##VIDEO ID:UE7hlPp8J5g## [Music] I will now call the select board meeting to order if you can join me to um in the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stand stand one [Music] indivisible thank you all right first up on the agenda is the gravel permit continued hearing so we were setting a new continued hearing date today and Chris did you hear from all parties I haven't heard anything from anybody oh boy boy and the applicant it does have representation here nope I'm going to say said it we all were looking at what uh September 26th was it that's what I had and to our understanding they were just going to get back to us if they well they were supposed to get back whether they could or couldn't make it but you haven't heard anything not a word okay we were saying 5:30 on Thursday September 26th does that still work for the board members yes yes okay I will not them tomorrow of the date and time for the hearing continuance so do I have a motion to continue to I will make a motion to continue the Gravel Pit meeting to September 26 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at 10B West State Street senior senator I'll second the motion any further discussion discussion all in favor I something oh I'm sorry it's okay um this is a continuing hearing should we open it up a public hearing so we should be opening up and closing it y or continue again yes sorry so say okay thank you joh so 532 I will open the Gravel Pit continued Hearing in which we will set a date motion again yes sorry I will make a motion that the new Gravel Pit meeting be set for September 26th at 5:30 pm 2024 at the senior center 10B West Street West State Street to continue the Gravel Pit meeting I'll second the motion any further discussion only thing I have is being it to hearing not a meeting you public hearing so public meeting public hearing sorry all right follow in favor I all I and now I will entertain a motion to close the well no we're not closing it because we're continuing it so that's it you just did continue for 26 yes but we opened it but I'm just being clear we're not closing it because we're continuing it right okay all right so next is the Building Commissioner at 5 well supposed to be 5:31 sorry Damen if you want to come up here [Music] please hello hello good evening good evening so uh I think I was invited about the this is about um 16 East Street so the enforcement case um it single Source Services is the OWN LLC um and I I don't know if I need to go over anything I'm here to answer questions because you guys had a meeting about that um we got the cease and assist we stop work order and we're at a point where we need to make a decision where we're going to go um so my suggestion would be Engage The Town Council and I can speak with that person about what options there are that that maybe best fit and you know it might be litigation in court it might be some other agreement um but that we would Reserve for that conversation um so Chris am I allowed to talk about what the attorney told us during our executive session no because you haven't released those minutes yet okay all right so what the board will be granting tonight is for the Building Commissioner to contact special counsel to proceed regarding the cease and assist for 16 East State East Street East Street and that will be with our special Town Council special councel yes okay all right so do you guys have any question for the Building Commissioner at this time I don't no no I think it really needs the will B okay so I will entertain a motion to Grant The Building Commissioner permission to engage with special counsel I will make a motion to Grant The Building Commissioner commissioner Damen Cody to talk with special counsel in regards to 16 East Street The Wine House owner of uh Jim trony the owner of wine house and single [Music] source to come to a conclusion moving forward on the cease and desist order I'll second the motion any further discussion I think you can talk to the U attorney anything that you need to talk him about reference to that okay and the special counsil is Adam CA just so you know and well Chris can give you the information for him okay thanks all right all in favor I I thank you that it thanks y all right Chris we have three more minutes before our ibp meeting do you have anything for us got a couple of reservations how's that Mr probably fill in three minutes uh the first one is for August 28th through November 15 2024 Monday through Friday and select Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. it is for GAA soccer arrival time 400 p.m. departures 8:00 p.m. maximum number of people 200 area being used is the back and front soccer fields for practice and games also the Outfield of the baseball field and this is at the brown Ellison Park and the second one is for GAA soccer at du Frain Park reservation dates August 28th through November 15 2024 Monday through Friday arrival time 5:00 p.m. departure time 8:00 p.m. maximum number of people 200 and the area being used are the soccer fields located between the play structure and the pond you using Taylor Street entrance and see I have one more minute um also I did send a couple emails to Eric Weiss he hasn't gotten back to me yet regarding the Town Administrator task force so I guess I'm going to have to try and call him and find out what his true schedule is cuz he isn't getting back to emails and I've sent it to okay does the board want to come up with a backup plan if you doesn't we this is kind of time sensitive you are retiring soon what I was suggesting today earlier as him and I get together okay and start going through and reviewing the current one and to see if any modifications are necessary then I will agree to that okay unless we can include Eric if we get in touch with him yes okay thank you and this was to come up with a job description right yes in the detail all right it is now 5:40 so we will now um ask the IB come up you hello how are you all right did everyone get a chance to look at the memorandum of agreement MH yes okay any questions you guys have on just a it over again so it's two separate lists correct just so we're on the same page are you looking at the memorandum agreement that we sent to the town or the memorandum agreement that the Town Sent to us the revised one yeah the r one okay yep you have that one right yeah I'm looking at that now yes no and um just so the board knows uh Mr Collins is online if we need to um talk to council hi Jack hi Jack question he go answer so it says Lieutenant would only be eligible for overtime after all IB po local 321 union members have refused the overtime that's the current agreement at this time my understanding it he would stay at a certain spot and on the overtime list he would be at the bottom of the list all the time which is the way it currently is on the detail list he would rotate through like everybody else on the list okay excuse me so the only time the lieutenant would be eligible for overtime all the members of the refused it correct that's the way it currently is right now do you have any questions I don't and over time just refers to shift coverage correct I'm sorry overtime just refers to shift coverage um yes I believe it's just shift coverage yeah once again that's the current language that's been going on in the contract that's both in our contract so that there's no change in there as far as that's what we're looking at cor correct that the overtime there's no change it's just the detail separating up two um just so we're on the same page the mo MOA that you're looking at has a number two on it that the union would have a couple of questions about we didn't include that in our MOA that was not part of our MOA that was the Moa that the town sent back to us um we just want to make sure that we're all on the same page in the sense where it says the above changes will be in place for the life of this present contract and are available for possible renegotiations when it expires on June 30th that language is kind of Overkill like both sides always have the ability to reintroduce an item and speak of it it we just want to make sure that everybody understands that this language if it goes in the contract if we agreed to it tonight and everybody signs that this is the way we move forward in the contract with the two separate lists number two does not mean that at the end of this contract it automatically goes away and then we renegotiate it in the next one well you would do that anyway renegotiating it if somebody so if the town wanted to bring that up in the next contract negotiations obviously they have the right to do that the same way we have the right to do that also but I don't believe that that wording has to be in there in order for the town to have the right to do that so I just want to make sure that we're all on the same page that if we sign this Mo MOA that this is now in the contract this is the way we move forward and at the next negotiation if the town wants to bring this up again they obviously can but it's not going away at the end of this next contract it's only if the the union agrees with it town to a change that it would go away do you understand what I'm saying I agree with that okay I just want to make sure we're all on the same page because we had asked for that to be removed that number two to be removed there's no reason for it to be there but we're fine with it as long as everybody's on the same page that if the town wants to bring it up again at the next contract that's fine but that doesn't mean that it goes away when the contract is over it's in the contract as part of the mo MOA and if the town wants to negotiate some great benefit to the union to allow something to change they have the ability to do that but that doesn't mean that the union absolutely has to agree to that Jack would you be able to speak to number two for us this rision in the contract they have what we call an evergreen calls in their contract which says that no matter when you put the contract is going to stay in place uh it will stay in place until either side makes a proposal change it uh and might we also have provision might go Toc The Joint Le management committee and if possible those people will change it I would tell you that there one in a thousand chances they would change it but but legally is possible so I think the union is doing the right thing just saying by the way we know it we know what it means the LA already applies you really don't need it but long we have no sneaky in ention of doing something wrong I guess they want to live with it I think we got to tell them that we have no intention at all okay this is just essentially a restatement of what we what what our rights are so I I I don't see any reason to to insist on it nor do I see any reason for the to say oh my God we can't live with it I think what K just told you right now is very accurate it's in the contract with the be there in silly that they voluntarily give it up but the CH takes it away which in my opinion will never happen there we are so go I think both sides ought to go ahead and sign it and move on so moving forward we're certainly in agreement with this after listening to what attorney cins had to say okay we're completely in agreement with the current Mo MOA that the T out any comments from uh I see officer po or chief yeah so the lieutenant does have some few a few things to add to this before any the den that is actually considered all right and I'd like to take it back a little bit if you wouldn't mind that up um so I was told that this is between the select board and the union and no other contract should be brought into this matter is that true attorney Collins or no okay I only heard a little bit I assume the lieutenant was speaking but I could hear what he said he wants to come up and speak about it two in right now con sessions EXA right yes okay up the session you can listen to one okay but in this case here clearly you I mean if it we executive session then neither party could insist and be an open session but both parties have gone along with open session so it's okay for you to list do I do I think you ought to make changes have to see what he has to say thank you Jack appreciate that thank you all right Jack I just like to take you back a little bit um three years ago I negotiated an I own contract okay which we all know is perfectly legal to do so um that being said I negotiated this contract in good faith and in the end the town gave me both overtime and details in my contract I think you recall that at the end of the day the union had an issue and said it was a violation of their collecting barging agreement which I disagreed and so didn't you at the time in the end the union refused to negotiate so they asked me to come back to the table which I did reluctantly however newly promoted didn't want to put myself out there I came back to the table renegotiated and I was also told at the time we would work towards a more a more fair situation moving forward in the future so we'll fast forward a little bit the town then negotiates a new contract with the Union finally after I don't even know how long and it was actually it's so old and I would like to apologize to the public for having listened to our Dirty Laundry okay I think this is not where it should have been tell dealt with it should have been dealt with management and over with because that's the chief's his right is a Comm procedure so that being said the union then agrees to put me in their rotation and only for details however we have a Callin procedure which hasn't changed okay the calling procedure included me and only details however everybody rotates no matter whether they take a detail or overtime however I'm not their overtime rotation they didn't ask to change their their call-in procedure that being said they then realized oh boy we made a boo boo then they come back and they file another grievance just another grievance but they didn't file it right away Jack in fact they actually held off on this grievance because they talked to their Union me the union e board at the time and the union eboard disagreed it was a 50/50 split they didn't file a grievance so what did they do they held on to it until they got new union members new new board members and they file it to all right and then they start this whole thing all over again and then and then they want they want to push me out by doing two lists now and they got the new eboard on board with it how would they do that I'm not going to speculate I'm just going to tell you some of the things I heard okay we had a specific eboard member walking around telling each individual employee that's part of this Union that it was inappropriate and unethical for me to neate my own contract and being a union eboard member you would think that that would hold some veracity so what did you think they actually started falling along okay they beli that that was unethical but at the end of the day it wasn't that's exactly what I'm supposed to do so here we are now again back at the table talking about an dendon that shouldn't be allowed they negotiated their contract it was signed quote unquote in good faith just like mine was and now all of a sudden they want to back up and start over well I disagree and at the end of the day I don't think the Union's objective should be to try to prevent the only non-union employee from making money but for some reason it seems to be their only objective therefore I would ask that you guys deny the addenda do you know Lieutenant where in the contract it states that you're part of both uh it doesn't state that I'm part of it just says that I'm part of the contract I mean part of the negotiations and actually they put non-union employee and they put my name Lieutenant which basically means they negotiated for me and if you're going to change the call procedure now you should include me and it says that in appendix one section 5 of there of that corre oh I was talking about your contract where did it say in yours I I don't I don't recall because at the time they hadn't agreed they hadn't agreed for that okay you know again I can tell you just off the top of my head some of the information they ratified on October 12th and then they had an election for new eboard members they had already know knew about this issue the election for new eboard members was on October 23rd all right 12 uh 11 days later and then on October 27th they sent out an email that they wanted they were asking for new lists after they had a new eboard and as the only non-union employee I think the objective is completely unfair and uncalled for and again I oliz to the public our dirty so what I understand is that prior to this there's concern that you the union understood it one way and the chief understood it a different way as representing the town am I correct I I believe so yes okay so with that said what I guess what changes my understanding is correct what changes in the first part having two lists is that you move through all of the officers prior going back to the lieutenant excuse me Glenn I can I can tell you where that just one second yeah okay so I'm sorry if you if you could repeat the question please so on the first list regarding details that's our concern right is details so if uh Lieutenant is up for a detail correct he gets a call he accepts the detail yeah after that it goes the next person next person it goes through all the officers correct until it gets back to him is that what you're saying correct that's the way the details looks but the problem is is that the current way it is is that there's one list for details and overtime for the union members so whether the union member takes an overtime spot or a detail they move down on the list the lieutenant only moves down on the list if he takes a detail he takes overtime it doesn't matter he doesn't move down on the list that's what we're trying to correct I thought we had settled all this I understand the Lieutenant's right but what I'd like to say is is the dirty laundry comment our grievance process is certainly not a dirty laundry this is the way the process works we followed the rules it's not my opinion it's the rules so we followed the rules rules and here we are but yet we're letting the lieutenant speak and he's going to say things like dirty laundry to murky the waters we're we're just asking for it to be fair I thought we were already done with this and we were just here to sign the mo MOA which we were fair about and we sent to the town like you were like you asked us to and we're willing to agree to what the mo MOA says I understand the lieutenant has a grie but it's this we're way past the point of the lieuten sen ENT during how he feels about this process because once again the grievance process is in the contract and we followed that process I was just looking for clarification that's saw make sure I was I was clear yep from excuse to speak to that that one list is what they negotiated not only did they negotiate it they asked for it on multiple occasions for a long time and the chief can attest to that at the end of the day when we nego when they negotiated a new contract never once did they say they wanted to change the column procedure and that was said by the other union members and the previous fleetboard member who was their liaison okay and at what point was he brought in here to ask about that I mean what was his opinion on this I just have a clarification uh because according to the addendum that I'm holding in my hand for the Lieutenant's contract that was signed back on long before they negotiate put me in it says the police Lieutenant will be allowed to take overtime shifts after they have been offered to all eligible union members the police Lieutenant will be offered outside private details after they have been offered to all eligible union members that's that's correct because that's what we negotiated after again you weren't here but we negotiated a contract that actually put me in both rotations until the union filed a collective bargaining of grievance which again both Jack and everybody at the table disagreed with but the union refused to negotiate but then there should be another addendum absolutely negotiated there is an addendum to that because what the lieutenant negotiated in his contract with the town violated the Union contract that was agreed to by both the attorney and the town so we made an addendum that put the lieutenant at the bottom of the overtime list and the bottom of the detail list then we went into negotiations with the town and the town asked us to put the lieutenant in the detail rotation and we agreed to that and that's where we ended up with the issue of the needing the two lists because the lieutenant is at the bottom of the overtime list but in the rotation for the detail list so what happened was they realized that not by not having me in their Colin rotation that they can take an overtime shift for me today an overtime shift for me tomorrow an overtime shift for me the next day and then a detail comes out and oh by the way my number is lower than you on a detail list so I'm going to take that too it's all about green again my opinion but we negotiated in good faith that you guys gave me both again I don't think the union has a right to tell the town what to do with their overtime at the end of the day if the town wants to give me 10 shifts of overtime a month that's their business once again we're not here to argue with the lieutenant we're here to finish our grievance and to sign this in the way my decision hasn't changed um so I know I can't make a motion if anyone has any other questions I think we we I think this uh board spoke about this already um what not what we are doing right now is um going agreements that was filed U by the uh ibp local U 21 so I think at this point that's what we fall suit with this the agreements that we we've discussed already okay so with that um there aren't any questions for the memorandum of agreement I will take a motion I will make a motion to accept the Manda um memorandum of agreement between the town of brany and the ibpo local 321 I'll second the motion any further discussion Chris I noticed there's only one line on here does only one person sign it or are we all signing it we have one with two two right but do so I have to ask them to give me permission as the chair okay so we have that motion we're going to approve the memorandum no further discussion I this is just to answer the grievance that was brought forward okay um by the IP IP local 321 Union we're not this is what we're the the griev that they brought forward right this is what we're answering right now yes but was there any further discussion on it no I just want to know that this is uh we're acting on agreements that was brought forward by them agreed all right so I will make a motion that our chair Crystal dufrain has permission to sign the memorandum of agreement between the town of Grandy and local 321 ibpo now second motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I before you sign we have one with two lines well I have one for you guys too I just I thought it was three select board members that were signing it and when I only saw one line thank you Chris do you want me to give it I'll Mo it here in the folder thank you thank you appreciate thank you J thank [Music] you do you want me to have Jack stay on or we're good no he's all set all right thank you jaff right thank you take care good night you too I all right next is Cindy Watson Cindy here Chris don't need this s for anything else correct Correy good evening I have some handouts for you um this is in regard to the D every year during the week of September 17th through the 23rd we celebrate the Constitution of the United States of America and when we do that we go to the towns and the cities and ask for proclamations and when we get the proclamations we usually have another ceremony where we read the PO uh excuse me the proclamations but i' like to start by giving you the handout else okay yes absolutely thank you I have an extra poster for you you could hang it up anywhere in town okay okay but it might be good to have it here since your offices are here I have one for each of you and without taking up your time I'm not going to say a lot thank you you read it and it's very interesting and if you have a revolutionary Patriot in your family the um Betty Allen chapter the D is based in Northampton and we're getting a lot of new members and um we'd like to have more that that's basically what I have for you um and now it's just a matter of you signing the proclamation Chris last year we read the proclamation right see yeah I was going to see if it was an appointments for us to sign it yep y town of gramy proclamation Constitution week September 17 to the 23rd 2024 by the gramby select board dated September 9th 2024 whereas the Constitution of the United States of America the guardian of our liberties embodies the principles of limited government in a republic dedicated to the rule by law and whereas September 177 2024 marks the 236th anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention and whereas it is fitting and proper to Accord official re recognition to the Magnificent document and its memorable anniversary and to the Patriotic celebrations which will commemorate it and whereas Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proc Proclamation each year by the president of the United States of America designated September 17th through 23 as Constitution week now therefore we by virtue of the authority vested and us as select Board of the town of Griff rambi and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through 23rd as Constitution week and ask our citizens to reaffirm the ideals through framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through the guardian of our liberties Constitution week September 17th to the 23rd 2024 so that was your motion I make a motion sorry I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I thank you thank thank you and then I think um it says Place seal here so you're just waiting for the seal after that that right so Kathy will Kathy you'll put the seal on and then mail it out to them that yes okay thank you so much Cindy for coming in thank you just I'll leave this with you or Kathy uh Kathy please thank you you're welcome thank you all right next is citizen participation so we have George Randall um to talk about the gry fire [Music] Association hey George hi thank you very much for allowing me to speak George Randle 52 Taylor um as you know the um this past weekend the uh gramy firefighters uh uh unveiled their uh 911 memorial basically what I'm here to do tonight is to say a couple of thank yous one to uh Mrs duin as she represented the board of Selectmen uh on Saturday as an eloquent speaker um next I want to say thank you to Jeremy carrier and his staff for a superb job on the complex ground my compliments go out to each and every one of them also to Chief O'Neal for uh allowing us to do this project and also to Chief ogrady who was also a speaker and his uh unwavering support of our efforts um I'm very brief tonight thank you very much thank you George beautiful ceremony you did a great job all right next is any correspondents or any other business Chris okay so we will um move on to new business and information so next is to accept departmental reports I make a motion to accept the departmental reports no second motion any further discussion I did have a question for actually chief o Grady because I was curious at what that um new program was called so give me one second I wrote it down as a note program no it was um it was a new one that I haven't seen um is your number up is that the veteran one no no that's the I'm sorry there used to be displayed here that's the the little Placer with your house number on on it oh that's what it's called but that's what we going on for years oh I think that's the first time I've seen it on there so they install numbers on the houses not on the hous we put a little uh Mar with marker so that the ambulance and police person fire personel can find your house easily okay that's the first time I saw that on there yeah it's sporic program around so long that it's very sporadic it's a repair or some a new house that they want to put it up but a lot places people already all right very nice so that was the only question I had all in favor I I I all right next is to approve and sign maintenance warrants make a motion the town of grany authorized for payment warrant number 16s dated 96 2024 with a total dis dispersement for Warrant 16s $174,450 we have a second a second motion any further discussion discussion all in favor I thank you thank you I will make another motion that the town of gramby authorize for payment warrant number 16 dated 96 2024 with a total dispersement for warrant number 16 $174,500 27 I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion um I will abstain from the Matthew JB memorial fund Incorporated since I am um what on the executive board for that fund okay so all in favor I I I thank you she and I will make another motion that the town of grand be authorized for payment warrant number 15 dated 8:30 2024 with a total dispersement for Warrant 15 529,000 45 and 68 cents I'll second motion any further discussion Chris I just had a question on the PB Regional assessment what is that the Piner Valley Regional assessment what is it called it says pioner py Regional assessment what's the dollar amount 8,572 that's the pioner Valley Regional uh School Pathfinder it's not pioner oh Pathfinder okay that's our quarterly assessment okay you had me go with pioner Valley I know because it said PV so I thought it was Pathfinder vocational technicals okay it's the other PV yep all right thank you all in favor all thank you thank you thank all right so next is to approve and sign common big Cher's licenses I will make a motion at the Commonwealth of Massachusetts town of grany certified that rocking and Ranch doing business as Clara's coup on 198 Bachelor Street gry Mass 01033 I hereby Grant a common vix license in said town of grany and that place only and expires on December 31st 2024 unless sooner suspended or revoked for violations of laws and of the Commonwealth respecting the licensing of common Bas this license is issued in Conformity with the authority granted the licensing authorities by general laws chapter 140 and amendments there two I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion did you say the license number I might have missed that I'm sorry I did not license number 24-40 okay dated September 9th 2024 all in favor all right right so next on the agenda is the MD announcement for the APR project name Peter kelasa Trustee of the lon trust project ID number 24 C02 so I believe um Kathy you read the whole thing it needs to be needs to be read okay make a motion for the mdar Department of agricultural resources for the Commonwealth of ma Massachusetts acting by and through its Department of agricultural resources hereby gives notice that it proposes to acquire an agricultural preservation restriction on the real property identified herein for the purpose of protecting and perpetuity its Superior Superior and productive agricultural research sources by preventing their conservation to other uses the applicable regulations would require the disclosure of the common weals reasons for proposed land acquisition at a public hearing held in the city or town in which real property is located to comply with this requirement we ask the board of Selectmen announce that the Commonwealth is considering this acquisition for the above stated purposes at its regularly scheduled and publicly noticed meeting by reading the enclosed notice of pro proposed acquisition the board of selectman does not need to take any formal action on its part please document the announcement the board of selectmen's meeting minutes and plee and please complete and return the enclosed signed certificate of notice the date that you certify for the announcement starts the minute minim minimum 120-day 4mth clock for closing on the a Monon APR the applic applicable regulations require that 120 days prior to purchase an agency must notify certain public officials of its proposed action the notification is for informational purposes only because of the Department's priority classifications of the farmland for protections we ask that the municipality agree to reduce the 120-day notification period to 60 days to expedite the process the closing for this project is a Time Cent sensitive matter and therefore ask that you agree to wave the 120-day notice period if in agreement please complete and return the enclosed consent to reduction of notice period if you have any request any questions regarding this proposed acquisition they can be contacted at 61745 59204 thank you for your assistance sincerely Christine chisel APR Regional plan notice of pro proposed acquisition of an agricultural preservation restriction on property in the town of grany date of this notice August 13 2024 notice of proposed acquisition is hereby given to chairman of the board of select men of the town of grany or in separate notice will be given to the department to the appropriate County Commission regional planning agency and the members of the general court representing the district in which the land is located in compliance with General law c 7 c section 37 the Commonwealth Massachusetts acting by and through its Department of agricultural resources hereby gives notice that it proposes to acquire an agricultural preservation restriction on the real property identified herein for the purpose of protecting and per per perpetuity perpetuity thank you it's Superior and productive agricultural resources by preventing their conversion to other uses the application received by mdar indicates that the property is owned by Peter kabasa Trustee of the lion Street trust and consists of parcel located at lion Street in gry as approximately represented on the attached map the APR May Encompass all of the parts of the area shown current use of the property is Prim primarily for mixed vegetables following the recording of the APR the use of the subject property is limited to agricultural use as more particularly set forth in the APR document the general laws chapter 184 section 31 and the regulations of the department 330 CMR 22.00 Massachusetts Department of agricultural res resources Christine Chisum APR Regional planner project name Peter kabasa Trustee of Lian Street trust project ID 24 C02 confirmation of notice regarding proposed acquisition of an agricultural preservation restriction in compliance with General law c7c section 37 notice is hereby given that an announcement at public meeting was held for the purpose of disclosing the conditions or reasons supporting the Commonwealth's proposed acquisition of an agricultural preservation restriction uncertain property in the town of grany as more particularly described in the attached notice of proposed acquisition certificate of notice I certify that this confirmation of notice regarding proposed acquisition of an agricultural preservation restriction was posted or published in the following manner I further certify that an announcement was held at the place date time indicated in this notice please complete this form and return to the original Dorothy du APR program Mass Department of agricultural resources 225 Turnpike Road third floor southb Mass 01772 so the only thing da we have to do is just fill in the date the time and place for the motion dat is 9 9 9924 s start yeah uh Place 10B West and sign here so just read this so it's part of the public I'm sorry announcement the date time and place of the public meeting as follows are the date is 99 2024 the time is 6:30 p.m. the place is 10B West State Street grany Mass 01033 so for this one it looks like there's only one for this one that one for the reduction in time okay so would that go to the chair for Signature or myself so the motion was to accept the MD yes do we have a second was it was it accept it or just read it no we have to you're you're accepting them purchasing the property I'll second the motion okay any further discussion so I think um all in favor I and then a separate motion for me to sign that one I will make a motion that Crystal dufrain chair of the board sign the confirmation of notice regarding the proposed acquisition of an agricultural preservation restriction second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I I and then we'll do the a motion for the consent to reduction of notice period I make a motion for consent to reduction of notice period APR project name Peter kabasa Trustee of the lion Street trust project ID 24 C02 as authorized by the masteral laws chapter 7 section 7 c section 37 the under sign signed and duly authorized the representatives of the town of grany do hereby consent to a reduction of the 120-day notice period prescribed for the announcement at a public meeting on the common wealth's proposed acquisition of an agricultural preservation restriction referenced above to not less than 60 days on September 9th 2024 do we have a second I'll second the motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor i y That's you yeah so CH you want us to print on this one thank you that wasn't my fault sorry Clos that shouldn't have Clos it there we go all right next is to approve and sign the revised special Council contract did everyone get a chance to read the um revised contract for our special Town Council I did yes has anything changed from previous well we only had him for the uh Gravel Pit so this is to engage with him on the seasoned assist okay all right so essentially it would probably be almost the same terms that you've had with the ground pit Association okay thank no questions may have a motion I will make a motion to enter into the CL client fee agreement with the select board and attorney Costa be the town of grany because building 10 B West stage Street grany Mass hereby agrees to retain the law form of me talerman and Costa LLC of 30 Green Street Newberry Port Massachusetts 01950 second motion any further discussion all in paper by thank you Kathy there is a typo on this one it just says clerk after iing I don't know if that makes a difference there's two clerks okay cross it out and put sh first up cross it out cross it up initial it and write shair okay I will make another motion what' you say oh you did it thank you so I think that's just a second copy that should be the same yeah should be the same exact agreement yeah so sign it is I'm sorry yeah say I don't think there was two in there my apologies all right so next on the agenda is to approve minutes I need to just drop that duplicate that's the minute better go yes thank you I will make a motion to accept the town minutes for town of grany Select board dated February AR 26 2024 regular board meeting at 5:30 p.m. have a second did you get a chance for I did but I got a question why are like certain things in bold and certain things or not I think they were trying to show that some people made a comment because then there's the longer one is uh the person continuing to speak this is different the one I have no you're right because sometimes it's me sometimes it's someone else yeah can explain that one do we want to just take all the Bold out I'm just curious I don't remember like it says Glenn seon said TR true statement cment are renewed every year once damage is done it's done I I don't remember ever saying once the damage is done it's done I guess take a look at this okay cuz they do these minutes based off the video yeah these are verbatim almost to the video right y yeah so you want to table this one yeah because I don't I mean it sounds like something was something was missed okay I'm fine with that if you want to table this until next meeting it was February no and it was Glenn six and R Boer and Crystal D FR yeah we'll just T them so Glenn can look back at them no sometimes I get to the parts in the minutes too where I was like I feel like there's a word or two missing there that just doesn't make sense to me but well nothing it doesn't make sense like nothing leads up to why you would have said that right I I read through it and I just kind of of course I wasn't here so I just kind of accepted it for what it was because it kind of just read as standard meeting minutes so I saw it okay look at all right so do we have other minutes in the fold there's one more okay uh again uh make a motion to accept the meeting minutes from select board meeting dated September 3rd 2024 regular board meeting at 5:30 p.m. now second motion any further discussion no discussion all in favor I s [Music] all right next is old business um any update Chris on the town accountant uh I did get a hold of Markham uh out of Greenfield and I will be speaking with the representative of them tomorrow okay thank get a price for them being on site for 20 hours a week okay so they are willing to be on site then well we're cost I'm going to get a price they'll they're willing to do anything for a price yeah so what happened to the other gentleman Mr pork I was asked to contact this other company first and then uh if they were not able to do it for the price that we have advertised we are bringing him in for a interview with the board s yes you did say that I know I know it's funny that I that want make key like drop out or something like that no no he hasn't dropped out so um again just for timing reasons because I know Mr Quirk if um if Markham is too expensive I will make an see if he can come in on the 23rd okay which would be our next regular scheduled meeting yes come in on the 23rd to interview with the board okay yeah because the 16th is our bylaw here so and um did have you heard from Mr Leonard about Forge Pond yet uh I did send him an email he hasn't gotten back to me yet but I do know that they are moving along um he's build me let's put it that way finally received the bill so uh to the exact extent where they are I don't know but I'm waiting to hear back from him because he asked for 30 days but they give him the full year right they gave him to June 30th of 2025 yes and currently right now no funding for the second phase right they still haven't correct that hasn't been released yet no now if they release it and we haven't filed the first one do will we lose that opportunity but they do it every year oh okay so so it's not something that right we'll miss out on okay unless the new governor doesn't fund it that's the only way you would lose okay the ability all right so I had um put on here from last time I know we briefly got into the goals for fiscal year 2025 um I know we didn't have gcam on here so didn't know if we wanted to discuss that further or I know the website was one of the concerns that the board had but I think Chris were you going to get rid um a hold of Civic Plus or you trying get I've got two I've got two quotes I'll be bringing that in because because we'll probably have to put that on the special town meeting warrant for funding okay because they're talking uh large money to upgrade the whole web page okay so besides the website I know um we have a lot going on in town so I think uh the board um and correct me if I Wrong decided to table the water going down 202 at this time yes yes that's okay cost too yeah the cost as well and we didn't think we could get it in in time before more moreor on the intersections yeah it looks like they're almost done at Five Corners they have a little Paving to do on emmer street right and then the poles they were waiting for the light Po they're waiting for the polls but I don't think the paving is going to get done this year I think that probably spring or summer of next year I think the plants will be closing down probably pretty soon yeah usually around December it'll be nice if they Le they it's it's uneven yeah they this morning they were digging up the regular travel Lane because they made you go off to that right lane to take the rightand turn this morning so when I saw they're digging up the regular travel Lane so maybe they were making it level at least on one side or hopefully maybe went across the whole thing and leveled it wasn't level when it came down but they had dug the center Lane right that was dug out they were digging it out this morning on am Street on Amry Street yes they were just scking in the patch were they fixing a patch different before oh okay and they didn't level road so then it's higher because it was supposed to be 3 in no deeper oh okay 73 in of basketball so see more uneven now well I just I just cuz what happens is there a temporary stop sign there so all right so besides the website and um we're going to table the water uh going down 202 um what other gos goals uh would you guys like to see happen in fiscal year 2025 I like for us at least once a quarter to meet with some of the other boards whether with the school committee finance committee um we've always talked about you know the way how we move Grammy forward so I think you know we have some of the other committees and some of the other boards all sitting at the same table you know I know years ago we did that we had several different boards and we had kind of had a a big meeting just talking about ideas and suggestions about how move to move forward some of the things so it might be good to do that again I think so have us all in one room so I think with meetings like that it's just um it would be nice to have like a clear agenda because when you get a whole bunch of people in the room it spirals out real fast to have yeah like you said what what could we do to better me in this department this department and what's going on in your department that everyone else should know about it's almost just you know you have a checkins a board you know you put a list uh on the on on the board and kind of go from there and then you kind of say okay what what do we prioritize going forward and that's our responsibility not just us but each elected official Committee Member or board member so I think if we start doing that you know I think several years ago we did it with the finance committee and the uh school committee it worked out I thought it worked out well then we got get back on track and I know every single Board of committee are busy but we kind of set it um quarterly at least we're we're doing something to address everybody kind of working together agreed do we want to look at possible dates going forward so we can um contact the chairs and get the first meeting going yeah I would I would actually contact each chair and see if they're interested in doing that okay you know I can't imagine they wouldn't be then just come up with a list of dates and kind of go from there so do we want Chris to email them and then wait to hear back with all the answers for the next meeting or do we want to throw out some dates now that work no I think we should hear back from them uh you know it definitely like to get one in before or we September October before the holidays before we get into December which boards are you looking at um I think of the school committee the finance committee um Board of Health Board of Health the planning board planning board there's no reason why we couldn't have a nice big round table discussion is kind of talking about each each committee or each board plays a plays a part in moving the town forward so Conservation Commission conservation trying to think of the other people so we're so I've got school committee Finance Board of Health uh planning board Conservation Commission who am I forgetting who am I forgetting Kathy the Chiefs Police Department Highway Department fire department you were talking boards you weren't talking Department you were talking boards departments okay so are you going elected officials they they I think they elected official off so do you want assessors you're going to want assessors the the the clerk Library CET you know cuz we can always get feedback from the fire department police department the areas that fall under the purview of the select the SEL board and report back to them good good all right anything else you guys can think of I know we have a lot to look towards between a new town accountant New Town Administrator I know um Kathy you did say that everyone got back to us for the committee for the Town Administrator search so that's um put together we're just waiting for the description and then that can start and I think we we don't wait too long to put that out there I know because we can always um you know we start doing interviews we can always add to it if need be I think we need to get the general responsibilities and duties what the position would has then go from there uh the only thing we didn't do when we made the nominations was nominated a protim chair okay does the committee that's does it is it usually within the committee that the proam chair is usually named so that they are responsible for getting the first meeting together okay then the committee themselves elect their own officers so all right so I'm trying to remember who was on the group we've got chief o Grady um Dave der roer Brian hch Katherine Bronner Mark Bale Mark Bale Glenn seon as a ex official member and Jennifer and Jennifer M okay I'm just GNA ask that we have Chief old Grady set up the meeting all right he is he can be our he can be the Protime chair well is it he's a town employee so makes it really easier for him than us reaching out to various other public members to do it were they they agreed to be part of yeah the committee I get care of us to task but something El to get go sure miss chief o great be glad to take that on he's smiling I think he is all right let's see green communities um I think we decided to table that for now too right I mean I know we're looking for Grants and stuff for electrical and um stuff for West Street School but open space we have a a meeting on Saturday September 14th at Dino Fest we will be presenting to the public um what the survey results were and asking them what is um important to them when it comes to conservation and Recreation so we'll have a 10 at Dino Fest um all day um to engage with the community and to get their opinions on where to go to next with our open space um plan so we'll be doing that on Saturday and then um I think maybe Kathy what we can do is put near du Frain pond dredging for next time that grants in January just so it can be on our radar so we can put January after that so that we don't forget because um the last time I looked it was only saltwater drudging and I missed the freshwater drudging and it comes out in January so I just want it to be on our radar and then we already had a meeting date for the special town meeting so we already set that and that was October 21st thank you I was just going to look at my phone because I know I put it in there and that will be at 700 p.m. at um East medle School does anyone have anything else they want to discuss next time so just to remind the board we do have our um bylaw hearing on next Monday the 16th at 5:30 p.m. here and then our regular our regularly scheduled meeting is on September 23rd at 5:30 and then we will also have that week the um open hearing for the Gravel Pit on Thursday September 26th then we go back to our regular meetings of first Monday and third Monday of the month until something else comes up yes you correct probably you will probably schedule another public hearing probably in October on the gravel permit to be honest yeah cuz you you really should start moving that forward moving little it's been a long time since that was first application was first submitted no we meet on September 26 we'll y decide that but I'm just saying you probably should yeah all right so if there are no other um topics that you guys want to put on the agenda for next time pleas no all right so with that I will entertain a motion to end um nope no sorry to go into executive session yes under 30 a-21 point two to conduct strategy in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel and to only come out or when we come out of executive session to only come out to end the original meeting did I say it right to adjourn to adjourn I will make a motion to go into executive SE session a second second I I thank you