[Music] second meting order for Monday e i United States of America stand under God indivisible justice for all thank you all Martin have some stuff FR yep uh we have four D Rentals uh first one is um the US fish and wildlife service it's a Youth Fishing event uh for June 1st 2024 arriving 8: a.m. departing 1 p.m. no liquor number of people 100 they're looking to reserve the large Pavilion access to the pond and bathrooms the next one is um the memorial at the dog park on Friday July 19th 2024 arriving 11:30 a.m. departing 1:30 p.m. no alcohol number of people 35 to 40 they're looking for Pavilion number one on the Taylor Street side next one is a 5K 2 Mile Walk catered meal and a fundraiser uh for September 1st 2024 arriving 7:00 a.m. departing 2: p.m. um liquor authorized not at this time maximum number of people 100 to 200 area requested is the parking lot area the open field wooded areas on either side of the open field and the Pavilion and the last one is a picnic a group picnic on September 14 2024 arriving 10:30 a.m. departing 3:30 p.m. liquor authorized no number of people 70 and they are looking for the large Pavilion gazebo and the large field the next item is a letter email I received from AA Christensen from Amis College you have a copy of it in front of you uh basically she is looking to do a study regarding habitat destruction and fragmentation due to um the people being in the area where uh animals use the uh have their habitats uh basically she is looking at setting up cameras along the range one of the areas is within the confines of the town of grany and basically she is looking for permission to allow them to set up camera arrays uh to monitor human and Wildlife activity and if you look on page two it's a 500 by 500 meter grid where there will be each of the 50 cameras we placed along the trail as close to the center point as possible and basically they'll be taking pictures and trying to determine if human interaction or Recreation is affecting the local wildlife and she's seeking permission from the board to be able to put these cameras up on the parcel that is within the town of gramby that seem no problem but you say we table we want it by a Town Council make sure there's no issues with that okay make sure there's no liability anything on our part with cameras and stuff being on our property so I don't know someone gets hurt or something this there's Hunter up there already now who have cameras all over the place so are you giving approval subject to Town Council approval I'm okay with it town council's okay with it okay all right so what I'll do is I'll run it by Town Council tomorrow and if he has no issues and I'll let uh M krenson know that uh she's okay to put the camera so just let the guy attorney Costa was just trying to call me thank you for the update now be do I want the answer you know you're got be um and then the second is an email from the town clerk again she is appealing to the board to consider um 12 to 7 for the polling hours for the um election instead of the 12 to 8 and she turns around and gives the board U some data from prior elections and I'm not sure if the board wants to change their original polling hours of 12 to8 to 12 to 7 well I want to respect C which is but look at the numbers and the figures I mean during Co is when they're all spiked as part up 600 as far as millon and then uh 2023 it went down to 233 basically a third of what it was the few the prior three years so I think more people voted by mail during that that's that's there so but I am will to compromise with down to 7:00 7 oh set that's right and then I'm sure to come up next year again so yes comes up every year and and we'll see and see what if the feedback from uh from the public is on it that's that's who we do it for there so people have the opportunity to vote when they want to I think if the traditional n of fers get out of work and they could still get there for six and seven if they're 5:30 they can get S L back you got things after work kids family dinner all this other stuff that comes involved around so just again if see feedback or pushback saying you know any additional time that's what we got look at our responsibility is to the voters that are know an ample amount of time to vote so you we're going from like 8 in the morning to 8:00 at night we're really cutting that once in a half yeah starting Le four hours out of it so we go to 12 to 7 and see how that uh see how that works the standing the mail outs only have to be done for the the presidential uh no because uh there's box that you checked that says you want all election ballots mailed to you that'll include our town election also and that's why she's looking for 12 to 7 because she'll be mailing out 900 ballots for just the regular Town election and she feels she'll get a large enough response back that warrant's not staying open to it's C we haven't done the correct correct I'm okay with that compromise six is pushing two CL we out at 5:3 yeah yeah yeah move that we'll see how it goes next on our agenda the discussion for the senior workc project so um I did some research for us yesterday just try last year when we W There Was You Know literature out there from the other towns they were all working on their own uh senior programs so I was able to find a variety of them uh town of Harford city of chicke there's cing Mass on here there's not have M on here so I tried to get a BRI a b um just to see what we wanted for our hard criteria um and DLS also highly recommends us doing for all town and municipalities doing that um tax work off program I gave that literature as well which is the I think the very last one that is highly recomend so they have a pastor of seniors and for veterans it says up to 1500 Val what was the amount from the finance committee what was the amount I found any STS for me well the issue is is how much does the town want to commit to this program right let so the the the issue is is you can earn up to $1,500 by volunteering your time um the question is if you want to offer it to 10 people it's 15,000 that you're going to want to put aside for this program if you want to go to 25 you're talking you know another 10,000 on top of that you're talking another seven or eight people okay so you're talking 10 at 15 18 at 25 20 at 30 what does the board wish to commit as a number for this well again what's what is the the finest way big word it's easy it's easier to have a number to work with and then come up with what we want to do I think I think $1,500 for person is too month but that's by state law no that's up to but it's up to but that's by state law up to, 1500 500 right 500 I'd rather i' rather impact more people or less amount okay and and if you look at Hadley they have an income uh they have an income base that's 60% of the estimated State median income which is available probably online every year and then yes it's not 12 yes yeah was like parf still has their volunteer work at 12 that's do that's illegal at this point well it's not illegal they're not paying it it's B but you still have to pay a minimum wage of $15 an hour up to the cap so they would def work 33 hours to get [Music] have we also um just $5,000 for their property tax credit whether you're a senior or a veteran and you would work at $15 per hour you again would be here so for that point be a total of $67 hour so we would be able to if we get 15,000 we be a about 15 people I at the 500 but they would still have to apply every year for this program as well we also have to think about how many jobs there are available for volunteer work as well another 30 jobs in town well you reached out to everybody yeah they didn't specify exactly how I think the treasur said one um I think the librarian said two um maybe more depending on what events and stuff they have going on at the library um I don't have that paper in front of me I if you have it upstairs I Square I don't I don't remember the Poli Department said police depart I think said they didn't have anything available um fire department assessors had nothing available so it was the clerk the treasure Library said that Poss SC I don't think they've gone forward with that program at this point um the uh AG I'm sure the tax collector could probably use help stuffing envelopes envelopes well we got to start somewhere we can always revisit TW get I was thinking something along line $220,000 $1 for each individual the stien would be the $15 and hour with a Max of you can earn $500 that would allow us if everybody maxed out the 500 that allow us at Le least 40 people okay you P it up to m 30 than and that's if everybody everybody maxed out with to 33 hours and I don't think everybody would but it's a starting point for us when you know we need to look at it for next year increase it then that's something we can do but we're starting off with something can said the numbers of to so $ 20,500 Max three hours on people yes so you're opening it up to 40 people a little biter may do that until we know program but you don't want to give more and then take that away right so for a full year this is entire year so you you at 40 individuals entire year but but they maxed out 33 hours this program be addition to tax and property exemption to yes yes those are other sections of the law okay if we get 40 great if we don't well that's okay too but i' rather us I rather have spots available than do it and not have spots available for people who wanted to do it and then kind of re up it next year let me out in 40 40 40 spots is really a lot like how many seniors that we have and then it comes down to is it is it per household or is it for a senior because we have you may two seniors in the same household both qualifi so they have $1,000 if they max out I think it's per property the things you have to make sure want that people are we also have tax Bo not the same am people but they would be part of the people you could get you could get we have two sen that live in the same household when one works 15 hours work 18 hours they max out I mean that's something to look at too say it's say it's it's uh $500 per person or per hous I we're trying to make that um more impact on the community I think I would do plan with ADV par hous that way we reach 40 different people 40 different households set we would reach 40 people but if we allow husband and wife to do it then they get the thousand and then that takes somebody else that abuse in in their house so it's like double and be interesting how many jobs versus how many people are can actually apply yeah but I guess I what I'm saying is that together where no I get husband wife or something like that or either way where how split up where say it does 33 hours we just put it up together we can Max it out you know they still not still be 5 still 500 they're not taking any more money out of it but maybe they have a skill that the other ones out that they can they just contribute together to to maximize it the interesting that there's not a household income on this C the household income it doesn't say it just says maximum income 60% of the state medium it doesn't say if it's individual or or household it says household side yeah that's the number of people living the house so husband and wife taxes so household is two yeah yeah but we're saying per property per parcel we're not talking per no I'm going about the income I'm going to income size but I'm just saying is if it's a husband and wife because like in South Padley they ask them what is your current property what's the address yeah that you're looking to uh seek the abatement for yeah well household size can be different upbc are going have five people in your household I I know you can we one of those 60 or 605 for seniors as I've seen that no 60 I read somewhere 60 was on 65 [Music] isth well to participate in the senior lunch program uh it's 60 yeah I go 60 must be 60 years old yeah be consistent of some of the other practices that we already have sure well here it is in taxpayer must only one tax credit per family per calendar year but again we need to start somewhere yeah and then we can adjust it time goes on and twe it improve it make better problem get 500 per 40 households $500 opening up to 40 and we may have more because you may have people who just don't end up maxing out at the end so you know you still have maybe more you more but 40 would be the maxim I mean 40 would be if everybody no that's that's TR yeah yeah you put the cap on you never don't you're going to reach that Bo any right the say say where at the end of it we still have $5,000 left you know we had 40 people when opening up to more people if we sell the money there you want the de to be the same and not thought that they're ready to um Vol yeah I think we should but you say that was 33 h what the ma out 33 hours 33 hours that's what the which department do you want to oversee this I'm looking at Harvard it's the Council on Aging who does it in to in Harvard Administrative Assistant for the senior center do it well that would make sense don't you think the co8 director what she's going to know the seniors but you look at South Hadley and it goes to the HR department our HR department happy well why don't we why don't we do it this why don't we do it this way we start off with if you're available Chris we can start off with you and in conjunction with the counseling directive because we have a new one right now this is a brand new program for us so kind of rather someone has some experience with it beforehand and then maybe after next year we we trans we transition it into that role of the uh the COA director but that person knowing that beforehand that that that's coming their way and they can be part of it from the get C maybe that's just have enough so is this going to be a$ 1099 position or W2 position take tax comes down like a something or something yeah we see on saw the last page but they have like certain dates and stuff we up intool dur in the summer and the fall or the l Spring and they that hon that but I don't think we would have time to obviously get it started for the spring but they can apply in the fall for start in jary right I gu we time to get the word out there get all the information together that we need to get together R sure of some things out that run by Town Council as far as liability and things like that and something do oversee by we're start off with Chris to the newa director yeah that person have it introduced to as part of their responsibility yeah first we got got pass the town meeting yeah yeah oh ready they don't they do ready no because they're raising it through the allowance forments and exemptions that's just raised on the recap that's never approved that town meeting that's to town meeting no what would okay because we're taking money away from the tax tax base but we're providing for it on our recap right well it's not something that's actually voted during the budget process or any of that nature I want I'm going to read the DLS uh bulletin a little bit more because uh you read little pieces here and there whatever they work is considered wages for federal tax purposes right so they have to figure out how do we report that to federal government 1099 same thing you do with like a lottery winning yeah yeah they you know s that because they receiving some type of compensation for the work but but it's interesting because if you do a 1099 you're just reporting for federal payroll purposes but do we have to take out for Medicare as a deduction for the wages aren't and I don't know either so that's one thing to find out I need to need to do a little more research on the financial ends B so yeah if it's our attention to get them 500 off of their taxes the tending R appropriate but didn't if we do the W2 they're never going to get the 500 it's like a regular paycheck well what we be N9 but the thing is too that most of the people that looking to be qualify for this are going to be a lower tax bracket most of many ways that you're trying to provide something to the people that are in need for it so and I I would imagine those are the people that are going to come out for that are need for again like I so we're just you know we got to start somewhere okay well sparting and then we'll we'll go from there and make ajust Move Along two thisr Beed as a temporary to without benefits okay so those other questions to answer follow off by move forward we receiv some additional answers okay anything else do you want to I open space committee they were going to look into the signs for the open space survey that's going to they want on first but due to the tight budgeter Valley Planning Commission they can't do the lawn sits that they looked into so if the town wants to put up signs at the different parts in the open space areas we would have to pick up that cost so I told them I for me to you guys but we don't know how much the signs would cost we' have to get their QR code for their survey to put on our signs and then put pictures of the open space um places some of them not all of them on the side as well as a yard sign so we could put one on each side of du fres Park we could put one on Brown else in the front field and the back field but again it's something that we would have to pick up as cost for us talk um I would put any see play very all would it so I would do probably two at D frames one on each side two at Brown Nelson um there's a couple others but those are like the two main Park areas that people go so it's going to cost us for sign $100 yeah does it just have to be at the parks only I space and Recreation Area that we use so because if we're trying to get them to fill out a survey can we can we throw it out here can we throw it on Public Safety uh front lawn things of that nature along 202 you could probably you know 20 signs something like that right so five eight bucks a piece or something like that get so how much political science cost I like that like 500 bucks but dep on how big and how many well sounds to me it's going to be about the size of a political sign yeah I just SP more a couple on box out that we need right so I will reach out to them or back with them and tell them that we are interested in doing it get the QR code send it if happy is this something that um you want me to design on the open space committee you want me to or would you guys like have something I don't know that this was the first time that because I had mentioned it because I thought you know being out in open space you want them to take a survey it there's a QR code on a sign they'll take the survey I'm just wondering if you want to see if pvpc has a template I can but they said they've never done the sign before they won't all right find one online and work with something like that cuz you're just uploading a QR code in pictures I'm sure there's you go online I'm sure there's some sides out there fit it change the name I to collect the photos from the open space anyways they want an updated one so I have to still go around to the properties and go so I can use those photos that I get to but they want to make the survey go live on May 1st um they are not going to to translate it um because there's too many rare um languages in the school district and it would be too costly for them to do that they said that they could translate it into Spanish if that's something that we wanted but we don't really have a high Spanish population in grany so they're giving it up to us to decide if we should translate it into Spanish or not definitely going to have the inders one if any of the families in town hell I can always reach out to the elll teacher and um I'm sure Google has a translator need yeah you can just copy and paste the question and put it in the Google translate you can try and do it that way yeah not doing it you get an email about the um MVP 2.0 that we went through last year and they said that our plan was um old enough or outdated enough so they took towns that were more outdated than us but um it is open again if we want to just change um open up that same form that we did on commu guys and submit it again to update our mdp now you're over yes it doesn't hurt say no so thats from before have to have it you remember um I don't we're both working on it is remember what the are to get in let me go back let me go back and see if I can find it was MVP 2.0 last time right yeah that is it we moving to our executive session I like we do so just I know we have people that are waiting for it so as respect for their time so with that said we're going to move into executive session to for the SE we'll just pretty much follow each other um under Mass law 38- 21-2 and it is for the purpose of negotiations for contract with the non Personnel so that we'll going to a roll call vote we willour we meeting at the end as well after our executive session I roll call vote sex and I e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e