[Music] I'm going to call the select board meeting to order if you can please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance for the of the United States of America and to Republic for States indivisible thank you all right so it being 5:32 now uh the select board will hold a public hearing on Monday June 17th 2024 at 5:31 p.m. at the senior center Building located at 10B West State Street gry Mass to Grant permission to Massachusetts elect p doing business as National Grid to locate poles wires and fixtures including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures along and across the following public way Carver Street National Grid to install one so pole on Carver Street beginning at a point approximately 294 ft Northeast of the center line of the intersection of lion Street National Grid proposes to install one so midspan full and anchor to provide service to a new home home number 123 Carver Street in Grammy mass number 309 6391 six all right so we will have after great come up first good new thank you hi I'm Lisa jinsky with National Grid we're just proposing to set a midspan pole along the road in order to provide service to this new home we can't really reach it from the FES that are there and it doesn't make sense to to move those where from we there so that was the number 3650 right on the on the map it is yes 36 and a half is what it it it's written as 3650 but it's a half ping between 36 and 37 and it's right in front of the new home okay all right do you have any questions I don't believe so M need electricity right so and is there anyone here um who wants to speak on behalf of the poll on going up on C Street yes I just have a question can you come forward I'll just sorry here I just have a question about how impacts the neighbors process 124 anyway it shouldn't at all the new house look going up sorry um name and address 124 car street so it it actually shouldn't impacted at all where the house is going up that pool is going to sit right in front of the house they're going to go underground with their service to the house excellent that's what I want to know oh okay great thank you anyone else have any questions all right and if you don't have any questions I will entertain a motion I make a motion to install telephone pool in front of Carver Street yes on Carver Street I thought there was an address there it's 123 just thank you 123 Carver Street by National Grid and um I will second that any further discussion all in favor I I thank you very much thank you all right so our next public hearing is at 6m so we will do citizen participation so George Randall thank you very much for allowing me to come up for a couple minutes I want to make a couple of comments uh if I may uh regarding a recent um uh finance committee meeting I'm going to encourage the board of Selectmen as well as the town manager to review the meeting if you haven't done so all pay particular attention to um uh at 1 hour and 6 minutes a statement was made that the town manager's hands weren't clean I won't say who made that but I will uh allow you to uh re review the meeting um one of the uh finance committee uh members threatened to quit now I'll let you find that out by watching the meeting I won't mention anybody's name and if he's serious I would uh suggest that itd be shown the uh door pay attention to a 1 hour and uh 24 minutes comment was made that the board of Selectmen don't give a darn about town finances and um at at an hour and uh and 26 minutes a comment was made that the fire chief doesn't give a darn about uh about town finances either it's a very uh disparaging and disheartening uh meeting um people were uh talked about that if I understand things correctly in town employment contracts if somebody's going to talk about somebody that that person needs to be pres I could be I could be wrong on that but I think I'm pretty close um the I would ask you to run these comments by Town attorney because I think that town is in a very vulnerable position because of the comments made that's all I have thank you very much thank you much next for citizen participation is Rich daki to discuss the recall bylaw update Rich daki 428 Bachelor Street I just wanted to update the board on what's happening with the recall bylaw especially since there's a new SF board member I'm not sure how much he is aware of what it's all about I just like to say briefly uh over half the communities in Massachusetts already have the recall bylaw and that was as of four or five years ago so it's probably significantly higher now what it what the bill what the bylaw allows residents to do is that any elected official in the town of grany can be recalled for whatever reason the residents feel is appropriate if if it's something superficial it probably won't pass they won't get enough signatures if it is super if it isn't superficial then it probably will get enough signatures back when this was proposed uh you need 20% of grand B of grand B Reg voters to recall elected official that was about roughly a thousand signatures so you needed if you could get a thousand signatures on a petition you could recall an elected official now this applies for select board members it applies for school committee members it applies to anyone who's elected in town it does not apply to superintendent of schools because that's not an elected position that's appointed this does not apply to anyone who's appointed but you can hold someone responsible let's say they hire someone and that person does a lousy job but the person who hired them isn't doing anything about that person that person could be recalled so it's very important that we have this uh again the 20 % is kind of average some are a little bit higher some are a little bit lower some don't base it on registered voters some just come up with a number of people they need to recall someone so what I did uh this goes back four or five years now if you look at what I just gave you I just want to briefly fill you in on what the state has done if you look at the the last sheet it's House Bill 4285 and if you look at the date on it it's 2021 so this bylaw has been at the state house for over two and a half years it's been a long time part of it is our fault part of it is just the uh time it takes for the state to approve it but when we started this H stands for how representative so the house gave it a bill number 4285 they rejected it for two reasons uh they they were not Material so it came back to the town and uh you use the town attorney you fix the problem you fixed the two issues it went back to the state so the house gives it another number they gave it a second house number 4549 that's the second page you have now if you look at that page uh it tells you on the bottom of the sheet the various stages that that the house committee went through and uh better to put my glasses on so I could read it and one thing that doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense each bill has to be uh read and approved three times so the house has to approve it three times the Senate has to approve it three times so if you look at that second sheet it says new draft of house 4285 it says Bill fa reported favorably by committee it says uh rules suspended read the second and ordered for a third reading read third and passed to be engrossed so the House of Representative passed it first didn't you go to the first sheet that I gave you it show this anything to do with elections has to go to a joint committee on elections okay so so the Senate bill s444 that's the one that's very important that it did finally came out of that committee now if you look at that document it there's also a uh state public hearing on this bill and there was no one to speak in favor of the bill no one to speak opposed to the bill so it passed the public hearing so the next step was that to go to the Joint Committee on taxation now if you look it says uh on March 21st it says reporting date extended to Tuesday May 28th pending concurrence so they ex that joint committee extended or delayed this vote twice and I called them and they said there were no issues they were just so busy that they couldn't get to it so then then on 411 it says Senate concurred then on the next page it says Bill reported favorably by committee and placed in the orders of the day day for the next session and in uh June 13th is the last uh thing here it says uh read second and ordered to a third reading so it came out of that Senate joint committee fine that's the important one so right now the the Senate has to vote on it in total the whole the entire Senate and the entire House of representa Representatives have to vote on it then it goes to the governor and then it should be done so I don't think it should take much longer uh before it gets finally approved so I don't know if you have any questions Dave uh well it's all new information to me um but I just wanted to give you it's I mean you gave us a pretty good synopsis of it I can read through this I can ask questions as I get familiar with it okay because what happens is people I always use the example of let's say uh an elected person commits a crime ends up in jail now the town can't do anything about that person because we there is no bylaw you can't get rid of them he could he could conduct business from jail and you can't do anything about it until you have this bylaw then you would have to follow the procedures and and replace that person so I think it's very important but I just want to update you on some of the details of that bill it is interesting uh Rich how it said in 2022 the Senate read it it says rule suspended read second order to a third reading so it sounds like they were going to be okay with it for the third reading and then it went back right some of it's a little hard to follow but anyways the house has to they have to read it and vote on it three times so does the Senate and then after uh it gets approved by the Full House and full Senate it goes to the governor the governor sign it then it's all done well thank you for your work on this which okay I appreciate it all right we have 13 more minutes before our next hearing um Chris do you have anything for us yeah I got the I got a do rental um is uh for June 23rd 2024 arriving 12: noon departing 6:30 no liquor uh maximum number of people is 75 plus it is a graduation party and the area requested is the large Pavilion gazebo and the large field all right I'm going to hold off on the uh the correspondence and stuff I received uh regarding the opioid funds um what I do like to do is just so Mr Randall knows that the town did receive an open meeting law complaint regarding the finance committee meeting okay uh I have already forwarded it to Town Council and it is up to the finance committee to meet to address the complaint they have uh they had 14 days from the receipt of the complaint to meet and they have 30 days to draft the response to the complaint to the Attorney General's office um as we speak they are meeting to discuss the complaint and their response to it I do have Town Council there to advise them while they're having this meeting to uh see how they want to address to the attorney general the issues raised in that complaint very thank you now Chris after they respond to it does that go straight to the person who made the open meeting goes to the attorney general attorne General okay yes and then the Attorney General's office will review the complaint in addition to the response and make a determination of how to proceed forward and we're going to hold off on the other correspondence that's going to be a more lengthier discussion yes if you want I can touch on some of the fold and other business items yeah why don't we do that before we move on to the other regarding a town accountant position we do have one application that was received uh do you wish us to set up a interview uh via Zoom with this person or would you like to see if they can attend a meeting so the board can interview the person for the physician definitely think we need to do an interview but I don't know that necessarily has to be in person yeah Zoom meeting is fine I guess I did see that she lives out near mar mar yes so but she will be coming into the office it is a combination of remote and onsite uh the actual number of hours of each haven't been determined at this point but I'm sure when the board is speaking to the applicant that it can be discussed okay what the plans there do you want to hold a separate meeting for this or do you want to put it on the next that is that is the board's decision okay do we already have a lot on our agenda for the next meeting we have a couple of items on there uh I don't think there's a lot on it at this point in time okay but that can change for the next week too yeah um if we can I would like to keep it on the same meeting just because I don't think it's going to be that long of a meeting because there's one applicant if there was a long list of applicants that we had to um interview I think it would be different okay so if we can make it for the next meeting which would be July 8th July 8th excuse me is there a requirement for the number of applicants no no we we when we advertised it we said the position would be open until filled and we've only received one applicant and it's been posted for couple month a month at least a month month and a half so we did have other a couple other people who called but they never submitted applications we sent them the job description and um I know Chris you said you were done July 1st but you're willing to stay on until we have okay Howen for a while yes where are the where would be posted said was post there was an advertisement put in the uh uh newspaper General circulation and we put it out on our MMA website which would where be most people who are in the profession would go to to look for job opportunities all right do you want to do the update on Forge Pond update on Forge Pond I did speak with Dave Leonard again he was contacting the state to see if we could get a probably a 30-day extension on the uh report that has to be submitted um and I haven't heard back for him on that if he's been successful or not do you know what the hold up was because I thought at the last meeting he said he was be able he's he's had some health issues okay um so and uh they still haven't put out the next round of funding yet right no um I'm also going to touch on the hold harmless contract I did run it by our insurance company they deferred to Town Council Town Council looked at it and he actually had a couple other ones that he thought were a little better than the one you had there's one that's issued out by DCR um and I want to bring that forward to the board at the next meeting if you review it at that point in time yes uh regarding the West Street building project number one I want to report that the tank was successfully removed it is gone uh preliminary uh testing showed no contamination however we are still waiting for the official uh report from the Independent testing agency where samples were sent to but we were lucky it came out very easily it was done over a two-day period and it is gone and that's all I I really care about at this point in time and backfill or do they have to it's been backfilled it's been backfilled already they don't leave it over been no till the testing okay correct so that was good news on that uh regarding the advertising for the OPM we received three responses to the second RFP that was issued out for OPM services and I believe committee the subcommittee of the building committee is meeting with the three applicants tomorrow tomorrow so hopefully we will they'll be able to select a successful candidate negotiate a contract and move forward with the project so the subcommittee tells the committee who they want or who their first pick is and then they review all of the the C all of the applications at the same time or the full committee decided to have a subcommittee meet to uh uh review all the submissions the subcommittee is going to like I said interview each of the candidates and select one who they'll consider their top candidate enter into negotiations for fee and if everything is okay and successful they'll bring it back to the full committee for their consideration at that point and then it comes in front of the S board after that that's good news that you guys had three because I know the last one we didn't get anyone right correct so that's good correct and then we did get the recall bylaw update from Mr Demari do you have anything in addition to that no it's just that they're just going to wait and wait for to appear on an order of the day orders of the day and that's when they'll know it's going to be address order of the day their agenda for that day yes and there is no advanced notice given to them or anything they just see it when it shows up for the votes for that day all right Mass do project coming along moving along you know I haven't heard too many more complaints regarding uh issues you know seems like uh they've been working more up at the school Street area than I think down here a lot has been done in the last couple weeks there I noticed a lot of underground work being done and they started widening everything out yeah so put the rotary in place so I think they put this this end on hold for now to catch up on the other end well I think there was a lot of traffic issues too at that end on School Street okay um and a lot of accidents too that were occurring there so I think they're probably trying to speed that up a little bit more because okay but yeah there's a lot of congestion over the last couple of weeks in that section yeah but when they work at Pleasant Street there's a lot of congestion there too yeah I yeah you're right but I think what's hard is when there's no detail there there's at least lights to stop people at the school Street intersection there's no lights so people think that they have enough time to go and they try to go and then they don't have enough time to go that intersection has been notorious of that yeah so all right well we can put that on hold because it's almost six o'clock for the rest of the updates sure thank you all right so at being 6 o'clock we are going to continue the public hearing on Monday June 17th 2024 at 10 West Street West State Street sorry gramy mass at 6 p.m. to consider a gravel permit application by LG Development LLC applicant and owners James and Kathy a slate ET 44 Mercier Drive belter toown Mass to remove earth materials from po property located on try AV as per the zoning bylaw Section 5 special use regulations and performance standards 5.8 Earth removal of the town of gry so the gravel permit application for parcel 5 try AB gry Mass public hearing is only to discuss setting the next continued hearing date yes I did get a hold of special counsel okay special council is available on that Tuesday September 3rd we are not holding the meeting on the 2nd because that's Labor Day right so and I think when we talked if he chose the third our regular meeting was going to be held on the night we were just going to hold a special meeting just for the grab off just for the permit application process yes all right and is that going to be at 5:30 6 Bo determines okay 5:30 so works for me does that work for you Dave I have nothing on my calendar it will work 5:30 on September 3rd yes yep all right and um so now Chris you have to make sure it works with their attorney correct or did you already run that by them I'm here to speak okay yes please yes okay 5:30 5:30 in September 3rd okay excuse me crystal can I ask to process question has nothing to do with information about the grab of it but um can you just come up I'm sorry and just state your name and your address Susan bruffy 31 Bachelor Street and I did have a question that's probably going to have to be addressed to your special counsel attorney Costa um I know that at the last meeting on June 3D that the applicants were not here the two applicants are LJ development and James and Kathy slate uh so the information that was given was given by Mr trumpy who was not the applicant uh and the he indicated that he wanted this put off to September I'm assuming that he's speaking for the applicant but he's not the applicant um I know that you received a letter from Mary McDonald a while ago she's a past select board and she was on um in 2010 and she was very concerned that um about the legalities of things because in 2010 there was a very minor technicality that got past the select board uh that why we kind of retained Council early because we didn't want the same mistakes made but the uh select board at that point had closed the hearing and then they reopened it and apparently in reopening it they didn't follow the correct guidelines what they needed to do was they needed to involve the applicant thoroughly and have them part of be a part of that decision making and that didn't happen consequently they opened the hearing again went on through for another couple of hearings they requested a number of studies uh five in fact uh both Environmental water noise study traffic study and before they could get those the attorney for the applicant sent a notice indicating that under Mass General Law chapter 40 they had gone 90 days beyond the time that the hearing was first closed even they reop even though they reopened it under their attorneys their special counsil attorney's advice that they could do that that they were doing the appropriate thing so they ended up not being they didn't get the studies they were in a position where they were forced to Grant an application by default so we still have ours um open which and it's just being continued to the state but so your concern is that the applicant is not here my concern is that exactly on um April 1st in fact the there were two co-owners of LJ development uh and so Mr Jackson wasn't there I know that his attorney had indicated that um he would be there but he he didn't come so even extending it to June 3 did not engage all of LJ development and I know that um Mr trumpy is he said at the first hearing he's speaking for his family uh so I I'm assuming that the lawyer that is representing LJ development is not Mr Trump's lawyer it's the applicants lawyer so that is my real concern that we're moving forward with setting a date but the applicants aren't here representing themselves they weren't even here to say why they would like to have it extended so I don't know again how that's handled and I'm sure Mr Martin can get in touch with Mr Costa but it it seems like I I just don't want history to repeat itself because of some minor Technic it thank you do you know anything about that Chris does the applicant have to be here to set the date no they don't have to be but I'll contact their counsel and make sure that U they're available the next meeting I I do want to say that anything that was received I think should be put in writing whether it's the LG development allowing Mr tropy to speak for him or whatever it is really needs to be in writing can I speak yes no go ahead being come up here so jight could you speak up a little you can come you can sit up a little closer if you want to hear a little better Jim try 290 Taylor Street the applicant is James and Kathy slate who represents the estate which is owned by myself and my CI sorry uh there're elderly people with hearing issue can you move the microphone closer to you please the microphone is not hooked up to the system so if you want to hear with the sound from our AC unit you might have return the ACO yeah if you don't mind turning it off for a moment is they're not going to be able to hear so I am the applicant okay well so and your attorney can your attorney can do the background on that Kathy and James slate are the executives of the estate we are I am part owner and I am part of the application I'm sorry I didn't hear your name sorry I'm sorry I didn't hear your can address them not me so that's all I have to say okay thank you d I'm very sorry so Kathy and James slate which are um on the application um own the estate along with Jim trony okay so he is also an owner and he's also on the application so who's the that is James try yes so he is the applicant is what he's saying and it is in the attorney records he's not the this isn't this isn't a public hearing guys we were only setting the date he just wants to clarify that he is on part of the application because he owns the land that's all he's saying okay I'm just saying he's a landowner he's not the applicant the applicant is LJ development says right on their own application he's a co- applicant is what I understand yeah he's a co- is that official so again we cannot liberate right now I we don't have our special Town Council president this was just to set a date right so Mr Martin will get in contact with the applicant's lawyer and make sure they know that it's going to continue on September 3rd at 5:30 p.m. great okay to Kathy and James S and he'll make sure that they are here and can it be in writing that um Mr trony is a CO applicant because as far as this says doesn't mention his name as applicant to that would be part of the so again that would be part of the application process I don't have the paperwork right in front of me because we were only supposed to set a date today so I cannot speak to the specifics of that application it's at a folder at home because we are only setting the date today so I apologize for not having it with me but um we will have to continue this hearing on September 3rd at 5:30 p.m. when we have our special to Council here as well and everyone else's Council can be present as well so I think that would be fair to everyone um especially since it says on the agenda we were only setting the date so we're not going to be deliberating it or discussing specifics of it today so with that do you have any questions don't good all right so I will entertain a motion to continue this public hearing for September 3rd at 5:30 p.m. pending the applicant's lawyer can be present I make a motion to continue the hearing to September 3rd no no you can't make it appending you can't make it pending maybe okay I'm so sorry excuse me Mr Martin be you can't you can't make it pending you are setting a date September 3rd 2024 at 5:30 if the applicant says they cannot make it you still have to hold that hearing that date and continue it to another date that is agreeable to both the applicant and the board I'm sorry again Susan bruffy 310 Bachelor Street and I I just don't think I made myself clear enough um part of the process was that there is under Mass General law a 90-day period perod in which the select board is obligated to either approve or disapprove a permit unless unless after the CL of the hearing unless the hearing is continued and the process of having it continued with the applicant is making sure that the applicant is fully engaged and aware and would like to have it go on what happened last time is there wasn't that valid communication and so so I want to hold you right there because there was a valid communication It's Our Town Council that could not be present not theirs no so we had to continue it because we didn't feel as a part-time board and not specializing in this area that we were prepared without our special Town Council to move forward so we asked for the continuance that time yes yes okay but so from clear on that wasn't the applicant that the applicant didn't want to engage is that we did not feel comfortable as a board moving forward without our special town counil and I do understand that completely but on April 1st a part of LJ development one of the members wasn't there at the hearing and neither one no one from LJ development or James or Kathy slate were available on June 3rd so we did didn't hear from the applicants at that point in time that they were all right with this going on until September now from April 1st already we've gone 77 days and if you're looking at a 90day cut off that's right around the corner so if there are any glitches at all we're making right now so it's not a 90day cut off and I know you're stuck on that date but it's only a 90 days if we close the hearing and we have not closed it I know I know but the a again there are technicalities involved and I'm not a lawyer so I don't I can't speak to that but I'm sure attorney Costa could speak to that definitely what needs to be we need to make sure that all of the applicants are on board and willing and able and would like it not to be continued until September third and so far they haven't been a part of that at all and there is always the possibility that if there is some s of an error some s of a legal oversight that someone could come back and say Hey you know we never said that and we really would like you know you to make a decision right now at this point in time that things have not been followed correctly that's what I'm very very concerned about so we are following our special Town Council they are following their attorney we're doing everything that we need to do but the last meeting our special Town Council was not available right and um so now we have to set a meeting for when he's available when their attorney is available and when the applicant and that is the date so I can't then ask behind our lawyers back hey are you really in this are you not like we have to follow the procedure and the procedure states that if our T special Town counselors is unavailable we would have to continue the hearing and that's what we're doing yeah but it's been continued to a date that's been set by Mr try and he's not the applicant what I would really feel good about and just I want you to consider this is that if in the next few days you can be reaching out to attorney Costa to go over the details of things so that before we get into this whole Mass General Law chapter 40 90day thing we know for sure that this yeah can be continued until September 3rd that would be he was the one who advised um myself on continuing the hearing the first time because he was unable to be present so we followed all the rules yes but you continued it to September based on Mr Trump's wanting it continued until September as well you no my lawyer was was was definitely available throughout the summer right but it's not when it's convenient for you it's when it's convenient for the applic I understand so which is why we really didn't even need to bring up attorney mofin at all he's not a consideration in this the consideration in this is that the applicant hasn't been a part of it and I would like to make sure with the town special counsel attorney Costa that we I I think it's maybe a matter of getting in writing from LJ development owners and and Kathy and James slate that they are fine having it going on on till September 3rd so I will check with attorney um a attorney Costa and um determine if anything else in addition to what we've done tonight needs to be done um and then we will go from there okay as long as you're really con clear on what my concerns are in terms of concern in terms of not having anything repeat itself so thank you again so the industrial gravel mining project uh uh LLC construction is going to be at 5:30 on September 3rd correct okay just making sure all right so um now can I make motion you make the motion to move the Gravel Pit hearing to September 3rd continue the Gravel Pit meeting to September 3rd 2024 at 5:30 p.m. and I will second that any further discussion at 10 West State Street at 10 West West State Street thank you Chris all right all in favor I I all right and Chris either there you or myself can we I'll get a actually I'll get a whole attorney Costa and I'll get a whole of attorney uh birth I am who is the attorney attorney who is the attorney for the applicant okay thank you all right Chris do you want to go back to the opioid um discussion or do you want me to continue with new business no we can do the opioid discussion if you want um I had a conversation with Lina with the organization that's over overseeing the oid funds uh you should have a copy of the email I received from her and what we talked about yeah um again there was a lot of information that was exchanged back and forth and I think I want to know what the board on the board wishes to proceed um do we want to create a survey do we want to contact some of these uh organizations with about a recovery and things of that nature uh I had brought up uh about supporting our veterans because you read a lot in the uh in the papers about veterans with a lot of substance abuse issues and um I want to get the money to the people who are suffering right okay I don't want to pay to have some pay an executive director or a staff position I'd rather see the money going right to the people's pockets if it's possible um whether it's we create a a a needle exchange program or we have certain type of things available for for people to be able to come to a place and get a help you know that they can't afford maybe to assist a family who uh can't quite afford the the proper treatment for an addiction those are the things i' like to spend this money but again do we want to do a survey instead because surveys surveys are fine but if people don't respond to we we're still left trying to figure out what we want to do on our own um it's not citizen participation but are you asking about the op opioid I mean I just have a lot of experience with it so I just I want to know what I just want to ask Chris if there's some way could in a little synopsis tell us if we've had this kind of Grant before how it's been used so do you want to come up here I guess and state your name and your address please sorry yeah hi it's Susan nightly 32 fairy Hill Road thanks okay just curious about what what what it is is there was a settlement made with seven organizations I do know about that Walmart CVS Walgreens right drug manufacturers as part of this class action suit we participated with the Massachusetts over the next 10 years we're going to get money from this settlement currently we have about $90,000 that we received over two years as part of getting the money we have to spend it in certain manners okay I'm not an expert on it my board isn't an expert on it so I have conversation with uh like I said this woman from the company that is overseeing the settlement and how it's being spent trying to get ideas she talked about surveys she talked about uh um Community forums coalitions coalitions uh region office getting hold of the Massachusetts Organization for addiction recovery she gave a couple other organizations she talked about maybe seeing a could contact a continuous Community to join forces I don't have to reinvent the wheel somebody has a wheel that's that's spinning I'd rather I'd rather get on that wheel okay type of thing that's what we're trying to do okay could I ask further than do we have a fentanyl program with our police within our Police Department that I do not know but these are the things that we need to try and find out to quickly get it to the people who need it right exactly okay yeah we could we could try and hire a person to oversee the program this and that but that's not money going to to fix the problem yeah okay I want to fix the problem or try to help fix the problem exactly okay I I'm not going to say the amount of money we're going to get is going to fix it but if we can make a difference in someone's life or someone's lives that's that's the goal that the town should have in using this windfall that we received that's great that's great okay it's wonderful and if if we create a a a coalition if you are have experience I'd be more than happy to have you become a member of the committee sure to help guide us with how to spend this money yeah I think there's some I mean I I've worked with uh the head of Harvard's Public Health Department on this issue written about extensively I have spoken about it lectured about it in the country but I just I think there's some strategic things we could do very simply that don't cost a lot of money and one is is helping our Police Department have and our fire department have fentanyl on hand in case there's a high school kid who has a problem and also do working with um teachers in the high school in terms of education and just continuing education but if like I said if you're more than willing I'll take your name down certainly absolutely to at least have one member for this committee and maybe you can know maybe other people in the community who maybe have an interest yeah who would be willing because I want people who have a passion for it yeah to be overseeing how this money is going to be spent great super so you said Susan nightly yeah yeah we should definitely get her information super thanks thanks Chris okay thank you you yeah so I think it would be great to have a um I don't know if you would call it a committee Chris or do you want to call it a coalition since that's what they're calling it well well what's in the name I know I know um um but it would it says it involves community members with lived or living experiences as much as possible Regional providers working with substance use field may also be interested as well in joining the uh the group so I think it would be great to start off with that and see what are the options out there because they could do the research for us too but you need at least three right got one I got one I'm hoping think I think um what about um the police or the fire department the EMTs getting someone from there also on there because they would be the ones called to the houses that this is occurring at and stuff so they would have a lot of insight for us yeah I I do know that the police department has has basically brought people back from the dead basically they they call it that they're they're there and they're basically dead and they they put that drug up their nose and all of a sudden they come back to life you know so police so police if we can get someone from the police department and someone from the ambulance department I think would be great school nurse too we can reach out to them uh Nancy Jinx is the uh nurse leader at the um school for the school district so we can reach out to them and see who would want to be involved because I think we only have one nurse at each school and a nurse leader so there's three of them but a school nurse would be good too can reach out to them yeah because honestly I'm more than open to have guidance from people who know more than I do believe it and if Susan has a um you know if this group and Susan has some insight on it like she said we the there's so much that we can do where it's not going to cost a huge amount of money so that' be really good okay there thank you thank you for volunteering nice right so I do realize um now sorry my fault is after we did the poll hearing you and I never signed so do you need meet us this one doesn't have a signature I don't see Kathy right there but this one doesn't have a signature on it only this one does so do I have to sign this one no if it doesn't have a signature doesn't have a signature line so just want to make sure we sign there vet service officer yes yes yeah thank you George for that that's really good idea for veterans too really committed to the town gry C what's his name Dave Mendoza m n d o z a so I think the other two stickies were just for a date chriset looks like okay so the blue ones are for us yeah yeah it should have only been two sheet petition that's still the same thing it's all the paperwork yeah all right so next on the agenda is um to accept departmental reports so I will entertain a motion to accept the departmental reports make a motion to accept the departmental reports and I will second that any further discussion no questions nothing no all right Chris on the um director of Senior Center Council on Aging there's only one of them that didn't have a number on there so I wasn't sure if anyone showed up she she would put a number there yes so if there's no number that means nobody showed up for it I would presume so yes okay that's a shame it was the blood the blood pressure clinic but maybe they go get their blood pressure taken all the time and actually they have CDs too yeah um all right so with no further discussion all in favor I I then we have to approve and sign maintenance warant yeah he just puts him in there we can take it later position yeah make a motion for authorization for payment on dated 67 2024 warrant number 007 75 total dispersement for Warrant 0075 327,000 second that motion any further discussion 0075 is what Chris do you know what that one was a maintenance warrant nothing specific so it goes it the maintenance warrants go along with the payroll so it's like maintenance warrants basically what we're doing is paying the taxes and things that are deducted certain union dues things of that nature that go along with the payroll I haven't read through all the codes yet so and that's okay yeah that's okay there's a lot of codes to remember yes there are it took me probably a year and a half and even then I saw like is that please or fire go back and forth all right so since there's no further discussion all in favor I I it doesn't I don't think they care what line anyone sides on as long as we site it so long as I have at least two signatures that's all that matters yeah and there should be two per warrant so I believe it's on the last page the total amount or second to last page if I remember correctly that's Prett okay make a motion for town of grandby Warrant number 74 dated 65 2024 payroll account summary for the sum of gross do the gross amount $575,000 4859 I will second that motion any further discussion um I did have one question actually Chris the re-evaluation what was that for it was 41 is that um re is what it is is the assessors go out and visit properties per town meeting they get $35 per visit and if they go out and they visit uh 30 properties they get 30 times $35 for that okay that and what they do is they go they review the property they take pictures making sure they've captured any improvements that have been done making sure all the building permits that have been taken out have been recorded as part of the value things of that nature so and do are they do they have a set number of houses they do annually uh it's one six of the properties in grandv so all the houses are kind of like on a rotating schedule they try and do like neighborhoods you know certain sections of town they'll try and do them all in one section then they'll go to the next section next year so and so forth so becomes a round Rob in effect round weon effect so eventally you get back to the first round section again St so if there's no further discussion on favor um first I forgot to say abstain from teacher salary and select board salaries you have to do by I have to do by necess because we're down to two yes rule of necessity accepting this by Will of necessity all right so I believe the minutes are coming to us the next meeting um for approval I don't think we have any I don't have a further here for minute so I think the minutes are going to be coming to this next meeting so um we have no minutes to approve tonight we did the open meeting law complaint did you have anything else for Chris or just what you okay no so then next is our mou for the annual reports for green communities would you like us to read it you can or you can just give a synopsis memorandum of understanding between Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and town of grany for municipal energy coordination activities Regional energy planning assistance the community of grany hereby agrees to work with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission on green communities and energy planning Administration or assistance with financial assistance provided by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission by the Massachusetts Department of energy resources bya their Regional energy planning assistant Grant over a maximum period of two years from the effective date of pvpc contract with Doer the pvpc will provide the following services to the community supported by the maximum amount of funding noted below for existing green communities assist with Grant application preparation assist with annual annual report preparation present results of the annual report at virtual or in-person meeting to a m Municipal executive board board assist with adding Regional Schools to the municipality's Erp to make projects at the school buildings eligible for energy use reduction using GC funding for Net Zero planning Net Zero Municipal op operations develop at net zero emissions plan a net zero emissions plan excuse me for municipal buildings and operation including establishing a greenhouse gas emissions Baseline in mass energy Insight CommunityWide ghg emissions reduction to prepare for development of ghg emissions reduction plan while addressing environmental justice and empowering community-driven Solutions includes stakehold fer engagement Community workshops and drafting of a scope of work for the full plan for regional clean energy planning please indicate which Regional projects you would participate in clean energy coaching for residents information on weatherization and building envelope improvements Electric electrification solar and EVS selecting contractors and understanding and comparing notes Regional Clean Energy workg Group for peer-to-peer learning and exchange explanation for why support from pvpc is necessary our community has very limited staff and limited staff time and expertise in green communities mass energy insight and clean energy planning and projects however we are very eager to reduce Municipal energy use and transition to clean energy collaborating with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission will help us build local capacity to achieve our Municipal clean energy and climate action goals as well as advancing our regions and common Wells goals so what we have to do for the existing green communities and it says to check the highest priority boxes that apply to your community's needs and priorities so I know Chris we use them last year for our annual report correct so I think we we definitely need to use them for that and then to assist us with Grant application preparation I know we're going to be looking towards getting the MW or some kind of Municipal Water into town so I think um we could use them for Grant applications as well I know Dave Leonard is going to be helping with the forge Pond one but Chris do you remember if he needed assistance with that the last time he didn't no right he did it all himself but I think that we could use them for other Grant applications moving forward as well so I definitely want to check that box um I don't remember them ever coming in front of us for the annual report to go over it no they never do okay so cuz I don't I've never seen the well actually have they even given us the annual report they f it but do we have a they send they send us the signature page that we have to sign to right but we never see the full report right uh yeah no i' sent last year's think because it's such a a large report I just we just send it out electronically if you want we can try and print it up Bo well I'm wondering if at for this meeting just to get an understanding of what the annual report is if they could come in front of us and give us the synopsis of what the report entails and what it means I think that would be good if they're offering to do it so I'll check that off um now when they say assist with adding Regional Schools to the municipalities Erp what's an Erp because that's not referenced anywhere in the document energy reduction plan okay which is is that how they got lighting there the last time CR so the um trying to think what could we use that for if we were to check that box for the heating or oil at the school I don't know I know like would it be helpful if we check the box and if there is something out there it would help our schools or no I don't know if the schools would be ready with all the flux that they're going through with they right search with a interum superintendent and then searching for a new I don't know if and a new maintenance uh facility maintenance director uh I think they're advertising for a new one right I think so yeah so okay um I just think you won't have the staff available with the knowledge of the systems to be able to right this year to try and do it for this year maybe next year you would want to do it but not this sh okay could we ask that Jen BOS maybe and the school committee get involved in recommendations of things to do just to put for yeah it depends on what projects are available through the grant applications right so it's saying if the grant applications if there's Grant uh green communities funding that they'll assist with it for the school so um so they would tell us where it goes then yeah much what they're offering right but like Chris was saying we don't know if would be able to do it I guess so we can check it and then if it comes time that they can't do it we can just say sorry we because I think if we don't put it on theou they can't help us with it or it would be an additional cost to help us because they ask for funding based on what we put on theou again it's a board decision if you want to check it check it but okay you know I just don't want to check everything off right because then we're not going to get anything yes okay okay how often did they revisit this I think it's annually okay oh it said for two years every two years the regional energy planning assistance grant over a maximum period of two years from the effective date of the contract so and then well let's look at the other ones and see because it also says Net Zero Municipal operations um so that actually not to sidetrack but that was the um developing developing a CommunityWide ghg emissions reduction plan for the town of gramby that's what I met with Mimi on which is the second box that you check here if that's something that we want to work towards and that's more of doing environmental justice and empowering the community so um it's educating the community on what's out there so to start off first with your energy audit from um mass mass save that's a new initiative you have to get the energy audit first and then they will walk you through what your house needs or um what kind of Grants and different funding are out there um but so I guess we have to decide do we want a net zero Municipal operations do we want Community y ghg emissions reduction which would be the plan that was sent uh to you and Glenn for review for this meeting yes and did read through so the first box would just be for municipal buildings the second box would be for the community which wouldn't include municipal buildings they separate it residential and yeah because that bottom one is more educating the community and what's out there and what about businesses in town I think I think it's Municipal versus non-un ipal okay I think that's the way that they deal with it so they would be part of the community one and like I I agree with Chris if we check off all the boxes then they're going to be okay so what because this is supposed to be our top priority or our highest priority boxes the only thing I can think of Chris that we would need for municipal our Net Zero Municipal would be the West Street building right and that I think is we're currently working on that because I've got a a I had an evaluation done by Energy company inovis they came in and they reviewed all the lighting converting the lights to LED lights and then we also had them look at heat and air conditioning with heat pumps they gave a price for that or they gave a project cost for that okay The Next Step would be to submit it to the utility companies to see what we could get for incentives from them and then maybe apply to the Green community or doar okay to get uh funding through a round of Green community funds okay which would go with assist with Grant application application Grant application preparation okay so the energy audit that you had done was that through Mass state do we have to get it through Mass Save or it just has to be an energy company this Energy company came in and did all the work yeah we then submit it to the our utility company we'll send submit it to National Grid okay and they will verify the work that he did and come up with projected incentives okay that would help pay for the Energy savings that we're planning on doing okay with um I guess you know East meow is newer mhm must be pretty pretty close to up to date with that yeah they renovated the older section too with the update say nowhere yeah highway is semi new highway is not that old yeahi new I mean maybe they could change some lighting and whatnot but um and then with the West Street school project that would be newer also yeah so they include a lot of these things when they're going through the building process and once we move into the West Street Building we're talking about selling this place right okay so we don't want to necessarily do any upgrades or take M if if you do work here you have to be here at least five years you have to guarantee you're GNA be here five years make it worth this right yeah which we won't be hopefully hopefully I know hopefully so I would my recommendation would be the community line okay I think that's good thinking that most of the buildings now are in the newer stages yeah and then we could revisit that down the road maybe yeah I think that's a good plan because even the high school was updated on lighting the first and second floor they were updated already with green communities and I think they did something with the pumps too and Bo okay variable Drive pumps I think they did and the roof is new yep it work that and we installed the new uh air and circulator up top yep for the chemistry classroom too the air vents yeah and the um and we tie it all into a new I think a new air control system too okay so I think CommunityWide yeah I think that's the way to go too good and then for regional clean energy planning um we have to indicate which Regional projects you would participate in so clean energy coaching for residents that seems to go hand inand with the CommunityWide if we're trying to lower our emiss than wouldn't we want them to have clean energy coaching this is more on weatherization and building envelope improvements um but it also teaches them to compare because actually a lot of residents um talk to other residents and like oh well who do you have for a Solar Company why did you go with them yeah so this will help them compare and understand the quotes that they're receiving as well although you could do that in a clean energy group too I don't know they sound very similar to me they do with the with the exception of you know the solar and EVS um right I mean they put solar on houses but not everybody is driving e yet so right I think instead of just doing peerto peer though um how to select contractors how to understand and compare quotes I think is a big key yeah a lot of people back away from it because they don't understand it right so that would be more educational for people yeah so do that all right um so for existing green communities we have assist with Grant application preparation assist with annual report preparation and present results of the annual report at a virtual or in-person meeting to a municipal executive board for Net Zero planning we have Community y ghg emissions reduction M and then for regional clean energy planning we have clean energy coaching for residents agreed all right so now what we do is I need a motion to um allow Chris to sign this as the chief executive officer officer sorry on behalf of the select board I make a motion that Chris is able to sign the memorandum of understanding between pineer Valley Planning Commission and the town of grany okay I second that motion any further discussion all in favor I I so we did just talk a little bit about developing a Community Wide ghg emissions and we just agreed to it based on um our memorandum of understanding so I don't know if you had any questions to this um Dave as you are looking at it so just to be clear these are not any statistics for gry this was Palmer community so she tried to uh MIM me from um green communities try to or Piner Valley Planning Commission sorry try to um make us our own PowerPoint based off of other uh a different town about our size um they are a little bit bigger than us so um as far as the number of residents so that we could understand what they'd be doing so they'd be looking at residential versus Municipal versus commercial doing a total uh ghg emissions and the way that they find this data is through many sources online it's basically um searching for the data from different um websites and different um and different uh companies like the electri company and so forth um and then they come up these are rough estimates because they don't have the exact data from gramming right yes but even she said when they do it for for gry it's still going to be rougher estimates not as rough as Palmer is but they're very limited on the data that they have in front of them so they have electric electricity use electric electricity emissions they're going to look at heating fuel emissions transportion emissions Transportation sorry so and we don't have public transportation so they would have to go based on residential really for that one right so if um Piner Valley is able to do it through our memorandum of understanding we would we would do it during the community y ghg admissions reduction okay but this is kind of what they would set up based so they would collect all the data for us they would present it to us and then we would have community outreach Chris I know we have EV chargers at the police station we have them at the library in we have them here and then yeah but the schools is separate right the schools maintain theirs because I know they were trying to figure out what was wrong with theirs at one point and I don't even know if they're up and running yet clol yeah no clue but I think they have two as well so we do have EV Chargers so I don't know that we would have to increase the amount of them for our town anyways because I don't think we have a lot of people using them not at this point in time I don't see need I do know a couple of people with electric vehicles but obviously they charge them in their garages so yeah but she one thing that I was surprised about is I know um do you guys remember the bikes program that they had at the different towns o had it South Hadley had it they took it away because the company went bankrupt but they're bringing it back again for bikes Transportation I don't know how that would be in grany because there's really not besides Five Corners where or the center of town where's the I don't know where you would go to congregate to get a bike besides those two areas so you would just be riding up and down from 202 really and then the side streets but they have to return the bike right like they put their credit card information in they rent the bike and then they have to return the bike right to not get charged for it so I don't know but again that's something that they had in here for recommendations on how to reduce emissions so something we can look at once the report is made I guess because this again was for Homer not for grany I'd be curious to see what they would come up with for bikes and we get a bike at the common or even down here in ride 202 is uh not a lot of people are comfortable doing that right but they're supposed to be that's why they're doing that um the 202 project is besides getting sidewalks you're supposed to have bike Lanes too I think I think that was the original plan all right so five is good six is good um so I don't know Chris if we should continue with the goals for the fiscal year 2025 without Glenn I mean we can discuss them but I don't know that we should make any decision on them without Glenn here Bo's call so the and again mine was just kind of a draft from the town meeting I did have that P somewhere I reorganized it the Chris will this one do you want that one action CH you need two copies of the me the memorandum you need both copies of that right okay I say I had it right on top sit here yep do you have here do you have the copy of Vice speech did I did the annual time okay because that was that was the seven I had seven goals on there I think so I wanted the board just kind of review it and see what they wanted to do so I guess what we can do is just table it until our next meeting until Glenn's here if you're okay with that okay y I'm fine with that um I do want to recognize that I think the finance committee um they had three actions that they wanted us cons to consider develop a vision and strategic plan for Grammy that can provide a framework for considering questions and issues y um I think that's very important develop a solution to to deal effectively with the expected financial crunch that will arrive with a new school building or solution and then determine the appropriate structure for the government governance of the town and for future Town meetings so um I think we in when we're making our goals I think those three have to be I would I would agree with that taken into consideration too but I think again if you're okay with that I think we should table it until pH Glend here yep we will table that for next meeting which is July 8th all right so I guess back to Old business Chris did you hear from onstop for growth at all no okay was it an eoi that we put in an expression of Interest or was it the full application put in we did put in the eii Y Okay so I think the regular plan was duee June so I think we missed the cut off I think it's due this month it's around May or June that they ask for the final usually they with the expression no I'm just trying to think I I don't remember that even but I can go back to war and I was just looking back at my notes from 2023 it was around May or June that they expected the final plan to be in for the following fiscal year and then usually in August they will determine where the funds are going to go I could be wrong that's just what let go let me go back and look and see because the eoi is just so they can direct us at which which agency agency will give us funding I don't think they ever we ever got anything from that said which agency the go to all right is there one person that's in charge of that the one saer go he send it to a stack a form stack it's a state and that's goes into this big big deep ho right let me go back and see if there's anything maybe about questions or things of that nature okay because if I remember correctly it was ER Eric wise that made me aware of the grant program but I don't think he has anything to do with it because he's from terer Valley right yeah I'm sorry name um Eric wise is from Piner Valley Planning Commission but he's not the one that we submitted the form to like Chris said we submitted it or Chris submitted it on behalf of the select 4 to the state but I don't know who we would contact about next steps in that grant program all all right Chris anything on uh senior workof I know the town meeting's only been a week and a week yeah yeah no nothing yeah okay sorry all right and you have um Mr seon and Mr bu booer I hope I said that right I always stumble on his last name you have his evaluation correct or Glen does I have need anything you have the TA evaluation yours okay so we're just waiting on Glenn's now yeah I'm you to today okay so um all right so I guess we'll wait for Glenn to get his in if we can just email him and let him know we're waiting on his and then Chris and I can set a meeting um to review it later all right in Municipal Water I know Glenn was uh reaching out to District 2 uh Tim collie right but he's not here to give us an update on it Chris do you have a contact with MW at all no would it just be going to our website and try trying to find out who to contact for it or yeah yeah I think so Chris was dist District Two wasn't who you guys worked with before on Municipal Water right it was district one right here okay all right so we'll see if Glenn has an update for district 2 uh for Tim collie uh next time and then Chris do you want me to search the MW website and find out who to contact or you'll be able to do that I can go okay all right and for duin pond dredging I did reach out to um house representative Mindy do and Dan Cary and they are um looking for funds but that there was a grant back in January that was for fresh water dredging and we missed it so I don't know when that's going to come up again if it's going to be until January again or um how that's going to work so I'm gonna just stay in contact with Mindy do and Dan Cary is actually done in January right Chris that's he still doesn't have a replacement that we know of right I don't know I have no idea okay I haven't heard any anything from the new person okay so I don't know if he had it I think when we saw him at the grany dedication I don't think they had anyone lined up for him yeah he had mentioned that to me that they didn't have anybody but he was going to be done in six months I believe he said okay which I think Mindy covers half of 202 and then that part of grany and then Dan one one side of 202 the other side I think Mindy is the South Side closest to ammer straight no I think it's it's the other way I think it's the opposite way side is South yeah okay that's how I remember the Dem Mark taken is Route 202 Bas Point well I remember she her saying that she doesn't she's not a representative for the park because it's on the other side of 202 but she'll work with Dan Cary is what she told me so I don't know would that so that would be considered the south side well unless they break it unless they break it right at the to Common this half and that half oh North okay South and North well she say she's across the street yeah I don't know exactly however they divide it all right so do you have anything else for next time Dave that you want to discuss the finance committee meeting that I watched was quite horrendous okay well hopefully we'll have a response to the open meting La complaint by yeah for our next meeting right hopefully okay I did watch it it was is uh a little bit disturbing for everyone anything else you want to discuss for next time that comes mind right now I got to make some more notes on stuff okay all right so with that I will entertain a motion to end or adjourn the meeting make a motion to Jing the meeting and I will second that motion any further discussion all in favor I I thank you very much have a good night