[Music] all right I'm going to call the select board meeting to order on June 3rd 2024 if you can please join me in the pl of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all thank you and sorry about uh being a little late today um we're getting the mic set up and um Glen seon will be here shortly he got stuck in tra so we don't have our meeting until our open hearing until 6 PM so um do you have anything for a citizen participation okay hello we just started all right and then do we have anything for due freeing rental or anything um from the Town Administrator a couple items uh first is at our last meeting we had voted an approval of a payroll warrant um because uh Mr lante hadn't had a chance to be sworn in yet we need to revisit that one vote okay because you abstained Crystal and it required Mr leonte and Glenn to approve that warrant okay okay it's payroll warrant number 24-70 for May 10th 2024 uh in the amount of $48,990 31 so 4 $ 48,3 195 yes so I'll entertain a motion to approve payroll warrant number 24-70 from May 10 2024 in the amount of $ 48,3 19531 second the motion I'm entertaining the motion so have to make the motion I'll make the motion to accept second any further discussion all in favor I any abstain any oppose you using stay Usain for and they vote the payroll one this is the payroll one you normally abstain from the select board and the teacher teacher salaries and by the rule of necessity when and Dave uh have to vote on so I will abstain from the selectman salary and the teacher salary from this for Glen will vote out of necessity and so okay all in favor by okay uh I do have three rental requests uh the first one is for the brown ellon soccer fields uh it's for Monday Wednesdays and Fridays starting Monday June 10th ending Wednesday June August 14th 2024 arrival time is 5:30 departure time is 7 uh maximum number of people is 20 they're doing the large soccer field at Brown Ellison field and is for soccer practices and instruction being done by Dana shantan for free to the grany youth very nice uh next one is uh do FR rle uh on June 9th 2024 arriving 8:00 a.m. departing 400 p.m. maximum number of people is 50 it is a tractor pull and it is for the parking lot area and the pulling track on the Taylor Street side of the park and the last one is for June 9th 2024 arriving 10:30 a.m. departing 3:30 p.m. on no liquor authorized number of people 40 it's a birthday party and it's in the large Ian gazebo and large field and for correspondence that you have I think you also should have this in front of you too there was only two he's given so this is a letter from a resident about opposition to the Gravel Pit project on CY app so Chris um will save a copy for you to put it in the file I think myself and Glenn were the only ones who got the letter believe if I have that one okay I didn't think I saw it thank you that make you copy have Chris um enter and gravel for what I'll just remember to give it to CH reply and then you should have a folder over there dat for as well was there anything for new new business and Department okay so then we don't have any other I do have one other piece but I'll talk um okay it is receive the actually the board received a letter from a Paul bolo from 142 Carver Street and he has a concern regarding uh lot sizes that are being advertised for sale and problem is is they are in the town water supply Protection District lot sizes are being sold look like they're about 40,000 square ft anything in that District have to be 60,000 so uh he's requesting that uh the town notify the owner of those lots that uh please be advised that the lots are not compliant with the current Town bylaws and that they will not be able to be uh built on built on there non built a lot in their Cur configuration now is that something that we would have the building commissioner write the letter for us and see if the zoning enforcement officer he can notify yeah he has notified them okay all right so just so that we just don't want someone to buy the lot thinking I'm so build of a lot and find out that it isn't most contracts say they have to be aable lot but they buy yeah restricted qual um the only other question I have for the board is first Monday in July is July 1st is the board want to meet that day or do they want to meet Monday after before I don't know if people go over I'm not on vation so it's not a a conflict for me there five Mondays in yes there are five Mondays in July would you be able to meet the first or do you have vacation uh no not until the uh 13th I believe so you're looking at um if July 1 is mar July 8 and then we would do the the following meeting still be the 15th would you want push it to the 22 okay pushing it 2 you're pushing it to the second well no you're not here I'm not here on the 22 so put that here the 20 seconds and here on the one the 1st the 8th and the 29 you just do the eth 9th you do theth and yep that that's so much distance between two meetings yeah that sounds good that notice out there too that's opposite what I regular schedule is the first and third Mond the m so mhm so we still have um Chris do you have anything else for us no so we still have some time before the open hearing so um we can go to departmental reports first a motion to approve departmental reports I like a motion to approve departmental reports a second second motion any further discussion um I could read through one uh J Jeremy carrier's um report for do frames for the P um seems like he's there twice a week every week with a problem with the Beavers because they're jamming up the dams if that's correct um is there any way that we could eliminate that process for him by possibly having these beavers relocated or is it something that can we would need to get permission from the conserv commission first okay and then would that be something that the state would step in on to possibly move them or do we not want I I doubt it I know they frown upon relocating beavers a lot of times um we can check with the Conservation Commission see what they would like to do but I think just relocating one or two isn't going to create the solve the problem solve the problem cuz they just going to come far back from Upstream even more farther to take care of it was just a thought process cuz I see it in every report so um something that I thought about I know they in other locations just like out here we we we had the same issue here until we were able to break it just on this side here and they much leave it be so allows the water to get good you talk a little more loudly we can go much the mic in front of us so on Saturday we um I actually saw Glen there too we were at there tops and Bobbers and there was people pulling the sticks out of there themselves too um so I think people are also trying to help in the efforts with the sticks jamming the dam but um so Chris we would have to reach out to the Conservation Commission and see what their thoughts are first is that something that you or Cathy can do and see if they want to discuss it more at the next meeting yeah thank you thank you I have gotten really good reports from um parents and about um Jeremy's maintenance of the grounds for the baseball fields and stuff too so um that's a good news no it's hard when the it rains a lot breath throws the fertilizer it just keeps um getting longer and longer and so it's hard to maintain it and keep it short enough for the kids so um we did have um citizen participation prior to doing our business um but we will have the open hearing at 6:00 all right so uh besides Jeremy's report was there anything else you wanted to discuss I hoping we had questions though I did really um like the building commissioner's report he's done a lot I know there was a lot to do I know um in between building Commissioners there was a lot of cleanup a lot of things left um but from his report it sounds like he's doing a really good job it looks like he is catching up to it yeah and I like that he's going digital too and he's getting he's putting his own person touches yeah so um did you get a chance to touch Bas with him daon I did I spoke to him on uh Friday okay and uh in regards to his report saying that he was catching up and he is working diligently to create files to move forward and continue with that work um he did say there was a lot of backlog so he'll continue to work on that and get it going for you're not I'm not the only one who's hearing that right just squealing yeah making making it worse I know that better it's better is it still squealing for you guys still squealing still are they too close maybe or no I up over [Music] here really that was fine I all right so if there's nothing more um all in favor hi hi your [Music] post all right so we've got six more minutes do we want to start the main Wars go over though is that okay all right so we'll start the maintenance Wars maintenance it's well not just maintenance sorry Warr warrant all warrant okay make a motion for authorization for payments on 517 2024 for Warrant number 70s for $91,200 16 second the motion any further discussion all in favor I sign um doesn't matter no it doesn't matter you can just sign it and then pass it down and we keep it paper clip because all this has go did you are you missing the paper clip oh there's no here sorry and there'll be two for each warrant to sign to all come okay the way don't sign in P for a purple so let me see if I got another blast one think [Music] yeah and so that one's the same one so you'll sign that and because we have two per is that the AC or that just eback I think it's the feedback because it wasn't doing it before Mee I want to make sure all they don't hear them recording is now I can hear it I think it is the AC yeah all right next one I make a motion for authorization for payment for Warrant number 70 dated 517 2024 for the sum of $137 236 137,000 $236 and7 there have a second I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I I so that one's not going to have the warrant number on the front page it's going to be on the second page but it's warrant number 71 and pay one payroll account summary I make a motion for payroll account summary town of grany Warrant number 71 dated 521 2024 I'll second the motion and the amount up that's going to be on the first a lot of totals last I'll there it is half the for the sum of $453,500 yeah my apologies wrong number for the sum of $466,500 myself will both B you should be okay cuz that's her last one right and then that one just goes on sry get takes a little lot of yes it does all right so we'll just finish up with this war and if you guys don't mind we return back to it since Tak it possible that wearing and you should have one more day for this one yeah and then we'll come back to those after that been here right so at this time 6:01 we will open the public hearing um I will entertain a motion for the public hearing um for the gravel permit application by LJ Development LLC applicant and owner James and Cathy a slate e44 Mercier Drive belter toown Mass to remove earth materials from property located on troni AB as per the zoning bylaw section five special use regulations and performance standards 5.8 Earth removal of the town of grany so I'm going to entertain a motion from the board at this time to um reschedule the meeting because our special Town Council attorney Costa could not be present with us today continue the hearing continue the hearing thank you I like a motion that we continue the meeting to a later date and check our calendars in regards to when our special councel will be available as well Chris you have the dates he available you want to see I do also have my emails now we also have to make sure that the applicant and the attorney can also be right so the say that loud and then see what we you when that is looking as well we can do that so the dates that are available are Wednesday June 12th Tuesday June 18th Wednesday June 19th or Wednesday June 26th 19th is a state H holiday right Jun Jun yeah so I can do 12 Wednesday yeah or 26 I'll be gone that week in between I can't do the 26th show I can do the 12th if you guys are available on the 12 which is next Wednesday Chris were you able to reach out to the applicant and their attorney to see if they were available on are we were waiting to okay I'm going to propose that we continue this we've got obligations our so you don't have any dates um prior to that from other engagement we could meet on the next okay the first one available in September so Monday the 2nd is Labor Day so we wouldn't meet on that day so it would either be the third Chris right or we default to the following Monday and there are five Mondays in that month as well so in September would you guys want to do since there are five Mondays would you guys want to do kind of what we're doing for July do the 9th and the 23rd what I'd like to do since a lot of people attending the meetings like it is schedu it on its own we're not we're not putting up against other stuff we have going on on a regular meeting yeah that way I mean I know one of the time we have people leaving we can't I didn't want to Echo that before was echoing when I was talking so um just looking at a a separate date for this meeting I know like I said last time uh we had some people that because the meeting ran late they left so again I want to make sure people have their time if they have anything to say they have the time to do that so instead of putting it within one of our regular meetings I think we're better off serving the the public they just separate meeting separate special meeting yeah yeah September 3rd Tuesday what for any of you to have our own separate meeting open hearing yeah I think if we're going to push it off till after Labor Day like do right after Labor Day yeah we're already pushing it off a couple months September 3 lose hey Chris um before we do this is there any is it possible that we can reach out to attorney C to find out I don't want to schedule it and then find out he's not available can I make a suggestion the applicant provide the board with three dates that they are available in September we then run by the board members and our special Council to see which of those stes is convenient for everybody can and we address it at our next meeting on June 17th third okay and then that also gives us time though to to make sure that attorney Costa can be president or one of those days and then also that your attorney can also be or that excuse me just let you know Train The Block is not available September 4th through September 7 but that's the only J bab in September that we been available the attorney doesn't represent the town or the applicant so if he's able to make it then I I understand that sir I'm just the point I'm making is that the board if the board can schedule something around that date they will but we're not obligated to do so and I'm just out of respect because our responsibility is is to our special Town Council and the applicant well just because I'm the chair doesn't mean the other select board members don't get to speak can also no I agree we have to we have to follow the law and law states that we are to have our own special Town Town Council and then the applicant as well so but the law doesn't prevent you from also considering the citizens it doesn't prevent you I understand that the law mandates that special counsel and the applic council can consider but it does not prevent you from considering the needs of Grandy C and we haven't done so I think Mr seon has done a really good job at the last two open hearings hearing every everybody's voice giving everyone a chance to speak so we're not preventing anyone from voicing their opinion we have a huge binder full of everyone's letters and concerns and we are taking that into consideration when we look at the applicant and we look at the application that is in front of us my trouble is I'm not a lawyer and if there lawyer going to be here you know IDE to have laer citiz be able to speak to legal which I do understand where you're coming from and like Mr seon said we're going to keep that in mind when we schedule the meeting but if that's the only time that we can meet we can't exclude that meeting because the citizens lawyer is not present and mention that Bo five Mondays in September so I'm sure that there's plenty of yeah we have we do have wiggle room yes okay I appreciate if you consider that with wiggle room I thank you all right um sure rich I could hear everything being said first of all you said J 12 you were all available I think push it up to September un to clarify it was the board members that were available on June 12th the applicant and their lawyer is not available on June 12th okay the applicant they were ready for today why won't they why would't they be ready in a few more days um I mean you're it's really unfair to give them three or four months time Rich we appreciate um what you have to say but it's we're not scheduling a meeting with you we're scheduling it with the applicant and their lawyer so we have to go on their their availability as well yeah I'll be calling the Attorney General to clarify all right so as of right now um we have three available dates that we're going to look into for attorney Costa and if he is available is the applicant available the week of sep setember 9th like during that week would you and your attorney also be available okay what dates am I running by can you run well just the 3D and then what can we also run by the week of the 9th so we have our through 9 through the 13th okay so we have we would have our original meeting on the 9th so we would prefer a different day other than our original meeting unless we keep our original meeting at the 3D and still meet and then we could do the open hearing the week of the 9th are both of you here the week of the nth all depends if attorney Costo is available I don't want to push it off another week after that so right so we'll see if he's available on the third and then if not um we'll look into the week of the nth so I don't we're going to come back and we're not going to know that until our next meeting on June 17 June 17th we'll have a date so my recommendation is to uh continue the meeting until June 17th at that time we'll have an actual U answer from attorney cost whether or not September 3rd he is available if he is available then that's the date we set uh the applicant always said that worked for him and I think the other people said that their attorney would be available at that time too if if that was the case so uh we look at that and if not then we'll go back to uh the applicant said he was available the following week and we can check with um attorney Costa as well for the following week um anything after that Monday I think Tuesday Wednesday Thursday it's fine which would be the 10th through the thir Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 10th 11th or 12th Chris okay excuse me I have a question for the board uh I don't understand what the intent is here I think I know what I understand what the intent is here pushing this thing back but uh I just have a question other than that because in fact they seem to be pushing this back to the convenience of the applicant in my humble opinion uh I have a question James try is one of the is the property owner with propos gravel bit correct yes okay and residents supposed to gra pit on TR Avenue R in 2010 according to an article of mass fly 26 I'm sorry um sir we're not entertaining any kind of discussion about the open hearing We are continuing it that is it so we're not here to um hear from the citizens or even the applicant we're just here to schedule a date I just have one other question James TR is also chairman of the gry fining board for the annual report C of gry is that correct yes so it seems to me that the board is deferring to him in every possible way and sir sir he's so that's fine that's fine our job is to the m chair yes the resp responsibility of this board is to gain and obtain as much information that we possibly can before we close the meeting for us to decide so I want that I want people to understand that we're not just pushing things off it's sir please sit down okay please sit down sir hour notification regarding a cancellation of the meeting as it was scheduled to be originally is not acceptable I I understand that sir I'll do respect our Our Town Council special town councel was unable to make it I will leave thank you very you don't have to leave I'm just that's fine I'm going to leave well you don't you don't have to Sir okay so the point I'm making is that Our Town Council wasn't available and we found that out after our last meeting when this was continued so therefore what we have to do is have another meeting which we are having this evening and it gives the board members a chance to talk about what their schedule is what their availability is and we have some dates from um our special Town Council in the day that or days that he's available so that's what that's what this meeting was to continue it that's all if if he was available we would have a meeting right now unfortunately it wasn't available so not we you know we we couldn't you know have the meeting a meeting April 1st that that we didn't learn about that until noon on Friday well it was posted on Thursday for our bylaws it has to be posted within 48 Hours of the meeting so that's when we post our meeting minutes so that's when it was posted on Thursday no I'm saying that the original date for tonight was scheduled April 1st okay why didn't special C share that before late last week he may have had a conflict unforeseen circumstances on those things happen and you know again us as a board that's why we have um a special talent Council to help us understand a lot of these things we're part-time board members that's why we have town counil for I don't think that this was this was an oversight on your behalf I think that there was a scheduling issue happen at some point and and that should be addressed right I mean I don't know what what happened in his schedule why he couldn't make it but you know he's our our attorney he said he couldn't make it we understand that we want him here when we have our meetings so will physically be here for the next meeting I don't think he'll physically be here no so but our last meeting he was on a a zoom meeting so all right so are we I just have a quick um we've it's again we're just continuing this it's and that to do well with argument it just has to do with need to take our La into consideration because depending on the decision of the board there may or there may not be all right well that that's that's up that that's up to your attorney if your attorney is available to be at the meeting when we schedule it that's up to him um we did mention that one of the dates that we're looking at is September 3rd uh which I understand that um your your attorney is available and so and we did say that the following week too but again I say that with all due respect It's Our obligation is to the town as the board members here for Our Town Council special Town Council as well as moral obligation to the citizen I absolutely agree 100% with that but what I'm saying is that as far as comes attorney that represents represents yourself that that's the point of making we have we we have a obligation the the over 5,000 residents in gry so that's that's what I mean so thank you all right so as Glen had said um we are going to continue the meeting to a date to be determined either September 3rd 2024 or we will look at the week of September um 8th 10th and 11th or sorry September 10th 11th 12 there we go because 9th we're having our regular meeting so meet the 10th 11th or 12 I oh sorry down meeting I have stay away from the 12 or Wednesday 10 11 oh why why don't we do this Madam chair if we can so we're going to look at September 3rd the Tuesday uh we have time to adjust our schedules for the so we can look at September 9th 10th and 11 and then we can to our regular meeting around so we'll reschedule we'll continue this meeting until June 17th at that time we'll have the dates so if the third works then we can schedule a regular meeting for the 9th and it's the 9th works the third doesn't we can schedule a regular meeting for the third so we have some some dates there so I'm going to make a motion that we continue the uh the meeting until uh June 17th at 6: p.m. a second the motion any further discussion all in favor thank you theise stud and we're not we're not even talking about any of that it's been continue until the next hearing where they are present with their Council and we are present with ours we don't take any material from them and they're not obligated to give it to us until we have the actual open pairing with them where we hear from the lawyer and the app so to be clear for June 17th the motion was made to continue the here until then to set a date for when we can meet with the applicant in their Council but no discussion will be had at that meeting it's just to determine the date no correct thank you all right so we can continue with the warrant St when you are ready okay I make motion for authorization for payments for Warrant number 72 dated 524 2024 a total dispersement of $177,100 65 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I should you typically say any any oppos even though you hear everyone say ibody opposed to it and I'll ask you have saying someone say thank you sure now the AC turns off now there's no whistling thank [Music] you ready y okay I make a motion for authorization for payment on warrant number 73 dated 531 2024 total dispersements for Warrant 73 are $310,000 300 um sorry $31,385 I'll second motion any further discussion all in favor I for 73 which is the one you read I sat on this side of the table I think in six years well I like to go sit there and he's like you have to be in the middle 73 so we sign this he next warrant for authorization for payment warrant number 73s dated 531 2024 for total dispersement of $259,700 120 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I I we have no minutes have no minutes all right so this time the agenda is to approve and sign entertainment licenses that would [Music] business okay uh uh for the the gry preservation Society at 250 State Street grany Mass I make a motion to accept the app approve the application for craft fa for our we're going to do the waiver permit fee waiver request for a nonprofit organization do we have a second no second motion any further discussion all in favor I and then you'll read the license so we approve the waer read the license so that means we're not going to charge them for the fee yep so you're going to check off approved approved okay and then when you flip it over this will be for the Craft Fair license number okay and then you can read through okay for license number f m242 Commonwealth Massachusetts town of grany this is to certify that the grany preservation Society llc at Kellogg Hall 250 State Street gramby mass is hereby granted a craft fair license to be held at the above location on September 28th 2024 from 9 to 300 p.m. and a rain date of October 5th 2024 this license is granted in Conformity with the statutes and ordinance relating ther to and expires at 501 on the final day of craft fair unless sooner suspended or revoked your motion do I have a second second any further discussion all in favor I so we did skip to the craft fair but that's okay all of them will get done at some point was there it was the entertainment license apologize we did go to the craft there yeah that's the one that poed up first so the entertainment yep y some record okay uh entertainment license to certify that Jonathan and I make a motion to certify that Jonathan and Naomi simonic doing business as Deer Creek Farm at 193 ammer Street gry mass is hereby granted a license for entertainment license to entertain customers as follows special events weddings family parties farmer M Market style events with operation between 9:00 a.m. and 9900 p.m. live entertainment consisting of karaoke or DJ at 193 ammer Street gry Mass 01033 license is granted in Conformity with the statutes and ordinances relating there to and expires December 31st 2024 unless sooner suspended or revoked second the motion any further discussion all in favor I touched so um instead of going to the Sewer fees why don't we continue with the common vict license since we're in the new business folder and then we can go to the Sewer fees afterwards good I make a motion to wave the permit fee request uh data March 14th 2024 for the First Presbyterian Church at 160 West State Street gramy Mass 0103 33 excuse me mailing address P box 44455 gry mass 01033 for a type of permit common vict viers V yeah VCT vict vict read I read it I read it differently I found a different pronunciation of that that's why I'm so confused it's called a common Vic license common Vic thank you uh reason for request occasional Gatherings outside of worship service they are nonprofit Grammy nonprofit Grammy nonprofit have a second I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I [Music] [Music] you got the license now we just W the I'm sorry no it's okay apologize I'll get there okay to certify that the First Presbyterian Church at 160 West Street gry mass 01033 is hereby granted a common Vic license in said town of grany and that place only and expires December 31st 2024 unless sooner suspended or revoked you'll have to read the and then did you say the number uh Comm common Vic license number 2437 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I show on the front that we too so this one is a little bit I me this is the application so you don't have to read that you just read the common Vic yeah uh common Vic number 2438 this is to certify that Dave kesy DBA Dave's natural garden at 35 ammer Street gry mass is hereby granted common Vic license and said town of grany and that the place and that place only and expires December 31st 2024 unless sooner suspended or revote this motion and do I have a second I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I [Music] all right so next on the agenda is to approve and sign fy2 sewer [Music] fees Chris do you want um Dave just to read the F what has changed fiscal year 2025 in comparison to 2024 well there's two factors that drove these rates for FY 25 first was electricity yeah that went up quite a bit and the other Factor was uh South Hadley changed their edu fee from $280 per edu to $300 $60 per Ed and before Dave was on that was the letter that we sent to everyone letting them know that their edu cost was or their sewer fee was going to go up yes yes so what happens is that the increase from fiscal year 2024 the fiscal year 2025 the total budget for the sewer system went up 10.75% and I know where the Sewer Commission as a select board right but the town or the tax collector is the one who mails out the SE fees for us and it will be mailed out quarterly or is it no suppos mailed out semi angular [Music] okay so based upon the the budget of 2 8,332 the proposed FY 25 sewer rate for the community septic system is going from $290 per edu per year to $320 per edu per year which is a 10.34% increase which we have no control over right then we have the five corners rate going from $642 per edu per year to $720 per edu per year or a 12.15% increase and then we have What's called the South Hadley those are the ones right on the South Hadley line they're going from 2 $280 per edu per year to $360 per edu per year or a 28.57% [Music] increase is that because the treatment of the water too is that why they went up so high do they have to treat I don't know what what what drove South adley to increase the edu I think they probably found that they they needed to do some additional costs probably some additional treatment which caused them to have to drive the the operating cost of the system up which is then funded by the users of the system well unfortunately like everything else it's been going up so and their wages are going up the cost to do constructions going up for the town electricity it's increasing [Music] I me the 10% is really not really out of out of whack as far as inflation I mean the 28% is a huge increase yeah but the 28% is on the south end so is that correct but it's the gry it's gry resident they're gry res they're right on the line there mainly it's like Mary lion Drive okay you know Bittersweet those that are right on the line so it all branches back in right so they don't come through our system to get the South Aly they connect it to the South Aly system directly okay that's why they only pay the South hadly edu charge to rather than paying here and it going there yes okay and Chris the five corners is that houses that are hooked up to the five corners or is that businesses houses and houses and businesses uh you know it runs down here uh 202 it goes up Amber Street we go up part of cold Hill Drive we go up Pleasant Street part of ammer Street down Pleasant Street um that's mainly the area that we're servicing okay okay so I will entertain motion to approve the sub use charge system for FY 2025 as stated or as already read second motion sorry make a motion to accept the sore use charge system fiscal year 2025 as stated I'll secondly motion any further discussion all in favor I any oppos any obain all right next on the agenda is to review the Motions for special town meeting and the continued annual town meeting for June 10th 2024 okay Tom of gramy special town meeting June 10th 2024 Article 1 the town vote to transfer from the snow and ice Department personal services budget 54,4 154 and the snow and ice Department expense budget $60,000 for a total of $14,455 for the purpose of funding [Music] $1,636 for the fire department personal service budget $486 for the fire department expense budget and $92 for the fire department capital budget for fiscal year 2024 I'll second the motion any further discussion do you want us just to read article two as well article two then decide who's going to present those two articles okay because we do know fire chief will probably explain yeah the reasons for the shortages in the f24 budgets okay in article two the town vote to transfer transfer from retained earnings the sum of $ 95,7 for the purpose of funding the ambulance department for fiscal year 2024 so Chris The Returned earnings or retained earnings sorry what that's from what they collect for the ambulance fees correct retained earnings is basically the free cash for an Enterprise fund that's the quick and easy way to say it okay so it's for the ambulance department right so we're just moving it from money count to the other account to pay the bill we're using their free cash to supplement the FY 24 budget all right so I know Glen you had seconded it after article one you want I'll second motion any further discussion all in favor I so who will be presenting these two articles um it's up to you guys I can read it I don't mind I don't mind presenting it okay so GL you want to do article one sure Dave you want to do article two yes the next one is the and the continued annual town meeting should be articles 24 so article 24 I make a motion the town vote to raise and appropriate 550,000 652 to operate the Municipal Solid Waste Department and that 20,000 be raised from Municipal Solid Waste receipts 3,652 be raised from retained earnings and 500,000 be raised from tax levy this article is to fund the curbside collection program in town it also funds the cost of taking our recy recyclables to Springfield materials recycl facility and taking our waste to the MAA transfer station located in Springfield that was an awful and just um we want to read the wages expenses and uh wages were $5,000 expenses were $538,500 and the capital expenses were $7,500 for a total of $550,500 Chris if I remember correctly the last time we had so many articles did we approve each article did we did it do it in groups for this s board I think we just read them then decided who was going to present them okay and that's basically all we ended up okay good so continue on yes he article 25 the town vote to raise and appropriate 278,00 $32 to operate the sewer department wages of $1,134 expenses of $205,400 738 for a total of $278,400 I'm sorry 278,00 do be raised from sewer receipts this article is to fund the sewer department in town so um to give you a great two Dave after each article we should decide who's reading so um you guys are doing this the special town meeting is going to follow the annual child meeting correct no you'll call annual okay then you'll recess annual call special okay deal the special and then reconvene annual for the annual okay all right so um I will take article 24 and 25 okay I'll read those two first so the possibility you get to article 24 or 25 before special actually time okay because we have to have a certain number of people say 65 I don't have that I think it's 710 70 meeting the meeting we get to article 24 then we would stop the annual okay right so um well you can read article 26 and 27 but if you guys want for um you're going to do the consent and the correct or not for this part because it's budgetary no this all right so I'll read article 24 25 26 and 27 and by that time we might be like you said already at the special town meeting or who would be we have 10 minutes oh because it's okay so the the the annual town meeting is going to open up at 7 o'clock the special Town meetings at 7:10 so you have have 10 minutes okay and depending on if we get started right away right if we're waiting for people it like for people if something goes wrong with the mics like last time y but okay normally you get maybe one article the annual done and then sometimes we don't get any articles done because John is talking or you'll be talking about the state of okay thank you okay yep we're good article 20 6 the town vote to transfer from account 30-43 [Music] d582 article STM 12917 number two generator in the amount of $597 180 and retain earnings in the amount of 69,0 $24.20 for a total of 75,000 for the purpose of funding the purchase and installation of a generator at the Pleasant Street Pump Station this article is to fund installation of a generator at the Pleasant Street Pump Station in the event of a power outage this unit will ensure continued operation of the pumps in handling the waste material and avoid a potential backup and overflow at the site and at the end of that account there was an AR what's that stand for first former article oh okay article GL would you like to read article 26 no so who's doing 24 24 and 25 will be me Glenn will do 26 article 27 yep the town vote to raise and appropriate $ 421,750multifamily $ expenses $18,995 742 and debt of $99,950 for a total of $554,900 be raised from ambulance receipts and $84,999 be raised from retained earnings this article will fund the ambulance department Chris can I ask you a question about the debt sure because didn't we just do the special town meeting to cover the debt for that department and now the debt showing up on here no not that department we did every other department okay so there's a debt department for the ambulance that also needs to be funded yes so it's not the debt that the ambulance come that the that fire it's not coming out of the capital uh stabilization fund okay it is being funded through the Enterprise fund okay which is the way it's supposed to be done according to Municipal accting rules okay thank you Dave do you want to do article 27 sure yes Article 28 is usually done by the finance committee okay they usually break it up amongst their five members do I read through it all anyway I would just read the first part I would read everybody all the numbers okay yeah Article 28 the town vote to raise appropriate sorry raise yep appropriate or transfer from available funds such sums of money as may be necessary to defay the cost the expense of the Town including debt and interest for the ensuing year and to carry out any vote passed under this article yeah let so this is all the budgets for all the different departments and committees seeing that now for a total budget of 2,881 excuse me 2,881 345 this article is to set the department budgets for fiscal year excuse me 2025 I second the motion I think I can one more two four we got four more article 29 the town vote to transfer from the capital equipment needs stabilization fund $220,400 for the purpose of reducing the funding from tax levy for fiscal year 2025 Appropriations this article is to cover the debt service on P purchases that were approved by the capital Improvement Committee in Prior years this what does that mean by Debt Service paying down our notes so just paying down the interest from the notes and the principal okay interest just like your mortgage or car loan whichever way you want to look at it that's like a mortgage now yeah I know but thank you article 30 the town vote to transfer from free cash 892,50 70 for the purpose of reducing the funding from tax levy for fiscal year 2025 appr Appropriations this article is to use free cash to reduce the tax levy article 31 the town vote to transfer from account number 30122 d581 -00 Bond premium to be applied $1,470 32 for the purpose of reducing the funding from tax levy for the fiscal year 2025 Appropriations when the town borrowed money for the East metal building project when the bids came in there was a bond premium per Department of Revenue regulations this premium must be am ized over the life of the loan to reduce the amount to be raised by the debt exclusion vote I'm sorry Glen and Dave I should have asked you does anyone want to read article 29 or 30 yes you will sure you want both of them or you want me do every other what 30 and we just have the last two I'll do the last two Dave do going back for back and for okay right last one last article 32 the town vote to assess the amounts raised and appropriated under these articles and warrants on the Estates and personal property of the town of grany this article allows the assessors to issue tax bills to the taxpayers in grany we have a second for the annual town meeting articles 24 through 32 I'll second the motion any further discussion all in favor I I I have a request when you move articles y motions that you actually explain as you just did now when you read EXP what is and I cut down we did do that at the last annual town meeting we just read the explain what the motion was for didn't rec call if each department had to explain it though the highway department cut down questions I don't think we in the past we have but we usually don't get a lot of questions on the first part when we put everything together so that's why we didn't do it this time usually you'll get a lot of questions this time we did so but in the past U to me we have there's always been a piece that we what it's for little synopsis of it sure special town meeting Chief will take care of the discussion yes but for the rest of them you yeah besid the finance committee beside the finance committee for Article 28 okay we can do that your recommendation take on an advisement yes I kind of like the explanation that's there so yeah it helps all right to go to Old business um Chris any update about the town accountants I know you had two applicants right I have one applicant and I have one person who expressed an interest that we haven't received anything back so I'll be bringing the name forward of the person who has and that will be at the next um meeting June 17th and then were you able to get a hold of yes I was able to get a hold of Dave Leonard uh the work is basically done they're finishing up the report and he says that all work will be done by June 30th as required it's l n a r t right l n a r t and what is that in regards to I'm sorry that's the deal with the dam uh the actually the dam is really a in a very bad condition yeah I realized I I've seen it um so we went through an exercise we had a an inuring firm go out there and look at it to look at demolition repair replacement okay what we ended up doing is we were able to get a grant through the state we had a match 25% of the grant to be able to go out and actually do a full engineering study to see which way would be best for us uh the option I believe the board picked was to do a complete replacement of the de so this year we're doing the engineering part next year we'll apply to get a grant hopefully for the replacement and that was going to be completed by when is work now July the engineering work has to be done by June 30th June 30 thank you and so once he gets that filed and the engineering um portion of it is done then we have to file for a grant when the next round of funding comes out out then we'll apply for the construction portion do we know when that next round of funding comes out he might know because he's I think the last one came out like it was like think it was September or October came out right so for the open space committee uh my update on that one I did order the signs gosh I sent py the email um it was around 10 and it was less than $180 for the signs so they should be in June 7th so once those 12 signs are in I'll put them around the um properties at the park so that people can take the open space survey um and then we're supposed to be having a meeting in um September or October to um go over our survey results and to also talk to the community as well so that's where we're at at the open space committee and um for the open space committee that's what we have to do in order to get any type of Grant in town for Parks and Recreation and stuff like that so that was outdated it's supposed to be done every seven to eight years yeah and we're on 10 years right now okay so that's and we got a grant from Piner Valley Planning Commission to do that I don't have any updates on the green communities um we don't so we used to have a green or an energy committee right and we have since not had an energy committee for a couple years now um we don't have I know Glenn has put out a call for members a couple times um but we don't have too many um people that set forward so we are still filing the annual report I know Piner Valley Planning Commission does it for us but pris has to give a lot of the information to them um so that we are staying competitive in order to be eligible for Green community grants I don't have an update on that at this time and then Route 202 M we know the projects ongoing that's it just they almost got the sidewalks in y they're getting ready anyways Y is that where the sidewalk stop right until phase two I think so yeah I haven't been to the other end of town to see how they're proceeding with the roundabout up there stre Street there it seems like there a lot more work being done that five corners and there is down the other way but then again they may not just be seeing what's being done because somewh almost they got to do a lot of other work before they actually can do that the service work over there but like I said I don't go up that part of town that often so yeah it hasn't moved much in the last week or so they were there pretty consistently for a few weeks but not in the last week that I've noticed okay but I haven't uh few days ago I went by there so I been by in a few days okay all right and the one stop for growth Grant Chris did you reach out to them have you heard anything from them yet I haven't heard anything back so and Senior work off program yes I got to put that to the top of the bot on I know we had talked about doing it after annual town meeting once it's kind of slowed down a little bit and then um the Town Administrator evaluation I know Glenn last time we met you said you were waiting for my evaluation correct and then from there we schedule a meeting where the chair meets with the Town Administrator so I just want to make sure I had that clear because I when we talked about it last time I was told that it was being canceled alog together so I just want to make sure that we clear no that's we can go forward with it okay and it's I I spoke with our Town Council um and obviously if Chris has any concerns he can yeah let me know okay all right perfect and then I did um I did have a sheet that's in front of you guys uh that I want to share with you um so um Jack arette which was one of our select board um candidates had shared with me a full harmless agreement um he does work for insurance company so this is one that he uses in the towns that he works with so that citizens in grany could help us out when needed for certain projects in town like ga doing the clay or spreading the clay um helping out with mowing weed whacking um they would obviously still have to come to the board and get permission to do whatever they wanted to do um because it is Town property but this is an agreement that again um towns that he represents or he works with his um Insurance Agency um has given to me so I did give Prisa coffee um I think the next steps are to reach out to our insurance company and see if this is something that we can um entertain where self insured through the town insurance no self-insured what do you mean self-insured the town of Grandy self insured self insured yeah we still go C still run it by them I'll run it through them and see what they say I would have the Town Council look at it as well case whatever happens we have to defend it and I did have um a Town's person reach out to me um and I wanted to bring it to the board and see if this is something that you guys are interested in but if you've been down um the main road in belter town or lllo or um Hadley they have the veterans flag on polls where it shows the veterans picture it has their name their date of service yes um and they had reached out to me and asked if it was something that Grammy could do so I wanted to get more information on exactly how much it is who in the other towns who does it um how do we get this started so I did first reach out to Dave mandoza our vsso to see if it's something that he has heard anything about so he uh reached out to his counterpart in um belter Town um and he said that they advised him that it was the CH the police department uh that worked on it in vure town chief bakunas um and he's waiting to find out more information on how to go about it um he left a message for Chief bakunas and um he hasn't heard back as of yet um but he's just looking into it and finding out more details for the board before it's something that we pursue um but I think it looks really nice and with 202 and um even the center of gr where um the old library is church is the town the Old Town Hall I think it would look really nice going down that strip um so again I'm just kind of collecting information at this time uh for the board to see if it's something that we would want to do in the future that'd be nice I've seen them in several other areas the board's okay with that I'm still going to collect the data and then bring it to you guys and see um and Dave might even come in once he has more information and give us a uh background information on what he knows and how to move forward on it but I don't know who pays how much they pay and stuff like that definitely take a look at it I think in belter town it was an application that you did and you said submitted your family member through the application and I think you had to pay the fee for it but it might have been something free offer through the town too so um that's why I was just looking for more information on it but so that was the only thing new that I had um does anyone else have anything they want for the next meeting right um I did want to say thank you to the police departments who came to Cops and Bobbers thank you Glenn for cooking for everyone that was very nice I helped out cooking it was a great event Hampshire County Sheriff's Office you said over 100 hot dogs 140 hot dogs I think do um I had to leave early but do you know how many fish they caught I I don't I I left probably about a half an hour but there's there's a couple that were catching a lot of fish I one young girl I think she caught like eight she kep the LI showing me every time she caught them it's good but it seemed like everybody had you know it was coming you know people were coming for a little bit and you know doing some fishing and they left some other people were coming so it was a nice flow it was a nice day and I think we um you know we got some suggestions for some of you that were there for for next year so it's a nice it a nice event yeah just a reminder of the two L low 250th parade we said we were going to be in I know the fire department sending the 38 engine I believe uh chief o Grady was sending a cruiser and I think Dave de roer was probably sending a piece of equipment or two so yeah I think a chief will myself actually I spoke to him on Saturday I think it was at 9 or 10 in the morning right the 15th on the 15 I don't remember the exact time it I have a conflict that day I have a race I'm doing so I won't be able to attend but it's on June 15 on my phone in me so I will check that I don't remember what time now know if it was 9 or 10 I can go back and out the email I guess okay I remember being early want to say d but could be one right part you'll entertain a motion to say if there's nothing else I will entertain a motion to adjer the meeting chair excuse me I'm hosting an event on Sunday atra Park just want to make sure that I'm all set um we did um Chris read that was the event that was happening on June 9th at 10 to 4 right Chris for the tractor pulse TR yes yes yep you are all set set and George thank you for folling through with that and making it happen because I know a lot of people do do appreciate that and enjoy it I go a lot of to my friend West and we' up a lot of effort into it moderately successful notice and keep the tradition here we go well thank you again for doing that thank you all right so make a motion to adjourn I'll second motion any further discussion all in favor hi hi thank you