##VIDEO ID:CYWL79o9P7Y## [Music] all right so it is now 6:44 um I'm going to call the second half of the select board meeting on July 29th to order if you can all join me in the Pledge of Allegiance my flag of the United States of [Music] America thank you sorry we were running late at our first part of our meeting um so we have first um IPO which we extended to August 19th at 5: 31 p.m. so that is done um at 7 we have the due frame dog bite incident so Chris before we go there do you want to go through do frame rentals and correspondence all right two frame rentals we have on August 11th 2024 arriving 1 p.m. departing 600 p.m. no liquor number of people 12 to 18 it's a party and new area being requested is the parking lot area open field wooded areas on either side of the open field and the Pavilion next one is August 14th 2024 rain date August 28th 2024 arriving 5:00 p.m. departing 900 p.m. no liquor number of people 100 plus it's a summer concert and it is for the gazebo in the open lawn area is that the Council on Aging no no it's another band I usually don't give the name but I will on this one uh it's it's Oakland stroke Soul band uh let's see next one is August 18th 2024 arriving 10: a.m. departing 3 p.m. liquor authorized none number of people 35 it is a club picnic they want the parking lot area an open field the wooded areas on either side of the open field and the Pavilion next one is for August 30th 2024 arriving 1 p.m. departing 3 p.m. liquor authorized no maximum number of people 47 it's a lunch SL picnic and it is for the Taylor Street Side Pavilion number one next item is for September 3rd 2024 arriving 2 p.m. departing 7 p.m. liquor authorized no maximum number of people is 100 area requested is the field bathrooms and the field Cross Country course and is for the high school Coss cross country meet next one is for September 6 2024 arriving 300 p.m. The Parting 8:00 p.m. liquor authorized no maximum number of people 120 plus type of function meter barbecue uh they're looking for the parking lot area open field wooded areas on either side of the open field and the Pavilion next one is for September 7th 2024 arriving 10:00 a.m. The Parting 400 p.m. liquor authorized none at this time maximum number of people 65 plus it is a company picnic and the area requested is the parking lot area open field wooded areas on either side of the open field and the Pavilion and the last one I have is for Thursday October 24th rain date October 25th 2024 arriving 1 p.m dep party 5:30 p.m liquor authorized no maximum number of people 400 area requested the Pavilion and bathrooms and the cross country track and under correspondence um I have a envelope addressed to each of the board members in the blue folder it is with regret that I have to inform the board that I will be retiring from the town of grany affected November 1st 2020 my last workday will be October 31st 2024 for I know Chris I've only been able to work with you for about two and a half years now maybe not even two and a full half but thank you I know you do a lot here and a lot of people don't understand how much you do and I'm just beginning to understand that now being a the chair and working with you so thank you so much for all the time you've given to gry had a long time how many years have I been here uh 20 23 and by the time I retire it'll be three months well thank you it's a lot for three years plus it'll be actually 40 years in public service congratulations thank you well Chris i' Tru like to thank you for your service to the town for you said for many many many years I see over the past 20 years the town has changed um considerably so um I'll save my other comments for when we're together one on one again thank you wel tough decision yeah so we now have to look at a posting for the Town Administrator so we can get someone on board to learn the ins and outs as much as they can from your expertise actually the board needs to decide exactly what this position you want this position to do to you know you know as I've gone along the requirements that have been put on the position by various boards has changed changed dramatically uh anywhere from Human Resource to um dealing with Retirement Board dealing with you know anything and everything that gets thrown in front of the board you're going to find a hard time finding people to step up to the plate if you have a lot of responsibilities you may be required maybe hire additional people to take up some of the additional workload um not many people commit I have a fiscal background so it was great for me to help the town because you did have some Financial issues you still are having some Financial issues we see the town eventually getting through them but a lot of people who are administrators are planners not fiscal people so I think the board has to decide what is the priorities for the town Financial or planning for growth you know that's the issue you're going to run into because you this is a large farming Community you don't have a lot to attract big business here you have a good road infrastructure you have sewer in parts of town but you don't have water and you don't have gas available those are a couple of the other major items that people will look for when they're coming to here it would be nice to see an act you toine an actual d Hometown I believe Ry thinks it has two one is the five corers business district and one is the Village Center you know and that's that's a problem because you can't develop the Village Center so you should really I believe concentrate on Five Corners I know Glenn you and I have had conversation on the past to maybe try and get a hotel in here Apartments multi-level apartments in the master plan we had talked about putting apartments on one level and stores on the lower level you have a large base of people who you can tap into to come here you got Mount hoio college students you got Amis college students they would come here if you have the businesses to attract them you have uh McDuffy School students you know because we really don't offer enough to keep them here they go on a bus to the malls to the surrounding communities you really need to try and look at how you can attract all these people you find that you're only reason they stop there is because they have to stop at the stop sign at the Dunkin Donuts other than that I believe they would just continue going through okay you really need to find ways of devel veloping the 202 border and the 116 border to try and get people to come and spend their money in the town green my own personal opinion but one that I've developed over the last 23 years unfortunately too they these are really flow um it seems that people are doing less and less business with st 5 years 10 years 20 years ago you see it in in certain areas you see that the the H Mall just the change is there um numerous stores have closed and our you know nebor cities and towns that was something to look at think back in that conversation we had this I was at a a town Town East looking at out there and I notic uh condo complex they were building and underneath the condo complex there's a bunch of different office space a store even in the same parking lot of that complex they built a Dunkin Donut so they're pretty much you know catering to the the condo complex but also giv an reasion of it to store and the whole first world built up of store just different types of businesses throughout one was J and a couple business in there sense that you would you that lived in the condo complex would would use those those stores and those Services as well so it's definitely something to to think about the future you you you see different uh Hotel companies and stuff like that they do their their work and they they look at where a need is to put up a hotel and you see it happening at various places not just that I look at Route 33 and chck to within a mile of each other and that's on top of that I think there two or three other car washers that are already on the same road so you know those are things like you said it's part about different Corporation where AC me we sa [Music] land it's always you know it's this has been a conversation I know since the past seven eight nine years you when I start on the planning board years ago years ago that was a conversation at that point too yeah BR bramy isn't a site for Big Box store or Walmart or things of that nature I'm talking more like the Panera Bread where kids will go be able to get a coffee and sit there and do their homework on a laptop with free Wi-Fi go to the Starbucks go you know like you said a convenience store going and be able to get get a snack or a quick sandwich or something of that nature it's not a a a large organization you're looking for you're looking for a bunch of I'm going to call Mom and Pop type stores where they can go in they can relax they can have a good time because that's what college kids do they just like to find a place to congregate yeah and be able to do their work and be able to socialize and things of that nature and know that somebody isn't looking over their shoulder trying to get them out of the the store which is all good especially board um you know using someone like yourself as the um Town Administrator that has so much knowledge and I say expertise in certain areas so it's definitely something that we need to look at I know this this board not this particular board but previous board that I've been on have had the conversations in regards to um Town administrators and other towns with h town administrators and just what that person is doing versus Mr Martin does here so it's definitely something that we need to take a look at take a look at quickly and you know deter what is leading and definitely move forward so I know I think you know it would leave this board the near future to sit down with Mr Martin and kind of p over things or ask Mr Martin to send us individually a list of everything that he does that's what I think would be I know he does a lot know a lot of things that he does sure there a lot of things I don't know what he does on the day-to-day operations uh for the town and U really it's months away we one two need to for which is another service that see this it's definitely something that um as the regarding the town account and I did put the ad back in the MMA and we did put it in the daily Hampshire Gazette um we have one person who actually came in and filled out an application we've had a couple people call and ask about it and we sent them information one person was concerned that said that they couldn't get their work done in 20 hours a week and for Community this size 20 hours a week is enough to get to work if you plan your time you know and I could you if it was 35 hours a week someone sitting in that position will'll make it be 35 hours a week they'll stretch it out so far okay but to actually get the work done when you know the systems and you know you miss in the accounting uh manuals 20 hours a week is more than enough to get to work is that the application that we have in front of us that said they couldn't do it within 20 no that's the one who came in and actually filled that application uh we sent the information we haven't heard back from that okay uh I also was contacted by a firm in Greenfield sent an email if you want to for to the board members it's a firm that does accounting services and they're willing to talk to somebody from the town regarding what the town would need so if you want I'll forward that to the three board members and you guys can contact them and maybe invite them in to see what they can do for now would they meet you you Chris as the town accountant now I wouldn't have a problem meeting with them with as far as what their duties would be and yes what we're looking for y okay I don't know if this is too fast Chris but like Lynn said we need to move quickly because I know there's a shortage of Cl administrators would you be able to have a list together of all your duties by Monday at our meeting or is that stretching into I I I can have something together I'll send it out to the three board members and could you also send us before next meeting the um I know it's been a long time since we posted for a TA but do you have anything on file for because you've never posted for a ta so we would probably have to look for that right I want to say it was back in 2005 2006 that you advertised when the town admin administrative position was created okay they had put out an ad I believe at that point I'd have to like I said I'd have to go back and take a look at it but things have changed since then too we to some other communities in their side fors and ask if they have anything that they're all to share with us in regards to um their t rator I believe in the past couple years and we has got a new Town Administrator love got a new South Aly is it too far I think Southampton there there's some other communties out there so might be good just to reach out to their board members get some information so we can move on us and I believe there's a company out there now who is basically like a head hunter type of firm that does for municipal municipalities something TR find the person that we need that meets the qualifications and I think this necessar and again this is a position that pretty much wants to do the operations of the Town yeah all right I know we are over the time for our meeting for the dog bite incident I'm Carl Lindberg 19 Cedar Drive and that's a tough announcement the follow congratulations Chris uh holy cow um I would ask if I could uh submit some documentation to the board and to the police chief that be okay yep thank you and I I want to be fair um it's we're still unsure if it was a bite I'll just kind of go over the the story here if you would allow me um on July 10th my wife Nicole Remy was jumped by a dog while walking the trails at D Frame park it was a large chocolate lab that jumped her and either bit or scratched her arm breaking the skin and causing her to bleed considerably uh Nicole said it happened so fast um she's unsure if it was you know tooth the nails of the front paws but you know the head was involved as she tried to push the dog away uh it was an Unleashed dog um Nicole was visibly shaking and she had almost a mile and a half walk back to our house she didn't she doesn't carry her cell phone when she goes for her walk so um it was you know something that really affected us uh walking those trails and the streets of grany is something we love to do um she was able to speak to another dog owner who was in his vehicle by the the dog park um and that individual knew the dog um and paraph raing his words whiskey is the name of the dog that dog's been a problem since it was a puppy the owner has no control over that dog um she was able to get the license plate of the only other car in the area filed a police report and she contacted Animal Control um so my big ask here and before before I get into this I just want it to be known that I am not anti-g I love animals okay um I am anti- irresponsible dog owner that's the issue here um the other issue as I see it we don't have a leash lot and I'm 57 years old and I'm totally ignorant uh you hear it all the time leas your dog isn't there a leash law the the bylaws chapter 14 K9 control is much too subjective in my humble opinion um we're talking about a public park a recreational park where Chris just went over all the all the people that are reserving reserving space at a park and paying for that as far as I know um I think this is a big liability for the town big liability um Nicole and I are not litigious people but everyone I talked to said you're crazy for not going uh filing a lawsuit um we're not like that though I I want to affect change positive change and I know there's dog owners in here again I'll say it again I'm not anti-d dog but people in a park kids smaller women smaller men should not be afraid to walk the Trails um we walk there quite a bit this is a very subjective statement now I would say about 50% of the dogs are leashed and of the other 50% some people are good they will when when they see people approaching walking or running or riding a bike they will you know grab their dog and put it on a leash but I would say half of that half don't care and the dogs just carry on um so my ask and I I think I I understand the rules here um I'm asking for a firm Leash Law at least within the public parks of this town um section five paragraph B of chapter 14 K9 control is far too far too subjective um run at L run at large dogs allows unleash dogs off private property if they are in sight and under voice command that could change in a heartbeat in my opinion um the dog could see something an animal it could be the way the person is approaching running walking on a bike what whatever could be the color shirt they have on could change that dog's normal behavior um I I I I really think we need to look at this and according to my read of the bylaws I would have to get in order to get a warrant at the next town meeting I'd have to obtain 10 registered voters on a petition is that correct special is 100 that would be to get an article on an annual town meeting okay if you're requiring a special town meeting outside the May one which is our annual it's 100 100 and and I did have that thank you okay um so I guess my next question Chris or anybody is that the only way to propose a change here no okay if the board if you have a proposed language you could submit it to the board board the board could then hold a bylaw hearing to discuss any potential changes and then they could schedule the special town meeting on their own not requiring any additional signatures and they would present the article but more than likely they would probably ask you to comment on it during the course of the meeting okay um I guess I did not come prepared with uh with such language but uh I could do that at the next meeting apparently we're more than welcome to work with you I know uh the prior bylaw Review Committee had looked at some potential changes to the dog by law leash law if you want I'll see if I can find that document and send it to you and then maybe that'll give you a basis to work appreciate that um yeah and you know we had had a previous incident about 3 months prior uh walking the same trails and a dog came up behind me pushed me I'm not that small I'm not that large but I was able to remain standed standing and I spoke to the owner and they didn't care one bit because that's their dog the dogs are like kids the the owners the parents are going to defend him to the end so um I guess that's that's really what what I wanted to present um like I said before I think it's a huge liability if there there was a a more serious attack um on on Town property so very sorry that happened to your wife um I've had incidences there with me leashing my dog and other people not leashing theirs and their dog attacks mine and then I get yelled at so I've been there right so I understand uh the concern absolutely and I'm very again very sorry that that happened to your life could be a lot worse scratches or or bites or that's bad not be much worse this this has come up over years as Chris Chris talked about some time ago too I guess i' ask MERS I think St for to do the work to make this happen something that we need to address I agree I we have been lucky that something seriously hasn't happened and whe the town has a bylaw so it does know about way protecting Town Place however more concerned that as you stated to someone being someone be attack whether it's a person or someone else is animal know supposed to be under control your dog if your dog takes off and you're yelling at your dog you not control that's something me it's a little different than you open up your your your your front door the dog just runs out you didn't realize it's going to happen but when you're not without stuff like that for our for our people and animals and animals or animals do a lot of different things that the owners don't anticipate they do because how well how well they I've seen py9 dogs that are trained for many years do things they don't do they get caught up and whatever the moment would be so I would encourage this board to kind take theat this kind of talked about before that information that this Ro before take a look at that let us um put something together in regards to bylaw and work with the bylaw committee put something together I don't think it's I appreciate it but I think this something that the town should take on and U again the board members feel that this is something worthy us taken on because do we still have a by Review Committee no yeah that's why I was going to ask if you're interested in working with us on this one item we'd be more than happy to have you assist us in getting a wording together I'd be willing to put together a petition if I had to go that route as well so and uh it says here you took a trip to Urgent here at your own cost yep te shot te shot for my wife uh the dog was up to date with rabies so that was a good thing being able to identify that dog by the license plate that was huge didn't have I know believe me believe me yeah can I make a suggestion that if you had any outof pocket expenses please submit them to us and we will reimburse you for any aut Market expenses I I I appreciate that but that's that's really not my not my end game I I just want people to be able to go to that Park and feel like they can walk or run or ride a bike without getting jumped by a dock that's but the offer is there for you thank you thank you again appreciate the time thank you so Chris you'll send the um changes to the bylaw from the bylaw Review Committee yeah let me go back and look that's been a couple years back y um like I think 2021 I'll see what they did and if I maybe I'll see if we can get the uh animal control officer involved to see if maybe she would have any input regarding the any changes to the proposed by law do you want um do you suggest she comes to one of our meetings to discuss the changes or is this going be a separate meeting let me look at the uh what the proposed changes were by the former bylaw Review Committee let me uh run those by her her and then see if she has any comments regarding those and then she could come to a subsequent board meeting to uh discuss what what her thoughts are regarding leel I would tend to uh think that it should be mandatory in public I mean there's people that come from other towns sporting events people in Parks if they're letting dogs run it could happen to anybody yeah I'll admit at home my dog sees the rabbit guess what he's gone sure or a squirrel animals yep all right next on the agenda before before we move forward I miss two of the Cross Country meets on the DU frame rental the first one was for September 3rd the second one was for September 10th you have the September 3rd one September 3rd 2024 okay then we have one for September 10th 2024 and one for October 1st 2024 sorry do we have any citizen participation today nothing think that's fine all right and Chris I know we only got to a small section of the correspondence um I did read that um Dave deset resigned from the Conservation Commission yes he is now going to be uh their paid assistant their conservation assistant so we now have an opening on the Conservation Commission I believe Happ we have one opening for him now two we still have two two and those are on the website right it's good news that we're not losing him losing him no no he is he's going to be a more valued person by being the clerk or the assistant conservation assistant and being paid and getting paid yes yes all right and I did notice also we have a letter um from the Church of Christ um for the village and I don't see it on the agenda no that is down uh I think oh in other business yes okay if you want you can move it to the top of the agenda yeah let's move it to the top so I notice Dennis is here to speak about it I speak yeah if you can come up Dennis and Cindy Watson C Watson uh does everybody have a letter from uh Terry Johnson okay I didn't get a copy that I'm sorry oh greetings board congratulations on your retirement thank you Hi grany l uh what we're asking for is the can you just say your name oh I'm sorry I'm Dennis duet I live over in the senior housing over in fence Hill and I'm also the chair and organizer of the dino Fest uh which is going to be happening on September 14th this year and what was requested or what came to me to request was this we call it the little village I I know what else to call it uh it's a model size of all the historical buildings in grany uh from what I understand it's being stored presently in the West Street School I don't know where but it's there somewhere and what uh um the um Historical Society has suggested was to assemble it next to the courthouse across from the common during gry during Theo uh they want to set up an archway to get to it they have uh people that have volunteered to St to dress in Period clothing to give tours of the small buildings I think it's a great idea I think it would really help promote um a community event that that we're doing so the only thing I'm asking of this uh of this board uh first of all for permission to use it uh I can get a crew I have a crew uh tentatively uh but I first thing is to see if it's okay to use once we get it if it's okayed then got to find out where it is who's got the key how many buildings is it um what's involved with moving it from where it is to the location uh that they want to set it up and then disassembling it and bringing it back the insurances are okay I've checked all the insurances everything seems to be in in the order while it's assembled I believe the Cork house insurance will cover it if not I can get a um a blanket insurance for the dinofest to cover that section um transporting it uh we figured that the insurances of the vehicles themselves would cover the buildings uh because I I we will probably use the pickup trucks and trailers to move it but like I say I don't I really don't know how how to assemble it yet I will by the end of it I'll figure it out I would I would look at [Music] yeah be insur right well I'm thinking uh if if they have personal insurance or if they have housing insurance usually housing insurance covers anything in or on the vehicle I'm with you on that I know I know exactly what you're talking about that who the personal items I would just say is a wrer for the insurance company that cover something like that while it's being transported that's uh if well again if this sport says it's okay I'll pursue the insurances on that and I I'm sure the Church of Christ can get a writer to cover the trans support of that but as it stands now this is a I think this is like a first for anybody to request that where it is I know Cindy donated it to the town and I think that I'm the first that's asked to see if we can display it and this is also going to have it's also kind of a Pioneer because we want to we're going to ask again in the winter to set it up on a common but when we have snow and really Christmasy and put all kinds of lights on it and stuff so if once we get to figure out how what's needed we'll use U din Fest as the um as the Gateway if you will and then we can figure out further because those buildings they're really cool they're they're they're very very wellmade uh and they do reflect a lot of of our town a lot of history on our town and there's a lot of love and care that goes into those buildings and I think they're just neat they're they really really cool we w we had one year where we went out in St carols around them and people had a wonderful time we served hot chocolate and L that kind of stuff so it was a lot of fun to that but I can't see them just sitting and collecting L when there's so much history in those buildings now if it's okay with this board um the reason I'm asking if we can get some kind of a decision tonight is uh there's advertising involved to um advertis that the buildings will be up and there the uh there's these the the volunteers for um they want to dress in Period clothing need to be educated on what the buildings are and how to how to pursue it uh the arrangement of the buildings uh they want to have an archway to it so you can walk through an archway into it got to find the archway for it uh so there's uh rental companies that we have to contact but like say the first step is can we have it and who's got the key so September 12 would be a Thursday would be September 12th yeah uh well if I can see it like the 12th the 10th just to see it see what's involved in moving it I have I do have people that have good siiz trailers that can move it car car kind of trailers or tractor TR trailers a few tractor moving trailers not a tractor trailer but a trailer that moves tractors we do have the vehicles into it I can come up with theand power I already talked to the fire department about it I talked to the Chief and he said it's not an Dem man hours which is okay I get it that's all right I understand that but I didn't know which way to pursue it and here I am I don't know problem with them Bing I think it's a great idea to put it out there during Dino Fest and even for Christmas I think it's going to look beautiful um when they were moved in the past because they weren't the town's property insurance wasn't data now that they've been donated to the town insurance is required to move them yes s me thank I think when I was here a couple of years ago I told you how the village became a village in the um at the 200th anniversary of the town there were some people who built uh to scale models of historic houses churches Etc we never found a list of those people it was on display uh there were about five buildings five or six buildings at that time that were on display at West Street School because we found slides of them at the um historic associ excuse me the historical Association and Metta Taylor had them in the barn um after the 200th anniversary when everybody was putting things away her husband and some other men put all of the buildings in the barn and they sat there for a little more than 40 years and when they were placed they weren't actually placed they were taken apart and they were put and maetta had called me and asked me if I could help her get them out of the barn and it was where are we going to put them if we get them out of the barn I asked the historical Association a for permission to put them in the a butler bar in there and um my my uh significant other and myself went down to the barn found the pieces found we had to put the pieces together we cleaned everything up because after 40 Years of sitting in dust it was hard to tell what they were and um the fire department helped us they uh brought the trailer down and we moved the pieces up to the historic Association barn and they were there until I had to move them out because the historic Association needed more room for our displays as I'm on that too and um I came here to ask you to take the town the The Village because it belongs to the community and it can be used for other purposes I mean educational uh historic whatever and um Dennis basically is asking you to give him permission to take them out of storage and put them on the side lawn of the historical Association for that day for the dino Fest and time is wasting because of advertising and when we moved them we didn't have insurance and all of those problems that come up um we just had volunteers there were probably five of us and we moved the buildings and the same thing happened when the buildings were taken out of the historical Association Barn it was uh a couple of the fellas from the fire department one thing I was going to ask you was um don't the fire department and police department still do community service or certain things I do believe it's against their contract to do that because that's that's how we got it at that time yeah and that was back in 2011 or 12 I think it was 2012 I don't know if it's in their contract not in contract not in contract we can we can ask fire department but as right assist for that that's totally up to the individual but as the board um are you giving him permission to remove them or to have them removed and placed at the Historical Association for September 14th which is the date of the dino Fest they would be out there for the day and Dino Fest I believe Dennis is until 3:00 it's uh 9 to 4 9 to 4 okay till 4:00 in the afternoon and they could be moved after that well um I do believe it says on the letter return on September 15th or 16 Rob uh doing it that same day might be a little bit of exhausting following day is a Sunday so going back to that question Chris is Insurance required to meil personally no I don't think so it's just the fact that if they get damaged who's going to be all responsible I guess I guess what I am with that it's not that being responsible Parts our D we want to reserve it we have to hire someone to maybe you know something fix or something like that want to preserve that that's that's only reason I would say as far as insurance sound considering the amount of Tradesmen that we have in our churches I we did this um there were a few of that worked to put these buildings together in the first place and they should be marked wall one two three four things like that um the two churches there's a steeple for the Church of Christ that's a separate piece but it's basically most of us could put it together you know you you can figure it out so if we have volunteers which Terry is working on right now um to do that I don't see it as being a problem because um Bob and I got it started just basically the two of us doing most of the work and um then we asked some others because we needed some other people to help us carry them out I think it's a great idea you knows history back to L probably haven't seen in the past I mean the insurance is is one thing but as you said too that you get a lot of people in the church that you know that that have probably stru type background that church not just my church all Point earlier you moved it some time ago and you just come together and you do it and it it's like being with the scouts you you learn how to do things and you stumble and crack your chin open or something but you know it's true there's nothing like that involved we were thinking about asking the Lions Club to kick in Scouts Boy Scouts Girl Scouts yeah Terry Terry's got that pretty well under control that way in the future other people would know how to assemble disassem is there still people around that know how to assemble it that have assemble in the they're all they've aged out basically it's hard I mean everybody is dealing with different physical things so but the younger ones can come along and learn and um anybody who's interested in woodworking or just building something and you have it all labeled as you said so I'm sorry you have it all labeled like puzzle pieces you put them together right well they're not really there may be four pieces or six pieces the the most complicated building is the library and Phill Denette built that and I'm sure that he would come and say well this goes there and that goes there because that took the longest to put together but if we can get people to add to it too that would be something we have uh three additional three or four additional buildings now uh one is not finished and I'm going to try to contact the person who was building it it's dressel and he forgot to look behind dressel so it was out it was flat on the ground but it should have been up and gone down in the back but he's at a different fire department now so have to trace him um we have Bill's store we have Dino uh Dino Land uh first building that Mr Nash put up and everything is gone the we have the Aldrich Mill that's gone Dino Land Is Gone M um the town is changing so it' be nice to hang on to some of that but that's no more that's your logo and that's or our logo and it's not there anyway thank you thank you so do you have a motion for them to use the little village um for dinest make a motion to allow them to use the village for Dino Fest have a second I'll I I forgot one thing I don't know I didn't hear if you said it we'd like you to be there we'd like you to come to dino Fest any and all people are invited to come to especially s get I like to see the buildings all set up you hav't Nei I have pictures but I'll have you come to D up this before I show you the pictures any excited about Christmas Time watch yeah that's any further discussion no all in favor I um so chis should we have Dennis get a hold of Jeremy um to access the buildings between September 10th and 12th well Jeremy's not is still on injury right now okay so when he's ready he should just call the office just call Cathy we'll see who uh who's available I think we got get over there beforehand to actually see everything make everything so call the office and make an appointment and we'll see of having someone being over there okay so so we're good yeah you're G to call Kathy and schu an appointment so that someone can meet you over there and check out the buildings all right I really really appreciate your time really appreciate your board's time uh but again I want to invite all of you to please come to dino Fest show your face so these are our select people and if you would like I can set up a a boost for you um so maybe pass off some information just information going I will be there for the open space committee Dennis okay and for my brother's fun so I will do there okay really do do your brother say y awesome I will be there okay I'll be in touch thank you you very much thank you welcome all right I'm just trying the people who have appointments here I know we have a long list of stuff to go through um Chris I know we have a long stuff a long list of stuff to go through do we want to do move the OPM up because I noticed the groups here I just don't want no that's fine everyone to be waiting as we go through everything yep NOP that's fine um so we are going to move the OPM forward so that you guys can do that now instead of waiting because we haven't even gotten to number and you guys are number seven so if you guys would like to come up here uh Lyn manard um if we have any questions about the OPM if we have any questions the board's gonna I I already read it through I don't we're going to open it up for discussion and stuff but just in case we have any questions possibly I don't know that's not the table I bring the they don't bite all right so Chris do you want to give us an overview I know it was a very long document and lots of Duties yes for the um the operating project manager I think the only question I had is it standard for them to if the project takes longer than expected is it standard for them to charge monthly yes it is okay because because the issue is that was a lot of money well the the the issue is this is if you look at his price his price is based upon the schedule okay that was put out in the RFQ okay so he the price he gave us of 285,000 is for the time frame from now till I think that was probably March of 2025 that we were looking at okay now we run into something now he has to put more time in the project gets delayed so what happens is is he will incur more expenses and he's saying if we run over say a month it's going to cost us $10,000 if it's a month more for architect if it's a half a month it'll be $55,000 if it's one week it'll be a quarter of a month things of that nature okay it will be prated but you never know what you're going to run into all of a sudden you open a wall and something's there that you don't realize and it's going to take a little extra time for him to figure a way around it okay we're looking at based upon what we put in our document what we talked about when we did the walkth through with interested firms this is what he based his price on okay we don't know what's hidden we don't know if uh there's going to be an issue of getting some supplies which will entail him having to put more time into the project and as we all know time is money in any contract um but to go through this the OPM contract process we we had hoped to have had this done back in March to be honest with you we had put out an R original RFP and we had seven people walk through the building nobody put a bid in okay a lot of people think that we haven't been doing much as a committee but the committee's been busy but quiet um part of it was the tank removal that was um a long process because we had to wait 60 days to get the permit approved once it was approved the tank is gone we locked out there was no issues with any of the soil samples and you got the results back for and we got the results back yes we actually have it on files so that if anybody wants the document we can send it to okay the op contract what we did is we went through and contacted one of the firms that did the walkr and we asked them why did you not put a bid in and we sat there we had a subcommittee of the committee who met with him and we went through the various scenarios so what happened is is the committee then voted to revise the original RFP downwards a little bit to make it more workable according to this company who came in and talk we read advertised again and of course that's another month that we have to wait and we had one person come to the walkth through but we got three responses three written responses to the RFP so as part of the process in in the RP we had a set of criteria to judge the respondents by so a interview or lack of an interview lack of a better word was set up with each of the firms they came in they made a presentation and the subcommittee members turned around and ranked each of the firms based upon the criteria in the way our contract was written we weren't giving it to the low bidder price had nothing to do it it had to deal with qualifications so the way the RFP was written we had to go with the highest ranked company that met qualifications so we entered into contract negotiation with them I asked them for a price to do the work as listed in the RFP he sent his price of 285 for the complete project that came out to be about 6 and a qu% of the total construction cost which is in the range because normally they can run between five and 7% or OPM type of contracts we had budgeted 10% playing it safe so it's under budget according to our budget that we haveed to the 10 so we now have a contract sitting in front of you to enter into a contract for services for an OPM with a West Street building project for $285,000 and I believe to with a tentative date of March 31st 2025 does the committee have anything different to up so I think we've sum it up for everything that was everything okay and then the extra services are extra duties that were not foreseeing when writing the could very well be or there's a delay for some reason or other so additional work has to be done things like that try to put us back on the piece our hope is that while he's in the looking at high architect phase they'll also work on an RP to get the as out of that building so for some reason there's no way you can do this for that kind of money or something the has to be later right everybody seems on board even seem with the numbers presented for what they want to do this gentlem say this company seem like they were yeah it's doable yes and once this contract is endorsed then the committee will start doing more and more work and they will be meing probably more and more often excuse Mees what do we have in our budget that is being alloted for the project didn't we acquire $5.2 million is what I yes 5.2 million was the total prodject cost which included a contingency the the PM the architect then we had for asbestos removable we had a price we had for window and door replacement we had a price to uh replace the water system we had a price to put in fire suppression we had a price uh but we found out that now with the water suppression basically sprinkler system because it's on a well that there's an exemption that you don't have to do every every room now you can do mainly the main quarters which will save us money it was the price to put a uh a tank in the ground a sistern a sistern and it included a diesel pump also um we talked we talked to our uh our local electrical inspectors he went in and looked at the plans he didn't seem to be seem to think that there is much that had to be done with that outside maybe a little bit of upgrades uh we have talked with National Grid about putting the Transformer outside the building all it's going to cost us to put a pad down um we've talked about uh um what else do we have well in that boote was Aus removal yes and then we had HVAC we we planed HVAC about 500,000 for that we have a price from a Energy Efficiency company that they broke the building into five zones and each zone is going to be about $300,000 to install a AC air conditioning with roof mounted uh compressors uh we can do either all five or we can do a portion thereof so on and so forth uh I do know we were looking at the converting parit for storage we're looking at that things of that nature the only thing we didn't have a good feel for was 8 because that building while it has stairlifts stair chairs we don't know if it we can continue to use those under a current change from a school to Municipal we don't know that we're waiting for the architect to say that okay that's the one item that we weren't sure of we couldn't really get anybody to come in and give us an idea about ADA issues most of it is single level so we're pretty much safe on that there's ramps coming in both the rear and the front of the building so we have that covered it's just inside there's a couple stairs we're not quite sure if we may have to put a a lift in like we have here to go just between first and second level or if we can continue use the stair chair the they can spit it yes yes okay so I guess my question is why do I see 5.7 million 5.7 here too where is it 5.7 I find the page I saw that as well it's second to the last page proposal for services requested in conjunction with West Street School $5.7 million yes is that estimated value no that's not part of the cont that's not part of the contract that was just negotiations so that's the number that they gave it for negotiation what's what's the final number we're at currently if they well we don't have a final number this 56 was the actual number we we appropriated I don't have the budget sitting in front of me that's why iall 5.2 but I could be wrong also I thought it was 5.6 in change so I think it was just rounded up I think is including the op OPM bids The Architects and stuff like that that's not actually the 4 point whatever for the work in the building so you take whatever Plus the 80000 now that's where that 5.7 search you say the I was looking at the book that was given out at town meeting because it was on there I would just hate to see it run $500,000 over budget right out of the gate if that's what this is alluding to 686 6 was what was what we transferred was was approved approved okay 5,686 639 you probably just round up it's it's an exp estimated budget that would it may cost they know this is what you have yeah I'm just looking at that number and thinking that we're at 5.2 and that's half a million just wanted to question it that's okay it's a lot of money just time absolutely so 5.6 was the final and change 66 good so in here it talks about um the owner's project manager will stay in contact with the town or the town representative so who is going to be our town representative Chris that'll be the committee the committee okay the committee is the representative of the town here for this project okay and if I'm not mistaken I did see that we will hire a clerk for as Clerk of Works to make sure I I asked them to give me a price for 40 hours during construction okay I want to clerk there all the time because when the clerk isn't there is When contractors decide to skirt sure doing the true job okay as long as somebody is going to oversee it yes good and then the phasing of the AC are there other pieces that could be phased I'm just thinking if we start running into C overruns because of unforeseen conditions as we as the committee talks and goes through this at their regular meetings they'll be monitoring the cost to make sure we're staying within budget and if there is a potential overrun then they will have to look at Bring It Forward yes and see so we could possibly cut somewhere else to put here we to for sprinkler system probably we want really want that size for the entire building correct you know but maybe we don't Plum the entire building right now or they come and tell us $5,000 you're only going to save 5,000 by the rest of building sure but then we figure out how to how to save it somewhere to put it somewhere else okay very good especially for like you say the core of the building is yeah you never know when you open stuff up you don't know that's why we think it's going to be a good idea to get the while he's getting the architect on board let's get the walls open up and get that as p as on M which which as you say has to be done anyway whether you demolished it or exactly I think that's all the questions I have and he did put my name as a signatory but you can scratch my name I can put your name there that's up to you on uh page 10 8.2.1 is that supposed to say a baitman scope I think what's baitman s o p e I think that's the bait and it's going to be two bidding procurements it says bidding will not be will be not more than two procurements yes go is Town Council up the contract yes I did send it to him and he had no issues okay a lot of it is boiler plate stuff that they the original one that I did send them he he didn't give a definition for a couple of the terms and he was willing to add those in in the front end so yes council did V the contract do you have to change the project title why West Street School everybody calls it West Street School well it is until we change it to West Street School renovation to I call it building everybody's still refer since call the building because you know people I don't people think we're renovating a school we're not renovating school well SE says municipal offices project we can change the title if you want to change the building we can change it to building I can contract him I can contact them and get a new contract that says building versus scho that's page one she can sign me all right any further questions can I have a motion for Chris to sign the contract on our behalf given theair changes of West stre building renovation and page 10 changing s o to scope make a motion to accept the contract with changes as discussed to be able to be signed by Chris to start the phases of construction have a second second motion any further discussion all in favor I thank you all right next on the agenda is to accept departmental reports did everyone get a chance to read all the departmental reports have motion make a motion to accept departmental reports second motion any further discussion I have no questions the only question I had was on on the um Building Commissioner so he writes down the addresses Chris and he says oh okay that's right do um it says like the addresses that he does inspections at but it doesn't say what it was for that's what they used to do in the past whether it was a CO or um yeah so it just gives us a little more background we but I do like that he's been organizing everything into an online database because it makes it easier for um for them to search instead of go through a filing system which is really nice um that was actually the only thing I have so um all in favor by bye all right next on the agenda is to approve and sign maintenance War here's your Stu it's a beautiful Stu it's a big one it is a big one we went through it okay here we go okay make a motion the town of grany authorized for payments and warrant number 79s dated 628 2024 for the sum of $210,000 73366 do I have a second a second motion any further discussion all in favor I I okay make a motion the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 79 dated 628 2024 with a total dispersement of $146,300 second any further discussion Kathy I know I do this every year for the real estate refunds how does that work so they pay the town pays on their behalf and then when people like why are we refunding okay that the a new person you know there's all sort of okay because there was a long list of so I was trying to is it similar to the excise taxes where they go they getor office and they um put they AG that lot of variables okay want to mention that they their all year 24 the at the yeah I'm reading the date right 6 628 24 four fiscal year 24 okay when you get to number one and on it'll be fiscal year 2025 gotcha all in favor I okay make a motion town of gramby authorized for payment warrant number 81s St ated 630 2024 for fiscal year 24 for a total dispersement of 156,50 7.75 I'll second motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I actually I'm sorry on this one I will abstain from the color rung reimbursement for myself when I did the gramb B wrestling 5K which one was that9 it was 81s sorry Cy thank you make a motion that the town of gry authorized for payment warrant number 81 dated 6:30 2024 fiscal year 2024 with a total dispersement of 138,139 and7 second any further discussion no um Kathy do we know did the cemetery project come under bid yes it did okay as I know we paid a lot for that one so I just wanted to make sure that's it on paper by [Music] make a motion the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 82 dated 6 630 2024 fiscal year 24 total dispersement for Warrant 82 31,000 $243 72 second a motion any further discussion all in favor make a motion the time gramy authorized for payment warrant number 82s dated 6:30 2024 for fiscal year 24 with a total dispersement for Warrant 82s of 81,000 $364 39 second motion any further discussion all in favor back okay moving into fiscal year 2025 I make a motion that the town of grany authorized for a payment warrant number 00001 dated 71 2024 for a total dispersement of 2,1 129,000 5 8951 second motion any pres discussion um Cathy what was the place in fire accidenta Insurance okay yeah the premium for the year okay yeah I was going to say it wasn't in the departmental report so I thought I was missing something but it might be like she's saying just the category that they pull from yeah I know all right thank you all in favor I this one I make excuse me I make a motion is it payroll one or number two oh I'm sorry there it is yeah make a motion make a motion for payroll account summary count of gramy Warrant number two dated 72 2024 for fiscal year 2025 with a total gross payment of favor I thank you thank you make a motion for the town of gramby to authorize payments for Warrant number 003 dated 75 2024 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement of 84,4 46 and 96 cents second motion any further discussion DAV make a motion for the town of gramby to authorize payments for Warrant number 00004 fiscal year 25 dated 7:12 2024 with a total dispersement of 61,500 [Music] there usually isn't this many but you had to separate it between the fiscal years right that's why there's so many like double seems they triple plus it's been a while since you were y because he was on vacation I was on vacation in it's been a few weeks right yeah no one anything when I was off no no they needed your guidance they needed your guidance as the Elder on the board make a motion that the town of gramy authorized for payment warrant number 004s for fiscal year 25 dated 7:12 2024 with a total dispersement of $64,000 77098 second motion any have a discussion n all in favor I only four more make a motion for payroll account town of Granby warrant number 00005 dated 7:17 2024 for fiscal year 25 with a grand total of $ 42,3 444 second motion any discussion none I will abstain from the selectman and teacher salaries and I did have one question and the chief is actually here what does um NC mean encumbered encumbered okay was that on the payroll warrant you're ask me okay because we have now passed the end of the fiscal year and we are paying for wages in a prior fiscal year you know usually about October I bring a letter in for encumbrances that you sign off on that is for any bills that were actually incurred in the prior fiscal year that are paid in the subsequent fiscal year so what you have to do is encumber the funds from in this case fiscal year 24 to be paid in fiscal year 25 okay so what we do is as we're paying those we automatically put them into an encumbrance account okay and then what happens is is when we are all done said and done we will go through and generate the accountant will generate that letter to you for incumbrances for general fund sewer uh sewer ambulance and Municipal solid waste and for capital projects and the unspent Articles you will sign off on that and then those balances get come brought forward to the current fiscal year and posted as budgetary amounts that some have already been spent and some are now available to be spent in a current fiscal year okay so it's not like going over the budget it's just that that bill has transferred over to the next FAL year to the subsequent fiscal year yes thank you for the explation thank you all in favor I and I will vot assess for thank you that was AO I make a motion for the town of grany authorization for payment on warrant number 00006 dated 719 2024 for fiscal year 25 total dispersement on this warrant is 148,149 second any further discussion all in favor I I make a motion that the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 007 dated 726 2024 for fiscal year 25 total dispersement for this warrant 252,000 $532 second any further discussion no discussion all in favor bye bye I make a motion that the town of gramby authorized for payment warrant number Z 07s dated 726 2024 for fiscal year 25 with a total dispersement of$ 36,3 6537 any further discussion no discussion all in favor for next on the agenda is to approve minutes um I all the minutes were sent a little after one today did everyone get a chance to read them okay okay so you want to just table it till next [Music] one table it Monday there's five I didn't see them all okay missed apologies that's table for Monday so minut on 8 okay right 85 are you still meeting on 85 no we're not it's yeah I know you're meeting the 19 with the Union yeah the 12th I think the chief wasn't here and right but I think the three's not here but I think the three of you were here the 12 yeah that was just for yes okay so we're meeting at 812 and 8:19 in August correct so we can get the all right so next one is to approve inside common B tiller life yeah t was kind of sticky it is really sticky sing hey uh make a motion to Grant a common Vic license number 24-39 to certify that 367 State Incorporated East State Incorporated doing business as brusso liquor Mark at 367 East State Street in grany be granted a common Vic license in said town of gry that place only and expires December 31st 2024 unless sooner suspended or revoked for violations of laws of the Commonwealth respecting license of common Vicks license is issued in Conformity with the authority granted the licensing authorities by general laws chapter 140 and amendments there to Mo any further discussion all in favor I I thank you next license I make a motion that the town of grany offer a one-day special alcohol permit with a fee of $100 a special license for alcoholic beverages wine and REM date of event 81024 responsible Manager David organization name Beer Guy LLC addressed at two Mountain View Street South havy mass for a wedding event at Deer Creek Farm on 193 Amber Street in gry Mass alcoholic beverages will be purchased from quality beverages on 880 burnout Road chick qu of alcohol being purchased three cases of beer five cases of [Music] TR four cases of red wine four cases of white lne and stock start time at 2 pm end at 10 p.m. second second any further discussion I'm going actually I was going to say I'm going to actually ask the chief if he has any anything he wants to discuss with the okay okay was Kathy what were you saying there's something else that you put here oh sorry at the very bottom in the Bold yes got it thank you the only alcohol allowed on premises will be malt and orline applicants must provide a 1 million insurance policy acceptable to the town all beer and wine must be consumed in the main tent area of the event no serving people under 21 years of age no serving to intoxicated persons no serving alcohol before 2: p.m or after 10 p.m. on August 10th 2024 what was the reasing behind being underneath the tent Chief in the woods okay so it's just it's easier to I haven't had any conversation with this but that's that's always and I when we say [Music] so that was his motion we made a second we for discussion so um all in favor I I you see three cases of beer three cases of beer four TR Lees four wines four red wine white white wine seem like lot of beer I don't know how many people are in attendance either me neither but just [Music] all right so next one is to approve reducing of eduse at Hen okay um this has to do with with uh the hen facility where Duncan donus is located um last year if you remember the collector had got full of South Padley and thought Mr Howen was being undercharge for a number of edus well the the representatives from South Padley went and increased his edus from 1.0 to 3.25 and Mr Howen has a problem with that uh for such a large increase in how it was justified so what I did is do you have any of this in front of you Glen yeah we have it I created the I printed out the chart that we use to calculate edus per the sewer regulations yeah based upon that we have a fast food restaurant Dunkin Donuts with less than 25 with the full it's a full service with less than 25% no it's a fast food y that has 10 to 50 seats okay so that's 800 gallons per day okay we then have a salon in there and it is $100 per seat and I believe they have two chairs in there for 200 are we talking about cutting hair or are we talking about sinks for washing hair it just says a beauty salon or a barber shop they have four stylists so that's why I'm asking what are we talking about there for seats chairs chair I would say is for washing hair so yeah so I think there's either two or three I'm using two okay okay then we have two retail facilities one is ver and then the new place I can't remember what the name of it is oh it's the craft store right okay each of those are uh I'm going to say about a th000 square feet each yeah so each of those would be 50 per day that comes to a total of 1100 gallons per day divided by 330 gallons per per edu and it comes to 3.33 3.25 so I asked Mr Hen to provide me with a copy of the annual water usage this is a report that's filed with d okay for the year they went through 272,000 6.19 gallons per day you divide that by 330 and you come to 2.26 edus so basically he's being overcharged by one edu based upon that now he argued with me or put a case out there that Duncan Donuts is mainly dryr they don't put what they put out down the sewer mainly mainly people get it to go the estimate by Duncan Donuts is about 70% of their clientele is to go not to stay there and consume there so based upon that Mr Howen is requesting that the board charge two edus for the site not the 2.25 that the calculation comes out to that is my recommendation is I I think it's a plausible argument to drop it to two because originally he was at one so basically we're doubling his zedus from what he was being charged to two based upon his water usage with the idea that a lot of it is too type of usage it is up to the board to make the decision do they agree with reducing from the 3.25 that is calculated per the regulations down to two based upon the water usage and his explanation that most of it is to go type of traffic I'm okay with reducing it to his his usage the 2.25 that's what he's using that's up to the board I just said I would put across because his argument was that a lot of the Dunkin Donuts are coffees to go teas to go things of that nature a lot of it is not consumed on site and therefore the bathrooms aren't used on site for the use of the sewer but he's still using water to clean and whatever else so the usage is the usage we can't change what and I'm not arguing that point no I'm just I'm just saying he putting across the argument that with it being a Dunkin Donuts and the man manager says 70% of his business is to go that 70% of their was water usage he's saying goes out the door yes no that's a that's a decision for the board to make or as sewer Commissioners I told them I would present this to the board and I would get back to him with whatever the board decided Well that's good to this year what happen no because we will notify South hat that sewer Commissioners have voted to reduce his edus from 3.25 to two or 2.25 base that off of what what uses was for this year his uses goes up next year and TR L is using well that's true you can turn around and ask for another set of readings if that's what you so desire you know up to you basically saying that we would have to show so for now for fiscal year 2024 right because it was for the usage for 2023 we could say that based on the evidence that you showed us yes we overcharge You by One edu you could refund him for that edu and then say based on our calculations that everyone pays based on this so unless you could show us your usage was less you pay that amount I I think we'll up the the figures two will be what we're currently Char Char yeah okay with giving them an abatement because they' shown to us that they' used less than what they were charged for right that's okay then but the rate is the rate if you want to do it again next year and thr at provide again the documentation documentation it's the same thing if someone looking for abatement on their taxes car as tax bill or for taxes the same thing provide a documentation it's not not every year you're going to get the same thing okay we give one time of batement then to do it again next year agree with that I do agree also that could change year to year based on who's in and who's not okay so say it comes across two years in a row it comes out to 2.25 at some point are you going to notify South Hadley that it should be reduced by one edu because you're being built from South Hadley based on 3.25 you're giving abatements that we're paying South Hadley for that addition edu but we're not collecting it so basically you're paying it through other same and they give us the they're not going to give you an abatement they they they ask once a year do you want to change the edus okay it's just like if someone from their residence but they won't do that they won't do that for the town yeah that changes it because then because if we're getting charged for it and we're not and we're giving him the abatement then the taxpayers are paying the rest of the bill it's correct and these are all based on South Al's rates we don't set any of those rates we just approve them this is for the rate going for can right you know I don't have a problem if it's only going to be a couple hundred bucks for one year but if this is going to be continually along then that gets RS into bigger box well can come back and say we don't agree with you we believe it's 3.25 culations all I'm saying is here here's his actual water usage when we go divide it by the get a daily use it comes to 2.25 I have hard data it says okay that chart is averages that's what an average that was developed back in 1994 okay we I tried to find updated figures for this type of stuff they don't they don't exist the reality is that we can do an aat but for us to change the um change it down so got say yes no I just have to notify them that based upon documentation provided by account number 2201 that it should be 2.25 not 3.25 and they'll reduce on their end according and that's moving forward so okay now taxpayers is responsible right but but I'm just saying that's so we got bill for fiscal year 2024 he got build at 3.25 and he's just asking moving forward can we reduce it 2.25 Yes actually he wants to but I'll just tell him though yeah and if he wants to he can come in front of you and argue it with you directly Bas on calculations comes out to 2 I know of usage yes I know I'm not arguing that point with you it's hard to argue what the numbers are all right so do I have a motion to reduce hen's water usage from 3.25 edus to 2.25 edus moving forward for fiscal year 2025 I make a motion to reduce to 2.25 from 3.25 for fiscal year 2025 water consumption second motion uh any further discussion favor I is there a signature page on there Chris are you just have to call no I will I will email the board's decision okay so I'll just that up and we did the OPM already do that's sign there's two of those all right next on there is approve and sign sewer commitment 24-02 so this is for fiscal year 24 second payment don't make a motion the Commonwealth Massachusetts town of grany sewer use fee warrant number 24-2 to Nicole a manard agent for collection of sewer use fees for grany in the county of Hampshire in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to collect from the several persons named on the sewer use fee list here within committed to you as therein set forth with interest the sum total of such list being [Music] 22,39 and 75 the whole amount build to all persons known to us to be liable for sewer use fees and you are to pay over saidur use fees and interest to Steven R N treasurer of town of grany or to his successor in office at the times and in the manner provided by general laws chapter 83 given under our hands this 29th day of July 2024 second any further discussion no discussion all in favor I sign three I know so um given the time we'll finish to number 11 and then our old and other business will save to our next meeting Chris that's what you unless there's any pressing information that you have to give us tonight no okay because then we still have executive session so that sound good to you guys okay I swear we did do something summer break all right next on the list is to approve and sign 2024 2025 gravel permits okay I make a motion for gravel gravel permit renewal for applicant Leon sharder Chris sharder and Greg Orland at 232 Bachelor Street grany Mass 01033 uh location of excavation site is the same name of persons using the site Greg Orland at 212 Bachelor Street gry Mass 01033 the following questions answered will be processed when was the original permit used for gravel removal 1940s when the original permit was granted for the site 1940 sorry read the wrong thing uh the depth of the E excavation at present time is 12 feet and will be dug to approximately 14 ft approximately 10,000 yards in the past 12 months have been removed and approximately 10,000 yards for the next 12 months will be removed and the Gravel Pit has been active for the past 12 months and just to clarify the when it was originally given for the gravel permit it was at approximately 14 feet and now it's at 12 feet the depth of EX excavation yes 14 ft it's at 12 and on the Conservation Commission um minutes everything was approved they did the site visits they've done theirs okay right that was a little confusing do okay any further discussion no discussion okay oops so all in favor I for yes we all to stop going on vacation it's crazy talk you don't have to wait for us to you concern we can okay uh gravel permit renewal 724 7224 to 62025 applicant Andre materials and recycling LLC of 22 Industry Road chicke Mass 01020 location of excavation site 240 chicke Street gry Mass 01033 name of persons or person using the site andri materials and recycling LLC 22 Industry Road chicke Mass 01020 um original permit issued for gravel removal was July 7th 1980 uh depth of excavation when original permit was granted Road level to an elevation of 260 ft depth of excavation at present time plus 260 Road level to an elevation greater than 260 ft uh amount of yardage of materials removed from this site during the past 12 months 78,500 th000 tons and they have worked in the Gravel Pit for the past 12 months secondly any further discussion all in favor I I I need to invest in rer stamp I don't think we can stamp can we Chris no I was kidding I just it's it's a lot of signing tonight no the state likes wet signatures yeah okay make a motion for Gravel Pit REM renewal 7 2024 to 6 2025 for naroi Construction Incorporated at 105 slate Road in chicke Mass 01020 location of excavation site lion Street north side of hampen Hampshire County Line name of person or persons using the site n rocki Construction Incorporated 105 slate Road chicke Mass 01 020 uh the original permit issued for removal of gravel was December 30th 1995 the depth of excavation when the original permit was granted was 270 the depth of excavation at present time is 270 and above the amount of yardage of material removed in the last 12 months was 8,000 cubic yards the approximate amount of materials anticipated to be removed in the next 12 months 20,000 cubic yards and it has been active for for the last 12 months second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I for and you just forgot one right there I was just looking at that one think that I missed make a motion for graveled pit renewal 72024 to 6 2025 for nqi construction at 105 slate Road chicke Mass location of excavation site 11 lion Street gry Mass 01033 name of name of person or persons using this site the rocky Construction Incorporated 105 slate Road chicke Mass 01020 uh original permit was issued pit open 1908 permit was issued when Earth removed bylaws came into effect uh the depth of excavation when the original permit was granted was 50 ft depth of excavation at present time is 270 and above the amount of yardage of material removed from the site in the last 12 months was 6,000 cubic yards approximately 10,000 cubic yards of material may be taking out taken out in the next 12 months and the pit was active for the last 12 months so Kathy one's the north side what is what is that one okay I just have two copies of the north side so I got confused I don't think there's so that one's not the north side that's just the second site that's just the second site yes so location site 11 lion Street and this one was Hampshire okay gotcha thank you you have a second second any further discussion all in favor I for for right next on the why I'm signing is to um sign the approved beer and wine license for something special cater so make a motion the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Alcohol Beverage Control Commission licensing Authority certification for the name of the applicant being something special Catering Service Incorporated at 181 West State Street fory Mass 01033 manager name lorrianne Bernier for wines and malts on premises consumption and a restaurant style set go to this sign dear License alcoholes Board of town of gry Massachusetts hereby grants a common Vic licens to expose keep for sale and to sell wines and Malt Beverages to be drunk on the premises something special Catering Service Incorporated license number 08319 D rs-0 458 Lori an Bernier manager 181 West State Street grany Mass on the following described premises a one-story building with two bathrooms main entrance in front of building exit and rear located at 31 West State Street gry Mass 01033 second motion give hours of operation y That's what I was just looking at just the hours yep the hours during which alcohol beverages may be sold are from Wednesday through Saturday 700 a.m. to 2: pm. 4 pm. to 8:00 pm. Sunday hours from noon to 2: p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in testimony whereof undersign have here un two affix their official signatures this 29th day of July 2025 any further discussion no discussion and anything any concerns or anything Chief so property Point talking where they can buy it and then take it with them okay that's that's not happening right now though early this year okay right all in favor I thank you all right last thing on the agenda is to prove and sign saer weight and measures for fiscal year 2025 contract I'm not sure quite where to go with this one so Chris as far as what he's reading he doesn't have to read the whole thing correct no this is basically just a contract between the town and the City of Northampton we use their uh division or their weights and measures person to do the services in the town of grany he build that we receive the money for any scales or things that he has to certify for measuring uh the price is the same as it was last year and it just requires a contract between us and the City of Northampton to for him to provide the services to us no increase in Services no increase I know he kept it the same last year too I think yes yes I think that's uh based upon a union type contract too so I I think uh they probably negotiated a multi-year contract so we'd Lu to so I make a motion to accept the agreement between the town of grany and the town of Northampton for fiscal year 202 fiscal year 2025 for weights and measures for the sealer of weights and sealer of weights and measures thank you second any further discussion all in favor I all right so I know we were going to table if you guys are okay with the all the olden any other business until our meeting on the 12th um I know Chris you gave us the volunteer release um that was vetted or approved by the Town Council that's the one used by DCR and that's the one he liked the best that he saw out there too so I just want to make sure the board the board agrees with it and then once we do that we can put it on our own form so if you guys if we can just did you that one yeah I was I was good with okay as much more description in it then the other that'll be looked at up so so you said the next step is to U make it our own with the town of Bry and everything yes all right so that will move forward that's awesome and is there any decision we have to make on the stamp right now or can we table to the 12 he okay and nothing else that's pressing we can table everything yes okay perfect so I will take a motion to end the regular session and um then we will do a roll call to go into executive session I make a motion or wait only to come out to adjourn the meeting to adjourn the meeting so hold on let me say that again Chris I get used to it so I'll take a motion to end the session open up into no you are you are taking a you you want a roll call vote to enter into executive session under 30 a-21 a-2 to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion Personnel you will only come out of executive session to adjourn the meeting thank you Chris so I shall take a motion you don't have to repeat all that you just make the motion okay make a motion to go to Executive session second we'll do a roll call vote and any further discussion all in favor no roll call roll call vote roll call Se n last name and i lebante i d i thank you thank you