[Music] now 5:30 we'll call the select board meeting to order for Monday May 6 please join for a bud flag the United States of America for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you first thing in our agenda is uh signed department head contract that's Dave's right that's Dave D contract yes Dave showing up and up no he's on vacation this week oh good but I did send it to and he said it was he was okay with it as written okay I will make a motion to approve the highway superintendent employment contract starting July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2027 second second any further discussion all in favor I anybody opposed St I see anybody from citizen participation Mi is a Town Administrator uh I have three D Frame rentals okay uh first one is for August 17th 2020 4 arriving 9:30 a.m. departing 5:30 p.m. number of people 125 no liquor it is a family picnic and they are looking for the parking lot area the open field wooded areas on either side of the open field and the Pavilion next one is 4 July 25th 2024 arriving 5:00 p.m. parting 8:00 p.m. number of people 100 plus no alcohol type of function it's a summer concert and it's in the Gazebo and the lawn area and the final one is for July 28 2024 arriving 10:00 a.m. departing 700 p.m. no liquor maximum number of people is 60 it's a group pick and it is for the large Pavilion in gazebo and the large open [Music] field correspondence see you should have the menu in front of you for the uh elderly picnic that you're putting on on May 17th and for the little village we talked about that the last time for Dennis duat right he wanted to have the little village for the dino Fest so he's talk to the fire okay so are we waiting for a followup from Jeremy on the status of the little houses the little houses are all in West Street building right so so he wants them I don't think Jeremy has the manpower to be able to devote to putting it together uh I know the last time when they were moved there I think it was the fire department y who moved them into the building so so we just have to ask um the chief if he's able to do that for September 14th yep last thank you K and then the other correspondents who support to help and and the only other thing I want to mention to the board is I was contacted by Western Mass environmental and we do have our permit and is pro they are planning on doing the tank removal the week of June 10th thanks good so it is moving along slowly but it is moving everybody's busy especially companies like that so and again I will state that we will have a police detail there to keep the general public away from the active construction site do you know Chris if it's like a one day thing or Poss on here I I haven't heard that yet but I figure as I get closer I'll have more conversations with them and be able to get more definitive answers from we just put up the Bears and the um the horses on the two entrances to we have snow fence up but that doesn't deter anybody either we have snow fence all along the west Street side um but people still just go in and walk their dogs and they don't care they're just even when we were looking for uh doing some testing on the septic system there people would just walk in while we had open holes there and said that we can't stop them from walking on that property so the problem we're having is it's an active construction site but people don't care they feel they can do whatever they want to do think about that the chief has said that if need be we can call them and they will tell them to move along but that's not going to stop them from just keep coming on site so at some point we're going to have to put huh is there no trespassing sign we have it just on the building we don't have it on the property itself okay so but I would hope that people would use a little common sense it's more towards you want people just because the construction's going on not to St off the property because no I get it people have the right it's public property they have the right to be on it um so what we during that time it's an active construction site and that's that's all just people keep their distance they can see from a from a distance but you don't want people walking around stuff like that with machinery and stuff we're walking around the right around the school or out in the back fields no some people go and look in the windows and things of that nature so okay yeah I mean I think what where we have like I said so if they put the you know like the those saw horses barricades and the front of the two entrances the driveways there parking lot and then the snow the snow fence around that no one can go beyond with a snow fence is that's that's but they still they still do there's no fencing in the back not in the back but it's I believe it goes around to the building yeah or just put you know you can have signs made up that you know no one be on this point do the you going constru on going you know construction whatever certain dates we can find how long it's going to take and we can put that up for date for you know so we're notifying the public that they can't use that area for those times because otherwise they allow it's public property so but we don't want them on it just in that area but they can see from a distance if they wish and just don't want people should be plenty enough um so it don't care to walk around to for around it in the window becauseit the public property yeah someone could be on here I mean it's not trespassing unless we have science say Tres path this point it's I mean it's not doing anything it's it's the same thing if someone want to come in here and start filming everything around around it he can't stop him from [Music] doing any outs no departmental reports yep I'll make a motion to approve the departmental reports there a second I will second any further discussion all in favor I anybody oppos appr and sign maintenance forms I did actually just want to say that I like the way that um the new COA director is keeping the numbers she says how many seniors come for each of we didn't have that before so I do like having that information because you can see some of the activities are a lot more popular than others that was nice to now all all right I will make a motion to approve roll uh pay a payroll warrant warrant number 65 dated 42324 in the amount of $445,900 make a motion to approve warrant number 66 this is a maintenance born dated 42624 in the amount of $366,000 85 cents second I will second any further discussion all in favor I anybody opposed make a motion to approve warrant number 67 this is a Bill's payable warrant dated 5324 in the amount of $6,295 so a second any further discussion um Chris I did have a question the special town meeting uh number 10 I believe it's a 2018 for the electrical was that updated electrical done at the park did one was old library sorry and then one of them at said Parky had done out there that was Jeremy having an electrician come in to think work on the well I think he was working on the electric electronics for the well I don't remember the bill off the top my head now it's just under do frame repairs so yeah okay thank you all in favor I I anybody opposed last one is a motion to approve warrant number 67s this is a Bill's payable warrant for the School dated 5324 in the amount of $198,800 [Music] no minutes no we're going to have them all for Rick next for this Monday coming up fun fun fun see if you sign him for the last all the minute all right discussion of the annual town meeting 5 1324 all right so Chris you want me to read it like I did last time or just say article number where it's coming from in the amount all right so article one is um to move the town vote to conduct the business of meeting as follows on May 13 2024 consider articles 2 through 23 and on June 10th 2024 consider articles 24 through 32 so which board member wants to present that article article one well I'll take care article one not that hard all right article two um is moveth the town to approve the consent agenda as follows so article 2A is the town vote to authorize the select board to conduct the following activities for fiscal year 2025 so article 2aa is to sell after first giving notice of time and place of sale by posting such notices of sale in some convenient and public place in the town 14 days at least before the sale property taken by the town under tax title land of low value procedure provided the select for or whomever they authorize to hold such public auction May reject any bid they deem inadequate article 2ab is to apply for and accept federal or state granter monies as may be made available and to allow the select board to expend any funds received as set forth in the appropriate application and Article 2 AC is to enter into a contract with the Massachusetts highway department for the construction maintenance of public highways for the ensuing year who wishes to present that article you want Ro play around or you want to take no I think it's either I'll take the first it's the first two okay first two pages or do you want all article two goes all the way to 2K that's fine okay do you still want me to go through and read all the Articles though even though we did it last time or now that Glenn said well the the issue will be is 2b is basically setting the pay rates for the various uh boards in town y 2C is setting the fee for the uh Conservation Commission if a inspection site inspection is necessary 2D is to accept all the Perpetual care gifts that were given to us during calendar year 2023 article 2E is uh authorizing what can be spent out of the revolving funds as authorized under our general bylaws 2f is allowing us to enter into agreements uh with other intergovernmental agencies uh for services we don't can't perform ourselves article 2G is to uh be in compliance with the ethics law because we have select board members who are appointed to ad hoc committees that report to the select board and we have to approve that section of the law to allow that article 2H is the new Compensation Plan for all the non-union employees in the town article 2i is the Pathfinder Vocational Technical High Schools uh assessment for fy2 article 2J is the uh chapter 90 allocation for fiscal year 2025 AR 2K is the two funding our OPB liability um for this year okay CL will'll read all of those yes the best yeah okay those one and two then have a seat need and then what I have is is I've notified all the department has that they need to present the buildings um all the articles that relate to their Department okay okay so article three for the truck for the public buildings will be Jeremy the landscape trailer Article 4 will be presented by Jeremy in the amount of 8750 article three and article four are going to be paid out of free cash Chris why would we just have the board member presented and as we've done in the past they can be there to answer any questions if they come up but that's what you want but a lot of times it's easier I feel it's either of the department head is up there and makes the explanation as part of their pres presenting the article and then it might answer all the questions before yes we open it up to the floor or you're saying read it and then have them come when when they're the articles that apply to them have them come up so that way the select board one of the members from the select board actually reading all right that's what you want so who's going to do article three article four I'll take it 56 z um article five is 17,853 for installation in a space heater at the carige Pavilion being paid through free cash article 6 is $1,933 is for the guard rail style fence at the COA site article 7 is from free cash 12251 for fencing at Brown Ellison field who's coming up this week afterno Jeremy those we Jeremy on all those yes and the public library parking lot that is is that Highway because we would have them do it or we might have to subcontract it out I would I would have Jeremy start it and then David can come in and help assist if need be okay and that's $70,000 for the public the new library parking lot that's out of free cash you're talking about the work he's talking about the article no yeah I was talking about the work right he's talking the article okay we we're not sure David's going to do it we we have it included in our bid for uh asphalt for the upcoming year for the BD on um and we're hoping that it comes in good enough that we can have it subcontracted out because David as I keep saying is losing one person in July possibly a second one we're not sure so he may be short staffed of people being able to perform the work well parking lot's No Easy Task either yeah so um did this one we Su this out right no David did this one David didn't but that was during a period when I think that was just as Co started and people were hungry yeah and David ended up coming in and helping do it along with a another company so David did all the prep work for it and then a Paving Company put the pavement in so who's going to do number eight I can do it so Rick you've got the next five do you want me to just take the next five sure I took five you can have five so you're doing eight through 13 yep do want me say what article 9 is yeah just briefly so article 9 is for the replacement of the battery backup unit at the police department and the funding is coming from free cash in the amount of $ 92,7 article 10 is a marked Cruiser for the police department the money is coming from free cash in the amount of 9,794 article 11 is an unmarked vehicle for the police department money is coming from free cash as well in the amount of 67526 and and article 12 is the replacement of security cameras and servers at the police department also coming from free cash in the amount of $703 40 and Article 13 is replacement of security fobs and controllers at the police department coming from free cash in the amount of $ 38,3 184 I think we asked this before what's the difference between articles 10 and 11 the amounts looks like it's just type of vehicle oh because one's unmarked so it's not getting all the other stuff with it you don't have all the special and all the other stuff that go yeah okay all right and Rick you want more My article 14 told he's got two pages of reading I'll take the 14th through 17th okay for now all right so article 14 is to uh the purpose of funding the purchase of a fire engine for the fire department or take any other action in regard there to for $1.3 million and that's going to be done through borrowing okay oh yeah Town vote to borrow okay and then Article 15 is to purchase a pickup truck for the highway department coming from free cash in the amount of $89,000 article 16 is to borrow in accordance with the Mass General law $275,000 for the purpose of funding a dump truck for the highway department and article 17 is to um vote to transfer from free cash 162 ,750 for the purpose of funding paving at the West Street cemetery and again this one if we can get if David has time we're going to have him try and do the work but again we're not sure if he has the ability to be able to do that yes with the dump truck and the fire engine so if we when we brought the money are we we're not borrowing it right away no we're just waiting until we're actually what we're giving the fire chief is permission to purchase a fire truck for 1.3 million what it'll do it'll sit on the books as authorized but unissued when the truck comes in five years from now because we're basically trying to lock the price in is when we would go and borrow the money to pay the bill at that point in time so chances are our rate five years from now could be less than what it be today to borrow it yeah it could be more you could you don't know where it's going to go we hoping it's going to be less but uh we just don't know okay but we're locking in at the price of the fire engine which is the 1.3 right which is the most important thing yeah okay um Chris is there any way that we can get a list because I know it's come up several times from people on the floor of what he has for a fleet at the highway department like how old his trucks are and what the trucks are and all the equipment that's in there I think that would be helpful for the people to have as well when they're trying to make these decisions CU they're going to say well doesn't he have enough trucks doesn't he have enough like we hear it every year so I think just to have that list well who should be able to come up and present it it's it's in it's a fire chief that's asking for it so he should be able to talk about the high yeah we'll read the also I don't want to put him on the spot what if he forgets a truck or he forgets the year or something because people are going to ask him that so this way he has it in front of them we right just have yeah just to have it ready there those these are Fire Chiefs and police Chiefs and department heads they're they're presenting needs for their department so they be able to speak for them all right I say it's for the department but it's for the town yeah thank you they should be able to speak they have the reasons why they they're asking for all right and then we have six more articles um I'm more than happy to read them but Glenn if you want any of them you let me know no fine I'll read them I I don't read them doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter to me either no Chris is going to do it all right I shall do them right so article 18 is to transfer from free cash borrow or Bond $15,000 for the purpose of funding the purchase of a m for the cemetery Department Article 19 is to transfer from free cash $833 188 for the purpose of funding the tuition for Smith vocational and agricultural high school students article 20 is to vote um to transfer from free cash this sum of $415 43 for the purpose of funding the opioid settlement special Revenue fund article 21 is the town vote to transfer from free cash the sum of $82,400 for for the purpose of funding the general purpose stabilization fund article 22 is the town vote to transfer from free cash the sum of $82,400 Iz ation fund and then article 23 is the town vote to transfer from free cash to sum of 82475 for the purpose of funding the municipal building stabilization fund and that will conclude the May 13th meeting regards to article 20 more or less we should kind of look and move forward with that too the there's been some talk in regards to a lot of this money has been spent has yeah and then I have a phone call scheduled with uh the company that is overseeing the uh opioid funds and I believe I have it for um Friday to go over how they can help us get through it give me one second ni yes I have it at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday the May 9th I have a call with K Massachusetts to go over the opioid funds and I'm hoping I can get some guidance from them as to what we can use it for or if they know of anybody we can maybe uh join forces with to be able to offer to a larger Community I know a lot like I said those are some guess frustration based and a lot of that money hasn't been spent yet and not saying this suspended but it was given to you know to do something for treatment education and and I agree but the hard part is it's a 10-year payment plan so the allocations that we're getting of 40 50 60,000 a year it's hard to fund a position it's hard to really get a program up and running in my viewpoint for a small community if we could simple things even we get you know different types of Education out there or you know we start having something like naram boxes at certain places they just to start you know do something with it oh yeah you know so like I said uh maintenance is when I have a wasid there no you know there's no cameras there no nothing El just for people to have it just as a way is safe that's that we have appren sign 2024 com vict licenses make a motion to approve common vict license number 2 436 to Evelyn hatch doing business as breezy Acres greenhouse and Garden at 25 Pleasant Street in gramby and this place only and expires December 31st 2024 second April second any further discussion all in favor I anybody opposed thank [Music] you it just what yep just one postpone approve and sign sewer warrant 24- gr make a motion to approve the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of gramby sewer useb warrant number 24-1 to Nicole a manard agent for collection of sewer use fees for Grammy in the county of Hampshire in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to collect from the several persons named on the sewer use fee list here with committed to you as therein set forth with interest the sum total of such list being 22,39 75 the whole amount Bill to all persons known to us to be liable for sewer use fees and you are to pay over said sewer use fees in interest to Steven R N treasurer of the town of gramby or to his successor in office at the times in the manner provided by General LW chapter 83 given under our hands the six day of May 2024 for a second second any further discussion so Chris I just wanted to check with you so I know you and Nicole were working with sou tadley to work out any kind of King set they found um and this is with the new rate right for the new fiscal year that's it new rate and the new assessment for y next door and I believe Howen the Howen property okay [Music] all in favor by anybody oppos I'm starting to smell it oh it's actually smells a lot better now science something it might have been the smell up there spe un right hold business any other business okay Town accountant position it is in the on the MMA website it is in the daily Hampshire Gazette we have had some contact from people interested uh I think I need to ask the board the question of do you want this position to be onsite all the time to allow to be 100% remote or a combination of on-site and remote is it possible to uh remote yeah I wouldn't want it totally totally remote I think I I you know I mean obviously the people that are applying I could see being part remote and part here but not completely remote okay feel like hours yeah I do yeah yeah I'm willing to split it you know but okay yeah no the only reason I ask is uh the minute we put it in the MMA web on the MMA website we had gotten a response from a woman who was a former Municipal accountant but moved to South Carolina do their husband's job and she wanted to know if she could do it 100% remote okay uh I have did been contacted by another individual who talked about trying to do the some remote some on site uh we're not requiring I said I'm not requiring it to be 5 days a week if they don't want to if they want to do it over two 3 days that's up to them or 4 days I would leave that up to them for the scheduling as long as I knew what it was before we hired the individual I wouldn't have a problem with that and that was the individual who was talking about maybe one or two days on and maybe the other two days or day off doing you remotely yeah because you had said originally 20 hours a week right about about that we advertised for 20 hours so yeah I think it's important have the office hours for the departmental heads and stuff to come and talk to and to even just talk to the treasurer yeah one so like I said I think we do we can do a combination of both okay now I guess the question becomes Chris is who then has to take over the job of get faxing them everything or sending them everything my issue is if they're coming on site they they can everything up when they're on site perfect if they were going to be 100% remote then we were going to have to have somebody dedicate time to scan all the bills or scan all the receipts or scan all the documents and send them to them yeah right and I what the understanding too if there's things that they need to pick up they need to pick it up right he or she need to pick it up because that's part of their job yes and not remote and I believe they scan everything to her I I get worried things get missed something didn't go through or it's just you know I inperson dialogue too with somebody is very helpful no and that's fine like I said I just want to get the board's approval before I said yes to a mixture especially the position that we're yeah looking for some to do okay uh Forge Pond I haven't heard anything I'm trying to get a hold of uh Dave Leonard to find out the status on that open space would be Crystal yep uh Kathy put up the Flyers all around and um I will have the signs for you guys if we have time on Monday I don't know we haven't talked about when we were meeting on Monday before the town meeting um but I will have the signs for you guys to approve before we order them the open space to go out on the properties but Kathy's got the rest of it up at all the buildings yeah okay did you get pictures done yeah I got a bunch of pictures until to the point where Mimi said stop sending me pictures we have enough I think we're good uh Council and aging we're moving along um we do have an ad out for the activities director slash lunch manager um we do have two applications in it's just a matter of interviewing those two people uh it's the cookout we did talk about earlier in the meeting uh the route 202 project been good days been bad days uh there's been some days where the traffic is gets really snarled um they had issues when they had to do or lay a pipe across Pleasant Street and they closed down Pleasant Street and there was no really advanced notice and it really cre created a big traffic gym going to get the J there Y and the other issue was one time and I got stuck in this one when they were doing working on Pleasant Street I think they did something to the lights because the lights along 202 stayed red for like three cycles and you had cars backed up all the way over the hill and Beyond and nobody was directing traffic to telling people to go everybody was just following the R light and it was just backing up along 202 there was no DET oh yeah there's police detail there but they weren't told most apparently they weren't told to do traffic control but when you see the traffic backing up you think they would just automatically start directing the traffic to keep it flowing but like I said those have been few and far between most of it has been fairly okay other days when I've driven through there it's fine you know just when people want to turn left I mean it's it's construction it's a busy road and at times you know it's busier than others I think that's where you have you know the issues obvious but I I only wish that during the construction if someone wants to take a left out of Amber street that the police detail step up stop the traffic and let them go instead of waiting for them to find an open spot because it's hard when you're trying to work around the construction vehicles I mean they should almost put a sign up at the at West Street and have people think the left on the on the West Street go down and take the left or right at that point it would eliminate some of some of the backup yeah well what I find is a lot of people that go to dunan donuts come out of that back Park that back entry onto Amis and want to turn left to go up 202 you know should we should shut down the left from there during this whole construction process because it it it does get difficult when you got uh construction vehicles out there and barrels and I mean if you're coming down imry you always make that left on the on the West Street and had it BR and if you live on there be probably better off going up the other way sometimes at the peak times I know I came by I can't remember what day was last week and it was it was backed up past the um the apartment something that right hand side there the house up past that yeah there's been times where a lot of times we'll I'll go out of here and and cut up by the pizza house instead yeah and go out that way over cold Hill yep they have High Street cl cl that day yeah well like I said understanding I mean it's you know those busy things and some some parts of the project you know end up being more in the road work where you know it definitely impedes the traffic so MH so Chris I did read in the conservation U minutes that they were meeting with mass doot for the sil fencing and stuff like that so they're being kept apprised of what's happening in each stage of it but it doesn't seem like the chief of police is or anybody else is so nobody else knows what to expect but they're walking through the Conservation Commission as they go through each step what the problem becomes is because they're encroaching upon the wetlands every step of the way okay I just thought it would be nice to have the chief there so that we can know kind of more what's going on too because we don't hear until a month and a half later sometimes from the commission I going ask the chief D they're there for the traffic safety of the workers so uh any updates on the on stoer growth I have that one application in I haven't heard anything on it senior workof program though I haven't been able to work on I've been busy dealing with the finance committee and finalizing the budget for the annual town meeting coming up uh updates on the green communities I don't have anything does do you we have competitive grants but a lot of the stuff that they have out there just says that we're eligible to go for them but we really need to figure out what our goals and what we want to have before we just go for Grants because we need to spend more time planning for the future than just going for a grant when it comes out you we are working on uh trying to do something with the old lighting at West Street Building and at some point we'll probably want to try to apply to uh do for a a grant to help fund so the last time I was in contact with the green communities they said to get in touch with national um I can go back in my emails they said there's a gentleman there that can help figure out by walking in there what the town is eligible for for Green community we're using the company that uh J Joyce used the last time yeah so it should be in this I think the name of it is or whatever that's the person we've been dealing with about going in and changing out a lot of the he'll know what grants were eligible for and so the senior workof program are we going to wait until after the town annual Town meetings yes because I'm busy trying to get the booklet together busy trying to get all my schedules together and finalizing everything with the finance committee um while we're talking about grants though Chris did do the 2.0 um MVP grant that we had talked about two weeks ago now but um we got an Chris got an email back from Andrew just to kind of update you guys that they're looking for plans that are 2018 or older and ours is 2019 so he said that we're going to be three Cy about three Cycles behind because there's such a large group of towns that are 28 or older that we're probably going to have to wait three Cycles but he'll keep us he said he's going to make some kind of calendar and let us know when we're up but he's thinking 2025 2026 before we can update our MVP there's nothing the WW stuff I'm waiting to see if we get anything for the one stop for growth because that was what we were looking at trying to do with that is to deal with the water uh public water supply and that would be representativ DOA excuse me if I'm saying it wrong SAA yeah he's trying to get something going for local communities to be uh why in on the local stuff so I was wondering if you reached out to uh I've never heard anything from him JY or something it's just she I don't think you'll hear anything from where's she phant was all over the news that's why I'm asking I guess I'll have to go back because I don't remember any emails coming in regarding that at all so um I guess I'll have to go look into it I'm sure if you if you reach out to the senator one of the one of the Reps they able yeah want us in the right direction rep car down when is car's term up because he's leaving soon isn't he collection yeah that's what I thought well he's running for another office yeah right so you can step down from being well actually he'll he'll still be there until the actual swearing in I think in January January yeah we have D coure then Mi probably would be yeah Prett did gar used to do yeah he did back in the day we have the Town Ministry evaluation so Rick's gone Monday so gotta have it for Monday guys so uh what I'd like to do with that OB talk to the board members here is that we before you leave Rick we um said a a date and a time for a it's got to be a public meeting um so we'll schedule date and time and that would be the only thing on our agenda yeah you can does have to be Monday yeah we just pick a time guys are Avail so about tomorrow or Wednesday no we got to post it anyway so gonna same Thursday you have the land Review Committee um what if we did it week um like the well did like the 16 next Thursday I think the earlier we do it the better I don't want to Old Chris here after so Thursday the 16 5:30 can can we do it sooner I just got to drive my daughter to work for for work be here 430 Happ I can ask if I can reschedule my daughter's horseback writing lessons those are at four that I can reschedule oh well good you so that's up to you want say bye you want to do it earlier no you want to do it oh I just in reference to she still got school teaching but wait but just go PR on keep here after long yeah five this five o' until early I will be rushing here but I think I can make it work as long as I I can actually ask her if I can go at 3:30 instead of 4: and that will free up some time what about the 15th the Wednesday when the get here yeah what what say no good no yeah let's do Thursday we'll do it for you said five five so you if it doesn't yeah the horseback riding to earlier it's 5:00 and we'll start at 5: if you're a little late you'll wait wait till you get here okay just and I would just say um the format that I'm looking for is everybody's going to have their evaluation um that we do and we could present each one to Chris um we can review it if this has any questions or comments he's more than welcome to have dialogue with us and we can discuss it with him as well and Kathy can you email us the document that you made where you put Glenn and mine Al together because that's the document that we were going to use right the final one that one that went out yes s that do you guys have a copy of hisra yeah I'm glad you picked another day because I didn't think we were going to be able to get to everything before that meeting the minutes and everything I think it's important just to have something separate yeah before that I'm looking try to put another meeting I think it's I think it's important just to have it and and and some um anybody have anything else besides that talk oh I got one more thing about the liability us do Frank yeah you you worried about the the baseball team people coming in using Pro jumps and mon there if there's something we can do to make it available to do that it can they sign a liit like ability for or something so you think proba there were you talking about spreading the dirt yeah they were G they was GNA go pick it up we already picked it up and brought it in brought it in it's all it's already sitting at there's a load that was put at the brown Ellison and a load that was put at two frame so what was the we had an issue with them going in there didn't we no it was D it was them someone then picking it up and bringing it in okay on their own and we just said we wanted to have either to or actual contract yeah okay it wasn't just spreading spreading the dirt back and forth okay but I think what Rick's U making reference to is there's a lot of a lot of talk online of people wanting to go to town um fields and do community service and weed whack and Mo and do all this other stuff um in the past and they haven't been allowed to do so because of liability reasons of running heavy machinery or machine in General on Town property so there was talk about how other towns make it happen but we were worried about the liability of it so what Rick is asking is there some way to get around that where they sign a some kind of waiver but we want that waiver to hold up in court should they get injured um on Town property so they can't sue if they were to help out so in the past it was people were going there on their own not asking permission just doing what they wanted to town property I think is what yeah people were referring to right they weren't coming and asking for permission they were just doing whatever they wanted to the town property or how they saw fit well and speaking with Jeremy on he's worried about a if they're mowing over especially BR stads yeah they break all the time say no one should be doing anything to any Town property without permission from the town that that has nothing liability that is no one should be doing anything to without it's the it's Town property it's owned by the town that's like saying that someone can come to the building and start painting the building no it's Town property doesn't matter what they do to it they have to have permission to do whatever doesn't matter what it is well that's what I'm getting at yeah yeah so so so if there's something they can come in I would say mo I I don't I think jermany does a f job with them I think Rick is trying to be proactive so say someone does come in here do we have a system in place or something in place where we give them permission they sign that waiver or they sign something that does not think there's a lot of confusion of them being to go do a lot of stuff you know the Scouts are there all the time the school again they come in here and they have permission to do that yeah right so that's just I mean and I guess I think people are misunderstanding if they come in and ask it's not a big deal I well my problem is I don't want everybody just coming in and deciding to go the field or or going to the park and start doing stuff it's got be project right it's got to be project it's got to be organized and and I think it you know the town needs to know what someone's doing just like Scouts yeah they have an organized plan what they're doing and they're helping out someone that's going in the schools going to the paint and fence it's organized it's been you know what doing to the department head we have permission to be anything like that that that's fine I mean and and I think that I don't see a problem with any of that um do we want we can always get a waiver a lot of places have them just for um volunteering that that's all but you know I don't yeah it's a volunteer waiver you sign a I say I don't hold X Y and Z liable for certain things but I you know I want to make sure that we're not just you know appreciate everybody's willingness to help and and do different things um but be want to make sure that it's being done it's organized and the work that's being done if if if any is being done uh correctly as well and that know that's something we should you know be talking about too is um we used have the the ad hoc ADH ad committee for the parks and wreck that's kind of f by the wayside so we it's really uh make it a point to to put that uh committee back together and get some volunteers and it seems like you know based on when Glenn was here a couple weeks ago talking about people volunteering want to be part of it that might be a perfect yeah you know segue that that we have some open seats for that and if anybody is willing to participate in that I would ask that you reach out to Kathy Leonard in regards to it um as part of the adop committee for the parks wreck ex that's that's how it gets going and then a lot of that stuff from the two well that can be um we don't have a partner I think we should I think we should that we have Parks record we should have someone we used to have we used to have a committee that was part of that I think that's what I'm saying is get that um reinstated reinstated well we still have we just got get people on that committee and then and go from there and then we have people that will meet weekly and then you know people that want to do projects at the park they they would meet with that committee that that committee would be appointed by uh the board of s so we can put that on agenda for our next meeting to to talk about not our next meeting but our meeting after after um after the town meeting after the town meeting so just to clarify next week our meeting is starting at what time before the town meeting we you start like a half an hour before the town meeting right does the board wish to have it or just go there for town meeting what would we have to do Chris next week well you want to have the um the minutes signed off on okay so we do that all the minutes at the beginning when we do the we can oh we could we could do the minutes then if that's all right that gives Kathy and I a little more time okay so why don't we do that okay so we have nothing to bring up before it so we can just because usually when you get to town meeting everybody wants to come up and talk to you guys yeah and it's very hard to hear too so we won we won't do it actually we have to have a open the meeting and close the meeting correct we're all there so so you uh you convene your meeting and you just yeah then when T meeting adjourns that's when your meeting is adjourned so we want have anything on our agenda except for the town meeting yeah and then we'll we'll schedule to have the minutes when we have the the meeting on Thursday yes there we go and then um Glenn just for us is our next meeting May 21st because we're not doing it on the 20th right you can on the 20th and the 21st okay okay that Tuesday yep that's at 5:30 okay I was going for my calendar put it in there you meeting Thursday May 16th at 5 5:30 55 what I got add yeah only two things will be on the agenda is the Town Administrator evaluation and to approve minutes with that said I know this is uh Rick's last really regularly scheduled meeting well I mean we have the town meeting and then we're going have the final meeting but I'll save it for our final meeting all right well with that said we uh see we have anything else well we have an executive session no no well that said then nothing else our agenda and nobody has anything else I will make a motion to adjourn the meeting so there a second yeah a second good pay forther discussion all in favor anybody oppos there we go thank you