program in Prior years and then if there's more than a lottery will be conducted okay right so end up with 15 people and all participated it previously then they be dual Lottery yeah where the preference would go to people that haven't participated previously I did like Chris how you added the evaluation for the program participants I thought that was a good addition to it um should there be a supervisor kind of review because what if because every Department said what they would need right or what they could have people do but maybe it didn't work in the way that they thought it was so the supervisor going to be part of the program too or the committee that's well I think the committee would meet with the department heads to basis to see how well it worked right okay do they have any suggestions on how it may be improved I'm I'm laying a lot of this on the committee to make sure the program works okay that was better than just having one person in charge and yeah their their word is whatever I'm saying every year after the program ends we get an evaluation this person comes in and says it was a waste of time they worked in the police department well you that okay so now you bring the department head and say okay what happened how maybe they couldn't do that did they just couldn't do it were they obstinate were there things that prevented them from doing it and you talk more with the department head so that when you list all these positions that you have available for people to be able to participate that may change year in year out depending upon how well it worked in that department in the prior year and then for the member at large when this is adopted or if the taxpayers do adopt at town meeting then we would put out a request yes for a member at large yes okay and I know this is legal speed CIS but what does it mean on status of participants B where it says count toward liability against it [Applause] is okay so basically if what what they're going to be considered as an employee of the Town Vol volunteer are doing this program so they're covered by all our insurances for anything that happens to them that's the torque liability okay you know say say they're working in the assessor's office and they release some confidential information and all of a sudden were sued we're responsible for that because they did it while being an employee of the town of gry okay okay or if they're out weed whack in D Frame Park and they shoot a stone and break a windshield they're an employee of the Town were responsible to fix the vehicle is you're actually a tech technical age to be considered a senior he's about 60 on here right most people well that's what it says in the statute yeah okay that's what it says in the statute we we we debated that in the office ourselves because if you look at AARP that's now down to 45 that just become a member of AARP so wow I I just picked that in the statute when you read that that it's in a statue I'm I'm fine with that okay it says it says allow persons over the age of 60 to volunteer to provide services to such city or town so it's right there in the statute and then if they can't they can um have someone else do it on their behalf they can use a proxy yes which is a allowed when you accept the statute okay is when you read at the bottom they City Town by vote of its legislative body subject to his Charter May adjust the exemption in this Clause by allowing an approved representative for persons physically unable to provide such services to the city or town stop so when you vote the acceptance of it you're going to vote it also with that Clause allowing a proxy unauthorized representative to perform the work if they're incapable and when I was looking at the income guidelines couple of the towns use the senior circuit breaker income limits and for tax purposes and that is for 2023 the income limits were 69,000 for a single person who was not head of hosle 86,000 for a head of housle and 103,000 for married FAL and Jun return I thought those was are kind of high amounts to for participation we were trying to go more for the lower income bracket and I figured if you have a family you get up there real quick if there's two or three or four people in the household yeah so they used you said the senior circuit it's called the senior circuit breaker income limit which is allowed on your tax forms when you when you fire your state taxes I would think in town there's not a lot of senior households that have four five six seven people a lot of grandparents are taking for their grandkids yeah they are I'm I'm just so that's just one I mean well I'm I'm just using that as an example I just feel that's probably the minority now the majority I I agree but I was taking that into account trying to develop this a little bit then again every year comes up to you know we see how it goes after one year it needs to be looked at it and and um changes anything P me you can you can change the guidelines you know yeah there was I was even looking at the there was one town that uses the federal median income for various siiz families that's a different type of of income guide right that one's harder to find though out there on on the web pages so Chris looking ahead at the dates it has please return completed application by December 2nd that that's going to be every year right so in order for us to put this in place for it to get on the ground and running we would have to have a town meeting in the fall so at least by November the latest M and I know last year we tried to stay away from holidays when we had talked about a special town meeting just because for FY 26 I know there was a bunch of seniors that really asked us to try and get this on the ground this year hope for the board because I know we also talked about other things that we would need to address at a special to meeting as well like the fire budget so and then possibly the dog once we haven't gotten there yet today but possibly that bylaw change too so do we want to put it on the back burner with a tentative possible special town meeting in the fall I think if we have a special time meeting it's something to be added to it but I wouldn't have a special time meeting just for that I know I think there's possibly three things that need to go on there right now's so so I think there's possibly three things which would which is feasible yeah all right we'll put it on the up was there anything else that you guys wanted to change or have Chris update so at least it's ready to go when we do have town meeting are we going to take out the um full or part-time employees of the town you told me take that you told me start yeah I just want to make sure okay and then we're just going to add previously and then that was it everything else was good yes and then as one so we could uh change it accordingly see how it goes change it accordingly to adapt it a little better as I said it's a working document y okay and every year you're going to want to revisit revisit it and update according yeah because there's also just so you know under those statutes instead of a $1,500 maximum you can vote to have them be 125 hours maximum allot to be1 now that would change because it would be up to 125 hours at the then current minimum wage of the Commonwealth so if that changes it goes to 181,000 or goes to 20,000 means that the amount that they would be entitled to goes up accordingly so you would have to increase the amount you're putting aside in the provision for abatements and exemptions on an annual basis also okay just just letting the board know that that's all just so right now the um maximum is 125 hours she said right now well we have well that's what it says in the statute we can change it okay um we can change it to allow the maximum reduction of the real property tax bill to be based on 125 volunteer service hours in a given tax year rather than 1,500 okay and I think that was put in there so you could turn around and take into account that you want it to go up as taxes go up therefore you base it on a number of hours with the idea that the state minimum wage would be increasing accordingly yeah maybe not as fast but accordingly all right any further discussion no discussion no further discuss we T this no I well the motion was to approve it I'm okay with approving it with the changes that were made oh wait save GL mon we're just right we're just approving the form with the change that's all I'm going to you're approving the guidelines that's the guidelines With The Changes y right so all in favor I I and I think it's a good piece there too when it comes up at the U town meeting that we have something to hand out so people would see um what the guidelines are case you know they want to speak out as far as that before you know before they approve to adopt the law thank you Chris for putting them together I know it took a lot of work all right next is chapter 14 K9 control I had forwarded to the board our current K9 control bylaw yep and then a animal control bylaw that was drafted by the bylaw Review Committee back in 20 21 I think that was that time so just so you could see what what they had changed and I don't know if the board wants to move forward with starting a or you will have to hold a bylaw hearing to change it and then would have to be brought forward to a town meeting for adoption at some point in the future stand Glen do you want a printed copy from TR no see sometimes it's easier reading when it's right in front of you yeah no this way scroll down okay I'm just offering I have a copy here thank you e for it's it's definitely a good starting point but not doubt I think we just you know proceed with that and have our uh public heing meetings and get input from the public and move for it that way we'll you know we'll get input from obviously from the public and changes need to be made changes to be made Chris for 7A there was just a typle they just left out a word and I think for 7 B2 as well so for 7A all dogs are to be leashed and Unleashed dog may be considered so they just have to put the be in there so 7 a second P section two okay yeah section 2 7 a sorry yeah there are a lot of them um all dogs are to be leashed an Unleashed dog may be considered a public nuisance and under on that same page 7 B2 the last one proof of such disturbances on the complete onus of the complaint T right so just T an T at and no that's the what you spell that is complainant yeah all right believe me believe me I agree I I don't like the spelling but when you put it it up it comes out that way and then for 70 was correct M if you like it or not yeah it just doesn't look right no it doesn't but 7 D1 and 7 C is there a reason why they're different they're the same exact thing it's just one's under B and then ones by itself under C so any dog may be deemed a public nuisance if I just I guess I don't see the difference in the two so I don't know if C is needed well it does seem to repeat so but but well but there's a diff there's a difference because see any personally owned animal that defecates any owned animal first in B2 to it's a dog okay okay so people own ferrets people own rabbits people own pigs people own okay I see chicken for like you know yep I think that's what they're trying to get to a little bit trying to make it a little more expensive but it's not a dog it still can be a public nuisance because they're defecating on something or if it's a stray dog like you said someone abandons the dog in town the owner I don't want the dog anymore and they leave it off in the woods somewhere you know it would be up to the Animal control officer to go get the dog because it's now a public nuisance and have to deal with it accordingly and then I didn't know this are we only allowed to have four dogs it says one to four dogs license and then it becomes a kennel okay and then it okay I do not have four dog but I didn't know that yes cuz when you go back and read what a kennel is it's a collection of five or more dogs so y on a single premises okay okay not [Music] this our um that town have a Ken right now what section what section you just looking at kenel inspections now um number three Veterinary kennel Ral application must be submitted annually to the town clerk along with the required fee I didn't know if they had again or not over there not that I know but I think they're just trying to play it just in case okay I think they were looking at trying to write the set of bylaws and not have to keep revisiting them yeah so I think they were looking at all possibilities okay when they were done it and actually I believe the Animal control officer uh worked with uh Chief fer and the committee at that point to try and get this bylaw together she may have mentioned it at one point and if I am um understanding this correctly Chris an ordinance is not enforceable but a bylaw is enforceable correct okay so even if we did like leash law or leash rule right it wouldn't be enforceable on Town property but a bylaw would okay all right so as is in an ordinance what city use bylaws What towns use the board an ordinance could be the board select Institute a new policy work work off guidelines that's a that's an ordinance that you're putting together but in the town we use bylaws because bylaws have to go through a complete hearing process and then be approved by town meeting that is what makes it enforceable on ordinance if it doesn't go in front of town meeting town meeting May agree with what you decide you want to put in place no no I I don't understand that I'm just saying cities have usually ordinance is is aity City former government or a council former government whichever a mayor or a council former government a lot of people say ordinances are the same as bylaws but they're not okay it's like you said it's a former government that dictates the type of language this was the point I was making that's and you can make that point all you want all right so as Chris stated in order for us to move forward on this we would have to be in agreement for a bylaw hearing to take place so do I have a motion for us to start the process of the bylaw hearing I will make a motion to start the process for bylaw hearing to change the anal control bylaw important I'll second to motion can I ask a question absolutely you already [Music] have you need at least 10 days to post okay for a pering at barw hearing are you going to schedule an addition meeting in August or do you want to schedule the hearing for your September 9th meeting in [Music] September um I'll leave it up to the other board members the 26 I do have open it as a Monday if we if you guys wanted to do that but we remember we are coming next week too so we have have today next week which we can't have the hearing because it's not 10 days posted so and would the 26 even count as 10 days because we're not posting it today we would be posting it tomorrow so it would have to be the 27th i' have to check with Kathy as to when the uh posting would go on the paper going Friday okay and then we also already have the um another meeting on the 3rd September 3rd September 3rd is the grael yeah and then the next one after that will be the 9th but you were looking at and did we keep our meeting that month for the 9th and the 16th for September I think we did the 23rd the 9th and the 23rd because they had five Mondays yep the 3rd the 9th and the 23rd are our meetings in September right now that's we could do it for the nth EP be posted till Friday I rather a separate meeting for for the bylaw hearing okay so when would you want to do that in September we do the 9th well the 9th is going to be your regular meeting that's a regular meeting then the 16th you you do the 16 16 than 5:30 Chris that's what the board wants I think that's it really is you can get here well I want to make sure that people get out of work they have an opportunity be part of too why we why don't we why we start our meeting at 5:30 and have that be at 6 o' that way we have any housekeeping things between our two meetings that we can take care of I think six o'cl cuz people have time to get here too all right so we had a motion I'm sorry then we had a second so any further discussion all in favor by I all right so next one is the Piner Valley Planning Commission and this is the let me see if I get this right here This Acronym Energy Efficiency Community blocking Energy Efficiency Community black brand shared energy manager yes all right so is this a new position that they're looking to what it what it is is a lot of the they they realized a lot of the communities in part members of the tvpc do not have a person on staff to be able to do all energy related uh dece survey uh do conduct assessments try and map out everything to for energy reduction decarbon as they call it decarbonizing our buildings um so what they are proposing is a shared energy manager and if you look they they gave a budget breakdown yeah of all the towns and those are the towns that are interested participating in using these and they're proposing to energy managers these position to assist them in doing the energy related work that the state is looking for us to do uh as you can see there's a lot of them are smaller communities couple larger communities um so what what what happened is like for grandby for $45,000 a year after the grant is over we would get about 276 hours of assistance whether to file Green community uh reports whether to put in an application whether to go through and put together a list of things that they think we need to do you know maybe go out and try and find Grant programs for us in this area for whatever Services we need have them come in and do an assessment of a building maybe going and do an assessment as how well the prior work has worked out for us things of that nature it's just that it's giving us the opportunity to have an expert come in and assist us because we don't have experts in the town we had the energy committee we're having a hard time finding volunteers for the committee we have what one or two I believe people who are interested but we don't have enough to really former committee this would assist us in meeting those needs for $45,000 a year I think that's a great idea especially with the green communities that annual report has to be filed every year right and then any competitive grants that are out there they would be able to tell us if we're eligible for them and they would write them for us yes I think it's a great idea okay but you would have to after the um initial rent funds run out have to make there an actual appropriation to fund the position or F the program does it say the time I didn't see a timeline in here when the program or when they think the program is going to start so is it for this well the application is due by October 18th so there's a form there that you would have to f sign Crystal that says that you're you're signing that we want to be part of this grant okay application package and we have to send it to the lead Community which is the town of llo okay okay but the board has to authorize you to sign this I have to scan it and get it back to over to bulo okay for us to be considered as part of this Grant application and this is the competitive Grant block yeah okay because I think Mimi sent us an email on that and she actually she she laid out a couple other initiatives initiatives yeah the EV or EV charger program yeah and then I think there was the fleet one y so but we get into this with the energy manager maybe they can start pushing or finding out ways of doing the fleet I know National Grid has a program and things of that nature that they'd be probably ruling to come in start I assume they're probably very involved in a lot of these programs already and do so might be a good idea we've never had we've never had a committee we did have an energy committee uh they all resigned I want to say about three years ago two three years before I was on the board I'm say probably about three years ago they all resigned so current current no and when the board put out I think you only had two people who said they'd be willing to go back on the committee so and we haven't had anybody else who has volunteered their services to serve in that capacity all right Glen what do you think I think make sense I you going to have someone that's actually um not actually but someone that's knowledgeable in that area that's what they they do for a living so and can't we said Crystal to I could look for Rants and things like that they're well a breast of what information is needed and what we may qualify for and stuff like that just from them doing it all the time and we've had a good partnership with pbgc yeah so0 years so I mean I know we I when I was on the uh planning board we worked with them a lot and they were always you know like I said it was a great partnership that we had with them but a good resource for us as well M right so we just need a motion on the floor for me to sign it on behalf of the T Grano I will make a motion for Crystal to sign the shared energy management job description application board physician of energy manager I was sure I'm I saw you look I'm looking I'm just looking for keywords I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I can I vote for myself Chris yeah do you want me to sign that copy Chris the one that was in the folder yes no that's okay CU you wrote on it I have another one back here no he didn't write on the paper that count not yeah not just a couple notes on the other pages she all right so back to Old business so I know our meeting last time went really late um we did have an application for a town accountant um that we need to make a decision on uh whether or not we want to hold an interview she do you know to the best of your knowledge she's still interested she was as of last week okay and I have another one okay so we have two applications for Town accountant so now we have to decide on interviews how's our agenda look for next week Chris well next week all we have is the I yep decision on that grievance and basically that's it I think we have executive session two with I haven't heard back from attorney cost yet okay I emailed them and I was hoping to get he back on but he hasn't got back to me yet okay so I'll give him a call tomorrow and see what that is but we were looking at doing executive session at 5:30 and then regular section session at 6:30 okay so all right and then the ibp are we did we schedule them for 6:30 6:31 okay so can we um if you guys are in agreement can we get both of the applicants here for interview that's up to the board do you guys want to review the app I just don't want to wait because Mr Martin is retiring in October we need to get someone in place for our town accountant and we have two applications out there and just so you know I did receive an email today from a third person okay and they want to know if some remote work was possible I said yes and so we're going to be talking a little more tomorrow okay to see if they're interest in applying to so so three that's good yeah I I like this we're going to do interviews to on a separate night okay again we just when we try to I know we try and then you know they just these meetings become longer and longer and and I feel sometimes that you know you want to sit down and you we're going to interview someone should be dedicating that particular time to to that that what is your schedule like over the next couple weeks I also don't want to wait too long and have them withdraw their application either can you guys do um the 19th we already have right so yes um 20th 21st 22nd I already have a meeting for another nonprofit so I've got Tuesday or Wednesday next week I can go either I can't do either sorry okay and that puts us at the week of the 26th you want to do it the 26th I can do it if we post early enough would we be able to do it on the 15th you mean the the 15th of August no I believe the um open space committee we do have the open space committee at 5:30 here sorry didn't have it I don't have that in my well it's 5:30 to yeah 7's too late for you guys right for interviews or no I don't want to have someone commit at 7 o' I know it's late it's late um following Monday the 26th yeah I'll be honest 26 course be honest but I mean because I know you go back to school the 26th but I can do the 2 I'm okay if you want to sit down with someone withen Martin and go through three of them and then maybe recommending someone as well I mean I on it either way I believe Mr Martin should be part of the interview process I would agree just with his knowledge obviously he's going to we're going to you know tap in his expertise as far as asking the questions and he's going to know whether or not I think someone's qualified based on some of the answers we given them to not just by the resume either yeah it's right it's tough to read resume and no actually add I where I think you know yourself and Chris Chris could ask some questions where someone actually have to know how to do a certain thing that to do that so Mak total sense and that even works I'm not trying to P okay um I think it makes it a little more flexible because then it's only two schedules instead of five and it's not and it's not a public session right okay and sometimes though they get really nervous too in public some people do well if they're planning on going to government service they better be used to being in front of people well yes you know it's it's tough when you sit in front of you know a board and you're on a you're you're on being telev or being recorded to be televised sometimes we saw it you know on some of our interviews I I I get it but also it's part of the package that you're signing on for yeah a lot of people are part of uh public agency that to not go through an interview process like that on camera and stuff so but I'm just saying I I I'm very comfortable like I said I would think there's no question in my mind Chris you have to be part of the interview process just based on the knowledge that you have and what questions would be asked and what some of the answers that are being provided to us because we're not going know who someone you know has actually you know the the the knowledge and things like that just even by reading the resume cuz you know what laws apply and how they got to be you know put on put together certain things like that so he said I think crystal is very capable representing that the select board what's your schedule like for the rest of this week it's open except for Friday well that's okay because I got a walk through it West Street Building on Friday okay so so I can make anything work between tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday all right besides open space at 5:30 let me let me have Kathy get a hold of the two individuals and see we'll look at maybe the 14th okay and then possibly that third one that you were talking to today too right that sounds good okay and this way we're not we're not pushing it delaying it delaying either all right and in regards that too it I i' like to ask the board to consider Maybe I know Mr Martin is retiring um November 1st correct oh yes yes well he said December 31st no October 31st Myer last work day of work you cannot retire on your day of work right so some first was ex retirement right okay so with that said and I know you know I think the bo priority and starting immediately would be um a Town Administrator position but also um if Mr Martin's willing to stay on as part-time for our town accountant until we have someone that's completely um in that position and that has the knowledge that they need too because again it's I think it's Mr Martin has told us several times it's not an easy thing to know all the laws and things like that and I don't think Mr Martin's going to abandon the town anyways um even if he's not I'm sure he's going to be he's going to be around the6 question and things like that but I I just think you know these are some of the things that we need to look at and even so with a Town Administrator um if Mr Martin's willing to stay on some type of capacity as part-time just as as far as you know what we consider to be an appropriate transition we have someone that has you know over 20 years Chris what 23 here in Gran but 40 in municipality yeah but just but I mean he has a wealth of information information and knowledge that impacts grany and I think like I said us to do our part is make sure that there's a a transition and a smooth transition uh and we allow enough time for that to happen um and with that said too I think that's something we have to look at as far as our the budget because I think we require additional funding to keep some plus a new employee looking at the what the probably the starting salary would be yes yeah um Chris were you able to come um to put a list together of your duties I started to but then I would sit there and say okay I do HR well do you want me to break down what I do under HR or you know yes yeah do you want every little item we need every single detail not every single one but generalized that for instance CH is very broad right but even I'm I'm the big basically I'm the budget director for the town of grur do you want what that entails in detail yes okay okay I started doing it then I got too wrapped up on my head so I decided to work on the tax pavement program instead still is a that so do we consider um you know talking about transitioning accountant and administrator do we have do we have to create a part-time position as like a consultant or they would be a contract a contract do a contract okay yeah be consultant contract yeah okay but um in order for us to get any applicants we got we have to put out a post do we have it I found the ad from back in 2006 okay okay if you want I'll forward it to the three board members um and we can do it that way if you want um took me a while to find it but I found it yeah we might have to update it like you were saying based on the salary right the scale and also what you're looking for the person to do which would come with the duties right right you yeah you must have a job description in place well most part the the town administrator's job description was actually in the byla that created the Town Administrator then there was yes in my contract and I believe we may have created a job description for Town Administrator when we did that study uh probably about 2 3 years ago if not we can can I can go and try and find a couple and see what they could if we can put that on the agenda for Monday Chris so that we can at least fine-tune if we can a posting or something and get it out there okay that's fine sooner rather than later like you were saying we got to prepare yeah it's going to be Qui two months yeah now um the other thing I was thinking we should also have a committee for the Town Administrator as well um a hiring committee for it search committee search committee thank you so on that search committee I would definitely think department heads because they work directly with you so please I would probably do a committee of five Committee of five and actually I had been thinking about it a little bit uh just a suggestion on my C would be Dave de roer Highway superintendent chief o Grady a former selectman Wayne teac because he's very downto Earth and very basic um who were the other two I was thinking of um a uh yeah the chair of the school committee okay Jen BOS Jen BOS and the other one was for Community member at large who I think is very levelheaded Kathleen Broner but like I said that was just me going through real quick and thinking about it or if not Wayne I was thinking maybe Brian HRA as a former select board member because he's a businessman too so Wayne's a businessman well I agree with the chief Dave Dr I was thinking uh Mark Bale Mark someone that's been recently on the board I would say that in the past he was on for nine years um and I think uh Brian hosell I think is just a member of the community R Brian's been off the board for many years but he was around when the Town Administrator position position was created so he has some history as to but I get that but I'm saying from more of a um someone from the town he knows the town he's been on many different committees boards in the town taking part of it so I think get more of a the representative from the town I I'd like to have Ryan on it um I me Ryan is very knowledgeable um but again and I just like Mark Bale someone that's you know um against someone that's been was on the board for you know nine years people may not even want to be part of it I don't I don't know but if all of them want to be part of it it would have to be all seven because you have to have another number if all of them want to be on it like if we were to ask all of oh no no no I was saying instead of instead of Wayne TCH yeah okay and then Brian instead of Kathleen is who you were thinking and then Brian hosch child instead the Kathleen Broner yes yeah well and I'm going to say to instead of inste of the uh s of Jen from the um school committee I would think might want to consider the chair of the finance committee the issue is you want at least one woman on the committee I'm I'm just and I think the school committee should be represented as well because you know as well as I know we ran through a rough patch with relations between the town and the school about Jen she would represent the finance committee and sheol okay and all I'm saying when it took a while for you me and the school committee to work together to start getting a better working relationship between the two boards yeah I I not Jen is very capable of doing it I was just thinking I think that the finance committee I think someone on the finance Comm plays a important part make got a committee of seven if you want I think with all the stakeholders that we have here I think a committee of seven makes more sense because otherwise we're excluding someone from either a school committee or from the finance committee you can't have an number and and I and I agree and it's just for the Town Ministry not not the town account I think the town of ministry yes I think it's a very important position in town U again this is something we haven't uh the town hasn't dealt with within over 20 years so I think it's important and I think we I think you're right there're Crystal too with the the different stakeholders and then you know we're um because these these people that would be on this committee are pretty much presenting to the select board who they feel to be a good choice to represent and be employed as a town Town um administrator so all right so we would have to reach out to these people and see if they were interested so we've got Dave yeah like I said these are just my suggestions we going through real quick you know it's up to the board to decide who they would like to contact tomorrow okay and so you're little c yeah d roer y ran H Jen Mar and John le Jen Mallet J now but we still need one more because that's only six so it would be Kathleen Broner or Wayne Tac right who who do we have that's just not affiliated with the town which is a that's that's what I was trying to figure up going up and down Route two and the businesses so on so forth bus on any neutral yeah I don't know him but I'm open for suggestions on it yeah you someone representing the businesses is what we're thinking someone from the chair should be someone from the select board should be at that committee yeah we do have to work with that person every meeting right what that you know not the search Comm where so that then you bring three names you s and then we hold the interviews okay but at that point we're holding interviews but I'd like to have someone from the select board to be part of that I we've done that in the past part of the search committee because but isn't that Mark Bale who's done it in the past a select board former select board member who's done it not a former select board member actual current select board member right we did it for the fire chief we did it for the police chief think only two positions that that and did we do it for the um Co COA director yeah I was on that one as the COA um Le so just speak consistant and I think that that person then again becomes a liaz on for the the select Port as well all right so we got a lot of people right now we've got Dave der roer um chief o Grady Jen Mallet for the finance committee Jen BOS for the school committee um Mark Bale and Brian hosch child I have six and then seven would be one of us that's the grp do right we're looking for other people well which we still have two other people um can I make a suggestion that Glenn be on the search committee you can make any suggestion you want I'm just saying because I'm only on my third year and um Dave is on his first year and I just feel like this is your third term right so this is your seventh year I feel like you have a little more expertise when it comes to working with the Town Administrator and you just did three years with being a Le on four I'm fine with that yeah I think again I like I said I think this this is one of it's not the most important yeah positionist that's come up in in the in the recent time yeah looking someone who runs the day to-day appliations for our town true let un so my suggestion would be you is you're okay with doing okay with it like I said I think it's yeah I think it's an important position without doubt I definitely um will be part of it you got one yes all right so Kathy you'll send out an email and see who's interested okay all right um I guess just to stick with what we've been doing Forge Pond we already got the update the last time he has until next June to file correct and he'll just keep us surprised of it where he is in the process yeah um open space committee you guys heard I have a meeting on Thursday and um as far as I know we will be at Dino Fest on um September 14th um holding our public section or public session of the open space and Recreation plan um green communities Chris gave us an update today on the uh black energy grants I do have a date of November 15th is when our Green community's annual report is due so pioner Valley Planning Commission did help us last year with that Chris and we did sign the form saying that they were going to help us again this year so have they been in contact asking for any numbers or anything yet no all right all all our numbers are basically out on that uh uh Mei site where okay I record all our energy bills that come in and all our gas bills and everything so I know there was a couple of them last year that they couldn't get on that site and they reached out so they should be working on that coming up MH um we did have a meeting glenw District 2 they gave us a bunch of paperwork um as far as getting water down 202 where we left off in that meeting is we really need to know when Five Corners is going to be paved soon it is right what I heard is um all there waiting for are the uh the structures to hang the lights over and then they'll be ready to uh pave at least the five Corner section and then that means a fiveyear moratorium on that yes well unless you want to you you can dig it up but you have there's a cost to a cost you have to no what it is is you dig it up you have to repay the whole stre and then if there's any damage or anything that goes wrong with it through that 5e period you have to repair it so you don't want it for five years after yes yeah that could be a lot so we did talk about this section right here at the Town Line to Pizza Palace the fiveyear moratoriums coming up I think we had two more years I say it's about two more years we yeah we had two more years on that and now we'll have a fiveyear moratorium on the intersection unless like you said we rip it up but District 2 came and they said uh they estimated by doing some math I actually have two copies then so you can have that one but they said it was going to be a proximately 3.8 million to do all of the area so not just through five corners but going all the way up 202 to Country green or gamy Housing Authority right and then going on all the way down to ated Oz to the Town Line and obviously this would be done in sections but they estimated about $250 a foot this one seems well he actually overestimated just by a little bit just to have a little wiggle room the current price installed for everything for the water pipe is 250 the and if you're going to do all the footage that he had laid out there comes to 3.8 million and it was at 5,800 ft roughly is what they estimated based on the what was the cost before we're looking to sedu up to five corners was it 1.6 or 1.8 yeah that was that was just before Co now that Co has come every no I'm just saying everything is that's what I'm saying it seems lost we're going much further and it's not even double that's why I've said it seems low because the numbers were they're probably just going almost twice as far now going up to gr Grammy grain yep up to the housing authority and then down Pleasant Street tying into were we looked no the price we got was to get it to Five Corners right but it wasn't up to the Housing Authority though right no it was only to uh hammer Street Pizza Pizza Palace Pizza Place yeah Ma piz stop of maze they get to five qu right yeah that's the only I mentioned that cuz I remember that it was it was just under two million to do with that because we're going to link it in with that project that would have been district one right right and that was going to go only to mace I think it only went to mace it did only go to mace stop right there yeah I'm just curious it seems It's yeah listening to the information that you had in the past does low in comparon but the question was I think they were going to do a different way of Bridging the the over the they they weren't going to they weren't it was it was a cheaper price to bridge it to go over the water the water right here CU they were going to tie on to the side of the bridge I believe something or they were doing a different process than District Two is District Two was proposing a different method to to span the water okay the brook I just you know I'm not I'm sure the figures are are figures I mean that they're telling us that that's what would cost us it just seems that it's I just thought it' be much more based on our previous estimate prior to co and it seems that this is twice as far now and we're three four years later cost of construction and material that's gone on so but they know their business he was going on what their current prices yeah so what we had um talked about is also besides District 2 with South Hadley um we had also talked about the one stop for growth Grant because Chris wrote it for us again this year but they had explained to us that they want it shovel ready so you have to do all the work all the leg work for it before you can go for that Grant so we can't apply for it again next year or we can but we're not going to get it unless it's shovel ready we have all our ducks in a row and it's ready to go so that's just something that um the selectboard has to make a decision on sooner rather than later and then we would have to get all of the engineer work right do all the engineering work and have it ready for bid yep did they did they pay five more or so not yet they will be so they're going to tear it all up and pay it they're not just repaving Amber Street the the section there and no they're coming they're coming all the way in they're going to uh Mill it and replace it okay all right so just something for us to keep on our radar because we would obviously need the the funding for the engineer yes so um let's see and then the Mass DOT 202 project like Chris said they're getting ready to pay they're just waiting for that light and any update on School Street intersection School Street is seemed to be stagnant at the moment we have half of the roundabout in and and they started doing from what I heard I think there's a question on the state level about the concrete up there or something well okay think they were having an issue with the concrete conrete testing may not have asked it maybe something it would be nice for see an update from from that from from Mass do because that they haven't done anything here in least what 3 weeks oh no oh no last uh last week or so they were here almost every D and they had a police detail there today they were doing construction Street what are they doing nothing looks like it's been done that's why I'm asking well they they put in the I know one day they they had Linsky in there putting in the bases for the stanions for the lights oh you know what I know what they did they put that and I know because I saw someone go over on the way here um pulling in where donkey donuts is oh that's been there for a while that's been there for a while they worked on those two big humps in the middle of the yeah I saw some drive over it yeah I'm sure a lot of people will be driving and I believe they were working on the little Island last week they ended up putting the curbing around little island and things of that nature cuz I saw him in there he was having a hard time pulling out a piece of cement when I was driving by okay so I think they've been doing all the finishing touches all the curving is in everything's set they're just waiting for the stanions to come in to hang the lights and then they will be uh milling and repaving at def one but the school street when I talked to the engineer to ask her about the water the um engineer for the School Street one said that it's not anticipated to be done till 2027 and it depends on funding so she didn't give me details on yeah if the state runs out of funds it sits on the back burner until the funding I hope that doesn't happen so um but nobody got back to me on Five Corners when they were going to be Paving in how did they start a product I that the funds was the funds were put aside for the project that was part of that infrastructure uh bipartisan infrastructure wi in the road or share the road program or whatever what yeah the bipartisan infrastructure program right so I think that the the budget is there the money is there the products were funded yeah you can't start a project and quit halfway well I hope not that's what it looks like right now not not it's not quite they delay delay yeah big delays but she said as far as but we're not looking to bring water up that far yet but that's what she had told me about the paving that it's not anticipated to be completed until 2027 between the sidewalks and everything but that's going from Kendall Street all the way up to school Street that's her job so hopefully the intersection will be done sooner than that but they're going to also pave all the way down to Kendall street that could be phase two a part of the project so so I would be curious as to the problem with the concrete I wonder if it's not high high strength enough I don't know that's that's all I that's all I heard because they did start pouring concretes concrete around the curbs that they had installed and then it kind of all of a sudden stop it well maybe with all the rain we had it didn't have chance to set properly the concrete actually sets up underwater so yeah sometimes it's a matter of it's not when they send the testing agencies out it's got to be a certain poundage to receive the traffic flow and whatnot so they do test it take canisters out of the right the um Conservation Commission someone from there goes to the meetings right I thought they invited him to a a meeting at one of the sites they do site visits so maybe they would know more one it's just this one cuz they're near the wetlands down here okay but they had to expand right that area by School Street because of the wetlands well I don't know if they they go to those meetings okay they we allowed them to build that detention Pond over by Forge Pond okay to replace whatever wet lines right just wondering if they could um because I don't know how do we get massot here to give us an update they didn't want to meet with us when we had questions remember when Chief O'Grady had concerns about the way they were going to do ammer Street and nobody ever met with us they just did it well who's in charge of the project it's on um it's on the website you can chis you can reach out to the person in charge the they should have the project I don't I don't have that paper on me I remember her name just send him an email they can ask for an update an update they they can send you back an update we're going to a phone call all right and I still haven't heard back from um mind um our representative Mindy dob or Dan Cary about the pond drudging so I don't know that they were there's any funding out there for it right now we might have to wait until it comes back out in January for freshwater um drudging so I'll reach out to them again and see if she has an update or if he has an update for us but I believe we missed that grand that was back in January for freshwater dring but I think Dan Cary is done in January right Chris yes I think that's what he told me when we r at the veterans ceremony he's running for what's he running for Clerk of Clerk of Courts Clerk of Courts yeah I don't think there's anybody running against them so all right so for the always follow with u Jake Ola too Jake s Senator and see if there's any funding sources out there all right and for the TA evaluation I did um receive Glenn's evaluation so um I can follow up with You Chris and we can schedule a time for that and then Grammy greenhouse gas emissions wouldn't you say that goes along with green communities okay so we can probably take that off now and just leave it with the green communities now and hopefully um this passes and we'll have funding for our own energy agent so I know Dave gave us a set of goals that he had for the select board um last week I think it was and then I had um some goals that I had mentioned at the annual town meeting so do we want to review Dave's goals my goals and you come up with a list of goals for the town and then we can discuss goals at the next meeting sure think few of them have the had answer already she put some information that I couldn't find for where to find certain things or updates yes well we didn't have it on the agenda so I don't want to spring it on Glenn because I don't know that you got to review it right yeah so we can put it on the agenda for next time that's fine all right does anyone have anything else they want to add for next meeting oh um Charter days committing um that doesn't S bi us um but I know some of the people that that were on the committee last year aren't looking to be on it so are not are not okay and I know um Kathy you said there was four people that called that were interested or no I on the appointments right okay I want to we do did we do the appointments I one of the meetings I Wen here so we have one person who said oh okay um but I think we only appointed four people though yes and I could have sworn there was other people that wanted Dave you had someone that wanted to get involved right John SP wanted to be involved but we didn't appoint him so he's got to call Kathy and reach out right which which I told him to do but he obviously had B okay my world would mind all right so Glenn we have you and I think just two other people yeah you were reappointed show speak up fast um I did put a packet together that Kathy has that she's going to have for your first meeting for everyone with all the contacts and schedules and all that stuff um actually that's what happens when you miss a meeting that's what I said you miss meeting yeah never miss a meeting right know that by now all right so with that said if there's anyone uh watching this video that wants to be on the charter days committee we need volunteers so we have currently three we need at least seven but we'll take as many as we can get yes yes because it's a lot of work more the better yep and even that people that are not or can't commit to the committee we want to commit to being part of char and helping and helping and they can show up to meetings and things like that too it's helpful right so call Kathy if you're interested um she will write down your name bring it to the board and then do you want to uh well it's your committee so you the town committee it's the town committee but um I don't know plan on a meeting towards the end of August at some point just so that people have enough time to get appointed if they want to join the committee and everything all right anything else we want to discuss next time nope anything you can think of Chris that we should add perfect um well do we want to address the letter that came from attorney Dean on the next agenda yes yeah the only reason I bring it up for tonight was because I wanted to hear part from police chief first well and that and I think the email came later to well one came on Friday and then one came later today so I don't know if the other board members were able to watch or look at that last email okay yeah I think we should put that on the agenda from Monday all right so with that said if there's nothing else I will entertain a motion to adjourn I will make a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll second motion any further discussion all in favor I I thank you