[Music] I think according to her letter it was over 800 that she mails out yes um and she didn't get a huge number at the last election coming in during that 7 through 12 time so I'm okay with her Ching the hours from 12: to 6 or 1200 to 7 I think 7 gives it a longer range so that people who are getting out of work at 536 can get there yeah that's what I wanted to talk about people get out at 5530 so we used to go s to eight was yes now we're going 12 to 7 yep with the mail out of the ballots over 800 yes yeah and people can come in and do absentee ballots at anytime that they want to if they can't make it they can still go into the office and do an absentee ballot if they so desire all right well I would um I would respect what she how she feels I mean I wish we stay an hour later um being it would changing things and it's it's a drastic change folks we have an ongoing meeting so if I can ask you please uh if you have any conversations please just take them outside um just so we can hear each other talk thank you thank you um that's my that's my only concern because we're taking the whole equation from the morning out of it and you know and people who may not do that t ballot have a chance to get there so I mean I would like to go least 8:00 so that's been a norm in the past so you want 12: to 8 I think 12 to 8 is fair I me giv people enough time after dinner um to get over there you know sometimes there's some type of sporting event going on at school or something like that so people need additional time okay I let her know okay that [Music] okay else Chris no that's it do departmental reports there's a few that were there yeah I will make a motion to approve departmental reports um this time we have it from the police department the maintenance and the fire department second second have motion any further discussion no I think we still have that ongoing problem of people dumping trash at D frames and I don't really know what our solution can be for that I mean we posted it and he just keeps like big trash bags yeah and the parking lot and stuff with diapers and everything else so I don't know I don't really have anyone that enforces or that can enforce do we police well but you have to be able to find something in the bag they don't have anything you can track back to them in the bag okay you can't do anything about it unless you catch them obviously the only other thing we could do if nabe is uh try and budget a salary figure and have someone out there on the weekends patrolling there only way you're going to be able to do it we can look at cameras you know you know we talked about that before regards to the time frame and and coverage so it might be something to look into this type of um pattern continues with people you know dumping trash it's just okay you know it's unfortunate it just it just continues after everything and I believe over one of the weekends I think there was also people sitting around drinking beer out there too at Pavilion six he said yep so that's something the police department can drive through someone seeing it and someone needs a report that because that's what happens and those bottles or cans get left behind Yep they're not supposed to be on the property you know consuming alcohol at that point either and you think Jeremy was also concerned about people walking through the trails where they're logging so it's posted they signage up and they're using their heavy machinery and people are walking through so that's also very concerning CU somebody's going to get hurt so I don't know how we can stop them because it's not like they can put Snow fencing up and because they need to move their machines around and they're taking down trees for the health of the forest and so all we can ask is for people to do the right thing and and and follow the rules that are set in place um especially with the logging it's for their own safety so with that said um all in favor I I anybody opposed okay uh approve minutes uh we don't have any at this time approve and sign the SE action uh you missed maintenance warrants you missed maintenance warrants I could go back to that you know yes you can which one would you like to do first we'll go maintenance Wars always take the longest to kind of skip over oh okay that's fine okay I'm make a motion to approve warrant number 58 dated 322 2024 in the amount of $1 41,48 192 and this is a town bills payable warrant second second motion any further discussion all in favor I anybody opposed [Music] [Music] we make a motion to approve warrant number 58s this is a bills payable School warrant dat 322 2024 in the amount of $159524 second any further discussion all in favor I I anybody [Music] opposed now move on to connection so this is a motion to approve uh town of gry Kellog Hall disposal works construction permit number 24-19 8 permission is hereby granted for kinetic Estates construct or repair a sewer or drain at 43a West State Street in grany as shown in the application to install sewer or drain connection number 24-1 198 date April 1st 2024 they do have a map if you guys wanted to see it that that connection is the old Suzuki show okay let me just paper clip it so we have to make a so that was my motion motion is approve it a second I will second that any further discussion this time no no all in favor I anybody [Applause] [Music] opposed is this just a duplicate we have two that we have to sign right it's a separate one this that one is for the building when you're looking to the right of the showroom is the one that sets back behind the Gated in area there the storage area that they're considering that to be their warehouse okay and they want a separate connection from that building to the pipe and when they say an estimated 900 per edu that was just from the company what they're estim meting because that's not what we no the the 900 per edu is what uh we have to pay South Hadley for any connection that is made to the sewer system because okay the pipe goes to the South Hadley treatment plant okay and that's just for a one time setup and then after that it's the flat rate it's the flat rate yes okay so I'll make a motion to approve the town of gryal H disposal works construction permit number 2 4-1 199 permission is hereby granted for Connecticut states to construct a repair a sewer or drain at 43b West State Street um and grany as shown on the application to install sewer or drain connection number 24-1 199 dated April 1st 2024 that's my motion second second any further discussion all in favor I anybody [Music] post [Music] count get plac make a motion to approve common bers license number 24-34 this is to certify that cruising Cafe doing business as Happy Days mini golf and driving range at 172 West State Street in gry um in this place only and expired December 31st 2024 second any further discussion all in favor anybody opposed I have a a question can I ask a question about this motion it's not normal but I'll let you ask a question no I'm just curious um with the that golf range have to follow the uh the existing rules in regards to their lights that the rest of the city know has mandated yes whatever that's to follow bylaws right okay thank you now we have proven sign resolution and support the paint stewardship legislation so Chris I think the last time the gentleman was here he wanted us to read this for btim right okay so this resolution is in support of paint stewardship legislation whereas landfill capacity in Massachusetts has rapidly declined and no new capacity is expected and the costs of hauling and disposal of waste materials have increased by over 30% in The Last 5 Years and are expected to continue increasing at similar rates and a paint stewardship law would create a convenient collection Network to properly manage all architectural paint from business and Resident residential sectors and substantially decrease inappropriate discarding of paint which is a toxic substance that can cause harmful environmental pollution and a paint stewardship law will divert paint from waste disposal to its best and highest use whereby there will be a small but real decrease in the total waste going to landfills and paint stewardship laws have been demonstrated as an effective means of diverting paint from landfills in our neighboring states of Connecticut Rhode Island Maine Vermont and New York and allow supporting discarding of latex and oil based paints at participating retail stores and transfer stations has strong support from constituents and municipal waste management systems were established a century ago to manage waste like ashes food scrapes scraps sorry and horse manure rather than the wide array of manufactured Goods including paint which dominate today's municipal waste and the Massachusetts Municipal Association passed a resolution which supports Statewide producer responsibility legislation in January 2019 now therefore be it resolved that the select Board of Granby urges the Massachusetts general court and the leadership of both Chambers to view the pending paint stewardship legislation favorably and to take whatever actions are necessary to pass the paint stewardship bills into law including voting favorably out of any and all committees a paint stewardship law will begin relieving municipalities and consumers of ever Rising Solid Waste Management costs significantly reduce of toxic waste going to landfills and decrease greenhouse gases generated by the paint industry by 4% pending paint stewardship legislation in the 2023 24 legislative session includes bills h. 823 and act relative to paint recycling s542 in act to establish safe paint stewardship and s551 in act relative to paint recycling that's my motion second second any further discussion no no all in favor ibody [Music] oppos [Music] [Music] thank you yep right we have the 2024 spring law and was days so uh Dave sent us a couple dates to see if it um if we agree with them it's 51824 and 615 24 so these two days fall a few days later for both than last year but those were the days that I think fell on that Saturday too UT does 8 to 12 right Chris yes I mean those are days he's submitting and work for his crew I don't think there's anything in town going on those days but I can usually not on a Saturday yeah is he proposing two days or just pick one or the other two two so usually does one in May one in June and then one in the fall yep correct yeah so 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and then as it gets closer he usually puts up a flyer right we put up a sign board along 202 and then he usually has a flyer oh no that's the I'm thinking of the um hazardous waste day where it's a sign of how much everything is [Music] yeah yep would you like me to read the letter okay so this is an appointment to the police Advisory Board Dear Mr Johnson at their April 1st 2024 meeting the Town Administrator with the select board affirmation was pleased to appoint you to the police Advisory board with a term expiring June 30th 2024 each person appointed to a town committee board or commission must present his or her certificate of appointment to the town clerk and be sworn to the faithful performance thereof before entering upon official duties um and it says please contact the town clerk so I will make a motion to approve Mark Johnson to the police Advisory Board second any further discussion all in favor iOS [Music] the rest is correspondence which we did already vote on everything V on [Music] [Music] one gra 6 o' so before we enter into our um we continue our public hearing um I look around I see uh a great deal people here um but I will ask I know before um there were some concerns from people who would have a chance to speak and had had to leave uh do the time so I'm going to ask if you know everybody's more than welcome to speak as I call you however I do ask if you if you were here before at one of the meetings and he did have a chance an opportunity to speak I'd ask that you do give other people an opportunity to uh speak and and voice their thoughts opinions and concerns as well okay um I know some people have filled out um for the public comment sign up piece of that um however this is a uh public hearing so I will call on the on the people that have filled them out but I will ask and I'll try to do my best to work my way around the room um but it is defin definitely difficult um I can always see so far back so I will ask as we're going along if people have um comments that they want to make or questions they might have um if you could also stand up um and I'll call on that way so that way we don't try to miss anybody because I know it's support and everybody wants to uh share their thoughts and an opinion so all right with that said the uh the select board is going to continue their public hearing um uh for today uh April 1st 2024 at West State Street Grandy uh Gammy Mass consider the Gravel Pit application by LJ Development LLC applicant owners of Jamie James and Kathy a slate of 44 Mercier Drive beler town to remove earth earth materials from the property located on Trump kav as per zoning bylaw section five special use regulations and performance standards 5.8 Earth removal of the of the town of gry with that said does either one of the board members have anything before move forward no I don't know how your hands on first okay just open S it is and I know in the past um we've got right to um open um comments however however I know the applicant is here does applicant wish to speak regard anything before we move along sure good evening so my name is Damen Bur I'm an attorney North Brookfield I represent the applican LJ development uh with me is Jason Neil Jackson should be here in a moment we also have Don Frederick with us this evening who's the engineer for the project Mr try who's one of the property owners is here with us as well uh I know this is the third meeting my clients have already made presentations there have already been comments that have been made i' just like to reserve the opportunity to comment at the end of of the program rather than addressing things and then getting additional questions I think it would be more productive to give us an opportunity at the end okay thank you you're welcome I have a question not about process okay um my understanding at our last meeting is they asked for additional time to present on information related to issues raised at the last meeting so wouldn't it make sense for the presentation to take place so that we can hear that information and ask questions Rel to it okay but respecting what they wanted they've asked to do um people can ask questions and and make comments and I can't speak for them they may give the opportunity as a gentleman to spoke to that he wants to hear what concerns people have and maybe be able to answer some of the questions from previously okay so should you possibly use your microphones yes yeah we can't hear that I I am and unfortunately these microphones do not carry throughout the room um so these are more for uh when it's being recorded unfortunately so I'll do my best try to speak loud um but I also don't want people think I'm yelling as well so um if I start talking softly just please just uh let me know in a polite manner okay and I I'll try my best to raise my voice a little higher all right with that said I know um Leonard leard how do you speak I think here so sir if you like to come up here um up here and I will ask people if you could come up in front here and speak uh the reason being that because us the opportunity so anybody that's uh asking a question or um making a comment yes you'll be able to be recorded um uh for gamp as well thank you good stand up um I prefer if you sit down just because the microphone's there and can pick up voice so hello thank you uh my name is Leonard Yakir I live at 32 fairy Hill Road here in grandby could you spell your last name for us y a k i r Leonard is with l e o n a r d now i' I've prepared something because I'm not a okay I don't consider myself to be a a great spontaneous speaker so if you bear with me reading um we have been uh able to consult with several environmental Specialists included including David Hines a hydrologist and Kira Jacobs The Source water protection coordinator for the EPA that's the Environmental Protection Agency region one after looking at the JL development application and reviewing the Locust Site Area they have raised several possible and significant concerns they are three aquafers are in the area of the Locust site according to the mass GIS Bureau Bureau of geographic information most of try Avenue is within the 100e flood plane Zone a according to FEMA loaded 77 ,000 triaxle dump trucks would be would be traversing through them vehicular discharge would leech into the wetlands according to soil analysis there is limited filtration capacity to protect nearby Wetlands from runoff concerns with destabilization of land due to intense deforestation there are concerns with runoff and water contam contamination to maintain the water table LOM and vegetation needs to be refilled as each area is mined the G the JL development application does not address this adequately there is a question as to whether a permit from the national pollution discharge elimination system is needed special permitting for diesel Trump devil excuse me for diesel dump trucks crossing the bridge on trumpy Avenue May H may be needed the bridge itself needs to be inspected and certified by the Mass DOT for safety and weights limits and impact report to meepa may be needed intense management of traffic and dust control would be needed assessment of impact to water supply is needed needed controlled maintenance and monitoring strategies would be needed to ensure water supply safety the Gravel Pit site is surrounded by Bachelor Brook and wetlands heavy construction vehicles as defined in the applications app in the applicants application that is loaders excavators bulldozers dump trucks and most likely screeners will be operating ating on a daily basis the excavation site proposed is extremely environmentally sensitive a diesel spill will happen at some point a Hazmat kit and E EAP cleaning cleanup protocol will be of no Consequence the damage to surrounding Wetlands residents wellwater and surrounding communities that count on Bachelor Brook as part of their water supply will be irr irreversibly IR irreversible and catastrophic thank you I'd like to further say that uh from my looking at just quickly at the the application it seems like there's not a huge amount of individuals involved that would benefit monetarily or whatever which way from the from the uh from these gravel pits however the the in the intense harm that will be done to the environment and future dur Generations in this community uh will be of massive consequence so I I cannot see how the good of some people who are some of which do not live in this town nor live in this County nor live in this state will outweigh the the incredible Destruction for this uh for this community now and for generations to come thank you thank you do you want to turn that into the record I'm sorry do you want to make this part of the record that's good I I get extra extra extra okay but if you want to I'll put it as part of the record here thank you [Music] so Alan van vandemark I'll reserve my comment until after the presentation thank you oh wait I'm reserving my comments until after the presentation thank you register mcky rich I want to speak again if I could that's fine [Music] okay again if you wish to speak again you're more welcome to do so uh I wasn't telling people you can't speak [Music] again my name is Rich taraki I live at 428 Bachelor Street I had a few comments uh I'd like to go over first of all there's been a lot of talk recently about the grany sand PL State Park most people never heard of it but I'd just like to read a brief description of what it is and two people wrote two letters that were very interesting very thoughtful I like to make a few comments about the letters I better put my glasses on in reference to the uh grany sand plain State Park the 100 Acre sand plane parcel is located south of the main Park between Glen Meadow Lane and Lyman Street in the town of grany the this flat parcel was once a remote transmitter site for West over Air Force Reserve Base in nearby chabby it became part of Mount ho y range State Park in 2002 now I'd like to just read briefly some of the comments from two Grandy residents uh Justin and jod fpri wrote the first letter it says I am writing to express my deep concern about the proposed industrial mining of sand from the Granby sand plane and the surrounding area within the bachelor Brook water shed as a passionate advocate for Environmental Conservation and Wildlife protection I urge you to reconsider this plan and take steps to safeguard these critical habitats the grany sand plane and the adjacent ter Terrain in The Bachelor Brook Watershed are invaluable natural Treasures renowned for their unique and fragile ecosystems these habitats provide vital refuge for several rare and endangered species by allowing industrial sand mining in these sensitive areas we risk irreversibly damaging the delicate balance of these ecosystems and threatening the survival of these rare and vulnerable species next they list some of what these protected species are this area has been inhabited for Millennia with evidence of Native American settlements dating back centuries one of the oldest Native American Stone ax heads ever found in the region was discovered on the banks of Bachelor Brook currently in the Deerfield Museum it served as a Lifeline for indigenous peoples providing sustenance spiritual connection and a rich cultural landscape they also say allowing industrial sand mining in these sensitive areas would not only jeopardize the ecological Integrity of the park and Watershed but would also disregard their Rich cultural heritage and Rec recreational value I urge you to prioritize the conservation of the grany sand plane and Bachelor Brook Watershed by rejecting proposals for industrial sand mining in these areas this the second letter is from Paul and Joyce bluei rambi residents also they say I urge you to reject this plan and take steps to safeguard the surrounding critical habitat it is crucial to recognize that grany sand PL State Park is already a protected environment with legal and Regulatory Protections in place furthermore the downstream effects on Ingraham Brook and Aldridge Lake cannot be ignored these water bodies are interconnected with the surrounding landscape the town has an obligation to do D du diligence and to vet and research that they are in compliance with all ethical and legal standards I urge you to Halt all activities and proposals related to Industrial sand mining until thorough Studies have been completed and appropriate measures put in place to protect grami residents so I think these letters were pretty powerful so I just wanted everybody to uh hear what they had written the second thing i' like to comment on is that the uh 6.27 which list the criteria that were mentioned at the last uh select board meeting where the special Town Council said that if you reject any one of these 11 criteria you have a right or an obligation to deny the special permit now I just read the 11 criteria very briefly and I found that six of the 11 at least should reject the special permit because they the answer is they do not qualify I just want to read the six very briefly the first one is that the proposed use would be suitably located in the neighborhood in which it is proposed it's obviously not suitable so that would be number one number two that the use will be reasonably compatible with a character and scale of other uses permitted of right in the same district there are no other permitted projects of right in the area it's a residential area number three that the use will not constitute a nuisance by reason of unacceptable levels of air or water pollution excessive noise visibly flagrant structures and accessories the fourth one that adequate and appropriate facilities will be provided for the proper operation of the proposed use including special attention to Safe vehicular circulation again there's no proof that the vehicles traveling down Bass Street will be safe for residents residents number seven it says the proposal will not create traffic congestion or impair pedestrian safety which it will the eight number eight the proposed project shall not create a significant adverse impact to the quality of surface water or groundwater during and after construction so we have no proof whatsoever from the applicant of the quality of the water or groundwater so those are just six a criteria that I had noticed just from reading the 11 where there's no proof that any of these would be met by the applicant the third item I would just quickly mention that the Gravel Pit that's currently in effect right now is the charer Orland Grand pit which would be right next to the new uh or the growel pit that the applicant wants to to have a special permit for now the that uh the the current application says that they can have up to 40,000 cubic yards a year the or the uh charer Orleans land uh Gravel Pit is only asking for 5,000 cubic yards a year so the proposed applicant is will be eight times as large as the existing late uh Gravel Pit right next door eight times as large which is very large again the applicant is asking for 40,000 up to 40,000 cubic yards a year the existing Orleans Charter Gravel Pit is only asking for 5,000 cubic yards a year so the applicant's uh gravel pit would be 8 times as large so I wanted to just point that out the next item I just wanted to mention quickly I'm not going to I didn't want to mention any of the bylaws but I did want to mention what the responsibilities are of the Conservation Commission and the planning board in the zoning board of appeals now this comes right out of the grand B bylaws if you look at the Conservation Commission it says the responsibility of the Conservation Commission is to protect the interest of the towns people and their environment specifically the commission's responsibility is to administer Massachusetts Wetlands protection act chapter 131 section 40 and Safeguard the eight interests of the act now there are eight interests that the Conservation Commission is supposed to be looking at and seven of those areas apply to this gravel pit and I'll just read them briefly private and public water supply groundwater protection pollution prevention flood prevention prevention of storm damage wildlife habitat and Fisheries and I'll I'll give them one it says land containing shellfish I don't think there's any shellfish in there but seven of the eight criteria that conservation should be addressing and you as a board should be studying the results of their findings appli to this uh special permit now if you get to the planning board in zba uh just briefly if you look at the uh flood plane District again I'm just reading what they're responsible for all development in the district including structural and non-structural activities whether permitted by right or by special permit must be in compliance with chapter 131 section 40 of the mass Massachusetts general laws and the following now there's two areas that uh affect this uh special permit w protection regulations Department of Environmental Protection currently 310 CMR 10 and Inland Wetlands restrictions D currently 302 CMR 6 so those are two areas that the planning board I believe and the zba are responsible for and the board is responsible to make sure that they comply with these regulations right Rich I'm just going to stop you there cuz I know there's many other people that want to talk so I'm on the last one all right very quickly quickly the uh it may be an oversight on my part but if you look at the uh applicant's application on page one it lists all the owners of the project okay it does not have Jim try but if you look at page 18 it does list him as an owner and if you look at on page 30 it says how much he owns of the land now is was that an error an oversight or what could you ask the applicant there thank you yes sir thank you Mr chair um my name is Attorney John McLaughlin I made an objection in writing uh in February I made another one last week and the second objection are all new issues uh when I was first hired it was only hired two days before my prior written memorandum so I I've now had more of a chance to look at some of the documentation filed in the case law and the pertinent bylaws and I've come up with more reasons that in my view are good grounds to deny the special permit application um most importantly one thing I saw was when I was here at the last meeting I heard the statements of Miss Susan Lambert okay Susan Lambert owns the house on the corner of trom gav as you're coming up trom gav from the site it's on the right and um I looked at the the 198 med8 subdivision plan approval it's it's somewhat unusual because they they lay out where try a is going to be someday and then if you look there's there's not a legend that explains this in in the plan but there's hash marks which I take to me normally would be where the existing traveled way is okay and that's what I believe everybody's calling Trum gab I'm not sure certain a surveyor would really do this the applicant should say whether correct or not but but that is how I'm reading this and um if that is the case it looks like what we're calling Trump gav um starts down by the Gravel Pit proposed Gravel Pit heads North staying within the layout of try Avenue as approved by the subdivision 1988 but then it veers to the right and it goes over Miss Lambert's property and uh she had initially said I don't think they have the right to do this for you know this massive industrial gravel pit and I looked at her initial deed and it just says you your property is subject to an easan right away which is a general term which could be bad for her argument but what I did was I didn't do a full title search but I went back and looked it's it's a called a historical Clause meaning just look where this deed came from where this deed came from and I found that it appears that the first time Miss Lambert's property was subject to a right of way in incumbrance was in 1931 I'm giving you a copy of the deed from 1931 and the deed in 1931 um references a plan that was inspired of Records in the um registry of deeds and so the um my exhibit a shows Trump kav in the area in yellow is what I think is actually all that we're using As Trump have right now but as you can see up at the Northern end it goes off the layout of trump Avenue and goes into Mr Miss Lambert's property then exhibit B is the deed from 1931 and Exhibit C is the plan for 1931 but the critical point is the deed that actually established the right of the easement over Miss Lambert's property says that she's subject to an easement as it was laid out in 1931 and for what it was used in 1931 um this presents two issues one is overloading an easement and that works this way if if you have a piece of property that's subject to your neighbor's property driving over it your neighbor can't then buy 30 acres and put a subdivision and and then drive over your property that's overloading the easement the easement that encumbers somebody's property is only for the benefit of the property that was originally designed to serve now the applicants got to show that in 1931 this little ride of way that goes over Miss Lambert's property went all the way south to the um Gravel Pit I don't know I mean but it's not my job they should show um on the plan from 1931 it says that the easan goes to Downey place I don't know where Downey place is to be honest but it I don't know how far south Downey place is if Downey place isn't as far south as the Gravel Pit they have no right to uh travel over it for anything uh the layout of the road was approved but they're not using the layout of the road up at the very Northern portion of what we're calling trony they're not using trony they're using this old 1931 RightWay okay so it's quite possible that they are overloading the easement by using property that's not entitled to use the easan the other thing was that the 1931 easan said that it's as it is used in 1931 I I don't know but I believe that the evidence would show that in 1931 it wasn't used for industrial uses with thousands of trucks it was probably used for agriculture and residential only and that's all that they can do over This Woman's property like I said I don't represent her I heard her last time I looked at the title and I think her argument actually makes sense now um you're your board is not the board that would usually deal with an easement issue or property rights issue but there is some case law that says that if an applicant's um petition or application if this goes to the core of it then you at least have the right to make inquiries and to ask them to address the issue of easement rights um and I saided to the case in my memorandum that and right now as far as I can see um there's a real question as to whether they can do this without building trony Avenue as it was approved if they build it as it was approved then Trump ke Avenue approved in 1988 by your planning board doesn't go over Miss Lam's property it it's further to the West um so it wouldn't go over her property so that would sort of resolve this this easement issue um and that gets to another uh thing that I noticed was um and that's the issue of upgrading Toy Avenue now remember in 2010 your board said if you're going to do this you have to bring try Avenue up to subdivision standards and it's just a single handwritten line in ink doesn't lend itself to saying with wavers so it should be as wide as it's supposed to be with sidewalks with curves I mean that's what they got and and they're going to have to do that um I don't see any way around it I looked up your um definition in your zoning bylaws of development and it clearly includes doing um excavation operations that is a form of development so they can't say oh there has to be more buildings put there there has to be building permits no the word development in your bylaw includes what they're doing right now and they're developing beyond the 10 lots that were shown so they have to build this road the way it was designed to be built that would resolve this this easement issue um the other thing is that um the one thing that's also clear when I was talking about how the uses in 1931 and what they're doing now are different is clear because if you look at your um section three uh 3.0 with the subsections and in the table of uses it's clear that Earth extraction is considered an industrial use I don't think they were using this 1931 easement for industrial uses so if they're going to move forward either they have a huge um easement problem or they really have to build a road and if they build have to build a road that gets to another issue I looked at this application they had checked off a box that said they were going to give us a series of maps including the D's um online Wetlands mappings now these are not accurate to a te they're more like the D not your local Conservation Commission but the government and in Boston saying we believe this is where wetlands are and that map wasn't in there I I could be reading WR but I didn't see it they said we're going to give you this I've given you a color copy of that map of the D's map for wetlands and to me it looks like much of trony Avenue goes directly through Wetlands both sides you know right up to the edge of the road if that is the case and they have to um bring trony Avenue up to subdivision standards they're going to have a huge problem because they're going to have to deal totally obliterate wet Wetlands on both sides of the road and that's a real problem if they try to replicate more than 5,000 square feet it get into all kinds of d Commonwealth problems and all I'm saying is I didn't see this map in there it should have been in there I would have hopefully noticed it last time but I've given you the map that I created just from making a PDF of the section of the state map that they said they were going to give to you that I didn't see before um the other thing that I noticed that might be relatively minor but this is an issue uh I didn't talk about as much before um was that there were supposed to your in in this town anytime you go for a special permit you have the general special permit terms you have to abide by and then you have the particular ones whether it's a solar array or a cell tower or marijuana or in this case Earth removal in the earth removal one said we're supposed to give um a document or exhibit with a full statement of the purpose of the earth removal in writing not just come here and say some of this Sand's going to be used for Title 5 in this town they're supposed to stay what are they what is the purpose of theer removal what are you going to do with it where's it going in writing in the application I didn't see that and that's you know so these are all I still stand by all the arguments in my prior memorandum but these are new ones that I saw and I'm I'm glad I was here because I heard this woman who I don't believe is here tonight but I think she was right I think she said when she said they can't put 3,000 trucks you know a year over my property it's you know just little right away I I think she's right I mean the applicant should at least explain how they can do this to this poor lady I mean I think she's right she's not my client but I think she's right and I don't see any reason to Grant this you gave them an extension of time to get a lawyer and do something we here tonight they've had more than a month they didn't address any of the issues pertaining to the criteria um I don't see any sound tests I don't see any water tests I don't see results from groundwater they they've done nothing and they've had a long time and now they just show up with the water at the last minute it's you're fully within your rights to say that's enough we can say no right now thank you for the record Susan is sick tonight and she did plan on being here thank you Mr chair yes sir can I get a copy of that document for the record oh he did give us each one in color um so we can give you do you have you have an extra one one second you can speak want you come on upic sir thank you yes you my name is John samanic I've been a resident of of grany for 25 years now of the 247 Bachelor Street um all my concerns regarding the environmental potential uh environmental impact of this proposed uh Gravel Pit have been addressed uh I'm so I'm going to speak to it simply from a financial concern basis and I just recently I just found out through the courtesy of one of my neighbors about this meeting today so I have not been in attendance so if the questions are redundant you'll have to excuse me uh I would like to know and it should be a matter of public record what the tax revenue from the trony Avenue Gravel Pit is do you happen to know that I'm not the applicant no but is there a representative here from the assessor's office is the town accountant here for I I I would like to know what the tax revenue from the try Avenue Gravel Pit is the tax revenue the property tax revenue if I'm not clear we can check into assessors assessors get that you don't know that do this board know that no does not know that there isn't a representative of of the office here no but the assess do you happen to know that sir I I need you to well can I can I address the attorney no so these are open conversations to you that should like I said that should be a matter a matter of public record and I'll leave it at that it shouldn't be up to me to have to go to the assessor's office to determine that that should be uh part of the presentation and uh the other thing is Rel and I would like to know what it is relative to the Residential Properties because if you're going to if you're going to assume the risk then then you have to do an analysis of the tax revenue relative to the potential uh liabilities and particularly because this is a limited liability company and that being said the owners are typically not held personally responsible for the llc's debts and liabilities beyond the llc's assets you cannot go after them personally nor would they they probably wouldn't have enough wealth to cover any potential catastrophic type environmental problem and I that being said I don't know what they have for insurance you know for insurance coverage beyond the assets of the company that needs to be known and the other thing that would be concerning to me is who owns the trucks are the trucks owned by the applicant are the trucks owned by independent operators who God only knows if they're insured or how they're insured and that's another matter entirely and uh anyway uh I'm considering I I think that uh if this uh if this application is approved in a property tax abatement would be in order for the uh residents on Bachelor Street and trumpy Avenue and I I've omitted one question that I had here and I and I think I know the answer to this is who is responsible for the cost of maintenance for trampy Avenue and the bridge I'm sure it's the town but it will ought to be it will ought to be the gravel company if if they are going to have it for their use because I I would be fairly certain that the cost of maintaining and regrading and resurfacing or whatever else you got to do with that road will far exceed whatever Revenue the town is getting from the property tax and that's the only thing that you have to benefit and it's not a benefit to any of the Grandy taxpayers really if the cost of maintaining trumpy Avenue and our loss of enjoyment just so you know on Bachelor Street speak my understanding so you know uh from previous meetings tra gav is a private way it's a private way that's come up in previous meetings so who who owns who owns Trum gaven I would imagine res TR yeah the trumpy that live on try Avenue because of it's right now it's a pothole mess I'm I'm familiar with the Rope okay and go down please I prefer not to actually go down there and uh in the event of an environmental accident I'm just going to use a uh I know it's not I mean I'm going to just use an analogy there was a trained arment in Palestine Ohio on February 3rd 23 please give me please give me the courtesy of two more minutes and uh the it was more folk southern Freight has considerably more assets than JL uh development or LJ development James and catheric slave from 44 em mer Drive Bel town and uh they haven't made they haven't made the citizens of Palestine Ohio right yet and there certain things that you can't come back you can't come back from that would be Bachelor book becoming very heavily polluted now if you don't and if you don't think that accidents don't happen whether they constructing about to construct the Rotary on 202 at the end of school Street and route 202 they've already had a spill a Hazmat spill and that work party was being uh Pro uh I don't know the right terminology but was being there were two gry policemen at the site when the work was being done there was an accident between a passenger van and I don't know what the second vehicle was but Relentless Towing from Belcher Town had to come and remove the passenger van I don't know what vehicle was involved with the you know what the other vehicle was involved because I did not witness the accident and uh anyway so the accidents do happen and it was a Hazmat vehicle at the site so I don't know what needed to be cleaned up you can verify that with the granv police department you can verify that with Relentless Towing you can verify that with the utility workers that were at the site because I did not witness it I I drove by in the aftermath and one other thing as long as that project's going on and I don't know when this will be granted or or denied that I find it hard to believe that the gravel trucks are going to go up bachelor's Street to School Street to get involved with the construction that's going on at that intersection and I thank you for your time thank you thank you anybody else else she's uh is it working it it shames Connelly 21 faad gry Massachusetts I would like to say on the on the Bachelor Street on the on the uh trumav construction or whatever you guys are like uh calling it it is a the the fact that the Board of Health had written a letter to the select board in saying that they disagree with this project and I do agree with many other residents that it will cause they will cause irreversible damage the fact the fact that tax revenue is not going to in the lawn run is not going to pay is not going to is not going to pay for everything in the lawn run the fact that we have record high inflation the fact that we have high grocery prices at the store in the lawn run is not we are entering a renters economy in the fact that we and the fact that Bachelor Street borders M Duffy schools and from my time volunteering at McDuffy as well as the gry booster club I have you know I have met many of these You Know Rich spoiled kids of who go to McDuffy schools please do not make comments like that okay okay um well anyway the fact of the matter is it the fact of the matter is the fact of the matter is that no the noise Nuance bylaws are going to it will affect gamby's noise and nuisance bylaws I've looked into it it would affect ramy's noise and nuisance bylaws and IR irreversal environmental damage the fact of matter is if there was an environmental damage at trumav people would be talking about it for decades if not centuries in the aftermath endangered species people you know people rely on people rely on people rely on our Town's public servants rely on our property taxes I don't think in the long run property taxes are going to pay or fit the bills in the next 20 to 30 years obviously I'm a pro business person in grany but I do not believe that a gravel pit is appropriate for the residents of grany I do not believe it is safe there are kids I know in whose families I'm really close with who I know have asthma do their age I'm not going to say who are who they are but I do know that a couple of them have asth asthma and liability laws you have to you have to put liability laws into account you have to put insurances what happened in Palestine Ohio the fact that there was a forest fire in uh fact there's a forest fire in m in Quebec Canada a couple few days before chared it and was covering Boston due to Gran be's high elevation we were able to we were able to brunt most of the smoke just a few days before Charter date I don't know if y all remember the uh kuc focus on all right sorry I don't believe that that we need to have this because there I believe it violates not only Massachusetts environmental laws as others have said I also believe it would it would also be in contrast to Federal Environmental Protection laws and we'll have countless lawsuits we may even cease to exist as a town because of it I have no quarrels with anyone who supports or does not support it but I do not support it because because future Generations as many have said we could it will just it will just hurt this community and I would ask the select board you would be on the right side of history for denying it Glen and for the for the for the thing about I said earlier I did not mean to say that I'm just saying that you know um just uh things in general all right thank you thank you you see someone stand there hello um I hope people can hear me I'll back uh my name is Sandra Clark I live at 53 Bachelor Street um we have lived in this on Bachelor Street for 27 years we are vly opposed to this project and I want that to be on the record and we'll firmly oppose and be part of any opposition to this uh for environmental health safety I've walked on Bachelor Street myself it is a windy road with my dogs you have to switch back back just just to avoid simple traffic of cars and not to be just to be invis you know Not Invisible to the person who's coming around the bend I mean that's that's true of getting out of driveways whether you're walking around the road it's it's not a safe road for large vehicles to be going down again and again and again the noise pollution the air pollution the environmental impact that whole area is wetland there was a day where we were able to access the lands back there and I I will tell you my husband and I are have backgrounds in plant and botney backgrounds and the habitat back there it's Exquisite the it used to be ex Exquisite that we watched the other landfill I mean not landfill um Gravel Pit develop and basically annihilate everything in its path it would be a tragedy to this community to allow this to happen to this land that is absolutely how we feel and I hope that others and we can join in because I'm sure that if more people in this area that's going to be impacted knew about this they would be against it that's all I have to say okay thank you so anybody good evening my name is Eric gilber live on 409 Bachelor Street I would just like to say I am for the project um moved into town about five years ago we haven't been here very long I don't want to speak on behalf of the um you know the wetlands and the environmental impact there's a lot more you speak up please yes there's a lot more smarter people in the room that have done that research obviously by the presentations given um you know there's a lot of opposition I think there a lot of blanket oppositions um there's a lot of other um projects going on you have ufp Lumber in belter town that travels that road daily hourly um especially around schooltime traffic I deal with that on the daily um those trucks are rolling 53 ft long with 80,000 lbs of press treated lumber um and also their trusses 12 14 ft over wide um again 55 I I live on that road you know and I see it daily um I've been almost hit by those Vehicles pulling out of my driveway um you know there's a lot of other things that we could attach all of these um you know oppositions to in any other part of day-to-day business and operations that run through our town um you know there's already Gravel Pit in that area I know obviously the scale of the project seems to be a little bit bigger um I'd be curious to see how much material actually comes out of there at any given time I know with most permits we built our house you are going to put with the maximum amount that you might potentially pull out of there the reality is they probably won't pull that much material out on any given time but you want to be able to have that you know blanket to cover yourself on what's coming out um you know I guess it's about it you know I guess the ufp thing really you know bothers me and because I can tie that to this you know you're gonna have trucks that are coming in and out of there on the daily if we're already dealing with that you know I can't see that much more truck traffic coming through with these trucks so I don't know that's all I have thank you thank you well yep yes good evening um I'm Dave bassette I live on 24 TR kav and I figured I'd try to come up right after Eric spoke um he spoke from the school Street side of trom kav going towards Bel toown and there are concerns with that I could see with the big trucks that actually go through there every day I pass them every day the lumber trucks and whatnot um but I'd like to address uh the smaller side of trump of Bachelor Street where Trump gav is first I'd like to address a few concerns I've heard um in past meetings and I've read on social media uh the first being the traffic that would create would be created on Trum gav uh for those that don't know Trump gav is a private road and it is M maintained not by the town but by the people on trumav so we take responsibility of filling the potholes and not plowing we do have a something with that with the town with that but uh we do take care of the road from start to finish okay um and uh so really there shouldn't be any concerns from the town's people about tromp kav it should be more concerns from the residents on tromp kav um for the up upkeep of trumav okay I've lived on the street for 10 years and I've never had any problems with delivery trucks I've never had any problem with Amazon uh you know you have UPS trucks going up and down it you also have you know FedEx we all have oil or propane that go up and down trumav and uh you know so with regards of the wear and tear on trumav you know really it's going to be shouldn't be an issue because from what I believe that um uh that the contractor uh JNL development will probably be maintaining it so in actuality it'll be in better shape than what it is right now so that's a plus for for Trum Gia for sure uh and for as long as I've lived on trumav there has been an existing Gravel Pit in operation which we all know uh which abuts the property there uh I don't ever recall hearing Machinery or any heavy equipment running uh in the background uh basically has never really come to mind that there actually is a gravel pit operating within walking distance from my house I hear all the concerns of the noise and the air pollution I don't think I've smelted any diesel uh so from my personal opinion I don't see any concerns with air or um Environmental Quality being you know affecting our you know noise and our Heat hearing and whatnot like that uh and very little sound pollution um also I travel home from work coming up and down uh the part of Bachelor street from try to School Street um I travel about 3:15 to 330 every day um and honestly there are many trucks that drive down that street there's Tri axles there's uh big electric um uh utility vehicles there's Tree Service vehicles that drive up and down that street and they use the same street that the same area going around the same curves and all those same issues that everybody's concerned about they're already being operated on that area um so I I really don't see the the big um concern over it considering you know we're looking at a contractor who is the sole owner of the trucks and he has one guy that works for him and as a contractor you know your license and your whole um lifestyle depends on the safety of your driving record so Crossing Lines and whatnot I don't see that happening with with JNL uh uh construction so that's all I have to say thank you guys for your uh time thank you gentlem one right here yes good evening good evening my name is Dave trumpy I live at 23 try Avenue I've lived in this town my whole life which is 75 years I was a police officer in this town for 32 years and there's never been an accident whether it's Bachelor Street or anywhere else in the town invol in a dump truck and a pedestrian or a bicyclist they're within a mile of trom G Avenue there has been five gravel pits there was The Griswalds on Bachelor Street there Greg Orleans there was directly across from uh try Avenue was the McAlpine Gravel Pit there was the Lea gravel pit at at the end of Bachelor Street and the grany belat Town Line and there was a gravel pit on trumpy Avenue before the lady that lives at the corner of Bachelor and um try Avenue lives now and that was operated by the town of grany for a period of time as a kid I grew up riding a bike walking Bachelor Street every day and there was no problem with all of these gravel pits and these trucks operating on Bachelor Street that's all I've got to say so I think that should take some of the worry out of people that there's never been an accident in this town involving a pedestrian and a don't truck thank you Dave can I just ask you a followup question am I to do that what's that other what's the other pit that you said that was um run by the town of gramy do you remember that call the name of it it was uh the people that owned it before the woman did um was poton and it was uh run right off of trumpy Avenue okay and that was through the town the town was pulling gravel out of there thank you thank you I see someone's hand back there good evening my name is Paul bpre I live at 3:13 Bachelor Street and I've lived there for 51 years uh I guess I'm going to make a couple assumptions uh and correct me if I'm wrong uh none of you are doctors uh your job as selectman would include Do no harm to citizens of gramby I am a Vietnam vet who suffers from the effects of Agent Orange I have CPD my wife has of 52 years has asthma and our doctors have warned us about the effects of increased dust in truck traffic I have a letter from my my wife's doctor in the VA moves slowly so I don't have one from them yet uh I'm not a doctor I'm not a scientist uh so I have have to believe what the doctors tell me uh I have I have heard of I haven't heard of any studies completed by the applicant to the contrary I wouldn't expect the town would have the burden of proof of application applicants per per position uh I'm requesting that the appropriate studies be done to ensure the safety of grany citizens affected I urge Ur you to Halt all activities and proposals related to the trony a Avenue Gravel Pit until Thal Studies have been completed and appropriate measures put in place to protect the citizens of gry and the interconnecting ecosystems um I have another uh un impromptu situation here just you know there's no work going on the gravel at this particular time this is what this is for the applicate for a permit all right um and in some of the comments here I've lived there for 52 years I am retired my wife has retired so I see the am of traffic that goes up and down that road and it's minimal the Grable pit that uh Mr orland is operating um to best my knowledge I only see him going in and out of there and he's a single single truck operation with his building of homes um years ago I was a Paving contractor for 11 years and in those years I I am not a uh a uh engineer but I worked for for many Engineers for Mobile Oil uh Republic oil and I paid their parking lots for their gas stations I paid I paved uh Pizza Huts I did uh Park uh gas station for Republic oil um I did the parking lot for Provence hospital when it was operating and the construction of Bachelor Street was re leveled out and a one coat level no one coat of asphalt done on that road and I do not believe that that is proper construction for that type of use okay all these lots that I ever did have at least 2 in of Base asphalt and a minimum of an inch and a half of top asphalt to to to hold up the use the heavy use these trucks are heavy they're twin screws they bite they the entrance to the truck Avenue was going to get chewed up to nothing when they paid the straight I measured the thickness of the asphalt in front of my driveway and it was 2 in that's what you that's what they do for driveways today for a quicky job so I I think that some cor samples core samples should be done of the roadway to see if it can uphold that type of traffic and if not this town is going to have a much bigger expense than the $100 permit or whatever the permit is that's it thank you thank you you want the letter from the doctor if you give to Mr Mar please thank you sir thank you she said she was I had the wrong Su so she might have come in yes lot of around here how did she thr it out she was sick hi I'm Susan bruffy I'm at 310 Bachelor Street um I really don't want to be here and I'm sure that probably you don't either tonight uh I started last night trying to make a list of the cons and Pros for this Gravel Pit in grany and when I got to 132 cons I just I stopped um the list of studies that you've uh verified for health safety environmental issues um associated with operating a gravel pit in a residential area it just goes on and on and the board you've been provided with just a sampling of all of those studies um in addition I there as people have mentioned it's my understanding that the tax base for that property is not increased at all so there's not a tax revenue increase for Granby there are no additional jobs for gramby residents jail development is a beler town company and he mentioned just has two employees uh the taxpayers in the end are still going to be responsible for Road upkeep and the consequences of contaminating compromised wellwater air noise pollution the traffic safety and the pros again has mentioned there's a $100 application fee which is great and uh some of the sand for Title 5 gr that gry residents need would be provided but that's just really only a fraction of the sand um that will be taken out of there and we've been giving have given you a list of all of the area gravel pits that do provide sand for Title 5 and one of them is right here in green Granby so I've just had a really hard time understanding how passing this permit would be a benefit to Granby in anyway I I really do appreciate the fact that the applicant has the right to doe process and I think that's what we're doing now and the trumi family definitely has a right to use their land for profit but most assuredly it's not when it endangers the health and safety of gramby residents the environment of grany and surrounding towns B Brook feeds into South Hadley water system so you can bet they've got their eyes on us um on March 25th the select board special counsel hello um did advise the select board that if any one of the 11 criteria listed in the Grandy zoning bylaw 6.27 were not met in full that's a select board would be justified in declining the permit um I would just like to invite any and all of you to sit on my front steps on any given day when the dump trucks at arrest running from Mr orland's Gravel Pit are running mind you it's been mentioned that Mr Orland operates a fraction of what's proposed for the trumpy Avenue operation the noise the diesel fumes are overwhelming the dump trucks speed downhills to be able to climb up hills and we've mention mentioned a lot how many Hills and blind Corners are on our little narrow Scenic Highway Street uh trucks when you follow them they're unable to take the curves without encroaching on the UN upcoming Lane there are areas that take the curves without there areas where trucks and even cars need to pull over to let oncoming traffic pass in the first trial the judge which is kind of unheard of I understand she did a walk about she walked from the trom Avenue um proposed dig site all the way down Bachelor Street oh sorry no as soon as the on it's hard for them to hear you can keep going that that's okay it's not gonna stop right okay all right I'll just try okay anyways um she saw firsthand what it was like the traffic on Trump on Bachelor Street and School Street and she was able to look at where the dump trucks would be driving through the wetlands over a bachelor Brook tributary to get to the site um the select board if you went and you spent a day doing that you would not need a third party assessment to know that in the bylaws 6.27 number 1 2 3 4 5 and 7even they couldn't be metet and you just don't need even an assessment for that people spoke into the health issues in the area um many people who live close to the pro prosite live with COPD asthma Advanced cancer we have a veteran Paul mentioned that who's been exposed to the burn pits in Afghanistan but as a neighbor I think we worry most about a resident who lives where most the most intense diesel fumes would be generated it's by the exit of trony Avenue where all the dump trucks would be coming up at the Steep gr Hill that's where you really smell a diesel fumes she's being treated by a team of doctors for a SE severe Mass cell autoimmune disorder and we already know that truck diesel fumes trigger intense reactions and breathing problems she currently can take steps to protect herself by staying out of Harm's Way and masking but if there are 18 to 20 dump trucks that are passing her home every day she won't be able to protect herself she'll be confined to her house with closed windows and air purifiers and how can that be right really the select board already has a letter concerning this from her primary caretaker who is coordinating her care we have additional information for the the Journal of allergy and clinical Immunology that discusses the danger of diesel exhaust on respiratory function and related Mass Cell Activation and so I'll submit those for your review and to public record I have so many worries about the direction of the town of grany our website promotes grany as a bedroom community in the center of a very culturally Rich Valley the town gets its revenue from property taxes and people are coming to us and they're building you know the most beautiful houses here in grany this is not a lovely Winery that will attract out of town visitors in business Jim trumpy came before the board not too long ago and talked about his service to the town which is long and great and thank you Jim for that it is he said at that time that he would never do anything to hurt our town but this would hurt gramby if a gravel pit could be approved in such an ill conceived location as troni Avenue then you're opening the floodgates for anyone to start a gravel pit anywhere in Gran you'll have set a very solid president for that to happen we're a town of 6,200 people we already have three four gravel pits how many can we afford we do want to have a thriving Safe Community that attracts new involved families I think an influx of the Gravel Pit industry would just turn the town into a dust bow the select board you work so hard I've watched so many of your meetings especially lately and you are so hardworking and so committed and you have so many things to consider in this so I really appreciate your careful consideration thank you so [Music] much Martin thanks sir y I do understand it's getting difficult to hear just because the the heating system is is turned on so that noise it does make it harder for people to hear um so I mean I'm sure people that are coming up speaking will do their best but just remind people um I don't have a concern when you ask the board members to speak louder I think that's fine but remember um just be polite when you're asking someone to uh speak up a little louder so you can hear them okay uh my name is Tom Clark I live at 253 Bachelor Street um thank you Mr selectman uh select board um I share a lot of the same concerns that have already been voiced here this evening so I won't reiterate those um in terms of noise pollution safety all those issues um I think we're all aware that Granby has uh a tremendous number of wetlands on throughout town there is back in the neighborhood of the proposed Gravel Pit uh Gravel Pit a very unique type of wetland uh a bog it is not just a low wet area it's a an environmentally sensitive ecosystem uh it is one of perhaps only a very small Handful in the entire Valley it is a very special habitat uh I don't know the proximity specifically of the bog to the proposed site um and I'm just wondering if an environmental statement or study has been done done to uh better understand the impacts that the proposed site may have on that specific habitat I'm concerned about all the wetlands but I think that most people would be very surprised to learn there's such a unique environment there again is a very specialized type of wetland found very few other places uh very few places in the state so that's all I want to share thank you thank Sir Paul Brewer you already spoke okay I want to make sure I know some people uh have the names I want to make sure we didn't miss anybody that filled out the uh public comments sheet um John smack smack it I've already spoken okay thank you anybody else here let you come upic I I'll have you on next okay thank you hi my name is Bill shant and I live at 350 Bachelor Street and I would uh like to Second the the idea of the bog being a very uh important ecosystem which does not just include the bog itself I would like to be the only one I think who has spoken up for the frogs the frogs come through our yard cross the street and many nights many days I have to be very careful you've all seen it driving along you have to be careful the frogs migrate they come out to get their their food they're part of a big ecosystem they feed lots of lots of animals and they're already uh get smashed a lot and uh increasing the traffic on that would be a very big detriment to that ecosystem which includes Way Beyond the bog way up into the woods in the forest um also I think that whoever was saying that the trucks uh and their noise right now they don't notice them they don't live at 350 Bachelor street because the trucks come by and they shake the house I'm a musician I'm sound sensitive to sound I have my own little Studio there I have to stop recording When some of these trucks come by now and if it gets worse it it really becomes a a a problem for me in my career so those are the things I'd like to say okay I am against it okay thank you good evening I am Brennan Smith I live at 11 McDonald AV about five years now uh four years now excuse me uh the 500 feet of eastern border of our property is the tributary Creek that leads right there to Bachelor Brook at the trony overpass and the southern border of our property is the wetlands at the Crossing we swim there we fish there we are frequently right there so when I got the flyer and saw all the arguments uh opposed I was obviously pretty taken by the data from the Board of Health back when the legal challenge happened to the last application Etc and so I reached out to a member of the try family just to say I haven't heard your side yet and today I had a conversation with a member and just as a matter of character and wanting to say how much I take the members of the trumpy family at their word I just want to say how kind and amazing the residents of the try Avenue have been to me and my family um just so welcoming and kind and it's just been wonderful so I take them at their word when in conversation today I was told look the person making the application for our land access and for our trumpy land is really a person who does septic systems and who uses the gravel from the it's pronounced charder or something charer yeah um pit but they're running out of resources and that guy's getting old so he's going to he's going to take it over and he's only a two truck operation so it's ridiculous to think that there's going to be 40,000 cubic yards taken out of this thing every year and yet at least in my assessment the basis for every challenge I've heard is this notion of 40,000 cubic yards and the volume of trucks that would take diesel that would take dust that would make impact that would make Road management everything we've heard and yet the story I was being told today is we're never ever going to get anywhere close to that it's a TW truck operation so my request to you is change your request uh for a special permit because you have opened the door for all of us to say well sure but if two trucks are profitable why wouldn't you invest in another two and another two until you really are using your 40,000 and and that opens the door for all of these challenges that we've heard but if the permit request was changed and the number was what you say you're actually going to do at least for me my qualms and concerns the board okay they go away and so this is my request is that the permit application be changed to mimic what you actually want so that we can assess as residents how we would respond to that request if that's truly what you're going to use it for and in the absence of that because of that possibility of 40,000 I would have to oppose thank you thank you Mr Randall uh George Randall 52 Taylor um I don't have anything to say in favor of or oppose to I just want to address the a concern that was brought up as to who who's maintaining the the road uh it is a private way and there are are also some other private ways in grany here that our Highway Department uh will grade periodically throughout the year the reason for that the reason for the town doing that is that the town has to be able to get either an ambulance or a fire Tru down the private roads and uh that's their r for maintaining thank you thank you is there anybody else at this time no all right so those two spoke CL sir okay so far I'll be real quick okay um I'm St broy I live at uh 310 Bachelor Street and I just have a couple of quick questions or one question and one statement it it defies Logic for me to say okay we allowed all these dangerous trucks to come down the street so therefore and nobody got hurt so therefore let's dramatically increase it and see what happens it's just asking for trouble and the other thing was they said that there hadn't been any accidents with trucks in uh forever but last year there was a truck that hit a jogger on Bachelor Street and they left him for dead there a bicycle you sit by a car I have on video okay but they do it does happen Okay okay that's all I got to say thank you thank you rich is that you with your hand up yeah I can't tell come on up Rich daki 428 Bachelor Street I just had a few quick comments the gentleman mentioned frog so that gives me the permission to mention in one of the letters that I read before the the people that wrote the letter mentioned some protected uh animals if you want to call them animals and so I just want to mention what they were okay and that uh they're rare and vul vulnerable species and they are the Eastern spadefoot toad and the officially dangered northern red bellied Cuda Turtle so there are other species out there that are protected they also mention some flowers the rare species such as the rare sand Plaine gerardia and New England blazing star those are protected species and they exist in that part uh grany sand plane Park and Bater Brook Watershed so uh I wanted to mention that and I wouldn't be proud of the fact that at one point it was mentioned that grany had a lot of uh gravel pits in the past so grany was noted for being the dust bowl of Western Massachusetts Western Massachusetts there were so many gravel pits in the area and as as time went on some of them were phased out so I I it's not a plus that at one time there were a lot of gravel pits in the area the third thing I just want to comment on the person mentioned One customer of the gravel pit that they will use the gravel for septic tanks only he's talking about One customer of this Gravel Pit they could have 10 20 30 40 50 100 customers the LJ development is just one company that uh does Gravel Pit work there are many there will be many other customers for this Gravel Pit not just the little uh small company that handles uh septic systems thank you Rand Mr chairman I uh respectfully uh would ask you to uh um not suspend comments but uh curtail here and ask the applicant to speak that it is getting late put words in my mouth there Mr R I didn't mean to do that all right because we're get we're getting to that point and as you can see as we I mean there been last left I think um and I want to make sure that everybody here has had the opportunity to make a comment uh Mr chairman um I would like I would like a couple words and then and then we'll get off the get on make comment one comment pleas we may make one comment she's comedy 21 Fair gry Massachusetts i' like to think I would like to say I'd like to say that I really believe this should be voted down I believe I believe that this you know this you know this is so many this is so many red flags that is not even funny and I also like to say to everybody you guys do a wonderful job you know you the chairman Mr sexon uh Miss doin I mean Crystal duin uh reick you do a very very good job and you know you guys have a lot of patience with every resident and I also like to give my uh thanks to everybody who has been here today i' like to thank every veteran for their service and I really think you should just vote it down because you know because of what everyone else has mentioned you know I think I think over time we do need to have business expansion but not in a residential neighborhood I think every place is protected in the grandfather closets one thing as I've always have said but businesses you know businesses like in a residential neighborhood are really not a good a good idea for H for home sales and the fact that we're going to be living in a renters economy as I've as I've stated before and the fact that you know grany might just become a dust bow if we are not careful so thank you and God bless you God Bless America God bless grany massachusett thank you with that said um I know um you spoke it did you want to speak now no I respectfully requesting to speak after the presentation thank you there start Don Frederick from Sherman and Frederick Lan engineering and I just had a a couple um a lot of the concerns that keep coming up are environmental um in nature um we do intend to have the Wetland delineations confirmed at the site um and just wanted to remind you as we said in our presentation that all operations would be outside jurisdictional areas of the Conservation Commission so there is no work uh going to be proposed within the buffers or the rivers protection area um there's a lot of um items brought up about endangered species and so forth we did submit um as part of our application that we are totally outside any natural heritage and danger species um habitats um none of our work um on the site for the Earth removal operations are in the flood plane um as as we had presented um with our materials thank you thank you FKS please good evening again my name is uh Damen berthume I represent uh LJ development uh Jason mflor is here this evening he is one of the principles of LJ development uh LJ development is an excavation contractor uh based in belter toown uh Mr lefur I think may have spoken at prior meetings as well in support of this project and talked a little bit about the nature of his business and the fact that he for a long time uh has been hauling from uh the pit next door uh the pit that's owned by by Mr Orland I think Mr Orland spoke uh at a prior meeting as well and indicated that uh his pit is sort of running out of material and is phasing out out and so this application uh dovetails into that phasing out period in the sense that Mr uh laflor who has been primarily uh Trucking from there would move to this new location uh I certainly heard a lot of opposition tonight we've heard some comments that are in favor of this project as well uh the board has discretion certainly as the board knows uh to make a determination as to whether or not to approve this permit uh the board in making that decision should be making a decision based upon what evidence has been presented to the board and this is for the board to decide so the comments uh about the prior trial about the prior project uh I think are completely irrelevant to what should be before the board here this needs to be evaluated on its face based upon what has been presented uh the questions that were presented previously about uh tax ation and tax revenue I think are also irrelevant to the consideration of the board uh the fact of the matter is that Mr try's family has owned this property uh for well over a hundred years I believe uh like like attorney mcof and I have not performed a full title search here either and I'm relying to some extent on Mr Trump's anecdotal uh recounting to me of the the history of this property uh during the time that his family has owned it they have paid taxes though to the town of of grany the property is not classified as chapter 61a he's not receiving any reduction in tax benefit but they have been paying full Freight based upon the value as determined by the assessors as a result they like other audience members here and like other citizens from grany should be able to use their property and so the question becomes is this an appropriate use of it uh I think that we've heard evidence tonight from uh from from those that live on trumav most notably who are in the most proximate position to this property that they support it we've heard a lot of opposition from people from Bachelor drive and from other areas of town uh that have provided what I would describe as as very uh General objections in general oppositions based upon environmental concerns uh LJ development and and Mr trony have worked with Sherman and Frederick a a local reputable engineer to provide a plan of the property and to delineate that the work being proposed is outside of any uh jurisdictional wetlands and that there are no concerns over uh water supply we're not looking to construct any permanent structures on the property and any development that is that is undertaken there uh based upon the work performed by Sherman and Frederick doesn't demonstrate any threat to the environment certainly anytime you do anything with land it's going to change what's there I think we can all agree upon that and so taking what is uh raw land and turning it into operation to remove uh Phil is going to be uh different than what is there I think we can all agree upon that but I do believe that we have satisfied the criteria to show that this is an appropriate use of this land there were questions about trony uh what about the status of of try Avenue and what and what that is um I think that there is evidence before the board that trony Avenue is a private way it's owned and maintained by the trumpy family and by those that uh live along trumpy way we haven't heard objections at least tonight from residents of troni way about concerns over the condition of that roadway in terms of vehicular traffic on the uh on the rest of the Town ways particularly Bachelor way which we've heard a lot about uh those Vehicles would be regulated the same way as any other vehicle traveling on that way it is a public way my expectation is that grany accepts funds for the maintenance of public ways and as a result ways should be open to traffic for any legitimate business we heard evidence that uh Bachelor is suitable for traffic from delivery trucks be it Oil Trucks Amazon trucks a local lumber supplier and so it would seemingly be appropriate for additional uh truck traffic coming in and out of this pit as well in terms of whether or not there's how much how much additional truck traffic there would be I think we have to look at the existing use and the fact that the Orland pit exists and is is right next door and is in the the process of reaching the end of its natural life uh so when we look at that and we say we have to examine how much additional truck traffic would be would be generated Mr lefl has calculated uh that with an average of approximately 10 months 43 working weeks that's 215 working days 40,000 cubic yards a year uh would be about 186 cubic yards per day which would be about 10 round trips per day for his trucks certainly there would be days when there there may be more than that certainly there would be days when there would be less than that but that comes out to an average of one truck about every 24 minutes one truck about every 30 minutes and so I would suggest that that's not a significant increase for traffic along a public way one more vehicle uh every half an hour should not be sufficient for the board to uh find that traffic is increased the board has received comments from other uh from other boards and other department in town uh i' note that the Board of Health letter does not appear to be signed it also does not appear to uh identify matters within the jurisdiction of the Board of Health uh it raises issues concerning Wetlands which would be within the purview of the Conservation Commission the letter from the Conservation Commission to my knowledge did not raise issues uh that were of significant concern the Board of Health letter which was again uh significantly opposed to this project also ra raised issues regarding traffic concerns i' suggest again that that's not only not within the jurisdiction of the Board of Health uh but it would be contradicted by the highway Department's response indicating that there's no concern we heard conditions about the sorry concerns about the condition of Bachelor Road uh but again the the highway department has not expressed concern over Bachelor Road uh and so I'd suggest that that that's really where the board should look in terms of any consideration of whether or not bachela road is appropriately constructed to handle this traffic I I heard a comment uh suggesting that we should be providing a noise study if the board were interested in a noise study we would be open to providing that but that hasn't been requested by the board uh Mr lefur could talk about the noise generated by his equipment uh and if you'd like him to do so he' be happy to do so this evening but I'd suggest that based upon the noise bylaw in uh grany uh his equipment would would fall within the uh parameters that that the town has set in that regard I think we have to consider what is actually being proposed here uh this is a gravel removal operation a gravel permit Gravel Pit in which I believe the applicant has previously indicated that the equipment being used would likely be a bulldozer a loader and an excavator not significantly different than what would be used in the construction of a single family house which get built all over all the time uh this is not a situation where Mr lefl or LJ development is proposing uh tens of pieces of equipment that will be operational 24 hours a day 7 days a week the applicant has proposed Limited hours and can comply with the noise uh provisions of the town of gramby during those hours in terms of the criteria under chapter 6.27 because that was one of the significant uh oppositions that I read I think that there have been some conclusory statements that the applicant cannot satisfy those and and I would simply disagree with that uh criteria number one that the proposed use should be suitably located in the neighborhood in which it's proposed Andor the total Town well the Gran zoning bylaw allows gravel pits in the RS Zone where this property is located if a gravel pit were not allowed in that zone we wouldn't be here uh additionally we've heard evidence tonight that over the course of history there have been up to five gravel pits within about a mile of this project and there's one Gravel Pit continuously operating that is directly adjacent to this so I suggest that the applicant uh has satisfied criteria number one simply by the fact that gravel pits are allowed in the RS Zone and there's an existing Gravel Pit operating next door number two that the use will be reasonably compatible with the character and scale of other uses permitted as of right in the same district I'd suggest that the same inquiry applies there as applies to number one and so I suggest that we've satisfied that as well that the use will not constitute a nuisance by reason of an unacceptable level of air or water pollution excessive noise or visually flagrant structures and accessories in terms of the air quality I think that the applicant is pre previously provided evidence that any trucks leaving the site would have tarps that they would be suitably loaded and that there would not be uh significant dust coming off of those trucks in terms of water pollution I think that Mr Frederick has already provided evidence at prior hearings about how the project has been designed uh to protect the groundwater table and how uh we don't expect any leeching from this site anywhere else in terms of noise uh Mr the floor has talked I think previously about the noise to be generated by his equipment I think that uh his equipment which is ordinary construction equipment uh would fall within the parameters based upon the setback requirements that the applicant has proposed in terms of number four the adequate and appropriate facilities being provided for proper operation of the proposed use uh this is a large site we have complied with the setback requirements uh the plan is presented by Mr Frederick is a 3:1 slope ratio and it seems clear that there is sufficient space for the operation of this project uh number five the proposed you shall comply with the environmental performance standard specified in section 5.2 I think that we've already uh address those I think that the main consideration there has to do with the noise and again if the board would like to hear from Mr lefur he can briefly talk about uh the decibel levels generated by his equipment uh the proposed you shall comply with any and all additional special permit criteria uh in the bylaw I think that the app the application as presented by Mr Frederick identified adequately all of the earth removal bylaw criteria and so I won't go into that in in additional detail number seven is a is a big one I think in terms of uh the comment ments that we've heard tonight and that has to do with creating traffic congestion and impairing pedestrian safety again I would suggest Bachelor street is a public way it already has uh truck traffic that is apparently able to uh pass there be it the delivery trucks the lumber trucks uh and ordinary uh vehicular traffic for the residences there as I previously stated we're talking even at 40,000 cubic yards of two additional trips uh per hour proposed project should not create significant adverse impact to the quality of surface water or groundw during and after construction I think that Mr Frederick has addressed that in the application and in the plan as well uh based upon the construction of the project to be compliant with the water table design of the project shall provide for adequate methods of disposal of sewage refuse or other wastes uh we have proposed a temporary sanitation facility a temporary construction trailer and no additional waste so I think that we've satisfied that as well the design of the project shall minimize the visibility or visual degrading elements and protect the neighboring properties from the potentially detrimental or offensive uses this is a situation where as the uh gravel is removed the applicant has proposed in the application to LOM and Seed over uh the areas from which which have been and which you've had the material removed at that point the property will be allowed to grow back into a natural state having been loomed and seated so when this is complete it will likely be starting out as a field not as a dust bowl is suggested uh and it will be allowed to grow back in I'd suggest that based upon that we've satisfied all the criteria involved in the uh application for the special permit and we should be entitled to the permit I also think it's important to note that by your own bylaw this is a one-year permit needs to be renewed on an annual basis there's been concern stated about I guess the insurance on vehicles and the the suitability of the contractor and uh uh whether or not the contractor could appropriately address concerns just that with one year he's on a tight leash to do a good job and and if he's not appropriately managing the site if he is not uh being a good business citizen of grany while he is uh operating the site certainly the board would have an ability to change things in a year I'd suggest that based upon all of that that uh we have satisfied the criteria for the special permit uh and that this is a permit that should be granted uh I do want to address one other item that that attorney mcclaflin uh suggested this evening having to do with the right to use the uh easement or right of way again I think that this is more than an easement I think trom Key Avenue is a private way again it's owned by uh without doing a whole title search uh it appears to be in part owned by the try family in part owned by some of the abuts to try Avenue I'd suggest that they have suitable access if the board were concerned about that issue certainly uh we would be willing to provide uh some comprehensive title work to demonstrate the right to use it but frankly that would take more time and and this issue just uh came to our attention uh really within the last 48 hours I think so unless the board has further questions for me uh that's the extent of my presentation I appreciate your time and I appreciate all the comments from everyone this evening I got some questions probably for Mr Frederick also in the last 10 years where it was denied before what has changed well F first of all the reason that I brushed it away as sign because it's it comes back on us I understand and the town citizens here however that's a different number one I think that was a different project to the extent that the time frame for removal of the materials uh was significantly less than what we are proposing I think that that was and I haven't I haven't seen the decision honestly but from what I understand it was a three-year time frame for removal uh we're proposing seven plus years so significantly uh less traffic over you know more than double that amount of time I think that's a significant difference okay Mr Frederick was there a flood plane study done for bylaws you're not I know you had the 100 foot and the 200 foot the flood plane the flood plane is determined through the um Fe FEMA mapping firm mapping which is Gamby has their accepted um flood insurance rate maps and there's an elevation established um on those maps to determine the extent of the 100 foot 100-year flood plane so our survey is done in the same datom as those flood insurance rate Maps so that elevation that's determined to be the 100-year flood elevation is comparable from those maps to our plans and our work is is above um the 100-year flood plan correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the bylaw say removing gravel at the flood plank or through the flood planks we're not removing any gravel in or through the we're we're outside of it in all respects all right from my interpretation of it and I might be wrong but it's judge Frank's decision it said through through a flood plane District which would be coming over Bachelor Brook you know I guess I'm not so that's part of the flood plane is what I'm saying if if you're moving gravel over the flood plane so you're saying that the traffic through the flood plane would be violation of the bylaw I that flood planes are all over the time I would have to at it deeper but we are we are traveling through through the flood plane um that is I'd have to look so I don't want to speak out the flood plane may be within the C on TR trf we may be above it but I have the attorney look at the interpretation of that and we will look at the elevations that we're traveling on okay most my questions are coming from the judge's decision so so if you can look at the judge's decision not not it' be great to help you out on it and and just to be and if I'm wrong to you correct me I'm not I'm not afraid of being correct so you're saying the trucks traveling on try Avenue TR The Avenues in the flood planes and we can't travel through the flood or over it right that's what I think was watch was referring to is but wouldn't that mean that any any public way any private way in Grand B that a truck drives across would be traveling through a FL to seems illogical okay you not right now Crystal you have anything um going off of the I was looking at that as well for the flood flood plane District but also it says that unless a special permit is granted by the zoning board of appeals so did this go in front of the Z zoning board of appeals before it came to us so it would have to start there wouldn't it so we're not special permit we're not removing material or filling in the flood plane so we're essentially not doing any work in the flood plane it says no Earth or other material may be dumped filled excavated or transferred unless a special permit is granted by the Zoning Board of appeal so even transferring over that flood plane needs to go in front of the zoning board of appeals is the way that I interpret this so again I think I think we would probably want an opportunity to research that and and brief it for the board before closing the hearing Council it's on U page two number five of Judge finds decisions find is the fact I think it's titled yeah things fact rules law and order entry tment okay so I I think again we we just ask for an additional till the next meeting to to have an opportunity to review and and provide a written response to that I did notice um that number 11 was kind of breezed over um for our bylaw so it said in reviewing site plan submitted with the special permit application the special permit granting Authority shall consider the site plan submittal and approval requirements of section 6.3 so you had you hadn't mentioned that in the in your statement so sure so I my my understanding was that that had the the plan had previously been reviewed to some extent maybe very extensively by uh Mr Frederick in the past and so I I apologize for breezing over that but I I think that that was something that had already been presented previously okay if you'd like him to review the the plan again I'm sure he'd be happy to do that but I didn't want to be redundant so that was when he had the maps up and you were us as far as the distance between the 100 um yard or 100 fo off for for the wetlands and everything yes okay and I'm sorry can you just um I missed number nine when you were explaining that the disposal of sewage refuse or other waste generated by the proposed use what was the sure so no there's no septic system proposed uh and this is this is the the intention is to have a temporary construction sailor trailer on site with uh a uh a portable sanitary facility a portapotty uh again we're removing material there's not an expectation that we would be uh generating any refuse I think the application identifies uh what would happen with with trees and stumps uh basically using those materials on site to stabilize the the slopes um so we don't anticipate refuse we don't anticipate a septic system uh we don't anticipate a water supply either anything else not at this time I got one more counts on the noise the trucks going up and down so 10 round trip that's 20 trucks going past my house or whoever house is out here a day the noise complaint themselves that they're back at the pit when you're D digging up the soil I get that not too many people are going to hear that but the trucks go cre and dust coming up and down from the how how can we uh explain that to our residents here some of them as you heard have some serious health issues here MH can you address that somehow where that won't be as bad as what you think I've heard this the plow trucks will by my house all the time and I can hear them pretty loud sure so again in terms of the number of trucks coming in and out we're talking I think I said one truck uh passing every 24 minutes or so so about one truck every half an hour yeah um is that one coming out or one coming in or one each so that would a round trip is about almost an hour so okay one go out then a half hour later to come back yes what are the size of the trucks are they Tri axles or they just a regular' be 10 10 15 yard truck be 17 18 Ys 18 y so it's like a regular dump truck like the highway department has mhm 10 wheer or Tri okay so okay go ahead so in terms of concerns about dust coming out of the trucks again the trucks would be loaded appropriately and they would be tarped to prevent uh dust from from coming out of the back from Massachusetts law yes in terms of uh dust on trumpy Avenue uh I mean it is a short stretch of road they would be driving at an appropriate speed and and as a result likely not creating significant dust as they uh move up and down the uh the roadway how wide is that bridge for one for one truck going over it's wi enough you be calling it in the winter time proba or not in winter time probably no that's why I said 10 months okay anything else not at this time no I like some additional information regards to I guess the title search it seems that when I when I heard that yourself speak as well as the uh the other attorney I guess just to clarify that because it sounds like that is you know don't say gray are but a gray are just so that we can Define exactly what that is sure I think we should also I know you said that Mr leer would be willing to talk about the noise so what is the Des of each truck the trucks I to do little research but they're legal for the roadway um the loader is about 85 DB at 50 ft um but when you when it goes over 1,500 ft which is about the distance to Bachelor it gets knocked down to I want to say 45 Deb so it's um and that's that's at a Max running at Max so it's not constant so I think um I know you were asking for the title but I think a noise study is definitely needed in this case um so if you guys could you guys AG to look into the noise sure and how much um what the maximum is going to be what the minimum would be cuz like you said it is in our bylaws for the noise ordinance based on the time of day maximum sound level should be 65 DB so I just want to make sure that we're falling within our bylaws in regards to what the noise so the trucks going in and out so that was the main concern is the noise of the trucks and whether or not we're exceeding the decb but also the pit too so how close are you to the houses that are going to be in that area and what's the desal level of that closest house to the pit I think is absolutely needed too so desal to the vehicle do you mean the vehicle's actually traveling on bachor Street well he gave us a rough estimate of what it would be on maximum versus minimum right so if their full out would be 85 D well that that's that's the loader R the trucks I mean trucks have to meet a certain criteria to drive down this any road okay so why don't we provide a noise study for the equipment that he intends to use within the pit okay wouldn't be any different than the trucks already running they to folks please this is in the comment section please okay all right okay Mr was there environmental study done an environmental study as something in particular or looking just for wet building wet yeah that so the wetlands were flagged by our environmental consultant um and we have stayed outside the jurisdictional areas we did file a request for determination with the um Conservation Commission and they suggested they were in all likelihood going to um hire a sub their consultant to go out and review all the mapping okay that was during the uh winter and they suggested we wait but we also wanted to wait because we didn't want want to spend a $3,000 fee to get those Wetlands confirmed by the town if this doesn't get pass it's just the 3,000 adjust a fee plus plus additional work beyond that and again I think we'd be paying for the grand be conservation Yeah you mentioned that already once I think remember it now anything else no I got CH anything else so with the um that you put in with conservation so you tabled it for now until you get so there was two different things request of determination is basically a I'll say a free application that asks them to confirm um the Wetland lineation the chairman felt that they would do it a different way which is called an abbreviated not notice of resource a delation which they are able to hire their consultant to go out and look at all the Wetland Flags in the field more extensive um then through a request for termination so we agreed to that but again with all the fees and additional work to it we were just waiting to see um so the intention would be if the if there was a small change in the in the limits of the jurisdiction area from the wetlands we would move out and not be within those jurisdictions Chris no Chris anything else all I think there's does see have anything else for us I don't all right thank you thank you I know I think it's and there's two other people that want to speak and I'll I'll go to you so um you want to go now you can I'm Stu thank you oh boy all right folks my name is elander Mark I live at 280 Bachelor Street Folks at the back of the room can you hear me that's what a teacher does for you I am a professor of history and so I'd like to just take a minute to talk about the set setting aside a judge's decision it is egregious to begin an argument by saying that that we're not even going to address that because at our last meeting significant numbers of grand beans were concerned about the very issues that she pointed out and at this meeting we learned that the judge came and walked Bachelor street now let's talk a little bit about Bachelor Street we've all been here a while oh I forgot to tell you my address 280 Bachelor Street and I oppose this there are three distinct parts of Bachelor street right we turn off a bachelor street from ammer we turn again right around North Street we turn again that's my alarm please turn it off it's time for me to go to bed we turn again at school street I just want to point out that the trucks that were cited as not being problematic the lumber and Trust trucks those are traveling The Bachelor School Street part of the road they don't they don't even come down the part that we are concerned about with the trumpy Avenue issue now let's also talk about the previous oh boy I'm a note taker let's talk about the previous gravel pits and sand pits I think I think that were five named I have to tell you I don't know where they are exactly I certainly not I I know where one is um but some of those older ones I I there wasn't enough information for me to even look it up while we were talking but do you know what history tells us about previous decisions that they should inform subsequent decisions and the fact that some of those aren't operating anymore should be an indicator for us today that that we were setting aside the previous decision because it was significantly less seems to me an indicator that we shouldn't even consider this because it is a significantly larger project and admittedly the one-year probationary p uh period applies but it's also for a longer duration and that is deeply concerning at our last meeting we citizens actually asked for not just opinions which we understand were given based on an application but we you heard from us and we asked for studies a traffic study a noise study I don't know that you can do a study that depreciates home value but if that can be done it was the issue was raised an air quality study If This Were to go through an environmental impact study of Bachelor Brook that is a significantly different uh product than the two that were that were oh that were previously raised those are much smaller in scope and impact the 100-year flood plane anybody had a good r rain lately we are blowing 100-year rainfalls out of the water we are breaking those records month after month and the government has not had the time or the wherewithal to update those so as we look at the hundred-year flood plane I know it is a standard but we also have to be cognizant of the impact of climate change and the weather that we are currently receiving and I'm deeply concerned that this little teeny tiny stream that runs through my property only when we have really bad rains and I'm there are two pieces of property between me and trumpy but that water comes my way so so the air quality the water runoff these are not insignificant issues something I didn't share with you last time I was here because being an Air Force veteran and picking my house because of PTSD felt like a lot to share is that I went to Val's High School does anybody know what happened to Valdes I Exon Mobile huge oil spill want to say it was 1989 nobody ever thought that a double whole ship ship would dump that much oil they didn't think it could dump oil so the suggestion that we won't have an accident going over the little bridge I don't even think we can call it a bridge it's a culvert that is deeply concerning that the the subdivision requirements that they were supposed to everything was supposed to be brought up to standard for a sub Vision before this could even be considered none of that has taken place so if if we can have this information if we can be privileged enough to make a truly informed decision and the residents be assured that a subdivision will be in place before any of this takes place then I suspect a lot of folks would be willing to put a pin in it and wait but that's an awful lot of work before this decision should be before this should even be a decision because we've got a lot of history on our side God bless you for the time and the energy and the number of folks that you hear from I am sure that I will see you again and I thank you for your time thank you again I need help H me thank you I was just going to ask you to ask the people in the back to be quiet because I couldn't hear what was the um engine here was saying okay thank you um just give me a second I you already spoke so I am Dees from 312 Bachelor Street um just as far as I'm an audiologist um as far as the noise um and some of the studies that I'm hopefully will be considered are if they need to be considered um normal conversational speech is 60 DB so I just want you to put that in perspective as to most of the time you can't even talk over a truck that's going by that's the trucks that go bu us um and we really need to do these studies with the actual trucks being fully loaded going by us because I think that makes a difference as far as a lot of the noise especially going up that hill in front of our homes and also with the um diesel fuel um really needs to be assessed more that's right in front of my house I can have an aniflex that get any moment with that kind of diesel fuel I can't even be behind a truck in a car with the air condition condition going it's it's I can have I I have anaphylactic so to have that going by my home every single day several times a day it can be a real problem because I'm supposed to be spending most of my time as much time as I can outside as much as I can so that's where I'll be thank you very much for your consideration thank you thank you Mr chair uh attorney mlin um I just like to try to briefly address um some of the points raised by Brother Council um first off I I I'm I want to just question the use of terminology here there's no right you're not allowed to put a gravel pit into a residential district it's not like oh I have a property I should have a right to use my property you have the right to use your property like every other property owner in the residential district you could use that for residential purposes or other things that are allowed by right in that District a special permid is means that all the right you have is to come to this board and ask for permission that's their right and if they don't fit the criteria you should say no he said this is allowed this is my right it's my property those aren't legal arguments that's that's off base um we know that there's a special perit criteria your Council told you that on Friday that's what we should be talking about no rights or you know allowed that's that's just not a good terminology use the other thing is there's an 800 pound gorilla we're not talking about are they going to bring trony Avenue up to the um subdivision specs or not that was a major issue last time and I didn't hear anything about it I mean the the um your own planning board said if they do anything any other development they have to do it up to subdivision standards and I don't see they can go back now and ask for waivers so if they're going to do this my reading of the 1988 plan was that they better build a big road they better build sidewalks they better put curves they better pave it that's what was done in ' 88 and they didn't appeal it if they had plans that they were going to use the industrial use they should have appealed it in 1988 and they didn't that's so we're not even talking about that what happened with that that was one of the first paragraphs in the decision last time and and understand the developer last time didn't appeal that he didn't appeal that that developer was going to do it he said yeah apparently saying it makes sense if we're going to do an industrial use we better get this road up to a lot better than a dirt road going over a covert okay and they're not talking about it you we need to hear about that that's very important um in the easan issue um I I I'm glad you're asking for something on that I think it's accurate they keep saying we're using tropy Road you're not using tropy Road you're using tropy Road some point from the south down to the Gravel Pit but the North you're using This Woman's property uh Miss lamber how can you use This Woman's property okay I haven't heard that I want to see that okay great um talking about noise if you're going to do a noise test noise plays into your bylaws two ways two separate and distinct ways number one is one of the special permanent criteria talks about noise don't don't allow something if the noise is really bad okay that's more generalized the other special per criteria says that you have to also obey abide by the environmental Provisions within your bylaws that's the one that talks about the site itself in the number of decb going out emanating from the site but you can clearly ask for noise tests on two things number one is the Environmental provisions and your bylaws that give specific uh references to decb so many feet away they've got to show you that the other one is noise in general so I don't think it's outlandish to ask for noise tests on what is a large triaxle going by a house on on Bachelor going to sound like at the front yard that's not unreasonable with your bylaw um let's see um okay A big one that brother Council when he was talking about this is one of your special permanent Criterion 6.27.18 this is fatal fatal to this one brother counil said oh it's like the first one where you know it's up is it suitable no it isn't is there specific language your this passed the your town meeting so your voters put this in there and it's kind of fatal it it it's the use will be reasonable uh reasonably compatible with the character and scale of other use is permitted as of right in this District so look at what you can do as of right in a residential district is there anything at all like thousands of trucks per year I mean to me I don't see a way around it and I have heard nothing aside from brother councel saying oh it's like the first one that's all I mean we need an answer to that one because it sounds like you know that's what the bylaw says it's not up to you to to change the bylaw that's what it says um also getting back to the noise issue I'm not sure if there's a screener here or not cuz they're loud they're they're definitely loud I've worked with gravel pits before is there going to do they intend to use a screener if they do how do they do that because your Bot talks about Earth removal no Earth processing Earth removal so maybe they can get some trucks to get it out of the dirt get it out of the ground on your bylaw with you guys giving them permission but how do they get to the screener we're talking about the noise from the screener they've got to be clear are they going to use a screener if so how under the provisions of your byla can they possibly use a screener I didn't hear it mention a screener so I did that one point they talk there was reference to a screener today's conversations are they are not going using a screener or not that'd be I'm just going back to what the gentleman mentioned tonight all right well if they're not going to use a screener then I guess we don't have to test the sound of the screener but we should if they do that um the other thing is maybe some questions that would have to come from you I mean when they're talking about so many cubic yards coming out we want to know if that's fluff what's known as fluff or is it compacted we want to know is there another good methodology of measuring how much comes out maybe tonnage uh something along those lines um also [Music] um what are they going to do to keep track of this you know if someone gets 40,000 cubic yards you could readily do 60,000 without being R readily noticeable I mean so you need some type of Provisions to protect against over usage on the permit that you we hopefully you don't grab but if you do I mean those are the big things I mean there's some serious issues and number one you know 26271 this is It's suitable because it's been done in the past well these are your decisions you make these decisions you decide whether this is a suitable location or not I don't care if there's been five gravel pits in the town over the past 100 years years that's not what's before your board today and um I mean those those are the main points I and when it comes to traffic that's again yours I mean that was one of the criticisms that the judge did have of the last board you can't just leave the traffic for the DBW you know and also another question to ask of of the applicant is what is the actual strength of that bridge and Culvert you know if if if if you guys are making excuse me if the board doesn't want to take a left coming out of Trum because of that Culver is that cover at all compatible with the one they're going to drive over every day all the time with thousands of vehicles um you have the right to talk about the roads um that are accessory to the use as pursuant to the perms of your special permit so you can talk about try I mean I would like to know more about trumpy my clients went to go there and they weren't allowed in so that's another issue you've got a a road that's going to be critical and environmentally dangerous that they not letting the citizens in to see I mean can do we have to rely on a building inspector getting there once a year I mean that is a problem they're they're going to say don't worry everything's fine and they don't let their fellow citizens even to go on the road that's kind of awkward I've never had one like that before that wasn't just a private driveway is someone going to state that be back what was that is that someone going to state that to be factual someone said they they weren't allowed a yeah my Cent my Cent went to go in Trump gin was told to leave yeah they don't maybe they think it was my client maybe I don't know but that's what's going on I mean he tried to go you want him to go take a look at this cover they wouldn't let him on somebody told him to leave because it's a private get out of here so how are you going to monitor this if you if you leave it up just to a building inspector that's not how complaints usually come about people see things but if people can't see things how are they ever going to know um overall I mean the presentation by Brother counil addressed these issues but he really didn't give you answers and didn't answer some of the ones that I think are absolutely fatal and what's going to happen with the 1988 subdivision approval are we going to see this road built or not not CU last time you this board said build it and they didn't even appeal that issue now M's the word I I would like to know that thank you Mr chair so at this time and and respect everybody's time it's it's it's approaching 8:30 and I know uh the board still has a few other things on its agenda for this evening um and I know um two other two other board members had mentioned they had some additional questions that wanted answers to um and and also um we will follow up with our uh special um Town Council um who's been part of this uh uh discussion that's been taking place and and in this case too that um that's how we'll we Act is based on listening to what our our our Town Council um would suggest to us as far as what we need for additional information uh so we can make a uh proper and informal uh informative decision on our part to uh represent the town um so uh I would look at just continuing this uh public meeting at public hearing uh because I know there's some additional questions that uh were uh posed by the uh the board and I'm sure they'll have some answers for that but also I'm looking at some additional time for uh for the board to meet with our special Town Council uh to discuss this and see uh where we should go with it to because we're not experts nor pretend to be you know we're we're part-time elected board for the town and uh we're doing our best to to listen to what people have but also um following up with our our special Town Council and make sure that we're asking uh the correct questions as well getting and the that is needed for us again to make an informative and and proper decision so does the Town Council counselor report is it public will it be posted for us all our meetings with the special council is is public these are public hearings so um it's a public meeting not a public hearing so um at this time you want to have a suggestion for date move forward with um I would ask how long do you believe you how long would it take him to do the studies I think that's to the title SE the noise study I think at least 30 days to get a noise study done title can be done more quickly than that talking your first meeting in May first meeting in May would be May 6th May 6 that would be our first one or there's May 20th go to May 20th mayth right so the the the public hearing uh for the Gravel Pit will be uh continued until uh May 20th at 6 p.m. so I don't want to delay the process any further for you guys but one of the things that came up was the Conservation Commission well they just ask when you leave and just try to keep the conversation light and as you exit the just through point of clarification what they what they would be confirming is the wet lines correct the Wetland delation of the high water mark on the on the brook which establishes the rivers area okay and the Bing vegetated Wetlands that was established a buffer zone has nothing to do with establishing a wed okay it it it establishes the buffer zones and the river protection area for their jurisdiction okay and they're saying that they're referring to somebody else to confirm that they would use a consultant to to review the flagging that's correct it turn out flag is different you would reduce the scope of this project so they would remain outside of the the buffer zone so if anything prodct you get small okay I see okay Mr chair before you settle on the 20th that's Town election day so close so you cannot hold your hearing on that date okay um do you want to do a separate meeting you guys somebody the door outs we can do the 27th no that's moal Day weekend right yeah yep so 13th is 13th work that Monday prior uh because we're going to have to meet anyways that's town meeting annual town meeting okay we're running out of time um we need to schedule a second meeting anyways for the month at this point so um the board of members does um you could do the 14th if it's available I'd like to because and and I say this um I know there's going to be a town election and um could could we go to June 3D would that be acceptable you know what why don't we why don't we do that and and I'll say why I I like that because we will have a new board member um at that time and I'd like to have that person uh caught up to speed and and be part of that person is going to be part of the decision- making at that time so um whoever that person may be it give them time to you know caught up to everything that's being being discussed and stuff like that and they have a lot of a lot of videos to be watching to get them their their information um to be part of that so um so why don't we do that about that and we'll do it at the same time 6 p.m. what June 4th June 3rd June 3rd see that trying to P already so we're going to just to clarify um the um public hearing for the Gravel Pit is being continued to June 3rd at 6 p.m thank you thank you make a motion we take a minute break so we have a couple more things on our agenda Crystal you said there's a couple more um common Vic licenses yes I did miss to Common vict license earlier okay and there's a couple things I want to talk to the board about okay okay all right so I will make a motion to approve common VI license 24-33 for Lyman and Lyman Incorporated doing business as mayor's catering 122 Pleasant Street Suite 122 in East Hampton and they will the common VI's license is for 16 East Street at wine hos town of gramby in that place only and expires on December 31st 2024 is there a second I have a second all right any further discussion all in favor I I anybody opposed next one is a motion to approve common viel's license 24-32 this is for hearts um heart concession 115 North Street and Granby in the common fishers's license for 16 EAS wine hos and that place only and expires on December 31st 2024 second second any further discussion no all in favor I I you ready to post all right business um Chris Town [Music] accountant all right so we just got to do the ad okay get that in all right um Mass 202 or rout 202 do project REM mov right along how can they move along with Amber street without determining whose property they're taking there they can take it by eminent domain well they're they're taking it notify them they're taking it but who are they notifying they notified who is paying the taxes on it which is basically H okay okay all we're doing is when uh attorney otou was here last meeting is basically he's saying is the town can try and fight it but we probably don't have any use so just to a friendly let it happen yeah I want to see who they have they want to make sure they notified somebody corre and I'm sure they're notifying the owner of record according to the assessors okay okay so the town accountant position's going to go uh put it in the m Ma and I'll see if the mmaa has a website for count were you putting that out for 20 or 40 Chris because I know we talked back and forth about both that you bu okay that's what I thought we budgeted 20 we didn't budget 40 so because honestly there it isn't a 40h hour a week position right and and and Chris I know we brought it up before our uh just regards to for some reason we don't have someone in place by um June 30th if you would I I know I've said it before in the past uh would if you would consider staying on and doing that um work because we need someone in that position I mean and if we don't have someone by June 30th you know we have we have payroll for July 1 for July 1 that need to be paid out and stuff like that so okay uh the the big thing with the mass uh dot project was there's a large concern of them cutting trees down at Forge Pond and that has to do that because with this project you're taking away area next to 202 for where water could be stored for flood issues they had to find a new area and we went through that process with them of identifying another area where if there's flooding this area will contain the water basically it's a big uh catch BAC type of thing and what they did is they cleared the Trees of the area where they're going to be building that area as part of this project it wasn't the town who took down the trees it was mass do I know a lot of people thought the town was but it wasn't it's all part of the route 202 project that's at the school Street intersection that you're talking about now yeah School Street yes so where's the water they're taking away is it up by School Street yes it's a right it's long 202 because they're they're expanding with the uh roundabout yeah okay they're taking away some area that normally the flood waters would go into so what they're doing because they're taking that away there they have to the road a half a mile yeah well I'm sure they can pipe it they got to move it yeah okay yeah but yeah it's a it's a detention area water detention area Okay needs to talk toest PL for PLS oh okay oh we're still trying to get the plants next chief okay that my next question i s an email couple days ago okay and we'll probably get them after the project just done so yeah but right we're going uh on Forge Pond I did contact Dave Leonard uh he has nothing to report really as to any progress they've just been basically get everything geared up and ready to start their study for the uh I think we were looking at replacement of the for come on damn I think that's what we're looking at doing that's the option I think we picked wasn't it thought it was placement but there was three different ways that they could have replaced it right um so but I think we're doing replacement I know we did talk about that right and what we'll do is this this year is the study and then when it comes out next year we'll put in for the construction cost for Grant from uh when is the study due Chris for the r June 30th I thought so me may have to ask for an extension due to the delay on the engineers part uh one stop for growth as I reported before the item I put in for the West Street School uh renovation it doesn't qualify this year under what they are funding but I did still put in for the water and in addition to that I am applying for the D technical assistance so maybe they can help us decide how to proceed um uh senior workout program we have scheduled a meeting for April 8th I believe um to uh discuss that further to develop the guidelines to be able to qualify for the project or that program uh Council and aging uh we are going to be uh talking to the uh prospective uh director about the hours per week um the cookout we already have uh and Crystal I think usually do the open space item yeah they so after we um they gave us a list of things that we had to collect I still have to go around to the different Parks area and the Sandy Plains is what they brought up because as we sat in the open space meeting the all the members didn't know what the Sandy Planes was like we've never been there we've never hiked it so we didn't know exact the exact location but now that we know the location I can go they want to take me to take pictures of all the areas so that they can come up with the flyer um but um Mimi was unable to be at the meeting so the two representatives from Piner Valley Planning Commission had this plan laid out and she has sent emailed and said that that's not the correct plan that we're not going to have that many meetings and are the we're not supposed to meet until June or July so originally we were going to meet in April finalize everything get the survey out get people taking it and that's been put on hold right now based on her plan so I don't know if they just didn't talk ahead of time or I don't know but it's on hold right now until our next meeting in June or July okay but the um survey has been made they're no longer going to do the translation they said that they don't typically do that that if it needs to be translated um it's beyond the purview of the Piner Valley Planning Commission so you don't I suppose you can write it and doesn't Google have a translator or something yeah they do I think so so I think you would just have to go in and copy and paste everything into a document of her to translate it for them but they asked me to go to the school and ask what the languages were in town and there were seven major languages and she said that they don't do that so I have a question sand plane it's a state park why are we involved in it well it's part of gry's open space it's open space open space okay even though it's a state park it's open space Yeah in our area so as long as it's part of Grandy's open space then it's part of our um our open space plan that moving forward okay know how to get there right um I don't I was going to go that green metal L go to the end and take a walk oh right over here yeah I thought that was green um 180 Acres it's the same so it's candy planes now okay 100 acres is to 80 acres not 180 Acres that was a good one okay green metal got it thank you all right um Town administrative evaluation so we had ative dat of that right weren't you going to talk to Town Council first yeah and so but I want to make sure that we do it before you leave I that's a month a half you're not going to have time yeah we need we need to do before we leave so we part of it so should be you will be part of it rick so we will make when we just uh that will follow the Town Council um our next meeting is the 22nd right well besides the eth because the eth was dedicated to the Council on Aging and then the 15th is Patriots Day so we didn't have a meeting that week what are we doing on the eth the eth is the um Council or sorry not Council and aging the senior workof program that we were dedicating just to okay all right can we April 22nd or is that too soon because he's possibly well gone May 20th so that would be May what about the 16 can't we do the day after page you say no no I we do May 6 so everybody will have a chance to put together okay and that gives you time to follow the Town Council just say could have proper procedure for as well um so April 8th next week yeah we have that was 5:30 can we look at um bringing into two contracts I I was going to suggest that instead of doing a 2 second move it up I got it I got it no like I said I I don't want I don't want I don't want to push it off I think you know I know there's some follow questions from one of the board members I want to make sure that we expedite that so okay so while we do the eth so we can just um how long we going to need for um the sen to talk about that so we were just going to look at income guidelines to qualify for the program remember we were talking poverty level 180% of poverty 50% it's 45 minutes enough an hour enough I think so all right so we can schedule one for 6:15 and um I think we schedule Natalie first I think that's going to be a quick just to form her I know her walking out she was taking her head yes so I don't think that's going to be a long discussion and then we can do the chief at 6:30 okay or even oh we can do 625 625 I think it's it's going to be quick with her yeah so that's May 6 talking no April April oh my God I'm done okay all right I got it ready did something right at anything else yeah before you close out uh there's a couple pieces corresponds I forgot L's holding it 250 on June 15th uh is the town interested in participating so I did look at that date originally it was going to be um Charter days but um I cannot actually attend because I'm planning a five run SL walk for the high school so okay and that's at 10: in the morning if we do it so I won't be able to attend that what they I mean do anybody from town want to be part of it we never responded last last June or when they when they asked because it was our Charter Day weekend well I'm say now Charter day is no no longer Dave de roer is willing to send a vehicle Chief has said he's willing to send probably a cruiser fire chief we could probably send the 38 engine and I just wasn't sure if a select board member wanted to ride with the chief or ride on to 38 or whatever with Steve I'll ride with the chief so I'll just let them know that we'll be bring won be around you still ride with you not that back I made in that back not the back more than I want um no I don't have a problem representing the select board I know I know a couple the members in in in loveo all right well I'll just let this gentlemen know that yes we will participate we'll probably have a cruiser our 1938 engine and probably a piece of Highway you equ okay okay so maybe we can bring our new sweeper yeah new sweeper sweets yeah um then there was a request for Dino Fest of 2024 uh it's the 10th anniversary of it and they wanted to know if they could borrow the village that they used to put up on the comet and set it up during the dino Fest and uh want the whole village yep they want the whole village I me been there before over is the fire department willing to do that know I don't I have no clue yeah I know he put I I doubt if they're going to reject them right yeah I mean I don't know I mean long as we can long it's being set up properly as long as it doesn't get damaged that's the biggest thing conern yeah because uh we put it there uh promising uh Miss Watson that we take care of it yeah so so I think at that point didn't she say a couple of them needed to be fixed up here and there and she was she was a little L about when people put them together to just be very careful putting them together so okay we always talk about project for the scouts you always bring that up that might be future product for the scouts some of the things that you don't want to put that up not putting it up but some of the repairs I mean they have people that show them how to do stuff some kid could probably definitely do well they have people that show them how to do things so they got to you know fix a couple boards here and there put some screws I'm sure they're very cable that and then I did miss the folder for two frame rentals do you want me to do those now or you want to wait next meeting does anybody need them before next meeting well reservation date April 8th which is basically GAA do well they're all GA they're all that basically uh first one is GAA softball which is uh it's uh a softball practice field and games field number three at D frains from April 8th 2024 to June 30th 2024 between 400 p.m and 8:00 pm that's GAA softball and I have GAA soccer same time frame same times uh soccer games will be on select Saturdays from 9: to 3: they'll be using the Open Fields between the pond and the Pavilion next to the softball field using Taylor Street entrance only then we have GAA t-ball uh same time frame April 8th to June 30th 400 P p.m. to 8:00 p.m. they'll be using ball fields number one and number two then I have that's September and June the other two we can wait till the next meing if you want all right sounds good all right and Jeremy said the fields are okay to use next week at D Frame Park he says they they look dry but when you really start to drive on them and stuff they're get more rain too the next couple days some more rain talking potential snow maybe yeah on Thursday right yeah what it DUS 3 ft again well they're saying live they're saying wet snow shower so yeah think it end up being any number of things but all right anything else no that's it that's all I have right now so I will let miss archin ball know that we 6:15 on the eth and chief is here so you know 625 on the E okay you got that I'll send them an reminder email anybody have anything else um I did want to ask so I know the Town Council was on camera for us was he going to like when do we get to talk to him again again about everything that happened tonight you could have talked to him tonight what so that's what I was wondering because it was really hard to hear and I know you had to bang the gabble um so that we could hear each other but um as far as like followup questions like you you said Guidance just to make sure that we're doing our due diligence and what we need to do well I I would think too I I mean I mean as a procedural part not to when we get I think we get the rest of information I mean you can hear that that we can talk to them as far as you know advising us on actually not actually I get an email from councel he wants to have a brief conversation with me tomorrow okay okay with you okay well if he if he meets with you guys and well yeah well since I said you R it's going to be me yes okay and what I can do is then forward to each of the board members a recap of what we talked about okay what time tomorrow I'll come all right no it's tell all right well there's nothing else um entertain a motion to adjourn I will make a motion to adjourn the meeting second I'll second any further discussion all in favor I I anybody opposed good night